10.1007@978 3 319 27760 8
10.1007@978 3 319 27760 8
10.1007@978 3 319 27760 8
Grzegorz Łukaszewicz
Piotr Kalita
An Introduction with Applications
Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics
Volume 34
Series Editors:
David Y. Gao, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Tudor Ratiu, École Polytechnique Fédérale
Advisory Board:
Ivar Ekeland, University of British Columbia
Tim Healey, Cornell University
Kumbakonam Rajagopal, Texas A&M University
David J. Steigmann, University of California, Berkeley
Navier–Stokes Equations
An Introduction with Applications
Grzegorz Łukaszewicz Piotr Kalita
Faculty of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer
Informatics, and Mechanics Science
University of Warsaw Jagiellonian University in Krakow
Warszawa, Poland Krakow, Poland
viii Preface
The lectures at the Mathematics Faculty of the University of Warsaw were also
attended by students and PhD students from the Faculty of Physics and Faculty
of Geophysics, and it became clear that a routine mathematical lecture had to be
extended to include additional aspects of hydrodynamics. Some students asked for
“more physics and motivation” and “more real applications”; others were mainly
interested in the mathematics of the Navier–Stokes equations, and yet others would
like to see the Navier–Stokes equations in a more general context of evolution
equations and to learn the theory of infinite dimensional dynamical systems on the
research level. These several aspects of hydrodynamics well suited the tastes and
interests of the lecturer, and also the second author was welcomed to join the project
of the book at a later stage.
In consequence, the audience of the book is threesome:
Group I: Mathematicians, physicists, and engineers who want to learn about the
Navier–Stokes equations and mathematical modeling of fluids
Group II: University teachers who may teach a graduate or PhD course on fluid
mechanics basing on this book or higher-level students who start research on the
Navier–Stokes equations
Group III: Researchers interested in the exchange of current knowledge on
dynamical systems approach to the Navier–Stokes equations
Although, in principle, all these three groups can find interest in all chapters of
the book, Chaps. 2–7 are primarily targeted at Group I, Chaps. 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, and 12
aimed mainly at Group II, and Chaps. 7–16 for Group III.
For a reader with reasonable background on calculus, functional analysis, and
theory of weak solutions for PDEs, the whole book should be understandable.
The book was planned to be a monograph which could also be used as a textbook
to teach a course on fluid mechanics or the Navier–Stokes equations. Typical
courses could be “Navier–Stokes equations”, “partial differential equations”, “fluid
mechanics”, “infinite dimensional dynamics systems.” To this end many chapters
of this book include exercises. Moreover, we did not restrain ourselves to include
a number of figures to liven the text and make it more intuitive and less formal.
We believe that the figures will be helpful. Special care was undertaken to keep the
individual chapters self-contained as far as possible to allow the reader to read the
book linearly (in linear portions). That demanded several small repetitions here and
To understand the first chapters of this book, just the basic knowledge on
calculus, that can be learned from any calculus textbook, should be enough.
The book is planned to be self-contained, but, to understand its last chapters,
some knowledge from a textbook like “Partial Differential Equations” by L.C. Evans
(which contains all necessary knowledge on functional analysis and PDEs) would
be helpful. Each chapter contains an introduction that explains in simple words the
nature of presented results and a section on bibliographical notes that will place it
in the context of past and current research.
Preface ix
xii Contents
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
Introduction and Summary
This chapter provides, for the convenience of the reader, an overview of the whole
book, first of its structure and then of the content of the individual chapters.
The outline of the book structure is as follows.
Chapter 2 shows the derivation of the Navier–Stokes equations from the prin-
ciples of physics and discusses their physical and mathematical properties and
examples of the solutions for some particular cases, without going into complicated
mathematics. This part is aimed to fill in a gap between an engineer and mathe-
matician and should be understood by anybody with basic knowledge of calculus
no more complicated than the Stokes theorem.
In Chap. 3, a necessary mathematical background including these parts of func-
tional analysis and theory of Sobolev spaces which are needed to understand modern
research on the Navier–Stokes equations is presented. Chapters 4–6 comprise three
examples of stationary problems.
Then we smoothly move to the research level part of the book (Chaps. 7–16)
which presents the analysis from the point of view of global attractors of the
asymptotic (in time) behavior of the velocities being the solutions of the Navier–
Stokes system. Roughly speaking we endeavor to show how the modern theory of
global attractors can be used to construct the mathematical objects that enclose the
seemingly chaotic and unordered eddy and turbulent flows. We tame these flows
by showing their fine properties like the finite dimensionality of global attractors,
which means that the description of unrestful and turbulent states can be done by
finite number of parameters or existence of invariant measures which means that the
flow becomes, in statistical sense, stationary.
We deal with non-autonomous problems using the recent and elegant theory of
so-called pullback attractors that allows to cope with flows with changing in time
sources, sinks, or boundary data. We also solve problems with multivalued boundary
conditions that allow to model various contact conditions between the fluid and
enclosing object, such as the stick/slip frictional boundary behavior.
@u 1
u C .u r/u C rp D f ;
div u D 0;
u C .u r/u C rp D f in Q;
divu D 0 in Q;
To show typical methods used when dealing with nonlinear problems, we present
a number of proofs based on various linearizations and fixed point theorems in
standard function spaces. The solutions, due to the nonlinearity of the Navier–Stokes
equations are not in general unique, however, under some restriction on the mass
force and viscosity coefficient (quite intuitive from the physical point of view), one
can prove their uniqueness.
In Chap. 5 we consider the stationary Navier–Stokes equations with friction in
the three-dimensional bounded domain ˝. The domain boundary @˝ is divided
into two parts, namely the boundary D on which we assume the homogeneous
Dirichlet boundary condition and the contact boundary C on which we decompose
the velocity into the normal and tangent directions. In the normal direction we
assume u n D 0, i.e., there is no leak through the boundary, while in the tangent
direction we set T 2 h.x; u /, the multivalued relation between the tangent
stress and tangent velocity. This relation is the general form of the friction law on
the contact boundary. The existence of solution is shown by the Kakutani–Fan–
Glicksberg fixed point theorem and some cut-off techniques.
In Chap. 6 we consider a typical problem for the hydrodynamic equations coming
from the lubrication theory. In this theory the domain of the flow is usually very thin
and the engineers are interested in the distribution of the pressure therein. Because
of the thinness of the domain, in practice one assumes that the pressure would
depend only on two and not three independent variables. The pressure distribution
is governed then by the Reynolds equation, which depends on the original boundary
data. Our aim is to obtain the Reynolds equation starting from the stationary Stokes
equations, considered in the three-dimensional domains ˝ " , " > 0,
u C rp D f in ˝ ";
div u D 0 in ˝ " ;
with a Fourier boundary condition on the top F" and Tresca boundary conditions
on the bottom part of the boundary C , respectively. We show how to pass, in a
precise mathematical way, as " ! 0, from the three-dimensional Stokes equations
to a two-dimensional Reynolds equation for the pressure distribution (see Fig. 1.1).
The passage from the three-dimensional problem to a two-dimensional one
depends on several factors and additional scaling assumptions. The existence of
solutions of the limit equations follows from the existence of solutions of the
original three-dimensional problem. Finally, we show the uniqueness of the limit
In Chaps. 7–10 we consider the nonstationary autonomous Navier–Stokes
in two-dimensional domains. In these chapters the solutions are global in time and
4 1 Introduction and Summary
Fig. 1.1 Schematic view of the problem considered in Chap. 6. Incompressible static Stokes
equation is solved on the three-dimensional domain ˝ " . The domain thickness is given by "h,
where h is a function of the point in the two-dimensional domain !. As " ! 0, Reynolds equation
on ! is recovered
u D Ue1 ; U 2 R; U>0 on C ;
1 Introduction and Summary 5
Fig. 1.3 Three-dimensional infinite ring-like domain and its rectification considered in Chaps. 9
and 10
unD0 on C ;
and that the tangential component of the velocity u on C is unknown and satisfies
the Tresca friction law with a constant and positive maximal friction coefficient k.
This means that
6 1 Introduction and Summary
jT .u; p/j k >
jT .u; p/j < k ) u D U0 e1 on C ;
jT .u; p/j D k ) 9 0 such that u D U0 e1 T .u; p/
where T is the tangential component of the stress tensor on C and U0 e1 D .U0 ; 0/,
U0 2 R, is the velocity of the lower surface producing the driving force of the flow.
In the second problem the boundary C is also assumed to be moving with
the constant velocity U0 e1 D .U0 ; 0/ which, together with the mass force, produces
the driving force of the flow. The friction coefficient k is assumed to be related to
the slip rate through the relation k D k.ju U0 j/, where k W RC ! RC . If there
is no slip between the fluid and the boundary then the friction is bounded by the
threshold k.0/
while if there is a slip, then the friction force density (equal to tangential stress) is
given by the expression
u U0
u ¤ U0 ) T D k.ju U0 j/ on C : (1.5)
ju U0 j
Note that (1.4) and (1.5) generalize the Tresca law (1.3) where k was assumed to
be a constant. Here k depends of the slip rate, this dependence represents the fact
that the kinetic friction is less than the static one, which holds if k is a decreasing
We prove that for both problems above there exist exponential attractors, in
particular the global attractors of finite fractal dimension.
In Chaps. 11–13 we consider the time asymptotics of solutions of the two-dimen-
sional Navier–Stokes equations. First, in Chap. 11 we prove two properties of the
equations in a bounded domain, concerning the existence of determining modes and
nodes. Then we study the equations in an unbounded domain, in the framework of
the theory of infinite dimensional non-autonomous dynamical systems, introducing
the notion of the pullback attractor.
Chapter 12 presents a construction of invariant measures and statistical solutions
for the non-autonomous Navier–Stokes equations in bounded and some unbounded
domains in R2 . More precisely, we construct the family of probability measures
f t gt2R and prove the relations t .E/ D .U.t; /1 E/ for t; 2 R, t and
Borel sets E in H. The support of each measure t is included in the section A.t/
of the pullback attractor. We prove also the Liouville and energy equations. Finally,
we consider statistical solutions of the Navier–Stokes equations supported on the
pullback attractor.
1 Introduction and Summary 7
u D U.t/e1 ; U.t/ 2 R on C :
Our aim is to study the time asymptotics of solutions in the frame of the dynamical
systems theory. We prove the existence of the pullback attractor and estimate its
fractal dimension. We shall apply the results from Chap. 11, reformulated here in
the language of evolutionary processes.
Chapters 14–16 are devoted to global in time solutions of the Navier–Stokes
equations which are not necessary unique. We introduce theories of global attractors
for multivalued semiflows and multivalued processes to include this situation.
We study further examples of contact problems in both autonomous and non-
autonomous cases.
In Chap. 14 we consider two-dimensional nonstationary Navier–Stokes shear
flows in the domain ˝ as in Fig. 1.2, with nonmonotone and multivalued boundary
conditions on C . Namely, we assume the following subdifferential boundary
un .t/ D 0 on C ;
If X is fixed and t varies, Eq. (2.1) specifies the path of the particle initially at X.
On the other hand, for fixed t, (2.1) determines a transformation of a region initially
occupied by the fluid into its position at time t.
We assume that the transformation (2.1) is continuous and invertible, that is, there
exists its inverse
u.x; t/ D U.X; t/ D x.X; t/ ; .x D x.X; t// : (2.4)
Above, X is treated as a parameter representing a given fixed particle, and this is the
reason that we use the ordinary derivative in (2.4).
Having the velocity field u.x; t/, we can (in principle) determine the transforma-
tion (2.1), solving the ordinary differential equation
x.X; t/ D u.x.X; t/; t/;
d @
F.X; t/ and f .x; t/ ;
dt @t
2.1 Derivation of the Equations of Motion 13
d d @f dxi @f
F.X; t/ D f .x.X; t/; t/ D .x.X; t/; t/ C .x.X; t/; t/ ;
dt dt @xi dt @t
d D
F.X; t/ D f .x; t/ ; (2.5)
dt Dt
where D
f .x; t/ @t
.x; t/ C u.x; t/ rf .x; t/ is called the material derivative of f .
Transport Theorem Let ˝.t/ denote an arbitrary volume that is moving with the
fluid and let f .x; t/ be a scalar or vector function of position and time. The transport
theorem states that
f .x; t/ dx (2.6)
dt ˝.t/
D .x; t/ C u.x; t/ rf .x; t/ C f .x; t/ div u.x; t/ dx :
˝.t/ @t
as in (2.1). Then
f .x; t/ dx
D f .x.X; t/; t/J.X; t/ dX D F.X; t/J.X; t/ dX ;
˝.0/ ˝.0/
so that
d d
f .x; t/dx D F.X; t/J.X; t/ dX (2.7)
dt ˝.t/ dt ˝.0/
d d
D F.X; t/J.X; t/ C F.X; t/ J.X; t/ dX :
˝.0/ dt dt
14 2 Equations of Classical Hydrodynamics
By (2.5) we have
F.X; t/J.X; t/ dX
˝.0/ dt
D .x.X; t/; t/ C u.x.X; t/; t/ rf .x.X; t/; t/ J.X; t/ dX
˝.0/ @t
D .x; t/ C u.x; t/ rf .x; t/ dx :
˝.t/ @t
J.X; t/ D div u.x.X; t/; t/J.X; t/ ; (2.8)
the proof of which we leave to the reader as an exercise.
The fluid is called incompressible if for any domain ˝.0/ and any t,
hence by (2.8), (2.2), and the arbitrariness of choice of the domain ˝.t/ via ˝.0/ a
necessary and sufficient condition for the fluid to be incompressible is
div u.x; t/ D 0 :
Exercise 2.1. Prove that the transport theorem can be written in the form
d @f
f .x; t/ dx D .x; t/ dx C f .x; t/u.x; t/ n.x; t/ dS ;
dt ˝.t/ ˝.t/ @t @˝.t/
The principle of conservation of mass says that the mass of a fluid in a material
volume ˝ does not change as ˝ moves with the fluid; that is,
.x; t/ dx D 0 :
dt ˝.t/
C div .u/ D 0 : (2.9)
Sometimes the principle of conservation of mass is expressed as follows. Let ˝ be
a fixed volume. Then
.x; t/ dx D u n dS ; (2.10)
dt ˝ @˝
that is, the rate of change of mass in a fixed volume ˝ is equal to the mass flux
through its surface.
We notice also the general formula
d D
f dx D f dx : (2.11)
dt ˝.t/ ˝.t/ Dt
f.X; t/J.X; t/g D 0 ;
Exercise 2.4 (Cf. [5]). Show that if 0 .X/ is the distribution of density of the fluid
at time t D 0 and r.div u/ D 0, then
Z t
.x; t/ D 0 .X.x; t// exp div u.x; t/ dt :
16 2 Equations of Classical Hydrodynamics
The Cauchy principle says that tn depends at any given time only on the position
and the orientation of the surface element dS; in other words,
tn D tn .x; t; n/ :
The principle of conservation of linear momentum says that the rate of change of
linear momentum of a material volume equals the resultant force on the volume
udx D f dx C tn dS ; (2.12)
dt ˝.t/ ˝.t/ @˝.t/
From this equation we derive a very important fact, namely, that the vector tn (called
normal stress) can be expressed as a linear function of n, in the form
where T D fTij g is a matrix called the stress tensor. This will allow us to pass from
the integral form (2.13) of the equation of conservation of linear momentum to a
differential one.
Let l3 be the volume of ˝ D ˝.t/. Dividing both sides of (2.13) by l2 and letting
the volume tend to zero we obtain
lim l tn dS D 0 ; (2.15)
j˝j!0 @˝
where t.n/ D tn D tn .x; t; n/, t.h/ D th for h 2 fe1 ; e2 ; e3 g, and ni > 0. By
a continuity argument, (2.16) holds for all ni 0, and then we prove easily that
t.ei / D t.ei /, i D 1; 2; 3, and that it holds for all n. This means that t.n/ may be
expressed as a linear function of n; that is, we can write it in the form (2.14). Thus,
by (2.13) and by the Green theorem we obtain
dx D .f C div T/ dx ;
˝.t/ Dt ˝.t/
D f C div T ; (2.17)
0 1
@ @
@ ui C uj ui A D fi C Tji;j ; i D 1; 2; 3 :
@t jD1
In the simplest model the contact forces act perpendicularly to the surface
elements. We have then
t.n/ D p.x/n ;
and call p the pressure. The minus sign is chosen so that when p > 0, the contact
forces on a closed surface tend to compress the fluid inside; p represents the pressure
exerted from outside on a surface of the element of the fluid.
In particular, all fluids at rest exhibit this stress behavior, namely that an element
of area always experiences a stress normal to itself, and this stress is independent of
the orientation. Such stress is called hydrostatic.
We call this idealized model a perfect fluid. The equation of motion for perfect
fluids is
C .u r/u D f rp ;
X @
.u r/ui D uj ui ; i D 1; 2; 3 :
All real fluids when in motion can exert tangential stresses across surface elements,
in which case the tensor T is not diagonal.
The stress tensor may always be written in the form
Tij D Tji :
.ui / D fi C .Tji uj ui /;j ;
and interpret it physically.
2.1 Derivation of the Equations of Motion 19
Exercise 2.9 (Cf. [5]). Show that if F is any function of position and time, then
FTji nj dS D Tji F ;j CF fi dx
@˝ ˝ Dt
(theorem of stress means).
Equation of Energy The first law of thermodynamics in classical hydrodynamics
states that the increase of total energy (we shall consider here only kinetic and
internal energies) in a material volume is the sum of the heat transferred and the
work done on the volume. We denote by q the heat flux (then q n is the heat flux
into the volume) and by E the specific internal energy. Then the balance expressed
by the first law of thermodynamics is, cf. [5],
d 1 2
juj C E dx (2.18)
dt ˝.t/ 2
D f u dx C tn u dS q n dS :
˝.t/ @˝.t/ @˝.t/
The first integral on the right-hand side is the rate at which the body force does work,
the second integral represents the work done by the stress, and the third integral
is the total heat flux into the volume.
We shall write this equation in another form. From the theorem of stress means
(Exercise 2.9) we have, with F D ui ,
ui Tji nj dS D Tji ui;j C ui fi ui dx :
@˝.t/ ˝.t/ Dt
Thus the rate of change of kinetic energy of a material volume is the sum of three
parts: the rate at which the body forces do work, the rate at which the internal
stresses do work, and the rate at which the surface stresses do work.
From (2.18), (2.19), the transport theorem, and the Green theorem we obtain
C r q T W .ru/ dx D 0 ;
˝.t/ Dt
where T W .ru/ is the dyadic notation for Tji ui;j , the scalar product of T and ru.
20 2 Equations of Classical Hydrodynamics
D r q C T W .ru/ :
q D kr
.k 0/ ; (2.23)
where k is the thermal conductivity of the fluid then the energy equation takes the
D r .kr
/ C T W .ru/ :
(b) The fluid is homogeneous; that is, T does not depend explicitly on x.
(c) The fluid is isotropic; that is, there is no preferred direction.
(d) When there is no deformation (D D 0), and the fluid is incompressible
(uk;k D 0), the stress is hydrostatic (T D pI, I is the unit matrix).
Fluids that satisfy these postulates are called Stokesian. It can be proved (cf. [5, 212])
that the most general form of the stress tensor in this case is
T D .p C ˛/I C ˇD C D2 ;
which coincides with (2.24). Such linear Stokesian fluids are called Newtonian.
Fluids that are not Newtonian are called non-Newtonian. One important example
of the latter are the micropolar fluids [92, 159].
The Stress Tensor and the Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum
Looking at the form of the equation of conservation of linear momentum
u dx D f dx C tn dS ;
dt ˝.t/ ˝.t/ @˝.t/
Remark 2.2. In classical hydrodynamics the stress tensor is symmetric, and the law
of conservation of angular momentum is defined by Eq. (2.27). In consequence,
in classical hydrodynamics the law of conservation of angular momentum can be
derived from the law of conservation of mass and the law of conservation of linear
momentum, and as such adds nothing to the description of the fluid.
Proof. Let us assume (ii), and we shall deduce (i). Applying formula (2.11), we
have from (2.27)
.x u/ dx (2.28)
dt ˝.t/
D Du
D .x u/ dx D x dx
˝.t/ Dt ˝.t/ Dt
D .x f / dx C x tn dS :
˝.t/ @˝.t/
where r T is another notation for div T, and Tx is the vector ijk Tjk (ijk is the
alternating tensor of Levi-Civita), so that by (2.28)
x f r T dx D Tx dx :
˝.t/ Dt ˝.t/
The left-hand side vanishes identically by the Cauchy equation; hence the right-hand
side vanishes for an arbitrary volume, and so Tx D 0. However, the components of
Tx are T23 T32 , T31 T13 , T12 T21 , and the vanishing of these implies Tij D Tji ,
so that T is symmetric.
We leave to the reader the proof that (i) implies (ii). t
Substituting the stress tensor (2.24) into the system (2.20)–(2.22) we obtain the
system of field equations of classical hydrodynamics
D r u ; (2.30)
D rp C . C /r div u C u C f ; (2.31)
2.4 Navier–Stokes Equations 23
D p div u C ˚ r q ; (2.32)
div u D 0 ; (2.34)
that the specific internal energy of the fluid is proportional to its temperature,
E D cr
; where cr D const > 0 ; (2.35)
and that Fourier’s law (2.23) (with k D const 0) holds. With (2.34), (2.35), (2.23),
and (2.33), system (2.30)–(2.32) becomes
C u r D 0 ; div u D 0 ; (2.36)
C .u r/u D rp C u C f ; (2.37)
cr C u r
D 2 D W D C k
: (2.38)
@u 1
C .u r/u D rp C u C f ; (2.39)
div u D 0 ; (2.40)
cr C u r
D 2D W D C
: (2.41)
24 2 Equations of Classical Hydrodynamics
When the body forces f do not depend on temperature, the first two equations of the
above system,
@u 1
C .u r/u D rp C u C f ; (2.42)
div u D 0 (2.43)
constitute a closed system of equations with respect to variables u; p, and are called
Navier–Stokes equations of viscous incompressible fluids with uniform density (we
shall call them just the Navier–Stokes equations). The mechanical energy of the flow
governed by (2.42) and (2.43) due to viscous dissipation is lost and appears as heat.
This can be seen from Eq. (2.41) in which the term 2D W D is positive, provided
the flow is not uniform. In real fluids, however, density depends on temperature,
so that our system (2.39)–(2.41) may be physically impossible. In fact, due to
viscosity and high velocity gradients the temperature rises in view of (2.41), and this
produces density fluctuations, contrary to our assumption that density is uniform in
the flow domain. Thus, reduced problems often play the role of more or less justified
approximations. For more considerations of this kind cf. [109, Chap. 1].
When the body forces depend on temperature, f D f .
/, we have to take into
account the whole system (2.39)–(2.41). One of the considered in the literature
system of equations of heat conducting viscous and incompressible fluid are the
so-called Boussinesq equations,
@u 1 1
C .u r/u D rp C u C g˛.
0 / ; (2.44)
@t 0 0
div u D 0 ; (2.45)
C u r
; (2.46)
@t cr
where g represents the vertical gravity acceleration, ˛ is the thermal expansion
coefficient, and c
r is the thermal diffusion coefficient. Moreover, 0 and
0 are
some reference density and temperature, respectively. In the velocity equation the
vertical buoyancy force 10 g˛.
0 / results from changes of density associated
with temperature variations 0 D ˛.
0 /. This is the only term in the
system where changes of density were taken into account. We have also abandoned
the viscous dissipation term in the temperature equation.
we obtain
C .u r/! D .! r/u C !; (2.47)
where the vector field ! D r u is called vorticity of the fluid. It has a simple
physical interpretation. In the case of two-dimensional motion with
where the third component represents twice the angular velocity of a small
(infinitesimal) fluid element at point .x1 ; x2 /. The vorticity field is, by definition,
divergence free,
div ! D 0:
C .u r/! D !;
and we can see that the vorticity in the fluid is transported by two agents: convection
and diffusion, just as the temperature in the system (2.44)–(2.46).
For inviscid fluids ( D 0) the vorticity field has very important properties that
allow us to imagine behavior of complicated turbulent flows [83]. In this case,
vorticity is a local variable which means that we can isolate a patch of vorticity and
observe how it is transported along the velocity field trajectories with a finite speed.
For two-dimensional flows this is evident as then the vorticity equation reduces to
C .u r/! D 0:
For more information, cf. [166].
Exercise 2.10. Vorticity has nothing in common with rotation of the fluid as a
whole. Calculate the vorticity of the flows: (a) u.x1 ; x2 ; x3 / D .u1 .x2 /; 0; 0/ and
(b) u.r; ; z/ D .0; k=r; 0/ for r > 0.
26 2 Equations of Classical Hydrodynamics
2.6 Thermodynamics
dE D
dS p dV or dE D
dS p d : (2.50)
A simple phase system is said to undergo a differentiable process if its state variables
are differentiable functions of time: V D V.t/, S D S.t/, etc. Assuming such a
dependence one usually assumes, together with (2.50), that
Dt Dt Dt
p 2 : (2.51)
Dt Dt Dt
Relation (2.51) makes it possible to write a definite form of the balance of entropy
when we know the laws of conservation of mass and internal energy. We shall use
this relation in the sequel.
Second Law of Thermodynamics and Constraints on Viscosity Coefficients
Consider the law of conservation of energy (2.32)
D r .kr
/ p div u C ˚ ; (2.52)
where Fourier’s law is assumed, and ˚ is given by (2.33). We see that the internal
energy increases with the influx of heat transfer, compression, and the viscous
2.6 Thermodynamics 27
DE p D
D r .kr
/ C ˚ : (2.54)
Dt Dt
Now we shall transform the left-hand side of (2.54). From (2.51) we have
D C : (2.55)
Dt Dt Dt
DS 1 1
D r .kr
/ C ˚ ; (2.56)
so that
DS d
dx D S dx (2.57)
˝.t/ Dt dt ˝.t/
1 1
D r .kr
/ C ˚ dx
k k 2 1
D r r
C 2 jr
j C ˚ dx :
In the end we obtain the following integral form of the balance of entropy
DS k @
k 2 1
dx D dS C jr
j C ˚ dx: (2.58)
˝.t/ Dt @˝.t/
@n ˝.t/
k @
q n
dS D dS ;
@n @˝.t/
where ˚ is given by (2.33). The inequality (2.59) gives us the restrictions on the
coefficients in the constitutive equation (2.24). Without assuming the Fourier law,
the second law of thermodynamics states that
q r
C ˚ 0 :
k 0; 3 C 2 0; 0:
Hint. The left-hand side of inequality (2.59) must be nonnegative for an arbitrary
choice of
;i and Dij . It is clear that this implies k 0. The nonnegativity of the
terms containing Dij is equivalent to the condition
3 C 2 0 and 0:
D rp C u; div u D 0 (2.60)
2.7 Similarity of Flows and Nondimensional Variables 29
in ˝ D Œ0; Ln , u D u.x; t/, p D p.x; t/, with initial condition u.x; 0/ D u0 .x/, and
0 D rp0 C 0 u0 ; div u0 D 0 (2.61)
u.x; t/ p.x; t/ p0
u? .x? ; t? / D ; p? .x? ; t? / D (2.62)
U U 2
x U
x? D ; t? D t; (2.63)
we obtain the system
Du? 1
D rp? C u? ; div u? D 0 (2.64)
Dt? Re
Re D :
or, saying it differently, the Reynolds number can be interpreted as a ratio of the
strength of inertial forces to viscous forces.
Exercise 2.12. Let u? ; p? solve system (2.64). Show that
x U x U
u.x; t/ D Uu? ; t ; p.x; t/ D U 2 p? ; t C p0
solve system (2.60). Here arbitrary constants p0 ; p00 may represent typical values of
pressures in the considered problems for systems (2.60) and (2.61), respectively,
cf. (2.62).
Exercise 2.14. Let u0 ; p0 solve the system of equations
0 D rp0 C u0 ; div u0 D 0 (2.65)
in the whole space. Show that
where l > 0, also solve this system of equations. Thus having one (nontrivial)
solution of system (2.65) we can generate in principle an infinite number of different
solutions of the same system.
Consider the transformations,
1 1
.x; t; u; p/ ! lx; l2 t; u; 2 p ; l > 0; (2.66)
l l
2.8 Examples of Simple Exact Solutions 31
x0 D lx ;
t 0 D l2 t ;
u0 D u;
p0 D 2 p:
Show that transformations (2.66) form a group. This group is called a one parameter
symmetry group of scalings of system (2.65).
A solution .u0 ; p0 / is called self-similar if u.x; t/ D u0 .x0 ; t0 /; p.x; t/ D p0 .x0 ; t0 /,
cf. [17].
Exercise 2.15. Let u0 ; p0 solve the system of equations
0 D rp0 C u0 ; div u0 D 0
u.x; t/ D u0 .x ct; t/ C c;
p.x; t/ D p0 .x ct; t/;
where Q is any rotation matrix (Qt D Q1 ) also solve this system of equations
(rotation symmetry).
The Flow Due to an Impulsively Moved Plain Boundary Let the domain of the
flow be half-space
and assume that at times t < 0 the flow is at rest, and that at time t D 0 the plane
y D 0 is suddenly jerked into motion in the x-direction, with a constant velocity U.
32 2 Equations of Classical Hydrodynamics
Due to the geometrical symmetry of the problem and under additional “intuitively
apparent” preconceptions, we assume that the flow is of the form u D .u.y; t/; 0; 0/.
Substituting u of the above form into the Navier–Stokes equations (2.42) we obtain
@u 1 @p @2 u
D C 2 ; (2.67)
@t @x @y
@p @p
D D 0: (2.68)
@y @z
As u depends only on y, from (2.67) together with (2.68) it follows that @p@x
only on t. Assume additionally that @p
D 0 and that the flow is at rest for y D 1.
Then the above system together with the initial and boundary conditions reads
@u @2 u
D 2; (2.69)
@t @y
We say that a solution u D u.y; t/ of the initial and boundary value problem (2.69)–
(2.72) is invariant or self-similar with respect to the one-parameter symmetry group
of scalings
@u0 @2 u0
D ;
@t0 @y02
Observe that the transformation of the independent variables does not change the
space-time domain.
2.8 Examples of Simple Exact Solutions 33
The relation u0 .y0 ; t0 / D u.y; t/ satisfied by the invariant solution implies that
the number of its independent variables can be reduced by one [17]. Together with
the dimensional homogeneity principle [33] stating that physical phenomena must
be described by laws that do not depend on the unit of measure applied to the
dimensions of the variables that describe the phenomena, we arrive at the following
form of the solution
u.y; t/ D f ./; D p : (2.74)
Notice that the new variable , called similarity variable is nondimensional and is
invariant with respect to the symmetry group of scalings y0 D ˛y, t0 D ˛ 2 t.
Exercise 2.16. Assume that problem (2.69)–(2.72) is invariant with respect to a
dilation group
y0 D ea y; t0 D eb t; u0 D ec u;
for some a; b; c, that is if u.x; t/ is a solution of the problem then u0 .x0 ; t0 / is also a
solution of the same problem. Then we get (2.73).
Observe, that if a problem is uniquely solvable and invariant with respect to a
symmetry group of scalings x ! x0 ; t ! t0 ; u ! u0 then its unique solution is
also invariant.
Substituting function of the form (2.74) to problem (2.69)–(2.72) we obtain
f 00 C f 0 D 0;
f .0/ D U; f .1/ D 0:
The example of the velocity profile given by (2.75) is depicted in Fig. 2.1.
34 2 Equations of Classical Hydrodynamics
y 3,5
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1 U
Fig. 2.1 Velocity profile for the flow in the half-space due to the impulsively moved boundary. In
the plot we have U D 1. The variable on the horizontal axis is the velocity u, and on the vertical
axis D pt
Exercise 2.17. Check that the pair .u; p/ D .u..y; t/; 0; 0/; C/ where C is a
constant and u is the function given in (2.75) is a solution of the Navier–Stokes
equations (2.42) and (2.43) with initial and boundary conditions (2.70)–(2.72).
Observe that we have found only one of, perhaps, many other solutions of the
problem. We cannot claim that the solution is unique in u.
From (2.75) it follows that the velocity of the flow is a nonlocal variable, that is,
it spreads information through the region of the flow with infinite speed. Although
at negative times the flow was at rest, at any, however small, positive time t and
any, however large, y > 0, we have u.y; t/ > 0. The same observation concerns the
vorticity vector (the third and only nonzero component of which is ! D @u @y
) as
both functions u and ! satisfy the diffusion equation.
The Poiseuille Flow Consider a stationary flow u D .u.y/; 0; 0/ in the domain
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 y 1
Fig. 2.2 Parabolic velocity profile for the Poiseuille flow. The constants were chosen as h D 1,
D 10, and C D 1. Velocity u.y/ is on the vertical axis, and the space variable y is on the
horizontal axis
for some constant C. Taking into account the boundary conditions we obtain
u.y/ D y.y h/ ;
1 @p
CD :
From the last equation we have p.x/ D Cx C B, for an arbitrary constant B. Let
us take B D 0. We can see that there is an infinite number of solutions .u; p/ of the
u.y/ D y.y h/; p.x/ D Cx: (2.77)
We call them the Poiseuille flows. For C D 0 the flow is just at rest, both velocity and
pressure equal zero. For C < 0 the fluid flows towards the increasing x-direction,
u > 0, driven by the force due to the pressure gradient (as C < 0 the pressure
decreases with increasing x). The example of the velocity profile given by (2.77) for
negative value of C is depicted in Fig. 2.2.
36 2 Equations of Classical Hydrodynamics
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 y1
Fig. 2.3 Linear velocity profile for the Couette flow. The constants were chosen as h D 1 and
C D 2. Velocity u.y/ is on the vertical axis, and the space variable y is on the horizontal axis
The Couette Flow Let us consider a flow u D .u.y/; 0; 0/ in the same region as
in the preceding example, this time, however, with different boundary conditions.
We pose u D 0 at y D 0 and u D U at y D h. As the driving force now comes
from the motion of the upper boundary y D h, we pose C D 0 which corresponds
to p D const in the whole domain. Solving Eq. (2.76) in u with C D 0 and with the
new boundary conditions we obtain the solution
u.y/ D y; p D const: (2.78)
of the problem, with a uniform pressure distribution. We call this flow the Couette
flow. The velocity profile given by (2.78) for negative value of C is depicted in
Fig. 2.3.
Remarks on Modeling Exact solutions serve, among other things, to test a given
theory of hydrodynamics. By theory we mean here a set of governing equations
(conservation laws) together with additional conditions (boundary or initial and
boundary conditions), that is, a boundary or initial and boundary value problem. In
the following chapters we shall prove several results about such theories of classical
A particular theory of hydrodynamics is well-set, that is, that it possesses a
unique solution depending continuously upon the data (boundary data, external
forces, etc.).
2.9 Comments and Bibliographical Notes 37
As was observed by Birkhoff in [16], “until it has been shown that the boundary
value problem is well-set, one cannot conclude that its equations are erroneous.”
The latter means “false” according to the following definition, cf. [16]: A theory
of rational hydrodynamics will be called incomplete if its conditions do not
uniquely determine the flow, overdetermined if its conditions are mathematically
incompatible, false if it is well-set but gives grossly incorrect predictions.
Since from a particular theory in its whole generality, it is in most cases quite
impossible to predict qualitative properties of the flow (it is sometimes easier,
however, to compare various flows among themselves), we are forced to “simplify,”
whatever that means. In this connection, there are very often exact solutions of
special problems that serve to test whether a given theory gives correct predictions
and consequently is not a false theory.
We enumerate a number of such simplifications (which we have already used in
Sect. 2.8):
1. linearization of governing equations,
2. setting a special form of boundary conditions,
3. assumption of some symmetry in space (which reduces the number of spatial
4. assumption that the problem is time-independent,
5. assumption that acting forces are potential or absent.
After suitable simplifications have been done, the original problem reduces to
the one that can be (luckily) solved explicitly by solving, e.g., a linear system
of ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients. Having the exact
solutions, we try to compare them with experiments.
When simplifying, however, one has to be very careful in order not to over-
simplify and obtain paradoxes, for example. It is well known (cf. [16]) that
the various plausible intuitive assumptions we make implicitly when simplifying
may be fallacious. Following [16], we state the assumptions that are especially
1. intuition suffices for determining which physical variables require consideration,
2. small causes produce small effects, and infinitesimal causes produce infinitesimal
3. symmetric causes produce effects with the same symmetry,
4. the flow topology can be guessed by intuition,
5. the processes of analysis can be used freely: the functions of rational hydrody-
namics can be freely integrated, differentiated, expanded in series, integrals, etc.,
6. mathematical problems suggested by intuitive physical ideas are well-set.
In Chaps. 14–16 we consider problems whose solutions might not be unique.
For more information about classical hydrodynamics we refer the reader to
[1, 14, 83, 149].
For a history of hydrodynamics and the derivation and development of the
Navier–Stokes equations, in particular, see [81].
Mathematical Preliminaries
In this chapter we introduce the basic preliminary mathematical tools to study the
Navier–Stokes equations, including results from linear and nonlinear functional
analysis as well as the theory of function spaces. We present, in particular, some
of the most frequently used in the sequel embedding theorems and differential
Theorems from Linear Functional Analysis The core of this subsection is the
Lax–Milgram lemma (which we state for separable Hilbert spaces) as well as
its proof using the Galerkin method. This method will be very useful in our
subsequent considerations, in the proofs of the existence of solutions of both linear
and nonlinear problems.
Theorem 3.1. In a reflexive Banach space every closed ball is weakly compact.
Proof. A proof can be found, e.g., in [106], for separable spaces in [118]. t
In particular, let fxn g be a sequence in a reflexive Banach space B such that
kxn kB M for some M > 0. Then there exists a subsequence fx g of the sequence
fxn g and an element x in B with kxkB M such that fx g converges weakly to x in
B; that is, for every linear and continuous functional L on B,
a.u; u/ ˛kuk2 :
Proof. We use the Galerkin method, to which we shall refer in the following
chapters. It consists of proving the existence of elements um 2 Hm such that
k a.!k ; !l / D L.!l / ; l D 1; 2; : : : ; m :
This system has a unique solution .1 ; : : : ; m / for every right-hand side if
and only if the matrix fa.!k ; !l /gk;lm is nonsingular. We shall show that the
homogeneous system
k a.!k ; !l / D 0 ; l D 1; 2; : : : ; m ;
has a unique solution D .0; 0; : : : ; 0/. We multiply the lth equation by k and
add the equations to get
m X
m X
m X
l k a.!k ; !l / D a k !k ; l !l D a.um ; um / D 0 :
lD1 kD1 kD1 lD1
3.1 Theorems from Functional Analysis 41
kum k kLkH 0
for each positive integer m. From Theorem 3.1 it follows that there exists a sub-
sequence fu g of the sequence of approximate solutions fum g and an element
u 2 H such that u !u weakly in H. For j we have
so that
lim a.u ; v/ D a.u; v/ D L.v/ for v2 Hj :
As 1 jD1 Hj is a dense subset of H, we conclude from the continuity of a.; / and
L./ that (3.1) holds for every v 2 H.
3. Uniqueness of u. Let us suppose that we have two different elements u1 and
u2 such that a.u1 ; v/ D L.v/ and a.u2 ; v/ D L.v/ for all v 2 H. Thus
a.u1 u2 ; v/ D 0, and taking v D u1 u2 we obtain
0 D a.u1 u2 ; u1 u2 / ˛ku1 u2 k2 ;
Remark 3.2. In the above two theorems the separability of the space H is not
essential; for the proofs see [110].
Fixed Point Theorems Fixed point theorems are the basic tool that we shall use.
We begin with the Banach contraction principle, the only theorem in this subsection
that guarantees the uniqueness of the fixed point. The existence of a unique fixed
point is a strong condition, however, and in most cases we shall make use of the
Schauder or the Leray–Schauder theorems. They both follow from the Brouwer
fixed point theorem.
Theorem 3.4 (Banach Contraction Principle). Let T be an operator defined on
the Banach space X with values in X. Assume that T is a contraction, i.e., that a
number ˛, 0 ˛ < 1, exists such that for all pairs of elements u; v 2 X we have
T.K/ K :
Let Xn be the linear hull of the set fx1 ; : : : ; xr.n/ g, that is, the set of all points of the
form 1 x1 C : : : C r.n/ xr.n/ , where 1 , : : :, r.n/ are arbitrary real numbers. We will
write Xn D span fx1 ; : : : ; xr.n/ g. Set Kn D K \ Xn . The set Kn is convex, bounded,
closed, nonempty, and lies in a finite dimensional subspace of X. We define the map
Tn W K!Kn by
Tn .x/ D F 1 T.x/ ;
mi .x/xi
F" .x/ D PiD1
iD1 mi .x/
< " kx xi kX when kx xi kX < " ;
mi .x/ D
0 when kx xi kX " :
mi .Tx/kTx xi kX 1
P < : (3.3)
mi .Tx/ n
for all x 2 X and 2 Œ0; 1 satisfying x D Tx. Then T has a fixed point.
44 3 Mathematical Preliminaries
Proof (cf. [110]). We may assume without loss of generality that M D 1. Let us
define the map T by
ˆ Tx if kTxkX 1 ;
T x D
ˆ Tx
:̂ if kTxkX > 1 :
Then, T is a continuous mapping of the closed unit ball B.1/ D fx 2 X W kxkX 1g
into itself. Since the set TB.1/ is precompact, the same is true for T B.1/.
From the Schauder fixed point theorem it follows that T has a fixed point x. We
shall show that x is a fixed point of T. In fact, if kTxkX > 1, then x D T x D Tx
with D kTxk X
and kxkX D kT xkX D 1, which contradicts (3.4). t
In Chaps. 5 and 15 we will use the following Kakutani–Fan–Glicksberg fixed point
theorem (see [3], Corollary 17.55) to prove the existence of weak solutions.
Theorem 3.8 (Kakutani–Fan–Glicksberg). Let S X be nonempty, compact,
and convex set, where X is a locally convex Hausdorff topological vector space and
let the multifunction ' W S ! 2S have nonempty convex values and closed graph.
Then the set of fixed point of ' (i.e., fx 2 S W x 2 '.x/g) is nonempty and compact.
is a norm in Lp .˝/ (provided that we identify functions that are equal to each other
almost everywhere in ˝).
The space Lp .˝/ is a Banach space. For p D 2 it is a Hilbert space with the scalar
.f ; g/ D fg dx:
We have
Theorem 3.9. Let ffn g be a Cauchy sequence in Lp .˝/, that is,
Then there exists f 2 Lp .˝/ and a subsequence ff g of the sequence ffn g such that
(completeness of Lp .˝/), and f .x/ ! f .x/ for almost all x 2 ˝. Moreover there
exists h 2 Lp .˝/ with h.x/ 0 a.e. in ˝ such that jf .x/j h.x/ for a.e. x 2 ˝.
Definition 3.2. By L1 .˝/ we denote the set of measurable real functions f on ˝
for which
ess supfjf .x/j W x 2 ˝g inffk > 0 W .fx 2 ˝ W jf .x/j > kg/ D 0g < 1:
is a Banach space.
We say that a real-valued function f on ˝ is locally integrable on ˝, and write
f 2 Lloc .˝/, if for every compact K ˝, f is integrable on K.
Similarly, we define spaces Lloc .˝/, for 1 < p < 1.
For f defined on ˝ we define the support of f as the closure of the set
fx 2 ˝ W f .x/ ¤ 0g, and denote it by supp f .
Let ˛ D .˛1 ; : : : ; ˛n / be a multi-index the coordinates of which are nonnegative
integers. We write j˛j D ˛1 C C ˛n , and
D˛ D :
@˛1 x1 @˛n xn
We say that f 2 Ck .˝/ (resp. f 2 Ck .˝/) if there exist partial derivatives D˛ f for
all ˛ with j˛j k that are continuous in ˝ (resp. ˝).
C1 .˝/ D Ck .˝/:
fD˛ ' dx D .1/j˛j f ˛ ' dx:
˝ ˝
Exercise 3.4. Using Lemma 3.2 show that if f 2 Cj˛j .˝/, then f ˛ D D˛ f ; that
is, there exists the generalized derivative f ˛ , and it equals the usual classical partial
derivative D˛ f .
Exercise 3.5. Prove that generalized partial derivatives are uniquely determined
(provided that they exist).
Exercise 3.6. Let ˝ be the interval .0; 1/ on the real line, and let f .x/ D jxj. Prove
that f has the generalized first derivative f 0 , and f 0 .x/ D sgn x almost everywhere
in ˝.
In the sequel we shall write D˛ f instead of f ˛ for generalized derivatives.
Definition 3.4 (Sobolev Space W m;p .˝/). Let m be a positive integer, 1 p < 1.
By W m;p .˝/ we denote a linear subspace of elements f in Lp .˝/ for which
generalized partial derivatives D˛ f exist for all j˛j m and belong to Lp .˝/, with
0 11=p
kf kW m;p .˝/ D @ kD˛ f kLp .˝/ A :
Lemma 3.3 (cf. [2, 142]). The space W m;p .˝/ is a Banach space. For 1 < p < 1
W m;p .˝/ is reflexive.
Exercise 3.7. Prove that the space W m;p .˝/ is complete.
Hint. Use Theorem 3.9, Lemma 3.2, and Definition 3.4.
Lemma 3.4. For 1 < p < 1 every bounded sequence in W m;p .˝/ contains a
weakly convergent subsequence.
Proof. The space W m;p .˝/ is reflexive. t
C01 .˝/
Definition 3.5. By W0 .˝/ we denote the closure of the set in the norm
of W m;p .˝/.
The spaces W m;p .˝/ are also denoted by Wpm .˝/. The spaces W m;2 .˝/ and
W0m;2 .˝/,denoted also by H m .˝/ and H0m .˝/, respectively, are Hilbert spaces with
scalar product
.f ; g/ D D˛ fD˛ g dx:
3.2 Sobolev Spaces and Distributions 47
Definition 3.6. Let m be a positive integer, 1 < p < 1, and 1=p C 1=q D 1.
By W m;q .˝/ we denote the space of linear continuous functionals on the space
W0 .˝/.
The spaces W m;2 .˝/ are also denoted by H m .˝/.
Now we shall define distributions and distributional derivatives.
Let us introduce in the set C01 .˝/ the following notion of convergence.
Definition 3.7. We say that a sequence f'n g C01 .˝/ converges to zero if there
exists a compact K ˝ such that
(i) supp 'n K for each 'n ,
(ii) lim D˛ 'n D 0 for each multi-index ˛, uniformly on ˝.
We denote by D.˝/ the set C01 .˝/ together with the convergence introduced
Definition 3.8. We call the map T W D.˝/ ! R a distribution on ˝ if it is linear,
that is,
lim T.'n / D 0
@T @'
; ' D T;
@xi @xi
for each ' 2 D.˝/, is a distribution. Similarly, for an arbitrary multi-index ˛ we
define D˛ T 2 D 0 .˝/ by
closure of the set Cm .˝/ in the norm (3.5), cf. [142]. From this new definition
of W m;p .˝/ it is clear that the set Cm .˝/ is dense in W m;p .˝/ (provided that the
boundary of ˝ is smooth enough).
Still another description, equivalent to Definition 3.4, of Sobolev spaces can be
given in terms of distributions. We define the space W m;p .˝/ as the linear subspace
of those f 2 Lp .˝/ for which all distributional derivatives D˛ f , j˛j m, belong to
Lp .˝/, with norm (3.5).
(i) if kp < n, then the space W k;p .˝/ is continuously embedded in the space
L .˝/, p D np=.n kp/, and compactly embedded in Lq .˝/ for q < p ;
(ii) if 0 m < kn=p < mC1, then the space W k;p .˝/ is continuously embedded
in Cm;˛ .˝/, ˛ D k n=p m, and compactly embedded in Cm;ˇ .˝/, for ˇ < ˛.
Lemma 3.5 (A Version of the Rellich Theorem, cf. [182]). Let ˝ be an open
and bounded subset of Rn . Then the embedding of H01 .˝/ in L2 .˝/ is compact.
Theorem 3.11 ([105, Theorem 10.1], [235, p. 1034]). Let ˝ be a bounded domain
in Rn with Lipschitz boundary, and let u be any function in W m;r .˝/ \ Lq .˝/,
1 r; q 1. For any multi-index j, 0 jjj < m, and for any number
from the
interval jjj=m
1, set
1 jjj 1 m 1
C .1
/ :
p m r n q
If m jjj n=r is not a nonnegative integer, then
Lq .˝/ : (3.6)
Exercise 3.10. Show that W 2;3=2 .˝/ is continuously embedded in W 1;3 .˝/ for
˝ R3 as in Theorem 3.10.
Let ˝ be a bounded domain in R3 with Lipschitz boundary. Then
3=4 1=4
kukL4 .˝/ CkukH 1 .˝/ kukL2 .˝/
Z ˇ ˇ
C1 ˇ @u ˇ2
ˇ ˇ
ˇ @x .x/ˇ dx1 .x1 x1 / ;
1 1
where x1
D infft W u.t; x2 ; : : : ; xn / D 0; .t; x2 ; : : : ; xn / 2 ˝g: Integrating with
respect to x1 we obtain
Z C1 Z ˇ ˇ
2 d2 C1 ˇˇ @u ˇˇ2
ju.x/j dx1 .x/ dx1 :
1 2 1 ˇ @x1 ˇ
Now, integrating with respect to x2 ; : : : ; xn we obtain inequality (3.7) for i D 1 and
u 2 C01 .˝/. Let u 2 H01 .˝/. There exists a sequence fun g C01 .˝/ converging
to u in H01 .˝/. We prove (3.7) for u, passing to the limit in
d @un
kun kL2 .˝/ p ;
2 @xi L2 .˝/
for i 2 f1; : : : ; ng. t
Corollary 3.1. Let ˝ R be an open and bounded set. Then the following two
0 11=2
jjjujjj D @ kD˛ uk2L2 .˝/ A :
3.3 Some Embedding Theorems and Inequalities 51
1=2 1=2
kukL4 .˝/ 21=4 kukL2 .˝/ kDukL2 .˝/ : (3.8)
Proof (cf. [146]). We shall prove inequality (3.8) for smooth functions with
compact support in ˝, and the general case will follow immediately from the
density of these functions in H01 .˝/. Let u 2 C01 .˝/. For convenience we consider
u as defined on the whole space R2 and equal zero outside of ˝.
We have
Z xk
u2 .x1 ; x2 / D 2 uuxk dxk for k D 1; 2 ;
so that
Z 1
max u2 .x1 ; x2 / 2 juuxk j dxk for k D 1; 2 ; (3.9)
xk 1
4 juux2 jdx juux1 jdx
R2 R2
2 juj2 dx jDuj2 dx;
R2 R2
which proves the lemma for smooth functions with compact support in ˝. t
Lemma 3.8 (Ladyzhenskaya Inequality in Three Dimensions). Let ˝ R3 be
an open and bounded set. Then for all u 2 H01 .˝/
p 1=4 3=4
kukL4 .˝/ 2kukL2 .˝/ kDukL2 .˝/ : (3.10)
Proof (cf. [146]). As in the above lemma, it suffices to prove inequality (3.10)
for smooth functions with compact support. Let u 2 C01 .˝/. We have, by (3.8)
and (3.9),
Z Z C1 Z Z
u4 dx 2 u2 dx1 dx2 .u2x1 C u2x2 /dx1 dx2 dx3
R3 1 R2 R2
2 max u2 dx1 dx2 jDuj2 dx
x3 R2 R3
52 3 Mathematical Preliminaries
4 juux3 jdx jDuj2 dx
R3 R3
Z 1=2 Z 3=2
4 juj2 dx jDuj2 dx ;
R3 R3
Proof. Without loss of generality we can assume that u 2 C01 .˝/ and u 0. We
Z Z C1 Z
I u6 dx D u3 u3 dx2 dx3 dx1
R3 1 R2
Z C1 Z C1 Z C1
3 3
max u dx3 max u dx2 dx1
1 1 x2 1 x3
Z C1 Z Z
2 2
9 ju ux2 jdx2 dx3 ju ux3 jdx2 dx3 dx1
1 R2 R2
Z (Z Z 1=2 Z 1=2 )
9 u dx2 dx3 u2x2 dx2 dx3 u2x3 dx2 dx3 dx1 :
R1 R2 R2 R2
Z Z 1=2 Z 1=2
36 ju ux1 jdx ju2x2 jdx ju2x3 jdx
R3 R3 R3
3 Z 1=2
p Y
36 I ju2xi jdx :
iD1 R3
3.3 Some Embedding Theorems and Inequalities 53
In the end,
( 3 ) 1=2
p Y Y
I 36 kuxi kL2 .˝/ D 36 kuxi k2L2 .˝/
iD1 iD1
8 !3 91=2
< 3
X =
36 33 kuxi k2L2 .˝/
: ;
(as .a1 a2 a3 /1=3 .a1 C a2 C a3 /=3 for ai 0), which gives inequality (3.11). t
Theorem 3.12 (Hardy Inequality, cf. [112, 142]). Let a; b 2 R, a < b, u 2
Lp .a; b/ with p > 1. Then
Z Z p p Z
1 x
p b
ju.s/jds dx ju.x/jp dx; (3.12)
a xa a p1 a
Z Z p p Z
1 b
p b
ju.s/jds dx ju.x/jp dx: (3.13)
a bx x p1 a
Proof. Let un .x/ D 0 for x 2 a; a C 1n and un .x/ D u.x/ for x 2 a C 1n ; b . We
prove the first inequality. Integration by parts and Hölder inequality give
Z Z p Z p
1 x
1 b
jun .s/jds dx D jun .s/jds
a xa a .b a/p1 .1 p/ a
Z b Z x .p1/
p 1
C jun .s/jds jun .x/jdx
p 1 a .x a/p1 a
Z b Z x p1
p 1
ju.s/jds jun .x/jdx
p 1 a .x a/p1 a
Z b Z x p .p1/=p Z b 1=p
p 1
ju n .s/jds dx ju n .x/j p
dx :
p 1 a .x a/p a a
Z Z p p Z
1 x
p b
jun .s/jds dx ju.x/jp dx (3.14)
a xa a p1 a
for n 2 N. Applying the Fatou lemma we obtain (3.12). In a similar way we obtain
the second inequality.
54 3 Mathematical Preliminaries
Exercise 3.11. Deduce inequality (3.12) from inequality (3.14) and prove
inequality (3.13).
Exercise 3.12. Prove that for v 2 W 1;p .a; b/ with v.a/ D 0, p > 1, the following
inequality holds:
Z ˇ ˇ p Z
b ˇ v.x/ ˇp p b
ˇ ˇ dx jv 0 .x/jp dx:
ˇx aˇ p1
a a
Characterization of Sobolev Spaces Hps .Q/ by Using the Fourier Series Each
function u 2 Cp1 .Q/ has a representation
X x
u.x/ D ck e2ik L ;
where ck are complex numbers. We consider real functions, for which ck D ck . It
is known that for functions from Cp1 .Q/ the above series converges uniformly.
We have
2i j˛j X x
D˛ u.x/ D ck k˛ e2ik L :
L k2Zm
3.4 Sobolev Spaces of Periodic Functions 55
Lemma 3.10. The norms k kHps and k kHfs .Q/ are equivalent, that is
X X 2 2j˛j X
kuk2Hps .Q/ D kD˛ uk2L2 .Q/ D Lm jck j2 k2˛
0j˛js 0j˛js k2Zm
0 1
c @ jkj2j˛j A jck j2 cC2 1 C jkj2s jck j2 D cC2 kuk2H s .Q/ :
k2Zm 0j˛js k2Zm
Setting c2 D cC2 we have the second inequality of the lemma. Using once
again (3.15) we obtain the first inequality of the lemma. t
We have thus
Lemma 3.11. The space Hps .Q/ coincides with
( )
2ik Lx
u 2 L2 .Q/ W u.x/ D ck e ; ck D ck ; jkj2s jck j2 < 1 :
k2Zm k2Zm
(of these u 2 Hps .Q/ for which c0 D 0 in their series representation) the expression
2s 2
kukHP ps .Q/ D jkj jck j
kukL2 .Q/ kDukL2 .Q/ ; (3.16)
P p1 .Q/. In fact, we have
which holds for all u in H
X X 2 X
kDuk2L2 .Q/ D kD˛ uk2L2 .Q/ D Lm jck j2 jkj2
j˛jD1 j˛jD1 k2Zm nf0g
2 X 2
2 2 2
L m
jck j D kukL2 .Q/ ;
k2Zm nf0g
P x P x
for u.x/ D k2Zm ck e2ik L and v.x/ D k2Zm dk e2ik L . We have also
1 x
ck D uO .k/ D u.x/e2ik L dx:
Lm Q
The Fourier coefficients uO of u are complex amplitudes of harmonics e2ik L
associated to wave numbers 2k
. The length scale related to the wave number 2k
equals jkj . Notice that
p Dq :
mkmax jkj k12 C C km2 kmin
P x
Proof. Let u.x/ D k2Zm ck e2ik L . Then, for s > m
we have
X X 1 1=2
kukL1 .Q/ jck j 1 C jkj2s jck j
k2Zm k2Zm .1 C jkj2s /1=2
( ) 1=2 ( ) 1=2
X 1 X
1 C jkj2s jck j2 D C.s/kukHps .Q/ :
1 C jkj2s k2Zm
Moreover, the absolute convergence of the series of coefficients k2Zm jck j implies
the uniform convergence of the Fourier series of u and, in consequence, the
continuity of u. t
P 1
Exercise 3.13. Prove that for s > m2 the series k2Zm 1Cjkj 2s is convergent.
Exercise 3.14. Prove that if s > m2 D j and u 2 Hps .Q/ then u is j times continuously
differentiable function in Q (we write u 2 Cj .Q/) and
kukCj .Q/ D sup jD˛ u.x/j C.s/kukHps .Q/ :
for all n and some positive constant M. We have P to prove x that there exists a
subsequence uj which converges to some u? D k2Zm c?k e2ik L 2 Hp1 .Q/ strongly
in L2 .Q/. It is known that from every bounded sequence in a Hilbert space one can
choose a weakly convergent subsequence. Assume that uj converges weakly to u?
in Hp1 .Q/. Then u? satisfies
1 C jkj2 jc?k j2 M:
Exercise 3.16. Let uj converge weakly to u? in Hp1 .Q/. Prove that it is equivalent to
the convergence of all Fourier coefficients, namely, cj;k ! c?k as j ! 1, for every
k 2 Zm .
We shall prove that the subsequence uj converges to u? in L2 .Q/. Observe that
1 C jkj2 jcj;k c?k j2 4M;
X X 1 X
kuj u? k2L2 .Q/ D jcj;k c?k j2 jcj;k c?k j2 C jcj;k c?k j2 jkj2
k2Zm jkjK jkj>K
X 4M
jcj;k c?k j2 C :
u D f : (3.17)
Exercise 3.18. Prove that if u 2 Hps .Q/ satisfies (3.18) then also (3.19) holds.
It then follows that
f .x/dx D 0;
3.4 Sobolev Spaces of Periodic Functions 59
whence f is in LP 2 .Q/ D H
P p0 .Q/. For any f 2 L2 .Q/ there exists a constant c such that
f C c 2 LP 2 .Q/. In consequence, to have the solution uniqueness, we shall assume
that f 2 LP 2 .Q/. Let
X x
f .x/ D fk e2ik L ; f0 D 0
X x
u.x/ D ck e2ik L ; u0 D 0: (3.20)
We compute
2 X X
2 x x
u.x/ D jkj2 uk e2ik L D fk e2ik L D f ;
L k2Zm k2Zm
Proof. First, observe that in the above integral identity we can take the test functions
from the space H P p1 .Q/. Then the existence of a unique generalized solution in
HP p1 .Q/ follows easily from the Riesz–Frèchet theorem. This solution is given
by (3.20) where the coefficients are given in (3.21). Moreover, the solution belongs
to H P p2 .Q/, as
X X 2
L 2 fk
kuk2HP 2 .Q/ D jkj4 juk j2 D jkj4
k2Zm k2Zm
4 2 jkj2
L4 X 2 L4
D jf k j D kf kL2 .Q/ :
16 4 k2Zm 16 4
Lemma 3.14. The operator A is invertible on LP 2 .Q/ and A1 W LP 2 .Q/ ! LP 2 .Q/ is
compact, that is, it maps bounded sets in LP 2 .Q/ to precompact sets in LP 2 .Q/.
Proof. From the above considerations we know that the operator A1 maps LP 2 .Q/
onto HP p2 .Q/ and that the correspondence is one to one. From Theorem 3.14 it follows
P p2 .Q/ is compactly embedded in LP 2 .Q/, whence A1 is compact.
that H t
Lemma 3.15. In the considered case of periodic boundary conditions the eigen-
functions of the Laplacian operator in LP 2 .Q/ belong to CP p1 .Q/.
Proof. Let Aw D w 2 LP 2 .Q/. From Lemma 3.13 it follows that w 2 H P p2 .Q/. Thus
Aw D w 2 H P p2 .Q/. Making use of Exercise 3.19 we conclude that w 2 H P p4 .Q/.
By induction we obtain w 2 H P p .Q/ for each integer s. Now, it suffices to use the
Theorem 3.15 (cf. [197, Corollary 3.26]). Let H be a Hilbert space and let A be a
symmetric linear operator in H whose range is all of H, and suppose further that its
inverse is defined and compact. Then A has an infinite set of real eigenvalues n with
corresponding eigenfunctions !n : A!n D n !n . If the eigenvalues are ordered so
that jnC1 j jn j one has limn!1 jn j D 1. Furthermore, the !n can be chosen
so that they form an orthonormal basis for H, and in terms of this basis the operator
A can be represented by
Au D j .u; !j /H !j
on its domain
8 9
< 1
X 1
X =
D.A/ D u W u D cj !j ; jcj j2 2j < 1 :
: ;
jD1 jD1
D.A/ is a Hilbert space with the inner product .u; v/D.A/ D .Au; Av/H and
corresponding norm kukD.A/ D kAukH .
3.5 Evolution Spaces and Their Useful Properties 61
.c/ 2 x .s/ 2
!k .x/ D cos 2k ; !k .x/ D sin 2k ;
Lm L Lm L
.:/ 4 2 jkj2 .:/ .:/
and A!k D !k , k!k kL2 .Q/ D 1.
L2 q
For example, for m D 2, the smallest eigenvalue is 4
jkj2 with jkj D k12 C k22 D 1.
It repeats four times, 1 D 2 D 3 D 4 in the sequence
0 < 1 2 3 : : : n : : : :
.c/ .s/
The corresponding eigenfunctions are given as !1 D !.1;0/ , !2 D !.1;0/ , !3 D
.c/ .s/
!.0;1/ , !4 D !.0;1/ .
The solutions of evolution problems are the functions which depend on both
space and time variables. Typically, the space variable belongs to a certain domain
˝ Rd and the time variable belongs to the time interval I D Œt0 ; t1 . A typical
technique is to deal with these variables differently. Namely, assume that u is a
function of .x; t/ 2 ˝ I and freeze t 2 I. Then u.; t/ is only a function of the
space variable. Usually we assume that this function belongs to a certain Banach
space of functions defined on ˝, let us denote this space by V. We write u.t/ 2 V.
If we “unfreeze” the time variable now, we can write u W I ! V, so the function of
.x; t/ 2 ˝ I is treated as the Banach space valued function of a time variable only.
This chapter is devoted to the recollection of the definition and basic properties of
spaces of such functions.
Definition 3.12. Let V be a separable Banach space. The function u W I ! V is
strongly measurable if there exists a sequence of simple functions un W I ! V such
Definition 3.14. If the function v W I ! V is simple then its Bochner integral over
the Lebesgue measurable set E I can be defined as
v.t/ dt D wk m.Ak \ E/:
E iD1
Once we identify any two functions which differ only of a subset of I of Lebesgue
measure zero, the space Lp .II V/ endowed with the norm k kLp .IIV/ becomes a
3.5 Evolution Spaces and Their Useful Properties 63
Moreover from
it follows that
hvn .t/; un .t/iV 0 V dt ! hv.t/; u.t/iV 0 V dt:
The following results which hold in the framework of evolution triples will be
frequently used later.
Corollary 3.2. Let V H V 0 be an evolution triple such that V H is
additionally compact and V is Hilbert. Let A W V ! V 0 be a linear operator
which is
• bounded (kAukV 0 kAkL .VIV 0 / kuk for all u 2 V),
• symmetric (hAu; vi D hAv; ui for all u; v 2 V),
• coercive (hAu; ui ˛kuk2 for all u 2 V with ˛ > 0).
Then A satisfies the assumptions of Theorem 3.15 and we can construct an
orthogonal in V and orthonormal in H basis of eigenfunctions !j of A with the
corresponding eigenvalues such that jj j ! 1 as j ! 1.
Proof. The Lax–Milgram lemma (cf. Lemma 3.2) implies that for any f 2 H there
exists a unique v 2 V such that Av D f . Hence the range of A (treated as an operator
from D.A/ H to H) is whole H and A1 W H ! H is well defined. Moreover,
by (3.26), A, when treated as an operator on H, is symmetric. Obviously A1 is
linear. To prove compactness of A1 let fn be a bounded sequence in H. Let un 2 V
be such that Aun D fn . Coercivity of A implies that the sequence un is bounded in V
and hence, by the compactness of the embedding V H, for a subsequence, un ! u
strongly in H for certain u 2 H. The proof of compactness is complete. t
Theorem 3.17 (cf. [197, Lemma 7.5]). Let V H V 0 , A W V ! V 0 , and !j be
as in Corollary
Pn 3.2. Denote Vn D spanf!1 ; : : : ; !n g. If we define Pn W V 0 ! Vn by
Pn v D iD1 hv; !i iwi for v 2 V 0 then we have
Lemma 3.16 (cf. [234, Proposition 23.23], [219, Chap. 3, Lemma 1.2]). Let
V H V 0 be an evolution triple, let I D .t1 ; t2 / be a finite time interval,
and let 1 < p < 1 and 1p C 1q D 1. Then
1. The space W .I/ D fu 2 Lp .II V/ W u0 2 Lq .II V 0 /g is a Banach space equipped
with the norm
2. The space W .I/ embeds continuously in C.II H/, i.e., every function from W .I/
is almost everywhere equal to a continuous function with values in H, and we
3. We have the following integration by parts formula valid for all u; v 2 W .I/,
.u.t1 /; v.t1 // .u.t0 /; v.t0 // D hv 0 .t/; u.t/i C hu0 .t/; v.t/i dt:
4. For any u 2 W .I/ the following equality holds in the sense of distributions on I
ju.t/j2 D 2hu0 .t/; u.t/i:
Taking the duality with any v 2 V and integrating with respect to t over I we get
Z Z Z t
.t1 t0 /.un .s/; v/ D .un .t/; v/ dt C hu0n .r/; vi dr dt
I I s
D .un .t/; v/ dt C hu0n .t/; vs .t/i dt;
where s D .t0 s/.t0 ;s/ C .t1 s/.s;t1 / . The assertion follows by passing to the
limit n ! 1 in the last formula and using the density of the embedding V H. u t
We now recall two important results on the triples of spaces V1 V2 V3 , where
the embedding V1 V2 is compact. The first result is known as the Ehrling lemma.
66 3 Mathematical Preliminaries
Lemma 3.17 (See [204, Lemma 7.6]). Let V1 V2 V3 be three Banach spaces
with all embeddings continuous and V1 V2 compact. Then for any " > 0 there
exists a constant C."/ such that
is also compact.
Fairly general form of the above Lemma is given in [216]. Note that the assumption
of separability is not required there.
A function u W I ! V, where V is a Banach space is said to be weakly continuous
provided the function
I 3 t ! hv; u.t/i 2 R
Thus we have
ku.t/k4L3 .˝/ dt c4 ess supfku.t/k2L2 .˝/ g ku.t/k2H 1 .˝/ dt;
I t2I I
In this section we deal with Gronwall type inequalities, which are the efficient and
useful tool in the study of evolution problems. These inequalities are used in the
derivation of the a priori estimates that are satisfied by the solution of the analyzed
The first Gronwall type inequality is useful in the study of existence and
uniqueness of solutions to initial and boundary value problems for evolutionary
PDEs, as well as in the derivation of dissipative a priori estimates for their solutions.
Lemma 3.20 (Gronwall Inequality). Let t0 be a real number. Let x 2 Lloc .t0 ; 1/
0 1 1
be a function such that x 2 Lloc .t0 ; 1//, and let h 2 Lloc .t0 ; 1/ and k 2
Lloc .Œt0 ; 1//. If
Rt Z t Rt
k.s/ ds
x.t/ x.t0 /e t0 C h.s/e s k.r/ dr
ds for all t 2 Œt0 ; 1/: (3.28)
D Ct0 Ct
x.t/ x.t0 /eCt0 eCt C .e e 1/ for all t 2 Œt0 ; 1/: (3.30)
Proof. Multiplying (3.27) by the integrating factor e t0 k.s/ ds
we get
Rt Rt Rt
x0 .t/e t0 k.s/ ds
x.t/k.t/e t0 k.s/ ds
h.t/e t0 k.s/ ds
a.e. t > t0 ;
68 3 Mathematical Preliminaries
Rt Rt
x.t/e t0 k.s/ ds h.t/e t0 k.s/ ds for a.e. t > t0 :
Integrating the above inequality from t0 to t we obtain (3.28). Assertions (3.29)
and (3.30) follow from (3.28) by a straightforward calculation. t
If, in (3.29) or (3.30), we have C < 0, then the resultant estimate is, after
appropriately large time, independent on the initial condition x.t0 /. Such estimates
are called dissipative and they are particularly useful in the study of global attractors.
If, however, we only have (3.27) with k.t/ positive on .t0 ; 1/, then the resultant
bounds grow to infinity as t ! 1. In such situation, we need the following uniform
Gronwall inequality.
Lemma 3.21 (Uniform Gronwall Inequality). Let t0 2 R. Let x 2 Lloc .t0 ; 1/ be
0 1 1 1
a function such that x 2 Lloc .t0 ; 1/, and let h 2 Lloc .t0 ; 1/ and k 2 Lloc .Œt0 ; 1//.
Let moreover x.t/ 0, h.t/ 0, and k.t/ 0 for a.e. t > t0 . If
Z tCr Z tCr Z tCr
k.s/ ds a1 ; h.s/ ds a2 ; x.s/ ds a3 for all t 2 Œt0 ; 1/;
t t t
Rp Rp Rp
x.p/e t k. / d D x0 .p/e t k. / d x.p/k.p/e t k. / d
h.p/e t k. / d
h.p/ a.e. p 2 .t; t C r/:
We fix s 2 .t; t C r/ and integrate the last inequality over the interval .s; t C r/.
We get
R tCr Rs
Z tCr
t k. / d t k. / d
x.t C r/e x.s/e h.p/ dp a2 ;
valid for all s 2 .t; t C r/. We integrate the last inequality with respect to s over the
interval .t; t C r/, which gives us
Z tCr
rx.t C r/ x.s/ ds ea1 C ra2 ea1 a3 ea1 C ra2 ea1 ;
Proof. Multiplying (3.32) written for p t0 by the integrating factor ep , we get
.x.p/ep / D x0 .p/ep C x.p/ep h.p/ep a.e. p t0 :
Let t t0 and r > 0. We fix s 2 t; t C 2r and integrate the last inequality over the
interval .s; t C r/ leading to
Z tCr
x.t C r/e.tCr/ x.s/es h.p/ep dp;
whence we have
Z tCr
.str/ .tCr/
x.t C r/ x.s/e Ce h.p/ep dp
Z tCr
.str/ .tCr/
x.s/e Ce h.p/ep dp:
70 3 Mathematical Preliminaries
We integrate the last inequality with respect to s over the interval .t; t C 2r /, which
Z tC 2r Z tCr
r .str/ r
x.t C r/ x.s/e ds C e.tCr/ h.s/es ds;
2 t 2 t
where ˛ .t/ D maxf˛.t/; 0g, ˇ C .t/ D maxfˇ.t/; 0g. Suppose that D .t/ is
an absolutely continuous nonnegative function on Œ0; 1/ that satisfies the following
inequality almost everywhere on .0; 1/,
C ˛.t/.t/ ˇ.t/: (3.36)
Then .t/ ! 0 as t ! 1.
For the proof, see [99].
We start this section from the recollection of the definition and properties of
the Clarke subdifferential, a generalization of Gâteaux derivative to functionals
which are only locally Lipschitz. The Clarke subdifferential at a given point
assumes multiple values, so it is a multifunction. Then, we give an example of a
multivalued partial differential equation, where the semilinear term has the form
of a Clarke subdifferential. Finally, we show several examples how to compute
Clarke subdifferentials and we discuss the usefulness of the Clarke subdifferential
to express various boundary conditions in mechanics. Throughout this chapter X is
always assumed to be a Banach space.
3.7 Clarke Subdifferential and Its Properties 71
We recall some results on the properties of the Clarke subdifferential and Clarke
generalized directional derivative.
Proposition 3.3 (cf. [72, Proposition 2.1.1]). If j W X ! R is locally Lipschitz,
then j0 W X X ! R is upper semicontinuous, i.e.,
Moreover, j0 .xI / is Lipschitz on X with the Lipschitz constant equal to the local
Lipschitz constant kO of j at x given in Definition 3.15.
Proposition 3.4 (cf. [72, Proposition 2.1.2]). If j W X ! R is locally Lipschitz,
then for every x 2 X, the set @j.x/ is nonempty, weakly-* compact, and convex.
Moreover, for every 2 @j.x/ we have kkX kO (where kO is the local Lipschitz
constant of j at x given in Definition 3.15) and we have
Theorem 3.19 (see [72, Theorem 2.5.1]). Let j W Rd ! R be locally Lipschitz then
where S is any Lebesgue null set, and Nj is the Lebesgue null set on which j is not
We recall the Lebourg mean value theorem (cf. [72, Theorem 2.3.7])
Theorem 3.20. Let X be a Banach space and j W X ! R be a locally Lipschitz
functional. For any x; y 2 X there exists
2 .0; 1/ and 2 @j.
x C .1
/y/ such
that h; y xiX 0 X D j.y/ j.x/.
We are in position to prove the approximation theorem for Clarke subdifferentials.
Theorem 3.21. Let j W Rd ! R be a locally Lipschitz functional such that the
growth condition jj C.1 C jsj/ holds for all s 2 Rd and all 2 @j.s/ with
C > 0. Let moreover n W Rd ! R be a sequence of mollifier kernels given by
n .r/ D nd .nr/ Rfor r 2 Rd , where W Rd ! R is a function such that 2 C1 .Rd /,
.s/ 0 on Rd , Rd .s/ ds D 1, and supp Œ1; 1d . Define
jn .s/ D n .r/j.s r/ dr:
(A) jn 2 C1 .Rd /,
(B) jrjn .s/j D.1 C jsj/ for all s 2 Rd with D > 0 independent of n,
(C) if .˝; ˙; / is a finite and complete measure space and vn 2 L2 .˝/d , is a
sequence such that vn ! v strongly in L2 .˝/d and rjn .vn / ! weakly in
L2 .˝/d , then .x/ 2 @j.v.x// -a.e. in ˝.
Proof. The assertion .A/ follows, for example, from [93], Theorem 6, Appendix C.
Let us prove .B/. Let h 2 Rd . We have
jn .s C h/ jn .s/ j.s C h r/ j.s r/
rjn .s/ h D lim D lim n .r/ dr:
!0 !0 supp n
As supp n 1n ; 1n we have
jrjn .s/j C lim n .r/ 1 C jsj C C jj dr C.2 C jsj/;
!0 supp n n
and the assertion .B/ follows. We pass to the proof of .C/. As vn ! v in L2 .˝/d
we also have, for a subsequence, vn .x/ ! v.x/ and jvn .x/j h.x/ for -a.e. x 2 ˝
with h 2 L2 .˝/. The further argument will be done for this subsequence. Take
w 2 L1 .˝/d . From the weak convergence rjn .vn / ! it follows that
.x/ w.x/ d .x/ D lim rjn .vn .x// w.x/ d .x/
˝ n!1 ˝
lim sup rjn .vn .x// w.x/ d .x/;
˝ n!1
where the use of the Fatou lemma is justified by the growth condition .B/ and the
bound jvn .x/j h.x/. We estimate the integrand for -a.e. x 2 ˝ as follows
where rn; 2 supp n is such that the supremum over r of the difference quotient
is achieved. Observe that as n ! 1 we must have vn .x/ rn; ! v.x/. From the
definition of the Clarke directional derivative we get
.x/ w.x/ d .x/ j0 .v.x/I w.x// d .x/: (3.39)
˝ ˝
that j0 .v.x/I w.x// .x/ w.x/ 0 for -a.e. x 2 ˝ for all w 2 L1 .˝/d . Indeed,
suppose it is not the case. Then for a certain wN 2 L1 .˝/d and set N ˝ of positive
measure we have the inequality j0 .v.x/I w.x//
N .x/ w.x/
N < 0. Take wO D wN on N
and wO D 0 on ˝ n N. We have wO 2 L1 .˝/d and
j0 .v.x/I w.x//
O .x/ w.x/
O d .x/ D j0 .v.x/I w.x//
N .x/ w.x/
N d .x/ < 0;
˝ N
In this section we prove a result, that will be useful in passing to the limit in the
terms containing the Clarke subdifferential. Before we state the theorem, however,
we need to recall a useful result on pointwise behavior of weakly convergence
sequences (see Proposition 3.6 in [177]). To formulate it we will need the notion
of Kuratowski–Painlevé upper limit of a sequence of sets An Rd , given by
K- lim sup An D f x 2 Rd W x D lim xnk ; xnk 2 Ank ; 0 < n1 < n2 < : : : < nk < : : : g:
n!1 k!1
Theorem 3.22. Let .; ˙; / be a -finite measure space, and let d be a positive
natural number, and 1 p < 1. Let un ! u weakly in Lp ./d and un .
/ 2 G.
for -a.e.
2 and all n 2 N, where G.
/ Rd is a nonempty, compact set for
2 . Then
u.x/ 2 conv K- lim sup fun .x/g :
Theorem 3.23. Let .; ˙; / be a -finite measure space and let W D Lp ./d
with a positive natural number d and 1 < p < 1. Assume that the multifunction
h W Rd ! 2R satisfies the assumptions
Then the multivalued operator HW W ! 2W defined by
H.u/ D f 2 W 0 W .
/ 2 h.
; u.
// -a.e. on g;
.H1/ H has nonempty and convex values,
.H2/ the graph of H is sequentially closed in .W; strong/ .W 0 ; weak/ topology,
.H3/ kkW kc1 kLq ./ C c2 kukW for all w 2 W and 2 H.u/.
Proof. Let u 2 W. First we will prove .H3/. Let 2 H.u/. We have
kk W0 D sup .
/ w.
/ d sup .c1 .
/ C c2 ju.
/jp1 /jw.
/j d :
kwkW D1 kwkW D1
Hence we have
p1 p1
kkW 0 sup .kc1 kLq ./ kwkW C c2 kukW kwkW / D kc1 kLq ./ C c2 kukW ;
kwkW D1
and .H3/ is proved. We pass to the proof of .H1/. Let u 2 W. Consider a
multifunction 3
! h.
; u.
// Rd . We will show that this multifunction has
a measurable selection. Let vn W ! Rd be a sequence of simple (i.e., piecewise
constant and measurable) functions such that jvn .
/j ju.
/j and vn .
/ ! u.
2 . By .h1/ it follows that there exists the sequence of measurable functions
n W ! Rd such that n .
/ 2 h.
; vn .
// a.e.
2 . By (3.40) it follows that
p1 p1
kn kW 0 kc1 kLq ./ C c2 kvn kW kc1 kLq ./ C c2 kukW ;
jn .
/j c1 .
/ C c2 jvn .
/j c1 .
/ C c2 ju.
we can define G.
/ D fz 2 Rd W jzj c1 .
/ C c2 ju.
/jg and we can use
Theorem 3.22 concluding that
/ 2 conv K- lim sup fn .
/g a.e.
2 :
/ 2 conv h.
; u.
// D h.
; u.
// a.e.
2 ; (3.42)
76 3 Mathematical Preliminaries
2 and jun .
/j f .
/ for a.e.
2 with f 2 Lp ./. Since we already know
that 2 W we must prove that .
/ 2 h.
; u.
// for a.e.
2 . The proof of this
assertion exactly follows the lines of the proof of (3.42) in .H1/, which completes
the proof of the theorem. t
Remark 3.4. The assertion .H2/ of the above Lemma also follows directly by the
application of the convergence theorem of Aubin and Cellina (see Theorem 7.2.1 in
[8] or Theorem 1.4.1 in [7]).
We will use the notation
H.u/ D Sh.;u.// ;
as H.u/ is the set of all selections of the class Lq ./d of the multifunction
! h.
; u.
// Rd . The operator H is known as the Nemytskii operator
for a multifunction h.
Now we present a version of above theorem valid if the multifunction h has
the form of a Clarke subdifferential. In such a case the above theorem simplifies.
Note that for a functional of more than one variable, say '.
; s/, by @'.
; s/ we will
always understand the Clarke subdifferential taken with respect to the last variable s.
Theorem 3.24. Let .; ˙; / be a finite and complete measure space and denote
W D Lp ./d with d 2 N and 1 < p < 1. Assume that the functional
' W Rd ! R satisfies the assumptions
.'1/ for every s 2 Rd the function 3
! '.
; s/ is measurable,
.'2/ for -almost all
2 the function Rd 3 s ! '.
; s/ is locally Lipschitz,
.'3/ jj c1 .
/ C c2 jsjp1 for all s 2 Rd , -a.e.
2 and all 2 @'.
; s/, with
c2 > 0 and c1 2 Lq ./, where 1q C 1p D 1.
Then the multivalued operator HW W ! 2W defined by
H.u/ D S@'.;u.// D f 2 W 0 W .
/ 2 @'.
; u.
-a.e. on g
.H1/ H has nonempty and convex values,
.H2/ the graph of H is sequentially closed in .W; strong/ .W 0 ; weak/ topology,
.H3/ we have kkW kc1 kLq ./ C c2 kukW for all w 2 W and 2 H.u/.
3.9 Clarke Subdifferential: Examples 77
Proof. We will use Theorem 3.23. The hypothesis .h4/ follows from .'3/ while the
hypotheses .h2/ and .h3/ follow from the properties of the Clarke subdifferential
(Propositions 3.4 and 3.5). It remains to prove .h1/. To this end consider the integral
I.u/ D '.
; u.
// d for u 2 Lp ./d :
We use Theorem 5.6.39 in [84] (see also Theorem 2.7.5 in [72], where, however,
c1 is assumed to be a constant and not a function of
), whence it follows that I is
locally Lipschitz and
@I.u/ S@'.;u.// :
@u.x; t/
u.x; t/ C g.u.x; t// D f .x; t/ on ˝ .0; T/;
u.x; t/ D 0 on @˝ .0; T/;
u.x; 0/ D u0 .x/ on ˝:
The question arises how to understand the weak solution of the above problem
when g is discontinuous. It turns out that the function g can be replaced with its
multivalued regularization constructed in the following way. First we define the
Z s
j.s/ D g.s/ ds for s 2 R:
@u.x; t/
u.x; t/ C .x; t/ D f .x; t/ on ˝ .0; T/;
.x; t/ 2 @j.u.x; t// on ˝ .0; T/;
u.x; t/ D 0 on @˝ .0; T/;
u.x; 0/ D u0 .x/ on ˝:
hu0 .t/; viH 1 .˝/H 1 .˝/ C .ru.t/; rv/L2 .˝/d C ..t/ f .t/; v/L2 .˝/ D 0;
Recall that for v 2 L2 .˝/ by [email protected]/ we mean the set of all functions h 2 L2 .˝/ such
that h.x/ 2 @j.v.x// a.e. in ˝. If we identify L2 .0; TI L2 .˝// D L2 .˝ .0; T//,
2 2
we can also write [email protected]// D [email protected].;t// .
We can associate with the above problem the following problem known as
hemivariational inequality.
Find u 2 L2 .0; TI H01 .˝// with u0 2 L2 .0; TI H 1 .˝// such that u.0/ D u0 , and
for a.e. t 2 .0; T/ and all v 2 H01 .˝/,
It follows directly from the definition (3.37) that every solution of above partial
differential inclusion is also a solution of the hemivariational inequality. The
converse also holds true, but this has been shown only recently by Carl (see [49]):
his proof is more involved and uses the notion of upper and lower solutions.
The Clarke subdifferential is very easy to compute in finite dimensions using the
characterization (3.38), when the number of points in which the functional is not
continuously differentiable is a null Lebesgue set.
Example 1. Let us consider the example of the functional ' W R ! R
<s 2
ˆ for s < 1;
'.s/ D s for s 2 Œ1; 1;
:̂s C 2 for s > 1:
3.9 Clarke Subdifferential: Examples 79
This functional is of class C1 on a neighborhood of every s 62 f1; 1g, and for the
points f1; 1g we take convex hull of left and right derivatives
ˆ f1g for s < 1;
ˆŒ1; 1
< for s D 1;
@'.s/ D f1g for s 2 .1; 1/;
ˆŒ1; 1
ˆ for s D 1;
:̂f1g for s > 1:
The potential and its subdifferential are both depicted in Fig. 3.1.
1,5 1,5
ϕ(s) ∂ϕ(s)
1 1
0,5 0,5
0 0
−2 −1,5 −1 −0,5 0 0,5 1 1,5 S 2 −2 −1,5 −1 −0,5 0 0,5 1 1,5 S2
−0,5 −0,5
−1 −1
−1,5 −1,5
Fig. 3.1 The example of a simple locally Lipschitz function, which is nondifferentiable in two
points, and its Clarke subdifferential
Example 2. Let W Œ0; 1/ ! R be a continuous function such that .0/ > 0. Let
s0 2 Rd . Define the functional ' W Rd ! R by the formula
Z jss0 j
'.s/ D .r/ dr: (3.43)
It is easy to verify, using the mean value theorem for integrals, that ' is locally
Lipschitz. It is also easy to calculate the gradient of ' for all s ¤ s0 , which
establishes the fact that ' is of class C1 on the neighborhood of every s ¤ s0 .
The value of the Clarke subdifferential at s0 is obtained by taking the convex hull of
the sphere obtained from limits of the gradients of all sequences converging to s0 .
We get
8n o
< .js s j/ ss0 for s ¤ s0 ;
0 jss0 j
@'.s/ D
:fy 2 Rd W jyj .0/g D B.0; .0// for s D s0 :
Graphs of ' and @' for d D 1, s0 D 1, and .r/ D 1 r are depicted in Fig. 3.2.
80 3 Mathematical Preliminaries
0,6 1,5
ϕ(s) ∂ϕ(s)
0,5 1
0,4 0,5
0,3 S
−1 −0,5 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3
−1 −0,5 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 S3 −1,5
Fig. 3.2 The second example of a nondifferentiable nonconvex potential and its Clarke
Fig. 3.3 The third example of a locally Lipschitz potential and its Clarke subdifferential
3.10 Comments and Bibliographical Notes 81
where dom ' is the set of all points in which ' in not equal to 1. If a functional
' W X ! R is both convex and locally Lipschitz then both subdifferentials must
coincide (see, e.g., Proposition 2.2.7 in [72]). There are, however, examples where
only one of the two notions makes sense. For the functionals which are locally
Lipschitz and nonconvex we can speak only of the Clarke subdifferential, while for
convex functionals which assume infinite values (and such functionals are useful, for
example, in constrained optimization or in unilateral problems in solid mechanics)
only the convex subdifferential makes sense.
The preliminary material provided in this chapter (and much more) can be found,
for example, in the following monographs devoted to the Navier–Stokes equations:
[13, 75, 88, 99, 108, 146, 156, 157, 218, 219, 221]. More information about
differential inclusions and theory of multifunctions can be found in [7, 8]. For
the theory of Clarke subdifferential and hemivariational inequalities we refer the
reader to [50, 71, 72, 114, 173, 177, 184]. The applications of this theory in contact
mechanics are described in [177, 217].
Stationary Solutions of the Navier–Stokes
In this chapter we introduce some basic notions from the theory of the Navier–
Stokes equations: the function spaces H, V, and V 0 , the Stokes operator A with its
domain D.A/ in H, and the bilinear form B. We apply the Galerkin method and
fixed point theorems to prove the existence of solutions of the nonlinear stationary
problem, and we consider problems of uniqueness and regularity of solutions.
kukV D kuk D jru.x/j2 dx; kuk2 D .ru; ru/;
respectively. V and H are Hilbert spaces and V H. If we identify H with its dual
H 0 in view of the Riesz–Fréchet representation theorem, we have V H V 0 with
continuous embeddings and with each space dense in the following one.
Using this definition we can write the weak formulation of the Stokes problem:
Given f 2 V 0 , find u 2 V and p 2 LP 2 .Q/ such that
We shall prove that for f 2 H, the Stokes operator coincides with the minus
Laplacian, Au D u. To this end we use the explicit spectral representation of
functions in LP 2 .Q/3 . Assume in the beginning that f 2 LP 2 .Q/3 . Then
fk D fNk ;
f .x/ D fk e2ik L ; jfk j2 < 1; f0 D 0; (4.5)
k2Z 3 k2Z 3
where fk D .fk1 ; fk2 ; fk3 /. Let u 2 V and p 2 LP 2 .Q/ satisfy (4.3). Assuming that
X x X x
u.x/ D uk e2ik L ; p.x/ D pk e2ik L (4.6)
k2Z 3 k2Z 3
4 2 jkj2 2ik
uk C pk D fk :
Multiplying this equation by k and using the relation k uk D 0 we obtain
L fk k
pk D for k 6D 0;
2i jkj2
4.1 Basic Stationary Problem 85
1 L2
uk D fk for k 6D 0:
4 2 jkj2
Thus, the weak solution u of the Stokes problem (4.4) (with D 1) coincides
with the weak solution of the problem u D f for f 2 H. From this we see
immediately that u 2 H P p2 .Q/3 . Moreover, from the above explicit formulas for the
Fourier coefficients uk and pk we have the following regularity theorem.
Theorem 4.1. If f 2 LP p2 .Q/3 , then u 2 H
P p2 .Q/3 , p 2 H
P p1 .Q/, and
L2 L2
kuk2HP 2 .Q/3 C kpk2HP 1 .Q/ C 1 kf k2LP 2 .Q/3 :
0 0 4 2 22
Proof. We have
X X ˇ ˇ2
1 L4 ˇ ˇ
kuk2HP 2 .Q/3 D jkj4 juk j2 D jkj4 ˇfk k fk k ˇ
0 2 16 4 jkj4 ˇ jkj2 ˇ
k2Z 3 k2Z 3
X 1 L4 X L4
4 1
2 jkj4 jf k j 2
C 2 jkj jfk j2
2 16 4 jkj4 2 16 4 jkj4
k2Z 3 3 k2Z
D kf k2LP 2 .Q/3 ;
4 4 2
X X ˇ ˇ
L2 ˇ fk k ˇ2
kpk2HP 1 .Q/ D jkj2 jpk j2 D jkj2 ˇ ˇ
p 4 2 ˇ jkj2 ˇ
k2Z 3 k2Z 3
X L2 L2
jfk j2 D 2
kf k2LP 2 .Q/3 ;
4 4
u C .u r/u C rp D f in Q ;
div u D 0 in Q ;
kukV D kuk D jru.x/j2 dx; kuk2 D .ru; ru/:
The Stokes operator A is defined in the same way as in the periodic case (cf. (4.1))
and we have
D.A/ D fu 2 V W Au 2 Hg D V \ H 2 .Q/3 :
For both cases, let us denote b.u; v; w/ D ..u rv/; w/ for u; v; w 2 V and define a
nonlinear operator B W V ! V 0 by .Bu; v/ D b.u; u; v/ for all v 2 V. We shall also
write ..u; v// instead of .ru; rv/.
Exercise 4.1. Prove that for all u; v; w 2 V it is
Hint. Use the Hölder inequality and the continuous embedding of L4 .Q/ in V.
Let H and V be the corresponding function spaces. Then the weak formulation
of the above nonlinear stationary problem is as follows.
Problem 4.1. For f 2 H (or f 2 V 0 ) find u 2 V such that
or, equivalently,
Au C Bu D f in H or V 0:
Remark 4.2. Concerning regularity of solutions one can prove that if f 2 H then all
solutions u belong to D.A/.
We shall prove the following existence theorem.
Theorem 4.2. Let Q D Œ0; L3 (for the periodic problem) or let Q be a bounded
domain in R3 with smooth boundary (for the Dirichlet problem). Then
(i) For every f 2 V 0 and > 0 there exists at least one solution of Problem 4.1.
(ii) If 2 c1 .Q/kf kV 0 , then the solution of Problem 4.1 is unique.
Proof. ad .i/. To prove existence of solutions we use the Galerkin method. For every
m 2 N let
um .x/ D j;m !j .x/; j;m 2 R;
Subtracting the equation for w from that for u, setting v D u w, and using the
estimate for the solution v, we obtain
ku wk kf kV 0 kOu wk
O ;
which proves the continuity of ˚. As Vm is a finite dimensional space and ˚ is a
continuous map from a convex and compact set B to B, we conclude existence of
um , solution of (4.7) in view of the Brouwer fixed point theorem.
From (4.7) we conclude
kf kV 0
kum k :
Thus, for a subsequence,
um ! u weakly in V;
um ! u strongly in H;
for all v being a finite linear combination of elements of the basis !k , k 2 N. Since
such elements v are dense in V, the existence part of the theorem has been proved.
Proof of .ii/. To prove uniqueness of solutions for large viscosity coefficients
with respect to mass forces, 2 > c1 .Q/kf kV 0 , let us assume that there are two
distinct solutions u1 and u2 , that is,
for all v 2 V. Setting v D u1 u2 and subtracting the second equation from the first
one we obtain
as ku2 k 1 kf kV 0 , whence
c1 .Q/
kf kV ku1 u2 k2 0 ;
for some k. Then there exists 2 X with Œ k for which P./ D 0.
Proof. Let B D B.0; k/ be a closed ball in X, centered at zero and with radius k.
Assume that P is different from zero in this ball. Then the map
! S./ D ; SWB!B (4.8)
is continuous in X. From the Brouwer fixed point theorem it follows that S has a
fixed point in B, that is,
kP.0 /
0 D (4.9)
ŒP.0 /
kŒP.0 /; 0
Œ0 2 D ;
ŒP.0 /
which contradicts ŒP./; > 0 for Œ D k. Thus P./ D 0 for some 2 B. t
90 4 Stationary Solutions of the Navier–Stokes Equations
for all u; v 2 Vm . The map is well defined in view of the Riesz–Fréchet representa-
tion theorem. In fact, for every u in Vm the map v ! ..u; v// C b.u; u; v/ hf ; vi
defines a linear and continuous functional on Vm . Thus, there exists a unique Pm .u/
in Vm satisfying the above relation.
The map Pm is continuous in Vm and
kf k
Whence, for k > V 0 and kuk D k we have ŒPm .u/; u > 0. In view of our auxiliary
theorem, there exists um in Vm such that Pm .um / D 0, that is, (4.7) is satisfied. t
Exercise 4.6. Prove that the maps S defined in (4.8) and Pm defined in (4.10) are
In this subsection we shall use the Schauder and, alternatively, the Leray–Schauder
fixed points theorems to prove directly the existence of a solution of the nonlinear
problem, thus bypassing the Galerkin approximate solutions. When the viscosity is
large enough with respect to external forces, we shall use the Banach contraction
principle to prove the existence of the unique solution of the nonlinear problem.
Exercise 4.7. Let f 2 V 0 , Q R3 as above. Prove that there exists u 2 V such that
by using
(a) the Schauder fixed point theorem,
(b) the Leray–Schauder fixed point theorem,
(c) assuming that the viscosity is large enough with respect to external forces, use
the Banach contraction principle to prove the unique solution u.
Solution to Exercise 4.7. (a) Let us define a map T in V by
Using the Lax–Milgram lemma we conclude that the map T is well defined. Setting
v D Tu we get
kTuk kf kV 0 r:
for all v in V. Set v D Tu1 Tu2 and we get, since b.u1 ; Tu1 Tu2 ; Tu1 Tu2 / D 0,
C C1
kTu1 Tu2 k kTu2 kju1 u2 jL4 .Q/3 rku1 u2 k:
The continuity follows immediately. To prove compactness observe that any
sequence .uk / K contains a subsequence which converges strongly in the L4
topology. Thus, compactness follows easily from the first of the above inequalities.
(b) Let us define the map u ! Tu in V by
Using the Riesz–Fréchet representation theorem we conclude that the map T is well
Assume that Tu D u, where 2 Œ0; 1. We shall prove that all such u are in
some ball. If D 0, then u D 0. Now, for > 0, Tu D 1 u. Setting v D u in (4.11)
we obtain kuk2 kf kV 0 kuk, whence kuk 1 kf kV 0 M.
Now, we shall prove continuity and compactness of T in V. Let um ; uk be in V.
Then, subtracting the equations for Tum and Tuk , and setting v D Tum Tuk we
92 4 Stationary Solutions of the Navier–Stokes Equations
kTum Tuk k .jum jL4 .Q/3 C juk jL4 .Q/3 /jum uk jL4 .Q/3
.jum jL4 .Q/3 C juk jL4 .Q/3 /kum uk k:
To prove the continuity of T in V observe that if um ! uk in V then from the above
estimate, kTum Tuk k ! 0. To prove the compactness of T in V, let fum g be a
bounded sequence in V. Then, it contains a convergent subsequence fu g in L4 .Q/3 .
Thus, from the above estimate it follows that the sequence fTu g is convergent.
Using the Leray–Schauder fixed point theorem we conclude that there exists u in
V such that Tu D u. This u is of course a solution of our stationary Navier–Stokes
(c) Let us define the map T W V ! V by
The map is well defined. We shall prove that it is contracting in a ball B.0; r/ in V
provided the viscosity is large enough with respect to external forces. Let
We get
kTu Tu1 k kTu1 kku u1 k:
kTu Tu1 k kf kV 0 ku u1 k:
Exercise 4.8. Prove the Ladyzhenskaya inequality (3.8) for all functions u 2
P p1 .Q/, Q D Œ0; L2 , knowing that it holds for all functions u 2 H 1 .˝/, where
H 0
˝ is a bounded set in R2 .
Exercise 4.9. Using the methods from Exercise 4.7 prove existence of solutions of
the stationary Navier–Stokes problems in the two-dimensional case, for periodic
and homogeneous boundary conditions, respectively. You may find useful the
Ladyzhenskaya inequality (3.8).
There are many other important and interesting problems concerning stationary
solutions of the Navier–Stokes equations. We mention problems of flows with
nonhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions or with other types of boundary
conditions, flows in nonsmooth, unbounded, or exterior domains. Still other prob-
lems concern behavior of solutions when the viscosity tends to zero, bifurcation of
solutions, and the structure of the set of stationary solutions.
In Chaps. 5 and 6 we shall consider stationary flows appearing in applications in
the theory of lubrication.
For thorough treatment of the basic mathematical problems of the Navier–Stokes
equations we refer the reader to monographs: [75, 88, 99, 108, 146, 156, 218, 219],
and, for the compressible case, to [157, 187].
Stationary Solutions of the Navier–Stokes
Equations with Friction
un D 0 on C ; (5.3)
T 2 h.u / on C ; (5.4)
where un D u n is the outward normal component of the velocity vector, its tangent
component is given by u D u un n on C , and T D Tn .Tn n/n is the tangential
part of the stress vector Tn
Fig. 5.1 The domain of the studied problem. The set ˝ is a space between two cylinders. The
Dirichlet boundary is the wall of the outer cylinder, and two rings bounding ˝ at top and bottom.
The contact boundary C is the wall of the inner, rotating, cylinder. On D we impose the
homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition, and on C we impose the frictional contact condition
which allows for the occurrence of either stick, or slip between the liquid and the rotating cylinder
We will prove the existence of a weak solution for two cases. In the first case, in
Sect. 5.4 we will assume the linear growth condition on the friction multifunction
h (see .h4/ below) with the restriction on the growth constant (see .h5/ below) and
we will use the Kakutani–Fan–Glicksberg theorem to obtain the solution. Next, in
Sect. 5.5 we will relax the conditions on h, namely instead of the linear growth
condition we will assume the weaker growth condition with exponent p 1 where
2 p < 4 (see .h6/ below) This possibility comes from the fact that in three space
dimensions the trace operator is compact from the space H 1 .˝/ to Lp .@˝/ with
1 p < 4. Moreover we will need no restriction on the constant in the growth
condition. This restriction is clearly nonphysical, i.e., it gives a limitation on the
magnitude of the boundary friction force no matter if this force is “dissipative”
(i.e., directed opposite to the velocity) or “excitatory” (i.e., directed the same as the
velocity). We will replace .h5/ with its one sided counterpart denoted by .h7/ below.
This condition enforces the limitation on the friction force only if it has the same
direction as the velocity. The proof of existence for the relaxed assumptions will use
the cut-off argument.
5.2 Friction Operator and Its Properties 97
Lemma 5.2. Assume the multifunction h satisfies .h1/–.h4/. Then the operator G
given by (5.7) satisfies
.G1/ G has nonempty and convex values,
.G2/ the graph of G is sequentially closed in .U; strong/ .U 0 ; weak/ topology,
.G3/ for all w 2 W and 2 G.u/, kkU0 kc3 kLq .C / C c4 kukU .
VQ D fu 2 C1 .˝/3 W div u D 0; u D 0 on D ; un D 0 on C g
If v 2 V then we have the following Korn inequality (see, for instance, [194] for a
proof of this inequality in a general setting)
kvk2H 1 .˝/3 cK jD.u/j2 dx: (5.8)
Using the fact that div v D 0 and vn D 0 on the whole @˝, it follows that
p;i vi dx D 0: (5.11)
From the following Green formula valid for a smooth matrix valued function F
(F W ˝ ! M 33 ) and v 2 V
Fij;j vi C Fij vi;j dx D Fij vi nj dS; (5.12)
˝ @˝
we have
ui;jj vi dx D 2 D.u/ij;j vi dx
˝ ˝
D 2 D.u/ij vi;j dx 2 D.u/n vn C D.u/ v dS
˝ @˝
D 2 D.u/ij vi;j dx T v dS:
˝ C
Problem 5.1. Let f 2 L2 .˝/3 . Find u 2 V and 2 H.u / such that for every v 2 V
2 D.u/ij D.v/ij dx C v dS C .u r/u v dx D f v dx: (5.15)
˝ C ˝ ˝
Remark 5.1. If C is a piecewise flat surface (i.e., C D kD1 Ck , where n D const
on each Ck ), then for u; v 2 V
2 D.u/ij D.v/ij dx D ru rv dx; (5.16)
˝ ˝
Let us prove (5.16). To this end first assume that u 2 V and v 2 V. Q On each Ck
we can construct an orthonormal basis n; 1 ; 2 , where both vectors 1 ; 2 lie in the
Q On Ck we have rvn D @vn nC @vn 1 C @vn 1 D @vn n, where
surface Ck . Take v 2 V. @n @1 @1 @n
the last equality follows from the fact that vn D 0 on Ck . Now, we have
uj;i vi;j dx D uj vi;ij dx C uj vi;j ni dS:
˝ ˝ @˝
The last equality follows from the fact that un D 0 and u is orthogonal to n on C .
Using (5.13) we have
D.u/ij D.v/ij dx D D.u/ij vi;j dx D ui;j vi;j dx C uj;i vi;j dx
˝ ˝ 2 ˝ ˝
D ui;j vi;j dx;
2 ˝
hB.u; w/; vi D .u r/w v dx for u; w; v 2 V;
We end this section by proving several auxiliary properties of the operators A and B.
Lemma 5.3. The operator A W V ! V 0 defined by (5.17) is bilinear, continuous,
and coercive. Moreover, we have
Proof. The assertion follows in a straightforward way from the definition of A and
the definition of the norm in V, cf. (5.9). t
Lemma 5.4. For u; v; w 2 V we have
From the Sobolev embedding theorem it follows that kzkL4 .˝/3 CkzkH 1 .˝/3 for all
z 2 H 1 .˝/3 with a constant C > 0. Hence, we have
where the last equality follows from the fact that div u D 0 in ˝ and un D u n D 0
on @˝. Now as VQ is dense in V, for u; v 2 V we can construct sequences um ; vm 2 VQ
such that kv vm k ! 0 and ku um k ! 0 as m ! 1. Hence
The sequences um ; vm are bounded in V as they converge in this space, and the
sequences ku um k and kv vm k converge to zero, whence the assertion is proved.
Finally, (5.20) is a straightforward consequence of (5.19). For the proof it suffices
to substitute v C w in place of v in (5.19). t
Lemma 5.5. The mapping V 2 3 .w; u/ ! B.w; u/ 2 V 0 is sequentially weakly
continuous, i.e.
From the fact that the sequences wk ; uk are bounded in V it follows that
lim lim sup jhB.wk ; uk /; v vm ij lim lim sup cB kwk kkuk kkv vm k D 0;
m!1 k!1 m!1 k!1
2kc1 kL2 .C / C c2 k kkFkV 0
S D .; w/ 2 W V W kkW ;
2 c2 k k2
k kkc1 kL2 .C / C kFkV 0
kwk : (5.24)
2 c2 k k2
Lemma 5.6. For a given .; w/ 2 W V the auxiliary Problem 5.3 has exactly one
solution u 2 V.
Proof. Define the mapping M W V ! V 0 by M.u/ D Au C B.w; u/. Obviously
this mapping is linear. By Lemma 5.3 and (5.18), M is bounded, and hence also
continuous. Moreover, by Lemma 5.3 and (5.13)
k k kFkV 0
k1 .; w/k kkW C :
2 2
It follows that
2k1 .; w/k2 kkW k kk1 .; w/k C kFkV 0 k1 .; w/k;
for v 2 V. We pass to the limit in all terms in the last equation. As A is linear and
continuous, it is also weakly sequentially continuous, and we have
.k ; v /W ! .; v /W :
Summarizing, we get
Clearly, .; w/ solves Problem 5.1. Hence, be showing the existence of a fixed point
of we prove the existence of a solution for Problem 5.1.
Lemma 5.9. Assume .h1/–.h5/. Then .S/ S and if x 2 .x/, then x 2 S.
Proof. First we prove the assertion that .S/ S. Let .; u/ 2 .; w/, where
.; w/ 2 S. Then 2 H.w / and u D 1 .; w/. From Lemma 5.7 it follows that
k k kFkV 0
kuk kkW C : (5.27)
2 2
By Lemma 5.1 it is possible to use the growth condition .H3/. We get
As .; w/ 2 S, we can use the bounds given in the definition (5.24). The
estimate (5.27) implies that
k k 2kc1 kL2 .C / C c2 k kkFkV 0 kFkV 0 k kkc1 kL2 .C / C kFkV 0
kuk 2
C D ;
2 2 c2 k k 2 2 c2 k k2
and the estimate (5.28) implies that
k kkc1 kL2 .C / C kFkV 0 2kc1 kL2 .C / C c2 k kkFkV 0
kkW kc1 kL2 .C / Cc2 k k D :
2 c2 k k2 2 c2 k k2
We have proved that u and satisfy the estimates given in definition (5.24) of the
set S, whence .; u/ 2 S. The proof of the first assertion is complete.
106 5 Stationary Solutions of the Navier–Stokes Equations with Friction
For the proof of the second assertion assume that .; u/ 2 .; u/. We must
show that .; u/ 2 S, i.e., .; u/ satisfy the bounds given in definition (5.24). By
Lemma 5.7 and the growth condition .H3/ in Lemma 5.1 we have
k k kFkV 0
kuk kkW C ; kkW kc1 kL2 .C / C c2 k kkuk:
2 2
Combining the above two inequalities in two different ways we obtain
k k kFkV 0
kuk .kc1 kL2 .C / C c2 k kkuk/ C ;
2 2
k k kFkV 0
kkW kc1 kL2 .C / C c2 k k kkW C :
2 2
A straightforward calculation proves that .; u/ satisfy the bounds given in the
definition (5.24), whereas indeed .; u/ 2 S. The proof is complete. u
The space W V endowed with the .W; weak/ .V; weak/ topology is a locally
convex Hausdorff topological vector space, and the set S is nonempty, compact, and
convex in this space. Assuming .h1/–.h4/, the values of are nonempty and convex
(see .H1/ of Lemma 5.1).
Lemma 5.10. Assume .h1/–.h5/. Then the graph of is sequentially closed in
.W; weak/ .V; weak/ .W; weak/ .V; weak/.
Proof. Let k ! weakly in W and wk ! w weakly in V. Let moreover .k ; uk / be
such that k ! weakly in W, uk ! u weakly in V and .k ; uk / 2 .k ; wk /. The
last assertion means that k 2 H.wk / and uk 2 1 .k ; wk /. Lemma 5.8 implies that
u 2 1 .; w/. Since the trace operator W V ! W is compact, we have wk ! w
strongly in W. It remains to use .H2/ of Lemma 5.1 to conclude that 2 H.w /,
whence .; u/ 2 .; w/. The proof is complete. t
Lemma 5.11. Assume .h1/–.h5/. Then the graph of jS is a closed set in topology
.W; weak/ .V; weak/ .W; weak/ .V; weak/.
Proof. Lemma 5.10 implies that the graph of jS is sequentially closed in topology
.W; weak/ .V; weak/ .W; weak/ .V; weak/. The graph of jS is contained
in S S, a set which is compact, and, by the Eberlein–Šmulyan theorem also
sequentially compact in .W; weak/ .V; weak/ .W; weak/ .V; weak/ topology.
Thus the graph of jS must be sequentially compact, and by the Eberlein–Šmulyan
theorem, it is also compact and hence closed. t
We have all the ingredients to prove that main theorem of this section.
Proof (of Theorem 5.1). The assertion of the theorem is a straightforward appli-
cation of the Kakutani–Fan–Glicksberg fixed point theorem and Lemmata 5.9
and 5.11. t
5.5 Existence of Weak Solutions for the Case of Power Growth Condition 107
As in this section we no longer impose the linear growth condition .h4/, but we
replace it with the more
R general power growth condition .h6/, we cannot interpret
anymore the term C v dS in (5.15) as the scalar product in W. Instead, we
represent this term using the duality between U and U 0 , and the multivalued operator
G given by (5.7). We are in position to formulate the following problem.
Problem 5.4. Find u 2 V and 2 G.u / such that for every v 2 V we have
The main result of this section is the following existence theorem for the above
Theorem 5.2. Assume .h1/–.h3/ and .h6/, .h7/. Then Problem 5.4 has a solution
.; u/ 2 W V.
Proof. The proof consists of two steps. In the first step we will define the cut-off
friction multifunction hm and the associated cut-off Problem 5.5. In the second step
we pass to infinity with the cut-off constant and we recover the solution of the
original problem.
Step 1. Let us first choose a natural number m and define
<h.x; s/ if jsj m;
hm .x; s/ D
:h x; jsj
if jsj > m:
We will show that hm satisfies .h1/–.h5/. Naturally, hm satisfies .h1/ and .h2/. We
will prove that hm satisfies .h3/, i.e., the graph of s ! hm .x; s/ is closed in R6 for
a.e. x 2 C . To this end, let sk ! s and k ! with k 2 hm .x; sk /. Define
sk if jsk j m;
rk D ms
jsk j
if jsk j > m:
From the fact that k 2 hm .x; sk / and the definition of hm it follows that k 2 h.x; rk /.
We will consider two cases. If jsj m, then we have rk ! s and we use .h3/ for
h whence it follows that 2 h.x; s/ D hm .x; s/ for a.e. x 2 C . In the second case
we have jsj > m. Then we have rk ! ms and we can use .h3/ for h to deduce
that 2 h x; jsj D hm .x; s/ for a.e. x 2 C . The proof that hm satisfies .h3/
is complete. We will now demonstrate that hm satisfies .h4/ and .h5/. Indeed, let
s 2 R3 and 2 hm .x; s/. By the definition of hm and .h6/ for a.e. x 2 C we have
jj c3 .x/ C c4 mp1 , whence .h4/ holds with c1 D c3 ./ C c4 mp1 2 L2 .C / and
c2 D 0, which implies that hm satisfies also .h5/.
108 5 Stationary Solutions of the Navier–Stokes Equations with Friction
We have proved that hm satisfies .h1/–.h5/. We can define the multivalued operator
Hm W W ! 2W by the formula
We formulate the following cut-off version of Problem 5.4, where the cut-off
parameter is denoted by m.
Problem 5.5. Find um 2 V and m 2 Hm .um / such that for every v 2 V we have
As hm satisfies .h1/–.h5/ we can use Theorem 5.1 to deduce that for each m there
exists .m ; um / 2 W V, a solution of Problem 5.5.
Step 2. We pass with the cut-off constant m to infinity and we recover the solution
of Problem 5.4. Taking v D um in (5.30) we get
Since c3 2 L2 .C / Lq .C / and the sequence um which converges in U strongly
is norm bounded in this space, it follows that m is bounded in U 0 and hence, for a
subsequence, not renumbered, m ! weakly in U 0 . We can rewrite (5.30) as
and we can pass to the limit to obtain (5.29). We only need to show that 2 G.u /.
Since um ! u strongly in U, then, for a subsequence, denoted by the same index,
um .x/ ! u .x/ with jum .x/j g.x/ for a.e. x 2 C , where g 2 Lp .C /. Fix " > 0.
By the Luzin theorem there exists a closed set M" C , with m2 .C n M" / < " and
g continuous on M" . Define m" D maxx2M" g.x/. For all natural m m" we have
jum .x/j g.x/ m" m a.e. on M" and hence m .x/ 2 h.x; um .x// a.e. on M" . We
can use .H2/ of Theorem 3.23 for the space Z D Lp .M" /3 and the map
Z 3 u ! f 2 Z 0 W .x/ 2 h.x; u.x// a.e. on M" g 2 2Z
In this chapter the multivalued term has the form of an arbitrary multifunction. In
most typical applications this multifunction is a Clarke subdifferential of a certain
locally Lipschitz functional, usually nondifferentiable in a discrete or Lebesgue
null set of points. In such a case, the multivalued PDE is equivalent to a certain
hemivariational inequality, as it has been proved by Carl [49] (the proof in [49] is
done for an evolution problem but it works well for the static case, too). There are
many techniques to prove existence of weak solutions for the multivalued elliptic
partial differential equations or hemivariational inequalities. The idea based on
the use of surjectivity results for pseudomonotone operators has been extensively
exploited in [184]. The application of this technique to stationary incompressible
Navier–Stokes problem with the multivalued feedback control boundary condition
in the normal direction involving the Bernoulli pressure was presented in [175]. The
approach based on the Galerkin method and the finite element method was studied in
[114], and the techniques using upper and lower solutions were thoroughly analyzed
in [50]. Yet another interesting approach to study the existence of weak solutions
using the Kuratowski–Knaster–Mazurkiewicz (KKM) principle was proposed in
[78]. The approach based on the Kakutani–Fan–Glicksberg fixed point theorem is,
to our knowledge, new.
110 5 Stationary Solutions of the Navier–Stokes Equations with Friction
Fig. 5.2 Two examples of a frictional contact condition. The vertical line in both plots represents
the stick effect, where the tangential velocity of the fluid u is equal to the given velocity U0 . In
such a case the friction condition is actually a (nonhomogeneous) Dirichlet condition. If the stick
does not occur, i.e., u ¤ U0 we have a slip effect. In such a case, the tangential stress T is given
as a function of u . The right plot depicts the possibility of taking into account the dependence of
the friction coefficient of the slip rate. It is a priori unknown which part of the contact boundary
is a stick zone, and which part is the slip zone. Of course, in the case of evolution problems, both
zones can change with time
The interpretation of this law is the following: on the contact boundary the
foundation is moving with the given velocity U0 2 R3 . If there is no slip, i.e.,
u D U0 then the magnitude of the friction force cannot exceed the friction
bound k . When the friction force is large enough, its absolute value equal to k ,
then the slip appears and we have u ¤ U0 . The direction of the friction force is
always opposite to the vector u U0 . The Tresca law is presented in the left plot in
Fig. 5.2.
Obviously, this example satisfies all the assumptions .h1/–.h5/, as we have .h4/
with c2 D 0. It is possible to generalize the Tresca law, making the friction bound k
dependent on ju U0 j. In such a case we speak of slip rate dependent friction. In
particular the situation when k is decreasing with increasing ju U0 j reflects the
fact that the kinetic friction is less than the static friction. This, generalized, version
of the Tresca law is presented in the right plot in Fig. 5.2.
The dependence of the k on ju U0 j can also be discontinuous, to account
for flattening of asperities on the surface. Similar laws were used, for example, in
[12, 213] for static problems in elasticity, see Fig. 4.6 in [12] and Fig. 2a in [213] for
examples of particular nonmonotone friction laws.
Stationary Flows in Narrow Films
and the Reynolds Equation
In this chapter we study a typical problem from the theory of lubrication, namely, the
Stokes flow in a thin three-dimensional domain ˝ " , " > 0. We assume the Fourier
boundary condition (only the friction part) at the top surface and a nonlinear Tresca
interface condition at the bottom one.
When " ! 0 the domains ˝ " become in the limit a two-dimensional domain !,
the mutual bottom of the domains ˝ " . Let .u" ; p" / be the solution of the considered
Stokes problem in ˝ " . An important problem in the theory of lubrication, which
deals with flows in thin films, is to describe the behavior of solutions .u" ; p" / as
" ! 0 in terms of some limit functions .u? ; p? /. It happens that the pressure p?
depends only on two variables which define the surface ! and satisfies the Reynolds
equation, a fundamental equation in this theory. We can say that the Reynolds
equation describes a distribution of the pressure “in an infinitely thin domain.”
Moreover, the boundary conditions imposed on the solutions of the Stokes equation
in ˝ " tend in an appropriate sense to some boundary conditions for the Reynolds
equation. Our aim is to provide a strict mathematical analysis of this asymptotic
The domain ˝ " is as follows. Let ! R2 be an open bounded set with sufficiently
smooth boundary. Then
The boundary of ˝ " consists of three parts: the bottom !, the lateral part L" , and
the top surface F" , @˝ " D ! [ L" [ F" . Our boundary conditions are:
• At the bottom ! we assume
un D u n D 0 on !: (6.3)
where j:j denotes the Euclidean norm in R2 , and s is the velocity of the lower
surface !, n D .n1 ; n2 ; n3 / is the outward unit normal to ˝ " , and
un D u n; u D u un n:
We assume that G" 2 .H 1 .˝ " //3 with div G" D 0 in ˝ " , G" n D 0 on F" [ !.
We assume also that h satisfies
and that l" > 0. In (6.4) and (6.6) T is the tangential part of the stress vector Tn on
the boundary @˝ " , where the stress tensor T is given by
1 @ui @uj
Tij D p ıij C 2Dij .u/ where Dij .u/ D C for 1 i; j 3;
2 @xj @xi
T D Tn Tn n; (6.9)
where Tn D .Tn/ n is the normal part of the stress tensor on the boundary @˝ " .
Remark 6.1. In [15, 21] a similar problem was considered, it differed from the
above in a boundary condition at the top surface; namely, in these papers it was
assumed that
u D 0 at F" : (6.10)
Condition (6.10) helps much in obtaining the solution. With (6.6) and (6.7) in
place of (6.10) the problem is more difficult due to the lack of the usual forms
of the Poincaré and Korn inequalities. What is important is to obtain other forms of
these inequalities, in which the constants do not explode as " tends to zero.
The plan of the rest of the chapter is as follows. In Sect. 6.2 we provide a
weak formulation of the problem, prove suitable forms of the Korn and Poincaré
inequalities, and obtain key estimates. In Sect. 6.3, taking into account a small
parameter, we introduce a scaling, and using estimates from Sect. 6.2 prove a
convergence theorem for the rescaled functions. In Sect. 6.4 we establish the limit
variational inequality, give precise characterization of the sets to which its solution
114 6 Stationary Flows in Narrow Films and the Reynolds Equation
and admissible test functions belong, and prove the strong convergence of the
velocity fields. In Sect. 6.5 the Reynolds equation and the limit boundary conditions
are obtained. In the last section we prove the uniqueness of solutions of the limit
We start from remarks on the notation in this chapter. We will denote by x D .x1 ; x2 /
variables belonging to the set !. Surface element in integrals will be denoted by dS,
or, in case of integrals over ! by dx or dx1 dx2 . The real variable in the vertical
direction, orthogonal to ! will be denoted by y or x3 and the corresponding length
element in integrals by dy or dx3 . Volume element in volume integrals will be
denoted by dx dy or dx dx3 . Let us define
Kd D fv 2 K W div v D 0 in ˝ " g;
L02 .˝ " / 2
D fp 2 L .˝ / W "
p dx dx3 D 0g:
u 2 Kd ; (6.13)
p2 L02 .˝ " /;
a.u; ' u/ p div ' dx dx3 C l" u.' u/ dS
˝" F"
C k" .j' sj ju sj/ dx 0 for all ' 2 K; (6.14)
a.u; v/ D 2 Dij .u/Dij .v/ dx dx3 : (6.15)
6.2 Weak Formulation and Main Estimates 115
Remark 6.2. In (6.14), k" comes from the Tresca condition. It is a positive constant
and its dependence on " shall be defined in Sect. 6.3.
Observe that from condition (6.13) it follows that:
Tresca and slip conditions are included in (6.14). To obtain (6.14) we observe that
ui C p;i D 2.ui;j C uj;i / C pıij ;j Tij;j ;
Tij;j D 0 .i D 1; 2; 3/
@.'i ui /
Tij dx dx3 D Tij Dij .'i ui / dx dx3 ;
˝" @xj ˝"
1 1 1
Tij Dij .v/ D Tij .vi;j C vj;i / D Tij vi;j C Tji vj;i D Tij vi;j
2 2 2
by symmetry.
From (6.16) and (6.15),
@.'i ui /
Tij dx dx3 D .2Dij .u/ p ıij /Dij .' u/ dx dx3
˝" @xj ˝"
D a.u; ' u/ p div .' u/ dx dx3
D a.u; ' u/ p div ' dx dx3 ; (6.17)
as div u D 0 in ˝ " .
116 6 Stationary Flows in Narrow Films and the Reynolds Equation
The second term in (6.16) is divided into three parts, as @˝ " D F" [ ! [ L" :
We have, by (6.9) and (6.6),
Tij nj .'i ui / dS D ŒT C Tn n ..' u/ C .' u/n n/ dS
F" F"
D .l" u/ .' u/ dS
Dl u .' u/ dS;
Remark 6.3. Observe that in a.:; :/ there is the Newtonian viscosity . In the sequel
we set D 1.
We use (6.20) to obtain the basic estimate of the velocity given in Lemma 6.4
Lemma 6.1. We have
1 l" l"
a.u; u/ C juj2 dS C k" ju sj dx jG" j2 dS C 2 jrG" j2 dx dx3 :
2 2 F" ! 2 "
F ˝ "
6.2 Weak Formulation and Main Estimates 117
C.F" / D 2kD2 h" kC.!/ 1 C kD1 h" k2C.!/ : (6.25)
Observe that we use here h 2 C2 .!/, cf. (6.8), and that C.F" / is of order " if h" D "h
as in (6.7).
Proof. Assume that v D u G" is a smooth function. The result will follow from
density of smooth functions in Kd . We have
Z 2
1 @vi @vk
a.v; v/ D C dx dx3
2 ˝" @xk @xi
@vi @vi @vi @vk
D C dx dx3
˝" @xk @xk @xk @xi
2 @vi @vk
D jrvj dx dx3 C dx dx3
˝ " ˝ " @x k @xi
118 6 Stationary Flows in Narrow Films and the Reynolds Equation
2 @2 vi @vi
D jrvj dx dx3 vk dx dx3 C vk ni dS
˝" ˝" @xk @xi @˝ " @xk
@vi @vk
D jrvj2 dx dx3 C dx dx3
˝" ˝" @xi @xk
@vi @vi
vk nk dS C vk ni dS:
@˝ " @xi @˝ " @xk
For v D uG" we have .uG" /n D 0 on @˝ " as u 2 Kd and G" is as in (6.12) thus
the first surface integral on the right-hand side equals zero, and the second surface
integral reduces to that over F" [ !; as v D u G" D 0 on L" . We have to estimate
the integral
@.ui G"i / @.ui G"i /
.uk G"k /ni dS D .uk G"k / ni dS: (6.27)
F" [! @xk F" [! @xk
@.uG" /n
Since .u G" / n D 0 on F" [ !, then @xk
D 0, i.e.,
X 3
@.ui G" / i
ni D .ui G"i /ni;k : (6.28)
@xk iD1
We compute
@n3 3 @h" @2 h" @h" @2 h"
n3;i .x1 ; x2 / D .x1 ; x2 / D .1 C jrh" j2 / 2 C ;
@xi @x1 @xi @x1 @x2 @xi @x2
ˇ ˇ
ˇ @n3 ˇ
ˇ ˇ " " " " 2
ˇ @x ˇ 2jD1 h jjD2 h j jD2 h j.1 C jD1 h j /;
and similarly
ˇ ˇ
ˇ @nj ˇ
jnj;i .x1 ; x2 /j D ˇˇ ˇˇ jD2 h" j.1 C jD1 h" j2 /:
Q F" / C.F" /, where C.F" / is defined in (6.25). In the end, from (6.26)
Thus C.
and (6.29) we obtain (6.24). t
Now, having inequality (6.24), we can estimate ˝ " jruj2 dx dx3 . We have
Z Z Z !
C.F" / " 2
ju G j dS 2C.F" / 2
juj dS C " 2
jG j dS ; (6.31)
F" F" 1"
and, by (6.23),
jruj2 dx dx3 2 jr.u G" /j2 dx dx3 C 2 jrG" j2 dx dx3 : (6.33)
˝" ˝" ˝"
The first term on the right-hand side as well as the surface integral F" juj2 dS is
estimated in (6.21). From (6.21) and (6.34) we have
120 6 Stationary Flows in Narrow Films and the Reynolds Equation
Lemma 6.4.
2 16C.F" /
jruj dx dx3 28 C jrG" j2 dx dx3 (6.35)
˝" l" ˝"
C 4 l" C 2C.F" / jG" j2 dS:
Remark 6.4. If we set "l" D Ol 2 .0; 1/, then l" ! 1 as " ! 0, and
16C.F" /
28 C D O.1/ as " ! 0;
" " 1
4.l C 2C.F // D O as " ! 0:
Later on we shall show that " ˝ " jruj2 dx dx3 D O.1/ as " ! 0. This will come
from estimates of the integrals on the right-hand side of (6.35), by means of the
H 1 .˝/3 norm of a given function GO in H 1 .˝/3 , to which the family of functions G"
is suitably related (here andRin the sequel we put ˝ D ˝ 1 ).
To be able to estimate ˝ juj2 dx dy we need a suitable form of the Poincaré
Lemma 6.5 (A Form of the Poincaré Inequality). Set h"M D max! jh" .x1 ; x2 /j:
Z Z Z ˇ ˇ
ˇ @u ˇ2
juj2 dx dx3 2h"M juj2 dS C 2.h"M /2 ˇ ˇ dx dx3 : (6.36)
ˇ ˇ
˝" F" ˝ " @x3
so that
Z h" .x/
ˇ ˇ2
ˇ @u ˇ
" 2
ju.x; t/j 2ju.x; h .x//j C 2h .x/ " ˇ .x; z/ˇ dz:
ˇ @z ˇ
We have now all basic estimates. In Sect. 6.3 we shall state them once again but
in new variables: uO instead of u" , etc., defined in ˝ 1 .
We have the following existence theorem in ˝ " .
Theorem 6.1. For the data as in Sects. 6.1 and 6.2, there exists a unique weak
solution .u; p/ D .u" ; p" / of problem (6.1)–(6.7),
Proof. For the proof, which requires some more advanced variational methods to
be presented in this place, we refer the reader to [15] where the functional j is here
given by
j.'/ D k" j'.x; 0/ sj dx C l" u' dS: t
! F"
x3 1
yD ; uO i .x; y/ D ui .x; x3 /; i D 1; 2 and uO 3 .x; y/ D u3 .x; x3 /;
" "
uO .x; y/ D .Ou1 .x; y/; uO 2 .x; y/; uO 3 .x; y// being a new velocity in ˝.
For the pressure p in ˝ " we define pO .x; y/ D "2 p.x; x3 /: Let
where Ol and kO are some positive numbers, l" stands in (6.6), and k" appears in the
Tresca condition (6.4).
O y/ D .GO 1 .x; y/; GO 2 .x; y/; GO 3 .x; y// in H 1 .˝/3 such
Now, for a given function G.x;
that G n D 0 on F [ ! .F D F1 / and
GO i .x; y/ D G"i .x; x3 /; i D 1; 2; GO 3 .x; y/ D G"3 .x; x3 /:
122 6 Stationary Flows in Narrow Films and the Reynolds Equation
u 2 Kd O div uO D 0:
is equivalent to uO 2 K;
To compare solutions .u" ; p" / for various " (these solutions exist by Theorem 6.1) we
transform them as above to the same domain ˝. The transformed solutions .Ou" ; pO " /
are solutions of a suitably transformed problem from Definition 6.1. We shall write
the problem precisely later on.
Now, we obtain estimates for uO D uO " directly from those obtained for u D u" in
Sect. 6.2.
We shall write estimates (6.35) and (6.36) in new variables.
Lemma 6.6. We have
" 2 1 O 2 dx dy for all
jrG j dx dx3 jr Gj " 2 .0; 1: (6.37)
˝" " ˝
Z Z p
jG"3 j2 dS D jG"3 .x; h" .x//j2 1 C jrh" .x/j2 dx
F" !
Z p
p 1 C jrh" .x/j2
" 2 O 2
jG3 .x; h.x//j 1 C jrh.x/j p 2 dx
! 1 C jrh.x/j2
p Z
" max 1 C jrh .x/j " 2 jGO 3 j2 dS: (6.40)
x2! F
O 2 dS C0 .˝/
jGj O 2 C jr Gj
jGj O 2 dx dy; (6.42)
F ˝
Exercise 6.2. Prove estimates (6.45). First, for 2 H01 .˝ " / set ' D u ˙
in (6.14), where u D u" , p D p" , to get
a.u" ; / p" div dx dx3 D 0:
124 6 Stationary Flows in Narrow Films and the Reynolds Equation
Further estimates follow from the Poincaré inequality (6.36) written in new
Z Z Z ˇ ˇ2
ˇ @Oui ˇ
jOui j2 dx dy 2hM jOui j2 dS C 2h2M ˇ ˇ dx dy for i D 1; 2; 3:
ˇ ˇ
˝ F ˝ @y
Observe that changing the variables, we obtain the same form of the Poincaré
Exercise 6.3. Prove (6.46).
To estimate the integrals on the left-hand side, we have to estimate the surface
integrals on the right-hand side. We have,
Z Z p
jOui j dS D jOui .x; h.x//j2 1 C jrh.x/j2 dx
F !
Z p
p 1 C jrh.x/j2
" 2
D jOui .x; h .x//j 1 C jrh" .x/j2 p dx
! 1 C jrh" .x/j2
p Z
max 1 C jrh.x/j2 jui j2 dS for i D 1; 2; (6.47)
x2! F"
Z Z p
jOu3 j dS D jOu3 .x; h.x//j2 1 C jrh.x/j2 dx
F !
p Z
max 1 C jrh.x/j2 ju3 j2 dS: (6.48)
" x2! F"
Thus, from the Poincaré inequality (6.46) with (6.44) and (6.47)–(6.49) we obtain
in the end
2 @v
Vy D v 2 L .˝/ W 2 L2 .˝/
2 ! 12
kvkVy D kvk2L2 .˝/
C :
@y L2 .˝/
Theorem 6.2. There exist u?i 2 Vy for i D 1; 2, p? 2 L02 .˝/, and a subsequence
" ! 0 such that
Proof. From (6.44) and (6.50) we have (6.52), and from (6.44) and (6.52) we
P @Ou
get (6.53). By (6.53) and 2jD1 @xjj D @O@yu3 , (6.54) holds. From (6.51) and (6.44)
we deduce (6.55). From (6.45) we obtain (6.56), and from (6.51), div uO D 0, and a
suitable choice of the test function we obtain also (6.57). t
2 Z
1X @Oui @Ouj @ @
" C" " .'Oi uO i / C " .'Oj uO j / dxdy
2 i;jD1 ˝ @xj @xi @xj @xi
2 Z
1X @Oui 2 @Ou3 @ 2 @
C C" .'Oi uO i / C " .'O3 uO 3 / dxdy
2 iD1 ˝ @y @xi @y @xi
@Ou3 @ @'O1 @'O2 @'O3
C2 " " .'O3 uO 3 /dxdy pO C C dxdy
˝ @y @y ˝ @x1 @x2 @y
X2 Z p
C OlOui .x; h.x//Œ'Oi .x; h.x// uO i .x; h.x// 1 C jrh" .x/j2 dx
iD1 !
C O 'O sj jOu sj/dx 0:
k.j (6.58)
If we take all nonlinear terms in (6.58) to the right-hand side and take lim inf"!0
on both sides (in fact on the left-hand side the simple lim"!0 exists), we obtain the
limit variational inequality,
@u?i @.'Oi u?i / @'O1 @'O2
dxdy p? .x/ C dxdy
iD1 ˝ @y @y ˝ @x1 @x2
? @h @h
p .x/ 'O1 .x; h.x// .x/ C 'O2 .x; h.x// .x/ dx
! @x1 @x2
X 2 Z
C Ol u?i .x; h.x// 'Oi .x; h.x// u?i .x; h.x// dx
iD1 !
C kO .j'O sj ju? sj/ dx 0: (6.59)
O D f'N D .'O1 ; 'O2 / 2 .H 1 .˝//2 W 9'O3 2 H 1 .˝/; 'O D .'O1 ; 'O2 ; 'O3 / 2 Kg:
˘.K/ O
6.4 Limit Variational Inequality, Strong Convergence, and the Limit Equation 127
1 p @h @h
'O3 D .'O1 n1 C 'O2 n2 / D 1 C jrh.x/j2 .'O1 n1 C 'O2 n2 / D 'O1 C 'O2 ;
n3 @x1 @x2
The third component (for i D 3) is nonpositive in the limit and we can omit it.
In fact,
"l " O
u3 .'3 u3 /dS l u3 '3 dS
F" F"
Z p
D Ol u3 .x; h" .x//'3 .x; h" .x// 1 C jrh" .x/j2 dx
Z p
D Ol "Ou3 .x; h.x//"'O3 .x; h.x// 1 C jrh" .x/j2 dx;
so that
lim Ol u3 .'3 u3 / dS 0:
"!0 F"
O WD f'N D .'O1 ; 'O2 / 2 .H 1 .˝//2 W 9'O3 2 H 1 .˝/; 'O D .'O1 ; 'O2 ; 'O3 / 2 K;
˘.K/ O
We shall characterize ˘0 .K/O in terms of .'O1 ; 'O2 /. Let 'N D .'O1 ; 'O2 / be an arbitrary
element of .H 1 .˝//2 such that 'O1 D 'O2 D 0 on L . We shall prove that one can
always find 'O3 2 H 1 .˝/ such that .'O1 ; 'O2 ; 'O3 / D 'O satisfies condition in (6.61), that
O D 0 .K/,
is, we shall prove that ˘0 .K/ O where
O D f'N 2 .H 1 .˝//2 W
0 .K/ 'O1 D 'O2 D 0 on L g:
@h @h
'O1 .x; h.x// .x/ C 'O2 .x; h.x// .x/ D 'O3 .x; h.x// on F :
@x1 @x2
@h @h
D 'O1 .x; h.x// .x/ C 'O2 .x; h.x// .x/ D 1 on F :
@x1 @x2
As 'N D .'O1 ; 'O2 / 2 .H 1 .˝//2 , 1 is well defined on F and belongs to H 2 .F /
because h 2 C2 .!/. Since 'O1 D 'O2 D 0 on L , we see that 1 D 0 on @˝. Thus,
there is no singularity at @!, and the function
0 on L [ !;
b D
on F ;
belongs to H 2 .@˝/. Then, to prove the existence of 2 H 1 .˝/ such that D b
on @˝ we find as the solution of the Laplace problem
D0 in ˝; D b on @˝:
O D ˘0 .K/,
This proves that 0 .K/ O and we characterized ˘0 .K/O in terms of the
functions 'O1 and 'O2 only (and not 'O3 —the third component). Since ˘.K/
O C G,
˘0 .K/ N we have
˘.K/ N on
O D f'N D .'O1 ; 'O2 / 2 .H 1 .˝//2 W 'N D G L g:
? @'O1 @'O2 @'O3
p .x/ C C dxdy D 0; (6.63)
˝ @x1 @x2 @y
which is equivalent to
@'O1 @'O2
p? .x/ C dxdy
˝ @x1 @x2
? @h @h
C p .x/ 'O1 .x; h.x// C 'O2 .x; h.x// dx D 0: (6.64)
! @x1 @x2
Proof. Let
m 2 C01 .!/,
m ! p? in L2 .!/. Then
@'O1 @'O2 @'O3
m .x/ C C dxdy
˝ @x1 @x2 @y
Z Z 3
m @
m X
D 'O1 C 'O2 dxdy C
m .x/ 'Oi ni dS;
˝ @x1 @x2 @˝ iD1
as @
@ym D 0: Now, the surface integral equals zero since
m 2 C01 .!/ and 'O n D 0
on F [ !. The first integral on the right-hand side equals zero by condition (D’).
Thus, the integral on the left-hand side equals zero. We pass to the limit
m ! p? in
L2 .!/ to get (6.63). As
Z Z Z h.x/
? @'O3 ? @'O3
p .x/ .x; y/ dxdy D p .x/ .x; y/ dy dx
˝ @y ! 0 @y
Z Z 2
X @h
? ?
D p .x/'O3 .x; h.x//dx D p .x/ 'Oi .x; h.x// dx;
! ! iD1
X2 Z Z
1 @u?i @.'Oi u?i /
dxdy C Ol u?i .x; h.x//.'Oi u?i /.x; h.x// dx C
2 ˝ @y @y !
kO .j'N sj ju? sj/ dx 0 for all 'N 2 FKO ; (6.66)
.x/ C C dxdy D uO 1 C uO 2 dxdy
˝ @x1 @x2 @y ˝ @x1 @x2
Our main problem now is to find relations between FKO given by (6.65) and F given
by (6.68). We do not know what is the condition .CF / in (6.68) in the general case
(note that if F is given by y D const: we have no condition on u? coming from
uO n D 0 on F ). Thus we define
132 6 Stationary Flows in Narrow Films and the Reynolds Equation
? @u?i
F1 D u D .u?1 ; u?2 / 2
2 .L .˝// 2 2 ? 0
2 L .˝/; i D 1; 2; u satisfies .D / :
and define
• v and U are of the same regularity,
• “v satisfies (D’) or (D) in ˝” is equivalent to “U satisfies (D’) or (D) in u.”
Indeed for all
2 C1 .!/ we have
v.X; Y/r
.X/dXdY D U.x; y/r
˝ u
• “v D 0 on L ” is equivalent to “U D 0 on L ,”
and also
• If Un .x; y/ ! U.x; y/ in Vy .u/ Vy .u/, then vn .X; Y/ ! v.X; Y/ in Vy .˝/
Vy .˝/.
jvn .X; Y/ v.X; Y/j2 dxdy D N y/j2 h.x/ dxdy
jvN n .x; y/ v.x;
˝ u
D N y/h.x/j2
jvN n .x; y/h.x/ v.x; dxdy
u h.x/
D jUn .x; y/ U.x; y/j2 dxdy
u h.x/
jUn .x; y/ U.x; y/j2 dxdy;
hmin u
6.5 Remarks on Function Spaces 133
Z ˇ ˇ2
ˇ @vn @v ˇ
ˇ .X; Y/ .X; Y/ ˇ dXdY
ˇ @Y @Y ˇ
Z ˇ ˇ
ˇ @vN n
ˇ 1 @vN 1 ˇˇ2
D ˇ .x; y/ .x; y/ h.x/ dxdy
u @y h.x/ @y h.x/ ˇ
Z ˇ ˇ2
ˇ @vN n @vN ˇ 1
D ˇ ˇ
ˇh.x/ @y .x; y/ h.x/ @y .x; y/ˇ h3 .x/ dxdy
Z ˇ ˇ2
1 ˇ @Un @U ˇ
3 ˇ .x; y/ .x; y/ˇˇ dxdy:
hmin u @y ˇ @y
Then as .z/ D 2
2 C1 .!/, we have
z dzdy
U .x; y/r
.x/dxdy D U. x; y/r
.x/dxdy D U.z; y/r
D 0:
u u u 2
Thus, U satisfies condition (D). Since it is not smooth enough in x, we take the
O for
usual mollification " ? U with respect to x variable only which is in ˘0 .K/
small ", " ". /. We check condition (D).
Z Z Z 1 Z
." ? U /.x; y/r
.x/dydx D U .t; y/" .t x/dt r
u ! 0 !
Z Z 1 Z
D U .t; y/ " .x t/r
.x/dx dydt
! 0 !
D U .t; y/r." ?
/.t/dydt D 0:
As " ?
2 C1 .!/ and U satisfies condition (D), then " ?U also satisfies condition
.D/ in u. Now,
From the Korn inequality (6.24) written in new variables we conclude that if uO and
'O in KO are divergence free then, in particular
@.Oui 'Oi / 2
aO .Ou ';
O uO '/
O C C.F ; h/ O 2 dS:
jOu 'j
@y 2
iD1 L .˝/ F
By (6.20),
aO .Ou ';
O uO '/
O D aO .';
O 'O uO / C aO .Ou; uO '/ O
aO .'; O
O 'O uO / C l O
uO .'O uO / dS C k .j'O sj jOu sj/ dx;
F !
and we have
@.Oui 'Oi / 2
O 'O uO / C Ol
aO .'; uO .'O uO / dS
@y 2
iD1 L .˝/ F
C kO .j'O sj jOu sj/ dx
C C.F ; h/ O 2 dS;
jOu 'j
2 Z
1X @'Oi @'Oj @ @
aO .';
O 'O uO / D " C" " .'Oi uO i / C " .'Oj uO j / dxdy
2 i;jD1 ˝ @xj @xi @xj @xi
2 Z
1X @'Oi @'O3 @ @
C C "2 .'Oi uO i / C "2 .'O3 uO 3 / dxdy
2 iD1 ˝ @y @xi @y @xi
@'O3 @
C2 " " .'O3 uO 3 /dxdy:
˝ @y @y
@.Oui 'Oi / 2
C kO .jOu sj j'O sj/dx
@y 2
iD1 L .˝/ !
O 'O uO / C Ol
aO .'; uO .'O uO / dS C C.F ; h/ O 2 dS:
jOu 'j
6.6 Strong Convergence of Velocities and the Limit Equation 135
O Then
Let uN D .Ou1 ; uO 2 /, u? D .u?1 ; u?2 / as in (6.52) and let 'N D .'O1 ; 'O2 / 2 ˘.K/.
( Z )
X @.Oui 'Oi / 2
lim sup C kO .jNu sj j'N sj/dx
@y 2
"!0 iD1 L .˝/ !
@'N @.'N u? /
dxdy C Ol u? .'N u? / dS C C.F ; h/ ju? 'j
N 2 dS;
˝ @y @y F F
@.Oui 'Oi / 2
C kO .jNu sj j'N sj/dx
@y 2
iD1 L .˝/ !
@'N @.'N u? /
dxdy C Ol u? .'N u? / dS
˝ @y @y F
C C.F ; h/ ju? 'j
N 2 dS C ı for all ı < ".ı/:
O which has u? as a
By Lemma 6.10, there exists a sequence of functions 'N in ˘.K/
limit in Vy , whence
@.Oui 'Oi / 2
C kO .jNu sj ju? sj/dx ı for all ı < ".ı/:
@y 2
iD1 L .˝/ !
SinceRı > 0 is arbitrary, then by the weak lower semicontinuity of the functional
v 7! ! jv sj dx, we get
.jNu sj ju? sj/dx ! 0:
1 @2 u?i @p?
C D 0 .i D 1; 2/ in L2 .˝/: (6.71)
2 @y @xi
136 6 Stationary Flows in Narrow Films and the Reynolds Equation
Proof. Using Lemma 6.10 we first take 'O1 D u?1 ˙ 1 with 1 2 H01 .˝/ and
'O2 D u?2 , and then 'O1 D u?1 and 'O2 D u?2 ˙ 2 with 2 2 H01 .˝/ in (6.59), to get
1 @2 u?i @p?
C D 0 in H 1 .˝/; i D 1; 2: (6.72)
2 @y2 @xi
Z h.x/
h.x/Qu?i .x/ D u?i .x; y/dy;
Z Z Z !
? @ i ?
@Œy2 yh.x/
p .x/ dxdy D p .x/ dy dx
˝ @xi ! 0 @xi
Z Z !
@ h.x/
D p? .x/
.x/ Œy2 yh.x/dy dx
! @xi 0
1 @h3 .x/
D p? .x/ dx:
6 ! @xi
Theorem 6.4. The pair .u? ; p? / satisfies the following weak form of the Reynolds
h3 ? h ? h ? ?
rp s sh r'dx C sh rh'dx D ' gQ n dl (6.74)
! 12 2 2 ! @!
Z h.x/
gQ .x/ D gO .x; y/dy for all x 2 @!:
? ?
Moreover, the traces ? D @u@y .; 0/, h? D @u@y .; h.x//, s?h D u? .; h.x//, and
s? D u? .; 0/ satisfy the following limit form of the Tresca boundary conditions (6.4)
and the Fourier boundary condition (6.6)
j ? j D kO H) 9 0 u? D s C ? o
a:e: in !; (6.75)
j ? j < kO H) u? D s
y2 @p? .x/
u?i .x; y/ D C s?i .x/ C yi? .x/; (6.77)
2 @xi
h2 ?
s?h .x/ D rp .x/ C s? .x/ C h ? .x/ a:e: in !: (6.78)
h2 ?
s? .x/ D rp .x/ C s?h .x/ hh? .x/ a:e: in !: (6.79)
Taking now the average
1 h.x/
Q D v.x; y/ dy
h.x/ 0
of (6.77) we obtain
h3 @p? .x/ h2
hQu?i .x/ D C hs?i .x/ C i? .x/:
6 @xi 2
@h @h
uO 3 .x; h.x// D uO 1 .x; h.x// C uO 2 .x; h.x// ;
@x1 @x2
Z 2
X @.huQO i / @h
'.x/ C uO i .x; h.x// dx D 0:
! iD1
@xi @xi
2 Z Z 2
! 2 Z
X @' X @h X
huQO i dx C '.x/ uO i .x; h.x// dx C huQO i ni ' dl D 0:
iD1 ! @xi ! iD1
@xi iD1 @!
for all ' 2 H 1 .!/. Then using (6.78) and (6.80), we obtain the weak formula-
tion (6.74) of the Reynolds equation.
To prove (6.75) we transform (6.59). Using the Green formula, (6.71), conditions
'i D gO i on L , ni D 0 on ! for i D 1; 2, and ' n D 0 on ! [ F , as well as the
density of D.˝/ in ˘.K/, O and of D.˝/ in L2 .˝/, we obtain
k.j'.x; 0/ sj js? sj/ dx
C Ols?h .'.x; h.x// s?h / dx ? .'.x; 0/ s? / dx
! !
C h? .'.x; h.x// s?h /rh n dx 0 for all ' 2 .L2 .˝//2 : (6.81)
We take first
s?h .x/ if y D h.x/;
'.x; y/ D
si .x/ if y D 0;
s?h .x/ if y D h.x/;
'.x; y/ D
2s?i si if y D 0;
in (6.81), to obtain
O ? sj ? .s? s/ dx D 0;
kjs (6.82)
We will show that j j kO a.e. on !. Suppose that there exists a set of positive
measure !1 ! such that j j > kO on this set. Taking D 0 on ! n !1 and D
on ! in (6.84) we get
j j.kO j j/ dx 0:
j ? j kO a:e: on !:
O ? sj j ? jjs? sj ? .s? s/ a:e: on
kjs !
O ? sj ? .s? s/ 0 a:e: on
kjs !:
Remark 6.5. From formula (6.74) we obtain the following form of the Reynolds
equation (for D 1),
h3 ? h ? h ?
div rp s sh C s?h rh D 0 in H 1 .!/:
12 2 2
Observe how the Reynolds equation depends on the boundary conditions for the
velocity field. When 6D 1, the second term on the left-hand side of (6.86) should
be multiplied by .
6.8 Uniqueness
Theorem 6.5. There exists a unique solution .u? ; p? / in VQ y .L02 .!/ \ H 1 .!// of
inequality (6.59).
Proof. Let .U 1 ; p1 / and .U 2 ; p2 / be two solutions of (6.59). Taking ' D U 2 and
' D U 1 , respectively, as test functions in (6.59) we reduce it to (6.66) and obtain
Z ˇ ˇ Z
1 ˇ @.U 1 U 2 / ˇ2
ˇ ˇ dxdy C Ol jU 1 .x; h.x// U 2 .x; h.x//j2 dx 0:
2 ˇ @y ˇ
˝ !
and from the Poincaré inequality, as pi 2 L02 .!/ we conclude that kp2 p1 kL2 .!/ D 0.
The uniqueness of u? follows then from (6.59). u
div u D 0;
kukV D kuk D jru.x/j2 dx; kuk2 D ..u; u// D .ru; ru/;
respectively. The duality between V and its dual V 0 is denoted by h; i.
The weak formulation of the initial boundary value problem for the Navier–
Stokes equations is given in Theorem 7.1 below. We adopt the notation from
Chap. 4. In particular, the Stokes operator A and the trilinear form b as well as
the associated nonlinear operator B are defined in this chapter the same as in
Chap. 4 (with the obvious difference that in Chap. 4 the stationary problem is three-
dimensional and in present chapter we consider the two-dimensional problem).
Our aim is to prove the following existence and uniqueness result.
P Then there exists a unique function u W Œ0; 1/ ! H
Theorem 7.1. Let u0 ; f 2 H.
such that
.u.t/; v/ C ..u.t/; v// C b.u.t/; u.t/; v/ D .f ; v/ for all v 2 V; (7.1)
in the sense of scalar distributions on .0; 1/. Moreover, the function u W Œ0; 1/ !
H is bounded and the map u0 ! u.t/ is continuous as a map in H.
Proof. Let f .x/ D O O
jD1 fj !j .x/, fj D .f ; !j /, where !j , j D 1; 2; : : :, is an
orthonormal sequence in H, a sequence of eigenvectors of the Stokes operator. We
seek our solution u as a suitable limit of the sequence of approximate solutions un ,
n D 1; 2; : : :, which are finite dimensional solutions of the following problems.
7.1 Navier–Stokes Equations with Periodic Boundary Conditions 145
Problem 7.1. Let n 2 N, fn .x/ D njD1 fOj !j .x/, un .0/ D u0n D njD1 .u0 ; !j /!j .x/.
On the interval .0; 1/ find un .t/ D un .; t/ of the form
un .x; t/ D unj .t/!j .x/
such that
.un .t/; !j / C ..un .t/; !j // C b.un .t/; un .t/; !j / D .fn ; !j / for j D 1; : : : ; n;
un .0/ D u0n : (7.2)
Observe that (7.2) is a system of n ordinary differential equations for the vector
with initial condition ..u0 ; !1 /; : : : ; .u0 ; !n //. From the classical theorem about
existence and uniqueness of solutions of the system
xP D F.x/; x.0/ D x0 ;
jun .t/j2 C kun .t/k2 C b.un .t/; un .t/; un .t// D .fn ; un .t//:
2 dt
As b.un .t/; un .t/; un .t// D 0, using the Cauchy inequality to the right-hand side as
well as the Poincaré inequality, cf. (3.16),
juj Ckuk;
jun .t/j2 C kun .t/k2 C./jfn j2 ; (7.3)
jun .t/j2 C k1 ./jun .t/j2 C./jfn j2 : (7.4)
146 7 Autonomous Two-Dimensional Navier–Stokes Equations
Hence, for each t > 0, jun .t/j < 1 and thus the local solution can be extended to
the whole positive semiaxis. From this inequality we can see that for each T > 0
our approximate solutions are uniformly bounded in the space
C./ 2
D jun .0/j2 ek1 t C jfn j .1 ek1 t /:
for all ' from L2 .0; TI V/. We shall prove that this limit u is a solution of
Problem 7.1. From (7.2) we have
.un .t/; v/ 0 .t/dt C ..un .t/; v//.t/dt
0 0
C b.un .t/; un .t/; v/.t/dt D .fn ; v/.t/dt
0 0
for all v in Vn D spanf!1 ; : : : ; !n g and in C01 ..0; T//. We shall show that this
identity is satisfied for the limit function u and for all v in V.
As for the linear terms, we have, for any v 2 Vm , where m is any given integer,
lim .un .t/; v/ 0 .t/dt D lim un .x; t/v.x/ 0 .t/dxdt
n!1 0 n!1 0 Q
D u.x; t/v.x/ 0 .t/dxdt D .u.t/; v/ 0 .t/dt;
0 Q 0
which follows from the definition of the weak-star convergence in L1 .0; TI H/, as
v.x/ 0 .t/ 2 L1 .0; TI H/. Similarly,
lim ..un .t/; v//.t/dt D lim run .x; t/rv.x/.t/dxdt
n!1 0 n!1 0 Q
D ru.x; t/rv.x/.t/dxdt D ..u.t/; v//.t/dt;
0 Q 0
as fn ! f strongly in L2 .Q/.
The only problem which remains is that with the convergence of the nonlinear
term. Weak convergences of un to u as in (7.5) and (7.6) are not sufficient to pass to
the limit in the nonlinear term. This is a typical problem when dealing with nonlinear
Exercise 7.2. Prove that, in general, if un ! u and vn ! v weakly in L2 .Q/ then it
does not follow that un vn ! uv in the sense of distributions on Q.
148 7 Autonomous Two-Dimensional Navier–Stokes Equations
for the above subsequence of the sequence of approximate solutions (or for some of
its subsequences).
Lemma 7.1. Let a.; / be a continuous bilinear form in the Banach space X with
norm k k, un ! u strongly and vn ! v weakly in X. Then limn!1 a.un ; vn / D
a.u; v/.
Proof. Since the sequence un is strongly convergent and the sequence vn is bounded
as weakly convergent, it is a.un ; vn / a.u; v/ D a.un u; vn / C a.u; vn v/ and
ja.un u; vn /j Ckun ukkvn k ! 0. As for the second term, there exists u 2 V 0 ,
the dual of V such that a.u; vn v/ D hu ; vn viV 0 V ! 0 since the sequence vn
is weakly convergent in H. t
Exercise 7.3. Prove (7.7) using (7.6), (7.8), and Lemma 7.1.
Exercise 7.4. Prove (7.8) by proving first that
C Au.t/ C B.u.t// D f ;
for a.e. t 2 .0; T/. Use Proposition 3.2 and property (3.26) of the evolution triple
V H V 0.
To prove the uniqueness of a solution let us assume, on the contrary, that there exist
two different solutions, u and v, to our problem
C Au.t/ C B.u.t// D f ; u.0/ D u0
on the interval Œ0; 1/. Setting w.t/ D u.t/ v.t/ we have
C Aw.t/ C B.u.t// B.v.t// D 0 in V 0 :
Thus, in particular,
C Aw.t/ C B.u.t// B.v.t//; w.t/ D 0;
that is, see Theorem 3.16,
jw.t/j2 C kw.t/k2 C b.u.t/; u.t/; w.t// b.v.t/; v.t/; w.t// D 0:
2 dt
Further, using a property of the trilinear form b, we obtain
jw.t/j2 C kw.t/k2 D b.w.t/; v.t/; w.t//:
2 dt
We shall estimate the right-hand side applying to it the Ladyzhenskaya inequality
(cf. Exercise 4.8),
We have
jb.u; v; w/j kukL4 .Q/2 kvkkwkL4 .Q/2 c1 juj1=2 kuk1=2 kvkjwj1=2 kwk1=2 :
We have then
d c2
jw.t/j2 C kw.t/k2 jw.t/j2 kv.t/k2 :
Now, in view of the Gronwall inequality we have, for t 0,
Z t
jw.t/j2 jw.0/j2 exp kv.s/k2 ds :
As w.0/ D 0, u.t/ D v.t/ for all t > 0 which proves the uniqueness. From the
uniqueness result together with our construction of a weak solution on an arbitrary
interval .0; T/ follows the existence of a unique global solution defined on the
interval .0; 1/.
Observe that from the above inequality it follows also the continuous dependence
of solutions on the initial data: the map u0 ! u.t/ is continuous as a map in H for
t > 0. This completes the proof of Theorem 7.1. t
Remark 7.1. One can prove that under the assumptions of Theorem 7.1 the solution
u belongs to the space L2 .; TI D.A// for all T > 0 and 0 < < T, where D.A/ is
the domain of the Stokes operator, cf. Sect. 4.1.
Exercise 7.9. Compute the constants C./, k1 ./ in inequality (7.4).
Exercise 7.10. Prove an existence and uniqueness theorem analogous to Theo-
rem 7.1 for the case of homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions u D 0 at
@˝ .0; T/, where ˝ is a bounded open set in R2 , and the spaces H and V in
Theorem 7.1 are accordingly modified.
Exercise 7.11. Consider the nonhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition u D a
at @˝ .0; T/, where ˝ is a bounded open set in R2 with sufficiently smooth
boundary, and where the function a is defined in ˝, a 2 H 1 .˝/, div a D 0, so that
u a 2 V. Formulate and prove an existence and uniqueness theorem analogous to
Theorem 7.1 for this case.
Exercise 7.12. Non-autonomous problem. Using the argument of the proof of
Theorem 7.1 prove the following result.
Theorem 7.2. Let V H V 0 be either given by the homogeneous Dirichlet
boundary conditions on an open and bounded set ˝ R2 with Lipschitz boundary
or the periodic boundary conditions on a two-dimensional box. Let u0 2 H and
f 2 Lloc .RC I V 0 /. Then there exists a unique function u W RC ! H such that
.u.t/; v/ C ..u.t/; v// C b.u.t/; u.t/; v/ D hf .t/; vi for all v 2 V
7.2 Existence of the Global Attractor: Case of Periodic Boundary Conditions 151
in the sense of scalar distributions on .0; 1/. Moreover, the map u0 ! u.t/ is
continuous as a map in H.
Remark 7.2. Consider either the two-dimensional periodic problem or the homo-
geneous Dirichlet problem on the bounded domain ˝ R2 of class C2 . Let
f 2 Lloc .RC I H/ and u0 2 H. Then the solution u given in Theorem 7.2 belongs
to L .; TI D.A// for all 0 < < T < 1 (see, for example, Theorem 7.4 in [99] or
Theorem III.3.10 in [219]).
Remark 7.3. For the case of homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions, the
existence results of Theorems 7.1 and 7.2 can be extended to the case of unbounded
domains, where the embedding V H is not compact. For the treatment of this case
see, e.g., [201, 219].
We shall present first some notions from the theory of dynamical systems.
Definition 7.1. Let X be a complete metric space. A family of maps S.t/ W X ! X,
t 2 Œ0; 1/, denoted as fS.t/gt0 is called a semigroup in X if S.0/ is the identity
map and for all s; t > 0 it is S.t C s/ D S.t/S.s/. A semigroup is continuous in X if
all the maps are continuous in X.
Definition 7.2. Let fS.t/gt0 be a continuous semigroup in a complete metric
space X. Then a subset A of X is a global attractor for this semigroup in X if
the following conditions hold:
.i/ invariance: S.t/A D A for all t > 0,
.ii/ compactness: A is a nonempty and compact subset of X,
.iii/ attraction: for every bounded subset B of X and every " > 0 there exists
t0 D t0 .B; "/ such that for all t t0 , S.t/B O" .A /, where O" .A / is the
"-neighborhood of A ,
O" .A / D B.x; "/;
and B.x; "/ is the open ball in X with radius " and centered at x.
Definition 7.3. The set A X shall be called invariant with respect to the
semigroup fS.t/gt0 if S.t/A D A for all t 0.
Definition 7.4. The Hausdorff semi-distance in the metric space X between two
nonempty sets A; B X is defined as
Exercise 7.13. Prove that the last property in the definition of the global attractor
(attraction) is equivalent to say that for every bounded set B X we have
Fig. 7.2 Illustration of the !-limit set of the point u0 . The set !.fu0 g/ consists of all cluster points
of all sequences fS.tn /u0 g for tn ! 1
of sets as s grows, then !.B/ is not empty and compact in view of the Cantor
Step 2. !.B/ is invariant: S.t/!.B/ D !.B/ for all t > 0.
()) S.t/!.B/ !.B/. Let S.t/ D , 2 !.B/. We shall show that 2 !.B/.
For there exist sequences: n in B and tn ! 1 such that S.t/ n ! . Hence,
S.t/S.tn / n D S.t C tn / n ! S.t/ D (as the operator S.t/ is continuous).
Moreover, 2 !.B/ by definition of the !-limit set, as the sequence S.t C tn / n
converges to , where t C tn ! 1.
(() !.B/ S.t/!.B/. Let 2 !.B/. We shall show that there exists 2
S such that S.t/ D . Let S.t /
n n ! , t n ! 1, n 2 B. As the sets
stn t S.s/B are precompact for tn t t0 thus the sequence S.tn t/n contains
a convergent subsequence S.t t/ ! for some 2 X. But 2 !.B/ as
2 B and t t ! 1. Moreover, S.t/S.t t/ D S.t / ! D S.t/ ,
from the continuity of S.t/.
Step 3. A D !.B/ attracts bounded subsets G of X.
Assume that this is not true. Then distX .S.t/G; A / ı > 0 for t ! 1, that
is, there exist sequences tn ! 1 and n 2 G such that distX .S.tn /n ; A /
ı > 0 for all n. On the other hand, the sequence S.tn /n contains a convergent
subsequence, S.t / ! , 2 A D !.B/ as S.t / D S.t t/S.t/ and
for t such that S.t/G B, S.t/ 2 B.
Exercise 7.15. Prove that A is a maximal, in the sense of the inclusion relation,
bounded invariant set.
Solution. Assume that A A1 , A1 different from A , bounded and invariant. As B
absorbs A1 , S.t/A1 B for large t, then A1 B as S.t/A1 D A1 from our
assumption. Hence, !.A1 / D A1 !.B/ D A , and we have a contradiction.
154 7 Autonomous Two-Dimensional Navier–Stokes Equations
where u./ is the unique weak solution of the considered problem with u.0/ D u0 ,
is a continuous semigroup in X. Our aim is to prove the following
Theorem 7.4 (Existence of a Global Attractor in H). Under the assumptions
of Theorem 7.1 there exists a global attractor A for the semigroup fS.t/gt0
in H associated with the two-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations with periodic
boundary conditions.
Proof. Step 1. Existence of a bounded absorbing set in H. From the first energy
inequality, cf. inequality (7.3),
ju.t/j2 C ku.t/k2 C./jf j2 ; (7.11)
we have as an immediate consequence, cf. inequality (7.4),
ju.t/j2 C k1 ./ju.t/j2 C./jf j2 :
Applying the Gronwall inequality to the last one we have,
Z t
2 2 k1 t C./ 2
ju.t/j ju0 j e C ek1 .st/ C./jf j2 dt D ju0 j2 ek1 t C jf j .1 ek1 t /;
0 k1
from which it follows that for 2 > 02 D C./
jf j2 , balls B.0; / in the phase space
H absorb bounded sets in H.
Let u0 2 B1 be a bounded subset in H. Then, ju.t/j2 2 for t t0 .B1 /.
Exercise 7.20. Let u0 2 B.0; r/. Compute t0 D t0 .B.0; r// such that ju.t/j2 2
for t t0 .
Step 2. Existence of a bounded absorbing set in V and uniform compactness of the
semigroup. To prove these properties we need the second energy inequality. Taking
156 7 Autonomous Two-Dimensional Navier–Stokes Equations
the scalar product of the Navier–Stokes equation with Au (for u 2 D.A/; Au D u,
cf. Remark 7.1) we obtain
kuk2 C 2jAuj2 D 2.f ; Au/; (7.13)
as b.u; u; Au/ D 0. The relation (7.13) is called the enstrophy equation.
Exercise 7.21. Prove that for the two-dimensional Navier–Stokes flow with peri-
odic boundary conditions we have not only b.u; u; u/ D 0 but also b.u; u; Au/ D 0,
cf. [197, 220]. The latter property makes the analysis of the problem much easier.
From (7.13) we obtain
kuk2 C jAuj2 Cjf j2 ;
and, as kuk C1 jAuj for u 2 D.A/, we have also
kuk2 C k1 kuk2 Cjf j2 : (7.14)
Exercise 7.22. Prove that kuk C1 jAuj for u 2 D.A/ and compute the constants
C, C1 , and k1 above.
Now, to estimate the norm ku.t/k we cannot use the Gronwall inequality since our
initial condition u0 is only in H and not in V. Instead, we shall use the uniform
Gronwall inequality (cf. Lemma 3.21). To apply the uniform Gronwall lemma, we
proceed as follows. First, from inequality (7.11), after integration in the interval
.t; t C r/, where t t0 .u0 /, we obtain in particular,
Z tCr
ku.t/k2 ds C./rjf j2 C 2 D a3 (7.15)
for all t t0 .B1 /. Then, from inequality (7.14) and the uniform Gronwall lemma
we get directly
ku.t/k2 C a2 for all t t0 C r; (7.16)
Z tCr
a2 D Cjf j2 dt D rCjf j2 ; a3 D .rCjf j2 C 2 /;
[cf. (7.15)]. Estimate (7.16) means that our bounded set B1 is moved by S.t/, for
t t0 C r, into a ball in V,
kS.t/xk2 C a2 for all t t0 C r; x 2 B1 ;
7.3 Convergence to the Stationary Solution: The Simplest Case 157
Exercise 7.24. Prove that from the uniform compactness of the semigroup S.t/ in
H it follows the existence of a compact absorbing set in H.
Exercise 7.25. Prove that if f 2 L1 .RC I H/, then the bounded absorbing set in V
exists for the corresponding non-autonomous problem.
u C .u r/u C rp D f in Q;
div u D 0 in Q;
or, equivalently,
Au C Bu D f in H or V 0:
Assuming that the viscosity is large enough with respect to the volume force f we
shall prove convergence of solutions u.t/ of the nonstationary problem to the unique
stationary solution u1 as time goes to infinity.
Theorem 7.5. There exists a constant c1 .Q/ such that if 2 > c1 .Q/kf kV 0 then the
stationary solution u1 is unique. Moreover, for each u0 2 H the solution u of the
u 2 C.Œ0; 1/I H/ \ Lloc .0; 1I V/; u.0/ D u0 ;
.u.t/; v/ C ..u.t/; v// C b.u.t/; u.t/; v/ D hf ; vi for all v 2 V;
converges to u1 in H as time goes to infinity,
ju.t/ u1 j ! 0 as t ! 1:
C Aw.t/ C B.u.t// B.u1 / D 0 in V 0 :
Thus, in particular,
C Aw.t/ C B.u.t// B.u1 /; w.t/ D 0;
that is,
jw.t/j2 C kw.t/k2 C b.u.t/; u.t/; w.t// b.u1 ; u1 ; w.t// D 0:
2 dt
Further, using a property of the trilinear form b, we obtain
jw.t/j2 C kw.t/k2 D b.w.t/; u1 ; w.t//: (7.17)
2 dt
We shall estimate the right-hand side. Using the Ladyzhenskaya inequality we
jw.t/j2 C C ku1 k2 jw.t/j2 0: (7.18)
c2 c2
C ku1 k2 C 3 kf k2V 0 > 0
for large [satisfying 2 > c1 .Q/kf kV 0 for some constant c1 .Q/]. Thus, from
inequality (7.18) it follows (for these ) the uniqueness of the stationary solution
u1 and also the exponential decay in H of u.t/ to u1 as t ! 1, and this ends the
proof. t
Exercise 7.26. Prove the above theorem without using the Ladyzhenskaya inequal-
ity, by estimating in a different way the right-hand side of Eq. (7.17). Compare the
constants c1 .Q/ in both cases for the problem with periodic boundary conditions.
jf j Lj˛j
GD 2
Dp ;
1 2 2 1
160 7 Autonomous Two-Dimensional Navier–Stokes Equations
1d 2
juj C kuk2 D .f ; u/;
2 dt
and the enstrophy equation
kuk2 C jAuj2 D .f ; Au/ D .Af ; u/ D 1 .f ; u/:
2 dt
We have used the property, cf. Exercise 7.21,
b.u; u; Au/ D 0:
.kuk2 1 juj2 / C .jAuj2 1 kuk2 / D 0:
2 dt
Observe that kuk2 1 juj2 0 in view of the Poincaré inequality. More precisely,
recalling that
uD uO k !k
we have,
kuk2 1 juj2 D .k 1 /jOuk j2 ;
and also
jAuj2 1 kuk2 D k .k 1 /jOuk j2
5 .k 1 /jOuk j2 D 5 .kuk2 1 juj2 /:
7.4 Convergence to the Stationary Solution for Large Forces 161
Thus, we have
.kuk2 1 juj2 / C 5 .kuk2 1 juj2 / 0;
2 dt
We have shown that all higher harmonics go to zero as time goes to infinity. Let
uN D 1 1 f be the stationary solution. We define v.t/ D u.t/ uN , the difference
between some nonstationary solution and the stationary solution uN . As P4 uN D uN
then Q4 v.t/ D Q4 u.t/ ! 0 as t ! 1. We shall show that also P4 v.t/ ! 0 as
t ! 1, so that v.t/ ! 0 and hence u.t/ ! uN as t ! 1. We have
C Av C B.v; v/ C B.v; uN / C B.Nu; v/ D 0:
We multiply this equation by P4 v in H and use kP4 vk2 D 1 jP4 vj2 to get
jP4 vj2 C 1 jP4 vj2 C b.v; v; P4 v/ C b.v; uN ; P4 v/ C b.Nu; v; P4 v/ D 0:
2 dt
1 d
jP4 vj2 C 1 jP4 vj2 C b.P4 v; P4 v; P4 v/ C b.P4 v; uN ; P4 v/ C b.Nu; P4 v; P4 v/ D ˇ.t/;
2 dt
where ˇ.t/ ! 0 as t ! 1 since all terms in ˇ.t/ are of the form b.x; y; z/ where at
least one variable is equal to Q4 v.t/. Moreover b.P4 v; P4 v; P4 v/ D 0 and
Exercise 7.27. Write P4 v as a sum of the first four eigenvectors to check directly
that b.P4 v; P4 v; uN / D 0.
In this way we have obtained
jP4 vj2 C 1 jP4 vj2 ˇ.t/; ˇ.t/ ! 0; t ! 1;
2 dt
lim ju.t/ uN j D 0:
C Au C B.u; u/ D f
by m and using m f D Af we obtain
m C A.m u f / C m B.u; u/ D 0: (7.22)
Let v.t/ D m u.t/ f (then u D m
.v C f /). We shall show that v.t/ ! 0 as
t ! 1. Observe that
du 1 dv
m D ;
dt dt
hence, multiplying Eq. (7.22) by we have the following equation for v.t/,
dv 1
C Av C B.u; u/ D 0; where uD .v C f /:
dt m
7.5 Average Transfer of Energy 163
dv 1
C Av C .B.v; v/ C B.v; f / C B.f ; v// D 0:
dt m
1d 2 1
jvj C kvk2 C b.v; f ; v/ D 0:
2 dt m
1d 2 c1
jvj C p jf j kvk2 0: (7.23)
2 dt m
For any fixed f satisfying (7.19) there exists a natural number m0 such that for all
m m0 , m D pc1 jf j > 0 and then all solutions v.t/ converge to zero in
H at least exponentially fast as t ! 1. In fact, using jvj2 1
kvk2 we obtain
from (7.23),
This means that u.t/ ! uN D 1m f in H as t ! 1 and proves also that uN is the
unique solution of the stationary problem.
Remark 7.6. Observe that though the norm of our f in H may be large, its norm in
H 1 is equal to p1 jf j and for m large is small.
e.u.t// D ku.t/k2 C .f ; u.t//
and we can see that, thanks to the identity b.u; u; u/ D 0, the global balance of
the kinetic energy of the flow does not depend on the nonlinear term .u r/u. It is
164 7 Autonomous Two-Dimensional Navier–Stokes Equations
the same as in the case of the linear (Stokes) flow. In this section we shall study
more precisely the transport of energy in the fluid. We know (cf. Sect. 7.4) that the
velocity u.x; t/ can be represented as a Fourier series
u.x; t/ D uO k .t/!k .x/;
Let u D y C z, where
m 1
yD uO k !k ; zD uO k !k :
kD1 kDmC1
We have,
1X 1 X
e.y/ D jOuk j2 ; e.z/ D jOuk j2
2 kD1 2 kDmC1
are kinetic energies of the large scale component y of the flow and the small scale
component z. Now, in the balance of the kinetic energies of components y and z the
nonlinear term will not reduce to zero. We shall show how the kinetic energy of
particular components of the flow is distributed in time among the Fourier modes.
Let us assume that the external force is given by
f D fOk !k ; 1 m1 m2 < 1:
C Au C B.u; u/ D f ;
7.5 Average Transfer of Energy 165
m m2 ;
we obtain
C Ay C Pm B.y C z; y C z/ D Pm f
C Az C Qm B.y C z; y C z/ D 0;
as Qm z D 0 (m m2 ), Pm A D APm , Qm A D AQm . The corresponding energy
equations are
1d 2
jyj C kyk2 C b.y C z; y C z; y/ D .f ; y/;
2 dt
1d 2
jzj C kzk2 C b.y C z; y C z; z/ D 0:
2 dt
Define E.u/ D kuk2 —the enstrophy. Using the property b.u; v; w/ D b.u; w; v/
we can write
e.y/ C E.y/ D ˚z .y/ C .f ; y/; (7.24)
e.z/ C E.z/ D ˚y .z/; (7.25)
Observe that ˚z .y/ C ˚y .z/ D 0. In (7.24) ˚z .y/ is the net amount of kinetic energy
per unit time transferred from small length scales z to large length scales y (similarly,
˚y .z/ is the net amount of kinetic energy per unit time transferred from large length
scales y to small length scales z), while the term E.y/ represents the rate of energy
dissipation by viscous effects per unit time for the large length scale and .f ; y/ is the
energy flow injected into the large length scales by the forcing term.
166 7 Autonomous Two-Dimensional Navier–Stokes Equations
We shall show that on average, over time and space, ˚y .z/ 0, that is,
if the external forces act in the range of large length scales y then, on average, the net transfer
of kinetic energy occurs only into the small scales.
exists, we have
1 1 T
lim ˚y .z.s//ds 0:
j˝j T!1 T 0
f D fOk !k ;
where now 1 m m1 , m1 > 1. Thus, the force acts in the range of small
length scales. Prove that the transfer of energy is then from higher modes (small
length scales) to lower modes (large length scales), which is called an inverse energy
transfer. The inverse energy transfer in the large scales may be responsible for the
observed persistent low-wave number coherent structures in turbulent flows.
In this chapter we introduced and applied some basic tools and techniques of dealing
with the nonstationary Navier–Stokes equations. As in the case of the stationary
Navier–Stokes equations, the problem of existence of solutions was resolved by
introducing the appropriate notion of a weak solution. We proved the uniqueness of a
7.6 Comments and Bibliographical Notes 167
weak solution and considered, in the simplest context, a problem of regularity of the
weak solution. We saw the utility of the Galerkin method of approximate solutions,
the importance of compactness theorems, here, the Aubin–Lions compactness
theorem, in particular. The usefulness of basic functional inequalities: the Poincaré
inequality, the Ladyzhenskaya inequality, and the Agmon inequality, as well as the
role of the Gronwall and the uniform Gronwall inequalities were demonstrated.
Further considerations and details concerning the existence of solutions and
global attractors for autonomous two-dimensional Navier–Stokes flows in a
bounded domain can be found, e.g., in [88, 197, 220]. For the study of three-
dimensional case see, e.g., [76]. For the existence and regularity of solutions for
problems on unbounded domains which do not satisfy the Poincaré inequality see
[237, 238] and for the problems on cylindrical domains see [192, 196, 233]. In
Sects. 7.4 and 7.5 we followed closely the argument from [99].
In Chap. 8 we shall show the connections of the global attractor with statistical
solutions of the Navier–Stokes equations.
In Chap. 9 we shall apply the presented techniques to a problem of a shear flow
taken from the theory of lubrication and shall prove that the global attractor has a
finite fractal dimension.
Non-autonomous system of the Navier–Stokes equations and flows in unbounded
domains will be considered in Chaps. 11 and 13, respectively.
Invariant Measures and Statistical Solutions
is given by u.t/ D S.t/u0 for t 0. The map .t; u/ ! S.t/u is continuous from
Œ0; 1/ H to H.
Our first aim is to prove the following theorem.
Theorem 8.1. Let LIMT!1 be a fixed Banach generalized limit. Then for every
u0 2 H there exists a probability measure on H such that
1 T
LIMT!1 .S.t/u0 /dt D .u/d .u/ (8.1)
T 0 H
0 . / p. / on G0 ;
for ; 2 B.Œ0; 1//. In view of the Hahn–Banach theorem there exists an extension
of 0 to the whole space, satisfying . / p. / D lim supt!1 .t/ for
all 2 B.Œ0; 1//. It then follows (cf. also Exercise 8.1) that . / 0 for all
nonnegative 2 B.Œ0; 1//. We denote . / D LIMT!1 .T/.
Exercise 8.1. Prove that for all 2 B.Œ0; 1//,
We are going now to prove Theorem 8.1. At first, we assume that there exists a
measure as in (8.1) for some fixed u0 2 H and LIMT!1 , and derive its basic
properties which follow from this formula.
1. is a probability measure, i.e., .H/ D 1. Take 1 on H to get
1 T
1 D LIMT!1 1dt D 1d .u/ D .H/:
T 0 H
8.1 Existence of Invariant Measures 171
for all 2 C.H/. To this end observe that by the uniform compactness of the
semigroup (cf. Sect. 7.2) we have
1 T
.S. /u/d .u/ D LIMT!1 .S.t C /u0 /dt
H T 0
1 TC
D LIMT!1 .S.t/u0 /dt
n1 Z T Z
1 TC
D LIMT!1 .S.t/u0 /dt C .S.t/u0 /dt
T 0 T T
Z o
.S.t/u0 /dt
T 0
1 T
D LIMT!1 .S.t/u0 /dt D .u/d .u/:
T 0 H
This identity can be extended to all functions which are -integrable on H. Setting
D E —the characteristic function of E H, we obtain
E .S.t/u/d .u/ D E .u/d .u/;
vn ! v 2 A . But then also S.s0n /u0 ! v, and therefore .S.s0n /u0 / ! .v/ as
m ! 1, which contradicts (8.3).
3. The support of is contained in the global attractor A . We shall make use of
the following lemma.
Lemma 8.1. The support of the measure contains only the nonwandering points,
that is, points u 2 H such that for every open neighborhood A of u in H there exists
a sequence of times tn ! 1 for which S.tn /A \ A 6D ; for every n.
Remark 8.3. The set M1 of nonwandering points is closed and invariant. If the phase
space is compact, then M1 is a nonempty and compact set. Then, every trajectory
converges to M1 [186].
Proof (of Lemma 8.1). Let F be the support of the measure , F D supp —the
smallest closed set such that .F/ D 1.
Step 1. First we shall prove that for u 2 F and a set A containing u which is
relatively open in F, .A/ > 0. Assuming that .A/ D 0 we obtain .FnA/ D 1,
F n A is closed, compact in F, and different from F, hence F is not the support of
which gives a contradiction.
Corollary 8.1. The support of the measure is contained in the global attractor
A for the semigroup fS.t/gt0 .
Proof. Every point outside of the global attractor is wandering, that is, it is not a
nonwandering point. u
We have also the following property of the measure .
Corollary 8.2. .S.t/E/ D .E/ for all -measurable E A and t 2 R.
Proof. The semigroup fS.t/gt0 reduced to A is a complete dynamical system
(we have a result about the backward uniqueness on the attractor for the two-
dimensional Navier–Stokes equations, see [197], Theorem 12.8), hence, in view of
the invariance of ,
.S.t/u0 / 1 .S.t/u0 / D 0
We can extend this measure to the whole phase space setting .E/
Q D .E \ X/
for E H. We shall denote this extended measure simply by in what follows.
Then, in particular, .H n X/ D 0. Further, from the Tietze extension theorem
(Theorem 8.4) we know that every function 2 C.X/ can be extended to a
continuous function on the whole space without enlarging the norm. Thus,
1 T
LIMT!1 .S.t/u0 /dt D L./
T 0
Since is a time averaged measure, it is invariant. We have shown that every such
measure is supported on the global attractor. Thus, .A / D 1 and
1 T
LIMT!1 .S.t/u0 /dt D .u/d .u/ for all 2 C.H/:
T 0 .A / A
The right-hand side defines a linear positive functional on C.K/. The rest of the
proof is similar to that in step 3 above, where now K plays the role of the compact
absorbing set X.
Exercise 8.3. Prove that the projection operator P W u 2 H ! ku 2 K is continuous.
Exercise 8.4. Prove (8.4) and (8.5).
Below we present the basic theorems which have been used above.
Theorem 8.2 (Hahn–Banach). Let X be a real linear space, p W X ! R a function
such that
D F.u.t//; (8.7)
then from (8.6) by formal differentiation with respect to t and from (8.7) we obtain
d d
˚.u/d t .u/ D ˚.S.t/u/d 0 .u/
dt X dt X
D ˚ .S.t/u/ .S.t/u/d 0 .u/ D ˚ 0 .S.t/u/F.S.t/u/d 0 .u/
X dt X
D ˚ 0 .u/F.u/d t .u/:
˚.u/d t .u/ D ˚ 0 .u/F.u/d t .u/: (8.8)
dt X X
0 .T 1 E/ D 0 .E/ D t .E/;
that is, all measures t , t 0, coincide with 0 . In this case the Liouville
equation (8.8) reduces to the stationary Liouville equation.
˚ 0 .u/F.u/d .u/ D 0; (8.9)
D F.u.t//; F.u/ D f Au B.u/;
u.0/ D u0 :
We proved (in Sect. 8.1) existence of probability measures invariant with respect
to the semigroup fS.t/gt0 associated with the above Navier–Stokes system. Thus,
there exists a Borel measure on the phase space H for which .S.t/1 E/ D .E/
for Borel sets E in H. Moreover, .H/ D 1. For such measure formula (8.9) holds
true. We shall give the precise meaning to this formula in the case of the two-
dimensional Navier–Stokes dynamical system. Let us define the class of the test
functions ˚.
Definition 8.2. To the class T of test functions belong real-valued functionals
˚ D ˚.u/ defined on H, which are bounded on bounded subsets of H and such
(i) For any u 2 V, the Fréchet derivative ˚ 0 .u/ taken in H along V exists. More
precisely, for each u 2 V, there exists an element in H denoted ˚ 0 .u/ such that
As .HnV/ D 0, from (8.10) and (8.11) it follows [cf. condition (ii) of the definition
of the class T ] that the integral
.Au C B.u/ f ; ˚ 0 .u//d .u/
and we have,
jf j2
kuk2 d .u/ ;
E 2 1
jf j2
juj2 d .u/ :
E 2 21
jf j2
For E1 D 2 21
and E2 D 1 we have
jf j2
juj2 0
2 21
0 1
.F.u/; ˚ .u//d .u/ D f˚.S.t/u/ ˚.u/gd .u/; (8.13)
˚.u/ D .F.u/; ˚ 0 .u//:
for all 0 E1 < E2 1. In particular the left-hand side is not positive which
gives the third property of the stationary statistical solution. From the energy
1 t
1 2 t
jS.t/uj2 C kS.s/uk2 ds D juj C .f ; S.s/u/ds;
2 0 2 0
for t 0. From the invariance of , the Fubini theorem, and (8.15) we get
fkuk2 .f ; u/gd .u/ D fkS.s/uk2 .f ; S.s/u/gd .u/
E1 juj2 <E2 E1 juj2 <E2
1 T
D fkS.s/uk2 .f ; S.s/u/gd .u/
T 0 E1 juj2 <E2
1 T
D fkS.s/uk2 .f ; S.s/u/gd .u/
E1 juj2 <E2 T 0
1 1
D fjuj2 jS.t/uj2 gd .u/
2 E1 juj2 <E2 T
for every T 0. Passing with T to 1 we obtain zero on the right-hand side. This
proves (8.14).
8.3 Comments and Bibliographical Notes 181
Remark 8.5. In fact, the converse is also true. If is a stationary statistical solution,
then is a probability measure invariant with respect to the semigroup fS.t/gt0
(cf. Chap. 4 in [99]).
Our presentation follows that in [99], where this subject is treated in greater
detail. The alternative proof of Theorem 8.1 and its generalization to noncompact
semigroups presented in Remarks 8.2 and 8.4 come from [165]. Theorem 8.5
follows also from the results of Chap. 12, cf. [160].
For statistical solutions for the Navier–Stokes equations, see [96, 97, 99, 101, 116,
195, 203, 228]. Some recent results for three-dimensional problems can be found in
[29, 104].
Global Attractors and a Lubrication Problem
We start this chapter from necessary background on the theory of fractal dimension.
Next, we formulate and study a problem which models the two-dimensional
boundary driven shear flow in lubrication theory. After the derivation of the energy
dissipation rate estimate and a version of Lieb–Thirring inequality we provide an
estimate from above on the global attractor fractal dimension.
We start this section from the definition and some properties of a fractal dimension
of a relatively compact set K X, where X is a Banach space. By N"X .K/ we denote
the minimal number of closed balls in X of radius " needed to cover the set K. From
the relative compactness of K it follows that this number is finite. Obviously, we
expect the quantity N"X .K/ to increase as " ! 0. The fractal dimension, given by
the following definition, measures how fast is this increase.
Definition 9.1. Let K X be a relatively compact set. The fractal dimension of K,
denoted by dfX .K/ is a number defined by
The value dfX .K/ can be equal to 1 even if K is a compact set. If the set K is
not relatively compact, we set dfK .K/ D 1. In the next result we recall several
properties of dfX .
dfX .K/
dfX .f .K// for every relatively compact K X:
(iii) We have dfX .K/ D dfX .K/ for every relatively compact K X, where K is the
closure of K in X.
Note that property (i) does not hold for countable unions. Indeed, let X D R and
K D Œ0; 1 \ Q. From (iii) it follows that dfX .K/ D dfX .Œ0; 1/, and it is easy to verify
that dfX .Œ0; 1/ D 1, while for every point x 2 K we have dfX .fxg/ D 0.
If we know that an infinite dimensional semiflow fS.t/gt0 is defined by the
solution maps of an initial and boundary value problem and it has a global attractor
A , then we can restrict the dynamical system to the attractor, an invariant set, i.e.,
treat the family fS.t/gt0 as the mappings S.t/ W A ! A , thus interpreting the
global attractor as the image of the flow after a long time of evolution (keeping
in mind that all trajectories are arbitrarily close to the attractor after a long time,
but each trajectory does not necessarily have one corresponding trajectory on the
attractor, to which it becomes attracted in the norm, such trajectories exist, but only
on finite time intervals, the length of which goes to infinity as time goes to infinity,
see [197] Proposition 10.14 and Corollary 10.15).
An important question that arises is the following: can the dynamics on the
attractor be described by means of the time evolution of a finite number of variables
without loss of information? From the fact that the global attractor exists, we only
know that it is compact, and hence it must have an empty interior in an infinite
dimensional phase space H, but such compact sets can be still “large.” Indeed, if
a Banach space V embeds compactly in the phase space H, then any set, that is
bounded in V, is relatively compact in H, so, potentially, a ball in V is an admissible
candidate for the attractor. In certain cases, however, it is possible to obtain much
more knowledge on the attractor than only its compactness: namely it is possible
to show that it has finite fractal dimension. If we could prove that the attractor is a
finite dimensional manifold, then it would be natural to use its parameterization, and
reduce the dynamics to the finite dimensional one. Unfortunately, the set of finite
9.2 Abstract Theorem on Finite Dimensionality and an Algorithm 185
fractal dimension can be very complicated and it does not have to be a manifold.
Still, due to the Hölder–Mañé Theorem, if the fractal dimension of the attractor is
finite we can reduce the dynamics on the attractor to the finite dimensional one.
Theorem 9.2 (Hölder–Mañé, cf. [117]). Let H be a Banach space and let A
H be a compact set such that dfH .A / m2 . Then, almost every bounded linear
function W H ! Rm is a bijection as a map W A ! .A / and its inverse
1 j.A / is Hölder continuous with a certain exponent ˛ 2 .0; 1/ depending only
on m and dfH .A /.
The expression “almost every” in the last theorem is understood in the sense
of prevalence, a generalization on the notion “almost everywhere in the sense of
Lebesgue measure” to the infinite dimensional Banach spaces. Here we consider
the prevalence in the space of linear and bounded operators L .HI Rm /.
Definition 9.2. The Borel set E X, where X is a Banach space, is said to be
prevalent if there exists a compactly supported probability measure such that
.E C x/ D 1 for all x 2 X. A non-Borel set that contains a prevalent set is also
Using a linear map that satisfies the assumptions of Theorem 9.2 it is possible
to construct the finite dimensional semiflow S .t/ W .A / ! .A / for t 0
conjugate with the original one according to the formula S .t/x D .S.t/ 1 x/.
Unfortunately, this new semiflow is not necessarily Lipschitz continuous, even if
S.t/ are Lipschitz, since 1 is only Hölder. Therefore it can have more than
one solution. Still, this result plays an important role in the theory of finite
dimensional reduction of infinite dimensional dynamical systems, and, clearly, the
finite dimensionality of the global attractor is a strong evidence that the semiflow is
in fact finite dimensional. More information about this theory can be found in the
monograph [198], and, in context of two-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations, in
the review article [199].
In this section we present two classes of methods that can be used to prove the finite
dimensionality of the global attractor.
The first of this two approaches was introduced by Constantin and Foiaş in the
article [74] (also see [57, 58, 220]) and it relies on the linearization of the underlying
PDEs and the fact that if the linearized system contracts m-dimensional volumes
uniformly on the global attractor, then its fractal dimension must not exceed m.
Below we present an algorithm, based on this idea, that can be used to obtain
the estimate of the fractal dimension of the global attractor for the Navier–Stokes
equations. The exposition is based on [57, 220].
186 9 Global Attractors and a Lubrication Problem
Note (see Sect. V.2.2 in [220]) that the mapping .t; u/ does not have to be defined
We assume that the semiflow is given by a solution map of the following abstract
evolution problem.
D F.u.t// in X for t > 0;
u.0/ D u0 in X;
D F 0 .S.t/u0 /U.t/ in X for t > 0; (9.2)
U.0/ D in X; (9.3)
1 ˝ 2 ˝ : : : ˝ m
1 ^ 2 ^ : : : ^ m
where the sum is taken over all permutations V of the set f1; : : : ; mg, and sgn. /
is the sign of the permutation . We define on m X the inner product given, for
exterior products of elements from X, by the formula
.1 ^ 2 ^ : : : ^ m ; 1 ^ 2 ^ ::: ^ m/
X D detf.i ; j /X gi;jD1;:::;m ;
and we extend it to the whole k X by linearity. The associated norm is given, for
exterior products of elements from X, by
The importance of the norm of the exterior product k1 ^ 2 ^ : : : ^ m kVm X lies
in the fact that this quantity is the volume of the m-dimensional parallelepiped with
the edges given by 1 ; : : : ; m . We will start the evolution from the volume spanned
by the vectors which are the initial conditions of the linearized system (9.2)–(9.3)
and we will derive the condition which guarantees that this volume is uniformly
contracted on the attractor by the linearized semiflow. To this end, for a linear
V and
bounded operator L 2 L .XI X/ let us introduce the operator Lm W X m ! m X by
the formula
Tr.L ı Q/ D L ; ;
i kX k
i kX X
where f
i gm
1D1 is the orthogonal basis of the space spanned by fi giD1 , obtained, for
kU1 .t/ ^ : : : ^ Um .t/k2Vm X
2 dt
D .U1 .t/ ^ : : : ^ Um .t//; U1 .t/ ^ : : : ^ Um .t/ V
dt m
being the largest volume obtained from the m-dimensional parallelepiped with
sides no greater than one, by the linearized semiflow. We also introduce auxiliary
whence we have t
log ! m .t/ qm .t/. Finally, we introduce the numbers
qm < 0;
then, for some t0 > 0 and all t t0 we have qm .t/ ı < 0, and the volume
element kU1 .t/ ^ : : : ^ Um .t/kVm X decays exponentially as t ! 1 uniformly for
u0 2 A and 1 ; : : : ; m 2 X, i.e.,
We conclude the presentation of the method with a result that links the values qm
with the fractal dimension of the global attractor.
Theorem 9.3 (Cf. [57, Corollary 2.2]). Let Assumption A hold and let f W
Œ0; 1/ ! R be a concave function such that for every positive natural number
m we have qm f .m/ and let d > 1 be such that f .d / D 0. Then
190 9 Global Attractors and a Lubrication Problem
dfX .A / d :
The above result gives rise to an algorithm. We need to estimate from above the
and by taking the supremum over 1 ; : : : ; m and over the points u0 in the attractor,
after the integration over time, we obtain the bound on qm by the concave function
of m. Then, it is enough to find a zero of this function to get the bound on
the global attractor fractal dimension. We conclude with two remarks: firstly, the
algorithm works only if the phase space is a Hilbert space, and secondly, the
semiflow must be smooth, i.e., it must be possible to linearize the underlying initial
and boundary value problem and the solution map of the linearized problem must
be a quasidifferential of the original semiflow in accordance with Definition 9.3.
Further in this chapter we will apply the described algorithm to estimate the attractor
dimension for a shear flow in the lubrication theory. Before we move to this problem,
however, we give an account of other techniques useful for the fractal dimension
The second class of methods useful for proving the attractor finite dimensionality
relies on obtaining the estimates on the difference of two trajectories. We present
several results from this class of methods.
Theorem 9.4 (Cf. [168, 236]). Let E be a bounded subset of a Banach space H. Let
moreover V be another Banach space compactly embedded in H and let L W H ! H
be a mapping such that E L.E/, and we have
where vi 2 H and N is the number of balls in H having the radius R4 needed to cover
the ball in V centered at zero having the radius cR. Note that N D N H1 .BV .0; 1//.
We can assume that all balls from the last sum have a nonempty intersection with E,
and we denote the arbitrary points from these intersections by zi , whence
E BH zi ; ;
ED BH zi ; \E :
BH zi ; \ E BV Lzi ; c :
2 2
The ball in V having the radius c R2 can be covered by N balls in H having the radius
, whence
BH zi ; \E BH vij ; ;
2 jD1
obtain for L D S.t/, in some cases it is easier to get it for L being the translation
operator defined on the trajectories starting from the attractor (and staying in it,
by invariance), and V; H being the appropriately chosen spaces of time-dependent
functions. This method, known as the method of l-trajectories, was introduced
in [168] and will be used for the two-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations with
nonmonotone friction in Sect. 10.
The next result, very useful for proving finite dimensionality of global attractors
of infinite dimensional dynamical systems, proved originally by Ladyzhenskaya
(see, for example, [147], where, however, the notion of the Hausdorff dimension is
used), uses the so-called squeezing property. This property involves the estimates
which are not, as in Theorem 9.4, in the space compactly embedded in the
state space, but which involve the finite dimensional projectors. The variant of
Ladyzhenskaya result, that we present here, comes from [70].
Theorem 9.5 (Cf. [70, Theorem 8.1]). Let H be the Hilbert space and let E H
be a compact set. Let moreover L W H ! H be a continuous mapping such that
E L.E/ and there exists an orthogonal projector PN W H ! HN onto the subspace
HN H of dimension N, such that
where ı < 1. Then the fractal dimension dfH .E/ is finite and
9l 2
dfH .E/ N log log :
1ı 1ı
The above theorem has also the non-autonomous version (see Theorem 13.5) which
will be used later in Chap. 13 to prove the finite dimensionality of the pullback
attractor for two-dimensional boundary driven Navier–Stokes flow.
Comments We refer the reader to [198] for more information about dimensions.
Fractal dimension is also known as upper box counting dimension (see [198] Def-
inition 3.1). Sometimes another notion of dimension, namely, the above mentioned
Hausdorff dimension, is used to study the global attractors for infinite dimensional
dynamical systems. To define it, one needs to use the s-dimensional Hausdorff
measure valid for s 0 and a subset K of a Banach space X, given by
( 1 1
X [
HsX .K/ D lim inf jUi js W K Ui with jUi j ı ;
iD1 iD1
9.3 An Application to a Shear Flow in Lubrication Theory 193
For the properties of dHX see Chap. 2 in [198]. Here we only note that, in contrast to
the fractal dimension, the Hausdorff dimension is stable under the countable unions
(see Proposition 2.8 in [198]), and for a set K X, we have
whence the ability to estimate from above the fractal dimension gives us also the
corresponding estimate on the Hausdorff dimension, while the opposite implication
does not hold (in particular it is possible to construct sets with zero Hausdorff
dimension and infinite fractal dimension, see [198], Exercise 13.3). We also note
that both the notions of fractal and Hausdorff dimensions remain valid in metric
div u D 0; (9.7)
in the channel
and @˝ D C [ L [ D , where C and D are the bottom and the top, and L is
the lateral part of the boundary of ˝.
We are interested in solutions of (9.6)–(9.7) in ˝ which are L-periodic with
respect to x1 . Moreover, we assume
u D 0 on D ; (9.8)
u D U0 e1 D .U0 ; 0/ on C ; (9.9)
div v D 0; (9.14)
v D 0 on D [ C ; (9.15)
9.3 An Application to a Shear Flow in Lubrication Theory 195
V D closure of VQ in H 1 .˝/2 ;
H D closure of VQ in L2 .˝/2 :
.v.t/; / C a.v.t/; / C b.v.t/; v.t/; / D F.v.t/; / (9.17)
196 9 Global Attractors and a Lubrication Problem
v.x; 0/ D v0 .x/;
Our aim now is to estimate the time averaged energy dissipation rate per unit mass
of the flow u—the weak solution of problem (9.6)–(9.10). We define
9.3 An Application to a Shear Flow in Lubrication Theory 197
1 T
D < kuk2 > D lim sup ku.t/k2 dt: (9.19)
j˝j T!C1 j˝j T 0
We estimate first the averaged energy dissipation rate of the flow v, and then use the
relation, cf. (9.11),
2 2 0
ku.t/k D kv.t/k C 2 U .v/1 ;x2 dx C jU 0 j2 dx: (9.20)
˝ ˝
To estimate the right-hand side of (9.20) we use Eq. (9.17). Taking D v in (9.17),
we obtain
1d 2
jvj C a.v; v/ C b.v; v; v/ D F.v; v/:
2 dt
Integrating the above equation in t on the interval .0; T/, dividing by T, and taking
lim sup of both sides we estimate the averaged energy dissipation rate of v. Before,
however, we have to estimate carefully the term F.v; v/ on the right-hand side
of (9.21). By (9.18),
We have
ja.; v/j kkkvk kk2 C kvk2 : (9.23)
To estimate the last term in (9.22) we use the following lemma.
Lemma 9.2. For any > 0 there exists a smooth extension
h0 "
kx2 U.x2 /kL1 .Q" / U0 ;
2 Z L Z h.x1 / ˇ ˇ Z L Z h.x1 / ˇ ˇ
v ˇ v.x1 ; x2 / ˇ2 ˇ @v.x1 ; x2 / ˇ2
ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ dx2 dx1
x 2 ˇ x ˇ dx2 dx1 4 ˇ @x ˇ
2 L .Q" / 0 0 2 0 0 2
by the Hardy inequality (cf. Theorem 3.12 and Exercise 3.12). Thus, we obtain
In particular,
jb.v; ; v/j kvk2 for " D minf=.8h0 U0 /; 1g: (9.24)
In view of estimates (9.23) and (9.24),
jF.v; v/j kk2 C kvk2 ;
and, by (9.21),
1d 2
jvj C kvk2 kk2 : (9.25)
2 dt 2
To estimate the right-hand side in terms of the data, we use
Lemma 9.3. Let U be as in Lemma 9.2. Then
jU.x2 /j2 dx1 dx2 Lh0 U02 "; (9.26)
˝ 2
9.3 An Application to a Shear Flow in Lubrication Theory 199
4LU02 1
jU 0 .x2 /j2 dx1 dx2 : (9.27)
˝ h0 "
Proof. We have jU.x2 /j U0 and supp U Q" , which gives (9.26). Moreover,
Z Z ˇ ˇ
U2 ˇ 0 x2 ˇ2
jU .x2 /j dx D 2 02
0 2 ˇ ˇ dx
h0 " ˇ h0 " ˇ
˝ ˝
Z h0 " ˇ ˇ
U02 2 ˇ
ˇ 0 x2 ˇˇ2 4LU02 1
D 2 2L ˇ dx ;
h0 " ˇ
h0 " 0 h0 "
as j0 j 8, which gives the second inequality of the lemma. t
Applying Lemma 9.3 to inequality (9.25) we obtain
1d 2 4LU02 1
jvj C kvk2 : (9.28)
2 dt 2 h0 "
Let hM D max0x1 L h.x1 / and hM =h0 ' 1. Then we can define the Reynolds
number of the flow u by Re D .h0 U0 /=. Observe that for a turbulent flow u (of some
large Reynolds number) " in (9.24) is equal to =.8h0 U0 /. Therefore, from (9.28)
we obtain, as indicated above,
Lemma 9.4. If Re 1 then the time averaged energy dissipation rate per unit
mass .v/ for the flow v can be estimated as follows:
64L 3 64 3
.v/ U U :
j˝j 0 h0 0
C ; (9.29)
where C is a numeric constant.
Proof. By (9.20) we have
2 2
< kuk > 2 < kvk > C2 jU 0 j2 dx;
and then we use (9.27) to estimate the second term on the right-hand side. t
200 9 Global Attractors and a Lubrication Problem
Estimate (9.29) has the same form as the usual in turbulence theory estimate of the
averaged energy dissipation rate for the Navier–Stokes boundary driven flow in a
rectangular domain [87, 88, 99].
In the sequel we shall use the estimates of to find an upper bound of the
dimension of the global attractor.
Q 1 D fv 2 C1 .˝/2 W v is L -periodic in x1 ; v D 0 on D [ C g
Q 1 in H 1 .˝/2 :
H 1 D closure of H
(9.30) follows. t
9.3 An Application to a Shear Flow in Lubrication Theory 201
We rewrite Eq. (9.17) for the transformed flow v in the short form
D L.v/; v.0/ D v0 ;
where, for all 2 V,
and F is defined in (9.18). Now, to estimate from above the dimension of the global
attractor we follow the procedure described in Sect. 9.2. First, for an integer m > 1
and vectors j 2 H, j D 1; : : : ; m, we consider the corresponding linearized around
the orbit v.t/ problems
Uj D L0 .v/Uj and Uj .0/ D j for j D 1; : : : ; m; (9.31)
Tr L0 .v. // ı Qm . / D L .v. //j . /; j . / : (9.33)
Let A be the global attractor for the transformed flow v./ D S. /v0 , and let
1 T 0
qm .T/ D sup sup Tr L .v. // ı Qm . / d :
v0 2A j 2H; T 0
jj j1;jD1;:::;m
Now, our aim is to obtain estimate (9.37) and then inequality (9.38).
Lemma 9.6. The following estimate holds:
Tr L0 .v/ ı Qm kj k2 C jjL2 .˝/ kuk; (9.34)
.x/ D jj .x/j2 :
0 X
m X
L .v/j ; j kj k2 b.j ; u; j /
jD1 jD1 jD1
0 1
m Z X
kj k2 C jruj @ jj .x/j2 A dx;
jD1 ˝ jD1
we have
m2 X m
jj2L2 .˝/ 1 kj k2 ; (9.35)
j˝j jD1
where 1 D 2 . Moreover,
2 1 2 1
jjL2 .˝/ kuk jj 2 C kuk kj k2 C kuk2 (9.36)
21 L .˝/ 2 2 jD1 2
9.3 An Application to a Shear Flow in Lubrication Theory 203
Tr L0 .v/ ı Qm kj k2 C kuk2 ;
2 jD1 2
1 j˝j
qm m2 C : (9.38)
21 j˝j 2 2
1 j˝j
aD ; cD :
21 j˝j 2 2
We can write
qm am2 C c:
dfH .A / p;
p 1 .Re/3=2 : (9.39)
From the above estimates we conclude the following theorem about strongly
turbulent flows in thin (or elongated) domains.
204 9 Global Attractors and a Lubrication Problem
1 and Re 1: (9.40)
Then the fractal dimension of the global attractor A for this flow can be estimated
as follows:
dfH .A /
.Re/3=2 ; (9.41)
dfH .A /
.Re/3=2 :
The standard procedure of estimating the global attractor dimension based on the
dynamical system theory [88, 99, 220], we used in Sect. 9.3, involves two important
ingredients: estimate of the time averaged energy dissipation rate and a Lieb–
Thirring-like inequality. The precision and physical soundness of an estimate of the
number of degrees of freedom of a given flow (expressed by an estimate of its global
attractor) depends directly on the quality of the estimate of and a good choice of
the Lieb–Thirring-like inequality which depends, in particular, on the geometry of
the domain and on the boundary conditions of the flow.
There is a quickly growing literature devoted to better and better estimates of
averaged parameters and attractor dimension of a variety of flows. We mention only
a few positions which are related to the problem considered in Sect. 9.3 and some
other to give a larger context. Estimate (9.41) is a direct generalization of that in
[89], where the domain of the flow is an elongated rectangle ˝ D .0; L/ .0; h/,
L h. In this case the attractor dimension can be estimated from above by c Lh Re3=2 ,
where c is a universal constant, and Re D Uh
is the Reynolds number. Here, the
dependence on the geometry of the domain is explicit. (To obtain such result the
authors prove a suitable anisotropic form of the Lieb–Thirring inequality. For a
variety of forms of this inequality cf. [220]. Moreover, a discussion on agreement
of their estimates with Kolmogorov and Kraichnan scaling in turbulence theory is
provided in [89].)
9.4 Comments and Bibliographical Notes 205
In [241] optimal bounds of the attractor dimension are given for a flow in
a rectangle .0; 2L/ .0; 2L=˛/, with periodic boundary conditions and given
external forcing. The estimates are of the form c0 =˛ dfH .A / c1 =˛, see also
[180]. A free boundary conditions are considered in [242], see also [222], and
an upper bound on the attractor dimension established with the use of a suitable
anisotropic version of the Lieb–Thirring inequality.
Estimates of the energy dissipation rate for boundary driven flows, essential in
turbulence theory, are investigated, e.g., in [230] for ˝ D .0; Lx / .0; Ly / .0; h/,
and in [229] for a smooth and bounded three-dimensional domains. The best
estimates come from variational methods, cf. [88], and, in particular [134]. Other
contexts and problems can be found, e.g., in monographs [62, 88, 99, 197, 220], and
the literature quoted there.
Boundary driven flows in smooth and bounded two-dimensional domains for
a non-autonomous Navier–Stokes system are considered in [178], by using an
approach of Chepyzhov and Vishik, cf. [62]. In Chap. 13 we shall consider a shear
flow with time-dependent boundary driving.
Exponential Attractors in Contact Problems
In this chapter we consider two examples of contact problems. First, we study the
problem of time asymptotics for a class of two-dimensional turbulent boundary
driven flows subject to the Tresca friction law which naturally appears in lubrication
theory. Then we analyze the problem with the generalized Tresca law, where the
friction coefficient can depend on the tangential slip rate.
While the first problem is governed by a variational inequality, since the
underlying potential is convex, the problem with the generalized Tresca law due to
the lack of potential convexity leads to a differential inclusion where the multivalued
term has the form of the Clarke subdifferential.
We prove that in both cases the global attractors exist and they have finite fractal
dimensions. Moreover, there exists an object, called exponential attractor. It contains
the global attractor, has finite fractal dimension and attracts the trajectories exponen-
tially fast in time. This property allows, among other things, to locate the exponential
and thus the global attractor in the phase space by using numerical analysis.
We start the chapter with the section in which we remind a general method of
proving the existence of exponential attractors.
D F.v.t// in Z for a.e. t 2 RC ; (10.1)
v.0/ D v0 ;
Definition 10.2. The fractal dimension (also known as upper box counting dimen-
sion) of a compact set K in a Banach space X is defined as
where N"X .K/ is the minimal number of balls of radius " in X needed to cover K.
Another important property that holds for many dynamical systems is the existence
of an exponential attractor.
Definition 10.3. An exponential attractor for a semigroup fS.t/gt0 in a Banach
space X is a subset M of X such that:
• M is compact in X,
• M is positively invariant, i.e., S.t/M M for every t 0,
• fractal dimension of M is finite, i.e., dfX .M / < 1,
• M attracts exponentially all bounded subsets of X, i.e., there exist a universal
constant c1 and a monotone function ˚ such that for every bounded set B in X,
its image S.t/B is a subset of the ".t/-neighborhood of M for all t t0 , where
".t/ D ˚.kBkX /ec1 t (exponential attraction property).
Since the global attractor A is the minimal compact attracting set it follows that if
both global and exponential attractors exist, then A M and the fractal dimension
of A must be finite. Moreover, in contrast to the global attractor, an exponential
attractor does not have to be unique.
In the following we will remind the abstract framework of [168] (see also [162])
that uses the so-called method of l-trajectories (or short trajectories) to prove the
existence of global and exponential attractors.
Let X, Y, and Z be three Banach spaces such that
X D L2 .0; I X/;
Y D u 2 L2 .0; I Y/ W 2 L2 .0; I Z/ :
By Cw .Œ0; I X/ we denote the space of weakly continuous functions from the
interval Œ0; to the Banach space X, and we assume that the solutions of (10.1) are
at least in Cw .Œ0; TI X/ for all T > 0. Then by an l-trajectory we mean the restriction
of any solution to the time interval Œ0; l. If v D v.t/; t 0, is the solution of (10.1)
210 10 Exponential Attractors in Contact Problems
then both D vjŒ0;l and all shifts Lt ./ D vjŒt;lCt for t > 0 are l-trajectories. Note
that the mapping Lt is defined as Lt ./. / D v. C t/ for t > 0 and 2 Œ0; l, where
v is a unique solution such that vjŒ0;l D .
We can now formulate a theorem which gives criteria for the existence of a global
attractor A for the semigroup fS.t/gt0 in X and its finite dimensionality. The
following criteria are stated as assumptions .A1/–.A8/ in [168]:
.A1/ for any v0 2 X and arbitrary T > 0 there exists (not necessarily unique)
v 2 Cw .Œ0; TI X/ \ YT , a solution of the evolutionary problem on Œ0; T with
v.0/ D v0 ; moreover, for any solution v, the estimates of kvkYT are uniform with
respect to kv0 kX ,
.A2/ there exists a bounded set B0 X with the following properties: if v is an
arbitrary solution with initial condition v0 2 X then
1. there exists t0 D t0 .kv0 kX / such that v.t/ 2 B0 for all t t0 ,
2. if v0 2 B0 then v.t/ 2 B0 for all t 0,
.A3/ each l-trajectory has a unique continuation among all solutions of the
evolution problem which means that from an endpoint of an l-trajectory there
starts at most one solution,
.A4/ for all t > 0, Lt W Xl ! Xl is continuous on Bl0 —the set of all l-trajectories
starting at any point of B0 from .A2/,
.A5/ for some > 0, the closure in Xl of the set L .Bl0 / is contained in Bl0 ,
.A6/ there exists a space Wl such that Wl Xl with compact embedding, and
> 0 such that L W Xl ! Wl is Lipschitz continuous on Bl1 —the closure of
L .Bl0 / in Xl ,
.A7/ the map e W Xl ! X, e./ D .l/, is continuous on Bl1 ,
.A8/ the map e W Xl ! X is Hölder-continuous on Bl1 .
Theorem 10.2. Let the assumptions .A1/–.A5/, .A7/ hold. Then there exists a
global attractor A for the semigroup fS.t/gt0 in X. Moreover, if the assumptions
.A6/, .A8/ are satisfied then the fractal dimension of the attractor is finite.
For the existence of an exponential attractor we need two additional properties,
where now X is a Hilbert space (cf. [168]):
.A9/ for all > 0 the operators Lt W Xl ! Xl are (uniformly with respect to
t 2 Œ0; ) Lipschitz continuous on Bl1 ,
.A10/ for all > 0 there exists c > 0 and ˇ 2 .0; 1 such that for all 2 Bl1 and
t1 ; t2 2 Œ0; it holds that
Theorem 10.3. Let X be a separable Hilbert space and let the assumptions .A1/–
.A6/ and .A8/–.A10/ hold. Then there exists an exponential attractor M for the
semigroup fS.t/gt0 in X.
For the proofs of Theorems 10.2 and 10.3 we refer the readers to corresponding
theorems in [168].
10.2 Planar Shear Flows with the Tresca Friction Condition 211
We start this section from the description of the problem for which we will later
prove the exponential attractor existence. The flow of an incompressible fluid in a
two-dimensional domain ˝ is described by the equation of motion
div u D 0 in ˝ RC : (10.4)
and @˝ D C [ L [ D , where C and D are the bottom and the top, and L is the
lateral part of the boundary of ˝. By n we will denote the unit outward normal to
@˝ and by T D T.u; p/ the stress tensor given by T.u; p/ D .Tij .u; p//2i;jD1 , where
Tij .u; p/ D pıij C ui;j C uj;i .
We are interested in solutions of (10.3)–(10.4), such that the velocity u and the
Cauchy stress vector T.u; p/n on L are L-periodic with respect to x1 . Note that
if both velocity and pressure are smooth functions defined on ˝1 and L-periodic
with respect to x1 , then the periodicity of the Cauchy stress vector on L follows
automatically from the constitutive law.
We assume that
uD0 on D RC : (10.5)
Moreover, we assume the no flux condition across C so that the normal component
of the velocity on C satisfies
un D u n D 0 on C RC ; (10.6)
and that the tangential component of the velocity u on C is unknown and satisfies
the Tresca friction law with a constant and positive maximal friction coefficient k.
This means that, cf., e.g., [91, 215],
212 10 Exponential Attractors in Contact Problems
jT .u; p/j k >
jT .u; p/j < k ) u D U0 e1 on C RC ;
jT .u; p/j D k ) 9 0 such that u D U0 e1 T .u; p/
where U0 e1 D .U0 ; 0/, U0 2 R, is the velocity of the lower surface producing the
driving force of the flow and T is the tangential component of the stress vector on
C given by
The new vector field v is L-periodic in x1 and satisfies the equation of motion
div v D 0 in ˝ RC : (10.12)
vD0 on D RC (10.13)
vn D v n D 0 on C RC : (10.14)
ˇ !
@U.x2 / ˇˇ
T .v; p/ D T .u; p/ C ;0 on C RC :
@x2 ˇx2 D0
'. .x//'.v .x; t// T .x; t/. .x/v .x; t// on C RC ; (10.17)
where belongs to a certain set of admissible functions (in our case the tangential
components of the traces on C of functions from the space V defined below) and '
is a convex functional. For '.v / D kjv j the last condition is equivalent to (10.15).
214 10 Exponential Attractors in Contact Problems
.ii/ for all in V, and for almost all t in the interval .0; 1/, the following
variational inequality holds
Let 2 V. Multiplying (10.20) by v.t/ and using the Green formula we obtain
vt .t/ . v.t// dx C Tij .v.t/; p.t//. v.t//i;j dx C b.v.t/; v.t/; v.t//
˝ ˝
D Tij .v.t/; p.t//nj . v.t//i dS C G.v.t// . v.t// dx (10.21)
@˝ ˝
for t 2 .0; T/. As v.t/ and are in V, after some calculations we obtain
Tij .v.t/; p.t//. v.t//i;j dx D a.v.t/ ; v.t//: (10.22)
By (10.17) with '.v / D kjv j, taking into account the boundary conditions, we get
Tij .v.t/; p.t//nj . v.t//i dS D T .v.t/; p.t// . v .t// dS
@˝ C
k.j j jv .t/j/ dS: (10.23)
216 10 Exponential Attractors in Contact Problems
G.v.t// . v.t//dx D hL .v.t// ; v.t/i: (10.24)
From (10.22)–(10.24) we see that (10.21) yields (10.18), and (10.19) is the same
as (10.16).
Conversely, suppose that v is a sufficiently smooth solution to Problem 10.1. We
have immediately (10.12)–(10.14) and (10.16). Let ' be in the space
.Hdiv .˝//2 D f' 2 V W ' D 0 on @˝g:
so that (10.11) holds. It follows that p is smooth and without loss of generality we
may assume that it is also L-periodic with respect to x1 . Now, we shall derive the
Tresca boundary condition (10.15) from the weak formulation. We have
Tij .v.t/; p.t//. v.t//i;j dx D div T.v.t/; p.t// . v.t// dx
˝ ˝
C T.v.t/; p.t//n . v.t// dS: (10.26)
By (10.25) we have (10.20) and so the first integral on the left-hand side vanishes.
Thus we obtain condition (10.23). Due to the fact that n vn .t/ D 0 on C , we
T.v.t/; p.t//n . v.t//i dS
D T .v.t/; p.t// . v .t// dS C T.v.t/; p.t//n . v.t// dS;
10.2 Planar Shear Flows with the Tresca Friction Condition 217
and then,
T.v.t/; p.t//n . v.t// dS C T .v.t/; p.t// . v .t// dS
k.j j jv .t/j/ dS;
holds for all 2 L2 .C /. From the above inequality it follows that the pointwise
inequality jT j k must hold a.e. on C . Indeed, if the opposite inequality holds on
a set S of positive measure then we arrive at contradiction by taking D 0 outside
S and D jTT j on S. Now, (10.28) implies that the Tresca condition (10.15) holds
and the proof is complete. t
218 10 Exponential Attractors in Contact Problems
Z Z ˇ ˇ
@' h ˇ @' ˇ
' 2 .x1 ; x2 / D 2 '.x1 ; t2 / .x1 ; t2 / dt2 2 j'.x1 ; x2 /j ˇˇ .x1 ; x2 /ˇˇ dx2 ;
x2 @t2 0 @x2
10.2 Planar Shear Flows with the Tresca Friction Condition 219
k'k4L4 .˝1 / D ' 2 .x1 ; x2 /' 2 .x1 ; x2 / dx1 dx2
Z ! Z !
h L
2 2
sup ' .x1 ; x2 / dx2 sup ' .x1 ; x2 / dx1
0 Lx1 L L 0x2 h
Z Z ˇ ˇ Z L Z h ˇ ˇ
h L ˇ @' ˇ ˇ @' ˇ
4 ˇ
j'j ˇ ˇ dx1 dx2 ˇ
j'j ˇ ˇ dx2 dx1 :
0 L @x1 ˇ L 0 @x2 ˇ
We use the fact that jrj 1 and the Poincaré inequality to get
kvkL4 .˝/ k'kL4 .˝1 / ; j'jL2 .˝1 / 2jvj; and jr'jL2 .˝1 / Ckvk
dvı .t/
; C a.vı .t/; / C b.vı .t/; vı .t/; / C h˚ı0 .vı .t//; i
D a.; / b.; vı .t/; / b.vı .t/; ; / (10.31)
vı .0/ D v0 : (10.32)
jvı .t/j2 C kvı .t/k2 a.; vı .t// b.vı .t/; ; vı .t//:
2 dt
In view of Lemma 10.1 we obtain
jvı .t/j2 C kvı .t/k2 kk2 :
2 dt 2
We estimate the right-hand side in terms of the data using Lemma 10.1 to get
jvı .t/j2 C kvı .t/k2 F; (10.33)
2 dt 2
From (10.35) and (10.36) we conclude that there exists v such that (possibly for a
dvı dv
vı ! v weakly in L2 .0; TI V/; ! weakly in L2 .0; TI V 0 /: (10.37)
dt dt
ju.t/j2 C ku.t/k2 b.u.t/; w.t/; u.t// C b.u.t/; ; u.t//:
2 dt
By Lemma 10.1 and the Ladyzhenskaya inequality (10.30) we obtain
d 2
ju.t/j2 C ku.t/k2 C.˝/4 kw.t/k2 ju.t/j2 ; (10.38)
dt 2
and then in view of the Poincaré inequality we conclude
d 2
ju.t/j2 C ju.t/j2 C.˝/4 kw.t/k2 ju.t/j2 ;
dt 2
where > 0 is a constant. Using the Gronwall inequality, we obtain
Z t
ju.t/j2 ju. /j2 exp C.˝/4 kw.s/k2 ds : (10.39)
From (10.37) it follows that the solution w of Problem 10.1 belongs to L2 .; tI V/.
By (10.39) the map v. / ! v.t/, t > 0, in H is Lipschitz continuous, with
uniformly for t; in a given interval Œ0; T and initial conditions w.0/; v.0/ in a given
bounded set B in H.
222 10 Exponential Attractors in Contact Problems
1d 2
jvj C kvk2 C ˚.v/ hL .v/; vi
2 dt
Integration in t gives
Z t
jv.t/j2 C kv.s/k2 ds jv.0/j2 C 2tF; (10.43)
Using the Poincaré and the trace inequalities we obtain k.v/kL2 .@˝/ Ckvk, and
˚.v / ˚.v/ D k .jv j jv j/ dS k j j dS C.C /k k:
Moreover, using the Ladyzhenskaya inequality (10.30) to the nonlinear term, we
kv 0 k2L2 .0;TIV 0 / D kv 0 .t/k2V 0 dt
C2 kv.t/k2 dtCkvk2L1 .0;TIH/ kv.t/k2 dtCT C.jv.0/j/:
0 0
d 2
jvj C 1 jvj2 F;
224 10 Exponential Attractors in Contact Problems
jv.t/j2 jv.0/j2 e1 t C :
Thus, there exists a bounded absorbing set (e.g., the ball BH .0; / with 2 D 2 F 1 )
in H. Let B0 be defined as B0 D t0 S.t/BH .0; / . If v0 2 B0 then there exist
sequences tk and vk ! v0 in H such that vk 2 S.tk /BH .0; /. From the continuity of
S.t/ it follows that S.t C tk /BH .0; / 3 S.t/vk ! S.t/v0 in H and hence S.t/v0 2 B0
for all t 0. Thus, .A2/ holds true. Note that we need B0 to be closed in H to be
able to satisfy assumption .A5/ below.
Assumption .A3/. Each l-trajectory has among all solutions a unique continuation.
We recall that by the l-trajectory we mean any solution on the time interval Œ0; l,
and the unique continuation means that from an endpoint of an l-trajectory there
starts at most one solution. In our case .A3/ is satisfied as the solutions are unique
(Theorem 10.5).
Assumption .A4/. For all t > 0, Lt W Xl ! Xl is continuous on Bl0 .
Bl0 is defined as the set of all l-trajectories starting at any point of B0 from .A2/,
and Xl D L2 .0; lI X/. The semigroup fLt gt0 acts on the set of l-trajectories as the
shifts operators: .Lt /. / D v.t C / for 0 l, where v is the unique solution
on Œ0; l C such that vjŒ0;l D .
In our case, X D H, hence Xl D Hl D L2 .0; lI H/. In view of inequality (10.40) the
map S.t/ W B0 ! B0 is Lipschitz continuous for every t > 0, whence for any two
1 ; 2 in Bl0 ,
Z l Z l
2 2
jLt 1 .s/ Lt 2 .s/j ds C .t/ j1 .s/ 2 .s/j2 ds: (10.47)
0 0
dk d
k ! weakly in L2 .0; lI V/ and ! weakly in L2 .0; lI V 0 /: (10.48)
dt dt
Moreover, by the Aubin–Lions compactness theorem,
We have
h0k .t/; k .t/i C a.k .t/; k .t// C b.k .t/; k .t/; k .t//
C ˚./ ˚.k .t// hL .k .t// ; k .t/i:
We have thus
Z l Z l Z l
k.k / ./k2L2 .C / dt " kk k2 dt C C"0 jk j2 dt:
0 0 0
As, in view of (10.48), there exists M > 0 such that for all n,
Z l
kk .t/ .t/k2 dt M;
226 10 Exponential Attractors in Contact Problems
In view of (10.48) and (10.49), there are no problems to get the other terms in (10.50)
and finally, (10.50) itself. As inequality (10.50) is equivalent to the inequality
satisfied for almost all t 2 .0; l/, is a solution with .0/ in H. To end the proof we
have to show that .0/ belongs to the set B0 . We have k .t/ 2 B0 for all t 2 Œ0; l
and, by (10.49), for a subsequence, k .t/ ! .t/ for almost all t 2 .0; l/. As B0 is
closed, .t/ 2 B0 for almost all t 2 .0; l/. Now, from the continuity of W Œ0; l ! H
and the closedness of B0 it follows that .0/ is in B0 . Thus, assumption .A5/ holds.
Assumption .A6/. There exists a space Wl such that Wl Xl with compact
embedding, and > 0 such that L W Xl ! Wl is Lipschitz continuous on Bl1 —the
closure in Xl of L .Bl0 /.
d 2
ju.t/j2 C ku.t/k2 C.˝/4 kw.t/k2 ju.t/j2 :
dt 2
Take s 2 .0; l/ and integrate this inequality over 2 .s; 2l/ to get
Z Z 2l
2l 2
ju.2l/j2 C ku. /k2 d C.˝/4 ku. /k2 ju. /j2 d C ju.s/j2 :
2 s s
From (10.40) we conclude that
and therefore
kLl 1 Ll 2 kL2 .0;lIV/ k1 2 kL2 .0;lIH/ (10.54)
We have
Z l 1=2
C000 D C0 .1 C kv.t/k2 C kw.t/k2 / dt with a constant C0 > 0;
uniformly for trajectories starting from B0 . This proves (10.55) and ends the proof
of the Lipschitz continuity of the map Ll W Xl ! Wl . Assumption .A6/ holds true.
Assumption .A8/. The map e W Xl ! X is Hölder-continuous on Bl1 .
Assumption .A8/ follows directly from the Lipschitz continuity of the map
e W Xl ! X, e./ D .l/. To check the latter, let w; v be two solutions as above,
starting from B0 . From (10.40) we have, in particular,
for 2 .0; l/. Integrating this inequality in on the interval .0; l/ we obtain
jw.l/ v.l/j p kw vkL2 .0;lIH/ :
holds for all > 0, 0 t2 t1 , 2 Bl1 , some c > 0 and some ˇ 2 .0; 1,
where, in our case, Xl D Hl .
To obtain (10.57) it suffices to know that 0 , the time derivatives of 2 Bl1 , are
uniformly bounded in Lq .0; lI H/ for some 1 < q 1, cf. [168]. In fact, we have
and integration with respect to s in the interval Œ0; l gives (10.57) with c depending
on and l.
We shall prove that there exists M > 0 such that
The formal a priori estimates that follow can be performed on the smooth in the
time variable Galerkin approximations vın .t/, n D 1; 2; 3; : : :, of the regularized
problem (10.31)–(10.32), as in [148]. The obtained estimates are preserved by
solutions vı .t/ of problem (10.31)–(10.32), with bounds independent of ı when
ı ! 0, and in the end, by solutions v.t/ of Problem 10.1.
230 10 Exponential Attractors in Contact Problems
Let us consider the solution v D v.t/ of problem (10.31)–(10.32) (we drop the
subscript ı for short),
; C a.v.t/; / C b.v.t/; v.t/; / C h˚ı0 .v.t//; i
D a.; / b.; v.t/; / b.v.t/; ; /; (10.58)
v.0/ D v0 :
Our aim is to derive, following the method used in [148], two a priori estimates
following from (10.58). To get the first one, set D vt (vt D v 0 ) in (10.58). We
d d
jvt j2 C kvk2 C ˚ı .v/ D hL .v/; vt i b.v; v; vt /: (10.59)
dt 2 dt
Using the Ladyzhenskaya inequality (10.30) we have
hL .v/; vt i c1 .kvt k C kvkjvt j1=2 kvt k1=2 C jvj1=2 kvk1=2 jvt j1=2 kvt k1=2 /: (10.60)
Now, we differentiate (10.58) with respect to the time variable and set D vt , to
jvt j2 C kvt k2 b.vt ; ; vt / b.vt ; v; vt /; (10.61)
2 dt
d 0
˚ .v/; vt 0:
dt ı
Using Lemma 10.1 and the Ladyzhenskaya inequality (10.30) to estimate the right-
hand side of (10.61) we obtain
jvt j2 C kvt k2 c2 kvk2 jvt j2 : (10.62)
d 2 2
.t jvt j / C t2 kvt k2 c2 kvk2 .t2 jvt j2 / C 2tjvt j2 : (10.63)
10.3 Planar Shear Flows with Generalized Tresca Type Friction Law 231
To get rid of the last term on the right-hand side we add to (10.63) Eq. (10.59)
multiplied by 2t. After simple calculations and using (10.60) we obtain
d 2 2
.t jvt j C tkvk2 C 2t˚ı .v// C t2 kvt k2
2tc1 .kvt k C kvkjvt j1=2 kvt k1=2 C jvj1=2 kvk1=2 jvt j1=2 kvt k1=2 /
C c2 kvk2 .t2 jvt j2 / C kvk2 C 2˚ı .v/
C c3 jvj1=2 kvk3=2 .tjvt j/1=2 .tkvt k/1=2 : (10.64)
Define y D t2 jvt j2 Ctkvk2 C2t˚ı .v/. Using the Young inequality to the right-hand
side of (10.64) and observing that ˚ı .v/ C.kvk2 C 1/ for 0 < ı 1, we obtain
the inequality of the form
d t2
y.t/ C kvt k2 C1 .t/y.t/ C C2 .t/;
dt 2
where the coefficients Ci ./, i D 1; 2, are locally integrable and do not depend on ı.
They are also independent of the initial conditions for v in a given bounded sets in H.
This proves that the time derivative of solutions of the regularized problems is
uniformly bounded with respect to ı in L1 .; TI H/ \ L2 .; TI V/ for all intervals
Œ; T, 0 < < T. As a consequence, this property holds for all 2 Bl1 . In view
of the above considerations this ends the proof of the existence of an exponential
attractor. t
The problem considered in this section is based on the results of Sect. 10.2, cf. also
[162]. As we show, the arguments used there can be generalized to a class of
problems with the friction coefficient dependent on the slip rate.
We will consider the planar flow of an incompressible viscous fluid governed by the
equation of momentum
div v D 0 in ˝ RC (10.66)
in domain ˝ given by
with boundary @˝ D D [C [L , where D is the top part of the boundary given by
D D f.x1 ; h.x1 // W x1 2 .0; L/g, C is the bottom part of the boundary given by
C D .0; L/ f0g, and L is the lateral one given by L D f0; Lg .0; h.0//.
The function h is smooth and L-periodic such that h.x1 / " > 0 for all x1 2 R
with a constant " > 0. We will use the notation e1 D .1; 0/ and e2 D .0; 1/ for
the canonical basis of R2 . Note that on C the outer normal unit vector is given by
n D e2 .
The unknowns are the velocity field v W ˝ RC ! R2 and the pressure field
p W ˝ RC ! R, > 0 is the viscosity coefficient and f W ˝ ! R2 is the mass
force density. The stress tensor T is related to the velocity and pressure through the
linear constitutive law Tij D pıij C .vi;j C vj;i /.
We are looking for the solutions of (10.65)–(10.66) which are L-periodic in the
sense that v.0; x2 ; t/ D v.L; x2 ; t/, @v2 .0;x
2 ;t/
D @v2 .L;x
2 ;t/
, and p.0; x2 ; t/ D p.L; x2 ; t/
for x2 2 Œ0; h.0/ and t 2 R . The first condition represents the L-periodicity of
velocities, while the latter two ones, the L-periodicity of the Cauchy stress vector
Tn on L in the space of divergence free functions. Moreover we assume that
vD0 on D RC : (10.67)
On the contact boundary C we decompose the velocity into the normal component
vn D v n and the tangential one v D v e1 . Note that since the domain ˝ is
two-dimensional it is possible to consider the tangential components as scalars, for
the sake of the ease of notation. Likewise, we decompose the stress on the boundary
C into its normal component Tn D Tn n and the tangential one T D Tn e1 .
We assume that there is no flux across C and hence
vn D 0 on C RC : (10.68)
while if there is a slip, then the friction force is given by the expression
v U0
v ¤ U0 ) T D k.jv U0 j/ on C RC : (10.70)
jv U0 j
Note that (10.69)–(10.70) generalize the Tresca law considered in Sect. 10.2, where
k was assumed to be a constant. Here k depends on the slip rate, this dependence
represents the fact that the kinetic friction is less than the static one, which holds
if k is a decreasing function. Similar friction law is used, for example, in the study
of the motion of tectonic plates, see [119, 190, 207] and the references therein. We
make the following assumptions on the friction coefficient k:
.k1/ k 2 C.RC I RC /,
.k2/ k.s/ ˛.1 C s/ for all s 2 RC with ˛ > 0,
.k3/ k.s/ k.r/ .s r/ for all s > r 0 with > 0.
Note that the assumption that k has values in RC has a clear physical interpretation,
namely it means that the friction force is dissipative.
Finally, the initial condition for the velocity field is
In the next section we present a weak formulation of the problem in the form of
an evolutionary differential inclusion with a suitable potential corresponding to the
generalized Tresca condition.
We denote the trace operator from V to L2 .C /2 by and its norm b̃y
k k D k kL .VIL2 .C /2 / . Moreover, let, for u; v, and w in V,
Note that the functional j is not necessarily convex, but it is locally Lipschitz. By @j
we will denote its Clarke subdifferential (see Sect. 3.7). The variational formulation
of problem (10.65)–(10.71) can be derived by the calculation analogous to the proof
of Proposition 10.1.
Problem 10.2. Given v0 2 H and f 2 H, find v W RC ! H such that:
2 2
.i/ v 2 C.RC I H/ \ Lloc .RC I V/, with vt 2 Lloc .RC I V 0 /,
.ii/ for all in V and for almost all t 2 R , the following equality holds
v.0/ D v0 : (10.74)
The above definition is justified by the assertion .i/ of the following lemma.
Lemma 10.3. Under assumptions .k1/–.k3/ the functional j defined by (10.72)
satisfies the following properties:
.i/ j is locally Lipschitz and conditions (10.69)–(10.70) are equivalent to
T 2 @j.v /; (10.75)
.iii/ m.@j/ , where m.@j/ is the one sided Lipschitz constant defined by
. / .u v/
m.@j/ D inf ;
u;v2R;u¤v; ju vj2
[email protected]/;[email protected]/
.iv/ for all w 2 R and 2 @j.w/, w ˇ.1 C jwj/, with a constant ˇ > 0.
Proof. .i/ The fact that j is locally Lipschitz follows from the continuity of k and
the direct calculation. To see that (10.69)–(10.70) is equivalent to (10.75) observe
that for v ¤ U0 the functional j is continuously differentiable on a neighborhood
of v and its derivative is given as j0 .v/ D k.jv U0 j/ jvU 0j
, whence (10.70) is
equivalent to (10.75) by the characterization of the Clarke subdifferential given
in Theorem 3.19. The same characterization implies that (10.69) is equivalent
to (10.75) if v D U0 .
Assertion .ii/ follows in a straightforward way from .k2/.
Assertion .iii/ can be obtained by a following computation. Let 2 @j.u/,
2 @j.v/, where u ¤ U0 and v ¤ U0 . Then
u U0 v U0
. / .u v/ D k.ju U0 j/ k.jv U0 j/ .u v/
ju U0 j jv U0 j
.u U0 / .v U0 /
D k.ju U0 j/ju U0 j k.ju U0 j/
ju U0 j
.u U0 / .v U0 /
k.jv U0 j/ C k.jv U0 j/jv U0 j
jv U0 j
.k.ju U0 j/ k.jv U0 j// .ju U0 j jv U0 j/
.ju U0 j jv U0 j/2 ju vj2 :
w U0
w D k.jw U0 j/ .w U0 C U0 /
jw U0 j
k.jw U0 j/jw U0 j k.jw U0 j/jU0 j ˛.1 C jwj C jU0 j/jU0 j;
We begin with some estimates that are satisfied by the solutions of Problem 10.2.
We define the auxiliary operators A W V ! V 0 and B W V ! V 0 by hAu; vi D a.u; v/
and hBu; vi D b.u; u; v/.
Lemma 10.4. Let v be a solution of Problem 10.2. Then, for all t 0,
Z t
max jv.s/j2 C kv.s/k2 ds C.t; jv0 j/; (10.76)
s2Œ0;t 0
Z t
kv 0 .s/k2V 0 ds C.t; jv0 j/; (10.77)
jv.t/j2 C kv.t/k2 jf jjv.t/j C k.t/kL2 .C / kv .t/kL2 .C /
2 dt
jf j2 3
"jv.t/j2 C C ˛kv.t/k
Q 2
L2 .C / C ˛m
Q 1 .C /;
4" 2
1 jvj2 kvk2
d 2" jf j
jv.t/j2 C 2kv.t/k2 kv.t/k2 C
dt 1 2"
Q C k2 "kv.t/k2 C 3˛k
C 3˛k Q C k2 C."/jv.t/j2 C 2˛L:
10.3 Planar Shear Flows with Generalized Tresca Type Friction Law 237
Hence (10.77) follows by (10.76) and the straightforward computation that uses the
assertion .ii/ of Lemma 10.3 to estimate the multivalued term. t
We formulate and prove the theorem on existence of solutions to Problem 10.2.
Theorem 10.8. For any u0 2 H Problem 10.2 has at least one solution.
Proof. Since the proof of solution existence, based on the Galerkin method, is
standard and quite long, we provide only its main steps.
Let % 2 C01 ..1; 1// be a mollifier such that 1 %.s/ ds D 1 and %.s/ 0.
%k W R ! R by %k .x/ D k%.kx/ for k 2 N and x 2 R. Then supp %k
k ; 1k . We consider jk W R ! R defined by the convolution
jk .r/ D %k .s/j.r s/ ds for r 2 R: (10.79)
Note that jk 2 C1 .R/. From the assertion .B/ of Theorem 3.21 it follows that for
all n 2 N and r 2 R we have jj0k .r/j ˛.1 C jrj/, where ˛ is different from ˛Q in .ii/
of Lemma 10.3 above but independent of k.
Let us furthermore take the sequence Vk of finite dimensional spaces such that
Vk D spanfz1 ; : : : ; zk g, where fzi g are orthonormal in H eigenfunctions of the Stokes
operator with the Dirichlet and periodic boundary conditions given in the definition
of the space V. Then fVk g1 kD1 approximate V from inside, i.e., kD1 Vk D V.
Pk denote by Pk W V ! V k the orthogonal projection on Vk defined as Pk u D
iD1 hu; z i iz i . Using Theorem 3.17 we conclude that Pk v ! v strongly in V 0 for
any v 2 V .
We formulate the regularized Galerkin problems for k 2 N.
Find vk 2 C.RC I Vk / such that for a.e. t 2 RC , vk is differentiable and
Note that due to the fact that j0k ; a; b are smooth, the solution of (10.80)–(10.81), if it
exists, is a continuously differentiable function of time variable, with values in Vk .
We first show that if vk solves (10.80) then estimates analogous to the ones in
Lemma 10.4 hold. Taking vk .t/ in place of in (10.80) and using the argument
similar to that in the proof of (10.76) in Lemma 10.4 we obtain that, for a given
T > 0,
vk0 .t/ C Avk .t/ C Pk B.vk .t// C Pk j0k .vk .t/.// D Pk f : (10.84)
Since, by Theorem 3.17, for w 2 V 0 we have kPk wkV 0 kwkV 0 , then, using the
estimate kBwkV 0 Cjwjkwk valid for w 2 V, the growth condition on j0k as well
as (10.82) and (10.83), from Eq. (10.84) we get
The existence of the solution to the Galerkin problem (10.80) follows by the
Carathéodory theorem and estimates (10.82)–(10.83).
Since the bounds (10.82), (10.83), and (10.85) are independent of k then, for a
subsequence, we get
In a standard way (see, for example, Sects. 7.4.3 and 9.4 in [197]) we can pass to
the limit in (10.84) and obtain that v and satisfy (10.73) for a.e. t 2 .0; T/. The
assertion .C/ of Theorem 3.21 implies that .t/ 2 [email protected] .t//
for a.e. t 2 .0; T/.
We shall show that v.0/ D v0 in H. We have, for t 2 .0; T/,
Z t Z t
vk .t/ D Pk v0 C vk0 .s/ ds; v.t/ D v.0/ C v 0 .s/ ds;
0 0
Proof. Let v and w be two solutions of Problem 10.2 with the initial conditions v0
and w0 . We denote u.t/ D v.t/ w.t/. Subtracting (10.73) for v and w, respectively,
and taking u.t/ as a test function we get, for a.e. t 2 RC ,
ju.t/j2 C ku.t/k2 C b.u.t/; w.t/; u.t// C ..t/ .t/; v.t/ w.t/ /L2 .C / D 0;
2 dt
2 2
where .t/ 2 [email protected] .t//
and .t/ 2 [email protected] .t//
Using estimate (10.78) to estimate the convective term and also assertion .iii/ in
Lemma 10.3 to estimate the multivalued one we get, for a.e. t 2 RC ,
ju.t/j2 C ku.t/k2 ku .t/k2L2 .C / Cju.t/jku.t/kkw.t/k: (10.89)
2 dt
As in the proof of Lemma 10.4 we use the fact that the embedding V Z is compact
and the trace C W Z ! L2 .C /2 is continuous. We get, for a.e. t 2 RC ,
ju.t/j2 C ku.t/k2 "ku.t/k2 C C."/ju.t/j2 kw.t/k2
2 dt
C kC k2 ."ku.t/k2 C C."/ju.t/j2 / (10.90)
with an arbitrary " > 0 and the constant C."/ > 0 independent on u, w, and t. By
choosing " > 0 small enough we get
ju.t/j2 ju.t/j2 .C1 kw.t/k2 C C2 / for a.e. t 2 RC ;
with the constants C1 ; C2 > 0. The Gronwall inequality (cf. Lemma 3.20) gives
Rt Rt
kw. /k2 d kw. /k2 d
ju.t/j2 ju.s/j2 eC2 .ts/CC1 s ju.s/j2 eC2 tCC1 0 :
and the proof of (10.88) is complete. Taking s D 0 and v.0/ D w.0/ in (10.88) we
obtain the uniqueness. t
Now we shall prove that assertion .iv/ of Lemma 10.3 gives additional, dissipative,
a priori estimates.
Lemma 10.6. If v is a solution of Problem 10.2 with the initial condition v0 , then,
Proof. We proceed as in the proof of (10.76) in Lemma 10.3. Taking the test
function D v.t/ in (10.73) we get
jv.t/j2 C kv.t/k2 C ..t/; v .t//L2 .C / jf jjv.t/j
2 dt
for a.e. t 2 RC . We use assertion .iv/ of Lemma 10.3 and the Poincaré inequality
1 jvj2 kvk2 to get
1d 1
jv.t/j2 C kv.t/k2 ˇL 1 C ˇ"1 kv .t/k2L2 .C /
2 dt 4"1
jf j2 "2
C kv.t/k2
4"2 1
for a.e. t 2 RC , with an arbitrary "1 > 0 and "2 > 0. Using the trace inequality and
the Poincaré inequality again, we can choose "1 and "2 small enough to get
jv.t/j2 C 1 jv.t/j2 C
for a.e. t 2 RC , where C > 0 is a constant. Finally, the assertion follows from the
Gronwall inequality (cf. Lemma 3.20). t
Assumption .A2/. In view of Lemma 10.6 the closed ball BH .0; C2 C 1/ absorbs
in finite time all bounded sets in H. Let B0 D t0 S.t/BH .0; C2 C 1/ . Obviously
this set is closed in H (we will need this fact to verify the assumption .A5/ below).
From Lemma 10.6 it follows that B0 is bounded. Let us assume that u 2 B0 and
v D S.t/u. Then, for a sequence uk 2 S.tk /BH .0; C2 C 1/ with certain tk we have
242 10 Exponential Attractors in Contact Problems
Assumption .A4/. Define the shift operator Lt W Xl ! Xl by .Lt /.s/ D u.s C t/ for
s 2 Œ0; l, where u is the unique solution on Œ0; l C t such that ujŒ0;l D . We will
prove that this operator is continuous on Bl0 for all t 0 and l > 0, where Bl0 is the
set of all l-trajectories with the initial condition in the set B0 from assumption .A2/.
Let u; v be two solutions with the initial conditions u0 ; v0 2 B0 . By Lemma 10.5 we
Z l Z l
jv.s C t/ u.s C t/j2 ds D2 .t C l; jB0 j/ jv.s/ u.s/j2 ds;
0 0
where jB0 j D supv2B0 jvj. Hence, denoting 1 D ujŒ0;l and 2 D vjŒ0;l , we get
We shall show that 2 Bl0 . Let us first prove that .0/ 2 B0 . Indeed, from (10.93)
it follows that, for a subsequence, k .t/ ! .t/ strongly in H for a.e. t 2 .0; l/.
Since k .t/ 2 B0 for all k 2 N and all t 2 Œ0; l, then .t/ belongs to the closed set
B0 for a.e. t 2 .0; l/. The closedness of B0 and the fact that 2 C.Œ0; lI H/ imply
that .t/ 2 B0 for all t 2 Œ0; l and, in particular, .0/ 2 B0 . We need to prove that
satisfies (10.73) for a.e. t 2 .0; l/. It is enough to show that for all w 2 L2 .0; lI V 0 /,
10.3 Planar Shear Flows with Generalized Tresca Type Friction Law 243
Z l Z l
h0 .t/; w.t/i dt C hA.t/; w.t/i dt
0 0
Z l Z l Z l
C hB.t/; w.t/i dt C ..t/; w .t//L2 .C / dt D .f ; w.t// dt (10.96)
0 0 0
with .t/ 2 S@j. .t//
for a.e. t 2 .0; l/. From the fact that k satisfies (10.73) for a.e.
t 2 .0; l/ we have
Z l Z l
h0k .t/; w.t/i dt C hAk .t/; w.t/i dt
0 0
Z l Z l Z l
C hBk .t/; w.t/i dt C .k .t/; w .t//L2 .C / dt D .f ; w.t// dt;
0 0 0
with k .t/ 2 S@j.k .t//
for a.e. t 2 .0; l/. Then, from the growth condition .ii/ in
p p
Lemma 10.3 it follows that kk kL2 .0;lIL2 .C // 2lL˛Q C 2˛k Q k kL2 .0;lIL2 .C // .
Since k is bounded in L2 .0; lI V/, then k is bounded in L2 .0; lI L2 .C // and hence
k is bounded in the same space. Therefore, for a subsequence,
Now (10.93), (10.94), and (10.98) are sufficient to pass to the limit in all the terms
in (10.97) and thus to prove (10.96). It remains to show that .t/ 2 S@j. for a.e.
n .t//
1ı 2
t 2 .0; l/. Let Z D V \H .˝/ be equipped with H 1ı
topology, where ı 2 0; 12 .
Then for the triple V Z V 0 we can use the Aubin–Lions compactness theorem
and conclude from (10.93) and (10.94) that k ! strongly in L2 .0; lI Z/. Now,
since the trace operator C W Z ! L2 .C /2 is linear and continuous, and so is the
corresponding Nemytskii operator,
We use assertion .H2/ in Theorem 3.24 to deduce that .x; t/ 2 @j. .x; t// a.e. in
C .0; l/. This completes the proof of .A5/.
Assumption .A6/. We define W D H01 .˝/2 \ V, where we equip W with the norm
of V. Then V 0 W 0 . By the Aubin–Lions compactness theorem the space
Wl D f 2 L2 .0; lI V/ W 0 2 L1 .0; TI W 0 /g
ju.t/j2 C ku.t/k2 Cju.t/j2 .1 C kw.t/k2 / for a.e. t 2 RC ;
where the constant C depends only on the problem data. We fix s 2 .0; l/ and
integrate the last inequality over interval .s; 2l/ to obtain
Z 2l Z 2l
ju.2l/j2 C ku.t/k2 dt C ju.t/j2 .1 C kw.t/k2 / dt C ju.s/j2 :
s s
Since, by .A1/,
Z 2l
kw.t/k2 dt Cl;B0 ;
it follows that
Z 2l
ku.t/k2 dt Cl;B0 ju.s/j2 :
Integrating this inequality over interval .0; l/ with respect to the variable s it follows
Z 2l Z l
l ku.t/k dt Cl;B0 ju.s/j2 ds;
l 0
and therefore
kLl v Ll wkL2 .0;lIV/ kv wkXl : (10.100)
To this end, we subtract (10.73) for w and v, respectively, and take 2 W as a test
function. We get
It follows that
Z l
ku0 kL1 .0;lIW 0 / CkukL2 .0;lIV/ .1 C kw.t/k C kv.t/k/2 dt:
jw.l/ v.l/j p kw vkXl ;
This completes the proof Theorem 10.9 about the existence of the global attractor
of a finite fractal dimension. t
In the following subsection we shall prove the existence of an exponential attractor.
holds for all t0 > 0, 0 t2 t1 t0 and 2 Bl1 with ı 2 .0; 1 and c > 0.
Since Bl1 D L .Bl0 / for certain > 0, it is enough to prove the assertion for
2 L .Bl0 /. Let v be the unique solution of Problem 10.2 on Œ0; C l C t0 with
v.0/ 2 B0 such that vjŒ; Cl D . It is enough to obtain the uniform bound on v 0 in
the space L1 .; C l C t0 I H/. Indeed,
Z l
kLt1 Lt2 kXl D jv. C s C t2 / v. C s C t1 /j2 ds
Z l Z CsCt2 2
jv 0 .r/j dr ds
0 CsCt1
jt1 t2 j lkv 0 kL1 .;ClCt0 IH/ :
The a priori estimate will be computed for the smooth solutions of the regularized
Galerkin problem (10.80)–(10.81) formulated in the proof of Theorem 10.8. We
shall show that, for the Galerkin approximations vk , for any T > , the functions
vk0 are bounded in L1 .; TI H/ independently of k and, in consequence, the desired
estimate will be preserved by their limit v, a solution of Problem 10.2.
The argument follows the lines of the proof of Theorem 10.7 (compare [148]).
First we take D vk0 .t/ in (10.80) which gives us
10.3 Planar Shear Flows with Generalized Tresca Type Friction Law 247
jvk0 .t/j2 C kvk .t/k2 C b.vk .t/; vk .t/; vk0 .t//
2 dt
C jk .vk .x; t// dS D .f ; vk0 .t//:
dt C
where the constant is the same as in .iii/ of Lemma 10.3. Hence, since vk is a
continuously differentiable function of time variable,
d 0 0 0
jk .vk .x; t// vk .x; t/ jvk .x; t/j2 for all .x; t/ 2 ˝ .0; T/:
We differentiate both sides of (10.80) with respect to time and take D vk0 .t/,
which gives us
1d 0 2 d 0
jv .t/j C kvk0 .t/k2 C 0
jk .vk .x; t// vk .x; t/ dS
2 dt k C dt
C b.vk0 .t/; vk .t/; vk0 .t// C b.vk .t/; vk0 .t/; vk0 .t// D 0:
Using (10.102) and the fact that b.vk .t/; vk0 .t/; vk0 .t// D 0 we get
1d 0 2
jv .t/j C kvk0 .t/k2 kvk
.t/k2L2 .C / C b.vk0 .t/; vk .t/; vk0 .t// 0:
2 dt k
Proceeding exactly as in the proof of (10.89) we get, for an arbitrary " > 0 and a
constant C."/ > 0,
1d 0 2
jv .t/j C kvk0 .t/k2 C."/kvk .t/k2 jvk0 .t/j2
2 dt k
C "kvk0 .t/k2 C C."/jvk0 .t/j2 ;
248 10 Exponential Attractors in Contact Problems
d 0 2
jv .t/j C kvk0 .t/k2 Cjvk0 .t/j2 .kvk .t/k2 C 1/:
dt k
d 2 0 2
.t jvk .t/j / C t2 kvk0 .t/k2 Ct2 jvk0 .t/j2 .kvk .t/k2 C 1/ C 2tjvk0 .t/j2 :
using the bound of Lemma 10.6 for jvk .t/j, Young inequality, and the fact that jk
assumes nonnegative values, we get
yk .t/ C t2 kvk0 .t/k2 C6 kvk .t/k2 C C2 yk .t/ C C3 C C7 kvk .t/k2 ;
dt 2
where C6 ; C7 > 0. Finally, the Gronwall inequality (cf. Lemma 3.20) and the bound
in (10.76) of Lemma 10.4 for 0 kvk .s/k2 ds yield the uniform boundedness of vk0
in L1 .; TI H/ \ L2 .; TI V/ for all intervals Œ; T, 0 < < T. This completes the
proof of .A10/ and thus the existence of an exponential attractor for the semigroup
fS.t/gt0 associated with Problem 10.2. t
Our aim in this section is to prove that if a number of Fourier modes of two different
solutions of the Navier–Stokes equations have the same asymptotic behavior as
t ! 1 then, under the condition that the corresponding external forces have the
same asymptotic behavior as t ! 1, the remaining infinite number of modes also
have the same asymptotic behavior. This means that both solutions have the same
time asymptotics.
We shall consider first two-dimensional flows with homogeneous Dirichlet
boundary conditions, in an open, bounded, and connected domain ˝ of class C2 .
To be more precise, let
C u C .u r/u C rp D f ; div u D 0;
C v C .v r/v C rq D g; div v D 0;
and let
u.x; t/ D uO k .t/!k .x/; Pm u.x; t/ D uO k .t/!k .x/;
kD1 kD1
v.x; t/ D vO k .t/!k .x/; Pm v.x; t/ D vO k .t/!k .x/;
kD1 kD1
Definition 11.1. Let (11.1) hold. Then the first m modes associated with Pm are
called the determining modes if the condition
jPm u.x; t/ Pm v.x; t/j2 dx ! 0 as t!1
ju.x; t/ v.x; t/j2 dx ! 0 as t ! 1: (11.2)
Remark 11.1. Relation (11.2) implies further a similar convergence in the norm
of V.
Z 1=2
lim sup jf .x; t/j2 dx D F:
t!1 ˝
We shall give the explicit estimate of the number m of determining modes in terms
of the Grashof number G, which is a nondimensional parameter, defined here as
GD for the space dimension n D 2:
1 2
Theorem 11.1. Suppose that m 2 N is such that m cG2 where G is the Grashof
number, G D 1F 2 , and c is a constant depending only on the shape of ˝. Then the
first m modes are determining (in the sense defined above) for the two-dimensional
Navier–Stokes system with non-slip boundary conditions.
Proof. The proof is based on the generalized Gronwall lemma (Lemma 3.23),
cf. [99]. We shall apply the lemma to .t/ D jQm w.t/j2 , where w.t/ D u.t/ v.t/ is
the difference of the two solutions and Qm D I Pm , showing that if m is sufficiently
large and jPm w.t/j ! 0 together with jf .t/ g.t/j ! 0 as t ! 1 then (3.36) holds.
We have the following equation for the difference of solutions,
C Aw C B.w; u/ C B.v; w/ D f .t/ g.t/:
Taking the inner product with Qm w in H we obtain
jQm wj2 C kQm wk2 C b.w; u; Qm w/ C b.v; w; Qm w/
2 dt
D .f .t/ g.t/; Qm w/: (11.3)
We estimate the first term on the right-hand side using the Ladyzhenskaya inequal-
ity (3.8) to get
The second term on the right-hand side of (11.4) is estimated similarly to the first
term, obtaining
1d c2
jQm wj2 C kQm wk2 1 kuk2 jQm wj2
2 dt 2 2
c1 jPm wj1=2 kPm wk1=2 juj1=2 kuk1=2 kQm wk (11.5)
1=2 1=2 1=2 1=2
Cc1 jvj kvk jPm wj kPm wk kQm wk C jf .t/ g.t/jjQm wj:
We use
C ˛.t/.t/ ˇ.t/;
˛.t/ D mC1 ku.t/k2 ;
2c21 F 2
m :
3 1
2c21 F 2
mC1 > ; (11.8)
4 1
C Aw C B.w; u/ C B.v; w/ D f .t/ g.t/;
256 11 Non-autonomous Navier–Stokes Equations and Pullback Attractors
take the inner product with AQm w in H (we know that u.t/ 2 D.A/ for t > 0) to
kQm wk2 C kQm Awk2 C b.w; u; AQm w/ C b.v; w; AQm w/
2 dt
D .f .t/ g.t/; AQm w/;
and then proceed as above using further properties (as these in Exercises 11.3
and 11.4) of solutions of two-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations with space-
periodic boundary conditions. t
Exercise 11.3. Prove that for u; v 2 D.A/
C u C .u r/u C rp D f ; div u D 0;
C v C .v r/v C rq D g; div v D 0;
11.2 Determining Nodes 257
with the same homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions; p; q and f ; g are the
corresponding pressures and external forces, respectively.
We assume that the forcing terms f and g, f ; g 2 L1 .0; 1I H/, have the same
asymptotic behavior as time goes to infinity,
jf .x; t/ g.x; t/j2 dx ! 0 as t ! 1:
To prove the existence of a finite number of determining nodes we shall use the
generalized Gronwall lemma (cf. Lemma 3.23) as well as inequality (11.10) of the
following lemma.
Lemma 11.1. Let the domain ˝ be covered by N identical squares. Consider the
set E D fx1 ; : : : ; xN g of points in ˝, distributed one in each square. Then for each
vector field w in D.A/ the following inequalities hold,
c c
jwj2 .w/2 C 2 2 jAwj2 ;
1 1 N
kwk2 cN.w/2 C jAwj2 ;
1 N
kwk2L1 .˝/ cN.w/2 C jAwj2 ; (11.10)
1 N
and let
N C D C.F; ; ˝/;
then E is a set of determining nodes in the sense defined above for the two-
dimensional Navier–Stokes equations with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary
Proof. Let w D u v. We know that .w.t// ! 1 as t ! 1. We have to show
that jw.t/j ! 0 as well. Actually, we will show that
kw.t/k ! 0 as t ! 1:
C Aw.t/ C B.w.t/; u.t// C B.v.t/; w.t// D f .t/ g.t/:
kw.t/k2 C jAw.t/j2 C b.w.t/; u.t/; Aw.t// C b.v.t/; w.t/; Aw.t//
2 dt
D .f .t/ g.t/; Aw.t//: (11.11)
Exercise 11.5. Prove the above two inequalities by using the following Agmon
j.f g; Aw/j jAuj2 C jf gj2 :
6 2
Thus, (11.11) yields
d c c 3
kwk2 C jAwj2 3 kuk4 jwj2 C jvjjAvjkwk2 C jf gj2 : (11.13)
From (11.10) we have
Using the Poincaré inequality in the first term on the right-hand side of (11.13) we
get, in the end,
d c c
kwk C c 1 N 3 kuk jvjjAvj kwk2
2 1 4
dt 1
jf gj2 C 1 N 2 .w/2 :
This inequality can be written in the form
C ˛ ˇ where D kw.t/k2 : (11.14)
We see that
ˇ.t/ ! 0 as t ! 1;
and hence
1 tCT
lim ˇ C . /d D 0: (11.15)
t!1 T t
As the functions
we deduce that
1 tCT
lim inf ˛./d c1 1 N C.f ; g; ; ˝/:
t!1 T t
1 tCT
lim sup ˛ . /d < 1: (11.19)
t!1 T t
In view of (11.14) together with (11.15), (11.18), and (11.19) we deduce that
.t/ D kw.t/k ! 0 as t ! 1:
kv.t/k2 C jAv.t/j2 C b.v.t/; v.t/; Av.t// D .g.t/; Av.t//;
2 dt
knowing that the functions in (11.16) are bounded.
t !; D.
t !// B.!/ for all b
t t0 .!; D/:
.t; !; A.!// D A.
t !/ for any .t; !/ 2 RC ˝:
Remark 11.2. Observe that Definition 11.5 does not guarantee the uniqueness of a
pullback D-attractor (see [36] for a discussion on this point). In order to ensure the
262 11 Non-autonomous Navier–Stokes Equations and Pullback Attractors
uniqueness one needs to impose additional conditions as, for instance, the condition
that the attractor belongs to the same attraction universe D, or some kind of
minimality. However, we do not include this stronger assumptions in the definition
since, as we will show in Theorem 11.4, under very general hypotheses, it is possible
to ensure the existence of a global pullback D-attractor which is minimal in an
appropriate sense.
b 2 S and ! 2 ˝; we define the !-limit set of D
Definition 11.6. For each D b at
! as
\ [
.D; !/ D .t;
t !; D.
t !// :
s0 ts
lim d..tn ;
tn !; xn /; y/ D 0:
tn !C1
Our first aim is to prove the following result on the existence of global pullback
Theorem 11.4. Suppose the
-cocycle is continuous and pullback D-
b 2 D which is pullback D-absorbing.
asymptotically compact, and there exists B
Then, the parameterized set A defined by
b !/
A.!/ D .B; for ! 2 ˝;
b 2 S is a
is a global pullback D-attractor which is minimal in the sense that if C
parameterized set such that C.!/ is closed and
b !/ .B;
.D; b !/ for all b2 D
D and ! 2 ˝:
b 2 D, then
If in addition B
b !/ .B;
.D; b !/ B.!/ b2 D
for all D and ! 2 ˝:
11.3 Pullback Attractors for Asymptotically Compact Non-autonomous. . . 263
b 2 D, ! 2 ˝; and y 2 .D;
Proof. Let us fix D b !/. There exist a sequence tn !
C1 and a sequence xn 2 D.
tn !/ such that
.tn ;
tn !; xn / ! y: (11.20)
.tnk k;
.tnk k/ .
k !/; D.
.tnk k/ .
k !/// B.
k !/: (11.21)
In particular, as xnk 2 D.
tnk !/ D D.
.tnk k/ .
k !//; we obtain from (11.21)
yk D .tnk k;
tnk !; xnk / 2 B.
k !/:
But then
.tnk ;
tnk !; xnk / D ..tnk k/ C k;
tnk !; xnk /
D .k;
k !; .tnk k;
tnk !; xnk //
D .k;
k !; yk /;
k !; yk / ! y with yk 2 B.
k !/:
b 2 D and
Proposition 11.2. If is pullback D-asymptotically compact, then for D
b !/ is nonempty, compact, and
! 2 ˝; the set .D;
b !// D 0:
lim distX ..t;
t !; D.
t !//; .D; (11.22)
d..tn ;
tn !; xn /; yn / : (11.23)
d..tn ;
tn !; xn /; y/ " for all b !/:
y 2 .D; (11.24)
b !// D .D;
.t; !; .D; b
t !/:
b !// .D;
.t; !; .D; b
t !/:
.tn ;
tn !; xn / ! y:
11.3 Pullback Attractors for Asymptotically Compact Non-autonomous. . . 265
.t; !; .tn ;
tn !; xn // D .t C tn ;
.tCtn / .
t !/; xn /;
.t C tn ;
.tCtn / .
t !/; xn / ! .t; !; y/:
.tn ;
tn .
t !/; xn / ! y: (11.25)
If tn t; we have
.tn ;
tn .
t !/; xn / D .t C .tn t/;
.tn t/ !; xn /
D .t; !; .tn t;
.tn t/ !; xn //: (11.26)
b !/;
.t t;
.t t/ !; x / ! z 2 .D;
b !//: u
y D .t; !; z/ 2 .t; !; .D; t
and, as is continuous and b !/ is compact,
[ [
.t; !; b !// D .t; !;
.D; b !//:
D2D b
y D lim .tn ;
tn !; xn /;
The non-autonomous set A, termed the global pullback D-attractor for the
process U, is minimal in the sense that if C D fC.t/gt2R with C.t/ 2 P.X/ is a
non-autonomous set such that C.t/ is closed and
Remark 11.6. The comments contained in Remark 11.4 also hold true for evolu-
tionary processes.
Let ˝ R2 be an open set, not necessarily bounded, with the boundary @˝, and
suppose that ˝ satisfies the Poincaré inequality, i.e., there exists a constant 1 > 0
such that
1 2 dx jrj2 dx for all 2 H01 .˝/: (11.28)
˝ ˝
To set our problem in the abstract framework, we consider the following usual
abstract space
n 2 o
VQ D u 2 C01 .˝/ W div u D 0 :
We define H as the closure of VQ in .L2 .˝//2 with the norm jj ; and the inner product
.; / where for u; v 2 .L2 .˝//2 we set
2 Z
.u; v/ D uj .x/vj .x/ dx:
jD1 ˝
Moreover we define V as the closure of VQ in .H01 .˝//2 with the norm k k; and the
associated scalar product ..; //; where for u; v 2 .H01 .˝//2 we have
X 2 Z
@uj @vj
..u; v// D dx:
i;jD1 ˝
@xi @xi
2 Z
X @vj
b.u; v; w/ D ui wj dx for u; v; w 2 V:
i;jD1 ˝
Define B W V V ! V 0 by
and denote
Assume now that u0 2 H, f 2 Lloc .RI V 0 /. For each 2 R we consider the problem
ˆ u 2 L2 .; TI V/ \ L1 .; TI H/ for all T > ;
< d
.u.t/; v/ C ..u.t/; v// C hB.u.t//; vi D hf .t/; vi for all v2V
ˆ in the sense of scalar distributions on .; C1/;
u. / D u0 :
270 11 Non-autonomous Navier–Stokes Equations and Pullback Attractors
It follows from the results of Chap. 7, cf. Theorem 7.2 and Remark 7.3, that prob-
lem (11.29) has a unique solution, u.I ; u0 /, that moreover belongs to C.Œ; TI H/
for all T .
U.t; /u0 D U.t; r/U.r; /u0 for all rt and u0 2 H: (11.31)
One can prove (cf. Chap. 7) that for all t; the mapping U.; t/ W H ! H defined
by (11.30) is continuous. Consequently, the family fU.t; /g t defined by (11.30)
is a process U in H.
Moreover, it can be proved that U is weakly continuous, and more exactly the
following result holds true. Its proof is identical to the proof of Lemma 8:1 in [164],
and so we omit it.
Proposition 11.4. Let fu0n g H be a sequence converging weakly in H to an
element u0 2 H: Then
U.; /u0n ! U.; /u0 weakly in L2 .; TI V/ for all < T: (11.33)
D 1 : (11.34)
and denote by D the class of all non-autonomous sets D D fD.t/gt2R such that
D.t/ 2 P.H/ for t 2 R, for which there exists rD 2 R such that D.t/
B.0; rD .t//; where B.0; rD .t// denotes the closed ball in H centered at zero with
radius rD .t/:
Now, we can prove the following result.
Theorem 11.6. Suppose that f 2 Lloc .RI V 0 / is such that
Z t
e kf ./k2V 0 d < C1 for all t 2 R: (11.36)
11.4 Application to Two-Dimensional Navier–Stokes Equations. . . 271
Then, there exists a unique global pullback D -attractor for the process U defined
by (11.30).
Proof. Let 2 R and u0 2 H be fixed, and denote
d t
e ju.t/j2 C 2et ku.t/k2 D et ju.t/j2 C 2et hf .t/; u.t/i
in C01 .; C1/ ; and consequently, by (11.28),
t 2 1 2
e ju.t/j e ju0 j C e kf ./k2V 0 d for all t: (11.37)
jw0 j lim
inf jU.t; n0 /u0n0 j: (11.43)
n !1
and this, together with the weak convergence, will imply the strong convergence
in H of U.t; n0 /u0n0 to w0 .
In order to prove (11.44), we consider the Hilbert norm in V given by
Œu2 D kuk2 juj ;
As, by (11.40),
we have
lim sup ek jU.t k; n0 /u0n0 j2 ek R2 .t k/ for all k 0: (11.47)
n0 !1
On the other hand, as U.t k; n0 /u0n0 ! wk weakly in H, from Proposition 11.4
we have
lim sup jU.t; n0 /u0n0 j2 ek R2 .t k/ C jw0 j2 jwk j2 ek
n0 !1
The presentation in Sects. 11.1 and 11.2 follows [99]. Estimates on the number of
determining modes and determining nodes can be found in [122]. We note here that
another possibility of finite dimensional reduction of infinite dimensional dynamical
systems is through the study of inertial manifolds [77] or of invariant manifolds
[54]. For Navier–Stokes equations the approach by inertial manifolds leads to the so-
called approximate inertial manifolds studied in [224], existence of inertial manifold
for two-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations is still unresolved [103].
The results of Sects. 11.3 and 11.4 come from [45], where the notion of an
asymptotically compact dynamical system as in Definition 11.2 was introduced.
The notion of pullback attractor is a direct generalization of that of global
attractor to the non-autonomous case.
The first attempts to extend the notion of global attractor to the non-autonomous
case led to the concept of the so-called uniform attractor (see [62]). The conditions
ensuring the existence of the uniform attractor parallel those for autonomous sys-
tems. In this theory non-autonomous systems are lifted in [225] to autonomous
ones by expanding the phase space. Then, the existence of uniform attractors
relies on some compactness property of the solution operator associated to the
resulting system. One disadvantage of uniform attractors is that they do not need
to be invariant unlike the global attractor for autonomous systems. Moreover, they
demand rather strong conditions on the time-dependent data.
11.5 Comments and Bibliographical Notes 275
At the same time, the theory of pullback (or cocycle) attractors has been
developed for both the non-autonomous and random dynamical systems (see
[80, 137, 152, 206, 232]), and has shown to be very useful in the understanding
of the dynamics of non-autonomous dynamical systems. In this case, the concept
of pullback (or cocycle or non-autonomous) attractor provides a time-dependent
family of compact sets which attracts families of sets in a certain universe (e.g.,
the bounded sets in the phase space) and satisfying an invariance property, what
seems to be a natural set of conditions to be satisfied for an appropriate extension
of the autonomous concept of attractor. Moreover, this cocycle formulation allows
to handle more general time-dependent terms in the models—not only the periodic,
quasi-periodic, or almost periodic ones (see, for instance, [38], and [43] for non-
autonomous models containing hereditary characteristics). Note that, however, the
notion of pullback attractor has its limitations, namely it does not always capture
the asymptotic behavior of the non-autonomous system as time advances to C1,
see [140]. To counteract this limitation the synthesis of the approach by pullback
attractors with the one by uniform attractors has been presented in [19, 53, 136]
In order to prove the existence of the attractor (in both the autonomous and
non-autonomous cases) the simplest, and therefore the strongest, assumption is
the compactness of the solution operator associated with the system, which is
usually available for parabolic systems in bounded domains. However, this kind of
compactness does not hold in general for parabolic equations in unbounded domains
and second order in time equations on either bounded or unbounded domains.
Instead we often have some kind of asymptotic compactness. In this situation, there
are several approaches to prove the existence of the global (or non-autonomous)
attractor. Roughly speaking, the first one ensures the existence of the global (resp.
non-autonomous) attractor whenever a compact attracting set (resp. a family of
compact attracting sets) exists. The second method consists in decomposing the
solution operator (resp. the cocycle or two-parameter semigroup) into two parts: a
compact part and another one which decays to zero as time goes to infinity. However,
as it is not always easy to find such decomposition, one can use a third approach
which is based on the use of the energy equations which are in direct connection
with the concept of asymptotic compactness. This third method has been used in
[164] (and also [181]) to extend to the non-autonomous situation the corresponding
one in the autonomous framework (see [201] and also [11]), but related to uniform
asymptotic compactness. The method used in this chapter is a generalization of the
latter to the theory of pullback attractors.
More information on non-autonomous infinite dimensional dynamical systems
can be found in monographs [53, 136] and the review article [10], cf. also [208]. For
the random case, see, e.g., [30, 31, 39, 95, 135, 153]. Two-dimensional problems
with delay have been studied in [37, 170].
Pullback Attractors and Statistical Solutions
Definition 12.3. A non-autonomous set A D fA.t/gt2R with A.t/ 2 P.X/ for all
t 2 R is said to be a pullback D-attractor for the process U.; / if
(i) A.t/ is compact for all t 2 R,
(ii) A is pullback D-attracting, i.e.,
lim distX .U.t; /D. /; A.t// D 0 for all D2D and all t 2 R;
(iii) A is invariant, i.e., U.t; /A. / D A.t/ for 1 < t < C1.
We consider the initial and boundary value problem for the Navier–Stokes equations
studied already in Chap. 11. Namely, let ˝ R2 be an open, bounded or
unbounded, domain with smooth boundary @˝ such that there exists a constant
1 > 0 for which
1 dx jrj2 dx for all 2 H01 .˝/:
˝ ˝
The space H is defined as the closure of VQ in .L2 .˝//2 with the norm jj, and the
associated scalar product .; / given by
2 Z
.u; v/ D uj .x/vj .x/ dx for u; v 2 .L2 .˝//2 :
jD1 ˝
12.1 Pullback Attractors and Two-Dimensional Navier–Stokes Equations 279
The space V is defined as the closure of VQ in .H01 .˝//2 with the norm kk ; and the
associated scalar product ..; //; given by
X 2 Z
@uj @vj
.ru; rv/ D ..u; v// D dx for u; v 2 .H01 .˝//2 :
i;jD1 ˝
@xi @xi
and denote by D the class of all non-autonomous sets D D fD.t/gt2R with D.t/ 2
P.H/ for all t 2 R such that D.t/ B.0; rD .t//; for some rD 2 R ; where
B.0; rD .t// denotes the closed ball in H centered at zero with radius rD .t/. Then we
have (see Chap. 11).
Theorem 12.1. Suppose that f 2 Lloc .RI V 0 / is such that
Z t
e kf ./k2V 0 d < C1 for all t 2 R: (12.3)
If u. / 2 D. / B.0; rD . //, rD 2 R , then the first term on the right-hand side
converges to zero as ! 1, and
2 t
ju.t/j et
e kf ./k2V 0 d R.t/ for all 0 .t; D/: (12.4)
Thus U.t; /D. / B.t/, where B.t/ is the ball B.0; R.t// in H. By (12.3), the non-
autonomous set B D fB.t/gt2R belongs to D and is D -absorbing for the process
U.t; /. The uniqueness follows immediately from the fact that A 2 D and from
the attracting property.
Let us assume that the forcing f is time-independent, with f 2 V 0 . Then, from
Theorem 12.1 there follows the existence of the global attractor A H for the
semigroup fS.t/gt0 given by S.t/ D U. C t; /, associated with the related
autonomous Navier–Stokes problem (cf. Chap. 7).
Theorem 12.2. There exists a unique global attractor for the semigroup fS.t/gt0
in H associated with the autonomous Navier–Stokes problem, i.e., problem (12.1)
with f 2 V 0 .
Actually, the family B.H/ of all bounded sets in H constitutes, for this case, the
attraction universe of non-autonomous (and, in this case, constant in time) sets
D from Definition 12.2. From (12.4) we conclude that the ball B.0; R/ in H with
R D 2=. /kf kV 0 absorbs all bounded sets in H, i.e., S.t/B B.0; R/ for any
bounded set B 2 B.H/ and all t t0 .B/. The semigroup fS.t/gt0 is B.H/-
asymptotically compact, that is, for any sequence tn ! 1 and any sequence xn
bounded in H the set fS.tn /xn gn2N is relatively compact in H. Moreover, A D
!.B.0; R//—the !-limit set of the ball B.0; R/.
12.2 Construction of the Family of Probability Measures 281
Our main result of this section (Theorem 12.3) concerns the construction of a
family f t gt2R of time averaged probability measures in the phase space H and
their relation to the pullback attractor fA.t/gt2R . Then (Lemma 12.3) we show how
any two measures of the family are related to each other.
In Sects. 12.2–12.4 we work with somewhat stronger assumptions on the domain
of the flow ˝ and on the forcing f . Namely, we assume that ˝ is an open bounded
set in R2 of class C2 and that f 2 Lloc .RI H/, with
Z t
e jf ./j2 d < 1 (12.5)
for all t 2 R.
Lemma 12.1. Let ˝ be an open bounded set in R2 of class C2 , f 2 Lloc .RI H/
satisfy (12.5), and let fU.t; /g t be the evolutionary process associated with
problem (12.1). Then, for every t 2 R there exists a compact set B.t/ absorbing
for fU.t; /g t .
Proof. The proof is based on the uniform Gronwall lemma (see Chap. 3) applied to
the second energy inequality (see Chap. 7 and also Chap. III, Sect. 2 in [220])
d 2 c
kuk2 C kuk2 jf j2 C 3 juj2 kuk4 :
As usual, we use the first energy inequality (see Chap. 7)
d 2 1
juj C kuk2 jf j2 (12.6)
and its consequence
et t
ju.t/j2 e.t / ju. /j2 C e jf ./j2 d; (12.7)
together with (12.5) to obtain a bound on the norm ku.t/k. However, the bound on
the forcing (12.5) is not uniform in t 2 R, and this implies that our estimates are
local in time. More precisely, we shall prove that for any u. / 2 D. / for D. /
in any non-autonomous set D D fD.t/gt2R 2 D, any fixed t 2 R, and T, r, with
0 < r < T, there exists M.t; T; r/ such that
First, from (12.7) and (12.5) it follows that for all 2 .t T; t/,
eT t
jU.; /u. /j2 2 e jf ./j2 d M1 .t; T/ for all 0 .t; T; D/:
Since f 2 Lloc .RI H/, we have for all s 2 .t T; t r/ and some M2 .t; T; r/ < 1,
1 sCr
jf ./j2 d M2 .t; T; r/: (12.10)
Now, from (12.6) together with (12.9) and (12.10) we have for all s 2 .t T; t r/
and some M3 .t; T; r/ < 1,
Z sCr
ku./k2 d M3 .t; T; r/: (12.11)
In the end, from (12.9) and (12.11) we obtain for all s 2 .t T; t r/ and some
M4 .t; T; r/ < 1,
Z sCr
ju./j2 ku./k2 d M4 .t; T; r/:
3 s
The last three estimates and the uniform Gronwall lemma give (12.8). t
Below we recall the notion of a Banach generalized limit introduced in Chap. 8.
Since the existence of a generalized limit follows from the Hahn–Banach theorem
which does not guarantee uniqueness, in the sequel we assume implicitly that we
work with any given generalized limit.
Definition 12.4. By a Banach generalized limit we name any linear functional,
denoted LIMT!1 , defined on the space of all bounded real-valued functions on
Œ0; 1/ and satisfying
(i) LIMT!1 g.T/ 0 for nonnegative functions g.
(ii) LIMT!1 g.T/ D limT!1 g.T/ if the usual limit limT!1 g.T/ exists.
Theorem 12.3. Let ˝ be an open bounded set in R2 of class C2 and f 2
Lloc .RI H/ satisfy (12.5). Let fU.t; /gt be the evolutionary process associated
with the Navier–Stokes system (12.1) and fA.t/gt2R be the pullback attractor from
Theorem 12.1. Let u0 be an arbitrary element of the phase space H. Then there exists
a family of Borel probability measures f t gt2R in the phase space H such that the
support of measure t is contained in A.t/ and
1 t
LIM !1 '.U.t; s/u0 /ds D '.u/d t .u/ (12.12)
t A.t/
We have thus,
From the continuity of the function r ! U.; r/u0 with values in H it follows
that if jr sj < ı is small enough then the right-hand side of the above inequality
is as small as needed. Since ' 2 C.H/ we conclude that the function in (12.13) is
As to its boundedness we know that there exists a compact absorbing set B1 .t/
for fU.t; /g, in particular, there exists 0 such that for s 0 , U.t; s/u0 2 B1 .t/.
Hence, the function s ! '.U.t; s/u0 / is bounded on .1; 0 . It is also bounded
on the compact interval Œ0 ; t. t
We continue the proof of the theorem. Since the function in (12.13) is continuous
and bounded, the left-hand side of (12.12) is well defined.
We have
Z t Z 0
1 1
LIM !1 '.U.t; s/u0 /ds D LIM !1 '.U.t; s/u0 /ds:
t t
From this equality it follows that the left-hand side of (12.12) depends only on the
values of ' on the compact set B1 .t/. By the Tietze extension theorem, the left-
hand side of (12.12) defines a linear positive functional on C.B1 .t// and from the
Kakutani–Riesz representation theorem it follows that there exists a measure 1t on
B1 .t/ defined on some -algebra M in B1 .t/ which contains all Borel sets in B1 .t/
and such that
Z t Z
LIM !1 '.U.t; s/u0 /ds D '.u/d 1t .u/:
t B1 .t/
We can extend this measure easily to all Borel sets in H without enlarging its
284 12 Pullback Attractors and Statistical Solutions
We shall show that the support of the measure 1t is contained in A.t/. Let Bn .t/,
n D 1; 2; : : :, be a sequence of compact absorbing sets such that Bn .t/
BnC1 .t/ and
\1nD1 Bn .t/ D A.t/. From the above construction, for every n there exists a measure
nt of support contained in Bn .t/ and such that
1 t
LIM !1 '.U.t; s/u0 /ds D '.u/d nt .u/
t Bn .t/
holds. As the left-hand side of this equation is independent of n, it follows that for
' 2 C.H/,
'.u/d 1t .u/ D '.u/d nt .u/: (12.14)
B1 .t/ Bn .t/
By the Tietze extension theorem, every 2 C.Bn .t// is of the form 'jBn .t/ for some
' 2 C.B1 .t//. For any 2 C0 .B1 .t/ n Bn .t// both ' and ' C are continuous
extensions of . It then follows that
.u/d 1t .u/ D 0:
B1 .t/nBn .t/
For any compact K in B1 .t/ n Bn .t/ there exist 2 C0 .B1 .t/ n Bn .t// such that
K on B1 .t/ n Bn .t/ where K is the characteristic function of the set K. We
0D .u/d t .u/ K .u/d 1t .u/ D 1t .K/ 0;
B1 .t/nBn .t/ B1 .t/nBn .t/
whence 1t .K/ D 0 for every compact set K in B1 .t/ n Bn .t/. From the regularity of
1t it follows that 1t .B1 .t/ n Bn .t// D 0. Therefore, the support of 1t is contained
in Bn .t/. From (12.14) and the Tietze extension theorem we conclude that
'.u/d 1t .u/ D '.u/d nt .u/
Bn .t/ Bn .t/
for all continuous functions ' on Bn .t/. By the regularity of measures 1t and nt , the
above equation holds for all 1t - and nt -integrable functions. Thus 1t D nt on Bn .t/
and on the whole phase space H. In the end, the support of 1t is contained in every
set Bn .t/ with n 1 which implies that it is contained in \1 nD1 Bn .t/ D A.t/. The
resulting measure with support in A.t/ is denoted by t . Setting ' D 1 in (12.12) we
obtain t .A.t// D 1, and so t is a probability measure. The proof of the theorem
is complete. t
12.3 Liouville and Energy Equations 285
'.u/d t .u/ D '.U.t; /u/d .u/:
˚ 0 .u/ D @j ..u; g1 /; : : :; .u; gk //gj ; (12.16)
C Au C B.u/ D f .t/ and u.t/jtDs D u0 where s 2 R:
Since u 2 L2 .; tI D.A// for s < < t, it is not difficult to check that the function
t ! .f .t/ Au.t/ B.u.t//; ˚ 0 .u.t/// is integrable on .; t/. From the Navier–
Stokes equation it follows that ut 2 L1 .; t; H/. Thus for ˚ 2 T we have
˚.u.t// D .ut .t/; ˚ 0 .u.t///
D .f .t/ Au B.u/; ˚ 0 .u.t/// D .F.u.t/; t/; ˚ 0 .u.t///
For an arbitrary s < , let u0 2 H and u./ D U.; s/u0 for s. Then, for the
above solution we have
Z t
˚.U.t; s/u0 / ˚.U.; s/u0 / D .F.U.; s/u0 ; /; ˚ 0 .U.; s/u0 //d:
12.3 Liouville and Energy Equations 287
Now, in view of (12.15), (cf. also Chap. II in [228]) the left-hand side equals
LIMM!1 ˚.U.t; /U.; s/u0 /ds ˚.U.; /U.; s/u0 /ds
D ˚.U.t; /u/d .u/ ˚.U.; /u/d .u/
D ˚.u/d t .u/ ˚.u/d .u/:
Z Z t
LIMM!1 .F.U.; s/u0 ; /; ˚ 0 .U.; s/u0 //dds
Z tZ
D .F.u; /; ˚ 0 .u//d .u/ d:
for < , the Fubini theorem, and the linearity of the LIMM!1 operator.
In the end, since for every t in R the support of the measure t is contained in
A.t/, we arrive at (12.17). t
Theorem 12.5. The family of measures f t gt2R satisfies the following energy
Z Z tZ
juj2 d t .u/ C 2 kuk2 d s ds
A.t/ A.s/
Z tZ Z
D2 .f .s/; u/d s .u/ds C juj2 d .u/ (12.19)
A.s/ A. /
for all t; 2 R, t .
Proof. The functionals u ! ˚.u/ D juj2 and u ! kuk2 are bounded (even
continuous in the topology of H) on every A.t/, t 2 R. Moreover, ˚ 0 .u/ D 2u.
From (12.17) with this ˚ and F.u; s/ D f .s/ Au B.u/ we obtain (12.19) by an
approximation argument. Let the functionals ˚m 2 T , m D 1; 2; 3; : : :, be such that
˚m .u/ D jPm uj2 on some ball B.0; R/ in H containing all A./ for t. Here,
Pm is the usual Galerkin projection operator in H onto the space spanned by the
first m eigenmodes of the Stokes operator. The identity (12.19) thus holds for Pm u
in the place of u. Letting m ! 1 and using the Lebesgue dominated convergence
theorem we obtain (12.19). t
A simple corollary from the above considerations is, that assuming any measure
of the family f t gt2R to be the initial distribution, the family f t gt forms a
statistical solutions of the two-dimensional Navier–Stokes system (Theorem 12.6,
cf. Chap. 5 in [99]) for this particular initial data. This solution is unique and it
reduces to the stationary time-average statistical solution in the case the forcing
12.4 Time-Dependent and Stationary Statistical Solutions 289
does not depend on time. The support of this stationary solution is contained in the
corresponding global attractor (Theorem 12.7, cf. Chap. 8 and also Chap. 4 in [99]).
Theorem 12.6. Let fU.t; /gt be the evolutionary process associated with the
Navier–Stokes system (12.1) and let u0 be an arbitrary element of the phase space
H. Denote by Q 0 the time-average initial measure given by the relation
Z 0 Z
LIM !1 '.U.0; s/u0 /ds D '.u/d Q 0 .u/
0 H
for all functionals ' 2 C.H/. Then the support of Q 0 is contained in the pullback
attractor’s section A.0/ and the kinetic energy of Q 0 is finite
juj2 d Q 0 .u/ < C1:
for all Borel sets in H, is the unique statistical solution of the two-dimensional
Navier–Stokes system (12.1) with initial distribution Q 0 , namely, it satisfies the
following conditions:
(S1) the Liouville equation
Z Z Z tZ
˚.u/d t .u/ D ˚.u/d Q 0 .u/ C .F.u; s/; ˚ 0 .u//d s .u/ds;
A.t/ A.0/ 0 A.s/
holds for all t 0, F.u; s/ D f .s/ Au B.u/, and the family of moments
˚ 2T,
(S2) the energy equation
Z Z tZ
juj d t .u/ C 2 kuk2 d s .u/ds
A.t/ 0 A.s/
Z Z tZ
D juj d Q 0 .u/ C 2 .f .s/; u/d s .u/ds
A.0/ 0 A.s/
is in Lloc .RC /.
If the system (12.1) is autonomous, that is, the forcing f does not depend on time
then Theorem 12.6 reduces to the following one.
Theorem 12.7. Let fS.t/gt0 be the semigroup associated with the autonomous
Navier–Stokes system
C Au C B.u/ D f 2 H with u.t/jtD0 D u0 ;
and let u0 be an arbitrary element of the phase space H. Then the time-average
measure given by the relation
Z 0 Z
1 1
LIM !1 '.S.0 s/u0 /ds D LIM !C1 '.S.s/u0 /ds
0 0
D '.u/d .u/
for all functionals ' 2 C.H/ has support contained in the global attractor A .
Moreover, it is a stationary statistical solution of the considered Navier–Stokes
system, namely, the following conditions hold:
kuk2 d .u/ < 1;
.F.u; s/; ˚ 0 .u//d .u/ D 0;
kuk .f ; u/ d 0
E1 juj2 <E2
In this section we do not assume that the domain of the flow is bounded. In
consequence, we do not assume the existence of compact absorbing sets for the
process U.t; /, the assumption we needed in Sect. 12.2 to construct a family of
invariant measures. Moreover, we show that we can obtain time-average invariant
measures for U.t; / using as an initial condition any continuous mapping that is
contained in the domain of attraction of the pullback attractor. Thus we obtain a
twofold generalization of Theorem 12.3.
We need the following notion of continuity of the process U.t; /.
Definition 12.6. A process U.; / is said to be -continuous if for every u0 in X and
every t 2 R, the X-valued function
Remark 12.1. Theorem 12.8 holds for any pullback attractor A D fA.t/gt2R .
Assume that there exists a minimal pullback attractor Am D fAm .t/gt2R for the
292 12 Pullback Attractors and Statistical Solutions
process U.; /. Then the support of measure t from Theorem 12.8 is contained in
Am .t/ and in formulas (12.21), (12.22) one can replace A.t/ by Am .t/.
In the proof of the theorem we will use the following lemma, cf. [197]:
Lemma 12.4. Let .X; / be a metric space, f W X ! R a continuous mapping, and
let K X be compact. Then for every > 0 there exists a ı D ıf ./ > 0 such that
if u 2 X, v 2 K, and .u; v/ ı then jf .u/ f .v/j .
Proof (of Theorem 12.8). Fix u./ 2 D and ' 2 C.X/. In view of the existence
of the pullback attractor,R the -continuity of the process U.t; / and Lemma 12.4,
1 t
the function 7! t '.U.t; s/u.s// ds is bounded on the interval .1; t. It
is continuous by an application of the dominated convergence theorem and the
Lebesgue differential theorem.
It suffices to prove that the function s 7! '.U.t; s/u.s// is bounded on .1; t:
it is continuous, since U.; / is -continuous and u./ is continuous, and so it is
bounded on every compact interval Œt0 ; t. We now show that it is bounded on .1; t0
for t0 sufficiently large and negative.
If this is not the case then there is a sequence fsn g with sn ! 1 such that
However, from the existence of the pullback D-attractor it follows that the process
U.; / is pullback D-asymptotically compact, so there exists a subsequence of fsn g
(which we relabel) such that U.t; sk /u.sk / ! ! for some ! 2 X (since u./ 2 D).
From the continuity of ', we have '.U.t; sk /u.sk // ! '.!/, contradicting (12.23).
We now define
Z t
L.'/ D LIM !1 '.U.t; s/u.s// ds; (12.24)
and claim that L.'/ depends only on the values of ' on A.t/. Indeed, take functions
'; 2 C.X/ with ' D on A.t/, and given > 0 use Lemma 12.4 to find a ı such
.U.t; s/u.s/; vs / ı;
12.5 The Case of an Unbounded Domain 293
and so
.0 /
lim sup
!1 t
.t 0 /
C lim sup sup fj'.U.t; s/u.s//j C j .U.t; s/u.s//jg :
!1 t s2Œ0 ;t
Since > 0 was arbitrary we conclude that L.'/ depends only on the values of '
on A.t/.
Define G.'/ D L.l.'// for ' 2 C.A.t//, where l.'/ is an extension of ' given
by the Tietze theorem. As G is a linear and positive functional on C.A.t//, we have,
by the Kakutani–Riesz representation theorem,
G.'/ D '.v/ d t .v/:
D LIMM!1 '.U.t; /U.; s/u.s// ds
D LIMM!1 Œ' ı U.t; /fU.; s/u.s/g ds
D Œ' ı U.t; /.v/ d .v/ D '.U.t; /v/ d .v/;
Suppose that f 2 Lloc .RI V 0 / is such that
Z t
" kf ./k2V 0 d < C1 for all t 2 R:
Let fU.t; /gt be the evolutionary process associated with the Navier–Stokes
system (12.1). Fix a generalized Banach limit LIMT!1 and let u W R ! X be a
continuous map such that u./ 2 D . Then there exists a unique family of Borel
probability measures f t gt2R in the phase space H such that the support of measure
t is contained in A.t/ and
1 t
LIM !1 '.U.t; s/u.s//ds D '.u/d t .u/
t A.t/
Theorem 12.1 was proved in [45]. Theorem 12.2 was proved first in [201], cf.
also [220]. Theorem 12.8 generalizes Theorem 3.3 from [160] (for the non-
autonomous two-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations, using compactness prop-
erty of those equations) and Theorem 5 from [165] (for autonomous problems,
but under weaker assumptions on the dynamical system). Lemma 12.4 comes from
[197] stated there as Exercise 10.1, see also Lemma 2 in [165] and Lemma 3.1 in
[56]. Theorem 12.9 was proved in [163].
Pullback Attractors and Shear Flows
In this chapter we consider the problem of existence and finite dimensionality of the
pullback attractor for a class of two-dimensional turbulent boundary driven flows
which naturally appear in lubrication theory. We generalize here the results from
Chap. 9 to the non-autonomous problem.
The new element in our study with respect to that in Chap. 9 is the allowance of
the speed of rotation of the cylinder to depend on time. Our aim is first to prove the
existence of the unique global in time solution of the problem, and then to study its
time asymptotics in the frame of the dynamical systems theory. We use the theory of
pullback attractors that allows us to pose quite general assumptions on the velocity
of the boundary. Neither quasi-periodicity nor even boundedness is demanded to
prove the existence and to estimate the fractal dimension of the corresponding
pullback attractor. We shall apply the results from Chap. 11, reformulated here in
the language of evolutionary processes.
13.1 Preliminaries
In this section we recall a theorem about the existence of pullback attractors for
evolutionary processes.
Let us consider an evolutionary process U on a metric space X, i.e., a family
fU.t; /g1< t<C1 of continuous mappings U.t; / W X ! X, such that for x 2 X
and 2 R U.; /x D x; and
and therefore
in the channel
and @˝ D C [ L [ D , where C and D are the bottom and the top, and L is
the lateral part of the boundary of ˝.
We are interested in solutions of (13.1) and (13.2) in ˝ which are L-periodic
with respect to x1 , or, to be more precise, analogously to Chap. 10, both the velocity
u and the Cauchy stress vector Tn on L are L-periodic with respect to x1 . Moreover,
we assume
uD0 on D ; (13.3)
u D U0 .t/e1 D .U0 .t/; 0/ on C ; (13.4)
where U0 .t/ is a locally Lipschitz continuous function of time t. Finally, the initial
condition at some time 2 R is given as
where G D U;x2 x2 e1 U;t e1 Uv;x1 .v/2 U;x2 e1 , and the initial condition
V D closure of VQ in H 1 .˝/2 ;
H D closure of VQ in L2 .˝/2 :
..u; v// D .ru; rv/ D ru.x/W rv.x/ dx
Problem 13.1. Find the velocity v such that for each T > ,
.v.t/; / C a.v.t/; / C b.v.t/; v.t/; / D F.v.t/; /; (13.11)
v.x; / D v0 .x/ on ˝;
To study the pullback attractor associated with a particular problem we first need to
know that the latter has a unique global in time solution. In our particular case we
have the following existence theorem.
Theorem 13.2. Let U0 be a locally Lipschitz continuous function on the real line.
Then there exists a unique weak solution of Problem 13.1 such that for all , T,
< < T we have v 2 L2 .; T I H 2 .˝// and for each t > the map v0 7! v.t/ is
continuous as a map in H.
Proof. We shall start the proof from the derivation of the first energy estimate for
the solutions, namely, estimate (13.25) below.
Taking D v in (13.11), we obtain
1d 2
jvj C a.v; v/ C b.v; v; v/ D F.v; v/:
2 dt
Consider the term F.v; v/ on the right-hand side of (13.13). By (13.12) we have
We have
ja.; v/j kkkvk 2kk2 C kvk2 : (13.15)
To estimate the second term in (13.14) we need the following lemma.
Lemma 13.1. For any t 2 R there exists a smooth extension
h0 "
jx2 U.x2 ; t/jL1 .Q" / jU0 j;
13.3 Existence and Uniqueness of Global in Time Solutions 303
ˇ ˇ2 Z L Z h.x1 / ˇ ˇ Z L Z h.x1 / ˇ ˇ
ˇvˇ ˇ v.x1 ; x2 / ˇ2 ˇ @v.x1 ; x2 / ˇ2
ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ dx2 dx1 4 ˇ ˇ dx2 dx1
ˇx ˇ 2 ˇ x ˇ ˇ @x ˇ
2 L .Q" / 0 0 2 0 0 2
jvj p kvk for v 2 V; (13.19)
p p
where we can take 1= 1 D hM = 2 with hM D max0x1 L h.x1 /. We get
1 2
j.;t ; v/j j;t jjvj j;t j p kvk j;t j2 C kvk2 : (13.20)
1 1 8
jF.v; v/j 2kk2 C j;t j2 C kvk2 ;
1 2
and by (13.13),
1d 2 2
jvj C kvk2 2kk2 C j;t j2 : (13.21)
2 dt 2 1
To estimate the right-hand side in terms of the data, we use the following lemma.
Lemma 13.2. Let U be as in (13.18). Then for almost all t,
jU.x2 ; t/j2 dx1 dx2 Lh0 U02 .t/".t/; (13.22)
˝ 2
4LU02 .t/ 1
jU;x2 .x2 ; t/j2 dx1 dx2 ; (13.23)
˝ h0 ".t/
2 0
p j"0 .t/j 2 Lh0 ".t/
jU;t .x2 ; t/j dx1 dx2 jU0 .t/j C 2jU0 .t/j : (13.24)
˝ ".t/ 2
304 13 Pullback Attractors and Shear Flows
Proof. We have jU.x2 ; t/j jU0 .t/j and supp U Q" , which gives (13.22).
Z Z ˇ ˇ
U2 ˇ 0 x2 ˇ2
jU;x2 .x2 ; t/j dx D 2 02 ˇ ˇ dx
h0 " ˇ h" ˇ
˝ ˝ 0
Z h0 " ˇ ˇ
U02 ˇ 0 x2 ˇ2 2
ˇ dx2 4LU0 1 ;
D L ˇ
h20 "2 ˇ h0 " ˇ h0 "
as j0 j 8, which gives (13.23). In order to obtain (13.24) we use (13.18) and the
definition of to get
ˇ ˇˇ ˇ
x2 1 ˇˇ x2 "0 .t/ ˇˇ ˇˇ 0 x2 ˇ
jU;t .x2 ; t/j jU00 .t/j C jU0 .t/j 2 ˇ ˇ ˇ
h0 ".t/ " .t/ h0 h0 ".t/ ˇ
p j"0 .t/j
jU00 .t/j C 2jU0 .t/j
for 0 x2 h0 "=2 and almost all t, from which the assertion follows easily. t
Applying now Lemma 13.2 to inequality (13.21) with " as in (13.17) we obtain
the first energy estimate,
jv.t/j2 C kv.t/k2 f 2 .t/ a.e. in t; (13.25)
2 dt 2
jv.t/j2 C jv.t/j2 f 2 .t/;
2 dt 2
To prove the uniqueness of solutions and their continuous dependence on the initial
data we assume that v and vN are two solutions of Problem 13.1, write (13.11) for
their difference, w D v v,
N and set D w, to get
jw.t/j2 C kw.t/k2 C b.w; v; w/ D b.w; ; w/:
2 dt 2
13.4 Existence of the Pullback Attractor 305
for all v 2 V (we can take c2 .˝/ D 18 maxf2; 1 C .hM =L/2 g), to get
d 4
jw.t/j2 C kw.t/k2 c2 .˝/kvk2 jwj2 ;
dt 4
d 4
jw.t/j2 C jw.t/j2 c2 .˝/kvk2 jwj2 :
dt 4
By (13.25) and (13.27) the function s ! kv.s/k2 is locally integrable on the real
line, whence the Gronwall lemma gives
Z t
jw.t/j2 jw. /j2 exp c2 .˝/kv.s/k2 ds : (13.28)
This means that the map v. / ! v.t/ for t > is continuous in H, and, in particular,
that the considered problem is uniquely solvable.
The existence part of the proof is based on inequality (13.25), the Galerkin
approximations, and the compactness method, and is very similar to the proof of
Theorem 9.6. t
In this section we prove the existence of the pullback attractor for the evolutionary
process associated with the considered problem.
For t let us define the map U.t; / in H by
where v.tI ; v0 / is the solution of Problem 13.1. From the uniqueness of solution to
this problem, one immediately obtains that
From Theorem 13.2 it follows that for all t ; the mapping U.t; / W H !
H defined by (13.29) is continuous. Consequently, the family fU.t; /g t defined
by (13.29) is a process in H.
Moreover, it can be proved that U.; t/ is sequentially weakly continuous, more
exactly, we have the following result.
Proposition 13.1. Let fv0n g H be a sequence converging weakly in H to an
element v0 2 H: Then
Proof. The proof is almost identical to that of Lemma 2:1 in [201] and we omit it.
Now, we define the universe of the non-autonomous sets. For D 1 , let
Then, there exists a unique pullback D -attractor A 2 D for the process U.t; /
defined by (13.29).
Proof. Let D 2 D be given. From the first energy estimate (13.27) and
from (13.31) we obtain
Z t
2 .t / 2 t
jU.t; /v0 j e jD. /j C 2e es f .s/2 ds < 1 (13.32)
and consider the non-autonomous set B D fB .t/gt2R where B .t/ are closed balls
in H defined by
jw0 j lim
inf jU.t; n0 /v0n0 j:
n !1
and this, together with the weak convergence, will imply the strong convergence in
H of U.t; n0 /v0n0 to w0 .
Our aim is to prove (13.35). We shall use the notation,
Q.t; w/ D kwk2 jwj C b.w; .t/; w/ for .t; w/ 2 R V:
Then, the energy equation (13.13) can be written as
d 2
jvj C jvj2 D 2.hg.t/; vi Q.t; v//;
whence for all t ; and all v0 2 H,
As, by (13.33),
we have
lim sup ek ŒU.t k; n0 /v0n0 2 ek R2 .t k/ for k D 0; 1; 2; : : : :
n0 !1
13.4 Existence of the Pullback Attractor 309
On the other hand, as U.t k; n0 /v0n0 ! wk weakly in H, from Proposition 13.1
we have
weakly in L2 .t k; tI V/:
Taking into account that, in particular, e.t/ g./ 2 L2 .t k; tI V 0 /; we obtain
from (13.39),
Z t
e.st/ hg.s/; U.s; t k/U.t k; n0 /v0n0 i ds
n !1 tk
Z t
D e.st/ hg.s/; U.s; t k/wk i ds: (13.40)
lim sup jU.t; n0 /v0n0 j2 ek R2 .t k/ C jw0 j2 jwk j2 ek
n0 !1
Then the attractor A D fA.t/gt2R from Theorem 13.3 has finite fractal dimension,
for all t 2 R. Assumepthat for any t 2 R there exist T D T.t/, l D l.t; T/ 2 Œ1; C1/,
ı D ı.t; T/ 2 .0; 1= 2/, and N D N.t/ such that for any u; v 2 A. / and t T,
HN? of codimension
where QN is the projector mapping from H onto some subspacep p
N 2 N. Then, for any D .t/ > 0 such that D .t/ D .6 2l/N . 2 / < 1,
the fractal dimension of A.t/ is bounded, with
Proof (of Theorem 13.4). First we show that for some M0 > 0 and all t t? ,
kv.t/k2 C jAv.t/j2 C b.v.t/; v.t/; Av/ D F.v.t/; Av/; (13.51)
2 dt
F.v; Av/ D .; Av/ b.; v; Av/ b.v; ; Av/ .;t ; Av/:
To estimate the nonlinear term on the left-hand side of (13.51) we use the Agmon
that holds for v 2 D.A/. This estimate follows from the usual Agmon inequality
1=2 1=2
kwkL1 .˝3 / ckwkL2 .˝3 / kwkH 2 .˝3 / ;
where ˝3 is a smooth set such that ˝ ˝3 ˝1 and w D 'v, ' being the
suitable cut-off function, and the inequality kvkH 2 .˝/ cjAvj for v 2 D.A/, cf. the
proof of Theorem 9.6.
We have thus
jb.v; v; Av/j kvkL1 .˝/ kvkjAvj cjvj1=2 kvkjAvj3=2 jAvj2 C 3 jvj2 kvk4 :
j.;t ; Av/j jAvj2 C j;t j2 ;
jb.; v; Av/j kkL1 .˝/ kvkjAvj jAvj2 C kk2L1 .˝/ kvk2 :
312 13 Pullback Attractors and Shear Flows
jb.v; ; Av/j jvjkrkL1 .˝/ jAvj jAvj2 C krk2L1 .˝/ jvj2 :
j.; Av/j jAvj2 C 2jj2 :
Therefore, from (13.51) we obtain
1d 1
kv.t/k2 C jAv.t/j2 a.t/kv.t/k2 C b.t/; (13.52)
2 dt 2
c0 2
a.t/ D 3
jv.t/j2 kv.t/k2 C k.t/k2L1 .˝/ ; (13.53)
2 2
b.t/ D j;t .t/j2 C kr.t/k2L1 .˝/ jv.t/j2 C 2Œ.t/2 : (13.54)
Let us fix some T > r and an arbitrary t t . Let v0 2 A. / for near 1. Then,
from (13.55) and (13.30) we deduce that for all 2 .t T; t/,
Z t
jv./j2 3eT e.st/ f 2 .s/ds (13.56)
T 1 t
D 3e C1 .; ˝/ C et s 3
e ŒjU0 .s/j C jU00 .s/j2 ds :
!2 Z
L.4h0 /3 sCr
C sup 00 ./ jU0 ./j5 d if U0 ./ ;
2 2R s 8h0
13.5 Fractal Dimension of the Pullback Attractor 313
sCr sCr
b./d Lh0 jU00 ./j2 d C jv./j2 d
s s 8 h40
L 3 00
C 3 2 sup ./ if U0 ./ :
8 h0 2R 8h0
Thus, by (13.44) and (13.56) we conclude that there exists M2 .r/ such that
Z sCr
b./d M2 .r/
with l.T/ D expf. 4 C 4 c2 .˝/M02 /Tg (we may always assume that the constant
l.T/ in (13.59) is greater or equal than one).
Now, we shall prove that inequality (13.48) holds true. Multiplying
C A! C B.!; v/N C B.v; !/ D B.w; /
by Qm ! defined by Qm !.x; t/ D 1 jDmC1 !.t/w
Q j .x/ (Qm D I Pm , Pm being the
projection on the space spanned by the first m eigenfuntions of the Stokes operator
with the periodic boundary conditions on L and Dirichlet boundary conditions on
C [ D ), we obtain
jQm !j2 C kQm !k2 C b.!; v; Qm !/ C b.v;
N !; Qm !/
2 dt
D b.w; ; Qm !/: (13.60)
Our first step is to obtain a differential inequality for jQm !j2 of the form (13.65)
below. To this end we have to estimate the nonlinear terms in (13.60).
We have,
2c2 .˝/M02 12 2
jb.Pm !; v; Qm !/j p m j!j C kQm !k2 : (13.61)
1 8
We have also
2c2 .˝/M02
jb.Qm !; v; Qm !/j jQm !j2 C kQm !k2 : (13.62)
13.5 Fractal Dimension of the Pullback Attractor 315
N !; Qm !/j D jb.v;
N Pm !; Qm !/j
1 1 1 1 1
c2 .˝/ 2 jvj 2 kvk
N 2 jPm !j 2 kPm !k 2 kQm !k
2c2 .˝/M02 12 2
p m j!j C kQm !k2 : (13.63)
1 8
Using (13.44) we treat the term on the right-hand side of (13.60) as follows,
jQm !.s/j2 C m jQm !.s/j2 m l.T/j!. /j2 :
fjQm !.s/j2 expfm .s /gg m l.T/j!. /j2 expfm .s /g:
m l.T/ 1
ı 2 D expfm Tg C <
m 2
316 13 Pullback Attractors and Shear Flows
for m large enough, as m is of the order of mC1 . This gives inequality (13.48) and
thus completes the proof of a finite dimensionality of the sets A.t/, for t t? , with
dfH .A.t// m C :
The same estimate holds also for t > t? in view of the property of the fractal
dimension under Lipschitz continuous mappings, cf. Theorem 9.1. t
To prove the existence of the pullback attractor we used, in Sect. 13.4, the energy
equation method, developed in [44, 45] for the pullback attractor theory. This
method works also in the case of certain unbounded domains of the flow as it
bypasses the usual compactness argument. In turn, to estimate the pullback attractor
dimension we used, in Sect. 13.5, the method proposed in [42], alternative to the
usual one [149, 220]. It is also possible to study the finite dimensionality of pullback
attractors through so-called pullback exponential attractors, see [51, 52, 151].
When h D const and U0 D const, problem (13.1)–(13.5) was intensively
studied in several contexts. Most results concern the autonomous Navier–Stokes
equations (cf. Sect. 9.4). In [89], the domain of the flow is an elongated rectangle
˝ D .0; L/ .0; h/, L h. In this case the attractor dimension can be estimated
from above by c Lh Re3=2 , where c is a universal constant and Re D Uh
is the Reynolds
number. In [241] optimal bounds of the attractor dimension are given for a flow in
a rectangle .0; 2L/ .0; 2L=˛/, with periodic boundary conditions and given
external forcing. The estimates are of the form c0 =˛ dfH .A / c1 =˛, see also
[180]. Some free boundary conditions are considered in [242], see also [222], and
an upper bound on the attractor dimension established with the use of a suitable
anisotropic version of the Lieb–Thirring inequality, similarly to [89]. Dirichlet-
periodic and free-periodic boundary conditions and domains with more general
geometry were considered in [22, 24] (cf. also [25]) where still other forms of the
Lieb–Thirring inequality were established to study the dependence of the attractor
dimension on the shape of the domain of the flow. Slip boundary condition and
unbounded domain case were considered in [183].
The autonomous case with h ¤ const was considered in [22, 24].
Boundary driven flows in smooth and bounded two-dimensional domains for
a non-autonomous Navier–Stokes system were considered in [178], by using an
approach of Chepyzhov and Vishik, cf. [62]. An extension to some unbounded
domains can be found in [181], cf. also [164].
Trajectory Attractors and Feedback Boundary
Control in Contact Problems
and @˝ D C [ L [ D , where C and D are the bottom and the top, and L is
the lateral part of the boundary of ˝. The domain ˝ is schematically presented in
Fig. 14.1. By n we will always denote the unit normal vector on @˝.
We are interested in solutions of (14.1)–(14.2) such that the velocity u and the
Cauchy stress vector Tn, where T is the stress tensor given by the constitutive law
Tij D pıij C .ui;j C uj;i /, are L-periodic with respect to x1 on L . We assume that
uD0 on D RC : (14.3)
u.0/ D u0 in ˝: (14.6)
In this section we introduce the basic notations and define a notion of a weak
solution u of the initial boundary value problem (14.1)–(14.6). For convenience,
we shall work with a homogeneous problem whose solution v has the tangential
component v at C equal to zero, and then u D v C w for a suitable extension w of
the boundary data.
In order to define a weak formulation of the homogeneous problem (14.1)–(14.6)
we need to introduce some function spaces and operators. Let
and let V and H be the closures of W in the norms of H 1 .˝/2 and L2 .˝/2 ,
respectively. In the sequel we will use the notation k k; j j to denote, respectively,
the norms in V and H. We denote the trace operator V ! L2 .C /2 by . By
the trace theorem, is linear and bounded; we will denote its norm by k k WD
k kL .VIL2 .C /2 / . In the sequel we will write u instead of u for the sake of notation
Let the operators A W H 1 .˝/2 ! V 0 and BŒ W H 1 .˝/2 ! V 0 be defined by
hAu; vi D rot u rot v dx (14.7)
for u; w 2 H 1 .˝/2 , z 2 V.
320 14 Trajectory Attractors and Feedback Boundary Control in Contact Problems
In particular, for u; v in V,
hAu; vi D rot u.x/ rot v.x/ dx D rot uN .Nx/ rot v.N
N x/ dNx
˝ G
D r uN .Nx/ r v.N
N x/ dNx D ru.x/ rv.x/ dx: (14.10)
G ˝
To work with the boundary condition (14.5) we rewrite equation of motion (14.1) in
the Lamb form,
Further, to transform the problem into the homogeneous one, for u 2 H 1 .˝/2 let
w 2 H 1 .˝/2 be such that div w D 0, w D 0 at D , w is L-periodic on L , and
w D u D s and wn D 0 on C , and let u D v C w. Then v 2 V as v D 0 at C .
Moreover, vn D un on C .
Multiplying (14.11) by z 2 V and using the Green formula we obtain
hv 0 .t/ C Av.t/ C BŒv.t/; zi C pQ zn dS D hF; zi C hG.v/; zi; (14.12)
hF; zi D rot w rot z dx hB.w; w/; zi; (14.13)
with R D rot v or R D rot w. Formula (14.15) is easy to get using the three-
dimensional vector calculus and (14.9). Observe that if a D 0 on @˝, then we
.R a/ n D .R an n/ n D 0:
hv 0 .t/ C Av.t/ C BŒv.t/; zi C ..t/; zn /L2 .C / D hF; zi C hG.v.t//; zi; (14.16)
.t/ 2 [email protected] n .;t//
valid for a multifunction U W C ! 2R . Note that from the fact that v 2 Lloc .RC I V/
and v 0 2 Lloc
.RC I V 0 / it follows that v 2 C.RC I V 0 /, and hence the initial condition
makes sense. We define Cw .Œ0; TI H/ as the space of all functions u W Œ0; T ! H
which are weakly continuous, i.e., such that for any 2 H the scalar product
.u.t/; / in H is a continuous function of t for t 2 Œ0; T. Since v 2 Lloc .RC I H/
then (see Lemma 3.18 or [227], Theorem II.1.7) v 2 Cw .R I H/, and thus the initial
condition makes sense in the phase space H.
One can see (cf. [176]) that if v 2 Lloc .RC I V/ is a sufficiently smooth solution
of the partial differential inclusion (14.16) then there exists a distribution pQ such
that the conditions (14.11) and (14.5) hold for u D v C w. In conclusion, the
function u D v C w can be regarded as a weak solution of the initial boundary value
problem (14.1)–(14.6), provided v is a solution of Problem 14.1 with v.0/ D u0 w,
u0 2 H.
322 14 Trajectory Attractors and Feedback Boundary Control in Contact Problems
The trajectory space K C of Problem 14.1 is defined as the set of those of its
solutions with some v0 2 H that satisfy the following inequality,
jv.t/j2 C C1 kv.t/k2 C2 .1 C kFk2V 0 /; (14.17)
2 dt
where C1 ; C2 > 0 and inequality (14.17) is understood in the sense that for all
0 t1 < t2 and for all 2 C01 ..t1 ; t2 //, 0 we have
1 t2
2 0
jv.t/j .t/ dt C C1 kv.t/k .t/ dt C2 .1 C kFk2V 0 / .t/ dt:
2 t1 t1 t1
Note that since we cannot guarantee that for every solution of Problem 14.1
hv 0 .t/; v.t/i D 12 dtd jv.t/j2 holds, we cannot derive (14.17) for every solution of
Problem 14.1.
In the next section we prove that the trajectory space is not empty.
In this section we give a proof of the existence of solutions of Problem 14.1 that
satisfy inequality (14.17). The proof will be based on the standard technique that
uses the regularization of the multivalued term and in main points will follow the
existence proofs in Chap. 10 (see also [162, 176]).
The operators A and B defined in (14.7) and (14.8) and restricted to V have the
following properties:
(1) A W V ! V 0 is a linear, continuous, symmetric operator such that
Lemma 14.1. Given > 0 and s 2 R there exists a smooth function w 2 H 1 .˝/2
such that div w D 0 in ˝, w D 0 on D , w is L-periodic in x1 , w D .s; 0/, wn D 0
on C , and for all v 2 V
Proof. Let w be of the form w.x2 / D .s.x2 =h0 /; 0/, where W Œ0; 1/ ! Œ0; 1 is a
smooth function such that .0/ D 1, 0 .0/ D 0, supp Œ0; minf 2jsj ; h0 ; 1/g, and
14.3 Existence of Global in Time Solutions 323
h0 is the minimum value of h.x1 / on Œ0; L. It is clear that all the stated properties of
w other than (14.21) hold. To prove (14.21) observe that under our assumptions
jrot wj2 dx D jrwj2 dx; (14.22)
˝ ˝
and then
ˇ ˇ
jhB.v; w/; vij jrvjkx2 w.x2 /kL1 .Œ0;h0 / ˇˇ ˇˇ (14.23)
kvk 2kvk D kvk2
in view of the Hardy inequality. t
Lemma 14.2. Let j W R ! R satisfy .j1/–.j3/. For any solution v of Problem 14.1,
kv 0 .t/kV 0 C3 .1 C kv.t/k C jv.t/j1=2 kv.t/k 2 / for a.e. t 2 RC ; (14.24)
jhv 0 .t/; zij kFkV 0 kzk C k.t/kL2 .C / k kkzk C jhG.v.t// Av.t/ BŒv.t/; zij:
From the growth condition .j2/ it follows that k.t/kL2 .C / C.1 C kv.t/k/ with a
constant C > 0. Moreover, jhAv.t/; zij C jhG.v.t//; zij Ckv.t/kkzk. It remains to
estimate the nonlinear term. For all w 2 V we have (14.22). Now, from the Hölder
and Ladyzhenskaya inequalities we obtain
jhBŒv.t/; zij jrot v.t/jjv.t/jjzj dx kv.t/kkv.t/kL4 .˝/2 kzkL4 .˝/2
Estimating the integrand from below, by the Lebourg mean value theorem (cf.
Theorem 3.20) we get, for
2 .0; 1/ dependent on s; r; h, and 2 @j.s r C
j.s C hs r/ j.s r/
%k .r/ D %k .r/.s r C
hs C r
%k .r/ d1 d2 js r C
hsj2 .c1 C c2 js r C
hsj/.jrj C hjsj/
%k .r/ d1 d2 .jsj C 1 C hjsj/2 .c1 C c2 .jsj C 1 C hjsj// .1 C hjsj/ ;
where we used the fact that jrj k
1. After integrating over r, passing with h to
zero and noting that k 1 we get
whence regularized functions jk still satisfy .j3/, where the constants
d1 ; d2 are
different than the ones for j, but independent on k, and still we have de2 2 0; kk
2 .
Let us furthermore take the sequence Vk of finite dimensional spaces such that Vk
is spanned by the first k eigenfunctions of the Stokes operator with the Dirichlet and
periodic boundary conditions given in the definition of the space V. Then fVk g1
S kD1
approximate V from inside, i.e., 1 kD1 Vk D V. Moreover we take the sequence
v0k ! v0 strongly in H such that v0k 2 Vk . We formulate the regularized Galerkin
problems for k 2 N:
Find a continuous function vk W RC ! Vk such that for a.e. t 2 RC vk is
differentiable and
hvk0 .t/ C Avk .t/ C BŒvk .t/; zi C .j0k ..vk /n .; t//; zn /L2 .C / (14.25)
D hF C G.vk .t//; zi;
vk .0/ D v0k (14.26)
We take z D vk .t/ in (14.25) and, using (14.19) and (14.20) as well as the fact
that hB.v; w/; vi kvk2 for all v 2 V, where can be made arbitrarily small
(Lemma 14.1), we obtain
jvk .t/j2 C kvk .t/k2 C .j0k ..vk /n .; t//; .vk /n .t//L2 .C / kFkV 0 kvk .t/k
2 dt
C kvk .t/k2
for a.e. t 2 RC . Using .j3/ and the Cauchy inequality with some " > 0 we obtain
jvk .t/j2 C kvk .t/k2 C de1 m1 .C / de2 k.vk /n .t/k2L2 .C / C."/kFk2V 0
2 dt
C . C "/kvk .t/k2
for a.e. t 2 RC , where " > 0 is arbitrary and the constant C."/ is positive. Note that
by the trace theorem k.vk /n .t/k2L2 .C / kvk .t/k2L2 .C /2 k k2 kvk .t/k2 . It follows
jvk .t/j2 C . de2 k k2 /kvk .t/k2 C."/kFk2V 0 C . C "/kvk .t/k2 C jde1 jL
2 dt
d2 kk2
for a.e. t 2 RC . It is enough to take D " D 4
. We get, with C1 ; C2 > 0
independent of t,
jvk .t/j2 C C1 kvk .t/k2 C2 .1 C kFk2V 0 /: (14.27)
2 dt
Note that, after integration,
Z t
1 1
jvk .t/j2 C C1 kvk .s/k2 ds jv0k j2 C C2 .1 C kFk2V 0 /t for all t 0:
2 0 2
Existence of the solution to the Galerkin problem (14.25)–(14.26) is standard and
follows by the Carathéodory theorem and estimate (14.28). Note that for all k 2 N
solutions of (14.25) satisfy the estimate of Lemma 14.2, where the constants do not
depend on initial conditions and the dimension k. We deduce from (14.27) that for
all T > 0
We denote by W V ! L2 .C / the linear and bounded map given as v D . v/n and
by W L2 .C / ! V 0 its adjoint operator. Now if Pk is the projection operator onto
the space Vk , (14.25) is equivalent to the following equation in V 0 ,
vk0 .t/ C Avk .t/ C Pk BŒvk .t/ C Pk j0k ..vk /k .; t// D Pk F C Pk G.vk .t//:
326 14 Trajectory Attractors and Feedback Boundary Control in Contact Problems
From the choice of the space Vk it follows by Theorem 3.17 that kPk ukV 0 kukV 0
and by the argument of Lemma 14.2 it follows that for all T > 0
vk0 is bounded in L 3 .0; TI V 0 /: (14.30)
vk0 ! v 0 3
weakly in Lloc .RC I V 0 /: (14.32)
First we show that v.0/ D v0 in H. To this end choose T > 0. We have, for t 2
.0; T/,
Z t Z t
vk .t/ D vk0 C vk0 .s/ ds; v.t/ D v.0/ C v 0 .s/ ds;
0 0
By assertion .B/ of Theorem 3.21, the functions j0k satisfy the growth condition .j2/
with the constants independent of k. It follows that the sequence j0k ..vk /n .; // is
bounded in L2 .0; TI L2 .C //, and we can extract a subsequence, not renumbered,
such that for all T > 0
and the desired result follows. Hence we can pass to the limit in the multivalued
Now we show the convergence in the nonlinear term, namely, that (for a
.rot vk .t/ vk .t// z.x/.t/ dx dt ! .rot v.t/ v.t// z.x/.t/ dx dt:
0 ˝ 0 ˝
First we prove that
1 T
.rot vk .t/ vk .t// z.x/.t/ dx dt D .vk /2n .x; t/zn .x/.t/ dS dt
0 ˝ 2 0 C
.vk .x; t/ r/z.x/vk .x; t/.t/ dx dt: (14.36)
0 ˝
we have
hBŒvk .t/; zi D .vk .t/ z/ rot vk .t/ dx (14.38)
D rot.vk .t/ z/ vk .t/ dx C .vk .t/ .vk .t/ z// n dS:
˝ @˝
The surface integral is equal to zero and hence, using (14.37) in the right-hand side,
we obtain
hBŒvk .t/; zi D .z r/vk .t/ vk .t/dx .vk .t/ r/z vk .t/ dx: (14.39)
˝ ˝
Integration by parts in the first integral on the right-hand side and then integration
in the time variable give the result.
328 14 Trajectory Attractors and Feedback Boundary Control in Contact Problems
Since we can deal with the second term on the right-hand side of (14.36) as in
the usual Navier–Stokes theory [219], we consider only the surface integral. Taking
the difference of the corresponding terms and setting zn .x/.t/ D .x; t/ we obtain
?Z T Z ?
? ?
? ..vk /n .x; t/ vn .x; t//..vk /n .x; t/ C vn .x; t// .x; t/ dS dt?
0 C
k.vk /n vn kL2 .0;TIL2 .C // kvk C vkL2 .0;TIL4 .C /2 / max k .t/kL4 .C / :
This proves (14.35) since the embedding H 1=2 .C /2 Lr .C /2 is continuous for
r 1, vk is bounded in L2 .0; TI L4 .C /2 /, and k.vk /n vn kL2 .0;TIL2 .C // ! 0
by (14.33).
Hence, the limit v solves Problem 14.1. It remains to show (14.18). The proof
follows the lines of that of Theorem 8.1 in [61]. Let us fix 0 t1 < t2 and choose
2 C01 ..t1 ; t2 // with 0. We multiply (14.27) by and integrate by parts. We
Z Z t2 Z t2
1 t2
jvk .t/j2 0 .t/ dt C C1 kvk .t/k2 .t/ dt C2 .1 C kFk2V 0 / .t/ dt:
2 t1 t1 t1
We need to pass to the limit (k ! 1) in the last inequality. From (14.31) and (14.32)
by the Aubin–Lions compactness theorem we conclude that vk ! v strongly in
L2 .t1 ; t2 I H/. From inequality
Z t2 Z t2
.jvk .t/j jv.t/j/ dt jvk .t/ v.t/j2 ds
t1 t1
it follows that jvk .t/j ! jv.t/j strongly in L2 .t1 ; t2 /, and hence, for a subsequence,
jvk .t/j2 ! jv.t/j2 for almost every t 2 .t1 ; t2 /. Since from (14.28) it follows
that functions jvk .t/j2 0 .t/ have an integrable majorant on .t1 ; t2 /, we have, by the
Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem that
Z t2 Z t2
jvk .t/j2 0
.t/ dt ! jv.t/j2 0
.t/ dt: (14.41)
t1 t1
1 1
Now, from (14.31) it follows that vk .t/. .t// 2 ! v.t/. .t// 2 weakly in
L2 .t1 ; t2 I V/ and hence, by the sequential weak lower semicontinuity of the norm
we obtain
Z t2 Z t2
kv.t/k2 .t/ dt lim inf kvk .t/k2 .t/ dt: (14.42)
t1 k!1 t1
Thereby, we can pass to the limit in (14.40) which gives us (14.18) and the proof is
complete. t
14.4 Existence of Attractors 329
In this section we prove the existence of a trajectory attractor and a weak global
attractor for the considered problem.
We have shown that for any initial condition v0 2 H Problem 14.1 has at least
one solution v 2 KC . The key idea behind the trajectory attractor (see [61, 62,
226, 227]) is, in contrast to the direct study of the solutions asymptotic behavior,
the investigation of the family of shift operators fT.t/gt0 defined on K C by the
Before we pass to a theorem on the existence of the trajectory attractor, which is the
main result of this section, we recall some definitions and results (see [61, 62, 226,
F .0; T/ D fu 2 L2 .0; TI V/ \ L1 .0; TI H/ W u0 2 L 3 .0; TI V 0 /g;
FCloc D fu 2 Lloc .RC I V/ \ Lloc
.RC I H/ W u0 2 Lloc
.RC I V 0 /g:
Note that F .0; T/ Cw .Œ0; TI H/ and from the Lions–Magenes lemma (cf.
Lemma 1.4, Chap. 3 in [219], Theorem II,1.7 in [62] or Lemma 2.1 in [227]) it
follows that for all u 2 F .0; T/ we have
In the above definition ˘0;1 u./ is a restriction of u./ to the interval .0; 1/, and
uk ! u weakly in Lloc .RC I V/;
uk ! u weakly- in Lloc .RC I H/;
u0k ! u0 weakly in 3
Lloc .RC I V 0 /:
Suppose that the semigroup fT.t/gt0 has an attracting set P that is bounded in the
norm of FCb and compact in the topology C loc
. Then the shift semigroup fT.t/gt0
has a trajectory attractor U P.
We are in position to formulate the main theorem of this section.
Theorem 14.3. The shift semigroup fT.t/gt0 defined on the set K C of solutions
of Problem 14.1 has a trajectory attractor U which is bounded in FCb and compact
in the topology C
Before we pass to the proof of this theorem we will need three auxiliary lemmas.
Lemma 14.3. Let v 2 K C . For all h 0 the following estimates hold:
4 8
kv 0 k 3 4 C7 C C8 kvkL31 .0;1IH/ eC9 h ; (14.46)
L 3 .h;hC1IV 0 /
eC1 1 .t / 1
jv.t/j2 eC1 1 .t / jv./j2 C2 .1 C kFk2V 0 /: (14.48)
C1 1
Now, since the function t ! v.t/ is weakly continuous, it follows that t ! jv.t/j2
is lower semicontinuous and (14.48) holds for all t (but only for a.e. 2 RC ).
Hence, for all t > 0 we can find 2 .0; minf1; tg/ such that
eC1 1 .t /
jv.t/j2 eC1 1 .t / kvk2L1 .0;1IH/ C C2 .1 C kFk2V 0 /; (14.49)
C1 1
C2 .1 C kFk2V 0 /
jv.t/j2 eC1 1 .1t/ kvk2L1 .0;1IH/ C : (14.50)
C1 1
By Corollary 9.2 in [61] it follows from (14.18) that for almost all h > 0,
1 hC1
jv.h C 1/j2 C C1 kv.t/k2 dt C2 .1 C kFk2V 0 / C jv.h/j2 :
2 h 2
and the estimate (14.45) follows for all h 0 since both left- and right-hand side of
the above inequality are continuous functions of h. Now, using (14.24) we get
kv 0 .t/kV3 0 C10 1 C 1 C jv.t/j 3 kv.t/k2 for a.e. t 2 RC ;
332 14 Trajectory Attractors and Feedback Boundary Control in Contact Problems
hvk0 .t/ C Avk .t/ C BŒvk .t/; zi C .k .t/; zn /L2 .C / D hF; zi C hG.vk .t//; zi;
k .t/ 2 [email protected] k /n .;t//
for a.e. t 2 RC . Passing to the limit in terms with A; B; G is analogous to that in the
proof of Theorem 14.1 (see also [62, 176, 219, 220]).
In order to pass to the limit in the multivalued term observe that from .j2/ it
follows that for a.e. t 2 RC
By a diagonal argument it follows that there exists 2 Lloc .RC I L2 .C // such that,
for a subsequence,
k ! weakly in Lloc .RC I L2 .C //:
and moreover,
.t/ 2 [email protected] n .;t//
a.e. in RC :
Hence we can pass to the limit in the term .k .t/; zn /L2 .C / . It remains to show that
v satisfies (14.18). The argument is similar to that in the proof of Theorem 14.1.
We choose 0 t1 < t2 and 2 C01 ..t1 ; t2 //. We have, after possible refining to
a subsequence, jvk .t/j .t/ ! jv.t/j2 0 .t/ for a.e. t 2 .t1 ; t2 /. Moreover, since
2 0
n o
kT.s/vkF b D sup kvkL2 .h;hC1IV/ C jjv.t/jjL1 .h;hC1IH/ C kv 0 k 4 :
hs L3 .h;hC1IV 0 /
We will show that P is absorbing (and hence also attracting) for fT.t/gt0 . Let B
be bounded in FCb . Hence B is bounded in F .0; 1/. Let kvkF .0;1/ R for v 2 B.
Now we choose s0 > 0 such that CRˇ eıs0 R0 . From (14.51) we have for s s0
kT.s/vkF b 2R0 ;
Moreover from Lemma 14.4 it follows that v 2 K C . Thus v 2 P and the proof is
complete. t
Now we show that any section of the trajectory attractor is a weak global attractor.
We will start from the definition of a weak global attractor (cf., e.g., [227]).
Definition 14.4. A set A H is called a weak global attractor of the set K if it
is weakly compact in H and the following properties hold:
.i/ for any set B K C bounded in the norm of FCb its section B.t/ is attracted to
A in the weak topology of H as t ! 1, that is, for any neighborhood Ow .A /
of A in the weak topology of H there exists a time D .B; Ow .A // such
.ii/ A is the minimal weakly closed set in H that attracts the sections of all bounded
sets in K C in the weak topology of H as t ! 1.
Fig. 14.2 Schematic illustration of trajectory attractor for the semiflow governed by the solution
map of the one-dimensional ODE xP D jxj.1 x/. The trajectory attractor U consists of two
constant trajectories located at the stationary points 0 and 1, and of the family of bounded complete
trajectories that connect those points. The global attractor A is the section of the trajectory attractor
A D U.0/ D U.t/ for all t 2 R
14.5 Comments and Bibliographical Notes 335
U.0/ in the weak topology of H, or, in other words, B.t/ is attracted to U.0/ in the
weak topology of H.
To show .ii/ let E be an arbitrary weakly closed subset of H that weakly attracts
the sections of bounded sets B K C , that is, for any weak neighborhood Ow .E /,
B.t/ Ow .E / for all t D .B; Ow .E //. Let us take B D U. We have
U.t/ Ow .E / for all t D .U; Ow .E //. From the invariance of the trajectory
attractor we obtain that A D U.0/ D U.t/ Ow .E /. Since E is weakly closed in
H, it follows that A E and the proof is complete. t
The example which illustrates the fact that the global attractor is the section of
the trajectory attractor is presented in Fig. 14.2.
was studied in [132, 133], where the reaction-diffusion problem with multivalued
semilinear term was considered, and in [123], where the strongly damped wave
equation with multivalued boundary conditions was analyzed.
For the problem considered in this chapter, existence of weak solutions for the
case u D 0 in place of (14.4) was shown in [176]. Our assumptions .j1/–.j3/ are
more general than the corresponding assumptions of Theorem 1 in [176], save for
the fact that j is assumed there to depend on space and time variables directly.
To prove the existence of attractors we used the theory of trajectory attractors,
which, instead of the direct analysis of the multivalued semiflow (i.e., map that
assigns to initial condition the set of states obtainable after some time t, see [171,
239] or the review paper [10]), focuses on the shift operator defined on the space
of trajectories for the studied problem. This approach was introduced in papers [60,
167, 210] as a method to avoid the nonuniqueness of solutions, indeed, the shift
operator is uniquely defined even if the dynamics of the problem is governed by the
multivalued semiflow. Recent results and open problems in the theory of trajectory
attractors are discussed in the survey papers [10, 227].
Evolutionary Systems and the Navier–Stokes
We remind the framework of evolutionary systems [65, 66]. Let .X; ds .; // be a
metric space. The metric ds will be referred to as the strong metric. We denote by
dw another metric on X, referred to as the weak metric, satisfying the following
1. the space X is dw compact,
2. if limk!1 ds .uk ; vk / D 0 for some sequences uk ; vk 2 X, then also
limk!1 dw .uk ; vk / D 0.
Any strongly compact (i.e., ds compact) subset of X is also weakly compact (i.e.,
dw compact). Any strongly closed (i.e., ds closed) subset of X is also weakly closed
(i.e., dw closed) and, as a subset of the dw compact set X, also dw compact. To define
the evolutionary system, let
By F .I/ we denote the set of all X-valued functions having the domain I 2 T .
Fig. 15.1 Illustration of an evolutionary system. If a semiflow (or m-semiflow) is dissipative, i.e.,
has a bounded absorbing set X, then this set, endowed with appropriate metrics becomes the
metric space for the evolutionary system. Moreover, the endings of all trajectories, which must
be contained in the absorbing set (thickened line in the figure), constitute the family E .I/
Definition 15.4. The set A X is said to be invariant (in the sense of Foiaş–
Cheskidov) if GQ.t; A/ D A for all t 0.
Remark 15.2. Since GQ.t; A/ G .t; A/, then the fact that A is invariant implies that
A G .t; A/, i.e., A is negatively semi-invariant in the sense of Melnik and Valero
(see [171]).
Theorem 15.2 (cf. [65, Theorem 5.8]). Let E be an evolutionary system that
satisfies .A1/. Then the weak global attractor A is the maximal invariant set.
where, by invariance, we can also take values at any t 0 instead of zero. Moreover,
for any " > 0 there exists t0 > 0 such that for any t > t0 and for any trajectory
u 2 E .Œ0; 1// we have
We will consider a flow between two surfaces, the flat one at the bottom, and the
periodic one at the top. Define ˝1 D f.x1 ; x2 ; x3 / 2 R3 W 0 < x3 < h.x1 ; x2 /g,
where the function h.; x2 / is assumed to be L1 -periodic, and h.x1 ; / is assumed to
be L2 -periodic. Moreover we assume that h is Lipschitz and that
The periodicity of h implies that it suffices to consider the flow inside the domain
Let t0 2 R be the initial time. The momentum equation and the incompressibility
condition are, respectively, given by
The domain ˝ and three parts of its boundary are schematically presented in
Fig. 15.2. The stress tensor T is associated with the symmetrized displacement
gradient D.u/ D 12 .ru C ru| / and the pressure by the linear constitutive law
T D pI C 2D.u/. On the boundary of ˝ the stress can be decomposed into
normal and tangential components: Tn D .Tn/ n and T D Tn Tn n.
On D we assume the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition
Note that, due to the periodicity of u, the periodicity of normal stresses on L1 means
that, for .x1 ; x2 ; x3 / 2 L1 we have
Assume that the velocity u is sufficiently smooth. The fact that on L1 the function
u.; x2 ; x3 / is L1 -periodic implies the same periodicity of partial derivatives ui;2 and
ui;3 for i D 1; 2; 3, and, by the incompressibility condition, also of u1;1 . Similarly,
from L2 -periodicity of u.x1 ; ; x3 / on L2 we obtain the same L2 -periodicity of
the partial derivatives ui;1 and ui;3 for i D 1; 2; 3, and, by the incompressibility
condition, also of u2;2 .
On C we assume that
u D u0 on ˝ for t D t0 : (15.8)
342 15 Evolutionary Systems and the Navier–Stokes Equations
We pass to the weak formulation for the studied problem. First, we define the spaces:
The spaces V H V 0 constitute the evolution triple with dense and continuous
embeddings. Moreover, the embedding V H is compact. As the Dirichlet
boundary is nontrivial,
R the norm in the space V equivalent with the standard H 2 norm3
is given by kvk D ˝ rv.x/W rv.x/ dx. We will also use the space W D L .C /
as well as the linear and continuous trace operator W V ! W, whose norm we
will denote by k kL .VIW/ D k k. The calligraphic symbols will be used for time-
dependent spaces: V D L2 .t0 ; TI V/, V 0 D L2 .t0 ; TI V 0 /.
To motivate the definition of the weak solution assume that smooth functions
u; p satisfy (15.1)–(15.8). Multiplying the momentum equation (15.1) by v 2 VQ
and integrating over ˝, after application of the incompressibility condition (15.2),
the boundary conditions (15.3)–(15.7), and integration by parts, we arrive at the
following weak form of the problem,
ut v dx C ru rv dx C .u r/u v dx C v dS D f v dx;
˝ ˝ ˝ C ˝
We assume that .t0 ; T/, the time interval, is given. Using the Galerkin method we
will establish the existence of the weak solution for considered problem, understood
in the Leray–Hopf sense, on the interval .t0 ; T/. First, we define the operator A W
V ! V 0 by the formula
hAu; vi D ru.x/W rv.x/ dx for u; v 2 V:
15.3 Existence of Leray–Hopf Weak Solution 343
Obviously, the operator A is linear and bounded, moreover hAu; ui D kuk2 for
u 2 V. We define the Nemytskii operator A W V ! V 0 by the formula .A u/.t/ D
A.u.t// for a.e. t 2 .t0 ; T/. This Nemytskii operator is also linear and bounded,
and hence it is continuous and moreover also weakly sequentially continuous, i.e.,
uk ! u weakly in V implies that A uk ! A u weakly in V 0 . Next, we define the
bilinear operator B W V V ! V 0 as
hB.u; w/; vi D .u r/w v dx:
The Nemytskii operator for B has values only in L 3 .t0 ; TI V 0 / and not in V 0 . Indeed,
let us consider the function .t0 ; T/ 3 t ! B.u.t/; v.t// 2 V 0 , where u; v 2 V \
L1 .t0 ; TI H/. We have
kB.u.t/; v.t//kV 0 D sup .u.t/ r/v.t/ w dt D sup .u.t/ r/w v.t/ dt
kwkD1 ˝ kwkD1 ˝
and hence
4 1 1
kB.u.t/; v.t//kV3 0 C2 ju.t/j 3 ku.t/kjv.t/j 3 kv.t/k;
344 15 Evolutionary Systems and the Navier–Stokes Equations
The result follows by the density of smooth functions in L4 .t0 ; TI V/, a predual space
of L 3 .t0 ; TI V 0 /. We have
Z 3 Z
@wj .t/
hB.uk .t/; vk .t//; w.t/i dt D .uk .t//i .vk .t//j dx dt:
t0 i;jD1 t0 ˝ @xi
3 Z
@wj .t/ T
.u.t//i .v.t//j dx dt D hB.u.t/; v.t//; w.t/i dt;
i;jD1 t0 ˝ @xi t0
with 2 N .u /.
Theorem 15.3. Let .g1/–.g4/ hold. Problem 15.1 has at least one solution.
Proof. We will prove the existence of solution to this ordinary differential inclusion
by means of the Kakutani–Fan–Glicksberg fixed point theorem (see Theorem 3.8).
Fix 2 L2 .t0 ; TI W/ and w 2 L2 .t0 ; TI V/, and consider the following auxiliary
linear problem.
Problem 15.2. Find u 2 AC.Œt0 ; TI Vk / such that u.t0 / D Pk u0 and for all v 2 Vk
and a.e. t 2 .t0 ; T/ we have
u0 .t/v dxC ru.t/W rv dxC .w.t/r/u.t/v dxC .t/v dS D hf ; vi:
˝ ˝ ˝ C
This linear system of ODEs has a unique solution u. We define a multifunction
W V L2 .t0 ; TI W/ ! V 2L .t0 ;TIW/ which assigns to the pair .w; / the set
fug N .u /. First, we note that by assertion .H1/ of Theorem 3.23, the set N .u /
is nonempty and convex, so the multifunction assumes nonempty and convex
values. We will prove, by the Kakutani–Fan–Glicksberg fixed point theorem (see
Theorem 3.8), that this multifunction has a fixed point. This fixed point is a solution
of Problem 15.1. Taking v D u.t/ in (15.16), we get
ju.t/j2 C ku.t/k2 k.t/kW k kku.t/k C kf kV 0 ku.t/k:
2 dt
346 15 Evolutionary Systems and the Navier–Stokes Equations
It follows that
d 2k k2 2kf k2V 0
ju.t/j2 C ku.t/k2 k.t/k2W C :
In particular,
1 2k k2 2kf k2V 0 .T t0 /
kuk2V ju0 j2 C kk2
L .t0 ;TIW/ C ; (15.17)
2 2
Ck2 2k k2 C2 2kf k2V 0 .T t0 /
ku.t/k2 Ck2 ju.t/j2 Ck2 ju0 j2 C kk2L2 .t0 ;TIW/ C k ;
where the constant Ck depends only on the dimension of the space Vk . Let 2
N .u/. We have
k.t/kW D sup .x; t/ z.x/ dx sup .c1 C c2 ju.x; t/j/jz.x/j dx
kzkW D1 C kzkW D1 C
p p
c1 m2 .C / C c2 k u.t/kW c1 L1 L2 C c2 k kku.t/k:
Consequently, the fixed point argument will give us the existence of solution on
the interval Œt0 ; T for .T t0 / < 4c2 C2 kk4 , and by subsequent continuation this
2 k
solution can be elongated to arbitrarily long time interval. It remains to prove that
the graph of is weakly closed in S S. In view of the fact that V L2 .t0 ; TI W/
is a reflexive Banach space, and S is a bounded, closed, and convex set, it is enough
to show the sequential weak closedness. Let wk ! w weakly in V and k !
weakly in L2 .0; TI W/, with .wk ; k / 2 S. Let moreover .uk ; k / 2 .wk ; k / be
such that uk ! u weakly in V and k ! weakly in L2 .t0 ; TI W/. We know that
.uk ; k / 2 S. Let us introduce an equivalent norm on the finite dimensional space Vk
by the formula
kzk Vk0 D sup z v dx:
v2Vk ;kvkD1 ˝
We have
ku0k .t/kVk0 D sup u0k .t/ v dx D sup hf ; vi ruk .t/W rv dx
v2Vk ˝ v2Vk ˝
kvkD1 kvkD1
.wk .t/ r/uk .t/ v dx k .t/ v dS
˝ C
Using (15.18) and (15.19) it follows from the fact that wk is uniformly bounded
in L2 .t0 ; TI W/ that u0k is uniformly bounded in L2 .t0 ; TI Vk0 / and moreover in V ,
as the space Vk is finite dimensional. Hence, for a subsequence, not renumbered,
u0k ! u0 weakly in V and uk ! u strongly in V . Moreover, .uk / ! u strongly
in L2 .t0 ; TI W/. As k ! weakly in L2 .t0 ; TI W/ and k 2 N ..uk / /, by assertion
.H2/ of Theorem 3.23 it follows that 2 N .u /. It remains to prove that u solves
Problem 15.2 with w and , using the fact the uk solves this problem with wk and k .
To this end, it suffices to multiply Eq. (15.16) written for uk ; wk ; k by the function
2 L2 .t0 ; T/ and integrate the resultant equation over the interval .t0 ; T/. The
assertion follows by passing to the limit in the obtained equation. As the details
are technical, their verification is left to the reader as an exercise. t
We are in position to define the Leray–Hopf weak solution of the considered
problem. Since we need two types of weak solutions, we call this class a type I
Leray–Hopf weak solution.
Definition 15.5. By the type I Leray–Hopf weak solution of the three-dimensional
Navier–Stokes problem with multivalued friction we mean a function
2 1
u 2 Lloc .Œt0 ; 1/I V/ \ Lloc .Œt0 ; 1/I H/ with u0 2 Lloc
.Œt0 ; 1/I V 0 / such that:
• u.t0 / D u0 ;
• for all v 2 V and a.e. t > t0 we have
348 15 Evolutionary Systems and the Navier–Stokes Equations
hu0 .t/ C Au.t/ C B.u.t/; u.t// f ; vi C .t/ v dS D 0; (15.21)
with 2 Lloc .Œt0 ; 1/I W/ such that .t/ 2 N.u .t// for a.e. t > t0 ,
• for a.e. t t0 (including t0 ) and for all s > t we have
1 s s
ju.s/j2 C 2
ku.r/k dr C ..r/; u .r//W hf ; u.r/i dr ju.t/j2 :
2 t t 2
Remark 15.3. Every type I Leray–Hopf weak solution defined above belongs to the
spaces C.Œt0 ; 1/I V 0 / and Cw .Œt0 ; 1/I H/. Moreover, (15.22) implies that ju.t/j2 is
continuous from the right at t0 .
Theorem 15.4. Assume .g1/–.g5/. For any u0 2 H there exists at least one type I
Leray–Hopf weak solution given by Definition 15.5.
Proof. The proof is standard in the theory of three-dimensional Navier–Stokes
equations and it is based on the Galerkin method. It is enough to prove, for certain
given T > t0 , the existence of a function u 2 L2 .t0 ; TI V/ \ L1 .t0 ; TI H/ with
u0 2 L 3 .t0 ; TI V 0 / and corresponding 2 L2 .t0 ; TI W/ which satisfies the initial
condition, (15.21) for a.e. t 2 .t0 ; T/, and (15.22) for a.e. t 2 .t0 ; T/ and for t D t0 .
The solution on the interval .t0 ; 1/ can then be obtained by concatenating the weak
solutions obtained on the intervals of length T t0 by taking the value of the previous
solution at the endpoint of the time interval as the initial condition for the subsequent
problem. We will proceed in the standard way obtaining the Leray–Hopf weak
solution by passing to the limit in the Galerkin problems. Let uk 2 AC.Œt0 ; TI Vk /
be the solutions of Problem 15.1 with the initial condition Pk u0 . We denote by k the
corresponding selections of N ..uk / /. Taking v D uk .t/ in (15.15) we get for a.e.
t 2 .t0 ; T/,
juk .t/j2 C kuk .t/k2 C k .t/ .uk / .t/ dS D hf ; uk .t/i: (15.23)
2 dt C
c21 m2 .C /
.c2 C 1/kuk .t/k2W C : (15.24)
Let ı 2 .0; 12 / and let Z D V \ H 1ı .˝I R3 / be endowed with H 1ı .˝I R3 /
topology. The embedding V Z is compact and Z H is continuous. Moreover,
the trace operator from Z to W is linear and continuous. Thus, we can use the Ehrling
lemma (cf. Lemma 3.17) to deduce that for any " > 0 there exists C."/ > 0 such
that kvkW "kvk C C."/jvj for all v 2 V. Thus, from (15.24) we get
15.3 Existence of Leray–Hopf Weak Solution 349
jk .t/ .uk / .t/j dS "kuk .t/k2 C C1 ."/juk .t/j2 C C2 ;
1d 1
juk .t/j2 C kuk .t/k2 2"kuk .t/k2 C kf kV 0 C C1 ."/juk .t/j2 C C2 : (15.25)
2 dt 4"
It suffices to take " D 4 . Now, we use the Gronwall lemma (cf. Lemma 3.20) to
deduce that uk is uniformly bounded in V and L1 .t0 ; TI H/. To prove that k is
bounded in L2 .t0 ; TI W/ we observe that
kk .t/k2W .c1 C c2 j.uk / .x; t/j/2 dS 2c21 m2 .C / C 2c22 k k2 kuk .t/k2 ;
uk ! u weakly in V ; (15.27)
uk ! u weakly- in L .t0 ; TI H/; (15.28)
350 15 Evolutionary Systems and the Navier–Stokes Equations
u0k ! u0 weakly in L 3 .t0 ; TI H/; (15.29)
uk ! u strongly in L2 .t0 ; TI H/; (15.30)
uk .t/ ! u.t/ strongly in H for almost all t 2 .t0 ; T/; (15.31)
uk ! u strongly in C.Œt0 ; TI V 0 /; (15.32)
uk .t/ ! u.t/ weakly in H for all t 2 Œt0 ; T; (15.33)
k ! weakly in L2 .t0 ; TI W/; (15.34)
.uk / ! u strongly in L2 .t0 ; TI W/: (15.35)
and the continuity of the Nemytskii trace operator from L2 .0; TI Z/ to L2 .0; TI W/.
The convergence (15.33) follows by the computation
Z t
.uk .t/; v/ D .Pk u0 ; v/ C hu0k .s/; vi ds;
Using (15.27), (15.29), (15.30), (15.33), and Lemma 15.1 we can pass to the limit
in above equation, getting
hu0 .t/ C Au.t/ C B.u.t/; u.t// f ; v'.t/i dt C ..t/; v '.t//W dt D 0;
t0 t0
15.4 Existence and Invariance of Weak Global Attractor, and Weak Tracking. . . 351
S1 1
valid for v 2 kD1 Vk and ' 2 C ..t0 ; T//, whence (15.21) follows. Integrat-
ing (15.23) on .t; s/ we get, for all t; s with t0 t < s T,
1 s s
juk .s/j2 C kuk .r/k2 dr C .k .r/; .uk / .r//W hf ; uk .r/i dr juk .t/j2 :
2 t t 2
Using (15.27), (15.31), (15.34), and (15.35) as well as the sequential weak lower
semicontinuity of the norm of the space L2 .t; sI V/ we get, for a.e. t 2 .t0 ; T/ and
a.e. s 2 .t; T/,
1 s s
ju.s/j2 C ku.r/k2 dr C ..r/; u .r//W hf ; u.r/i dr ju.t/j2 :
2 t t 2
The convergence (15.33) and the sequential weak lower semicontinuity of the norm
j j imply that the last inequality holds for all s 2 Œt; T. Integrating (15.23) on .t0 ; s/
we get, for all s 2 .t0 ; T,
1 s s
juk .s/j2 C kuk .r/k dr C 2
.k .r/; .uk / .r//W hf ; uk .r/i dr jPk u0 j2 :
2 t0 t0 2
As we did in (15.36), we can pass to the limit in the above inequality, to get
1 s s
ju.s/j2 C ku.r/k2 dr C ..r/; u .r//W hf ; u.r/i dr ju0 j2 :
2 t0 t0 2
We have proved (15.22). The fact that u.t0 / D u0 follows from (15.33) for t D t0 and
the fact that uk .0/ D Pk u0 ! u0 strongly in H as k ! 1. Finally, (15.34), (15.35),
and assertion .H2/ of Theorem 3.23 imply that 2 N .u /. The proof is complete.
Remark 15.4. There are two “sources” of possible nonuniqueness of Leray–Hopf
weak solution of the studied problem. First, the nonlinear term B which, in
three-dimensional case, makes the weak solution uniqueness unknown (cf., e.g.,
[99, 219]), and, moreover, the nonmonotone friction multifunction g which also can
contribute to the lack of solution uniqueness.
First we discuss the dissipativity of the type I Leray–Hopf weak solutions. We recall
a useful lemma.
352 15 Evolutionary Systems and the Navier–Stokes Equations
.t0 /ec.tt0 / for all t t0 :
We use the above lemma to get a dissipativity result for type I Leray–Hopf weak
Lemma 15.3. If u is a type I Leray–Hopf weak solution given by Definition 15.5,
then for all t t0 we have
for all s t and for a.e. t > t0 and for t D t0 , where " > 0 is arbitrary. Using the
trace inequality, we get
Z !
1 s
1 kf k2V 0
ju.s/j2 C. d2 k k2 "/ 2
ku.r/k dr ju.t/j C Cd1 L1 L2 .st/:
2 t 2 4"
d2 kk2
We take " D 2
. Using the Poincaré inequality 1 jvj2 kvk2 valid for v 2 V,
we get
Z s
ju.s/j2 C 1 . d2 k k2 / ju.r/j2 dr
kf k2V 0
ju.t/j2 C C 2d1 L1 L2 .s t/:
d2 k k2
kf k2V 0
Denote A D 1 . d2 k k2 / and B D d2 kk2
C 2d1 L1 L2 . We have
Z s
ju.s/j2 CA ju.r/j2 dr ju.t/j2 :
A t A A
15.4 Existence and Invariance of Weak Global Attractor, and Weak Tracking. . . 353
X D fu 2 H W juj2 Rg;
with 2 Lloc .t0 ; 1I W/ such that .t/ 2 N.u .t// for a.e. t > t0 ,
• for a.e. t t0 (not necessarily for t0 ) and for all s > t we have
1 s s
ju.s/j2 C ku.r/k2 dr C ..r/; u .r//W hf ; u.r/i dr ju.t/j2 :
2 t t 2
Note that every type I Leray–Hopf weak solution is a type II Leray–Hopf weak
solution. Moreover, a restriction of either type I or type II Leray–Hopf weak solution
given on interval Œt0 ; 1/ to a smaller interval ŒT; 1/ Œt0 ; 1/ is always a type
II Leray–Hopf weak solution on ŒT; 1/. It is, however, impossible to concatenate
354 15 Evolutionary Systems and the Navier–Stokes Equations
type II Leray–Hopf weak solutions, as the energy inequality (15.39) does not have
to hold at the initial time t D t0 . We can define
Obviously, E .ŒT; 1// satisfies the first three axioms of Definition 15.1, and hence
it defines the evolutionary system with E ..1; 1// given by axiom .iv/ of
Definition 15.1. We can use Theorem 15.1 to conclude the following result on the
existence of a weak global attractor.
Theorem 15.5. The evolutionary system defined by (15.40) has a weak global
attractor A .
To study the attractor invariance we need the next result.
Theorem 15.6. Let uk be the sequence of type II Leray–Hopf weak solutions on
Œt0 ; 1/ such that uk .t/ 2 X for all t t0 . Let T > t0 be given arbitrarily. Then there
exists a subsequence, not renumbered, which converges in Cw .Œt0 ; TI H/ to some
type II Leray–Hopf weak solution u, i.e.,
Proof. Let the sequence tm ! t0 be such that (15.39) holds for t D tm . Proceeding
in the same way as in the proof of Lemma 15.3 we get
kuk .r/k2 dr C;
uk ! u weakly in V ;
uk ! u weakly- in L1 .t0 ; TI H/;
u0k ! u0 weakly in L 3 .t0 ; TI H/;
uk ! u strongly in L2 .t0 ; TI H/;
uk .t/ ! u.t/ strongly in H for almost all t 2 .t0 ; T/;
uk ! u strongly in C.Œt0 ; TI V 0 /; (15.41)
uk .t/ ! u.t/ weakly in H for all t 2 Œt0 ; T;
15.4 Existence and Invariance of Weak Global Attractor, and Weak Tracking. . . 355
Now, exactly the same as in the proof of Theorem 15.4, it follows that u satis-
fies (15.38) and (15.39) for a.e. t 2 .t0 ; T/, whence u is a certain type II Leray–Hopf
weak solution. To show the uniform convergence in Cw .Œt0 ; TI H/, let v 2 H and let
" > 0. We can find v" 2 V with jv" vj ". We have
sup j.uk .t/ u.t/; v/j D sup jhuk .t/ u.t/; v" i C .uk .t/ u.t/; v v" /j
t2Œt0 ;T t2Œt0 ;T
sup kuk .t/ u.t/kV 0 kv" k C 2 R";
t2Œt0 ;T
where we have used the fact that uk .t/; u.t/ 2 X. We pass with k ! 1 and
use (15.41), to get
lim sup sup j.uk .t/ u.t/; v/j 2 R":
k!1 t2Œt0 ;T
As " was arbitrary, it follows that limk!1 supt2Œt0 ;T j.uk .t/ u.t/; v/j D 0, and the
proof is complete. t
Theorem 15.7. E .Œ0; 1// is compact in Cw .Œ0; 1/I H/.
Proof. The proof follows the lines of the proof of Lemma 3.12 in [66]. Take any
sequence uk 2 E .Œ0; 1//. By Theorem 15.6 there exists a subsequence, still denoted
by uk , which converges in Cw .Œ0; 1I H/ to some u1 , a type II Leray–Hopf solution.
Passing again to subsequence, not renumbered, uk converges in Cw .Œ0; 2I H/ to
some u2 , a type II Leray–Hopf solution such that u1 D u2 on Œ0; 1. Continuing
this diagonalization process, uk converges in Cw .Œ0; 1/I H/ to some u, a type II
Leray–Hopf solution. As ju.t/j lim infk!1 juk .t/j for all t 0, it follows that
u.t/ 2 X, and in consequence u 2 E .Œ0; 1//. The proof is complete. t
As we have shown that .A1/ holds, we can use Theorem 15.2 to conclude the last
result of this section.
Theorem 15.8. The weak global attractor A is a maximal invariant set. Moreover,
and the tracking property holds, i.e., for every " > 0 there exists t0 > 0 such that
for any t > t0 and for any trajectory u 2 E .Œ0; 1// we have
There are several mathematical formalisms useful to study the global attractors for
autonomous evolution problems without uniqueness of solutions. Among them we
can list:
• generalized semiflows introduced and studied by Ball [11],
• multivalued semiflows (m-semiflows) anticipated by Babin and Vishik [9] and
introduced and studied by Melnik and Valero in [171] and [172],
• trajectory attractors introduced independently by Chepyzhov and Vishik [59],
Málek and Nečas [167], and Sell [210]. The application of this approach to two-
dimensional incompressible Navier–Stokes problem with multivalued feedback
control boundary condition is presented in Chap. 14,
• evolutionary systems introduced by Cheskidov and Foiaş and [66] and later
extended by Cheskidov in [65].
The formalism of evolutionary systems chosen by us in this chapter appears to be
especially well suited to the problems governed by the three-dimensional Navier–
Stokes equations. Still, such problems can be and have been dealt with by the other
methods: trajectory attractors [59, 167, 210], multivalued semiflows [128, 141], and
generalized semiflows [11]. The approach based on generalized semiflows has been
compared with the one based on multivalued semiflows in [40], and both these
approached were related to the one based on the trajectory attractors in [129].
More information on the structure of weak attractor for three-dimensional case
with periodic boundary conditions can be found in [102] and on the structure of
the attainability sets of weak solutions in [138].
If we assume the periodic or homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions on
whole @˝ it is known that a weak solution for three-dimensional Navier–Stokes
equations, so-called Leray–Hopf solution (see [115, 154]), exists for arbitrarily long
time but its uniqueness is still an open problem. On the other hand, the regular
solution is known to exist and be unique only locally in time (see [98] for local
15.5 Comments and Bibliographical Notes 357
.A/ D finf ı > 0 W A has finite open cover of sets of diameter less than ı g:
For the properties of
, see, for example, [111, 125]. Subsets of R H will be called
non-autonomous sets. For a non-autonomous set D R H we identify D with the
family of its fibers, i.e.,
A family D of non-autonomous sets such that for every D 2 D and all t 2 R the
fiber D.t/ is nonempty (i.e., D.t/ 2 P.H/) is called an attraction universe over H.
We denote Rd D f.t; / 2 R2 W t g.
Definition 16.1. The map U W Rd H ! P.H/ is called a multivalued process
(m-process) if:
(1) U.; ; z/ D z for all z 2 H,
(2) U.t; ; z/ U.t; s; U.s; ; z// for all z 2 H and all t s .
If in (2), in place of inclusion we have the equality U.t; ; z/ D U.t; s; U.s; ; z//,
then the m-process is said to be strict.
Definition 16.2. Let D be an attraction universe over H. The m-process U in H is
pullback !-D-limit compact if for every D D fD. /g 2R 2 D and t 2 R we have
U.t; ; D. // ! 0 as s ! 1:
.fi g1 1 1
iD1 / D
.fi giD1 [ fi giDmC1 /
.fi giDmC1 /:
16.1 Abstract Theory of Pullback D-Attractors for Multivalued Processes 361
For every k 2 N and m such that tmC1 k we have
.fi g1 iDmC1 / k ,
1 1
.fi giD1 / D 0. This proves, in turn, the precompactness of fi giD1 , and,
in consequence, the pullback D-asymptotic compactness of U.
Now let U be pullback D-asymptotically compact. We shall prove first that for
every D 2 D and t 2 R the set
!.D; t/ D U.t; ; D. // (16.2)
st s
is nonempty.
Indeed, let tk ! 1 and k 2 U.t; tk ; D.tk // and let, for a subsequence, still
denotedSby k, k ! . For every s t and every indexSk such that tk s, we have
k 2 s U.t; ; D. //. Since k ! , then 2 s U.t; ; D. // for every
s t. Thus 2 !.D; t/.
Now we prove that for every D 2 D and every t 2 R,
Assume, to the contrary, that there exists the non-autonomous set D 2 D, the
number Nt 2 R, and the sequences tk ! 1 and k 2 U.Nt; tk ; D.tk // such
that distH .k ; !.D; t// > 0. By the asymptotic compactness property, for a
subsequence, still denoted by k, we have k ! in H. But 2 !.D; t/, which gives
a contradiction.
Let D 2 D, t 2 R and let xn be a sequence in !.D; t/. We prove that this sequence
has a subsequence that converges to some element in !.D; t/ and thus the set !.D; t/
is compact. As
xn 2 U.t; ; D. // for every s t;
then, for any sequence tk ! 1 there exists mk 2 U.t; tmk ; D.tmk // such that
.xk ; mk / 1k . By pullback D-asymptotic compactness, there exists a subsequence
of mk converging to some 2 !.D; t/. Thus, also x ! .
S Now let us fix > 0. We need to show that there exists s < t such that the set
s U.t; ; D. // can be covered by a finite number of sets with diameter . From
compactness of !.D; t/ it follows that there exists a finite number of points fxi gkiD1
such that !.D; t/ kiD1 B.xi ; 2 /: Now choose s < t such that
distH .U.t; ; D. //; !.D; t// < ;
whenever s. It follows that for all s we have G.t; ; D. // iD1 B.xi ; /
and the proof is complete. t
362 16 Attractors for Multivalued Processes in Contact Problems
(4) if C is a non-autonomous set such that C.t/ are closed for t 2 R and C is
pullback D-attracting then A.t/ C.t/ for every t 2 R (minimality property).
Remark 16.1. Condition (4) in the above definition implies that pullback
D-attractor is always defined uniquely.
Remark 16.2. If we assume that, by definition, A 2 D then condition (4)
(minimality) follows from conditions (1)–(3). In such a case, by Remark 16.1,
conditions (1)–(3) suffice to guarantee the uniqueness of A.
The minimality property can be proved as follows. Suppose that there exists a
non-autonomous set C such that C.t/ are closed for all t 2 R, C is attracting,
and for some t 2 R, C.t/ A.t/ with proper inclusion. As A 2 D, we have
distH .U.t; ; A. //; C.t// ! 0 for ! 1. But A.t/ U.t; ; A. //, and we
have distH .A.t/; C.t// distH .U.t; ; A.t//; C.t// ! 0 as ! 1, whence
A.t/ C.t/, a contradiction.
Definition 16.6. The m-process U on H is closed if for all t the graph of the
multivalued mapping x ! U.t; ; x/ is a closed set in the product topology on HH.
Now we formulate a theorem about the existence of pullback D-attractors in
complete metric spaces. A similar result is proved in [4, 35, 169] (see also [171, 172]
for the case of m-semiflows and [41, 239] for the case of the universe of bounded
and constant in time sets).
Theorem 16.1. Let H be a complete metric space and let the m-process U on H be
closed. Assume that
(i) U has a pullback D-absorbing non-autonomous set B 2 D.
(ii) U is pullback !-D-limit compact (equivalently, U is pullback D-asymptotically
Then there exists a pullback D-attractor for U.
16.1 Abstract Theory of Pullback D-Attractors for Multivalued Processes 363
Since the sets Xs D s U.t; ; B. // are nonempty, bounded, and closed in
H, and the family of sets fXs gst is nonincreasing as s ! 1, we can apply a
well-known property of
(cf., e.g., [111]) to get the claims.
Step 3. Attraction property. Since for every t 2 R, every non-autonomous set
D 2 D, and every r t it is U.t; ; D. // U.t; r; U.r; ; D. ///
U.t; r; B.r// for all 0 , for some 0 .D; r/ r, it suffices to prove that
distH .U.t; ; B. //; A.t// ! 0 as ! 1. We argue by contradiction. Assume,
to the contrary, that there exist sequences k ! 1 and k 2 U.t; k ; B.k //
such that infy2A.t/ %.k ; y/ > 0. By the pullback D-asymptotic compactness
property, there exists a convergent subsequence, ! in H, and by the
definition of the pullback D-attractor in (16.3), 2 A.t/, which gives a
Step 4. We prove that A.t/ U.t; ; A. // for all t. Let x 2 A.t/ and t.
We shall prove that x 2 U.t; ; p/ for some p 2 A. /. Since x 2 A.t/ defined
in (16.3), there exist tk ! 1 and k 2 U.t; tk ; B.tk // such that k ! x in H. We
for large k, whence there exist zk 2 B.tk / such that k 2 U.t; ; U.; tk ; zk //,
and pk 2 U.; tk ; zk / such that k 2 U.t; ; pk /. By the pullback D-asymptotic
compactness it follows that for a subsequence of fpk g we have p ! p in H.
From (16.3) it follows that p 2 A. /. Since ! x and p ! p with 2
U.t; ; p /, from the fact that U is closed it follows that x 2 U.t; ; p/. The proof
is complete.
Step 5. To prove the minimality property assume that there exists a pullback D-
attracting non-autonomous set C such that C.t/ are closed. Then due to the fact
that B 2 D we have distH .U.t; ; B. //; C.t// ! 0 as ! 1 . Let x 2 A.t/.
By (16.3) there exist sequences k ! 1 and k 2 U.t; k ; B.k // such that
k ! x, whereas, as C.t/ is closed, we have x 2 C.t/ and the proof is complete.
364 16 Attractors for Multivalued Processes in Contact Problems
Remark 16.3. The above theorem still holds if we assume that, in definition of the
pullback D-asymptotic compactness, any set D 2 D is replaced with the pullback
D-absorbing set B. In such a case this set does not have to belong to the universe D
(see [4, 35, 169]).
Remark 16.4. The existence of the pullback D-attractor implies condition (ii) in the
above theorem, that is, the !-D-limit compactness of U. To prove it we follow the
argument provided, e.g., in [240]. Denote by O" .A.t// the closed "-neighborhood of
A.t/. Since the set A.t/ is compact, then
.A.t// D 0, and
.O" .A.t/// 2". From
the attraction property of A, for any D 2 D we have distH .U.t; ; D. //; A.t// 2"
for all 0 for some 0 .D; t/. Thus
U.t; ; D. // 2";
Fig. 16.1 Illustration of the example in Remark 16.5. The identity semiflow has a pullback
D-attractor but it does not have a pullback D-absorbing non-autonomous set in D
It is natural to ask what assumptions on the universe D are required to guarantee that
existence of pullback D-attractor implies (i). We make the following assumptions:
(HD1) The universe D is inclusion-closed, that is if D D fD.t/g t2R 2 D and
D0 D fD0 .t/gt2R is such that D0 .t/ D.t/ and D0 .t/ 2 P.H/ for all t 2 R, then
D0 2 D.
(HD2) If D D fD.t/gt2R 2 D, then there exists " > 0 such that the non-
autonomous set fO" .D.t//gt2R also belongs to D.
Corollary 16.1. Let the universe D satisfy (HD1) and let the m-process U satisfy
the assumptions of Theorem 16.1. Then we have A 2 D. If we moreover assume that
U is strict then A is invariant, i.e., U.t; ; A. // D A.t/ for all t 2 R and t.
16.1 Abstract Theory of Pullback D-Attractors for Multivalued Processes 365
Proof. The proof follows the lines of the proofs of item (6) in Theorem 3 in [169]
and items (5) (6) in Theorem 3.10 in [4]. Since B is pullback D-absorbing we have
distH .U.t; ; D. //; B.t// D 0 for all D 2 D and t0 .D; t/. Hence as ! 1
we have distH .U.t; ; D. //; B.t// ! 0 and fB.t/gt2R is pullback D-attracting. Then
from the attractor minimality we have A.t/ B.t/ and the assertion follows from
For the proof of the positive invariance, let t be fixed and let r 0. We have
and distH .U.t; ; A. //; A.t// D 0, whence, by the closedness of A.t/, it follows that
U.t; ; A. // A.t/ and the assertion is proved. t
Corollary 16.2. Let the universe D satisfy (HD2) and let the m-process U have the
pullback D-attractor A 2 D. Then U has a pullback D-absorbing non-autonomous
set B 2 D.
Proof. Define B.t/ D O" .A.t//, where " is given in (HD2). Then B D fB.t/gt2R
belongs to D. Suppose, on the contrary, that B.t/ is not pullback D-absorbing.
This means that there exist sequences tk ! 1 and k 2 U.t; tk ; D.tk // such
that for large k we have k 62 B.t/. From Remark 16.4 it follows that U is
pullback D-asymptotically compact, and, for a subsequence, ! . As A is
pullback D-attracting and A.t/ is closed, we have 2 A.t/, a contradiction with
k 62 O" .A.t//. t
Summarizing, we have a following theorem which is a consequence of Theo-
rem 16.1, Remark 16.4, and Corollaries 16.1 and 16.2.
Theorem 16.2. Let D be a universe of non-autonomous sets satisfying (HD1) and
(HD2) and let U be a closed m-process. Then U has a pullback D-attractor A
belonging to D if and only if U is pullback D-asymptotically compact and has a
pullback D-absorbing non-autonomous set B 2 D:
In the sequel of this section we confine ourselves to Banach spaces where we will
consider both strong and weak topologies. We introduce condition (NW), “norm-to-
weak,” that generalizes to the non-autonomous multivalued case the norm-to-weak
continuity assumed in [240] for semigroups (see Definition 3.4 in [240]) and in
[125] for multivalued semiflows (see Definition 2.11 in [125]). A similar condition
is introduced for the non-autonomous multivalued case in [231] (see condition (3) in
366 16 Attractors for Multivalued Processes in Contact Problems
Definition 2.6 in [231]), where only the strict case is considered and, instead of a
subsequence, whole sequence is assumed to converge weakly.
Definition 16.7. The m-process U on a Banach space H satisfies condition (NW) if
for every t 2 R and t, from xk ! x in H and k 2 U.t; ; xk / it follows that there
exists a subsequence fmk g, such that mk ! weakly in H with 2 U.t; ; x/.
Lemma 16.2. If a multivalued process U on a Banach space H satisfies condition
(NW) then it is closed.
Proof. An elementary proof follows directly from the definitions. t
From Theorem 16.1 together with Lemma 16.2 we have the following
Corollary 16.3. If the m-process U on a Banach space H has a pullback D-
absorbing non-autonomous set B 2 D, is pullback D-asymptotically compact
(equivalently, !-D-limit compact), and satisfies condition (NW) then there exists
a pullback D-attractor for U.
The above corollary provides useful criteria of existence of pullback D-attractors
for multivalued processes. In the next section we apply them to study the time
asymptotic behavior of solutions of a problem originating from contact mechanics.
where h W R ! R is a positive function (we assume that h.x1 / h0 > 0 for all
x1 2 R), smooth, and L-periodic in x1 . Then we set
On the contact boundary C we decompose the velocity into the normal component
un D u n, where n is the unit outward normal vector, and the tangential one u D
u e1 . Note that since the domain ˝ is two-dimensional it is possible to consider the
tangential components as scalars, for the sake of the ease of notation. Likewise, we
decompose the stress on the boundary C into its normal component Tn D Tn n
and the tangential one T D Tn e1 . The stress tensor is related to the velocity and
pressure through the linear constitutive law Tij D pıij C .ui;j C uj;i /.
We assume that there is no flux across C ,
elasticity, see Fig. 4.6 in [12] and Fig. 2(a) in [213] for examples of particular
nonmonotone friction laws that satisfy the assumptions .j1/–.j4/ listed below.
Complex nonmonotone behavior of the friction force density is related to the
presence of asperities on the surface [191]. Similar friction law is also used, for
example, in the study of the motion of tectonic plates, see [119, 190, 207] and the
references therein.
Weak Formulation and Existence of Solutions We introduce the variational
formulation of the problem and, for the convenience of the readers, we describe
the relations between the classical and the weak formulations.
We begin with some basic definitions. Let
hu0 .t/ C Au.t/ C Bu.t/; zi C ..t/; z /L2 .C / D hf .t/; zi; (16.11)
.t/ 2 [email protected];u .t//
u0 .t/ z dx C Tij .u.t/; p.t//zi;j dx C b.u.t/; u.t/; z/
˝ ˝
D Tij .u.t/; p.t//nj zi dS C f .t/ z dx (16.14)
@˝ ˝
for t 2 .t0 ; 1/. As u.t/ and z are in V, after some calculations we obtain
Tij .u.t/; p.t//zi;j dx D a.u.t/; z/: (16.15)
and the last integral equals zero as z satisfies (16.8) a.e. on C . Thus, (16.11) holds.
Conversely, suppose that u is a sufficiently smooth solution to Problem 16.1. We
have immediately (16.6)–(16.8) and (16.10). Now, let z be in the space
hu0 .t/ u.t/ C .u.t/ r/u.t/ f .t/ ; zi D 0 for every z 2 .H01 .div; ˝//2 :
By (16.16) we have (16.13) and so the first integral on the left-hand side vanishes.
In the same way as in the proof of Proposition 10.1 we assume enough smoothness
of the classical solution, such that the Cauchy stress vector Tn on L is L-periodic
with respect to x1 . This means that the second integral
R on the left-hand side of the
last equality vanishes for any z 2 V. Thus we get C .T /z dS. Analogously
to the proof of Proposition 10.1, we use the results of Chapter 1.2 in [146] on the
extension of smooth functions on the boundary to divergence free vector fields to
deduce that in the last inequality z can be replaced by any sufficiently smooth
function. It follows that T D for a.e. x 2 C and the proof is complete. t
Theorem 16.3. Assuming .f 1/, and .j1/–.j3/, Problem 16.1 has a solution.
The proof uses the standard approach by the mollification of the nonsmooth term
and the Galerkin method. Since it is, on one hand, technical and quite involved, and,
on the other hand the methodology is the same as in the proof of Theorem 10.8 in
Chap. 10 and Theorem 14.1 in Chap. 14, with the necessary modifications for the
non-autonomous terms, we skip the proof here.
Multivalued Process and Its Attractor We associate with Problem 16.1 the
multifunction U W Rd H ! P.H/, where U.t; t0 ; u0 / is the set of states attainable
at time t from the initial condition u0 taken at time t0 . Observe that U is a strict
Lemma 16.3. Assume .f 1/, .j1/–.j4/. If the function u 2 Lloc .t0 ; C1I V/ with
0 2 0
u 2 Lloc .t0 ; C1I V / solves Problem 16.1, then
ju.t/j2 C . dk k2 /ku.t/k2 C1 .1 C jf .t/j2 /; (16.18)
ku0 .t/kV 0 C2 .1 C jf .t/j/ C C3 .1 C ju.t/j/ku.t/k (16.19)
to get
ju.t/j2 C ku.t/k2 C ..t/; u .t//L2 .C / D .f .t/; u.t//;
2 dt
where .t/ 2 [email protected];u .t//
for a.e. t t0 . From .j4/ we obtain, with arbitrary " > 0,
1d " 1
ju.t/j2 C ku.t/k2 ku.t/k2 C kf .t/k2V 0 C dku .t/k2L2 .C / cL:
2 dt 2 2"
372 16 Attractors for Multivalued Processes in Contact Problems
1d dk k2
ju.t/j2 C ku.t/k2 C.1 C kf .t/k2V 0 /;
2 dt 2
with .t/ 2 [email protected] .t//
, where we used the fact that, in view of the Ladyzhenskaya
inequality (cf. Lemma 10.2), for w; z 2 V we have
Now (16.19) follows directly from the growth condition .j3/ and the trace inequality.
Denote D . dk k2 /1 and define R.t/ by
Z t
R.t/2 D C C1 es jf .s/j2 ds C 1 for t 2 R: (16.22)
By .f 2/ the quantity R.t/ is well defined and finite. We denote by R the family of
all functions r W R ! .0; 1/ such that
ju.s/j2 C . dk k2 /1 ju.s/j2 C1 .1 C jf .s/j2 / for a.e. s 2 .; t/:
16.2 Application to a Contact Problem 373
ju.t/j2 R2 .t/;
uk ! u weakly in L2 .t 1; t C 1I V/;
u0k ! u0 weakly in L2 .t 1; t C 1I V 0 /;
uk ! u strongly in L2 .t 1; t C 1I H/; (16.24)
uk .s/ ! u.s/ weakly in H for all s 2 Œt 1; t C 1; (16.25)
uk ! u strongly in L2 .t 1; t C 1I L2 .C //; (16.26)
k ! weakly in L2 .t 1; t C 1I L2 .C //: (16.27)
Note that the coercivity of a implies that the functions Vk are nonincreasing. By the
energy equation (16.28) we have
1 s s
Vk .s/ D juk .s/j2 C .k .r/; uk .r//L2 .C / dr .f .r/; uk .r// dr:
2 t1 t1
for a.e. s 2 .t 1; t C 1/. We denote the right-hand side of the above equation by
V.s/. We can choose sequences pm % t and qm & t such that Vk .pm / ! V.pm / and
Vk .qm / ! V.qm / as k ! 1 for all m 2 N. We have
and hence
V.pm / D lim Vk .pm / lim sup Vk .t/ lim inf Vk .t/ lim Vk .qm / D V.qm /:
k!1 k!1 k!1 k!1
We pass with m to infinity and use the fact that V, by definition, is continuous.
We get
which gives us the convergence jun .t/j ! ju.t/j, and the proof is complete. t
Lemma 16.6. If for every integer k, uk solves Problem 16.1 with the initial
condition u0k taken at t0 , and u0k ! u0 strongly in H then for any t > t0 , for a
subsequence, uk .t/ ! u.t/ weakly in H, where u is a solution of Problem 16.1 with
the initial condition u0 taken at t0 . In consequence, the m-process U on H satisfies
condition (NW).
Proof. The proof is standard since the a priori estimates of Lemma 16.3 provide
enough convergence to pass to the limit. Indeed, the sequence uk is bounded in
L2 .t0 ; tI V/ with u0k bounded in L2 .t0 ; tI V 0 /. Hence, for a subsequence, uk ! u
weakly in L2 .t0 ; tI V/ with u0k ! u0 weakly in L2 .t0 ; tI V 0 /. In consequence, for all
s 2 Œ0; t, uk .s/ ! u.s/ weakly in H, which means that u.t0 / D u0 and uk .t/ ! u.t/
weakly in H. It also follows that uk ! u strongly in L2 .t0 ; tI L2 .C // and in
L2 .C .t0 ; t//. We must show that u solves Problem 16.1 on .t0 ; t/. We only discuss
passing to the limit in the multivalued term since for other terms it is standard. Let
k 2 L2 .t0 ; tI L2 .C // be such that k .s/ 2 [email protected];u k .s//
a.e. s 2 .t0 ; t/ and (16.11) holds.
From the growth condition .j3/ it follows that k is bounded in L2 .t0 ; tI L2 .C //
and thus, for a subsequence, we have k ! weakly in L2 .t0 ; tI L2 .C // and
weakly in L2 .C .t0 ; t//. Using assertion .H2/ in Theorem 3.24 it follows that
for a.e. .x; s/ 2 C .t0 ; t/ .x; s/ 2 @j.x; s; u .x; s//, which, in turn, implies that
.s/ 2 [email protected];u .s//
for a.e. s 2 .t0 ; t/, and the proof is complete. t
From Lemmas 16.4–16.6 it follows that all assumptions of Corollary 16.3 hold
and hence we have shown the following Theorem.
Theorem 16.4. The m-process U on H associated with Problem 16.1 has a D -
pullback attractor. This attractor is moreover invariant and it belongs to D .
376 16 Attractors for Multivalued Processes in Contact Problems
In the above theorem the attractor invariance and the fact that it belongs to the
universe D follow from Corollary 16.1 as the m-process is strict and the attraction
universe D satisfies .HD1/.
In this chapter we were interested in the evolution problems for which the solutions
for a given initial conditions are not unique. To deal with such problems, the
theory of m-semiflows and their global attractors was introduced in [171, 172] and
later extended to non-autonomous case [41]. Results on the existence of pullback
D-attractors for the problems without uniqueness of solutions were obtained in
[4, 35, 169]. The abstract result on the existence of the pullback D-attractor shown
in this chapter was based on these works, however, we showed some extension
to the results presented there: our alternative proof of the pullback D-attractor
existence was based on the notion of !-D-limit-compactness and seems particularly
transparent. We weakened the upper semicontinuity assumption from [4, 35, 169]
replacing it by the graph closedness, and we additionally studied not only necessary
but also the necessary and sufficient conditions for the attractor existence.
We introduced the so-called condition (NW), earlier studied for autonomous case
in [240] and recently in [125], and for non-autonomous case in [231] in context of
uniform attractors. This condition is convenient to verify for particular problems of
mathematical physics governed by PDEs.
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we refer to [10, 53, 55, 130, 131, 239]. For similar problems in contact mechanics, cf.
[126, 162] and, in particular, [12, 213]. The results of this chapter come from [127].
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384 References
attraction universe, 261, 266, 277, 360
inclusion-closed, 266, 364
distributional, 48
time, 63
(global) pullback D-, 261, 278
generalized, 46
for m-process, 362
material, 13
minimal, 262
determining modes, 252
exponential, 209
determining nodes, 256, 257
global, 151, 208
differential inclusion, 234
weak, 334, 339
dilation group, 33
trajectory, 330
fractal, 183, 209
B Hausdorff, 193
Banach contraction principle, 42 Dirac delta, 47
Banach generalized limit, 170 directional derivative
Bochner integral, 62 generalized Clarke, 71
boundary condition dissipation, function, 23
Fourier, 112 distribution, 47
Tresca, 112 regular, 47
Boussinesq equations, 24 Du Bois-Reymond, lemma, 45
Ehrling lemma, 65
equation of motion, 17
principle, 16
dissipation rate, 196
coercive bilinear form, 40
theory V
false, 37 variable
incomplete, 37 hydromechanical, 12
overdetermined, 37 state, 26
well-set, 36 variational inequality, 215
thermal velocity, 12
conductivity, 20 vorticity, 25
diffusion coefficient, 24
expansion coefficient, 24
tracking property, 339
Tresca condition, 211 W
generalized, 233, 367 wave number, 56