Reo DF-300 Specs

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FRONT MODEL AXLE = -*GWW DF-300 Fos01 DF-301 C901 DF-302 FD-901 Sutin letter *D* is added to AXLE — FRONT Sid Available Rockwell mode! F901 “FD9OT Capacity (Ibs) 7,00 9,000 AXLE — REAR Capacity (os i 17,000 ke | Model” Type os Standard Rockwell H-140 Hypoid Available Rockwell H-240 Double Red. 7.44 Rockwell H340 Two Speed 5:41/7.44, 616/8.48 or 6.61/9.09 Eaton 16800 Two Speed 5.57/7.75, 6.14/8.54, 6,50/9.04 5.83, 6.16, 6.8 oF 7.2 BRAKE — SERVICE = HYDRAULIC - STD. Front Reor Axle FC-901 FD-901 Standerd Available “Drum size (in.) W524 SxS}. 15S 1S Lining orea ( 150 220316 350 Vacuum reserve tonk capacity (,) 1060 Booster Hycrevee cylinder, single piston 947" dia, ~ AIR ~ AVAILABLE Front Rear Ade FC901 FD. HAIG Drum size (in.} Weds 15 Ila Lining orea ( «152 20 312 Air compressor Tieu. t. Air reservoirs (2) total copacity 2480 eu. in. BRAKE — HAND Hydroulic Bond type with Orscheln broke lever Air Spring type emergency and parking brake CLUTCH Long model 12cF 13CF “ Plotes - One One One Diameter 12" 13" i; Frictional area ( 149.2 189 24 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM — 12 Volt Alternator ~ standard Dom. = ovailable 53, 60, 65 or 85 amp. Batteries ~ gas &LPGengines..(1} 12velt, 11 plate, 7Damp. he. = 6.354 engine oo... (2) volt, 19pplate, 140.amp. ~ JNF-130 engine... (2}6volt, 2plate, 16Damp. hr. ENGINE Gov, HP Toraue Moke Model Type _Dspit RPM Gross Net Gross Net Ow gt Goseline S81 3200 M5 134 770 248 \woilable Ow 170" Gosoline 331 3400 170 158 87 288 Om 142 LPG 3aI 3000 142 131 256 249 Own G16" LPG. 331 3400 162 150 5 266 *Perkins 6.254 Diesel 354 2800 130 122 282 278 Gommins JNF-1% Diesel _ 401 2800 130 117 279 263 Air cleaner = Gosoline &6.354-engine mounted....Oil bath type =Gimmins = engine mounted. Dry type =LPG—cutside mounted Gil both type Grankcose veriletion-ges8L PGonly. Positive, closed system Oil cooler (st, with 6 17086162}... Plate type, water cooled "6170 & 6-162 LPG restricted to or-highway service only. *Chonge DF-300 TILT CAB FORWARD TRUCK & TRACTOR MODELS ENGINE (Continued) Oil filter ~gas & LPG, 2qt., full flow type, replaceable cartridge 6.354 .....1 qt, fll flow type, replaceable cartridge —Commins: ga, full flow type, replaceable cartridge Radiator Stobilized trunnion, rubber cushion mounted with de-aeration feature FRAME Side rails High tensile fell depth channel Wheelboses 100" thru 130" 136" thru 220" Dimensions DBP US Section modulus 9.23, 1165 Resisting bending moment... 461,500 582,500 Avilable ~fishplotes. vert” war Sec. mod.—w/fishplotes 11.68 1353 Cenbined RBM ‘546,000 639,500 Available ~ full outerchannel FED Section modulus w/euterchannel & 14" main rails. 19.94 Combined RBM 997,600 FUEL SYSTEM Fuel tank — with gasoline &diesel engines . gol. sidemounted with LPGengines ‘54.6 LPG gal. safety cyl. PROP SHAFT AND UNIVERSAL JOINTS Make ond model Spicer 1550 series STEERING F901 &FD.901 Available Ross model TE-70 HPS70 Roto 32:26:32 19:24:19 Type ‘=Comandiwinlever— Hyd. power Wheel diameter a SUSPENSION Size Leaves Cepacity ot pad ea. Front —FG9O1... 61°33" 8 3,000" FDSO1. 61%" 10 ‘000° Reor 5070" B 6008 Aariliny on 3393" 3 1,500 Type Leaf, semi-elliptic ‘Sock cbserbers Front, direct acting TIRES AND RIMS Tire size ~ stondord 8.25 x 20, 10 ply on 6.5 rims = ovailable 9.00 x 20, 10 ply on 7.0 rims 10.00 x 20, 12 ply on 7.5 rims TRANSMISSION — See table for recommended power train com- Binations. Speeds Rotios Moke Model Forward Two fastest Type — Siondard Ga OY 1.47 1.00 Synchromesh ‘Available Clark” 259V 6.06 1.18 1.00 Synchromesh SClrk 320 57.88 1.48 1.00 Smehromesh “Clark —-328V «57.01 1.18 1.00 Synchromesh 3152, 5755 1451.00 Synchromesh BIA 55991516 1100 Synchwomesh 5652 57.08 1.45 1.00 Synelvomesh 57568 5 6.50 1118 1.00 Synchromesh M30 6 = 529 1139 1.00 Avtomatie MT-31 6 5.29 139 1.00 Automatic 1-23-67 WHEELS Standard Cast spoke Avcilable 10 stud dise Other WB's in 6° increments, WHEELBASE ~ sd...100, a up te 200" available AE, “eilcciive CR vice 12 with optional LPG engine ‘as cir cleaner is mounted behind cab. cos Cob 2 men, fiberglass constuction, manell counterbalanced, seat Adjustable drivers seat with fll foam seat re campanicn Seat with foom pod on sect. Bost grade vinyl Vector. Mindsw wings ond front ventilator Windshield and windows windshield only is tinted. Accessories. ‘Ash tray, dual two speed electric wind- shield wipers, left cide mirror (9°x6"), lock fer each door, Cigorette lighter, dual electric horns, two sun visors and grob Safety gloss, shatterproof, CAB (Continued) Instruments ond Lights Rheostat controlled illuminated instrument panel includes: ammeter, oir gauge with air brakes, fuel gouge, oil gauge, water temperature gauge, speedometer and key starting switch. I.C.C. cab comer lights, dome light, stop and tail light, 4 lamp system sealed beom headlights, porking lights ond front directional signals with hazord switch. Paintscab. Exterior — choice of stondard red, blue, gray, ‘green, yellow, Onche orange or prime. Chassis. is black. Undercosting, Under fenders CHASSIS EQUIPMENT. Front bumper Heavy duty 3 ribbed channel Tools. Wheel socket wrench, wheel beoring wrench ‘ond spark plug wrench TRACTOR PACKAGE (OPTIONAL) 3rd digit of model des- ignotion becomes 3....includes: Oil cooler (6142 of 6145 ‘only); semi-railer broke hose connections; hoses ond 7 cir- cuit electrical junction block at rear of cab; hose, tenng; hand control velve; depressed rear crossmember; 45° frame cutoff with 40" AE; and low pressure woring light. 53 amp. for greater clternotor must be added to tractor package. A two hondles speed oxle or Allison outematic transmission is required. CL RECOMMENDED POWER TRAIN COMBINATIONS : i NS | ENGINE [srwoARo | AVAILABLE “TRANSMISSION REAR AXLE | MAX. GOW 61S oF ge | BO, 3152, MTD 6142 LPG I 259V, 31528 6170" or | | 250v, 3152 | 259V, 31528 JNF-130 \ | Fai, isan, sav 75 *Restricted to omhighway service only. THEORETICAL MAXIMUM GEARED ROAD SPEED Transmission in direct dive ond Engine at Governed RPM. ‘Speeds shown are with 8.25 x 20 tres. ‘Add 3MPH for 9,00 x 20 Tires ~ Add 5 MPH for 10.00 x 20 Tires [AXLE RATIO [Sai [5% 0 | TEngine| 00 | 5%) 52 | ‘paine | 3200 | ot | 60 48 “Chonge SPECIFICATIONS, ESIGN AND PRICES SUBAECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE OR OBLIGATION Printed in U.S.A. DF-30 1.23.67 replaces 10-22-65 REO MODEL DF-300 SERIES PRICE LIST F500 FEDERAL SALES TAX INCLUDED. PROVINCIAL AND MUNICIPAL TAXES EXTRA. ust Wat. of std. chassis MODEL DF-300 STANDARD TRUCK INCLUDES: 8 cab less fuel Axle, front FC-901 Fuel ronk B0 gol. side MODEL WB LIST Front Rear ‘Axle, roar 14 Seots Indy. driver & companion Brakes Hydraulic Steering TE70 DF-200 100$8995,00 4510 2250 Cob Fiberglass mawal tilt Tires 8.25 20 Clutch IZ Transmission 250V “Elec. system wnt 2¥, 40 amp. altemator Wheels Cost Engine 6-145, OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT FOR OTHER AVAILABLE OPTIONS SEE OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT PRICE SHEET The following prices apply only when items are incorporated in the original order for the vehicle and are instolled at the factory List Wt. Dif TIRES, WHEELS & RIMS Front Rear 8.25 x 20, 10 ply Cost Spoke 65 sta. 7 10 Stud Dise 65 3 206,00 70 65 9.00 x 20, 10 ply Cast Spoke 70 139.00 % 60 ‘ 10 Stud Disc 70 346100 84 57 10.00 x 20, 12 ply Cast Spoke 75 432,00 104 216 : 10 Stud Dise 75 639,00 160 321 For prices on special tread tires see tre price sheet. AXLE, FRONT F.901 and heavier springs in place of FC-901 (3rd digit of model designation becomes 2 (trucks) or 3 (tractors) 157,00 2 0 AXLE, REAR H-240 in place of H-140 - 232,00 0 71 1.340 in place of H- 140 (259V, 31524, 328V or 57568 transmission recommended). 326,00 0 105 16800 in place of H-140(259V, 3152A, 328V or 5756B transmission recommended) 326,00 0 107 BRAKE EQUIPMENT Hydraulic Hydraulic, 161275" veor brakes in place of std. 15*xS" 73.25 0 2 Air Full air brakes in place of sid. hydraulic — li PG Enaines 702.00 84 241 — full cir brakes including Cummins 12cv. f. compressor, in place of std. hydraulic with vacuum pump... 572,00 84 241 With Perkins diesel engine — fall ar brakes including Bendix Tey. A. compressor in place of sd. hydavlic with vocwumpump .. 702.00 ed a2 Compressor, 12 cu. Min place of Ta cu. W. ~ Sidon INE-T3 engine * 35.75 120 Front whee limiting valve, gecenmended fo ol Woctars (air equipped chossis only) 53100 4 0 Low oir pressure indicator, Buzzer fype In odlivon to warning light in oir gouge o noo 10 Separate protected sit system which permits driver to release spring bakes rom Oviver's seo by means of 61.00 1515, reserve oir pressure in on additional tank *Chonge Page 2 REO MODEL DF-300 SERIES PRICE LIST (Continued) List Mgt. Dit. CAB EQUIPMENT Front Reor Air horns, dual trumpet, Hadley, in addition to electric (oir equipped chassis only) $ 4850 2} Ais hon single tape, Geos in elton to alectlc (ar eaupped choses oly). 45.25 2 1 Cab, sleeper, increases BBC 8" and reduces CA by 313" 320,00 4213 Heoter & defrosters ~ combination fresh air & recirculating ~ 30,000 Btw. 132,00 3% 0 Mints, outside ~ right side, 9"x6" rectongule, if eddition to, standard i200 93 e = al Prutsman cluminum West Coost, 16"36", in place af stondord 68.00 130 Seats — Bostrom “Viking” individual driver seat in place of stafderd driver's sect 99:50 2 6 = Companion, two, in tandem on right side in place ofstd. companion (not available with sleeper cob) 143,00 5 0 Windshield wipers, air octuoted, in place of electric (air equipped chassis only) 20150 2 o Windshield woshers, hand operated an7s 2} ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Altemnator with built in rectifier ~ 12 volt . = 53 amp. Leece Neville in place of 40 amp. alternator 15.75 10 = @ amp. Leece Neville in place of 40 amp. alternator 57.75 10 [65 omp. Delco Remy with fll transistor regulator in place of 40 amp. olterctor 95.75 20 + 85 emp. Delco Remy with fll transistor regulator with voltmeter in place of 40 amp. alternator zoaioo 1% 0 Battery 13 plote, 90 amp. hr. in place of 1 ple, 70 amp. br. 7400 13 - 3 Two 6 velt, 19 plate, 140 amp. hr. in place of 12 volt, 11 plate, 70 amp. Recommended with ‘ascline & LPG engines for temperatures at O° or below 29.50 65 - 12 Lights, marker, 3 individvl, 6° spacing, in oddition to std. cab corner lights (required by ICC) 15.7520 Lights; diecticnol signals rear, in adtion to std front signal lights a2 003 Stop and toil light, right side, in oddition to std 9150 0 3 Toonststorized ignition system, Prestolite ~ for gasaline engines only (std. with LPG engines) 3775 0 ENGINE, GASOLINE AND LPG 6-170 in place of 6-145, includes 3152 tronsmission and 13° clutch* 405.00 9 1) 6142 LPG in place of 6-145, includes (1} 54.6 gollon cylinder fuel nk. Wwansistorized ignition and il bath oi cleaner’ mounted on frome bock of cab reducing CA 12" 975.00 151 94 65162 LPG in place of 6145, includes 3152 transmission, 13" clutch, (1) 346 galion cylindical fuel tank transistorized ignition and oil bath air cleaner mounted on frame back of cab reducing CA IZ" on 24273400 23 105 CCluteh ~ 13" in place of 12" (std, with 6 162 ond 6-170 engines) zie “9 3 = 1a" in place of 13° for 6-182 and 6-170 engines only 61.90 2% © § Oil cooler (std. on 6-162 and 6-170 engines) 3475 5 Radiator shutters, automatic with olummnum vones (oi equipped chassis ony) 170200 oo Tachometer, grr driven type with engine haut meter... 43:25 6 0 6-162 LPG ond 6-170 engines restricted to anchighway service only. ENGINE, DIESEL INF-120 Cummins diesel in place of 6-145, includes 250V transmission, 13" clutch, 246 volt 160 omp, batteries, dry type cir cleaner ond vacuum pump. Suffix letter “D* is added to model designation 2,496.00 726 - 7 Perkins 6.354 diesel in place of 6-145, includes 250V transmission, 13° clutch, full flow filter, vacuum pump, starting aid ond 2-6 volt 140 amp. botteries. Suffix letter *D* is odded to model designation... 1379.00 100 - 9 Clutch — 14" in place of 13" (for JNF-130 only) 126100 % 5 Gil cooler for JNF-130 only 67.00 5 oo {Oil filter, by-pass type, Commins 800 or Luberliner S00C 83.00 30 30 Rodiotor shutters, automatic with aluminum vanes (air equipped chossis only) 177100 0 * Staring aid, Turner “Quick Stor”, for NF-130 only (Recommended for areas with freezing temperatures) «30450 40 Tachometer, geor driven type with engine hour meter 45,00 6 0 Vertical exhoust stack in place of horizontal tail pipe ~ for diesel equipped models only. (Reduces CA dimension by *) os.00 4 FRAME Wheelbases longer thon stondard 100" TZ" with 60" AE 65.50. 2 70 = 130" with 66° AE (includes required additional centerbeoring) 246.09 4 16 148" with 72 AE (includes * side rails) : 308200 12) 2 = longer WB than 148" up to 220" in any 6" increment only, (IMPORTANT — See next line for WB of T78" or longer.) Price & wat. ore for each I* increase over 148" Price & wat. of 148” WB must be included PRICES ARE IN CANADIAN FUNDS F. 0, 8. FACTORY, LANSING, MICHIGAN THE WHITE MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED. 2-15-67 REO MODEL DF.300 SERIES PRICE LIST (Continued) List FRAME (Continued) FEDERAL SALES TAX INCLUDED, PROVINCIAL AND MUNICIPAL TAXES EXTRA, Wheelbases longer than standard 100° (cont"d.) odditional centerbearing & prop shoft required for 178° & longer WB unless auxiliary transmission is used — add to WB price $ 122,00 = shorten from next longest std. WB in any 6* increment (Price is total charge and wat. is for each 6°). 19.00 1.” side rails in place of std. 14". Required on tractor if Sth wheel is over 15* ahead of rear axle or if WB is longer thon 124° — weight is for 112" WB, add to WB weight 64.25 Longer AE (overhang) thon std. Price & wat. for each 1” increase ~ with single rail 1075 — with outecchannel 2.50 Fishplates — 4" x 11" = 100" wheelbose 38.00 112" wheelbase 42.00 = 130" wheelbase 2 47.25 = 148" wheelbase : 52,50 = longer than 148%. Additional price & wgt. per inch over 148". Price & wat. of 148° WB fishplote ‘must be included Outerchanne! reinforcement from 1734" forward of front axle to end of frame — Sif xBidxli® — = 112" wheelbase . - 130° wheelbase — Mi8* wheelbase, (includes 14" main rail) = longer than 148%. Additional price & wat. per inch over 148" Price & wat, of 148° WB outerchannel ‘must be included Tow hooks, heavy duty ~ rear 7 Tow eyes ~ front FUEL TANKS — Weights do not include fuel 30 gollon side mounted, additonal 78.50 40 ollen side mounted ~ in place of standard 20 gallon 32400 = additional : 90350 Safety, center step ~ in ploce of stondard 30 gelion side mounted ~ ~ 43 galon, single, let side mounted - 68.90 = 50 gallon, single, left side mounted : 6800 = 50 gollon, dual fron 293.00 LPG only ~ 54.6 golien, eylindrical, side mounted ~ adaiionci 39000 = delete standard 54.8 goon tonk Gelli’ ~265200 STEERING Ross HPS-70 hydraulic power steering in place of TE-70(not available with hydraulic brakes or Perkins 16.354 diesel engine) 322.00 SUSPENSION Springs, or variate type with lef type radius rod drive 47,25 Springs, rear variate type with leaf type rads rods and helper springs 108 00 TRACTOR EQUIPMENT For tractor seevice a two speed rose axle or a MT transmission and a 53 emp, or lanferaltemator free, Tractor Package — includes semitrailer brake hose connections; 10 ft. hoses; 7 crcuitelactrical junction block ot rear of cab; hand contro valve; depressed reo crossmember; hose-temna; 45° frame cutoff with 40" AE ond low pressure warning light. (ied digit of model designation becomes3). ~ Hydraulic brakes ~ with 6-142 or 6-145 engines (includes oil cooler) 170.00 = with al other engines : 136,00 ~ Air brokes (includes breakaway volve)~ with 6-142 or 6145 engines (includes oil coal) 253.00 = with oll other engines 217400 Extend toile broke ond electrical connections to end of frame. Additional charge ond weight 10 Tractor Package, but less hoses, hose-tenno, and with square frome cut-off — with wire connector 86.50 = with 7 wire connector 94.25 Electrical cable with plug for trailer, 10 ft. long ~ 6 wire 18.25 aT wire 26.75 "Change Poge 3 Wor. Diff, Front Reor 5 f -7 -9 0 6 0 25 0 53 37 2 & % 4l eo 7 8 8 131 292 10 6. 100 280 3 12 0 13 5 0 » 4.67 a 7 9M 18 4% 110 = —110 8 0 o - 88 0-12 B 7 4 7 “ 7 o 7 -5 5 25 5 2 4 3 2 2-15-67 Poge 4 REO MODEL DF-300 SERIES PRICE LIST (Continued) List Wat. Dif. ‘TRANSMISSION, MAIN Front Reor 259V in place of 250V ~~ n/c 3120 SIDA m lve of BY a co 2 SAVE TEN poe of 190 fo Sd 0 egos i @ in lace of 20 ~ for IF elon 2 S651 S560 mghcs of 152 fe OL a 10 ns : 2 = in place of 250V — for JNF-130 diese! engine .. nae Mtn place of Ov a Feed =i eg Benes” MIU in pce of 230V and 1" catch ~ for NEA ene’ : 32 100 98 “*Chonge 2-15-67 PRICES ARE IN CANADIAN FUNDS F. 0. B. FACTORY, LANSING, MICHIGAN THE WHITE MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED

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