Color Feature Based Object Localization in Real Time Implementation

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IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE)

e-ISSN: 2278-0661,p-ISSN: 2278-8727, Volume 20, Issue 2, Ver. III (Mar. - Apr. 2018), PP 31-37

Color Feature Based Object Localization In Real Time

Panca Mudjirahardjo
Department Of Electrical Engineering, Faculty Of Engineering, Brawijaya University, Indonesia
Cortresponding Asuthor: Panca Mudjirahardjo

Abstract: One of the important task in pattern detection and recognition is object localization. This important
task is performed to reduce the searching time to the interest object. In this research we demonstrate our novel
method of object localization based on color feature. Our novel method is a combination of histogram of s-RGB
and histogram of Hue. In the training phase, we use these histograms to determine the color dominant in the
initial Region of Interest (ROI). Then this information is used to label the interest object. We apply the row and
column density function of pixels to reduce noise and localize the interest object. The comparison result with
some processes, our system gives a best result and takes a short computation time of 48.37 ms, in the video rate
of 15 frames per second (fps).
Keywords - color feature; histogram of s-RGBH; object localization; pattern recognition
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Date of Submission: 02-04-2018 Date of acceptance: 17-04-2018
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I. Introduction
One of the task in pattern detection and recognition is object localization. This important task is
required to reduce the searching time to the interest object. We don’t require to run a window to search the
object by scanning the whole of image frame. We only label the pixels in initial step to localize the interest
object based on the feature. There are some features implementing for this task, such as color feature, texture
feature, orientation feature and shape feature.
Some methods for object localization, such as matching method to match these objects with data stored
in a database [1][2]. Clustering algorithm as in [3][4]. Clustering methods require the several clusters as the
output of the system[5]. Segmentation system similar to [6]. The segmentation system or methods always need
an origin point for the algorithm. Spatial Data Analysis involves illustration such relationships between objects
based on their spatial properties i.e. positions, area coverage, density [7][8][9][10].
\Ozuysal [1] proposed a layered approach to object detection. They trained an estimator for the
bounding box dimensions by using Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. Object in their database rotated at
constant angular velocity and recovered its value by using the time of capture of a full rotation. This method had
a high precision both at 0.5 overlap and 0.7 overlap. Li [2] proposed a two-step domain adaptation for
weakly supervised object localization: classification adaptation and detection adaptation. In the classification
adaptation step, they trained a classification network using the given weak image-level labels. They trained the
classification network to recognize the presence of a certain object category in an image. In the detection
adaptation step, they used the classification network to collect class-specific object proposals and applied
multiple instance learning to mine confident candidates.
Marszalek [3] used the Harris-Laplace or the Laplacian interest point detector to find a sparse set
of salient image features. A featured shape mask similarity was used to measure similarity between two features.
And to evaluate the shape masks, they used a bag-of-keypoints representation and a non-linear Support Vector
Machine (SVM) with x2 kernel. With this method, they were able to detect and localize object in vary position
well. However, they required to train some positive and negative samples. Bostanci [4] proposed
nethermost stretching trees which were often used for network routing so that minimize the number of hops for
packages. The graph in their algorithm was built using the 2D positions of the point features acquired by the
FAST algorithm. By this method, they were able to detect objects in stuck together. In this experiment,
however, they used a one color background.
Self-Taught Localization (in brief STL) proposed by Bazzani [5] was to generate bounding boxes
that are very likely to contain objects. Their proposed approach relied on the idea of covering out regions of an
image provided as input to a deep network. The reduction in recognition score caused by the covering out is
embedded into an agglomerative clustering method which merges regions for object localization.

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Color Feature based Object Localization in Real Time Implementation

A graph search algorithm was used by Sun [6] to split the graph of line fragments into smaller
ones using certain node and edge weighting functions. They encoded how likely a line fragment or line fragment
pair is to belong to an object. They used generic appearance and shape cues to score each cycle. These score are
not constricted to linearly additive measures and can easily yield multiple hypotheses that share some edges.
Sigal [7] initialized object localization by performing object detection. In object detection, he
performed object’s part detection before detected the whole of object. He implemented graphical models and its
inference method to detect the object’s part and loose-limbed body model to localize the object. These method
were able to detect and localize in multi-frame for single target and single frame for multi-target. However, it
required a complex computation. Murphy [8] implemented feature dictionary with the bank of 13 filters
and patch classifier of gentleBoost algorithm as local image feature. And gist of an image was as global image
feature. With this method, they were able to detect and localize object well. However, they implemented the
standard technique of object detection using sliding window classifiers applied to local features which required a
large computation time. Leitner [9] investigated a novel approach to spatial perception. Their method
combined the two calibration tasks, defining the camera parameters and precise kinematics, into one machine
learning problem, removing the need for prior calibration. They applied machine learning approaches: Artificial
Neural Networks (ANN) and Genetic Programming (GP). As the result, the accuracy achievement of ANN
technique was better than GP.
To localize a head as object from background, Mudjirahardjo et al [10] used Euclidean distance
function of the determined pixels as object and the surrounding pixels. The pixel was a part of object, when the
distance was less than a threshold. They computed the distance in RGB and HSV color space. Mudjirahardjo et
al. [11] extracted the interest object in dynamic background by using velocity histogram based on Harris corner
detector, Lucas-Kanade tracker and shift histogram based on motion history image (MHI).
In this paper, we demonstrate and evaluate our novel method. Our novel method is segmentation
method. It doesn’t require artificial intelligence as learning algorithm.

II. Overview of the System

The overview of the proposed method is shown in Fig. 1 and 2. There are two phases to perform this
method, i.e. training phase and running phase. In the training phase, we initialize the ROI manually then
determine the dominant color in RGB space, based on histogram of s-RGB and in HSV space, based on
histogram of HUE. The output of this phase are modus of s-RGB bin and modus of Hue. These two modus
determine every pixel in the next subsequence frame belongs to the interest object or background. To evaluate
the system performance, we compare the color feature in RGB space and combination of RGB-HSV space.

Figure 1. The overview of training phase

III. Method
This section explains our method to develop the object localization. First, we initialize the region of
interest (ROI) of the object manually in the first frame. Second, we determine the dominant color based on
histogram of s-RGB and histogram of Hue. Third, we calculate the density function of pixels to localize the

III.1 Determination the region of interest

To give flexibility an object which will be localized in the sequence frames, the first step is to initialize
the region of interest (ROI) manually. This ROI is a part of the object. The aim is to capture the color feature of
ROI. We calculate the histogram of s-RGB and histogram of Hue to get the dominant color of object. Then for
the next sequence frames, we localize the object which has pixels with this dominant color in the determined s-
RGB and Hue value.

III.2 Histogram of s-RGB

To provide the dominant color in a frame image, the process is explained in the following sub chapter.
First, we calculate the sum of RGB intensity (s-RGB) at each pixel [12]. This calculation as in equation (1),

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Color Feature based Object Localization in Real Time Implementation

s  RGB ( x, y )  I R ( x, y )  I G ( x, y )  I B ( x, y ) (1)
where s-RGB(x,y) is sum of RGB intensity at pixel coordinate (x,y), IR(x,y), IG(x,y), and IB(x,y) are red, green and
blue intensity at pixel coordinate (x,y), respectively. When we use 8 bit to code a color intensity, then we can get
the s-RGB value of 0-765. Second, we divide the s-RGB value into 16 bins, then create the histogram of s-RGB
as shown in Fig. 3.

Figure 2. The overview of running phase

Figure 3. A histogram of s-RGB [9]

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Color Feature based Object Localization in Real Time Implementation

Third, from this histogram we determine modus bin of s-RGB by using equation (2),
mods-RGB  arg maxhistogram _ s  RGB (2)
This modus value restricts the pixels having bin of s-RGB for further processing.

III.3 Creating the histogram of Hue

Another color data information which we need in this method is histogram of Hue. It can be provided
from HSV space (Hue, Saturation, Value). Conversion from RGB space into HSV space is as follow,
 undefined if M  m  0
 G  B 
 60  mod 360 if M  R
 M  m  (3)
H   BR
 60 M  m  120 if M  G
 R G
 60  240 if M  B
 M m
Where M = max(R,G,B) and m = (R,G,B).
M m
S  (4)
V M (5)
Then we create histogram of Hue. From this histogram, we can provide modus of Hue as (6),
modHue  arg maxhistogram _ Hue (6)
From (6) we will see what Hue value is dominant in the frame image.
If we define the identity of pixel in image, IP, as in (7),

1 if s - RGB within mods-RGB AND Hue within modHue

 (7)
IP  
 otherwise
Then we decide a pixel in image as the interest object as in (8),

I P  ( the interest object) if mod s  RGB  th1  I s  RGB ( x, y )  mod s  RGB  th1
 AND mod Hue  th2  I Hue ( x, y )  mod Hue  th2
 (8)
pixel  
 I  (non  interest object) otherwise
 P

where th1 and th2 are s-RGB threshold and Hue threshold value respectively; Is-RGB(x,y) and IHue are intensity of
s-RGB and Hue at pixel coordinate (x,y) respectively.

III.4 Calculation the density function of interest pixels

This step is to reduce the noise. Due to we rely on color feature to localize an object, it should be
another object with the same color will be localized. To determine the interest object, we apply the row and
column density function of interest pixels. From binary image, result of object labeling, calculation the density
function of interest pixels as follows
f x   I x ,n (9)
n 1
f y   I y ,m (10)
m 1
Where fx and fy are column and row density function respectively. x = {1,…, column size of image}. y = {1, …,
row size of image}. n = y and m = x.
To label a pixel as an interest object or the background, we apply an equation (11),

1 if pixel at (a  x or y) and (b  n or m) as object

I a,b   (11)
0 otherwise

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Color Feature based Object Localization in Real Time Implementation

The row density function, fy, and its properties is shown in Fig. 4. By applying a threshold, d, we can determine
two coordinates of row. This calculation is also applied for column density function, fx, to determine two
coordinates of column. These two coordinates of row and two coordinates of column are used to localize the
interest object.

Figure 4. Row density function of pixels.

IV. Experimental Result And Discussion

To conduct the experiment, we set-up the experimental environment as follows: Operating system is
Windows 8.1 Pro; the processor is Intel® coreTM i5-4210 U CPU @ 1.70 GHz 2.40 GHz; 4GB RAM; the built
in web camera; and the used software is Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. We evaluate the image size of 640×480
pixels. Video rate is 15 fps. The interest object is my face. We set the initial ROI size of 100×100 pixels.
We perform a comparison of two color features. The first feature, we perform a framework as in Figure
1 and 2. The second process, we perform a framework based on histogram s-RGB only.
The experimental results are shown in Fig. 5,6 and Table 1. In Fig. 5 and 6, the first and second row,
the RoI are my face. I wear a brown shirt. The third row, the RoI is a book. Fig. 5 show the s-RGBH feature can
localize object and reduce noise better than by using the s-RGB feature (Fig. 6).
The computation time is shown in Table 1. It shows suitable for real time processing. For 15 fps, the
period time is 66.67 ms. The computation time of our method is 48.37 ms.

Figure 5. The result based on histogram of s-RGBH.

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Color Feature based Object Localization in Real Time Implementation

Figure 6. The result based on histogram of s-RGB.

Table 1. The computation time for difference processes.

Process Computation time (ms)
Histogram of s-RGBH (Figure 4) 48.37
Histogram of s-RGB (Figure 5) 41.24

V. Conclusion
In this paper we use s-RGBH feature as color feature to determine the color dominant in RGB and
HSV space to label the interest object. Training phase is performed in the first frame in the initial ROI. Together
with row and column density function of pixels, we develop an object localization. The row and column density
function effectively to reduce noise. The comparison result with some processes, our system gives a best result
and takes a short computation time of 48.37 ms, as suitable for real time application.
To improve the object detection and localization, our future work is to add another feature, such as
texture feature and shape feature into our system.

In this research, I involved author’s face as the object of this study, as mentioned it in section 4.

This work was supported by DRPM Ditjen Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan Kemristekdikti Indonesia, Grant
No. 063/SP2H/LT/DRPM/IV/2017.

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IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) is UGC approved Journal with Sl. No.
5019, Journal no. 49102.

* Panca Mudjirahardjo. “Color Feature Based Object Localization In Real Time

Implementation." IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) 20.2 (2018): 31-37.

DOI: 10.9790/0661-2002033137 37 | Page

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