American Institute of Timber Construction: AITC 113-2001
American Institute of Timber Construction: AITC 113-2001
American Institute of Timber Construction: AITC 113-2001
AITC 113-2001
Adopted as Recommendations September 7, 2001
Copyright 2001 by American Institute of Timber Construction
Section Page
1 Preface ........................................................................................................ 1
2 Standard Depths of Members..................................................................... 1
3 Standard Widths of Members ..................................................................... 2
4 Standard Dimensions for Heavy Timber .................................................... 2
5 Tolerances................................................................................................... 2
1.1 The most efficient and economical production of glued laminated structural members results when standard lumber
sizes are used for the laminations. Industry recommended practice uses nominal 2 in. thick lumber of standard
nominal width to produce straight members and curved members where the radius of curvature is within the
bending radius limits for that thickness of the species. Nominal 1 in. thick boards are normally used when the
bending radius is too sharp to permit use of nominal 2 in. thick laminations. These are standard practices subject
to deviation to conform with specific job requirements and plant procedures. The use of nominal 1 in. and 2 in.
thick laminations will generally be the most economical, therefore, conformance with this standard is recommended
for all normal uses. Exceptions should be made only when the shape of the structure requires nonstandard
Textured surfaces for glued laminated timber are permitted in "Standard Appearance Grades for Structural Glued
Laminated Timber", AITC 110, in lieu of the surfaces specified in the AITC appearance grades. When textured
surfaces are used, the net finished sizes and tolerances given herein and in AITC 117 — DESIGN and ANSI/AITC
A190.1-1992, "Structural Glued Laminated Timber", may not be applicable. Depending upon the degree of
texturing, it may be necessary for the designer to compensate for the resulting loss of cross section.
2.2 The use of laminations of special thicknesses because of bending radius or the mixing of thicknesses for special
purposes results in net finished depths other than those shown in the table.
Note: 2-1/2 in. width may not be available in architectural or premium appearance grades.
Consult manufacturer for availability.
3.3 For framing appearance grade, members are surfaced “hit or miss” to match 2x4 and 2x6 conventional framing
sizes. Standard widths for glued laminated structural members meeting framing grade requirements are 3-1/2
in. for nominal 4 in. width members and 5-1/2 in. for nominal 6 in. width members.
5.1 Dimensions - The tolerances permitted at the time of manufacture shall be as follows:
Width - Plus or minus 1/16 in.
Depth - Plus 1/8 in. per ft of depth. Minus 3/16 in., or 1/16 in. per ft of depth, whichever is larger.
Length - Up to 20 ft, plus or minus 1/16 in. Over 20 ft, plus or minus 1/16 in. per 20 ft of length.
5.2 Camber or Straightness - The tolerances are applicable to the time of manufacture without allowance for dead
load deflection. Up to 20 ft, the tolerance is plus or minus 1/4 in. Over 20 ft, increase tolerance 1/8 in. per each
additional 20 ft or fraction thereof, but not to exceed 3/4 in.
The tolerances are intended for use with straight or slightly cambered members and are not applicable to curved
members such as arches.
5.3 Squareness of Cross Section - The tolerance shall be within plus or minus 1/8 in. per ft of specified depth unless
a specially shaped section is specified. Squareness shall be measured with respect to both top and bottom faces.