Voyager Bulletin (Mission Status Report) No. 1-67

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August 9,1977 No. I
Less than one month from today, about August 2O, man providing clues to the universe,and thus the mission plan
will begin another journey inro ourer space, searching the includes scrutiny of at least 11 of thesesatellites.An option
heavens for answers to age-old questions, The National exists to propel Voyager 2 on past Saturn to Uranus,seventh
Aeronautics and Space Administration's Voyager project will planet from the sun. Arriving in 1986, Voyagerwould provide
send two advanced Mariner-class spacecraft to fly past the the first closelook at the ringsof Uranusjust discoveredin the
outer planets Jupiter and Saturn, and perhaps, Uranus, early part of.1977.
gathering scientific data on these giants and rheir satellites, as
well as on interplanetary space itself.

If all goes according to schedule, rwo years to the day CURRENT STATUS
after the launch of the Viking Mission ro Mars, the first of two
Failures in the Attitude and Articulation Control
Voyager spacecraft will be catapuhed on a trajectory which
will target it for arrival at Jupiter in April, 1979, with closest Subsystem(AACS) and Flight Data Subsystem(FDS) on the
approach in July. About twelve days after the first launch, a VGR77-Z spacecraft planned to be launched August 20 have
second spacecraft will follow. Due to planetary alignments and resulted in a decision to interchangethe two flight spacecraft.
other trajectory considerations, this second ship, designated First launch is still scheduledfor August 20, the first day
Voyager 1, will overtake the first-launched and arrive at of the 30-day launch window. The VGR77-3 spacecraftwill
Jupiter four months in advance of it, beginning its observatory now take the first launch date. Switching of the two spacecraft
phase in December, 1978. Therefore, rhe first-launched craft can be accomplishedwith minimum risk to the targeted launch
will be designated Voyager 2, as it will become the later arrival date since the VGR77-3 schedulehas alwaysbeen predicated
at the target planets.
on the capability to support the August 2O date.
All testing and checkout of the VGR77-3 spacecraft
The Voyager spacecraft are, unique in many respects.
Their launch will mark the end of an era in space travel, being continues at the EasternTest Range(ETR), Cape Canaveral,
the last planned use of Titan lll/Centaur launch vehicles. With Florida, with the pre-countdowntest scheduledfor August 8.
the advent of the Space Shuttle in the 1980's, spacecraft will Encapsulationin the spacecraftshroudis scheduledfor August
be launched from the Shuttle Orbiter. 9, with mating to the TC-7 Titan/Centaur launch vehicle at
launchpad 41 plannedfor August 11.
Electrical power for the Voyager will be nuclear-fueled, The failed AACS and FDS havebeenreturnedto the Jet
using radioisotope rhermoelectric generarors (RTGs), rather Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena,California. The spare
than the solar panels used by the Mariners and Viking Orbiters. AACS and a repaired FDS may be available for reinstalla-
The Voyagers will travel perhaps 3O times as far from the sun
tion in VGR77-2 at ETR by August 10, which could result in
as man has yet ventured, and at this distance, the solar energy
an encapsulationdate of August 17.
available for caprure and use will be greatly diminished,
Weight and center-of-gravity measurementsconducted
necessitating a more effective power source. RTGs have been
used successfully by Pioneers 10 and 11. June 25 for YGR77-2 and July 16 for VGR77-3 includedthe
gold-plated "Sounds of Earth" recording which will carry
The power usage of the 11 scientific insrrumenrs goodwill messages from man to the universe.
mounted aboard each spacecraft will be lesS than that of a Mission Operations at Pasadenacontinues ro generate
1Oo-watt light bulb. sequencesand perform test and training exercises.The opera-
tional readinesstest was conducted August 2, and the Mission
In the planned 8-l/2 years of the mission, Voyager will Operations Readiness Reiriew was held Augusr 5 and 6.
gather data on perhaps 15 heavenly bodies, the asteroids, and Telemery data flow verification tests are scheduledfor August
interplanetary space. While the primary rargets are the planets 8 and 12, with a full-up operationalreadinesstest involvingall
Jupiter and Saturn, their sarellites are as of grear importance in elementsin a launch configurationscheduledfor August 15.

Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Drive
SpaceAdministration California
AC 213 354-4321




H I G H . G A I NA N T E N N A
{ 3 . 7 " mD I A }


G E N E R A T O R{ 3 }

Voyager Spscecrdt Foaturcs

$pacecrafl Mass 8O8ks

Sciencs I nsiruments lltass IOEkg
Higfi-Gain Antenn Oiarnetor 3.7m
ft adioisotop€ Thsr|f|oebctric
Gaerator (RTGI Pow
{at Saturnt *a{X}W
Science lnstruMts Power Usage 99W
{at Sarurnl

Data Sroragp Capsility 5.4 x td birs

X/S-Band Data R6i?
at Jupiter 115.;106{* tttps LOII.I.FIELD
al Saiurn 29.91o.o8'k ri MJ\GNFTOMETER t2l
Science S€n Platform Scan BatEp
Azimuth I t8o d€c
E leYation + 120deg
Recaived at 2Grnate. ground antennas
with such resolution that the Great Red Spot (4O,O0Okm x
13,OOO km) will fill 4O cameraframes.
After a final look at the Jovian system, Voyager will
turn toward its next goal, Saturn,

Jupiter: fifth planet from our sun, largest in our solar
system, named for the mighty god of Roman mythology. The SATURN
giant planet, Jupiter, with its bright red and yellow bandsand Saturn, sixth planet from the sun, has yet to be visited
Great Red Spot, contains98 percentof the matter in the solar by planetary spacecraft.Pioneer 11 will provide the first
system excluding the sun, radiates more than twice the non-telescopiclook at Saturn in September 1979 and 11
amount of energy it receives from the sun, and may be months later, in August 1980, Voyager 1 will ente( rhe
composed of the same primordial constituents as formed the planet''s territory. VrcyagersI and 2 will survey Saturn, its
solar system netly 4,6 billion years ago. rings, and six of its ten known satellites,Mimas, Enceladus,
Five of its 13 or 14 known satellitesare composedof Tethys, Dione, Rhea, and the largest, Titan.
Jovian elements; the outer satellites appear to have been Telescopicobservationsshow that Saturnis also banded,
formed outside the Jovian system and captured by its gravity although not as definitively asJupiter. Most distinctive feature
as they passed the great giant. The density of the satellites of Satum is, of course, its celebratedrings. First observedby
decreaseswith increasingdistancefrom the planet. One, Io, Galileo in 1610, the rings remain an enigma.Various theories
has been discovered to have both an atmosphere and an proppse the composition of t}e four observedrings to be ice,
ionosphere. rock, or metallic particles, ranging in sizefrom four to 30 cm.
Jupiter doesnot have a solid surface.All that is visible to It is certain that the rings are not solid and that they are not a
man is its atmospheric pattern. Since the elements(hydrogen, thick band.
helium, ammonia, methane and water) thus far detected on When the system is viewed edgewise from Earth, the
Jupiter by spectroscopyare colorlessgases,much speculation rings are practically invisible, and have been determined to be
exists as to the causeof the bandsof color and the red spots. about 10 km thick. The broadestring is about 26,000 km
The magnetic field of Jupiter is also intriguing. wide, while the radiusof the entire ring systemis 140,000km.
Voyager's scientific instruments will measurethe limits of rhe Voyager 1 will sail to within 4OOOkm of Titan's surface,
magnetosphereand its interaction with its satellites and the and then will passabout 140,00Okm below Saturn's south
solar wind, which is 25 times weaker at five times farther from pole, about November 13, 1980. As it passesout of the
the sun than is Earth. Saturnian system it will fly through the ring plane, survey the
- The four Galileansatellites,Io, Europa, Ganymede,and north polar arca of the planet, and encounter five more
Callisto, discoveredby Galileo in 1610, are large and brighr satellites.
enough to be seen by the unaided eye, if they wcre nor Voyager 2 will enter Saturn's domain in June 1981,
occluded by the brilliance of Jupiter. Tiny Amalthea, surveying the samesix satellitesand the rings, but from a more
innerinost of the satellites,will also be surveyed. cautious distance. If all goes well, Voyager 2 may use the
Voyager's closest approach to Jupiter will occur in graviry of Saturn to boost itself towards Uranus, and its
March t979, at a distanceof about.280,000 km. As it passes instruments must be in excellent operating condition for
Jupiter on its uek to Saturn, it will also scan rhe Galilean encounter with the seventhplanet of the solar system.
satellitesand Amalthea.
Voyager 2 will encounter the same five satellites before URANUS
its closest approach to the planet itself in luly 1979, from a Uranus was discovered in 1781 by EnglishmanWilliam
distanceof 645,0O0km. Herschel. Nearly two centuries later, in early 1977, lames
Voyager will significandy add to the exploratory data Elliott of Cornell University announcedthe startling discovery
collected by Pioneers 1O and 11, providing a wealth of of Uranian rings. Voyager 2 may provide the first observation
scientific information and laying further ground work for the of the planet by a spacecraft,arriving in January 1986, over
next planetary exploration, Jupiter Orbiter/Probe, to be four years beyond Saturn,
launched in 1981, which will deploy a small probe to tickle Thus, if all goes according to plan, in 8-I/2 years, the
the atmosphere of Jupiter. Voyager's imaging system will Voyager project will have surveyed more than 14 celestial
provide the best has ever obtained of Jupiter; bodies and interplanetary spacewith a depth and clarity naner
before achieved.
Voyager,l will begin its Jupiter obsentatory phase about December 75, Voyager 2 uill begin hs Jupiter obseruatory pbdse about April 20,
1978,, making its closest approacb dt about 28O,OOO km to tbe 1979. The
.craft utill obsente the same five satellipes on its inboanl leg,
planet's oisible surface about March 5, 1979. It zlill obserue fioe Jouhn befare its closest approacb to the planet at about 645,00O hry,
satellites on its outbound leg,



Voyager 7's obsentations of Sdturx will begin in A*gust 1980, uith In June 1981, Voyager 2 will begin obseroations of Satum and tbe same
closest approacb at aboat L4O,OOOkm in Nooember 198O, Voyager I six satellites, Closest apptoach, at aboat 38,(NO km from the outer
wiil pasi througb the ring plmne as it obseroes six Sdturnian satellites, edge oI the rings, will be about Aagast 27, 1981,

(Note: These computer simulations of the Voyager trajectories shou each spacecraft's closest,
apptoach to eacb of tbe tatget bodies, Amalthea, Jupiter's near,est satellite, is nat oisible in tbese
oieax, )

S C H E D Ut E

1977 r978 1979 1940 1981 1942 1983 1984 1985 1986

flRAr iUST
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V2 JANUARY :i:1'ri:.i

August | 5, 1977 No. 2

VGR77-3 (Yoyager 2)

All project elements participated in the practice reinstalled on YGR77-2 following troubleshooting, repair, and
countdown and operational readiness test on August 15 in retest of an intermittent hardware condition affectins the
preparation for the August 20 launch of VGR77-3. The pre- checksum routine.
countdown tests August 13 and 14 included readouts of the
memories of the spacecraft's three on-board, reprogrammable Pyro checks were completed August 13 and the pre-
digital computer systems, the Command Control Subsystem countdown test will be conducted August 16. RTG installation
(CCS), Attitude and Articulation Control Subsystem (AACS), and spacecraftencapsulationis scheduledfor August 1.7.
and Flight Data Subsystem (FDS).

The VGR77-3 spacecraftwas encapsulatedAugust 9, but

was removed from the shroud when the post-encapsulation
electrical tests detected a need to electrically ground the low TAUNCH DAY ACTIVITIES
energy charged particle (LECP) instrument. The LECP was
changed and the spacecraft reencapsulated August 10. Post- All JPL employees, connactors, and their families
encapsulation electrical tests were satisfactory, and VGR77-3 are inaited to ,tiew tbe Voyager launcb actiaities Satur-
has been moved to launch complex 41 and mated to the day, August 20. Launcb is scbeduledlor 7:30 a.m., PDT,
Titan/Centaur TC-7 launch vehicle in readiness for iaunch and tbe Laboratory facilities will open at 6:30 a.m,
August 20. Launcb actiaities will be presented uia liae audio
Jrom Cape Canaaeral, Florida, and tbere uill be tbree
The decision to switch the flight spacecraftnecessitated seating areas aaailable: oon Karman Auditorium (Bldg.
switching of the radioisotope thermoelectric generators 186), 180-101 conl'erence room, and tbe conference
(RTGs) as well. Since the first launch trajectory includes the room adjacent to rbe main cafeteria (Bldg. 167). Parking
option to extend the mission to Uranus, a distanceof 19 astro- will be aaailable in tbe aisitor and adjacent parking lots.
nomical units (AUs) from the sun, the higher power output Tbe main cal'eteria will be seraing from 5:30 a.m, to
RTGs previously installed on YGR77-2 were removed and 3'00 p.m.
r e i n s t a l l e do n V G R 7 7 - 3 .
Launcb eaents commentary/jiom Kennedy Space
Center will be broadcastlrom approximately 7:00 a.w.
VGR77-2 (Voyager 1)
to 8:3O a.m., PDT. Spacecraft eaents uill be teleuised

VGR77-2 is scheduled to be launched as soon as ten from JPL from approximately 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.,
days after the first launch, but will be available by August 18
to support the first launch if necessary. Tbe program will be uideotaped for replay on
M o n d a y , A u g u s t 2 2 , a t 1 0 : 0 0 a , m . , 1 2 : O On o o n , a n d
An intermittent hardware condition associated with the 2:00 p.m. on the monitors in the main caf'eteria(Bldg.
clock function was detected in the VGP.77-2 AACS telemetry. 167), lower cafeteria (Bldg. 190), and tbe Voyager
Because of this problem, the AACS proof test model (PTM) Project Areas in Bldgs. 230 and 264.
was installed to fly on VGF.77-2. The FDS computer has been

Recorded Mission Stqtus (213) 354-6665
Stotus Bulletin Editor (213) 354-4438 Jet PropulsionLaboratory
4 8 0 0O a kG r o v eD r v e
P a s a d e n aC.a l i l o r n r9a11 0 3
4C213 354,4321
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Augusl 22,1977 No.3

AUGUST 2g^,1977 Voyager2 Canopusacquisitionis plannedfor August 23.
In-flight scienceboom testingwill be conductedon August 24.
lO:29245 o.rfi.' EDT A trajectory correcbonmaneuveris plannedfor August 28.

VGR77-2 will be de-encapsulated

August 22 to inspect
the scienceboom. Launch is now scheduledfor September3.

Two years to the day after the launch of the Viking
Mission to Mars, Yoyager 2, aboatd a Titan IIIE/Centaur
launch vehicle, lifted off launch complex 41, Air Force
Eastern Test Range (AFETR), Cape Canaveral, Florida. Lift-
off came at tO:29:45 a.m., EDT, less than five minutes into
the launch window on the first day of the 30-day launch
period. The countdown went smoothly except for a brief
unscheduled hold at launch minus five minutes to determine
the open/closed status of a launch vehicle valve. Minutes after
launch, however, several problems were noted.

The problems included a suspected gyro failure,

incomplete data transmission, and uncertainty as to the
deployment of the science platform boom. The gyro is
working now, the data transmission is good, and the science
boom appears to be nearly deployed.

Science Boom

The boom supporting the science scan platform was to

be released and deployed about 53 minutes into the flighr, but
initial data gave no confirmation that the boom is extended
and locked. When the boom is within 0.05 degree of normal
deployment, a microswitch on the folding boom opens. Con-
firmation of the microswitch position has not been received. A
faulty switch could be the root of the problem.

Twelve hours after launch, flight conffollers turned on

the plasma science instrument, which is located on the scan
platform, and used its measurements relative to a known axis
and the direction of the solar wind (supplied by Goddard
Space Flight Center) to determine the position of the science
boom. Indications are that the boom is extended to at least
within 2 degrees of full deployment.

Recorded Mission Stotus (213) 354-6665
Slstus Bulletin Editor {213) 354-4438 Jet PropulsionLaboratory
4800 Oak GroveDrive
Pasadena. 91J03
AC213 354-4321
In-flight tests of the boom are scheduled for August 24. (roll and pitch) and C (yaw and roll) were active. The on-board
Further measurements, including temperature, will be computer switched to gyros A (pitch and yaw) and C when the
monitored to further assessthe boom position. The wide angle fault was detected, and then to gyros A and B when the
camera of the imaging subsystem may be.activated to take a apparent fault continued. Indications were that gyro C was not
series of three star-field photographs from which analysts functioning normally; however, since the spacecraft has
could more closely determine the boom and platform stabilized, gyro C appears to be operating normally and the
positions. active pair is once again the B/C combination in use at lift-off.

There are indications that the scan platform has slewed Sun acquisition was achieved at 4:00:30 p.m., EDT,
successfully, but project personnel will assessthe AACS data stabilizing the spacecraft on two axes with the third axis on
before commanding any more movement of the platform roll inertial control. Sun acquisition came nearly 3-112 hours
which supports four of the science instruments. after initiation of the sun search command; the search was
scheduled to take only five minutes.

Data Transmission
Other Subsystems
Data received at earth in the early hours of the flight
were faulty and incomplete, but later transmissions began to Most of the science instruments have been turned on and
relay more reliable data. Analysis of later data indicates that are transmitting data, indicating they are in good condition.
the on-board computers operated flawlessly, switching These are the magnetometer, plasma, photopolarimeter, low
processors and enabling fail-safe routines at the first hint of energy charged particle, planetary radio astronomy, and
trouble. Indications are that the data losses were due to an plasma wave subsystems, Several other instruments are
external event, still to be determined, during the launch phase, expected to be turned on within the next few days.
rather than to a fault in the computer systems.
The radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG) boom,
Also during the Titan burn, the spacecraft switched to magnetometer boom, and the two planetary radio astronomy
its second AACS processor, as part of a built-in fail-safe and plasma wave antennaedeployed normally.
routine. Because of this, flight controllers will examine the
contents of the AACS memory to determine if the commands The near-earth testing and calibration of the science
for Canopus acquisition are still intact, prior to commanding instruments scheduled for the first days of the flight may be
the start of Canopus search. Canopus acquisition is scheduled cancelled for Voyager 2 due to the other problems.
for August 23. Once locked on both the sun and the star
Canopus, the spacecraft will be stabilized on three axes in VGR77-2 (Voyager 1)
VGR77-2 will be de-encapsulatedon Augusr 22 for
The spacecraft has been stable since 3:00 p.m., EDT, inspection of the science boom. This will move the second
August 20, except for a short pitch and yaw disturbance at launch date to September 3.
5:00 a.m,, EDT, August 21. Flight controllers are investigating
possiblecausesof the activity. Three spacecraft were built for the Voyager mission.
One, VGR77-1, was designated the Proof Test Model (PTM)
After spacecraft stabilization, ground controllers played and subjected to extensive testing in simulated deep space con-
back the launch sequence events tape recording from the ditions to test the spacecraft design, construction, and dura-
on-board computer. Examination of this tape is needed to fill bility. VGR77-2 and, -3 were designated flight spacecraft and
the gaps in the earth-received data and to determine the launch subjected to less arduous testing to save them for the real deep
events which might have caused the data losses. space conditions. VGR77-3 became Voyager 2 at lift-off on
August 20.
Engineers have conducted several tests on the
During the Titan burn of the launch sequence, an mechanical configuration of the VGR77-1 science boom,
apparent fault was detected in the Attirude and Articulation including torque tests on the microswitch and stiffness tests of
Control Subsystem (AACS) inertial reference unit gyros. The the boom to determine the scan platform settling times at
spacecraft is equipped with three gyros for orientation, each various degreesof deployment.
positioned about two orthogonal axes. Any combination of
two gyros can control the spacecraft. During launch, gyros B

Augusr 25 ,1977 No.4
Yoyaget 2

Voyager 2 is now in celestial cruise, after acquiring the

star Canopus on August 24. The spacecraft is now stabilized
on three axes in celestial lock.

The acitude and articulation control subsystem (AACS)

suN e +Z (ROLL)
acquires Canopus through a series of roll turns during which
the Canopus star tracker assembly of the AACS scans the sky
for a light source of the intensity of Canopus and at the proper \
cone angle. The star is then maintained in the sensor's field of
view by actuation of the thrusters,

A specially designed exercise will be conducted early on

August 26 to accurately determine the position of the science
boom, and to make a concentrated attempt to lock the boom
in place, if it is not already there. The atrempt-to-lock
sequence will involve simultaneously jettisoning the infrared
interferometer spectrometer (IRIS) dust cover and rotating the -Y (YAW)
spacecraft in a manner which will put as much torque as
possible on the boom in a direction to latch it. The boom
angle measurement will involve taking a series of wide-angle
TV images of star fields at selected scan platform and VGR77-2 (Voyager 1)
spacecraft roll positions.
Inspection of the VGR77-2 spacecraft continues at the
The first of eight trajectory correction maneuvers Spacecraft Assembly and Encapsulation Facility No. 1 (SAEF
(TCMs) planned for the mission will be commanded on August 1) at Kennedy Space Center. Proper operation of the micro-
28. The first maneuver will be commanded in two parrs. one switch on the science boom of this spacecraft has been
part August 28, and the second about 54 days into,n. nlgn,, validated through the Flight Data Subsystem.
during the first week of October, Three more maneuvers will
be executed prior to Jupiter encounter and four more between Re-encapsulation in the Centaur standard shroud is
Jupiter and Saturn. Exercise of the Uranus option after Saturn planned for August 26 wi'.h mating to rhe Tiran III E/Centaur
will require another trajectory correction maneuver. launch vehicle at launch complex 41 and power rurn-on
scheduled for Augusr 28, in preparation for liftoff on
At 1l:25 p.m., PDT, August 24, the spacecraft experi- September 3.
enced another attitude disturbance similar to the one noted
on August 2l at 2:42 a.m., PDT, about 18 hours after liftoff. TC-6 Launch Vehicle
Flight controllers are analyzing data tapes of the disturbances
and have ruled out the possibility thar rhe expended propul- The TC-6 Titan III E/Centaur launch vehicle was moved
sion module may have bumped the spacecraft or rhat it may to faunch complex 41 on August 21 and is undergoing prepara-
still be in the vicinity of the spacecraft. tion for mating with VGR77-2. Launch complex 41 guffered
only minimai damage during the launch of Voyager 2 on
August 20.

Recorded Mission 5totus (213) 954-6665
Stotus Bulletin Editor (213) 354-4439 Jet PropulsionLaboratory
4800 Oak Cr:oveDlve
Pasadena. g1103
AC 213 :1544321
The Titan/Centaur launch vehicles boosting the Voyager the propulsion module from the mission module. The distance
spacecraft toward the outer planets consist of a Titan III E between the propulsion and mission modules nominally
booster, a Centaur upper stage, and a Ce4taur standard shroud, increasesat a rate of about 0,61 meter (2 feet) per second due
Voyager 2 rode TC-7 , while Voyager 1 wiil ride TC-6. to the spring separation impulse.

The Titan III E booster vehicle consists of two five- The propulsion module is basically an aluminum
segment solid rockets (Stage 0) manufactured by the Chemical cylinder, 99 cm (39 inches) in diameter and 89 cm (35 inches)
Systems Division of United Technologies and the Titan Stage I long, suspendedbelow the mission module by a tubular truss
and II liquid propellant core sections built by Martin Marietta. adapter. The rocket carries 1,039 kg (2,29O pounds) of hydra-
zine propellant, developing an average 68,085 Newtons
The solid rocket propellant is a baked mixture of an (15,300 pounds) thrust and adding a velocity increment of
oxidizer, ammonium perchlorate, and a fuel, powdered about two kilometers per second (4.475 miles per hour).
aluminum. The segments initially develop a combined thrust
of about 5.34 million Newtons (1.2 million pounds).
The liquid propellant of StagesI and II is Aerozine-50, a SHROUD
DIAM-4.3 m
50-50 mix of hydrazine and unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine
(UDMH) oxidized by nitrogen tetroxide. Stage I develops a
thrust of 2 million Newtons (470,000 pounds) while StageII's
thrust is 4+5,OOONewtons (1OO,O0O pounds). SPACECRAFT

The Centaur prirne contractor is General Dynamics/

Convair. The Centaur D-lTR sy.stemprovides guidance for the
entire vehicle, except that the Titan has its own stabilization CENTAUR
system. Liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen propellants are STAGF
pumped to the two main engines,where a combined thrust of
133,440 Newtons (30,000 pounds) is developed.

The solid rocket motors are sevenstorieshigh, while the CORE
i S T A G EI I
Titan Stage I and II combination which sits between them rises U U
eight stories. The Centaur stage adds another three stories. U
= U
With the encapsulated spacecraft (mission module and z u
propulsion moduie) mated to the Centaur, the enrire space U 5
vehicle stands 13 stories or 48.5 meters (159 feet). f,
The launch profiles for each Voyager require six separate {) z
engine burns, five by the launch vehicle and one by the Z (r
Voyager propulsion module. Each stageis discardedafter com- = = TITAN
pleting its burn. The Centaur's first burn injects rhe Centaur S T A GE I
and its payload into a low altitude parking orbit of the earth, =

and about 51 minutes later the Centaur separatesfrom the

Voyager after a second burn. The final boost to Jupiter is
provided by the propulsion module. T I T A NS O L I D
The propulsion module provides the final boost needed
for spacecraft injection into a Jupiter trajectory. The solid
rocket motor in the propulsion module ignites about 15
secondsafter the spacecraft separatesfrom the Centaur stage.
It burns for approximately 45 secondsand is jettisoned about
T I T A NI I I E / C E N T A U R / V O YS
11 minutes later. Four pyrotechnic squibs explode to release

Augusl 29, 1977 No.5

STATUS SU}IfiIARY On August 26 the spacecraft generated three images

before returning to celestial 1ock. In this sequence,the space-
Voyager 2 is about 8 miilion kilometers (5 million miles) craft was removed from its lock on the sun and Canopus in
from earth, cruising at 10 kilometers per second (22,37O miles order to execute a pitch turn. It was hoped that simultan-
per hour). Calibration of the sun sensorsand deployment of eously pitching the spacecraft and jettisoning the dust cover
the dust cover on the infrared interferometer spectrometer on the infrared interferometer spectrometer (IRIS) by means
(IRIS) instrument was accomplishedthe morning of of small explosive devices would provide enough of a jolt to
August 29. fully open the boom hinge and al1ow the locking pin to drop
into position. l{owever, the sequencewas aborted before this
Voyager 1 launch is set for September 5 at 5,56 a.m.,
PDT. The spacecraft will be reencapsulated in the Centaur series of events, and the spacecraft automatically restabilized
shroud on August 29. itself by reacquiring the sun and Canopus.

The first trajectory correction maneuver and X-band

radio transmitter calibrations have been deferred to a later
C U R R E N TS T A T U S opportunity, to allow flight controllers to concentrate on the
more immediate needs of Voyager 2 and the launch of
Yoyager 2 vGR77-2.

Al1 but one of the scienceinstruments have been turned

It is still not certain that the science boom aboard
on. The ultraviolet spectrometer (UVS) may be turned on
Voyager 2 is latched, but star maps returned by the wide-angle
during the September 2 sequence.
cameras indicated that the hinge is only fractions of a degree
away from being locked and should present no problems in
maneuveringthe boom. Temperature readings aboard the spacecraft were high
on August 29 as the spacecraft made its closest approach to
The boom is stiff enough to prevent wobbling when the the sun. Engineersmonitored the temperatures but found no
scan platform perched at its tip is maneuvered, and should causefor concern.
stiffen further as the spacecraft travels farther from the sun
into the colder regions of deep space.
VGF-77-2 (Voyager 1)
Voyager 2 returned three images along the edge of the
science calibration plate on August 26 and 10 star field images V G R 7 7 - 2 w i l l b e l a u n c h e do n S e p t e m b e r5 a t 8 , 5 6 a . m . ,
on August 27, during sequences designed to more precisely EDT (5;56 a.m., PDT) from launch complex 41, Air Force
measure the deployment angle of the science boom. From Eastern Test Range, Cape Canaveral,Florida. A launch readi-
these images, it appears that the hinge is within 0.06 degreeof ness review will be conducted on August 31 and September 1
the locked position. at Cape Canaveral.

A sequence commanded the morning of August 26 in an Engineers have installed five coil springs on the science
effort to move the boom to the locked position was aborted boom of VGR77-2 to assureproper deployment and locking.
by the computer command subsystem when the attitude and
articulation control subsystem (AACS) computer falsely indi The Centaur shroud will be iowered over the spacecraft
cated that it might have a probiem. The spacecraft is pro- on August 29, znd post-encapsulationelectrical tests will be
grammed to abort the current sequence and return to celestial conducted in preparation for mating to the TC-6 launch
lock whenever a significant problem is indicated. vehicle at launch comolex 41.

Recorded Mission Stotus (213) 354-6665
S t o t us B u l l e t i n E d i t o r ( 2 1 3 ) 3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8 Jet PropulsionLaboratory
4 B O LOI a kC r o v eD r r v c
P a s a d e n aC a ll o r n i a9 11 0 3
AC 213 354 4321



",.. POS|T|ON)



C O S M I CR A Y (10)


s E E NI N T H I SV I E W ) I N F R A R E D UL T R A V I O L E T

Voyager Spacecraftin Stowed position

Voyager is encapsulatedin the Centaur shroud

with its booms
and antennas stowed in this manner. The shroud
is discarded
about four minutes after launch, and 49 minutes
later, after
the f inal boost to Jupiter, boom deployment

September l,1977 No. 6

VGR77-2 (Voyager 1)
t A U N C H D A Y A C T I Y I T IE S
Final preparations are proceeding for the launch of
VGR77-2 (Voyager 1) on Labor Day, September 5.YGR77-2 AU JPl, employees, con*actors, and tbeir families
was re-encapsulated in the Centaur standard shroud on August are inuited to participate in the Voyager launcb actiaities
29 znd moved to launch complex 41 August 31 for mating Labor Day, Monday, September 5. Launcb is scbeduled.
with the Centaur. A oractice countdown will be held
for 5:56 a.m., PDT, and the Laboratory facilities will
September 2. open at 5:00 a.m,

The launch window opens at 5:56 a.m., PdT, on Labor Launch actiaities uill be presented oia lizte audio
Day. Voyager 1, as did Voyager 2, will reach a low altitude
from Cape Canaueral, Florida. Tbere will be two sedting
earth parking orbit before the propulsion module gives it its areas aztailable: uon Karman Auditorium (Bldg. 186)
final boost out of the earth's gravity on a trajectory for and the 180-10I conference room, Parking will be attail-
Jupiter. able in the aisitor and adjacent parking lots. Tbe main
cafeteria uill be seraingfrom 4:00 a,m, to 1:30 p.m.
Voyager i will fly a faster trajectory than Yoyager 2,
arriving at Jupiter four months in advance of its sister ship. Launcb eaents cornmentary from Kennedy Space
Voyager 1's Jupiter observatory activities will begin about Center will be broadcast from approximately 5:30 a,m,
December 15, 1978, more than 16 months after launch. to 7:OO d,m., PDT, Spacecraft euents uill be teleoised
C l o s e s ta p p r o a c h t o J u p i t e r w i l l b e a b o u t M a r c h 5 , 1 9 7 9 , a t a from IPL from approximately 7:00 a,m. to 7O:OOa,m.,
distance of 286,000 kilometers (178,000 miles) from the PDT.
visible surface of the planet.

On its outbound leg, Voyager 1 will study five of satellites Mimas, Dione, Enceladus, Tethys, and Rhea, in
Jupiter's 13 or L4 known satellites- Amalthea, Io, Gany- addition to the ciose Titan pass. After Saturn, Voyager 1 will
mede, Europa, and Callisto. Voyager 1 will also pass through cruise out of the solar system.
the Io flux tube - a region of high magneric and plasma inter-
action between Jupiter and Io. At Jupiter, Voyager 1 will be Yoyager 2
4.6 astronomical units (AU) (1 AU = 15O,00O,OOO kilometers
or 93,0O0,000 miles) from earth; radio signalsbetween earth Voyager 2 is in interpianetary cruise, and on September
and the craft will take 38 minutes each way. 2, will be "put to bed" to allow flight controllers to concen-
trate on the second launch. The computer program to be trans-
At Saturn, Voyager 1 will pass within 4,O00 kilometers mitted to the craft on September 2 is a "housekeeping"
(2,5OO miles) of Titan, a Saturnian sateliite of immense sequence designed to automate the ship untii about launch
interest. Saturn observations will begin in August 1980, with plus 30 days, around September 20. Various measurements
closest approach to the planet about November 13, 1980. will be taken during this period, and tape recorded for later
Yoyager 1 will pass about 138,000 kilometers (85,800 miles) playback at earth.
from Saturn's south pole, and its radio signals will trickle
through the rings, giving clues as ro rheir composition. At a All but one of the science instruments have been turned
distance of lO.2 AU, one-way communicarion rime with the on. A brief status report on each science instrument subsystem
spacecraft wiil be 85 minutes. Yoyzger 1 will also study the follows:

R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n S l o t u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 7 2 3 7
R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n O p e r q t i o n s S t o t u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 6 6 6 5
S t o t u sB u l l e t i n E d i t o r ( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8 Jet PropulsionLaboratory
4800 Oak GroveDnve
Pasadena. Calrfornra
AC 213 354 4321
Cosmic Ray Subsystem (CRS). On and operating well. Photopolarimeter Subsystem (PPS). On and operating
Temperatures near perihelion day (closest approach to the sun, normally except for a slight irregularity in analyzer wheel
August 29) were slightly above flight acceptance test limits stepping. Tests to analyze the stepping will be conducted
(2O"C), but the instrument is capable of operating well above during the housekeepingperiod in September and will be tape
this limit and there is no concern. recorded for later playback at earth.

Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS). On to perform Planetary Radio Astronomy (PRA). On and operating
selected sequences and operating well. The wide-angle cameras we1l. In the first days of the flight, plasma subsystem measure-
have returned images of the spacecraft calibration plate and ments gave the first indication that the science boom was
star fields to aid in more accurately determining the science nearly fully deployed.
boom alignment. Wide-angle images of the earth and moon are
planned for September 2, but will be tape recorded for iater
playback. Plasma Subsystem (PLS). On and operating well.

Infrared Interferometer Spectrometer (IRIS). The dust

cover has been deployed and the instrument is working well.
Plasma Wave Subsystem (PWS). On and operating
The instrument does not normally gather data during the
normally. The spacecraft noise is as quiet or quieter than
cruise mode; the only activity planned is a deep space calibra-
expected at the lower frequencies monitored by the
tion as the instrument is thermally stabilized.

Low-Energy Charged Particles (LECP). On and

operating well. The stepper motor appears to have slipped one
position, but this should cause no long-term problems in oper- Radio Science Subsystem (RSS). The S-band radio
ation of the experiment, transmitter is on and working well; the X-band transmitter
has not been turned on vet.
Magnetometer (MAG). On and operating well. The two
low-field magnetometers spaced at the tip and mid-way point Ultraviolet Spectrometer (UVS). The ultraviolet
on the magnetometer boom are aligned within about 2 spectrometer will be turned on September 2.

V O Y A G E R S E L E C T E DT R A J E C T O R Y I N F O R M A T I O N ( T Y P I C A L )

Time Surface Range Altitude

( h r : m i n : s e c ) (kilometers) (nautiel miles) (kilometers) (nautical miles)

L a u n c h. S o l i d R o c k e tM o t o r s ( S R N 4 s ) 00:00:00 0 0 0 0

S R M sB u r n o u ta n d C o r eS t a g eI I g n i t i o n 00:01:51 43 23 41 22

S R M sJ e t t i s o n O0:02:02 57 31 46 25

Core StageI Shutdown & Separation, 0 0 : 0 41: 5 396 214 113 bl

C o r e S t a g el l l g n i t i o n

J e t t i s o nS h r o u d 00:04:26 437 236 119 64

C o r eS t a g el l S h u t d o w n 0 0 : 0 7i 4 4 1,446 ta1 167 90

Core Stagell Separation 0 0 : 0 7: 5 0 1,541 432 167 90

C e n t a u rM a i n E n g i n eS t a r t ( l v l E S )1 00:08:01 1,552 838 169 91

C e n t a u rM a i n E n g i n eC u t o f f ( M E C O ) I 00:09:44 2,189 1,182 169 91

C e n t a u rM E S 2 OO:52:45 19,315 10,429 157 85

C e n t a u rM E C O 2 OO:58:22 15 , 9 1 8 e 6qq 335 181

Centaur Separation 0 i : 0 1: 1 2 14,225 1,681 9 11 492

V o y a g e rP r o p u l s i o nM o d u l e l g n i t r o n 0 1: O ' l : 2 7 14,O75 7,600 980 525

V o y a g e rP r o p u l s i o nM o d u l e B u r n o u t O1:O2:12 13,610 7,345 1,215 658

P r o p u l s i o nM o d u l eS e p a r a t i o n 0 ' l: 1 3 : 2 9 o 4q? a,tzo 7,414 4,003

I n j e c t i o ni n t o p a r k i n go r b i t ,
N O T E : T h e s et i m e sa n d d i s t a n c e m
s a y v a r y ,d e p e n d i n go n t h e e x a c tl a u n c hd a y , l a u n c ht i m e , a n d s p a c e c r a fwt e i g h t .

Septem b er 5, 1977 No. 7


Voyager 1 is in ceiestial cruise, and, twelve hours after
launch, was about 430,000 kilometers (267,000 miles) from
Earth, having passedthe Moon two hours earlier at a distance 8:56:Ol o.lrr.7 EDT
rrom the surface of 92,000 kilometers (57,000 miles).

Voyager 1 is locked on both the Sun and its reference

star Canopus, stabilized on three axes, and returning good
data. All of the booms and antennas have deployed normally
and are locked into position. Al1 of the science instruments
scheduled for turn-on at this point are on and operating rvell,
except for the photopolarimeter which has been turned off to
protect it from an undesirably high level of reflective light
from the Moon ("moon shine").

Voyager 2 continues in its quiescent state, over 14

million kilometers (8% million miles) from Earth. Real-time
science commands will be sent at predefined opportunities
during the quiet period. The photopoiarimeter instrument has
been turned off.

C U R , R E N TS T A T U S
Voyager 1

Voyager 1, aboard a Titan III E/Centaur launch vehicle,

Iifted off launch complex 41 at the Air Force Eastern
R a n g e ( A F E T R ) , C a p e C a n a v e r a l ,F l o r i d a , a t 8 : 5 6 : 0 1 a . m . ,
E D T ( 5 : 5 6 : 0 1 a . m . , P D T ) , S e p t e m b e r5 , 1 9 7 7 , s i x t e e nd a y s
after its twin. The launch countdown went smoothl-v u'ith no

Voyager 1's computing systems are operating rvell, with

none of the attitude control problems encountered during the
launch of Voyager 2. A switch to a secondary thruster system
was noted during the magnetometer boom deployment; a reset
to initial conditions was commanded about 12 hours after

The sequenceof events aboard the spacecraft following

insertion into Earth orbit occurred according to schedule,with
reieaseand lock of the radioisotope thermoelectric generator,
science, and magnetometer booms occurring about one hour
after launch and deployment of the pianetary radio astronomy
and plasma wave subsystem antenna about an hour iater.

R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n S t o t u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 7 2 3 7
R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n O p e r o t i o n sS t o t u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 6 6 6 5
S f o t u sB u l l e t i n E d i t o r ( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8 Jet PropulsionLaboratory
4 8 0 0O a kG r o v eD r r v e
P a s a d e n aC a l rof r n r a9 1 1 0 3
AC 213 354 4321
The spacecraft rvas stabilized on two axes about two The photopolarimeter instrument has been turned off
hours into the flight when the sensors acquired the Sun, and due to the sticking of the analyzer wheel. The instrument will
achieved three-axis stabilization with Canopus acquisition remain off to protect it from the Sun's rays until the problem
several hours later. canbe analyzed and corrected,

During the launch phase, the launch vehicle's Titan Stage Voyager 2 will travel a total of 1.2 billion kilometers
II burned for a shorter period than planned, necessitatinga (699 million miles) to Jupiter, beginning its observations in
longer first burn by the Centaur stage. The first burn of the April, 1979,20 months after Iaunch.
Centaur stage used about 545 kilograms (1200 pounds) more
fuel than planned. The second Centaur burn, just prior to
injection into the Jupiter trajectory, was shorter due to its
lighter fuel load, and burned about 140 kilograms (310
pounds) more fuel than planned.

The effect of the short Titan burn is under study, but

appears to have had no effect on the desired trajectory.

The final Jupiter trajectory insertion boost of the

propulsion module provided a bonus by requiring less than 2
kilograms (4% pounds) of hydrazine of an allotted 14 kilo-
grams (31 pounds). This fuel-savingswas also noted in Voyager
2 on August 20, giving both spacecraft an extra mqasure of
fuel for attitude control.

The launch of Voyager 1 marks the last planned use of

the Titan III E/Centaur launch vehicle, a combination which
has completed six successfullaunches, including both of the
Viking spacecraft to Mars and,Yoyager 2.

Voyager L carries a duplicate of the copper-plated,

aluminum-jacketed "Sounds of Earth" recording carried by
VOYAGER TRAJECTORIES. The Voyager spacecraft will
Voyager 2. Included with the 12-inch disc is a cartridge and
"chase" after ttre outer planets, as all orbit the Sun. The trajectory plot
needle,and instructions on how to play the record. In addition above, looking down from a point above the Sun's north pole, shows
to greetings in 6O human languages,a sound essay on the the position of the planets at the time of Voyager 2 launch, August 20,
evolution of our pianet, and a selection of music, the record 1977. Yoyager 1 dates will be slightly later due to the 4-day launch slip
from t}re original schedule. Voyager 2 began its journey by travelling
includes data which can be reconstructed to form 115 photo-
between the Sun and the Earth's orbit (see insert below) but soon sped
graphs and diagrams, 2O of which are in color. The idea of the
away from the warmer regions near the Sun into colder deep space.
records is somewhat like tossing a note in a bottle into the
ocean - in this case,a cosmic ocean.

Although launched 16 days after its twin, Voyager 1,

due to the alignment of the planets at the time of the launch,
will fly a faster trajectory relative to the Sun and will arrive at
Jupiter four months ahead of Voyager 2, beginning its observa-
tions in mid-December, 1978. Voyager 1 will travel a total of
998 million kilometers (620 million miles) to Jupiter.
Yoyager 2

Voyager 2 is in a quiet mode, with little activity planned I

until about September 20 except for occasionalscience com- 5UN LAUNCHAUG 20

September 14,1977 No. E
C UN R E N TS T A T U S Yoyager 2
Voyager I
Voyager 2, Iaunched August 20, continues in cruise
Voyager l.,,launched September 5, completed its first mode with rgal-time science commands being uplinked (sent to
ffajectory correction maneuver in two parts on September 11 the spacecraft from Earth via S-band) at pre-determined
and13. opportunities.

Both maneuvers included calibration sequences of the A fields and particles instruments calibration sequence
dual frequency communications links, the high-gain antenna S- was performed on September 12. On September 16, the infra-
and X-bands. During these sequences,the 3'7-meter (12-foot) re d i nterferometer spectrometer (IRIS) instrument will
diameter high-gain antenna dish is pointed towards Earth and perform deep space calibrations, and a diagnostic sequencewill
the S-band (about 2295 megahertz) and X-band (about 8418 be performed on the photopolarimeter (PPS) analyzer wheel.
megahertz) radio links are calibrated. Except for this calibra-
tion sequence, the X-band will not be in use during about the Voyager 2's first trajectory correction maneuver is
first 80 days of the mission. Communications during launch, planned for early October, 54 days after launch.
near-Earth and early cruise phase operations are confined to
S-band and the low-gain antenna'

The radio calibrations were performed while the space-

craft was transmitting to the Goldstone Deep Space Station
near Barstow, California. Only the large 64-meter (210-foot)
dish antenna stations of the Deep Space Network can receive
the X-band signal. Both the 64-meter and 26-meter (85-foot)
dish antenna stations are capable of receiving at the lower-rate

During the September13 sequence,the scan platform

was pointed at deep spaceand the ultraviolet sPectrometer
(UVS) instrumentwas turned on.

The infrared interferometer spectrometer (IRIS) dust

cover was deployed on September 13 and the instrument is
operating properly.

Voyager 1 will begin cruise mode on September 15,

having completed all planned near-Earth activities. A recorded
Earth.Moon video and optical navigation data sequence is
planned for September 16, with playback at a later date.

TRACKING. The 64-meter (2lo.footl antenna at Goldstone, near

Barstow, California, is part of the Deep Space Network tracking system,

R e c o r d e d, n i s s i o nS t o t u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 7 2 3 7
R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n O p e r o t i o n s S l o l u s( 2 I 3 ) 3 5 4 - 6 6 6 5
SpaceAdminrst.ratton Jet PropulsionLaboratory
S t o t u sB u l l e t i n E d i t o r { 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8
4800 Oak GroveDnve
Pasadena. 91103
AC 213 354 4321

September 29, 1977 No. 9

sumffrARY Video Playback

Twenty-four days after launch, Voyager I is 2l million Optical navigation data and an Earth-Moon video se-
kilometers (13 million miles) from Earth, cruisingat a velocity quence recorded on September 18 will be played back on
of 35,47Okilometers(22,O4Omiles)per hour. One-waycom- October 7 and 10, as currently scheduled. The playback se-
munication time with the spacecraftis 68 seconds.Sciencecal- quence requires pointing the high-gain antenna toward Earth,
ibration and configurationcommandsare beinguplinked during and must be done in two parts to protect temperature-sensitive
real-timecommandwindows. portions of the spacecraft from the colder temperatures of
space, since some areas of the craft are temporarily shaded
Voyager 2, now forty days into its journey towards from the Sun's rays during the Earth-point maneuver.
Jupiter,Saturn,and possiblyUranus,is 33 million kilometers
(20 million miles) from Earth, cruising at a velocity of The video sequence of the Earth-Moon system includes
30,520kilometersper hour. One-waycommuqicationtime with pictures taken at 18 different pointing positions, photographed
the spacecraftis 1 minute 47 seconds.Sciencecalibrationand with each of three color filters to allow construction of com-
configuration commandsare being uplinked during real-time posite color photographs.
command windows, and a tree switch (circuitry) failure in the
flight data subsystem(FDS) is beinganalyzed.
Science Instruments

UP D A T E The science instruments aboard Voyager 1 are in good

VOYAGER 1 health and operating as planned. The photopolarimeter data is
being analyzed to better understand the nature of a high pho-
Trajectory CorrectionManeuver ton count indicating a bright light source in a position where
none is known to exist.
Voyager 1's first trajectory correction maneuver(TCM)
was accomplished in two partsSeptember11 and 13; real-time VOYAGER 2
data was receivedduring the first of the thruster burns.
FDS Tree Switch
Analysis of the TCM data indicatesa 20 percent under-
velocity resulting from each part of the maneuver.The sus- On September 23,Yoyager 2 experienceda failure in the
pected causeis impingementof the thruster exhauston space- flight data subsystem (FDS) circuitry which has resulted in the
craft structural support struts. Part one of the maneuverin- loss of 15 of 243 engineering measurements which can be sent
creasedthe craft's velocity by 2.45 meters per second,the to Earth. The loss could be permanent if due to an integrated
secondby 10.11metersper second.The ungainedvelocitywill circuit failure, or possibly temporary if due to an electronic
be compensatedfor during the next scheduledtrajectory cor- latch switching condition. Problem isolation is in progress, and
rection maneuver. an unlatching attempt is being designed.

These periodic flight path adjustmentsare necessaryto Of the 15 measurements, several are duplicated in the
assureprecisearrival times of the spacecraftat their objectives, remaining 228 measurements, a few can be deduced from com-
maximize sciencedata return. In the caseof Voyager L, its binations of other measurements, others were needed only
exact arrival (closestapproach)at Jupiter (March 5,1979) is during launch, and the remainder may have some effect on per-
crucial to studying the interaction between Jupiter and its formance analysis of other subsystems aboard the spacecraft.
satellite Io.

R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n S t o t u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 7 2 3 7
R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n O p e r o t i o n s S f o t u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 6 6 6 5
space Adminrstratron
S t o t u sB u l l e t i n E d i t o r ( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8 Jet PropulsionLaboratory
4800 Oak GroveDrrve
AC 213 354 4321
Trajectory Correction Maneuver Deep Space Network

Yoyager 2's first trajectory correction maneuver is sche- Tracking and communication with the Voyagers from
duled for October 11. Current estimares of the hydrazine fuel injection into the Jupiter trajectories, about one hour afrer
budget indicate there is sufficient fuel to support the mission launch, until the end of the mission, is conducted by the Deep
through a Uranus encounter in 1986, despite the gas utilization SpaceNetwork (DSN).
problems to date.
The DSN consists of nine deep space communications
Science Instruments stations on three continents, the Network Operations Control
Center in the Mission Control and Computing Center at the
Science commands are being sent to Voyager 2 during Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, and NASCOM-pro-
regularly scheduled real-time command windows. Recent com- vided ground communications linking all locations.
mands have included calibrations of the magnetometers and
the fields and particles instruments. One of these magnetom- Each DSN location - at Goldstone, California; Madrid,
eter calibration sequences creates a magnetic field around the Spain; and Canberra, Australia - has one 64-meter (210-
spacecraft by periodically powering a wire which runs the cir- foot) diameter anrenna and two 26-meter (85-foot) diameter
cumference of the high-gain antenna dish. antennas.

The photopolarimeter instrument has been turned off. The three multi-station complexes are strategically lo-
After being freed once, the analyzer wheel is currently stuck cated at widely separated global longitudes so that spacecraft
again in a safe position, and the problem is being analyzed. beyond Earth orbit - and, for the Voyager mission, the plan-
ets Jupiter and Saturn - are seldom if ever out of "view" as
TRACKING all move through space. As the spacecraft move farther from
Earth, they will always be in view, but near Earth, there is a
AND DATA ACQUISITION short daily gap in Voyager 2 tracking data between the
From the moment of launch, the Voyager spacecraft Australian and Spanishstations.
have been under constant surveillance by a world-wide track-
ing and data system which includes elementsof the NASA/Jet Data transmitted from the spacecraft, the downlink, is
Propulsion Laboratory Deep Space Network (DSN), the Air sent at S-band(2295 megaHertz)and X-band (8400 megaHertz)
Force Eastern Test Range (AFETR), and the NASA Space- radio frequencies. Commands and ranging signals sent from
flight Tracking and Data Network (STDN). Earth to the spacecraft,the uplink, are transmitted at S-band
( 2 1 1 3 m e g a H e r t z )o n l y .
Near-Earth Facilities

From launch through the propulsion module burn which

boosted the spacecraft into their Jupiter-bound trajectories,
tracking and data acquisition was accomplished by the near-
Earth facilities, including the AFETR stations downrange eie-
ments of the STDN, ARIA jets (Advanced Range Instrumented
Aircraft), and a communications ship at sea, the U.S.N.S.

Tying together all NASA sites is the NASA Communica-

tions Network (NASCOM). Voice and data communications
flow through its three million circuit miles of electronic cir-
cuitry and two mid-ocean satellites.

October 20, 1977 No. lO


Voyager 1 is 39 million kilometers (24.5 miilion miles)

from Earth, cruising at a velocity of 4O,I90 kilometers
(24,975 miles) per hour, forty-five days after launch. One-way
communication time is 2 minutes 11 seconds.

Sixty-one days after launch, Voyager 2 is still ahead of

its pursuing companion ship, 48 million kilometers (30 million
miles) from Earth, traveling at 34,870 kilometers (27,670
miles) per hour. One-way communication with the craft now
takes 2 minutes 40 seconds.

HELIOS. Heliosand Voyagerwill cooperateto gathersolar-related

data during the latter part of 1977.
Voyager- Helios Cooperation
Comet Kohler Observation Opportunity
Voyager and FIelios, a German-managed spacecraft
project which studies the area between the Sun and the Earth,
In the latter part of this year, the Voyagers will have the
will join in international cooperation to take advantageof a
opportunity to study the recently detected comet, Kohler.
unique radial alignment of the Sun, the Helios spacecraft,the
Earth, and the Voyager spacecraft to obtain data on soiar-
Kohler appearsto be in a hyperbolic orbit inclined about
^ related fields and particles phenomena.
49" from the ecliptic plane. Its closestapproach to Voyager 1
i s e x p e c t e dt o b e N o v e m b e r 8 a t a d i s t a n c eo f L . 2 8 A U ( 1 A U =
During the period between October 15 and late
150 million kilometers or 93 million miles), and to Yoyager
December, 7977,'r.he3O-meterantenna at Weilheim, Germany,
2 on November 10 at 1.25 AV. The comet will pass closerto
wili track the Voyager spacecraft as often as once a day.
Earth, about 1 AU, on November 10, but better scientific
measurements and longer study times will be obtained from
the spacecraft. Helios 1 was launched on December IO, L974 and Helios
2 on January L5, 1976, both from Cape Canaveral,Florida
aboard Titan IllE/Centaur launch vehicles similar to those
Hydrazine Conservation Studies which boosted the Voyagers aloft this fall. Both Helios space-
craft orbit the Sun, passing as close as 1,/3 AU and
Both spacecraft zre consuming more propellant than continuously gathering scientific data.
predicted. The causes include ffajectory correction maneuver
(TCM) thruster plume impingement, solar pressure effects Visit by Prince Charles
reaction to digital tape recorder start/stop, and scan platforn-
motion. Studies are underway to determine propeilant needs Prince Charles, heir to rhe throne of Britain, will visit
for the duration of the mission versus that available, and to Mission Operations at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory on
determine what conservation measuresare possible. October 27. The prince, an accomplished pilot, will tour the
Laboratory, view Voyager operations, transmit a command
Preliminary estimates show that neither the primary to Voyager 2, and communicate with the Australian tracking
Jupiter/Saturn mission nor the Uranus option is jeopardized. station.

R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n S t o t u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 7 2 3 7
R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n O p e r o t i o n sS r o r u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 6 6 6 5
S t o t u sB u l l e r i n E d i r o r( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 9 Jet ftopulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak GroveDrive
Pasadena, Ca|fornia91:1
AC 213 354-4321
(Tbis is tbe first in a planned series oJ'brief explandtory
notes on the spacecraft and its instruments.)
VOYAGER 1 Partl-TheBus
Video Playback
The identical Voyager spacecraftwere designedand built
On October 7 and 10, most of an Earth-Moon video by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Pasadena,California,
sequencerecorded on September 18 was played back to Earth which also designedand built planetary explorers of Mercury,
from Voyager 1's on-board tape recorder. Portions of the Venus, and Mars, including the Mariners and Viking Orbiters.
sequencehave yet to be transmitted to Earth. The design philosophy, taking into consideration the
unfriendly environment of space, the long duration of the
The photographs, taken at 18 different pointing mission, and the great distances to be traveled, relies heavily
positions with three color filters, have been sent to JPL's on redundancy, reliability, and thermal protection.
Image ProcessingLaboratory for mosaicking and combination
of the sets into color composires. The basic structure of each craft is the bus, a 24.5-
kilogram (54-pound) ten-sided aluminum framework ring with
Trajectory Correction Maneuver 2 ten electronics packaging compartments. The bus is about 45
centimeters (about 1-112 feet) hieh and 179 centimeters
Yoyager 1's second trajectory correction maneuver is (about 6 feet) across.
scheduled for October 29. This maneuver will compensarefor
the impingement-caused undervelocity resulting from the first The bus houses the electronics assemblies,including the
correction on September 11. and 13, as well as Correct small three on-board engineeringcomputing subsystems- the flight
expected launch errors. data subsystem, the computer command subsystem, and the
attitude and articulation control subsystem,

Two faces of the decagonalbus contain thermostatically-
FDS Tree Switch
controlled louvers which regulate the heat radiated from the
An effort to reset the flight data subsystem (FDS) tree main equipment compartment. Top and bottom of the
switch, which failed September 23,was performed on October structure are enclosed with multilayer thermal blankets.
10 and was unsuccessful.The problem is now considered a
permanent hardware failure, and "work around" alternatives The propellant tank, which suppliesfuel to the hydrazine
are under study. thrusters for attitude control and trajectory correction maneu-
vers, occupies the center cavity of the decagon.
.The failure affects 1 5 separate engineering me asure-
ments, an internal FDS measurement, and four redundant

Trajectory Correction Maneuver L

Yoyager 2's first trajectory correction maneuver (TCM)

was performed on October 11, achievingthe desired correcrion
within one percent.

In anticipation of experiencing a similar thruster plume

impingement to that observed on Voyager 1's first TCM, an
overburn and pitch turn adjustment were incorporated into
the sequence.

Deneb Acquisition
Plans to roll the Voyager 2 so that the star tracker uses HIGH-FIELD PLASMAWAVE
the star Deneb as a reference have been made for October 31.
Deneb lies on the opposite side of the spacecraft from
Canopus, and acquiring this star will effectively turn the space-
craft upside down. The benefirs will be to minimize the effect
of the solar pressure which is contributing to the frequent
attitude control thruster firings to steady the ship, and to
ailow an earlier pointing of the high-gain anrenna to the Earth. IHERI\4ALBLANKETSFORCLARITY)

November 7, 1977 No. lt
Voyager 2
On October 31, Yoyager 2 was rotated to acquire the
Voyager 1 is over 59 mitlion kilometers (36 million
star Deneb as a celestial reference point. This position will
miles) from Earth, steadily closingthe gap betweenitself and
allow earlier Earth-acquisition during highgain antenna Earth-
its sister ship. At the speedof light (300,000 kilometers or
pointing maneuvers required during playbacks and other
186,000 miles per second),one-way communication time is
about 3 minutes. The secondtrajectory correction maneuver
Studies of the fuel budget and the effect of acquiring
wasexecutedon October29.
Deneb as a gas-savingstactic are continuing'

Voyager 2's first trajectory correction maneuver on

Voyager 2 is over 64 million kilometers (40 million October 11 slightly adjusted the aiming point for the Jovian
miles) from Earth. One-way communication time is about satellite Ganymede. Voyager 2's closest approach to Gany-
3-1/2 minutes. At Jupiter, this will stretch -to about 38 mede is now planned for about 60,000 kilometers (37,000
minutes,and to 85 minutesat Saturn. miles) rather than 55,000 kilometers (34,OOOmiles) on July 9,
In lessthan a month, both spacecraftwill crossthe orbit In addition, the post-Jupiter trajectory correction
of Mars, half an AU (astronomicalunit) beyond Earth. At this maneuver to Saturn has been rescheduledfor 11 days after
point, Voyager 1 will pass Mars from about 139 million Jupiter closest approach (J+11 days) from the previously
kilometers (86 million miles), and Voyager 2 will pass 137 plannedJ+70 days.In combinationwith the Ganymedeaiming
million kilometers (85 million miles)from Mars. point adjustment,a total hydrazine savingsof approximately
8.6 kilograms(19 pounds)will result.

As they leavethe realm of the terresuialplanets,headed An apparentfailure of the low-energychargedparticle

(LECP) instrumentsteppermotor is beinginvestigated.
for the outer planets,the Voyagerswill soon be enteringthe
asteroidbelt which lies betweenthe orbits of Marsand Jupiter.
Comet Kohler

U P D A TE No attempt will be made to observe the comet Kohler,

as further studies have determined that damage to the optics
Voyager I of the imaging cameras would be probable.

Voyager 1's second trajectory correction maneuver,to Observation of the comet would require turning the
"clean-up" small flight p'ath inaccuracies, wa3 executed on spacecraft to a position which would place the cameras too
October 29. Pointing inaccuraciesand undervelocityresulting near a direct iine to the Sun for too long a period, causing
during the first trajectory maneuveron September11 and 13 probable damage to the vidicons.
were accountedfor in the sequence.
Weilheim Tracking
Other recent spacecraft activities have included
magnetometer,photopolarimeter,and plasmainstrument cali- Tracking by the Helios Project at the station in
brations, radio frequency subsystem(RFS) tests, and tests of Weilheim, Germany, continues. Studies aimed at improving the
the RFS trackingloop capacitor. data quality are underway. The unique radial alignment of the
Sun, Helios, Earth, and Voyager will exist for severalmonths.

R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n S t o t u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 7 2 3 7
R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n O p e r o t i o n s S t q t u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 6 6 6 5
S t q t u sB u l l e t i n E d i t o r ( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8 Jel PropulsionLaboratory
4800Oak GroveDrrve
AC 213 354 4321
Visit by Prince Charles
The prince pressed the command switch, sending DC-2A,
Prince Charles of Wales visited the Jet Propulsion Voyager's "ranging onl' s6mmmd, through the Australian
Laboratory on October 27, at his request. After viewing full- station and up to the spacecraft.
scale models of the Viking Mars L'ander and the Voyager
spacecraft; and visiting the Mission Control and Computing At the speed of light, the signal reached Voyager 1 in 2%
Center, the prince moved to the Voyager Mission Operations minutes. In another 2/z minutes, acknowledgement that the
area, where he sent a command to Voyager 1, some 46 million spacecraft had received and acted upon the command was
kilometers (29 million miles) distant. received on the ground and immediately printed out on a
telemetry display ar Prince Charles' console.
From the command console, the prince spoke by
telephone with operators of the NASA/JPL Deep Space The DC-2A commands the spacecraft to allow the
Station near Canberra, Austraiia, advising tJrem that the tracking stations of the Deep Space Network to derermine
command had been prepared and determining that the ground precisely the distance, or range, to rhe Voyager by establishing
station transmitter modulation was on and "go for a special closed-loop code between the ground and the
commanding." spacecraft.

P r i n c e C h a r l e sc h e c k s w i t h t r a c k i n g s t a t i o n o p e r a t o r s i n A u s t r a l i a p r i o r P r i n c e C h a r l e s r e a c h e sf o r b u t t o n t o s e n d t h e c o m m a n d 2 9 m i l l i o n
t o s e n d i n g a c o m m a n d t o t h e J u p i t e r - b o u n d V o y a g e r 1 s p a c e c r a f to n miles to Voyager 1. With him at the command console at JPL are
October 27. With the prince in the Voyager Mission Control Center is Michael Devirian (back to camera) Voyager spaceflight operations
JPL Director Dr. Bruce C. Murray. d i r e c t o r , a n d E v e l y n D a v i s ,c o m m a n d c o n s o l eo p e r a t o r , P a r t i a l l y h i d d e n
from view at left is John R. Casani, Voyager project manager, At far
right, JPL Deputy Director C, H. Terhune, Jr.

November 29, 1977 No. 12

Eighty-five days after launch, Voyager 1 is healthy and
operating well. Cruising at 2L kilometers (13 miles) per
second, the craft is over 92 million kilometers (57 million
miles) from Earth. One-way communication time is about 5
minutes6 seconds.

Yoyager 2, LOI days after launch, continuesto operate

well, with no major problems.Its velociry is 19.7 kilometers
(12 miles) per second. At nearly 95 million kilometers (59
million miles) from Earth, one-way communic_ationtime is
about 5 minutes 12 seconds.
Yoyager 1 is closing the gap between itself and its
earlier{aunched,but slower, companion, and will soon over-
take it, Last week, the two craft crossedthe orbit of Marsand
flew by the Red Planet itself at a distance of t39 million
kilometers (86 million miles) for Voyager t and,137 million
kilometers(85 million miles)for Yoyager2.

"CATCH-UP". In this computer simulation. the positions of both
Voyager 1 continues its cruise, returning data at 256O spacecraft. Earth, and Mars are plotted at ten-day intervals. The space-
craft crossed the orbit of Mars about November 21 ,and Voyager 1 will
bits per second (bps). Spacecraftactivitiesinclude numerous overtake Voyager 2 in late December, almost 127 million kilomsters
instrument calibrations,including the sun sensors,magnetom- (79 million milesl from Earth.
eters, photopolarimeter,plasma,and periodic engineeringand
While Voyager t hasa fuel margin of about 25 kilograms
(55 pounds), fuel savingmeasuresare being implementedon
Voyager 2 also continues in cruise mode, returning data
this craft as well as on Voyager 2. On Voyager 1, the sensi-
at 256O bps, with similar spacecraft activities occurring as on
tivity of the sun sensorshas been altered slighdy to reduce
Voyager 1.
propellant consumptioncausedby thruster firings to maintain
the Sun in the sensors'fields of view. Satisfactory progress is being made in analyzing and
solving for spacecraft problems.
All scienceinstrumentsaboard Voyager 1 are in good
condition and operating properly when turned on. Periodic The photopolarimeter (PPS) analyzer wheel remains
slews of the scan platform to various stars and planets con- stuck in position 2, brt resolution of the problem is not
tinue for the photopolarimeterand ultraviolet spectrometer urgent. The apparent cause is a failure in the multiplexer chip
experiments. which selects the wheel position, and is under investigation.

R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n S t o t u s( 2 ! 3 ) 3 5 4 - 7 2 3 7

R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n O p e r q t i o n s S t q t u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 6 6 5 5
S t o t u sB u l l e t i n E d i t o r ( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8 Jet PropulsionLaboratory
4800 Oak GroveDrrve
Pasadena. Calrlornra
AC 213 354 4321
The low-energy charged particle (LECP) instrument is margin - to support a Uranus encounter in January 1,986.
operating again after being rurned off when a higher than Although some attitude control functions and the trajectory
acceptable temperature was noted on November 2. The over- correction maneuvers use hydrazine at rates greater than pre-
heating appears to correspond with turn-on of the X-band dicted, propellant savings resulted from (or will result from)
antenna, and is under study. A series resistor in the stepper the very stable propulsion module burn which boosted the
motor may have been damaged by the high temperature, but spacecraft out of Earth orbit, rhe accurare Jupiter-bound
the instrument is currently operating properly. trajectory, and the relocation of the post-Jupiter trajectory
correction maneuver to 1 1 days after closest approach
Several strategies have been devised and implemented to
(including a small adjustment in the aiming poinr for the
conserye fuel aboard Voyager 2, and studies indicate that there
Ganymede flyby).
is an adequate supply - in fact a 9-kilogram (2O-pound)


_-7-\ TNFiARED
H I G H G A I N A N T E N N AF E F L E C T O S Y ) gEcrioMETER






H I G HG A I N X . B A N D


(This is tbe second in a planned series of bi.ef explanatory secondary reflecting dish is mounted on the trusswork below
notes on the spacecraft and its subsystems,) the two S-band feed horns.

Part 2 - High Gain Antenna Communications during launch, near-Earth, and the
early cruise phases of the mission were confined to the S-band
At first glance, Voyager's high-gain antenna dish is the
and lowgain anrenna. After the first 80 days of the mission,
most prominent feature of the spacecraft - in fact, a VIV
all communications - both S-band and X-band - are via the
could park under its 3.66-meter (I2-foot) diameter white
high-gain antenna, except for periodic science maneuvers and
trajectory correction maneuvers when the low-gain antenna
Supported above the bus by a tubular trusswork, the S-band will be used.
dish is a reflector made of an aluminum honeycomb core
Why all the combinations of S- and X-band? There are
surfaced on both sides with graphite epoxy-laminated
several considerations. For example, different phases of the
skins - a lightweight yet durable combinarion to withstand
mission require different telemetry rates for the returning data;
the stressesof launch and the rigors of deep space.
only the 64-meter antennas of the Deep Space Network can
The highgain antenna assembly includes the sun sensors receive the X-band signals from the spacecraft,
and the lowgain antenna as well. The sun sensors protrude
Table 1 shows the relationships between the spacecraft
through a cutour in the antenna dish.
and Earth-based antenna.
The high-gain antenna is so-called because of its higher
transmitting power, compared with the low-gain antenna. The
high-gain antenna transmits and receives at two frequen-
cies' the lower S-band and the higher X-band, while the low- Table 1. Spacecraft-to-Earth Antenna Relationships
gain antenna rransmits and receivesonly at S-band.
Antenna Trrnsmit Receive

The highgain antenna, therefore, has two ,,feed horns".

Low Gain S - b a n d( 2 2 9 5 t 5 [ 4 H z ) S-band(2115 15 MHz)
one for transmitting and receiving at S-band, and one for rrans-
S-band (2295 t5 MHz)
mitting and receiving at X-band. The X-band feed horn is at High Gain
X-band (8422 120 MHz)
S-band(2115 j5 MHz)

the center of the dish. The S-band feed horns for the high-gain
Earth 2 6 - m e t e r( 6 ) S - b a n d( 2 1 1 5 ! 5 M H z ) S-band(2295 15 ,\'lHz)
and low-gain .anteRnas are mounted back-to-baek on a three- (Deep

64-meter (3) S-band(2295 15 MHz)

legged truss work supported above the main dish- A smaller, S-banci (21 15 15 MHz)
Network) X-band $422 rZO nriz)

Jqnuclry 5, | 978 No. 13
Yoyager 1 now rightfully owns its title, having taken
over the lead from Yoyager 2 about December 15. Voyager 1 Celestial Object Observed
is now farther from both Sun and Earth than Yoyager 2,and
will continue to increase its lead until it is four months ahead An unusual object was detected during standard camera
at Jupiter encounter in early L979. calibrations on December 24. The object appeared to be
Both spacecraft are now more than 1 AU from Earth, approximately 3o meters (98 feet) in length and was made up
and almost 2 AU from the Sun [an AU (astronomical unit) is of nine distinct images in linear sequence trailed by alatger,
the mean distance from the Earth to the Sun, about rectangular unit. Spectral analysis of this object revealed traces
150,000,000 kilometers (93,000,000 miles)]. of red velvet and mammalian cilia. Additionally, the object
Yoyager 1 is about 177 million kilometers (110 million proved to be a suong radio source. Prompt evaluation of
miles) from Earth, travelling with a velocity* of about 27 emitted frequencies revealed the following message: "Ho, Ho,
kilometers (16.7 miles) per second, relative to the Sun. One- Ho . . , and a Merry Christmasto ALL!"
way communications with the spacecraft now take 9 minutes And a Happy New Year, too!
49 seconds.
Voyager 2 is about 174 million kilometers (108 million
miles) from Earth, travelling with a velociry* of about 26
kilometers (16 miles) per second, relative to the Sun. One-way Sequence Verification Tests
communications time is now 9 minutes 4O seconds.
Cruise provides an opportunity for "getting acquainted"
*Beginning with the spacecraft, learning exactly how it will perform and
with this bulletin, the velocitiesgivenwill be heliocentric, react, As part of this "getting to know you" strategy, sequence
that is, with respectto the Sun.'Previously-stated velocitieshavebeen
can verification tests were performed on both spacecraft during
geocentric,or, relativeto the Earth.More meaningfulcomparisons
be madewhen usingthe relativelystationarySun asa referencepoint December.
ratherthan the ever-moving Earth. The purpose of the tests is to serve as a proof of the
computer programs now being written for the planetary
encounter activities. They are a rehearsal for the busy times to
Tbe Night Sky - come.
The sequencesverify expected spacecraft performance in
Amateur astronomers may be interested in tests that cannot be performed on Earth prior to launch. Since
obsertsing tuo of Voyager's goals - Jupiter and the space environment cannot be totally duplicated in Earth
Saturn * nou easily aisible to tbe unaided eye in tbe laboratories, various assumptions were made during design and
nigbt sky. Four more of Voyager's targets - tbe Jouian fabrication of the spacecraft, based on models of spacecraft
satellites Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto - may be performance, During cruise, these models will be verified and
obseraed with the aid of a small telescope. refined.
At the uestern edge of tbe constellation Gemini, December's sequence verification tests concentrated
Jupiter is presently tbe brightest object in the eaening primarily on three areas of interest: microphonics, bore-
sky and is aisible from sunset to sunrise as it moues sighting, and imaging rates.
across tbe sky from edst to uest. It is near Orion's Belt,
an easily-id,entifihble row of tbree stars. On January 21,
Microphonics. Several of the instruments aboard
the giant planet will be oisible about fiae degrees nortb
Yoyager are especially sensitive to the motion and noise
of the full moon.
created by other activities aboard the spacecraft, such as
Saturn rises in the eastern sky in early eoening and
scan platform slewing or the stepper motors on several
remains there until sunrise. Located in tbe constellation
Leo, it is brigbter than a nearby star, Regulus. On instruments, The microphonics tests measure the sensi-
tive instruments' reactions of these interferences so that
January 20, Saturn will be oisible about one degree
nortb of Regulus. the effects can be minimized or, in later data analysis,
obvious reactions to spacecraft noise can be disregarded.

R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n S t o t u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 7 2 3 7
R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n O p e r o t i o n s S t o t u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 6 6 6 5
S l o t u s B u l l e t i n E d i t o r ( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8 Jet PropulsionLaboratory
4800 Oak GroveDrrve
P a s a d e n aC.a l r t o r n r9a11 0 3
AC 213 354 4321
The plasma instrument and infrared interferometer about the roll axis for about 12 hours. The last roll turn was
spectrometer are the most sensitive to motion and noise finished 20 seconds earlier than the computer expected, and a
generated on the spacecraft by various actuations. The "safing" sequence was execured, one of the built-in safery
motion of the scan platform, as well as th€ motors which features of the spacecraft. The turn rolerance will be adjusted
rotate wheels on the photopolarimeter, imaging, and to accommodate the spacecraft performance on future cruise
low-energy charged particle instruments, create the most sciencemaneuvers.
noise. The cruise science maneuver allows caiibration of several
instrumenrs by turning the spacecraft to iook at the entire sky.
The effect of these combined motions and noises cannot
The scan platform instruments are able to map the sky as the
be satisfactorily studied on Earth, as no vacuum chamber
spacecraft roils, and the ultraviolet spectrometer and photo-
has yet totally simulated the vacuum environment of
polarimeter make their observations against the total sky back-
space. Even the low levels of noise in the test area affect
ground. The magnetometers and plasma instrument also obtain
the tests. In addition, the scan platform is difficult to
calibration data.
maneuver on Earth due to the mass of the instruments,
A significanr decrease in sensitivity has been noted on
nearly 9l kilograms (2OOpounds), perched on its tip.
Voyager 2's infrared interferometer spectrometer (IRIS). The
Boresighting. All of the instruments aboard Voyager are condition will be monitored over rhe next few months to
interactive to some degree; that is, their data are supple- detect stabilizarion or any further change. A deep space obser-
mentary and complementary, In particular, the ultra- vation calibration is scheduled for February 8.
violet spectrometer, photopolarimeter, and imaging A degradation of the S-band radio solid-state amplifier in
cameras, all mounted on the scan platform, must be the high power mode has been noted. The amplifier has been
aligned to look at the same position at the same time. switched to the low power mode and is being monitored. The
The boresight tests consist of slewing the scan platform radio system has built-in redundancy, using both the solid-
across the sky to determine if the three instruments state amplifier and a travelling wave tube amplifier.
observe the same star at the same time and are therefore
well-aligned. The tests verify that the alignment is the
same as pre{aunch.

Imaging Rate. Several instruments, including the

T H E V O Y A G E R ,S P A C E C R A F T
imaging cameras, planetary radio astronomy subsystem,
and plasma wave subsystem, must return data at the RADIOISOTOPE THERMOELECTRIC GEN ERATORS
highest rate possible, 115 kilobits per second. Verifica-
tion of proper performance at this rate is needed prior to (Tbis is tbe tbird in a planned series of brief explanatory notes
encounter. on tbe spacecraft and its subsystems).

UPDATE Far away from electrical outlets, and with no solar

panels, Voyager needs power to operate its various motors,
heaters, and other mechanical parts, Nuclear power provides
the solution.
Each spacecraft carries three radioisotope thermoelectric
During the sequence verification tests on December
generators (RTGs) mounted in tandem (end-to-end) on a
l4/t5, the filter wheels of the imaging cameras aboard
boom which was deployed shortly after the spacecraft entcred
Voyager 1 were observed not to be stepping. The cameras were
Earth orbit about one hour after launch. The generators are
turned off and the heaters were turned on. Both the narrow-
located on the boom 180" from the scan platform boom to
and wide-angle cameras were in the clear filter position when
minimize the effects the radiation they generate may have on
the cameras were turned off (both cameras also have seven
the science instruments. The distance between the nearest
other filters).
RTG and the nearest science instrument on the scan platform
The source of the problem has not been isoiated. A
boom is about 16 feet.
sequence of diagnostic tests has been developed and will be
The RTG units convert to electricity the heat released
conducted in mid-January. It is expected that tests will prove
by the decay of Plutonium-238, a radioactive isotope. The
that a redundant element can be implemented.
minimum total power available from the three RTGs ranges
On December 13, Voyager 1 conducted a fairiy exten- from about 423 watts within a few hours after launch to 384
sive mapping of the Orion nebula. Both the ultraviolet spec-
watts after the spacecraft passes Saturn. The science instru-
trometer (UVS) and photopolarimeter (PPS) continue to
ments require about 10.5 wattS of this'total - slightly more
observe a limited number of stellar targets. These observarions
than an ordinary household light bulb. The remaining power is
are proving to be invaluable astronomical tools, providing used by other spacecraft subsystems.
precise pointing over an extended period of time, garhering The RTGs are activated about 1 minute after liftoff
original data on emissions in the ultraviolet and visible light when an inert gas in the generator interiors is expelled via a
ranges, and making fundamental science observations and pressure relief device. The inert gas servesro prevent oxidation
calibrations. of the hot components of the units. After activation, the
RTGs do not reach full power until about six to eight hours
VOYAGER 2 after launch, when the spacecrait is well beyond Earth.
Power from the RTGs is held at a constant 3O volts
Voyager 2 completed the sequence verification tests direct current (Vdc) by a shunt regulator. The 30 volts is
December 5, 7 , and 8 without incident. supplied directly to some spacecraft users and is switched to
On December 27 128, Yoyager 2 performed a cruise others in the power distribution assembly. The main power
science maneuver. The maneuver consists of rolling the space- inverter converts the 30 volts direct current to 2.4 ktlo$ertz
craft in one direction for about 5 hours and then rolline it square wave (ac) for use by most spacecraft subsystems.


(3.7-m DIA)






LOW-FIELD Model of Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator Unit







Heat Source for Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generatol Radioisotope Thermo€lectric G enerator

A CLOSE LOOK AT JUPITER - Voyager spacecraft aims its
instrument scanplatform at the planet Jupiter in fhis paintingdepicting
a major step in the mission. Voyager 1 will fly past Jupiter March 5,
1 9 7 9 , a n d t h e n w i l l c o n t i n u e o n t o r i n g e dS a t u r n , V o y a g e r 2 w i l l a r r i v e
a t J u p i t e r J u l y 9 , 1 9 7 9 , a n d w i l l f o l l o w i t s p r e d e c e s s otro S a l u r n ,

PASSING SATURN - The Voyagers will arrive at Jupiter in March and

J u l y 1 9 7 9 , a n d a t S a t u r n i n N o v e m b e r 1 9 8 Oa n d A u g u s t i n 1 9 8 1 . E a c h
craft carries ten scientific anstruments to measure interplanetary space,
the planets, and their satellites(including photographyl. An eleventh
experiment uses Earth and spacecraft radios to measure planet and
satellite atmospheres.

ON TO URANUS - This painting depicts Voyager 2 observing Uranus

in January 1986. The option to target for Uranus exists only for
Voyager 2, Uranus is tilted on its axis so its poles point towards the
Sun, lts rings were discovered in 1977.


Jonuqry 16, l97E No.l4
"We baueput our ships into the
cosmic ocean. The waters are benign
and we baae learned to sail. No longer
dre we bound to our solitary island . . . Earth!"
- Carl Sagan

you, I look forward uith excitement
to tbe discozteriestbat Voyagerbolds in store for us."
- John Casani
Outer Planets Project Manager
Jet Propulsion Laboratory

"Tbe deoelopment of a spacecraft

witb tbe engineering and scientific
sopbistication and capability of Voyager
E A R T H A N D M O O N - T h i s p i c t u r e o f a c r e s c e n t - s h a p eE da r t h a n d M o o n - t h e f i r s t extends engineers, scientists, and
of its kind ever taken by a spacecraft - was recorded September 18, 1977, by
V o y a g e r 1 w h e n i t w a s 1 1 . 6 6 m i l l i o n k i l o m e t e r s( 7 . 2 5 m i l l i o n m i l e s )f r o m E a r t h .T h e rnanagers to tbe frontiers of creatiztity
M o o n i s a t t h e t o p o f t h e p i c t u r e a n d b e y o n d t h e E a r t h , a sv i e w e d b y V o y a g e r . I n t h e and tecbnologr ., . Congratulations
p i c t u r e a r e e a s t e r nA s i a . t h e w e s l e r n P a c i fi c O c e a n a n d p a r t o f t h e A r c t i c . V o y a g e r 1 to tbe VoJtdger Teant. . ,"
w a s d i r e c t l y a b o v e M t . E v e r e s t ( o n t h e n i g h t s i d e o f t h e p l a n e t a t 2 5 d e g r e e sn o r t h
l a t i t u d e . T h e p h o t o w a s m a d e f r o m t h r e e i m a g e st a k e n t h r o u g h c o l o r f i l t e r s , t h e n
p r o c e s s e db y t h e I m a g e P r o c e s s i n gL a b a t t h e J e t P r o p u l s i o n L a b o r a t o r y . B e c a u s et h e j',#f ,,il"i7i,
E a r t h i s m a n y t i m e s b r i g h t e r t h a n t h e M o o n , t h e M o o n w a s a r t i f i c i a l l y b r i g h t e n e db y
Prograrns, NASA Office of
a { a c t o r o f t h r e e r e l a t i v e t o t h e E a r t h b y c o m p u t e r e n h a n c e m e n ts o t h a t b o t h b o d i e s
would show clearly in the prints. SpaceSciences

R e c o r d e d t U l i s s i o nS t q t u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 7 2 3 7

R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n O p e r o t i o n s S t o t u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 6 6 6 5
S t o t u sB u l l e t i n E d i t o r ( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8 Jet PropulsionLabo.alory
4800 Oak GroveDrrve
Pasadena. 9 l 103
AC 213 354 4321
M A N E U V E R ( T C M }1 EARTH

3 hrs


-L + 95 days


J - 80 days


days J+10 days

days J+15hls
J-1 day

EARTH-TO-JUPITER MISSION PHASES. While In early February 1979, a four-day movie sequence will
Voyager flies on toward Jupiter, work continues on Earth for record 1.0 revolutions of the planet, photographing the entire
the planetary and satellite encounrers ro come. This sketch of disk,
the mission shows the planned Earth-to-Jupiter phases for
both missions; dates and times given are for Voyager 1, Following the movie phase will be the far encounter
launched September 5, 1977. phases, as the spacecraft zeroes in on the planet, closing to 3O
million kilometers (18.6 million miles) at 30 days out. The far
encounter phases, from early February to early March 1979,
The early cruise phase lasted from post-launch to about
will provide unique observation opportunities for the four
95 days into the flight. One rajectory correction maneuver
largest satellites - Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto - and a
(TCM) and a "clean-up" TCM were executed during the early
crossing of the bow shock of the Jovian magnetosphere, of
cruise phase.
great interest to all of the fields and particles instruments. One
TCM is planned during the far encounter phase.
The cruise phase officially began when the high-gain
antenna was turned toward Earth to remain in that position For Voyager 1, near encounter will be a 39-hour period
for most of the mission. The antenna must point toward Earth packed with close-rangemeasurements by the spacecraft's 11
for communications. During the long cruise phase, nearly a science experiments. On the outbound leg, five Jovian satel-
year, one TCM is planned. lites - Amalthea, Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto will also
receive close-rangescrutiny by the various science instruments.
Passing280,000 kilometers (174,000 miles) from the visible
In December 1978, during the last three days of the
surface of Jupiter, Yoyager'1 will then whip around the back-
cruise phase, the near encounter test (NET) will be performed.
side of the planet, passing out of view of the Earth for a brief
The NET will be an actual performance of the activities
two hours.
scheduled for the period of ciosest approach to Jupiter.

The post encounter phases, from the end of near

Eighty days and approximately 80 million kilometers encounter to about 35 days later, will continue observations as
(50 million miles) from the Giant Planet, the Jupiter observa- the planet is left behind. Using the gravity of Jupiter to sling-
tory phase will begin, about December 15, 1978. Following a shot it on its way, Voyager 1 will flash onward toward the
quiet period over the holidays, periodic imaging with the ringed planet Saturn, about 8OO million kilometers (500
narrow-angle camera will begin on January 4, 1.979. A third million miles) and 19 months distant. Voyager 1 will srudy
TCM is planned during this period. Saturn from August through December 1980.

Februqry 21,1978 No. t5

s u firmARY VOYAGER 2

Now over 322 million kilometers (200 million miles)

A test of the magnetometers' mechanical flippers was
from Earth, Voyager 1 is operating normally, with a velocity
successfully completed on Januzry 24.
of about 23 kilometers (14 miles) per second relative to the
A target maneuver is scheduled for March 7. The
Sun. At the speed of light (and radio waves), one-way purpose of the maneuver is to calibrate the imaging cameras'
communication time is 17 minutes 48 seconds. photopolarimeter, and infrared interferometer spectrometer'
Voyager 2 is nearly 313 million kilometers (195 million
all mounted on the scan platforrn at the tip of the science
miles) from Earth, travelling at a velocity of about 22 kllo-
boom. A series of spacecraft turns positions the target plate,
meters (13.7 miles) per second relative to the Sun. One-way
mounted below the bus at an angle to the scan platform, in the
communication time is 17 minutes 18 seconds, half a minute
sunlight, so that each instrument can "look" at the reflective
less than Voyager 1. Voyager 2 is operating normally.
plate as the scan platform is maneuvered. The sequence
requires about 5 hours to complete' Target maneuvers will be
UPD A T E performed regularly on both spacecraft throughout cruise.

In early January, Voyager 1 completed its first test and
(This is tbe fourtb in a planned series of brief explanatory
calibration of the magnetometers' mechanical flippers. The
magnetometer sensors,located on a 13-meter (43-foot) boom notes on tbe spacecraft and its subsystems.)
to minimize the effects of the spacecraft's own magnetic field,
are flipped end-to-end and calibration measurements are taken. Pan 4 - Cosmic Ray Investigation
The commands for this sequence are sent during real time
rather than incorporated into an automatic computer When cosmic rays, high-energy radiation from outer
sequence, so that the event may be monitored as it happens. space, were discovered less than 7O years ago' they caught the
The filter wheels on the cameras are stepping normaliy attention of the public and fired the imaginations of science
again after being turned off during the December sequence fiction writers, who quickly invented cosmic ray guns, those
verification tests. Diagnostic tests have identified a bad deadly weapons of invading aliens. Although much has been
memory location in the flight data subsystem computer, and a learned about these phenomena in the intervening years, and
spare memory location is now being used and will be used in cosmic ray guns have given way to lasers, phasers, and light
future programs. sabers, many questions remain unanswered, or, as is often the
Two changes have been made in Voyager 1's Earth-to- case in scientific inquiry, some answers have only raised more
Jupiter mission phase schedule. The second trajectory correc-
tion maneuver, previously scheduled for June 1978, will now Cosmic rays are the most energetic particles found in
be executed in September 1978. ln addition, the start of the nature and are atomic nuclei, primarily protons' and electrons.
They are comprised of all elements known to man. Over
Jupiter Observatory data acquisition has been moved to
certain energy ranges and at certain periods of time, the
January +, 1979 to allow personnel a quiet period over the
winter holidays before the start of intensive activities which elemental content of cosmic rays is similar in proportion to
will span eight months as first one, then the other, spacecraft that of the matter of the solar system. Generally, however,
observesJupiter. their composition varies significandy with energy, indicating
On February 17, Yoyager 1 entered a safing routine that a variety of astrophysical sources and processescontribute
before completing a cruise science maneuver. A complete to their numbers.
cruise maneuver involves 10 360" yaw turns and 24 roll turns, Cosmic rays could pose a hazard tb future space
taking 18 hours to complete, and allows routine calibration of travellers. They can also cause mutation by altering or destroy-
several instruments by looking at the entire sky. ing genes. Although it is unlikely that life on Earth could be

R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n S t o t u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 7 2 3 7
R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n O p e r o t i o n s S t o t u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 6 6 6 5
S t o t u sB u l l e t i n E d i t o r ( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8 J et PropulsionLaboratory
4800 Oak GroveDrrve
PasadenaCa|r{ornra 91103
AC 213 354 4321
affected much (our atmosphere shields us), cosmic rays may
play a role in organic evolution in space. Cosmic rays may, as
we search for their origins, tell us much about our sdlar system
and its origins and processes.Cosmic rays, which are material
samples from the galaxy, can tell us much about how stars
synthesize (cook) the elements. In addition, cosmic ray studies ,
have contributed greatly to the field of subnuclear physics,
giving us mesons, hyperon, muons,-positrons, and neutrinos,
long before they were artificially created in atomic acceler-
ators in Earth's laboratories.

Early cosmic ray studies sought to idenrify the origin of

cosmic rays in specific atomic reactions, but today the
emphasis has shifted to study of the acceleration (pull) of ions
by electromagnetie fields which are thought to exist in the
interstellar spaces or in the neighborhood of certain celestial
mass,and direction of each entering particle is measuredby
the number of detectorsit penetrates,the electricalchargeit
Experiment Objectives
deposits,and which telescopeit enters, The telescopesare
positioned at various anglesto that the experimentdoes not
The Voyagers carry identical cosmic ray experiments,
need spacecraft maneuvers to gather samples from all
one of several fields and particles studies on the mission, The
investigations will provide data on the energy content, origin
and acceleration process, life history, and dynamics of cosmic
The instrument package weighs 7.25 kilograms (16
pounds),measures about 20 x 30.5x 25 centimeters (8 x 12 x
rays in the solar system and nearby interstellar sp_ace.
The investigations will anaLyze,at increasing distances
1Oinches)and draws5.2 wattsof power.
from the Sun, the energy spectra and elemental composition
Principal investigatorfor the experiment is Dr. R. E.
of all cosmic-ray nuclei from hydrogen through iron, over an
Vogt of the California Institute of Technology and Chief
energy range from about 1 million to 500 million electron
Scientist at the Institute's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Co-
volts. (ln comparison, medical x-rays pack about 1O,OOO
investigatorsare Dr. l. R. Jokipii (University of Arizona),Dr.
F. B. McDonald(GoddardSpaceFlight Centerand the Univer-
electron volts of energy, while an atom in an exploding atomic
sity of Maryland), Voyager Project Scientist Dr. E. C. Stone
bomb carries about 10 million electron volts.)
(Caltech),Dr. B. J. Teegarden(Goddard),Dr. J. H. Trainor
At ever increasing distances from the Sun, the
(Goddard), and Dr. W. R. Webber(University of New Hamp-
experiments will gather data over a wide range of mass, charge,
and energy, with high resulotion and at high data rates. Close
GoddardSpaceFlight Center,Greenbelt,Maryland,built
in, the Sun's magnetic field and plasma tends to prevent entry
the high-energytelescopes,while Caltechbuilt the low-energy
of lower-energy cosmic rays from the galaxy, Farther from the
and electron telescopes,as well as the bench checkout equip-
Sun, presumably at distances of 20 to 30 AU (the Earth's
ment for pre-flight testing.
distance from the Sun is 1 AU), one hopes to discover, for the
first time, low-energy galactic particles and to learn about their
sources and how these particles are accelerated to rheir
immense energies. The energies and streaming patterns of
particles can reveal much about their origin and where they
have been since.

Insffument Package

T'here are two basic types of instruments used in cosmic

ray studies. One rype uses track visua.lization, in which the
paths of cosmic ray particles are made visible and photo-
graphed. The second, electron counting, converts all or part of
a particle's kinetic energy to electrical impulses which are
recorded. The Voyager instruments are of the second type.
Each Voyager cosmic-ray experiment, mounted about /r,
half-way out on the science boom, consists of seven fixed-
mounted telescopes, four single-ended low-eneigy telescopes,
two double-ended high-energy telescopes, and one electron
telescope. All use arrays of solid-state detectois, silicon wafers
of varying thicknesses (35 microns to 6 millimeters) and area
(2.8 to 9.6 square centimeters), each cut from carefully-grown
pure crystals. Various electrically-conducting metals (alumi-
num, gold, or lithium) are laid on the semi-conductor wafer
surfaces to give them their sensor properties. The energl,

Morch l,1978 No. 16
A temporary suspension of all but essential spacecraft
activity has been directed so that full attention can be concen-
trated on understanding several new spacecraft problems and
on maintaining schedules in preparation for Jupiter encounrer.
Several problems aboard Yoyager 1 are under investiga-
tion, including the cruise science maneuver abort on February
t7, a d,egradationin sensitiviry of the plasma instrumenr, and a
problem in maneuvering the scan platform. Tiger teams are
currently analyzing the problems to understand them and their
Yoyager 1 is about 349 million kilometers (217 million
miles) from Earth, nearly six months into irs journey with
almost 1O months to go before the start of Jupiter observa-
tions. One-way communication time is 19 minutes 18 seconds.
One-way communication time with Voyager 2 is 18
minutes 42 seconds, at a distance of nearly 339 million
kilometers (210 million miles) from Earth. Voyager 2's obser- PLASMA INSTRUMENT. The protective covers on the three
vations of Jupiter will begin in about 13 months. apertures of the ailing main detector were removed before
launch, along with the piping which filtered clean cool air into
the instrument before launch. The unaffected side-mounted
detector is in the foreground in this photograph.

UPDATE error is suspected as the cause of the problem, slnce sun sensor
VOYAGER 1 data indicates a difference between expected and actual sun
position after each complete yaw turn.
Cruise Science Maneuver The data from the maneuver is being analyzed in detail
to fully understand the problem and to determine its affect on
A routine cruise maneuver to calibrate several science future operarions.
insnuments by turning the spacecraft to scan the entire sky
was automatically terminated before completion on February Plasma Instrument
17 when the command control subsystem (CCS) computer
entered a failure protection mode. Although apparently unrelated to the events causing the
The cruise maneuver consists of ten complete 360o yaw cruise maneuver abort, a problem in Voyager 1's plasma instru-
turns, followed by sun acquisition, and then 24 complete 360o ment was also detected February 17. The sensitivity of the
roll turns. Apparently, the sun sensors did not find the sun as main cluster of three detectors appears to have dropped sig-
planned after the ten yaw turns, and a pitch and yaw nificantly. Initial indications are that the science objectives can
maneuver, as part of the sun loss routine, was required to still be met at Jupiter; however, during cruise, measurements
regain solar reference. of positive ions at the lower energy levels in interplanetary
The spacecraft normally uses the sun and the star space will be significantly affected. The instrument is designed
Canopus as references to maintain a steady position rather to measure ions in the energy range from 1O to 5950 elect4on
than tumble about in space, except when on-board gyros are volts. The side-mounted detector, positioned at right angles to
commanded to be used as the reference. During the yaw turns, the ailing main cluster (which points toward Earth), is
gyro references were in use, and some form of gyro-induced unaffected and working as planned.

R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n S t o f u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 7 2 3 7
R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n O p e r o t i o n sS t o t u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 6 6 6 5
S t o t u sB u l l e t i n E d i t o r { 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8 Jet PropulsionLaboratory
4800Oak GroveDrrve
P a s a d e n aC a l r l o r n r9a1 ' 1 0 3
AC 213 354 4321
Scan Platform

During a calibration of the scan platform on February

23, the platform's azimuth movement appears to have grad-
ually slowed and did not reach the desired position in the hour
allowed. When the hour was clocked by the atritude and
articulation control subsystem (AACS) computer, the calibra-
tion was terminated. Analysis is underway to determine the
cause and what remedies can be taken.


Voyager 2 presented a not altogether unpleasant surprize

when it was detected that the stuck analyzer wheel of the
photopolarimeter instrument appears to have become unstuck
and operable, The wheel, stuck since shortly after launch,
appears to be stepping properly, but further study is needed
before concluding that the instrument is operating normally
again. At nearly the same dme, the filter wheel began to dis-
play erratic behavior, and the instrument has now been turned PLATE /
off until these latest developments can be understood. The
normal operating mode of the insrumenr is to step through 4O WHEEL
f.ilter/analyzer wheel combinations once every 24 seconds to
provide intensiry and polarization measurements of scattered PHOTOPOLARIMETER (PPS). In the normal operating mode,
sunlight at selected wavelengths. the instrument steps through 40 filter/analyzer wheel combina-
tions every 24 seconds,

SC A N P IA T F OR ffI P h o t o p ol o r i m e t e r
+ x ( P t T c)H


suN {- +z ( RoLL)

-v (YAW)


Mqrch 24, 1978 No. 17

If 's ttovrNc!

Scan Platform

Operating in low gear to obtain the most torque,

Voyager 1's science scan platform has been successfully
maneuvered in two separate tests. The piatform, which slowed
to a standstill during an azimuth slew on February 23, was
successfully moved on March 17 and again on Match 23.
Project officials are expressing cautious optimism that planned
platform operation at Jupiter encounter will be achievable.

Moving at a slow speed of 0.0052 degreesper second,

the platform was comrnanded on March 17 to back off a mere
-1.5 degrees in azimuth from its stuck position, but data
indicate this slew stopped short of its target and showed some
unexplained characteristics,In the same test, two later slews at
+9.0 degrees azimuth and +3.0 degrees elevation were also
commanded and successfully completed.

On March 23, a five-horr sequence of four slews moved SCAN PLATFORM. The science scan platform can b€.rotated
the platform through several positions away from the area about two axes to provide precision pointing for its four
where it had stalled, ending at the position most favorable to optical instruments,
remain in should the platform fail to respond at a later date.

The platform can be moved (slewed) in one direction at

a time, either azimuth or elevation, at one of four pre-selected SU'N'UARY
rates: 0,0052, 0.0833, 0.333, or 1.000 degreeper second.The
lowest speed is required by the ultraviolet spectrometer experi- Both spacecraft are now closer to Jupiter than to Earth,
ment and also provides the most torque. in straight line distances. Six months after launch, Voyager 1 is
abott 426 million kilometers (265 million miles) from Earth
and 366 million kilometers (227 million miles) from Jupiter.
At the rate of 0,0052 degrees per second, a full
Due to the arc of the flight path, however, the craft will con-
360-degree turn about an axis would take 20 hours to com-
tinue to chase the giant planet through space before closing in
plete, At the fastest rate, 1 degree per second, a full turn
to begin Jupiter observations at a distance of about 80 million
would take 6 minutes, The platform cannot turn a continuous
kilometers in January 1979, lessthan 10 months from now.
full circle about either of iis t-o axes, however, because of
mechanical limitations (for example, twisting of the cables).
Yoyager 2 is about 412 million kilometers (256 million
The azimuth range is 360 degrees and the elevation range is
miles) from Earth and 380 million kilometers (236 million
210 degrees(including overtravel).
miles) from Jupiter. Its journey will continue more than a year
(contd) before Jupiter observationsbegin in April 1979.

R e c o r d e d l V l i s s i o nS t o t u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 7 2 3 7

R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n O p e r o t i o n sS r o t u s( 2 t 3 ) 3 5 4 - 6 6 6 5
S t o t u sB u l l e t i n E d i t o r ( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8 Jet PropulsionLaboratory
4800 Oak GroveDrrve
4C213 354 4321
The 103-kiiogram (226-pound) piatform, located ar the High Gain Antenna Solid State Amplifier
end of the 2.3-meter (7.5-foot) boom, provides precision
pointing about two axes for four instruments: the ultraviolet Some possible degradation in the high gain antenna's
spectrometer (UVS), infrared spectrometer and radiometer solid state amplifier has been detected. Because of a similar
(IRIS), photopolarimeter (PPS), and a two-camera imaging problem on Voyager 2 which resulted in switching to the
s y s t e m( l S S ) . backup travelling wave tube amplifier, the situation on
Voyager 1 will be monitored closely.
P hotopolarime ter

Voyager 1's photopolarimeter instrument was turned on

again on March 15 and is operating normally. VOYACER 2

PlasmaInstrument V o yager 2 is cruising quietly, performing routine

instrument calibrations. A target maneuver was successfully
The piasma instrument performance continues to completed on March 7 to calibrate the scan platform instru-
degrade,and is being closely monitored. The sensitivity of the ments.
instrurntnt's main detector dropped significantly on February
17. In early March, further change was observed, and it now The photopolarimeter was turned on again on March 14
appears that the Jupiter encounter objectiveswill be affected, and is operating normally. Although the troublesome analyzer
as well as the cruise measurements.The instrument's side- wheel is apparently unstuck and operable, it is not being
detector continues to operate well. stepped currently,

J u p i t e r a n d f i v e o f i t s m o o n s : { r a n g i n go u t w a r d f r o m t h e p l a n e t } A m a l t h e a , l o , E u r o p a , G a n y m e d e ,a n d C a l l i s t o .

Aprif 7,1978 No. 18

SUmmARY 24 hours. A test is being planned to exercise the platform as

the scan coil heater warms the actuator.
Voyager l's scan platform has been moved in several
directions at several speedsduring the past week. The craft is
now over 472 mtlbon kilometers (293 million miles) from
Earth, travelling at a velocity of about 21 kilometers (13
miles) per secondrelativeto the Sun. One-way communication
t i m e i s n o w s l i g h t l ym o r e t h a n 2 6 m i n u t e s .
Voyager 2's main radio receiver appears to have failed,
and the backup receiver may have a farity tracking loop
First indicationsare that Voyager 2's main radio receiver
capacitor which might make communications with the
fuses have blown and that a tracking loop capacitor in the
beleagueredship extremely sensitive.
backup unit may be faulty. At a velocity of 1,9.9kilometers
(i2.4 miles) per secondrelativeto the Sun, Voyager 2 is about
On April 5, the computer command subsystementereda
456 million kilometers (283 million miles) from Earth. One- protection sequence which switched the craft from the
way light time is 25 minures 11 seconds. primary receiver to the secondary receiver since no command
had been receivedin sevendays. Attempts to attain two-way
UP D A T E lock on the secondary receiver failed and diagnostic tests
executed after the switch to this unit indicated a problem with
VOYAGER 1 its tracking loop capacitor, The protection sequenceis pro-
grammed to switch back to the primary receiver if the
ScanPlatform secondary unit receivesno commands in the following twelve
hours. Since attempts to attain two-way lock on the second
Voyager l's scan platform has been roving the area of receiver failed, the program switched back to the main
t h e " s c i e n c e - p r e f e r r e d p o s i t i o n " , e x e c u t i n gg r o u n d - receiver.
commanded slew sequences which exercisedvariousdirections,
magnitudes, and rates of motion. The science-preferredposi- After this switch, operations appeared normal and
tion, at 235 degreesazimuth and 11.5degreeselevation,is the several commands were transmitted through the main receiver,
most favorable position for the platform at Jupiter thus causing a reset of the seven-daytimer. However, about 30
encounter should it fail at a later date to resoond to minutes after the switch, an unknown failure in the receiver
commands,as it did on February 23. caused excessive current which appears to have blown the
The area in which the initial stall occurred has been
avoided in the recent tests, and there is some concern that a The spacecraft remains configured on the main receiver
problem may still exist in that area (45 degreesazimuth and and unable to receive commands from Earth. However, the
193 degreeselevation). Several of the spacecraft sequences seven-day timer will automatically switch to the secondary
already completed for Jupiter encounter require passing receiver on April 13, at which time attempts will be made to
through the questionable area. command the spacecraftin spite of the failed capacitor.

In an effort to pinpoint the cause of the February 23 Normal navigation has depended on two-way Doppler,
stall, tests on ApriJ 4 provided data on platform performance but the receiver failures will probably necessitate use of
during a cooling trend by turning off the scan coil heater for alcernatenavigationtechniques.

N a l t o n a lA e r o n a u t r c sa n d
Space Admrnrslratron
R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n S t o t u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 7 2 3 7
R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n O p e r o t i o n sS t o t u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 6 6 6 5
S r o t u sB u l l e t i n E d i t o r( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8 Jet PropulsionLaboratory
PasadenaCahlornra 91103
AC 2r3 3544321



A P RI O ]$- o"t ''

qFD E lOtT

HALFWAY THERE, Both spacecraft are now closer to Jupiter than to Earth. As of
Aprif 10, Voyager 1 will be nearly 482 million kilometers (299 million miles) from
Earth and 343 million kilometers (213 million miles) from Jupiter, targeted for closest
approach on March 5, 1979. Voyager 2 witl be 465 million kilometers {289 million
miles) from Earth and 360 million kilometers {223 million miles) from Jupiter on
April 10, headed for a July 9, 1979 rendezvous.

April 13, 1978 No. t9
Voyager 2 was successfully commanded early Thursda;r Yoyager 2's week-long emergency began April 5 when
morning using previously untried techniques, after more than a the backup receiver showed evidence that it was having trouble
week of radio problems. accepting commands and the spacecraft's primary radio
receiver failed. In the event the spacecraft does not receive a
command for seven days, it automatically switches to the
Shortly after 3:30 a.m. (PST) Voyager operations senr redundant receiver. That seven-day period was up early Thurs-
the first command to the spacecraft through the Madrid track- day morning, thus allowing a 9-hour sequence of commands to
ing station, Just before 4:30 a,m,, controllers received confir- be sent toYoyager 2.
mation that the command had been received and accepted,It
took almost 27 minutes for the command, travelling at the The apparent failure of the backup receiver's tracking
speed of light, to reach the spacecraft, and another 27 minutes loop capacitor means that the receiver can no longer normally
for the return flight of the command acknowledgement to follow a changing signal frequency. The difficulty in this is
reach Earth. that signals from Earth change in frequency due primarily to

BY JOVE, lT'S JUPITER! This photograph of Jupiter and its four Galilean satellites was taken by Voyager 2 on February 8, 1978, when
the spacecraft was 437 million kilometers (271.5 million miles) from the planet. The picture was taken by Voyager 2's narrow-angle
camera through a blue filter. North is toward the top with the satellite Europa at left. lo, Ganymede and Callisto, in that order, range
outward from the planet to the right. The luzzy spot in Jupiter's southern hemisphere is not the Great Red Spot, but a reseaumark on
the imaging system that was removed by the lmage ProcessingLab (lPL) at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory {JPL). The Galilean satellites
are much dimmer than Jupiter, so the lPLincreased their brightness by computer enhancement to make the planet and satellites equally
visible, When this image was taken. Voyager 2 was threading its way through the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, and had almost
1-1/2 Vearsof cruise left before it reaches Jupiter in July 1979. The Voyager project is managed for NASA by JPL, California Institute
of Technology.

R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n S t o t u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 7 2 3 7
R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n O p e r o i i o n s S t o t u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 6 6 6 5
S t o t u sB u l l e t i n E d i t o r ( 2 I 3 ) 3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8 Jet PropulsionLabofatory
AC 213 354 4321
the doppler effect caused by Earth's rotation. Therefore, this load can and should be transmitted. As a minimum,
spacecraft engineers must determine the frequency at which commands to maintain the high-gain antenna pointed at the
the receiver is listening, and then comPute the frequency Earth, which is essential for communications with the space-
at which the Deep Space Station must transmit to send craft, will be transmitted.
a command.

The doppler effect can be observed by standing, for Activity on Voyager t has been quiet as all effort has
example, near a railroad crossing and observing an approaching been concentrated on its sister ship. The photopolarimeter
train, As the train approaches, the pitch of its horn (and thus instrument has been turned off as the analyzer wheel is
the observed frequency) rises until it passesthe observer, and apparently stuck in a manner similar to Voyager 2's, which has
then falls to a lower pitch as the train disappears in the other been freed.

The first command sent after Voyager 2 switched to its SUilTMARY

backup receiver today was transmitted over arisingfrequency
range, as controllers attempted to determine the frequency to Both spacecraft, are nearing the center of the
which the receiver is tuned. Later commands zeroed in on this asteroid belt which Iies between the orbits of Mars and
frequency, Commands were sent to prevent turn-on of the Jupiter.
X-band transmitter in an effort to prevent temperature
changes which could affect the frequency, to prevent switch- Voyager 2, travelling at about 19.7 kilometers
(12.2 miles) per second relative to the Sun, is more than
ing to the high-gain antenna since it was during such a switch a
week ago that the primary receiver failure appeared, and to 474 million kilometers (294 million miles) from Earth,
turn the S-band transmitter to high power so that the space- at about 2.8 AU from the Sun. One-way signal time is
craft can be tracked by the 26-meter (85-foot) antennasof the 26 minutes 16 seconds.
Deep SpaceNetwork. Sun and the Earth, and equals about 150 million kilo-
meters or 93 miilion miles), and Jupiter's orbit lies ahead
Since the spacecraftemergencywas declareda week ago, at about 5.2 AU. One-way communication time with
Voyager 2 has been tracked continuously by the gargantuan Voyager 1 is 27 minutes 13 seconds.
64-meter (210-foot) antennas of the DSN. This has been
accomplished with the cooperation of the Viking, Pioneer, and Yoyage,r 2, travelling at about 19.7 kilometers
(12.2 miles) per second relative to the Sun, is more than
Helios projects which are also tracked by the DSN. Oniy the
474 million kiiometers (294 miliion miles) from Earth,
64-meter antennas can receive the S-band low power signais
at about 2.8 AV from the Sun. One-way signal time is
which the spacecraft has been transmitting the past week.
26 minutes 16 seconds.

Mission officials are highly optimistic that Yoyager 2

will be able to achieve its objectives. The spacecraft velocities will continue to decrease
as they move further into space, as the effect of the
The next automatic cruise sequenceis scheduled to be Centaur/Propulsion Module boost shortly after launch
sent to the spacecraft on April 27.It inclt:des Voyager 2's is gradually overpowered by the gravitational pull of the
second trajectory correction maneuver (TCM), scheduled for Sun.
May 3. Further investigation is needed to determine whether

ttAY 4, l97E No.2O

SUMMARY the Voyager 1 platform is again moved into the region where it
previously stuck, laboratory tests will be conducted to
Eight months after launch and eight months before determine the effects of the modeled failure.
beginningcloseJupiter observations, Voyager1 is nearly 555
million kilometers (348 million miles) from Earth, at a The Voyager 1 S-band solid state amplifier (SSA),
distancefrom the Sun of about 3.1 AU. Its velocityrelativeto operating in its high power mode, is beginning to exhibit
the Sun is about 19.9 kilometers(I2.4 miles)per second,and degradation characteristics simiiar to those previously seen on
one-waycommunicationtime is 30 minutes45 seconds. Voyager 2. The switch to the S-band traveling wave tube
(TWT) amplifier was accomplishedon May 10.
On May 3, Voyager 2 successfullyperformed a mid-
c ourse correction maneuver to adjust its Jupiter-bound
trajectory. The maneuverwas included in a set of commands
successfullyrelayed to the craft on ApriI 26. Voyager 2 is
On April 26, a regtlar load of the Voyager 2 CCS
nearly 535 million kilometers(332 million miles)from Earth,
computer was accomplished.This Ioad contained the sequence
or about 3.0 AU from the Sun.Itsvelocityrelativeto the Sun
to perform a trajectory correction maneuver on May 3. What
is about 18.8 kilometers(11.7 miles)per second,and one-way
made this load unique was that it was performed flawlessiy,
communicationtime is 29 minutes 52 seconds,Yoyager 2
using new teihniques developed to command the spacecraft in
began its journey about 8-l/2 months ago, and will begin
spite of its one remaining crippled receiver. These techniques
Jupiter observationsin about 11-1l2months.
involve predicting the rest frequency of the spacecraft's
voltage controlled oscillator (VCO), and programming the
UPDATE ground-transmitted frequency to match it within about 50 Hz.
It is fortunate that the 64-meter Deep Space Stations have the
VOYAGER 1 ability to program the uplink frequency, a capability not
previously planned for Voyager operations; the same
A plausible model for the Voyager 1 scan platform capability is now being planned for all stations.
sticking has been developed and is now being tested. The
possible explanation for the sticking invoives a small piece of TCM 82 on May 3 involved a 203-secondburn with a
plastic from the scan actuator fill screw iocking mechanism .615 m/sec velocity change. Early indications show a nominal
resting on one or two teeth of the actuator's final gear. Before maneuver with no problerns.

R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n S t o t u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 7 2 3 7
R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n O p e r o t i o n s S t q t u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 6 6 6 5
S t o t u sB u l l e t i n E d i t o r ( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8 Jet PropulsionLaboratory
4BO0Oak GroveDrive
P a s a d e n aC a l r l o r n r9a1 1 0 3
AC 213 354 4321

June 27, 1978 No. 2l

VOYAGER 7 took these nanowangle pictures of Jupiter on Ma3t 19 from a distance of 295 million
kilometers (183 million miles or about 2 AU), Tbe original image scale is 29OO kilometers/pixel, still
poorer tban the best Eartb-based pbotograpby, Of the oiginal sixteen narroa-angle images, taken
durtng a tuenty-fh,e rninute intental, tbe Image Processing Laboratory (IPL) at JPL has chosen six, one
in each color, to prcsent in tbb illustration. The six baoe been digitally enlarged and increased in
contrast by the IPL, The sezsenth frame is a aersion of the aiolet image, uthiclt bas been spatially
ftlteted to speciall3r enhance tbe smallest details, Notice that Jupiter's Great Red Spot is prominmt in
pictures taken at sbort uaztelengths (ultraaiolet, aiolet, and blue) but is not cl.early aisible in longer
waztelength (gteen and orange) images. Almost ten months of Eartb-to-Jupiter crfuise remained
on May 19.

R e c o r d e d M i s s i o n S t o t u s{ 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 7 2 3 7

R e c o r d e di l l i s s i o n O p e r o t i o n s S t q t u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 6 6 6 5
S t o t u sB u l l e t i n E d i t o r ( 2 I 3 ) 3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8 Jet PropulsionLaboratory
4800 Oak GroveDrrve
AC 2r3 354 4321
5 U 'VI'NARY The instrument has been returning good science data since
that time.
Voyager 1 is about 679 million kilometers (422 mlllion
miles or abott 4-t/2 AU) distant from Earth, travellingwith a
Pitch Thruster Test
heliocentric velocity of 18 kilometers (11 miles) per second.
One-waycommunicationtime is 37 minutes42 seconds. A test of the pitch thruster impingement was conducted on
Travelling with a heliocentric velocity of 17 kilometers Voyager 1 on June I 5.
(10.5 miles) per second,Voyager 2 is 65I million kilometers The test provided data to refine comparisons of calculated
(405 million miles or abott 4-t/3 AU) from Earth. One-way versus observed impingement values. Voyager 1's first trajec-
light time hasstretchedto 36 minutes 10 seconds. tory correction maneuver last fall indicated that a portion of
the exhaust gas from the thrusters is impeded by a bus supporr
structure. This reduces the desired velocity changes,
UPDATE In this test, the spacecraft's high gain antenna was turned
VOYAGER 1 45" off Earth point in either direction to fire first one and
then the other pitch thruster while pointing at the Earth. The
Scan Platform thrusters are mounted at a 45" angle on either side of the high
gain antenna.
Constraints on Voyager 1's scan platform slewing envelope
All signals but the wide carrier signal were turned off and
have been removed following successful in-flight testing.
Earth receivers were focussed in on the high gain antenna to
Tests on three consecutive days (May 31 through June 2)
track the resulting doppler effect. In a few months, the
moved the platform through the area in which the platform
spacecraft-to-Earth distance will be too great to capfirlre the
hung up in February, with no hangup in the area of concern,
signal with the high-gain antenna pointed that far off the Earth
below 60" azimuth.
Previous tests in March and April, which avoided the
Analysis of the test results is continuing and will be
problem area, indicated no problems in moving the platform
factored into calculations for future maneuvers.
through other regions.
In the latest test, azimuth axis motion was evaluated over
the range of 345" to 10o, and particularly from 53o to 3 1o. No
irregularities were found other than possible slowdown at Backup Mission Load
higher azimuth angles, which is still being analyzed,.
A backup mission sequence was relayed to Voyager 2 on
Plasma Instrument June 23. This computer program is designed to ensure at least
a minimum mission return should communications be lost
Voyager l's plasma instrument is operating normally again through failure of the remaining receiver sometime in the
following a series of tests in mid-May. future.
The sensitivity of the main detector dropped significandy Yoyager 2's primary receiver failed on April 5, leaving the
on February 17. Analysis of the problem indicated an open spacecraft with only one receiver and no recourse should that
circuit in an amplifier, and a series of heating and cooling tests one fail. Early probe missions were equipped with only one
was planned in an effort to restore contact. receiver and carried backup sequencesas safeguards.
On May 16, the replacement heater was turned on, raising The sequence will be stored in the backup cornputer
the temperature of both the modulator and the electronics, command subsystem. It includes operation of all 11 experi-
but no change in science data was observed at that time and ments, including imaging at Saturn but not at Jupiter. The
the heater was turned off. scan platform would move through three positions per planet,
However, minutes prior to the start of the cooling test on as compared to the thousands of positions it wouid assume in
May 18, which would have turned off all heaters, data indi- the normal mission.
cated that the instrument was operating properly, and the The load also includes one traiectory correclion to retarget
cooling test was cancelled pending further analysis. to Saturn after Jupiter encounter in ldy 1979.

July 25, 1978 No.22
SUMMARY Both spacecraft continue their interplanetary cruises,
with periodic calibrations and tesrs. The gap between them is
widening, as the data clearly show:

July 25,1978 Voyager 7 Voyager 2

Distance from Eartb, km - 714 million - 683 million

Distance from Eartb, mi - 444 million - 425 million

Distance from Eartb, AU - 4,7 - 4,5

(1 AU = 15O million km
or 93 million mi )

He li o c en tric oel o city, 17 km/sec 16 km/sec

(1O.5mi/sec) ( 1Omi/sec)

One-way light time 39 min 40 sec 37 min 59 sec

Launcb Date September5, 1977 August20, 1977

Jupiter Encounter Date Marcb 5, 1979 July 9, 1979


UPDATE One change will compensate for rate changes induced by

movement of the digital tape recorder (DTR). These rate
Solar Conjunction changes, aithough slight, are still enough to cause smear in the
imaging. The AACS will now automaticallly sense when the
Voyagers 1. and 2 took a brief rest this month as the DTR starts, stops, or reverses direction, and will pulse the
Earth and spacecraft moved into solar conjunction. For a attitude control jets to offset this torque.
period of about two weeks for each spacecraft,the Sun-Earth-
Probe (SEP) angle was less than t 5 degrees,and no commands A second patch will allow fine-tuning of the rare to position
which would change the state of the spacecraft were allowed. gain in the attirude control functions.

Due to the position of the Sun between the Earth and A third correcrion will be for gyro drift compensation. A
the spacecraft, data reception was "ratty" during this period. new command will allow intentional turning of the spacecraft
Voyager 2 moved out of solar conjuncrion on July 24. at a slow rate of speed,independent of the drift compensarion
built into the software.
Voyager's solar conjunction happened to occur during
the largest solar flare activity observed in recent years. In inertial control, spinning gyros provide references which,
by, their nature drift slightly, causing spacecraft turning. The
AACS Patch drift can be measured and corrected. At times, however, con-
trolled slow turning is desirable, as when even the spacecraft
In mid-August, several refinements will be made to the turn rate is too high for the ultraviolet spectrometer to track
attitude and articuiation control subsystem (AACS) of both the planet limb. The new capability will allow independent
spacecraft, control of gyro drift.

R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n S t o r u s( 2 1 3 )3 S 4 - 7 2 9 7
R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n O p e r o r i o n sS r o r u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 _ 6 6 6 5
S t o t u sB u l l e t i n E d i r o r{ 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8 Jet PropulsionLaboratory
4 8 0 0O a kG r o v eD r r v e
P a s a d e n aC a l r l o r n r9a1 1 0 3
AC 213 354 4321
THEVOYAGERSPACECRAFT tion of hydrogen. This gas is in the fourth state of
matter called a very high "plasma" (the other three
(This is tbe fiftb in a planned seriesof brief etcplanatorJt
statesare solid, liquid and gas).It travelsat speedsvary-
notes on tbe spacecraftand its subsystems,)
ing from 3OOto 11OOkilometers(185 to 685 miles)per
second. Although of extremely low density (less than
Part 5 - Magnetic Fields Investigation : 1OO particles per cubic centimeter), the plasma per-
The magnetic field of a planet is an externally meates all of interplanetary space and forms the solar
measurable indication of conditions deep within its wind. Becauseof its ionized state, it is an electrically-
interior. Four magnetometersaboard each Voyager will conducting medium in interplanetary space.
gather data on the planetary magnetic fields at Jupiter,
The solar wind is deflected by planetary magnetic
Saturn, and possibly Uranus; the satellites of these
fields and sreams around the obstacle, confining the
planets; solar wind and satellite interactions with these
planet's magnetic field to a limited region of spacecalled
planetary fields; and the interplanetary magnetic field.
the magnetosphere.At Earth, .the magnetosphereis a
long, narrow tail on the far side of the planet (away
r If we are still communicating with the spacecraft
from the Sun). The ion tails of comets (but not the dust
when they passbeyond the orbit of Pluto and out of our
tails) also strearn in the direction of the solar wind flow.
solar system, the instruments may beam back news of
the interstellar medium as well. Well past the orbit of Uranus (at 2OAU), Voyager
will be alert to detect the outer edge of the solar wind,
Voyager's fields and particles investigations, of although this may be as far distant *s 5O AU (7-ll2
which the magnetic fields experiment is one, are comple- billion kilometers or 4-314 billion miles), well beyond
mentary, having overlapping areas of study but each the nominal limits of the mission.
with its own unique methods of observingand reporting
on the samephenomena. The three.dimensionalshape of Jupiter's magneto.
sphere is not well understood. The timing of the
Solar Wind and Magnetospheres Voyager arrivals at Jupiter, four months apart, will allow
concunent measurements of the interplanetarymedium
The magnetometerswill reveal a great deal about near Jupiter and the Jovian magnetosphereitself. Thus,
the interplanetary medium- the thinly scattered changesin characteristicsof the magnetospherecan be
ionized and magnetizedgas within the spacesof our identified as true spatial variations or as temporal ones
solarsystem- which forms the solarwind. induced by changesin the interplanetary medium.

Our Sun is constantly emitting electrically-charged Jupiter's rapid rotation rate (1 Jovian day is about
particles, mosdy protons and electrons,from t}re ioniza- 10 Earth hours) may be a causeof th€ strongly distorted

SOLAR WIND - The outer, least dense region of the Jovian magnetosphere (left) is highly
variable in size, perhaps due to varying pressureof the impinging solar wind (right).

onarfrffi k WAKE


JUPITEF FLUX TUBE AND lO WAKE - The motion of a Galilean satellit€ through the Jovian
environment can produce such interesting geomotrical regions as a "flux tube", where the satellite
interrupts the flow of charged particles along the magnetic field lines, and a "wake" region, which
arisesfrom th€ satellite interference with the co-rotating planetary plasma.

outer magnetosphere. At largedistancesfrom the planet, influence on these radio emissionsthrough its magnetic
the magnetic field lines appearto form a spiral structure, flux tube, which intersects both the plasma around Io
which might be explainedby outward plasmaflow. and the Jovianionosphere.

The interaction betweena satelliteand the Jovian Io is thought to have no internal magneticfield,
magnetospheredependson the propertiesof the satellite although its rocky surface,and that of Europa,should
of the field and
and its ionosphere,on the characteristics havesomemagnetizablematerial.Io is known to havean
particle environment, and on the properties of the atrnosphereand to be a sourceof sodium.

The Jovian magnetosphere rotateswith the planet, Saturn and Titan

extendingas far as the orbit of Callisto,the fourth Gali
lean satelliteof Jupiter. Saturn may also have a magnetic field and
magnetosphere similar to Jupiter's,but its magneticfield
Io Interaction is expected to be somewhatweaker. There is no large
satellite like Io close to Saturn. The major Satumian
A strong factor in choosingthe spacecraftflight satelliteto be studied by Voyager,Titan, is more than 1
paths was the desireto observea specialregion of inter- million kilometers (620 thousandmiles)from the planet
action betweenJupiter and its satelliteIo, known as the and may or may not be inside the planet's magneto-
flux tube. The flux tube is definedby the magneticlines sphere.
of force of Jupiter which passthrough Io, and is roughly
a bananashape. Titan is larger and more massive than Earth's
Moon and has a gravitationally-bound atmosphere.
Voyager 1 is targetedto passthrough the flux tube Study of Titan will be of special significance,and
at a distanceof 25,000 kilometers(15,500miles)from Voyager 2 may have an opportunity to measureTitan's
Io, and should return a definitive observationof the "wake" as the satellitemovesthrough the solarwind or
interaction. The spacecraftwill spend a maximum of the Saturnianmagnetosphere.
4-112minutes in the flux tube.
If the Uranusflyby option is realized,a "pole-on"
Decametricradio wave noise bursts (4 to 4o kilo- probe of the Uranian magnetospheremay be possible,
Hertz) from Jupiter area puzzlingphenomenawhich are since the axis of Uranuspoints almost toward the Sun.
probably connectedwith plasmainstabilitieswithin the The magnetosphereappearsto include the orbit of the
Jovian ionosphere.The satelliteIo appearsto exert some satellite Oberon.
Instrument Package

Each spacecraft carries dual magnetometers to

provide simultaneous data and eliminate from the mea-
surements the small but increasingly important magnetic
field of the spacecraft itself.

Since a wide, dynamic measurement range is

required to meet the planetary and interplanetary objec-
tives, the experiment uses both a low-field and a high-
field system. Each system contains two identical triaxial
fluxgate magnetometers. The low-field system will be
operated alone during cruise, measuring the interplane-
tary medium in eight ranges from about 0.O02 gamma to
1/2 Gatss (the Earth's field at the surface is about 1/2
Gauss). Both systems will operate during encounter
periods. point. The high-field sensors are located nearer rhe
spacecraftbus, on the boom's support structure.

To isolate the low-field magnetometers from the With the addition of the electronics, the total
spacecraft's own magnetic field as much as possible, the experiment weight is 5.6 kilograms (L2 pounds) and the
instruments are located on a 13-meter (43-foot) boom maximum power requirement is 2.2 watts.
which was carefully packed into an aluminum canister
Principai investigator for the experiment is Dr.
during the launch phase and then extended out to its full
Norman Ness of the Laboratory for Extraterrestrial
length during the parking orbit. This "Asrromasr" type
Physics at NASA'S Goddard Space Flight Center
of boom is indeed an engineering achievement and the
(GSFC), Greenbelt, Maryland. Co-investigators include
longest boom for such purposes ever flown.
Drs. M. H. Acuna, K. W. Behannon, L. F, Burlaga, and
R. P. Lepping, all at GSFC, and F. M. Neubauer at the
One low-field sensor is perched at the tip of the Institut lilr Geopbysik und Meterologie, Tecbnische
boom, while the other is stationed at about the mid- Uniaersitiit, Braunschweg, Federal Republic of Germany.


*sS fir
- .B

" A S T R O M A S T " - V o y a g e r ' s 1 3 - m e t e r - l o n g( 4 3 - f o o t ) m a g n e t o m e t e r b o o m i s f u l l y e x t e n d e d

during a test setup in JPL's SpacecraftAssembly Facility. Before launch, the boom was compactly
s t o r e d i n a 4 1 - c e n t i m e t e r - l o n g( 1 6 - i n c h ) a l u m i n u m c a n i s t e r ( i n s e t ) . T h e o n e _ Gp u l l o f E a r t h , sg r a v i t y
r e q u i r e st h e u s e o f s u p p o r t i n g s t r u c t u r e ss e e ni n t h i s p h o t o . T h e c y l i n d r i c a l f i x t u r e s a r e f l u x t a n k s ;

September 5, 1978 No. 23

A T M O S P H E R I C C H A N G E S A T J U P I T E R . T h e s e p h o t o s , o n e g r o u n d - b a s e da n d o n e f r o m V o y a g e r l , s h o w t h e d r a m a t i c
changes in the giant planet's dynamic atmosphere in four years, The composite photograph on the left was taken August
19, 1974 with a lSScentimeter (s-foot) reflecting telescope at the Catalina Observatory, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory,
University of Arizona-Tucson. Note the broad, bright band in the southern hemispheric area of the Great Red Spot.
T h e p h o t o o n t h e r i g h t w a s t a k e n w i t h a v i o l e t f i l t e r o n M a y 1 9 . 1 9 7 8 , b y V o y a g e r 1 ' s n a r r o w a n g l e c a m e r a ,a t a d i s t a n c eo f
2 9 5 m i l l i o n k i l o m e t e r s . ( T h e n a r r o w a n g l e a p e r t u r e s i z e i s a b o u t 1 9 c e n t i m e t e r s ,f o c a l l e n g t h i s 1 5 0 0 m i l l i m e t e r s , l T h e
Great Red Spot is now surrounded by only a narrow bright band, flanked by darker bands above and below it, while the
broadest bright band is now in the northern hemisphere, Some Jupiter observations will be retargeted toward the northern
hemisphere to look more closely at the bright band. Red Spot observations will not be affected by these changes.

SUMMARY is at about 4.O7 AU, and one-way light time is 40minutes

On September5, one year after its launch,Voyager1 1 1 seconds.
is 723 million kilometers (449 million miles) from Earth,
travelling with a heliocentricvelocity of 16 kilometersper On the first anniversary of its launch, August 20,
second(38,555 miles per hour). The arc (total) distance Yoyager 2 was 693 million kilometers (431 million miles)
travelledat this point is 781 million kilometers(485 million from Earth, travelling with a heliocentric velocity of t5.2
miles). Jupiter lies 179 million kilometers (110 million kilometers per second (34,058 miles per hour). The arc
miles)off the starboardbow, at about 5.2 AU*. Voyager1 (total) distance travelled at that point was 778 million
kilometers (484 million miles). Jupiter was 234 million
AU (astronomical unit) is the average distance between kilometers (146 million miles) distant. At 3.7 AU from the
the Sun and the Earth, about 150 million kilometers (93 Sun, one-way light time to Voyager 2 is 39 minutes 33
million miles). seconds.

R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n S t o t u s( 2 1 3 13 5 4 - 72 3 7
R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n O p e r o fi o n s S t o t u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 6 6 6 5
SpaceAdministration S t o t u sB u l l e t i n E d i t o r( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8
fil;s#3:J:ff;J3'" 91103
AC 213 354 4321
Scan Platform
O N E Y E A RI N S P A C E . . .
It has been a full year since the Voyagers set off to All constraints on Voyager 1's scan platform slewing
explore the cosmic ocean, and while the sailing has not were removed after testing in late May-early June found no
always been smooth, the ships are currendy healthy and irregularities in moving through the area in which the plat-
functioning well. form hung up in late February.

It has been a busy cruise phase. Several instrumenc

aboard Yoyager t have already made contact with the first The suspected cause of that problem is debris,
major island - Jupiter - while others continue to sample initially found in the output gear and subsequently in the
the interplanetary medium. The imaging system has second iast gear. It is believed that the debris has been
returned several series of good resolution photographs of crushed by the gears, and no further difficulty is expected.
Jupiter and various stars, and the planetary radio
astronomy (PRA) experimenr has "sighted" the giant
planet in its radio spectrum noise. The debris appeared to consist of soft, compliant
material pieces which could have come from several sources
As a sidelight, one experiment, the plasma wave during assembly of the unit.
subsystem (PWS), has even sent us sounds of the spacecraft
itself. The PWS measures waves of charged parricles moving
in space, and records data in several ranges, including the AACS Patch
audio range from about t5 Hz to 2O kHz. When the space-
craft's thrusters fire, the hydrazine gas is decomposed by a Both spacecraft have now had their attirude and
catalyst, and expelled into space. The addition of this articulation control subsystem (AACS) software modified.
matter to the relatively low-density local area of rhe space- The changes, sent August 14 to Voyager 1 and August 28
craft is recorded by the PWS, and when the data is played to Voyager 2, include automatic thruster compensation for
at an audio frequency, the sound is somewhat like a rate changes induced by the digital tape recorder srarrs and
5-gallon can being hit with a leather-wrapped mallet. stops, the ability to fine-tune the rare to position gain, and
the ability to independently command gyro drift turns.


Propellant Consumption
The major tasks of the months of cruise, however,
have been the numerous tests and calibrations, all aimed at
Propellant consumption continues to be closely
assuring the best possible science return from the
monitored, as Voyager's sailors learn the appetite of the
Encounter periods. The experimenters need to know the
spacecraft. Increased hydrazine usage can be expected
engineering parameters dealing with various measurements,
during maneuvers and tests involving the thrusters, AACS,
to aid later data interpretation. For the scan platform
and trajectory corrections, Actual data from past
instruments, they need to know the sensitivity variation
maneuvers are being used for budget planning for the
across each instrument's field-of-view (FOV), and the exact
pointing position of each instrument relative to the others
to determine the amount of overlap in their fields-of-view,
This latter point is particularly important to determine the Of an initial 105 kilograms (232 pounds), Voyager 1
region of space or surface of the planet seen by each instru- has used almost 13 kilograms (29 pounds) of hydrazine in
ment relative to the others, so data from the various instru- the past year, with about 92 kilograms (203 pounds)
ments can be correlated. remaining. About 6.4 kilograms (12 pounds) of fuel is
expected to be used from the start of Jupiter observations
Accurate p ointing information is particularly on January 4, 1979 through the end of the first encounter
important for the ultraviolet spectromerer (UVS) in which on April 9, 1979. Eighry percent of the hydrazine usage
the viewing slit is only 0.3 degrees- leaving little margin during the 39 hours of the near encounter phase on March
for error. The UVS will view the Sun as it sets behind the 5 will be to compensate for slews of the science platform,
disks of Jupiter and Saturn, measuring the atmospheric as the craft swivels its instruments frequently to alternate
gases.These solar occultations are high-priority goals of the views of Jupiter and the Galilean sateilites.

Intensity calibrations are also important rasks for the Yoyager 2 has used about 10 percent of its propel-
UVS and photopolarimeter (PPS) ro determine if their lant, or about 11 kilograms (24 pounds). Ninety-four kilo-
sensitivities remain at pre{aunch laboratory test levels, grams(2O7 pounds) remain.

October 2, 1978 No. 24
MissionHighlights hours to Jupiter minus 14 hours 50 minutes. The ten-hour
test began at 4 a.m. PDT when the spacecraftwas in view of
Voyager 1 Clears Asteroid Belt; Voyager 2 Close Behind Deep Space Station 14 (64-meter antenna) ar Goldstone,
Voyager 1 successfully cleared the area of the Part 2 of the test excercised several imaging modes
asteroid belt on September8, 1978, and Voyager 2 will planned for contingency or backup during bad weather ar a
complete its passageon October 21.. station. The imaging subsystem was off during this part of
The asteroid belt is a band of rocks and dust 360 the test as the flight data subsysrem computer tested the
million kilometers (223 million miles) wide between the data rates, acquiring at least 3O minutes of data in each
orbits of Mars and Jupiter; its inner edge beginsabout 105 mode. During the test, station handover from Goldstone to
million kilometers (65 million miles) from Earth's orbit. Canberra was accomplished as Earth's rotation moved
Both spacecraft entered the asteroid belt on Decem- Goldstone out of view of the spacecraft,
ber10, 1977, Voyagerl trailing a few hours behind Part 3 tested the capability of the Deep Space
Voyager 2. Yoyager 1, launched after Voyager 2, has been Network and MCCC to respond to rnultiple data rate
flying a faster trajectory, and has been steadily pulling changes with minimal data loss during such transirions.
ahead of its companion since overtaking it last Decem- Four mbde changes in 28 minutes were made. More
Derr ). multiple data rate tesrsare planned before encounter,

Mark III Command System Implemented

Cruise Science Maneuver
On September 15, operations switched over to the
Mark III ground data system (GDS), with elements in On September 15, Voyager 1 successfuliyexecuted a
both the Deep Space Network (DSN) and JPL's Mission 2O-hour Cruise Science Maneuver. This maneuver involves
Control and Computing Center (MCCC). It includes a new ten 360 degree yaw turns and twenty-four full roll turns,
command system using minicomputers rather than the IBM allowing routine calibration of several instruments by
360/75 computer. The 360/75 compurers are still used for looking at the entire sky. The first cruise maneuver in
data records. In addition to providing the new store and February stopped short of completion.
forward command sysrem, the Mark III GDS includes new
data switching, and ground data error correction capability.
Yoyager 2
New operations control and ground data system moniroring
capabilitiesare provided to simplify operations.
Stanford Communicates with PRA

Update On September 13, tests were conducted to examine

the possibility of communicating with Voyager 2 rhrough
Voyager 1
its planetary radio astronomy instrument as a backup to the
remaining command receiver. In a five-hour test, the radio
Capability Demonstrarion Tests telescope at Stanford University, Palo Alto, California,
transmitted in 6-minute cycles at a frequency of 46.72
Also included in Voyager l's busy month was rhe MegaHertz and with a power of 300 kw. The tests showed
first of three important capability demonstration resrs, that the PRA receiver can operate at that frequency,
designed to test spacecraft and ground system alike under although the signal is weak, and that the background noise
encounter conditions, AII went smoothly, with only minor of the spacecraftis low enough that it does not causeundue
software problems. interference. Further study is required, since this method of
The firsr test, conducted on September 26 and, 27, spacecraft communication would be at a much lower data
consisted of three parts. Part 1 required execution of the rate, and require extensive spacecraft re-programming, as
entire near encounter sequence from Jupiter minus 24 well as a new ground transmitting facility.

R e c o r d e d M i s s i o n S t o t u s( 2 1 3 13 5 4 - 7 2 3 7
R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n O p e r o t i o n s S t o f u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 6 6 6 5
S t q l u sB u l l e t i n E d i t o r( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8
Jet PropulsionLaboratory
4800 Oak GroveDrtve
Pasadena. 9 l 103
AC 213 354,4321
Infrared Interferometer Spectrometer (IRIS) Warmed Up at least in the low frequency ranges. Preliminary results
from study of the first six months of data show no
Commands sent September 28 turned the IRIS correlation between the bursts and Io in the low frequen-
flash-off heater on for 2o hours, temporarily raising the cies. A detailed report is in preparation.
spectrometer temperature to 267" Kelvin. It is hoped this The polarization characteristics of Jupiter's radio
will interrupt or reverse any crystallization (freezing) of the emissions have also been defined: In the high frequencies,
motor damper and beamsplitter bonding material that may there is consistent right-hand circuiar polarization, while in
be responsible for the slow IRIS degradation observed since the low frequencies, there is consistent left-hand circular
launch, Spectrometer temperatures have now cooled to the polarization. This was an unexpected result. (To understand
normal 200- K operating point and subsequent tests will right- and left-hand polarization, think of a right- or
determine if the short warm-up was beneficial. left-hand screw thread or a propeller's helical motion
After these results are analyzed, a long warm-up may through water.)
be initiated. Its purpose would be to counteract stressesin
the IRIS which could also have contributed to its decreased Terrestrial Kilometric Emissions
sensitivity by affecting interferometer alignment.
This is the first time the heater has been energized in In the ten days following launch, the PRA had the
space. Ordinarily, it would be used if necessary to boil off opportunity to observe Earth's kilometric radiation while
condensates accumulated in the launch phase. the spacecraft was transmitting at a high data rate. For the
first time, Earth's polarization in the frequency range from
Summary 100 to 300 kHz was measured. This information is valuable
for comparison with Jupiter data, as Jupiter's hectometric
Voyager 1 is about 704 million kilometers (437 and kilometric emissions may resemble terrestrial kilo-
million miles) from Earth, travelling at 15 kilometers per metric radiation.
second (34,+65 miles per hour) relative to the Sun. In addition, radio data from Jupiter, as from Earth,
One-waylight time is about 39 minutes. quite probably relate to particle precipitation, and to
Travellingat 14 kilometersper second(31,675 miles magnetic field strength and orientation in the polar
per hour), Yoyager2 is about 667 million kilometers(415 ionosphere. This data should give some characteristicsof
million miles) from Earth. One-waylight time is about Jupiter auroras.,
37 minutes.

The VoyagerSpacecraft Other Science Objectives

(This is the sixth in a planned series of brief explanatory

notes on the spacecraft and its subsystems.) The polarization of planetary radio emissionscan be
used to detect the presence of planetary magnetic fields,
Part 6 - Planetary Radio Astronomy even at great distances from a planet. PRA measurements
can enabie determination of planetary magnetic field
One goal of the planetary radio astronomy (PRA) strengths, to within an order of magnitude. In addition,
experiment is to prove or disprove the existence of plasma parameters near the planets such as electron density
lightning (a cataiyst for the formation of life) on the can be measured.
planets with atmospheres. Together with the plasma wave Several hundred solar flare events have been recorded
experiment and possibly severalof the optical experiments, by the PRA since launch in 1977, and the PRA will
the PRA may be able to demonstrate the existence of continue to observe solar flare activity which may be
lightning on Jupiter and the Saturnian satellite Titan, if invisible on Earth.
indeed it does exist. The PRA experiment uses two 10-meter (about
The current hypothesis is that sparks of lightning in 3 3-feet) long whip monopole antennas, positioned 90
an atmosphere of hydrogen, methane, ammonia, and water degrees apart and extending from the spacecraft bus near
vapor (all of which appear to be present on Jupiter and the joint of the radioisotope thermoelectric generator
Titan, as well as clouds and convection) could set off a (RTG) boom. The PRA receiver provides coveragein two
reaction to form the complex organic molecules generally frequency bands - one from I.2 kHz to 1,345 kHz, and the
thought of as the building blocks for living systems. other from t,228.8 kHz to 40.5 MHz.
To reduce interference from the spacecraft power
MeasurementRange supply, the receiver'slocal oscillator is phase{ocked to the
spacecraft clock to allow observations between successive
The PRA will measure kilometric, hectometric, and harmonics of the spacecraftpower subsystem.
decametric planetary radio emissioirs in the low frequency
range from 1.2 kiloHertz (kHz) to 40.5 MegaHertz (MHz). ScienceTeam
(AM radio broadcast frequencies on Earth are between 550
kHz and 1600 kHz.) Emissions ranging from wavelengths of The PRA principal investigator is J. W. Warwick,
less than 1 centimeter to thousands of meters can result University of Colorado, Boulder. Other team members are
from wave-particle-plasma interactions in the magneto- J. K. Alexander (Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt,
spheresand ionospheresof the planets. Maryland); Andr6 Boischot, C. C. Havey, and Y. LeBlanc
(Obseraatoirede Paris, France); W. E. Brown, Jr., S. Gulkis,
Io May Not Influence Hectometric Bursts and R. Phillips (Jet Propulsion Laboratory); T. D. Carr
(University of Florida); F. T. Haddock (University of
Io, long known to play an integral part in the pattern Michigan); J. B. Pearce, R. G. Peltzer, and A. C. Riddle
of Jupiter's decametric radio emissions,appearsnot to have (University of Colorado); and D. H. Staelin (Massachusetrs
anything at all to do with Jupiter's hectometric emissions, Institute of Technology).

October 25, 1978 No. 25

;',r,i^' fgry ql-E
CALIBRATION i'ff:ilx',ili$,i,_
Summary SOURCEs
Voyager 1 is about 675 million
kilometers (420 million miles) from
Eartb, traoelling witb a heliocentric

uelocity of 14.9 kilometers0.3 miles)
per second. One-waylight time is 37
minutes 36 seconds,Encounter opera-
tions begin in 78 days.Encountertest
and training beginsOctober30.
One-way ligbt time to Voyager2
is 35 minutes 27 seconds.Tbe craft is
nearly 637 million kilometers (396
million miles) from Earth, witb a
beliocentric oelocity of 13.6 kilo-
lneters (8.5 miles) per second.
Encounter operationsare six montbs
Low-Energy Charged Particle Instrument. The LECP, located on the science boom
about midway between the spacecraft bus and the scan platform, uses two detector
syst€ms to me.Fure both planeta"ry systems and interplanetary space.

Update the one-hour test was to measure the response of the instru-
ment to changing light levels while under automatic control
VoyagerI of the flight data subsystem.

Capability Demonstration Test No. 2

The second of Voyager l's three capability demon-
strations was successfully performed on October 9 and 10. IRIS Performance Improves
Consisting of two parts, the test included execution of the
early portion of the near encounter sequence and a test of After a 2o-hour warm-up initiated on September 28,
the flight data subsystem's ultraviolet spectrometer the performance of the infrared interferometer spectrom-
autogain algorithm. eter (IRIS) has greatly improved. The data indicate a full
recovery of performance in the neon signal of the reference
Part 1 included a test of a six-hour period just after interferometer, and a substantial increase in the sensitivity
Jupiter closest approach, when the spacecraft will pass of the infrared interferometer spectrometer to long
through both the Io flux tube and Jupiter's shadow on the wavelengths.
far side of the planet. During this period, measurements of
Jupiter's atmosphere will be made as the Earth and Sun Using the flash-off heater, the instrument tempera-
disappear behind the edge of the planet. ture was raised from 200" Kelvin (the normal operating
point) to 267" Kelvin in an effort to reverse any crystalliza-
In Part 2, the ultraviolet spectrometer was first tion of the motor damper and beamsplitter bonding
slewed so that the viewing slit was within 19.5 degrees of material that was thought to be responsible for the slow
the Sun, and then swept to 19.0 degrees.The purpose of degradation observed since launch.

R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n S t o t u s( 2 1 3 l 3. 5 4 - 7 2 3 7
R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n O p e r o l i o n sS t o t u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 6 6 6 5
SpaceAdministration S l o t u sB u l l e t i n E d i t o r( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8 Jet PropulsionLaboratory
4800 Oak G roveDrrve
Pasadena. 91103
AC213 354-4321

Voyager 2's IRIS will be monitored to determine if Fusion research may also benefit from Voyager's
future heating will be required to maintain the improved probing of the trapped radiation around Jupiter. Particies in
performance. confined plasmas, forced to fuse, release an enormous
energy. Clezily, Jupiter is able to confine charged particles
A similar wafin-up of the Voyager 1 IRIS began
very nicely.
October 24 in an attempt to eiiminate anomalies first noted
in Jrrly 1978.
Instrument Description
The VoyagerSpacecraft Located on the science boom, the LECP consists of
(Tbis is tbe seaenth in a planned series of brief explanatorJ/ two soiid-state detector systems mounted on a rotating
notes on tbe spacecraft and its subsystems.) platform to give full-sky coverage.

PartT - Low-Energy Charged Particles Investigation The Low-Energy Magnetospheric Particle Analyzer
(LEMPA) will be used primarily for magnetospheric obser-
While Voyager 1's current speed of about 54,000 vations near the target planets, Eight solid*tate silicon sen-
kilometers (33,000 miles) per hour far exceeds the space sors measure the energy and count the number of particles
speed record for man*, an ion travelling at that velocity colliding with their surfaces. The LEMPA measures elec-
would hardly qualify as a significant energetic particle to trons in the range from about 10 kilo electron volts (keV)
the low-energy chargedparticle (LECP) experiment. to 11 mega electron volts (MeV), and protons and heavier
ions in the L5 keV to 150 MeV range.The dynamic range is
To the LECP, low-energy means particles travelling at
about 1 to more than 10" (nearly one trillion) particles
24OO to 28,00O kilometers (1500 to 18,000 miles) per sec-
per square centimeter per second from the entire celestial
ond, as opposed to high-energy particles travelling at the
sphere, extending to 101 3 for some of the sensors.
speed of light, 300,000 kilometers (186,000 miies) per
The Low Energy Particle Telescope (LEPT) contains
The LECP investigation is a suong coupling factor in fifteen solid-state detectors designed to measure the charge
Voyager's complement of fields and particies investigations, and energy distributions of low and medium energy nuclei
contributing to many areas of interest, including studies of
in the interplanetary medium and the outer regions of
solar wind, solar flares, particle accelerations, magnetic planetary megnetospheres. The LEPT uses two of the
fields, cosmic rays, and satellite surface structures.
thinnest detectors ever flown: 2 and, 5 microns (L inch is
about 25,400 microns)! Its range is from about 0.1 to 40
Scientific Objectives
MeV per nucleon, but certain modes may extend the range
Two detector systems of the LECP instrument will from 0.05 to 500 MeV per nucleon.
allow measurements during both the long interpianetary
Both detector systems are mounted on a rotating
cruise periods and the encounters with the planetary sys-
platform which can step through a full 360'circle which is
tems themselves. The extremely wide dynamic range,
divided into eight angular sectors. Stepping rates range from
combined with wide coverage in energy and species,will
1 revoiution every 48 minutes during cruise to 1 revolution
allow characterization of almost a1l energetic particle
every 48 secondsduring encounter operations. A fixed sun-
environments Voyager traverses.
shield protects the most sensitive detectors from viewing
Study of the physics of planetary magnetospheres
the Sun early in the mission, and serves as a high energy
will further understanding of asftophysical objects such as
particle shield during traversai of the magnetosphere.
pulsars and compact X-ray sources, the origin of satellites
and their surface structures, and perhaps, the origin of the Detailed design of the LEMPA teiescope and LEPT
solar system itself. anti-coincidence detectors were done at the University of
An important task of the LECP will be to establish Maryiand, with assembly at the Applied Physics Lab zt
the morphology of the Saturnian and Uranian magneto- J ohns Hopkins University. The LEPT telescope was
spheres, including bow shock, magnetosheath, magnetotail, designed and built at the Applied Physics Lab.
trapped radiation, and satellice-energetic particle inter-
actions. In-Flight Performance
Observations of particle accelerations will aid in
better understanding of solar flare processes, cosmic ray The LECP has performed according to specifications
acceleration processes, and processesin our own magneto- so far, and has obtained very good data on solar flare and
sphere. interplanetary particles, and Jovian electrons.
Next to the Sun, Jupiter is the solar system's single
most powerful radio source in the electromagnetic spec- Investigators
trum. The reasons for this are not well understood, but may
stem from an apparent strong interaction between Jupiter's The LECP principal investigator is S. M. Krimigis of
magnetosphere and the Galilean satellite Io. The lo-Jupiter the Applied Physics Lab (APL) at Johns Hopkins Univer-
interaction could be of importance in understanding other sity. Co-investigators are T. P. Armstrong (University of
astrophysical radio sources. Kansas), W. I. Axford (Max Planck Institute for Aeronomy,
West Germany), C. O. Bostrom (APL), C. Y. Fan (Univer-
sity of Arizona-Tucson), G. Gloeckler (University of Mary-
:39,897 kilometers (24,791 miles) per hour, set by American astro-
nauts Stafford, Cernan,and Young in Apollo X on May 26,7969, land), and L. J. Lanzerotti (Bell Telephone Laboratories,
at an altitude slightly less than !22 kilometers or 76 miles. Murray Hill, New lersey).

November 17,1978 No.26

2 Voyager 1 - IRIS Performance Improves
Th e infrared interferometer spectrometer (IRIS)
SEPT5, 197i performance has improved considerably as the resuit of a
54-hour warm-up initiated on October 24. The data indi-
cates that proper operation has been restored in the Michel-
son motor which is used by both the reference and infrared
interferometers. Symptoms of increased resistance to move-
ment in the linear-travel motor had been present since
JuIy 1.978, It was theorized that hardening of the motor
dampers could be responsible for the problem.
Using the flash-off heater, the instrument optics mod-
uie temperature was raised from 200" Kelvin (the normal
operating point) to 275" Kelvin in an effort ro reverse any
crystallization and associated hardening of rhe motor
dampers. The flash-off heater was installed to evaporate
condensation accumulated in the launch phase. Future
warm-ups of the Yoyager 1 IRIS may be performed to
maintain the improved performance.
VOYACERI LAUNCH Voyager 2 * Multiple Data Rate Tests
5, 1977 The iast of three in-flight capability demonsrration
tests, the multiple data rate test, was run on November 14.
CLOSING lN. Voyagert hastracedanarcof about840million During the 12-hour test, a 2-hour sequence exercising
kilometers (520 million milesl in its chase of the giant planet. various data modes and rates was repeated six rimes. The
Earth has completed 1-114orbits of the Sun in that time, while
Jupiter has traveled about 1/10 of its own orbit. One-way light data rates ranged from 72O0 bits (of computer data) per
time to Voyager 1 is 35 minutes 46 seconds. Voyager 2's arc second (bps) to 115,200 bps, while the modes ranged from
d i s t a n c e i s a b o u t 8 5 0 m i l l i o n k i l o m e t e r s ( 5 3 0 m i l l i o n m i l e s ) ,a n d general science to tape recorder playback and imaging.
one-way light time is 33 minutes 40 seconds. Soon. Voyager's
Jupiter pictures will surpass the quality of Earth,based During the encountcr period, the spacecraft will be
changing rates and modes frequently to gather as much
information as possible. The purpose of the rest was to
The VoyagerSpacecraft familiarize ground personnel with the nature of the chang-
ing spacecraft signal data rates during the encounter
(Tbis is tbe eigbtb in a planned series of brief explanatory sequence, to verify the capability of the ground data system
notes on tbe spacecraft and its subsystems.) to "lock" onto the signal and process it within the specified
time, and to validate the mission planning allowance for
Part 8 - Plasma Wave Investigation data losses due to data rate changes,
As the twin Voyagers hurtled out of the earth's PRA Communications Test
atmosphere, they soon entered a new environment where Another test of the communications link between
they are surrounded by a low-density, ionized gas called a Voyager 2's planetary radio astronomy (PR.A) experimenr's
"plasma." This plasma, composed entirely of atoms that are radio receiver and the radio telescope at Stanford Univer-
broken apart into electrons and charged positive ions, is a sity will be conducted on November 18. The six-hour resr
good electrical conductor with properties that are strongly will further explore the adequacy of the signal strength
affected by magnetic fields. against background interference. A possibiliry of communi-
Plasma sources include the Sun. as well as the planets cating with Voyager through the PRA receiver, should the
themselves and perhaps some of the satellites. Low density remaining radio receiver fail, exists, but would require new
plasmasare unusualin other ways, ordina.t ground facilities and extensive re-programming of existing
"t::l:it spacecraft software.

R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n S t o l u s( 2 1 3 13 5 4 - 7 2 3 7 r[l
N a t r o n aAl e r o n a u t i casn d
R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n O p e r o t i o n sS t o t u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 6 6 6 5 uv'"
SoaceAdm nrstraton S t q t u sB u l l e t i n E d i t o r( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8
Jet PropulsionLaboratory
Detection of lightning dischargesin the atmospheres
of Jupiter and Saturn would also be very significant. The
plasma wave investigations will search for the audible
"whistler" signals that escape into the rnagnetospherefrom
such discharges. The characteristic descending whisde that
is detected from iightning is due to the scattering of similar
velocities when the direction of travel is along magnetic
lines of force' the higher frequencies of a broadband pulse
arrive at the receiver in advance of iower frequencies. Using
high-rate telemetry usually used by the imaging subsystem,
ANTENNA the PWS will be able to send back the entire audio sisnal in
EXTENSION the range 5O Hertz (Hz) to about 14.4 kHz.

The instrument will actually retum "sounds" of low-

ETEMENTS frequency waves in the plasma surrounding the spacecraft.
Some of these waves may be caused by the spacecraft's
power system, the firing thrusters, or other instruments
aboard the craft.
between ions are unimportant, and individual ions and elec-
Instru mentation and Investigators
trons interact with the rest of the plasma by means of
emission and absorption of waves. These localized inter- A late addition to the Voyager complenient of fields
actions between waves and particies strongly control the and particles experiments, the PWS joined the mission in
dynamics of the entire plasma medium, and the Voyager mid-1974 after the spacecraft design and mission plan were
plasma wave investigation (PWS) will provide the first mea- well along. The PWS shares the planetary radio astronomy
surementsof these phenomena at the outer planets. experiment's two 1O-meter (33-foot) antennas, but uses
them entirely differentiy, as a balanced electric dipoie
What are Plasma Waves? rather than as a pair of orthogonal monopoles, as shown in
the figure.
The plasma waves are low-frequency oscillations that
have their origins in instabilities within the plasma, and The beryliium-copper antennas, about one-half inch
in diameter, were rolled flat onto a spool, and then
they are of two types, either electrostatic oscillations (simi-
lar to sound waves) or electromagnetic waves of very low extended by command after launch. Astro Research Corpo-
ration, Santa Barbara, California, designed and fabricated
frequency. The PWS measures the electric field component
the antennas.
over the range offrequencies between 10 and 56,000 Hertz
(Hz). In comparison, Vogager'smagnetometer measuresthe Plasma wave signals are processed with a 16-channel
magnetic vectors of electromagnetic plasma waves below 10 spectrum analyzer, which provides a frequency sampling
Hz, while the planetary radio astronomy instrumenr mea- from 10 Hz to 56 kiloHertz (kHz) every four secondsdur-
sures waves with frequencies over 56 kHz. ing planetary encounters. In addition, the broadband audio
amplifier, in combination with the Voyager video telemetry
The plasma ions and electrons both emit and absorb link, gives electric field waveforms over the frequency range
plasma waves. While the resulting particle-wave interactions 50 Hz to L4.4 kHz at selected times during the encounter
are known to affect the magnetospheric dynamics of the periods. The electronics, which ride piggyback atop the
outer planets and the properties of the distant interplane- PRA electronics box, were designed and built by the
tary medium, they have never been directly observed in physics department of the University of Iowa.
these regions, since plasma waves cannot generally be
Principal investigator for the PWS is F. L. Scarf, TRW
observed far from the source and since there have been no
Defense and Space Systems Group, Redondo Beach, Cali-
previous wave investigations at the outer planets.
fornia. Co-investigator is D. A. Gurnett of the University of
Voyager will return the first direct observacions of Iowa, while W. Kurth of the University of Iowa is in charge
wave-particle interactions at this distance from the Sun.
of data processing.
Some of the effects to be studied include the heating of
solar wind particles at the outer planet bow shocks (the line nt
of interaction between the solar wind and the planetary
magnetospheres), the acceleration of solar wind particles
that produce high-energy trapped radiation, and the mainte-
nance of boundaries between the rotating inner magneto-
spheres and the solar wind streaming around the planets.
Another objective is to study the influence of wave-
particle effects on the interactions between the inner satel-
lites of the major planets and the planets' rapidly rotating
magnetospheres.Control of Jupiter's decametric (10 kilo-
meter) radio bursts through the coupling of the satellite Io's
ionosphere with the planet's magnetic field is an example,
and special intensive plasma wave measurements will be
made as Voyager 1 passes through the Io "flux rube", EFFEC'IVE
where strong current systems are driven by Io's motion
through the Jovian magnetosphere. An analogy is the cur-
rent produced by a conductor moving through a magnetic
field. Io is thought to have salt deposits on its surface which
are weakly conducting. As Io moves through Jupiter's mag-
netic field, it produces current flow along the magnetic
field lines connecting Io to Jupiter (the tube').

December 6, 1978 No.27
MissionHighlights simulated stations imperiling critical data playback, key
personnel become mysteriously incapacitated. Atl of this
A flurry of activity in early December will conclude
could happen for real, at any time of day or night, and so
the flight team's test and uaining period, and wili be fol-
the flight team is geared to cope with any contingency.
Iowed by a 2-week period of low activity on-board the
Nothing musr go wrong during the critical encounter period
spacecraft to give flight team members a break before
in March.
Encounter Operations begin in earnest with the Observa-
The three key encounter sequencesto be transmitted
t o r y p h a s eo n J a n u a r y4 , 1 9 7 9 .
to and executed by Yoyager 1 in early March have been
Most of the activity will center around the encounter-
tested under real pressuresand real scheduies, while the two
ing spacecraft, Voyager 1, while the cruising spacecraft,
cruising spacecraft have provided practice in real data
Voyager 2, will continue its routine calibrations and house-
analysis. And although a fine line is followed between
keeping chores.
impacting on-going operations and the requirement to train
Near Encounter Test for Encounter, one never knows when the emergency could
be real. . .
Highlight of the spacecraft activities in Voyager 1's
final month of the Earth-to-Jupiter cruise phase will be the
NeaI Encounter Test on December 12 through 14. This will
be a thorough preview of the 39-hour period on March 3
through 5, 1979, when Voyager 1 wiil make its closest
approach to the giant planet Jupiter.
The Near Encounter Test will put the spacecraft"
tracking stations, and flight team through their paces in a
scenario as near the real thing as possible. Instrument point-
ing will be restricted during the tesr, however, as many of
the instruments must not point within 20 degrees of the
Sun. During closest approach in March, the Sun wiil be
blocked from the instruments' views by the planet and
satellites, but during the December rest precautions will be
taken to protect the instruments.
Assessment of the Near Encounter Test performance
should be completed by January 5.

Test and Training

The Voyager Project acquired a new spacecraft in

November, but this one is a phantom and all of its activities
are simulated, since it is used for test and training. No data
from this spacecraft ever appears on a controller's display,
but detailed timelines of its activity are always within
reach, and its data conditions are passedby voice or slips of
Why the elaborate "game"? The problems of the
ptiantom spacecraft stimulate utilization of recovery pro- AFTER A PHANTOM - Keeping track of simulated spacecraft
cedures and the tactics of applying resources to problem events during test and training are (seated) Wayne Henry, lead
mission controller, and {standing, from left) Gerry Stillwell,
solving. Anomalies of all sortsare simulated' antennas begin deputy mission control team chief, and Rod Zieger. mission
to drift off point, high winds suddenly force the stowing of control team chief.

R e c o r d e d M i s s i o n S t o t u sl 2 l 3 l 3 5 4 - 7 2 3 7
R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n O p e r q t i o n sS t o t u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 6 6 6 5
SpaceAdmin stration S t o t u sB u l l e t i n E d i t o r( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8
Jet PropulsionLaboratory
4 8 0 0O a kG r o v eD r v e
PasadenaCalrfornra 91103
AC 213 354 4321
Readiness Reviews Voyager.l's Jupiter Enc.o-unterpreparations starus and th.e
science investigacors will report on the status of their
Prior to the Near Encounter Test, a seriesof readiness
respectiveinstrumentsaboard the craft.
reviews will be conducted to assesspreparations for Jupiter
Encounter. Imaging
On December 5, the ground data system (GDS) will
be reviewed, with reports on the tracking stations, comput- Voyager 1 is expected to rerurn Jupiter images this
ing facilities, data lines, and procedures.Also on December month which will exceed the,t'esolution of all previous
5, the imaging review will assessthe status of the imaging Earth-based photographs of the giant planet. Beginning
system and the plans for imaging during the Encounrer December 10, a 2O-hour "movie" of the pianet will be
phases. taken, with shuttering of the cameras every hour. This
The Encounter Ooerations Readiness Review will be period will cover two rotarions of the planet, and will pro-
held on December Z, with reports on the readinessof the vide 3-color coverage of the planet every 36 degreesof
flight team, the Deep Space Network, the mission control Jovian rotation. The movie to be taken in late January will
and computing center, and the public affairs office. involve shuttering the cameras every 96 seconds and will
Finally, on December 11, the final cruise-phasemeer- provide 3-color coverage of the planet every 3 degreesof
ing of the Science Steering Group will brief the scientists on the planet's rotation.

Distance from Earth Distance to Jupiter One-Way Light Time Heliocentric Velocity

VOYAGER 1: 618 million km 9O million km 34 min 24 sec 50,706 kph

(384 million mi) (56 million mi) ( 3 1 , 5 o 0m P h )

VOYAGER 2r 574 million km 154 million km 31 min 49 sec 46,090 kph

(357 million mi) ( 96 million mi) ( 2 8 , 6 3 9m p h )

The VoyagerSpacecraft polar region. As the radio signals pass through the planet's
atmosphere, profiles of the relative temperature and pres-
(Tbis is tbe nintb in a planned series of brief explanatory sure of the gasesat various distances from the surface will
notes on the spacecraft and its subsystems.) be compiled. This and other data can be used to determine
the amounts of the various elements in the atmosphere as
compared to each other (the abundanceratios).
The same radio system that provides tracking and Except for the first months of their journeys, the two
communications with Voyager will be used to explore the spacecraft appear close together in the sky as seen from
planetary systems and interplanetary space. Earth by the Deep Space Network's antennas.When the
Earth moves to the opposite side of the Sun from the space-
Measurements of Voyager's radio communication
craft (superior conjunction), as will happen several times
waves will provide information on the gravitational fields
during the mission, it will be possible to see changesin the
and atmospheres of the planets and their satellites, the
radio signals as they pass near the solar corona regions on
rings of Saturn, the solar corona, and general relativity.
their way to Earth. In the fall of t979, a unique alignment
ScienceObjectives of Earth, the Sun, and the Voyager, Pioneer, and Helios
Changes in the frequency, phase, delay, intensity, and spacecraft will allow an intensive study of the Sun's proper-
polarization of the radio signals between Earrh and the ties because the ray paths from each spacecraft will probe
spacecraft provide a wealth of information about the space a different region of the solar corona, making possible
between the two and about the forces that affect the craft ngarly simultaneous measurements.
and alter its path.
For example, the gravity fields of the planets and sate-
Voyager's radio equipment includes several improve-
llites will pull on the spacecraft, altering its velocity and
ments over previous planetary missions,both for engineering
thrrs changing the radio frequency. The mass density of the
and scientific purposes. These inciude coherent, high-power
satellites and the internal structures of the planets can then
3.5- and 13-centimeterwavelengthamplifiers,increasedan-
be calculated from the observed effects on the spacecraft.
tenna size [the 3.66-meter (12-foot) diameter antenna dish
When the spacecraftmoves behind a celestial body, as
is the largest of its type ever flownl , an ultra-stable oscil-
viewed from Earth (called occultation), the radio waves
lator, improved phase and group delay stabilities in the
coming from the spacecraft will pass through the atmos-
spacecraft transponder, and an attitude control thruster de-
phere and ionosphere of that body on their way toward
sign which reduces spacecraft accelerationsalong the Earth-
Earth. Changesin the signal characteristicsduring these per-
spacecraft lin e-of-sight.
iods wiil give information about the vertical structure of rhe
The radio scienie instrumentation uses a new on-
atmosphere, ionosphere, clouds, turbulence, and possibly,
board stabilized frequency reference, known as the ultra-
stable oscillator (USO). Compared to previous spacecraft
As Voyager 1's microwave signals pass through the
radio systems, the USO makes Voyager less sensitive to
rings of Saturn in 1980, the nature of the rings will be in-
thermal and electrical changes, as well as to radiation ef-
vestigated.Rock particles would affect the signal differently
fects. The USO is designed to give maximum frequency
than would water or ammonia ices.Various sizesof particles
stability for periods from 1 second to 10 minutes.
wiil, also be evident and scattering of the radio waves will
provide a measure of the total amount of material (and of lnvestigators
what sizes) in the rings.
Occultation measurements will be made at Jupiter, V.R. Eshleman of Stanford University (California) is
Saturn and its rings, the Saturnian satellite Titan, and pos- the radio science team leader. Team members include
sibly Uranus (by Voyager 2 rn 1.986). G.L. Tyler (Stanford), T.A. Croft (Stanford Research Insti-
Voyager 1's radio waves will pass by Jupiter's equa- tute, Menlo Park, California), and J.D. Anderson, G.F.
torial region, while Voyager 2's rays will pass near the south Lindal, G.S. Levy, and G.E. Wood (JPL).

December 15, 1978 No. 28

D Y N A M T C J U P I T E R - R e v e a l i n gm o r e d e t a i l t h a n t h e v e r y b e s t left) by local currents in the planet's equatorial wind system. This

groundbased telescopic photographs, this Voyager 1 image o{ same atmospheric feature was seen prominently in the Pioneer 1O
Jupiter, taken December10 from 83 million kilometers (52 million and 11 spacecraft pictures of Jupiter taken four and five years ago
milesl shows the Great Red Spot (lower right) surrounded by a this month. Below and to the left of the Great Red Spot is a white
colorful and turbulent atmosphere. The entire visible surface of oval cloud, one of three which formed nearly 40 years ago in the
Jupiter is made up of multiple layers of clouds, composed primarily south temperate region. This picture was taken with a slow-scan TV
of ammonia ice crystals colored by small amounts of materials of camera equipped with a 1500 millimeter focal-length telescope. The
unknown composition. Near the center is a bright convective cloud color image was recreated from three TV frames, each taken
and an associated plume which has been swept westward (to the through a different filter - green, orange and blue.

R e c o r d e dM i s s i o n S t o t u s( 2 1 3 13 5 4 - 72 3 7

S t o t u sB u l l e t i n E d i t o r( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8
Jel PropulsionLaboratorY
4800 Oak GroveDrive
Pasadena. 91103
AC213 354-4321
The VoyagerSpacecraft A secondary cruise objective is to search for ions
formed from the neutral interstellar gas. This gas is ionized
by ultraviolet light from the Sun and by charge exchange
(This is the tenth in a pla_nnedseries of brief explanatory with ions of the solar wind. Initially, at least, ions formed
notes on the spacecraft and its subsystems.) from the interstellar gas have different properties than ions
of the solar wind: interstellar ions travel in different
Part 1O - Plasma Investigation directions and are expected to have a different energy
distribution. It is hoped that tracking of these two factors
Deep space has long been characterized as a cold, will allow a separation of ions from the two sources.
dark void. In truth, it is none of these. It is filled with
planets, stars, dust, and clouds of low density, high-speed,
At Jupiter, the PLS experiment team will study the
ionized gases called plasma, which originates from both the
interaction of the solar wind with Jupiter; the sources,
Sun and other stars.
properties, form, and structure of the Jovian magneto-
Travelling at supersonic speeds (averaging 400 kilom- spheric plasma; and the interaction of the magnetospheric
eters or 250 miles per second), plasma streams from the plasma with Jupiter's Galilean satellites.
Sun in all directions, forming the solar wind. When the solar
wind interacts with the earth's magnetic field, many The second satellite from the planet, Io, is known to
interesting phenomena result, such as the northern lights be a source of neutral hydrogen, potassium, and sodium
and large geomagnetic srorms. Similar effects have been atoms which form an incomplete donut-shaped ring (torus)
observed at other planets. close to the orbit of Io. In addition, there is an ionized
cloud of sulfur associated with Io which has been observed
Voyager's plasma experiment, one of the array of by ground-based telescopes. Although the PLS cannot
fields and particles investigations, will measure plasma observe the neutral atoms in these clouds directly, the
properties including velocity, density, and temperature for neutral gas is eventually ionized and becomes part of the
a wide range of flow directions in both the solar wind and
Jovian magnetospheric plasma. The PLS has been designed
magnetospheres. to detect ionized sodium and sulfur close to the orbit of Io.

Interstellar Ions, Solar Winds and Donuts It is possible that Ganymede, the fourth satellite from
the planet, may also have a ring of neuual particles which
serve as a source for ions in the Jovian magnetosphere. If
As are all of Voyager's fields and particles instru-
ments, the plasma experiment (PLS) is designed to explore that is the case, the PLS should detect some of these ions
when the spacecraft is close to the orbit of Ganymede
a range of environments - interplanetary space, planetary
(closest Ganymede approach will be from about 120,000
systems, and interstellar space.

During interplanetary cruise, the principal scientific

At Saturn, particular attention will be given to the
objective is to study the properties and radial evolution of
interaction of plasma with the planet and its satellites,
the solar plasma. A complete description of plasma proper-
especially Titan. It is not yet clear if Titan's orbit is within
ties in this region requires detailed information not only
Saturn's magnetosphere plasma envelope, or outside leaving
about the speeds and directions of plasma ions and
its "wake" in the solar wind plasma instead. Voyager 1's
electrons but also about the direction and strength of the
flight path will allow exploration of either case.
magnetic field. For this reason, PLS data reduction is being
carried on as a joint effort by the plasma and magnetometer
investigators. Analysis of cruise data is now proceeding Solar Wind - Magnetosphere Interactions
routinely; data from Voyager t has been processed from
launch to about 4.5 AU and data from Voyager 2 to about
Jupiter's magnetosphere is enormous, extending into
4.2 AU. space a distance of about 100 times the planetary radius
(1OO R1). As Jupiter's radius is about 71,400 kilometers
(4+,OOOmiles), tlis places the outer edge at about 7 million
kilometers from the center of the planet, These distances
are typical for a "quiet" magnetosphere. On two occasions,
however, the magnetopause has been found at 5O R1, and it
is likely that this compression is caused by an increase in
the pressure of the solar wind. During the encounter of
Voyager L with Jupiter, the pressure of the solar wind at
Jupiter and the size of the Jovian magnetosphere can be
predicted from data returned by Voyager 2. In this way,
comparison of PLS data from both spacecraft during the
first Jupiter encounter will show unambiguously how the
Jovian magnetosphere responds to changes in the incoming
solar wind.

Voyager's first contact with Jupiter's magnetosphere

will be signalied by the crossing of the bow shock, the line
of demarkation between the undisturbed solar wind and the
A wide, donut-shaped ring of hydrogen partially encircles Jovian environment. Voyager 1 is expected to cross the
Jupiter, while thinner rings of hydrogen and sodium trail the bow shock about February 26, 1979, nearly a week before
path of lo in this artist's conception. closest approach.
The PLS uses two detector systems; one points at
Earth while the other points at right angles to the
Both detector systems use Faraday cups, named after
the 19th-century Engiish physicist and chemist who studied
5 0 - 1 0 0R l the relationships between visible light and the electro-
magnetic spectrum. A conventionalFaraday cup consists of
a collector, severai grids, and one or more apertures which
define the field-of-view.
The Earth-pointed detector measures positive ions in
the range from 10 to 5950 volts, and covers a broad range
of possible plasma speeds from subsonic to supersonic
flows. Simultaneous measurement of solar wind properties
and search for interstellar ions is possible.
is expectedto be similarto Earth's The Earth-pointed detector uses three Faraday cups
which form three faces of a shallow tetrahedron. In this
Immediately behind the bow shock is a transition configuration, each cup views a common region of spacein
region calied the magnetosheath which separates the soiar a different direction. This feature of the detector is new,
wind and the magnetosphere.The inner boundary of the allowing for the first time a full three-dimensional analysis
magnetosheath, the magnetopause, is the surface which of the velocity distribution function of the plasma ions. In
separates the modified solar wind plasma in the Jovian addition, each cup views a different section of space,giving
magnetosheath from the plasma of the Jovian magneto- full-sky coverage when combined with spacecraft turns.
sphere proper. Coming directly from the solar wind, the This detector measuresthe solar wind plasma during cruise
magnetosheath plasma is slowed down and heated by and the Jovian plasma when Yoyager encounters the giant
passage through the bow shock. Plasma in the magnero- planet.
sphere, however, comes from several sources: the The second detector uses one conventional Fanday
ionosphere of Jupiter, ions from satellite surfaces and cup pointed perpendicularly to the Earth-pointed system
atmospheres,and the solar wind. and views l/72 of the full sky. It measuresboth positive
ions and electrons from 10 to 5950 electron volts. As the
Planetary magnetic field lines physically connect the spacecraft turns, this detector will scan the sky from pole
upper atmosphere of the planet with the solar wind. The to pole.
Mounted on the scienceboom, the instrument weighs
Jovian ionosphere is thought to be a source of plasma
which travels along these field lines, sometimes being about 9.9 kilograms (21 pounds) and draws about 8 watts
trapped by the planetary magnetic field and sometimes of nower.
managing to escape directly into the solar wind.

Other probable sources of magnetospheric plasma are

the neutral hydrogen, sodium, and potassium atoms, and
the ionized sulfur observed near Io; ions from the solar
wind, and finally ions from the interstellar gas.

In the inner magnetosphere,plasma trapped by the

magnetic field is forced to rotate with the planet. This
region of corotation may extend as far as the magneto-
pause, and the further from the planet, the more the
centrifugal forces cause stretching of the magnetic field
lines, more or lessparallel to Jupiter's equator.

The stretched field lines give rise to a thin disk in

which the trapped particles are confined, forming an
intense, thin sheet of current flowing around the planet.

At Earth, the solar wind streams around the planet

and forms a drawn-out magnetotail on the far side of the
planet. A similar taii probably exists at Jupiter as well, and
Voyager will make preliminary measurementsin this region. Investigating Team

The plasma within the magnetosphere is far from H. S. Bridge of the Massachusetts Institute of
quiet, the solar wind introduces disturbancessuch as soiar Technology is the plasma experiment principal investigator.
flare events; satellites moving within the magnetosphere Co-investigators are J. W. Belcher, A. J. Lazarus, S. Olbert,
leave "wakes" similar to ships in the ocean; instabiiities and J. D. Sullivan (MIT); L. F. Burlaga, R. E. Hartle, and
build. Global instabilities of the plasma, called magneto- K. W. Ogilvie (Goddard Space Flight Center); A. J. Hund-
spheric substorms, cause auroral displays at Earth as the hausen (High Altitude Observatory, Unviersity of Colo-
upper atmosphere interacts with the substorm. Becauseof rado); C. M. Yeates (JPL); V. M. Vasyliunas (Max-Planck-
the size of Jupiter's magnetosphere,the typical time scale Institut fiir Aeronomie, Katlenburg-Lindau, West Ger-
for the development of plasma instabilities should be on the many); and G. L. Siscoe (University of California at Los
order of days, not hours, as at Earth, thus allowing more Angeles). The instrument was built at MIT by an engineer-
detailed study by the Voyagers as they traverse rhe area. ing team headed by R. Butler.
O U T E R P L A N E T S - T h e a n c i e n t g o d s a w a i t m a n a s c l a s s i c a lm y t h o l o g y a n d p l a n e t o l o g y m i x i n t h i s r e n d e r i n ge x e c u t e d
f o r t h e N a t i o n a l A i r a n d S p a c e M u s e u m . J u p i t e r , l a r g e s tp l a n e t i n o u r s o l a r s y s t e m . i s n a m e d i n h o n o r o f t h e c h i e f g o d ,
k n o w n a s Z e u s t o t h e G r e e k s . A s k y g o d , h i s w e a p o n sa r e t h u n d e r a n d l i g h t n i n g , T h e f a t h e r o f J u p i t e r i s S a t u r n { C r o n u s } ,
l e a d e r o f t h e e l d e r g o d s , t h e T i t a n s . U r a n u s ( " H e a v e n " ) w a s a n e a r l y G r e e k g o d , w h i l e N e p t u n e ( P o s e i d o n l ,g o d o f t h e s e a ,
is a stormy brother of Jupiter. Finally, another Jovian brother, Pluto, ruled the underworld and the afterlife.

Voyager in the Smithsonran

A museum piece at a tender age, Voyager holds a
Voyager 1
prominent position in the new "Exploring the Planets"
gallery at the Smithsonian Institution's Nationai Air and
In these last weeks of Voyager 1's cruise phase,
SpaceMuseum, Washington,D.C.
mission operations have been a whirlwind of activity,
interleaving crucial calibrations and tests with reviews The exhibit, which opened this fall, takes visitors on a
assessingproject readiness. tour of the solar system and imparts some of the knowledge
On December 10-11, a 20-hour sequence of two scientists have acquired in exploring the planets via space
rotations of the giant planet returned exciting images which missionsand observationsfrom Earth.
will be used in selecting interesting features to be further
explored during Encounter. The largest single object in the gallery is a full-scale
A target maneuver was cancelled on December 5 replica of a Voyager spacecraft, suspended from the ceiling
when a timing offset between the two Processors of the and with all booms and antennas fully extended, including
on-board computer command subsystem was noticed. The the 43-foot magnetometer boom!
48-second difference between the two would have resulted
in an aborted maneuver. Periodic target maneuvers have Below the spacecraft, a television screen currentiy
been executed on both spacecraft and the possibilities of shows an animated film about the project, and will carry
rescheduling this maneuver are being explored. the latest information from the planet as Yoyager closes in.

One of four aperturesin the photopolarimeter instru- Other special exhibits in the gallery include a flight
ment was tested on December 6. The instrument's aperture
over Mars, a descent to Venus, relative sizes of planetary
wheel was turned to the 0.25 degree diameter aperture to
bodies (from a 10-foot diameter Jupiter to a 1-foot
test its field-of-view.
diameter Earth to a l-inch diameter Ceres, the largest
Just prior to the Near Encounter Test (December asteroid), computer terminal games, comparative planetol-
I2-I4), the sun sensors/high gain antenna, scan platform ogy, planetary weather reports, and "Unanswered Ques-
pointing, and imaging optics were calibrated on Decem- tions" - some of which Voyager hopes to answer.
b e r 11 .

A review of the test and training activities, including Summary

the Near Encounter Test, essentially a dry-run of the
activity planned and programmed for the 39 hours around
Eighty days and 78 million kilometers (49 million
closest approach to Jupiter on March 5, is scheduled for
miles) lie between Voyager 1 and its first objective, Jupiter.
D e c e m b e r1 5 .
While it is currently travelling at a heliocentric velocity of
Two weeks of relative quiet will follow, and then 14 kilometers per second, one-way communication time
Yoyager 1's Observatory phase will begin on January 4, with the ship is 3 3 minutes 51 seconds, 609 million
r979. kilometers (3is million miles) from Earth.

Yoyager 2 Voyager 2 has 146 million kilometers (91 million

miles) to travel in the next seven months before meeting
The second spacecraft has been enjoying a quiet the giant planet. One-way light time is 31 minutes 1O
month with little activitv other than periodic instrument seconds, while its heliocentric velocity is 12.6 kilometers
calibrations. per second.

MissionHighlights (1076 feet) long. The tape will be played back to Earth
Voyager 1 Jupiter Observatory Phase Begins
Only the 64-meter(210-foot) antennasof the Deep
Sixty days and sixty million kilometers from Jupiter, Space Network have the capability to receive the daily
Voyager 1 begins its Jupiter observatory phase on Jan- playbacks.Sevenand one-halfhours of daily coveragewill
uary 4. The events of the next twenry-six days are designed be provided by the 64-meterantennaat Madrid, Spain,
to provide a time history of scientifically important since this station will be in view of the spacecraftduring
phenomena on Jupiter. prime shift working hours (at JPL) throughoutrhe obser-
Most of the observations in this phase are repetitive, vatory phase.The DSN's 26- and 34-meterantennaswill
to provide a data base for all ensuing data. Significant monitor the ship duringthe remaining16.5hourseachday.
calibration sequencesoccur between January 4 and 6 to
prepare for the Jovian encounter. Astronomy Notes
On January 6, the imaging cameras will begin to
On January 4, Eartb reacbesperibelion, its closest
record a series of four, single narrow-angle images, each in a
approacb to the Sun during the year. On this day, Eartb
different color. Taken every two hours (every 72 d,egreesof
will be 147 million kilometers (91 million miles)from tbe
Jupiter rotation), the series is part of a long duration study
of large-scale atmospheric processes. These images will be
examined to determine the most dynamic features on Jupiter reachesopposition on January 24, wben it
will be directly opposite tbe Sun from tbe Eartb. Tbrough-
Jupiter and to allow retargeting to them during the near
out January,Jupiter will be exceptionalb/brigbt and oisible
encounter period.
all nigbt. Currently in tbe constellationCancer,Jupiter will
Daily "system scans" by the other optical instru-
be nortb and eastof the bright star Sirius tbis month.
ments will provide a large-scale look at the entire Jovian
system. The ultravioiet spectrometer (UVS) will raster the
system eight times each day for two hours, looking for the The VoyagerSpacecraft
distribution of ultraviolet emissions. The infrared inter-
ferometer spectrometer (IRIS) will collect about 100 (Tbis is tbe eleventb in a planned series of brief explanatorJ/
infrared spectra of Jupiter in a 1%-hour period once a day, notes on the spacecraft and its subsystems.)
sampling different longitudes.
The photopolarimeter (PPS) scanswill search for the Part 11 - Photopolarimeter Experiment (PPS)
edge of lo's sodium cloud, expected to extend as far as 60
By studying sunlight scattered by the atmospheres
Jupiter radii (R1) (4.3 million kilometers or 2.7 million and surfaces of the planets and satellites,Voyager's photo-
miles) from Jupiter, nearly 10 times farther than lo's
polarimeter experiment will unveil many secrets of the
orbital radius.
outer planets.
In addition, the system scansinclude a searchfor the
Eight wavelengths in the ultraviolet and visible
bow shock, the intersection of the solar wind plasma and
regions of the spectrum (from 2350 to 7500 Angstroms)
the planetary magnetosphere.
will be measured in intensity (brightness) to determine the
The planetary radio astronomy/plasma wave duo will
physical properties of the atmospheres of Jupiter and
search for Jupiter radio bursts and perturbations of the
Saturn (perhaps seeing evidence of lightning and auroral
plasma once a day. All of the fields and particles insrru-
activity), the rings of Saturn, the satellite surfaces, and
ments will begin an accelerated level of daily measurements
the sodium cloud around Io.
to characterize the beginning of Jupiter's influence in the
sea of solar wind particles that dominates most of the space
Scientific Objectives
in the solar system.
The daily accumulations of data will fill nearly eight The photopolarimeter will examine both the large-
tracks a day on the on-board digital tape recorder that and micro-scale structure and properties of the clouds of
consists of one 8-track magnetic tape about 328 meters Jupiter, Saturn, and the Saturnian satellite Titan. It will

N a t i o n a lA e r o n a u t i c sa n d
Space Administration
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
C a l i { o r n i al n s t i t u t eo f T e c h n o l o g y
P a s a d e n a ,C a l i f o r n i a StatusBulletinEditor(213)354-4438
probe the vertical distribution of cloud particles, as well as I9 APERTURE
the particle size and shape, and provide inferences on !l/2o APERTURE I,/4O APERTURE
atmospheric composition.
Similar studies will define the structures of major
planetary features such as Jupiter's Great Red Spot, zones,
and belts. The photopolarimeter will search for evidence of
crystalline particles in these features, and will gather dara
on the effects of scattering and absorption of sunlight by
these particles, and the resulting effect on thermal balance.
From these data, additional model calculations will be APERTURE
made, providing insight into domains impenetrable by
Voyager's complement of remote sensinginstruments. FILTERWHEEL I/ 60 APERIURE
The atmospheres will be compared to two akeady
well-known samples- the thick, hazy, warm atmosphere of
Venus, and the more familiar atmosphere of Earth.
At the satellites of the outer planets, rhe photo- will also be probed: Why are there several distinct rings,
polarimeter wiil probe the density of the atmospheres which do not appear to merge? Is there an atmosphere
(where they exist), the texture and possible compositional between the rings? What are the lifetimes of particles in the
variations (on a large scale) of the surfaces,the bulk reflec- rings? How does the gravitational field of Saturn hold these
tivity, and the sodium vapor cloud around Jupiter's Io. rings in orbit?
The spectral reflectivity of a body can aid in deter-
mining its surface composition, be it bare rock, dust, frost Instrumentation
deposits,ice, or meteor remains.
Mounted on the scan platform, Voyager's photo-
Io's Encircling Cloud polarimeter is a combination photometer/polarimeter
with filters. Light is gathered through a 6-inch-diameter
The first suggestion that gases escaping from the
Cassegraintelescope and passed through an aperture, a
satellite atmospheres might be unable to escape from the
polarization analyzer, a filter, and a depolarizer before
planetary gravtty fields and would thus form doughnut-
being converted into electrical pulses which indicate the
shapedrings (toruses)around the planet, was made tn 1973.
number of photons (a measurableunit of iight) in a parti-
Since then, it has been confirmed that such a toroid does
cular energy band (color or wavelength), and polarization.
indeed exist in the vicinity of Jupiter's satellite Io, and that
The apertures, analyzers, and filters are all mounted
it is composed primariiy of sodium and atomic hydrogen.
on separatewheels which turn independently of each other
It extends from about three times the radius of Jupiter
and so provide a gteat number of combinations. Normal
(3 R1) to beyond 10 times the radius (10 R1). Io, and
operation during Encounter would consist of stepping
perhips Amalthea and Europa, orbit within this-cloud, and
through a programmed sequence of 40 filter/analyzer wheel
Voyager will search for it during the far encounter phase
combinations every 24 seconds.
as it sailscloser to the giant planet.
There are four apertures providing llt6, 7/4, t, and
Io seems to be covered by evaporite salts, including 3-7|2-degree diameter circular fields of view. Eight posi-
atomic hydrogen, sodium, potassium, and sulfur, and tions on the analyzer wheel provide open, dark, a calibra-
possibly atomic magnesium, calcium, and silicon. These are tion source, and five Polacoat analyzers with their trans-
sputtered off from Io's salt-coveredsurface into rts atmo- mitting axes located at 0, 60, tzo, 45, and 135 degrees-
sphere by chargedatomic particles (ions) which are trapped rotation. Eight filters measure wavelengths from 2350
in Jupiter's strong magnetic field. through 75OO Angstroms, each corresponding to the
spectral features of specific elements or compounds (for
Ring Puzzles example, sodium D, hydrogen, helium, calcium, mag-
nesium, silicon, and potassium atoms, ozone, and hydroxyl
Finally, the photopoiarimeter will probe the rings of
radicals). Some filters measure scattering and methane
Saturn, including the size and shape, and allow inferences
on the probable composition of the ring particles, their absorption.
density, and radial distribution. The dynamics of the rings
Instrument Status

r ttryATroN I Voyager 1's analyzer wheel has been sticking peri-

\ M0vTMENT O AZriuutH
I\lOVEMENT odically throughout cruise,and efforts to regain completely
CAMERA normal operation have been stymied. Laboratory tests on
the flight spare instrument indicate that a similar problem
may occur with the filter wheel. During Jupiter Encounrer,
therefore, the analyzer wheel will be in the clear position
ELTCIRON I CJ only and the filter wheel will be allowed to step for only
50 hours during the near encounter period. The polariza-
tion data will be lost.
3PECTROMFTER Investigators
{ U V)S
Sharing the role of principal investigator are C. F.
Lillie (cruise) and C. W. Hord (Encounter), both of the
University of Colorado. Co-investigators are D. L. Coffeen
I NFRARED SPtCTR0I\tETER and J. E. Hanson (Goddard Institute for Space Studies,
Ri 5 )
New York), and K. Pang (ScienceApplications, Inc.).

Voyager I, 52.9 million kilometers (32.8 million
miles) from Jupiter, has settled into its daily routine of
playbacks. One-waylight time is 33 minutes 18 seconds.
Voyager 2 is cruising quietly, with severalroutine
calibrationsscheduledfor the next week. At 127.4 million
kilometers (79.2 million miles) from Jupiter, one-way
light time to Earth is 30 minutes 2 seconds.

The VoyagerSpacecraft
(Tbis is the twelftb in a planned series of brief explanatory/
notes on the spacecraft and its subsystems.)

Part 12 - Infrared Interferometer Spectrometer and

Radiometer (IRIS)

Jupiter, with its colorful and distinctive bands of

clouds, has puzzled man for many centuries. Why are the
bands, known as zones (light) and belts (dark), so well-
defined? What determines their colors? How deep is the
cloud cover? What iies beneath it? Does Jupiter have a
solid surface at all?
Voyager's experiment with the most tongue-twisting
name, the infrared interferometer spectrometer and
radiometer - usually known simply as IRIS - is designed
ENCOUNTER MINUS 58 DAYS - Voyager 1 took this picture to probe the atmosphere of the Giant Planet for answersto
of the planet Jupiter on January 6, the first in its three-month" some of these questions. Jupiter's satellites and the Sat-
long, close-up investigation of the largest planet. The spacecraft, uranian and Uranian systems will be expiored as well.
flying toward a March 5 closest approach, was 57.6 million kilo- Each distinct chemical compound has a unique
meters (35.8 million miles) from Jupiter and 598.2 million kilo- spectrum. As a result, by measuring the infrared and visible
meters {371.7 million miles) from Earth. As the Voyager radiation both given off (emitted) and reflected from an
cameras begin their meteorological surveillance of Jupiter, they object, a, grezt deal can be learned about atmospheric gas
reveal a dynamic atmosphere with more convective structure
composition, abundances, clouds, hazes, temperatures,
than had previously been thought. While the smallest atmo-
dynamics, and heat balance.
spheric features seen in this picture are still as large as 1,000
kilometers {6O0 miles} across, Voyager will be able to detecr
individual storm systems as small as 5 kilometers (3 milesl at Scientific Objectives
closest approach, The Great Red Spot can be seen near the limb
Hydrogen, deuterium, helium, methane, ammonia,
at the far right. Most of the other features are too small to be
seen in terrestrial telescopes. ethane, and acetylene have been identified in the Jovian
atmosphere above the upper cloud deck. Deeper measure-
ments (through holes in the clouds) indicate the presence of
carbon monoxide, water, deuterated methane, germane and
phosphene as well. Many of these constituents are also

N a t i o n a lA e r o n a u t i c sa n d
Space Adminislralion
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
C a l i l o r n i al n s t i t u t eo f T e c h n o l o g y RecordedMissionStatus(213)354-7237
P a s a d e n a ,C a l i f o r n i a StatusBulletinEditor(213)354-4408
vide insight into its own origin, since it is too small to have
undergone extensive internal changes, such as the melting
that has resulted in the earth's molten core.

IRIS will measure the intensity and spectral distribu-

tion of infrared radiation reflected and emitted by atmo-
spheres and surfaces. Light is gathered by a 5o-centimeter
(20-inch) diameter teiescope and directed into the optics
of the instrument. Within the optics assembly, the light
strikes a mirror which reflects wavelengths longer than
2.5 microns into the interferometer and transmits those
shorter than 2.0 microns into the radiometer. This mirror
is called a dichroic collimator; that is, it separates the
lightwave into various wavelengths (colors) and reflects
these as parallel rays.
The radiometer responds to solar radiation in the
IETESCOPE INTERFEROMETER RADIOMETER spectral range from 0.3 to 2 microns; that is, from the
ultraviolet through the visible spectrum and into the near
The interferometer assembly actually contains two
interferometers: a reference instrument having an internal
source of neon light, and the infrared instrument itself,
which responds to radiation in the range of 2.5 to
50 microns (the mid- to far infrared).
The infrared light reflected into the interferometer
assembly by the dichroic collimator is further split into
two beams; one of these is focussed on a fixed mirror,
while the other is focussed on a moving mirror. The beams
are reflected from these mirrors and recombined so that
they interfere with each other, and the resulting intensity
is measured. If the moving mirror is in a position so that the
recombined beams are out of step, then this intensity is
zero; if the mirror position is such that the recombined
ilb%lto* beams are in step, then the intensity is iarge. The variations
of this intensity as the position of the moving mirror
The Voyager Spacecraft - IRIS (contd)
changes represent the interferogram, which is the output
present on Saturn. Titan, one of the satellites of Saturn, is of the instrument.
also known to have a substantial atmosphere. Voyager's To help prepare the interferogram for radio trans-
IRIS will measure the atmospheric composition and struc- mission, the reference interferometer is used. One mirror
ture on all of these bodies, Once the composition of an in this interferometer moves with the moving mirror of the
atmosphere is determined, knowledge of its absorption infrared interferometer. In the same way that the infrared
properties can be used to measure temPeratures at various
radiation is handled in the infrared interferometer, the
depths as a function of pressure. The clouds appear to form light from a single red neon line is passed through the
well-defined layers in the atmosphere, and above these are reference interferometer to provide a regularly varying
tenuous hazes. The ease with which these structures absorb (sinusoidal) signal; the instants at which this crosses zero
or emit infrared radiation and light will permit a determina- are used to control the motion of the mirrors and to deter-
tion of cloud depth, as well as state (ice or aerosol). mine when the light intensity in the infrared interferometer
Jupiter's banding has been observed for centuries. is measured. The resulting series of pulses is sent to Earth,
Why has it persisted for so long? Most theories explain the where it is processed by computer to provide the infrared
bands as the result of convection - circulation of warm and sPectrum.
cool air. Jupiter appears to have an internal heat source, Mounted on the scan platform, the IRIS assembly
and a relation appears to exist between cloud color and weighs about 1.8 kilograms (40 pounds), including the
temperature in both the zones and belts. Although Jupiter's telescope, radiometer, interferometers, electronics, and
banding runs east and west, considerable north-south power supply. It uses about 14 watts of power of which
motions qf the atmosphere also exist and will be probed. 8 watts are used for temperature control. The instrument
Many ices and minerals have distinctive spectral was designed and fabricated by Texas Instruments, Inc.,
characteristics. Using these signatures, composition and Dallas, Texas.
temperature maps of the satellites will be constructed.
Together with images also obtained by Voyager, these can Investigators
be used to investigate the geology and evolution of these
bodies. Comparisons among the satellites will be made; R. A. Hanel, of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Cen-
it is already known, for example, that the more dense ter (GSFC), Greenbelt, Maryland, is the principal investi-
Jovian satellites are closer to the planet, while the less gator for the IRIS. Co-investigators are B. Conrath,
dense are farther out. Such variations of satellite properties V. Kunde, P. Lowman, W. Maguire, J. Pearl, J. Pirraglia,
with distance from Jupiter may lead to further under- and R. Samuelson (all from GSFC), S. Kumar (JPL),
standing of the formation of each, and possibly of the C. Ponnamperuma (University of Maryland), D. Gautier
planet itself. Perhaps more than the large Galilean satel- (Paris Observatory, France), and P. Gierasch (Cornell
lites, tiny Amalthea, ciosest to the parent planet, may pro- University, Ithaca, New York).

Detail Increases

As Voyager 1 draws nearer the giant planet, the

cameras are showing increasing detail. The circulation pat-
terns, especially around the Great Red Spot, are becoming
more discernible. Much attention will be focussed on the
Red Spot itself to determine its wave pattern - is the
center swirling while the edges are quiet, or is the center
quiet while the edges flow? Now known to be purely an
atmospheric feature, the Red Spot was once thought to be
anchored to a surface feature, which would have explained
its longevity. Its size has decreasedin recent years.
Increasing detail in the belts (dark bands) and zones
(light bands) also shows interesting features. The zones are
thought to be rising, while the belts are descending. At their
interfaces, wind shears result, accounting for the turbulent
features observed in these areas.
"Hot spots" can be seen below the Red Spot, to the
left and right. Specific spacecraft sequences will target to WIND SHEARS- An atmospheric system larger than Earth and
more than 300 years old, the Great Red Spot remains a mystery and
these and other interesting features.
a challenge to Voyager/s instruments. In this picture taken by
Voyager 1 on January I through a blue filter, swirling, storm-like
Voyager 1 Activities features possibly associated with wind shear can be seen both to the
leftand above the Fed Spot. Analysis of motions of the features will
The daily system scans, infrared mapping, ultraviolet lead to a better understanding of Jovian weather. The spacecraft was
54 million kilometers {34 million miles} from the planet at this
searches, and imaging sequences of the observatory phase
will continue next week. "Tweaking" of the scan platform
pointing is planned to "fine tune" the centering of the
planet in the instruments' fields of view.
The IRIS is operating well after its warming sequence
in late December.

Yoyager 2

The trailing spacecraft remains relatively quiet, with tr
routine tests and calibrations at cruise level. The IRIS has =
undergone a heating period to maintain good performance
in the interferometer's Michelson motor.
Another test of a link between the Stanford radio
telescope and the planetary radio astronomy antennas is
planned for the near future in further analysis of the PRA's CIRCULATION - Current models of Jupiter's atmosphere theorize
capability should Voyager 2's remaining radio receiver fail. rising zones and descending belts.

N a t i o n a lA e r o n a u t r c sa n d
Space Administration
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
C a l r l o r n i al n s t r t u t eo f T e c h n o l o g y RecordedMissionStatus(213) 354-7237
P a s a d e n a ,C a l i f o r n i a StatusBulletinEditor (213) 354-4438
The VoyagerSpacecraft COLLIMATOR
Part 13 - Ultraviolet Spectrometer
Hydrogen, helium, and methane - hardly a mixture
of which one would wish to take a deep breath. Yet these
are the expected major constituents of the atmospheres at
the outer planets.
Voyager's ultraviolet specrrometer (UVS) will study OCCULTATION
the composition and structure of the atmospheres of l0 cm

Jupiter, Saturn, possibly Uranus, and their satellites, as well

as stellar sources ofultraviolet radiation.
and parallel to the orbital plane in special spacecraft maneu-
vers to help measure the extent of the gas clouds around
Scientific Goals
The UVS will also observe Io's "flux tube", the
Two rather different techniques have been developed
region of interaction between Io and Jupiter's magnetic
for spectroscopically probing planetary armospheres from
field. Spectral analysis of Jupiter's armosphere where the
the Earth or passing spacecraft (as opposed to landers or
flux tube contacts the planet should be revealing.
penetrators). Airglow observations require a large collecting
area for maximum sensitivity ro weak emissions found high
Grating Spectrometer
in the atmospheres where collisions between the gas atoms
and molecules are infrequent. Occultation measuremenc,
The UVS detects and measuresultraviolet radiation in
on the other hand, require an instrument which can look
the range from 500 to 1700 Angstroms, at 128 contiguous
directly at the Sun, using it as a source of uluaviolet radia-
intervals. Included in this range are the hydrogen Lyman
tion to measure absorption and scattering by the atmo-
series molecular hydrogen, helium, methane, acetylene,
sphere as the spacecraft moves into the planet's or satellite's
ethane, and other atmospheric hydrocarbons.
Light enters the UVS insuument through an aperture
Voyager's UVS combines these two types of
which has two fields of view (FOVs). During the occulta-
spectrometers with a common detector system.
tion mode, the main FOV (0.9 by 0.1 degree) for airglow
Airglow observations will measure the distribution of
measurements is shielded by the sunshade. The occultation
atomic hydrogen and helium in the upper aunosphere by
FOV (0.9 by 0.3 degree) is also offset 20 degreesfrom the
recording the resonance scattering of sunlight. Resonance
airglow FOV so that the instrument can be pointed at the
scattering arises by atoms or molecules absorbing solar radi-
Sun with no damage from direct sunlight to the airglow
ation at characteristic wavelengths and re-radiating at the
FOV and the other scan platform instruments,
same wavelength. This differs from fluorescence in which
After entering the aperture, the light passesthrough a
the activating wavelength is absorbed and the energy is
set of 13 identical aperture plates (the mechanical colli-
emitted at longer wavelengths.
mator). (Wavelengths shorrer than 1050 Angstroms cannot
As the Sun is occulted by the planet (blocked from
be transmitted by an optical collimator, but can be by the
the spacecraft's view), the planet's atmosphere moves
mechanical one.) The collimator restricts the field of view
slowly between the Sun and the instrument. Since all com-
to the concave diffraction grating which has been ruled at
mon atmospheric components have strong, readily-
540 lines per millimeter by diamond point. The radiation is
identifiable absorption characteristics in these short wave-
reflected from the grating and dispersed onto the ultraviolet
lengths, Voyager's UVS will be able to learn much about
detector where it is converted to electrical pulses indicating
the composition of the atmosphere, its temperature, and
the number of photons (measurable units of light) at partic-
structure. The key will be not the amount of sunlight enter-
ular wavelengths in the extreme ultraviolet.
ing the atmosphere, but rather what happens to it after it
Mounted on the scan platform, the UVS weighs 4.5
enters - how it is absorbed and scattered.
kilograms (10 pounds) and was fabricated by TRW Sys-
Airglow measurements will be made of several of the
tems, Redondo Beach, California, under contract to the
satellites as well as of the planets. Hydrogen, potassium,
designer, Kitt Peak National Observatory, Tucson, Arizona.
and sodium have been detected in direct observations of
Io's atmosphere, while the presence of sulfur has been
inferred from indirect association with lo's cloud of sulfur
particles. The UVS is capable of measuring distributions of
A. L. Broadfoot of Kitt Peak National Observarory is
minor gasesand lo's atmospheric temperature, as well.
the UVS principal investigator. Co-investigators are M.J.S.
Auroral activity on Ganymede, another of Jupiter's
Belton (Kitt Peak), J. L. Bertaux and J. E. Blamont (Service
Galilean satellites, may confirm water ice on the satellire's
d'Aeronomie du CNRS, Paris, France), S. K. Atreya and T.
surface by permitting measurements of atomic oxygen.
M. Donahue (University of Michigan), R. M. Goody and M.
The UVS will contribute to mapping the torus clouds B. McElroy (Harvard University), A. Dalgarno (Harvard Col-
around the planets and satellites, especially the hydrogen lege Observator/), J. C. McConnell (York University,
cloud around Io. The "circumference" and out-of-plane Ontario, Canada), H. W. Moos (Johns Hopkins University),
thickness of the cloud are of great interest; that is, how far B. R. Sandel and D. E. Shemansky (University of Arizona),
does it extend above and below the plane of Io's orbit? In and D. F. Strobel (Naval Research Laboratory, Washington,
mid-February, the slit will be oriented both perpendicular D.C.).

J U P I T E R ' S M O O N S - V o y a g e r l ' s c a m e r a sc a p t u r e d t w o o f Larger than the planet Mercury, Ganymede is believed to be

J u p i t e r ' s m o o n s , G a n y m e d ea n d E u r o p a , i n t h i s p i c t u r e t a k e n t h e composed of a mixture of rock and water ice with a surface of
morning of January 17, 1979, from a distance of 47 million ice or frost with a scattering of darker soil. This photo shows
kilometers (29 million miles). Despite the small imagesof the o n l y t h e d a r k e r s i d e o f G a n y m e d e ; t h e h i d d e n h a l f s e e ni n o t h e r
moons, this photo and others are beginning to show details on photos of the big satellite is marked by a large bright region.
the satellites not seen before in Earth-based photos.
Rapid changes in Jupiter's atmosphere are being observed -
some occurring within 2O hours (two Jovian days), An example
Europa, an unusually bright satellite slightly smaller than the is changes in the long series of wave-like patterns trailing
Moon, is revealed to have a dark equatorial band. Although Jupiter's Great Red Spot (far rightl. The bright zone stretching
scientists believe Europa is rocky, its surface appears to be a c r o s st h e n o r t h e r n h e m i s p h e r em a y b e c l o u d s o f f r o z e n a m m o -
covered with a layer of ice or frost of undetermined thickness. nia similar to cirrus clouds of water ice in Earth's atmosphere.

Naltonal Aeronautics and

Space Adrninistration
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
C a l i f o r n i aI n s t i t u t eo f T e c h n o l o g y RecordedMissionStatus(213) 354-7237
Pasadena. Calitornia StatusBulletinEditor (213) 354-4438
While radiometric data precisely determines the
position of the spacecraft in relation to Earth, optical navi-
gation is needed to pinpoint the locations and orbital paths
of the satellites. This is accomplished by pointing the cam-
era at z specific satellite and taking a long-exposure image.

Intensive Imaging

u"s"s"V@TTAGDR On January 30, Voyager 1 will begin a 4-day period

of intensive Jupiter imaging, returning pictures in real-time
(not tape-recorded for later playback as in the observatory
EncounterMinus38 Daysand Closing phase). Shuttering every 96 seconds for 100 hours, Voya-
ger 1 will capture 10 Jovian rotations. Narrow-angle images
The days are ticking off rapidly as Voyager L closes in will be taken through three different filters every three
on its first major objective, the Jovian system, The "obser- degrees of rotation to allow color feconstruction of what
vatory" phase of Voyager 1's mission draws to a close Janu- will essentially be a "movie" of Jupiter's rapidly changing
ary 30, with the last daily routine systems scans on Janu- atmosphere.
ary 25. These scans have provided valuable background At the start of the sequence, the spacecraft will be
measurements of the Jovian system which wili help in later about 34.7 million kilometers (21.6 million miles) from the
data analysis. planet and Jupiter's disk will fill about 480 pixels (picture
Using the imagesand data of the observatory phase,a elements) of the 800-pixe1 imaging frame. Travelling with a
target selection working group has identified the most inter- heliocentric velocity of about 13.2 kilometers per second
esting features to be examined for the highest science (29,600 miles per hour), Voyager I will gain about 3.9
return, and computer sequences to target to these areas are million kilometers (2.4 miilion miles) on the planet during
being completed. the 4-day period of intensive imaging.
Since the imaging data will be returned in real time at
Trajectory Correction Maneuver January 29 the highest data rate available (115,200 bits per second)
over X-band, the Deep Space Network will provide contin-
On January 29, Yoyager 1 will fire its hydrazine uous z4-hour a day coverage with the 64-meter antennas
thrusters to adjust its flight path. One more trajectory cor- (only these antennas are capable of receiving this data rate).
rection maneuver is scheduled for February 20 to put the Voyager 2 and other space probes will be covered by the
spacecraft exactly on target for its audience with the giant f ive 26-met er antennas and one 34-meter antenna
olanet in earlv March. (Goldstone) of the Deep SpaceNetwork.

M A J O R F E A T U R E S O F J U P I T E R - G r o u n d - b a s e da n d P i o n e e r the ever-changing atmosphere. The once-wide south tropical
observations of the giant planet have allowed scientists to label z o n e i s p r e s e n t l y c o n s i d e r a b l yn a r r o w e r , w h i l e t h e n o r t h t e m p e r -
Jupiter's major features for reference purposes. Voyager is ate zones have spread. Voyager is also identifying smaller fea-
already rewriting the textbooks, however, as its cameras record tures, such as plumes and hot spots,and tracking theirchanges.

Iearned more about Jupiter than they had learned in all the
preceding time.

Now, in the next eight months, NASA's two

Voyagers will take tens of thousands of high-resolution
photographs of the Jovian system, free of interference from
the distortion caused by Earth's bubbling, boiling

More Than Pretty Pictures

The photos returned by Voyager thus far show a

pretty tangerine-and-white-striped ball. But there's more
than meets the eye, and the list of objectives is long. The
Voyager imaging investigators will study:

Planetary Atmospbere
o Global circulation, including convection, vorticity
and divergence
Horizontal and vertical structure of the visible
clouds and their relationship to the belted appear-
ance and dynamical properties
Vertical structure of high, optically thin scattering
lO CASTS ITS SHADOW - As Jupiter's satellite lo (lower layers
centerl passes before the giant planet, its shadow (leftl can be a Anomalous features such as the Great Red Spot,
s e e n f a l l i n g o n t h e p l a n e t ' s f a c e . l o i s t r a v e l i n gf r o m l e f t t o r i g h t
south equatorial belt disturbances, plumes, hot
in its one-and-three-quarter-day orbit around the planet, Even
from this great distance the image of lo shows dark poles and a spots, and white ovals
bright equatorial region. Voyager 1 was 47 million kilometers o Cloud coloration
(29 million miles) from the planet when this imagewas taken
through a blue filter on January 17,1979. Satellites
. Comparative geology of the Galilean satellites at
The VoyagerSpacecraft lessthan 15-kilometer resolution
o Geologic structure of several satellites at high reso-
Part 14 - Imaging lution (about 1 kilometer)
o Chromophores on Io
Until about 1960, photography of Jupiter was hit or
a Atmospheres
miss - if some time was available at the telescope on a clear
. Size and shape of the satellites by direct measure-
night, and if someone was inclined, they might take a picture
of Jupiter. The next opportunity might not come for weeks. a Direction of the spin axes and period of rotation of
But the visible disk of Jupiter is all "weather" - ran- the satellites; establish coordinate systems for the
dom photos of the planet amount to little more than taking larger satellites
an occasional picture of clouds somewhere on Earth and System
then trying to forecast the weather.
. optical scattering properties of the planets and
In the early 1960's, astronomers began a new satellites at severalwavelengths and phase angles
routine - an observation program in which they took pic- o Novel physical phenomena such as the "flux tube,"
tures of Jupiter every hour all night long, on every night meteors ("fireballs"), lightning, auroras, or satellite
that was good for viewing. In ten years, astronomers shadows.

EncounterMinus31 DaYs
Space Administration
J6t PropulsionLaboretory
CalitorniaInstituleof Technology RecordedMissionStatus(213) 354-7237
Pasadena.California StatusBulletinEdilor(213)354-4438
Color reconstruction is done by combining images
taken through different filters; for example, blue, green and
orange. Certain features, such as the Great Red Spot, are
more.prominent and show more contrast in some filters
(blue, for example), than in others (orange) due to the

The cameras are slow-scan vidicon designs that use a

one-inch selenium-sulfur vidicon to convert the optical
image into electrical signals. The subject is scanned one line
at a time, and each fragment of light registered (c{led a
picture element or "pixel") is convbrted into electrical sig-
nals for transmission to Earth. After acquisition by the
Deep Space Network, the signals are processed, manipu-
lated by a computer system to adjust for the planet's rota-
tion between shuttering, and reconstructed with a laser
system on standard photographic film.

The frame area is 800 scan lines by 800 pixels, or

640,000 pixels. Depending on the spacecraft data rate, the
readout time for each frame is 48 seconds (at 115.2 kilo-
bits) to 480 seconds (at 2t.6 kilobits). The frames may be
edited to a slower data rate if necessary (for example, if
high winds or rain precluded use of a antenna to
receive the 1 1 5.2 kbps data). The pictures are read out and
appear on the monitors one line at a time.
RED SPOT VORTICITY - The Great Red Spot shows
p r o m i n e n t l y ( b e l o w c e n t e r ) , s u r r o u n d e d b y a r e m a r k a b l ec o m - Twenty days before closest approach, about mid-
plex region of the giant planet's atmosphere. An elongated yel- February, the disk of Jupiter will exceed the 0.4-degree
low cloud within the Great Red Spot is swirling around the field of view of the narrow-angle camera, and the 3.2-d,egree
s p o t ' s i n t e r i o r b o u n d a r y i n a c o u n t e r c l o c k w i s ed i r e c t i o n w i t h a field of view of the wide-angle camera will be required to
p e r i o d o f a l i t t l e l e s st h a n s i x d a y s , c o n f i r m i n g t h e w h i r l p o o l - l i k e continue full-disk imaging.
circulation that astronomers have suspected from ground-based
photographs. Ganymede, Jupiter's largest satellite, can be seen to
Mosaics of the Jovian system will be sequenced,
the lower left of the planet, Ganymede is largerthan Mercury.
mapping the planet, the satellites, and features of interest
This black and white image wc taken through a blue filter on
such as the Great Red Spot, white ovals, and hot spots.
January 24, 1979 while Voyager was 4O million kilometers (25
million milesl from Jupiter.
The surface resolution criterion for maps of the
satellites is the same as for the Earth-orbiting satellite Land-
How Do They Do That?
sat (1:5,000,000 is the largest acceptable scale). Reference
Each spacecraft carries a 2o0-mm, f/3.5 wide-angle maps at a scale of at least 1:25,000,000 will be produced
camera and a 1500-mm, f/8.5 narrow-angle (telephoto) for Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto, with high resolu-
camera that can be shuttered singly, alternately, or simul- tion maps of Io and Ganymede at 1:1,000,000 scale. (In
taneously at exposure times from 0.005 to 15.36 seconds, comparison,- U.S. Geological Survey 15-minute topograph-
or even longer in special modes. ical maps are at a scale of L:62,5OO and one inch equals
nearly one mile.) The highest resolution near each
Each camera assembly includes an eight-position filter encounter will be 1 kilometer or less.
wheel, including clear (2), violet, blue, orange, green (2),
and ultraviolet for the narrow-angle, and blue, clear, violet, Mounted on the scan platform, the imaging system
sodium D, green, orange, and two wavelengths of methane weighs about 38.2 kilograms (84 pounds). The vidicons
for the wide-angle. The sensitivity of the filters ranges from were produced by General Electrodynamics Corporation,
3450 (ultraviolet) to 6200 Angstroms (visible orange). Dallas, Texas, while Xerox Corporation, Electro-Optical
Visible light encompasses the range from about 3800 to Sy stems, Pasadena, California, assembled the imaging
6800 Angstroms. electronics.

B.A. Smith,Team Leader- Universityof Arizona H . M a s u r s k -y U . S .G e o l o g i c aSl u r v e y
L.A. Soderblom,DeputyTeam Leader- U.S.Geological Survey J . M c C a u l e -y U . S .G e o l o g i c aSl u r v e y
R. Beebe- New MexicoStateUniversity D . M o r r i s o n- U n i v e r s i t o
yf Hawaii
J. Boyce- NASA and U.S.GeologicalSurvey T. Owen- StateUniversityof New York,
G.A. Briggs- NASA Stonybrook
M . C a r r- U . S .G e o l o g i c aSl u r v e y C . S a g a n- C o r n e l U
l niversity
A . F . C o o k l l - S m i t h s o n i alnn s t i t u t i o n E . M .S h o e m a k e- r U . S .G e o l o g i c aSlu r v e ya n d
G . E .D a n i e l s o nJ,r . - C a l i f o r n i aI n s t i t u t eo f T e c h n o l o g y C a l i f o r n i aI n s t i t u t eo f
M . E .D a v i e s- R a n dC o r p o r a t i o n Technology
G . E .H u n t - U n i v e r s i t C
y o l l e g eL, o n d o n R . G .S t r o m- U n i v e r s i t oy f A r i z o n a
A. Ingersoll- CaliforniaInstituteof Technology V . E . S u o m i- U n i v e r s i t oy f W i s c o n s i n
T.V. Johnson- Jet PropulsionLaboratory J . V e v e r k a- C o r n e l U
l niversitv

HIGH-SPEED JET STREAM - This photo of Jupiter taken COLD SPOT - Generally, dark features on Jupiter are warm,
January 27, 1979, by Voyager 1 shows a thin brown band in the while light features are cold; the exception is the Great Red
l i g h t z o n e n o r t h o f t h e G r e a t R e d S p o t ( e x t r e m er i g h t ) , t h o u g h t Spot, the coldest place on the planet. Believed to soar about 25
to be the location of a high-speedjet stream similar to Earth's jet kilometers (15 miles) above the surrounding clouds, the Great
s t r e a m . T h e s p a c e c r a f tw a s 3 7 . 5 m i l l i o n k i l o m e t e r s ( 2 3 . 3 m i l l i o n R€d Spot covers a portion of the planet about three times the
miles) from the planet at the time of this photo. Voyager 1 will size of Earth. With this and other pictures, scientists are able to
t a k e m o r e t h a n 1 5 , 0 0 0 p i c t u r e so f J u p i t e r a n d i t s m a j o r s a t e l l i t e s detect counterclockwise motion within the spot. This picture of
by the timo it has completed its three-month encounter with the Jupiter was taken January 29, 1979. by Voyager 1 when it was
giant planet. 3 5 . 6 m i l l i o n k i l o m e t e r s ( 2 2 m i l l i o n m i l e s )f r o m t h e p l a n e t .

Marked by the end of 100 hours of intensive imaging Voyager 1 will be taking three-color 2 x 2 mosaics of
and the beginning of planetary mosaics, Voyager 1 the planet every two hours (every T2.degreesof the pldnet's
moved into the next phase of its Jupiter observarions on rotation) through February 21. By then, the disk will have
February 3. grown from about 0.24 degree on February 3 to about 0.61
degree, and 3 x 3 mosaics will begin. Some wide-angle
As the spacecraft draws near, the disk of the planet images will be taken through the methane filter during the
grows, filling much of the field of view of the narrow angle cuffent mission phase.
camera (0.4 degree). Since spacecraft motion creates a
pointing offset moving from one side of the imaging frame The 2 x 2 mosaics consist of shuttering once rhrough
to the other, mosaics are now necessary to ensure full each of three fiiters (violet, orange, and green) at four dif-
coverage of the planet. ferent points, moving the scan platform in a square pattern,

EncounterMinus24 Days
Soace Administration
Jot Propulsion Laboralory
CalilorniaInstituteof Technology RecordedMissionStatus(213) 354-7237
Pasadena.Californra StatusBullelinEditor(213)354-4438

for a total of 12 pictures. When fitted together, each set of ,"r\

12 wlll make one color image of the full disk of Jupiter. GANYMEDE

Processing of the imaging frames taken in a 100-hour C

period from January 3O to February 3 is underway. The
result will be a color movie of multiple Iovian rotations.

Infrared Spectra Continue

Voyager 1 continues daily infrared spectra of Jupiter. Voyager1 March5, 1979Jupiter EncounterTraiectory
During January, the infrared interferometer spectrometer
(IRIS) acquired 74 hours of data on the infrared composi-
plete yaw turns, during which the spacecraft was off celes-
tion of the Jovian system.
tial reference. The current celestial reference star is
Earth-based infrared images of the planet are being
used to interpret the spacecraft data. The instrument on- Rescheduled from December, a four-hour target
board the spacecraft will not have good spatial resolution maneuver on February 8 provided critical calibrations of
until the planet is much closer, as it still seesJupiter as one the scan platform instruments. The routine maneuver
source, requires several spacecraft turns to position the target plate
(mounted on the spacecraft bus at an angle to the scan

On January 26, the IRIS flash-off heater was turned platform) in the Sun so that each instrument can "look" at
on for the third heater cycle sequence. The heater remained the reflective plate as the platform maneuvers.
on for 53 hours until January 29, when the heater was
turned off, the instrument was turned on, and a dark sky Satellite Drift Measurements Begin
calibration was performed. All systems are operating well.
The ultraviolet spectrometer (UVS), which has been
scanning the entire Jovian system, has begun zeroing in on
Trajectory Correction Right On specific satellites. Within the next week, the UVS will look
at Ganymede (February 8), Europa (February 11), Io (Feb-
Voyager 1's flight path was adjusted on Jawary 29 ruary L2), and Callisto (February 16), measuring ultraviolet
with a 22-minute 36-second bum of the hydrazine emissions.The instrument's field of view slit will be pointed
thrusters. The ship's speed was changed by 4.745 meters a near the satellite and slowly moved across it. This permits
second (9.27 miles an hour). One more pre-Jupiter burn is measurements of both the satellite and any nearby gas
scheduled for February 20, to "fine-tune" the spacecraft's clouds associated with that satellite.
aiming point, as knowledge of the orbits and ephemerides
of the satellites are refined from Earth-based observations Voyager 1 Enters Jovian Realm
and optical navigation data.
With the crossing of the orbit of Jupiter's outermost
Cruise and Target Maneuvers Allow Calibrations known satellite on February LO, Voyager 1 will have
physically entered the Jovian system. Tiny Sinope, some 23
A "mini" cruise science maneuver was performed by million kilometers (15 million miles) from its "parent",
Voyager 1 on February 2 to allow calibration of several circles the giant planet in retrograde orbit (clockwise). The
fields and particles instruments. The six-hour maneuver satellite was discoveredin 1914; its diameter is estimated at
involved four complete roll turns followed by four com- about 14 kilometers (8.7 miles).

M i s s i o nH i g h l i g h t s
As Jupiter looms larger and larger in Voyager 1's
"eyes", anticipation and excitement are building back here C
at home. A'lembersof Voyager's world-wide science com-
munitl' rvill be converging on the Jet Propulsion Labora-
torl', operations base for the mission. this week, taking up UVS SYSTEMSCAN- The UVS is scanning the Galileansystem
their short residencesfor the Encounter activities. A press from one edgeof Callisto'sorbit to the other.The satellites
(from left): Callisto,Ganymede,
lo, Europa,and Amalthea.
conference at NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C., on
Februarv 22 wlll present results to date, and the presscorps
rvill begin to descendon JPL February 26. which might occur in the torus clouds. All of the data were
The flight team, meanwhile, continues flying the recorded to be played back the next day.
craft, checking it out, instructing it, and guiding it in for its
close-up look at the giant planet and its satelliteson March First Callisto Images Targeted
4, 5, and 6.
The first targeted images of Callisto were taken
through six filters on February 18, and are being processed
UVS ScansSystem
through the mission and test imaging system (MTIS) and
Image ProcessingLab (lPL) at JPL. The resolution is calcu-
Although the highest resolution images and closest
lated at about 140 kilometers per line pair, the highest
approaches to the six bodies (Jupiter, Amalthea, Io,
resolution ever obtained of Callisto. Mapping of the satellite
Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto) will not be obtained until
will continue this week.
the 39-hour Encounter period, much is being learned on the
approach legs about the system as a whole.
Trajectory Correction Maneuver Scheduled
Daily system scans b1' the ultraviolet spectrometer
(UVS) sweep from the edges of one side of Callisto's orbit Voyager 1's final pre-Encounter trajectory correction
to the opposite side, searching for ultraviolet emission is scheduled for February 20. The hydrazine thrusters will
sourcesand distributions, and for gaseousclouds associated fire for approximately 2-ll4 minutes, changing the velocity
with some of the satellites. During these scans, the scan and direction to deliver the spacecraft right to Jupiter's
platform is stepped across the system at a very low rate doorstep.
(about O.OO52degreeper second), moving in either azimuth Knowledge of the exact paths of the spacecraft and
or elevation. Some of the slews produce a "sawtooth" pat- target bodies is essential for loading the final pointing
tern of coverage, while others step straight across the sys- instructions for the scan platform. There is little margin for
tem, with the long axis of the instrument's field of vierv slit error, as the optical instrument's fields of view range from
perpendicular to Jupiter's equatorial plane. 0.10 degreeto 3.5 degrees.
On Februarv 18, the spacecraft was maneuvered so
that the UVS slit was parallel rather than perpendicular to 3 x 3 Mosaics to Begin
the plane of the ecliptic. The spacecraft was taken off
Canopus and Sun lock and oriented by its gyro system in Jupiter has grown so large that 2 x 2 narrow angle
order to accomplish this "VERTSCAN" maneuver. The mosaics, taken for the last 10 days, will soon no longer
UVS then rastered acrossthe system for about 7-1/2 hours, cover the disk, and 3 x 3 mosaics will begin on February
looking for contours of atomic hydrogen, taking the sys- 21. The disk wili be covered in a grid of overlapping images
tem's temperature, and looking for changesin temperature takenat nine pointing positions.

EncounterMinus14 Days
N a t r o n a lA e r o n a u t r c sa n d
Space Admrnrstration
J€t Propulsion Laboratory
RecordedMissionStatus(213) 354-7237
C a l i t o r n i aI n s t r t u t eo f T e c h n o l o o v S t a t u sB u l l e t i nE d i t o r( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8
P a s a d e n a ,C a l r f o r n r a P u b l i cl n f o r m a t i o nO f f i c e( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 5 0 1 1
Europa will pass behind the planet on February 22,
affording an opportunity to observe an eclipse of the satel-
lite. Measurementswill be taken to determine any tempera-
ture changes on Europa as it emergesfrom the shadow of
the planet. These changes could provide insight into the
satellite's composition, as a rocky surface would react dif-
ferently to the temperature change than wouid an icy one.
Searchingfor wind patterns travelling at greater than
100 meters per second (223.2 miles per hour), the imaging
systein will take a quick look ar large regionsof Jupiter on
February 24. Lower wind speeds will be detected during
On February 25, the first targeted image of Gany-
mede will be taken. Also, Voyager 1 is exp.ectedto cross
the bow shock sometime next week, about tsebruary26.

Yoyager 1 is 15.2 million kilometers (9.5 million
miles) from Jupiter, travelling with a heliocentric velocity
of 13.2 kilometers per second (29,428 miles per hour). It
has traced an arc through space of 988 million kilometers
(614 million miles) since it left the Earth on Seprember 5,
CLOSER AND CLOSER - Objects as small as 600 kilometers
(375 miles) across can be seen in this image taken by Voyager 1 1977. lt is now 644 million kilometers (400 million miles)
o n F e b r u a r y 1 , 1 9 7 9 , a t a r a n g eo f 3 2 . 7 m i l l i o n k i l o m e t e r s ( 2 0 from Earth, and radio signalstake 35 minutes 42 secondsto
million miles). Different iolors in clouds around the Great Red cross this distance.
Spot seem to imply that the clouds swirl around the spot at
Voyager 2 is cruising quietly, 100 million kilometers
. v a r y i n ga l t i t u d e s . T h e b r i g h t c l o u d i n t h e e q u a t o r i a l r e g i o n n o r t h
(62 million miles) from Jupiter. Its heliocentric velocity has
o f t h e G r e a t R e d S p o t a p p e a r st o b e w h e r e b r i g h t c l o u d s o r i g i -
nate, then stream westward. The images also show apparently slowed to 11.5 kilometers per second (25,7O7 miles per
regular spacing between th€ small white spots in the southern hour), and its arc distance (the total distance travelled) is
h e m i s p h e r ea n d s i m i l a r p o s i t i o n i n g o f d a r k s p o t s i n t h e n o r t h e r n about 987 million kilometers (613 million miles). Radio
hemisphere. A major activity will be to understand the form and
s i g n a l st a k e 3 1 m i n u t e s 4 0 s e c o n d st o t r a v e l t h e 5 7 1 m i l -
structure of the spots and how they may relate to interactions
between the atmospheJic composition and its motions. The
l i o n k i l o m e t e r s( 3 5 5 m i l l i o n m i l e s ) b e t w e e nt h e s p a c e c r a f t
bright ovals south of the Great Red Spot were seen to form and Earth.
about 40 years ago. and have remained much the same ever
since, while the Great Red Spot itself has been observed for - -t
h u n d r e d so f y e a r s . I
I -- UVS

Voyager 1 is accelerating toward Jupiter at a velocity

of 13.2 kilometers per second (29,428 miles per hour), the
gravity of the giant planer now influencing the spacecrafr NARROW
more than that of rhe Sun. Voyager 1 will conrinue to ANGLE
slowly pick up speed on irs inbound leg, unril closest '--'T---
approach on March 5 when the pull of Jupiter will acceler- TT- I
ate the craft to about 36 kilomerers per second (80,970 rl -
r-t> I
miles per hour)! And as rhe spacecraft flashes past rhe
planet, the gravity will slow it gradually until in June it will I .- t*ts
be travelling towards Saturn at about 22.8 kilometers per
s e c o n d( 5 1 , 0 0 0 m i l e s p e r h o u r ) .
Activities Increasing I
On February 21, the photopolarimerer (PPS) rvill
point to the satellites, searching for sodium and mapping
the distribution of this neutral atom as a function of Io's FIELDS OF VIEW - The FOV's of the optical instrumentson
position and Jupiter's magnetic field. Voyager's scan platform overlap so their data can be correlated.


lN TRANSIT - Voyager l took this photo of Jupiter, lo,,and m i x t u r e o f s a l t s a n d s u l f u r . E u r o p a i s l e s ss t r o n g l y c o l o r e d . a l t h o u g h

Europa on February 13, 1979. lo is about 35O,OOOkilometers still relatively dark at short wavelengrths.Markings on Europa are
QZO,OOOmiles) above Jupiter's Great Red Spot, while Europa is less evident than on the other satellites, although this picture shows
about 600,000 kilometers (375,000 miles) above Jupiter's clouds. d a r k e r r e g i o n st o w a r d t h e t r a i l i n g h a l f o f t h e v i s i b l e d i s k . J u p i t e r i s
Although both satellites have about the same brightness, lo's color is about 20 million kilometers 112.4 million miles) from the spacecraft
very different from Europa's, lo's equatorial region show two types at the time of this photo. At this resolution {about 4O0 kilometers
of material - dark orange, broken by several bright spots - produc- or 250 miles) there is evidence of circular motion in Jupiter's atmo-
ing a mottled appearance. The poles are darker and reddish. Prelim- sphere. While the dominant large-scale motions are west-to-east,
inary evidence suggests color variations within and between the small-scale movement includes eddv-like circulation within and
polar regions. lo's surface composition is unknown, but it may be a between the bands,

EncounterMinus 10 Days
N a t i o n a lA e r o n a u t i c sa n d
Space Administration
Jet Propulsion Laboratory RecordedMissionStatus(213) 354-7237
C a l i l o r n i aI n s t i t u l eo f T e c h n o l o g y S t a t u sB u l l e t i nE d i t o r( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8
P a s a d e n a ,C a l i f o r n i a O f f i c e( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 5 0 1
P u b l i cI n f o r m a t i o n
M i s s i o nH i g h l i g h t s t o-5

Yoyager L is no longer "going" to Jupiter - it is ro-6

there! Every instrument's data are showing strong indica-

tions of the planet's presence - and its presence is over-
whelming. : r0-

Auroral-type activity around Io and Jupiter has been

observed by the ultraviolet spectrometer (UVS). The to-6

gaseous torus cloud associated with Io does not seem to be I o-"

composed of readily identifiable neutral atoms or singly
t o-6
ionized atorrs.
vsTtM il roa"
The plasma wave instrument (PWS) is detecting very LONGITUDE

low frequency emissions (about 1o to 6o kiloHertz) that

PWS - Voyager l's plasma wave instrument is recording very low
are not direcdy related to decametric emissions from
frequency radio emissions from Jupiter which appear to be related
Jupiter that have long been observed at Earth. The signals to the north and south magnetic poles. This spectrum was recorded
probably originate near or beyond the orbit of Io, and on January 20 at about 44 million miles from the planet.The north
Voyager 1 should fly through this source area, obtaining magnetic pole passageoccurs at about 21Oo longitude.
direct information on the signals. The calculated power of
the signals is about 1 billion watts, about the same as
Earth's total radiated power, Jupiter's decametric radiation
is about 100 billion watts. (These measurements assume The magnetometers,low-energy charged particles
isotropy, that is, that the same values can be measured in (LECP) instrument,and plasmainstrumentaregivingstrong
any direction.) indicationsof nearingthe bow shock,the interfacebetween
the solar wind and the planet'smagnetosphere. Bow shock
In related studies, the planetary radio astronomy crossingmay come soonerthan predicted(February 26).
(PRA) instrument is seeing arc structures in its radio spec-
trum data from about 30 megaHertz to less than 1 mega-
Hertz. Jupiter's magnetic axis is offset from its spin axis by Imagestaken during Januaryand early Februaryhave
about 11o, so that the north magnetic pole is sometimes been processedinto a recently releasedcolor movie. The
tilted toward Earth and the spacecraft. The PRA data rotation movie was compiled from intensive imaging on
shows arcs curving to the left before the magnetic pole tips January 30 through February 3. Atmospheric changes
toward Yoyager, and to the right after tipping. Jupiter (including current flows) through several rotations of
appears to be the source of the signals, but they are being Jupiter are visibie, as well as satellitesin transit around the
affected in an area between the planet and the space- planet. Counterclockwiserotation in the Great Red Spot is
craft - an area through which Voyager 1 is expected to fly. clearly visible.

12n t4h r5n

10tr?9 3fr79

Before Northern Dipole Tip Passage{February 10} A f t e r N o r t h e r n D i p o l e T i p P a s s a g e( F e b r u a r y 3 l

ARCS - These radio spectra, collected by Voyager 1's PRA associated with Jupiter's- north magnetic pole each time it points
instrument on two different days, clearly *row the arc structures toward the spacecraft.

LAUNCH DAIE= 915177 flies beneath the satellite'ssouth pole. Voyager 1's closest
JUPITERARRIVALDAIE= 315179 approachto Io will be from 20,253 km (I2,752 mi) three
hours after closestapproach to Jupiter on March 5. lo is
OCCULTAT about the sizeof our moon (3636 km or 2259 mi), and is
ZONE ZONE - lO the third largest of the four Galilean satellites.It rotates
20,253 about the planet in abo,tt 42-l/2 hours at a distanceof
\t2,752 422,OOOkm.
(71,500M1) Like Io, Europa appearsto be a rocky body and
recent pictureshave shown a dark equatorialband. With a
AMALTHEA diameter of about 3066 km (1905 mi), it is slightly smaller
125,r08KM 416,942
(78,359M1) than our moon and circlesJupiter in about 3-l/2 daysftom
about 671,4O0km. Voyager 1 will passits closestto this
satellite,732,243km (454,996mi) on March5.

Ganymede and Callisto are the second and third

Mr) largest planetary satellites in the solar system (Saturn's
satelliteTitan is the largest).Both are largerthan the planet
Mercury. Ganymedeis thought to be mosdy liquid water
with a mud-core and a crust of ice. With a diameter of
about 52L6 km (3241 mi), Ganymede circlesJupiter in
about 7 days at an averagedistanceof 1 million km (62
million mi). Voyager 1 will pass115,000km (71,500mi)
from Ganymedeon March 5.
A Miniature Solar System
Callisto is thought to be half water,althoughits dark
With its thirteen, possibly fourteen,satellites,Jupiter
reflectivity indicatesa rocky surface.Over 1.8 million miles
forms what many liken to a miniature solar system.All of
from Jupiter, Ganymedemakes one rotation in about 16
the inner satellitesare denserand more massivethan the
days t6-l/2 hours. Its diameteris about 4890 km (3039
other satellites.(Also true for the planetsof the solar sys-
mi). Voyager 1's closestlook at Ganymedewill be March 6
tem - Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are all far more
f r o m a b o u t1 2 5 , 1 0 8k m ( 7 8 , 3 5 9m i ) .
densethan Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,Neptune, or Pluto.)

Voyager 1 will observe the five satellites closest to the

planet: Amalthea, Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.
Each is unique and intriguing. EARTH

Tiny Amalthea, about 120 to 240 km (75 to 150 mi)

in diameter, is the innermost satellite, and orbits the planet

once every 12 hours (approximately). In the past, it was
speculated to be a captured asteroid, because of its small
size and its reflectivity characteristics. Its average distance
from the planet is 181,500 km (70,077 mi).

Voyager 1 is most interested in Io, so much so that it

will risk Jupiter's intense radiation to get close to it.
Voyager 2 will not attempt a close flyby of Io, and so will
be exposed to less radiation. With reddish polar caps and a
tenuous atmosphere, Io is also surrounded by a yellow
glow - thought to be a cloud of sodium sputtered off the
satellite's surface by particle bombardment.

At about 5.9 RJ (Jupiter radii), Io is very much AMALTHEA

within the Jovian magnetosphere, and, indeed, seems to ,^.

influence the pattern of Jupiter's decametric radio bursts. /\
In addition, a region known as the Io "flux tube" is a
magnetic link between the satellite's surface and the planet. V IO
Voyager 1 will spend about 4-I/2 minutes in this area as it
ONE PLUS THR EE - Jupiter, its Great Red
Spot and three of its four largest satellites
are visible in this photo taken February 5,
1979, bv Voyager 1. The spacecraft was
28.4 million km (17.5 million mil from the
planet at the time. The innermost large
satellite, lo, can be seen against Jupiter,s
disk. lo is distinguished by its bright,
brown-yellow surface. To the right of Jupi-
ter is the satellite Europa, also very bright
but with fainter surface markings. The
darkest satellite, Caltisto (still nearly twice
as bright as Earth's moon), is barely visible
at the bottom left of the picture. Callisto
shows a bright patch in its northern hemi-
sphere. All three orbit Jupiter in the equa-
torial plane, and appear in their present
position becauseVoyager is above the plane.
All three satellites always show the same
f ace to Jupiter - just as Earth's moon
always shows us the same face. This photo
shows the sides of the satellites that always
face away from the planet,


Body Day* Time(PST)* Range

Amalthea 3t4 'lO:21p

Ju piter J/C O4:42a 280,000km
1 7 4 , 0 0 0m i
lo 3/5 07:50a 20,253 km
1 2 , 7 5 2m i
Europa 3/5 11 : 1 9 a 7 3 2 , 2 4 5k m
Ganymede 3/5 06:52p 1 1 5 , 0 0 0k m
7 1 , 5 0 0m i
Callisto 3/6 09:46a 1 2 5 , 1 0 k8 m


C O L O S S U S - N i n e i n d i v i d u a l p h o t o s c o m p r i s et h i s J u p i t e r m o s a i c , the planet during the 96-second intervals between individual frames.

taken through a violet filter by Voyager 1 on February 26. At the The complex structure of the cloud formations seen over the entire
t i m e , t h e s p a c e c r a f tw a s 7 . 8 m i l l i o n k m ( 4 . 7 m i l l i o n m i ) f r o m t h e planet gives some hint of the equally complex motions in the
planet. Distortion of the mosaic, especially noticeable where por- Voyager time-lapse photography. The smallest atmospheric fealures
tions of the limb have been fitted together, is caused by rotation of s e e ni n t h i s v i e w a r e a p p r o x i m a t e l y 1 4 0 k m ( 8 5 m i ) a c r o s s '

EncounterMinus4 Days
N a t i o n a lA e r o n a u l i c sa n d
Space Administration
Recorded Mission Status (213) 354-7237
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
C a l i l o r n i aI n s t i t u t eo f T e c h n o l o g y Status BulletinEditor (213) 354-4438
P a s a d e n a ,C a l i f o r n i a P u b l i c I n f o r m a t i o nO f f i c e ( 2 1 3 ) 3 5 4 - 5 0 1 1
f osatc oF to

MOSAICS - Voyager 1 will record many mosaics of Jupiter and its Red Spot as a whole will begin about 8:51 p.m. (PST)on March 4,
satellites, zeroing in on some features several times, Near midnight from a distance of 668,000 km (415,000 mi). Eighty-one imaging
(PSTI on March 3, for example, Voyager 1 will mosaic the Great frames will be taken in 43 minutes, in a 3 x 9 two-color map.
Red Spot in a three-color 3 x 4 mosaic (abovel from a distance of Mosaics will also provide high resolution maps of several of the
a b o u t 1 . 8 m i l l i o n k m ( 1 . 1 m i l l i o n m i l . T h e l a s t m o s a i co f t h e G r e a t satellites.

Earth. Sun Occultations will turn so that the ultraviolet spectrometer (UVS) slit is
tangent to the planet's limb as Voyager, still in Earth occul-
About 3-1l2 hours after closestapproachto Jupiter, tation, enters the overlapping Sun occultation zone. The
at about 8223a.m. (PST),Voyager1 will begin to disappear spacecraft antenna will then be pointing at the north limb.
behind the planet (as seen from Earth). First Earth and Then. the flash!
then the Sun will be blocked (occulted) from the space- A focussing phenomenon for radio waves, the flash
craft's view by Jupiter'sbulk. The occultations,eachlasting will last for about 1 second, during which the strength of
about two hours,overlapeachother for about an hour, and the radio signals would incredse about 100 times if there
provide opportunities for unique radio scienceand ultra- were no absorption of the signal by the atmosphere. The
violet measurements. brief flash will allow measurement of atmospheric shape
As the spacecraftslips around into the shadowof the and absorption at a greater depth than possible at any other
planet, it will track the virtual imageof the Earth around time. During this instant, Voyager 1 will be able to measure
the limb (disk edge)of the planet. Gyro drift turns, slower the concentration of components down to about the 4-bar
than a clock's hour hand, will follow the image. pressure level with lOO,OOOtimes greater sensitiviry.
Prior to the occultation, the spacecraftwill be tuned And then, the spacecraft will exit Earth occultation,
to S-bandhigh power and X-band low power to equalize tracking the virtual image of the Earth until the spacecraft
the signalsthrough the atmosphere.The distortion of the passesto the other side of the planet and reappearsas seen
radio signals as they pass through increasingdepths of from Earth.
clouds will tell much about the shapeand concentrarionof During the Sun occultation, the UVS will probe the
materialsin the ionosphereand atmosphere. deep atmosphere, determining gases, composition, and
Then, in a seriesof commandedturns, the spacecraft temDeratures.

( V I E W EF

**-1 U V SS U NO C C U L T A T I O N
E N T B YA T J + 4 . 5H R


CLOSEST APPROACHES - Voyager 1 will make its closest l i n e b e t w e e n t h e l i t a n d u n l i t s i d e so f t h e p l a n e t ) . T h r e e h o u r s l a t e r ,

approaches to Jupiter and its largest satellites on the morning of Voyager 1 will swing under the south pole of lo and spend about
March 5, 1979. 18 months to the day after its launch. These com- 4 - 1 1 2 m i n u t e s i n t h e f l u x t u b e a r e a .C l o s e s ta p p r o a c h t o G a n y m e d e
puter generated plots show the spacecraft's view of the bodies at the elevenhours after lo will also he nearthe terminator. And 29 hours
times of closest approach. The instruments'fields of view are also after its closest look at the giant planet, Voyager 1 will passover the
s h o w n { I S S W A i s t h e F O V o f t h e w i d e a n g l e c a m e r a } .T h e R e d S p o t north pole of Callisto for its closest look at the outermost of the
will be on the opposite side of the planet when Voyager 1 gets its G a l i l e a ns a t e l l i t e s .
closest look at Jupiter at a point near the terminator (the dividing


+20 IO

E Q U A T O R I ^A L +10
PLANEx*-- i--
-24 HRS


0 HRS\-r10-Z:z
+ 1 4H R S O HRS
'o CA
oi +6 HRS
cA+2eHRs vd:,

0 100 200 300

T ! O U S A N DO
0 100 200 100 400 500
+40HRS 1+l#
-40 HRS

L I E W I T H I N1 / 2 D E G R E EO F J U P I T E R ' S
E O U A T O R I A LP L A N E .
5-MICRON HOT SPOTS - An infrared photograph of Jupiter from as 25 km (15 mil above the surrounding clouds and is, therefore,
Earth {left} shows heat radiating from deep holes in the clouds of cooler. The infrared photo was recorded on January 10, 1979, by
Jupiter. Bright spots in the image are regions of higher temperatures t h e 2 0 0 - i n c h H a l e T e l e s c o p eo n P a l o m a r M o u n t a i n . C a l i f o r n i a ( o p e r '
than the darker areas. and correspond to parts of the atmosphere ated by the California Institute of Technology and the Carnegie
that are relatively free of obscuring clouds. The Great Red Spot Institutionl by R, Terrile of JPL, The Voyager 1 photo at right was
appears on the west (leftl limb as a dark area encircled by a bright also taken January 10, about one hour after the infrared image' The
r i n g , i n d i c a t i n gt h a t t h e s p o t i s c o o l e r t h a n s u r r o u n d i n g r e g i o n s 'T h i s s p a c e c r a f tw a s a b o u t 5 3 , 8 m i l l i o n k m ( 3 3 ' 4 m i l l i o n m i ) f r o m t h e
supports other findings that the Great Bed Spot may stand as high planet,

A Turbulent Solar Wind Sampling of Encounter Activities

(Continuous obseraations by radio science, magnetorneters,
Voyager t has met Jupiter's bow shock three times.
low-energjt cbarged particle plasma, and cosmic ray inaesti'
The first crossingof the shock, the area where the super-
gations, as uell as mapping by imaging carneras, pbotopolar-
sonic solar wind respondsto the presenceof Jupiter'smag-
netosphere,came about 7 a.m. (PST) on February 28, ime t e r, ul traai o I e t an d in frare d sp ec tr o me t ers. )

nearly6.t million km (3.8 million mi) from the planet. All times are Pacirt.c Standard Eartb-receiaed eoent start
Later, the solar wind increased,squashingthe mag- times.
netosphereback towards the planet,and six hours after the March 3
first crossing,Yoyager1 recordedthe bow shock again,at a 10:54 a P l a s m a o u t f l o w m e a s u r e m e n t s( s p a c e c r a f tr t t a n e u v e r )
distanceof 5.9 million km (3.7 million mi). 4:40 p l o e c l i p s eo b s e r v a t i o n sb e g i n
March 4
By 5 a.m. (PST) on March 1, the solar wind had
4:4O a B e g i n N e a r E n c o u n t e r i n t e n s i v ea c t i v i t y
overtakenthe spacecraftonceagain,pushingthe bow shock
11:37 a S e a r c hf o r " r i n g s " o f d u s t
to 5.1 million km (3.2 million mi). 12:33 p First photos of Amalthea
Voyager 1 crossedthe magnetopause about noon on 6:12 p I R o b s e r v a t i o n so f f i r s t S - m i c r o n h o t s p o t ( J u p i t e r )
March 1, placing the spacecraftinsidethe magnetosphere 5:48 p lR, imaging of Earth occultation exit point (Jupited
for the first time. 8:48 p Last full mosaic of Great Red Spot on day side of
J u o it e r
11:00 p A m a l t h e a - c l o s e s ta p p r o a c h ( - 4 1 6 , 9 4 2 k m )
March 5
4:O5 a B e g i n i n t e n s i v el o e n c o u n t e r
4:43 a J u p i t e r - c l o s e s ta p p r o a c h ( - 2 8 0 , 0 0 0 k m )
7:00a lmaging data to tape recorder (end of real-time
i m a g i n gu n t i l 2 : 2 2 p l
7:38 a Predicted lo flux tube passagestarts
7:52 a l o - c l o s e s ta p p r o a c h ( - 2 0 , 2 5 3 k m )
8:23 a Enter Earth occultation
9:16 a E n t e rS u n o c c u l t a t i o n
10:20 a Exit Earth occultation
9:57 a Europa - closest approach 1732,245 kml
11:28 a Exit Sun occultation
6:53 p G a n y m e d e - c l o s e s ta p p r o a c h ( - 1 1 5 , 0 0 0 k m )
7:3'l o E n d i n t e n s i v eN e a r E n c o u n t e r
March 6
9:46 a C a l l i s t o - c l o s e s ta p p r o a c h ( - 1 2 5 , 1 0 8 k m )
1:O3p S e a r c hf o r n e w s a t e l l i t e s
M / S S / O NS I A T U S R E P O R TN O . 3 8 M A R C H 1 2 . 1 9 7 9

THAR SHE BLOWS - These photos of a volcanic eruption on Several regions have been identified by the infrared instrument on
Jupiter's satellite lo present the evidence for the first active volcanic Voyager 1 as being severalhundred degrees Fahrenheit warmer than
eruption ever observedon another body in the solar system,The s u r r o u n d i n g t e r r a i n . a n d c o r r e l a t e dw i t h t h e e r u p t i o n s , T h e f a c t t h a t
photo at left. taken from a distance of 499,0O0 kilometers (310,000 s e v e r a le r u p t i o n s a p p e a rt o b e g o i n g o n s i m u l t a n e o u s l ym a k e s l o t h e
miles) on March 4, shows a plume-like structure rising more than most active surface in the solar system and suggeststo scientists that
100 kilometers (60 miles) above the surface, a cloud of material l o i s u n d e r g o i n g c o n t i n u o u s v o l c a n i s m , r e v i s i n gd o w n w a r d t h e a g e
being produced by an active eruption (dark, fountain-like feature o f l o ' s s u r f a c eo n c e a g a i n .
near the limb). At least four eruptions have been identilied on
Voyager 1 pictures and many more may yet be discovered on closer
T a k e n t h o u r , 5 2 m i n u t e s l a t e r ,t h e p h o t o a t r i g h t s h o w s p l u m e - l i k e
O n a n e a r l y a i r l e s sb o d y l i k e l o , p a r t i c u l a t e m a t e r i a l t h r o w n o u t o f a structures rising more than 100 kilometers (60 miles) above the
volcano follows a ballistic trajectory, accountingfor the dome-like surface. Another characteristic of the observed volcanism is that it
shape of the top of the cloud, formed as particles reach the top of appears to be extremely explosive, with velocities more than 2,000
t h e i r f l i g h t p a t h a n d b e g i n t o f a l l b a c k . S p h e r i c a le x p a n s i o no f o u t - m i l e s a n h o u r ( a t l e a s t 1 k i l o m e t e r p e r s e c o n d )- m o r e v i o l e n t t h a n
f l o w i n g g a sf o r m s a n e v e n l a r g e r c l o u d s u r r o u n d i n gt h e d u s t . a n y t e r r e s t r i a lv o l c a n o sl i k e E t n a , V e s u v i u so r K r a k a t o a ,

Beyond its crearors' wildest dreams, Voyager 1. has The wealth of information reftlrned by its eleven
successfully met its first objectives, streaking pasr Jupiter, scientific experiments will keep the analysts busy for years,
threading its way among the five asrounding inner satellites, especially when coupled with that being returned by its
and discovering that Jupiter, like Satum and Uranus, is a sister ship Voyager 2, now less than four months from its
ringed planet. own trek through the Jovian sysrem.

". . . Superlatioes fail us. The data speaks for itself."

Robert Froscb
NationalAeronauicsand SpaceAdministration
". ., spectacularlysuccessful."
Alan Louelace Robert Parks
Deputy/ Administrator Manager, Voyager Proje c t
National Aeronautics and Space Administration J et Propulsion Laboratory

N a t t o n a lA e r o n a u t i c sa n d
Space Administration
Jet Propulsion Laboratory RecordedMissionStatus(213) 354-7237
C a i i f o r n i aI n s t i t u t eo { T e c h n o l o g y S t a t u sB u l l e t i nE d i t o r( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8
P a s a d e n a ,C a l i f o r n i a O f f i c e( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 5 0 1 1
P u b l i cI n f o r m a t i o n
JUPITER - A RINGED PLANET - Voyager l's narrow'angle p r i s e d o f d a r k p a r t i c l e s ,t h e r i n g i s 2 9 t o 3 2 k m ( 1 8 t o 2 0 m i l t h i c k ,
camera detected this thin, flat ring of particles around Jupiter's a n d w a s s e e na b o u t 5 7 , 6 1 5 k m ( 3 5 , 8 O Om i l f r o m J u p i t e r . T h e w i d t h
e q u a t o r o n M a r c h 4 . A t i m e e x p o s u r eo f 1 1 . 2 m i n u t e s a l s o c a p t u r e d o f t h e r i n g h a s n o t b e e n d e t e r m i n e d ,a s V o y a g e r v i e w e d i t e d g eo n ,
s t a r t r a i l s o f t h e b e e h i v e c l u s t e r o f 1 1 b r i g h t g a l a x i e si n t h e b a c k - I t h a s a s t e l l a r m a g n i t u d eo f a b o u t 2 2 ( t h e f a i n t e s t s t a r v i s i b l et o t h e
ground. A slight nodding of the spacecraft due to its several long naked eye is 6th magnitude).The black dots are calibration points
instrument booms - one is 43 feet long - accounts for the wavy in the camera. At right, an artist's concept of the ring.
m o t i o n o l t h e s t a r t r a i l s a n d t h e s i x e x p o s u r e so f t h e r i n g . . C o m -

'I:,, AMAZING lo - This four-picture mosaic of lo was taken at a range

of 496,000 km (307,500 mi) by Voyager 1 on March 4. Atclosest
approach to the satellite on March 5. the spacecraft flew under lo'e
south pole, returning high resolution pictures of the surface, includ'
ing the prominent heart-shaped feature at lower left in this view.
The feature is about 966bv 722 km (6O0 by 480 mi) across. The
s m a l l e s tf e a t u r e sv i s i b l e i n t h i s v i e w a r e 1 0 k m { 6 m i } a c r o s s .

N a t i o n a lA e r o n a u t i c sa n d
Space Administration
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
RecordedMissionStatus(213) 354-7237
C a l r f o r n r aI n s t i t u t eo f T e c h n o l o g y Status BulletinEditor (2131354-4438
P a s a d e n a ,C a l i f o r n i a O f f i c e( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 5 0 1 1
P u b l i cI n f o r m a t i o n

EXPLOSIVE MOON - An enormousvolcanic explosion is m a l o r g a s d r i v i n g v o l c a n i c e x p l o s i o n s ,b u t s i n c e l o i s t h o u g h t t o b e

s i l h o u e t t e d a g a i n s td a r k s p a c e o v e r l o ' s b r i g h t l i m b , t h r o w i n g s o l i d e x t r e m e l y d r y , o t h e r g a s e sm u s t b e a c t a v e .V o y a g e r 1 w a s a b o u t
m a t e r i a l a s h i g h a s 1 6 0 k m ( 1 0 0 m i ) . W i t h a n e l e c t i o nv e l o c i t y o f 4 9 0 , 0 0 0 k m ( 3 0 4 , 0 0 0 m i ) f r o m l o w h e n t h i s i m a g ew a s a c q u i r e d o n
a b o u t 1 9 3 0 k m ( 1 2 0 0 m i ) p e r h o u r , e j e c t aw o u l d r e a c ht h e c r e s t o f March 4.
t h e f o u n t a i n i n a m a t t e r o f m i n u t e s . O n E a r t h , w a t e r ( s t e a m )i s t h e

F I R E W O R K S - S i m u l t a n e o u se r u p t i o n so n l o s h o o t a s h m o r e t h a n
2 6 0 ( 1 6 0 m i ) i n t o t h e s k y . T w o e r u p t i o n sc a n b e s e e ni n t h i s p h o t o ,
one on the limb. the other on the terminator {the shadow between
n i g h t a n d d a y ) . F o r t y t i m e s l a r g e ra n d 2 0 0 t i m e s m o r e b r i l l i a n t t h a n
E a r t h ' s f u l l m o o n , J u p i t e r i l l u m i n a t e st h e d a r k h e m i s p h e r eo f l o .
The photo wastaken by Voyager 1 on March 8 while 4.5 million km
( 2 . 6 m i l l i o n m i ) b e y o n d t h e s a t e l l i t eT. h i s i s t h e p h o t o i n w h i c h l o ' s
v o l c a n o e sw e r e f i r s t d i s c o v e r e d b y J P L o p t i c a l n a v i g a t i o n e n g i n e e r
LindaA. Morabito.
E U R O P A - O n e o f t h e b e s t i m a g e so f E u r o p a t a k e n b y V o y a g e r 1
( t r o m 2 m i l l i o n k m ) s h o w s s y s t e m so f l o n g l i n e a r s t r u c t u r e sw h i c h
c r i s s - c r o s st h e s u r f a c e i n v a r i o u s d i r e c t i o n s . P o s s i b l ef a u l t s o r f r a c -
tures, some of these featuresare over one thousand km long and
a b o u t t w o t o t h r e e h u n d r e d k m w i d e . V o y a g e r 2 i s e x p e c t e dt o g e t a
c l o s e r l o o k a t t h e a m b e r - c o l o r e ds a t e l l i t ei n J u l y , 1 9 7 9 .



't3 ..w

: *r,

CALLISTO - This multi-ring basin {left center) on Callisto consists is consistent with its low planetary density and probable low
of a light floored central basin some 300 km (185 mi) in diameter internal strength. Tlrese basins are tlrought to be formed by impacts.
surrounded by at least eight to ten discontinuous but rhythmically Voyager 1 took this photo on March 6 from about 200,000 km
spaced ridges. The great number of rings observed around this basin (125.000 mi).
P I N P O I N T O F L I G H T - T i n y , r e d A m a l t h e a w a s d i s c o v e r e do n l y 8 7
years ago. Too small ever to have been round, it has a long history of
impact cratering and its red color may be a surface coating rather than a
c h a r a c t e r i s t i co f t h e s a t e l l i t e ' sb u l k . T h e i n n e r m o s t o f J u p i t e r ' s 1 3 o r 1 4
known whizzes around the planet every 12 hours, only
about 111,000 km (69,O00 mi) from the cloud tops -outside the
newly-discovered ring. Usually overpowered by the brilliance of Jupiter,
Amalthea is especially hard to spot from Earth even with a large tele'
scope, In this photo taken by Voyager 1 on March 4, Amalthea appears
a b o u t 1 3 0 k m ( 8 Om i l h i g h b y 1 7 0 k m ( 1 0 5 m i ) w i d e .

G A N Y M E D E - L a r g e s t o f J u p i t e r ' s s a t e l l i t e s ,G a n y m e d e i s a b o u t
1-112 times the size of our moon but only about half as dense.
Therefore, it is probably composed of a mixture of rock and ice. lts
features resemble mare and impact craters found on the moon,
while the long white filaments resemble rays associatedwith impacts
o n t h e l u n a r s u r f a c e .V o y a g e r 1 t o o k t h i s p h o t o o n M a r c h 4 f r o m a
d i s t a n c eo f 2 . 6 m i l l i o n k m ( 1 . 6 m i l l i o n m i ) .

I M P A C T C R A T E R S - N u m e r o u s i m p a c t c r a t e r sp o c k t h e s u r f a c eo f
Ganymede. Many of the craters have extensive bright ray systems;
the older ones do not. Bright bands traversing the surface in various
directions contain an intricate system of alternating linear bright
a n d d a r k l i n e s w h i c h m a y r e p r e s e n td e f o r m a t i o n o f t h e c r u s t e d i c e
layer. These lines are particularly evident near the top of the pic-
ture. A bright band trending in a north-southdirection in the lower
left-hand portion of the picture is offset along a bright line,
p r o b a b l y d u e t o f a u l t i n g . T w o l i g h t c i r c u l a r a r e a si n t h e r i g h t u p p e r
center of the picture may be the scars of ancient impact craters
which have had their topographic expansion erased by flow of the
c r y s t a l i c y m a t e r i a l .T h i s p h o t o w a s t a k e n b y V o y a g e r 1 o n M a r c h 5
from a range ol 246,OOOkm (153,00O mil.

M i s s i o nH i g h l i g h t s N OR T H lo'sORBIT
When Voyager 1 swings through the Sacurn system in P OL E
late 1980, the volume of information returned from its F LUX
Jupiter Encounter will still be under study. Voyager 1 TUBE
unmasked whole new worlds - presenting new puzzles.
Space exploration, as one journalist noted, is an endless
By March 15, Voyager t had returned over 15,000
photographs of Jupiter and its moons. Add to this the
wealth of data accumulated by 10 other science experi-
ments, and it becomes apparent that it will require months,
perhaps years, to wade through it all. Preliminary results are SULFUR TORUS - Ultraviolet observations discovered a hot,
c h a r g e dr i n g o f s u l f u r e n c i r c l i n gJ u p i t e r ,
in, however.
The pictures provide immediate visual information. In
1965, Mariner 4 returned 22 frames of Mars, 2OO by 2OO
elements, and each requiring 8-1/2 hours to play back to Five weeks after its sweep through the Jovian system,
Earth at a data rate of 8-l/3 bits per second. Fourteen years Voyager 1 continues taking parting shots and scanning the
later, at a data rate of 115,200 bits per second, Voyager 1 system on the far side of the planet.
returned many of its 800 x 800 element pictures in about On April 9, Yoyager 1 fired its attitude control
48 seconds. thrusters to adjust its course toward Safllrn, nearly 800
This issue will concentrate on Jupiter and its million kilometers (500 million miles) away. Nineteen
environs; subsequent issueswill deal with the satellites. months from now, in mid-November, 1980, Voyager 1 will
get its closest look at the ringed planet and six of its com-
Sulfur Torus
Jupiter's orbital energy has already been used to
accelerate the spacecraft to about 84,500 kilometers per
Imagine a huge, glowing fluorescent cube, miilions of hour (52,500 miles per hour) and altered its flight path.
miles in diameter. This is one model of the doughnut- Without Jupiter's aid, Voyager 1 would require nearly 1.5
shaped cloud (torus) of sulfur wobbling around Jupiter at million kilograms (1600 tons) of fuel as opposed to 5 kilo-
the distance of Io's orbit. grams (11 pounds) to achieve the same flight path. Three
Visible only in uluaviolet light, thg torus of sulfur- more trajectory correction maneuvers are planned before
three atoms (or doubly-ionized sulfur, which has lost two Saturn Encounter.
electrons per atom due to high temperatures), has a density Voyager 1 will now settle into a relatively quiet cruise
of about 500 sulfur atoms per cubic centimeter (compared mode, continuing to look at the dark side of Jupiter and its
to less than 0.01 total particles per cubic centimeter in rhe spectacular satellites, to sample the interplanetary medium,
interplanetary medium), Some sulfur was expected, but the and to make regular instrument calibrations and tests.
density was a surprise. Voyager 2's Jupiter observations begin on April 24,
In addition, a great deal of energy, perhaps as much 76 d,aysbefore its closestapproach to the system on July 9.
as 5OO billion watts of power, is required just to hold the Now travelling with less than half Voyager 1's velocity,
particles in orbit. The sulfur was thought to be sputtered Yoyager 2 is 64.6 million kilometers (40 million miles)
off the dry surface of Io, but that theory was laid ro resr from Jupiter. On April 16 through 20, the spacecraftwill
when Io's explosive volcanoes were discovered. execute the sequence of events for July's Encounter.
(contd) Voyager 1 made a similar dry run in December.

N a t i o n a lA e r o n a u t i c sa n d
Space Administration
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
R e c o r d e dM i s s r o nS t a t u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 7 2 3 7
C a l i f o r n i aI n s t i t u t eo f T e c h n o l o g y S t a t u sB u l l e t i nE d i t o r( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8
P a s a d e n a .C a l i f o r n i a n f f i c e( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 5 0 1
P u b l i cI n f o r m a t i oO
Jupiter rotation apart, these photos depict
four days in the life of the centuri€s-old
atmospheric feature. Changes in circulation
during the 4o-hour period are clearly visible,
especially the flow of light material at the
spot's right edge. The photos were taken on
February 2-3, 1979 from 31 million km
( 1 9 . 4m i l l i o n m i l ,

Atmospheric Characteristics accelerationinto the atmosphereof chargedparticlesfrom

the Van Allen radiation belts along the magnetic lines of
Jupiter is far more complex in its atmospheric force. Similar processes
probably causeJupiter's autoras,
motions than ever imagined. Linear flows diverge and First detected in the ultraviolet, Jupiter's auroras
vortices reverse direction. Neighboring jet streams flow in were much strongerthan expectedand detectableon both
opposite directions. Its bright orange and white bands are in the night and day sides of the planet. Analysis of the
constant turmoil, yet appear to retain their sharp-edged auroras will aid in decipheringthe planet's atmospheric
structure down to resolutions of 25 kilometers. It looks at composition,alreadyknown to consistprimarily of hydro-
times like a dance between two unmixable fluids (like oil gen, with helium and some ammonia,methane,and water.
and water), Yet Jupiter's atmosphere is all gas, and material The long-exposurephotograph of the aurora also
exchange between flows has been observed. appearsto show a lightning storm - nineteenbright ipots
First sited from Earth nearly three centuries ago, the severalthousand miles south of the aurora. Lightning had
Great Red Spot remains a mystery. Is it a hurricane? Is it been suspectedto exist on Jupiter, but at deeperlevelsof
anchored to a feature deep below the cloud tops? Is it tied the atmosphere,
to a "floating raft" of solidified water in the lower levels of In a classic Iaboratory experiment, an electrical
the atmosphere? Why has it existed for so long? Why is it current (lightning) passedthrough a mixture of hydrogen,
reddish? methane,ammonia,and water, has been shown to set off a
Variable in size and color, the spot today is about reaction that forms more complex organic molecules.
2l,OOO by 11,000 km (13,000 by 7,000 mi) and paler than Whether such a processhas occurred on Jupiter awaits
when the Pioneer spacecraftphotographed itin I973-74.|t further analysis.
has remained at about the same position, 22 degreessouth
latitude, for as long as it has been observed. It is cold and
bright and oscillates slightly as it migrates east and wesr
every 90 days. Whirling counterclockwise, one complete
trip takes about six days. High-speed jet streams flowing in
opposite directions above and below it may explain its
whirling motion.
The task remains to reconstruct the atmospheric flow
patterns on the planet. One technique for this is to
assemble hundreds of still photos to produce, in effect, a
movie in which the motions are readily visible and easily

Northem Lights and Lightning

Earth and Jupiter have at least one thing in

common - auroras. Voyager 1 spotted the largest aurora
ever seen by mankind - nearly 29,OOOkilometers (18,000 "NORTHERN LIGHTS" - A long exposure (3 minutes, i2
miles) long - at Jupiter's north pole. At Earth, auroras ar seconds) captured this aurora and lightning storms on Jupiter's dark
the poles (northern and southern lights) are caused by the side six hours after closest approach on March 5,1979.

YOUNG SURFACE - Even before discovery of lo's active CLOSE LOOK AT lo - lo's equatorial region contains a myriad of
volcanoes, the lack of impact craters sugg€sted that the surface is complex features: mountains and plateaus bounded by scarps thal
relatively young. The reddish, white and black areas are probably vary from irregular to linear, vast smooth plains, rough bright areas,
surface deposits, possibly consisting of mixtures of salts, sulfur and This image was acquired on March 5, 1979, at a rang6 of 82,500 km
sublimate deposits. Many of the blacl( spots are associated with (51,300 mi) and shows an area approximately 600 km (370 mil
craters, probably of volcanic origin. The smallest feature visible are square.
about 10 km (6 mil across in this photo tal<en by Voyager 1on
March 5, 1979 at a range of 377,000 km (23,300 mil. Amalthea
Tiny Amalthea, innermost of Jupiter's companions,
had never been photographedwith any spatial resolution.
Weeks of Earth-based observations,combined with
"Tbere is no sucb tbing as a boring Galilean satellite." Voyager's optical navigationphotos and computercalcula-
L. A. Soderblom tions, were required to pinpoint its orbital path so that
DeputJ/Team Leader,Imaging Team accurate pointing instructions could be given to the
Prior to the Pioneer spacecraft's observations in 1973- Barely 140 k* (go mi) high by 26o km (160 mi)
74, Jupiter's five innermost satellites, including the four long, Amalthea alwayspoints its long axis toward Jupiter.
largest, the Galileans, were mere pinpoints of light to man, Its elongatedshapemay suggestthat it is on the vergeof
indistinguishable except for their positions. By March 6, being broken apart by a tug of war betweenthe gravitiesof
however all five had become unique, distinctive individuals. Jupiter and the satellites.
Before Yoyager, these satellites were as unknown as Taken from a distance of about 421,000 km
the planet Mars was in 1700. Voyager l scanned them at (262,000 mi) with a resolution of about 8 km (5 mi),
resolutions comparable to the Mariner observations of Mars photos of Amalthea confirmed its reddish coloring. Its
in the early 1970's - in effect, 27O yearc of planetary reflectiviry is very low, however,so that its surfacecompo-
exploration compressed into five days. sition is probably not ice, frost, or sulfur.

N a t i o n a lA e r o n a u t i c sa n d
Space Administration
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
RecordedMissionStatus(213) 354-7237
C a l i f o r n i al n s t i t u t eo f T e c h n o l o g y S t a t u sB u l l e t i nEditor(213) 354-4438
P a s a d e n a ,C a l i f o r n i a P u b l i cl n t o r m a t i o nO f f i c e( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 5 0 1 1
PuzzlingIo Summary
Of all the satellites, Io generated the most excite- With one spacecraft 53 million km (33 million mi)
ment. As Voyager 1 closed in on Io, thepuzzle was why its beyond it and another approachingfrom 54 million km (34
surface, so cratered and pocked when viewed from a dis- million mi), Jupiter is well-surrounded by curious Voyagers
tance, began to look smoother and younger as the space- from Earth.
craft neared. Theories of erosion due to intense bombard- Now 73 days from its closest approach to the planet,
ment from Jupiter's radiation were advanced. Voyager 2 has begun its Jovian observations which will
But the mystery was solved with the discovery of reach a peak on July 9. Approaching on a different sunline
active volcanoesspewing sulfur 160 km (100 mi) high and than the first ship, the second spacecraft will augment the
showering it down on the crust, obliterating the old surface. findings, rounding out the picture of the Jovian system. In
Infrared data indicated hot spots at the locations of the addition, changes since Voyager 1's passagewill be studied.
plumes identified in the photographs, confirming the find. Voyager 2 is scanning the entire system in the ultra-
Io's is undoubtedly the most active known surface in violet, sampling Jupiter's radio emissions and interactions
the solar system, surpassing even the Earth. If a spacecraft with the solar wind, and taking selected pictures.
were to fly past Earth, it is unlikely that any volcanic Currently in a quiet cruise mode, Voyager t has
activity would be visible despite the great number of vol- passed the half-way mark on its journey from Earth to
canoes. But Io! As many as seven simultaneously erupting Saturn. The active program in the computer command sub-
volcanoes have been identified. system aboard the craft is designed to nearly automate its
Most of Io's volcanoes are extremely violent - similar activities during the next four months so that Voyager 1
to Vesuvius or Etna. Some evidence of Hawaiian-type vol- needs minimal attention while Voyager 2 takes center stage.
canoes exists - vents through which the hot magma oozes
rather than erupts. Infrared studies have observed lava lakes
which may be as much as 400 degrees Fahrenheit warmer MoreResultsfrom Voyager1
than the surrounding surface.
The source of Jupiter's hot sulfur torus is no longer a There is much for the second spacecraft to look
mystery, But the questions are now: What heats Io? Does forward to - another look at the ring, measurements of the
the volcanic material come from the core or is it scraped extremely active solar wind, closer looks at some of the
from the underside of the continually overlaid crust? What satellites, and different views of all, including the ever-
is the propulsive gas forcing the material out through the changing face of Jupiter. And Voyager 2 will not be sub-
volcanic vents, since Io's surface appears waterless? jected to as severe a radiation hazard as was its sister ship,
One theory is that a tug of war between Jupiter and since it will fly further from the planet.
the other Galilean satellites has created gravitational tidal
forces that have meited lo's core. Or, Io may have an
A Ringed Planet
extremely thin crust which is constantly being scraped
away by the interior heat, shot out through the volcanic
vents, redistributed on the surface, covered over by subse- Floating 35,000 miles above Jupiter's visible cloud
quent eruptions, and continually recycled in this way, with tops, a wafer-thin ring of rocky particles poses a new prob-
some ions and neutrals escaping into space to form the lem. No longer is the question: Why are some planets
sulfur torus. (Saturn and Uranus) ringed? But: Why are the inner, terres-
Voyager 2 will take a series of photos of Io over a trial planets not ringed?
10-hour period to make a time{apse sequence of the
exploding volcanoes and their dynamics. Bowshock
As Voyager 1 plunged under the south pole of Io, it
was expected to pass through a highly-charged region
On its inbound leg, Yoyager 1 recorded at least five
known as the flux tube, where as much as 1 million
amperes of electrical current travel along magnetic field crossings of the bowshock as Jupiter's magnetosphere
Iines connecting the satellite with the planet. Preliminary expanded and receded under varying pressure from the
data indicate that Voyager 1 did not pass through the flux solar wind. The bowshock is the line of interaction between
tube; the location of the tube had shifted from predictions. the particles trapped by a planet's magnetic field and the
particles in the solar wind. The first crossing was February
Europa 28, about 6 million kilometers (3.8 million miles) from the
planet. The last crossingwas at 3.6 million kilometers (2.1
Voyager t had only a distant look at Europa, the million miles).
third satellite from the planet, but the photos are tantzhz-
ing and Yoyager 2 wrll fly half a million miles closer to the
amber-colored satellite, returning pictures at about the reso-
lution of Yoyager 1's Jupiter photos. Slightly smaller than
Io, Europa is also a rocky body seemingly coated with ice Ycsyzger 1 withstood 10OO times the lethal dose of
and frost. Dark streaks 80 by 1900 to 29O0 km (50 by radiation for humans as it passed between Jupiter and Io.
1200 to 1800 mi) may representa system of large fractures As expected, several of the instruments were saturated, but
or faults on the surface. recovered well once outside the danger zone.

IMPACTS - Numerous bright ray craters and odd,

grooved structures pocl< the surface of Ganymede,
Jupiter's largest satellite. The brightness of the
craters, their eiected material, and the grooves may
indicate the presence of younger, "cleaner" ice
which has not yet been darkened by micro-
meteoride bombardment. The large, bright ray
crater (south of top photo, north of bottom
photo) has ejecta rays extending as far as 300 to
500 km (185 to 310 mi). These two photos, taken
by Voyager I on March 5 from a range of 230 to
250 thousand km (143 to 155 thousand mil,have
a resolution of about 4.5 km (2.8 mi) and may be
mosaicked by fitting matching features together.

Voyager2: JupiterMinus59 Days

N a t i o n a lA e r o n a u t i c sa n d Voyager1: SaturnMinus551 Days
Space Administration
Jet Propulsion Laboratory RecordedMissionStatus(213) 354-7237
C a l i f o r n i al n s t i t u t eo f T e c h n o l o g y S t a t u sB u l l e t i nE d i t o r( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8
P a s a d e n a ,C a l i l o r n i a O f f i c e( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 5 0 1 1
P u b l i cI n f o r m a t i o n
OUICK FROZEN - Heavily-cratered
Callisto is the outermost, darkest, and prob-
ably the oldest surface of Jupiter's Galilean
satellite$ While it is thought to have a
muddy or rocky core with an icy crust, its
surface is densely covered with impact
craters ranging in size from 20 to 5O km {12
to 30 mil in diameter, with very far larger
ones. The lack of large craterc indicates that
Callisto lacks firm enough crustal founda-
tions to support mountains or chasms,since
ice sinks and flornn under heavy loads. An
exception to the small craters is the large
impact basin (left) with numerous concen-
tric rings rippling outward from its center.
Extending more than 1d)0 km (620 mi)
outward from the 600 km (370 mi) basin,
the ripples probably were formed as the
fragile, icy crust heaved under the impact of
a large meteorite and then quickly froze
again in the cold, airlessenvironment,

B.V. (before Voyager), the two largest and outermost But the intriguing features on Ganymede are the
Galilean satellites, Ganymede and Callisto, were thought to sinuous systems of ridges and grooves traversing the surface
be very similar. Both are larger than the planet Mercury. like so many tire tracks. Some of these cracks display off-
Both are relatively dark (but not as dark as Earth's moon), sets similar to shifts in streets and streams caused on Earth
indicating a surface covered with dark rock rather than by crust movement or Earthquakes, implying that the same
white ice. Both are very lightweight, however, having a sort of processes exist on Ganymede. Some areas of the
density about twice that of water - inconsistent with a satellite appear to have piled-up crustal segments similar to
rocky composition. ice jams at Earth's polar regions.
There the similarities begin to end. Callisto has Crustal movements on Earth are caused by convec-
perhaps the most ancient surface of any of Jupiter's Gali- tion cells generated by heat from the core. There may have
lean satellites. Its crust is cratered like that of Mercury, been, or perhaps still is, enough heat from radioactive ele-
indicating little recent change. Countless impact craters mar ments within Ganymede to warm the mantle, create con-
its surface, probably the result. of meteorite bombardment vective currents, and thus crack the icy crust.
over the past four billion years. It is mountainless. The
features are shallow - there are no sharp rims or deep can-
Voyager 2 in Observatory Phase
yons. Questions arise' Could it be that Callisto's crust is
not strong enough to support geological relief? That moun'
Images of Jupiter now being obtained every two
tains sink and canyons rise on a sea of slush?
hours by Voyager 2 will be used to create a time{apse
One explanation is that Callisto has a muddy or rocky
movie sequence of the Great Red Spot. The movie will
core, with an icy crust floating on a sea of warmer ice. At
cover the period from April 24 to May 27, as the spacecraft
times, the warmer ice leaks out of the interior, freezing on
zooms 2l million km (13 miilion mi) closer to the giant
the surface at temperaftrres more than 200 degrees below
planet, and will show large-scalechanges in the atmosphere
zero (Fahrenheit). Splattered meteorites and captured inter-
since Voyager 1's visit.
planetary dust coat the surface with dark debris, accounting
In addition to the imaging, Jovian-system scansin the
for the darkness of the satellite.
ultraviolet and field and particle measurements of the solar
Ganymede's surface may be only a quarter as ancient wind near Jupiter comprise most of the spacecraft's daily
as its sister - perhaps only one billion years old - since its routine thoughout May. Calibrations of other instruments
crust shows much more evidence of recent change. Its icy and measurements of the radio emissions are also per-
surface lacks the numbers of impact craters, and the exist- formed regulariy.
ing ones are surrounded by bright rays of material tossed A trajectory correction maneuver is planned for May
out by the impact of meteorites. The bright spots might be 25 to adjust the spacecraft's aiming point, and a fourth
fresh ice, while the dark ones could be "dirt" gouged out of maneuver is planned in late June just 12 days before closest
internal material. approach to the planet.

MINIATURE SOLAR SYSTEM - An artist's montage of Jupiter ring encircling Jupiter and a time-lapse sequence of lo and its eight
and its four largest satellites, the Galileans, shows the bodies in their active volcanoes. Voyager 2 will see opposite faces of the satellites
relative positions, although not to scale with respect to Jupiter. than seen in March by Voyager 1, first encountering the outermost
Startling new discoveries by Voyager t have resulted in additions to Galilean, Callisto, (lower right) then Ganymede, Europa (centerl,
Voyager 2's mission design, including observations of a faint particle Amalthea (not shown), Jupiter, and lastly lo {left).

Voyager2: Jupiter Minus 10 Days

N a t i o n a lA e r o n a u tc s a n d
S p a c e .A d m i n i s t r a t i o n
Jet Propulsion Laboratory Recorded Mission Status (213) 354-7237
C a l r f o r n i aI n s t i t u t eo f T e c h n oo g y Status BulletinEditor (213) 354-4438
P a s a d e n a ,C a l r f o r na P u b l i c I n f o r m a t i o nO f f i c e ( 2 1 3 ) 3 5 4 - 5 0 1 1
After a two-month{ong heat soak designed to retard
further degradation of bonding material in the infrared
interferometer spectrometer (IRIS), the instrument was
turned on June 27 and is operating as planned. On the
approach to the Jovian system, IRIS is measuringtempera-
ture differences in specific satellites as they disappear into
Jupiter's shadow and then reappear into suniight. IRIS is
also measuring the energy budgets of specific satellites.

Voyager 2's Swing through the Jovian System - July 8-10,1979.

On June 24, the spacecraft was maneuvered off the
earth line to allow ultraviolet observations across Io's orbit
Voyager 2 Highlights to measure vertical space above and below the satellite
For the last nine weeks, Voyager 2 has been following
much the same routine as Voyager 1 did during its inbound The fields and particles instruments - the magnetom-
flight to Jupiter, daily imaging of Jupiter converring ro eters, and plasma, low-energy charged particle, and cosmic
mosaicking as the planet's diameter grew too large to be ray detectors - continue to monitor interplanetary space
captured in a single narrow-angle frame; daily scans of the and are detecting Jupiter's presence.
satellite system in the ultraviolet; periodic tests and calibra-
tions; infrared composition searches;and monitoring of the The spacecraft is expected to cross the bowshock for
interplanetary medium surrounding the spacecraft. the first time about July 5, about 4.5 million kiiometers
from the planet. The bowshock is the line at which the
Voyager 2's close encounters will be distinctly differ- supersonic stream of particles from the sun (t}le solar wind)
ent, however, The second craft will make its closest meets the subsonic particles trapped by the planet's gravity
approaches to Callisto, Ganymede, Europa, and Amalthea field. Voyager 1 crossed the bowshock five times as the
before encountering Jupiter, unlike the first Voyager which solar pressure varied,
encountered all of the satellites after Jupiter closest
approach. The planetary radio astronomy and plasma wave
experiments are also receiving strong indications of
Voyager 2 will make its Jupiter pass deep in the Jupiter's effect on its environs.
southernhemisphere,unlike Voyager 1 which flew by just
southof the equator. Photometry of Io and Europa this weekend will
characterizeand map the sodium distribution,
The two trajectories are unique and were designed for
specific observations at both Jupiter and Saturn. Since
Yoyaget 2 could be destined for a Uranus flyby in 1986, it Summary
has been targeted to fly further from Jupiter and its intense
Ten days before its closest approach to Jupiter,
radiation than did Voyager L. For this reason, Yoyager L
Yoyager 2 is 9.5 miliion km (5.9 million mi) from the giant
will not have a close flyby of Io.
planet, cravelling with a heliocentric velocity of 9.9 km a
second (22 thousand miles an hour). The pull of Jupiter's
Several highlights of the Voyager 2 near encounter
include: gravrty will steadily accelerate it until it surpasses27 km a
second (60 thousand miles an hour) soon after closest
- High-resolution pictures of Europa, about ten times approach to the planet. The effect of Jupiter's gravity will
better than the March photos. Voyager 1 showed Europa to curve the spacecraft's trajectory, enabling its course to be
be laced with huge, intersecting linear features, even from a set toward Saturn.
range of nearly 2 million kilometers.
Radio signalsnow require about 51 minutes to travel
- Ring observations, crossing the ring plane twice and one way between Earth and Yoyager 2.
making observations before and during each crossing, An
attempt will be made to obtain a color picture of the thin The lead ship, Voyager 1, is now about 113 million
ring of particles circling Jupiter. km (70 million mi) beyond Jupiter, travelling with a helio-
centric velocity of about 23 km a second (51 thousand
- An Io "volcano watch", ten-hours of intensive miles per hour) since its boost by Jupiter's gravity. Radio
imaging of Io to possibly provide a brief time-lapse history signals between earth and the ship travel 54 minutes.
of erupting volcanoes on the satellite. The eruptions will
probably not be evident as the pictures are received from
the spacecraft but will require processing and color recon-

Voyager 2 Operations

A final tweaking of Voyager 2's flight path before

encounter was accomplished on June 27. The next trajec-
tory correction, shortly after closest approach to Jupiter on
July 9, will use the planet's gravity to slingshot the space- FIELDS OF VIEW - The fields of view of the optical instruments
craft towards Saturn, on Voyager 2's scan platform overlap so their data can be correlated.
M/SS/ON SIA TUS R E P O R TN O . 4 5 J U L Y 5 , 1 9 7 9


7,000,o00 mi
MAGNETOTAIL PASSAGE - Voyager 2 will spenda longer period
talcing measurements in Jupiter's magnetosphere, perhaps as long as
30 days, in comparison to nearly 13 days for Voyager 1. On its out-
bound journey, Voyager 2 may cross the magnetopause as far as
10 million miles from Jupiter.


flowed, sometimes causing the bow shock to overtake the spacecraft
BOW SHOCK CROSSINGS - Voyager 2's first crossing of Jupiter's
bow shock came July 2 at a distance of about 7 million km {4.4 again. The bow shock is a surface separating the essentially undis-
million mi) from the planet' At least eleven crossings have been turbed supersonic solar wind from the deflected subsonic solar wind
noted by the plasma instrument, magnetometers, and plasma wave outside the magnetosphere where particles are trapped by the
instrument as of noon on= uly 5, as the solar pressure ebbed and p l a n e t ' s m a g n e t i cf i e l d .

Voyager2: JupiterMinus4 DaYs

N a t i o n a lA e r o n a u t t c sa n d
Space Admintstralron
Recorded Mission Status (213) 354-7237
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Status BulletinEditor (213) 354-4438
C a l i l o r n i al n s t i t u l eo f T e c h n o l o g y
P a s a d e n aC , alifornia P u b l i c I n f o r m d t i o nO f f i c e ( 2 1 3 ) 3 5 4 - 5 0 1 1
C L O S E S TA P P R O A C HJ - 4 . 5 h r
FROM 207,000km

OPPOSITE FACES - These computer-generated plots show

Voyager 2's view of Europa and Ganymede at the times o! closest
GANYMEDE approach. Flying over 50O thousand kilometers closer to Europa
C L O S E S TA P P R O A C HJ - 1 5 . 5h r than Voyager 1 did, Voyager 2 will learn more about the linear
FROM 63,000km features seen on the Moon-sized satellite in March,

RING CROSSING - Voyager 2 will cross the plane of Jupiter's thin

N A R R O WA N G L E F O V ring twice, once inbound and once outbound, Both wide- and
narrow-angle frames, some through color filters, will be taken to
learn more about the thickness and composition.
J U L YI 5 : 0 3p m P D T


RADIO OCCULTATION - Voyager 2 will pass nearer the south

pole of Jupiter, in contrast to Voyager 1's nearly equatorial pass.
Only three hours after Jupiter closest approach in March, Voyager 1
moved into the planett shadow, atl radio signals blocked by the
planet for nearly two hourc, All data during this period, inctuding
the closest approach to lo, had to be tape recorded for later VOYAGER
playback. Voyager 2 will enter earth occultation nearly 22 hours ENTBY
after its closest approach to Jupiter. J , 2H R

T I C K SA R E A T 1 O . M I N
V O Y A G E R2 F L Y B Y O F J U P I T E R J u l y 7 - 1 1 , 1 9 7 9






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T H O U S A N D SO F ( I L O M I I T R '

CLOSE ENCOUNTERS - Voyager 2 will make its ctosost

Sampling of Voyager 2 Encounter Activities approaches to Callbto, Ganymede, Europa, and Amalthea before its
nearest pass to Jupiter on July 9, Steering clear of Jupit€r's int€nso
(Continuous obseraations by radio science, magnetometers, radiation, Voyager 2 will not repeat Voyager 1's close flyby of lo,
low-energy cbarged particle, plasma, and cosmic ray inaesti- instead flying outside the orbit of Europa.

gations, as @ell ds rnapping by imaging cameras, pboto-

p o Iarim e t er, ultraai ol et an d in frar ed spec tr o m e t e rs,)

(All times are earth-receioed.eoent start times, pacific Day-

light Time)
Summary of Voyager Close Approaches

June25 FirsttargetedCallistoimages Voyager 1 Voyager 2

June30 FirsttargetedGanymedeimages Best lmaging
July 2-3 Expectedbowshockcrossing Body Distance Rasolution(kml Distance
July 3 F irsttargetedEuropaimages
July 7 FirstCallistomosaic Jupiter 280,000km 6 7 2 1 , 7 5 0k m
Firsttargetedlo images
(174,000mi) @48,470 mil
July 8
2 : 3 9 a t o R ing observations
2 : 5 1a A m a l t h e a 4 1 7 , 1 0 0k m 7,8 558,600km
6 : 1 3a C a l l i s t o - c l o s e s ta p p r o a c h ( 2 1 4 , 8 8 6 k m ) (259,17m 3 i) ( 3 4 7 , 1 0 0m i l
7 : 3 2a Final Callistomosaic *
5:04 p to R i n g o b s e r v a t i o n s lo 20,500 km 1 1 , 1 2 9 , 8 5k0m
5 : 2 9p { 1 2 , 7 3 8m i } (702,056mi)
5 : 3 2p F irst Ganymedemosaic
July 9 Europa 733,8O0km 33 206,850km
1 : O 6a Ganymede - closest approach i.62,297 kml (454,962mi) (127,900mi)
1 : 1 2a Final Ganymedemosaic
1O:O2a Final Europa mosaic
Ganymede 114,600km 2 62,300 km
1'l:45a E u r o p a - c l o s e s ta p p r o a c h ( 2 0 5 , 8 4 8 k m ) (71,2O9mil (38.7O0mi)
1 : 5 3p A m a l t h e a - c l o s e s ta p p r o a c h ( 5 5 8 , 5 6 5 k m )
4 : 2 1p J u p i t e r - c l o s e s ta p p r o a c h ( 7 2 1 , 7 5 0 k m ) Callisto 1 2 6 , 1 0 0k m 2.3 214,900km
4 : 3 4p B e g i n 1 O - h o u rl o " v o l c a n o w a t c h " (78,355mi) (136,500mil
5 : 0 9p l o - c l o s e s ta p p r o a c h ( 1 , 1 2 9 , 8 5 0 k m )
July 10 *Best
2 : 3 Oa Conclude lo "volcano watch" lo resolution was limited by image smear due to timing
2 : 2 1p t o E a r t h o c c u l t a t i o n offset caused by radiation levels, not distance of closest approach,
4 : 0 8p
5 : 1 0p t o S u n o c c u l t a t i o n F i n a l E u r o p a i m a g e sw e r e o b t a i n e d a t a r a n g e o f 1 8 m i l l i o n k m ,
7 : 4 8p well before closest approach to the satellite,
6:48 p to R ; n g o b s e r v a t i o n s
J u l y1 1
8:43 a to R ing observations
9 : 2 7a
P O L A R P R O J E C T IO N S - J u p i t e r ' s n o r t h e r n
and southern hemispheres as they might be
seen from directly above the poles are
shown in these polar stereographic projec-
tions constructed by JPL's lmage Processing
Lab from Voyager 1 photos. The resolution
is 500 kilometers (375 milesl. The dark
objects in the centers are areas where no
pictures were available at that resolution,

In the northern hemisphere, the north-

ward extent of the belt-zone structure is
clearly shown to at least 50 degrees north
latitude. At the northern edge of the equa-
torial region, the plumes are evenly spaced
around the planet. Positions of the active
cloud plumes, marked by bright nuclei, are
not symmetrical, At about 32 degreesnorth,
dark cloud vortices that move in westerly
currents at about 30 meters per second (67
miles an hourl can be seen, The spacingsof
those features vary, and cloud systems have
been seen to roll over one another in the
region. The broad white region is divided by
the North Temperate Belt's high-speed jet,
seen as a thin brown line.

The southern hemisphere image shows

three white ovals and a large region of the
same zone without any discrete feature.
Smaller scale spots, almost equally spaced,
cover almost 270 degrees of longitude,
while the disturbances trailing from the
Great Red Spot extend about 180 degrees
in longitude.

N a t i o n a lA e r o n a u tc s a n d
q^2.o A.lmin ctrati^^

Jet PropulsionLaboratory
California of Technology S t a t u sB u l l e t i nE d i t o r( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8
Pasadena. Californla O f f i c e( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 5 0 1 1
P u b l i cI n f o r m a t i o n
C R A T E R E D G A N Y M E D E - T O P : F r o m 1 3 8 , O 0 0k m ( 8 6 , 0 0 0 m i ) , icy material. The dark patches of heavily cratered terrain may be
Ganymede, largest of Jupiter's 13 moons, shows bright young ancient icy material formed before the overlying grooved terrain.
craters; light. linear stripes resembling the outer rings of a large Below right: From closer still (85,0O0 kml, this area of Ganymede
impact basin; and light and dark terrain, Below left: Another region shows a large variety of impact craters of different ages, The
of Ganymede, observed on July 9 from about 1O0,0OOkm (62,0O0 brightest craters are the youngest; the ejecta blankets from meteor
mi), shows numerous impact craters, many with bright ray systems. impacts fade with age. In the center of this mosaic is a bright patch
The large ray crater at upper center is about 150 km (93 miles) in representing rebounding of the floor of the crater. The dirty ice has
diameter. The rough mountainous terrain at lower right is the outer lost all topography except for faint circular patterns. Curved troughs
portion of a large fresh impact basin which was formed later than and ridges marking an ancient enormous impact basin resemble
most of the other terrain. At the bottom of the mosaic, portions of features on Callisto, The basin itself has been destroyed by later
grooved terrain transect older portions, possibly the result of newer geologic processes;only the ring features remain.
L I T P L U M E S - T w o o f l o ' s a c t i v e v o l c a n o e s( P 5 a n d P 6 l a r e h i g h - EXPLOSIVE lo - Of eight active volcanoes sighted in Voyager 1's
lighted on the satellite's bright limb, spewing materials to a height of pictures of lo last March, Voyager 2 had an opportunity to sight
about 100 km (62 mil. This photo is one of about 200 which will be seven of them. Of the seven seen by Voyager 2, six are still active,
used to generate a time-lapse movie of lo's volcanic activity, The and three are seen here on the limb of the satellite. On the bright
photos were taken on July 9 during a ten-hour period just after l i m b a t l e f t , i l l u m i n a t e d b y s u n l i g h t ,a r e P l u m e 5 ( u p p e r ) a n d P l u m e
closest approach to Jupiter, at a range from lo of about 1 million 6 (lower), each about 100 km (62 mil high. On the darker limb at
km. The sunlit crescent of lo grew progressively slimmer with right, ifluminated by Jupiter, is Plume 2, about 185 km (115 mil
advancing night as Voyager 2 moved around to the satellite's dark high and 325 km (200 mil wide. Plume 2 is about one-and-one-half
side. times larger than it was when it was discovered last March. The first
and largest volcano discovered on lo, Plume 1, was not active,

BRIGHTLY RINGED - Even the peoplewho reprogrammed

Voyager 2 to show them clearer pictures of the ring dis- BACK PAGE:
covered by Voyager 1 last March were surprised at the ring's
brightness. The unexpected brightness is probably due to for- CRACKED IGE - Europa, the brightest of Jupiter's Galilean
ward scattering of sunlight by small ring particles. In these satellites, may have a surface of a thin ice crust overlying
photos, taken on July 10 about 26 hours after the space- water or softer ice with fracture systems appearing as breaks
craft's closest approach to Jupiter. a fainter ring which may in the crust, Bright linear features (lower centerl may be ice
extend all the way down to Jupiter's cloud tops can be seen welling up to the surface from within. Europa has a density
within the inner edge of the brighter outside ring. The outer about three times that of water, suggesting it has a large
ring appearsto be about 6500 km {4OO0mi} wide; Voyager 1 quantity of water, Very few impact craters are visible on the
had caught the ring edge-on, leaving scientists unclear at that surface, suggesting a continual resurfacing process, perhaps
time as to the ring's structure. Taken on the dark side of by the production of fresh ice or snow along the cracks, and
Jupiter when Voyager 2 was about 1.5 million km (963,OO0 cold glacier-like flows. Both pictures were taken by Voyager
mil from the planet and about 2o b"low the ring plane, some 2 on July 9; the slight offset at the mosaicked edges (centerl
of the long exposures were blurred by spacecraft motion, is due to slight differences in the angles and ranges from
especially in the extreme right frame in the lower photo. which the pictures were taken.
M/SS/OA/SIATUS RE?ORTNO.47 JuLy 30, 1g7g

PARTS OF THE PUZZLE - Three white ovals obsarved to form in

the southern hemisphere about 40 yeans ago have internal structure
identical to that of the Great Red Spot first observed by Robert
Hooke nearly 315 years ago,

The ovals travel across the planet at a different rate than the
Great Red Spot; the white oval seen south of the Red Spot in the
above Voyager 2 mosaic is not the same one se€n there by Voyager
1 in March 1979, The oval in upper right photo is currently west of
the Spot, while the oval in the photo at lower right is currently east
of it,

The key to understanding Jupiter's atmospheric dynamics

may be wavo interactions with the mass flow. The longevity of some
features could be due to internal heating. lnfrared studies show that
the Great Red Spot is cooler than the surrounding clouds.

The Great Red Spot and its three companion white clouds
shown here all rotate anticyclonically (counterclockwise in the
southern hemispheref, indicating that they are all meteorologically
similar. Recirculating currents are seen to the €ast of all four

Since the bulk of Jupiter is comprised of transparent

gases- hydrogen and helium - the coloration must come from the
chemistry and dynamics of minor atmospheric constituents.

Current theories for the reddish color of the Great Red Spot
suppose that phosphine (PH3l, a combination of one phosphorous
atom and th?ee hydrogen atoms, is converted by the sun,s ultra-
violet rays to red phosphorous (P2 or P4) when it reaches the top
of the cloud.

The white ovals, about 13,O00 kitometers (8OO0 milesl in

diameter, are also very cold. They may be high-altitude clouds of
ammonia crystals.

National Aeronaulics and

Space Adminrstration
Jet Propulsion Laboratory RecordedMissionStatus(213) 354-7237
California Instituteot Technology S t a t u sB u l l e t i nE d i t o r( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8
P a s a d e n a ,C a l i f o r n i a P u b l i cl n f o r m a t i o nO f f i c e( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 5 0 1
JUPITER'S HALO - From the dark side of Jupiter, backlit by the sun, the thin ring of particles discovered four months ago by Voyager 1
glows f ike a halo in this four-picture mosaic taken by Voyager 2 on July 10, 1979. Forward scattering of light from the ring's small particles
give it its brightness, while the planet is outlined by sunlight scattered from a haze tayer high in Jupiter's atmosphere. The ring particles
appear to be small, leading to questions on how the ring survives. About 6500 kilometers (4000 milesl wide and four-tenths to eight-tenths
kilometer (one-quarter to one-half mile) thick, the ring extends outward to about 53,000 kilometers (33,fi)0 miles) from the top of Jupiter's
cloud cover. There is structure within the ring extending all the way to the planet's upper cloud decks. Voyager 2 was about 1,5 kilometers
(900,000 miles) beyond the planet when it returned these images to Earth during a search for lightnirig and auroras on the dark side.'

The photopolarimeter instrument may also have

Summary experienced radiation damage. The instrument has three
Although Voyager 2 is three weeks beyond Jupiter wheels (aperture, filter, and polarization analyzer) designed
and its marvelous satellites, the spacecraft is still very much to give many combinations of obseruations. The filter wheel
in the Jovian system and continuing to gather information appears to be skipping every other position, reducing the
about the magnetic fields and charged particles on the lee- number of available filters for observations, The polariza-
ward side of the planet (opposite the sun). tion wheel was not operated at Jupiter because of problems
earlier in the flight, but appears to have moved several
Two trajectory corrections (TCM's) this month, on positions from the open position in which it had been left.
July 9 and 23,have adjusted Voyager 2's flight path toward Color photometry may still be possible.
Saurn and Uranus. Now flying a route that will take it past
Uranus in January, t986, Yoyager 2 will make its closest Solar Conjunction
approach to Saturn about August 26, 1981.
Voyagers I and 2 will participate in high{atitude
Both of the TCM's were designed to take advantage solar wind observations during August and September as
of Jupiter's gravity to change the spacecraft's velocity and the Earth moves to the opposite side of the sun from the
to bend its flight path. The maneuver on July 9 came only spacecraft. As seen from the Earth, the spacecraft will
hours after closest approach to the planet, during concen- appear to pass behind and slightly north of the sun, travel-
trated imaging of Io designed to study volcanic activity on ling a narrow path approximately one-degreewide.
the puffing satellite. This was the first time Voyager had
conducted active science measurements during a TCM.
Radiation Effects G)
V O Y A G E R1 O

Encountering higher than expected radiation levels as

it passed Jupiter, Yoyager 2 experienced several problems, 20" 1oo SUN
some of which are continuing and are still being investi-
gated. The affected systems include the command receiver, O N A U G U S T2 0 , 1 9 7 9
the photopolarimeter instrument. V E R T I C A LS C A L EI S T W I C ET H A T O F H O R I Z O N T A LS C A L E

High radiation levels caused some expected problems Radio signals from the spacecraft will pass through
in transmitting commands to the spacecraft near closest the northern solar corona, causing strong, measurable
approach to the planet, Due to a failure in April, 1978, the changes in the signals. Small-scale variations of plasma in
ship's only remaining radio receiver is unable to follow a the solar region will be studied, and the plasma density of
changing radio signal. Commands must be sent repeatedly, the solar wind and corona will be mapped.
at varying frequencies, until the receiver locks up on the
signal. (The signal frequency changes as it travels from The Earth and most spacecraft orbit within seven
Earth to the spacecraft due to the Doppler effect.) In addi degrees of the sun's equatorial plane. In August and
tion, the receiver is sensitive to heating effects such as those September, a parade of planetary probes including both
caused by high radiation. The command receiver stabilized Voyagers, Pioneer 11, and Pioneer Venus will be aligned to
soon after closest approach and has operated well since. provide multiple, correlating observations,

Voyager1 WinsSpaceAward Many of Pioneer's findings will heavily influence

detailed planning now underway for the Yoyager flybys of
The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Saturn. Of particular interest are the intensiry of trapped
have awarded their National SpaceAward Gold Medal and radiation near the planet,the ring compositionand density,
citation to the VoyagerProjectfor the success
of Voyager 1 rotation rates of material at various latitudes. and interest-
at Jupiter last March. Accepting the award ar rhe VFW ing weatherfeatures.
annual convention in New Orleans was Mission Director
Dick Laeser,standingin for R. J. Parks,project managerar Ground-basedtelescopicobservationshave identified
the time of Voyager l's Jupiter encounter.The text of the three or possibly four rings around Saturn, the second
citation reads: largest planet in our solar system and sixth in distancefrom
the Sun. But the content of the rings has been the subject
"A brilliant effort tearningprofessional of much scientific debate- whether the particles are
knowledge,tecbnology,and man's urge to totally water ice or icy-coatedrocks, how large,and how
conquertbe unknoun will lead to ztehicles of dense.Initial resultsfrom Pioneer1 1 indicatethat the rings
human designto complete tbe initial may consist of many layers of snowball-sizedparticles
reconnaissanceof all tbe planets of tbe solar which containmore water ice than rock.
$/stem in tbe first balf century of tbe
SPaceAge." In addition, Pioneer 11's imaging photopolarimeter
detected a narrow ring of particles,the "F ring", outside
the A ring, while the chargedparticle detectorsreported a
QuietPeriodNearan End broader area, the "G ring", even farther from the planet.
Unable to detect two odrer suspectedrings (an outer E ring
A six-week "quiet period" coinciding with the and inner D ring) from Pioneer, astronomerswill study
spacecraft'ssolar occultationsis nearingan end. Due to the Saturn through telescopesthis fall and winter when the
position of the Sun betweenEarth and the spacecraft,data rings will be edge-onto Earth.
reception from both ships has been poor, but the radio
scienceteam has taken this opportunity to study the effects When Pioneers10 and 11 were rocked by sizzlingand
of the Sun on the signals. turbulent radiation along Jupiter's far-reaching magnetic
field lines, the Voyager spacecraft were in the assembly
stage. Parts were exchanged for more radiation-tolerant
VoyagerWatchesPioneer11 and Saturn parts,electroniccircuits were modified, additionalradiation
"Come on througb - tbe rings are great!" shielding was added to each spacecraft,and both Voyagers
(Pioneer 11 to Voyager) survivedtheir passagesnear Jupiter with little damage.
e. fhomas Voung
The extent of Saturn'sradiation was unknown until
Deputy Director
NASA/Ames Research Center
Pioneer 1L's flyby. As the spacecraftpassedbelow the

As the world awaited word of its fate on September

1, Pioneer 11 swooped down past the outer edges of
Satqin's rings, below the rings, past Seturn's cloud tops,
and up again, out into deep space, with hardly a jolt to.its

Voyager 2 will take nearly the same path when it

reaches the planet in August, 1981, crossing the ring plane CLOSESTAPPROACH
2 1 , 4 @ l m 1 t 3 , 2 6 8D i l
at approximately the same point as Pioneer 11's inbound
ring crossing.

National Aeronautics and

Space Administration
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
RecordedMissionStatus(213) 354-7237
CaliJornialnstitute ol Technology StatusBulletinEditor(213)354-4438
P a s a d e n a ,C a l i f o r n i a P u b l i cI n f o r m a t i o n
O f f i c et 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 5 0 1 1
I N N E R( D ) R I N G

C R E P E{ C ) R I N G


c A s s l ND
t rvlsroN
O U T E R( A ) R I N G

SATURN DlAlvlETEff 119.000 74,000
POSSTALE C RING 12,510 7,410
E RING B RING 31,730 19,720
I E cAsstNtDtvtstoN 56,870 35,340
A RING A RING 61,660 38,320
O U T E R E D G EO F A R I N G 77,250 44,000
F RING 80.470 50,000

\aout* s o u r H T E M P E R A Tat t L I
\ aou* PoLAR REGToN

rings, the radiation intensiry readings dropped dramatically, planet's cloud tops. The spacecraft was about 2500 km
indicating radiation absorption by the rings. (1550 rni) below the ring plane. This body may be the same
as a body detected by the imaging syst€m a few days
Until Pioneer 11 crossed Saturn's bow shock on earlier, and both may be sightings of Janus, the innermost
August 3l at a distance of about 1.4 million km (895,000 and smallest of Saturn's ten known satellites.
mi) from the planet, it was uncertain if Saturn even pos-
sesseda magnetic field. The bow shock is the line at which
supersonic particles streaming from the sun are slowed to Launched on April 5, 1973, Pioneer 11 was never
subsonic speedsnear a planet's magnetii field boundaries. A intended to see Saturn, It was the second man-made object
planet's magnetic field tends to trap radiation particles and to successfully traverse the then-unknown region of the
sweep them around in spacewith the planet's rotation. asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, and
also the second spacecraft to observe Jupiter, in December
Saturn's magnetic pole may be offset from its spin "J,974.However, at that point, a decision was made to sling-
axis by as little as 1o, making it unique among planets. Most shot the sturdy craft 167 degrees back across the solar
of the planets thus far studied have an offset of about 10o, system to its bonus encounter with Saturn. In six years,
causing a wobble in their rotating magnetic fields and allow- Pioneer 11 has crossed two billion miles of space. Now it
ing definition of precise longitudinal lines for mapping and will head out of the solar system and toward the stars, in
tracking features. almost exactly the opposite direction of Pioneer 10, which
encountered Jupiter in December 1973 and has already
Dynamo currents of magnetic fields are thought to crossed the orbit of Uranus.
exist in the metallic hydrogen below the outer gaseous
atmosphere, Saturn's field source is deeper within the
planet than at Jupiter, resulting in a more regular magnetic Weighing 258 kilograms (568 pounds) at launch,
field. Pioneer 11 carries 12 instruments and conducts 14 investi-
gations. Spinning constantly for stabilization (at a rate of
The regular magnetosphere and iow radiation levels 7.8 revolutions per minute at Saturn), Pioneer is powered
bode well for the oncoming Voyagers. by two radioisotope thermoelectric generators and carries a
9-foot-diameter dish antenna which points toward Earth to
Like Jupiter, Saturn has no solid surface and ground- send and receive signals through the Deep Space Network.
based observations have revealed bandedness in its atmo-
sphere similar to Jupiter's belts and zones. Pioneer images
suggest there may be twice as many belts and zones on The Pioneer missions are managed and controlled for
Saturn, Preliminary analysis shows a scalloped region sug- NASA by Ames Research Center, Mountain View, Califor-
gestive of a jet stream below the north polar region, and nia, The spacecraft was built by the Space Systems Division
another scallop at the northern edge of the equatorial zone, of TRW, Redondo Beach, California.
suggestiveof an upwelling feature.

Already a focal point for Voyager's explorations Pioneer 11's successstrengthens Voyager 2's pros-
because of its methane atmosphere, Saturn's largest satellite pects of encountering Uranus in January, 1986. Voyager 2
Titan has become even more interesting as it is sometimes is currently on a trajectory which will take it to Uranus
inside, sometimes outside, Saturn's magnetosphere, due to after its Saturn Encounrer in August 1981, but its flight
varying pressure of the solar wind. path could be changed should Yoyager 1 fail ro meers its
objectives at Saturn for any reason - including damage
Ten minutes after crossing the ring plane on its from radiation or ring particles, which now appears
inbound journey, Pioneer 11's chargedparticle instruments unlikely. Voyager 1's trajectory was chosen specifically to
detected the deep shadow of a body with a radius of about observe Titan at close range, while Voyager 2's flight path
100 to 300 km at about 150,000 km (93,200 mi) from the was specifically chosen to allow a flybv of Uranus,

Makethat1 4 KnownJovianSatellites

iti,,, i:ri



NEW MOON - A new moon of Jupiter, the white streak to the the Jupiter ring seen in this photo as a gray diagonal band acrossthe
right, was revealed in this computer enhanced photograph taken by picture. The other white streaks are star tracks. Both the track of
NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft on July 8, 1979 as the spacecraft flew the moon and the stars are the result of a long exposure.
p a s t t h e g i a n t p l a n e t . T h e m o o n , c a l l e d 1 9 7 9 J 1 , o r b i t s a t t h e e d g eo f

N a t i o n aA e r o n a u l r a
c sn d
R e c o r d e dM i s s i o nS t a t u s( 2 1 3 \3 5 4 - 7 2 3 7
Jet PropulsionLaboratory
Ca'o'^'a lrsttlute o' Tecf'^ology S t a t u sB u l l e t i nE d i t o r( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8
P a s a d e n a . C a l r f o r na P u b l i cI n f o r m a t i oOn f f i c e( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 5 0 1 1
ocl 24, 1979

ocr 24, 197e

JULY9' 1979

o M A R5 , 1 9 7 9

Make that 14 Known Jovian Satellites Another Caltech researcher, Charles T. Kowal, dis-
coveredJupiter's 13th satellite in September 1974. Another
Yet another phenomenon has been added to possible moon may have been seen in Earth-basedphotos
Voyager's already long list of discoveries - a fourteenth by Kowal several years ago and awaits confirmation,
satellite at Jupiter.
The newly-identified satellite lies at the outer edge of
the ring plane, but inside the orbit of Amalthea, at about Communications from Voyager 1 were temporarily
57,800 kilometers (36,000 miles) above Jupiter's ctoud- lost on October 16 when the spacecraftdid not acquire the
tops. Estimated to be 30 to 40 kilometers (18 to 25 miles) star Canopus after a 22-hour cruise science maneuver.
in diameter, it has been temporarily designated I979ll Cruise maneuvers are performed in a radio blackout since
(following the guidelines of the International Astronomical the antenna moves off Earth-line, but radio signalsfrom the
Union), OtOnot arrive at Earth when expected after the maneu-
With an orbital period of 7 hours 8 minutes and a
velocity of 30 kilometers per second (67,000 miles per The cruise maneuver consists of steering the space-
hour), 1979J1 is the fastest moving satellite in the solar craft through a seriesof 10 yaw and 25 roll turns to allow
system. the fields and particles instruments to view the entire sky.
Normally stabilized on three axes using the light intensities
Because of its proximity to the ring, there is specula-
of the Sun and Canopus for reference, the spacecraft must
tion that the satellite may directly influence the composi-
lose lock on the star to perform the turns.
tion of the ring by either supplying or sweeping out ring
particles. However, when the star tracker began its search for
Canopus after the maneuver, it fixed on Alpha Centauri,
The discovery was made during analysis of photo-
mistaking it for-Canopus. In this position, the antenna was
graphs taken by Yoyager 2 last July less than 24 hours
pointed about 5' away from Earth.
before closest approach to the planet. Although the object
in the photographs was initially thought to be a star trail, When the situation was analyzed, the Tidbinbilla,
an exhaustive data search found no star in the vicinity. Australia tracking station's powerful 8O-kilowatt power
Another high resolution photograph of the same area carrier was used to send commands through the sidelobe of
showed the same portion of the ring, the same object, and the spacecraft antenna to switch from the high gain
trails of known stars. The differing angles and lengths of the antenna, which has a narrow beamwidth, to the wider
star trails and the trail of the object led to verification that beamwidth low gain antenna to make further commanding
this was indeed a satellitc. easier.

Voyager Imaging Team member G. Edward Danielson The spacecraft was then commanded to roll another
of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and Cal- 56.8 degrees.At the end of this roll, it was Earth-pointed
tech graduate student David Jewitt are credited with the and within 1 degree of Canopus. After the spacecraft signal
discovery. The orbit was calculated independently by was acquired at Earth, Voyager 1 was commanded to
Jewitt and optical navigation engineer Stephen Synnott of acquire Canopus as a reference star and to return to its high
JPL. qain antenna.

"An exciting, rewardingyear has draun to a close,and I gain antenna to the low-gain antenna, which has a much
would like to thank tbe Voyager Flight Team membersand broader beamwidth.
all tbe support groups for a job exceptionally uell done, During interplanetary cruise, the spacecraft normally sta-
Tbe results from Jupiter haoe sparked tbe uorld's interest bilizes itself by tracking the Sun and the reference srar
and imagination, An equally cballengingand exciting goal Canopus, However, following the sequence abort, the space-
lies before us tbis year - Voyager L's encounter uitb Sat- craft was stabilized by its internal gyros and was Sun-
urn. Witb your continued dedicatedsupport, I am sure ue pointed only. It was initially assumed that the spacecraft
will be able to satisfy the bigb expectations establisbedby was tracking a star other than Canopus, but two attempts
our Jupiter successes," to re-orient the spacecraft from possible stars failed,
Ray Ileacock On December 16, comma4ds were sent to perform a
Voyager Proje ct Manager "sun cone", searching for Earth by rotating the antenna
around the Sun with an Sooffset, stopping at sixteen differ-
ent points. At the third point, ground stations picked up a
Update strong signal as the high-gain antenna beam swept across rhe
Earth, Six minutes of data were received before the se-
Voyager 1 Operations Back to Normal quence continued to the next point. At completion of the
search sequence, Voyager 1 was commanded back to the
Voyager 1's operationsreturned to normal on December third point, and the signal was received by the Australian
20, L979, nearly seven days after the Saturn-bound space- tracking station neatly 72 hours after the emergency began,
craft failed to re-orient its antenna toward Earth at the end After analysis of the spacecraft's tape-recorded and com-
of a course correction on December 13. puter memories data from the course correction and se-
Currently 970 million kilometers (602 million miles) quence abort, the spacecraft was commanded to return to
from Earth, Voyager 1 is Earth-oriented, responding to its reference star Canopus on December 19, and by noon on
commands, and transmitting data. AII science instruments December 20, all sysrems aboard Yoyager t had been re-
are operating normally, and the trajectory correction itself turned to normal.
was successful.
Voyager 1's failure to re-establish communications with
Earth by regaining its celestial references has been traced to Photopolarimetry Expected at Saturn with Voyager 2
an internal communications error in the spacecraft. The
combination of a mode change command word which vio- Tests of Voyager 2's photopolarimeter on January 2,
lated computer sequencing constraints and a parity error 1980, indicate that the instrument is stable and capable of
touched off a series of events which caused the pre-pro- limited operation. The iristrument, which studies reflected
grammed re-orientation sequence to halt. Since launch in sunlight to determine atmospheric, surface, and ring com-
September l977,Yoyager !. has communicared over 37 mil- position, will operate in two modes at Saturn (August
Iion commands between the CCS and AACS (two on-board 1981), collecting both color and polarization data. Earlier
computers) with no previous parity error, which involves a in the flight, the PPS experienced problems with its polar-
bit-count check in the computer software. izatton analyzer wheel, and may have component damage
The first indication of problems came at approximately due to Jupiter's intense radiation.
2:15 p.m. (PST) on December 13, when the Deep Space Voyager 1's photopolarimeter was declared inactive in
Network tracking stations did not receive the spacecraft December 1979 afrer tests indicated that its photomultiplier
signal as expected after the course correction. The maneu- tube, which converts weak light signals to strong electrical
ver is performed in a radio blackout since the high-gain signals, has virtually no sensitivity remaining. This fact,
antenna dish is turned away from Earth. A fainr signal was combined with an electrical problem in the motor drive
detected through the DSN's special radio science equip- circuit which turns the instrument's light analysis wheels,
ment, and was racked throughout the recovery. resulted in the decision to abandon the instrument. Ana-
At various times, commands were sent to switch the lysts concluded that there would be little or no scientific
spacecraft's receivers and S-band rransmirter from the high- value in any d,atathis instrument could return.

N a t i o n a lA e r o n a u t i c sa n d
Space Administration
Jet Propulsion Laboratory RecordedMissionStatus(213) 354-7237
C a l i f o r n i aI n s t i t u t eo f T e c h n o l o g y S t a t u sB u l l e t i nE d i t o r( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8
P a s a d e n a .C a l i f o r n i a O f f i c e( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 5 0 1
P u b l i cI n f o r m a t i o n

ITS SATURN! - Computer enhancement of this photo as well as one of its moons, Rhea (lower left). Voyager 1
taken by Voyager I on March 20, 1980, shows Saturn's rings was 312 million kilometers from the planet at this point.

President Carter Presents Goddard Trophy Jupiter's Satellites: 1 5

America's most prestigious space award, the National A 15th satellite of Jupiter has been discovered in
Space Club's Goddard Memorial Trophy, has been pre- photographs taken by Voyager 1 in March 1979. Tenta-
sented to the Voyager Project by President Carter. In a tively named L979 J2, the satellite orbits between the satel-
March 24 ceremony at the White House, the president said: lites Amalthea and Io, about 151,000 kilometers above
Jupiter's cloudtops. Its orbital period is 16 hours 16
minutes and its diameter is estimated to be about 70 to 80
". . . tbe team tbat's made tbis fligbt possible and kilometers.
also bad sucb tremendous success in bringing tbe
images and tbe knowledge so clearbl back to Eartb L979 JZ was discovered by Stephen Synnott of the
to be sbared by scientists and atbers interested in navigation team while verifying the existence of the 14th
astronomy and our own solar system, deserae(sic) satellite, 1979 Jl, discovered last fall in photographs from
the bigb est accolades." Voyager 2's encounter with Jupiter last July.

N a t i o n a lA e r o n a u t i c sa n d
Space Administration
RecordedMissionStatus(213) 354-7237
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
C a l i f o r n i al n s t i t u t eo f T e c h n o l o g y S t a t u sB u l l e t i nE d i t o r( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8
P a s a d e n a ,C a l i f o r n i a O f f i c e( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 5 0 1 1
P u b l i cI n f o r m a t i o n
1979 J2 - The newly-discovered 15th
moon of Jupiter (bottom) is seenwith
its shadow (top, at end of streak in
clouds) against the face of the planet
in this computer-enhancedphoto
taken by Voyager1 on March 4,1979.
The satellite was discovered in April
1980 during continuing analysis of
Voyager photos. It is 70 to 80 kilo-
meters in diameter and orbits Jupiter
every 16 hours 16 minutes at a dis'
tance of 151,000kilometersabovethe
cloudtops. This is the secondsatellite
: : r j r r : 1 : :j : j : r : l : r t l r t l l : j : : r r i l i : c ! : t i l l

discovered from Voyager data; the

first was found last October.

mand subsystem. This load will activate should Yoyager 2
Both Voyagers are in good health and on target for lose its remaining command receiver before Saturn encoun-
their respective Saturn encounters. Routine calibrations and ter. The program provides a tremendous improvement over
tests, as well as sampling of the interplanetary medium, the previous BML in the amount of science data that would
continue for both spacecraft, while Voyager 1 is taking be returned from Saturn, and extends the data-gathering
periodic images of Saturn for calibration and navigation capability beyond Saturn to Uranus.
Both spacecraft are well within the power and fuel
Voyager 1 performed a cruise science maneuver on allocations for their respective missions. Before launch,
February 20, 1980, making a series of yaw and roll turns to each ship was loaded with 105 kilograms of hydrazine fuel.
allow calibration of the magnetometer and other instru- This propellant is stored in a tank mounted inside the ring
ments to view the entire sky. The maneuver was entirely of electronics compartments and carried to the thrusters via
successful; however, analysis of the telemetry showed slight "plumbing" lines.
differences from the predicted command issuance between
the two computer command subsystem processors' This is Three radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTG)
the fourth instance of command problems aboard Voyager on each spacecraft convert the heat from nuclear fuel decay
1 since Jupiter encounter; therefore, a Spacecraft Anomaly to electrical energy to operate the engineering and science
Team has been formed to further investigate the on-board mechanisms, Developed by the U.S. Department of Energy,
command problem. The team will assessthe adequacy of such "atomic batteries" provide power for missions travel-
current immediate protection programmed into the on- ling distances too far from the Sun to utilize solar cell
board computers; determine what diagnostic tests might be arrays for power conversion. The nuclear fuel for the gen-
conducted; determine what failure or noise mechanism erators is plutonium dioxide which is chemicaliy-inert and
could have led to the observed problems; and investigate has a long half{ife (87.8 years) and low-shielding require-
the feasibility of additional fault protection measures. The ments. Heat generated by the radioisotope fuel is converted
team's study should be completed by July 1, allowing time into electricai energy by silicon germanium thermocouples:
for corrective measures before the Saturn encounter activi- The RTGs are kept at a constant electrical load by the
ties begin in late August. Voyager L is scheduled to move power subsystem, which dumps excesspower into spaceas
off Earth{ine several times during the encounter period heat. Power output aboard the spacecraftis now about 438
with a high internal command activity, thus driving the watts. The power usage of the science instruments at Satum
necessiry to implement protective measures to assurea suc- will be about 99 watts.
cessful Saturn encounter.
Signals between Earth and Yoyager 1 now travel 61
Safeguards for Voyager 2's mission have also been minutes 19 seconds one-way. The spacecraft is about 1.1
implemented. An updated "backup mission load" (BML) billion kilometers from Earth, and its velocity (with respect
program is now stored in the spacecraft's computer com- to the Sun) is 21 kilometers per second.

OBSERVE: SATURN-Voyagerl'sencounterwiththeplanetSaturnhasbegunwithaseriesof photos,amongthemthis

one of Saturn and three of its satellites, The picture was taken August 24, 80 days before closest approach, when Voyager
1 was 106,250.000 kilometers {66 million miles) away. A seriesof dark and light cloud bands appearsthrough high-altitude
atmospheric haze in the northern hemisphere. Considerable structure can be seen in the rings: Cassini's Division, between
the A-ring and B-ring, is readily visible. The shadow of the rings on the planet's disk can also be seen.

N a t i o n a lA e r o n a u t i c sa n d
Space Administration
Jet Propulsion Laboratory R e c o r d e dM i s s i o nS t a t u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 7 2 3 7
C a l i f o r n i al n s t i t u t eo f T e c h n o l o g y S t a t u sB u l l e t i nE d i t o r( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8
P a s a d e n a ,C a l i f o r n i a O f f i c e( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 5 0 1
P u b l i cI n f o r m a t i o n
( T C M 6N O TR E O U T R E D )
irt'tt*-tot"t EARTH
1 2 / 7/ 7 9
I N B O U N D( D E S C E N D I N G )
SATURN -1990
1 1 / ' 1 1 / 8 Q I. 1 : 2 3 P M 1 ' t/ 1 3 / A O
S + 21 HOURS
EST 1 8 4 , 0 0 0k m


7/1/80 10/24/8Q

9/3/aO 1 1/ 2 / 8 0
1 1/ 1 1/ 8 O , 1 1 : 0 5 P M 11/12/80, 9.45 PM
,,MOVIE" 10/6/80 TCMS
9/ 12-14/80 1 1/ 7 / 8 0 TOOOkm

S O L A RC O N J U N C .
forlirtraor, ro^r"..rcErproFsrGNAL.
2 D A T E S A B E G R E G O S 1 A NC A L E N D A R

Saturn Encounter Phases the entire planet in one frame. Two by two mosaics (four
pictures to cover the entire planet) will signal the start of
The Saturn Encounrer activities have been divided the next phase, Far Encounter 1. Voyager 1 will be 16
into five phases, arbitrarily chosen based on the field of million miles from the ringed planet.
view of the narrow angle camera in relation to the distance
Within another ten days, the Far Encounter 2 phase
to the planet. The five phases are Observatory, Far En-
will begin when 2x2 mosaics no longer suffice ro cover the
counter 1, Far Encounter 2, Near Encounter, and Post entire planet. On November 2,Yoyager 1 will be 8.8 million
miles from Saturn, The final Voyager 1 trajectory correc-
Observatory starts August 22, about 82 days before
tion maneuver is scheduledfor November 7.
closest approach, and runs nine weeks. During this period, a
The 47-hour Near Encounter phase begins November
long time base history of the Saturn sysrem will be com-
Il, 26 hours before Saturn ciosest approach, and runs
through November 13, 21 hours after closest approach. At
Daily ultravioler scans of the system will search for
approximately 11:05 p.m. PST on November 11, signals
hydrogen sources. The fields and particles instruments will
from Voyager I's closest approach (7000 km) to Titan will
monitor the interplanetary medium near Saturn,
arrive ar Earth. Eighteen minures later, the spacecraft will
Two time{apse movies will be compiled from photo-
dip below the ring plane. Eighteen hours after Titan closest
graphs taken during this period. Color "zoom" movies will
approach, Voyager I will make its ciosest approach to
be compiled from photographs taken every 2 hours 3.2
Saturn on November 12. It will be below the rings, 184,000
minutes over about two months. These movies will focus on
km from the shadowed southern hemisphere. The signai
five longitudes as the spacecraft "zooms" in on the planet.
will reach Earth about 5:11 p.m. Four and a half hours
A second color movie will be compiled from phorographs
later, Voyager 1 will make its ourbound, ascending ring
taken every 4.8 minutes during a 42-hotr period September
plane crossing.
12-14, coveringfour Saturn rorarions.
Radio experiments to study the sun's corona will be Voyager 1's observations of Saturn will continue in
performed during solar conjunction, when the sun will be the Post Encounter phase rhrough December 15. It will
between the Earth and spacecraft. From September 3 then continue to observe the interplanetary medium for as
through October 6, the angle defined by Voyager, rhe Iong as we can track the spacecraft, participating in celestial
earth, and the sun, will be 15 degrees or less, hampering mechanics and solar experiments with other interplanetary
radio communications, but allowing study of rhe sun as the spacecraft still being tracked,
radio signals pass through its corona. If Voyager 1 is still being tracked ten years hence, we
A tralectory correction maneuver to adjust the flight may observe the edge of the influence of the sun's magnetic
path will be done on October 10. Numerous other calibra- field, some 20 to 30 times farther from the sun than Earth
tions will also be done during the Observatory phase. is. Voyager 1 will be on a solar system escape trajectory
By October 24, 19 days before closest approach, the that will take it out of the ecliptic plane - that plane in
narrow angle camera's field of view will no longer capture which most of the solar svstem's bodies lie.
NOV. il-t3, t980
The Voyager Flight Team has been cerrified ready for
NO N E Saturn Encounter operations after a seven-week test and
EARTH training period. A key part of test and training was simula-
tions of Murphy's Law No. 1: "Whatever can go wrong, will
go wrong, at the worst possible time." Some of the simu-
HYPERION lated problems included fire in the mission control area
during planned commanding, requiring relocation of oper-
tl ations to another building; incorrect real-time command
t/ ENCELADUS requests; ground-based compurer failure during satellite
pointing updates and optical navigation; apparent propul-
sion hardware failure during a simulated trajectory correc-
\\ tion maneuver; bad data from an instrument; and spacecraft
km computer failrrres, A prime objective of the test and train-
ing period has been to sharpen all skills so that norhing is
TETHYS 4l7,OOO done by rote.
ENCELAOUS 201,OO0 2oolodrm -1- Test and training climaxed August 18-19 with the
DIONE 163,000 z Ftf{b
Near Encounter Test, a simulation of L8 hours of the
T -t/ period of closest approach to Saturn. A near-duplicate of
TITAN the near encounter computer sequence was sent to Voyager
1 and activated. Alternate pointing commands were issued
to the scan platform to avoid pointing the cameras directly
V I E W N O R M A LT O s u NI at the sun during the test. At Saturn, the planet will block
the sun's light during rhese sequences, giving occultation
Note: Distances are approximate closest approach measured from data. The spacecraft will be oriented by its inertial gyro
center of body. Saturn closest approach will be about 184,000 km system during. the near encounter phase, as there will be
from the center of the planet. or 124,000 km from the cloudtops, several spacecraft maneuvers about the roll, pitch, and yaw
using a Saturn radius of 60,000 km. axes.


I JUL79 5 MAR79

5 S E P7 7
20 AUG 77

8/ 8 q

t2 NOV 80

25 AUG 8I N E P T UE
24 JAN 86
24 AUG 89
MISSION PLAN - After its flyby of the Saturn system in November, Voyager 1 will be on an escape
trajectory from the solar system which will carry it above the ecliptic plane. Voyager 2 will reach Saturn in
August 1981 and then has the opportunity to continue to encounters with the planets Uranus and Neptune,
Neither ship will come close to the solar system's ninth planet, Pluto, in its 248-year trip around the sun.
Update Correlation of data taken by both spacecraft shows
cyclical bursts of non-thermal radio noise from Saturn
Voyager 1 occurring at this regular time interval, with a noise fre-
quency near 200 kHz.
Voyager 1 began its concentrated observations of
The emissions have been distinguished from Jovian
Saturn on August 22,82 d,aysbefore its closest approach to
and solar emissions and background noise by several
the ringed planet. Travelling with a heliocentric velocity of
criteria: 1) the signal intensity is higher for Voyager 1,
2O.4 km/s (45,675 miles an hour), the spacecraft is about
which is nearer Sarurn rhan is Voyager 2i 2) Yoyager I
109 million kilometers (67.6 million miles) from the planet.
detects the signal about 10 minutes before Voyager 2 does;
Radio signals between earth and the spacecraft travel over
and 3) the spectral characrer and polarization ofthe events
1.4 billion kilometers (901 million miles) in 80 minutes.
are distinct from Jovian and solar emissions.
The spacecraft has experienced minor hardware
Such precise measurementsof Saturn's rotation rate
problems in the Canopus star tracker and the scan platform,
are impossible from Earth due to both the great distance
but neither is expected ro pose a serious problem to the
(nearly a billion miles) and the fact that Saturn's peak radio
planned Saturn encounter activities.
emissions fall in a-radio communications band used on
Voyager 1's Canopus star tracker has a problem
earth. Pioneers 10 and 11 did not carry this type ofinsrru-
which limits its available fields of view. Investigarion inro
the problem shows that all required stars can be tracked,
Saturn has been thought to have a regular magnetic
with the possible exception of the star Vega which is re-
field and little offset between the magnetic pole and spin
quired after Saturn closest approach. The back-up star
axis (Earth's offset is 23.5"), bur the ability to determine a
tracker has been tested and could be used if needed after
rotation rate for Sarurn implies a deviation from perfect
appropriate calibrations are completed.
axial symmetry of the planetary magneric field.
The Canopus star tracker helps stabilize the space-
craft and keep it properly oriented by tracking the earrh,
sun, and a reference star (nominally Canopus). 1979J3 Makes 16
In addition, Voyager 1's scan platform has ex-
perienced a "creep" of 0.17 degreesfor negarive slews in the A new small satellite orbiting near the edge of
elevation axis. The creep seems to occur over a one to four Jupiter's wafer-thin ring brings to sixteen the number of
hour period, when it occurs. Several solutions which will confirmed Jovian satellites.
eliminate any concern from this problem are under The new satellite, 1979J3, orbits about 56,200 kilo-
consideration. meters above the cloudtops with a period of 7 hours 4,5
minutes and a velocity of 31.5 km/s. Its diameter is about
Yoyager 2 40 kilometers.
Discovered by JPL oprical navigation engineer Steve
Voyager 2 continues in interplanetary cruise. Its Synnott, 1979J3 was assumed to be 7979J1 when found
operations during its sister craft's Sarurn activiries will be during a search to confirm the orbit of that satellite last
limited to routine calibrationsand navigation. March. L979Il, discovered last fall in photos taken by
Voyager 2 in July 1979, has similar characteristicswith a
DSN Completes Station Updates diameter of 30 to 40 kilometers, a period of 7 hours 8 to
10 minutes, and an orbit at the outer edge of the ring some
All three Deep Space Network srations now boasr one
each 26-, 34-, and 64-meter antennas. One 26-meter 57,800 kilometers above the cloudtops.
This spring, when checkingVoyager 1 pictures from
antenna at each station has been enlarged to 34 meters. The
March 1979 to verify 1,979J1,,Synnott discovered 1979J2,
enlargement greatly expands the tracking capabilities of the
dnother small satellite 7O to 80 kilometers in diamerer
network, as the distances to the spacecraft increase and the
orbiting between Amalthea and Io. At that time he also
number of spacecraft being tracked also grows. By electri-
sighted an object thought to be I979J1. However, furrher
cally combining the signals received by a 34- and a 64-meter
crosschecking between Voyager L and 2 photos showed
antenna (a technique known as arraying), a 28 percent
that tl.ris object would have been on the opposite side of
increase in received signal strength is realized over thar
achievable with a 64-meter station alone. Even with this Jupiter from l979lt's position when Voyager 2 photo-
graphed it. This led to the discovery of 1979J3.
improvement, the highest data rate achievable from
Many scientists feel that such small satellites may
Yoyager at Saturn will be 44.8 kilobits per second, in con-
influence the composition and srability of planetary rings.
rast to the 115.2 kilobits per second receivedfrom Jupiter.
Without aruaying,the maximum rate would be 29.9 kilobits second. The extreme disrance involved lowers the data Awards
rate availability. The Deep Space Network tracking stations
are located at Canberra, Australia; Madrid, Spain; and Gold- The Council of the Federation Aeronautique Inter-
stone, California. nationale (FAI) has unanimously awarded the FAI
Honorary Group Diploma for Astronaurics for 1979 to the
PRA Determines Saturn Rotation Rate Voyager Project Team. The diploma is awarded annually to
groups of people who have contributed greatly to the
The planetary radio astronomy (PRA) experiment on- progress of aviation during the previous year or years. The
board the Voyager spacecraft has determined Sarurn's rota- presentation will be made at the federation's general con-
tion rate to be lO hours 39.4 minutes (t 0.15 minutes) for ference in Auckland, New Zealand November 8-12, 1980.
the bulk of Saturn. Eanh observations had shown similar Raymond L. Heacock, Voyager project manager ar
periods for temperate and polar regions of Saturn, but a JPL, has accepted the James Watt International Medal
much shorter (10 hours 14 minutes) period near the awarded by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in
equator, indicating the presence of a high-velocity England. The presentation was made June 25, 1980 at the
equatorial jet stream. institute's London headquarters.
M ' S S / O NS I A T U S R E P O R TN O . 5 3 S E P T E M B E R

lN THE MOVIES - Nearly nine weeks before its closest approach to Saturn, Voyager 1 photographed four continuous
rotations of the planet. This picture. taken September 12from a range of 81 million kilometers (5O.5 million miles) is part
of that sequence. Very obvious are numerous bands in Saturn's atmosphere, the Cassini and Encke Divisions in the rings,
the rings' shadow on the planet, and the planet's shadow on the rings (rightl. The Cassini Division is the more prominent
gap in ring brightness, while the Encke Division is the fainter gap near the ring tip. Where the rings cross the face of the
planet, the planet can be seen through the Cassini^Division and the C-ring, the less dense ring between the cloudtops and
B-ring. At the current sun illumination angle of 3-, the rings appear much darker than the planet itself , quite unlike most

N a t i o n a lA e r o n a u t i c sa n d
Space Admrnistration
R e c o r d e d M i s s i o n Status(213) 354-7237
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
C a l r f o r n i aI n s t i t u t eo l T e c h n o l o g y S t a t u s B u l l e t i n E d i t o r( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8
P a s a d e n a ,C a l i f o r n i a P u b l i c l n l o r m a t i o n O f f i c e( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 5 0 1 1

BENEATH THE RING PLANE - On November 11, Voyager 1 will pass about 4330 kilometers (2500 milesl from Titan's
clouds, and then will dip below the ring plane. About twenty-two hours later, on its outbound leg, Voyager I will rise .
above the ring plane once again, passing through an area where Dione is thought to clear a path through the E-ring

Update million kilometers (21.6 million miles). One reason is the

need to capfllre the rings in the field of view in hopes that
Voyager 1 continues to build a data bank with its motion in the rings will be apparent in the time lapse
repetitive observations of the Satum system. Sweeping movie. Jupiter filled about 480 pixels (picture elements) of
across the system seven times a day, the ultraviolet spec- the 800-pixel imaging frame; Saturn, from ring edge to ring
trometer will provide information on the chemical constitu- edge, filled about 420 pixels. The movie could not be done
ents in the system, including any concentrations such as Iater due to radio interference during solar conjunction.
tori or clouds. The infrared spectrometer and radiometer is
gathering infrared composition data on the atmosphere, In addition, a high altitude haze obscures detail in the
thermal structure, and dynamics of Saturn. Two frames of planet's atmospheric strucnrre, Nearly twice the distance
planetary radio astronomy d*a are returned daily, recorded from the sun as Jupiter, Saturn is much colder, and partic-
at 1L5.2 kilobits per second. Planetary radio astronomy ulates in the atmosphere precipitate out lower in the
data helped determine the radio rotation rate of Saturn, 10 clouds, Saturn's wind velocities are also greater than
hours 39.4 minutes. The cameras continue photographing Jupiter's, perhaps resulting in shorter-lived features in the
the planet every 72" longitude, taking five images every 2 atmosphere.
hours 3.2 minutes. Each of the five images is taken through
a different filter - blue, orange, green, ultraviolet, and
violet - for later color reconstruction. This long-time base Solar Conjunction
set of images could be compiled into as many as five time
lapse movies, each of which zooms in on one longitude of As seen from the spacecraft, the earth has now passed
the planet. Photographs taken at long exposures through within 2o of the sun in its yearly orbit. Radio signals
the clear filter three times each day are being used to search between earth and the spacecraft have passed within 5" of
for several small new satellites to update the camera point- the sun since mid-September, resulting in poorer communi-
ing for later photography. Routine calibrations also cations but also opportunities to study the sun's corona by
continue. its effects on the signals.
Voyager 2 is now cruising quietly, having received the The period designated "solar conjuncrion" is that
computer sequence which will carry it through Voyager 1's period when the angle measured from the sun to the earth
busy encounter period. Routine calibrations will be per- to the spacecraft is 15o orless. When the angle is 5o orless,
formed, as well as solar conjunction experiments. the "noise" in the radio signal is at its highest level. This
period is September 12 - 23 for Voyager 2 and September
17 - 27 for Voyager 1. The^smallest angle will be about
Four Rotations Imaged 1.87" for Voyager 2 and 2.04" for Voyager 1.
Voyager's radio science team is conducting measure-
ments of the solar corona's spatial and temporal variations
Four rotations of Saturn have been captured by by examining the corona's effects on the radio signals
Voyager 1's narrow-angle camera and will be processed to between earth and the spacecraft. Data is also being taken
make a color rotation movie before closest approach to the to test one aspect of the general theory of relativity which
planet in November. predicts that the radio signal will be delayed as it passes
Voyager 1 photographed Saturn continuously for through rhe near-sun gravitational field. According to
abortt 42 hours on September 12 - 14, returning pictures Einstein's theory, radio signals passing near the sun should
every 4.8 minutes. The images were taken through a set of be slowed in their round trip berween earth and the space-
three different filters every eight degreesof rotarion. craft by about O.0002 seconds. With special equipment
This Saturn rotation movie will show less detail in the located at the Deep Space Network tracking stations, the
planet's atmosphere than did the Jupiter color rotation size of the delay can be measured to within one ten
movie, due to both the distance and the high altitude haze millionth of a second. Round trip light time for Voyager 1
at Saturn. Yoyager 1 was about 81.2 million kilometers is now approximately 2 hours 47 minutes. An opportunity
(50.5 million miles) from Saturn at the start of this movie to test the theory with such high precision has not existed
sequence, in contrast to its Jupiter range of about 34.7 since the Viking mission in I976.

Voyager 1
September 17,1980
Range to Saturn: 76 million kilometers

N a t i o n a lA e r o n a u t i c sa n d
Space Administration
Recorded Mission Status (213) 354-7237
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
C a L i f o r n i aI n s t i t u t eo f T e c h n o l o g y Status BulletinEditor (213) 354-4438
P a s a d e n a ,C a l i f o r n i a P u b l i c I n f o r m a t i o nO f f i c e ( 2 1 3 ) 3 5 4 - 5 0 1 1
UPDATE and helium to the cloudtops, with heavier helium sinking
through to the interior hydrogen.
Voyager 1 will perform a planned trajectory
Several other gases are known to exist at Saturn,
correction maneuveron October 10. The thrusterswill fire
including heavy hydrogen (deuterium), methane, ethane,
briefly to accelerate the spacecraft about 2 meters per
second and to change its course slightly. Without this and phosphine. Helium has not been confirmed, but its
approximately 13.7-minuteburn, the spacecraftwould be existence is inferred from other factors.
on a collision course with Titan, Satum's largestsatellite. Saturn is indeed an oblate spheroid, with flattened
Voyager 1 is scheduledto swoop about 2500 miles above poles and a bulging equator. About 5800 kilometers (3600
Titan's clouds on November11. A final coursecorrectionis miles) difference has been measured between the polar and
scheduledfor November 7 if neededto "fine tune" the equatorial radii. The generally accepted equatorial radius is
flight path. 60,300 kilometers (37 ,5OOmiles).
Only two more weeks remain in Voyager 1's Both Jupiter and Saturn radiate about twice the
"Observatory" phaseconsistingof routine, cyclical observa-
amount of energy they receive from sunlight, despite their
tions of the Saturn system.Pictureresolutionis now about
great distances frorn the sun. Saturn should have cooled
1640 kilometers, comparedto about 5OOOkilometersfor
long ago, as it receives 100 times less sunlight than earth.
the best Saturn photograph ever obtained from earth. On
October 24, the cameraswill begin four-picture (2 X 2) Heat must therefore be generated in some other way - per-
mosaicsof the planet and rings. haps by interaction between the hydrogen and helium.
As the spacecraftnears the Satum system, a search Even with its own heat source, Saturn is still colder
for new satellites will continue. Two small satellites are than Jupiter, and material freezes at greater cloud depths.
thought to orbit at the samedistanceasDione, one trailing Ammonia, for example, freezes and forms clouds at a depth
severaldegreesbehind and the other leading severaldegrees of two to three atmospheres on Saturn, compared to one
ahead. Sets of two (i.e., 1 X 2 mosaics)long-exposures atmosphere at Jupiter (an atmosphere is a unit of pressure
through the clear filter will be used to try to capture images corresponding to about 14,7 pounds per square inch at sea
of these satellitesand the rings. The pictures will be used level on earth).
primarily to calculate the orbits more precisely and to
A considerable quantity of atmospheric dust is
provide coverageof the rings which are beginningto over-
believed to exist, also. A high altitude haze, probably of
flow the narrow-anglecamera'sfield of view as Voyager 1
nearsthe planet, ammonia, obscures the clouds. A belt/zone system exists
similar to Jupiter's.
SATURN Visual measurements of Saturn's rotation rate give a
figure of 10 hours 14 minutes for near-equatorial regions,
"There is not perhaps another object in the heavens while measurements of the pattern of Saturn's radio signals
that presents us with such a variety of extraordinary give a rate of 10 hours 39 minutes 24 seconds, more nearly
phenomena as the planet Saturn: a magnificent akin to visual measurements at high latitudes..Precise mea-
globe . . ."
-Sir William Herschel surement of the rate at different latitudes is important for
in Singular Figure of Saturn (1805) targeting Voyager's various instruments and correlating
their data. The difference in wind velocities between
Herschel was among the many through the ages who Saturn's equatorial and temperate zones indicates equa-
have been fascinated by the sixth planet, its nest of rings, torial wind velocities of 1400 kilometers (900 miles) per
and its covey of satellites. Over 2600 years of observations hour - nearly twice the speed of Jupiter's winds. These
have yielded volumes of knowledge on the Saturn system, wind speeds may account for the lack of long-lived atmo-
but this steady flow of learning is about to accelerate spheric features.
tremendously as Voyager t homes in. Saturn's rotation axis is inclined about 26.75 degrees
One of the solar system's four outer planets known as from earth's orbital plane, accounting for the seeming tilt
the "gas giants" (along with Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune), of the rings which rotate about Saturn's equatorial region.
Saturn is unique in its extremely cold atmosphere with The planet's orbit is not suictly elliptical, but is affected by
high-speed winds; its nested set of rings; and its mismatched other planets, especially Jupiter. Wandering between 9 and
set of moons 10 AU from the sun (an AU is earth's distance from the
These outer planets are huge accumulations of helium sun), Saturn makes a full trip in about 29.5 years.
and hydrogen with small rocky cores. Saturn's overall While each of Voyager's instruments operates
density is about seven-tenths that of water - which means independently, gathering specific data, analysis of Saturn is
that the planet could float if there were a cosmic ocean. An interdependent. The combined data will comprise our most
enormous balloon of hydrogen and helium, Saturn could comprehensive picture of the Saturn system.
hold about 77A earchs- but is only 95 times heavier than At the planet, infrared spectroscopy will give
earth. information on atmospheric gas composition and abun-
Current models of Saturn's interior suppose a small, dance, clouds, hazes, temperatures, circulation, and heat
heavy, rocky core which may be twice earth's size but 15 to balance. Ultraviolet spectroscopy will study how sunlight is
20 times heavier due to large concentrations of rock and absorbed and scattered in the atmosphere, to learn more
iron. Pioneer 11 measured the core radius at 13,800 kilo- about the atmospheric composition and structure. Photo-
meters (8,575 miles). Enveloping the core is a form of elec- graphs will afford a study of global wind systems and the
trically conductive liquid metallic hydrogen not found on atmospheric strucnrre. Radio signals passing through the
earth because of the gTeat temperatures and pressure atmosphere will tell about the vertical structure of the
required to produce it. Beyond this is a shell of hydrogen atmosphere, ionosphere, clouds, and turbulence.

SATURN'S SPOKES - New fsatures that

have never been seen before appear in this
photo of Saturn's ringB taken by Voyager 1
on October 5, from a distance of 51 million
kilometers (32 million mitesl. The photo has
been computer-enhanced to bring gut faint
details in the rings. This and similar Voyager
photos are the first pictures to show irregu-
lar patterns in the rings. Visible in the B-ring
is a dark, fingerlike area that rotates around
the planet like a spoke in a wheel. Studies of
this and similar photos reveal many similar
objects; some retain their identities for
several hours, despite the fact that at the
inner edge of the new featur€s, ring particles
orbit Saturn once in 9-112 hours, while
particles at the outer edge take more than
an hour longer. Consequently, spokelike
features like this should be erased as the
inner particles "race" ahead of the outer
ones. However, some features have been
observed that last three or more hours,
Voyager's imaging team scientists have not
yet solved the question of how the spokes
develop or why they remain for hours. lt is
unlikely that the new features are composed
of groups of particles. Rather, they are more
likely to be regions where there are fewer
particles, reflecting less light, than other
parts of the rings.

{Small, square smudged areas are reseau

marks engraved on the camera, and not
features of Saturn or its rings.l

Voyager1: SaturnMinus 20 Days

Voyager2: SaturnMinus306 Days
N a t i o n a lA e r o n a u t i c sa n d
Space Administration
Recorded Mission Status (213) 354-7237
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
C a f i l o r n i al n s t i t u l eo f T e c h n o l o g y Status BulletinEditor (213) 354-4438
P a s a d e n a ,C a l i t o r n i a P u b l i c l n f o r m a t i o nO f f i c e ( 2 1 3 ) 3 5 4 - 5 0 1 1

s-1 2h

s-1h ENCOUNTER s+l h

s+6h s+9h

RING ASPECTS - These comput€r-genorated plots show how Voyager I's vierr of the ringc will change as it flies past Saturn in
Novembor. The planot size is constant in thel€ vierm to allow a comparison of Voyager'e wide- and natrow-angle cameras'
fields-of-vierr at various tlms3 (the locations of th6 fields-of-view shown here are not necersarily where the camera will bo pointing
at these timc but are shown only for size comparison; the longitudes given are also for reference onlyl. Two days before clos*t approach
(S-48 hoursl, Voyager I will still be above the ring plane on its inbound journey. Shortly after closest approach to Titan, at about S-18 hours,
the spacecraft will drop bclow the ring plane. Near'ctosest approaoh, Voyager I will be above Saturn's shadowed southern hemisphere. Radio
measuroments of the rings will tak€ place as the spacecraft passes behind the planet as seen from eafth and all other science data will be tapo
recorded for about 4-112hourc while spacecraft tel€motry is turned off. At S+4-1l2 hours, Voyager 1 will soar above the ring plane, crossing an
area where the satellite Dione is thought to clear a path through the E-ring pafticl$. Voyager I will continue its Saturn system obseruations
through December 15, looking back at the receding planet.

the planet. These sequences will constitute the last "non-

Update mosaicked" coverage of the planet. Regrlar coverage began
August 22, bttt now one frame can no longer reliably cap-
Voyager 1 Enters Far Encounter Phase ture the entire planet. Voyager 1 will be almost 23 million
kilometers (14 million miles) and 17 days away from
On October 24,Yoyager 1 will enter its next phaseof closest approach to Satum when it begins the mosaics.
Saturn observations. The narrow-angle cameras will take Once each day, the 2x2 three-color mosaics will be
their last singleframe imagesof the planet early on October supplemented by three-color images on each of the two ring
25, and then attention will be focussedon the ringsfor one ansae (the outer edges of the rings), which, when combined
complete planet rotation, followed immediately by images with adjacent 2x2 mosaics, will provide 2x3 mosaics of
centeredon Saturn for one completerotation. For eachof Saturn and its rings. Infrared data will also be taken during
these sequences,narrow-angleimageswill be shuttered each the planet imaging.
4.8 minutes. The rings will be photographedthrough the Five narrow-angle pictures of Titan will be taken
clear filter only, while all eight filters - clear (2), violet, approximately every six hours. There will also be an
blue, orange,green (2), and ultraviolet - will be used for attempt to photograph "Dione B", a tiny satellite believed
SUNLIGHT tcdroiques will be used to me$ur€ tho 6izss
of particles in Saturn's rings 16 tho spacs-
craft pasce behind the planet (acreen from
earthl. Forward scattoring by ring particlor
FORWARD ic strongset when ring panicle have diam-
stens on tho ordol of ten timse ths wavs
SCANERING lengrth of the scatered light. Tho Jupitor
ring, widr paniolo di.motore nsar 5 microrr,
scfior€d virible light effectively in a for-
ward dirsction. The bulk of Satumien ring
FORUYARD SATURN particlos are expected to hava men diam-
TO SCATTERING eters of teffi of oontim€tan; folw.rd soat-
EARTH tering of the longor-w.uelength spacooreft
radio signal is drus expected to bo th. bc6t
method of determining ring p.rticls siz.3.
Attenuation of the radio clgnal strcngth and
the amount of signal rcattering during this
period will help dsteqt particlc in frc renge
RADIO IECHNIQTJE: of 7 to 70 centim6t6|l diameter (3 to 28
RINGPARTICE SIZE- inchesl. Optical moruremont in thevisible
l0 x RADI0WAVETENGTH and infrarod wavelengthc will dotect parti-
.7T070cm cles in the micron and millimetor-to-
orntimster n|ngp3,rircpectively.

to orbit at the same distance from Saturn as the intcr- together likc a jigsaw puzzle- to show an entire region.
mediate-sizedsatellite Dione. Satellite maps will be produced. Atmospheric featurcs at
The ultraviolet splctrometer has bcen scanning the Saturn and Titan will be tracked to lcern about wind
Saturn syst€m from side to side of Titan's orbit, but now speeds,convection, currents, and other mechanicsof their
will concentrate on scensof smallcr areas,gaining composi- weather systems. The photographs will be compared with
tion data on Saturn, Titan, the rings, and the five inner the infrared and ultraviolet dars to produce tempcratur€
satellites. Celestial mechanics data will be extracted from maps and compositiond information.
the spacecraft's radio signals, while radio astronomy and
plasma wave studies will continue. Several instrument NASA Associate Adminietrator Diec
calibrations will take place.
The second far encounter phase will begin November Dr. Thomas A. (Tim) Mutch, NASA Associate
2, ten days before closcst approach. Voyager 1 will be 14 Administrator for Space Science, was killed October 6
million kilometers (8.8 million miles) from Saturn. while leading e seven-manAmcrican team on a mountain-
At Saturn, Voyager will study the planct, the rings, climbing expedition in the Himalayas.
the satellites, and the magnetosphere.Elevenscienccinstnr- He is repofted to have suffered a fatal fall on the
ments fall into four broad categories: optical remote sen- descent from the summit of 23,410-foot Mount Nun in
sors, fields and particles remote sensors,fields and particles Kashmir, India, about 350 miles nonh of New Delhi.
instruments, and the radio. The optical remote sensing Dr. Mutch became NASA's Associate Administrator
instruments are grouped together on the scan platform for Space Science in t979, anil was responsible for the
perched at the edge of an 8-foot boom. These instru- planning and direction of the agency'soverall spacescience
ments - the wide- and narrow-angle cameras,the infrared program. His enthusiasm for the space program ran high,
interferometer/radiometer, the ultraviolet spectromcter, "I feel very strongly about the space progtam. I feel it is
and the photopolarimetet - are aligned to look at about vital for the nation, notjust a few scientists.It's an explora-
the same place so that their data may be compared. For tion that's very much a part of our national spirit," he told
example, the infrared instrument can provide information an inteniewer.
on the t€mperature of an area seen in a photograph, as it Prior to joining NASA, he was a professorof geology
did with lo's volcanoes. at Brown University, Providence,Rhode Island, During this
Two remote sensorsmeasurethe effects of fields and time, he was a member of the Lunar ScienceReview Board
particles, studying planetary radio emissions and plasma (1969-1973r, leader of the Viking Lander Imaging Science
waves. Fields and particles instruments measure magnetic Team (1969-t977), and chairmanof severalNASA commit-
fields, plasma, low-energy charged particles, and cosmic tees planning the post-Viking exploration of Mars. At
rays. These instruments also provide complementary data. NASA, he was involved with the Voyager and Pioneer
Thirdly, the spacecraft's radio signals provide essen- missions.
tial information about atmosphericstructure, planetary and NASA Administrator Dr. Robert A. Frosch said,
satellite masses,ring particle size and density, and general "Tim Mutch was a valued friend and colleague. His con-
relativiry. tributions to the space science programs of the United
By the end of its Saturn observations in December States are many and earned for him an extraordinary repu-
1980, Voyager 1 will have taken about 17,5O0pictures of tation among his peers. . . His work has made significant
the Saturn system. The best resolution at the planet will be contributions to the knowledge of our solar system"
about 4 kilometers, and of some of the satellites, 2 kilo- A scholarshipfund has been establishedat the Depart-
meters. Many of the pictures will be mosaicked- fitted ment of Geology, Brown University.

A B I G W H E E L ? - V o y a g e r 1 a c q u i r e d t h e s e f o u r p h o t o g r a p h so f S a t u r n ' s r i n g s d u r i n g a p e r i o d o f 1 2
hours on October 4 and 5, 1980. The photo at lower left is enlarged on the front page. The images
have been computer-enhanced to emphasize detail in portions of the A- and B-rings, separated by the
d a r k C a s s i n iD i v i s i o n . V i s i b l e w i t h i n t h e B - r i n g a r e p a t t e r n s o f d a r k , n e a r l y r a d i a l f e a t u r e sw h i c h h a v e
recently been discovered in the Voyager images. As illustrated by these examples, the shape and
number o{ these features is quite variable. A time-lapse sequence of photographs shows that a few
features retain their appearance for a period of several hours. Pre-Voyager photography has failed to
show such radial structure, and most current theories predict that the rings will be uniform about their
circumference, quite unlike the appearance shown here. These features probably represent regions
where there are fewer particles, so that less sunlight is reflected. The origin of these variations in the
density of particles is not yet understood; but they may be caused by the gravitational influence of
nearby Saturn satellites.

(Small, square smudged areas are reseau marks engraved on the camera, and not features of Saturn or
its rings.l


variations and new structural features in
Saturn's rings can be seen in this computer
composite of four Voyager 1 photos taken
on October 13, 1980, 40 million kilometers
(25 million miles) from the planet. The
lmage Processing Lab at JPL combined and
enhanced the photos to make this false-
color picture which exaggeratessome ar€as.
The A-ring is split by the dark Encke
Division. Between the A-ring and B-ring, the
Cassini Division is filled with matorial dis-
covered by Voyager 1. Considerable varia-
tions in distribution and brightness of
material can be seen in the B-ring. Inner-
most ring visible here is the C-ring, which
also shows variations in distribution and
brightness of material. Variations can be
seen in the planet itself. The abrupt cutoff
of the rings to the right is the planet's
shadow on the rings.

(Three black dots in image are reseaumarks,

artifacts of Voyager's camera system,l

Number of Satellites Growing Far Encounter Part Two Begins

Two small satellites orbiting near the F-ring have been On November 2, Yoyager 1 begins the second half of
discovered in images taken October 25. Satellite 14 orbits its far encounter phase. This ten-day period includes a final
about 800 kilometers (500 miles) inside the F-ring (but adjustment to the flight path, a final operational readiness
outside the A-ring), at about 79,5OO kilometers (49,000 test for critical radio science during near encounter, and the
miles) above Saturn's cloudtops. Satellite 13 orbits about highest resolution three-color 3x5 mosaic of Saturn and its
25OO kilometers (1500 miles) outside the F-ring, at about rings. The far encounter phases will end November 11 as
82,000 kilometers (51,000 miles) above the clouds. Based the near encounter computer sequencesbegin.
on their apparent brightnesses,the objects are about 25O to Voyager 1 is moving away from the sun with a
300 kilometers (1OOto 185 miles) in diameter. velocity of 2O.2 kilometers per second (45,000 miles an

Voyager1: SaturnMinus 12 Days

N a t i o n a lA e r o n a u l i c sa n d
Voyager2: SaturnMinus298 Days
Space Administralion
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
RecordedMissionStatus(213) 354-7237
C a l i f o r n i aI n s t i t u t eo l T e c h n o l o g y S t a t u sB u l l e t i nE d i t o r( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8
P a s a d e n a ,C a l i f o r n i a P u b l i cI n f o r m a t i o n
O f f i c e{ 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 5 0 1 1
hour). On November 2 it will be 14.1 million kilometers The rings have been named in the order of their dis-
(8.8 million miles) from Saturn and 1.5 billion kilometers covery; therefore, the labels do not indicate their relative
(949 million miles) from Earth. One-waylight time * the positions. The A- and B-rings were discoveredtogether.
time required for radio signalstravelling at the speed of From the planet outward, they are designatedthe D (which
light to travel betweenearth and the spacecraft- is about may not exist), C, B, A, F, and E rings.Evennow, however,
85 minutes. it is obvious that the InternationalAstronomicalUnion has
On November5, the radio scieqceteam and the Deep its work cut out settling upon a nomenclature for the
SpaceNetwork tracking stationswill conduct a final opera- myriad conceitric rings and other structurenow beingseen
tional readinesstest in preparationfor critical radio science in Voyagerphotographs.
experiments designedto study the atmospheresof Titan Divisions between the rings have been obvious since
and Saturn, as well as the composition of the rings.- the 16OO's,but Voyager's picnrres are showing a much
The last pre-encounter flight path adjustment is more complex ring structure than ever before observed.
planned for November 6 to adjust the Titan aimpoint by New divisions in the B- and C-ringsare obvious,and more
about 500 kilometers. will most cenainly be found before the end of Voyager 1's
Titan mosaicswill begin early on November 11, 16 observations.Current theory supposesthat gravitational
hours before closestapproachto this satellite. effects from Saturn's satellites controlled the orbits of
Celestialmechanicsexperiments,fields and particles particlesaround the planet, but new mechanismsgoverning
measurements,and satellite searcheswill continue during ring motions may be found.
this phase.Voyager 1 is expected to enter Saturn's mag- The Cassini Division between the A and B rings,
netospheresometimebetweenNovember9 - 12. approximately 4000 kilometers (2500 miles) wide, is
actually filled with material, and hasdivisionswithin itself.
Dark, radial featuresin the B-ring are puzzling since
the ring particles rotate at different speeds.Theoretically,
Voyager Project ManagerRay Heacock and Project
such featuresshould never form, or at least be short-lived,
Scientist Ed Stone of Caltechbriefed NASA Administrator
since the outer potion of the rings rotates slower than the
Dr. Robert Frosch and PresidentialScienceAdvisor Frank
inner portion. But some of these featureshave observed
Press in Washington,D.C., on October 27. The first
lifetimes aslong asthree hours.
VoyagerSaturnpressconferencewasheld in Washingtonon
October 28. Daily pressconferences are plannedin JPL's On October 25, the rings were photographedevery
von Karman Auditorium November 6 through 15. Tele- 4.8 minutesfor ten hours.Whenprocessedinto a time-lapse
vision broadcastsfrom JPL will be beamed around the movie, thesepicturesmay show the radial featuresforming
world via SATCOMon NovemberIL, L2, and 13. and dissipating.Densitywavesmay alsobe visible.
What is ihe ring composition? Water ice in the rings
SATURN'SRINGS was first identified in 1970; however,the variation in light
reflected from the rings indicatesthat they are not pure
Glimmering, glistening,beckoning,Saturn'srings are water ice. Results from Pioneer 11 indicate that the ring
Iike the mythological Sirens- enticing, mysterious, con- reflectivity more resembles that of Jupiter's satellite
founding. Man has puzzled over their nature since Galileo Io - there is a reddeningeffect which could be due to trace
first observedthem in 1610. He first announcedthat Saturn impurities or to chargedParticle bombardment on an ice
was a triple planet having two small satellitesrapidly and lattice.
closely revolvingaround the biggerplanet' Imaginehis con- How thick are the rings?The E-ring may be as thick
sternation when, in 1612, all traces of these small globes as 1800 kilometers (1100 miles) - the driving distance
weregone! from Los Angelesto Denver.Earth-basedobservationsindi-
Today we know that Galileo's globes are really a cate that the visible rings may be just a few kilometers
broad system of rings rotating around the planet'sequator' thick, if the particle sizesare lessthan 15 meters' Current
Saturn'sequatorialplane is tipped 27" to its orbital plane. theories favor multiple layers of ice or ice-coveredrock
The orbital motions of earth and Saturnresult in a cycle in with sizesabout 1.5 centimetersor greater.A monolayer
which earth is abovethe ring planeforabout 15 years,and seemsimprobablepartially becauseof previously-measured
then below the plane for about 15 years. At the time of temperaturedifferencesbetween rhe lit and unlit sidesof
ring-plane passage,the rings aPpearedge-onto an earth- the rings. Voyager'sinfrared instrument will take the rings'
based observer,and hence,with simple viewing equipment temperature from both sides, severalangles,and in the
like Galileo used, seem to disappear.Earth's upward ring planet's shadow to help determine particle sizes. Radio
plane crossing in March 1980 afforded astronomersthe experiments will also measurethicknesses,sizes,density,
most recent opportunity to view the edge-onrings. and compositionof the rings.
Voyager 1 will cross the ring plane twice - once How did the ringsform? There are two major theories
inbound and once outbound. Now approachingfrom above of ring formation, 1) through tidal breakup of a pre-
the ring plane, Voyager I will dip below the ring plane existing comet or satellite,or 2) as a remnant of the proto-
about 18 hours before closest approach to the planet' planetary nebulafrom which the planet itself formed. Find-
Twenty-four hours later, the spacecraftwill rise abovethe ings on the particle size distribution and bulk composition
ring plane upward path which will sendit 35o above shouldgive an answerto this tantalizingquestion.
the ecliptic (the plane in which most of our solar system Pioneer 11 also found that Saturn's rings form an
orbits the sun) and 26o aboveSaturn'sequatorialplane.On umbrellaunder which the radiation intensity drops dramati
its outbound passage, Voyager 1 will fly through the E-ring, cally. This region, in fact, was the most benign space
rvhich is thought to be of rather low density and therefore through which Pioneerhastravelledin its entire sevenyears
harmlessto the spacecraft.Just in case,however,Voyager of exploration. Saturn's radiation, therefore, is not
l's scan platform instrumentswill face in a direction such expected to pose any threat to the Voyager spacecraftas
that no ring particles will pit optical surfaces. they fly under the rings.

R I N G S W I T H I N R I N G S W l T H l N . . . - T h i s t w o - i m a g em o s a i c
of Saturn's rings shows approximately 95 individual concentric
features in the rings. The extraordinarily complex structure of
the rings is easily seen across the entire span of the ring system.
The ring structure, once thought to be produced by the gravita-
tional interaction between Saturn's satellites and the orbit of
ring particles, has now been found to be too complex for this
explanation alone. The 14th satellite of Saturn, discovered by
Voyager is seen (upper leftl just outside the narrow F-ring,
which is less than 150 kilometers (93.2 milesl wide. Voyager 1
took these photos on November 6, 1980 at a range of 8 million
kilometers (4.9 million miles).

Voyager1: SaturnMinus 5 Days

N a t i o n a lA e r o n a u t i c sa n d Voyager2: SaturnMinus291 Days
Space Administration
Jet Propulsion Laboratory RecordedMissionStatus(213) 354-7237
C a l i { o r n i al n s t i t u t eo f T e c h n o l o g y S t a t u sB u l l e t i nE d i t o r( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8
P a s a d e n a .C a l i f o r n i a O f f i c e( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 5 0 1 1
P u b l i cI n f o r m a t i o n
C L O S I N G l N - S a t u r n , i t s r i n g s ,a n d t w o o f
i t s m o o n s , T e t h y s ( a b o v e )a n d D i o n e , w e r e
photographed by Voyager 1 on November
3, 1980, from 13 million kilometers (8
million miles). The shadows of Saturn's
three bright rings and Tethys are cast onto
the cloud tops. The limb of the planet can
be seen easily through the 3sOo-kilometer^
w i d e ( 2 1 7 0 m i l e s ) C a s s i n iD i v i s i o n .w h i c h
s e p a r a t e sR i n g A f r o m R i n g B . T h e v i e w
through the much narrower Encke Division.
n e a r t h e o u t e r e d g e o f R i n g A , i s l e s sc l e a r .
Beyond the Encke Division (at left) is the
o u t e r e d g eo f t h e A - r i n g .



S A T U R N ' S C L O U D S - S a t u r n ' sn o r t h e r n
hemisphere as seen by Voyager 1 on
N o v e m b e r5 , 1 9 8 0 a t a r a n g e o f 9 m i l l i o n
k ilometers (5.5 million miles) shows a
variety of features in the planet's clouds:
S m a l l - s c a l ec o n v e c t i v e c l o u d f e a t u r e s a r e
v i s i b l e i n t h e d a r k b e l t ( c e n t e r ) ;a n i s o l a t e d
c o n v e c t i v ec l o u d w i t h a d a r k r i n g l s s e e n i n
t h e l i g h t e r z o n e ; a n d a l o n g i t u d i n a lw a v e i s
visible in the brighter zone (right of center
b e l t ) . T h e s m a l l e s t J e a t u r e sv i s i b l e i n t h i s
photograph are 175 kilometers (108.7
N O V E M B E R1 1 . 1 3 1
. 980

+12 VIEW
d-t-----\[ - - - t i \ ! f)d RINGS 2 HRS HRS
HYPERION RHEA \-/, f-'i,

3:45 PM PST
NOV 12, 1980

+12 RHEA
-4 ls
--' y't, SATURN
(\ HRS
+24 2 HRSY
POLARVIEW 0 100 200 300 400

0 100 200 300 400

EncounterHighlights 6 : O 9- 6 : 3 3p . m . Spacecraftmaneuverto sample

fields and particles
All times are Pacific StandardEartb-receioed
time of eoent.
7 : 0 8- 8 : 3 5p . m . Saturn/Earthoccultation
All distancesare from surfacesof satellitesexcept where
noted. 7 : 2 2- 8 : 0 2p . m . Saturn/Sunoccultation
9 : 0 3p . m . Dione closestapproach
( 1 6 1 , 1 3 1k i l o m e t e r s )
9 : 5 2- 1 0 : 3 6a . m . Spacecraft maneuver to sample 8 : 4 4 - 9 : 0 0p . m . Ring/Earth occultation
fields and particles near Saturn;
9 : 4 5p . m . Outbound ring plane crossing
reference star is Miaplacidus
1 1 : 4 6p . m . Rheaclosestapproach
1 1 : 0 5p . m . Titan closest approach
(4000 kilometers)
1 1 : 0 9- 1 l : 2 6 p . m . Spacecraftmaneuverto sample
11:11- tl:22p.m. Titan/Sun occultation
fields and particles;referencestar is
Il:12 - ll:24 p.m. Titan/Earth occultation Alhena
ll:22 p.m. Inbound ring plane crossing 1 1 : 3 8p . m .- Rheaimagemotion compensation
t2:41 a.m. maneuver;referencestar is vega
3 : 4 1p . m . Tethys closestapproach
(415,32Okilometers) 1 0 : 0 9a . m . Hyperion closest approach
(879,127 kilometers)
5 : 1 0p . m . Saturnclosestapproach
(124,2OOkilometersaboveclouds) 2 : 4 2- 4 : 4 3 p . m . Spacecraft maneuver; return to Vega
7 : O 7p . m . Mimasclosestapproach
(88,820kilometers) November14

7 : 1 5p . m . Enceladusclosestapproach 1 2 : 5 0a . m . Iapetus closest approach

(2O2,251kilometers) (2,47 4,OOAkilometers)
iE isliE
ET : d E

E 9o -r 9 E
:Ygo :J Ei E e
! ip'.

E;: E
.:v"E.o r i

i €iE;;i
Voyager L 1l/loleo 3,OOO,OOO
k m ( 2 , O O O , O 0 Om i )

ECCENTRIC RING - An "out-of-round"

or eccentric ring identified in Voyager 1
photos of the C-ring is seen in the dark gap
in the center of this high resolution com-
posite photo. The bright ring is narrowed in
the lower picture and slightly broadened
r.1; r and displacedwithin the gap in the upper
picture. The horizontal line through the
center marks the border bstween the two
photos; at top the trailing ansa of the rings,
and bottom the leading ansa.




A CO-ORBITAL - A ring shadow crossesthe south polar region of narrow ring of Saturn a few thousand kilometers away from the
Saturn's eleventh moon, a trailing co-orbital satellite. Comparison of satellite. The pock-markedmoon is approximately 135 by 70 kilo-
the two images, taken 13 minutes apart, reveals a narrow shadow meters (80 by 40 miles).
moving across its face. The shadow is probably cast by a small,

Voyager1: SaturnPlus 4 Days

Voyager 2: Saturn Plus 282 Days
N a t o n a l A e r o n a u t i c sa n d
S p a c eA d m i n i s t r a t i o n
Jet Propulsion Laboratory R e c o r d e d M i s s i o n S t a t u s ( 2 . 13 ) 3 5 4 - 7 2 3 7
C a l l l o r n i aI n s t i t u t e
ol Technology S t a t u s B u l l e t i nE d i t o r ( 2 1 3 ) 3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8
P a s a d e n aC , alifornia P u b l i c I n f o r m a t i o nO f fi c e ( 2 1 3 ) 3 5 4 - 5 0 11




MIMAS * On its inbound path, Voyager 1

saw a large impact crater (abovel oq the
E leading face of Mimas, at about 110- W.
o longitude. (The dark spot above the crater is
a camera reseau.) This structure may give
N Mimas the largest ratio of satellite diameter
to crater diameter in the solar system, for
the crater's size - 130 kilometers (80 miles)
N diameter - is one fourth that of the entire
satellite. At left, a closer view of another
face of Mimas records a period of heavy
meteorite bombardment that occurred some
o four billion years ago, Craters as small as
two kilometers (one mile) across can be seen
on the 385-kilometer (240-milel diameter
moon in this photo.


10 ts 20 25Rt



t\ \\\
| !\)---/flrAN\l
I / /
E _-_l I \ - - , - - )i



N TETHYS - The heavily cratered surface of
this face of Tethys looks toward Saturn and
shows a large valley about 750 kilometers
N long and 6O kilometers wide (5O0 by 40
miles). The craters are probably the result of
impacts and the valley appears to be a large
fracture of unknown origin. Tethys is
o slightly less than one-third the size of
o Earth's Moon. The smallest feature visible

on this picture is about 24 kilometers



2 4 O , O O Ok m ( 1 4 9 , 0 O O m i )


DIONE - Circular impact craters up to

about 100 kilometers (60 miles) diameter E
and bright wispy markings delineate the
surface of Dione (top). The wispy structures
may be surface frost deposits, possibly due oi
to internal geologic activity. The trailing
face of Dione (mosaic at rightl also shows
many impact craters - the record of the N
collision of cosmic debris. The largest crater
is less than 100 kilometers (60 milesl in
diameter and shows a well-developed peak.
Bright rays represent material ejected from
other impact craters,while sinuous valleys
probably formed by crustal fractures break
the moon's icy crust.



TITAN HAZE - A thick atmospherichaze
above the cloud level shrouds Titan,
Saturn's largest satellite. A dark polar hood,
and a darker northern hemisphere are seen
in this inbound view. The divisions in the
o haze occur at altitudes ol 2OO,375 and 500
o kilometers n24. 233 and 31O miles) above
the limb of the moon.
.;. * 1d3
.?.:1 a.i






R H E A - C r a t e r s s t a n d s h o u l d e r - t o - s h o u l d e ro n t h e s u r f a c e o f S a t u r n ' s s a t e l l i t e R h e a , s e e n i n t h i s m o s a i c o f t h e
h i g h e s t - r e s o l u t i o np i c t u r e s o f t h e n o r t h p o l a r r e g i o n o f t h e m o o n . R h e a i s 2 , 4 0 0 k i l o m e t e r s ( 1 , 4 9 0 m i l e s ) i n d i a m e t e r
a n d i s t h e m o s t h e a v i l y c r a t e r e d o f t h e m o o n s o f S a t u r n . T h e l a r g e s tc r a t e r , m a d e b y t h e i m p a c t o f c o s m i c d e b r i s , i s
a b o u t 3 0 0 k i l o m e t e r s { 1 8 5 m i l e s ) i n d i a m e t e r . M a n y c r a t e r sh a v e c e n t r a l p e a k sf o r m e d b y t h e r e b o u n d o f t h e f l o o r a f t e r
t h e e x p l o s i v ef o r m a t i o n o f t h e c r a t e r . M u l t i p l e r i d g e s a n d g r o o v e sv i s i b l e n e a r t h e s h a d o w e d g e r e s e m b l et h o s e s e e no n
Earth'sMoon and lt4ercury.


PABTING SHOT - Looking strangely
serene, the crescent of Saturn. the planet's
rings and their shadows are seen in this
(' image as Voyager 1 began to leave th€
Saturn system. The bright limb of Saturn is
clearly visible through the A, B, and C rings,
while the dark band cutting through the
o crescent is the shadow of the rings, The cres-
G cent appears artificially brighter since this
image was overexposed to bring out detail in
the rings.

SATURN SYSTEM - This montage of

images was prepared from an assemblageof
images taken by Voyager 1 during its Saturn
encounter in November 1980, This artist's
view shows Dione in the forefront, Saturn
rising behind, Enceladus and Rhea off Sat-
urn's rings to the lower right, Tethys and o

Mimas fading in the distance to the upper

left, and Titan in its distant orbit at the top.

Voyager1: SaturnPlus 9 Days

Voyager2: SaturnMinus 277 Days
N a t i o n a lA e r o n a u t i c sa n d
Space Administration
Jet Propulsion Laboratory Recorded Mission Status (213) 354-7237
C a l i f o r n i al n s t i t u t eo f T e c h n o l o g y Status Bulletin Editor (213) 354-4438
P a s a d e n a ,C a l i { o r n i a P u b l i c I n f o r m a t i o n O f f i c e ( 2 1 3 ) 3 5 4 - 5 0 11
O U T B O U N D - V o y a g e r 1 g a v eu s t h i s v i e w
\d of Saturn's rings from above, eight hours
a f t e r i t s c l o s e s ta p p r o a c h t o t h e p l a n e t . T h e
E unique lighting highlights the many hun-
d r e d s o f b r i g h t a n d d a r k r i n g l e t sc o m p r i s i n g
o- the ring system. The C-ring (dark gray area)
o seems to blend into the brighter B-ring as
r the concentric features radiate out from the
p l a n e t , T h e d a r k s p o k e - l i k ef e a t u r e s s e e n i n
@ i m a g e st a k e n d u r i n g t h e a p p r o a c ht o S a t u r n
n o w a p p e a r a s b r i g h t s t r e a k s ,i n d i c a t i n g t h a t
they possess a strong forward-scattering
property, and may be smaller particles
preferentially separated from larger parti-
o cles. perhaps by static electricity along the
magnetic field lines passing through the

o o

o o
o- N

o_ E
o o-



FAR FROM EMPTY - Once believed devoid of material, the
Cassini Division may be filled with over 2O ringlets of its own. o
Discovered by Cassini in 1675, the Division is a 3soo-kilometer
(22oo-milel stretch between the classical A- and B-rings (the region
between the two dark ringletsl. A number of individual features BRAIDED F-RING - Two narrow, braided, bright rings that trace
(from its outer boundary to the inner boundary) are visible here: a distinct orbits, as well as a broader, very diffuse component about
medium dark ringlet, 800 kilometers (50O milesl wide; four brighter 35 kilometers (20 milesl in width can be seen in the F-ring. Also
ringlets, approximately 50O kilometers {3OO miles} wide and sepa- soen are "knots," which probably are local clumps of ring material,
rated by dark divisions; and a new. barely visible, narrow (about 1OO but may be mini-moons. The photo was taken from the unillumi-
k i l o m e t e r so r 5 O m i l e s ) ,b r i g h t r i n g l e t a t t h e i n n e r b o u n d a r y . nated face of the rings.


RHEA - One of the highest-resolution color images of Rhea shows of Rhea's surface are deficient in the very large {100 kilometers or
one of the satellite's most heavily cratered areas, indicating an 62 miles or largerl craters, indicating a change in the nature of the
ancient surface dating back to the poriod immediately following the impacting bodies and an early period of surface activity. White areas
formation of the planets 4.5 billion years ago. The photograph on the edges of several of the craters are probably fresh ice exposed
shows surface features about 2.5 kilometers (1.5 miles) in diameter, on steep slopes or possibly deposited by volatiles leaking from
similar to a view of Earth's Moon through a telescope. Other areas fractured regions.




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2.30 R 4.91 R
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MUTED FEATURES - Low-level contrast between features in IAPETUS - A large circular feature about 2OO kilometers (12O
Saturn's cloud deck is shown in this composite photograph. The miles) across with a dark spot in its center is visible in this photo-
brown spot in the northern hemisphere {center, left) and the bright graph of Saturn's satellite lapetus. The satellite's leading hemisphere
oval below it have been observed by Voyager for several weeks. i s t o t h e l e f t , a n d t h e t r a i l i n g h e m i s p h e r e .w h i c h i s a b o u t f o u r t o f i v e
Wind speeds in this latitudinal area are as high as 60 meters per times brighter, is to the right. The large circular feature is most
second (90 miles per hour), so distances between these features probably a large impact structure outlined by dark material, possibly
increase rapidly. A deep atmospheric haze mutes ail features. The thrown out by the impact.
banded belt/zone structure extends to higher latitudes than at
J u p i t e r . T a k e n n e a r r i n g p l a n e c r o s s i n g ,t h e e d g e - o nv i e w o f t h e r i n g s
seems to blend into the ring shadows cast on the planet's face.



SOUTH POLE - Numerous small cloud featuresare shown in this eddies. After crossing Saturn's ring plane during its Titan flyby.
w i d e - a n g l ei m a g e o f S a t u r n ' s s o u t h p o l a r r e g i o n a n d m i d - s o u t h e r n Voyager 1 proceeded south toward a closest Saturn approach over
l a t i t u d e s . A t t h e s e p o l a r l a t i t u d € s t h e l a r g e - s c a l el i g h t a n d d a r k t h e s o u t h e r n h e m i s p h e r e ,5 - 1 / 2 h o u r s a f t e r t a k i n g t h i s p h o t o g r a p h .
b a n d s b r e a k d o w n i n t o s m a l l - s c a l ef e a t u r e s ,s e e n h e r e a s w a v e s a n d T h e c l o s e s ta p p r o a c h p o i n t w a s o n t h e u n l i t s i d e .

o POST-ENCOUNTER - Looking back,

Voyager 1 observed Saturn and its rings
a from this unique perspective four days after
flying past the planet. A few of the spoke-
like ring features discovered by Voyager
appear in the rings as bright patches in this
o image. At left, Saturn's shadow falls upon
th€ rings, and tho bright Saturn crescent is
seen through all bdt the densest portion of
the rings. The ring shadows aro seen near the
planet's equator. From Saturn, Voyager 1 is
on a traiectory taking the spacecraft out of
the ecliptic plane, away from the Sun and
evbntually out of the solar system (by about
o 19901, Voyager 1's flight path through
o intergalactic space is in the direction of the
constellation Ophiuchus.

Update Wide-angle imaging frames taken on November

16 - 18 as Voyager 1 soaredup and away from Saturnhave
Voyager 1 is continuing its post-encounterobserva- been assembledinto a post-encountertime-lapsemovie of
tions of the Saturn system.The spacecraftis now abott 29 the planet and rings rotation. Voyager 1 put about 2.0
million kilometers (18 million miles) beyond the planet, million miles between itself and the planet while taking
travelling with a heliocentric velocity of about 21.6 kilo- these pictures. The B-ring spokes,which appearedas dark
meters per second (more than 48,000 miles per hour). streaksin inbound photographs,appearbright in outbound
Radio signalsfrom the ship reach earth 83 minutes after photographs,indicating that they scatterlight stronglyin a
transmission,travelling about 1.5 billion kilometers (930 forward direction. Infrared observationsoccurredsimulta-
million miles)to get here. neouslywith theseimagingsequences.
Yoyager 2, eight and one-halfmonths from its closest Through mid-December,the spacecraftwill conrinue
approachto Saturn in August 1981, is in good health and a daily cycle of Saturn imaging,ultraviolet observationsof
operating well. It is about 248 million kilometers (L54 the Saturn system,infrared compositionmeasurements of
million miles) from the planet,travellingwith a heliocentric the planet, celestialmechanicsmeasurements,and plasma
velocity of about 16.6 kilometersper second(37,000miles wave/planetaryradio astronomydata.
per hour). Radio signalsbetweenearth and Yoyager2 tavel
about 69 minuteseachway, Voyager2's distanceto earth is
over 1.2 billion kilometers(77Omillion miles).

Post-EncounterActivities Magnetosphere

Voyager 1's post-Saturnencounter observationswill Of the six planetsin the solarsystemwhich havebeen
continue through December15, 1980. Aside from calibra- studied so far at closerange,five - Mercury, Earth, Mars,
tions, no further imaging observationsare planned after Jupiter, and Saturn- have intrinsic magneticfields. These
December 19, but the fields and particles sensinginstru- fields are generatedby currents which flow in the interiors
ments will continue to be operatedand to samplethe inter- of the planets, and are mainly dipolar; i.e., current along
planetarymedium. the magneticfield linesflows from pole to pole.

N a t i o n a lA e r o n a u l i c sa n d
Space Administration
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
RecordedMissionStatus(213) 354-7237
C a l i f o r n i aI n s t i t u t eo f T e c h n o l o g y S t a t u sB u l l e t i nE d i t o r( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8
P a s a d e n a ,C a l i l o r n i a P u b l i cl n f o r m a t i o nO f f i c e( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 5 0 1 1
The magnetic field influences not only the planet, but
a considerable area,of space around the planet, as well. This
area is called the magnetosphere. Satum's magnetosphere
extends outward from the planet nearly one million
miles - making it about five times larger than Earth's mag-
netosphere but only one-third as large as Jupiter's. The
rings, Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, and Rhea are
totally within the magnetosphere at all times, as are the
small, newly-discovered satellites.
Although Saturn's largest satellite, Titan, is usually
inside the magnetosphere, it is sometimes outside in the
solar wind, due to fluctuations of the magnetospheric
boundary. The size of the magnetosphere is influenced by
increases or decreases in the intensity of the flow of
charged particles streaming from the sun (the solar wind).
Solar flares, for example, increase the solar wind intensity; x : TITAN
but the effect may take several weeks to reach the outer
At the time of Voyager 1's passage,Titan was inside
Saturn's magnetosphere. The data are being studied to
determine how the magnetosphere interacts with Titan and
its thick nitrogen-rich atmosphere.
As is the case at Jupiter, charged parricles in Sarurn's
magnetosphere are dragged along by the magnetic field and
rotate with the planet ar rhe planet's rotation rate - about EbiAf, fi in6'i,, :,r:rf
1O hours 4O minutes. At Titan, about 1.2 million kilo- Ejixt.,r,liiJt
rr-:i WAK
meters from the planet's center, these particles speed past
at almost 200 kilomerers per second (+47,OOOmiles per X: CLOSEST APPROACH
A T 1 1 : 0 6( P S TE R T I
hour)! For comparison, particles in Jupiter's magnetic field
are travelling ^bout 77 kilometers per second (I72,OOO soo : EARTH
miles per hour) at Io's orbital distance. OCCULTATION
The flow of the co-rotating magnetosphere around
Titan leaves a "wake" much like that left by a motorboat. ;ii-'J''
Inside this wake region, the ions and electrons are colder,
slower, and of higher density than the surrounding mag-
netospheric particles. Currents in this wake form a magneric
tail which extends in front of Titan as its orbits. The mag- spent only a few days in Saturn's magnetotail, compared to
netosphere rotates faster than Titan does. several weeks in Jupiter's. The first outbound magneto-
The source of particles in Saturn's magnetosphere is pause crossing occurred November 14 about 2.580 million
still under investigation. The low-energy charged particles kilometers past the planet. By November 16 at 4.680 mil-
(LECP) instrument's detection of fast-moving (7000 miles lion kilometers, Voyager 1 passed out of Saturn's magnetic
per second) molecular hydrogen in Saturn's magnetosphere domain and back into the solar wind for good.
suggests that Titan's atmosphere may be an important Satellites such as Titan and Jupiter's Io have been
source. The LECP also found that the energies of fast ions called naturally-occurring power stations. As Titan moves
in Saturn's magnetosphere are typically ten times less than through Saturn's co-rotating magnetic field, its ionosphere
those in Jupiter's. acts as an armature to Produce voltage and power. Voyager
1 measured these to be about 6000 volts and 2O megawatts,
Voyager 1 met Saturn's bowshock wave on November respectively. The magnetic field at th€ inner regions of
11., about 1.572 million kilometers from the planet's cen- Titan's wake is weaker than outside the wake. Titan prob-
ter. The bowshock is the outer boundary of a planet's mag- ably has no intrinsic magnetic field, indicating that it does
netic influence where particles streaming from the sun at not possessa liquid, conducting core. lf Titan does possess
supersonic speeds drop to subsonic speeds as they meet a magnetic field, it can be no stronger than one-tenth of
particles more influenced by a planet's magnetic field. The one percent of Earth's magnetic field, or about 30 nano-
actual boundary of the co-rotating magnetosphere is called Teslas, as measured by Voyager's magnetometers.
the magnetopause, and the area between the bowshock and Surrounding Titan and its orbit and extending nearly
magnetopause is the magnetosheath. After crossing the a million kilometers inward toward the planet to the orbit
bowshock, Voyager 1 travelled through the magnetosheath of Rhea, the ultraviolet spectrometer detected an enor-
and crossed the magnetopause five times in about an hour mous, flattened cloud of uncharged hydrogen atoms form-
as this boundary also ebbed and flowed. The first mag- ing a doughnutlike torus around the planet. These atoms
netopause crossing was a little more than two hours after do not rotate with the magnetosphere. The mass of the
th_e bowshock crossing. The final inbound crossing of the torus is estimated to be 25,000 tons and the density about
magnetopause was about 1.374 million kilometers from 10 atoms per cubic centimeter.
Saturn's center. At the planet, the rings appear to be an effective
As the solar wind streams around the planet and its shield or absorber of charged particles, but in the process
magnetosphere, the magnetosphere stretches out into a are affected themselves. The magnetic effects on the rings
tail - a magnetotail behind the planet streaming away are evidenced by the B-ring spokes and lightning-like electri-
from the sun. Because of its curved flight path, Voyager 1 cal dischargesin the rings.

The dust has settled. All the visiting scientistshave

gathered their reams of computer printouts and reels of
magnetic tapes and gone home to sift through them. The The Planet
hordes of presspeople and guestshave left. Initial findings
have been reported. Planningfor Voyager 2's Saturn event The body of Saturn has a strange,delicatebeauty all
next August is moving forward, with many changesin the its own. After seeing the wild, colorful turbulence of
nuts and bolts details causedby Voyager l's insightsinto Jupiter, many looked forward to seeingmore of the same
this fascinatingrealm. on Saturn.But Saturn'smarkingsare muted by a thick haze
layer abovethe cloud tops, perhapsthree times thicker than
What have we learned?That there is still much more a similar haze on Jupiter. And Saturn is colder - perhaps
to learn. That Saturn is not just a colderversionof Jupiter, 25 to 3O K colder at the cloudtopsthan Jupiter. One might
nor are its satellitesjust miniature Galileans.Its magnetic expect it to be even colder since it is nearly twice as far
field is pretty weird. And its rings . . . well, that's a pretty from the sun as Jupiter. But Saturnprobably hassomesort
long story by itself. of heat-producingmechanismdeep in its interior. Saturn
also rotates very fast (once each 10 hours 40 minutes) for
Voyager t has completed its planetary exploration. its size (75,000 miles in diameter).Near Saturn'sequator,
No other planets lie in its path, nor can its course be the wind speedsare four times as great as on Jupiter, and
redirected now to any other planet. It is exiting the solar cloud featurestend to be short{ived in this gusty environ-
system,climbing up out of the ecliptic bound towards the ment. These equatorial winds blow more than 1600 kilo-
constellationOphiuchus,which it may chasefor aeonsand meters(1000 miles)per hour.
Below this blanket of haze,Saturn'satmosphere,like
But this remarkablespacecraftis not beingshut down Jupiter's, forms relatively long{ived alternating dark belts
or turned off. There are those who are interestedin what and light zones,circulatingstorm regions,and other unique
lies beyond the planets,and betweenthem. Voyager 1 will dark and light cloud markings.The light and dark bandson
continue to test the interplanetarywaters,telling us about both planetsare not static, but vary over periodsof one to
the solar wind that blows over and around all the
planets- our inhabited earth as well as the cold, silent J U P I T E (Rr 2 5 K ) SATURN(97 K)
worlds that shareour sun. Some day, Voyager 1 and other
interplanetary spacecraft will reach the heliopause- the
outer edgeof the sun's magneticinfluence.In other words,
the edgeof the solar system.We don't know wherethis is,
or when we will reachit. Like a planet'smagnetosphere, the
heliosphereprobably increasesand decreases in sizeaccord-
ing to the sun's activity. That's why the Deep SpaceNet- r60
work is tracking these spacecraft,each headedin slightly o
different directions,to get evena rough idea of how big this =

invisibleportion of our solarsystemreally is. The best guess a 80

right now is that Voyager 1 will crossthe heliopausearound
L99O,at forty times earth's distancefrom the sun. Right 40
now it is slightly more than ten times earth'sdistancefrom
the sun. 50 t00 t50 200 250 300
This is the last scheduledVoyager bulletin before
At Saturn, clouds form lower in the atmosphere tban at Jupiter.
Yoyager 2 beginsits Saturn observationsin June. A shon
Satunt also bas a thicker baze layer. Upuelling culaents dioerge at
summary of Voyager 1's findings on Saturn, the rings,and higber altitudes aboae tbe cloud decks. Also, tbe atmospheric tem-
the satellitesis givenbelow. peratures rise more sbarply at Jupiter, as shou;n in the curues.

N a t i o n a lA e r o n a u t i c sa n d
Space Administration
Jet Propulsion Laboratory RecordedMissionStatus(2'13) 354-7237
C a l i l o r n i aI n s t i t u t eo l T e c h n o l o g y S t a t u sB u l l e t i nE d i t o r( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8
P a s a d e n a ,C a l i f o r n i a O f f i c e( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 5 0 1 1
P u b l i cI n f o r m a t i o n
ten years. Saturn's bands seem to be about twice as wide as Analysis of the spacecraft's radio signals as they
Jupiter's, and extend into the polar regions. While Jovian passed through ring material on the way to earth (a ring
winds appear to be closely linked to the belt-zone srrucrure, occultation experiment) shows that the particles, mostly ice
this does not appear to be true at Saturn. Oval spots have or frosted rock, may range in size anywhere from dust to
been identified in Saturn's atmosphere and will be tracked boulders. The C-ring has chunks that average about two
by Voyager 2 to learrrmore about the planet's atmospheric meters across, while the E-ring has mostly very fine
circulation patterns. particles. There certainly is a lot of bumping and grinding
Auroras seen near Saturn's poles are comparable in going on between ring particles as they orbit. The optical
intensity to earth's polar auroras (the "northern and densities of the rings, as indicated by the amount of light
southern lights"). Saturn's auroras are probably caused by they allow to pass through, also vary, with the optical
molecular hydrogen high in the atmosphere. The ultraviolet thickness of the B-ring being the greatest.
spectrometer also detected auroral-type emissions near the Voyager 1 also provided clues to the puzzle of the
illuminated limbs of the planet, and Voyager 2 will con- rings' stability - why have they existed for so long? Why
tinue to study these phenomena. do the particles continue to orbit the planet rather than
Radio signals rypical of lightning dischargeshave been drifting off into space?A theory that large chunks, or small
detected, but lightning has not been photographed on satellites, rotating within the rings may control their orbits
Saturn since the rings reflect so much light onto the dark gained stature when several small satellites were discovered
side of the planet that it is too bright to see the lightning. near the outer edge of the A-ring and on either side of the
The lightning-like discharges are believed to originate in the F-ring. Satellites 13 and 14 flank the F-ring, herding it
rings rather than in the atmosphere. much like sheepdogs moving an unruly flock down a
country lane. Satellite 15 is thought to control the outer
edge of the A-ring.
The rings probably do not possess a dense atmo-
VISIBLE sphere, but they almost certainly have electric fields, dielec-
MARKINGS tric particles, and collisions between particles - all part of
( )' (sAruRN)
m the essential conditions for earth-like lightning.
Saturn's magnetic field appears to interact with the
*--..__ B-ring particles to cause the spoke{ike phenomena seen in
w many pictures. Electrostatic charging may temporarily levi-
tate very firre particles above the ring surface. These fine
0 particles scarter light differently than the larger particles in
the denser body of the ring, and thus appear dark from
w some viewing angles and bright from others.

al' r{{pi
. . . S A T U R N( V O Y A G E R )
-40 The Satellites
As Titan loomed larger and larger on November 10
,100 0 100 200 300 400 500 and 11, it still looked like a,fuzzy yellow tennis ball, and
EASTWARD spectators thought at last they were going to find some
boring satellites. Not so. Saturn's satellites present a new
Wind speed.sat Satum rdnge up to 1600 kilometers per bour, four to
class of icy, intermediate-sized objects unlike any planetary
fizse times faster tban any uinds at Jupiter. Tbi.splot compares zanal
wind oelocities on the tuo olanets. moons thus far explored, and unlike the asteroids as well.
These satellites are generally divided into three discussion
areas: the new small moons, giant Titan, and the inter-
mediate-sized objects.
The Rings To date, Voyager L has confirmed six new satellites at
Saturn. This includes confirmation of one satellite spotted
The revelation of hundreds of rings encircling Saturn three times by Pioneer 11 in September 1979. All of these
blew the cork off any theories of a few, well-behaved classi- satellites were photographed, but only two, satellites 10
cally-observed rings. Even more shattering was the dis- and 11, from close enough to determine their shapes. Both
covery that some of these ringlets are elliptical. One is even of these are irregularly-shaped with their long axes pointed
braided. Said one scientist, "The rings are doing exactly toward Saturn, and are apparently composed of water ice.
what the laws of physics tell them to do - we are just not They share an orbit about 91,000 kilometers (57,000 miles)
understanding those laws! " above Saturn's cloud tops and thus are referred to as the
Labelling the ring structure is going to be a monu- "co-orbitals".
mental task. The nomenclature presently in use labels them Little is known about satellites 12 through 15 other
as (moving outward from the planet) D, C, B, A, F, and E, than their orbits. Satellite 12 occupies the orbit of Dione,
named in order of their discovery. Besides the obvious slowly oscillating about a point 60' ahead of Dione. Satel-
gaggle of rings in the A, B, and C rings, Yoyager 1 con- lites 13, 14, and 15 orbit just outside the F-ring, just inside
firmed the existence of the D-ring closest to the cloudtops, the F-ring, and just outside the A-ring, respectively.
and found two more rings which lie between the F and E Rivers of methane may cut through glaciers of
rings. The F-ring was also found to be comprised of three methane under a nitrogen sky on Titan. Voyager data con-
interwoven ringlets. Not even the empty spaces are really firm that the main constituent of Titan's atmosphere is
empty, it seems. At least twenty ringlets fill rhis 3500- nitrogen rather than methane as previously thought, and
kilometer wide space between the A and B-rings. The A- this means that Titan is the only other place besides earth
ring's Encke Division may truly be empty, however. known to have a nitrogen-based atmosphere.
Near the surface, Titan's atmospheric temperature type of tidal stresses suffered by Io in the tug-of-war
and pressure are near the triple point of methane, which between Jupiter and Europa. There is also speculadon that
means that it can probably exist as a solid, liquid, and a gas. Enceladus may be a source of E-ring particles since the
(The triple point for water, for example, is 32"F and 6 maximum intensity of the E-ring occurs near the orbit of
millibars pressure, at which point it can be liquid water, ice, Enceladus, about 24O,l9O kilometers from Saturn. Its
or water vapor.) Methane probably plays the same role on diameter is about 490 kilometers (300 miles).
Titan that water plays on earth as rain, snow, ice, and gas. A wide (60-kilometer or 4O-mile) valley stretches 750
The clouds may drop liquid methane rain on the surface. kilometers (470 miles) across the surface of Tethys (t€
Yoyager 1 measured Titan's surface temperature at this). The trench may be a crustal fracture caused by a blow
abottt 92 Kelvin (about -293"F). The minimum armo- which formed an 180-kilometer (11.o-mile)impact crater on
spheric temperature of about 7o Kelvin (- 3 33"F) is reached the other side of the satellite. Tethys may be pure ice.
at the 100 millibar pressure level, about 50 to 70 kilometers Slightly larger than the largest asteroids, it has a diameter of
above Titan's surface. The atmospheric pressure at the sur- about 1050 kilometers (650 miles) and orbits about
face is fifty percent greater than at earth, and the atmo- 296,560 kilometers from Saturn's center.
sphere is five times as deep as earth's. Several sinuous valleys, some of which appear to
branch, are visible on Dione's surface. Bright wispy streaks
The spacecraft's radio signals reached the surface of
stand out against an already highly-reflective surface, and
Titan - something the cameras could not do because of the
thick atmosphere. Titan appears to have a dark north polar are probably the result of relatively fresh ice ejecta thrown
hood and a three-tiered hazelayer above the atmosphere. out of m-ore recent (geologically-speaking) impact craters.
Dione (di o ne) is slightly more dense than the other five
Once thought to be the largest satellire in the solar
inner moons, breaking a pattern of progressively less dense
system, Titan has been dethroned. Its diameter has been
satellites moving out from the planet. Dione may be 30 to
measured to be about 5120 kilometers (3200 miles). The
70 percent rock. Its diameter is about 1110 kilometers (690
new king is Jupiter's Ganymede, 5276 kilometers (3278
miles) and its orbital distance is 379,O70 kilometers.
miles) in diameter. Both satellites are larqer than the planet
One of the mysteries remaining is why Titan is the
only satellite with a substantial atmosphere, while Gany-
mede, slightly larger, has at best a very tenuous atmosphere.
Titan exerts considerable gravitational forces on other
bodies, and may be a factor in tidal heating of Enceladus.
Titan's interaction with Saturn's magnetosphere is of keen
interest, for as the magnerosphere ebbs and flows with the
varying pressure of the solar wind, the magnetopause (rhe E
outer edge) sometimes sweeps across Titan, leaving Titan
temporarily completely outside the magnetic influence of
Saturn. When Titan is within rhe magnetopause, the mag-
netosphere also leaves a wake as it flows past the satellite.
The inner moons - Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione,
and Rhea - seem to be composed mainly of water ice.
Work is continuing to unravel the chemical composition of
these bodies, which may also contain ammonia compounds.
The thermal histories of small satellites - their heating or
voyager I lL/6/80
cooling - depends on their composition because of the dif-
ferent melting temperatures of various ices. Rhea's (ri a) surface is also highly reflective and
shows bright wispy breaks which may be fresh ice thrown
_ About 188,220 kilometers from Saturn*, Mimas
(mi-mus) is about 390 kilometers (24O miles) in diam- out of impact craters during a later bombardment period.
eter - about half the size of the largest asteroids. At some Its diameter is 1520 kilometers (940 miles), and its orbital
point in its history, Mimas was rocked by an impact which radius 527,830 kilometers.
left a gaping center nearly one-fourth the diameter of the Hyperion (hi pdr e an) is apparently non-icy and hrs a
satellite itself. Such a blow must have nearly shattered the gravitational relationship with Titan. Its diameter is about
satellite. The crater walls are about 9 kilometers (5.6 miles) 310 kilometers (190 miles) and its orbital radius is 1.5
high, with a central peak 4 to 5 kilometers (2.5-3 miles) million kilometers.
tall. Voyager 1 photographed parts of Mimas with a resolu- Iapetus (i ap i tas), about 145O kilometers (900 miles)
tion of 2 kilometers. in diameter, orbits about 3.56 million kilometers from
Saturn and has light and dark hemispheres. The leading face
Of the five inner moons, only Enceladus (en sel a dus) (that which faces forward as Iaperus orbits Saturn) reflects
shows no evidence of any impact craters (at a scale of 12 only about one-fifth as much light as the bright trailing
kilometers or 7 miles). Voyager 2 will get a much closer side. Its orbit is inclined significantly ro rhe plane in which
look at Enceladus in August. Since Enceladus is locked in a the rings and other inner satellites orbit.
2:1 orbital resonance with Dione (one orbit for every two Tiny Phoebe (fe be), in a retrograde (clockwise as
by Dione), there'is speculation that this causes the same seen from above) orbit highly inclined to the ring plane,
will have to wait to be photographed unril Voyager 2
arrives at Saturn next summer. Daily observations will begin
otherwise stated. the orbital distances are from the in June, with closest approach ro Sarurn on August 25,
center of Saturn. 1981 at 8:24 pm PDT (spacecraftevent time).
+ 50.
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t aorurtI -2s" 7'
S A G I T T A R I U St )
S O tJ T H
l. l'./-SCORPIUS

oh 18h 12h

Voyager 1, badng completed its tours of the Jupiter and Saturn systems, is heading out of tbe solar system touard the
constellation Ophiuchus. As tbe years pass, a stdrgazer might imagine seeing it at the abooe points. Ophiucbus is moaing
auay faster than Voyager 1 is approacbing.

Update Characteristics
SaturnSatellites Summary
Radius (km) Oensity Albedo
NASA Headquarters has officially approved the
Voyager Project's recommendation for Voyager 2's contin- Leading -80 -0.4
uation on to Uranus.
Tre il inn
-40-45 -o.4
: :: ?

Space Achievement Award Mimas 1 9 5I 5 1 . 2 1i 0 . 1 0 0 . 61 0 . 1

Enceladus 245! 15 1. 1 2! O . 5 2 1. 0 ! 0 . 1
On November 10, in ceremonies at the Caltech
campus, the Voyager Program Team received the American Tethys 5 2 5! l 0 1 . 0 31 0 . 0 6 0.8r 0.'l
Astronautical Society's Space Achievement Award "for Dione 5 5 5r 1 0 1. 4 3 1 0 . 0 9 0.6t 0.1
outstanding performance in tbe successful Voyager Program
Rhea 7 6 0j l 0 1. 3 3r 0 . 1 0 0 . 7t 0 . 1
and in recognition of tbeir major con*ibution to tbe
adoancernent of mankind's understanding of tbe Solar Titan 2 5 6 0! 3 0 1 . 9 41 0 . 0 2
System." Hyperion 1 5 5I 2 0 ? 0 . 3I 0 . 1

fapetus 725t20 1.24!O.48 1 0 . 51 0 . 1

( b r i g h ts i d e )
Plasma Instrument lll
Not circular
Voyager 1's plasma instrument stopped transmitting
useable science data on November 23, 1980, and has
returned no useful science data since then. The instrument APEX
remains on, however, while engineers and scientists con- \
tinue to look for ways to correct the problem or work
Soon after the problem was detected, several calibra- ---$o
tions were made. Data from these tests appeared normal
except for the high-voltage calibrations of the modulator, HELIOPAUSE MARS

that part of the instrument that electrically switches JUPITER

between active and reference sensors. There may be some VOYAGEB SATURN
similarity between this problem and one that existed
between February and May 1978, which was corrected. NEPTUNE
The problem occurred after the instrument had com-
pleted all of its measurements of the Saturn system, and PLUTO
after a spacecraft maneuver in which the sun illuminated 810
portions of the instrument for about 19 hours. P I O N E E R1 1
The plasma experiment measures the velocity,
density, and temperature of interplanetary plasma for a
wide range of flow directions in both the solar wind and
magnetospheres. Plasma refers to the clouds of low density,
high-speed, ionized gases which originate from the sun and
other stars. The plasma experiment is one of several aboard Altbougb tbeir planetary explorations are oaer, spacecraft sucb as
the spacecraft which will continue to sample the solar wind Pioneers 1O and 11 and the Voyagers uill be tracked for many years
as Voyager t heads out of the solar system. as tbey bead for the outer reaches of the solar system.

Voyager 2 captured. tbis image of Saturn on June 14, 1951, from a distance of 69 million kilometers (41 million mites).
Banding can clearly be seen in the nortbern hemisphere. Starting at the ring tips, tbe following features can be seen, outer
A-Ring; dark, narrou Encke Dioision; inner A-Ring; wider, dark CassiniDiaision; wide B-Ring; and tbe C-Ring. Tbe sbadou
of tbe planet cuts off the rings'image bebind the planet, ubile tbe rings'shadows fall across tbe equatorial zone, and blend
uitb tbe C-Ring in this uietts.

N a t i o n a lA e r o n a u t i c sa n d
Space Administration
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
R e c o r d e dM i s s i o nS t a t u s( 2 1 3 )354-7237
C a l i f o r n i aI n s t i t u t eo f T e c h n o l o g y S t a t u sB u l l e t i nE d i t o r( 2 1 3 )354-4438
P a s a d e n a .C a l i f o r n i a O f f i c e( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 5 01
P u b l i cI n f o r m a t i o n
7 2 1 , 7 5k0m
t t9t19


H al2Ol17

R ( O U T B O U ND E S C E N D I N G }
8125181. 1O:45 PM
1 6 1 . 0 @k m URANUS
8 / 2 5 1 8 1 ,9 : 5 1 P M
s -16HOURS


TCM8 S + 2 8H O U R S
, I . T I M E SA R E E A R T H - R E C E I POTF S I G N A L ,
3 . D I S T A N C EA
4 . O N E W A Y L I G H TT I M E . 1 H F 2 6 M I N 3 5 S E C

Voyager 2's Saturn Observations A trajectory correctionmaneuverto adjustthe flight

path will be performedon July 19. Numerousother calibra-
The Saturnencounteractivitieshavebeendivided tions will alsobe done during the Observatoryphase.
into five phas€s,chosenbasedon the field-of-viewof the
narrow-anglecamerain relation to the distanceto the
planet. The five phasesare Observatory,Far Encounter1, By July 31,26 daysbefore closestapproach,the
Far Encounter2, Near Encounterand Post Encounter. narrow-anglecamera'sfield-of-viewwill no longerreliably
capturethe entire planet in one frame. Two-by-two mosaics
(four pictureswill be neededto photographthe entire
Observatorybeganon June 5, about 82 daysbefore planet) will signalthe start of the next phase,Fax Encounter
closestapproach,and will run eight weeks. During this 1. Voyager2 will then be 24.7 million kilometers(15.3
period, a short-termhistory of the Saturnsystemwill be million miles)from Saturn. The repetitiveobservationsof
compiled. The phasebeganwith 43 hours of nearly- the Observatoryphasewill continue with modificationsin
continuousphotographyof four Saturnrotations. The pointing anglesand frequency. The satellitelapetuswill be
imagesare being assembled into a "rotation movie", to be studiedby both the camerasand the photopolarimeter. The
usedto study changesin the atmosphereand ringsover a uluaviolet specrometerwill scanthe Saturnsystemverti-
period of time. cally aswell ashorizontally from one sideof Titan's orbit to
the other.

Throughout this phase,the narrow-anglecamerawill

take picturesof Saturn every72- longitudeof the planet's
rotation. Thesepicturesmay be assembled into an inbound Twelve days later, the Far Encounter 2 phasewill
"zoam" movie. The ultraviolet spectrometerwill scan begin when two-by-two mosaicsno longer suffice to cover
acrossthe Saturnsystem,out to 25 Saturnradii on either the entire planet. Voyager2 will be 14.4 million kilometers
(8.9 million miles)from Saturnwhen Far Encounter2
sideof the planet. The instrumentwill map the intensity of
emissionsfrom Titan's orbit, and try to identify chemical beginson August 11.. A trajectory correctionmaneuveris
speciesand densities. scheduledfor August 18. All instrumentswill be gathering
data on the planet,most of the satellites,and the near-
Saturnplasma. The narrow-anglecamerawill focus on the
Radio emissionsfrom the planet will be sampleddaily B-Ringfor three rotations about 12 daysbefore closest
by tle planetaryradio astronomyexperiment,while the approachto the planet,to producea movie of the dynamics
plasmawave instrument will searchfor plasmavariations in the B-Ringand its peculiar"spokes". Closestapproaches
severaltimes during the phase. Usingthe spacecraft'sradio, to lapetus,Hyperion, and Titan, as well as the magnetopause
experimenterswill take measurements for studiesof celes- ciossing,occur late in the Far Encounter2 phase- aslate as
tial mechanicsand gravitationalredshift. 18 hours before closestapproachto Saturn.
The 43-ll?-hour Near Encounter phase begins on radio; and better characterization of the auroras, which are
August 25, 16 hours before closest approach to the planet, seen in the ultraviolet.
and runs through August 27 , 28 hows after closest
approach. Closest passesto Dione, Mimas, Saturn, Voyager 2 will obtain closer flybys of Iapetus,
Enceladus, Tethys, and Rhea, as well as to eight recently Hyperion, Enceladus,Tethys, and Phoebe. Enceladusis
discovered unnamed moonlets of Saturn, will occur in this especially interesting since Voyager 1 photos showed little
time span. To preserve a flight path beyond Saturn to evidence of surface features, indicating there may be
Uranus, Voyager 2 will forego a close encounter with Titan. dynamic geological processesoccurring. Yoyager 2 wlll
Yoyager 2 will cross the ring plane only once, dipping below photograph Enceladus and Tethys with high resolution and
it nearly an hour after closest approach to Saturn. This late also take measurements as these satellites eclipse the sun.
ring plane crossing will afford better views of the planet's Voyager 2's photopolarimeter is in good working order, so
northern hemisphere than obtained by Voyager 1, which it will be able to look for aerosols on Titan, something
dipped below the ring plane nearly 18 hours before closest Voyager 1 was unable to do. The "rocks", the tiny satel-
approach and then rose above again about four hours after lites near the planet, will also be studied in greater detail.
Saturn encounter.

Twenty minutes before closest approach to the planer, The "Rocks"

Voyager 2 will be 5 5 ,2OOkilometers ( 34,3 00 miles) above
the edge of the A-Ring - the closest approach to the ring With the earth-based discoveries earlier this year of
plane itself. Voyager 2 will pass about 161,000 kilometers two more small moons of Saturn, the number of Saturnian
(100,000 miles) from the planet's southern hemisphere at
moons has risen to 17. Satellites10 through 1.7are collec-
8:25 p.m. August 25 (Pacific Dayling Time), when the tively (and affectionately) called "the rocks" because of
countdown clocks to Saturn encounter will all turn to their small sizes. (The nomenclature Satellite 10, etc., is
OO:00:00. Signals from the spacecraft will travel t hour used by the Voyager Project pending official confirmation
26 minutes 35 secondsto reach earth. and christening by the International Astronomical Union.)
The satellites currently referred to as 10 and 11 share an
Voyager 2's Saturn observations will continue in the orbit about 14,+AOkilometers (8,900 miles) outside the
Post Encounter phase from August 27 throtgh Septem- outer edge of the A-Ring. Satellite 12 shares an orbit wirh
ber 28. the larger satellite Dione about 242,0O0 kilometers
(151,100 miles) outside the A-Ring. Satellites13 and 14
As the spacecraft leaves Saturn behind, it will fire its shepherd the F-Ring between them, while Satellite 15 orbits
gas thrusters on September 29 to adjust its course for the near the edge of the A-Ring. The two new rocks, Satellites
next planet in its path, ringed Uranus. Voyager 2 will 16 and 17, appear to share an orbit with Tethys, about
cruise for abottt 4-l/2 years, taking measuremenrs in inter- 764,+OOkilometers (102,000 miles) outside the A-Ring.
planetary space before becoming the first spacecraft from One appearsto "lead" Tethys in its orbit, and is about 10 to
earth to explore Uranus, its rings, and its moons Ariel, 20 miles in diameter, while the other satellite is smaller and
Miranda. Oberon. Titania. and Umbriel. trails Tethys. Tethys is the only satellite known that
apparently has both leading and trailing satellites. Voyager
2's cameras will be targetted to each of these satellites,
hoping to learn more about what they are made of, how
Changesin Science Emphasis they were made, and how they got where they are.

As a result of Voyager 1's spectacular findings last VOYAGER2 SAruRNENCOUNIER

fall, mission planners have made many changes to rhe origi- AUG.24-26, l98r
nal tasks to be performed by Voyager 2. Becauseof Voy- (URANUS
ager 1's amazing findings last fall, Voyager 2's emphasis will E A R T HO C C U T T A T I O N
be on the rings. The F-ring will be studied in detail ro learn SUN OCCULTATION
more about its structure, which appeared to be three inter- Z O NE
woven elements in Voyager 1's photos. F-ring dynamics
will also be studied closely. The non-circular, or eccenrric,
rings will also be scrutinized as scientists try to learn the
causesof these peculiarities. The eccentricities may be re-
lated to gravitational resonancesfrom the satellite Mimas,
at some distance from the rings. Voyager 1 recorded 10
Megawatt electrical dischargesin the rings, so Voyager 2's
planetary radio astronomy receivers will be searching for
H Y P E RI O N 4 7 1, 0 0 0
additional evidence of these discharges,which are similar to TITAN 665,000
lightning dischargeshere on earrh. The photopolarimeter DION€ 502,000
will track a star, Delta Scorpii, through the ring material. MIMAS 3 1 1. 0 0 0
2 0 0 . 0 0 0k m
SATURN 161.000
The varying brightness of the star will give an indication of ENCELADUS 87,000
ring density at various points. TETHYS 93,OO0
RHEA 646,000

At the planet,Yoyager 2 is expected to obtain better

temperature measurements at various latitudes; better mea- V I E W N O R M A LT O ISUN
surements of the rings, atmosphere and ionosphere using the SATURN EOUATOR ft
Voyager 1 took these pbotos of Satum's
rings and the Cassini Dirtision last fall, A
portion of tbe upper pboto, indicated by
the outline, is seen at a closer distance
belou. The outline of the United States
gioes an indication of tbe distances inoohted'.
In Earth-bdsed pictures, the Cassini Dittison,
a 3|oo-kilometer region betueen the classi'
cal A- and B-Rings, dppe4rs ernptt/. Vot/ager
1 found it to be full of indioidual ringlets, as
seen here. Some of these rtnglets are as uide
as 8oo kilometers. In this picture, the
Cassini Diokion is tbe region from the ddrk
ored at about tbe Mississippi Rioer on tbe
ooerlaid mdp to the eastern tip of Maine.
Tbe uide bight ing ooerlaid by the western
states is tbe innet edge of the

Voyager 2is 6l daysfrom its closestapproachto Voyager Team GarnersAwards
Saturnon August 25. Travellingwith a velocity of 56,310
kilometers(3+,99Omiles)per hour relativeto the sun,it is
57.3 million kilometers(35.6 million miles)from the ringed The Voyager Team has receivedthe National Aero-
planet. Saturnobservationsofficially beganon June 5, and nautic Association'sprized Collier Trophy for 1980. The
will continuethrough September28. With the exceptionof team hasalsowon the GoddardMemorialTrophy of the
its failed main radio receiver,the failed capacitor in the National SpaceClub for the secondyear in a row. In a con-
backup radio receiver(both failures occurred in April gratulatoryletter on the occasionof the Collier Trophy,
1978), and severalsmallerproblemsthat are beingstudied, PresidentRonald Reaganremarked,"I welcomethis oppor-
the spacecraftis in good health, with all scienceinstru- tunity to salute the remarkableaccomplishmentsof the
ments operating. The plasmawave investigatorsreport that Voyager Mission Team . . . They have penetrated age-old
Voyager 2 has re-enteredJupiter's magnetic tail, nearly two mysteriesand givenus new knowledgeof ancientworlds
yearsand 300 million miles after it passedJupiter. Planets that can only challengeus to know more. No part of our
with magneticfields tend to havelong magnetotailsas the government'sprogramselectrifiesthe nation'sspirit more
solarwind flows around and past the planet, but Jupiter's than the spaceeffort."
magnetosphereis especiallylarge. The alignment of Jupi-
ter's magnetotail did not extend to Saturn when Voyager 1
flew by last November,and occursonce every 13 years,the At a VoyagerAwardsCeremonyJune 2, Dr. Hans
investigatorssay. They are anxious to learn the effect of Mark, nomineefor the post of NASA Deputy Administrator,
Jupiter'smagnetotailupon Saturn'sown magnetosphere. expressedthe hope that "some centuriesfrom now, when
peoplelook back at the year 1980 . . . they will remember
Voyager 1 continuesits investigationsof interplane- the remarkablepictures of the different worlds first visited
tary space,having completed its Saturn observationslast by the Voyagers. . ." and extended "hearty congratula-
December. tions" on the achievements of the VoyagerTeam.
M/SS/ONSrA rUS R NO. 63 AUGUST 14, 1981

In tbis Voyager 2 pbotograph of Saturn taken July 21, 1981, from a range of 33.9 million kilometeys (2l million miles),
two brigbt, ptesumably conaectiae cloud patterns are aisible in tbe midnortbem bemispbere. Sezseraldark spokeJike
features can also be seen in tbe broad B'Ring (left of planet). Tbe moons Rhea and Dione appear to the south and
soutb east of Saturn, respectioely.

Voyager2: SaturnMinus12 Days

N a t r o n a lA e r o n a u t i c sa n d
Space Admlnistration
Jet Propulsion Laboratory Recorded Mission Status (213) 354-7237
C a l i f o r n i al n s t i t u t eo f T e c h n o l o g y S t a t u s B u l l e t r nE d i t o r ( 2 1 3 ) 3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8
P a s a d e n a ,C a l i f o r n i a P u b l i c l n { o r m a t i o nO f f i c e( 2 1 3 ) 3 5 4 - 5 0 1 1


s-24h s-l 0h s-4h

ENCOUNTER S+30m S + 1h

s+4h s+24h

Tbese computer-generated plots shou how Voyager 2's zsiew of tbe rings t:ill change as tbe spacecraft flies past Sdturn on
August 24-26. The planet size i.s constant in these oieTDsto allou a comparison of Voyager's uide- and nattou-dngle
cameras' fields-of<tieu at adrious times (the locations of the fields-ofoieu sboun here are not necessarily uhere the
cdmerds uill be pointing at these times but are sbousn only for size comparison; the longitudes ghten are also forreference
only). One day before closest approacb, Voyager 2 uill still be abooe tbe ring plane on its inbound flight. The rings will
continue to "open up" as the spacecraft dratss near. At tbe moment of closest approacb, only tbe uest limb of the planet
uill be lit; tbe rest of tbe planet will be in sbadow. Voyager 2 uill dip below the ring plane nearly one hour after closest
approacb. Tbe planet and rings uill be in sbadow. As it continues its outbound jourtteJ/, Vq/aget 2 uillremain belaw tbe
ring plane, looking back on the planet as the ings once again "open up". AII obseruations on the night side ofthe planet
will be tape recorded for later playback to Eartb, since tbe spacecraft uill be out of tadio communications witb Earth for
about 1-1/2 bours.

MissionHighlights (January 1986) and Neptune (August 1989), so its observa-

tions of the Saturn system have been programmed around
Voyager2 is rapidly nearingits rendezvouswith the this requirement. Voyager 2 will not have a close flyby of
Saturnsystemon August 25, As the spacecraftclosesin Titan, but the photopolarimeter will look for aerosols in
on its target, all instruments are taking data on a regular Titan's haze layers. Voyager 2 will come closer to
basis. The Deep SpaceNetwork is providinground-the- Enceladus, Tethys, Hyperion, Iapetus, and Phoebe than did
clock tracking coverage. its twin. High-resolution photographs of Enceladus and
Tethys will reveal more about their surfaces. Enceladus is
SinceVoyager 1's spectacularfindingsat the Saturn highly reflective and appears to have few impact craters.
system last fall, Voyager 2 has been extensively repro- Tethys has a 75O-kilometer-long valley. Voyager 2 will also
grammedto further exploremany of the puzzlingand learn more about their thermal properties. Improved reso-
interestingphenomenadiscoveredby its twin. lution photographs of Hyperion and Iapetus will also reveal
more about the surfaces of these two icy satellites.
Voyager 1 was expresslytargeted for a close flyby of Voyager 1 passed too far from the outerrnost known Saturn
Saturn'slargestsatellite,haze-shrouded Titan. Voyager2 is satellite, tiny Phoebe, to photograph it, but Yoyager 2 wlJ'l
expresslytargsted to continue on to the planets Uranus photograph Phoebe on September 4. There is some specula-
.o;...d'.$ ..'"

Fr<- /
?( R /
+-,{ A\
x/r /
-/-pr- \-D
Voyager 1 prouided these perspectioes of
Saturn's rings in Nouember 198O. Tbe
legend at top correlates to tbe ring features
in the tbree mosaics, all of uthicb are shown
at tbe same scale. Voyager 2 rtill obtain pic-
tures from angles similar to A and B, but
not C. Instead, Voyager 2 will obtain pic'
tures from below the ring plane, looking
back at tbe sun from the unlit side (point

From point A, aboue the ri.ngswith the sun

bebind tbe spacecraft, the least dense areas
appear dark since ligbt pdsses through them.
The densest areas appear brigbtest in this
pieu because the5t contain tbe greatest num-
ber of particles to reflect sunligbt. The B'
Ring spokes appear dark in tbis uieu taken
on Voyager 1's approach to tbe planet.

From point B, belou the rings uitb tbe sun

abotse and behind the spacecraft after ring
plane crossing, detail can now be seen in tbe
optically thin C-Ring and Cassini Diaision.
Botb of tbese features contain just enough
material to scotter ligbt but not enougb to
block its transmission to tbe unlit (soutb-
em) face of tbe rings. More optically tbick
regions, such as tbe A- and B-Rings, dppear
darh, as do true gaps (regions totally deooid
of particles).

From point C, abooe the rings looking back

toward the sun on the outbound leg, regions
of tbe rings thot are thought to barsea signif-
icant amount of small (micrometer-sized)
particles appear bright in forutard scattered
ligbt. Tbis includes tbe F-Ring, portions of
the A- and B-Rings, and in particular, tbe
B-Ring spokes.

tion that Phoebe, which orbits in the opposite direction of small satellites appear to play an important role in ring
the other satellites, could be a captured asteroid. dynamics. Without these moonlets, the rings might have
long since dissipated into space, with nothing to keep them
Yoyager 1 images of the surfaces of Mimas, Dione,
locked in orbit around the planet. Voyager 2 will target
and Rhea showed them to be heavily cratered but also
its cameras to capture the already-known moonlets, and
showed evidence of crustal evolution - fractures and
will also look for other as yet undiscovered moonlets.
Many small moonlets have been discovered both from Several small satellites also share orbits with some of
earth-based and spacecraft observations. Some of these the larger satellites. 198056, about 160 kilometers diameter,
series of three photographs will be taken with hopes of
seeing the levitation phenomenon.

Yoyager 1 measurements of ring parricle sizes show

that while most of the ring particles are dust mores, many
"particles" in the A-Ring may be as large as 3O feet; in.the
Cassini Division as large as 25 feet; and in the C-Ring as
large as six feet. An important observation by yoyager 2,s
photopolarimeter will determine the ring sizes and densities
by tracking starlight from the distant star Delta Scorpii as it
passesthrough the ring material on the way ro the space-
craft. The intensity of the starlight reaching the spacecraft
will vary with the optical densities of the rings. This star
occultation measurement will stretch from the D-Ring
nearest the planet all rhe way to the F-Ring.

Voyager 1 discovered an auroral ring at Saturn's north

pole, similar to the auroras caused at Earth's poles by
particles spiralling in along magneric field lines. Yoyager 2
will track the limb (edge) of the planet against the night
sky, studying aurora-like emissions at lower latitudes (also
first observed by Voyager 1). The interrelationship of the
Promi,nent dark spokes are oisible in tbe outer balf of Satum's broad magnetic field lines, the ring particles, and these ultraviolet
B-Ringin this Voyager 2 photogroph taken on August 3,1981 from emissions may be very complex.
a rdnge of about 22 million kilometers (14 million miles). The fea-
tures dppear as filamentary markings dbout 12,OOO kilometers At Saturn, Voyager 2's infrared spectrometer will
(7,50o miles) long, wbich rotate around tbe planet witb tbe motion
study the planet at various latitudes to learn more about
of particles in tbe rings. Because tbe sun is nou illuminating the
rings from a bigher angle, Voyager 2's photogrdpbs reoeal ring struc-
its temperature balance. The spacecraft's radio signal will
ture from a greater distance tban tbat seen by Voyager I in its provide better measurements of the planet's atmosphere
Nouember 198O encounter. and ionosphere as the signal passesmore vertically through
these atmospheric levels than did Yoyager 1's signal.
orbitsabout 6Ooaheadof Dione (1120 kilometersdiameter).
1980525and 1980513,discovered Both Voyagers carry six instruments designed to
from ground-based
observations, study interplanetary and interstellar space, magnetic fields,
orbir near the L4 and L5 Lagrangianpoints
(mathematicalpoints of stability) in the orbit of Tethys. and planetary magnerosphereswhich trap particles from
The L4 and L5 points lead and trail Tethys by 60o. About interplanetary space. Voyager 2 will maneuver several
times within the Saturn system to allow these insuuments
30 to 4O kilometersin diameter,thesetiny ,,trojans" trace
small "tadpole"-shapedorbits alongthe orbit trail of Tethys. to sample Saturn's magnetosphere. During these maneuvers,
the spacecraft will be out of communication with Earth as
Voyager2 will concentratemany of its observations the antenna is pointed away from Earth. Voyager 2 is
on Saturn'srings,a complex systemof particlesorbiting expected to cross Saturn's bowshock in the early morning
the planetin orderly (for the most part) fashion. The main of August 24 (GMT). The bowshock marks the'entry inti
ring system,from the D-Ring nearestthe planet out to the space dominated by Saturn rather rhan by the sun. particles
F-Ring,stretchesabout 70,000 kilometers. The ringshave streaming from the solar wind at supersonic speedssuddenly
beennamedin order of their discovery,and from the planet go subsonic at the bowshock. Voyager 1 reported re-
outwards,are referredro asthe D, C, B, A, and F-Rings. entering Jupiter's magnetic tail earlier this year, indicating
Eachof theseringshasbeenfound to contain many smaller that the tail is extremely long and "flaps" back and forth in
ringlets,most of which are in circularorbits. A narrow the solar wind like an enormous "tattered" wind sock.
G-Ringand a wide, diffuse E-Ringhavealsobeenlocated Planetary tails are measured by the absence of solar plasma
evenfarther from the planet. Voyager2 will make special and the presence of trapped plasmas. Jupiter's magneto-
observationsof two known "eccentric" or non-circular tail may possibly have swept across Saturn several times
rings- one in the C-Ringand one in the CassiniDivision earlier this year. Evidence of these crossingsmay be
betweenthe A and B-Rings. The F-Ring appearsto be apparent in Voyager 2's measurements of Saturn's inter-
composedof two or three elementswhich appearto inter- esting magnetic environment.
twine, or to haveclumpy regions. Voyager2 will investi-
The fields and particles instruments include high- and
gatethis unusualring by photographingit from several
low-field magnetometers as well as instruments to measure
different anglesto obrain pseudo-stereo images.Spokelike low-energy charged parricles, cosmic rays, plasma, plasma
featuresextendingradially acrossa sectionof the B-Ring
waves, and planetary radio emissions. Radio bursts from
will alsobe scrutinizedto learn more about their dynamics-
Saturn allowed Voyager 1's planetary radio astronomy
why do they form, how long do they exist, are rhey related
experiment to determine Saturn's rotation rate to be
to the planet'smagneticfield. A 13-hourseriesof photo-
10 hours 39.4 minutes.
graphswill be taken of the B-Ringspokeareasabour 3 days
before closestapproach. The spokesare thought ro be On August 18, Voyager 2's flight path will be
pardclesof fine dusr elecrrostaticallylevitatedabovethe adjusted one last time before Saturn. The next trajectory
main body of the denseB-Ring. Their dissipationis caused correction, on September 29, will set the course for Uranus.
by more rapid rotation of their inner portions, causingthe Voyager 2's observations of Saturn this month will be the
spokesto "stretch" and eventuallybreak up. During ring last photos we will receive from anorher planet until
planecrossing,when the ringscan be imagededge-on,a Voyager 2 approaches Uranus in late 1985.

...] '

Euidence of large-scalecloud systems centered at about 4o41"N are aisible in tbis Voyager 2 image taken August 12, 1981
from about 13.9 million kilometers (the resolution is about 130 km). Tbe brigbt cloud is a large-scalestorm ubicb moaes
in an easterly wind. To tbe uest of tbis cloud are seoeralligbt and dark clouds. The "ribbonlike" feature in tbe white band
marks tbe bigh speedjet dt about 47"N uhere tbe @esterb/wind speedsare about 150 meters per second.

Voyager2: SaturnMinus6 Days

N a t i o n a lA e r o n a u t i c sa n d
Space Administration
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
R e c o r d e dM i s s i o nS t a t u s( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 7 2 3 7
C a i i l o r n i aI n s t i t u t eo f T e c h n o l o g y S t a t u sB u l l e t i nE d i t o r( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8
P a s a d e n a ,C a l i f o r n i a O f f i c e( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 5 0 1 1
P u b l i cI n f o r m a t i o n

The fields and particles instruments are making cantinuous observations throughout the encounter phases.

Voyager 2 Voyager 1

Date Timea Euentb Distancec Resolutiond Distancec Resolutiond

{km} {km/1p) (km) (km/1p)

August 18 Trajectory correction maneuver

August 22 7 : 5 6a . m . lapetus 910,000 17 2,470,OOO 49

August 24 7 : 5 3p . m . Hyperion 470,000 8.9 880,440 84

August 25 4 : 0 4a . m . Titan 665,000 12 6,490 1.3

5 : 3 1p . m . 1980S6 318,000 7.6 230,000

(Dione Bl

6:06 p.m. Star occultation {Delta Scorpii) by rings

8 : 2 6p . m .
7 : 3 1p . m . Dione 502,000 12 161,520 3

9 : 0 0p . m . Mimas 310,000 5.8 88,440 4

9 : 0 0p . m . 1980S25 2A4,OOO 4.6 Existenceunknownthen


9 r 3 5p . m . 1980528 287,OOO 6.8 219,000


9:45 p.m. 1980526 107,000 270,OOO


9 : 5 0p . m , SATURN 101,000c 125,000c

9 : 5 9p . m . 1980527 247,OOO 300,000 98


1 0 : 1 1p . m . Enceladus 87,000 1.6 202,O40 11

1 0 : 2 0p . m . 1980S1 223,OOO 6.9 297.OOO 6.3


August25 1 0 : 2 6p . m . Earth occultation (spacecraft is behind plan€t, no communication with Earth)

August26 1 2 : 0 1a . m .
l\ugust 25 1 0 : 3 2p , m . 198053 147,OOO 121.000 3.3
(trailing co-orbital)

August25 1 0 : 3 2p . m . Sun occultation

August26 12':1O a.m.
August25 10:44p.m. Ring plane crossing outbound and descending

August26 12:28 a.m. 1980S13 154,000 12.2 Existenc€ unknown then

{leads Tethysl
'12:38a.m. Tethys 93,000 5.4 415,670 25

1 2 : 5 5a . m . Rhea 645,000 16 73,980 1.3

September 4 7 : 5 9p . m . Phoebe 2,080,000 38 12.537,OOO No pictures

Earth-receipt of signal, Pacific Daylight Time. Events at the spacecraft occur about t hour 26 minutes 35 seconds prior to the
times listed above {one-way light time, with radio signalstravelling at the 5peed of light).
indicate closest approach to that body.
for Saturn, closest approach distances are from the center of the body, Closest approach to Saturn is given from the cloudtops.
resolution; best pictures are not necessarilytaken at time of closest approachesdue to lighting and other considerations.



Moments before diaing below Saturn's ring plane, Voyager 2

captured tbis extremely oblique aiew of the brigbt (northem) side
of the complex rings. This angle bighly magnifies features near the
bottom of tbe picture and compressesfeatures across to tbe otber
side of the ltest ansa (the western edge of the loop in tbe rings). The
brigbt streaks in tbe B-Ring are tbe spokes in fontsard-scattered
light. From this angle, one cdnnot ascertain any leuitation of fine
dust particles to form tbe spokes. 8/25/8 1, 1O3,OOOkm (64,0O0 mi)

Voyager2: SaturnPlus7 Days

N a t i o n a lA e r o n a u t i c sa n d
Space Administration
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
R e c o r d e dM i s s i o nS t a t u s{ 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 7 2 3 7
C a l i l o r n i al n s t i t u t eo f T e c h n o l o g y S t a t u sB u l l e t i nE d i t o r( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 4 4 3 8
P a s a d e n a ,C a l i f o r n i a O f f i c e( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 5 0 1 1
P u b l r cI n f o r m a t i o n
Tethys sbows trto distinct types of terrain * bright, densely
cratered regions; and relatioely dark, lightly cratered plains tbat
extend in a broad belt across tbe satellite. I-be densely cratered
terrain is belieaed to be part of tbe ancient crust of the satellite; tbe
ligbtly cratered plains are tbought to baae been formed later by
internal pyocesses.Also clearly seen is a trougb tbat runs parallel to
tbe terminator (the day.nigbt boundary, seen at right). This *ougb
is an extension of tbe huge canyon system seen by Voyager 1 last
fall Tbis system extends nearly tTtro-thirds tbe distance around
Tetbys. 8/25/81 594,000 km (368,000 mi)

This series of Voyager 2 pictures of Tetbys sbous the satellite's

distinctiue large crater, 4OO km (250 mi) in diameter, as it rotates
toward tbe day/nigbt terminator and limb (to tbe ight). These
images tsere obtained at four-hour interaals beginning late August
24 and ending early tbe next day. The remnant of a large impact,
tbe crater bas a central peak and seoeral concentric rings. Some
grooues radiating from the center may be formed of material tbrown Tbis bighxsolution filtered mosaic sbous surface detail on
from tbe crater during the impact. The bottom frame, uitb tbe Enceladus. Enceladus resembles Jupiter's Galilean satellite GanJl'
crater in profile, reoeals that the crater floor has risen back to tbe mede; bou.teaer,Ganymede is about 1O times larger. Faintly oisible
spherical sbape of tbe satellite, unlike tbe large crater seen on bere in "Satumsbine" is the bemispbere tumed auay from tbe sun,
Tetbys' sister moon Mimas, 8/25/81 km ( mi)
Iapetus, tbe outermost of Saturn's large satellites, sbows
features as
small as 21 km (13 mi) across. This image has been processed to
yeaeal as mucb detail as possible in the brigbt, icy regions of tbe
nortbern trailing hemi.spbere. The number and
forms of impact
crate,rshere appear similar to those of'tbe beaoily cratered surfaces
of tbe inner icy satellites (sucb as Rhea and Mimas) pbotogriphed
by Voyager 1. This similarity/ suggests an ancient crust datiig back
to tbe earb/ history of tbe solar system. Iapetus is noteuorthy
tbe uery dark material (seen here in the lower and rigbt-hand parts
of the picture) tbat apparentb/ coaers the satellite's ice crust pi-
marily on its leading hemispbere. Iapetus bas a diameter of 1,45o
km (9Oo mi). Voyager 2 pdssed about four times closer to tbe
satellite tban did Voyager 1 last fall. B/22/91 1.1 miilion km
( mi)

Tbese aiews of Hyperion shou tbe cbanging aspect of the satellite as

Herding tbe thin F-Ring between them, satellites 19BOS27 (inner) Voyager 2 closed in. Roughly 360 km by 21O km (220 mi by 13O
and 198O526 (outer) are about 18OO km (1100 mi) apart in this mi) and sbaped like a bamburger. Hjtperion probably is not in a
Voyager 2 image. Tratselling slightly faster, tbe inside moon ouer- graoitationally stable position. Its surface is pock-marked witb many
took the outer one 6bout trto bours later, This "lapping" occurs meteorite-impact craters. It is possible that one ol' these impacts
euery 25 days. The A-Ring and Encke Diaision are to the right in jostled Hyperion out of position and tbat the satellite uill swing
this image, uhicb uas otser-exposed to capture the faint F-Ringand back gradually. 8/23/51 1.2 million km (74O,OOOmi), S/24/81
its two sbepberds.8/15/81 10.5 million km (6.A miilion mi) TOo,OoOkm (43O,OOOmi), 8/24/81 5oo,OOOkm (31O,oOomi).
Voyager 2's cameras d.iscooered a new "kinky" ringlet inside the
Encke gap in Satum's A-Ring. Pbotopolarimeter d.atd indicates
additional structure uithin tbe gap. These pictures sboa tbe tbin
ringlet at tuo different positions, photographed near the time the
spacecraft crossed the planet's ring-plane. Resolution is about 15 km
(9 mi) in botb frames. Here, the ringlet appears in n:o different
positions' about midzoay in tbe gap in tbe right-band image and near
the inner edge ofthe gap at left. Scientists do not knou if tbe kinky
ring is eccentric, or off-center, or if perbaps tbere are seaeral inner
rings, with different components aisible at different longitudes. Tbe
kinks, clearly oisible on tbe right, appear to be more closely spaced
than those seen in Saturn's outer F-Ring. (The fine ubite dots ot
"snotu" in tbese pictures arc drtifdcts of processing and are not
indiz:idual moonlets. 8/25/81 km (435,0Oo mi)

Update On August 28 the platform wassuccessfullymoved by

ground commandto point the instrumentsat Saturnonce
On September4, ten daysand 9.7 million kilometers again. Early testsof the platform's movementshowedthat
(6 million miles)beyond Saturn,Voyager2 will photograph it could be moved,althoughits responsewas at times
tiny Phoebe,Saturn'soutermostsatellite. Although the hesitantand slow. Its responsehassteadilyimproved.
imageswill be only a few pixels (picture elements)acrossin
the narrow-anglecamera'sfield-of-view,they shouldprovide The platform motion hasbeencontrolledentirely
valuableinformation sincePhoebehasneverbeenphoto- from the ground sincethe problem began. The Phoebe
graphedfrom such closerange(2.08 million kilometers). obseruationson September4 will be the first platform
Neither Pioneer11 nor Voyager 1 passedcloseenoughto motions commandedby the on-boardcomputersequence
photographPhoebe,which may be a capturedasteroid. rather than by ground control sincethe problem occurred.
Only 160 kilometers(100 miles)in diameter,it orbits As an engineeringprecaution,the rangeof azimuth posi-
nearly 13 million kilometers(8.1 million miles) from Saturn tions requiredfor the Phoebeobservationshasbeen
in a planehighly inclined to that of the rest of the Saturn satisfactorilyexploredby the platform in a diagnostictest.
system. It also orbits in the oppositedirection from the The platform's current position is favorablefor Saturnand
rest of the satellites,and rotatesasynchronously.All of the Phoebeobservations, and is alsoa good position for the
other Saturnsatellitesrotate synchronously;i.e., the same Uranusencounterin 1986, shouldthe platform stick once
side alwaysfacesthe planet. Phoebepicturestaken over a more. With the successfulflyby of Saturn,Uranusis now
24-how period may be assembled into a time{apsemovie Voyager2's prime target.
to learn more about its rotation rate, shape,and other
characteristics.The photopolarimeterwill alsoobserve The computersequencewhich would automatically
Phoebe. operatethe spacecraftfor the month of Septemberhasbeen
redesignedto include only "safe" activity. After assessing
Engineerscontinue to investigatethe problem which the problem, missionplannershavebeenable to restore
causedthe spacecraft'sscanplatform to stick on August 25 severalimportant observationsto the sequence,including
shortly after closestapproachto the planet. The spacecraft Phoebe,imagingstudiesof the southernhemisphere,and
wasin the planet'sshadowand out of communicationswith ultraviolet studiesof the south pole aswell as severalvital
Earth when the platform stuck. The problem was dis- engineeringcalibrations.
coveredas the spacecraftemergedfrom behind the planet
and resumedcommunications.Commandswere
On its inbound journe^yto Saturn,Voyager2 could
immediatelysent to point the instrumentsaway from
seeasfar south as about 40"S latitude. Now the entire
the Sun to avoid damagewhich could result from
southernhemispherefrom equatorto pole is visibleto the
direct pointing at the Sun.
spacecraftwhile viewsof the northern hemisphereare
Four instruments- the wide- and narrow-angle blocked by the rings(Voyager2 is now below the ring
and the
cameras,the infrared and ultraviolet sPectrometers, plane). Due to the shadowof the ringsand the tilt of the
photopolarimeter- are mounted on the scanplatform at planet relativeto the Sun, atmosphericdynamicsin the
the tip of a 7.5-foot boom which extendsfrom the main southern hemispheremay be vastly different from those in
body of the spacecraft.The platform movesin two the northern hemisphere.Observationsof the southern
directions, azimuth (sideto side)and elevation(up and hemisphereare plannedwith the imagingcameras,and the
down). The problem affectsmovementin azimuth. infrared and ultraviolet spectrometers. The ultraviolet
spectrometerwill scanthe south pole to look for auroral
The causeof the problemis not yet understood. The emissions.
scanplatform stoppedabout 45 minutes after Yoyager2
crossedthe ring plane,but this hasnot beendirectly related Although somevaluableobservationsof the planet's
to the platform problem. The plasmawaveinstrument dark side and southernhemisphere,the undersideof the
recordedan increasein the intensity of its data at the time rings,and severalsatelliteswere lost, aswell as one fields
of ring planecrossing,leadingto speculationthat the and particlesmaneuver,project scientistspronouncethe
spacecraftwas bombardedwith dust particleswhich encounter entirely successfuldue to the wealth of data
vaporizedas thev hit the spacecraft. receivedbefore the platform stuck.

A trajectory correctionmaneuveron September29
will refine Yoyager 2's flight path to Uranus and target for
an aimpoint to Neptune. The spacecraft'sattitude control
thrusters will burn hydrazine fuel for severalhours to
changethe flight path. Severalmore trajectory corrections
will be necessarybefore Voyager 2 flies past Uranusin

Spacecraftactivities affecting the scanplatform will

be severelycurtailed for severalmonths as analysiscontin-
ues on the problem that affects platform motion in azimuth
(side to side). Motion in elevation (up and down) is unre-
stricted. The platform will be operated only at low rates of
Mounting eoidence indicdtes tbat Pboebe, Saturn's outeftnost
speedand over a limited rangefrom l8O to 270 degrees satellite, is almost certainly a captured asteroid and did not form in
azimuth. This rangegivesa satisfactory set of positions for tbe original Saturn nebula as did Saturn's other satellites. Voyager
Saturn and Uranus observations. The problem that caused 2's obsentations of Pboebe on September 4 shoued tbat it is about
the platform to stick during the spacecraft'sclosesr 2OO kilometers (12O miles) in diameter - about tuice as large as
earth-based observations had measured it to be. It is ddrker tban any
approachto Saturn is believedto be a physical problem otber of Saturn's satellites, uitb about fioe percent reflectioity. Tbe
related to such things as lubrication, worn gearmechanisms, rotdtion period, determined from Voyager 2 obseruations, is nine to
and close clearancesbetween the gearsthat operate the ten hours. Pboebe is tbe only satellite that does not
platform. Analysis and laboratory testing with a duplicate always shou the same face to Sdturn, It orbits Satam (eoery 55O
days) in tbe ecliptic plane rather than in Satum's equatorial plane ds
scanplatform actuator will continue efforts to isolate the
do tbe other Saturnian satellites. Its orbit is also retrograde - in the
causeof the problem and to determine the best suategies direction opposite to thdt of the othersatellites.9/4/81 2,2 million
for future use of the platform. Instruments aboard the km (1.35 million mi)
platform include the wide- and narrow-anglecameras,the
infrared interferometer spectrometer,the ultraviolet
have lifted. Voyager 2's imaging camerashave slightly
spectrometer,and the photopolarimeter.
better vidicon tubes, resulting in improved picture resolu-
tion. And, basedon Voyager 1's observations, Voyager 2
SaturnScienceResults could be much more selectiveand preciseabout where it
The Planet
Color variationsin Saturn'satmosphereere not as
Saturn has undergoneseveralchangesin the nine great as at Jupiter, probably due to differencesin the mix-
months between the two Voyager flybys. Theseatmo- ing of chromophoreswhich give color to gases.Indeed,
sphericchangesare subtle,however,and shorter{ivedthan from a distance,Saturn looks much like a butterball. How-
at Jupiter, due both to the high wind velocitieswhich tear ever,upon closerinspection,and through different color
apart storms and to the colder temperatureswhich cause filters, the real structureof the atmospherebecomes
color-producing particles to precipitate at lower levelsin the apparent. Saturnis banded,like Jupiter, but the bandscan-
atmosphere.Although Saturn'satmosphereappearsmuch not be so clearly defined as Jupiter's dark belts and light
blanderthan Jupiter's,many of the samefierce weather zones. In fact, Saturn'sbandshavelittle correlationwith
patterns ragein its clouds. either wind velocities or temperaturegradients. At Jupiter,
the edgesof belts and zonesare generallyhigh-speedjet
Voyager2 saw more detail in Saturn'satmospherefor streamsflowing in opposingdirections. Great wind shears
severalreasons.Portionsof the hazewhich appearedto lie betweenthesejets. This apparentlyis not true at Saturn,
shroud the planet nine months ago when Voyager 1 flew by wheresuchhigh speedjet sreams occur more often than

N a t i o n a lA e r o n a u t i c sa n d
Soace Administration
Jet Propulsion Laboratory RecordedMissionStatus(213) 354-7237
C a l i f o r n i aI n s t i t u t eo l T e c h n o l o o v Status BulletinEditor (213)354-4438
P a s a d e n a ,C a l i l o r n i a O f f i c e( 2 1 3 )3 5 4 - 5 0 1 1
P u b l i cI n f o r m a t i o n

A strangelt/ curled cloud in Saturn's northern mid'latitudes second (29O miles per bour). AIso eaident is a ibbon-like s*ucture
gradually unfolded as Voyager 2 obserued it, At left, it is at 47"N latitude in tbe wbite cloud region.
"corkscrew'\sbaped and at right, 64 bours later, it bas become more (L) 8/16/81 9.3 million km (5.8 million mi)
Iike a "6". It is attoched by a tbin ribbon of cloud to tbe bright (R) 8/20/81 6.4 million km G million mi)
ubite cloud regi.on to the north usherewinds blow 13o meters per


Tbesepicturessbow tbe sameregionof tbe planet,but the frame on Tuo of thesestorms lose contrast in the greenimageand ate barely
tbe rigbt was taken tbrougb a aiolet fiher and the one on the left aisible. The tbird and largest feature, 3,OOOkm (1,900 mi) in
through a greenfilter. The oiolet image shows a bright band about diameter, is dark in tbe green and bas a measuredclocktoiserota-
3,OOOkm (1,9OOmi) uide north of three bright ooal cloud systems. tion. 8/19/81 7.1 million km (4.4 million mi)

not in the middle of a band. (However, it is sometimes tion rate of the bulk of Saturn's interior. This rate has been
difficult to ascertain boundaries between Saturn's belts and determined by the planetary radio astronomy experiment
zones since they appear differently depending^on the color to be 10 hours 39 minutes 24 seconds.
filter used to photograph them.) Between 35-N and 35-S
latitude, Saturn's winds blow consistently eastward, with
Cloud vortices (small hurricanes), jet streams, and
maximum speedsof at least 500 meters per second (1100
eddies are also evident at higher latitudes (up to 80oN) than
miles per hour) near the equator - four times the greatest
at Jupiter (50"N and S). A train of vortices is apparenr
winds on Jupiter. Few storm systems survive long due to
between 30o and 5ooN.
the tremendous forces which drive these winds. Although
Voyager 2 observed a gigantic storm system first seen by
Voyager 1 last fall, storms such as Jupiter's centuries-old For several days in late August, a large vortex in
Great Red Spot and 4o-year-old white ovals probably do Saturn's northern mid-latitudes unfolded asVoyager 2
not exist on Saturn. recorded its progress. Initially corkscrew-shaped, it became
more like a"6" and eventually formed a closed loop over a
The wind speedsare deduced from the time{apse period of seven rotations. Study of such events gives clues
images taken by the spacecraft and are relative to the rota- to the planet's atmospheric dynamics.

Twice as far from the Sun as is Jupiter, Saturn is much
colder, with temperatures of 80 to 95 Kelvin at the cloud-
tops (where the atmospheric pressure is one-fourth Earth's).
However, Saturn still radiates almost 2.5 times as much o
energy as it receivesfrom the Sun. Eighty-nine percent of o
Saturn's atmospheric mass is hydrogen, while most of the
! 40
remaining eleven percent is helium. This is much less helium o
that has been measured in Jupiter's atmosphere (L9o/o),and f
lends credence to the theory that Saturn's helium sinks
toward the center of the planet, providing a source of heat. 30
Traces of ammonia, phosphine, methane, ethane, acetylene,
methylacetylene, and propane have also been detected in
Saturn's atmosphere.

Wind Velocity (meters/sec)

A westuard-flowing wind current appears to driae a wedge througb
The Rings
a train of oortices (small hurricanes) at about 4o-N latitude. Tbe
wind oelocities are plotted on a photograph of this area and sbow
To say that Saturn'sring systemis complexis a gross tbe ztsestuard floa u;itb obrsious eastutard,streams abooe and belol;,
understatement.Thereare no smooth, well-defined,uni- As tbe ttortice sepdrates, smaller cyclones are formed. Tbose to tbe
form ringsmarchingaroundthe planet in an orderly fashion, nortb rotdte clockuise; tbose to tbe soutb rotate counterclockwise,
Tbis is one of tbe many interesting phenomend obsented by Voyager
asonce perceived.Voyager1's imagesin November1980
showedthere to be hundredsof rings,someof them not
quite well-behaved.Voyager2's photopolarimetricobser-
vationsupped that figure to literally thousands,and perhaps
tens of thousands,of ringlets,few of them well-behavedor Yoyager 2 re-verified the existence of the G- and D-
orderly. Rings and photographed both of these plus the A, B, C, and
F-Rings. The E-Ring was detected by the fields and parti
The main ring systemextendsfrom near the planet cles instruments. Using the spacecraft's radio to determine
out to about 75,OOO kilometersabovethe cloudtops,a vast particle sizes as the signal passedthrough the rings, analysts
sheetof icy debrisvaryingin thickness,composition,and conclude the averageparticle sizes in the A-Ring are 10
orbital characteristics.With resolutiondown to a city meters (33 feet); in the outer Cassini Division 8 meters
block - about 150 meters- the photopolarimeter'sflood (26 feet); and in the C-Ring 2 meters (6.5 feet). Obviously,
of data suddenlypresentsa new problem: what is a ring? a "particle" can be anything from a dust speck to a very
what is the shoulderof one ring or the body of another? large boulder of ice.
wheredoesone ring end and anotherbegin? It appearsthat
someringletsmay narrow at the edgesrather than havinga Color differences within the major rings imply differ-
uniform thickness(thus, they haveso-called"shoulders"), ences in composition, particle sizes,or both. Color-
Due to the viewingangles,none of Voyager'sinstruments enhanced images of the C- and B-Ring show that some tiny
determinedwith certainty the optical depth of a ringlet. ringlets within the C-Ring may have some compositional
Many of the ringletsarenon-circular,indicatingthat struc- similarities to the B-Ring.
ture changesrapidly, perhapscontinuously,in the rings.
The mysterious finger{ike sructures in the B-Ring
Severaltheoriesof the rings' stability havedeveloped received a great deal of attention from Voyager 2, including
and were testedby Voyager2's observations.Somemecha- some special ring plane crossing photographs and a series of
nism is holding the ring particlesin orbit around the planet; time-lapse movies to study their formation and lifespans.
otherwisethey would haveescapedinto spacelong ago. These spokes form over very short time periods (minutes),
One theory supposesthat the ring particlesare in resonance primarily near the point where the ring particles emerge
with one of the largersatellites.Someof the larger"g"pr" from Saturn's shadow. Most dissipate before completing a
in the ringsdo indeedoccur at distancescorrespondingto single orbit of the planet, but some remnants do persist and
orbital resonances with Mimas(in a 2:l resonance,the other spokes form on top of them. The spokes form
particlesmake two orbits for every one orbit by Mimas; radially; i.e., they extend outward from the planet like
Mimasalsoexertsa gravitationalpull). A secondtheory spokes in a wagon wheel, and they are seen on both faces of
proposesthat smallmoonletsherd eachringlet. To test this the rings, north and south (illuminated and unilluminated).
theory, the imagingcamerassearchedthe ringsfor evidence (However, the features on the unlit side could possibly be
of suchsmallmoonlets,but none werefound beyond those shadows of spokes.) One theory proposes that the spokes
akeadyknown to shepherdthe F-Ring. A third theory pro- are electrostatically{evitated particles of fine dust lifted
posesdensity wavesin the ring particlesand someevidence above the plane of the rest of the B-Ring by Saturn's mag-
of suchwavesis seenin Voyagerdata. A fourth theory netic field lines which pass through the B-Ring in the
involvescollisionsbetweenthe ring particlesthemselves. spokes region. Three pictures were taken during ring plane
Relativelyhard objectswould ricochet off one anotherwith crossing, when the rings could be viewed nearly edge-on, in
someforce, and would be lesslikely to stay in well-defined hopes of seeing this phenomenon. The most spectacular of
orbits. However,softer ice that hasbeenbangingaround these pictures was 1/2 degree above the plane. No evidence
for billions of yearswill barelyrebound,and in fact may of particle levitation could be seen from any of these
shatterupon impact. pictures, however.

its width from the outer edge. With a lens power of 1500,
he reported seeing the inner shading and a division near the
K E E L E RD I V I S I O N edge of the A-Ring about one-sixth the width of the ring
from its outer edge. This is the location of the gap that
has been known as the Encke Division. The issue will be
discussed at the next IAU meeting.
h_340 km________rl
1 0k m At least four distinct comPonents of Satum's F-Ring are resolaed in
this edge-on image taken by Voyager 2's camera just prior to ring
plane crossing. Tbe camera resolution is about 1O km. The pboto-
polarimeter, uitb a resolution of one city block, shows eaen more
l K E E L E RD I V I S I O N F-Ring components. NearlJ/ 25 degrees of tbe ring are oisible here.
8/26/81 1o3,ooo km (64,000 mi)
z 1 Ok m



The bigh resolution of Voyager 2's photopolarimeter reaealed
ringlets tbat are undetectable by the cameras or radio system, These
three plots sbou increasing resolution of an area including tbe
Keeler (Encke) Diaision and the edges of the A-Ring. Tbe amount of
starlight (from tbe distant star Delta Scorpii) passing tbrougb the
rings is plotted as a single line of oarying brigbtness. Peaks in tbe
curae indicate areas where there is little material to block the
passdge of starlight, wbile dips in tbe currse indicate areas uhere
starligbt is blocked by material Tbe Keeler Diaision is a relatbely
entptt) gap and therefore is seen as a peak in tbe top plot. Tbe dip in
the Keeler Ditision is probably tbe "kinky" ringlet pbotographed by
Voyager 2's camera. With increasing resolution (modngdown from
tbe top plot), d feature at tbe inner boundary betueen the A-Ring
and Keeler Dioision becomes apparent. Tbis feature is belieaed to be
a ringlet.

Voyager 1 detectedlightning{ike electricaldischarges

nearthe planet,with a periodicity of 10 hours 10 minutes,
leadingto speculationrhat thesewere occurringnot in the
planet'setmospherebut in the rings. During ring plane
crossing,the plasmawave'sradio receivernoted an
enormousincreasein the intensity of its signal,and
the plasmawave investigatorsbelieverhis indicates ioniza-
tion of tiny dusr parricleshitting the spacecraft.The dust
particlesarenot believedro havebeensufficienrto damage
the spacecraftin any way, however.

The gap in the outer edgeof the A-Ring known asthe

Encke Divisionmay be renarnedthe KeelerDivision in rec-
ognition of its probablediscoverer.The Working Group on
PlanetarySystemNomenclatureof the InternationalAstro-
nomical Union (IAF) hasbeenadvisedof the likelihood that
As Voyager 2 passed oaer Satum's rings, the photopoldrirneter
JamesE. Keeler of Lick Observatoryreally saw this division measured tbe intensity of light passing through the rings from the
in early 1888 (perhapsearlier)with a 9o-cmrefracrorrele- distant star Delta Scorpii and recorded tbe amount of starligbt
scope. Until now, the discoveryhasbeenaftributed ro blocked or transmitted - an indication of tbe presence or absence
of ring material. Tbis picture of an area of tbe F-Ring uas con-
Johann Franz Encke,of the Berlin Observatory,who re-
structed uith the aid of a computer graphics system by sbowing the
ported a shadingin the A-Ring in 1837. It now seemsun-
recorded starligbt intensity as a single line of aarying brightness and
likely that Encke,using a 22-cm telescope,could haveseen tben sueeping that line in an arc to acbieoe the two-dimensional
a gap as small as this, and was seeinganorher feature. He effect. Tbe perspectiae is from the Satum side and slightly aboae the
reported a shadingone-thirdthe distancefrom the inner ring plane. Multiple "minis*ands" can be seen in this area, uhich
ring to the outer. In Tbe AstronomicalJournal (Vol. 8, tbe imaging cameras recorded as the brightest strand in the F-Ring.
From tbe inner to tbe outer ministrands, tbe di.stance bere is
page175, 1889), Keelerreportedseeing(with 400 power) approximately 7O kilometers (45 miles) and tbe resolution is 5OO
the Enckeshadingon the outer A-Ring at about one-third meters (55O J/ards).

Voyager 2 has completed nearly half of its journey to
Uranus, measuredfrom launch on August 20,1977 to
Uranus closestapproach on January 24, t986. The four-
year-old spacecraft, having travelled 2.4 billion kilometers
(1.5 biilion miles) continues to operate well. Analysis con-
tinues on its scan platform, which stuck shortly after closest
approach to Saturn on August 25. The platform has been
successfully maneuvered since then and prospects for a
successful Uranus encounter are good. The problem
appears to be related to lubrication, worn gear mechanisms,
and close clearancesbetween gears in the platform's azimuth

Voyager 1 continues to explore interplanetary space,

having travelled over 2.7 billion kilometers (1.7 billion
miles) since its launch on September 5, 1977. Voyager 1
Saturn and its satellites are surrounded by clouds ol'rare/ied gases
hiccupped a little last week and presenred flight controllers
whicb form donut-shaped ings. A torus of neutral hydrogen
with an interesting computer glitch. The problem occurred extends from the magnetosbeath at about 25 Satun? radii inward to
on October 6 as controllers were changing the cruise data about 7.5 Saturn radii (Saturn's radius is 6O,330 km). Titan's atmo-
modes in one of six reprogrammable computers aboard the sphere is belieoed to be the source of bydrogen in this torus. Nestled
betlxeen the hydrogen torus and tbe planet is a smaller torus of
spacecraft. The flight data subsystem (FDS) compurer
ionized oxygen, belieped to escape from Tetbys and Dione. Tbis
program appeared to be stuck in a tight loop, ignoring com- torus extends from the inner edge of the hydrogen torus to about
mands from the computer command subsystem (CCS). An the orbit of Enceladus at about 3.9 Saturn radii. Its mass is about
early effort to implement a new configuration command 4O,OOOtons, compared to 2 million tons for Jupiter's Io sulfur
failed, but flight controllers were able to send "power on torus,

reset" commands on October 7, causing the FDS program

to reset, and good data has been received since then. Two
possible causesof the problem are being explored. The
CCS may have sent a garbled command to the FDS, All planets which have internally-originating magneric
causing the FDS to begin sending meaninglessdata. The fields also have magnetospheres. Magnetic field lines
command would have been issued from the same CCS out- extending from pole to pole form a seriesof "shells" which
put unit that has caused several other problems aboard rotate with the planet, sweeping charged particles around
Voyager 1 since launch, including a maneuver atrort. as well. When particles streaming from the sun in the solar
Another possibility is a failure of several words of FDS wind meet the boundary of a planet's magnetic field, a bow
memory. Analysis of the problem conrinues. shock occurs. Most of the solar particles are deflected and
stream around the magnetosphere.Behind the bow shock,
there is a region called the magnetosheath where particles
stream at subsonic speeds. Finally, rhe magnetopause is the
SaturnScienceResults actual boundary between the magnetosheath and the mag-
netosphere. A magnetic tail is formed as solar wind parti-
The Magnetosphere cles stream past the planet and regroup. This magnetic tail
may be of hundreds of millions of kilometers long at
Voyager 2's trajectory took it on a wide arc through Saturn. Jupiter's magnetic tail may be half a billion miles
Saturn's magnetic field, exploring different regions and add- long, extending as far as Sarurn and blowing in the solar
ing to the data of Pioneer 11 and Voyager 1. wind like a tattered wind sock.

N a t i o n a lA e r o n a u t i c sa n d
Space Administratlon
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Recorded Mission Status (213) 354-7237
C a l i l o r na I n s t l t u t eo f T e c h n o l o g y Status BulletinEditor (213) 354-4438
P a s a d e n aC , alilornia P u b l i c I n f o r m a t i o nO f f i c e ( 2 1 3 ) 3 5 4 - 5 0 11
Some of tbe Voyagers'best resolution
images of Saturn's ldrger satellites are shown
in tbis composite. The diagonal line refer-
ences tbe satellites' distances from Satunt to
scale. The box drausn ouer the rings indi.-
cates tbe area wbere most of tbe small satel-
lites are found. Mooing outztard from the
planet, tbe satellites are Mimas, Enceladus,
Tethys uith its tuo companions, Dione usitb
its stnall orbit-sharer, Rhea, immense Titan,
and Hyperion. Tbe line break indicates a
break in tbe scale since Iapetus and Pboebe
orbit at great distances beyond the other
satellites. Tbe satellites fall into tbree gen-
eral classes, the tiny "rocks", tbe medium-
sized icy satellites, and planet-sized Titan.
Tbe dark polar band in Titan's atmosphere
can be seen in this image.

The orbit of Titan appearsto be completelywithin that anothersmall body may be sharingthe orbit.
Saturn'smagnetosphere about 8o percentof the time, as
the magnetosphere boundary ebbsand flows with the Saturnis surroundedby two donut-shapedcloudsof
changingsolarpressure.The interactionof the satellites gases.The inner cloud (or torus) is comprisedof ionized
is a prime areaof study for the oxygen which is believedto originatefrom the icy satellites
with the magnetosphere
Tethys and Dione. The massof the oxygentorus is one-
Voyagers. As the inner satellitesorbit the planet, they
fiftieth that of the Io sulfur torus at Jupiter. Io's volcanoes
cleara path through the chargedparticlesin the magneto-
supply materialto the torus at the rate of one ton per sec-
sphereand leavea wake much like a motor boat leaves.
ond; Tethys and Dione supply materialat the rate of about
Like the motor boat's wake,the disturbancegradually
one pound per second.
quietsand returnsto normal until the satellitecomes
around again. In addition, the satellitesabsorbcharged The oxygen torus extendsto about halfway between
particlesasthey spiral down Saturn'smagneticfield the orbits of Dione and Rhea,whereit meetsthe inner
Iines. Measurements taken below the plane of the satellites edgeof a neutral hydrogentorus. This largertorus extends
showfewerprotonsin the satellites'"shadows".At Mimas, beyond the orbit of Titan to the magnetosheath.Its source
measurements of both the wake and the shadowindicate may be Titan's atmosphere.

VOYAGER2 Tbe trajectories of Voyagers 1 and 2 are

sboun in relation to each otber and to the
inner Saturn system in tbis meri.dian plane
plot. Vbyager 2 passed about 52OO km
closer to the planet. Dipolar magnetic field
lines passing near the satellites are shoun as
dasbed lines. These field lines correspond to
,r/ tbe magnetic L-shells, associated with the


i#^,, O RHEA

\ \-

Eight of Satum's small satellites are shown
in this composite of VoJ/ager 1 and 2
images. 198O528, 1980527, and 198O526
are sometimes called tbe "shepherding"
sdtellites ds tbq/ appear to influence tbe
F-Ring and the outer edge of the A-Ring.
Just 5O kilometers separates tbe orbits of
198O53 and 198O51, the co-orbitals.
1980513 and 198O525, tbe Tethys trojans,
occupJ/ Lagrangian points near the satellite,
as does 198O56, tbe Dione trojan.

Satellites Enceladus, seen at higher resolution (2 km) by Voy-

aget 2 than by Voyager 1 shows evidence of. a great deal of
Winging its way into the Saturn system, Yoyager 2
geological activity in its past. Its surface areasrange from
was geared to find small moons within the rings and near
heavily cratered to smooth, indicating that some regions
the larger satellites. Ground-based searchesfor such small
have been resurfaced. One possibility is volcanic activity,
moons had been fruitless, and so has been Voyager 2's
although on Enceladus these would be water volcanoes since
photographic search. The cosmic ray instrument, however,
the satellite is comprised mostly of ice. The volcanic theory
may have detected a small moon sharing an orbit with
is supported by the fact that the tenuous E-Ring, which
Mimas, based on changesin the electron density in the
spansmore than 90,000 kilometers (60,000 miles) across
satellite's wake.
space, is brightest near the orbit of Enceladus, suggesting
Saturn's seventeen satellites fall into three main that Enceladus may be a source of E-Ring particles. The
classes, giant Titan, seven intermediate-sized icy satellites, appearance of the surface of Enceladus also seemsto indi-
and eight small moonlets. Phoebe, Saturn's outermost cate crustal heating in the geologically recent past, possibly
satellite, may represent a fourth classr captured asteroids. from tidal heating caused by interaction with Dione. It is
such tidal heating that causesvolcanoeson Io, Jupiter's
Voyager 2 flew closer to Enceladus, Tethys, Hyperion,
sulfur-spewing satellite. It should be noted, however, that
Iapetus and Phoebe than did Yoyager 1 last November, but
the orbit of Enceladus would have to have been much more
was also able to study Mimas, Dione, Rhea, and Titan from
elliptical in its past to provide sufficient tidal heating.
greater distances.
Titan is shrouded by a thick atmosphere composed of
Tethys is grooved around nearly three-quarters of its
about 82 percent nitrogen, topped by a multilayer haze.
circumference by a chasm several kilometers deep, one
Neither Voyager 1 nor Voyager 2 was able ro see below the
hundred kilometers wide, and 2000 kilometers long. The
clouds with their imaging cameras, but did obtain informa-
canyon, comparable in dimension to Mar's great Valles
tion on its size, temperarure, and composition. It is slightly
Marineris, may have resulted from the expansion of ice
smaller than Jupiter's moon Ganymede, the largest moon in
when Tethys cooled after its formation. Most of Tethys'
the solar system (both are larger than the planers Mercury
surface is heavily cratered, indicating there has been no re-
and Pluto). Titan's surface temperarure is about -290"F.
surfacing. One enormous crater is larger in diameter than
About six percent of the atmosphere is merhane, which may
the satellite Mimas.
act like water does on Earth - as vapor, liquid, and ice. The
remaining J.2 percent of the atmosphere may be argon, a
Hyperion is highly irregular in shape - a disk-shaped
colorless gas undetectable with spectroscopy, and traces of
object about 400 x 250 x 200 kilometers. Voyager 2's pic-
compounds of carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen (including
tures, with a resolution of 10 kilometers, showed Hyperion
ethane, ethylene, and acetylene). Titan's atmosphere in the
to be battered and scarred with craters.
northern hemisphere appears darker than its southern hemi-
sphere. A dark polar hood seen by Voyager t has changed
and Voyager 2 photographed a dark polar collar. A great debate has arisen among planetary scientists
concerning the nature of lapetus. It has long been known
Seven of Saturn's satellites are intermediate in size, as that it has a dark side facing forward in its orbit around
planetary satellites go, ranging in size from about 290 to Saturn and a bright side facing backward. The dark hemi-
1530 kilometers (180 to 950 miles) in diameter. (Jupiter's sphere is as black as asphalt - one of the darkest surfaces in
satellites are either very much larger or very rnuch smaller the solar system. Since there are no brighter areas on this
than these.) region, such as might resuh from meteorites punching
through the black material to the icy crust and spraying out For more information about the Voyager mission to
lighter-colored debris, the black coating must either be Jupiter and Saturn, refer to the open literature, for both
thick or constantly resupplied. Some scientists believe the scientific and popular audiences. The following sets of
black material comes from Iapetus' interior, while others articles represent official summaries of the mission and the
believe it is external in origin - perhaps a coating of dust resultst
from Phoebe.

Phoebe, the last of Saturn's satellites to be observed Space Science Reuiews, YoI. 2I, No. 2, November
by Voyager 2, is probably a captured asteroid. 1977.

Eight tiny moonlets also orbit Saturn. They appear to Space Science Reaiews, Vol. 21, No . 3, December
interact with the larger moons and to "control" the rings to 1977.
some degree. 1980528 orbits just outside the outer edge of
the A-Ring. t98OS27 and 1980526, the so-called "shep- Science, Yol. 2O4, June t, 1979, p p . 9 4 5 - 1 0 0 8 ,
herding" satellites, flank the F-Ring, apparently herding it 913-921(Voyager1 Jupiterresults).
between them. 1980S3 and 198051, the "co-orbitals",
share an orbit between the F- and G-Rings, playing a kind Science,Yol. 206, November23, L979, pp. 925-996
of cosmic leapfrog as they switch orbits in a four-year (Voyager2 Jupiterresults).
cycle. 1980513 and 1980525 share an orbit with Tethys,
occupying^mathematical points of stability (Lagrangian S c i e n c e ,Y o L 2 I 2 , A p r i l 1 0 , 1 9 8 1 , p p . L 5 9 - 2 4 3
points) 60" ahead and behind the larger satellite. (Voyager1 Saturnresults).
Similarly, 198056 orbits 60" ahead of Dione. Ground-
based searchesfor other tiny moons at Lagrangian points
Science (planned publication date January 1982)
of the other satellites have located none. However, a tiny
(Voyager2 Saturnresults).
moon is suspectedto share the orbit of Mimas, based on
data from the cosmic ray instrument.


This was one of tbe first pictures obtained

once Voyager 2 resumed returning images
on August 28 after its scan platform uas
commanded to point to Satum again. Prob-
lems witb tbe platform, on wbicb Voyager's
cameras and tbree otber instruments are
mounted, had preuented tbe return of
images for sezteral days after closest
approacb to tbe planet on August 25. Out-
bound obseraations uere of tbe soutbern
bemispbere and tbe unlit side of tbe rings.
Voyager 2 crossed tbe ringplane only once,
dipping belou it about 12OO kilometers
(75O miles) outside tbe G-Ring sbortly after
closest approacb to tbe planet. Tbis oiew
shozps some detail and differences in tbe
complex ring system. The "reddening" of
tbe B-Ring on tbe unlit side also uas seen in
Voyager 1 images. Tbe sbadort of the rings
falls across tbe planet's equator in tbis
piew. 3.4 million kilometers (2.1 million

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