Binary Diagrams
Binary Diagrams
Binary Diagrams
• Phase diagrams are used by geologists, chemists, ceramists, metallurgists and other scientists
to organize and summarize experimental and observational data. Phase diagrams are also used
to make predictions about processes that involve chemical reactions among phases. Similar
principles or rules apply to interpretations using phase diagrams for igneous processes,
metamorphic processes, hydrothermal processes, lacustrian geochemistry, etc.
• Phase diagrams can be grouped according to the number of independent chemical components
needed to represent the chemical compositions under consideration. Chemical components are
convenient groupings (ratios) of chemical elements, typically theoretical "end-member" chemical
compositions. If all the chemical compositions of interest can be shown on a line (i.e. if all
compositions can be represented as a linear combination of two chemical components), then the
system under consideration is a two-component system. If a plane is needed to represent all
compositions of interest, then the system under consideration is a three-component system. Et
• For each choice of the variables used to construct the phase diagram, the diagram should
indicate what phase or assemblage of phases is the equilibrium assemblage. If composition
axes are used, the chemical compositions of the phases in equilibrium should also be given.
Compositions of two coexisting phases are indicated by end points of tie lines, lines that
connect the compositions of phases that may be in equilibrium. Compositions of three
coexisiting phases are indicated by the corner points of three phase triangles. The relative
proportions of two phases in equilibrium may be determined from the bulk composition of the
system, the lever rule, and the tie line. Similarly, the relative proportions of three phases in
equilibrium may be determined from the bulk composition of the system, the ternary lever
rule, and the three phase triangle.
• Isobaric melting and crystallization may be studied using phase diagrams that involve liquids.
For most geologic systems the liquid is a silicate melt, but the same principles apply to many
other systems. The system H2 O-NaCl provides a convenient "everyday" analog for a simple
two-component igneous system like CaMgSi2 O6 -CaAl2 Si2 O8 (diopside-anorthite). It is
possible to show the equilibrium assemblages in the H2 O-NaCl system as a function of
temperatures and composition by constructing a phase diagram using temperature as the
vertical axis and using the compositions H2 O and NaCl to define a horizontal composition
axis . At low temperatures, the "melt" in the H2 O-NaCl system is salt water or "brine."
Brines may be more or less salty depending on the ratio of NaCl to H2O, i.e. depending on
the bulk composition. However, there are limits to how salty (and how "wet"!) the brine can
be. The limit of saltiness is the saturation curve or liquidus for halite. The limit of
"wetness" is the liquidus for ice. A liquidus is the locus of compositions of liquids that are in
equilibrium with solids. For a two component system, a liquidus will be a curve. For a three
component system, a liquidus will be a surface. For a four or more component system, a
liquidus will be a hypersurface.
• In addition to having limits to its possible composition (saltiness or wetness), the melt (brine)
in the system H2O-NaCl is limited in terms of the possible temperatures at which it is stable.
The lowest temperature at which an H2O-NaCl brine can exist at equilibrium is 0°F (-21.1°C).
Binary Phase Diagram Notes 2
This is the temperature at which the halite liquidus and the ice liquidus meet. The point of
intersection is called the eutectic point, the unique liquid composition at that point is called the
eutectic composition, the temperature of the intersection point is called the eutectic temperature,
and the chemical reaction (Brine --> Ice + Halite) that occurs upon cooling through this
temperature is the eutectic reaction. For any bulk composition except that of pure H2O or pure
NaCl, the last liquid to crystallize upon cooling will have the eutectic composition and will
crystallize at the eutectic temperature. Similarly, any "rock" made of a mixture of halite and ice,
in any proportion, will begin to melt at the eutectic temperature. And the first liquid to appear
will have the eutectic composition! (Actually, the system H2O-NaCl has another phase --
hydrohalite (NaCl. 2H2 O) -- that is stable only below 0.1°C and complicates this story, but
this phase was ignored in the above discussion and in our experiment.)
• In contrast to ice, diopside, and anorthite, crystals of sanidine melt incongruently. At 1150°C,
sanidine crystals "melt" to form a mixture of leucite crystals and silicate liquid. This
incongruent melting is really a chemical reaction (Sanidine --> Leucite + Liquid) that is
terminal for sanidine and for which one of the products happens to be a liquid. Compare this
reaction with the eutectic reaction for the H2 O-NaCl system (Ice + Halite --> Brine) that is
terminal for the liquid. The two types of reaction look different on the phase diagram because
the liquid has a variable composition at temperatures removed from the eutectic temperature,
whereas sanidine has a fixed composition. An incongruent melting reaction is also called a
Binary Phase Diagram Notes 3
peritectic reaction. The peritectic point is the point of intersection of two liquidus curves at
the peritectic temperature. Peritectic means to "grow around" and refers to the fact that upon
cooling, the low temperature product of the peritectic reaction (sanidine) will tend to grow
around the higher temperature reactant crystals (leucite).
• If the system under consideration contains minerals that can vary in composition, then the
temperature at which the first liquid appears upon heating depends on the composition of the
solid. Plagioclase feldspar exhibits complete solid solution from albite (Ab) NaAlSi3 O8 to
anorthite (An) CaAl2 Si2 O8 . The temperature for which the first liquid appears for each
plagioclase composition is given by the plagioclase solidus curve. A solidus is the locus of
compositions of solids that are in equilibrium with liquids and can be a curve, surface, or
hypersurface depending on the number of components in the solid solution. Just as the
composition of a liquid follows the liquidus with changing temperature, so also the
composition of a solid follows the solidus with changing temperature. However, because it is
kinetically mode difficult to change the chemical composition of a solid (diffusion can be
vanishingly slow in a solid), solid compositions may not change with temperature as predicted
by the phase diagram. During crystallization this resistance to change may lead to chemically
zoned crystals -- a feature commonly observed for plagioclase crystals with the petrographic