2D Analysis - Simplified Methods
2D Analysis - Simplified Methods
2D Analysis - Simplified Methods
Reading Assignment
○ Lecture Notes
○ Pp. 423 - 449 Kramer
○ Pp. 286-290 Kramer - Shear Beam Approach
○ Makdisi-Seed Analysis (EERC).pdf
○ Bray and Travasarou - 2007
Other Materials
○ None
Homework Assignment #4
Homework inputs
Homework inputs
Homework inputs
Lower San Fernando Dam - 1971 San Fernando Valley Earthquake, Ca.
This course will focus on Pseudostatic and Newmark Sliding Block Analyses using
the Makdisi-Seed (1978) Method
For high initial driving stress (steep geometry), the FOS will likely be much less
than unity, and flow failure may occur, as depicted by strain path A-B-C.
Example of this is the failure of the Lower San Fernando Dam.
Fh = ah W / g = kh W
Fv = av W/ g = kv W (often ignored)
Example Geometry
E = Young's Modulus
= Poisson's ratio
K = Bulk modulus
G = Shear Modulus
= drained friction angle
c = cohesion
Ko = at-rest earth pressure coefficent
Vs = shear wave velocity
Pseudostatic Results
The analysis has been repeated by selecting only the critical circle. To do this,
only one radius point. This result can then be used with a Kh value to determine
the factor of safety, FS.
pga = 0.6 g
Kh = 0.5 * pga
ah = 0.3 g (This is applied in the software as a horizontal acceleration).
Reduce shear strength in stability model for all saturated soils to 80 percent of
peak strength as recommended by the Army Corp of Engineers. This is to account
for pore pressure generation during cycling of non-liquefiable soils. (See table
below.) (If liquefaction is expected, this method is not appropriate.)
The analysis is redone with Kh = 0.3 and reduced shear strength (see below).
The resulting factor of safety is 0.651 (too low). Deformation is expected for this
system and should be calculated using deformation analysis (e.g., Newmark,
Makdisi-Seed, FEM, FDM methods.)
Pasted from
Jibson, R., Predicting earthquake-induced landslide displacement using Newmark's l>
sliding block analysis, TRR 1411, Transportation Research boards, National
Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1994.
Newmark’s method treats the mass as a rigid-plastic body; that is, the
mass does not deform internally, experiences no permanent
displacement at accelerations below the critical or yield level, and
deforms plastically along a discrete basal shear surface when the critical
acceleration is exceeded. Thus, for slope stability, Newmark’s method is
best applied to translational block slides and rotational slumps. Other
limiting assumptions commonly are imposed for simplicity but are not
required by the analysis (Jibson, TRR 1411).
1. The static and dynamic shearing resistance of the soil are assumed to
be the same. (This is not strictly true due to strain rate effects
2. In some soils, the effects of dynamic pore pressure are neglected. This
assumption generally is valid for compacted or overconsolidated clays
and very dense or dry sands. This is not valid for loose sands or normally
consolidated, or sensitive soils.
3. The critical acceleration is not strain dependent and thus remains
constant throughout the analysis.
4. The upslope resistance to sliding is taken to be infinitely large such that
upslope displacement is prohibited. (Jibson, TRR 1411)
1. Perform a slope stability analysis with a limit equilibrium method and find the
critical slip surface (i.e., surface with the lowest factor of safety) for the given soil
conditions with no horizontal acceleration present in the model.
2. Determine the yield acceleration for the critical slip circle found in step 1 by
applying a horizontal force in the outward direction on the failure mass until a
factor of safety of 1 is reached for this surface. This is called the yield
3. Develop a 2D ground response model and complete 2D response analysis for the
particular geometry. Use this 2D ground response analysis to calculate average
horizontal acceleration in potential slide mass.
4. Consider horizontal displacement is possible for each time interval where the
horizontal acceleration exceeds the yield acceleration (see previous page).
5. Integrate the velocity and displacement time history for each interval where the
horizontal acceleration exceeds the yield acceleration (see previous page).
Analysis perfromed using shear strength = 100 percent of peak value for all soils
(i.e., no shear strength loss during cycling).
Analysis repeated using shear strength = 80 percent of peak value for all soils to
account for some pore pressure generation during cycling.
Analysis repeated using shear strength in layer 1 equal to 5 kPa (100 psf) to
represent a very soft clay.
Eq. 1
Eq. 2
Eq. 3
Compare with
values in Table
7.2 of Kramer
for m = 0,
where m is the
parameter Eq. 3a
(bottom p. 289)
Eq. 4
Eq. 5
See p. 533
Eq. 6
Eq. 7a
Eq. 7b
Eq. 7c
Eq. 8
Eq. 9
Eq. 10
If U/kh(max)gT is halfway between 0.01 and 0.1, then the exponent value for this
number is -1.5 (see red arrow on graph above). This can be converted back by 1 x
10-1.5 which is equal to 3.16 x 10-2.
Design Spectra
Calculations (cont.)
toe circle
Z = depth to
base of
failure plane
(i.e., critical
circle from
(See regression equations on next page for M7.5 and M6.5 events
(2) computing the joint hazard of the conditioning ground motion variables,
The results from this model have been shown to compare favorably with those
from a fully nonlinear D-MOD-type stick-slip analysis (Rathje and Bray 2000), but
this model can be utilized in a more straightforward and transparent manner.
The model used herein is one dimensional (i.e.. a relatively wide vertical column
of deformable soil) to allow for the use of a large number ground motions with
wide range of properties of the potential sliding mass in this study. One-
dimensional (1D) analysis has been found to provide a reasonably conservative
estimate of the dynamic stresses at the base of two-dimensional (2D) sliding
The ground motion database used to generate the seismic displacement data
comprises available records from shallow crustal earthquakes (hat occurred
in active Plate margins (PEER strong motion database)