FCM Newsletter 2008 - V2 (Apr-Jun 08)

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Quarterly Newsletter 2008/2 (Apr – Jun)

Eschatology I: Life After Death The bodies of the unjust shall, by the
(Chapter 7 of Fundamentals of Christian power of Christ, be raised to
Faith) dishonour: the bodies of the just, by
his Spirit, unto honour; and be made
By Rev (Dr) Jeffrey Khoo conformable to his own glorious body.
WCF XXXII:1-3, “Of the State of Men The Intermediate State
after Death, and of the Resurrection of The intermediate state is ―that realm
the Dead,”—The bodies of men, after or condition in which souls exist
death, return to dust, and see between death and the resurrection‖
corruption: but their souls, which (Boettner). For the Christian, to be
neither die nor sleep, having an absent from the body is to be present
immortal subsistence, immediately with the Lord (2 Cor 5:8). The
return to God who gave them: the reprobate, on the other hand, is now
souls of the righteous, being then in a place of torment till the judgment
made perfect in holiness, are received day (Luke 13:27-28, 16:2324, Jude 6-
into the highest heavens, where they 7, Rev 20:11-15). At this point in time,
behold the face of God, in light and those who have passed away, be they
glory, waiting for the full redemption of believers or unbelievers, are said to
their bodies. And the souls of the be in their intermediate state. The
wicked are cast into hell, where they intermediate state is described by
remain in torments and under Jesus in the story of the rich man and
darkness, reserved to the judgment of Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31). The
the great day. Beside these two following is a description of the
places, for souls separated from their intermediate state:
bodies, the Scripture acknowledgeth
none. i) The souls of the departed are truly
alive, and fully conscious.
At the last day, such as are found ii) The wicked are experiencing
alive shall not die, but be changed: tremendous pain, and suffering.
and all the dead shall be raised up, iii) The redeemed are said to be in
with the self-same bodies, and none ―Abraham’s bosom.‖
other (although with different iv) Verbal communication is possible.
qualities), which shall be united again v) Heaven and hell are separated by
to their souls forever. a great chasm.
vi) The souls of men are waiting for

the resurrection of the body believers receive from Christ at
(Luke14:13-14, John 5:29, Rev death?
20:4-6). A: The souls of believers are at their
vii)The departed cannot return to death made perfect in holiness, and
communicate with the living (cf do immediately pass into glory; and
Exod 22:18, Lev 20:6, 27, Deut their bodies, being still united in
18:10-12). Christ, do rest in their graves, till the
False Doctrines on the Intermediate

Soul Sleep
This view says that when a man
dies, his soul enters into a state
of unconsciousness. Taught by Eschatology II: The End of the
Seventh-day Adventists, it contradicts World
Luke 16:19-31, and 2 Cor 5:8.
WCF XXXIII: 1-3, “Of the Last
Annihilation Judgment,”—God hath appointed a
This view says that when the finally day (which word in Scripture in
impenitent dies, he will cease to exist. reference to the last things may
There is no such a place called hell. represent a period of time including
Taught by Jehovah ’s Witnesses, and the thousand years following the
now by so-called evangelicals like visible, personal and premillennial
Clark Pinnock and John Stott, it return of Christ), wherein he will
contradicts Eccl 12:7, Matt 25:46, judge the world, in righteousness, by
Rom 2:8-10, Rev 14:11, 19:20, 20:10. Jesus Christ, to whom all power and
judgment is given of the Father. In
Purgatory which day, not only the apostate
This view says that those who die angels shall be judged, but likewise all
without being thoroughly cleansed of persons that have lived upon earth
venial sins (i.e. forgivable sins), will shall appear before the tribunal of
have to undergo a process of Christ, to give an account of their
purification in a ―half-way house‖ thoughts, words, and deeds; and to
before they can enter heaven. Taught receive according to what they have
by Roman Catholics; it contradicts done in the body, whether good or evil
Luke 23:43, 2 Cor 5:8-10, Heb 9:12, [words in italics added by the
14, 22). Bible-Presbyterian Church].

WSC Q 37: What benefits do

The end of God’s appointing this day The following signs indicate the
is for the manifestation of the glory of nearness of Christ’s return:
his mercy, in the eternal salvation of
the elect; and of his justice, in the i) False Christs (Matt 24:5, Mark
damnation of the reprobate, who are 13:6, Luke 21:8),
wicked and disobedient. For then shall ii) wars and rumours of war (Matt
the righteous go into everlasting life, 24:6-7a, Mark 13:7-8a, Luke 21:9-
and receive that fulness of joy and 10),
refreshing, which shall come from the iii) natural calamities (Matt 24:7b,
presence of the Lord: but the wicked, Mark 13:8b, Luke 21:11),
who know not God, and obey not the iv) persecution (Matt 24:8-13, Mark
gospel of Jesus Christ, shall be cast 13:9-13, Luke 21:12-19),
into eternal torments, and be v) evangelisation of the whole world
punished with everlasting destruction (Matt 24:14, Mark 13:10),
from the presence of the Lord, and vi) apostasy (Matt 24:11-12, 23, 24,
from the glory of his power. Mark 13:9-11, Luke 21:22-24; cf 2
Thess 2:3, 1 Tim 4:1-2, 2 Tim 3:1-
As Christ would have us to be 5),
certainly persuaded that there shall be vii)the regathering of Israel (Isa 11:11-
a day of judgment, both to deter all 12, Zech 10:9-12; cf Matt 24:32-
men from sin; and for the greater 33).
consolation of the godly in their
adversity: so will he have that day The Great Tribulation
unknown to men, that they may shake
off all carnal security, and be always Taught in the OT as:
watchful, because they know not at i) the day of the Lord (Isa 2:12, 13:6,
what hour the Lord will come; and 9, Ezek 13:5, 30:3, Joel 1:15, 2:1,
may be ever prepared to say, Come 11,
Lord Jesus, come quickly. Amen. 31, 3:14, Amos 5:18, 20, Obad 15,
Zeph 1:7, 14, Zech 14:1, Mal 4:5),
Time of the Second Coming of Christ ii) the day of God’s vengeance (Isa
34:8, 63:1-6),
We do not know the exact time of the iii) the time of Jacob’s trouble (Jer
Lord’s coming (Matt 24:36). However, 30:7),
we can know the nearness of it (Luke iv) the 70th week of Daniel (Dan 9:27).
21:31, 1 Thess 5:2-6). In any case,
the Lord’s coming is always imminent. Mentioned in the NT as:
i) the day of the Lord (Acts 2:20, 1
Signs of the Second Coming of Christ Thess 5:2, 2 Thess 2:2, 2 Pet

ii) the great day of His wrath (Rev When Christ returns, He will do
6:17), i) personally (Acts 1:11),
iii) the hour of His judgment (Rev ii) physically (Acts 1:11, Rev 1:7),
14:7), iii) visibly (Matt 24:27, 30, 26:64, Col
iv) the end of the world (Matt 13:40, 3:4, Titus 2:13),
49), iv) suddenly (Matt 24:37-44, 1 Thess
v) the tribulation (Matt 24:21, 29). 5:2-3, Rev 3:3, 16:15),
v) gloriously (Titus 2:13),
vi) victoriously (Rev 19:11-16).
The Rapture
The Rapture refers to the sudden
catching up of the saints from this
world when Jesus returns in the
clouds. This doctrine is found in the
OT through the following cases: the
translation of Enoch (Gen 5:24), and
of Elijah (2 Kgs 2:11).
In the NT, the doctrine is taught by the
Apostle Paul in 1 Co 15:51-53 and 1
Thess 4:13-18.
When will it happen? There are 5
views on the rapture:
i) pre-tribulational,
ii) mid-tribulational,
iii) post-tribulational,
iv) partial,
v) pre-wrath.

The rapture of the saints will occur

before God judges the world with His
wrath during the 7-year Tribulation
period. This dreadful period is called
―the great day of His wrath‖ (Rev 6:17,
11:18, 15:1,7, 16:1,19, 19:15). Paul
assures us, ―For God hath not
appointed us to wrath, but to obtain
salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ‖ (1 Purpose of the Second Coming of
Thess 5:9). Christ
Manner of the Second Coming of
Christ Jesus will return to

i) destroy both the demonic and Church means Church. There is a
human forces of Satan (Rev 19:11- distinction between Israel and the
20:2), Church. There are many promises in
ii) usher in the millennium (Rev 20:4- the OT given to national Israel
6), especially with regard to the Promised
iii) judge the finally impenitent at the Land which can only find fulfilment in
Judgment of the Great White the millennium (Isa 11:1-9, Jer 31:31-
Throne (Rev 20:11-15), and 36, 33:14-26). It is wrong to
iv) reward His saints at the Judgment spiritualise or allegorise away God’s
Seat of Christ (1 Cor 3:12-15, Col promises to Israel and make them
3:24, 2 Cor 5:10). apply to the Church.

The Millennium God promised David a kingdom that

The word ―millennium‖ is derived from will last forever (2 Sam 7:12-23). This
the Latin ―mill e‖ meaning ―thousand,‖ kingdom has a physical aspect (Zech
and ―annus‖ meaning ―year.‖ Thus, 14:9). The Son of David will be King
―millennium‖ means ―a over all the earth.
thousand years.‖ In This obviously was
theological terms, not fulfilled by
when correctly Solomon. It will be
understood, the fulfilled only by
millennium is Christ’s Christ (Luke 1:31-
rule on earth for 1,000 33, Acts 1:6). Christ
years after His return will sit upon the
(Rev 20:4, 6). throne of his father
In our study of the David and rule over
Bible, it is important the whole world
that we observe this from Jerusalem (Isa
basic rule of 24:23, Jer 3:17, Mic
interpretation: ―When 4:2). God will keep
the plain sense of His promise to
Scripture makes Israel (Ps 89:34-
common sense, eek no other sense‖ 37). There will be a physical reign of
(David Cooper). Unless there are Christ for a millennium right here on a
compelling contextual reasons against rejuvenated earth (Rev 5:10, 20:4, 6).
taking a word in its literal sense, we
should understand a word in its most
natural or common sense. Thus, Characteristics of the Millennium
1,000 years means literally 1,000
years. Israel means Israel, and

The millennium will be characterised
by: At end of the millennium, Satan will be
released from imprisonment for a
i) A recognition of God’s authority. short season to deceive the world for
Christ—the King of kings, and Lord one last time. Satan and company will
of lords—will sit upon the throne of be defeated, judged at the Great
David (Isa 11:1-5, Jer 33:14-17). White Throne, and cast into hell
He will govern the whole world (Mic forever (Rev 20:7-15). The old heaven
4:1-2) with absolute power and and earth will finally face a fiery
authority (Ps 2:9, Rev 19:15-16). destruction (2 Pet 3:10). We will then
ii) Righteousness and peace (Isa 2:4, be ushered into eternity, glorifying the
11:4-5). Christ will rule with justice Lord, and enjoying His presence in a
and equity. There will be peace in new heaven and a new earth forever
the world. However, during this (Rev 21).
period, the sinful nature of man is
not yet eradicated. We know this
because at the end of the
millennium, many of the earth’s
inhabitants will join with Satan to
rebel against the Lord Jesus Christ
(Rev 20:7-9).
iii) A universal knowledge of the Lord. Rev (Dr) Jeffrey Khoo is the Elder of True
Everyone will know who Jesus Life B-P Church and Academic Dean of the
Christ is (Isa 11:9, Hab 2:14). Far Eastern Bible College
iv) Harmony between mankind and
the animal kind (Isa 11:6-8), and
harmony within the animal kingdom
itself (Isa 65:25).
v) Productivity of the land (Isa 35:6-8,
43:19-20, 55:13, Ezek 34:26, Joel Get a copy of “Fundamentals of
2:21-24). the Christian Faith” by Rev
(Dr) Jeffrey Khoo at the FEBC
vi) Longevity. Man will live for Bookroom, 9A, Gilstead Road
hundreds of years (Isa 65:20).
vii)Worship (Zech 8:20-24). A
millennial temple is described in
Ezek 40- 46.

During the millennium, the glorified

saints will rule with Christ (1 Cor 6:2, 2
Tim 2:12, Rev 5:10, 20:4).

assaulted by this red dragon! Father, take off
Run to this heavenly Father! the tempter!"
(Thomas Watson, "The Beatitudes" 1660)
’Casting all your care upon him; for he careth
" Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord for you.’1 Peter 5:7. What a sweet privilege is
Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the this! When any burden lies upon our hearts—
God of all comfort;’ 2 Corinthians 1:3 we may go to our Father and unload all our
cares and griefs into His loving bosom! "Cast
Christians should look upon God under this your burden on the Lord, and He will support
notion—the Father of all mercy, sitting upon a you; He will never allow the righteous to be
throne of grace. We should run to this heavenly shaken!" Psalm 55:22
Father in all conditions!

We should run to our Father with our sins, as ONWARD, CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS!:
that sick child who, as soon as he found himself A Cheer and Challenge to FCMers
ill—he ran to his father to help him, "My Past, Present & Future
Jason Liew
head! My head!" 2 Kings 4:19
Onward Christian Soldiers: The
So in case of sin—run to God and say: "My
heart! My heart! O this dead heart—Father, When I was initially approached and
asked if I had any articles to
quicken it! This hard heart—Father, soften it! contribute for this issue of FCM
Father, my heart, my heart!" newsletter, I was baffled at what I
should write. As I have the habit of
penning down the spiritual lessons
We should run to our Father with our
that I’ve learnt and putting to ink
temptations. A child, when another strikes him, issues of research interest, it would
runs to his father. So when the devil strikes us have been easy for me to extract an
with his temptations, let us run to our Father: article for publication. However of late,
I have been too busy to write – partly
"Father, Satan assaults and hurls in his fiery because I’ve been trying to get the
darts at me! Father, it is Your child who is latest FCM CD out. Lo and behold, I
was no longer mind-boggled when my

battalion was activated as part of the This is also true in the spiritual realm.
armed forces’ concerted effort to The believer must learn to obey and
manhunt Singapore’s No. 1 fugitive – sacrifice the loves and pleasures of
Mas Selamat Kastari. this world in order to live a triumphant
and victorious Christian life. As you
As you may have read in the papers, may have read in the Pauline epistles,
it’s quite a big thing. Who would have the apostle paints a picture of the
thought of participating in an actual Christian in three vocations – athlete,
operation during his NS life? Certainly farmer and soldier – all of which
not me. Because of this, my off days pontificates the idea of hard toil and
and weekends were ―burnt‖ and to my labour. However, ―peace-loving
dismay, I was unable Christians‖ will find it hard
to attend Thursday’s to identify with the third
night class and more since the motif of a
importantly the FCM soldier identifies them
Combined Meeting with fighting battles and
held on February 29, war, a scene they are
2008. Thoughts like unfamiliar with in this
―Why couldn’t he post-modern age where
escape after my one fundamentalism is on the
week off or after I decline. These people
ORD?‖ came to have the tendency to
mind. What I failed to reject truth, succumb to
realise is that I was falsehood (albeit
caught off-guard and ignorantly) and promote a
that we have to live kind of love and unity that
each day at a time with a ―God willing‖ is not based upon truth and charity.
attitude. I was so ready to enjoy my This is unacceptable because the
one week off and convicted that I Lord commands us to “earnestly
could attend the activities mentioned contend for the faith which was once
above including YF and Sunday delivered unto the saints” (Jude 3)
Service but was deeply saddened that and be “a good soldier of Jesus
I could not do so. Christ” (2 Tim 2:3). It is on this note
Still, “though he slay me, yet will I trust that I would like to share with you the
in him: but I will maintain mine own story behind the hymn “Onward,
ways before him” (Job 13:15) – a Christian Soldiers” and the motivation
lesson I learnt from that Monday’s behind the CD release of the same for
night class. Sometimes, a soldier our edification and encouragement.
must make sacrifices; even the Onward Christian Soldiers: The
ultimate one. No sacrifice, no victory. Hymn

literally circled the globe within ten
The Rev Sabine Baring-Gould (1834- years. The lyrics are as follows:
1924), MA, wrote this as a
processional hymn for Sunday School Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to
children at Horbury Bridge, near
With the cross of Jesus going on before.
Wakefield, Yorkshire in 1865. It was Christ, the royal Master, leads against the
the practice of children in 19th Century foe;
England to march from one village to Forward into battle see His banners go!
another celebrating the Festival of At the sign of triumph Satan’s host doth flee;
Pentecost. Believing that the march On then, Christian soldiers, on to victory!
Hell’s foundations quiver at the shout of
will be more successful if the children
sang a spirited marching song, the Brothers lift your voices, loud your anthems
author reportedly penned the lyrics to raise.
this stirring and rousing hymn in about Like a mighty army moves the church of
15 minutes. He later apologised, "It God;
was written in great haste, and I am Brothers, we are treading where the saints
have trod.
afraid that some of the lines are
We are not divided, all one body we,
faulty." It was due to this fact that he One in hope and doctrine, one in charity.
allowed hymnbook compilers to alter Onward then, ye people, join our happy
the lyrics. However, Rev Baring- throng,
Gould’s original words are used in Blend with ours your voices in the triumph
most modern hymnals. The hymn was song.
Glory, laud, and honor unto Christ the King,
originally entitled, “Hymn for
This through countless ages men and
Procession with Cross and Banners” angels sing.
because the children marched behind
an elevated cross and carried It is almost unbelievable that these
colourful banners. The tune was very words were written for children
originally set to the slow movement of and in 15 minutes by one of the most
Hadyn’s Symphony in D, No 15. It brilliant, eclectic minds of Victorian
was first printed the same year it was England! How many of us today are
written, in an English church able to feel the heartbeat of Rev
periodical, Church Times, and later in Baring-Gould when he penned these
several books containing new hymns. lyrics? How many of us are able to
It did not receive wide acceptance, identify with the hope and assurance
however, until Sir Arthur S Sullivan that the children of that time had?
(1842-1900) wrote a new tune for it in How many of us are able to imagine
1871. This tune, St Gertrude, is the what would it be like if we were one of
tune that appears in Sullivan’s book, the children marching triumphantly
The Hymnal. Paired with the new behind a lifted cross, carrying a
tune, “Onward Christian Soldiers”

myriad of banners and echoing this introspection, it should make the
processional hymn? What a scene! Christian feel sad. These words ought
to be enough to make us ponder upon
Onward Christian Soldiers: The ―church‖ and the manner in which
Parody others view us. You may be tempted
to react negatively, but touch your
George Verwer, founder of Operation heart and ask yourself seriously how
Mobilisation (OM), wrote a parody of much of this is true? Many within the
this hymn in his book, Hunger for church have lost sight of this
Reality: How to Escape from Spiritual important truth, something evident by
Pretence and Double-Living their passive lifestyle. We have
(Authentic Media, 1997). He entitled it become like the Dead Sea. It is dead
“Backward, Christian Soldiers” and because it has water flowing into it,
here is how it goes: but no outlet. The water has become
so salty so much so that a human
Backward, Christian soldiers, fleeing from being cannot sink into it. Nothing lives
the fight
in it and no one can penetrate it… just
With the cross of Jesus nearly out of sight.
Christ, our rightful master, stand against the like the church today. If the average
foe church made as much noise about
But forward into battle, we loathe to go. God on Monday, as it makes to God
Like a mighty tortoise moves the Church of on Sunday, we would certainly see
God revival. Is it not?
Brothers we are treading where we've
always trod.
We are much divided, many bodies we Martin Luther (1483-1546) rightly
Having many doctrines, not much charity. observed this when he wrote, "If I
Crowns and thrones may perish, kingdoms profess with the loudest voice and
rise and wane, clearest exposition every portion of
But the Church of Jesus hidden does the truth of God except precisely that
little point which the world and the
Gates of hell should never 'gainst the
Church prevail devil are at that moment attacking, I
We have Christ's own promise, but think that am not confessing Christ, however
it will fail. boldly I may be professing Christ.
Sit here then ye people, join our useless Where the battle rages, there the
throng loyalty of the soldier is proved; and to
Blend with ours your voices in a feeble song.
be steady on all the battlefield besides
Blessings, ease and comfort, ask from Christ
the King is mere flight and disgrace if he
With our modern thinking, we don't do a flinches at THAT point." [Emphasis
thing. mine]
At first glance it would probably make Luther evidently walked the talk when
one snicker but upon closer Piper astutely described him as such,

"Luther was a churchman, not an after articles by scholars and leaders
ivory-tower theological scholar. He supposedly of the fundamentalist
was not only part of almost all the camp, it is absolutely absurd that
controversies and conferences of his those who love the Lord and defend
day, he was usually the leader."i His Word are then labelled as
―heretics!‖ What audacity! There is a
Onward Christian Soldiers: The real war going out there in the
Battle battlefield, my friends. We as
Christians must not be oblivious about
Where does the battle rage today? this fact and must always be
Where is the battlefield where our prepared.
loyalty to Jesus Christ may be
proven? Where is that point which the There is a saying that, “Evil prevails
world and the devil are at the moment when good men stand by and do
attacking? A brief survey of nothing.” However in Isaiah 59:19b we
Christendom at large, inclusive of our also read, “…When the enemy shall
very own Bible-Presbyterian come in like a flood, the Spirit of the
denomination would LORD shall lift up a standard
reveal very clearly to us against him.” We thank God
the answer – THE for lifting up a standard time
BIBLE. As if the and time again through
dissolution of the godly men and women who
Singapore B-P Synod in has responded to heed his
1988 due to the influx of call for there will also remain
charismatism and a faithful remnant. When the
ecumenism weren’t ecumenical World Council of
enough, the Bible- Churches (WCC) was first
Presbyterian Church formed in 1937, God raised
(BPC) today is plagued Dr Carl McIntire (1906-
with a debate which had 2002), founder of the
spanned half-a-decade: American B-P movement, to
The Verbal Plenary counter its unification
Preservation (VPP) of the Holy agenda by forming the International
Scriptures. Never before has the BPC Council of Christian Churches (ICCC).
seen anything of such sagacity since It is also for this godly cause that Rev
the synod dissolution twenty-years Dr Timothy Tow founded the BPC of
ago. Not only has the present-day Singapore in 1950. When Scripture
inerrancy and infallibility of the Holy Union (SU) devotionals begun
Scriptures come under incessant attacking the character of Christ and
attacks by books after books, articles making fun of the Bible, God raised Dr

SH Tow to initiate the Read, Pray & Romanism and New Age mysticism.
Grow (RPG) notes in 1982. The FCM Will you not join us in this noble
was founded in 1986 by the same as cause? Fred Moritz also noted that,
a standard lifted up against liberal and "The Christian who understands the
neo-evangelical student organisations Scripture's teaching about separation
such as the Campus Crusade for will never apologise for being militant
Christ, The Navigators, etc found in in his defense of God's Word and in
many institutions of higher learning exposing those who deny it and work
today. All these are only made to destroy it."iii
possible through Biblical Separation,
on which Rev Dr Gary Cohen wrote,

Here we are speaking of

“ecclesiastical” not “personal”
separation. That is, we are
dealing with church alliances
and support, not with an
individual Christian’s personal
separation from the things of
the world. Ecclesiastical
separation consists of a Onward Christian Soldiers: The
believer or an organized Challenge
church not joining or helping
an apostate church; or, if he Ephesians 6:11-17 outlines the
or she is in one, they are to challenge to each and every one of
come out of it. This also us, “Put on the whole armour of God,
implies that believing that ye may be able to stand against
churches and organizations the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle
will not join, remain in, or not against flesh and blood, but
assist denominations or against principalities, against powers,
groups who are not true to the against the rulers of the darkness of
Christ of the Bible.ii this world, against spiritual
wickedness in high places. Wherefore
We see ecclesiastical separation in take unto you the whole armour of
practice through the founding and God, which ye may be able to
formation of many of these churches withstand in the evil day, and having
and organisations mentioned above. done all, to stand. Stand therefore,
The FCM is part of the big picture in having your loins girt about with truth,
the battle against ecumenism, liberalis and having on the breastplate of
m, modernism, neo-evangelicalism, righteousness; And your feet shod

with the preparation of the gospel of ask how things are going with
peace; Above all, taking the shield of the course and if they have
faith, wherewith ye shall be able to any questions we can help
quench all the fiery darts of the with. We ask them if they
wicked. And take the helmet of would like to join us for a
salvation, and the sword small group Bible study
of the Spirit, which is the and remind them of
word of God.” As you where to meet.iv
may have realized, the
FCM logo is based on In my opinion, I think Cloud
these verses. has shared with us some of
his interesting approaches
What better place to to reach out to tertiary
equip yourself with the students of which we in the
Word of God than the FCM can emulate. He (1)
FCM? Put on the whole create posters, (2) distribute
armour of God, join our Bible literature, (3) follow
FCM Bible Study Groups up, (4) send tracts and lastly
and learn how one can (5) invite and remind them
guard against these ―last of the Bible Study. These
days deceptions.‖ On ―campus are but some of the ways which we
ministry‖, David W Cloud, founder of can adopt.
Way of Life Literature, testified,
May every true soldier of the Lord
If there is a specific university Jesus Christ be challenged to put on
that the Lord is leading you to the whole armour of God in the
reach, I would begin by defense of the faith and at the same
making up some posters, time, win many souls to Christ.
such as we've used here --
"FREE Christian Home Bible Onward Christian Soldiers: The
Study Course and Bible Album
Literature" (white letters on
black background). Several Thank God for the official release of
may call in response and we the latest FCM CD “Onward Christian
follow up by sending them the Soldiers” at the combined meeting on
correspondence course and February 29, 2008. At this juncture I
some tracts along with would like to say a BIG THANK YOU
locations and times where we to all of you who sacrificed your
meet for Bible study. In a few Saturday mornings and coming down
weeks, we'll call them up and to sing for the Lord.v Special mention

must be given to Melissa Mah, our Battle Cry” as “We’re Marching To
sound engineer, who has worked so Zion” with the prayer “Lead On, O
tirelessly to make us sound good. King Eternal”. Next arrives the theme
Thank God for Elder Boaz Boon for “Onward Christian Soldiers.” There
his support in this project as well as will be many who will join the
the opportunity to co-labour with marching, but really, “Who Is On The
brother Low Boon Siang of whom I Lord’s Side?” The answer is simple:
have learnt many things. I had Those who “Hold Forth The Word Of
intended to utter my gratitude during Life.” Having said this, the Christian is
the combined meeting itself but since I reminded of His refuge in God for “A
was unable to attend, I shall write it Mighty Fortress Is Our God” and that
here instead. “God The
Omnipotent” is
For your sovereign in his
information, life. And what
the track march is
listing is not complete
without without “The
purpose. The Banner Of The
CD begins Cross”? After
with an old hearing all
FCM favourite these, will you
“Is Your All not “Stand Up
On The For Jesus”? We
Altar?” The can win this
Christian is battle through
posed with faith for “Faith
this question Is The Victory.”
on the outset. For those who
He then are not yet
answers in there as with
the affirmative and asks God to “Take the saints of old, “Pressing On” and
My Life And Let It Be.” Once he has “Hold The Fort” encourage us to hang
consecrated himself to the Lord, he in there. Lastly, we must fight our
noticed the reality of Christian warfare battles on a daily basis i.e. “Day By
and reflects, “Am I A Soldier Of The Day” and not pride in our glorious
Cross?” and echoes “Lord Here I past. Before we know it, it is “Safely
Take My Cross” in humble Through Another Week.” “May The
submission. Having enlisted in the Lord Find Us Faithful.” The album
Lord’s army, he would “Sound The

closes asking for the Lord’s blessing
in “Lord Dismiss Us.”


John Piper, The Legacy of Sovereign Joy: God's It?
1. Who married his half-sister?
Triumphant Grace in the Lives of Augustine, Luther, and
Calvin (Wheaton: Crossway Books, 2000), 88. 2. Who dreamed that the sun and the
Gary Cohen, "The Bible Presbyterian Position on moon and 11 stars bowed down to
Ecclesiastical Separation," The WRS Journal 11-2 (2004): him?
5. See also his book, Biblical Separation Defended
(Singapore: Far Eastern Bible College Press, 1997). First 3. To whom did God give the covenant
published in 1966.
of circumcision?
Fred Moritz, "Be Ye Holy": The Call to Christian
Separation (Greenville: Bob Jones University Press, 1994), 4. Who led the Israelites into Canaan?
iv 5. Who wrongly thought that
David & Linda Cloud, "Ideas for Evangelism" (Port
Huron: Way of Life Literature, 2003), 89. Abraham's and Isaac's wives were
their sisters?
The contributors of the CD consists of 7 pianists
(Michelle Chiang, Dns Alen Low, Elena Ang, Phoebe 6. Who sold his birthright for a bowl of
Choo, Ye Zuyi, Zhou YuHeng & Adrian Ho), 26 female stew?
singers (Angelyn Ho, Cindy Yeo, Debbie Tay, Eileen
Chee, Elena Ang, Esther Lin, Eulindra Lim, Eunice Low, 7. Who tricked Jacob into marrying his
Hazel Chen, Joanna Low, Jo-Anne Siew, Jocelyn Yong, daughter?
Joy Ng, Ko Ling Ting, Ong Qiaoyan, Phoebe Choo, Sarah
Yong, Sarah Lee, Serena Ng, Sharon Ng, Shirlyn Tan, Teo 8. Who stole the household gods of her
Junzi, Vanessa Lim, Yeda Ko, Ye Zuyi & Zhou YuHeng) father?
and 21 male singers (Adrian Ho, Aron Ong, Danny Quah,
David Poon, Elder Boaz Boon, Elvin Siew, Emerson Ang, 9. Who violated Jacob's daughter, the
Herbert Goh, Jason Liew, Josiah Tan, Joel Quah, Jonathan sister of Simeon and Levi?
Ng, Ko Ling Kang, Liang Zheqian, Lim Hong Zhuang,
Low Boon Siang, Luke Tan, Patrick Tan, Pr Ho Chee Lai, 10. Who violated Absalom's sister
Samuel Goh & Wong Wang Kai). Tamar?

Jason Liew, FCM Poly (2003-2006),

is a member of Truth Bible-Presbyterian

the children of God. Blessed are they
which are persecuted for
righteousness' sake: for theirs is the
kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye,
Special when men shall revile you, and
FCM Camp 08 persecute you, and shall say all
Date: 26-31 May manner of evil against you falsely, for
Venue: Calvary Pandan My sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding
BPC glad: for great is your reward in
Day Theme:
heaven: for so persecuted they the
Overcoming the Snares
prophets which were before you”
of the World
(Matt 5: 1-12).
Night The,me: A Life
of Contenetment
Would we know what kind of people
Speakers: Pr Dennis
Christians ought to be? Would we
know the character at which
Eld William Seah
Christians ought to aim? Would we
Dn Peter Phoa
know the outward walk and inward
Bro Joshua Yong
habit of mind which become a follower
of Jesus? Then let us often study the
Sermon on the Mount. Let us often
ponder each sentence, and prove
ourselves by it.

Jesus calls those blessed, who are

poor in spirit. He means the humble,
and lowly-minded, and self-abased.
THE BEATITUDES (By J C Ryle) He means those who are deeply
“Blessed are the poor in spirit: for convinced of their own sinfulness in
theirs is the kingdom of heaven. God’s sight. These are they who are
Blessed are they that mourn: for they not ―wise in their own eyes.‖ They are
shall be comforted. Blessed are the not ―rich and increased with goods.‖
meek: for they shall inherit the earth. They do not imagine that they need
Blessed are they which do hunger and nothing. They regard themselves as
thirst after righteousness: for they ―wretched, and miserable, and poor,
shall be filled. Blessed are the and blind, and naked.‖ Blessed are all
merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. such! Humility is the very first letter in
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they the alphabet of Christianity. We must
shall see God. Blessed are the begin low, if we would build high.
peacemakers: for they shall be called

Jesus calls those blessed, who Jesus calls those blessed, who are
mourn. He means those who sorrow merciful. He means those who are
for sin, and grieve daily over their own full of compassion towards others.
short-comings. These are they who They pity all who are suffering either
trouble themselves more about sin from sin or sorrow, and are tenderly
than about anything on earth. The desirous to make their sufferings less.
remembrance of it is grievous to them. They are full of good works, and
The burden of it is intolerable. Blessed endeavours to do good. Blessed are
are all such! ―The sacrifices of God all such! Both in this life and that to
are a broken and contrite spirit.‖ One come they shall reap a rich reward.
day they shall weep no more. ―They
shall be comforted.‖ Jesus calls those blessed, who are
pure in heart. He means those who
Jesus calls those blessed, who are do not aim merely at outward
meek. He means those who are of a correctness, but at inward holiness.
patient and contented spirit. They are They are not satisfied with a mere
willing to put up with little honor here external show of religion. They strive
below. They can bear injuries without to keep a heart and conscience void
resentment. They are not ready to of offence, and to serve God with the
take offence. Like Lazarus in the spirit and the inner man. Blessed are
parable, they are content to wait for all such! The heart is the man. ―Man
their good things. Blessed are all looketh on the outward appearance,
such! They are never losers in the but the Lord looketh on the heart‖ (I
long run. One day they shall ―reign on Sam. 16:7.) He that is most spiritual-
the earth‖ (Rev. 5: 10). minded will have most communion
with God.
Jesus calls those blessed, who
hunger and thirst after Jesus calls those blessed, who are
righteousness. He means those who peacemakers. He means those who
desire above all things to be entirely use all their influence to promote
conformed to the mind of God. They peace and charity on earth, in private
long not so much to be rich, or and in public, at home and abroad. He
wealthy, or learned, as to be holy. means those who strive to make all
Blessed are all such! They shall have men love one another, by teaching
enough one day. With the Psalmist that Gospel which says, ―love is the
they say, ―As for me, I will behold Thy fulfilling of the law.‖ Blessed are all
face in righteousness: I shall be such! They are doing the very work
satisfied, when I awake, with Thy which the Son of God began, when
likeness‖ (Ps. 17: 15). He came to earth the first time, and

which He will finish when He returns holy living should always be its fruit.
the second time. And if we would know what holy living
is, let us often bethink ourselves who
Lastly, Jesus calls those blessed, who they are that Jesus calls ―blessed.‖
are persecuted for righteousness
sake. He means those who are
ridiculed, mocked, and despised
because they endeavor to live as true
Christians. Blessed are all such! They
drink of the same cup which their
Master drank. They are now
confessing Him before men, and He
will confess them before His Father
and the angels at the last day. ―Great
is their reward.‖

Such are the eight foundation-stones,

which the Lord lays down at the
beginning of the sermon on the
mount. Eight great testing truths are
placed before us. May we mark well
each one of them, and learn wisdom!
Let us learn how entirely contrary are
the principles of Christ to the
principles of the world. It is vain to
deny it. They are almost diametrically
opposed. The very characters which
the Lord Jesus praises, the world
despises. The very pride, and
thoughtlessness, and high tempers,
and worldliness, and selfishness, and
formality, and unlovingness, which
abound everywhere, the Lord Jesus
condemns. Above all let us learn how
holy and spiritual-minded all believers
should be. They should never aim at
any standard lower than that of the
Sermon on the Mount. Christianity is
eminently a practical religion. Sound
doctrine is its root and foundation, but


1. Abraham

2. Joseph

3. Abraham

4. Joshua

5. Abimelech

6. Esau

7. Laban

8. Rachel

9. Shechem

10. Amnon

FCM Poly
Contact Information & Bible Comprising students in Singapore, Ngee Ann, Temasek, Nanyang
Study Groups & Republic Polytechnics
Bible Study Leaders : Bro Lim Jun Sheng & Bro James
Overall FCM Coordinator Eld Boaz Boon (Calvary Tengah BPC)
Tan (Calvary Tengah BPC)
 9824 7681 
[email protected] /
[email protected]
[email protected]
Assistant Advisor Dn Peter Phoa (Calvary Tengah BPC)
Student Coordinator : Samuel Goh
 9758 1469 
 9181 7471
[email protected]
[email protected]
FCM NUS Meeting Place : Dinner at SIM and Bible Study at
Comprising students in all the faculties of the National University of Ngee Ann Poly
Singapore Meeting Time : Every Wednesday. Dinner at
Bible Study Leader : Ko Ling Kang (Youth Leader, Calvary 6.15pm and Bible Study at 7.00pm
Pandan BPC)
[email protected]
Meeting Place : NUS, Science Block S13, Level 5,
Room 03/04, 3 Science Drive 2, S117543 (Tutorial Room)
Meeting Time : Every Wednesday, 5.15pm

Comprising students in all the faculties of the Nanyang
Technological University & National Institute of Education
Bible Study Leader : Rev Wee Eng Moh (Pastor, Berith BPC)
[email protected]
Student Coordinator : Teo Jun Zi
 9299 9501  [email protected]
Meeting Place : NTU, Hall of Residence 13, Blk 63,
#03-1255, 32 Nanyang Crescent, S637658 (Eld Sim’s Home)
Meeting Time : Every Wednesday. Dinner at
5.30pm and bible Study at 6.30pm

FCM SMU/UniSIM/LaSalle College of the Arts

Comprising students in all the faculties of the Singapore
Management University, SIM University & LaSalle College
Bible Study Leader : Eld Boaz Boon (Elder, Calvary Tengah
[email protected]
Student Coordinator : Jonathan Ng
 9190 0473
[email protected]
Meeting Place : 1 Liang Seah Street, #05-01 Liang
Seah Place, S189022 (Take Lift Up Behind 7-Eleven)
Meeting Time : Alternate Wednesdays, 6.30pm






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