SCOTUS Pro Se in Forma Pauperis

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App. No.

3hi the bupreme Court of the Oulteb 6005







208 Navajo Court
Goodlettsville, TN 37072
(615) 351-2649
[email protected]
suijuris /Pro Se

Petitioner, John Anthony Gentry, pursuant to U.S. Supreme Court Rule

40 and 10 U.S.C. § 502(a), respectfully moves for leave to file the accompanying

Petition for Writ of Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the

Sixth Circuit, without prepayment of costs and for leave to proceed as a

Veteran and leave to proceed on papers prepared as required by Sup. Ct. Rule


Sup. Ct. Rule 40 provides that a veteran suing under any provision of

law exempting veterans from the payment of fees or court costs, may proceed

without prepayment of fees or costs. The intent of Congress' enactment of

various statutes exempting veterans from the payment of court fees or court

costs, was generally to make courts available to veterans without cost for:

enforcement of their rights to veterans' benefits, and various protections

afforded to them as service members.

Petitioner respectfully asserts the intent of congress also includes

exemption for court fees and costs incurred in performance of duty and in

adherence to sworn oath. Upon entry into military service, Petitioner swore

the following oath pursuant to 10 U.S.C. § 502:

"I, John Anthony Gentry do solemnly swear that I will support

and defend the Constitution of the United States against all

enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and
allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the
President of the United States and the orders of the officers
appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform
Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

This oath sworn by Petitioner, is an oath without limitation of time or

circumstance. This case is about preserving the republican principles upon

which our country was founded. This case is about defending our Constitution

and usurpation of rights provided therein. The facts of this case are

uncontested and there is no doubt the Respondent has forsaken republican

principles, and usurped rights provided for in our federal constitution. In so

doing, the Respondent has in fact become an enemy of the Constitution of the

United States and it is Petitioner's sworn duty to defend the Constitution.

Our President and Commander in Chief has called upon all of us who

hold the Constitution dear to defend, protect, and promote it and that "if we

fail to preserve it, it will never, ever exist again."

On this Sunday, Constitution Day, let us recommit

ourselves to our Founding Principles, and rededicate
ourselves to our glorious heritage. We have inherited a
birthright of freedom we must defend it dearly, protect it

jealously, and promote it proudly, as one nation under God.

(President Donald Trump, Weekly Address, September 15,
And above all, we value the dignity of every human life,
protect the rights of every person, and share the hope of
every soul to live in freedom. That is who we are. Those are
the priceless ties that bind us together as nations, as allies,
and as a civilization.

And if we fail to preserve it, it will never, ever exist again.

• . .

So we cannot fail. (President Donald Trump, Warsaw

Poland, July 6, 201 7)

Petitioner's initial submission of his petitions and motions to this Court

(which included this motion) were returned unfiled, accompanied by a letter

a) tstea 5tt ) lJ
from Clerk's Office dated January 23, 2018.
do solemnly swear JOT affirm) that 1
will support and defend the Constitution
Ironically, as Petitioner was preparing this of the United States against all enemies,
foreign and domestic; that I will bear true
document for refilling, he happened upon a faith and allegiance to the same and that
will obey the orders of the President of the
United States and the orders of te
Facebook post shown in the image to the officers appointed over me, according to,
the regulations and the Uniform Code of
right. Although certainly not binding Mtk.ary Justice So help inc Cod


authority, this evidences the commitment of 5..r di

00 27 6 Comments
United States Marines to their sworn oath.
Like Q Comment

Again: There is no stronger link among men J ohn D

0-11 Are we ade
everreleased from our oath?

Jack Landrum
than an oath. NON EST ARCTIUS Never......WeareMarinesforlife

John Gentry
VINCULUM INTER HOMINES QUA]VI \!), That is my argument in the US Sup Ct!!l
Oath for life.


In Petitioner's Amended Complaint in U.S. Dist. Ct., Petitioner sought

the following relief: "Item 4. Issue injunctive relief commanding Defendant to

recognize and enforce the constitutional rights of citizens subject to his

jurisdiction." In seeking this reasonable redress, there can be no doubt

Petitioner seeks to defend the constitution not only for himself, but also for

those that come after him and stand before the Respondent seeking justice in

future cases. Surely this Court must recognize this as a worthy endeavor in

defense of our federal constitution.

Due to these facts, Petitioner should be exempted from court costs and

fees for performance of duty in service to country. Petitioner should be

permitted to proceed as veteran under law exempting him from court costs and

fees and should be granted leave to proceed on papers prepared as required by

Rule 33.2

As evidence of Petitioner's character of service to country, he attaches

as addendum: (1) Letter of Commendation from the Commander Sixth Fleet,

(2) Certificate of Commendation from the Commanding General Tenth Marine

Amphibious Brigade, (3) Good Conduct Medal (2nd Award) and (4) Form

DD2 14.

Should the Court render decision to not allow Petitioner to proceed as a

veteran and not grant leave to proceed on papers as required by Rule 33.2,

Petitioner respectfully asks this Court to grant an extension of time to file

(motioned separately and filed concurrently), for his Petition for Writ of


Pursuant to Sup. Ct.Ru1e 40 and 10 U.S.C. § 502(a), the Court should

exempt Petitioner from payment of court fees and costs and grant Petitioner

leave to proceed on papers as required by Sup. Ct. Rule 33.2 and permit him

to proceed as a veteran.

Alternatively, should this Court not grant this motion, the Court should

grant separately motioned extension of time to file, so that Petitioner can file

his brief in accordance with Sup. Ct. Rule 33.1.

Dated: February 11, 2018

Respectfully submitted,

J00 A Gentry, CPA, Pro Se

28 Navajo Court,
Goodlettsville, TN 37072
(615) 351-2649


State of Tennessee )

County o)

I, John Anthony Gentry, after being first duly sworn according to law,
do hereby make oath, verify, state, and affirm, pursuant to the penalties of
perjury under the laws of the United States, and by the provisions of 28 USC

§ 1746, that all statements included in the above and foregoing MOTION FOR
LEAVE TO PROCEED ON PAPERS, are true and correct representations, to
the best of my knowledge, information and belief.

I, John Anthony Gentry, further do hereby make oath, verify, state, and
affirm, pursuant to the penalties of perjury under the laws of the United
States, and by the provisions of 28 USC § 1746, that I am a veteran of the
United States Armed Forces, and United States Marine Corps and that my
character of service was Honorable.

Dated: February 11, 2018

Sworn to and subscribed before me, this

the day of 'UA(kMj'2018

Notary Pub lJ1mO.A%

My Commission Expires 00 JOvxO QU

Additional material
from this filing is
available in the
Clerk's Office.

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