Literature Review

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1. Flow chart
Flowchart is a diagrammatic representation of an algorithm. Flowcharts are very
helpful in writing program and explaining program to others. Different symbols are
used for different states in flowchart, for an example Input or Output and decision
making has different symbols. Though, flowcharts are useful in efficient coding,
debugging and analysis of a program, drawing flowchart in very complicated in case
of complex programs and often ignored. The table below describes all the symbols
that are used in making flowchart.

2. Pseudocode
Pseudocode is not an actual programming language. So it cannot be compiled into an
executable program. It uses short terms or simple English language syntaxes to write
code for programs before it is actually converted into a specific programming
language. This is done to identify top level flow errors, and understand the
programming data flows that the final program is going to use. This definitely helps
save time during actual programming as conceptual errors have been already
corrected. Firstly, program description and functionality is gathered and then
pseudocode is used to create statements to achieve the required results for a program.
Detailed pseudocode is inspected and verified by the designer’s team or programmers
to match design specifications. Catching errors or wrong program flow at the
pseudocode stage is beneficial for development as it is less costly than catching them
later. Once the pseudocode is accepted by the team, it is rewritten using the
vocabulary and syntax of a programming language. The purpose of using pseudocode
is an efficient key principle of an algorithm. It is used in planning an algorithm with
sketching out the structure of the program before the actual coding takes place.

3. C++ Programming
C++ Programming is one of the most popular languages primarily utilized with
system/application software, drivers, client-server applications and embedded
firmware. The main highlight of C++ Programming is a collection of predefined
classes, which are data types that can be instantiated multiple times. The language
also facilitates declaration of user-defined classes. Classes can further accommodate
member functions to implement specific functionality. Multiple objects of a particular
class can be defined to implement the functions within the class. Objects can be
defined as instances created at run time. These classes can also be inherited by other
new classes which take in the public and protected functionalities by default. C++
Programming includes several operators such as comparison, arithmetic, bit
manipulation and logical operators. One of the most attractive features of C++ is that
it enables the overloading of certain operators such as addition. A few of the essential
concepts within the C++ programming language include polymorphism, virtual and
friend functions, templates, namespaces and pointers

A programming language is an artificial language, a vocabulary and set of grammatical rules

strictly constructed in order to instruct computers to perform specific tasks, such as creating
programs that can control the behaviour of machines (most likely computers), and also
ensuring their ability to express complex algorithms correctly. It is also used to develop
different kinds of applications and write scripts. It is required because the statements written
by us as programmers (source language) should be translated into another language that the
computer could understand, since computers are binary machines that only recognize zeros
and ones. That is why a programming language is also a mechanism abstraction. It allows the
programmer to specify commands in abstract ways and let the programs implement the
specification in a detailed structure needed for execution on the computer. This process is
done by programs such as “assemblers,” “compilers,” and “interpreters.”

Using solid coding techniques and good programming practices to create high quality code
plays an important role in software quality and performance. In addition, by consistently
applying a well-defined coding standard and proper coding techniques, and holding routine
code reviews, a team of programmers working on a software project is more likely to yield a
software system that is easier to comprehend and maintain.

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