Brief of Design An Iconic Tower-LATEST
Brief of Design An Iconic Tower-LATEST
Brief of Design An Iconic Tower-LATEST
Definition of iconic
The definition of iconic is relating to, or having the characteristics of an icon. An icon may be defined as
something very famous, well known or popular, especially being considered to represent particular opinions
or ideas, a particular time, or a particular style. It is widely recognized, well-established, and acknowledged
especially for distinctive excellence. Another definition of iconic is someone or something that is a
representation of something else, for example, Eiffel Tower standing at 324m, is the icon of Paris. Other
words synonymous with iconic are quintessential, exemplify, epitomize, embody, and symbolic.
Definition of tower
A simple definition of tower is a tall, slender and narrow building. A more detailed definition is a building or
structure that is exceptionally high in proportion to its width and length. It is lofty relative to its surroundings.
It may be freestanding or be attached to a larger structure. It may be fully walled in or of skeleton framework.
Function of IT’S
The function for the iconic steel tower shall be determined by the competing team.
A Schedule of Accommodation shall be prepared listing the main accommodation as well as ancillary
spaces and services.
The tower itself shall not be for habitable spaces like office, hotel or condominium. Should habitable
spaces be provided they may be sited on the other areas within the site.
The myriad of activities and programmes to be carried out in and around the tower is also to be
It must have a unique identity as it is expected to become one of the main tourist attractions in
Malaysia as well as in South-East Asia region.
The site
Design Project
Students should prepare the architectural planning (establish the building height, preliminary structural
information (each project will have a unique set of loading) before proceeding to the actual design.