Application of Distribution Transformer Thermal Life Models To Electrified Vehicle Charging Loads Using Monte-Carlo Method

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Application of Distribution

Transformer Thermal Life

Models to Electrified Vehicle
Charging Loads Using
Monte-Carlo Method
Michael Kuss, Tony Markel, and William Kramer
Presented at the 25th World Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric
Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition
Shenzhen, China
November 5 - 9, 2010

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Application of Distribution Transformer Thermal Life Models to
Electrified Vehicle Charging Loads Using Monte-Carlo Method
Michael Kuss1, Tony Markel1, and William Kramer1
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
1617 Cole Blvd, Golden, CO 80401, USA
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract— Concentrated purchasing patterns of plug-in vehicles may result in localized distribution transformer overload
scenarios. Prolonged periods of transformer overloading causes service life decrements, and in worst-case scenarios, results
in tripped thermal relays and residential service outages. This analysis will review distribution transformer load models
developed in the IEC 60076 standard, and apply the model to a neighborhood with plug-in hybrids.
Residential distribution transformers are sized such that night-time cooling provides thermal recovery from heavy load
conditions during the daytime utility peak. It is expected that PHEVs will primarily be charged at night in a residential
setting. If not managed properly, some distribution transformers could become overloaded, leading to a reduction in
transformer life expectancy, thus increasing costs to utilities and consumers.
A Monte-Carlo scheme simulated each day of the year, evaluating 100 load scenarios as it swept through the following
variables: number of vehicle per transformer, transformer size, and charging rate. A general method for determining
expected transformer aging rate will be developed, based on the energy needs of plug-in vehicles loading a residential
Keywords—Distribution transformer, smart grid, Monte-Carlo, plug-in hybrid, PHEV

1. Introduction evaluated based on real-world drive cycle and

meteorological data. Over one year, 36,500 travel-days were
It is expected that plug-in hybrids (PHEVs) will be simulated for each scenario. A charge-delay algorithm was
introduced to the public by auto manufacturers in late 2010 implemented in the simulator to show how grid
and early 2011 [1]. Based on the adoption pattern of communication may preserve transformer life without
standard hybrids in the early 2000s, we anticipate that early significantly impacting service to the utility consumer.
adopters of PHEVs will be similarly clustered in residential
neighborhoods – that is, as one neighbor purchases a PHEV,
neighbors on the same street, and same transformer, become
more likely to purchase a PHEV. The non-homogeneous
distribution of PHEVs plugging into the power grid means
that some distribution transformers may see several PHEVs,
whereas a distribution transformer in another part of the
neighborhood may see none [2]. An example of the non-
uniform distribution of PHEVs, even at a city-wide level, is
shown on the Southern California Hybrid Vehicle
registration map in Figure 1.

Electric utilities are already looking forward to PHEV

Figure 1: Hybrid vehicle registrations – number of vehicles per
implementation and are conducting capacity and operations 13 km2 [3]
studies of their distribution networks. This analysis is an
overview of distribution transformer life modeling, with a
focus on the application of existing transformer life models 2. Distribution Hardware Model
to determine the unique characteristic of PHEV loading
According to [4, 5, 6, 7, 8], the primary degradation
impacts. The transformer life models used in this analysis
mechanism in transformers is elevated HST. Hotspot
are dependent solely upon thermal loading characteristics, as
temperature is defined as the hottest temperature of any
developed in IEC 60076. Non-fundamental harmonic
location in the transformer winding. At large electrical
currents are excluded from the thermal model.
loads, elevated core-winding temperatures cause chemical
breakdown of insulating paper and insulating oil [8]. When
The focus of this work is to develop hotspot temperature
the dielectric properties of the insulation change, the voltage
(HST) duration curves that may be integrated to evaluate
isolation within the transformer is compromised, leading to
transformer wear. Sensitivity to increasing plug-in fleet
penetrations and varying geographical climate will be

The HST of transformers has been observed in the field and
modeled in a variety of ways. The transformer heating
model used in this analysis is based on standard IEC 60076-
7:2005 “Loading guide for oil-immersed power
transformers” [4]. Difference equations C.6–C.11 (Annex C
of IEC 60076) were used as the basis to numerically
calculate the HST. The calculations were performed in
MATLAB and Microsoft Excel. IEC 60076 develops the
HST equations in the following way:

Δ (1)

where is the HST in degrees Celsius, is the top-oil

temperature at the current load, and Δ is the total HST rise Figure 2: Simulated hotspot and transformer load factor as a
at the nth timestep, where Δ is calculated in (2): function of time. From IEC60076 Annex C example, used for
validating the numerical model implementation.
Δ Δ Δ (2)

Δ and Δ come from the difference equations for 2.1 Transformer Aging Characteristics
HST rise, and can be calculated: The goal of this analysis is to define the limits of HST
increase and aging due to PHEV charging loads for a
Δ Δ Δ Δ specific transformer type. The distribution transformer’s
(3) properties used in the analysis for this paper are shown in
Table 1.
where Dt is the timestep in minutes, k22 and k21 are
experimentally-derived constant related to the thermal Table 1: Distribution Transformer Properties
recovery of the transformer, is the winding time constant
in minutes, Δ is hotspot-to-top-oil gradient at rated Symbol Property Value Units
current in Kelvin, K is the load factor (current load/rated Average winding-to-average-
load), and y is the exponential power of current versus gr oil temperature gradient 14.5 Ws/K
winding temperature rise (winding exponent). Similarly, at rated current
Δ can be evaluated: H Hot-spot factor 1.4
k11 Thermal model constant 1
Δ Δ 1 Δ k21 Thermal model constant 1
k22 Thermal model constant 2
Δ (4) 25 or
Prated Transformer rated power kW
where is the average oil time constant in minutes. The Ratio of load losses at rated
top-oil temperature must be calculated and substituted back R 8
current to no-load losses
into (1): Dt Simulation timestep 1 minutes
Exponential power of total
Δ x losses v. top-oil temperature 0.8
rise (oil exponent)
(5) Exponential power of current
y v. winding temperature rise 1.6
where is another experimentally derived thermal (winding exponent)
Baseline constant of the transformer, R is the ratio of load Hot-spot-to-top-oil gradient
losses at rated current to no-load losses, Δ is the top-oil Δθhr 20.3 K
at rated current
temperature rise at rated load, and is the ambient Top-oil temperature rise at
Δθor 38.3 K
temperature in degrees Celsius. The HST equations were rated load
validated using the test case given in Annex C – the model τ0 Average oil time constant 180 minutes
calculates the HST over a 120-minute period, based on the
τW Winding time constant 10 minutes
load factor and ambient temperature. The model followed
the results of the test case within 0.05%.

Upgraded insulation is a figure of merit defined by
IEEE/ANSI, which states that thermal insulation paper is
considered upgraded if it exhibits “50% retention in tensile
strength after 65,000 hours in a sealed tube at 100°C” [9].
Replacing older distribution transformers with upgraded-
insulation models on known PHEV-loaded transformers
appears to be one immediate solution for preventing
accelerated transformer replacement. However, grid
communication networks may provide additional
opportunity for utilities to sufficiently offset PHEV charging
loads, in addition to other valuable services provided by an
intelligently operated power grid [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16].

Figure 3: Hotspot temperature increase as a function of load. 3. Analysis

Square and diamond markers indicate each additional PHEV
loading the transformer at 3.3 kW. Two analyses were conducted to demonstrate the
capabilities of the model: a baseline analysis and a Monte-
Carlo analysis. The baseline analysis demonstrates a worst-
case scenario, assuming a 3.3-kW charging rate, where all
PHEVs plug in at the same time during peak load. The
Monte-Carlo analysis utilizes data that reflect actual driver
behavior, load characteristics, and weather data to determine
how actual operating conditions affect a transformer from
the base scenario.

3.1 Baseline Analysis

The goal of the base scenario analysis is to define the
maximum limits of transformer aging rate due to additional
PHEV charging loads. The base scenario analysis makes the
Figure 4: Relative aging rate as a function of hotspot following assumptions:
temperature. Upgraded and non-upgraded insulation curves
are included, as defined in IEC 60076 [8]. The horizontal 1. Ten houses are served by a 25-kVA or 37.5-kVA
dashed lines correspond to the daily max loading for one hour
per day. Text above the line indicates the averaged aging rate.
2. Vehicle charging loads are summed with an existing
customer peak representing 80% of the transformer
Table 2: Net Aging Rate Summary: Based on 1-Hour Daily rating.
Peak Load 3. Ambient air temperature is 30°C.
4. Vehicles charge at a rate of 3.3 kW.
Peak HST (°C)
Insulation Type Net Aging Rate
(1 hour duration)
Standard 127 2x
Standard 137 5x
Upgraded 144 2x

Using the validated model implementation, the increase in

HST from PHEV loading was calculated. Battery charging
profiles for each PHEV are assumed to be a square wave
from 0 kW to 3.3 kW. Figure 3 shows the relationship
between load and temperature increase, which is nearly
linear below rated load – once above the rated load, the
elevated HST results in a rapid increase in aging rate, as Figure 5: Base Scenario: relative aging rate vs. number of
shown in Figure 4. The labels above the horizontal lines PHEVs on a distribution transformer, assuming an initial peak
indicate the daily-averaged aging rate, assuming a one-hour load of 80% of the transformer rating, ambient temperature of
peak HST. The average aging rate is calculated: 30°C, and 3.3 kW level-2 charging.

(6) Figure 5 shows the effect that simultaneous battery

charging will have on aging rate for a transformer already

operating at 80% of the rated load during its peak hour. The year-long baseline increase in aging rate due to PHEVs was
dashed horizontal lines indicate the peak aging rate for 1 calculated by running the data through a one-year simulation
hour of the day, while the number above the line indicates period. Each day was simulated 100 times, using unique
the daily averaged aging rate, based on the peak load. sets of driving profiles for each simulated day. The
Assuming four PHEVs are served by a 25-kVA transformer, simulation assumes that PHEV owners immediately plugged
this scenario suggests a service life decrement of 10–50%. in upon arrival home.
However, the 37.5-kVA distribution transformer saw a
negligible decrease in expected service life. Real-world
PHEV loading is less than this base scenario due to the
diversity of vehicle arrivals.

3.2 Monte-Carlo Analysis

GPS travel survey data from the Southern California
Association of Governments (SCAG) shows all of the arrival
times for 1,150 drivers to their homes, superimposed on top
of a single-phase distribution transformer load, shown in the
green curve of Figure 6 [17, 18]. The behavior of PHEV
Figure 7: MATLAB model data inputs and outputs for
owners will be a primary factor faced by distribution Monte-Carlo analysis.
networks. For consumers wishing to charge their 18-kWh
battery pack (PHEV40) within 2 hours of arriving home,
SAE J1772 level-2 charging will provide the 6.6-kW
charging power necessary to meet this need. However,
overnight vehicle charging may not need the full power
capabilities of the circuit, and so a 3.3-kW charging scenario
is compared to the 6.6-kW maximum.

All of the vehicles have 11.6 kWh of useable energy

storage and have a charging efficiency of 81%. The
simulated vehicles’ electric motor provides 100% of the
traction power when in charge-depleting (CD) mode. The
vehicles drive in CD mode until the battery reaches a 35%
state-of-charge (SOC), at which time an auxiliary gasoline
engine runs a generator that maintains the battery’s SOC for
the duration of the trip. The ambient temperature data come Figure 8: Transformer load as a function of time, before and
from the typical meteorological year data set for Los after PHEV charging load contribution. Transformer serves 4
Angeles [19]. PHEVs charging at 3.3 kW. The baseline assumes each
vehicle travels 40 miles per day; a random monte-carlo
simulation was plotted, illustrating the temporal diversity in
charging events.

Figure 6: Expected transformer load and number of arrivals as

a function of time. Driving data come from SCAG GPS travel
survey data and represents 1,150 drivers in the Los Angeles
area. The green curve is an averaged residential transformer
load and does not include PHEV charging.
Figure 9: Hotspot temperature as a function of time,
corresponding to the example in Figure 8.
Figure 7 shows the MATLAB simulation inputs and
outputs – standard residential load profiles, meteorological
data, and GPS travel data are combined to calculate the HST
rise and corresponding transformer wear acceleration. The

Table 3: Summary of PHEV charging events from the daily 3.3 Communication-Enabled Analysis
example in Figure 8
Based on the analysis above, a simulation using a PHEV
demand-control scheme was performed. In this scenario, the
Charging SOC Duration communication system may delay an individual PHEV
Vehicle Needed
Start Time (%) (minutes) charger in order to prevent coincident charging during peak
2 16:00 83 3.0 55 load. The charge-delay scheme requires that vehicles wait
3 16:50 63 6.6 120 for 10-minutes intervals until the transformer HST drops
4 17:50 90 1.8 36 below 98°C
2 18:20 87 2.3 42

A daily load and HST profile are shown in Figure 8 and

Figure 9. Under this scenario, there are four separate
PHEVs charging at various times. The plug-in loads are
obvious spikes in load for two-hour periods, and contribute a
significant additional load onto the transformer. The
transformer thermal response can be seen in Figure 9, and a
summary of PHEV charging events can be found in Table 3.
In this example, the PHEVs typically arrive on an empty
battery, except for one early-evening trip by vehicle 4, which
promptly went back out until later in the evening. The other
vehicles arrivals were distributed between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m.,
giving the transformer sufficient time to thermally recover
Figure 10: HST duration curves for 6 test cases using a 25 or
from the previous charging events. 37.5 kVA transformer, and 1-6 PHEVs for the maximum 1%
of the time, or 88 hours per year. Assumes 3.3 kW charging.
Table 4: Monte-Carlo simulation case definition

Test Case Number of PHEVs
Rating (kVA)
Base 25 0
Base 37.5 0
1 25 1
2 25 3
3 25 6
4 37.5 1
5 37.5 3
6 37.5 6

The year-long maximum increase in aging rate due to

PHEVs was calculated by running the simulation over a one-
year period, taking the maximum aging per day based on Figure 11: HST duration curves for 6 test cases using a 25-
100 daily simulations. The maximum case was chosen or 37.5-kVA transformer, and 1-6 PHEVs for the maximum
because the averaged load data do not reflect periods of 1% of the time, or 88 hours per year. Assumes 6.6 kW
elevated load that would accelerate the aging process. charging.
Additionally, the typical meteorological year data do not
reflect prolonged heat waves during the summer time, which
would also contribute to accelerated transformer aging. The
natural diversity of vehicle arrivals still provided sufficient
time for the transformers to cool down in nearly all cases.

The resulting HST-duration curves from the six test cases

described in Table 4 are shown in Figure 10 and Figure 11.
In the most extreme Monte-Carlo scenario, where six
PHEVs were loading a 25-kVA transformer at 6.6-kW each.
The addition of PHEV charging loads reduced the
transformer nominal lifetime by 12%; all other simulations
yielded life reductions less than 1%.

simultaneously charge on a daily basis – the transformer’s
life would be reduced by 37%. Using the same rating
transformer with upgraded insulation would produce an
expected lifetime loss of only 8%. However, arrival
distribution of drivers show that stacked PHEV loads would
be infrequent enough to impact transformer life by more
than 3%, given the simulated Monte-Carlo scenarios.

5. Conclusion and Future Work

This paper developed a method for determining lifetime
wear on a residential distribution transformer due to plug-in
vehicles. Driver behavior data shows that the natural
distribution of vehicle arrivals is sufficient to eliminate a
majority of stacked PHEV charging. For the occasional
Figure 12: HST duration curves for 6 test cases using a 25-
or 37.5-kVA transformer, and 1-6 PHEVs for the maximum situation where stacked charging does occur, one-way grid
1% of the time, or 88 hours per year. Assumes 6.6-kW communication could provide valuable charging-offset
charging and a charge-delaying scheme where charging is services. Because increasing the diversity of times when
stopped if the HST rises above 98° C. people physically arrive at home is not possible, additional
grid communication capabilities at the distribution level
could be used to increase the diversity of charging between
This particular scenario demonstrates how often vehicle PHEVs connected to the same distribution transformer.
charging might need to be controlled in the most extreme Further upstream in the power system, this same
case, when six vehicles are sited on a single transformer. A communication network would allow the PHEVs to provide
total of 1,200 charge delay periods were requested by the ancillary services to the utility [20, 21, 22]. Basic one-way
utility for the 25-kVA transformer – in other words, a PHEV communication could ensure that transformer overheating
owner might expect to have their vehicle’s charging delayed does not occur and utility service continues uninterrupted
by about 33 hours per year. For the 37.5-kVA transformer, during extreme HST excursions. A preliminary example
240 charge delay periods were requested, totaling 7 hours showed that PHEV charging would need to be managed for
per year per car. The change in HST duration before and fewer than 33 hours per year in the most extreme case, to
after grid communication is shown in Figure 12. Even with mitigate PHEV-induced degradation.
the charge-delay scheme, peak loads on hot summer days
may still occasionally push the HST above 98°C. These results are specific to parts of the Southern
California system. Differences in load shape, weather, and
number of houses per transformer vary substantially
depending on region, as well as within the same region.
Future work will include:

• Validating the model’s hotspot temperature

predictions with actual data collected in the field
• Run the model using non-averaged transformer data
that includes extreme load excursions seen on
transformers in the field
• More detailed transformer thermal modeling,
including harmonic currents [23, 24]
• Collecting large sets of field data to evaluate
sensitivity of different types of regional
Figure 13: Expected Transformer Lifetime as a Function of characteristics, including transformer load shape,
the Number of Vehicles on the Transformer, and the Scenario climate, and transformer sizing
Type. • Using this model, in collaboration with higher-level
models, to develop control schemes that enable
PHEV ancillary services and greater integration of
The HST curves were integrated and the annual aging rate renewable energy generation
was calculated to determine expected transformer lifetime.
A summary of expected lifetimes for a 30-year rated In summary, a simulation process was developed to predict
transformer is shown in Figure 13. The baseline scenario, the impact of PHEV charging on a particular residential
where all vehicle coincidentally charge at 3.3 kW on a 25- transformer. This simulation:
kVA transformer, shows what may happen if four PHEVs

• Utilized the IEC 60076 standard to develop a [7] C. C. Wong, Substation Power-Transformer-Loading
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PHEV loads on a distribution transformer Under Realistic Operating Conditions, IEEE, 1994.
• Combined transformer load profile data, GPS travel [8] E. Simonson, Transformer Ratings and Transformer
survey data, and meteorological data Life, IEEE, 1998.
• Provides graphical outputs to predict transformer [9] American National Standards Institute/Institute for
life based on different PHEV control scenarios. Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE C57.100
• Shows that the natural distribution of vehicle Standard Test Procedure for Thermal Evaluation of
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[12] A. Brooks, Vehicle-to-Grid Demonstration Project:
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[5] International Electrotechnical Commission, IEC
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[17] Southern California Edison, Regulatory Information –
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8. Authors

Engineer. Michael Kuss

National Renewable Energy Laboratory
1617 Cole Blvd. MS 1634
Golden, CO 80401 USA
Tel: (303) 275-4458
Email: [email protected]

Senior Engineer. Tony Markel

National Renewable Energy Laboratory
1617 Cole Blvd. MS 1634
Golden, CO 80401 USA
Tel: (303) 275-4478
Email: [email protected]

Senior Engineer. William Kramer

National Renewable Energy Laboratory
1617 Cole Blvd. MS 5202
Golden, CO 80401 USA
Tel: (303) 275-3844
Email: [email protected]

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January 2011 Conference Paper
Application of Distribution Transformer Thermal Life Models to DE-AC36-08GO28308
Electrified Vehicle Charging Loads Using Monte-Carlo Method:



M. Kuss, T. Markel, and W. Kramer NREL/CP-5400-48827


National Renewable Energy Laboratory REPORT NUMBER
1617 Cole Blvd. NREL/CP-5400-48827
Golden, CO 80401-3393



National Technical Information Service
U.S. Department of Commerce
5285 Port Royal Road
Springfield, VA 22161

14. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 Words)

Concentrated purchasing patterns of plug-in vehicles may result in localized distribution transformer overload
scenarios. Prolonged periods of transformer overloading causes service life decrements, and in worst-case
scenarios, results in tripped thermal relays and residential service outages. This analysis will review distribution
transformer load models developed in the IEC 60076 standard, and apply the model to a neighborhood with plug-in
hybrids. Residential distribution transformers are sized such that night-time cooling provides thermal recovery from
heavy load conditions during the daytime utility peak. It is expected that PHEVs will primarily be charged at night in a
residential setting. If not managed properly, some distribution transformers could become overloaded, leading to a
reduction in transformer life expectancy, thus increasing costs to utilities and consumers. A Monte-Carlo scheme
simulated each day of the year, evaluating 100 load scenarios as it swept through the following variables: number of
vehicle per transformer, transformer size, and charging rate. A general method for determining expected transformer
aging rate will be developed, based on the energy needs of plug-in vehicles loading a residential transformer.
Distribution transformer; smart grid; Monte-Carlo method; plug-in hybrid; PHEV

Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified UL
19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code)

Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8/98)

Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39.18


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