Charcoal Production Kilns Study

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IN KENYA (Draft Copy)

For Sustainable charcoal production in the Drylands of Kenya

Compilation by
Kalenda Monica (KFS)
Ngatia John FAO (KFS)
Ng’oriareng P clement (KFS)
Oscar Simanto (KFS)
Nelly Oduor (KEFRI)

Table of contents
Table of contents ....................................................................................................................................... 2

Sustainable charcoal production technologies .......................................................................................... 3

1.0 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 3

2.0 The Charcoal industry ......................................................................................................................... 3

3.0 Objective of the study ......................................................................................................................... 3

4.0 Methodology of data collection .......................................................................................................... 4

5.0 The available Technologies ................................................................................................................ 4

5.1 The traditional earth Kilns .................................................................................................................. 4
5.2 The improved traditional earth kiln- ................................................................................................... 5
5.3 Casamance-Kiln .................................................................................................................................. 6
5.4 Drum Kilns .......................................................................................................................................... 7
5.4.1 KEFRI type ...................................................................................................................................... 7
5.4.2 Kinyanjui type .................................................................................................................................. 7
5.5 The Meko Kiln (Biochar ltd) .............................................................................................................. 8
5.6 Portable metal Kilns (KEFRI)........................................................................................................... 11
5.7 Ring Kilns (Gulman) ......................................................................................................................... 13
5.8 Brick kilns ......................................................................................................................................... 14
5.8.1 Half Orange Brick Kiln (Kinyanjui) .............................................................................................. 14
5.8.2Doum shaped brick Kilns (Kakuzi, Bondo, Baringo, Githumbuini firm)....................................... 14
5.8.3 Rectangular brick kiln (Gulman) ................................................................................................... 16
5.9 The Retort Kilns (Gulman) ............................................................................................................... 17
5.10 The briquetting Drum Kiln (KEFRI) .............................................................................................. 18

6.0 Comparison of characteristics of each technology ....................................................................... 19

7.0 Where the technology is being utilised case studies ..................................................................... 20

7.1 Chardust Company at Karen ............................................................................................................. 20

7.2 Maxwell Kinyanjui Farm Kitengela ................................................................................................. 20
7.3 Delamere Acacia charcoal making farm ........................................................................................... 21
7.4 Gallman Kuki Laikipia Ranch and the Retort Kilns ......................................................................... 21
7.5 Kakuzi Farm ...................................................................................................................................... 21
7.6 The Meko Kiln Biochar technologies limited ................................................................................... 21
7.7 Kakuzi/Githumbuini coffee farm ...................................................................................................... 23
7.8 Laikipia Ranch .................................................................................................................................. 24

Sustainable charcoal production technologies

1.0 Introduction

Charcoal has been utilized in Kenya for many years. However, the industry has faced up and downs
with a ban to production and restrictions in use. The legislative and business environment has been
extremely ambiguous with a lot of unprofessional practices creeping into the trade. Despite this
situation, the charcoal business is estimated to contribute over Ksh 32 billion into the economy yet little
is appreciated of this fact. This scenario has seen the poor of society being exploited to produce
charcoal at very low prices while middle men, transporters and corrupt officials benefit from proceeds
of the business. Kenya through KFS and the ministry of energy has made deliberate effort to streamline
the charcoal industry as manifested in recently gazzeted charcoal rules. However, the challenge
remains to provide appropriate technology that will not compromise sustainability efforts and
principles of environmental integrity. Considering that charcoaling has been viewed as the poor man’s
industry, it also remains a challenge to provide technology that is cheap and at the same time
guaranteeing high or optimal recovery of the wood fuel. As one of the steps towards streamlining, this
industry, KFS supported by UNDP is seeking to assess available technology especially within Kenya
that have been in use and evaluate their efficiency, replicability and management with regard to
requirements of the new charcoal rules. The study takes the form of desk work and field work. The
study report also indicates some of the areas where the technology has been in use as a case study.
These areas formed the basis for data collection and discussion on experiences with technologies. The
future of the charcoal industry can be shaped based on past lessons learnt by various groups of
technology users.

2.0 The Charcoal industry

While the country restricts charcoal burning, the fragile dry land woodlands face eminent
environmental threat from unsustainable charcoal production. It has been pointed out that Kenya will
continue to rely on wood fuel to meet her energy needs in the foreseeable future. It is consequently
wise to accept that for the supply to be sustainable there must be deliberate efforts towards organizing
the industry with economic incentives provided to promote sustainable practices. In these dry lands,
charcoal is known to be the alternative source of livelihood support during famine and drought
disasters. By promoting sustainable management and production of charcoal, providing appropriate
technology that is cheap, easy to implement and by streamlining the charcoal production and business
processes, we shall achieve the aims of not only environmental stability but also empowering the very
vulnerable societies to prepare for and address disasters. The information in this study will provide the
capacity and knowledge needed to enhance decision making and encourage investments in the charcoal

3.0 Objective of the study

There is need to make charcoal industry blossom like any other and this is possible through regulation
by the charcoal rules now in place. This in itself is big task. According to data available, Use of
charcoal result into more jobs more than any other energy e.g. gas, electricity, kerosene. This therefore
encourages us to invest in this industry where 94% of wood harvested goes into fuelwood use meaning
538,000 ha required for fuelwood.

There is wood fuel deficit in the entire country. The demand of charcoal is estimated will rise due to
population Increase. 75% of all the charcoal utilized nationally comes from the drylands (fragile
areas). So what can we do to ensure sustainable utilization of trees for various uses?, Management
plans?, Natural regenerations? Efficient kilns investing in Dryland forestry and utilization of efficient
technologies will be the way forward. The greatest problem lies with the production and processing of
charcoal. Marketing of charcoal, wood production, processing, transportation, marketing and
utilization is not organized. Species choice for Commercial production is could be explored e.g,
Accacia tortilis, gerrandii balanities aegyptica, mearnsii, casuarina etc.

Improved kilns; can be made accessible to the farmers that are together. Is it possible to have a mobile
kiln. What kind of arrangements do we need to put in place, What about ownership of the kiln that
belongs to a group. Transporters, can they be organized into a group. Pricing of charcoal, farm gate
price 200 and market price 1000. Can we regulate? Can we eliminate corruption on the roads.
Production from small scale farms, ranches, local authority forests, state forest. Production cost Ksh
159 per bag.

This study is aimed at contributing towards the recognition that the industry is worth streamlining by
providing information and an assessment of available technologies for charcoal production.

4.0 Methodology of data collection

Information about the available kilns took the form of Desk study to gather the literature available on
the various technologies. This was followed by field visits to do observations in order to ascertain the
literature citations and fill up information gaps that were identified. Discussions- groups and individual

5.0 The available Technologies

The technologies available are here below described from the simple traditional kilns for domestic
production to advanced technologies with increasing potential for industrial production. The layout is
organised in such a way that provides the description of the technologies, Construction of kiln and
process of carbonization, Advantages and challenges, Cost implication, Durability, Replicability,
Management with respect to groups and sustainable production and Mobility in regard to raw

5.1 The traditional earth Kilns

Description: The kilns include wood neatly and tightly stacked on the ground and a layer of green
material including grass is placed over the stack. The pile is then covered fully with soil thick enough
to prevent air entry into the wood. The ignition area is exposed to wind until the pile begins to burn and
the area is covered. The results are best if the charring process is closely monitored to ensure controlled
Construction and the process: The ground is cleared, wood chopped into sizeable pieces and is laid in
such a way that every free area is filled up to limit air flow inside the kiln. The stack is then covered
with green leafy material and a thick layer of soil added on top. A small area of the wood stack is
exposed to permit ignition and later it is also sealed. The layer of soil is built up to the acceptable level,
sealing every outlet that may release air usually indicated by smoke oozing from the soil.

Advantages and challenges: The Kiln is easy to construct with minimal cost on material in use. The
other advantage is that it can be constructed whenever the material is found reducing the hassle of
transportation. It is a method that has developed for a long time and where the mastery of process
control has been perfected, recovery has been achieved of about 33%. (The Marakwet Kilns-Senelwa).
In most cases however, control of the carbonization process is not always easy and often results to low
grade charcoal, contaminated with soil crumbs and sometimes as low as 15% recovery. (KEFRI…)

Traditional earth Kiln concept.

5.2 The improved traditional earth kiln-

Description: The improved earth kiln, introduces a wire mesh or metal sheet to reduce contamination
of the charcoal and chimneys to enhance control of the carbonization process (Nelly et al 2006).
The process: The process is similar to that of the traditional earth Kiln where the wood stack is tightly
packed, covered with a thick layer of leafy green material followed by a heavy layer of soil.

The advantage is that it produces less defiled charcoal and control of carbonization process is
improved by the presence of chimneys. These are however achieved at an additional cost as both the
mesh wire and chimneys cost money.

5.3 Casamance-Kiln

Thick soil layer over leafy material Chimneys

Wire Mesh

Open for Firing

Description: An improvement of the earth kiln. KEFRI has conducted experiments with smaller
diameter chimneys and have achieved recoveries of between 26-30%. (Nelly et all 2006).

Construction and process: The construction follows an elaborate pattern of laying wood pieces putting
the larger ones at the center, standing the wood upright and allowing for air flow within the lower
levels of the stack. The wood is covered fully with leaves and soil. Air inlets and a chimney are placed
at the bottom of the kiln.

Advantages and challenges: This technology improves on control of the carbonization process and
achieves better recoveries. The kiln can also be constructed whenever the material is found and a little
cost is incurred with the construction of the chimneys. The kiln may not be appropriate for large scale
charcoal production.

Chimney to be placed

Grass and other foliage

Wood stacked vertically

Air inlets-control at the

Firing point base

Casamance Kiln- Once the stacking is complete, the wood is covered with a wire mesh and a thick
layer of soil.

5.4 Drum Kilns

5.4.1 KEFRI type

This kiln is constructed by modifying the ordinary oil drum, with an adjustable lid specially fitted with
a firing door.

Wood is stacked over a metal grill placed inside the drum. Air movement is controlled through a
chimney attached at the side of the drum. The drums are covered with soil during the process of
charcoaling. The process takes 6-12 hours and recovery is about 28-30%.. Each drum yields about ¾ of
a bag. Nelly 2006

This technology is more appropriate for domestic production and may not be recommended for group
or commercial investments.


Lid covering the firing area

Modified drum

Bamboo stems
for charcoaling

5.4.2 Kinyanjui type

The drum kiln found at Maxwel Kinyanjui- wood 2000 is slightly different and the lid acts as both the
lighting section and the chimney at the same time. Here, only small twigs of pollarding are used to
make charcoal and whole trees are not felled allowing for sustainable production. There is also
continuous improvement of the charcoal and wood using technology to enhance energy utilization,
minimizing waste and reducing costs

Chimney Woodlot established
for charcoal production

Conical top


Small twigs for charcoaling

Figure 2. Ordinary Oil Drums modified into Kilns at Woodfuel 2000 Kajiado District

Small twigs for charcoaling Various improved jikos

5.5 The Meko Kiln (Biochar ltd)

Description: Biochar in Thika has innovated a charcoal production kiln that does not involve direct
contact of wood with the fire hence avoids charring during the carbonization process. This is at the
prototype stage and studies may be necessary to determine various functionality parameters. This is an
improved charcoal making technology. Unlike others, this technology recycles the pyrolysis gases from
the charcoaling process. The Meko kiln is designed to cause pyrolysis of dry wood to take place in an
enclosed chamber where oxygen is eliminated or constrained so as to facilitate fast and complete
carbonization of wood. The Meko kiln is attractive to the potential users because it is easy to assemble
is mobile and therefore easy to transport.

Construction and the process: The kiln contains two chambers, the inner which is basically a modified
drum as the carbonization chamber while the outer is the firing chamber. The Meko Kiln design is
simple and adheres to high safety considerations. One the kiln components and instruction manual have
been supplied, no additional technical knowledge is necessary to assemble the Meko kiln. Meko kilns
can be demounted and transported to alternative tree harvesting sites in minimum time

Wood is cut into small pieces of 1.5 cm diameter and arranged horizontally after being dried for a few
days. The chamber is filled fully and sealed tightly not to allow any oxygen inside lest combustion
takes place. Firing takes place in the outer chamber using the remains of the smaller end branches
(withies) in the firing chamber. The chamber is closed after combustion attains a sustainable level and
left and the temperatures in the combustion chamber reaches the required 4000 -5000 required for full
carbonization. The combustion chamber is designed in such way that it has an outlet pipe that returns
the pyrolic gases to the firing chamber to assist in the burning and hence provide the necessary heat to
raise the temperatures to over 400 degrees.

The Meko kiln is designed taking into consideration the requirement to move the kiln from one locality
to another where felled timber is available. All panels of the Meko kiln are demountable and can be
transported as flat-packed panels. In addition the pyrolysis chamber is detachable from the kiln panels.
The Meko kiln is also modular in design and can therefore be supplied in two, three or more charcoal
pyrolysis chambers depending on the requirements of users.

Traditional charcoal burning methods are not efficient. This is due to the fact that while burning
charcoal some of the timber meant for charcoal is also burnt to ashes during the process of burning.
The Meko kiln has an isolated pyrolysis chamber which efficiently isolates oxygen from the starter fire
and also traps and re-circulates all volatile gases externally to assist in the carbonization process. In this
way there is no loss of timber as all the timber in the pyrolysis chamber is converted into charcoal.
Reduction in volume of the original timber is only attributed to shrinkage due to loss of moisture and
volatile gases.

The pyrolysis process leading to full carbonization only takes 10 hours and another 3 hours to fully
cool; This is a clear diversion from the traditional earth kiln that takes 8-10 days to fully carbonize.
When the return pipe is no longer producing the characteristic blue frame from the burning methane
gas, then this is a clear indication of full carbonization. At this stage the outer chamber only is opened
(not the combustion chamber) to allow cooling to take place. Recovery of wood was noted to be over
90% a very clear indication that only gases (mainly hydrocarbons) and water are lost during
carbonization. There is no indication that this process produces CO2 as there was no combustion in the


The Meko kiln is rugged and durable. All components of the Meko kiln are locally manufactured and
available and can be replaced easily. The Meko kiln does not require complicated maintenance
procedure and should therefore serve its users sustainably for a long time.

Business case

It is estimated that the current charcoal production industry though still very informal engages between
200,000 and 300,000 people in Kenya. The charcoal production and distribution business in Kenya is
still informal although it is estimated that it has a potential to generate over KSh. 52 billion in revenue
annually. It is also estimated that due to lack of a clear policy in formalization and regulation in this
sector, Kenya Revenue Authority is unable to collect an estimated KSh. 5.2 billion in taxes.
Furthermore an inspection of urban towns and local authorities including Nairobi shows a lack of
proper licensing regimes for formal storage and distribution of charcoal. This results in loss of revenue
for the City councils and other local government authorities where revenue could easily be generated
from formalized business transactions in charcoal. It is therefore evident that efficient production of
charcoal has a high potential for generating revenues for all stakeholders

Advantages and challenges:

 The over 70% wood lost during the carbonization process is as result of unnecessary
combustion of wood that would have otherwise been carbonized.
 The Mekko Kiln has demonstrated the real carbonization while the other kilns combines
carbonization and combustion
 That Mekko Kiln is environmental friendly since the green house gases are recycled. This is
new and unique concept ideal for small scale farmers.

Mekko Kiln and the Designer Mr Mutua

The gaseous recycling pipe

5.6 Portable metal Kilns (KEFRI)

Description: These are imported kilns but easily transportable. At KEFRI, the kilns portrayed are made
of 2 mm thick stainless steel consisting of three interlocking cylindrical sectors and a conical cover.
The bottom cylinder has eight air inlet/outlet channels arranged radially at the base.

The process: Most portable kilns operate on reverse drought principle where carbonization starts from
the top and progressing on downwards. This is aided by chimneys situated around the base of the kiln.
The process provides better carbonization control and yield of up to 30% recovery. (Nelly 2006)

Advantages and challenges: The portable kilns are easily movable to sites where raw materials are
located. The production cycle is short 16-24 hours. The cost of importation is high but local fabrication
can be considered.

Top compartment

Pipes for Chimneys

Pipes for Chimneys

Planks of Wood for


Top Kiln compartment

Middle Chamber

Pipes for Chimneys Base kiln chamber

Air inlets

Figure 1 Portable Metal Kiln (usually imported) as displayed at KEFRI Research Centre

5.7 Ring Kilns (Gulman)
These are medium sized circular metal kilns with conical tops. The tops have air inlets that can be
closed or opened at will to control air flow. Four chimneys are placed at the base of the kilns. The kilns
can be constructed near the fuel wood resources. The kiln is associated with costs of construction and
may be appropriate for commercial purposes though installation is capital intensive.

5.8 Brick kilns

Brick kilns are of various shapes, dimensions and designs. The capacities vary depending on
dimensions and can be useful for both individual domestic production, group production or industrial
production. In some instances, Bondo and Baringo districts, where large volume kilns have been
constructed, charcoal production is usually constrained by increasing costs of transporting wood.
However, large enterprises for instance Kakuzi, Githumbuini farm, Catherine Gulman (Laikipia) ranch
and others wood fuel is readily available in the vicinity either as Leleshwa shrubs, or ‘wastes’ after
sawmilling timber production. In these cases, the kilns go along to ensure higher recoveries of timber

5.8.1 Half Orange Brick Kiln (Kinyanjui)

Half Orange kilns can be constructed for medium or

large scale production depending on objectives. At
Woodfuel 2000 (Kinyanjui) the half orange kiln
produces 4-5 bags since it is of a small diameter and
planned to make use of twigs and small branches.

Half orange kiln

5.8.2Doum shaped brick Kilns (Kakuzi, Bondo, Baringo, Githumbuini firm)

The larger brick kilns of 5-7 diameters are constructed for commercial purposes. These produce 80-120
bags depending on actual radius of the kiln. In Kakuzi, the bricks are placed in two layers to ensure
minimal loss of energy. Air inlets are constructed at the base while chimneys which control flow are
placed mid-way to the top. Huge chunks of wood including stamps are used to make charcoal.

Open air outlet Closed air outlet
Dome shaped top

Air inlet Firing spot

also used for
and charcoal
removal area

Wood stumps used for charcoaling Wood chopped for Charcoaling

5.8.3 Rectangular brick kiln (Gulman)

5.9 The Retort Kilns (Gulman)

5.10 The briquetting Drum Kiln (KEFRI)

6.0 Comparison of characteristics of each technology
Type of technology Applicability Advantages Disadvantages Efficiency Cost per unit Durability Replicability
(Large or small / Challenges
Traditional Earth Kiln Used for mall Known and Not easy to 15-20 % 10, 000 ??? Constructed High
scale production easily mounted control once near the replicability
Charcoal easily wood
contaminated, resource
control oor
Improved / Cassamance Small scale Controlled air flow Stack arrangement 26 – 30 % 15, ,000 ??? Constructible High
production and process need precision
Drum kilns For domestic Easy to constructCharcoal easily 20-30 % 15,000 ??? Drum usable Easily
A) Kefri design use contaminated 2 to 3 times? replicable
B) Maxwel design Small scale Makes use of the Clean charcoal 20 - 30 % 15,000 Drum usable
little twigs produced. ???? 2 to 3 times?
Mekko kiln ( Biochar) Both Mobile/high Still prototype/ 50 – 75 % 25,000 ??? Not yet Replicable
small/large recovery/recycled costly established
Portable metal kiln Both Portability/good costly 26 – 30 % 30,000 ??? Durable Replicable
small/large recovery/
Ring Kilns Small/Industrial High recovery !!! Costly 30 - 50 % 75,000 ??? Durable Replicable
Brick kilns Small scale Uses small Costly 50 - 60 % 30,000 ??? Not durable! Replicable
a. Half orange kilns materials
b. Duom shaped Large scale Can be for large Costly 28 – 30 % ??? Not durable Replicable
scale production Transportation
of materials
c. Rectangular Small scale Good recovery, Transportation 28 – 30 % ??? Reparable Replicable
shaped and for enterprise of materials
Retort Large scale use Mobile, other by Coastly and 70 – 80 % !!! Durable Replicable
products need large

7.0 Where the technology is being utilised case studies

7.1 Chardust Company at Karen

This company concerns itself with brickquetting an important technology for the field.
Chardust/Tamfeeds limited is also a company that undertakes various activities including charcoal
production, manufacture of animal feed fish farming among others. It was realized that the company
has partnered with FAO in a venture that seeks to establish the potential for management of prosopis
through charcoal and feed supplements. The outcomes of the work between Chardust and FAO may
provide an opportunity for further collaboration that may include KFS and communities. This is in line
with the government efforts to incorporate the private sector in development agenda through the public
private partnerships initiatives. In addition, the results may inform the formulation of a national
strategy for management of prosopis that is ongoing at KFS. Appropriate charcoal producing
technologies may be selected for enhancing management and control of the prosopis and studies
conducted to obtain information on efficiencies and potential contribution in reducing emissions.

7.2 Maxwell Kinyanjui Farm Kitengela

This is a farm that has a complete charcoal enterprise cycle. It starts at seed sourcing for charcoal
producing tree species, seedlings, planting, tending, management, harvesting, charcoaling and into
utilisation and marketing of the energy conserving technologies. This was a model farm whose ideas
are worth sharing with others. Maxwel Kinyanjui is an individual investor who has worked with the
Woodland 2000 trust fund to establish a charcoal production woodlot, uses improved charcoal
production technologies and develops improved jikos for energy conservation.

In this farm, efficient charcoal production, various types of kilns or methods and charcoal enterprise
development are in place. For the drum kiln full carbonization takes place within 12 hrs, whereas the
brick kiln takes three days. Small diameter branches are used and therefore tree branches are used for
this purpose. One drum kiln produces one bag of charcoal. In case of brick kiln larger pieces of wood is
used. Recovery rate for both kilns is between 26-30%. Drum kiln and the brick kiln were observed.
Converted a farm devoid of any vegetation into a dry land forest from 1991 to date, initially he wanted
to establish a eucalyptus plantation but later changed his mind and established a mixed stand of
indigenous mainly acacia xanthophlea and gerrandii, olea europa, Warbugia ugandensis.

The mixed stand is managed on a sustainable basis to ensure there is sustainable production and
utilization of wood for charcoal production. Development of improved jikos was observed as measure
over utilization of wood. Various types of improved jikos were observed. Acacia trees are pruned to
provide wood for charcoal production but never cut; this is a sure way to ensure that the land is never
degraded. This is a lesson that can be adopted by KFS

 Management of acacia trees by pruning rather than cutting the whole tree is better management
option that would decrease the current degradation in the drylands
 KFS could have target farms in each conservancy to be put under acacia plantation for charcoal
 KFS should take lead in plantation development in the drylands possibly by purchasing land
and establishing acacia plantations for charcoal production.
 KFS could develop extension package for sustainable production and utilization of woodfuel

7.3 Delamere Acacia charcoal making farm

This is situated in Nakuru Soysambu farm. The farm used to make charcoal and more so brickquetting
but stopped when the ban on charcoal was imposed by the head of state. Since then nothing has been on
going but the technology is available and are willing to share with KFS at their convenience.

7.4 Gallman Kuki Laikipia Ranch and the Retort Kilns

This farm is situated 70 km away from Nyahururu and has set in place modern charcoal producing
technologies which need to be exploited. Laikipia ranch has invested in different technologies among
them; the wagon type movable metal retort kiln, the ring kiln and the rectangular brick kilns. The kilns
were studied based on charcoal production from the leleshwa (Tarconanthus camphorates) species and
findings presented in the document titled ‘The story of Leleshwa’ in joint venture between the
foundation and UNDP. Besides charcoal other products were also included in the study such as oil
from the leaves and roofing material.

7.5 Kakuzi Farm

This is an elaborate farm with forest enterprise that also does charcoal production from the byproducts
of timber for poles, posts and timber. They have large Brick kilns two which are operational and are
capable of moving ahead if given the permit to carry on with charcoal making. Kakuzi and
Githumbuini Estate are agricultural based limited companies that make use of brick kilns;- an improved
technology that permits bulk charcoal production and enhances wood recovery rate. The company
makes use of timber pieces derived from timber and pole processing.

7.6 The Meko Kiln Biochar technologies limited

Biochar in Thika has innovated a charcoal production kiln that does not involve direct contact of wood
with the fire hence avoids charring during the carbonization process. His is at the prototype stage and
studies may be necessary to determine various functionality parameters. This is an improved charcoal
making technology. Unlike others, this technology recycles the pyrolysis gases from the charcoaling
process. This seemed ideal for display and the developer was willing to share the idea with others
The company is situated opposite Thika high school, Thika Town. They have developed an improved
drum kiln whose concept is to carbonize the wood fully and recover as much wood as possible and
minimize emission of green house gases into the atmosphere.
The kiln contains two chambers, the inner which is basically a modified drum as the carbonization
chamber while the outer is the firing chamber.

Wood is cut into small pieces of 1.5 cm diameter and arranged horizontally after being dried for a few
days. The chamber is filled fully and sealed tightly not to allow any oxygen inside lest combustion
takes place. Firing takes place in the outer chamber using the remains of the smaller end branches
(withies) in the firing chamber. The chamber is closed after combustion attains a sustainable level and
left and the temperatures in the combustion chamber reaches the required 4000 -5000 required for full
carbonization. The combustion chamber is designed in such way that it has an outlet pipe that returns

the pyrolic gases to the firing chamber to assist in the burning and hence provide the necessary heat to
raise the temperatures to over 400 degrees.

The pyrolysis process leading to full carbonization only takes 10 hours and another 3 hours to fully
cool; This is a clear diversion from the traditional earth kiln that takes 8-10 days to fully carbonize.
When the return pipe is no longer producing the characteristic blue frame from the burning methane
gas, then this is a clear indication of full carbonization. At this stage the outer chamber only is opened
(not the combustion chamber) to allow cooling to take place. Recovery of wood was noted to be over
90% a very clear indication that only gases (mainly hydrocarbons) and water are lost during
carbonization. There is no indication that this process produces CO2 as there was no combustion in the

 The over 70% wood lost during the carbonization process is as result of unnecessary
combustion of wood that would have otherwise been carbonized.
 The Mekko Kiln has demonstrated the real carbonization while the other kilns combines
carbonization and combustion
 That Mekko Kiln is environmental friendly since the green house gases are recycled. This is
new and unique concept ideal for small scale farmers.

The Mekko Kiln Chambers The gaseous recycling pipe

At the Biochar yard Thika Mekko Kiln and the Designer Mr Mutua

7.7 Kakuzi/Githumbuini coffee farm

The farm mainly deals with coffee business but developed the idea of making charcoal when they could
not dispose off the coffee stumps that were from the uprooted old coffee trees as firewood. The idea of
carbonizing the coffee trees was an option and because they wanted to break-even in the production
and marketing of the charcoal, they opted for the improved brick kiln. The production cost is estimated
to be Ksh. 390 per bag of charcoal which is sold at Ksh. 450; hence the company makes a profit of Ksh.
60 per bag. The company has also muted the idea of sustainably utilizing their tree resources on the
farm by charcoal production.

 That the service can pursue the use of alternative wood sources other than use trees as
mitigation measure to check the ever increasing degradation
 That agricultural product can substitute trees in the production of charcoal; e.g. maize combs
coffee trees.
 That the big farms could be approached to undertake tree growing for charcoal production as
an enterprise in areas that are not suitable for agriculture.

Word of welcome to Githumbuini farm by Manager The Masonry brick Kiln

Participants close to the Kiln Trying the door of the kiln

7.8 Laikipia Ranch

The ranch is 200,000 acres and involved in the conservation of both flora and fauna. Animals
conserved include Elephants, buffalos, lions, giraffes, leopards etc. The plants commonly found in the
ranch include, Tarconanthus camphoratus (leleshwa).
The ranch was involved in charcoal production until charcoal burning was suspended then they
completely stopped the production. The ranch has modern improved kilns namely, the Wagon kiln,
Ring metal kiln and the Rectangular brick kiln. One common feature with the kilns is that they all have
a combustion chamber and firing chamber thus making the recovery rate very high.
With the charcoal rules and regulations ready the ranch is ready to go into production again once they
have a licence from KFS.

 That the Ranches could be involved in sustainable production of charcoal without necessarily
negatively impacting on the environment.
 That if several ranches were approached to get involved in sustainable production of charcoal,
and then we could ease the pressure on the fragile areas of the semi-arid & arid areas.
 Those efficient charcoal production technologies are available in the country and these could be
used to replace the very wasteful local methods.

Ring Kiln Rectangular brick kiln

Filling up the chambers for charcoaling Retort Kiln (Movable metal)

Eco charcoal Oil distilling from Lelechwa leaves at the ranch.

There were four technologies displayed by KEFRI during their open day namely; improved earth kiln,
Metal kiln, Drum Kiln and Casamance Kiln. All were ideal and ready for display to other users.
There were a number of Kilns displayed by KEFRI at its demonstration site Karura. These are;

Portable metal kiln Drum Kiln

Casamance Kiln Improved Drum Kiln


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