Khwopa Engineering College: Purbanchal University
Khwopa Engineering College: Purbanchal University
Khwopa Engineering College: Purbanchal University
CRN: MSc07315
14 th March 2018
The Traditional Newar Architecture dwelling of Mrs.Badam Maya Shrestha was done as a
project, to prepare the proposal of conservation. As fulfillment of course requirement in the
subject ‘Design Studio’ in 1st year 2nd part of MSc in Urban Design and Conservation as per the
course directed by Khwopa Engineering College under Purbanchal University.
I would like to express my gratitude towards Department of Urban Design and Conservation for
providing me an opportunity and towards the course lecturers Dr. Rohit Ranjitkar and Shrish
Bhatt for their guidance, suggestions and encouragement throughout the proposal writing and
I am extremely thankful to the house owner Mrs.Badam Maya Shrestha for his valuable
information, help and co-operation.
Sujina Shrestha