RIG If possible, the full dose should Vaccine HDCV or PCECV 1.0 mL, IM
be infiltrated around any (deltoid area), one each on days
wound(s) and any remaining 0 and 3.
volume should be administered
IM at an anatomical site distant Ebola: Mapping the outbreak
from vaccine administration. From the section of WEST Africa
Also, RIG should not be Ebola crisis
administered in the same syringe The hunters breaking an Ebola ban
as vaccine. Because RIG might on bushmeat- FRUIT BATS
partially suppress active
production of antibody, no more Primary source = fruit bats or flying
than the recommended dose foxes , old world bats
should be given.
Other sources:
v Increasing self- esteem: helping Assess the client for the following
the patient to regain feelings of self while in traction.
worth. Monitor skin integrity of the affected
part before and after traction
gastric ulcers
The action of acid, pepsin, and bile
• Rupture causes severe back on the lining of the stomach
pain followed by (mucosa). However, the output of
hypotension. stomach acid is not usually
Taking NSAIDs (non-steroid anti-
• most common type of hernia
inflammatory drugs) or
is the hiatus hernia, in corticosteroids may be pre-
which the stomach passes, disposing factors.
partly or completely, into the helicobacter pylori is often present.
chest cavity through the hole vomiting and pain in the upper
("hernia") for abdomen soon after eating.
the oesophagus (which is also Complications may include
known colloquially as the bleeding, perforation and
"windpipe" or "gullet"). obstruction due to scarring.
Medical treatment may include the
Complications of hernias use of antacids to relieve symptoms
impossible to return to their normal and / or anti-secretory drugs to heal
state (irreducible). the ulcer(s)
swollen and fixed within their sac
(incarcerated). gastroscope to confirm the diagnosis
cut-off from their blood supply,
of a gastric ulcer
becoming painful and eventually
gangrenous (strangulated).
treatment for hernias surgical repair.
• Non-inflammatory joint
• Universal after 65 years of
• Bone infection due to: S age.
aureus (most common). • Degeneration of articular
• Findings: fever, bone pain. cartilage in weight-bearing
• In sickle cell anemia: S. joints.
paratyphi. • Osteophyte formation.
• In foot due to rubber • Bone rubs on bone.
footwear puncture: P.
aeruginosa. Findings:
• PIP/DIP enlargement.
Rheumatoid arthritis:
• Loss of bone matrix and
• HLA-DR4 association.
• Primary: idiopathic, senile,
• Type III hypersensitivity
postmenopausal (lack of
• Joint B-cells produce
• Secondary: disease, drugs,
rheumatoid factor.
space travel.
• Rheumatoid factors activate
• Prevention: vitamin D,
complement, attracting
calcium, weight-bearing
• Synovial tissue proliferates
• Treatment: bisphosphonates,
forming a pannus.
• Findings: MCP/PIP involved;
Paget's disease knees, ankles, hips involved;
• Elderly men. lungs, hematologic disease,
• Idiopathic. carpal tunnel syndrome,
rheumatoid nodules,
• Osteoclastic resorption of
vasculitis, popliteal cyst.
bone; shaggy-appearing
lesions. Sjogren's syndrome:
Labs: Findings:
• Viral: increased CSF protein; • Cerebral atrophy, dilated
normal CSF glucose. ventricles, NF tangles in
• Bacterial/fungal: increased neuron cytoplasm, senile
CSF protein; decreased CSF plaques, amyloid angiopathy.
Encephalitis: Confirmation:
• Postmortem examination of
• Brain inflammation. brain.
• Fever, headache, altered Parkinsonism:
mental status.
• Altered dopaminergic
Demyelinating disorders: pathways.
Multiple sclerosis: • Defective control over
voluntary muscle movement.
• More common in females.
• HLA-DR2. Pathology:
• CD8 T-cell destruction of • Idiopathic degeneration of
myelin and oligodendrocytes. neurons in substantia nigra
causing deficiency of
Findings: dopamine.
• Sensory and motor
dysfunction, visual and Findings:
speech disturbances, ataxia, • Muscle rigidity,
tremor, nystagmus, bilateral resting/rolling pill tremor,
internuclear ophthalmoplegia. expressionless face, shuffling
• Increased CSF leukocyte, Treatment:
protein, myelin basic protein; • Dopamine replacement.
normal CSF glucose; Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS):
oligoclonal bands on CSF
Endometriosis: Diagnosis:
• Glands and stroma located • Beta-hCG, ultrasound,
outside uterus. laparoscopy.
• Growth of endometrial
implants or tissues outside
uterus Placenta previa: Painless
• Implantation over cervical os;
bleeding, painless.
Diagnosis: Primary:
• Technetium-99-m-sestamibi • AKA Conn's syndrome.
radionuclide scan. • Findings: Hypertension,
muscle weakness, tetany,
Treatment: metabolic acidosis.
• Surgically remove adenoma. • Labs: hypernatremia,
Parathyroid gland disorders: hypokalemia, metabolic
secondary hyperparathyroidism: alkalosis, decreased plasma
• Hyperplasia of all
parathyroid glands. Secondary:
• Decreased Ca; increased • Compensatory reaction to
PTH. decreased cardiac output.
• Increased plasma rennin.
Adrenal Gland Disorders: • Activated rennin-angiotensin-
Hypofunction: aldosterone system.
Acute adrenocortical insufficiency:
• Causes: Waterhouse- • Unilateral, benign adenoma.
Friderichsen syndrome (N. • N-methyltransferase converts
meningitides, DIC, adrenal NOR to EPI.
hemorrhage). • Characteristics: brown,
Chronic Addison's disease: hemorrhagic, necrotic.
• Findings: hypertension,
• Autoimmune. palpitations, anxiety, sweats,
• Tuberculosis/histoplasmosis. headache, chest pain.
• Adrenogenital symdrome. • Labs: increased urine VMA
• Metastasis. and metanephrine,
• Findings: weakness, hyperglycemia, neutrophilic
hypotension, leukocytosis.
Iron-overload disorders:
• Hemochromatosis and LGU – Devolution code – RA 7160-
hemosiderosis. Local Government Code
Give desferal or deferoxamine.
Acute leukemia:
• Fever, bleeding, fatigue. Immunization
• Bone pain, tenderness.
3 vaccine with 3 doses – Dpt , OPV,
• Anemia, thrombocytopenia.
Hep. B
• Metastatic disease: liver,
CNS, lymph nodes, skin. Needs dilluent – bcg and AMV or
Chronic leukemia: measles
• Insidious onset.
6 weeks baby must receive – Penta 1,
• Involved: liver, lymph nodes.
• Thrombocytopenia, anemia.
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Therapeutic communications
• Over 60 years of age. Preparedness Disaster &
• "Smudge cells." Management
• Most common leukemia.
• Lymphadenopathy. Onco-
• Immune hemolytic anemia.
• Neutropenia. Triage
Prof Adjustment
Hodgkin's Lymphoma:
• EBV association.
Therapeutic communications
marijuana - -cannabis sativa Unang Yakap
CONFLICT management ,
Suicide precation IV computation
PARKINSON'S – Autonomy
SEIZURE – Veracity
neurotransmitter –
Mydriatics and miotics Code of ethics
Condom counseling
Who owns patient chart’? Answer: kidney failure – acid base imbalance
hospital. Measles – SQ route (40-50 angle
Stages of COPAR. degree)
Tracheostomy care!
Triage. Firstaid