Ubc Student Financial Planning Worksheet: Term 1 Budget (September To December)

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t h e u n i v e rs i t y o f b r i t i s h c o l u m b i a | va n c o u v e r Student Financial Assistance & Awards

Brock Hall
1036 – 1874 East Mall
Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z1

UBC Student Financial Planning Worksheet

To get a clear financial picture during your studies at UBC, create a budget that considers both university and living costs.
The asterisks (*) below indicate the timing of your UBC payments for tuition, on-campus housing, and meal plans. To check
your fees and their due dates, visit www.students.ubc.ca/ssc.

Term 1 Budget (September to December)

September October November December

Income First Year

Savings + family contribution $0.00
Expected earnings from part-time work $0.00
Student loans (provincial + federal) $0.00
Scholarships, bursaries $0.00
Other: $0.00
Total income $0.00

Educational Expenses

Tuition and student fees (September instalment) $5,294.00

Books $2,300.00

Additional costs (photocopies, field trips, etc.) $100

Subtotal (Educational): $8,710.77

Living Expenses

Rent/on-campus housing (Sept.), Meal plan (Nov.) *$5,214.00 *


Utilities (phone, cable, Internet, hydro), Technology $640.00 (($50 phone + $30 Internet) x8 months)
$2,000.00 (Technology)

Groceries and household supplies (laundry) $320.00 ($40 x 8 months)

Transportation (e.g., car payment, gas, carpool) $800.00 ($100 x 8 months)

Personal (haircuts, clothing) + entertainment $1,000.00

Medical, dental, eye care $600.00

Loan, credit card payments $0.00

Subtotal (Living) $16,069.28

Total expenses (Educational + Living) $24,780.05

(Carry forward surplus to next month’s income) $0.00

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Term 2 Budget (January to April)
January February march April


Savings + family contribution

Expected earnings from part-time work

Student loans (provincial + federal)

Scholarships, bursaries


Total income

Educational Expenses

Tuition and student fees (January instalment) *


Additional costs (photocopies, field trips, etc.)

Subtotal (Educational)

Living Expenses

Rent/on-campus housing *

Utilities (phone, cable, Internet, hydro)

Groceries and household supplies (laundry)

Transportation (e.g., car payment, gas, carpool)

Personal (haircuts, clothing) + entertainment

Medical, dental, eye care

Loan, credit card payments

Subtotal (Living)

Total expenses (Educational + Living)

(Carry forward surplus to next month’s income)

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