ECE6014 Modern-Satellite-Communication
ECE6014 Modern-Satellite-Communication
ECE6014 Modern-Satellite-Communication
3 0 0 0 3
Version : 1.00
Pre-requisite: Nil
To Exemplify in depth knowledge of Communication through Satellites.
To get the ability to consider Satellite communication as an alternative to other communication
To have a detailed understanding of navigation both inertial and by navigation satellites.
To analyze typical challenges of Satellite based systems.
Expected Outcome:
A clear understanding of orbits, launch vehicles and satellites
In-depth knowledge of navigation satellite services and the different systems.
Ability to clearly map applications to satellite systems and then design the same.
Reference Books:
1. Madhavendra Richaria, “Mobile Satellite Communications: Principles and Trends”, John Wiley & Sons,
IInd Edition 2014.
2. D. Roddy, “Satellite Communications”, Tata McGraw Hill, Fourth Edition sixth reprint 2011.
3. W.L. Pritchard and H.G Suyderhoud, “Satellite Communication Systems Engineering”, Pearson
Education Second Edition 2011.
4. Tri T.Ha “ Digital Satellite Communications” , Tata McGraw Hill, Second Edition reprint 2010.