The Colors of The Stars: Thor Olson Management Graphics Inc. Minneapolis, MN
The Colors of The Stars: Thor Olson Management Graphics Inc. Minneapolis, MN
The Colors of The Stars: Thor Olson Management Graphics Inc. Minneapolis, MN
Thor Olson
Management Graphics Inc.
Minneapolis, MN
Just as we can compute the energy through the B and V R 3.240 −1.537 −0.499 X
filters, we can obtain the energies sensed by the CIE
G = −0.969 1.876 0.042 Y
colorimetric standard observer and obtain chromaticity (2)
coordinates for various black body temperatures. In fact, B 0.056 −0.204 1.057 Z
this was done long ago and the locus of black body radiators
is shown on many chromaticity charts as a reference (figure
4). A polynomial fit to the locus is provided in Hunt [1] The actual CRT drive levels R’G’B’, are obtained from
which can be used to obtain the chromaticity of a star from RGB by applying the power law of the device which, when
its temperature. calibrated to the video standard, uses a gamma of 0.45
(approximately 1/2.2).
R’ R
G’ = G
B’ B 0.45
0.5 3000 K One may now take the chromaticities along the black
y 5000 K body locus representing stars at those temperatures, scale
0.4 • • • 2000 K them to obtain XYZ tristimulus numbers with Y=1 (in other
words, treat it as if it was an adaptation whitepoint), and
0.3 ••• calculate video R’G’B’. This has been done for a collection
10000 K of temperature points along the locus and is plotted in figure
0.2 5. This plot tells us what monitor R’G’B’ levels to use to
display stars at a given temperature.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Figure 4. Locus of black body radiators on an xy chromaticity
2 will keep all of the temperatures within range, and they will
be chromaticity-correct, but the relative perceived brightness
1.8 of differently colored stars will be skewed. Low
1.6 temperature red stars especially will seem dimmer than they
should (remember, our sample star colors were scaled so
1.4 that their luminance level, Y, started out the same). From an
esthetic viewpoint, suffering this brightness error is
Video level
projected transparencies has been tackled by several
2000 K
• • •∆
y chromaticity
• ∆
• •
10000 K
0.2 • target
0 Figure 9. An unrecognizable constellation Leo, rendered using the
-5 5 equal energy hypothesis.
The reduction in amplitude for each magnitude should be the Additional elements that make a rich map of the sky
same as the reduction in area. Since this presumably occurs include gridlines showing the celestial coordinates, an
for small dim stars where the area was proportional to indication of the faint band across the sky made by the
luminance, a factor of 1/2.5 = 0.4 is needed. Since the Milky Way, and sometimes, construction lines showing the
image display follows a power law, the reduction in drive constellations.
level for each magnitude step is only 0.66. The
combination of using area and amplitude was used to make A natural background for an image of the night sky is
the magnitude scale shown in figure 11 (which may not black of course. Although difficult to print, it makes the
reproduce to its full range in this publication). stars stand out in excellent contrast in a transparency. The
selection of gridline colors is made so that the grid is an
unobtrusive element, almost invisible, until one wants to see
it, at which point is should be visible for unambiguous References
position reference.
1. R.W.G. Hunt, Measuring Colour, Ellis Horwood
The Milky Way is an awe-inspiring feature of the night Limited, West Sussex England, 1987.
sky. The faint glow of the band of our galaxy is not really
seen, but rather sensed by the low light sensitivity of off-axis 2. Robert Hall Wallis, Film Recording of Digital Color
rod cells. One has the feeling that it is a bluish white glow. Images, USCIPI Report 570, May 1975.
This is due to the high percentage of young hot stars (blue
stars) in the nearby arms of our galaxy. Rendering the 3. Mark Fairchild, Roy Berns, Audrey Lester, and Hae
Milky Way at the infinite temperature limit for black body Kyung Shin, Accurate Color Reproduction of CRT-
Displayed Images as Projected 35mm Slides, IS&T/SID
radiators provides one more color reference, albeit
Color Imaging Conference, Scottsdale AZ, 1994.
somewhat artificial, for making a visually appealing map.
4. Audrey Lester and Mark Fairchild, Thermochromism of
Constellation lines are a dilemma. Like the coordinate Ektachrome 100 Plus Professional Transparencies Upon
grid, one wants them to be available to help locate these Projection, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology,
major star patterns. But once found, it would be nice if they v.38, n.4, July/Aug 1994.
could disappear completely, leaving the beauty of the
starfield to make its own patterns in the mind of the viewer. 5. Wil Tirion, Cambridge Star Atlas 2000.0, Cambridge
If one includes the constellation lines in an illustration, they University Press, Great Britain, 1991.
can be rendered in a faint, transparent color, say greenish,
that contrasts with the star colors and the Milky Way. 6. H.W. Bodmann, P. Haubner, A.M. Marsden, A Unified
Relationship between Brightness and Luminance, CIE
Proceedings 19th Session, Kyoto Japan, 1979.
Combining all of these elements into the color and
brightness-scaled star fields yields the typical view shown in
7. Elske v.P. Smith and Kenneth C Jacobs, Introductory
figure 13, a satisfying and informational image. Astronomy and Astrophysics, W.B. Saunders Company,
Philadelphia PA, 1973.
Beyond the flat map
There is another dimension that can be utilized to
8. Tom N Cornsweet, Visual Perception, Harcourt Brace
present information from an image: depth. A stereo view of Jovanovich, Inc.Orlando FL, 1970.
the sky would normally be perceived as the sky looks: flat.
The stars are just too far away to provide any significant 9. David H Levy, Skywatching, The Nature Company,
parallax. But there is no reason we cannot amplify the small Berkely CA, 1994.
parallaxes that have been measured by astronomers to
illustrate the relative distances of the stars we see. This has 10. David Malin and Paul Murdin, Colours of the Stars,
been done in figure 14. If one can fuse the two images in Cambridge University Press, London, 1984.
the pair, either through free-viewing or using a stereo
viewer, one can get a glimpse of how God might see this 11. M.J.G. Minnaert, Light and Color in the Outdoors,
Spreinger-Verlag, New York, 1974.
part of the sky (provided God has trichromatic night vision
and an interocular distance of 1.6 light years)!
Figure 12. Rendered color scale using area variations to preserve brightness at different temperatures.
Figure 13. A star map showing Taurus and Orion using the color and brightness relations described in this paper.
Figure 14. A stereo pair of star images showing the constellation Leo “as God might see it” (with full color vision and
interocular distance of 1.6 light years). Free-view them or fuse the images using a stereo viewer. If free-viewed with crossed
eyes, the distances will be inverted: the bright constellation will appear to be behind a foreground curtain of faint stars.