Moran Kwak 2015
Moran Kwak 2015
Moran Kwak 2015
Brittanie Moran, M.A.
Department of Marketing
The purpose of the study was to examine the impact of stress, materialism, and external
stimuli on impulsive online buying. A total of 156 usable surveys were collected online.
Stress was manipulated by presenting participants with solvable and unsolvable anagram
tests. The study’s results indicated that consumers under stress displayed a higher online
impulse-buying tendency after viewing the second image relative to those consumers under
no stress regardless of stimuli presented. This implies that there was a delay in participants’
reaction to the stress. This suggests that the first image likely served as a primer. In addition,
there was a positive correlation between materialism and the impulse tendency, and that
external stimuli did not influence online impulse-buying tendencies. This study provides
Impulse Buying, Stress, Materialism, External Stimuli
Issue: 27, 2015
Impulse buying refers to a sudden urge to buy something without planning and
Fisher 1995; Verplanken and Sato 2011; Vohs and Faber 2007). Impulse buying accounts for
a substantial amount of goods sold every year. An impulse-buying tendency is the degree to
which an individual is likely to make unintended and immediate purchases (Jones 2003).
Impulse buying differs from both unplanned buying - which is characterized by situational
memory and utilitarian function - and compulsive buying - which is related to chronic,
excessive, and addictive purchases. Although impulse buying share similar characteristics of
these buying behaviours, impulse buying mainly focuses on hedonic and spontaneous desire
According to Vohs and Faber (2007), the questions addressed in early research on
impulse buying were “what” and “where”: what products could be best classified as impulse
items and where retail environments could promote impulse buying. In the 1980s, research
then focused on the question of “who” engages in impulse buying and on categorizing
began to ask “when” and “why” impulse buying occurs, examining the consumer and
including consumers’ situational inner states, their personal traits, and external stimuli.
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However, little research has examined the relationships simultaneously between these
factors on online impulse-buying tendency, especially among the Millennials. The current
(consumers’ personal traits), and external stimuli (website environments that promote
impulse buying). Online consumers tend to be more impulsive than other shoppers, and
impulsive purchases account for at least a quarter of online transactions (LaRose and Eastin
2002). This study proposes that consumers cope with and alleviate stress by involving in
discrepancy occurs when an individual observes a difference between the ideal self and the
actual self in their self-concept. This study tested whether the individual seeks to
to the individual’s sense of self. The purposes of this study were to examine the effect of
Symbolic Self-Completion
concept compensate that part of the self by acquiring and displaying symbols associated
with it (Wicklund and Gollwitzer 1982). Status symbols enable individuals to elicit a response
from the general public regarding their self-concept: to show position and to express
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lifestyles, opinions, and values (Carr and Vignoles 2011; Chernev et al. 2011; Sivanathan and
Pettit 2010). Examples of people validating their self-concept may be found in various
aspects of life, not only in consumption situations. In the case of sorority pledges and how
they self-symbolized in Arthur’s (1997) study, newest members of the sorority more
frequently adopted the idealized images and symbols associated with the sorority they were
joining. Braun and Wicklund (1989) found that law students believed they were more
recognizable as lawyers based on their external characteristics than did practicing lawyers.
They also found that younger students reported owning more items exhibiting their
university logo than did older students. These studies support that individuals compensate
and Wicklund 1989; Carr and Vignoles 2011). When faced with powerlessness and threats to
their self-image, consumers are generally willing to pay more for an item that is status-
related, and show a strong preference for self-expressive brands (Carr and Vignoles 2011;
Chernev et al. 2011; Kim and Rucker 2012; Sivanathan and Pettit 2010). These brands
symbolize some desirable trait that will receive approval and increase an individual’s status
or restore his or her perception and self-image. Previous research in the context of impulse-
buying behaviour studies found that people purchase material goods to compensate for
their perceived inadequacies (Dittmar et al. 1996) and to symbolize a part of the individual’s
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self-identity (Dittmar 2005; Dube and Black 2010; Kennett-Hensel, Sneath, and Lacey 2012;
that exceed his or her resources for coping (Folkman 2013); such a situation requires an
individual to change his or her behaviour patterns due to environmental, social, or internal
demand (Lee et al. 2007). Life challenges are typically beyond an individual’s control and are
between the individual and their environment. Stress involves an evaluation process which
determines the significance of a situation and options for coping. The evaluation process
creates various emotions such as anger, sadness, anxiety and fear (Folkman 2013). For
example, when people believe that they have failed to attain desired goals and hopes, they
experience agitation-related emotions and feel stressed (Higgins 1987). Stress that is
unpleasantness, pressure, conflict, and disappointment (Strauman and Higgins 1987). When
individuals feel dejection from perceived lack of effectiveness or self-fulfilment, they cope to
alleviate negative emotions by using strategies that include distancing, seeking emotional
buying alleviates stress and negative emotions (Atalay and Meloy 2011), elevates
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excitement and pleasure (Verplanken and Sato 2011), and evokes hedonistic high-arousal
compensate for an unstable self-concept. In a situation of harm and loss, disaster victims
used impulse buying in order to repair or augment damaged self-concepts (Sneath et al.
2009). By buying back “comfort items,” these individuals filled the void in their self-identity
that was taken from them by the traumatic incident. Ruvio, Somer, and Rindfleisch (2014)
found that Israeli residents in a high stress environment reported higher levels of coping and
compared to a group exposed to lower levels of stress. Based on the literature, this study
material goods still express a consumer’s ideal identity and lifestyle, which helps some
consumers complete their sense of self. Those material goods express an individual’s
personality and status to others (Chernev et al. 2011; Goldsmith and Clark 2012; Richins
possessions (Belk 1985; Richins 2013). When materialism is highly important in one’s value
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system, possessions become a main focus. Richins and Dawson (1992) analysed materialism
with three aspects: (1) making acquisition of material possessions a central focus in his or
her life, (2) making the pursuit of material possessions his or her main source of life
satisfaction, and (3) viewing possessions as a marker for success. A central belief of
unmet psychological needs (Tsang et al. 2014). Further, individuals who possess high
materialism are more likely to be depressed (Mueller et al. 2011), lonely (Pieters 2013), and
have lower self-esteem (Christopher et al. 2009; Richins and Dawson 1992).
Previous research has examined how materialistic individuals believe that object
acquisition will help them establish a sense of security and enhance their well-being. In
Kasser’s study (2002), children who felt insecure expressed their feelings in materialistic
pursuits. Kasser (2002) concluded that these children were particularly susceptive to
consumer messages promising security and happiness through consumption, and were also
more likely to rely on the approval of others to feel good about themselves. Taken as a
whole, these traits ultimately lead to the pursuit of material possessions. Materialism
of their resources into acquiring goods (Goldsmith and Clark 2012; Silvera et al. 2008).
Issue: 27, 2015
As more individuals rely on the internet to inform and navigate their lives, marketers
invest to reach digitally connected consumers. Previous psychological research suggests that
if a web page can create a visually appealing form for viewers, they will be more likely to
have a pleasant experience in web navigation and give more positive evaluations to the
brand and product represented. The appeal of these websites is based on the processing
fluency (Winkielman and Cacioppo 2001). Fluency has been found to strongly influence
evaluations, enhancing clarity and ease of understanding due to the potentially quick
viewing time on a web site. Fluency is a combination of two factors, perceptual fluency and
conceptual fluency. Perceptual fluency relates to basic stimulus identification processes and
involves the processing of physical features (Jacoby, Kelley, & Dywan 1989). For example,
coordination, harmony and other aesthetic factors on the web page. On the other hand,
involves the ease with which the object comes to one’s mind and relates to the processing
of meaning (Lee & Labroo 2004). While effective websites include design attractiveness,
content availability, and structure of information (Chen and Lee 2008), retail websites also
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Specific external stimuli in an online context include promotions and suggestion cues
(Dawson and Kim 2010). Promotion stimuli may consist of buy one-get one free deals,
coupons, free shipping, and lower price than initially suggested. Suggestion stimuli include
new styles, featured items, and suggested articles that a customer would like to acquire
along with the original item. In addition to products, Madhavaram and Laverie (2004)
identified effective elements on website that may influence impulse purchasing behaviour
such as graphics, text, pop-up windows, audio, colour, e-mail, streaming video, and product
al. 2003; Madhavaram and Laverie 2004). Therefore, this study also examines the
atmospheric cues that influence impulse shopping, suggesting the following hypothesis:
H3: Consumers who are exposed to external impulse stimuli will have
exchange for partial course credit. Participant ages ranged from 18 to 27, with a mean age
of 21. Seventy-six percent of respondents were between the ages of 18 and 22. The majority
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To test the hypotheses, a 2 (stress vs. non-stress) x 2 (external stimuli presented vs.
condition was manipulated by completing an intelligence (anagram) test. The tests were not
used to measure intelligence, but to induce frustration and stress. The participants in the
experimental group (stress) had a set of ten insolvable anagrams, while the participants in
the control group (non-stress) had a set of ten solvable anagrams. This study also
manipulated external stimuli by presenting participants with four different web images
triggers identified by Dawson and Kim (2010), this study created a photo image containing a
external stimuli included a 25% discount and a sign for everyday free shipping. The
suggestion stimuli showed how a product would coordinate with other items that a
In order to check the stress manipulation, undergraduates (n = 103) rated how much
stress they felt after trying to solve the anagrams on a 10-point rating scale of 1 (low stress)
to 10 (high stress) (Zellner et al. 2006). Then, dejection-related questions were asked to
satisfied with myself and my accomplishments” (reversed scoring), “I am always making full
goals” on a 5-point sale that ranged from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5). As
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expected, results from a t-test showed that the participants who were in the unsolvable
anagram group experienced higher stress (M = 5.9) than those who were in the solvable
anagram group (M = 4.33) (t = 4.18, df = 101, p < 0.001). In addition, a self-discrepancy level
was significantly higher for the participants who were in the unsolvable anagram group (M =
2.98) than their counterparts (M = 2.39) (t = 4.33, df = 101, p < 0.001). Within the solvable
Respondents who completed more correct answers experienced lower stress levels (r = -
0.34, p < 0.05); similarly, these respondents displayed lower self-discrepancy levels (though
Participants received an e-mail invitation to be a part of the study and were given a
allowing consumers to make purchases without fear of observation or judgment. They were
informed that anagram tests are a type of popular intelligence test frequently used by
success. They were also told that individuals who do well on anagram tests are successful in
their careers and in their lives in general. Participants in the stress group were expected to
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fail; their perceived failure resulted in higher levels of stress for them (Zellner et al. 2006).
Following the anagram test, participants were randomly assigned two web pages. Each web
page showed one of the four conditions containing different external stimuli. While viewing
each web page, participants answered a set of questions on an Impulse Buying Tendency
scale (Weun et al. 1998). Following the external stimulations, participants completed a
materialism survey. The study concluded with a short section on demographics and a
debriefing section.
point Likert-type scale (e.g., 1 = strongly disagree; 5 = strongly agree) with five items (e.g., If
I were shopping on this website right now…., “I would buy things I had not intended to
purchase,” “When I see something that really interests me, I buy it without considering the
consequences”) adopted from Weun et al.’s (1998) scale (Cronbach’s a = 0.89). A principal
component factor analysis among these items resulted in one factor and these five items
strongly disagree; 5 = strongly agree) with 14 items (e.g., “I'd be happier if I could afford to
buy more things,” “Some of the most important achievements in life include acquiring
material possessions”) adopted from Richins’ (2004) scale (Cronbach’s a = 0.84). In the same
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way as the impulse tendency measurement, a principal component factor analysis resulted
in one factor and 14 items were aggregated into one variable (see Table 1).
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In order to test H1 (Consumers under stress will have a higher online impulse-buying
tendency than those under no stress) and H3 (Consumers who are exposed to external
stimuli will have higher online impulse-buying tendencies than those who are unexposed), a
multiple analysis of variance (MANOVA) was conducted. It examined the effects of stress
stimulus, 3) the first shown image, and 4) the second shown image, and 5) an impulse
tendency average. The Pillai multivariate test of overall differences were statistically
significant for H1 (p = 0.003; eta-square = .09) and for H3 (p = 0.03; eta-square = .06).
Although the p values were significant, the effect sizes of these relationships were weak. In
post-hoc ANOVA tests were conducted for each of the dependent variables (impulse-buying
categories). Results showed strong statistical evidence for the effect of stress on impulse-
buying tendency after seeing the second image, F (1, 154) = 8.81, p = .003 and little evidence
for the effect of external stimuli on separate impulse-buying tendencies at p = .05. There
was only weak statistical evidence for the effect of external stimuli after seeing the first
image, F (1, 154) = 3.12, p = .07. Therefore, H1 was supported and H3 was weakly supported
(Table 2).
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buying compared to their counterparts), correlations analysis showed that there were strong
evidence for positive correlation between materialism and impulse tendency for the
suggestion stimuli (r = 0.24, p = 0.002) and between materialism and the impulse tendency
average (r = 0.16, p = 0.04). The p values of Levene’s tests were not significant and indicated
that the assumption of homogeneity of variance was met. Therefore, H2 was supported.
Impulse Tendency
Stress 2.89 0.80 2.87 0.80 2.65 0.80 3.09 0.79 2.88 0.68
No stress 2.78 0.88 2.67 0.85 2.73 0.88 2.71 0.81 2.72 0.75
2.92 0.81 2.72 0.77 2.81 0.80 2.83 0.80 2.82 0.68
No External
2.72 0.88 2.80 0.89 2.57 0.87 3.00 0.85 2.77 0.76
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M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2.66 .91 1
After After
After seeing After seeing seeing seeing
the image the image the 1st the 2nd Impulse
of of image image tendency
MANOVA suggestion promotion viewed viewed average
F (3, 152) F (1, 154) F (1, 154) F (1, 154) F (1, 154) F (1, 154)
3.30‡ 2.09 0.36 3.12† 0.83 0.25
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Hypotheses Results
H1: Consumers under stress will have a higher online impulse- Supported
buying tendency than those under no stress.
H3: Consumers who are exposed to external impulse stimuli Weakly supported
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This study examined the effect of stress, materialism, and external stimuli on online
impulse-buying tendency. Results show that participants were more likely to impulse buy
the items in the second image when stress was present. Consumers under stress had a
higher online impulse-buying tendency than those under no stress, but only after viewing
the second image. Directly after taking the intelligence (anagram) test, the participants were
shown the first image and answered questions regarding their impulse tendency for the
image. There were no significant results with the first image regardless of the presence or
absence of external stimuli. However, stress did play a significant role with the second
image viewed by participants. This suggests that the first image may have been served as a
prime. A priming task non-consciously carries over to subsequent tasks. This spillover effect
could explained higher impulse-buying tendency on the second image after they exposed to
a prime, the first image. In addition, the significant role of stress with the second image also
suggests a form of delayed stress response. Figley and Sprenkle (1978) used delayed stress
response syndrome (DSRS) to diagnose and support Vietnam combat veterans. Delayed
stress response syndrome affects a person who has experienced a catastrophic event. After
the initial trauma, there is a state of numbness where the individual does not respond to
what just happened (Figley and Sprenkle 1978). These two effects may explain why
related to both the average impulse tendency and the impulse tendency after viewing the
suggestion stimuli. The results of the current study confirm and extend the research that
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has examined materialism in buying behaviour (Dittmar 2005; Richins 2013; Ruvio et al.
2014). Richins (2013) concluded that high-materialism consumers showed hedonic elevation
due to the expected transformation of their lives through obtaining the desired product.
This correlation suggests that participants that value material objects respond well to the
suggestion stimuli. The suggestion stimuli is when a retailer will show how one article of
clothing will look as an outfit or show other products that a consumer may like if they like
the original article. In a study conducted in U.K., Dittmar (2005) examined gender, age, and
the current study support that materialism plays an important role in excessive buying
especially among younger consumers, who have a larger gap between their real and ideal
selves and are more inclined to buy in order to strengthen their image and validate their
examine a gender effect on online impulse shopping. Regarding effective online shopping
features, previous research stated that each gender has different expectations. Compared
pricing, easy tracking of shipments, and a wide range of products (Ulbrich et al. 2011).
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Female online shoppers value return labels, sizing information, and quick-loading pages
Despite its limitations, this study represents possibly the first effort to examine the
effect of stress, materialism and external stimuli on online impulse purchases within a single
study. Here, consumers’ situational inner state (stress) and their personal traits (materialism)
had stronger effects on impulsive buying tendencies compared to external stimuli. This
study validates the symbolic self-completion theory, which suggests that when people’s self-
concept are threatened they seek to correct their self-discrepancy (Sivanathan and Pettit
2010; Wicklund and Gollwitzer 1982). The conceptual framework helps integrate
information from prior research on impulse buying, highlights their similarities and
differences, and provides a better understanding of the impulse behaviour. In the current
impulsive shopping.
website ambience and coupons. The current study only used two types of external stimuli
(promotions and suggestion stimuli). Although these external stimuli weakly influenced on-
line impulse buying, more research examining other types of external stimuli including
graphics, text, pop-up windows, audio, and streaming video is warranted. Additional
research is required to examine hedonic oriented and utilitarian oriented websites, which
would differently induce online impulse purchases. Further investigation on these areas is
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likely to yield valuable insight into whether other types of external stimuli would have a
required to examine interactions between the concepts studied here and to explore the role
of materialism as a key antecedent. The findings of this study may apply to other
maladaptive consumptions such as compulsive consumptions, binge eating, and credit card
Issue: 27, 2015
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