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Aladdin and the

Wonderful Lamp
A Reading A–Z Level T Leveled Book
Word Count: 2,084

Adapted by Katherine Follett

Illustrated by Maria Voris

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This book was adapted for Reading A–Z by Katherine Follett from an original
retelling by Lillian F. Lewis.

Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp

Level T Leveled Book
Adapted by Katherine Follett © Learning A–Z
Adapted for Reading A–Z by Katherine Follett Correlation
Illustrated by Maria Voris from an Original Retelling by Lillian F. Lewis LEVEL T
Illustrated by Maria Voris
Fountas & Pinnell P
All rights reserved. Reading Recovery 38
www.readinga-z.com www.readinga-z.com DRA 38
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 ............................................................ 4

Chapter 2 ............................................................ 7

Chapter 3 .......................................................... 14 Chapter 1

Chapter 4 .......................................................... 20 Aladdin was the son of a poor tailor. His
father tried to teach him the trade, but the
Glossary ............................................................ 26
boy was so lazy, he refused to do any work.
Because Aladdin never lifted a finger, his
father worked himself to exhaustion until
he died. But even then, Aladdin would not
change his lazy ways and played with the
naughty boys in the street while his mother
spun cotton.

When Aladdin was fifteen, a magician

arrived in the kingdom. The magician
wandered through the streets, looking for
some foolish boy to trick. When he saw
Aladdin, he pounced on him immediately.

Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp • Level T 3 4

“You there, your face looks familiar,” he “Bah!” said Aladdin. “I can’t stand
called. “Tell me who your father is.” working! I prefer to play in the streets with
my friends.”
“My father is Mustapha, the tailor. But he’s
been dead for two years,” Aladdin replied. “What? That’s no good for a young boy.
Let me make you an offer. If you come with
“Oh, dear me, it can’t be true! I’ve come all
me tomorrow, I’ll buy a shop and make you
this way to see my brother, Mustapha, only
a shopkeeper. That way, you can earn money
to find out he is dead!” cried the magician.
without doing labor.”
He hugged Aladdin close and pretended
to weep. “And you, fine boy, must be my Aladdin liked the sound of that and agreed
nephew. You’ve surely taken over your poor to follow his false uncle the next day.
father’s tailor shop.”

Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp • Level T 5 6

Aladdin was quite afraid, for he was sure
this was no ordinary uncle. He lifted the
stone and saw a passageway leading down
stone stairs into the darkness.

“Now, Nephew, you must do exactly as

I say. Go down the stairs and into a golden
hall, but do not touch the walls! Even
brushing your sleeve against the gold will kill
Chapter 2 you instantly. At the end of the hall, you will
In the morning, the magician led Aladdin come to a fruit orchard with a path leading
out of the city, across the countryside, and to a small lamp sitting on a stone. Blow out
into the mountains. Eventually they came the flame, empty the oil, and bring the lamp
to a ledge on the edge of a cliff. to me. I’ll give you my ring, which will keep
you from harm as long as you obey me.”
“Uncle, where is my shop? Why are we
out here?” Aladdin asked.

“Gather some firewood, boy, and you’ll be

thankful you’re here.” So Aladdin gathered
wood and built a small fire. The magician
sprinkled incense over the flames, waved
his hands, and murmured mysterious words.
Before Aladdin’s eyes, the earth opened up,
revealing a stone with a brass ring attached.
“Take hold of the ring and lift the stone!”
ordered the magician.

Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp • Level T 7 8

Aladdin took the ring and went down the Aladdin gathered as much fruit as he
stairs, careful not to touch the golden walls could before following the path to the lamp.
of the beautiful hall. At the end of the hall, He piled the lamp on top of the treasure in
he entered a bright orchard with fruit trees his arms and returned to the stairs where
bearing the most colorful, delicious fruit his uncle waited.
Aladdin had ever seen.
“Uncle, my load is heavy; help me up,”
He could not resist plucking a bright red he said.
apple. As soon as he took it from the tree, the
“First give me the lamp!” demanded
apple changed into a solid ruby! At the next
the magician.
tree, he plucked a bunch of golden grapes,
which changed to a cluster of pearls. Lemons “I told you, Uncle, my hands are full. I
turned to diamonds, and limes to emeralds. cannot give you anything until you help me.”

Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp • Level T 9 10

“Foolish boy! Give me the lamp or stay
down there forever!” The magician knew
the lamp’s magic would not work if he took
it from someone by force.

“But Uncle!” protested Aladdin. Before

he could finish, the magician muttered more
magic words, and SLAM! the stone flew shut,
locking Aladdin inside the cavern.

Aladdin called and called, but his uncle

would not answer. Finally he decided to
pray, but when he put his hands together,
he accidentally rubbed the magician’s ring.
Instantly, a frightful genie stood before him.
“What would you have? I am the slave of
whoever wears the ring.”

Aladdin was terrified, but he immediately

replied, “Bring me home!” In no time, he
stood at his front door, his worried mother
weeping with joy to see him. Aladdin was
starving, and he begged his mother to sell one
of the treasures—the dusty lamp, perhaps—
for food.

Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp • Level T 11 12

His mother began to polish the lamp with
an old rag, and another enormous genie
appeared. “What would you have? I am the
slave of whoever owns the lamp.”

His mother was terrified, but Aladdin

knew what to do. “Bring us a satisfying feast!”
he shouted. In an instant, the genie brought
dozens of solid silver trays overflowing
with food. Buttery rolls, delectable pastries,
and steaming roasts filled their table. When
Aladdin and his mother finished, enough Chapter 3
food still remained for many days. They
would never be hungry again. When the They would have lived like this forever if
food ran out, they sold a piece of beautiful Aladdin had not been on the street when he
silverware or one of the trays for more. heard the town crier shouting, “Back to your
houses, all! Shutter your windows! Princess
Buddir will go to the bath!” No one was
allowed to see the Sultan’s daughter without
her veil. Aladdin hid himself behind the wall
of the bathhouse, eager to see the princess’s
face. When she came by with her servants,
Aladdin was so struck by her beauty, he
vowed he would marry her.

“Have you lost your senses?” cried his

mother when he told her his plans.

Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp • Level T 13 14

“Only my heart,” Aladdin replied. “Take Aladdin’s mother bowed low, holding
this silver tray from our meal and load it up the rag bundle, which was scarcely
with fruit from the cavern. Wrap it carefully distinguishable from her clothing. “Sultan,
in rags and take it to the Sultan to ask for my son begs for your daughter’s hand in
his daughter’s hand in marriage.” marriage.”

Though she grumbled that a tailor’s wife The Sultan burst out laughing. “Even if
would never be allowed to see the Sultan, I allowed it, my daughter would be insulted
Aladdin’s mother piled the tray with to live with someone as poor as your son. But
gleaming jewels and wrapped it in rags. before I toss you out, unwrap your bundle
The Sultan’s guards would have thrown her and show me what you have brought.”
out, but the Sultan was curious as to what
Aladdin’s mother unwrapped the package,
was hidden inside the bundle. He ordered
and the enormous jewels glittered in the
Aladdin’s mother into his hall.
sunlit hall. The Sultan’s jaw fell open as he
admired a gold pear, for he had never seen
such treasures.

Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp • Level T 15 16

“I am very impressed. Perhaps your son “Again, you have impressed me,” the
is worthy after all. But before I allow my Sultan said. “But I must know that he will
daughter to marry him, he must truly prove keep my daughter happy. Tell your son to
his worth. Tell him he has seven days to have a splendid palace ready for her by the
deliver forty trays of these same gems. Each end of the week.”
tray must be solid gold. Each gold tray must
In a flash, Aladdin ordered the genie to
be carried by two slaves, and each slave must
build a magnificent palace in the garden
be dressed in the richest clothing.”
across from the Sultan’s window. The genie
Aladdin’s mother went back to her son even ran a soft red carpet from the door of
and told him what the Sultan had said. Aladdin’s palace to the door of the Sultan’s.
Aladdin laughed, for the power of the lamp Aladdin himself, dressed in the finest silk,
could get him anything. Instantly, the genie rode to the Sultan’s door on a horse more
produced a train of eighty slaves carrying beautiful than any in the Sultan’s stables.
trays of gold and jewels. A crowd gathered
“It would be unfair to my daughter if I did
to watch them march to the Sultan’s palace
not allow her to marry such a worthy man,”
behind Aladdin’s ragged mother.
said the Sultan.

Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp • Level T 17 18

Chapter 4
They would have lived like this forever,
but Aladdin loved riding among the streets
of the city throwing gold to everyone he
met. This made him quite famous. Soon, the
magician heard of this boy who seemed to
And so it was that Aladdin and the
have riches as if by magic. He knew Aladdin
princess were married. All the kingdom came
had stolen his ring and lamp to gain his
to the wedding procession. Musicians led
the Princess Buddir down the carpet toward
Aladdin’s palace, and four hundred torches The magician disguised himself as a
lit the street as bright as day. Inside Aladdin’s peddler, filled a basket with shiny lamps,
palace, they ate a sumptuous feast on solid and came to the palace door while Aladdin
silver plates. It was the most joyful occasion was out. “Who will exchange old lamps for
the kingdom could remember, and Aladdin new ones?” he called. Buddir peeked out
and Buddir had happiness for many years. the window.

Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp • Level T 19 20

“Won’t Aladdin be surprised when he When the Sultan looked out his window,
finds a shiny new lamp instead of that dull he gasped in horror. His daughter’s palace
one he keeps in his chamber?” She took had vanished in a puff of smoke! He ordered
the magic lamp from Aladdin’s room and that Aladdin be brought before him.
brought it to the peddler. Immediately, the
The Sultan raged. “Whatever sorcery you
magician rubbed the lamp and summoned
used to produce your riches has made my
the genie.
daughter disappear! If you cannot bring her
“What would you have? I am the slave back in five days, I’ll chop off your head!”
of whoever owns the lamp.”
Aladdin pleaded his innocence, but the
“Take this princess and her palace and Sultan would hear none of it. Sadder than
servants and send us all to Africa!” the he had ever been, Aladdin wandered the city
magician cried. With a flash, the palace for three days. He asked everyone if they
vanished. had seen his princess. On the fourth day, he
decided to pray, and he rubbed the magic
ring, which he had almost forgotten about.

Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp • Level T 21 22

“What would you have? I am the slave “I have a plan to get our lamp back,”
of whoever wears the ring.” whispered Aladdin. He gave Buddir a pouch
filled with a potion that made its victims slow
“Please, return my palace as it was!”
and sleepy.
“Only the Genie of the Lamp can undo
Buddir then invited the magician to eat
what the Genie of the Lamp has done,” the
with her. Flattered by her sudden kindness,
genie answered.
the magician allowed the princess to pour
“Then take me to my palace,” Aladdin his drink. She secretly added the powder, and
said. Before he could blink, Aladdin stood at soon the magician was nodding in his soup.
the front door of his palace, which now sat in
“My dear,” said Buddir, “doesn’t it seem
a lonely desert in Africa. He snuck inside and
awfully dark in here?”
reunited with his Princess Buddir, and they
both shed tears of joy. The magician’s eyelids were half-closed, so
it did seem dark to him. “Why yes, it does,”
he mumbled.

Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp • Level T 23 24

delectable (adj.) delicious; tasty (p. 13)

flattered (v.) impressed and pleased by

another person’s praise (p. 24)

incense (n.) substance that releases a

pleasant smell when burned
(p. 7)

labor (n.) difficult physical work (p. 6)

“Why don’t you give me that old lamp
you carry around, so we may dine by its obey (v.) to follow all the rules; to carry
out all the instructions (p. 8)
flame?” The magician, numbed by the potion,
handed her the magic lamp. She summoned peddler (n.) a traveling salesman who sells
the genie immediately. and trades many kinds of
objects (p. 20)
“Take me and Aladdin and my palace back
procession (n.) train of people; a formal
to the Sultan’s kingdom, and leave this horrid parade (p. 19)
magician in the desert where he will never
find his way out!” she ordered. The genie did shutter (v.) to cover a window with
wooden shutters (p. 14)
as she asked, and they were all returned to
their home safe and sound. sorcery (n.) magic (p. 22)

The Sultan was so pleased to see his summoned (v.) called something or someone
to you; invited (p. 21)
daughter again, he made Aladdin the heir
to his throne. After the Sultan passed on sumptuous (adj.) rich and delicious (p. 19)
the crown, Aladdin and Buddir ruled the
trade (n.) profession; skill; job (p. 4)
kingdom for many happy years.

Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp • Level T 25 26

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