FY 2017 HRSA Congressional Budget Justification
FY 2017 HRSA Congressional Budget Justification
FY 2017 HRSA Congressional Budget Justification
Dear Chairmen Cochran and Frelinghuysen, and Ranking Members Leahy and Lowey:
The 55 undersigned members of the Health Professions and Nursing Education Coalition
(HPNEC) write to encourage you to support our original FY 2017 request of $524 million for the
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)’s Title VII health professions and Title
VIII nursing workforce development programs. As you complete negotiations on the FY 2017
Labor-HHS-Education spending bill, we urge you to provide, at a minimum, the FY 2016 funding
levels for each program in Titles VII and VIII, including the Health Careers Opportunity Program
Your support for all Title VII and VIII programs is critical as budget cuts threaten to reverse
progress made in mitigating the nation’s health care workforce challenges. We recognize the
difficult budget environment you face; however, the relatively modest investments in these
programs produce a disproportionate positive return by strengthening our health care workforce.
For example, continued funding for the Title VII HCOP diversity pipeline program would ensure
that more than 12,000 trainees, including underrepresented minorities, veterans, and other
individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds, receive training to pursue a health professional
career. 1 HCOP is the only federal pipeline program for minority and disadvantaged students who
FY 2017 HRSA Congressional Budget Justification
want to become health professionals. At a time when the nation is growing and becoming
increasingly diverse, it is crucial that we enhance the federal commitment to programs that prepare
the next generation of health professionals for the health care challenges of a changing population.
The Title VII and Title VIII programs help shape the workforce in targeted ways, such as
promoting interprofessional, team-based care; promoting service in underserved areas; and filling
other gaps in the health care workforce. We appreciate that both the House and Senate
Appropriations Committees proposed shifting the Behavioral Health Workforce and Education
Training Program from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration to HRSA.
Shifting these funds, and not at the expense of other Title VII and Title VIII programs, to HRSA
will better align the other mental and behavioral health programs that operate under Title VII
As you work towards a final budget agreement, it is crucial that we enhance the federal
commitment to the programs that equip the next generation of health professionals to keep up with
the increasing health care challenges of a changing population.