What Is Islamic Art 02

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What is

Islamic art?

What do we actually mean by Islamic art?

A central feature of Islamic art is its emphasis on crasmanship.
Creating a high quality object – something that is a delight to behold
– is much more important than producing something new and
innovative. Another characteristic of Islamic art is that it does not
necessarily tell us anything about the artist’s personal ideas or feelings.
Islamic artists and crasmen oen focus on a long, tried-and-true

What is most important is creating something beautiful and well made,

oen something with a practical use. In other words, Islamic art largely
aims at beautifying everyday life and making utilitarian objects into
works of art.

en what does “Islamic” have to do with it?

At the David Collection, we generally define Islamic art as works of art
produced in the part of the world where the religion of Islam has played
a dominant role for a long period of time. ey do not necessarily have
to be works of art made by or for Muslims. e artists might also be
followers of another religion, for example Christians or Jews. And the
message conveyed by their art does not have to directly reflect the
religion of Islam. It can also have a purely secular character.


When pupils are shown around the museum, the guide will focus on
a number of common features of Islamic art: vegetal ornamentation,
geometric patterns, calligraphy, and the stylized depiction of reality.
Historical aspects will also be dealt with and, depending on the work
of art, an object’s function and relevant cultural and historical
aspects will be discussed.

What is Islamic art?

Good questions – and answers

Is it true that living creatures may not be depicted in Islamic art?
No, it is not true. Pictures of living creatures may not be found in the
Koran or in mosques, but otherwise pictures of animals and people
may certainly be used. e reason why such depictions are not used
in the Koran or religious buildings was from the very beginning to
avoid idolatry and to free artists from the temptation of emulating
God’s creative force. In general, Islamic art also tends to depict motifs
in a very stylized or abstract manner.

Is Islamic art religious art?

Yes and no. While quotations from the Koran are oen used in
architecture and on various works of art, rarely is a specific visual
symbolism related to the religion. Islamic art as a whole is generally
too abstract to enable the beholder to read a clear message into it.
ere is a great deal of Islamic art that has a completely secular

What are typical features of Islamic art?

Especially typical features of Islamic art are the refined vegetal orna-
mentation (arabesques), geometric patterns, and Arabic calligraphy.
In addition, there are oen stylized or abstract depictions of reality.
All four of these elements are frequently used in the same work of art.
Another characteristic feature of Islamic art is that many motifs and
patterns are found in a wide variety of different types of materials.
Metal work is copied in ceramics, textile decorations are found in
architecture, etc. is creates an unusual uniformity.

Is there modern Islamic art?

Yes, there are many modern artists and works of art in the Islamic
world, where calligraphy, in particular, plays an important role. e
youngest Islamic works of art in the David Collection, however, are
from the middle of the 19th century. Since the beginning of the
20th century, many regional trends in art have as a whole lost their
distinctiveness and become internationalized, including those in
the Islamic world.


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