Strengthening With Carbon Fiber

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REHABCON IPS-2000-00063

Strengthening with carbon fibre

Innovation and SME Programme

Strategy for maintenance and
rehabilitation in concrete structures
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 1 (62)


1 DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................... 2
2 DESIGN CRITERIA .................................................................................................. 4
2.1 Safety factors .................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Design requirements: Flexural strengthening................................................... 8
2.2.1 Verification of Ultimate Limit State (ULS) ................................................... 8
2.2.2 Verification of Serviceability Limit State (SLS).......................................... 16
2.2.3 Design recommendations ............................................................................. 16
2.3 Design requirements: Shear strengthening ..................................................... 17
2.3.1 Design of FRP reinforcement based on the Ultimate Limit State (ULS)..... 18
2.3.2 Verification of Serviceability Limit State (SLS).......................................... 25
2.3.3 Design recommendations ............................................................................. 25
2.4 Design of column strengthening..................................................................... 27
2.4.1 Evaluation of the confining pressure ............................................................ 28
2.4.2 Evaluation of the increment in the concrete strength (FRP-confined concrete
model)..................................................................................................................... 32
2.4.3 Design recommendations ............................................................................. 34
2.5 Performance requirements.............................................................................. 35
2.5.1 Service life and durability............................................................................. 35
2.5.2 Structural stability and safety ....................................................................... 35
2.5.3 Execution ...................................................................................................... 36
2.5.4 Environmental, health and sustainability...................................................... 36
2.5.5 Economy....................................................................................................... 36
2.5.6 Aesthetics ..................................................................................................... 37
3 EXECUTION ........................................................................................................... 38
3.1 Materials selection.......................................................................................... 38
3.1.1 FRP materials ............................................................................................... 38
3.1.2 Bonding agent............................................................................................... 41
3.2 Preparing works.............................................................................................. 46
3.2.1 Requirements of concrete substrate.............................................................. 46
3.2.2 Preparation of concrete substrate.................................................................. 47
3.2.3 Preparation of Fibre Reinforced Polymer..................................................... 48
3.3 Execution ........................................................................................................ 49
3.3.1 “Prefab” or “pre-cured” strips or laminates.................................................. 49
3.3.2 Multifibre laminates (applying anchors) ...................................................... 51
3.3.3 “Wet lay-up” type (sheets or fabrics) ........................................................... 51
3.4 Finishing ......................................................................................................... 52
4 QUALITY CONTROL ............................................................................................ 54
4.1 Quality control on the supplied materials....................................................... 54
4.2 Quality control during execution.................................................................... 55
4.3 Quality control after execution ....................................................................... 56
4.4 Future maintenance. ....................................................................................... 58
5 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................... 60
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 2 (62)

The strengthening or repair of concrete structures using externally bonded fibre
reinforced polymer (FRP) provides an alternative solution to traditional methods of
strengthening such as externally bonded steel plates. FRP materials are currently being
used for upgrading existing structures because of their resistance to corrosion and their
light weight. Different types of fibre can be used, ie, glass, carbon, aramid, but only
carbon fibres are considered in the document.

In the strengthening of reinforced concrete elements using bonded FRP systems, three
elements are involved:

• Substrate: The material of the existing structure to which the FRP reinforcement
is bonded.
• FRP reinforcement: The FRP material bonded to the substrate to act as external
• Bonding agent: The adhesive provided with the bonded FRP system. This is
normally provided as a two part cold cured epoxy resin. Depending on the type of
system used, the resin may also be used to impregnate the fibres.

There are two different systems that can be used. The first consists of preformed
laminates fabricated provided as strips, shells, jackets or angles which are bonded to the
substrate. In the second, the FRP is provided in the form of sheets or fabrics and these
are bonded and cured on site using a “wet lay-up” or “hand lay-up” systems. Other
innovations have also been developed, for example, where the FRP plates are anchored
and tensioned to combine the advantages of externally bonded FRP reinforcement with
those of conventional post-tensioning.

The FRP is applied to different reinforced concrete elements such as beams, columns,
and slabs, to provide substantial increase in strength and durability. Typical FRP
application are:

Figure 1.- Typical applications of bonded FRP strengthening systems

ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 3 (62)

• Flexural strengthening of slabs or beams: The FRP is bonded to the tension

zones with the fibres parallel to the principal stress direction.
• Shear strengthening of beams and columns: The FRP is bonded to the sides of
the concrete elements with the fibres parallel to the principal tensile stresses, to
act as external shear reinforcement. The FRP is most effective when it fully wraps
the element, but partial wrapping can also be used where full wrapping is not
• Column wrapping: The capacity of columns can be increased by wrapping them
with FRP materials through the confinement effect provided by the FRP .

This document describes the basic technique of applying FRP reinforcement to an

existing reinforced concrete member. Other special techniques such as post-tensioned
systems are beyond the scope of this document.
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 4 (62)


This section of the manual presents general considerations for engineers to carry out the
design of fibre reinforced polymer strengthening systems for reinforced concrete
structures. Although all the documents consulted to develop this report are included in
section 5 “References”, the following list states the main documents, which are the base
of the design requirements given in this section:

- ACI 440.2R-02. Guide for the Design and Construction of Externally Bonded FRP
Systems for Strengthening Concrete Structures
- CONCRETE SOCIETY. Design guidance for strengthening concrete structures
using fibre composite materials. Technical report No. 55.2000
- Fib CEB-FIB. Externally bonded FRP reinforcement for RC structures. Bulletin 14.
July 2001.
- BD 85/02 (draft). Strengthening of highway bridges using externally bonded fibre
reinforced polymer.
- BD 84/02. Strengthening of concrete bridge supports using fibre reinforced
models on confinement of concrete cylinders with FRP composites.

The success of this strengthening system will be based on the selection of the most
suitable FRP reinforcement method. Moreover, it should be designed by an engineer
with experience in structural repairs, and with the design and application of bonded FRP

In the following, reference is made to reinforced concrete members strengthened with

externally bonded FRP reinforcement. The same principles could be applicable to the
case of strengthening prestressed concrete elements however, some additional
considerations are necessary to take into account the long term phenomena (creep,
shrinkage, relaxation) in the preliminary assessment of the existing structure and how
they are accounted in the evaluation of the FRP strengthening. The evaluation of the
strengthening should be carried out in accordance to appropriate standards.

The design of FRP strengthening techniques is based on the limit state principles:

¾ Verification of the ultimate limit state (ULS)

¾ Verification of the serviceability limit state (SLS)

In the design, it is necessary to take into account all the possible design situations and
load combinations. These are outlined in the relevant design standard.

The effectiveness of externally bonded FRP is highly dependent on the performance of

the bond between the FRP and the concrete surface and the integrity of the surface
concrete itself. This interface must be capable of sustaining the stresses necessary for
tension forces to be developed in the FRP. When considering the suitability of a
structure for the application of externally bonded FRP, investigations should be carried
out to ensure that the risk of corrosion in the existing member is low and to determine
the soundness of the structure including any repaired areas.
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 5 (62)

Next sections discuss the following topics:

¾ Safety factors
¾ Design requirements: Flexural strengthening
¾ Design requirements: Shear strengthening
¾ Design of column strengthening

In addition to recommendations given in each design section respectively, it is

necessary to verify the load bearing capacity of the structure before strengthening.
This means that the unstrengthened structure has to present sufficient strength to ensure
that catastrophic collapse will not occur if the reinforcement fails. This consideration
has special importance for this type of reinforcement because it can be damaged by fire,
impact, vandalism, etc.

2.1 Safety factors

The purpose of introducing partial safety factors in the design is to compensate the
existing uncertainties in the material and adding safety margins.

In this section the FRP safety factors are discussed according to different references and
they should be taken into consideration in the design equations presented in the
following sections.

¾ According to the Technical Report No 55 (11), design safety margins are introduced
by dividing the characteristic mechanical properties by: γmF = γmf x γmm.

Where γmf is a coefficient that takes into account the type of fibres, its value is 1.4 for
carbon FRP (CFRP). γmm depends on the application or manufacture method. The
possible values of γmm are given in the next table:

Type of system and application or Additional partial safety factor

manufacture method (γmm)
Pultruded 1.1
Prepreg 1.1
Preformed 1.2
Sheets or tapes
Machine-controlled application 1.1
Vacuum infusion 1.2
Wet lay-up 1.4
Prefabricated (factory –made) shell
Filament winding 1.1
Resin transfer moulding 1.2
Hand lay-up 1.4
Hand-held spray application 2.2

Table 1.- Recommended values of γmm (partial safety factor) according to the
Technical report No 55 of the Concrete Society (11)
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 6 (62)

An additional safety factor (γmE) is proposed by TR 55 (11). It is applied to the modulus

of elasticity of the FRP in order to take into consideration the possible changes of these
characteristics with time. The value proposed to this factor is 1.1 for CFRP.

The value of the design strength is given by dividing the characteristic strength by the
above safety factors:

f fk
f fd =
γ mf ⋅ γ mm ⋅ γ mE

In the same line the draft of the BD 85/02 (5) proposes for the ultimate limit state the
following safety factors:

γ mfE γ mfε
(material partial safety factor (material partial safety factor for
for FRP stiffness) FRP strain capacity)
1.15 1.15
Table 2.- Values of partial factors for FRP materials
according to the BD 85/02 (5).

This reduction factors shall be applied to the characteristic values of the material

¾ Fib bulletin nº 14 (14) determines the design strength (ffd) according to the
following expresion:

f fk ε fue
f fd = ⋅
γ f ε fum
Where γf is the material safety factor. It is introduced to consider the differences in the
long-term behaviour of CFRP influence by the application method.

Application of prefab FRP systems under normal

quality control conditions.
Application of wet lay-up systems under high degree of
quality control
γf Application of wet lay-up systems under normal
quality control condition.
Application of any system under difficult on-site
working conditions.

Table 3.- CFRP safety factor according to fib bulletin 14 (14).

The ratio εfue/εfum shows the relation between the effective ultimate FRP strain expected
in-situ and the mean strain obtained through uniaxial tensile testing. This ratio is
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 7 (62)

normally equals 1, its value may be lower in the case of application of multiple layers,
wrapping of FRP around very sharp corners, multi-axial state of stress, etc...

According to fib bulletin 14 (14) the modulus of elasticity is not affected by a reduction
factor, however it is taken as Efu = ffk/εfuk with Efu ≥ Efk0.05. Where Efu is the modulus of
elasticity at ultimate, ffk is the characteristic strength corresponding to 5% fractile of the
strength and εfuk corresponds to 5% fractile of the failure strain.

This reference introduces a safety factor (γb) in shear strengthening design (see
subsection 2.3.1) when dominates the bond failure leading to peeling-off. The value of
this coefficient is 1.3.

Fib (14) also gives some indications for the safety factors for serviceability limit state.
In these verifications the material safety factor is taken equal to 1.0 and the modulus of
elasticity considered is the characteristic secant modulus Efk (it usually corresponds to
5% fractile).

¾ ACI 440.2R-02 (3) introduces a reduction factor to the material properties in order
to take into account the environmental exposure condition in which the FRP
reinforcement is going to be working. In this line the design ultimate tensile strength
of the FRP material and its design rupture strain are reduce using the factors
recorded in following table for carbon fibre:


Interior exposure 0.95
Exterior exposure 0.85
Aggressive environment 0.85

Table 4.- Exposure condition reduction factor according to ACI 440.2R-02 (3)

In order to obtain the design strength provided by a strengthened member ACI 440.2R-
02 (3) recommends the use of the strength reduction factors φ which appear in ACI 318-
99 (1) introducing an additional reduction factor to take into account the lower
reliability of the FRP reinforcement. This additional reduction factor is evaluated as


Flexural contribution of FRP 0.85
Shear contribution of FRP when the member is 0.95
completely wrapped
Shear contribution of FRP in the case of three- 0.85
sided U-wraps or bonded face piles
FRP contribution to axial compression strength 0.95

Table 5.- Additional strength reduction factor according to ACI

440.2R-02 (3)
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 8 (62)

2.2 Design requirements: Flexural strengthening

Concrete elements may be strengthened in flexure by bonding FRP to the tension zones,
with fibres parallel to the principal stress direction.

Different verifications are involved in the design of the FRP reinforcement. These are
discussed in the following sections.

Before going through the design verifications it will be said that the failure mode of the
unstrengthened structure is an indicator of the suitability of the FRP reinforcement. This
kind of reinforcement will be profitable in sections where failure mode is FRP rupture
or concrete crushing after steel yielding. However, over-reinforced sections where the
failure mode is concrete crushing without the steel yielding the reinforcement will be of
little intention (large amount of FRP material will be needed in order to obtain short
increase in the bending capacity).

2.2.1 Verification of Ultimate Limit State (ULS)

There are two different failure modes in a reinforced concrete member subjected to
flexure with externally bonded FRP:

¾ Assuming that composite action is retained between the FRP and the concrete
section the following failure modes should be considered:
o FRP rupture
o Crushing of the concrete

Furthermore in flexural strengthening shear stresses have to be verified and

shear strengthening with FRP has to be carried out where it is needed. The area
of longitudinal FRP strengthening should be ignored in the calculation of shear

¾ Failure can also occur when there is a loss of composite action between the FRP
and the concrete section. Bond failure may occur at different interfaces:
o in the concrete near the surface or along a weakened layer
o in the adhesive (cohesion failure)
o at the interfaces between concrete and adhesive or adhesive and FRP
(adhesion failure).
o inside the FRP (interlaminar shear failure)
o combinations

Typically failures occur through the development of a longitudinal failure-plane

close surface layer of concrete or at the level of the main reinforcement.
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Design of the FRP reinforcement assuming full composite action

The design of FRP strengthening is carried out assuming full composite action on the
strengthened member.

The composite cross section is determined in order to achieve the design moment
capacity after strengthening.

The form in which the flexural capacity is evaluated in FRP strengthened members is
based on internal equilibrium of forces and strain compatibility, as in conventional
reinforced concrete design (see Figure 2).

0.85fc cu = 0.0035

y C

h As M bs



Af f o

Figure 2.- Stress and strain distribution of a rectangular reinforced concrete section.

Some assumptions should be made along the calculation process:

- Plane sections remain plain after bending

- There is no slip between the FRP and the concrete
- The tensile strength of concrete is ignored
- The stress-strain response for concrete and steel reinforcement follows
the curves presented in codes
- FRP has a linear strain–stress relationship to failure.

The different failure modes that can be presented in a strengthened element in flexure
are the following:

- Steel yielding followed by concrete crushing, while FRP is intact.

- Steel yielding followed by FRP tensile fracture.
- Concrete crushing before the steel yields.

In the calculation, it is important to consider the initial strain of the element to be

reinforced (εo), in the extreme tensile fibre (concrete/FRP interface). Normally, when
retrofitting takes place the concrete member will be carrying some load. The initial
strain may be neglected if the load acting on the element produces a bending moment
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 10 (62)

lower than the cracking moment. The initial strain can be evaluated using elasticity

The different failure modes listed above can be controlled by evaluating the strain levels
in the concrete, steel and FRP. Composite materials failure can occur if the FRP reaches
its ultimate flexural design strain. However, in order to avoid debonding failure mode
related to cracks in the concrete, a limit is placed on the strain level in the FRP.

In this point, the different documents introduce a limit to the FRP strain:

Reference Limitation Value

Fib bulletin 14 (14) εf 0’0050 For concrete type C35/45 or lower.
0’0075 For concrete type higher than C35/45.
TR 55 (11) εf 0’0060 Elements subjected to high shear and bending
0’0080 If loading is distributed uniformly.

Table 6.-FRP strain limitation according to Concrete Society TR 55 (11) and fib bulletin 14 (14).

ACI 440.2R-02 (3) also limits the strain level of the FRP by applying a factor km to the
rupture strain. This reduction factor is no greater than 0.9.

In the strengthened element it is necessary to check the ductility of the section. The
ductility of a strengthened flexural element usually decreases with respect to the
unstrengthened member . In some cases the ductility reduction is negligible.

In order to ensure a ductile section, the internal steel should be sufficiently yield at
failure. In this line, fib bulletin 14 (14) and TR 55 (11), limit the depth of the neutral
axis to a value that assures the steel yielding.

Reference Limitation Parameters

Fib bulletin 14 x ≤ 0’45 d for concrete types C35/45 or lower
d = effective depth of the
(14) x ≤ 0’35 d for concrete types higher than
x = depth of the neutral axis
TR 55 (11) x ≤ 0’45 d

Table 7.- Limitation of the depth of the neutral axis according to Concrete Society TR 55 (11)
and fib bulletin 14 (14).

If the strengthened member does not fulfil this condition, both documents propose to
design the element with a higher reserve of strength. In this case the section should be
analysed for greater acting load (20 % according to fib (14) or 15 % according to TR 55

This subject is treated in ACI 440.2R-02 (3) by applying a strength reduction factor.
This reduction factor in the case of ductile section equals 0.9, which is the safety factor
used by ACI 318-99 (1) (see subsection 2.1 “Safety factors”), in the case of brittle
sections the reduction factor equals 0.7. Between this two values a lineal variation is
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 11 (62)

Verifications of failure modes where there is a loss of composite action

After dimensioning the FRP reinforcement assuming full composite behaviour between
concrete and FRP is necessary to verify that the failures modes in which the bond is
affected are avoided.

As previously discussed, assuming concrete is the weakest zone of the bond, failure
planes are in concrete (line close to the surface or at the level of the main longitudinal
steel reinforcement). The failure mode may be initiated at the ends of the FRP due to
the discontinuity as a result of the termination of the laminate and it is related with
normal and shear stresses in the adhesive due to FRP deformation, this type of peeling
failure usually results in ripping off the concrete cover along the level of internal steel
reinforcement towards the centre of the member. At Flexural and shear cracks high
stresses in the FRP may be generated, these stresses could only be dissipated by

In general these failure modes may be avoided by limiting the strain in the FRP
(condition included in the full composite action verification), the longitudinal shear
stress between the FRP and the concrete section, the stress in the FRP near its end (i.e.
sufficient anchorage shall be provided beyond the point at which the FRP is no longer
required to ensure that any force in the FRP developed within this anchorage region can
be sustained).

The premature debonding also may occur if the surface preparation of the concrete is
not adequate and the surface present unevenness. This mechanism may be avoided with
a good quality control during execution (see subsection 3.2.1 Requirements of concrete

In general the likelihood of failure modes involving a loss in composite actions is

decreased by reducing the FRP thickness and by tapering the FRP when multiple layers
are used. If the force in the anchorage region exceeds the anchorage capacity then
considerations should be given to reduce the thickness and increase the width of the

Regarding to the recommendations of TR 55 (11) the analysis of failure modes where

there is a loss of full composite action comprises the following verifications (see table

¾ End plate separation failure will be avoided by anchoring the FRP by extending it
beyond the point at which it is theoretically no longer required and limiting the
longitudinal shear stress between the FRP and the substrate to 0.8 N/mm2. The last
verification should be checked at the location in the span where the steel
reinforcement first yields an at plate ends.

¾ In order to avoid the risk of debonding by the formation of flexural and shear cracks
the strain in the FRP is limited.
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 12 (62)

According to Fib bulletin 14 (14) the analysis of failure modes where there is a loss of
full composite action comprises the following verifications (see table 9):

¾ Peeling at shear cracks is avoided by limiting the acting shear force to the shear
resistance of the reinforced concrete (see modifications to equations given in the
different standards in table 9). In this verification the shear reinforcement is not
taken into account.

If the shear capacity is lower than the required a shear strengthening is needed.

¾ In order to avoid peeling at the end anchorage and at flexural cracks three different
approaches are proposed:

¾ Verification of end anchorage and strain limitation in the FRP

¾ Verification according to the envelope curve of tensile stresses in FRP
¾ Verification of the end anchorage and of force transfer at the FRP-concrete

In table 9 only the recommendations and equations related to the first approach are

¾ The phenomenon of end shear failure (rip off) is studied based in the concept of
fictitious shear span.

In relation with the loss of full composite action ACI. 440.2R-02 (3) gives some
indications (no equations) to check the bond stresses and introduces some
recommendations for the location of cut-off points for the FRP laminate instead of
limiting the stress at the termination point of the FRP laminate.
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 13 (62)

TR 55 (Concrete Society) (11)

The maximum ultimate bond force (Tk,max) and the corresponding maximum
anchorage length (lt,max) needed to activate this bond force can be estimated by:
TK ,max = 0,5 ⋅ K b ⋅ b f ⋅ (E f ⋅ t f ⋅ f ctm )

(E ⋅ t )
 2
lt ,max = 0,7 ⋅  f f  ≥ 500mm
 f ctm 

Ef: design value of the elastic modulus of the plate
tf : plate thickness (mm)
bf : plate width (mm)
b: beam width or plate spacing for solid slab (mm)
fctm: tensile strength of concrete (MPa)
fctm = 0,18· (fcu)2/3
fcu: characteristic compressive cube strength of concrete
Kb: geometry factor Kb= 1,06·[(2 - (bf/b)) / (1 + (bf / 400))]1/2 ≥ 1

TK,max can be used to estimate the theoretical cut-off point of the FRP reinforcement.

FRP should be extended to the greater of lt,max and 500 mm from this point.
END PLATE Where it is no possible to provide lt,max , the bond force will be less than the ultimate
l l 
Tk = Tk ,max ⋅ t ⋅  2 − t 
lt ,max  lt ,max 
Limiting the longitudinal shear stress (τ) between FRP and the substrate to 0,8

τ = V ⋅ Af ⋅α f ⋅
(h − x )
I cs ⋅ ba
V: ultimate shear force.
αf: short term modular ratio of FRP to concrete (Ef/Ec)
Af: area of FRP
x: depth of neutral axis of strengthened section
h: overall depth of section
Ics: second moment of area of strengthened concrete equivalent cracked section
ba: width of adhesive layer

The longitudinal shear stress should be checked at the plate ends (the shear force is
the greatest) and at the locations where the steel reinforcement first yields. At this
location the steel reinforcement does not contribute to x an Ics values, as its elasticity
is theoretically zero.
DEBONDING The strain in the concrete at the FRP interface should be:
introduced εf ≤ 0,008 when loading is uniformly distributed.
when full εf ≤ 0,006 if combined high shear forces and bending moments are present
composite where:
εf: FRP strain
action is
εo: the initial strain in the extreme concrete tensile fibre (concrete/FRP)

Table 8: Equations proposed by TR 55 (11) to verify the separation failure.

ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 14 (62)

Fib bulletin 14 (14)

Peeling-off at shear cracks may be prevented by limiting the acting shear force to the
shear resistance of reinforced concrete member without shear reinforcement (EC2
(13) approach) with the following modification:
τ Rk = 0,15 ⋅ f ck 3
As + A f ⋅
PEELING OFF ρ eq b⋅d
SHEAR ρeq: equivalent reinforcement ratio
CRACKS τRk: characteristic shear strength of concrete
As: total area of longitudinal steel reinforcement
Af: area of FRP reinforcement.
fck: characteristic value of the concrete compressive strength.
Ef: modulus of elasticity of FRP
Es: modulus of elasticity of steel.

In case the design shear capacity falls below the required, an appropriate means of
shear strengthening should be provided.
The maximum anchorage length (lb,max) can be estimated by:
Ef ⋅t f
lb ,max =
c 2 ⋅ f ctm
As in the Technical Report No 55 of the Concrete Society (11) lb,max is the anchorage
length needed to activate the ultimate bond force Nfa,max.
N fa ,max = α ⋅ c1 ⋅ K c ⋅ K b ⋅b f ⋅ E f ⋅ t f ⋅ f ctm
c2: may be obtained through calibration with test results (for CFRP strips c2=2)
fctm: mean value of the concrete tensile strength (MPa).
α: reduction factor (≈0,9) to account the influence of inclined cracks on the bond strength
(α=1 in beams with sufficient internal and external shear reinforcement and in slabs).
Kc: factor accounting for the state of compaction of concrete, Kc = 1 in general, Kc = 0,67 for
PEELING OFF FRP bonded to concrete faces with low compaction.
AT THE END Kb: geometry factor: Kb = 1,06·[(2-(bf/b)) / (1 + (bf / 400))]1/2 ≥1 with bf/b≥0,33
c1 may be obtained through calibration with test results (for CFRP strips c1=0,64)
bf: plate width (mm)
AND AT tf: plate thickness (mm)
FLEXURAL Ef: elastic modulus of the plate (MPa).
CRACKS b: beam width.
(Approach 1)
Nfa,max is used to estimate the theoretical cut-off point of the FRP reinforcement.

When bond lengths lb < lb,max the ultimate bond force is given by:
lb  l 
N fa = N fa ,max ⋅ ⋅  2 − b 

lb ,max  lb ,max 

To prevent peeling-off far from the anchorage a strain limitation should be applied:
εf ranging from 0,0065 – 0,0085
(consideration introduced when full composite action is assumed)
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 15 (62)

Fib bulletin 14 (14)

Based on fictitious shear span concept:

Vsd ≤ VRd = τ Rd ⋅ b ⋅ d
d  200  3
τ Rd = 0,15 ⋅ 3 3 ⋅ ⋅ 1 +  ⋅ 100 ⋅ ρ s ⋅ f ck

aL  d 

aL = 4
(1 − ρs )

⋅ d ⋅ L3
a > L+d
aL < a

Vsd : design shear force
VRd: design shear resistance
τRd: design value of resisting shear strength of concrete
L: distance from the end of FRP to supports (mm).
a: shear span (mm).
END SHEAR ρs: longitudinal steel reinforcement ratio
FAILURE ρs = As/(b · d)
(RIP OFF) d: effective depth of the member
b: width of beam
fck: characteristic value of the concrete compressive strength



Table 9: Equations proposed by fib bullet 14 (14) to verify the separation failure.

In the design, the expressions commented and the parameters defined above
should be affected by adequate safety factors (global reduction factors and FRP
material safety factors) according to the selected reference. For a design purposes,
the complete evaluation procedure should be followed from the selected reference.
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 16 (62)

2.2.2 Verification of Serviceability Limit State (SLS)

In order to verify the serviceability limit state there are many empirical equations, which
depend on parameters such as the thickness and the section of FRP, the type and the
thickness of the resin, etc. Although a more conservative and easier criterion to verify
the SLS is to use the methods usually accepted for the reinforced concrete (17).

The strengthened structure shall conform to the general serviceability requirements

given in the relevant design code. However, provided the structure has been performing
satisfactorily in service with no evidence of cracking and the future loading to be carried
by the structure is not significantly increased then the serviceability requirements for
cracking may be deemed to be satisfied. The limitation on stress in the reinforcement
under service load given in the code (eg, BS 5400: Part 4) will ensure that the steel does
not yield under service loads.

Deflection at serviceability loading can be calculated using elastic analysis and cracked
or uncracked section properties as appropriate. Deflections shall be restricted to a level
that will not impair the appearance or functionality of the structure. This can be ensured
by limiting the maximum deflection to the effective span /250. If the structure has been
performing satisfactorily in service and the future loading to be carried by the structure
is not significantly increased then the serviceability requirements for deflection may be
deemed to be satisfied.

Additional information related to the verification of the serviceability limit state (SLS)
is given in the TR 55 (11), fib bulletin 14 (14) and ACI.440.2R-02 (3).

2.2.3 Design recommendations

Additionally to the design bases given in above subsections, in this section some
recommendations are given:

¾ According to fib bulletin 14 (14) the maximum spacing between strips should be
less than 0,2·l (l = span length), 5·h (h = total depth) and 0,4·lc (lc = length of

¾ Fib (14) recommends that the distance from FRP reinforcement to the edge of the
beam should be equal or greater than the concrete cover of the internal steel
reinforcement .

¾ Joints should be avoided. If they are necessary lap joints of strips should only be
provided in sections where the maximum tensile force in the FRP reinforcement is
equal or less than 60% of tensile force at ultimate (14).

¾ According to fib (14) the maximum number of layers that is recommended to be

applied is:

3 layers of pultruded strips

5 layers of cured in-situ fabrics
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 17 (62)

¾ The distance between the end of the strip and the face of the support should be less
than 50 mm in the strengthening of simple supported beams according fib (14).

¾ In situations where it is not possible to provide the adequate anchorage length (eg.
anchorage in negative bending zones), or where the correct work of the bonding
between the fibre and the substrate could not be sure, mechanical anchorage devices
and additional transverse laminates can be used to avoid failure modes where there
is a loss in composite action. About these special anchorage device there is not
enough knowledge available, so any innovate system should be verified by testing.

2.3 Design requirements: Shear strengthening

Shear strengthening of concrete reinforced elements using FRP may usually be provided
by bonding the external reinforcement with the principal fibre orientation either 45º or
90º. The strengthening will be more efficient when its fibres are parallel to the
maximum principal tensile stress.

The shear contribution of FRP to the strengthened element is influenced by many

factors such as size and geometry of the member, properties of concrete, internal shear
and flexural reinforcements, loading conditions, method of strengthening, properties of
the bond, anchorage length, type of anchorage, thickness of the FRP, rigidity of the
FRP, the fibre orientation, etc. To determine it many studies have been undertaken but
there is no generally accepted or definitive design method.



Bonded to side

Continuous sheet


Figure 3.- Configurations of FRP shear reinforcement.

ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 18 (62)

The most accepted procedure is to idealise the FRP material in analogy with internal
stirrups. The FRP stress at failure will be less than the ultimate stress; this effective
stress will depend on the failure mode.

The main failure modes are FRP debonding and FRP tensile rupture. FRP rupture
occurs at a strain level, which is less that the fracture strain. This level of strain is called
effective strain, and is defined as a part of the ultimate FRP strain. There are different
experimental approaches to determine it.

2.3.1 Design of FRP reinforcement based on the Ultimate Limit

State (ULS)

In the same way as in unstrengthened reinforced concrete members, at ultimate limit

state, the shear failure may be caused by two basic phenomenon:

¾ Diagonal tension at the web reinforcement.

¾ Diagonal compression at the concrete web

In case of diagonal tension failure for FRP strengthened members, the shear capacity is
obtained adding the composite material contribution to the conventional components
(concrete and steel).

The required FRP cross-section is determined in order to achieve the design shear
capacity after strengthening.

In the shear strengthening it is also necessary to check the flexural capacity of the
member because additional axial FRP may be required due to beam and column
elements subject to shear force will experience additional axial tensile forces to those
from bending.

Assuming that the shear cracks are inclined 45º to the longitudinal axis of the member
and the angle between the principal direction of the fibres of the FRP reinforcement and
the longitudinal axis of the member is 90º. The shear resistance is:

According to ACI440.2R-02 (3) and TR 55 (11)

V f , d = A fs ⋅ (E f ⋅ ε fe ) ⋅

The parameters that appear in the above equations are defined according to ACI440.2R-
02 (3) as follows:

Afs: area of FRP shear reinforcement

Afs = 2·tf·wf assuming that the FRP is placed on both sides of the member, tf is the
thickness of the FRP reinforcement and wf is the width of the FRP reinforcement.
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 19 (62)


bw wf sf

Figure 4

εfe: effective strain level in FRP reinforcement

Ef: modulus of elasticity of FRP

Definitions given by TR 55 (11) for the same parameters are the following:

Afs: area of FRP shear reinforcement

Afs = 2·tf·wfe assuming that the FRP is placed on both sides of the member, tf is the
thickness of the FRP and wfe is the effective width of the FRP, where FRP is in the form
of U-jacket: w fe = d f − Le , where FRP is bonded to side faces: w fe = d f − 2 ⋅ Le (see
figure 5).
Le: effective bond length
Le = 461.3
(t f
⋅ Ef )
0 , 58

εfe: effective strain in the FRP

df: effective depth of FRP shear reinforcement, usually equal to d for rectangular
sections and (d - slab thickness) for T sections.
sf: spacing between the centre line of FRP plates (sf = wfe for continuous sheet)
Ef: elastic modulus of the FRP at ultimate limit state



df = d-ts


wfe = df -Le



wfe = df -2·Le

Figure 5
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 20 (62)

In the design, the expressions commented and the parameters defined above
should be affected by adequate safety factors (global reduction factors and FRP
material partial safety factors) according to the selected reference. For design
purposes, the complete evaluation procedure should be followed from the selected

Comparing both documents the following conclusion are carried out; on one hand in the
case of continuous FRP shear reinforcement, both references give the same result (apart
from the variations introduced by the safety factors), on the other hand in the case of
FRP strips reinforcement the differences in the “FRP area” parameter makes that
formulation according ACI (3) is more conservative unless some errors may exist in the
TR 55 (11) consulted document (published by the Concrete Society 2000).

The design strain in the FRP will depend in both documents of the type of failure mode:

¾ Loss of aggregate interlock

¾ FRP rupture
¾ Delamination of the FRP from the concrete surface

In the case of fully wrapped jackets, the bonded length is usually enough, whereas in
unwrapped (side or U-jackets) the bond length is normally limited by the behaviour of
the bond between FRP and concrete. In this situation, it is necessary to consider FRP
debonding failure mode.

Similar experimental formulation are given in both documents to compute the effective
FRP strain level. This formulation depends on the failure mode and the effective strain
(εfe) in the FRP should be taken as the lesser value.


TR 55 (Concrete Society) ACI
Loss of aggregate interlock
ε fe = 0,004 ε fe = 0,004
FRP rupture

[ ]
ε fe = ε fu ⋅ 0,5622 ⋅ (ρ f ⋅ E f ) − 1,2188 ⋅ (ρ f ⋅ E f ) + 0,778
ε fe = 0.75 ⋅ ε fu
ρ f ⋅ E f ≤ 0,0011KN / mm 2
εfu: ultimate failure strain in FRP
εfu: ultimate failure strain in FRP
ρf : FRP shear reinforcement ratio
ρf =2·tf/bw for continuously bounded FRP of
thickness tf
ρf =2·tf/bw · (wf/sf) for strips or sheets of width wf at a
spacing sf
bw: beam width of cross section or plate spacing
Ef: elastic modulus of the FRP at ultimate limit state

Table 10: Equations proposed by ACI440.2R-02 (3) TR 55 (11) to evaluate the effective FRP strain.
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 21 (62)


TR 55 (Concrete Society) ACI
Loss of aggregate interlock
ε fe ≤ 0,004 ε fe ≤ 0,004

FRP rupture

ε fe = ε fu ⋅ 0,5622 ⋅ (ρ f ⋅ E f ) − 1,2188 ⋅ (ρ f ⋅ E f ) + 0,778
] ε fe = 0.75 ⋅ ε fu
ρ f ⋅ E f ≤ 0,0011KN / mm 2

εfu: ultimate failure strain in FRP εfu: ultimate failure strain in FRP
ρf : FRP shear reinforcement ratio
ρf =2·tf/bw for continuously bounded FRP of
thickness tf
ρf =2·tf/bw · (wf/sf) for strips or sheets of width wf at a
spacing sf
bw: beam width of cross section or plate spacing
Ef : elastic modulus of the FRP at ultimate limit state
Delamination of the FRP for the concrete surface (Based on Maeda et al. and
Khalifa et al.)
0,0042 ⋅ (0,835 ⋅ f ) ⋅ (d − L ) 0,2176 ⋅ ( f ) ⋅ (d − L )
2 2
3 3
ε = cu f e
ε fe = c f e
(t f
⋅ Ef )
0 , 58
⋅df (t f
⋅ Ef )
0 , 58
(FRP in the form or U jackets) (FRP in the form or U jackets)
0,0042 ⋅ (0,835 ⋅ f ) ⋅ (d − 2 ⋅ L ) 0,2176 ⋅ ( f ) ⋅ (d − 2 ⋅ L )
2 2
3 3
ε fe = cu f e
ε fe = c f e

(t f ⋅ Ef )
0 , 58
⋅d f (t f ⋅Ef )
0 , 58
⋅d f
(FRP bond to side faces) (FRP bond to side faces)

fcu: cube strength of concrete N/mm2 (the fc: compressive stress in concrete (N/mm2)
characteristic compressive cylinder strength of
Le: effective bond length; Le = 23300
concrete ≅ 0.85 fcu) (t f ⋅ E f )0,58
Le: effective bond length; Le = 461,3 tf: thickness of the FRP reinforcement (mm)
(t f ⋅ E f )0,58 df: effective depth of FRP shear reinforcement
tf: thickness of the FRP reinforcement (mm) (mm).
df: effective depth of FRP shear reinforcement (mm). Ef = elastic modulus of the FRP (N/mm2)
Ef : elastic modulus of the FRP at ultimate limit state

Table 11: Equations proposed by ACI440.2R-02 (3) TR 55 (11) to evaluate the effective FRP strain.

In the design, the expressions given and the parameters defined in table 10 and
table 11 should be affected by adequate safety factors (global reduction factors and
FRP material partial safety factors) according to the selected reference. For design
purposes, the complete evaluation procedure should be followed from the selected
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 22 (62)

Because there have been a number of developments since the first edition of TR 55 in
2000, Concrete Society at present is revising TR 55 (11). In the latest draft they

Assuming that the shear cracks are inclined 45º to the longitudinal axis of the member
and the angle between the principal direction of the fibres of the FRP reinforcement and
the longitudinal axis of the member is 90º. The shear resistance is given by:

 n 
 d f − lt , max 
V f = E f ε fe A fs  

This is the same procedure recommend by BD 85/02 (draft) (5).


n is taken as zero for a fully wrapped beam, 1.0 when FRP is bonded continuously to
the sides and bottom of a beam and 2.0 when it is bonded to only the sides of a beam.

εfe: effective strain in the FRP

Afs: area of FRP for shear strengthening measured perpendicular to the direction of the
df: effective depth of the FRP strengthening, measured from the top of the FRP to the
tension reinforcement (mm)
Ef: tensile modulus of the FRP laminate (N/mm2)
lt,max: anchorage length required to develop full anchorage capacity (mm)
(E ⋅ t ) 
lt ,max = 0,7 ⋅  f f
 f ctm 
fctm: tensile strength of the concrete (N/mm2)
tf: thickness of the FRP reinforcement (mm)
sf: longitudinal spacing of the FRP laminates used for shear strengthening.

In this approach the verification of separation failure mode is applied as in the previous
one to the case FRP bonded either to the sides of beams or the sides and the tension face
of beams but also to fully wrapped beams.
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 23 (62)

The effective strain in the FRP should not be greater than the minimum of the values
given in table 12:

Loss of aggregate interlock

ε fe ≤ 0,004

FRP rupture
ε fu
ε fe ≤
εfu: ultimate failure strain in FRP
Debonding of the FRP
ε fe ≤ 0.64 ⋅
Ef t f
fctm: tensile strength of the concrete (N/mm2)
tf: thickness of the FRP reinforcement (mm)
Ef : elastic modulus of the FRP at ultimate limit state (N/mm2)
Table 12: Equations proposed in the latest draft of the Concrete Society and in the
BD 85/02 (draft) (5).

In the design, the expressions given and the parameters defined in table 10 and
table 11 should be affected by adequate safety factors (global reduction factors and
FRP material partial safety factors) according to the selected reference. For design
purposes, the complete evaluation procedure should be followed from the selected
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 24 (62)

According to fib bulletin 14 (14) the following analytical approach has been used to
compute the FRP shear contribution:

V f = 0,9 ⋅ ρ f ⋅ bw ⋅ E f ⋅ ε fe ⋅ d

εfe: effective FRP strain
bw: minimum width of cross section over the effective depth
d: effective depth of cross section
ρf : FRP shear reinforcement ratio
ρf =2·tf·/bw for continuously bounded FRP of thickness tf
ρf =2·tf/bw·(wf/sf) for strips or sheets of width wf at a spacing sf
Ef: elastic modulus of FRP in the principal fibre orientation at ultimate limit state

According to fib bulletin 14 (14) when full wrapping is not possible the FRP strips
should be anchored to the compressive zone of the reinforced concrete member. It is
recommended to use the whole height of the compression zone for anchoring. When
anchorage in the compression zone is insufficient fib bulletin (14) recommends that the
inner lever arm should be reduced.

The value of the effective FRP strain (εfe) will depend on the failure mode as in the
previous approach of the shear resistance. The FRP strain should be taken as the lesser
of the following values (the values given in the table should be affected by the adequate
safety factors given in section 2.1 “Safety factors”.

Side or U-shaped CFRP jackets

FRP peeling-off  f cm 2 3 
0 , 56

ε fe = K ⋅ 0,65 ⋅  

⋅ 10 −3
 Ef ⋅ ρf 
fcm: mean compressive strength of concrete (N/mm2)
Ef: modulus of elasticity of FRP at ultimate (KN/mm2)
K: constant relating the characteristic to the mean value of the effective FRP
Strain (K=0,8)
FRP fracture  f cm 2 3 
0 , 30

ε fe = K ⋅ 0,17 ⋅  

⋅ ε fu
 Ef ⋅ ρf 
fcm: mean compressive strength of concrete (N/mm2)
Efu: modulus of elasticity of FRP at ultimate (KN/mm2)
εfu: ultimate FRP strain
K: constant relating the characteristic to the mean value of the effective FRP
strain (K=0,8)

Table 14: Equations proposed by fib bulletin 14 (14) to evaluate the effective FRP strain.
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 25 (62)

Fully wrapped (or properly anchored) CFRP

FRP fracture  f cm 2 3 
0 , 30

controls ε fe = K ⋅ 0,17 

⋅ ε fu
 Ef ⋅ ρf 
fcm: mean compressive strength of concrete (N/mm2)
Ef: modulus of elasticity of FRP at ultimate (KN/mm2)
εfu: ultimate FRP strain
K: constant relating the characteristic to the mean value of the effective FRP
strain (K=0,8)
Table 15: Equations proposed by fib bulletin 14 (14) to evaluate the effective FRP strain.

Fib bulletin 14 (14) also introduces a limitation of the effective strain in order to avoid
the loss aggregate interlock. The effective strain should be limited for fully wrapped
members, two sides or U shape jackets to a maximum value of 0.006. Comparing this
limitation with the one given by ACI (3) and TR 55 (11) a large limit is accepted in this

Fib (14) also highlights that one drawback of the previous approach is that the FRP
bonded length is not taken explicitly into account. However, one could estimate the
maximum force that may be carried by the FRP prior to debonding according to
concepts presented in section 2.2.

In the design, the expressions given above and the parameters defined in table 14
and table 15 should be affected by adequate safety factors (global reduction factors
and FRP material partial safety factors) according to the selected reference. For
design purposes, the complete evaluation procedure should be followed from the
selected reference.

2.3.2 Verification of Serviceability Limit State (SLS)

Regarding serviceability limit state only some considerations are given in fib bulletin 14
(14), they are related with limiting the strain in the FRP in the serviceability limit state.

2.3.3 Design recommendations

Additionally to the design bases given in above subsections, in this section some
recommendations are given:

¾ To avoid that a diagonal crack may be formed without intercepting a strip, the
spacing of strips should not exceed (see table 16):
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 26 (62)

TR 55 (11)  d
s f ≤ min 0,8 ⋅ d ; w f + 
 4
wf is the width of the FRP strip
d: effective depth of the beam
If the strips are used vertically:

s f ≤ 0,9 ⋅ d − for rectangular cross section
fib bulletin 14 2
w f for T-beams
s f ≤ d − hf −
wf is the width of the FRP strip
hf: slab thickness
d: effective depth of the member
Table 16: Maximum spacing of strips according fib bulletin 14 (14) and TR 55

The latest draft of the Concrete Society introduce that the maximum spacing between
strips should be less than 0.8df, df – (n/3)lt,max or wf + df /4.

Where n is taken as zero for a fully wrapped beam, 1.0 when FRP is bonded
continuously to the sides and bottom of a beam and 2.0 when it is bonded to only the
sides of a beam.
lt,max: anchorage length required to develop full anchorage capacity (mm)
(E ⋅ t ) 
lt ,max = 0,7 ⋅  f f
 f ctm 
df: effective depth of the FRP strengthening, measured from the top of the FRP to the
tension reinforcement (mm)
Ef: design tensile modulus of the FRP laminate (N/mm2)
tf: thickness of the FRP (mm)
wf: width of the FRP (mm)
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 27 (62)

2.4 Design of column strengthening

It is experimentally proved that when uniaxially loaded concrete is confined (retrained
from dilating laterally), it exhibits an increase in strength and axial deformation

The effect of confinement can be achieved by FRP jacketing with fibres orientated
transverse to the longitudinal axis of the member.

Providing confinement to a concrete compression element with a FRP jacket enhances:

¾ Concrete strength (increasing the axial load capacity of the concrete

compression element)
¾ Ductility (increasing the maximum compressive strain in the concrete before
compressive failure)
¾ Prevents buckling of the longitudinal reinforcement and concrete spalling

Depending on the purpose of the strengthening the shear strength and axial strength can
be increased by wrapping. In the case of flexural strengthening, axial FRP is needed.
However, if FRP wrapping is applied over the axial one, in the compression zone it
increases its strain capacity and enhances its compressive strength. Furthermore, for
circular columns, the compressive strength of the axial FRP may be used in the design
(according to BD 84/02 (4)) if confinement is provided.

In order to improve the behavior under seismic loads not only strength but also ductility
needs to be increased.

The most common methods for FRP jacketing are the following:

¾ Fibre wrapping with fabrics (wet lay-up process)

¾ Filament winding (automated method)
¾ Prefabricated shells

A passive and active confinement are possible but the most common is the passive one.
The active confinement is achieve by introducing stress to fibres in the wrapping
process or by injecting a mortar or a resin between the FRP jacket and the column.

The effectiveness in the confinement effect of the FRP jacket is influence by different
parameters as the concrete strength, the type of fibres and resin, the percentage in
volume of fibres and the alignment of the fibres in the jacket, the thickness of the
reinforcement, the adherence between the concrete and the FRP reinforcement, the
shape section and the slenderness of the column.

In following subsections, general remarks for design of column strengthening are

given. For design purposes, the complete evaluation procedure should be followed
from the selected reference because this document is a partial reproduction.
Furthermore the formulations given are pending to introduce the safety factors
according to each technical document.
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 28 (62)

2.4.1 Evaluation of the confining pressure

Assuming uniform tension in the FRP, for uniaxially loaded cylindrical concrete
member confined with FRP reinforcement with fibres circumferentially aligned and
covering the total concrete surface, the maximum lateral confining pressure that the
FRP jacket can exert is the following:


Ef · εfu · tf Ef · εfu · tf

Figure 6.- Confining effect of FRP composite

2 ⋅ E f ⋅ ε fu ⋅ t f 1
σl = = ⋅ ρ f ⋅ E f ⋅ ε fu = K conf ⋅ ε fu
D 2
4⋅t f
ρf ≈
K conf = ⋅ρf ⋅Ef


Ef: modulus of the FRP jacket

εfu: effective failure strain in the FRP jacket
tf: thickness of the FRP jacket
D: diameter of the column
ρf : volumetric ratio of the FRP jacket
Kconf: stiffness of the FRP confinement

Effective failure strain in the FRP jacket

It is experimentally proved that failure of the FRP jacket occurs at a strain lower than
the ultimate strain of the FRP material. There are several reasons for this reduction:

¾ A multiaxial stress state exists in the jacket. The FRP jacket provides transverse
confinement action, at the same time, due to the composite action, it is subjected
to axial loading.

¾ Local stress concentrations in the FRP jacket at high load levels. They are due to
the non-homogeneous deformations in the cracked concrete.
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 29 (62)

¾ The curved shape of the FRP jacket, especially at corners with small radius.

¾ The quality of the execution. In presence of local misalignment of fibres, part of

the circumferential deformation is used to stretch the fibres. Also fibres may be
damaged or suffer local stress concentration due to an inadequate surface
preparation (for example presence of voids or local protrusions).

¾ Size effect when multiple layers are applied

In the references there are different equations to predict the reduction factor for the
ultimate strain of the FRP material but more research are needed in order to develop a
more accurate factor (10).

According to fib (14) the value for the effective failure strain in the FRP jacket should
be justified by experimental evidence.

Effective lateral confining pressure

The confinement effect exerted by the FRP jacket, as it is stated in section 2.4, is
influenced by different parameters. In some of the references, considerations for non
fully wrapped members, fibre orientation not perpendicular to the longitudinal axis,
square or rectangular member shape are taken into account in the design by introducing
an effectiveness coefficient (Ke) to determine the lateral confining pressure.

The effective lateral confining pressure is determined as follow:

σl = ⋅ K e ⋅ ρ f ⋅ E f ⋅ ε fu = K conf ⋅ ε fu

K conf = ⋅ ρ f ⋅ E f ⋅ Ke
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 30 (62)

The value of Ke, according to references (14) and (9), is given in the following table:


Ae bf As
Ke = (14) (9)
Ac s´ s
Ae= effectively confined
Partial wrapping Sección A-A´
concrete area Ae
Ac=concrete area (the
longitudinal steel area is

D D-s´/2

When fibres are helically

applied: (14)

Fibre orientation   P 2  P
K e = 1 +   
  π ⋅ D  
P= helix pitch
D=diameter of the member

Ke = (14) h

Ae= effectively confined d

concrete area Ac
Ac=concrete area (the
longitudinal steel area is
Square or
rectangular d Ae
section* Ke = (9)
h Ac d-2r

Ae= effectively confined

concrete area h-2r
Ac=concrete area (the
longitudinal steel area is h m = n = 45º (14)
m = d/ h
d/h=aspect ratio (9)
n = h/d

Table 17
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 31 (62)

* Square or rectangular section.- In square or rectangular columns the confinement

pressure is transmitted from the FRP jacket to the concrete through the four corners, it
results in a reduction of the confined concrete volume.

The lateral confining pressure induced by the FRP are given in reference (14) as:

σ lx = K confx ⋅ ε fu
σ ly = K confy ⋅ ε fu
K confx = ρ fx ⋅ K e ⋅ E f
K confy = ρ fy ⋅ K e ⋅ E f
2 ⋅bf ⋅t f
ρ fx =
2 ⋅bf ⋅t f
ρ fy =
ρfx : volumetric ratio of the FRP jacket in x direction
ρfy : volumetric ratio of the FRP jacket in y direction

Another option to obtein the lateral confinig pressure in a rectangular column is to use
as diameter of the column the hypotenuse of the rectangular section according to
2 ⋅ t f ⋅ (d + h )
reference (9) or a reinforcement ratio of: ρ f = according to reference (3).
d ⋅h

Because in the case of square or rectangular columns the FRP reinforcement is less
effective, few researches have been carried out although this type of columns are
usually presented in the structures. In general, experimental tests have shown that the
increase of ultimate strength is highly influence and increases with the radius of the
corners of square or rectangular sections. On the other hand, the increase of axial
deformation capacity is up to 8 times that of unconfined concrete, even for the sharp
edged sections (20).

Due to the many unknowns in this type of application in technical documents as for
example ACI 440.2R-02 (3) or Concrete Society TR 55 (11) no recommendation is
provided to evaluate the increases in the axial compression strength of the element.

However, ACI (3) accepts the improvement in the ductility of these sections if they
verify the following geometric limitations (unless testing demonstrates their

d/h ≤ 1.5
d ≤ 900 mm
h ≤ 900 mm
Table 18
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 32 (62)

In this case ACI (3) also introduces an effectiveness coefficient to take into account the
shape of the column. This reduction factor is similar to the ones given in table 17.

According to fib bulletin 14 (14) in rectangular columns with large aspect ratio to
achieve confinement the FRP jacket need to be bolted to the structure in order to create
shorter distances which are confined between bolts.

2.4.2 Evaluation of the increment in the concrete strength (FRP-

confined concrete model)
An FRP-confined concrete model is necessary to calculate the increase in the concrete
strength and strain due to the confinement.

Table 19 presents the prediction of the ultimate axial stress and strain of the confined
concrete according to some of the existing models on confinement of concrete columns
with FRP materials.

The confinement effect exerted by FRP jacket is a continuously increasing action hence
an increase in the strain in FRP results in an increase in the confining pressure.
Oppositely steel exerts a constant confining pressure when it reaches the yielding stress.

Several models are original for steel and they are based in a constant value of the
confining pressure (triaxial confined concrete test) throughout the loading history. They
are extended to the FRP confinement by introducing instead of the constant pressure the
maximum confinement pressure that the FRP can exert (SM).

The rest of the models are specifics for FRP-confined concrete, attending to the
different behaviour between steel-confined concrete and FRP-confined concrete (FM).

According to reference (10), both types of models are applicable to predict the strength.
It is due to the strength independency from the way in which the confining stress is
applied. However in the case of strain, its dependency is observed and hence large
discrepancies are obtained in the predicted strain values.

The models proposed by the existing technical documents are included in the column
“Ref” of the table 19 . The model proposed by TR 55 (11) is based on the work of
Cuninghame et al. where trying to avoid the inaccuracy strain prediction suggest that
providing a circumferential FRP over the full length of the element, with the fibres
oriented in the direction at 90º to the longitudinal axis and the effective hoop stiffness
greater than 320 N/mm2, an enhanced effective strength for confined concrete may be
taken and assumed to vary linearly with strain from fcu at a strain of 0.0035 to 1.5·fcu at
a strain of 0.01 (4) (11).

In conclusion some of the proposed models predict the strength of the confined column
accurately. However, the errors in the prediction of the strain peak are larger and in
most cases on the unconservative side. In general the accuracy of the FRP-confined
concrete models still needs to be improved.
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 33 (62)


f cc´ σ Option 1*Æ ε cc

= ε co + 0.0005 ⋅
= 1 + 4.1 ⋅ ´l (10)
f co f co f co´
Fardis and Khalili
SM 0.86 E
f cc´ σ  Option 2*Æ ε cc = ε co + 0.001 ⋅ ´l (10)
= 1 + 3.7 ⋅  ´l  f co
f co´  f co  (*)There are discrepancies in the evaluation of εcc in reference (10)

Saadatmanesh et f ´
σ σ ε cc  f´ 
al. = 2.254 ⋅ 1 + 7.94 ⋅ ´l − 2 ⋅ ´l − 1.254
cc = 1 + 5 ⋅  cc´ − 1
SM f ´
f co f co ε co  f co 
f cc´ σ ε cc σ 

Option 1*Æ = 1 + 3.485 ⋅ ´l (10) = 1 + 10.6 ⋅  ´l  ( f co´ = 30 MPa)

f co´ f co ε co
Miyauchi et al.
 f co 
f cc´ σ 0.525
FM Option 2*Æ = 1 + 2.98 ⋅ ´l (16) ε cc σ 
f co f co = 1 + 10.5 ⋅  ´l  ( f co´ = 50 MPa)
(*)There are discrepancies in the evaluation of fcc´ between ε co  f co 
references (10) and (16)

f cc´ ε cc
Kono et al. = 1 + 0.0572 ⋅ σ l = 1 + 0.280 ⋅ σ l
FM f co´ ε co

f cc´ − f o
ε cc =
Saaman et al f cc´ σ 0.7 f o = 0.872 ⋅ f co´ + 0.371 ⋅ σ l + 6.258
= 1 + 6.0 ⋅ l ´
FM ´
f co f co 0 .2
option 1*Æ E 2 = 245.61 ⋅ f co´ + 0.6728 ⋅ E l
´ 0.2
option 2 Æ E 2
= 245.61 ⋅ f co
+ 1.3456 ⋅ E l
(*)There are discrepancies in the evaluation of E2 in reference (10)

ε cc  f´ 
= 1 + (310.57 ⋅ ε fu + 1.90 ) ⋅  cc´ − 1
Toutanji f cc´ σ 
= 1 + 3.5 ⋅  ´l  ε co
FM ´
f co  f co   f co 

ε cc  f´ 
= 1 + (537 ⋅ ε fu + 2.6 ) ⋅  cc´ − 1
Saafi et al. f cc´ σ 
= 1 + 2.2 ⋅  ´l  ε co
FM ´
f co  f co   f co 
(14) Spoelstra and
f cu σ 
ε cu E σl
= 0.2 + 3.0 ⋅  ´l  = 2 + 1.25 ⋅ co´ ⋅ ε fu ⋅
(approximate) ´
f co  f co 
ε co f co f co´
(14) 2.5 ⋅ ρ f ⋅ f f ⋅ ε fu
f cc´ σ σ ε cu = 0.004 +
Seible et al. = 2.254 ⋅ 1 + 7.94 ⋅ ´l − 2 ⋅ ´l − 1.254 f cc´
f co´ f co f co
ε fu − 0.0005
Xiao and Wu f cc´  f ´2  σ ε cc = 0 .8
= 1.1 +  4.1 − 0.75 ⋅ co  ⋅ ´l  f´ 
FM ´
f co  El  f co 7 ⋅  co 
 El 
f cu = 1.5 ⋅ f cu
ε cc = 0.01
Cuninghame et al.
(4) (11)
FM K conf ≥ 320 N / mm 2 K conf ≥ 320 N / mm 2

f ´
σ σ 1.71 ⋅ (5 ⋅ f cc´ − 4 ⋅ f co´ )
(3) -- = 2.254 ⋅ 1 + 7.94 ⋅ ´l − 2 ⋅ ´l − 1.254
cc ε cc =
f ´
f co f co Ec

f cc´ σ ε cu σ
= 1 + 2 ⋅ ´l = 2 + 15 ⋅ ´l (CFRP )
(9) Lam and Teng ´
f co f co ε co f co

Table 19
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 34 (62)


σl: maximum lateral confining pressure

f´cc: compressive strength of the confined concrete
f´co: compressive strength of the unconfined concrete
fcu: concrete strength at ultimate
fcu*: compressive cube strenth of concrete
fcu**: effective cube strength for confined concrete
εcc: axial strain at peak stress of the confined concrete
εco: axial strain at peak stress of the unconfined concrete
εcu: ultimate concrete strength
εfu: FRP jacket effective ultimate circumferential strain
Ec: modulus of elasticity of concrete
Eco: initial tangent modulus of elasticity of concrete
E2: second slope of the axial stress-strain curve of the confined cylinder in Saaman’s
El: confinement modulus (El=(Ef·tf)/D for circular columns)
Kconf: stiffness of the FRP confinement (Kconf=(2·Ef·tf)/D for circular columns)
Ef: modulus of elasticity of th eFRP jacket
D: diametre of the column
tf: thickness of the jacket
ρf: volumetric ratio of the FRP jacket
ff: ultimate strength of the FRP jacket
fo: parameter in Seaman’s model

As reminder each model presented in table 19 has been developed in base to a limit
number of tests, so its applicability is not clear for a general situation.

2.4.3 Design recommendations

Additional to the design bases given in the above subsections, the following
recommendations are given in the different references consulted:

¾ The minimum number of layers that shall be provided is two layer of FRP hoop
fibres (4).

¾ The maximum number of layers that shall be provided is of 20-25 or according

to the material supplier’s recommendations (14).

¾ The overlap needed at all joints shall be consulted to the manufacturer but the
minimum overlap that shall be provided is of 200 mm. If the lap length is
inadequate the failure of the FRP can occur due to debonding (11)(4).

¾ When two or more plies of FRP are applied to a column, lap joints should be
placed on opposites sides (11).
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 35 (62)

2.5 Performance requirements

In this chapter, the repair technique is analysed in order to determine how it suits the
different requirements and indicators that have been established in the process to
evaluate and optimise the alternative options for any given repair (section 7.2 “Repair
index method (RIM)” of the Manual).

2.5.1 Service life and durability

Although the durability of the FRP and the concrete is well documented, the long term
behaviour of the combined system is not. Because the FRP-concrete interface is the
critical component, the normal service life of an externally bonded FRP reinforcement
could be considered reasonable over 30 years, the current experience of the adhesives
uses in steel plate bonding. A good execution process and a good preparation of the
surface are essential for the durability. It may however, be affected due to the
deterioration of the protection layer. (11)

The main disadvantage of externally strengthening structures with fibre composite

materials is that they can be damage by fire, vandalism, ultraviolet radiation or
accidental damage, unless the strengthening is protected.

Although carbon is resistant to most forms of chemical attacks and environmental

agents, for example alkali and acid environment, the durability of the FRP
reinforcement may be influenced by other exposure classes. (11) (14)

As with all structural elements there will be a need to check the fibre composite
strengthening system (feasibility of post repair). This check can be a visual inspection,
where surface damages will be located as signs of cracking, delamination, impacts, etc.
Instruments also can be used as part of the inspection if they are used in conjunction
with a load test or long term monitoring where measured parameters as strain or
deflection can indicate changes in the structural response. For detailed inspection other
methods are needed such as tapping, ultrasonic techniques or thermography (see
subsection 4 “Quality control”).

The after repair disturbances affecting the functionality of the structure are also minimal
(not affecting the loading gauge for example). And incompatibilities with other repair
systems have not been reported. Galvanic corrosion of steel reinforcement can arise if
carbon FRP comes in direct contact with steel (14).

2.5.2 Structural stability and safety

Externally bonded FRP reinforcement as a method of strengthening has only recently
been adopted for civil engineering structures, and only limited experience is available
when compared to steel plate bonding for example.
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 36 (62)

Another structural aspect to consider is the possible of brittle failure mode of the FRP
reinforcement, if the strengthened structural element is not well designed.

2.5.3 Execution
The application of FRP material is easy but to ensure a long service life requires
specialized workers with experience in repair and strengthening techniques and
knowledge in products, application methods and quality control tests. Good execution
control is obtained by the verification of the following aspects:
9 Supplied materials
9 The suitability of the concrete surface for bonding
9 Application process

Special disturbances during repair works are not specified, beyond those expected in
normal civil engineering work.

To ensure the safety of workers on site, the use of rubber gloves and glasses is
recommended during the application of epoxy resins. Special cautiousness is needed to
avoid CFRP material go in contact with electrical wires because CFRP material is
electrically conductive and short-circuit, derivations and electrical fusillade can occur.

Other risks of accidents are related to the use of tools that are needed to carry out the
work, including elevated work platforms, ladders, etc.

Special risks for the safety of users apart from those deriving from the repair works are
described elsewhere.

2.5.4 Environmental, health and sustainability

Regarding environmental impact and sustainability, the resins used are highly toxic and
need special treatment. The energy used in the manufacture process of FRP materials is
less than for conventional materials so there is a lower consumption of resources. The
environmental impact arising from transport is minimum because of their light weight
(11) (21) (23).

2.5.5 Economy
The cost of FRP strengthening (including material and labour work cost) will vary
depending on the country where the retrofitting is taken place.

This costs will be modified according to the particular conditions of the strengthening
structure and the auxiliary means involved in it. In this case the lower weight of FRP
materials makes them handling and installation significantly easier than steel. Work can
usually be carried out from man access platforms rather than full scaffolding (Access
tools). However, when long laminates are used in the strengthening it is necessary to
provide access to the entire surface where the laminates will be applied.
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 37 (62)

The low weight also allows FRP to be applied material to the member without the need
for temporary supports.

To ensure that the FRP is applied correctly, good preparation of the concrete surface is
vital. The substrate should fulfil strict conditions about its geometry, unevenness or
strength (preparation of substrate) because it is necessary to assure the bonding
performance (the weakest part of the strengthening is the bonding interface).

The maintenance cost over the remaining life of the structure should be added to the
above costs. The maintenance activities of an FRP strengthening system will be reduced
to renew the protection layer or finishing treatment, because in general, fibres and resins
are durable and require little maintenance.

The strengthening period is usually short for this type of reinforcement due to the easy
of application for example with regard to the steel laminates. The weather conditions
could be a critical point: the curing temperature of the adhesive must be between 5-
25ºC. At low temperatures, electrical heaters, heating blankets or infrared heating can
be used.

In general, thanks to the save in access tools and to the short period of repair this kind of
strengthening is economically profitable.

2.5.6 Aesthetics
The effect of bonded FRP systems on aesthetics is minimal because of their thin
thickness. The presence of FRP can be made more discrete by applying a suitable
coating finish.

The aesthetic condition of a repair can be modified by the loss of colour of the
composite material due to the ultraviolet radiation (14).
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 38 (62)


3.1 Materials selection

In this chapter the main materials (FRP materials and bonding agent) used in the FRP
reinforcement are presented briefly.

3.1.1 FRP materials

FRP materials consist of fibres embedded in a matrix of resin. Fibres give the stiffness
and the strength to the material while the main purpose of the matrix is to transfer the
stresses between the fibres and give the shape to the composite material. The matrix
also protect the fibres from environmental or mechanical damage.

Different types of fibres can be used, the main types are carbon fibre, glass fibre and
aramid fibre. In this document only carbon FRP is included. The matrix can also be of
different types. For strengthening applications the use of epoxy resins is more
convenient because they have better mechanical properties and an outstanding

The general characteristics of the composite material are its high strength and its linear
behaviour to failure. Modern systems have excellent resistance against corrosion and
ambient agents attacks. The variability of the composite materials is high depending on
the type of fibre and matrix used.

Different carbon FRP systems are available and they are described in the following

Prefabricated or pre-cured systems

These are pre-formed composites products, which are given their final shape, strength
and stiffness in the factory (14). Depending on the prefabrication system used, the
maximum fibre content that can be reached is about 70%.

Prefabricated systems are installed through the use of adhesives. A thin layer of
adhesive is applied on both the concrete and the FRP. Then the FRP is placed on the
concrete surface applying pressure with a rubber roller and removing the extra adhesive.
Only one layer is usually applied but multiple layers can be applied (See subsection

Different configurations are available depending on the manufacturer. They are

typically provided in the form of strips or laminates, with thickness of about 1.0 mm to
1.5 mm (the most common are 1.2 mm and 1.4 mm). The width varies from 50 mm to
150 mm. Different fibre orientations are also available, eg, unidirectional laminates,
multidirectional (laminates with carbon fibre filaments oriented both in longitudinal
direction and +/- 45º), and sandwich type (composite beams in balsa wood reinforced
with carbon fibre) (7) (8) (21) (24).
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 39 (62)

Table 20 presents typical mechanical properties of commercial prefabricated CFRP

products. At current prices, products with an elastic modulus of 150,000 –
165,000N/mm2 appear to give best value for money.

Elastic modulus Ultimate tensile Tensile failure strain
(N/mm2) strength (N/mm2) (%)

150,000 1.7
90% ultimate
230,000 2,400 to 3,200 1.3 –1.4
tensile strength
300,000 0.9

Table 20- Mechanical properties of commercial pre-cured carbon systems

Physical characteristics such as the thermal strength and the coefficient of thermal
expansion must be considered. The thermal strength is the temperature above which
fibres and matrix start to disaggregate and stop working as a whole. Depending on the
kind of FRP ranges from 100ºC-130ºC or it is even >500ºC. It is not a conditioning
property because the glass transition temperature of the bonding agent is usually lower.
Therefore the bonding agent should be the weakest element from a thermal point of
view. The coefficient of thermal expansion shall be determined according to EN 1770
(CEN1998c) (7) (8) (14).

For design purposes, actual properties must be obtained from the manufacturer.

“Wet lay-up (hand lay-up)” or “in-situ cured” systems

FRP wet lay up systems are installed by hand on site. The dry FRP fabric is
impregnated with resin immediately prior to application and cured on site. These
systems are also called “dry fibre”, because the amount of resin inside is small and need
the resin applied during application process for polymerisation (14).

Sheets are recommended for shear strengthening and confinement, and multiple layers
can be applied if required.

The installation on the concrete surface requires apply on it a saturating resin after the
primer has been applied. Then, flexible sheets or fabrics are applied on the concrete
surface by pressing them. Impregnation and further pressing of the sheet or fabric is
performed by applying adhesive on the top of the fabric or sheet with a roller brush. The
application of the adhesive is required to both, bond the sheet to the concrete and
impregnate the sheet (See chapter 3.3.3). (18)

They are available as unidirectional fabrics, which means that all the fibres are oriented
in the longitudinal direction or multidirectional fabrics, with the fibres oriented both in
longitudinal direction and in other directions (90º, +45º, -45º). A typical weight in g/m2
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 40 (62)

is between 200-300, the thickness of them vary according to this value and the width is
usually 300 mm. (7) (8) (21) (24)

The typical CFRP commercial products in the form of fabrics have the mechanical
properties given in Table 21. The values of these properties are higher than the
laminate’s ones.

Elastic Modulus Ultimate tensile Tensile failure strain
(N/mm2) strength (N/mm2) (%)

230.000-240.000 1,5-1,55
90% ultimate
2.600 to 3.800
tensile strength
600.000 0,4

Table 21.- Mechanical properties of commercial “cured in-situ” systems

About the physical characteristics, the coefficient of thermal expansion shall be

determined according to EN 1770 (CEN1998c) as in prefab system. The thermal
strength is determined by the resin used as bonding agent, because the fibres are not into
a matrix. (14)

For design purposes, actual properties must be obtained from the manufacturer.
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 41 (62)

3.1.2 Bonding agent

The adhesive and the FRP material must be compatible, for that reason only adhesives
recommended by FRP supplier should be used. Generally, the bonding agent is
comprised by a resin and a hardener and the adhesive based is normally of epoxy. (12)

The main requirements of an adhesive are:

- Good adherence to the substrate.

- Low permeability to water.
- Appropriate physical and mechanical properties.

General adhesive requirements for structural bonding are specified in prEN 1504-4

The selection of the bonding agent depends on the FRP system being used “wet lay-up”
or “prefab”. For “wet lay-up” the viscosity should be low in order to assure the
impregnation of the fibres.

The following conditions have to be considered in order to get a good performance of

the strengthening:

- Curing conditions.
- Open time.
- Workable life.
- Glass transition temperature.
- Moisture absorption.
- Thermal coefficients.
- Mechanical properties.
- Durability, fatigue and creep.
- Suitability of application.

In the design is necessary to guarantee that the adhesive will be capable of curing under
the most extreme site conditions of temperature and humidity, with a negligible
shrinkage. The time of curing depend on the ambient temperature (6 hours at 30ºC, 12
hours at 20ºC and 24 hours at 10ºC) so especial importance is given to the curing
conditions. There are some products with curing times only half as long. (12)

Open time is the time after application of the adhesive within which the joint can be

Special attention must be paid to the workable life (pot life) of the mixed adhesive, to
the open time and to the shelf life of it. If any of this limits has been exceeded the
adhesives should not be used.

The selection of the adhesive should be made taking into account the difference
between the glass transition temperature and the service temperature. If the adhesive
reaches the glass transition temperature its mechanical properties should be reduced.
The adhesive governs the maximum temperature at which the strengthening can work,
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 42 (62)

and it is taken as 15ºC below the transition temperature for transient loading and 20ºC
below for sustained loading (a typical transition temperature for ambient temperature
curing epoxy adhesives is 60 ºC).(14) (12)

Recommended values and the standard test methods to determine some of these
properties are given in the Table 22.

The moisture absorption lowers the glass transition temperature, it is a reversible

process unless the transition temperature is reduced below the operating temperature. So
the moisture transport through the adhesive should be minimized. The maximum water
absorption after immersion in water shall not exceed 3% by weight.

Other physical properties that can be found in the manufacturer’s sheets are the fluent
and the coefficient of thermal expansion.

Depending on the adhesive composition a wide variety of mechanical properties can

be obtained. The main mechanical properties are the flexural modulus, the shear
strength, the adhesion strength and the compressive strength. The recommended values
according to fib (14) and prEN 1504-4 (19). The standard test to determine them are in
Table 23.

In the manufacturer’s sheets other properties can be found as tensile strength and
cizallam strength.

It is also necessary to test durability, fatigue and creep.

The durability of the adhesive should be proved by laboratory tests or by experience (at
least 15 years). (14)

Also the suitability of the adhesive for application to vertical surfaces, soffits and
horizontal surfaces should be verified.
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 43 (62)

Physical properties
Open conditions Glass Coefficient
Pot life time Shelf life Shrinkage (ºC) transition of thermal Viscosity Moisture
(min) [1] (min) (month) (%) (% rel. temp Tg expansion absorption
[2] humidity) (ºC) [4]
Determining ISO 3219 (ISO pr EN 13580
pr EN 12617-1
pr EN 1993 a and EN CEN 2.001e.
according to pr EN 14022
- or - pr EN 12614 pr EN 1770
ISO 3219,
pr EN 12617 –3
the Standard CEN 1995)
≥ 45ºC or the Maximum water
maximum shade absorption after
Recommended >40 (20ºC) >20 (20ºC) > 6 (5-25ºC) <0.1% (14)
air temperature ≤ 50x10-6 per ºC immersion shall
values (14) (14) (14) (19) in service +20ºC, (19) not exceed 3 %
whichever is the by weight (14)
higher (14) (19)

[1] Pot life: pot or workable life before application to prepared surfaces (workable life is dependent of the batch quantity and ambient
conditions in use. Workable life will usually be less than the pot life)
[2] Open time: time after application of the adhesive within which the joint can be made
[3] Curing conditions must be specified by the manufacturer. Tmax specified in relation with pot life and viscosity
[4] Tg is applicable to resins and it is the molecular structure disaggregate and loose its mechanical properties
Termoendurecibles resins (epoxi, polyurethane) irreversible lost. Usually for epoxi resin Tg=60ºC approximately
Termoplasticas resins (PVC, polyethylene) reversible lost.

Table 22.- Recommended values of physical properties of bonding agents according to fib bulletin No14 (14) and pr EN 1504-4 (19)
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 44 (62)

Mechanical properties
Modulus of
Adhesive Modulus of
elasticity in Adhesion strength Compressive Shear strength
elasticity in flexure
compression (N/mm2) strength (N/mm2) (N/mm2)
N/ mm2
EN 12188 EN 12190
according to the ISO 178 pr EN 13412
CEN 1999b CEN 1998b
EN 12188
Recommended 2.000-15.000 (14) (19) 2.000-15.000 (19) >15 (14) - >12 (14) (19)

Table 23.- Recommended values of mechanical properties of bonding agents according to fib bulletin No14 (14) and pr EN 1504-4 (19)
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 45 (62)

Suitability of Suitability
Durability Fatigue under Creep under
application of application
Adhesive (thermal and dynamic loading sustained
(vertical (horizontal surfaces)
moisture) during cure and in loading in
service service
pr EN 104-852-1
according to the pr EN 13733
pr EN 104-852-2
pr EN 13584-1 pr EN 1799 pr EN 1799
The material shall not The surface area of the
sag flow by more bonding agent at the end of
Recommended than 1 mm when the squeezability test shall
values spread in thickness not be less than 3000 mm2
less than 3 mm. (19) (60 mm diameter). (19)

Table 24.- Performance requirements according to pr EN 1504-4 (19)

ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 46 (62)

3.2 Preparing works

Before carry out the strengthening some works should be done regarding to the concrete
substrate and the preparation of the FRP materials.

3.2.1 Requirements of concrete substrate

The FRP reinforcement improves the structural capacity of a member but it doesn’t stop
other problems as steel corrosion. For that reason the concrete should be sound and
other possible damages must be eliminated before the application of the reinforcement.

The surface conditions of the substrate have a high influence on the durability and
correct work of the FRP reinforcement. The following aspects should be considered to
determine the surface quality of the substrate:

¾ Concrete tensile strength by means of pull-off testing (according to EN 1542

(CEN 1999c)). Table 25 states the minimum acceptable values for the concrete
tensile strength.


> 1.5 MPa (15 kg/cm2) for “prefab” (21) (7) (14)
< 1.0 MPa (10 kg/cm2) for “cured in situ” (23) (7)
Table 25.- Minimum values for the concrete tensile strength

¾ Unevenness of the concrete surface that can be allowed depends on the type of
FRP externally bonded reinforcement. Table 26 presents the allowable values
for the unevenness of concrete surface.

Permissible unevenness Permissible unevenness

on a 2.0 m base (mm) on a 0.3 m base (mm)
“prefab” thickness > 1 mm 10 (14) 4 (14)
“prefab” thickness < 1 mm 6 (14) 2 (14)
“cured in situ” 4 (14) 2 (14)
Table 26.-Allowable values of unevenness of the concrete surface

¾ Any porous area shall be repaired and any hole filled. The superficial porosity
should fulfil that the affected extension should be less than the 10% of the total
surface with a porous surface under 3 cm2 and a porous depth less than 5 mm.

¾ The corners of the unstrengthened members should be round before the

application of the FRP reinforcement to avoid local damage in composite
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 47 (62)

materials. It is recommended to round corners with a minimum radius of 10 - 15

mm. Anyhow the specification given by the supplier according to this topic
should be followed. (23) (14)

¾ Degrees of roughness recommended for the substrate are from a concrete surface
profile (CSP) 4 to CSP 6* according to the International Concrete Repair
Institute (ICRI) (7).

¾ In general concrete surface must be in good conditions, free of oil, dust, and
vegetation. Some aspects should be controlled such as carbonation depth,
chloride content (≤ 0,3% by weight) and surface moisture (< 4%). Moreover any
cracks or joints wider than 0,2 mm should be injected. (14) (21)

3.2.2 Preparation of concrete substrate

It is important that the preparation of the concrete substrate is carried out well to
provide an adequate bond with the adhesives. All the above restrictions should be

The preparation of the concrete substrate consists on concrete removal and cleaning.
This chapter only exposes some notes related to these systems and FRP reinforcement.

Concrete removal: (7) (21) (23)

The concrete should be sound to eliminate serious imperfections and potential damage
mechanisms, also the substrate should be free of contamination. After the concrete
removal the substrate should obtain the suitable conditions of cohesion and roughness to
guarantee the adequate adherence of the bonding agent.

Manual or mechanical techniques as pneumatic chipping hammer, high-pressure

blasting (sand, water) can be applied.

Cleaning: (21) (23)

The objective is to get a perfectly clean surface before the application of the FRP

There are different systems as in concrete removal that can be used, for example high
pressure blasting (sand, grit, water jet blasting), vacuum cleaning or grinding can be
also applied.

Regarding to the selection of the most suitable system it is decisive the type of FRP that
is going to be applied. Most of the wet lay-up systems require a smoother surface (see
Table 26) so in this case grinding may be the most appropriate method. Another

CSP/Concrete Surface Profile ( . ICRI has identified nine distinct profile
configurations that replicate degrees of roughness considered to be suitable for the application of sealers, coatings, or
polymer toppings. The recommended method for achieving each profile is as follows: CSP 1 (Acid Etching), CSP 2
(Grinding), CSP 3 (Light Shotblast), CSP 4 (Light Scarification), CSP 5 (Medium Shotblast), CSP 6 (Medium
Scarification), CSP 7 (Heavy Abrasive Blast), CSP 8 (Scabbling), CSP 9 (Heavy Scarification, Milling)
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 48 (62)

alternative could be the application of a putty to decrease the level of unevenness in the
surface after roughening by means of blasting for example. (14)

When the chosen cleaning and concrete removal systems involve the use of water, for
example, water jet blasting or others wet techniques, it is necessary to take into account
that the concrete should be dry enough for the later application of the FRP. (11) (14)

During the concrete removal or cleaning activities internal steel reinforcement could
became visible, in these zones a patch repair will be necessary. The steel will be cleaned
by means of sand blasting or similar system and to eliminate the sand and dust products
of the cleaning air jet blasting will be used. After, the reinforcements should be coated
with a primer against corrosion and finally the section will be restored.

3.2.3 Preparation of Fibre Reinforced Polymer

Although it is possible that the FRP materials will be supplied to site at the specified
width and cut to the necessary length as specified on the design drawings, due to
flexibility of the laminates it is recommended to transport them in a roller piece of 250
m maximum in length and cut it in field. The cut should be carried out by means of a
manual saw. (14) (21).

Photograph 1.- Cutting the laminates

The laminates and sheets should be free from any contamination like oil, dust, etc. If
laminates or sheets are provided with an in-built peel ply, to ensure a clean surface, the
ply should be removed immediately before application and the surface must not be
touched by hand. In other cases laminates usually require cleaning before use to obtain a
satisfactory surface to bond. This should be performed as specified by the manufacturer.
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 49 (62)

The FRP materials have to be verified for absence of possible damage resulting from
transportation, handling or incorrect cutting. The laminates and sheets shall be free from
unintended curves, bows, wraps, ondulations, twists or fibre misalignments. (14)

Along the preparation process the FRP materials should be handled with clean gloves
and under dry conditions. (11)

3.3 Execution
In this section the instalation procedure for “prefab” and “wet lay up” systems is
presented in an squematically way.

3.3.1 “Prefab” or “pre-cured” strips or laminates

I. Primer (optional)

Application of a primer is normally not necessary. However, if it is specified by

the manufacturer of the adhesive a primer shall be used according to its
specifications. (14)

The primer is usually a transparent and low viscosity epoxy, which is applied with
a short-hair roller. It penetrates into concrete helping the bonding of the FRP and
also limiting the absorption of the adhesive epoxy by the concrete. (7)

II. Adhesive application to the concrete

The adhesive is applied as a thin layer with a trowel or a brush to the concrete (see
Photograph 2) immediately after mixing according to the manufacturer’s
specifications (mixing life, thickness, etc).

Photograph 2.- Adhesive application to the concrete

ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 50 (62)

III. Adhesive application to the laminates

The adhesive is applied as a thin layer to the roughest face of the laminates, as in
the step II, it takes place immediately after mixing according to the supplier’s
specifications (mixing life, thickness, etc).

Photograph 3.- Adhesive application to the laminate

It is recommended to have slightly more thickness along the centre line of the
plate. This will reduce the risk of forming voids when the strip is applied. (14)

A specific device (see Photograph 3) can help to apply the adhesive to the
laminate surface.

IV. Positioning of the laminate

Photograph 4.- Previous positioning of the laminated

ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 51 (62)

The positioning starts with a preliminary positioning of the laminate without

applying pressure until checking its correct place (see Photograph 4). After correct
place is obtained pressure is applied by means of a rubber roller to ensure intimate
contact with the concrete. The pressure is applied going from the centre not
allowing the formation of voids. (7) (14)

The extra adhesive should be squeezed out along the sides.

V. Verification of the bond line

The final bond line should be of equal thickness along the strip and should
correspond to a minimum adhesive thickness of 1.5 to 2.0 mm and maximum
following specifications of the manufacturer. (14)

Alternatively, instead of applying the adhesive to both the concrete and the strip,
adequate results have been reported when applying the adhesive only to one surface.

For multiple layers repeat points from I to V. Besides more than 3 layers of pultruded
strips are not recommended to apply unless proved by experimental. In any case,
recommendations of the supplier must be followed. (14)

3.3.2 Multifibre laminates (applying anchors)

Multifibre laminates can be anchored with bolts through the laminate. This system
presents the following advantages:

¾ The brittle failure, which can occur in a traditional system which is only glued,
will not occur.
¾ Bolts will prevent delamination in the weak zone beneath the tension bars.
¾ In case of fire the bolts, which only have to be protected in the anchorage zone,
will also prevent the structure from collapsing after disappearance of the epoxy
glue and matrix.

The installation of this type of multifibre laminates is realised according to the above
procedure, but after removing the redundant adhesive (point IV) holes are drilled
through the laminate (with an electric drill) according to the design and bolts (for
anchoring) are inserted. (24)

3.3.3 “Wet lay-up” type (sheets or fabrics)

I. Primer (optional)

See point I of subsection 3.3.1.

II. Putty application (optional)

ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 52 (62)

Putty application with epoxy material (compatible with the resin adhesive) can be
applied in order to obtain a regular and smooth concrete surface that guarantee a
good bonding according to the manufacturer’s specifications (Almost no
unevenness of the concrete surface is allowed for applying sheets). (14) (7)

III. Adhesive application to the concrete (or putty).

This step is called undercoating and it is similar to the step II of subsection 3.3.1.

IV. Sheet application

Sheets should be applied in the correct direction and straight pulling of over the
layer of adhesive before removing the protection paper sheet. The sheets soak up
in the adhesive. (23)

Once the sheets are applied, adhesive has to be distributed with a roller until a
homogeneous surface is obtained without voids.

V. Adhesive application (overcoating) (14)

Overcoating consists on the application of a second layer of adhesive with a roller.

(7) (23)

For multiple layers repeat points from III to V. Besides more than 5 layers of cured in-
situ fabrics are not recommended to apply unless proved by experimental (exception:
confinement applications). Unless other wise specified, this may be done before the
previous layer has cured. In any case, recommendations of the supplier must be
followed. (14) (7)

Alternative to the above procedure and to increase the level of quality assurance, the
sheet can be impregnated with the resin in a saturator machine. This enables saturating
the sheet at a better-controlled resin rate and with a more uniform thickness. (14)

3.4 Finishing
In some cases the election of the adequate finishing layers can be crucial to the long-
term integrity of the strengthened structure.

The compatibility between the externally bonded reinforcement and the finishing layer
should be proved. If finishing layers or toppings involve heating, this must not damage
the bond integrity. (14)

Aesthetic purposes

When the finishing only has an aesthetic purpose, paints can be used.
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 53 (62)

Mechanical or chemical protection

To protect the structure from mechanical or chemical hazards, the most adequate
finishing are binder layer, mortar or plaster and painting. (7)

Protection against fire

One of the main risks of the FRP reinforcement is the fire. If no special protection is
taken it must be considered in the design (accidental situation). When fire protection is
provided, the fire resistance should be evaluated using a more refined calculation
method (temperature distribution in the element, mechanical analysis with temperature-
dependent material properties).The design of the protection will be based on a limitation
for the temperature rise in the adhesive layer (weakest element of the cross-section)
during a certain time period.

Different types of finishing layers can be provided such as:

- Special fireproofing mortars. (7)

- Fireproofing sheets (21) (23)
- Flameproof painting, previously checking adherence and compatibility with
FRP (21) (23)
- Fireproofing sprayed fibres. (Ex: Fireproofing covering spray applied based on
cement mortar with mineral wool. Aluminium-silicate fibres)

Protection against ultra violet radiation

In order to avoid the possible surface changes in composites due to sunlight, painting is

UV protection can be afforded by the use of either an acrylic based paint or a

polyurethane based paint. Paint should be applied within 72 hours and while the resin is
still “tacky” to the touch. If the resin is too cured the light blasting or abrading of the
surface before painting should be carried out. A light coloured paint (white or concrete
grey) will reflect much of the heat from sunlight. (14)
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 54 (62)

4.1 Quality control on the supplied materials
The materials involved in the FRP strengthening (adhesive and FRP) must have past the
production quality control, and its properties should have been determined according to
standard tests. If there is no certification of the products from an independent centre
(different from the manufacture one) tests must be carry out. The number of test will
depend on the importance of the work.

The main properties of these materials and some of the standard tests methods that can
be followed to determine them have been described in this document (see subsection
3.1.1 for FRP material and 3.1.2 for the bonding agent).

Products shall be provided with general information: data concerning the material
properties according to standard test methods; information concerning handling,
transportation and storage; and safety data. The identification of each material is
specially important when more than one type is being used. Before application, it is
necessary to check that FRP materials does not present significant faults and have not
suffered any damage during transportation and storage. During handling process
damages should be also avoided.

In the case of FRP laminates which are manufactured in a pultrusion process and
usually supplied in rolls it is also recommended to realize a dimensional control.
Although pultrusion is a controlled manufacture process curved plates and
misalignment of the fibres can occur. Furthermore rolled plates may not form a flat
section when they are unrolled if they were rolled before the material had fully cured.
The application of plates without paying attention to these phenomena can involve
premature failure and delamination before full curing of the adhesive.

The tolerances recommended by Concrete Society Technical Report 57 (12) for FRP
laminates are presented in table 27.

PLATE Straightness
Width Flatness Squareness Thickness
LENGTH of edge
(mm) (mm)[2] (mm)[3] (mm)
(m) (mm) [1]
<2 3 1 3 3 0.1
2-4 4 1 3 4 0.1
4-6 6 1 3 6 0.1
>6 7 1 3 7 0.1
[1] Deviation from the intended line along the edge of the plate. There should be no sudden steps and any
deviation should be uniformly spread along the length.
[2] Deviation under a metre straight-edge laid flat along the length of the plate.
[3] Measurement along the longer side of the plate. Measure the deviation from 90 º with the shorter side
taken as the base.
Table 27.- Dimensional tolerances in pultruded FRP plates according to Concrete Society Technical
Report 57 (12).
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 55 (62)

Before application fib bulletin 14 (14) recommend to perform an applicability test to

verified the application of the adhesive under controlled conditions. This test consist on
strengthening a witness slab under specified conditions, after execution the FRP
strengthening will be inspected to check for evidence of voids and unevenness, also the
thickness of the bond line should be verified and other types of bond testing could be
carry out.

In cases where more than one layer is going to be applied or joints are going to be
required because FRP is not presented in a continuous length a joint test according to
EN 1465 (CEN 1995) is recommended before execution (12).

4.2 Quality control during execution

During application it is necessary to check the suitability of surfaces to be bonded. The
concrete surface should be prepared in accordance with the specifications given in the
subsection 3.2.1 “Requirements of concrete substrate” otherwise according to the
manufacturer’s guidelines. Moreover during the strengthening execution the concrete
surface must not present free moisture.

Furthermore it is necessary to register and control the environmental conditions,

recommended values for these parameters are presented in table 28.

Temperature on the concrete surface >10ºC
Temperature above the actual dew point >5ºC
Atmospheric humidity <80%
Table 28.- Recommended values for the environmental conditions.

FRP material must be prepared according to the manufacturer’s data sheet in order to
ensure a proper bond. Cutting of the FRP material to the appropriate length is usually
done at construction site and it must also be performed according to the specifications
of the supplier.

Regarding to the adhesive it has also to be ensure the proper adhesive mixture. It is
essential to control that the different components are in the adequate ratio, mixing have
been done until a homogeneous colour is obtained with a mixing speed that avoid the
development of air bubbles and the application has been completed before the end of the
open time. (12) (14)

If the strengthening require plate crosses a special following of the crosses execution
should be carried out. The pressure applied to the outer laminate should be controlled, if
excessive pressure is applied voids may be formed because of the tendency of the outer
laminate to separate.
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 56 (62)

After application it should be controlled the thickness of the bond line (see section 3.3
“Execution”) and verified that FRP reinforcement is in the given direction and with
proper amounts of fibres. FRP should be essentially straight according to Concrete
Society Thecnical Report 55 (12) misalignments of more than 10 mm from the true
location and other imperfections should be reported. Moreover, a concave surface may
result in FRP peeling so the permissible unevenness of the surface according to fib
bulletin 14 (14) are given in table 29.

Permissible unevenness
TYPE OF FRP SYSTEM on a 0.3 m base (mm)

Prefab systems 4

Cured in situ systems 2

Table 29.- Permissible unevenness according to fib bulletin 14 (14).

During execution test on representative samples to control the bonding procedure are
applicable. This samples can be performed in the structure without damage the FRP
strengthening or in independently coupons. Anyway the samples should be
representative of the used materials and the application procedure of the strengthening
so the result of the tests may be applicable to the strengthening system. This type of
control could be also used before strengthening to select an adhesive or a work

During strengthening phase is recommended to check the strength of the adhesive to

compare with the bond agent strength taken into account in the design. It is specially
important in bridges strengthening when the retrofitting is carried out with no disruption
to traffic because, it has been experimentally proof that vibration during adhesive curing
may reduce its strength (12).

4.3 Quality control after execution

The bond interface is the weakest part of the strengthening so its control is one of the
most important verifications.

The FRP should be inspected after installation to check for evidence of debonding or
imperfection specially in critical areas as anchorage zones or plates crosses. Small
voids, around 2mm diameter, occur naturally in the mixed resin and do not require
repair (12). Table 30 present a suggestion of the permissible voids.

This check could be omitted only when the stress transmitted between the FRP and the
concrete can be depreciated.
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 57 (62)

To verify that there are no large voids in the adhesive one of the following techniques
can be used:

¾ Tapping (simple method which is based on the difference in sound between

well bonded an unbonded areas).
¾ Ultrasonic pulsed echo techniques
¾ Ultrasonic transparency techniques
¾ Thermography

Tapping is the most extended technique although the obtained results depend on the
operator’s skill.

Voids/debonding areas
Number of
Size Aspect ratio debond of
1000mm2 in 1m2
≤ 2 (length/width) -
Plates ≤ 5% of the width (12)
2 2
Wet lay –up ≤ 1000mm (12) or 1300 mm (3) (except at - ≤ 10 (12)(3)
systems ≤ 5% of the total laminate area (3)
Table 30.- Suggestion for acceptable voids in the adhesive according to Concrete Society Technical
Report 57 (12) and ACI 440.2R-02 (3).

At not critical areas of the reinforcement other type of test can be used:

¾ Surface adherence pull off test (EN 1542 (CEN 1999c)).

¾ Surface adherence shear test
¾ Surface adherence torque test

These tests involve a damage in the strengthening so they should not be applied in
critical areas. An alternative is to bond to the structure additional FRP without a
strengthening purpose this areas will be tested in order to evaluate the durability and the
bond work. It is important testing areas will be executed in the same conditions as the
rest of the retrofitting.

Regarding to the load level in the structure during instalation, some references has been
found in the bibliography. It is recommended to wait 7 days for loading the structural
member to its maximum charge. This is the necessary time for the adhesive to
hardening although during this period inferior charges can be supported if the limit
strength of the adhesive is not exceed. (7)
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 58 (62)

4.4 Future maintenance.

There will be a need to check the FRP strengthening system as part of the maintenance
of structure. A inspection guidance should be prepared with the most important areas of

Anchorage zones
Areas for
Cracked areas
Where the adhesive More than one layer of FRP has been applied
thickness change Crosses
Table 31. Important areas of inspection.

In a visual inspection only superficial damage such as cracking, delamination or impacts

can be detected. For a detailed inspection all the techniques used in quality control after
execution can be applied such as tapping, ultrasonic techniques or thermography.

In the same way as in quality control during and after execution destructive tests can be
performed in the strengthening with this purpose. These test involve a damage in the
strengthening than only may be avoided if additional FRP material has been bonded to
the structure apart from the region to be strengthened. When importance of the work is
large additional samples may be considered in the strengthening phase for testing during
maintenance time according to the maintenance guidance.


Pull-of tests In order to guarantee that the failure mode is in the concrete
FRP tensile test To check that FRP properties has not change
Table 32. Test recommended according to Concrete Society Technical Report 57 (12).

Instrumentation can also be installed as part of the process if it used in conjunction with
a load test, vibration test or long term monitoring. The different types of instrumentation
that can be used are strain or optical gauges and transducers.

Figure 11.- Strain gauge

ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 59 (62)

The measured parameters (strain, deflection) can be used to indicate changes in the
structural response. This variations can involve changes in the performance of the
strengthening if a general instrumentation of the structure have been performed or to
indicate changes in the behaviour of the FRP strengthening directly if the
instrumentation is placed in the FRP reinforcement.

Instrumentation is usually recommended for structures with inaccessible zones or when

the strengthening system used is new.
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 60 (62)

(1) ACI 318-99. Building code requirements for structural concrete and

(2) ACI 440-96. State of the Art Report on Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP)
Reinforcement for Concrete Structures.

(3) ACI 440.2R-02. Guide for the Design and Construction of Externally Bonded
FRP Systems for Strengthening Concrete Structures.

(4) BD 84/02. (Volume 1, section 3, part 16). Strengthening of concrete bridge

supports using fibre reinforced polymers.

(5) BD 85/02 draft. Strengthening of highway bridges using externally bonded fibre
reinforced polymer.

(6) BETEC. Integrated system for structural strengthening. Product data sheet

(7) BETTOR MBT Master Builders Technologies. Design guidance Mbrace.

Structural Strengthening system

(8) BETTOR MBT Master Builders Technologies. Mbrace. Structural

Strengthening system. Albert Berenguel

(9) Björn Täljsten. FRP Strengthening of Existing Concrete Structures Design

Guidelines, Lulea University of Technology, 2002

(10) CHALMERS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY. A comparative study of

models on confinement of concrete cylinders with FRP composites. L. de Lorenzis.
Work No: 46.Publication: 01:04.

(11) CONCRETE SOCIETY. Design guidance for strengthening concrete

structures using fibre composite materials. Technical report No. 55. 2000.

(12) CONCRETE SOCIETY. Strengthening concrete structures with fibre

composite materials: acceptance, inspection and monitoring. Technical report No. 57.

(13) Eurocode 2

(14) Fib CEB-FIB. Externally bonded FRP reinforcement for RC structures. Bulletin
14. July 2001.

(15) J.F. Chen and J.G. Teng. A shear strength model for FRP-strengthened RC
beams. Proceedings of the fifth international conference on fibre-reinforced plastics for
reinforced concrete structures, Cambridge, UK, 16-18 July 2001
ANNEX J Strengthening with carbon fibre 61 (62)

(16) L. Lam and J.G. Teng. Strength models for circular concrete columns confined
by FRP composites. Proceedings of the fifth international conference on fibre-
reinforced plastics for reinforced concrete structures, Cambridge, UK, 16-18 July 2001

(17) Mª Dolores Gómez Pulido, Juan Sobrino Almunia. Los materiales

compuestos en el refuerzo de puentes. Magazine: Revista internacional de Ingeniería de
estructuras. Vol. 3, 1, 75 95 (1998).

(18) Market review REHABCON WP 2.1 Final draft. December 2002.

(19) pr EN 1504-4:2000

(20) R. Fernandez de Paula and M. Gonçalves da Silva. Sharp edges effects on

FRP confinement of RC square columns. University Nova de Lisboa. Portugal.

(21) SIKA. Sika CarboDur system. P.C. 25 Specifications for Structural

Strengthening with SIKA CARBODUR system. February 2001.

(22) SIKA. Structural strengthening with Prestressed Sika CarboDur CFRP Plate
Systems. Product data sheet

(23) SIKA. SIKAwrap system. P.C. 26 Specifications for Structural Strengthening

with SIKAWRAP system with carbon fibre fabric. January 2001.

(24) TRADECC n.v. PC Carbomomp systems for repair and strengthening of

structures in concrete, steel and wood. Product data sheet.

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