Transition From A Is To Aim
Transition From A Is To Aim
Transition From A Is To Aim
1. The Global Air Navigation Plan (Doc 9750) was developed as a strategic
document to guide the implementation of CNS/ATM systems with respect to the
Global Air Traffic Management Operational Concept (Doc 9854) (the main task
to be required) and the Strategic Objectives of ICAO.
2. Doc 9750 sets out 23 global plan initiatives (GPI); two are directly related to
aeronautical information (GPI-18 – Aeronautical Information and GPI-20 – WGS-
84) and many of the others have an indirect impact on the way aeronautical
information will be exchanged in the future.
3. The changes foreseen are such that this development is being referred to as the
transition from aeronautical information services (AIS) to aeronautical
information management (AIM).
4. It identifies the major milestones recommended for a uniform evolution across all
regions of the world, specific steps that need to be achieved and timelines for
5. This publication is intended to serve as a strategic positioning initiative to drive
the continuing improvement of aeronautical information services in terms of
quality, timeliness and the identification of new services and products to better
serve aeronautical users.
6. The expectations are that the transition to AIM will not require many changes in
terms of the scope of aeronautical information to be distributed. The major
change will be the introduction of new products and services and an increased
emphasis on better data distribution in terms of quality and timeliness in order to
meet user requirements and contribute to improved safety, increased efficiency
and greater cost-effectiveness of the air navigation system.
IM Information management
IP Internet protocol
We are in the age of the Internet, satellite navigation and computer networks, today the
aeronautical information distribution is still based on paper charts, paper documentation
and telex-based text messages.
Better aeronautical information is essential if we want to enable the air navigation service
providers to safely handle more traffic in the same amount of space during the same
amount of time.
The provision of aeronautical information today is mainly focused on the requirements of pre-
flight briefing.
The provision of aeronautical information tomorrow will address the requirements of all
components of the ATM System for all phases of flight.
The shift from standardizing products to standardizing data will enable more freedom in the
definition of future products while maintaining a high degree of quality and integrity of the
information contained in these new products.
The biggest change in the transition to AIM will be the increased use of computer technology
in the management of information.
Both graphical and text products will be based on the aeronautical data exchange model will
ensure standardized interfaces between the computers of both providers and users of
data. This will enable the definition of new products where both text and graphics will be
presented in a more readable form.
Pre-flight information bulletins are often loaded with information not relevant to the flight
because of the limited filtering capabilities that the current NOTAM format has. Pre-flight
bulletins are often also difficult to read and interpret because of the lack of graphical
capabilities of the current NOTAM format. New products combining textual and graphical
information will need to be specified.
Electronic chart displays are becoming easier and cheaper to install in the cockpit and their
functionality is increasing.
The future capabilities of transferring digital data between the air and the ground will be used
for providing new products such as in-flight information bulletins by uploading aeronautical
and meteorological information directly aboard aircraft during all phases of flight.
The AIM concept requires that all aeronautical information, including that currently held in
aeronautical Information publications (AIPs) are stored as individual standardized data
sets to be accessed by user applications.
Static versus dynamic information
Stability is essential for proper planning of airspace operations. Examples of changes that
must be announced well in advance are:
The installation or decommissioning of ground-based air Navigation aids;
The opening of a new aerodrome for international flight Operations;
Airspace danger and restricted areas; and
The route structure for major traffic flows.
Events of short duration or with little advance notice must be announced quickly in a manner
that is comprehensible by the different components of the ATM system.
In an interoperable environment based on data Standards, these two types of information will
be transferred by common networks under the same data exchange mechanisms using
the same data Standard Definitions.
AIRAC cycle
It is expected that the need for aeronautical data to become effective on internationally agreed
upon common dates will remain. Coordination and planning require major changes to be
announced well in advance and introduced only at regular intervals.
The quality and integrity requirements of databases will define new roles for human
intervention such as verification, monitoring and correction before releasing new data.
The current cycle is essentially based on the maximum expected time for postal delivery of
the paper products. The distribution of data products through data networks will not suffer
from the same delay in delivery and shorter cycles will become possible to better match
users’ needs. Transitioning to a modern distribution mechanism will not be trapped by a
28-day cycle. The future ATM system will be free to identify a better cycle that will
adequately balance the need for improved reactivity with the need for advance planning.
Eight Guiding Principles for the Transition to Aim
The transition from AIS to AIM will have to:
a) Comply with the amendments to the Annexes.
b) Support or facilitate the generation and distribution of aeronautical information.
c) Provide a method for measuring performance and outcomes linked to the
distribution of quality assured aeronautical information.
d) Assist States in making informed choices about their aeronautical information
services and the future of AIM;
e) Build upon developments in States, international organizations and industry and
acknowledge that the Transition to AIM is a natural evolution rather than a
f) Provide mature Standards that apply to a wide range of aeronautical information
products, services and technologies;
g) Be guided by the Global Air Navigation Plan (Doc 9750) and ensure that all
development is aimed at achieving the ATM system.
h) Ensure, to the greatest extent possible, that solutions are internationally
harmonized and integrated and do not unnecessarily impose multiple equipment
carriage requirements for aircraft or multiple systems on the ground.
In the third phase, new products and services will be developed. Quality control and staff
training and planning will be applied to current and new products and services. This will
support a new AIM function for air navigation service providers enabling the provision of
the new data that will be required by the future ATM components. The projects in the third
phase will be provided to serve the new users.
The roadmap will identify the main steps to be achieved in the three phases. Each step
will require projects of two types of activities: one will be the development of the Standards
required and the other will be the implementation in States of those Standards.
Development of Standards. The development of new Standards often lies on the critical
path of the transition. Amendments to ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices
(SARPs) are required for uniform implementation of the transition to AIM in all States. b)
Implementation of Standards. Implementation of Standards allowing the transition to
AIM will be the responsibility of States. Guidance material will be issued by ICAO to assist
in the implementation.
Phase 1 — Consolidation
During Phase 1 of the transition to AIM, steps will be taken to strengthen a solid base by
emphasis the quality of the existing products. Improvement of SARPs for existing products
will continue to in the usual manner in order to respond to near-term user requirements.
Since the electronic AIP will have the exact same structure as the paper version, it is
important that States make every effort to issue their aeronautical information as specified
in Annex 15.
The NOTAM system as it exists today requires to be upgraded to cope with new types of
information (e.g. GNSS navigation) and to respond to the difficulties being reported by the
users. It is important to continue to improve the current SARPs related to NOTAM to better
serve users’ needs with the current products.
Many ICAO chart types form an integral part of the AIP. Most of the SARPs in Annex 4 —
Aeronautical Charts will remain applicable after the transition to AIM. It is important that
States comply with the existing Annex 4 SARPs.
The requirement to use a common horizontal, vertical and temporal reference system
remains essential to facilitate the exchange of data between different systems. Therefore,
the expression of all coordinates in the AIP and charts using WGS-84 is important and
should be completed during the first phase of the transition to AIM.
Provision of terrain and obstacle data becomes applicable during Phase 1 of the transition
and will be an important project to be conducted by States.
Quality requirements on information are covered by current SARPs in terms of accuracy
and integrity. The steps in Phase 1 aim to meet these requirements. In addition, States
will implement and continuously improve their quality management system in view of its
increasing importance for future products and services.
The definition of new AIM data products and services will be based on requirements
identified for each ATM component.
Roadmap Steps
This roadmap provides the strategic direction and major principles for the transition to
AIM. The three phases need not be followed in a waterfall approach; for example, steps
may be taken to introduce the digital elements even though the consolidation steps have
not all been finalized. Similarly, it is not necessary that all steps for going digital be
achieved before introducing new measures related to information management. The
phases, however, give an indication of how to address the transition.
A minimum list of major steps to achieve the transition to AIM is provided in the following
part. A broad positioning of the steps in relation to the three phases is also provided in the
following Figure.
The steps listed in this part constitute a minimum list of areas of activities for States to
coordinate the transition to AIM between themselves and with ICAO. Failure to take action
on any of these steps would increase the duration of the transition and negatively affect
the enabling role of AIM in the future ATM concept of operation.
P-01 — Data quality monitoring
P-02 — Data integrity monitoring
P-03 — AIRAC adherence monitoring
P-04 — monitoring of States’ differences to Annex 4 and Annex 15
P-05 — WGS-84 implementation
P-06 — Integrated aeronautical information database
P-07 — Unique identifiers
P-08 — Aeronautical information conceptual model
P-09 — Aeronautical data exchange
P-10 — Communication networks
P-11 — Electronic AIP
P-12 — Aeronautical information briefing
P-13 — Terrain
P-14 — Obstacles
P-15 — Aerodrome mapping
P-16 — Training
P-17 — Quality
P-18 — Agreements with data originators
P-19 — Interoperability with meteorological products
P-20 — Electronic aeronautical charts
P-21 — Digital NOTAM
the main step in Phase 2 of the transition to AIM. The design of such a database will not
be identical in all States or regions because local technical.
P-07 — Unique identifiers
Improvements to the existing mechanisms for the unique identification of aeronautical
features are required to increase the effectiveness of information exchange without the
need for human intervention.
P-16 — Training
The training of personnel will be adapted to the new requirements on skill and
competencies introduced by the transition to AIM. A new training manual will be developed
to reflect the new competencies required.
P-17 — Quality
Quality management measures will be re-enforced to ensure the required level of quality
of the aeronautical information. In order to assist States in the implementation of an
efficient quality management system, guidance
Material for the development of a quality manual will be developed.
The eAIP Specification is developed under the EUROCONTROL Regulatory and Advisory
Framework (ERAF), for the electronic Aeronautical Information Publication (eAIP).
This Specification is designed to enable the harmonized visualization of the contents of
the AIP, which has to be provided by the national Aeronautical Information Services (AIS)
in accordance with the ICAO Convention on Civil Aviation, in electronic form. The objective
is to define a specification that could be associated with the interoperability implementing
rule on the quality of aeronautical data and information developed in accordance with the
Interoperability Regulation in the framework of the Single European Sky. In this context,
the aim of the eAIP Specification is to increase and to standardize the use of automation
in AIS by promoting electronic versions to replace the current paper-based elements of
the Integrated Aeronautical Information Package (IAIP).
ICAO Compliance
The Specification is fully compliant with the ICAO requirements for AIP content and
structure, as laid down in the Annex 15 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation -
Aeronautical Information Services. It provides a standard way to:
Publish the content of Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP), AIP Amendments
(AMDT), AIP Supplements (SUP) and Aeronautical Information Circulars (AIC) in a
structured electronic format visualize the content of these electronic documents on a
computer screen, using Web technology.
Relation to AIXM
The Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM) is an XML specification intended
for computer to computer exchange of aeronautical information. AIXM was originally
developed by EUROCONTROL for the needs of the European AIS Database (EAD).
Both specifications, i.e. eAIP and AIXM, are based on XML and are closely linked to the
content of the Aeronautical Information Publications. The essential difference between the
two is that:
AIXM models the aeronautical information and is intended for computer-to-computer data
exchange, while the eAIP Specification models the AIP document and is mainly intended
for facilitating the on-screen presentation.
When compared to the current paper AIP, the implementation of an eAIP has advantages
for both the organization producing the eAIP and for its users.
Technology - Extensible Markup Language (XML)
The eAIP is based on XML (eXtensible Mark-up Language), which is a meta-language -
a language used to define other languages). XML has been chosen because it is
commonly used for structuring documents and it is suitable for both human-to-computer
and computer-to-computer interactions. It is a recognized standard since 1998, widely
adopted by the software developers in many industries.
The XML standard has enabled the definition of an "eAIP language", which enables
people and computers talking to each other using the same vocabulary and grammar. An
electronic AIP is in fact an XML document, conforming to the eAIP Document Type
Definition (DTD).
Although human readable, XML is not suitable for end users because it contains only the
bare information, without any formatting artefacts. For on-screen display, the eAIP is
transformed into HTML (Hyper-Text Mark-up Language). When paper is the target, the
eAIP is transformed into PDF or PostScript, which may be easily printed.
Charts and graphics can be in various formats, the most interesting one for aeronautical
charts being the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format. It is a vector format, which offers
perfect display quality at any scale.
The eAIP Document Type Definition (DTD) is the central component of the eAIP
Specification. It is complemented by:
three manuals, each targeting a specific stakeholder category: users, editors and
eAIP samples in XML, HTML and PDF format
baseline style sheets for converting an XML eAIP into HTML and PDF format
define and build the tools they need in order to exploit the "electronic AIP" concept at its
full potential.
The eAIP Specification has undergone comprehensive testing and validation, which have
The aim of the Digital NOTAM project is to provide the standards, the framework,
resources and a substantiated proof-of-concept for the full ECAC-wide implementation of
the digital NOTAM concept, necessary to all ATM actors in order to support an accurate
and always up-to-date common situational awareness of the aeronautical operations
The digital NOTAM concept is an investment in the future, but with immediate practical
benefits for the end users. It will bring new value to investments made in recent years, e.g.
European AIS database, which delivers static data in digital format. It is a project with
finalization in the AIM domain when it comes to pre-flight briefing. Digital NOTAM can
accommodate legacy system and improve the quality of the information provided to legacy
NOTAM users.
Today, temporary information in the NOTAM system is provided mainly as free text and it
is loosely structured. This is incompatible with the increasingly automated aeronautical
information management systems, which largely rely on timely, accurate and quality
assured aeronautical data. Definition of Digital NOTAM: "Digital Aeronautical Information
Update (Digital NOTAM) - a data set made available through digital services containing
information concerning the establishment, condition or change in any aeronautical facility,
service, procedure or hazard, the timely knowledge of which is essential to systems and
automated equipment used by personnel concerned with flight operations."
The Digital NOTAM encoding is based on the Aeronautical Information Exchange Model
(AIXM) version 5, which has been developed in cooperation between EUROCONTROL
and the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), with the support of the
international AIS community.
Digital NOTAM and the AIXM 5 development have been constantly presented to and
supported by the members of the AI Team of EUROCONTROL and by participants in a
broad spectrum on other fora including dedicated workshops and a Digital NOTAM Event
Specification Focus Group.
Currently, last minute aeronautical information update means “NOTAM”. Created 60 years
ago, it is based on text messages, which are intended to convey to pilots and other
“airman” information that is critical for the safety of the flight. Yet today the NOTAM system
is increasingly used for information that is not safety critical, but which could affect the
efficiency of the flight.
It is clear that the current NOTAM messages and similar text messages, containing safety
critical information, cannot satisfy the future ATM system. The NOTAM system is
constrained by
a number of aspects that are related to its history, as visible in the NOTAM samples
included beside. Human Interpretation is required.
The ATM system is increasingly relying on automated systems at all levels, which depend
on correct and up-to-date information in order to perform their functions. However, the
content of a database, be it on-board, at the airport or in an ATC system, may be
‘superseded by NOTAM’.
The task of remembering which information is overridden becomes the pilot’s or
controller’s burden. There is a risk that safety critical, last minute information remains
outside the automated data processing chains and in consequence missed by some or all
the actors involved.
The current system is driven by manual processes to ensure NOTAM accuracy and
provide a way for humans to correct NOTAM entry errors. The system relies heavily on
post-submission quality control. Although supposed to be human readable, there are
frequent complaints from pilots, especially from general aviation, that NOTAM text is
frequently hard if not impossible to decipher for the non-expert.
The current concept of issuing safety critical information as free text is also inefficient, as
it requires human reading and interpretation before being fed into the automated systems.
It’s the same piece of text that is read by many recipients, who all do the same: read it,
interpret it and input it in the database. This can significantly slow down the information
flow. It can also trigger misunderstandings, as shown by frequent discussions on AIS
Agora (the on-line forum for AIS professionals), that ask for clarification with regard to the
exact meaning of the words used in NOTAM.
Information overload
Information is becoming more dynamic and the number of NOTAM published is
Today 20,000 NOTAM (on average) are currently in force world-wide. Many of these are
given to flight crews for pre-flight briefing resulting in Pre-flight Information Bulletin (PIB)
in the range of
10-50 pages for an internal European flight.
Due to the current limited information filtering capabilities of the text NOTAM format,
between 40% and sometimes up to 90% of the information given in PIB has no direct
impact on the flight for which it was provided giving rise to the statement:
"...most information given in flight paperwork is user hostile.”
Yet the probability of pilots not being aware of important and pertinent NOTAM is
increasing. Due to the complexity of airspace, databases, and publishing errors, there is
a tendency to use the NOTAM system as a correctional medium overwhelming the users
with data which actually degrades safety.
Knowing the information filtering limitations and to be on the safe side, the NOTAM
originators tend to overestimate the radius of influence, which causes the NOTAM to be
included in briefings for flights that are totally outside the really impacted area.
NOTAM can also contain applicability schedules. Hard to read and sometimes even
ambiguous, such schedules require human reading skills which are not within the
capabilities of automated systems. Even more, the temporal information is not always
presented in the NOTAM D field. Sometimes, supplementary applicability information is
provided in the free text description, which makes the interpretation even more difficult.
Way Foreward
Future ATM relies on advanced data exchange and data sharing services that
communicate aeronautical information (infrastructure, route network, aerodrome, terrain,
weather, obstacle data…) into the operational activities on the ground and in the air. As a
prerequisite, all information has to be digital, which means suitable for automatic
processing without human intervention.
In the case of NOTAM and similar messages (SNOWTAM, ASHTAM, etc.), this requires
a specific approach, along two main lines of action:
- Data modelling - extend the existing data models for static aeronautical information with
the necessary concepts and attributes in order to also model its dynamic/temporary
- Concept of Operations - develop technical and operational specifications that enable the
development and implementation of systems and procedures, which are required for the
origination, provision and use of the last minute aeronautical information updates. In
particular, the concept of operations shall be applicable world-wide. It should also be
backwards compatible, able to support legacy users with classical NOTAM for as long as
necessary. Users of the new concept shall be able to get a rapid benefit.
Digital NOTAM is not a simple conversion of the current message into a new, more
structured format. It is a radical change, by which the information updates (both temporary
and permanent) are merged with the information of longer duration, using the same data
structures and distribution channels.
The focus is on correct, complete and up-to-date data and not on a particular message
product. Similar to the other products of AIS, such as AIP, charts, etc. and for as long as
necessary, the current NOTAM messages will continue to be issued. But, this will be
based on the conversion of the digital aeronautical data, which will become the reference.
Although originally applied to aeronautical information, the concept is also applicable to
meteorological information, for messages such as Terminal Area Forecast (TAF), etc.
The characteristics of a digital NOTAM include:
Digital NOTAM contributes to the Information Management Strategy goal of creating a
community of people, devices, information and services interconnected by a
communications network to achieve optimal benefit of resources and better
synchronization of events and their consequences. This is also known as a 'net-centric' or
'information-centric' system.
This will enable the machines that assist the human actors to provide a common and
accurate view of the aeronautical 4D environment, which is central to SESAR. It will
support 4D trajectories, common decision making processes and the required safety,
efficiency and capacity gains.
Safety, efficiency, capacity.
Awareness systems - there are examples of incidents and accidents, which demonstrate
that xNOTAM, could enable computers to do a much better job in preventing the pilots
and air traffic controllers from actions with potentially dangerous consequences. Electronic
Flight Bag (EFB) systems are implemented by aircraft manufacturers and by many airlines
as a way to better support the pilot with the right information in each particular instance.
Digital NOTAM can bring into
such systems the actual situation, e.g. closed runways and taxiways, work in progress
areas, temporary routes, etc.
Better pre-flight briefing - with digital information it is possible to structure the Pre-Flight
Information Bulletin (PIB) by applying human factor principles that maximize the transfer
information in the working memory of the pilot, e.g. group by feature affected; order by the
criticality of the information; use images and a structure that facilitate the reading and give
more visibility to the pilot to identify a situation affecting the flight.
Consistent quality - with digital information, it is possible to put in place exhaustive and
cost-efficient data validation and evaluation procedures, e.g. the unavailability of a critical
navaid could immediately trigger the unavailability of a certain approach procedure.
Obviously, this requires proper change impact procedures to be defined and encoded in
the system. But this is a once-only effort, which enables an automatic process to take
place in all similar situations.
Increased efficiency - through Digital NOTAM, the information is encoded only once, at
the point of origin. At the end user side, Digital NOTAM will enable radical improvement
in the information filtering capabilities. This will stop the information overload and the time
spent on analyzing irrelevant information.
The initial part of the Trial already demonstrated that the AIXM 5.0 model is sufficiently
mature to support the Digital NOTAM concept. The Trial also identified some modelling
deficiencies, which were corrected. The result of the AIXM 5.0 testing and validation phase
was issued under a new version number (AIXM 5.1) in 2009. This is the version that was
proposed for the initial operational implementation of Digital NOTAM.
The Trial has demonstrated that with a relatively small investment it is possible to develop
a basic HMI that can be successfully be used by today’s NOTAM operators to provide the
desired Digital NOTAM output.
The Digital SNOWTAM Trial Application makes the SNOWTAM information available in
the form of an Airport Overview map, providing the contamination status of airports in a
geographical area (Europe)
However, please keep in mind that this is still only a pre-operational trial. It can be used
for general awareness, but not for operational decisions. The current process by which
text SNOWTAM messages are post-converted into AIXM 5.1 “Surface contamination”
data cannot guarantee the completeness and the absolute correctness of the digital data.
Such applications could become fully operational only when surface contamination data
will be issued at the origin directly in digital (AIXM 5.1) format.
The aim is to develop a concept that is applicable worldwide, taking into consideration
constraints such as the slow adoption of digital NOTAMs for certain regions of the world.
It shall be noted that Digital NOTAM is not an attempt to centralize the NOTAM creation
in Europe. On the contrary, the creation of digital NOTAM has to take place as close as
possible to the source of the event (Airport Manager, ATC Unit, civil-military cell, etc.).
There is little doubt that digital NOTAM are needed. The real challenge is how to
implement it in order to minimize the cost and maximize the benefit for the stakeholders.
To answer this challenge, the Digital NOTAM Project intends to work along the following
incremental approach, with focus on quick-wins;
Re-use of existing and near-term investments (EAD, PENS, etc.);
development of open source software modules in partnership with industry;
Strong cooperation with FAA, to share conceptual and specification development costs.
Incremental approach
An incremental approach is to be considered, focused on those information categories
where there is an immediate benefit and where the end users are capable in the short
term to exploit the digital NOTAM information. Initial candidates are airport surface
NOTAM that could be embedded in Electronic Flight Bags and airspace/route
restriction/availability NOTAM that could benefit to civil and military airspace users.
Considering the EAD implementation experience, it is submitted that Digital NOTAM could
be accomplished in Europe by 2015.
It is estimated that more than 50% of the implementation cost will be re-training of
NOTAM operators. It is a challenge to move from text to structured information.
To reduce the cost and to ensure harmonization, an initial digital NOTAM training module
could be developed centrally by EUROCONTROL and made available to the national
training centers. The application already developed for the Digital NOTAM Trial could be
used as a baseline for this.
AIRAC Adherence
The AIRAC cycle was adopted by ICAO in 1964 and further improved over the years. Key
is the worldwide effective dates with 28 days intervals.
Aviation "environment" data is constantly changing: airspace structures and routes are
revised, navigation aids change, SIDs and STARs are amended, runway and taxiway
information changes.
It is essential, for both efficiency and safety, that Pilots, Air Traffic Controllers, Air Traffic
Flow Managers, Flight Management Systems and Aviation Charts all have the same data
set. But how can this be achieved? The answer is AIRAC.
What is AIRAC?
AIRAC stands for Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control and stems from the
ICAO Annex 15 - Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) document and defines a series
of common dates and an associated standard aeronautical information publication
procedure for States.
In short it defines that in all instances, information provided under the AIRAC system shall
be published in paper copy form and shall be distributed by the AIS unit at least 42 days
in advance of the effective date with the objective of reaching recipients at least 28 days
in advance of the effective date. Whenever major changes are planned and where
additional notice is desirable and practicable, a publication date of at least 56 days in
advance of the effective date should be used.
The AIRAC cycle was adopted by ICAO in 1964 and further improved over the years. Key
is the worldwide effective dates with 28 days intervals (e.g. 21 August 2014, 18 September
2014, 16 October 2014 ...). Effective days are always on a Thursday.
It may look indeed like a long period, 28 days, or even 56, but it should be understood that
aeronautical information changes (mostly published through so called AIRAC
Amendments) require.
Changes to local systems which includes interpreting, re-typing and re-coding the
Verification and Correction as publications are unfortunately seldom perfect.
Validation against other data; Flight Plans are just one example.
Re-distribution, hereby think of Charts and Flight Management Systems to a fleet which
can be anywhere in the world.
The AIRAC effective dates
The AIRAC effective dates are published in ICAO Doc 8126, the Aeronautical Information
Services Manual. They are also referred to in most national AIPs when providing the data
delivery dates for data originators.
'Freeze' dates
Each recipient has an internal date, called 'freeze' date, before the effective date after
which he cannot accept changes anymore. E.g. Aircraft Flight Management Systems need
the data often 17 days before the effective date to allow for the information re-coding (into
ARINC424 format), information uploading and distribution.
Note that these freeze dates are strictly speaking the recipients own business, however
they become important in the context of AIRAC Non-adherence.
And in ICAO Doc8126 - Chapter 4, because of reduced staffing and increased postal
delays, "it is recommended that the AIRAC cycle date occurring in the 28-day period from
21 December to 17 January (both dates included) no longer be used as an AIRAC
effective date for the introduction of significant operational changes. States experiencing
similar problems during other holiday periods may wish to adopt a comparable system
The Issue
The issue is that unfortunately sometimes 'AIRAC-type' aeronautical information
publications do not follow the AIRAC cycle. This is generally referred to as AIRAC Non-
adherence. Publications are published/received too late, cancelled/postponed at the last
minute or published incorrectly as non-AIRAC. And then, the troubles start. Users are
unaware of latest changes. Different users are using different versions of the aeronautical
information. Charts are inconsistent with Flight Management Systems. Pilots fly around
with outdated information...
In short, users are not sure of anything anymore.
Investigations in Europe have shown that as reported by three (well-known) European
States, in 1999, there were at least twenty safety incidents stemming from AIRAC Non-
adherence. Whether this was all or just the tip of the iceberg is impossible to say.
European wide, systematic, standardized safety reporting would be required to answer
this question satisfactory.
Other consequences have been shown during an AIRAC Adherence Stakeholder Meeting
(April 2000). An analysis session conservatively estimated that, overall in Europe, pre-
flight consequent to European non-adherence to AIRAC costs are 11 Million Euro. These
costs are mainly Staff (having to continuously check for latest information and acting upon
it) and Reproduction (reprinted charts, etc.) costs
This happens every AIRAC cycle. (European) monitoring results over the last three years
have shown that, on average, three significant AIRAC Non-adherence events occur per
Data providers
All users, including commercial data providers like Jeppesen, Lufthansa Systems
Aeronautics, European Aeronautical Group (to name just a very few) depend on
aeronautical information publications as published by a national AIS. They are affected as
much as any aircraft operator. So as any Briefing Office will tell you; Always check for the
latest information before taking off!
With the huge variety of causes, the 'solutions' vary for each different organization. States
are already doing a lot about it (awareness campaigns, training, national regulations, etc.).
However, this has proven to be insufficient to eradicate the problem. In spite of its name,
EUROCONTROL does not control AIRAC. It is merely acting on behalf of its Member
States and so any activity can only be to assist the States. The activities are therefore
concentrated on:
Monitoring, as you can only improve what you measure. Participation in pTracker
provides the necessary data to monitor the AIRAC adherence.
Creating awareness on the problem, the consequences, the causes and the solutions is
a continuous activity and has in the meantime addressed itself to many different fora.
Facilitation of publication dates, (links to) advanced and late publications, points of
contacts. Key hereby is the internet based AIS AGORA which has proven to be the central
place for 'Voicing problems and sharing solutions'. It is further assisted by National AIRAC
Publication Review and the @is online.
There is evidence to believe that campaigns to date have been reasonably successful in
the European region. From a particularly bad 1999 with many last minute publications &
cancellations (followed by many users bitterly complaining), the situation has now
changed to being somewhere between a nuisance and a minor issue (and the users,
including IATA, have started to express this as well). The number of AIRAC Non-
adherence events is pretty stable but major events seem to have disappeared and/or at
least have been anticipated and mitigated through AIS AGORA. So, do not be mistaken,
more is still required and one should remain highly vigilant as it only takes one major late
Amendment and the situation is back to where it started from.
Possible ways to solve the problem
ISO 9000
Since 1998, ICAO Annex 15 explicitly requires AIS organizations to implement a Quality
Management System (QMS). Any such QMS enforces the formalization of all incoming,
processing and outgoing processes. This in itself is a big step towards as it forces
organizations to structure their activities. Within Europe, all States have adopted the
implementation of an ISO9000 system (further enforced by a EUROCONTROL ECIP
Objective). This is well underway, but no QMS in the world can stop people violating the
AIRAC rules.
The European AIS Database (EAD) is the prime source of European aeronautical
information and contains mechanics to hinder publications violating the AIRAC rules. This
is a major step forward. However, States remain solely responsible for the publication of
their aeronautical information and will so always be able to 'bypass'.
Electronic AIP
Any electronic publication (and the electronic AIP (eAIP) electronic Aeronautical
Information Publication (Phase 2 P-11) more in particular as it will allow the data to be
electronically downloaded/interpreted) allows faster distribution of the data and so reduces
the distribution delays. Although many states publish now on web and/or CD-ROM, often
liability and copyright issues remain to be solved.
Participate to AIS AGORA and post any planned and/or (potential) late publication;
Verify your postal delays and monitor your own AIRAC adherence results in pTracker.
More Information?
The objective of the Integrated briefing project is to assist in the future development of
briefing facilities to improve the accessibility during the pre-flight phase to all relevant
aeronautical data, irrespective of their source, that are required for the planning and
execution of a flight.
What is integrated briefing?
Briefing is the process during which a user, depending on flight intent or an ad-hoc need,
is supplied or supplies himself with all relevant aeronautical information (AI) in order to
plan or to execute a flight or to obtain generic information related to flights. The process
shall provide knowledge to support the decision-making if a fight or flight related action
can be safely and efficiently performed.
Integrated briefing is a system and/or service enabling the generic briefing process by
enhancing and the access to and provision of additional data elements such as AIS, ARO
(flight plan and related), MET, Flow information or other information, as required.
In order to obtain the required pre-flight information, the user has to address different
services (e.g. AIS, MET, ARO) using various data/information sources (e.g. AIP, NOTAM,
MET, ARO, ATFM) through distinct systems with various, detached functions. The
process cannot, to a certain extent, be tailored to specific needs of the flight nor are the
relationships of data elements covered.
As a consequence, each briefing output has to be screened individually by data source
and repetitively if flight conditions change. This is neither user friendly nor efficient. The
vital need of a pilot is: “Can I fly or not?”
in this project and the only mitigation was to introduce a new European Convergence and
Implementation Plan (ECIP)
Objective INF04.
Benefit Economic:
Reduction of resource duplication (offices, equipment, human resources etc.) while the
service for clients will be maintained and, in most cases, be increased.
User time saving where it is assumed that approximately 50% of the time required to
obtain a briefing will be saved.
A high level of customization and flexibility significantly simplifies the interpretation of the
briefing information for all users.
Establishing a cornerstone for future service expansion for a variety of clients.
By providing accurate, timely, complete and relevant information, Integrated Briefing will
contribute to the overall flight safety by assisting pilots to avoid potentially dangerous
Customized briefing will positively influence stress factors appearing in specific
ICAO Annex 15 - Chapter 8: pre-flight & post flight AIS information to be provided by
ICAO DOC8126 - Chapter 5: specifies pre-flight and post flight AIS service Appendix B
contains sample AIS PIBs;
ICAO Annex 3 - Chapter 9: specifies provision of meteorological information to
operators and flight crews including pre-flight and in-flight procedures;
ICAO EUR DOC010 - Chapter 2-5: describes provision of a "Harmonized AIS & MET
services for pre-flight planning".
Note: This does not cover aspects of flight plan and related messages
Timely availability in the cockpit as well as in all other relevant places (e.g. ATS) of for
flight relevant and quality assured aeronautical information is crucial for safe and efficient
flight conduct.
To create the real-time environment of aeronautical information to be used by the ATM
community on the ground and in the air, the ground-based systems will require timely and
permanent information maintenance and management.
Provision through data-link of aeronautical information into the cockpit during the flight will
significantly improve the current practices for flight preparations and pre-flight briefings
and improve in-flight situational awareness.
Data-link to Cockpit – Benefits
– No misinterpretation of a message or information transmitted.
– Reduced workload as there will be no need to copy and repeat
information/instruction from ATC.
– Accessibility to information/data not otherwise available in the cockpit, enhanced
decision making.
– Capability to receive in the cockpit latest information regarding the airspace use that
will affect the flight trajectory.
– With information at hand improved efficiency by selecting better flight profiles and
– Reduced fuel consumption, environment friendly.
Data-link Modes
One-way data-link BROADCAST MODE:
– Continuous repeated transmission of information to all aircraft in the broadcast
coverage area.
– No pilot action required except to tune to a data-link.
Data-link Services
Two data-link services are envisioned by the OSED:
– Aeronautical Update service.
– Baseline Synchronization service.
Aeronautical Update Service
– Changes are independent of the data resident in any onboard navigation or
charting databases.
– Provides permanent and temporary changes applicable to a given flight.
Baseline Synchronization Service
– Updates aeronautical data residing in an aircraft’s onboard aeronautical database.
ICAO Flight Plan format will be modified and defined as a component of the ground-based
information system.
Flight Plan data should not only be used for planning but as a “trigger” for the provision of
information updates required by those ATM community members whose operations have
been directly affected by the update.
CDM is primarily invoked to resolve competing demands for an ATM resource and to
organize a safe sharing of that resource among airspace users.
The time available for achieving a collaborative decision decreases from the
strategic to the tactical stages.
In the most tactical situations, there may be no time to consider options and rules for
determining priorities for accessing an ATM resource which has been collaboratively
agreed in advance.
Collaborative decision making can occur among airspace users directly, without any
involvement of an ATM service provider.
CDM method is expected to improve the way ATM community members make their
decisions by utilizing timely provided relevant and quality assured Information.
CDM will allow all ATM community members, especially airspace users, to participate
actively in ATM decision making that affects them.
CDM being applied across all components of ATM system, becomes one essential
element of the system.
Cooperation Spirit
CDM means achieving an acceptable ATM solution by taking into account needs of all
those involved.
For ATM to be successful and achieve full benefits through CDM, a cooperation spirit
among all those involved in decision making will be necessary.
Competing demands of involved airspace users will best be resolved through the
cooperation spirit of CDM Processes.
Situational Awareness
– Traffic flow information.
– Weather information.
– Airspace and aerodrome restrictions.
– Military activities and special use airspace.
– Special events which may affect traffic flows and demand, e.g. sporting events.
– Other information e.g. volcanic activity, hurricane impact.
The AIXM Conceptual Model, also known as "AICM", provides a formal description of the
aeronautical information items, using a standard data modelling language. In AIXM
version 4.5, it uses entities, attributes and relationships in order to describe aeronautical
features such as airports, runways, navaids, obstacles, routes, terminal procedures,
airspace structures, services and related aeronautical data. It also details the business
rules that help define aeronautical information. As such, it can be used as the basis for
the design of an AIS database.
Related models
Similar information and data exchange models are being developed for other air
transportation information domains.
AIXM Versions
AIXM 4.5 is used since 2005 in the regional European AIS Database (EAD), by local
systems in the EUROCONTROL Member States and in a number of States worldwide
(Canada, Japan, etc.).
Starting from 2010, the data provider systems are gradually moving towards AIXM 5.1,
which is the latest official AIXM version released on February, 2nd 2010. AIXM 5.1 is the
follow-up of the previous version, developed as the data encoding specification that will
support the current and future ATM needs for digital aeronautical information, including
Digital NOTAM.
The AIXM scope is based on the ICAO requirements for provision by the Member States
of the “data necessary for the safety, regularity and efficiency of international air
navigation”. However, the specification goes beyond the strict ICAO Annex 15
requirements, by also taking into consideration existing industry standards (such as
ARINC 424) and emerging data needs.
The Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM) is a specification divided into two
A logical information model expressed in UML
A data exchange format using XML Schema (XSD) technology
The AIXM UML Model provides a formal description of the information managed by the
Aeronautical Information Services (AIS). It is based on the ICAO Standards and
Recommended Practices, on the content of the real world Aeronautical Information
Publications (AIP) and on other relevant documents and industry standards, such as the
ARINC 424 Specification.
AIXM XML Schemas
The AIXM XML Schemas are a data encoding specification for aeronautical data. They
are an implementation of the AIXM UML Model as an XML (Extensible Markup Language)
schema. Therefore, the XSD Schemas can be used to send aeronautical information to
others in the form of XML encoded data, enabling systems to exchange aeronautical
Aeronautics industry, Air navigation service providers, Air traffic controllers, Aircraft
operators, Airports, International and State bodies, Military, Pilots, Regulators
UML model
The AIXM UML Model accounts for the core conceptual model which provides the formal
description of the aeronautical information features with their properties, associations, lists
of values etc.
AIXM 5.1 uses UML classes, attributes, inheritances and relationships with roles (as
illustrated) in order to describe aeronautical features such as airports, runways, navaids,
obstacles, routes, terminal procedures, airspace structures, services and related
aeronautical data. It contains basic connections with some ISO 19115 Metadata elements,
ISO 19107 geometry elements and with a few ISO 19136 /GML specific elements which
are not part of the ISO 19107.
Executive Summary
The criteria for inclusion of incident reports in the ASRS MET and AIS Data Link Study
was that reports were submitted by air carrier flight crews or general aviation pilots and
included relevant data link usage in flight.
From February 2011 through December 2011, thirty-three ASRS incident reports met the
study criteria and the reporters were successfully contacted. Reporter participation in
completion of the (SQS) yielded 26 complete data sets. An initial target of 100 reports was
intended for the purpose of this study. However, within the time frame of this study, twenty-
six completed reports were obtained.
Data received through the voluntary, confidential and non-punitive reporting procedures
of the ASRS may not represent the occurrence of all events related to MET and/or AIS
data link. Pilots reporting to the ASRS tend to address the more serious events in aviation;
therefore they are less likely to report the positive experiences or benign incidents.
However, qualitative assessments of available records provide valuable insight on data
link user interface and actual cockpit experiences related to data link weather or AIS
The incident reports within the study group were almost equally divided between
passenger operations (50%) and personal flights (46%). The majority of reported data link
incidents (69%) occurred during the en route phase of the flights.
Pre-flight MET and AIS data link information appeared to be readily available and no
issues were reported related to color-coding or symbology for the majority of reporters.
Pre-flight MET data link information related to departure and destination weather was
generally more accurate than en route weather information.
Weather was a contributing factor in more than half of the reported incidents, either directly
or in the form of increased workload. The actual weather encountered in an aggregate of
all flight phases (departure, en route and arrival) was either unexpected or received on
short notice in 58% of the records.
The problems most often cited in regard to MET data link information were related to the
accuracy and/or timeliness of the data. AIS information related to NOTAMs, TFR or
Special Use Airspace appears to be more problematic than MET data link information. In
the majority of AIS data link incidents, AIS information was made more difficult to use by
its lack of airspace information or weather obscuration overlay features onto airspace data.
The majority of reporter written responses to open ended questions regarding MET data
link usage were positive and indicated that the technology was a valued tool in the
mitigation of adverse weather encounters.
As installation and usage of data link devices and services are expanded, continued col-
lection and analysis of ASRS reports containing data link incidents may provide a more
comprehensive review of event descriptions, contributors, and results.
This study was undertaken to evaluate pilot/flight crew observations regarding the use and
effectiveness of data link technology in obtaining meteorological and aeronautical
information services.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Weather Technology in the Cockpit (WTIC)
program requested that National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Aviation
Safety Reporting
The Meteorological and AIS Data Link Services and Applications Study were conducted
through one of two methods; one was a written online supplemental question set and the
other was participation via a telephone discussion. One hundred percent of the
participants chose to respond online.
The SQS as an addition to an initial report provides the ASRS a more detailed account of
the incident by including information directly related to the study focus that would
otherwise not be described. All responses were voluntary.
Reports included in the study were required to meet the following criteria:
a) Flight crew reports.
b) Air Carrier and General Aviation and flight operations, including air ambulance.
c) Description provided states that meteorological and/or AIS data link services via
data link was received and used.
The SQS was developed collaboratively through a series of meetings and conference calls
between NASA ASRS and FAA AJP. Concentrated development efforts and extensive
testing produced the final SQS. In July 2011, ASRS analysts began contacting reporters
to invite their participation in the study. Over the course of the study, ASRS identified thirty-
nine reports that met the scope, ASRS was able to make successful contact with thirty-
three (85%) of those reporters. One hundred percent of the thirty-three reporters who were
successfully contacted by an ASRS Expert Analyst were willing to share additional
information concerning their incident and experiences; twenty-six completed the SQS
(79% response rate). All data was treated confidentially and any details that could identify
There were two sets of data compiled for this study. One was the ASRS data analysis
accomplished by ASRS Expert Analysts using the standard ASRS Coding Form and the
other was the data obtained through voluntary SQS participation. Both were necessary to
complete the study and create a single data record for each incident contained within the
Contained within this study are twenty-six unique incidents. A single event reported to the
ASRS is referred to as an “incident.” The figures and tables presented will cite the number
of completed answers or responses from the total data set of 26.Some questions provided
opportunities for multiple responses. A “not mutually exclusive” label will indicate this
question type.
Event Information
All twenty-six qualifying incidents occurred between February 2011 and December 2011.
Pilot Qualifications
ASRS summarized pilot qualifications for study participants based on their responses in
original ASRS incident report submission. Certificates and rating information on twenty-
four of the reporters (92%) was provided. Sixteen reporters (67%) stated they held an Air
Transport Pilot (ATP) certificate, four were Commercial pilots (17%) and an additional four
held Private Pilot certificates (17%). All twenty-four pilots who reported their certificate and
ratings were instrument rated. Three of the Commercial pilots (75%) and six of the ATP’s
(38%) reported being multiengine qualified as well. None of the Private pilots reported
multiengine ratings.
Pilot Experience
Flight time was reported in 21 incidents (81%), averaging 7,908 hours of total flight time.
The lowest total flight time reported from the pilot group was 650 hours (see Figure 1).
The aircraft type was fairly evenly split between transport and light single-engine aircraft.
Interesting, but not necessarily surprising, was the similarity of data link capabilities
throughout installed equipment, both in communication and navigation/flight management
Pilots utilized nearly all communication and navigation equipment on board their aircraft.
However, when looking further into the weather detection equipment usage, only eleven
out of sixteen aircraft equipped with weather data link (69%) utilized that resource. The
five reporters that did not obtain onboard weather via data link did use data link services
in-flight to obtain AIS information, such as TFRs or METARs. All five of these reports were
general aviation aircraft. Table 1 presents the results of SQS Questions C.1 and C.2.
C.1 what type(s) of navigation and communication equipment were onboard the aircraft at
the time of the incident, did you use it, and if equipped, was any of it UN-
serviceable/deferred? (Check all that apply).
The reporter’s description of the type of flight being conducted at the time of the incident
is referred to as the mission. As shown in Figure 2, out of the twenty-six incidents, thirteen
were reported as passenger missions, twelve as personal flights and the remaining
incident was a ferry flight.
Section B: Preflight
Twenty-five of twenty-six pilots attempted to obtain weather and AIS prior to flight. SQS
Question B.2 requested pilots to select all sources of preflight information utilized to obtain
preflight weather data. Figure 4 shows the wide variety of resources pilots used to obtain
this information. Pre-flight meteorological and AIS data link information appeared to be
readily available (B.4) and no problems related to color-coding or symbology were
reported for the majority of reporters (B.3).
A comparison of weather obtained during pre-flight preparations and that encountered in-
flight (B.7) is shown in Table 2. Pre-flight meteorological data link information related to
departure and destination weather was generally more accurate than en route weather
information. Actual en route weather was the same as data link forecast information in
58% of the incidents, but worse than forecast in 42%.
The problems most often cited in regard to meteorological data link information were
related to the accuracy and/or timeliness of the data.AIS information related to NOTAMs,
TFR or Special Use Airspace were used in 15 of the 26 data link incidents and described
to be more difficult than meteorological data link information. In more than 50% of the
responses, incomplete information was the most common issue encountered with AIS
(C.6).Figure 6 summarizes reporter issues with obtaining AIS information.
identified the format. Figure 7 illustrates the data link format pilots were utilizing during the
reported event (D.2).
Of the sixteen who identified their aircraft as equipped with weather data link (C.2), only
eleven (69%) successfully utilized that resource.
The pilot responses to SQS Question D.3 are shown in Figure 8.Two reporters used both
an installed multi-function display (MFD) as well as a portable GPS to obtain data link
information. The most commonly used applications to obtain data link information were
WxWorx (3) and XM Aviation Weather (5).
While comparing the actual weather encountered (C.3) with the weather available via data
link resources (D.5), in all but one of the 18 incidents the weather encountered was the
same as the reporter was able to view on the data link display. Figure 9 shows the various
weather phenomena obtained via data link resources.
Nine of the eighteen pilots (50%) confirmed their data link devices were capable of
displaying signal integrity (D.11).In D.12, thirteen of the 18 were aware of the last time
they had received data. Only two reporters described data coverage issues (D.13).
Of the eighteen reporters utilizing in flight data link information, only one reporter identified
the physical positioning of the display as a concern (D.17). When asked more specifically
about the positioning, the reporter selected “mounting concerns – e.g. increased rapid
head movements” from the four choices available (D.18).
Event Anomaly
ASRS Expert Analysts code the event anomaly based on initial incident report submission.
The anomaly field is not mutually exclusive, allowing the expert analyst to code up to six
event types. Over half (62%, see Figure 10) of the events included in this study describe
an in-flight encounter of either weather or turbulence. Five events additionally experienced
an aircraft equipment problem.
Study participants were asked to select all applicable consequences from a predefined list
of eleven potential consequences. Eight pilots stated that the incident resulted in a general
safety concern. An “Other” selection allowed reporters to write-in their individual
observation if the predefined list did not capture a consequence they encountered. Eight
reporters chose to do this. “Other” responses include two incidents where the pilots
reported inadvertent penetration of airspace and two consequences related to Air Traffic
Control vectors and routing. Another two pilots reported they lost the use of ACARS as a
result of receiving worldwide Significant Meteorological Information (SIGMETs) rather
than a specific location. A precautionary landing was made by one reporter to verify
satellite accuracy and another simply conducted a precautionary diversion.
Overall, seventeen of the study participants (65%) responded that they believe enhanced
weather/AIS information would have helped in weather avoidance decision-making (E.1).
Inclusion of observational data from previous flight crews or station personnel at ground
locations was determined to be a potentially useful resource by 10 of the 24 respondents.
Two reporters did not answer the question.
Due to the fact that the majority of reports involve a safety “incident,” ASRS data is strongly
related to negative experiences if something happened. However, the majority of
comments from reporters on the use of MET data link information were positive.
Responses to “General observations on obtaining weather/AIS via data link in-flight” (F.3)
included such comments as:
“An amazing addition to pilot comfort in weather assessment…”
“Indispensable for non-local flights…. Used for VMC as much as for IMC. Greatly
increases utility of aircraft.”
“In-flight satellite weather, I have used both WSI and WxWorx, is invaluable.”
“Thanks to data link and advances in GPS (especially WAAS and moving maps), we now
have the best tools I’ve seen for improving safety since I started flying in the 1960’s.”
“In general, it’s much better to obtain weather info via data link than via traditional
“It’s a great tool especially when planning a descent into a destination airport [where]
weather is a consideration.”
in-flight with accurate information were less likely to encounter surprises in weather along
their route of flight.
One reporter commented, “We had viable weather backup plans, and consider this
experience an example of the value of data link in aiding successful safe flight.
Another reporter addressed obscuring of Special Use Airspace data by a weather overlay
feature stated “I focused too much on the graphic weather screens…The combined
overlay (weather on same screen as navigation/airspace) is usually a great and useful
screen, but in this case it was not the best choice.
Regarding the problem of interpreting weather information as “real time,” a reporter
attributed his mistake to “My failure to accept the information as advisory and actually use
it as a ‘tactical’ tool. I also failed to properly interpret and recognize the age of the data
and its deficiency considering the rapid development of the air mass thunderstorms.
The remaining four questions in section F summarize the reporter's event in their own
words (an amazing addition to pilot comfort in weather assessment, and easy choice of
successful weather deviation in this case (stated one reporter when asked to provide a
general observation on obtaining weather/AIS data link information in-flight. another
reporter explained (at the time of the incident the weather information was delayed. Right
after the incident the update showed we had flown into a strong cell area.
When asked a self-reflective question on why the incident occurred (F.4), one reporter
confessed, “I focused too much on the graphic weather screens. Obviously the MFD had
other screens that would have shown the airspace borders without any weather on them.
While another reporter attributes the incident to unreliable data, “I believe the winds we
uploaded were corrupt/bad. I don’t know why this happened and I don’t know if the winds
from six hours later were the same or better.
The third write-in question asks the reporter what they would have done differently to
prevent this incident (F.5). The last question is available for the reporter to provide any
general comments. Responses to questions F.1 through F.6 are presented in Appendix B
and provide a general assessment of each individual event in the reporter’s own words.
When asked, “In retrospect, what would you have done differently to prevent this
incident?” (F.5), pilots evaluated their actions. Comments include when with my first
instinct and deviated completely around the weather, which has always been my practice,
if able.
Revert to SATCOM or HF to obtain the info. But those methods are time consuming.
Should have told ATC no I will not go because of weather I am seeing on NEXRAD the
fact other planes were being vectored through it should not have been a factor.
Preliminary Conclusions
The summary of this study includes 26 ASRS reports and follow up supplemental
questions sets. This has provided some results as reported here, but this is a small set of
information and likely limited in providing the bigger picture of variability that might be
present in a large set of reports. The data contained within this data set reveals findings
that indicate weather forecasts and weather encountered were regularly consistent
information is needed to understand this issue. A larger set of data may provide additional
information related to the availability and presentation of
TFRs on data link displays. Future questions and a larger addressed to reveal additional
concerns within the data link community on user interface contained within consistent.
However, user settings on data link displays were mentioned in a few reporter responses.
More about these inconsistencies that may reside in the data link user community. Another
identified issue is data set could be ASRS reports and follow-up supplemental question
sets. This has the bigger picture of variability that might be present in a larger set of
reports. Data settings and options for various display types.
The earth generally has a highly irregular shape and changing surface. The length of the
East/west axis diameter at the equator differs by 23,088 NM (42, 952 KM) more than the
North/South axis diameter between the poles.
The scientists refer this phenomenon to the velocity of the earth rotation and the excessive
speed of its rotation at the equator rather than the poles. This phenomenon at the equator
leads to decrease the Gravitational force of the earth and increase the Centrifugal force
as an outward force away from the center of rotation that causes the flatten shape of the
earth all over the million years at which the earth shaped.
The ideal earth:
No rotation.
Same density everywhere.
Spherical – same radius.
Same gravity.
Potential surfaces are parallel to one another.
– The radius is not the same everywhere.
– The gravity field varies in strength with position.
– The potential surfaces are not parallel and they also undulate.
According to this fact the difference between the two diameters is 23, 088 NM, or 42, 952
Ellipsoidal models define an ellipsoid with an equatorial radius and a polar radius. The
best of these models can represent the shape of the earth over the smoothed, averaged
sea-surface. Reference ellipsoids are usually defined by semi-major equatorial radius and
flattening polar radius (the relationship between equatorial and polar radii).
No single ellipsoid is considered to be suitable for all surveys and mapping throughout the
world. For historical and political reasons a number of different figures of the earth are in
current usage.
Ellipsoidal earth models are required for accurate range and bearing calculations over
long distances. Loran-C and GPS navigation receivers use ellipsoidal earth models to
compute position and waypoint information. Ellipsoidal models define an ellipsoid with an
equatorial radius and a polar radius. The best of these models can represent the shape of
the earth over the smoothed, averaged sea-surface to within about one-hundred meters.
An irregular shape of the earth that called the geoid considers the gravity variations. The
geoid shape is higher under the continents because of the presence of a large rock mass
above Mean Sea Level (MSL).
The reference geoid form/shape is unlike the reference ellipsoid form which is a
mathematical idealized representation of the physical earth shape, but considerably
smoother than Earth's physical surface.
While the difference of the topographical features of the earth is +29,035 feet above MSL
(Mount Everest) and −36,198 feet below MSL (Mariana Trench), the total variation in the
geoid is less than 600 feet (-320 to +250 feet) average compared to a perfect
mathematical ellipsoid.
Gravity studies using satellites have now revealed that the earth's gravitational field has
some distinct humps and depressions. The largest hump is near New Guinea, being some
240 feet high, while a major depression south of India dips 330 feet below reference
Surveyors should take into consideration with the fact that the mass of the earth is not
equally distributed. This creates variations in the strength and direction of gravity of the
Scientists have the theory of an irregular spherical shape, which considers the gravity
variations. The new source of data from satellite is advanced methods of measurements
all relative to the Earth's gravity field.
Geodetic datums and the coordinate reference systems based on them were developed
to define geographic positions more accurate for surveying, mapping, and navigation.
Models of the surface of the earth are used in navigation, surveying, and mapping.
Topographic and Mean Sea Level models attempt to model the physical variations of the
surface, while gravity models and geoids used to represent local variations in gravity that
changes the local definition of the level surface.
For mapping purposes, an irregular surface is highly undesirable, so the information must
be transferred to a regular geometric shape which can be calculated and which closely
approximates the geoid. This shape called as the ellipsoid and is a three-dimensional
reference surface.
The equal surface of the earth's gravity field would coincide with the ocean surface, if the
earth is equal surface without topography.
Datums have been developed from the first a spherical earth to ellipsoidal models, and
the last geodetic shape which has been derived accurately from the satellite
Geodetic datums and the coordinate reference systems based on them were developed
to describe geographic positions for surveying, mapping, and navigation. Through a long
history, the "form of the earth" was refined from flat-earth models to spherical models of
sufficient accuracy to allow global exploration, navigation and mapping. True geodetic
datums were employed only after the late 1700s when measurements showed that the
earth was ellipsoidal in shape.
Ellipsoid Datum:
Ellipsoidal earth models are required for accurate range and bearing calculations over
long distances. Loran-C and GPS navigation receivers use ellipsoidal earth models to
compute position and waypoint information. Ellipsoidal models define an ellipsoid with an
equatorial radius and a polar radius. The best of these models can represent the shape of
the earth over the smoothed, averaged sea-surface to within about one-hundred meters.
Geodetic Datums:
Geoid models attempt to represent the surface of the earth over both land and ocean as
an accurate model of the surface resulted from gravity alone.
Geodetic datums define the reference systems that describe the size and shape of the
earth. Hundreds of different datums have been used to frame position descriptions.
Datums have been developed from those describing a spherical earth to ellipsoidal models
derived from years of satellite measurements.
Modern geodetic datums range from flat-earth models used for plane surveying to
complex models used for international applications which completely describe the size,
shape, orientation, gravity field, and angular velocity of the earth. Cartography, surveying,
navigation, and astronomy all make use of geodetic datums and the science of geodesy.
Referencing geodetic coordinates to the wrong datum can result in the position errors
hundreds of meters. Different nations and agencies use different datums as the basis for
geographical coordinate systems used to identify positions.
Geographic Information Systems “GIS” have different precise positioning systems, and
navigation systems.
The different geodetic datums in use today and the technological advancements through
satellite systems, modern survey equipment, and computers that have made possible
Datum Shift:
Coordinate values resulting from interpreting latitude, longitude, and height values based
on one datum as though they were based in another datum can cause position errors in
three dimensions of up to one kilometer.
World Geodetic System - 1984 (WGS-84) is an earth fixed global reference frame,
including an earth model, which is used for defining the accurate geographical coordinates
of positions by means of satellites and reference to the earth gravity and including land
1. Satellite coordinates.
2. Satellite observation and GPS survey.
3. Photogrammetry survey.
4. Field or conventional survey.
5. Transformation.
6. Mathematical Calculations.
1. Area 2a , for those obstacles that penetrate the relevant obstacle data collection surface
specified in Appendix 8;
2. penetrations of the take-off flight path area obstacle identification surfaces; and
3. Penetrations of the aerodrome obstacle limitation surfaces.
A Terrain and Obstacle Data Working Group (TOD WG) was established in 2006. The
main focus of the group is to support ECAC States with the implementation the
requirements for Terrain and Obstacles according to ICAO Annex 15, Chapter 10.
The TOD Manual has been developed to provide assistance to those tasked with
implementing electronic terrain and obstacle data (eTOD). It is intended to be used by
those bodies involved in the origination, processing and provision of electronic terrain and
obstacle data, from the point at which the need for origination is identified, through to the
point when the State makes it available in accordance with the requirements of ICAO
Annex 15. The current edition is 2.0 which was released in the autumn of 2011.
The TOD manual is a living document, updated by the TOD WG as experience grows
during implementation. In order to ensure that this document can continue to meet
stakeholder needs, it is important that comments on the document and any issues
identified as not being adequately addressed are brought to the attention of
The e-TOD Forum is a means for experts to exchange views and share experience. These
experts are mainly AIS staff, surveyors, flight procedure designers, data providers, military
and industry.
The implementation of the TOD requirements as stated by ICAO Annex 15 requires the
collection and survey of a relatively large amount of terrain and obstacle data. In order to
support Members States in the production and management of this data,
EUROCONTROL has developed the TOD Manual. In order to further consolidate this
manual, EUROCONTROL commissioned a feasibility study in order to evaluate the TOD
Manual in view of putting eTOD into practice.
Pilot study
The implementation of the TOD requirements as stated by ICAO Annex 15 requires the
collection and survey of a relatively large amount of terrain and obstacle data. In order to
support Members States in the production and management of this data,
EUROCONTROL has developed the TOD Manual. In order to further consolidate this
manual, EUROCONTROL commissioned a feasibility study in order to evaluate the TOD
Manual in view of putting eTOD into practice.
The following standards describing the structure of AMDBs were developed by RTCA and
This standard provides minimum requirements and reference material applicable to the
content, origination, publication, updating, and enhancement of aerodrome mapping
information. It should be used to support the development and application of AMDBs.
This standard describes requirements for the interchange of an aerodrome mapping
database. These requirements apply the concepts of the ISO 19100 series of standards.
This includes requirements for scope, identification, metadata, content, reference system,
quality, capture, and maintenance information. These requirements establish a basis that
can be used by data originators, data integrators, and system designers to implement a
physical interchange format that supports the required data flow.
Data modeling
The Airport Mapping models – AMXM and AMXS – are intended to be open and common
models generated by EUROCONTROL in the interest of the community of users and their
interoperability, but may be used to derive more specific application-tailored structures
should that be necessary.
The Aerodrome Mapping Exchange Schema (AMXS) is an exchange format for airport
mapping data, developed by EUROCONTROL and intended for use by the aeronautical
community. It is an XML Schema implementation of the Airport Mapping Exchange Model
Geographical coordinates that have been transformed into WGS-84 coordinates but
whose accuracy of original field work does not meet the requirements in Annex 11,
Chapter 2, and Annex 14, Volumes I and II, Chapter 2, must be identified by an asterisk.
In precise geodetic applications and some air navigation applications, temporal changes
in the tectonic plate motion and tidal effects on the Earth’s crust should be modelled and
estimated. To reflect the temporal effect, an epoch should be included with any set of
absolute station coordinates.
The epoch of the latest updated WGS-84 (G1150) reference frame, which includes plate
motion model, is 2001.0. G indicates that the coordinates were obtained through Global
Positioning System (GPS) techniques, and the number following G indicates the GPS
week when these coordinates were implemented in the United States of America’s
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency’s (NGA’s) precise ephemeris estimation process.
Another precise worldwide terrestrial coordinate system is the International Earth Rotation
Service (IERS) Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS), and the realization of ITRS is the
IERS Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF).
The most current realization of the WGS-84 (G1150) is referenced to the ITRF 2000
epoch. The WGS-84 (G1150) is consistent with the ITRF 2000 and in practical realization
the difference between these two systems is in the one to two centimeter range worldwide,
meaning WGS-84 (G1150) and ITRF 2000 are essentially identical.
A brief description of the horizontal (geodetic) reference system used must be provided in
the AIP as specified in Annex 15, Appendix 1, and GEN 2.1-3.
At those geographical positions where the accuracy of EGM-96 does not meet the
accuracy requirements for elevation and geoid undulation specified in Annex 14, Volumes
I and II, on the basis of EGM-96 data, regional, national or local geoid models containing
high resolution (short wavelength) gravity field data must be developed and used. When
a geoid model other than the EGM-96 model is used, a description of the model used,
including the parameters required for height transformation between the model and EGM-
96, must be provided in the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP).
In addition to elevation referenced to the MSL (geoid), for the specific surveyed ground
positions, geoid undulation (referenced to the WGS-84 ellipsoid) for those positions
specified in Annex 15, Appendix 1 must also be published in the AIP.
The order of publication resolution of elevation and geoid undulation must be that specified
in Annex 15, Appendix 1 and Table A7-2 of Appendix 7, while the order of chart resolution
of elevation and geoid undulation must be that specified in Annex 4, Appendix 6, and
Table 2.
A brief description of the vertical reference system used must be provided in the AIP as
specified in Annex 15, Appendix 1, and Gen 2.1.4.
For international civil aviation, the Gregorian calendar and Coordinated Universal Time
(UTC) must be used as the temporal reference system.
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is a time scale maintained by the Bureau International
de l’Heure (BIH) and the IERS and forms the basis of a coordinated dissemination of
standard frequencies and time signals.
ISO Standard 8601 specifies the use of the Gregorian calendar and 24-hour local or UTC
for information interchange while ISO Standard 19108 prescribes the Gregorian calendar
and UTC as the primary temporal reference system for use with geographic information.
When a different temporal reference system is used for some applications, the feature
catalogue, or the metadata associated with an application schema or a data set, as
appropriate, must include either a description of that system or a citation for a document
that describes that temporal reference system. ISO Standard 19108, Annex D, describes
some aspects of calendars that may have to be considered in such a description.
A description of the temporal reference system employed (calendar and time), as well as
an indication of whether or not daylight savings hours are employed, must be provided in
the AIP as specified in Annex 15, Appendix 1, GEN 2.1.2.