Aneesh Recommendation 16
Aneesh Recommendation 16
Aneesh Recommendation 16
Mr Aneesh Ahmed (Matrikelnr: 622912) is a master student in Crop Sciences at the University of
Hohenheim. He attended several of my classes and I can well recall his participation in the practical
course in plant biotechnology and the module on physiology and biochemistry of crops. Both modules
require quite some basic understanding and skills in plant molecular biology, genetics and modern
biotechnologies, which are also the subjects in these courses. As one of several foreign students,
he initially had quite some difficulties to catch up with students from Hohenheim, who were more
used to the terms and language. However, Mr Aneesh Ahmed had strong interest in the taught topics
and finally not only passed the exam, but I am very happy that he even did the biochemistry and
physiology course clearly above average, with “very good” grade. I also remember his presentation
in molecular plant nutrition, showing that he is competent to explain and discuss a complex molecular
nutritional approach in plant nutrition science. I wish him the very best for finding financial support
for his further studies and his further scientific career.