CAPE Envi Science - Unit 2 Paper 1 (2011)

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et aT BRU OM MENTAL SHEER ol Tes ae mins Ten 2% mein Exam | acid WOME inn pacca a 4 1. Which of the following soil ypes has the 6. Which of the follawing twehniques uses. greatest permeability? naturally occurring disease onganiams oF predators to contol pests? (a) Cy @) Sit (A) Genetic contro Low ® Biological contot © Sind (©) Genetic engineering (D) Biological magnification 2 The advantages of no-tillage farming Jude all of the following EXCEPT 7. —_Thetypeofegriculture practisedon sugar- increased cane plamation is characterised by (A) stop yield 1. lange-scale production soil erasion Ht, agrochemical usage AC) onganie master in the soil UI, mechanisation (D) water-holding capacity of the soil IV. slash and bura (A) Tony 3. The use off inorganic fertilisers causes ®) Land Itonly ‘environmental problems becuse they (©) 1, Mand ttt oaly @ Vitimav (A) donotprovide the soil with urns {B) _ateslower acting and longer isting {C) hve varying nutrient content 8. Sewage shudge would be unfit for use as are quickly feashed out ofthe soi feniliser i tis eomtaminated wth ‘by tun (A) itetes (B) phosphates 4. Whichof the following t MOST Likely the @ bewy ments sree result of lack of genet diversity in (D) organic compounds 1 Food crop ouch as com? (A) Decreased Kemet size 9. A plg turer collects spelled tomatoes nd {B) Decreased potential yicld ‘uses them to feed his piss. This sustainable (C) increased dependence on chemical ‘agricultural practice is an example of fertilisers © Increased wsceptibility to plant (A) conservation tillage diseases (B) contour farming (©) crop rotation © poseharvent management 5 ‘with onganie farming? (A) Crop rotation g ‘Soil saltnisation High-yield polyculture a {D) Biological pest comrol ANN TUR Aenean sett a ee | 10 2. “3. Which of the following statements. is/are NOT true of organic fertilisers? ‘They are soluble and immediately available to plants. HL They are slow acting. IL They inerease the soil microflora. Tony 3) Mealy (Land only {D)1,land. mt Which of the following practices are Features of rastainable agriculture? 1 Applying artificial fertiliser 1, Crop rotation TIL Monoculture TV. Integrated pest management (ay Land Itt (B) Mand itt @ ween ) A, and 18 Whichof thefollowingare possible impacts of excessive irigationt 1. Acidification of the soil 11, Eutrophication inncarby waterway’s 11, Salinisation of the coil IV. Increased incidence of crop sdigenses w and HIE only and IV only 4) 11 and 1¥ only (D) {tll nd IV only “4 [tems 13-= 14 refer tothe flowing table ‘which provides information on four Fras, A-D. . Farm | Sizeiha) [Inorganic] Annual Fertiliser | VickWkg) Use(kg) T 1 3 5 n | 10 3 30 m | to 5 0 ty _|_ 100 20 200, ‘Which farm has the HIGHEST yield per ‘anit area farmed? @ of © tt ©) ‘Which farm as the HIGHEST efficiency of fetlizer use?” wot @ uw Ww Ae ALTO THE NENT PAG, 17, {tem 1S relates to the graph below. ‘The graph shows how seed production in & ‘plant species varied with popalation density ina figmented habitat, ‘Seed Production Ina fragmented habitat, seed production is ‘greatest with a population density that is tow @ bigh (6) average (PD) fairlyhigh: ‘Which of the followingis LEAST ikely to ‘bea factoraffecting energy use and supply? A) Reliability of supply Individual householders (C) Geographical restritions (D} Technological timiiations Which of the following can BEST be dencribed as a socio-cconomic impact of the generation of energy, its transportation and its use? (A) Global warming (8) Habitat destruction (C) Pollution of the environment ©) Pisocaiion of communiies 18, 1. 2, ‘A photovoltaic cell converts light energy directly to - (A) beat energy (B) kinetic energy (©) potamtal enerey © cdecwical energy Which of the following primary energy sources an be regarded asnon-renewable? (A) Somrenergy (3) Geothermal energy (C} Ocean thermal energy @® Nicer fission and fasion Biofuels-are a renewable source of energy ‘bocmuse they (A) arcavailable ina fixed amoustand am be totally depleted (B)—_aresrvalablein quantities that wil ‘change according to demand © _ can bedepleted in the short un but able to be regenerated through tural processes (D) ae present in fixed deposits in some countries The type of energy that is transfered from one object to another as a result of a difference in wemporanure is neat (B) kinetic (©) noclear (D) potential Anincandescenttightbulb used or lighting has an efficiency rating of Sper osbt Far every 1.00 joule of electrical enerxy consumed by this bulls, how much light ‘ncrgy is priced? 8.8 joule ) 0.80 joule © 1.00jouie (D) 1.05 joules RAE TO THE NEXT PAGE: a as ‘Wiich of the following are the benefits of building large dams and reservoirs? They are useful for s 1 disruption of migration and spawning of fish 1, production of cheap electricity IIL recreation and swimming IV. reduction of downstream Nooding (A) Land Hl only (By Mand lf only © Mand WVonly ©) 1.0, tana 1v iem244cferstothe diagrams below which llustratean activity inwhich students wereinvestigating the efficiensy af 1wo bulbs. Box Box? ‘Which of the following is the LIKELY observation that eould be made after three hours? ‘The temperature of the sir in Box | was higher than in Box 2. (B) ‘The temperature ofthe air im Box 2 was higher than in Box 1. (C) There was no change in the temperature of the air in both boxes, (D) The increase in the temperature of the ar in both boxes was the same. Which of the following dacs NOT contribute fo an increas in energy afisiensy? @_ The we of heavier materials in the manutactoring of motor vehicles (i) —_Lncreasing the number of households using only compact fluorescent bulbs (C) Increasing the number of people using public transport systems in Caribbean countries (D} Manufacturing retrigersiors that consume loss energy than those manufactured in the past GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ‘ig. refers to thefigure showing per capita energy consumption in developed andthe developing ‘countries in a Geriain year, The countries are denoted F, Q, Rand S., ell : ite 100- 2 [Ry “Countries 26. Which of the following eorectly identifies the counties? F @ ® 5 (A) [Canada [United States [Mexico [India By [Canada [Mexico [india __| United Sinies United Sites | Mexico [Canada [nin {DY [United States [Canada [Mexico | india 27. Which of the following environmental usm 28 refers to the diagram below which impacts ean occu as a result ofthe burning shows a windmill that is used t0 gsnerate fof coal to produce energy’? electricity. 1. Global warming 1, Dislocation of sonmssniten 1 il, Air pollution (A) Land only => u —n @D sil only {O) {land itt only () 1, Mond 28. diagram is to convert . (A) wind energy to kinetic enerny (B) wind eneiay poten (C)__ potential energy to cestrical energy DD _Kioetc energy to etectical energy GOON TOTHE NEXT PAGE “1 ‘ema 29-30 refer tothe following figures whieh ilusrate the use of various energy sources in four countries, IAL, Ill and 1¥, 29, Which country has the HIGHEST demand $0. Which country is MOST likely to produce for foal! fue (coal, ol, natural gas)? Tong-lived hazardous wastes? 1 @: 0 ait o w © ml o W om W 31, Which of the following are airpotiumnts? 92. ‘The MOST effective action for decreasing the effect of ald ain and uci deponition Nitra | is Carbon dioxide Nitrogen oxide (A) using higher smokestacks Suatospheric ozone Bedding Lime to nciditied lakes (C) developing acid resistant erops (Dy jncreasing use of ermativeenersy 3 n. Which of the following metals is NOT considered to be a toxic pollutant? Lead (8) Mercury : © cad @ Potassium ‘Which of the otlowing isNOT uparameter hich is used to monitar water quality? Density of liquid “Toral suspended solid (©) Chemical oxygen demand (D) Biological oxygen demand 36. Which international negotiation resulted in an agreement to phase out shloroftuarockrbon production? (A) Base! Convention Montreal Protocol (©) Cartagena Convention {D) Climate Change Canvention ‘The main eavieonmsestal effects of ozone depletion could includeall ofthe following, EXCEPT (A) lower fyod-exop production {B) increased incidence of skin cancer (©) reduetion of primary productivity in the ovean decreased concentration of CO, in the atmosphere lism 37 refers to the graph below which shows the agricultural yield from a farm which uses Inorganic and organs fertilizers ‘Quantity of Fertiser ga) © Quantity oTorgaate fertiliser --- Quanity f inergnnte fertiliser [Based on the gruph, which of he following deductions CANNOT be made about the nitrate level inthe farm runoff? (A) Thesute of increase in nitrate level is lower when inorganic fertilixers are used © ‘The mite of increase in nitrate level is greater when inorganic fertilisers are used. © In both instances, the ni 0 level incrensed as the quantity of fertiliser incrensed, {D) Thenitrate level is consistently grenter when organic fertiliser isused than when inonganic fertiliver is used, GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 34 [teins 38-39 refer to the following experiment which was conducted to investigate the effect of traffic density on the level of soot (carbon particles) in the ait. Four locations were chosen; three fof them were elose to three different roxdways and one in the middle of a national pack, The description and traffic density of each location is showm inthe table below. Description of location | Traflic density (Cars per hour) Kmajor highway 730 "An urban road 120 Di Acrural, minor road 10 TV, Middle of a national parke 0 “The soat in the air was collected by deavring Sm of air through filer at each location. It was assumed that the dark colour on the filer 88 dve to the soot in the ar. ‘Onc of the locations was used as.a control, The state of each filter is shown in the diagrams, IIL, Ul and JV respectively. ee Which conclusion can be drawn from the 39. Whichofthe fllowingare possible sources experiment of error in this experiment? (A) Thelevel of soot increases as trafic Le naccuraneies in the measurement density decreases ‘OF Snv of ait {B) ) Thelevelofsoot increases as rafhe TH. Soot may be produced by other ‘density increases, sources besides vehicles, et. e ‘There is no relationship between fs the level of eos and the trafic HL Dark colour on filter could be due density to other things besides soot (D) The level of soot decreases as the traffic density inereases. (A) Land tt onty (B) Land It only CQ Mand tony 1,1 and it Photochemical smog is produced when -10 a (A) ozone race wim porongaey! Seaton Sipe en (®) wirogmonesntndpinrsies (4) reuse ecnyard oneal Soros (© comeracaninvclc omic = anaes Sheil an ola ©) dorm change oO nitrogen oxides react with volatile ‘orginic chemicals in the presence of eat and sunlight a isn 43 refer tothe graph below which shows how the dissolved oxygen concentration ina river ‘varies with time and the effects after a pollutant was acciclemally introduced into the river. a. Which of the following substances is released by chloroflvorosarbons and cctalysesa chain reaction thatbreaks down ° ‘ozone in the upper atmosphere? @ chiorine (B) Methane {C) Sulphur dioxide (©) Carbon monoxide TES S367 6500 ‘Time (days) On which day was the pollutant accident {introduced tno the river? GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE eo —_— ‘When the rate of degradation ofa pollutant in a river exceeds its inflow rile, the oie Lem refer tothe following graph which shows the changes in density of « population ‘lgae and pond fish. The pond waters supplied by «community ver 44. Which of the following statements BEST describes the variations of the algae population? @® Toe algae population increases sharply alter the fish poprlation ses ow 20004 (B) The alse population decresses fhom 400 60 peraeyarekiloneire, (©) The algae population decreases significantly while the fish population decreases (D) The algae population increases ignificantly, as the density of the fish increases above 100 ka, Bers Density ofalgue population (hundred! km!) 48. What is the LIKELY reason for the trend seen inthe population variation ofthe fish? @ @) © ©} ‘The fish population decressed due to reduced levels of dissolved oxygen caused by algae, ‘The fish population increased due 10 an increase in the population of algae which provides more food for fish, ‘The fish population decreased due 10 & decrease in: the population of algae. ‘The fish population increased duc {to an increase in the population of algae which provides more ‘oxygen for fish IFYOU FINISH BEFORE TIME I5 CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEs,

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