Dok Rama (Functional Appliance)
Dok Rama (Functional Appliance)
Dok Rama (Functional Appliance)
Rama Putranto
Removable Fixed
Mechanical Functional
Force Force
Removable Appliances
A. Base Plate
B. Component Retentive/ anchorage
C. Component Active/Force
A. Base Palte
1. Supporting others component : claps,
Screw Expantion etc
2. Continue Strenght/forced of the
resulting from claps to anchorages
3. To prevent unwanted moving teeth
4. To protect the spring or claps on palatal /
lingual side
5. To hold and continue biting force
Stability of plate
1. Plate width was made as wide as
possible, depend on treatment needs
Semi-fixed Appliance
Fixed Appliances
Hybrid Appliances
1. Facial Skeleton
2. Jaw Bases
3. Dentoalveolar relationship
Facial Skeleton
X 1oo
Less Than 62 % Vertical Growth Pattern
1. Labial Bow
2. Jack Screw (Optional)
3. Acrylic Portion
Direction of Coreccted
Functional Retrusion
Well Align Dental Arch
Mild to Modertae skeletal Discrepancy
No Evidence of Labial Tipping
Contra Indication For Bionator
Herbst Appliance