RA Maturity List
RA Maturity List
RA Maturity List
Industry Update
Webinar, December, 2014 PROTECTION
What do you estimate your revenue and
fraud leakage to be?
Leakage as a Percentage of Revenue
Detected Leakage % of
Recoverable and Unrecoverable
% of un-recovered revenues
Revenues Leakage detected
Recoverable Unrecoverable
Recovered %
98% 43%
Recovered Unrecovered
Percentage of Leakage Recovered
The RA Department
FTE in the RA Department
Source: KMPG Global Revenue Assurance Survey, 2012, 89 respondents
RA Activity Distribution
RA Involvement in Change Processes
Use of Best Practices1
31% 20%
44% 44% 38% 38% 40%
63% 56%
44% 50% 38% 33%
44% 38%
31% 38%
25% 27% 33%
13% 19% 19% 19%
0% 6% 6%
GB941-B (RAMM) GB941 Guidebook TR131 GB941-E [1] GB941-D GB941-A (RASK) GB941-E [3] GB941-E [2] GB941-C RFX
Not familiar with it and not using it Familiar with it but not using it Familiar with it and using it
TM Forum RA Best Practices
RA Maturity Model (RAMM)
31% 20%
44% 44% 38% 38% 40%
63% 56%
44% 50% 38% 33%
44% 38%
31% 38%
25% 27% 33%
13% 19% 19% 19%
0% 6% 6%
GB941-B (RAMM) GB941 Guidebook TR131 GB941-E [1] GB941-D GB941-A (RASK) GB941-E [3] GB941-E [2] GB941-C RFX
Not familiar with it and not using it Familiar with it but not using it Familiar with it and using it
Revenue Assurance Maturity Model
Provides a method to assess the maturity of business activities that should
deliver revenue assurance objectives based on a quantitative maturity model
Maturity Model Assessment Areas:
Organization Process Measurement Technology
The TM Forum RAMM2
TM Forum - Revenue Assurance Metrics
Data Quality Revenue Leakage RA Process Effectiveness
Percentage of validated data Percentage of customer bills adjusted in a bill cycle Percentage of the recovered revenue value
Percentage of customers included to Percentage of Unbilled and Underbilled Revenue over Quantitative description of the recovered revenue
reconciliation Total Revenue value
Percentage of misaligned data records Value of Unbilled and Underbilled Revenue over Total Quantitative description of the recoverable
Revenue revenue value
Percentage of misaligned customers Percentage of Billable xDRs suspended or Percentage of the recoverable revenue value
errored/Total xDRs
Ratio of Billing xDRs Records to Network xDRs Quantitative description of the average time for
Records recovery of revenue
Percentage of errors on Fulfillment orders Percentage of xDRs successfully recovered,
processed and billed after recycling over Total xDRs
Quantitative description of the cost of assets that Percentage of Recovered and Recoverable
were unused or stranded Customer Revenue over Total Revenue
Percentage of Verified and Accepted 3rd Party Quantitative description of the unfilled error fixes
Settlement Reports over Total S/P Settlement Reports orders
Revenue Assurance Metrics, 2015 planned changes
Data Quality Revenue Leakage RA Process Effectiveness
Percentage of validated data Percentage of customer bills adjusted in a bill cycle Percentage of the recovered revenue value
Percentage of customers included to Percentage of Unbilled and Underbilled Revenue over Quantitative description of the recovered revenue
reconciliation Total Revenue value
Percentage of misaligned data records Value of Unbilled and Underbilled Revenue over Total Quantitative description of the recoverable
Revenue revenue value
Percentage of misaligned customers Percentage of Billable xDRs suspended or Percentage of the recoverable revenue value
errored/Total xDRs
Ratio of Billing xDRs Records to Network xDRs Quantitative description of the average time for
Records recovery of revenue
Percentage of errors on Fulfillment orders Percentage of xDRs successfully recovered,
processed and billed after recycling over Total xDRs
Quantitative description of the cost of assets that Percentage of Recovered and Recoverable
were unused or stranded Customer Revenue over Total Revenue
Percentage of Verified and Accepted 3rd Party Quantitative description of the unfilled error fixes
Settlement Reports over Total S/P Settlement Reports orders
Revenue Assurance Metrics, 2015 planned changes
TM Forum - Big Data Analytics Catalyst
1. Harnessing the power of Big Data
Analytics to improve customer
experience and achieve business
2. Defining and implementing a new and
innovative concept for a unified
Analytics Big Data Repository (ABDR)
3. ABDR supporting multiple big data use
cases and commercial data analytics
systems, while avoiding data
TM Forum - Analytics Big Data Repository (ABDR)
Future trends
Revenue Assurance
Prepaid and charging require an inordinate Market adopts centrally managed, but distributed
Charging Complexity amount of revenue assurance due to multiple charging systems. Hybrid model allows postpaid
platforms on the backend. subs to pay for certain content/services on the fly.
RA departments play limited role in enterprise Expanding enterprise portfolio in wireless, cloud
Enterprise billing business due to complexity of custom contracts and IT outsourcing will require assurance
and subaccount hierarchies monitoring, particularly to mid-sized enterprises.
23 Source, TRI, The Telecom Analytics & Big Data Solutions Market, 2014
RA and New Business Models
France – will LTE remain premium?
Sponsored Data
Source: http://www.att.com/gen/press-room?pid=25183&cdvn=news&newsarticleid=37366&mapcode=
Data Exchange
Source: http://www.telecomasia.net/content/china-mobile-hk-opens-data-exchange-platform
Verizon “Share Everything” Data Plan 12/2013
Source: http://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/plan-information/?page=share-everything