The Dailyguardianmay23,2018
The Dailyguardianmay23,2018
The Dailyguardianmay23,2018
LIVELIHOOD The Junior Chamber International Ilang -Ilang sells beads accessories made by inmates of the
Iloilo District Jail-Female Dorm. The women’s organization in cooperation with the Bureau of Jail Management
and Penology (BJMP) helps provide livelihood to female inmates by marketing their products. (Ricky D. Alejo)
Community-based screening
for HIV, AIDS gets boost
By Leonard T. Pineda I to their homes and the shame and stigma of being
identified as an “HIV candidate.”
THE Department of Health (DOH)-6 is scal- “Iloilo City is a pilot site for the community-
ing up its community approach to further raise based screening. This is a collaboration between
public awareness on HIV-AIDS (Human Immu- the City Health Office and the Family Planning
nodeficiency Virus-Acquired Immunodeficiency Organization of the Philippines (FPOP),” she
Syndrome) and encourage residents in Western said.
Visayas to undergo testing. She said that the trainers dubbed as “Com-
In a press conference held May 21, 2018 at munity-Based Screening Motivators” have
the Iloilo City Hall, Christine Mosqueda, DOH-6 conducted three batches of trainings to over 50
Regional Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) individuals in Iloilo City.
Nurse Coordinator, said that they have imple- “We would like to emphasize that CBS does
mented a strategy dubbed “Community-Based not replace HIV testing but it is just an additional
Screening (CBS)” which seeks out probable risk-assessment tool,” she added.
individuals with HIV and reach more people Meanwhile, DOH-6 reported that a total of 69
for HIV testing. HIV and AIDS cases were recorded in Western
“We train lay people particularly peer educ Visayas for January 2018.
ators to perform HIV screening,” she said. The figure includes 65 males and four fe-
She said that CBS addresses concerns which males. A total of 49 cases are asymptomatic
may inhibit persons to submit themselves for while 20 are advanced HIV (AIDS) cases. (LTP/
testing, including distance of the testing facility PIA-Iloilo)
Football business
opinIon Guardian
the daily Western Visayas Most
Read and Respected
HE game of football is becoming more popularly by the
day, particularly in Iloilo. With the “migration” of Kaya
FC from Makati to Iloilo, there is more reason for Ilong-
gos to take an active part in promoting the game. Another good
news is the appointment of Azkals
legend Emelio “Chieffy” Caligdong,
a son of Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo, as the
new football coach of the University
of Perpetual Help.
In fact, Caligdong and Dr. Antonio
Tamayo, who owns Perpetual Help,
plan to bring in players from Barotac
Nuevo to beef up the team’s roster.
This is definitely good news for Mayor
BJ Biron who has been very active in
developing the sport in the Mecca of
F. Allan L. Angelo Philippine football.
But aside from the glamour and
Shout pride involved in the game of foot-
ball, it is actually a lucrative business
out proposition.
To explain how and why, I am shar-
ing a press release on the recent “Business of Football – Philippines”
forum held the New World Makati Hotel last May 18, 2018:
‘Business of Football - Philippines’ highlights football’s growth
in the country
The recent success of The Azkals, with their Asian Cup quali-
fication, and their FIFA ranking at its highest at 111, has given
football a renewed confidence, and a positive outlook in terms of
the growth of the sport in the Philippines.
Football is now tipped to become the fastest growing sport in the
country, with the largest potential for success commercially, and in
terms of on-pitch success. The sport which is currently number 3 in
the Philippines in terms of popularity and participation, after basket-
notch executives of organizations such as AFC, PFF, PFL, LaLiga, EWS reports about China’s oc- response was sort of “go ahead.” that means is subject to a lot of interpreta-
Dentsu X, SMG Insight, Globe Telecom, RSportz, Toby Sports cupancy of the South China Sea What is the Armed Forces of the Philip- tion, including the possibility of Chinese
and Manila Times, at the ‘Business of Football - Philippines’, islands are troubling and even pines doing? Well, as usual it could only interference in Philippine affairs.
organized by MMC Sportz. The sold-out event was attended by scary unless something is done to calm the assure us that they are doing something The assurances of Xi already indicate
more than 185 local and foreign delegates on 18 May 2018 at the fear that these reports have created. The de- to protect the Philippine sovereignty. The that he considers the Philippines as a vassal
New World Makati Hotel. velopment of the islands and AFP pointed out that it has and that China can determine whether or
MMC Sports CEO Eric Gottschalk says, “Research in this the construction of structures outposts facing these is- not Duterte would be retained or removed.
market, shows that TV is still the number one platform here in in the South China Sea that lands and these are guarded I wonder: does this assurance include after
the Philippines, and is the number one medium that advertisers would accommodate Chinese by a battalion Philippine 2022 when Duterte’s term is supposed to
are looking for, to spend their budgets on. We also learned that military and naval units have Marines. I don’t doubt the end?
live TV coverage actually stimulates stadium attendance, and been ignored by the Philip- courage of our marines but President Duterte said he knew of these
not vice versa. If there’s more football on TV, we will see more pine government. are they a match to missiles deployments but took an acquiescent at-
fans in the stadium. Currently football is not ranked among the The serious developments and naval and coast guard titude. On the Chinese airport there, he
top 100 TV programmers in the Philippines and is only number were followed by informa- guns? With the Chinese quipped, “What’s the point of questioning
3 sport in terms of participation and popularity after basketball tion that China had installed military and naval hardware whether the planes there land or not. There
and boxing. Football needs media in order to drive commercial missiles that can strike at facing our marines, can we is an airstrip.” Indeed, since we did not op-
revenues for the clubs.” the Philippines and nearby Modesto
“Now is also the perfect time to get involved in football since
P. Sa-onoy honestly say we are safe? It pose the construction of the airstrip, why
countries, like Vietnam and is like fighting a machine question whenever planes land there?
sponsorship and advertising opportunities are currently very af-
fordable compared for example to basketball, but this is predicted
Malaysia. The most recent is Focus gun with a slingshot. When asked about the Chinese armed
a report that military aircraft, Indeed, the fact is that forces’ deployment, he simply said, “Why
to change within the next 6-12 months, as values are expected jet fighters, are poised to be slowly but continuously the will I go to war for a battle that I cannot
to increase sharply. Football also needs to create more idols and deployed in what is called, the Big Three Chinese military and naval forces are devel- win? Para akong gago.” Moreover, he said
heroes to attract more media coverage overall, other than just islands - Kagitingan Reef, Zamora Reef, oping and strengthening their hold over our he would not do anything because “busy
covering game scores. Each team has a unique story which just and Panganiban (Mischief) Reef. This islands and the disputed ones. In the face of ako ngayon.”
needs to be told,” says Gottschalk. move followed the Chinese occupancy of this formidable Chinese military capability, Indeed he is busy that he has no time
Following the presentation about the Philippines Football the disputed Paracel Islands. the AFP assurances fall hollow and disheart- to think, much less act about the Chinese
League (PFL) it was agreed that the PFL now fills the lack of The deployment of these military strik- ening. The AFP also threw the problem to moves. In effect, he has already given up
regular created football content as the leagues matches (87 in ing capabilities is expected soon to include the Department of Foreign Affairs as if it’s and we can expect that China will continue
2018/19 season) contribute year-round stories to keep football the Philippines’ Spratly Islands. The occu- not within its domain. Isn’t this scary? with its deployment officially unopposed,
in the news. In the past, the main talking points were around the pancy of the Big Three islands is believed But scarier is the response of President except probably a note of protest that the
Azkals which only play very few home matches each year. by analysts as capable of supporting “an Rodrigo Duterte. He is unwilling to pit our Chinese can ignore.
Public education about the game of football is also needed on ever growing People’s Liberation Army puny army with China’s PLAN knowing He is practical in this respect and added
all levels as many people in the Philippines are still not aware Navy (PLAN), the Chinese Coast Guard they would be wiped out in a jiffy. He is that he “cannot sacrifice the lives of Fili-
about the rules or aware of programs available like coaching and fishing fleet.” Already trackers have practical - why fight a war that one can- pino soldiers for a futile exercise where the
academies, amateur competitions, or how and where to follow the identified 15 warships and coast guard ves- not win?The President is banking on the country will lose.” With that decision, we
professional league. Ten thousand (10,000) qualified grassroots sels that are anchored in the reefs. These promise of China’s President Xi Jinping just have to wait for the Chinese to come
coaches are also needed to satisfy the local demand and to trigger naval forces had been spotted being moved that China would not invade and more, a and take over the Philippines. We need
strong football development and growths. into the islands since last year and without a music to the ear of President Duterte, is that not anticipate trouble. We just become a
Investors on the other hand are looking for consistency and complaint from the Philippines. Philippine China will insure he is not removed. What Chinese colony.
credibility of the football product but with the PFL in the second
season and foreign sponsors expected to invest in the Philippines,
Lemuel T. Fernandez ROMYLEEN ‘BEM’ B. MITRA Sherryl Mallorca
local brands should consider to follow suit. Publisher (On leave) Bureau Chief, Manila Editorial/ Kalibo/Boracay Bureau Chief
On the sports retail side, only 1.5% of current retail sales are Business Offices Sitio Lugutan, Manoc Manoc,
attributed to football, while basketball enjoys a healthy 46% is a publication of Kayo & Partners Co., a SEC-registered company Francis Allan L. Angelo Cell: 0929-9765533 Boracay, Malay, Aklan
market share. As a result, only limited line items and stocks are Main office:
Editor-in-Chief 09175511733/09983988913
Albert t. mamora
available in stores and entry level boots and replica jerseys are too Guzman Street, Mandurriao, Iloilo City
Tel. Nos. 321-6124 • 508-2692 jigger s. latoza Cor. Gen. Leandro Fullon Website:
high priced to be affordable for the average consumer. Manila Office:
Editorial Consultant & Bagumbayan Street
The national player registration program, MY PFF, has been Unit 2417 Cityland Shaw Tower, Brgy., 8, San Jose de Buenavista, Antique Emails
Shaw Blvd., cor. St. Francis Street, atty. Israel ian feliciano
launched with the objective to collect vital statistics and data about Mandaluyong City, M.M.
Editorial: thedailyguardian@yahoo.
Tel. (02) 6329859 Atty. patrick gellada angelique l. inocencio com;
the football community which is urgently needed to support the
vision Atty. Leo Monserate Roxas Bureau Chief,
youth football development strategy of the PFF and to develop a A successful and reliable newspaper the Ilonggos
Atty. rey Canindo McKinley St., Roxas City
players pathway. As FIFA has mandated to register the estimated 1.5 are proud of; highly respected by its readers; and Legal Counsels • Tel. No. (036) 6215-316 Member:
million players in the Philippines, the PFF has urged organizers and trusted by the community it responsibly serves.
players to already register online as by next month only registered mission
Marketing Consultant Negros Bureau Chief, 1722 Phi St.,
Exclusive Marketing Partner:
players will be allowed to participate in sanctioned events. To become an independent guardian of truth
and justice; socially responsive and
Greenville Subd., Bacolod City, Cell:
The “Business of Football – Philippines” conference also an- un-compromising exponent of positive change LARRY WAYNE SARACHO 09205927958
Shout out/p5 and public enlightenment. Marketing/Circulation Manager Email:
the daily Western Visayas Most
Read and Respected
HE Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion pesos per liter. One barrel has 158.99 liters. So, P100 / even after 604 kilos of shabu worth smuggled cigarettes nga fake stamp
(TRAIN) law is supposed to accelerate inclusive 158.99 = P0.63 per liter. P6.4 billion slipped past his bureau’s gani; and si Dominguez, insisted sa gi-
growth. But its immediate impact has been to ac- Step 3 is to include the 12% VAT to get the final esti- watch and ended up in a Bulacan ware- compute niya’g pila. Si Faeldon ‘tung
celerate the rate of movement of prices of basic goods and mated adjustment. So, P0.63 x 1.12 = P0.70 per liter. house has been a puzzle to many. naghunghong sa ako nga ‘Sir, tirahon
services in the country. Thus, a US$2-per barrel increase in MOPS diesel at Duterte’s lack of outrage over the ta na, billion na.’ And we earned P40
Since the implementation of TRAIN, Php50 forex rate in the previous week incompetence of Faeldon and his men billion. (Let’s talk about Faeldon. I’d
the country’s inflation rate has continued Arnold Padilla translates to a 70-centavo price hike in rendered his war against drugs which like to make it public. Why did I keep
to climb. Latest figures reveal that in the domestic price of diesel in the current has claimed the lives of some 20,000 Faeldon in my administration? They
April, inflation reached another five-year Analysis week. Anything above 70 centavos is sup- suspected drug ad-
dicts and pushers a
say that he already
Ellen Tordesillas has a case filed against
high at 4.5 percent. For the first quarter of posedly unjustified or excessive, based on
the year, inflation averaged 3.8 percent, this price adjustment model. farce. him. You know, Fael-
the fastest quarterly average since 2014. It is important to stress that determining whether Not only did he Commentary don was responsible
Due to its domino effect on the costs of other basic price adjustments are justified or not based on the not sanction Faeldon for the recovery of
commodities and services, it appears that the biggest driver MOPS and forex movements does not in any way and his associates, smuggled cigarettes
of accelerated inflation rate is oil. For one, TRAIN has represent the true extent of how much prices are ar- he appointed them to other important with fake stamps. And Dominguez
significantly raised the pump prices of petroleum products. tificially bloated due to the monopoly control of big government positions. insisted that they computed how much
Inclusive of the 12-percent value added tax (VAT), the oil companies in the global and local markets. It just Former military officers Gerardo it’s worth. Faeldon was the one who
new petroleum excise taxes under TRAIN increased the illustrates how deregulation can be easily abused by the Gambala, whom Faeldon recruited as told me that it’s worth billions. And
pump price of gasoline by P2.97 per liter; diesel, P2.80; oil firms operating in the country through implementing deputy customs commissioner, and we earned 40 billion.)”
and kerosene, P3.30 this year. adjustments that are beyond the supposedly justified Milo Maestrecampo, customs import He cleared Faeldon of involvement
But TRAIN is just one, small part of the story behind amounts by so-called international benchmarks such assessment services director, were in illegal drugs: “Mao nang di ko mu-
high oil prices. For more than two decades now, oil price as the MOPS. recycled to the Department of Trans- tuo nga si Faeldon involved sa droga.
adjustments in the Philippines have been deregulated, With the Philippines being one of the world’s most portation as Office of Transportation Naisahan lang siya. He was sucked
thanks to the neoliberal policy impositions of the Inter- oil intensive economies, even the several centavos that Security Director and assistant director into the vortex of..Mao nang hangtod
national Monetary Fund (IMF) in the 1990s. oil companies overcharge through questionable price general of the Civil Aviation Authority karon, naa ko’y --- sa Magdalo. Nag-
Deregulation means that oil companies could automati- adjustments already translate to massive extra profits for of the Philippines, respectively. away away man na sila sa Magdalo.
cally adjust prices at the pump. This year alone, there have the oil industry. Duterte also re-appointed two BOC Pero kaning si Faeldon, mao na nga
been already 15 rounds of oil price hikes, as of mid-May. Using 2017 domestic consumption data from the DOE, officials accused of allegedly accepting hangtod karon, gi-appoint na pud
The weekly price adjustments increased the pump price oil firms are earning (excluding the VAT, which goes to the bribes from smugglers Ariel Nepo- nako sa Department of Defense sa...
of gasoline by P5.10 per liter; diesel, P6.15; and kerosene, government) an estimated P27.23 million daily in extra muceno and Teddy Raval as customs (That’s why I don’t believe that Fa-
P5.85. profits from diesel and P20.06 million daily from gasoline. deputy commissioners. eldon is involved in drugs. He was
Table 1 summarizes the impact of the TRAIN law and These are derived at by multiplying the P1.03 per liter in Faeldon was cleared of charges, just sucked into the vortex of --- that’s
the weekly oil price adjustments under deregulation on estimated excess price adjustment in diesel by the diesel not even sanctioned for negligence why until now I --- Oh, Magdalo. He
petroleum pump prices so far this year. consumption of about 29.94 million liters daily; and the by the Department of Justice under had a fight with Magdalo. But now I
P1.34 per liter in estimated excess price adjustment in then Vitaliano Aguirre II. (But earlier appointed Faeldon in the Department
gasoline by the gasoline consumption of around 17.03 this month the Office of the Ombuds- of Defense.)”
million liters daily. man’s special fact-finding team recom- Duterte continued his defense of
Based on 2017 market share (per DOE report), the mended graft and illegal drug charges Faeldon: “Di ko mutuo eh. Siya ra
Big Three which continues to dominate the local market against Faeldon over the smuggling man pud tung nahibaw og asa tung...
after more than two decades of deregulation, cornered 55 of P6.4 billion shabu shipment into And to say nga “Sir, meron akong
percent of the estimated daily extra profits of the oil firms the country). raid ngayon. Pera ito. Kikita ang
– Petron, P13.05 million a day; Shell p9.46 million; and Not only was Faeldon cleared by gobyerno.” So giingnan nako tung
Chevron P3.31 million. Malacañang, he was appointed deputy Mighty, giingnan nako “P***, kung
These price increases in petroleum products – and the Table 2 summarizes the estimated extra earnings of the administrator of the Office of Civil di mubayad, presuhon. T*** i**.”
consequent direct and domino impact on inflation – are oil companies and the government from excessive oil price Defense under the Department of Na- Ingon nako, “Presuha na, ayaw na
in fact even more burdensome and abusive for the public hikes in diesel and gasoline. tional Defense. pagawasa. Patya na diha sa sulod.”
than they already are. Taking advantage of deregulation, People wonder what’s Faeldon’s Eh, alangan. (I don’t believe that he’s
it appears that oil companies continue their practice of hold on Duterte that makes him valu- involved. He’s the only one who knows
implementing oil price hikes that are bigger than what able to the strongman? where… And to say, “Sir, meron akong
the world market supposedly warrants. This allows them Last Saturday in his speech at the raid ngayon. Pera ito. Kikita ang goby-
to pocket extra profits on top of their regular net income, opening ceremony of the 2018 Philip- erno.” So I told Mighty, “P*** if you
as the government also reaps windfall tax revenues at the pine National Games in Cebu City, refuse to pay, you’ll go to jail. T***
expense of consumers. Duterte addressed the issue of his i**.” I said, “Jail them and don’t ever
Looking at local oil price movement from the start of coddling of Faeldon. “Mao na kani ba. let them out. Kill them there.”)
the year up to May 15, the price adjustments in diesel Akong hisgutan man ni si... Nganong... Naa ngari nanikas og... Maski 50
may have been “excessive” by about P1.03 per liter and I’d like to make it public. Nganong si Commentary/p14
Shout out...
gasoline by P1.34 centavos per liter. This resulted in
about P53.74 million additional collections every day from p.4
from diesel and gasoline products for the oil companies. Again, these estimates merely scratch the surface by nounced 36 career opportunities related to sports and football, including positions
Of this amount, P6.45 million daily go to the Duterte comparing local and international price changes. In reality, in marketing, legal, competition management and coaching, with all these listing
government’s oil VAT collections (on top of its additional with or without price adjustments, big oil companies that being available online with MMC Sportz or for direct inquiries with the PFF.
revenues from the TRAIN law’s oil excise taxes). run and control the global oil industry – from the vast oil In his closing remarks, MMC Sportz CEO Eric M. Gottschalk stated that
The Department of Energy (DOE) and the oil com- fields in the Middle East all the way to the thousands of “More importantly, Don’t Break the 12th Man! It is important that all stakeholders
panies explain that domestic price adjustments merely gas stations nationwide, and all the technology and infra- don’t forget to engage with the fans. The fans are the most important aspect of the
reflect the movement in global oil prices plus the structure that keep this massive network together – retail development of football in the Philippines – if there are no fans of football then
fluctuations in the foreign exchange (forex). For the petroleum at prices many times their actual production there is no media, no spectators, no players, no games, no business. Everyone
Philippines, the international benchmark for refined costs. is required to ensure we keep the fans (football consumers) engaged year-long
petroleum products is the Mean of Platts Singapore To illustrate, the Philippines imports 79 percent of its and the first step would be to get the media behind the game. There is a strong
(MOPS). crude oil from just three countries – Saudi Arabia, 35 football - community out there already and hopefully, we the TV broadcasters
But based on the weekly MOPS adjustments and forex percent; UAE, 28 percent; and Kuwait, 16 percent (as of will take another look at football and give them at least some consideration on
fluctuations as posted in the DOE website, the total price first half 2017, according to the DOE). The production the program schedule.
adjustments in diesel for the year should have only been costs of crude oil in these countries, based on 2015 data I believe today’s conference was a great success. We brought the football
around P4.12 per liter (as of May 15, excluding the week (as cited by CNN Money), are just US$9.90 per barrel community together, stimulated thinking, exchanged ideas and transferred a lot of
of March 26-30 which the DOE did not post MOPS and for Saudi Arabia; US$12.30 for UAE; and US$8.50 for knowledge. Now it is up to the football stakeholders to continue the progress.
forex data on) while the actual net price hike reached P5.15 Kuwait. From our end (and with the approval of the PFF) we will stage the 2nd edi-
during the same period (excluding the weekly adjustment Yet, in 2015, Philippine domestic prices were based on tion of BOF early 2019 and hopefully we will be able to report on some of the
after the March 26-30 period to allow comparison). The the posted price of around US$51.23 per barrel (2015 av- changes initiated today.”
same thing is true for gasoline, which posted a net increase erage posted price of Dubai crude, based on International Speakers who shared their insights include LaLiga Managing Director for
of P4.20 per liter when the total adjustments should have Monetary Fund or IMF monitoring). This means that oil South East Asia, Japan, Korean and Australia Ivan Codina, AFC Head of MA
only been about P2.86 per liter. firms in the Philippines pegged pump prices at crude oil Services Domeka Garamendi, SMG Insight Managing Director Frank Saez,
The process of estimating the price adjustment is pretty prices that are about four to six times of the actual pro- Azkals Team Manager Dan Palami, Globe Director for OIC, Citizenship and
straightforward. Oil companies claim that price adjust- duction costs. Advocacy Marketing Miguel Bermundo, PFL CEO Lazarus Xavier, PFF Gen-
ments for the present week is determined by MOPS price Under deregulation, the government has abandoned its eral Secretary Atty. Edwin Gastanes, Ignite Sports Group Managing Director
adjustments (expressed in US dollars per barrel) and the responsibility to determine if domestic oil prices – whether Michael Reyes, Asian Replica Designs Founder & Owner Jonathan Mallinson,
average forex in the past week. For instance, if last week in terms of price adjustments based on global prices or Quorum Group President & COO Jose Claudio, Jr., Mediapro Asia Director
the MOPS diesel increased by US$2 per barrel with the more importantly, in terms of reasonable prices based on of Sales and Sponsorship Salauddin Sinnakandu, and MMC Sportz Marketing
forex pegged at P50 per dollar, how much should the price production costs – are justified or not. The public’s burden CEO Eric Gottschalk.
hike be in local diesel prices for the current week? is aggravated more by price speculation in the global oil Organized by MMC Sportz Asia, the event was sanctioned by the Asia Foot-
Step 1 is to convert the MOPS price adjustment into market that further artificially drives up local prices which ball Confederation (AFC) and the Philippines Football Federation (PFF), and
peso per barrel. So, US$2 x P50 = P100 per barrel. consumers fully bear because of deregulation. (http:// sponsored by La Liga, Dentsu X, SMG Insight, RSportz, Globe Telecom, Toby’s
Step 2 is to convert the MOPS price adjustment into Sports, Manila Times and Platinumlist.
6 Wednesday, May 23, 2018 negros Guardian
the daily Western Visayas Most
Read and Respected
meted by Office of the Ombudsman against nine The order dated February 28, 2018, was signed by Graft Records showed that after the mediation and while
police officers. Investigator Ma. Josenia Nero and approved by Overall Arrazola was about to leave the barangay hall, mem-
But Ebreo confirmed that the nine officers have Deputy Ombudsman Melchor Arthur Carandang. bers of the Police Station 5 headed by Gohee together
received copies of the order. It also directed the Department of the Interior and with other respondents cordoned the premises while
He pointed out that suspension orders must come Local Government-National Police Commission Cen- pointing high-powered firearms at him. By Dolly Yasa
from Camp Crame then relayed to the Police Regional ter to implement the decision in accordance with law, Gohee allegedly went inside the barangay hall and asked
Office-6 in Iloilo City for implementation. with the request to promptly submit to the Ombudsman Punong Barangay Alfredo Talimodao if there was any com- BACOLOD City – For the third
The Ombudsman suspended the BCPO officers the compliance report. motion that happened in the area, which the latter denied. straight year, Board Member
for one year sans pay for misconduct and conduct In the same order, the anti-graft body dismissed the Despite the punong barangay’s pronouncement, Go- Pedro Zayco (6th district) is
prejudicial to the best interest of service. The decision administrative complaint against private respondent hee allegedly searched Arrazola and seized his service still the richest member of the
is pursuant to Civil Service Commission Resolution Ryan Jereza. firearm and handcuffed him despite his pleadings in Sanggunian Panlalawigan of
No. 1101502. The order is based on the complaint filed by SPO3 Ro- front of his wife. Negros Occidental with a net
worth of P33,669,056.34, based
6:00AM 8:00AM
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Prices and promos are subject to changes w/o prior notice. Tel. No. 335-8499 / 509-9909 [email: •] Wednesday, May 23, 2018 7
STL earnings slightly
down in April 2018
Price pressures on oil to
THE earnings generated from
Small Town Lottery (STL)
slightly declined in April as
Authorized Agent Corpora-
tions (AAC) for violating
the Implementing Rules and
linger, energy dept says
the Philippine Charity Sweep- Regulations (IRR), including OIL PRICES have jumped for the sec- Exporting Countries and its ally, Rus- new round of price increases effective
stakes Office (PCSO) cracked the erstwhile operator in Iloilo ond week in a row due to developments sia, also cut their output as early as last from 6 a.m. Tuesday: P1.60 per liter for
down on some erring opera- province. abroad and price pressures are likely year, he told DZMM. gasoline, P1.15 per liter for diesel and
tors. “From 84, there are now 81 to stay, the Department of Energy said “Iyung mga nasabi ko pong galaw sa P1 per liter for kerosene.
In a statement issued on STL operators. We have to ter- Tuesday. international market, e medyo parang Additional excise taxes on fuel under
Wednesday, the PCSO said minate erring AACs because Exports from Iran, the world’s third matagal po,” he said. the tax reform law may be suspended if
STL earned P1.9 billion last of repeated violations of the largest oil producer, faced disruptions (The developments in the interna- the price of crude oil in the international
month compared to March’s STL-IRR, especially under- because of fresh sanctions from the tional market that I mentioned may last market stays at $80 per barrel for 3
P2 billion. remittance of the Presump- US while output from Venezuela de- for a while.) months, said Marcos.
PCSO general manager tive Monthly Retail Receipt clined due to political and economic Oil refineries in the region are The DOE is keeping tabs on local
Alexander Balutan said the (PMRR)”, Balutan said. uncertainty, said Energy Usec Donato conducting simultaneous maintenance prices and will meet with oil players
slight decrease was attributed “This is the reason why Marcos. operations, he said. later Tuesday, she said. (ABS-CBN
to the termination of some STL/p11 The Organization of the Petroleum Oil companies have announced a News)
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complied – by capitalizing the first letter of “likes,” anything you share or owned by the internet giants.
their passwords, adding a “1” or their birth consult, the identity of your “You don’t have to tell
year, or perhaps ending their password with friends and any other users you Google your age and your
an exclamation point. interact with, your location and gender and all those things.
Most people couldn’t actually remember other information. They can determine all of that
lots of passwords without writing them Ditto for Instagram and based on so many other factors,”
down, so instead they reused a small num- WhatsApp, which are owned said Chirag Shah, a computer
ber of passwords over and over again. And by Facebook, and for Snapchat science professor at Rutgers
when they were required to change their and Twitter. A user can control University.
passwords, they incremented that “1” to some sharing of their Facebook What they sell: Like social
a “2” or added another exclamation point. – or even really slow down – cracking of widespread enough that we created an on- data with privacy settings and networks, their revenue comes
These simple steps to deal with complicated many users’ passwords. line quiz game to help dispel some of these the ad preferences page. largely from advertising. They
passwords are so common that they actually Even worse, once an attacker guesses misconceptions. What it sells: Facebook in- do not sell data, but rather ac-
make it easier for attackers. a user’s password for one account, he will In addition, our data have shown us that sists it does not sell advertisers cess to a consumer with very
As researchers into password security, often try using that same password on the it is more important to encourage longer personally identifiable infor- specific characteristics.
we’ve known for years that most password user’s other accounts. Since users tend to passwords (at least 12 characters) than mation or even aggregate data. This comes from compiling
advice was not actually based on scientific reuse passwords, this can be very success- complicated passwords. At the same time, What it provides an advertiser search engine data but also,
knowledge. To address this, we have been ful. An attacker who cracks the password we’ve learned that some users create long with is the ability to reach a in the case of Google, from
conducting experiments about the effects of for some website you registered with eight passwords that are still predictable – like specific demographic, which searches and content viewed on
password requirements on security and usabil- years ago and forgot about may now be able “passwordpassword” or “xxxxxxxxxxxx.” enhances the effectiveness of its YouTube platform. Google
ity. The federal government recently changed to access your email, your social network We also learned that giving people feed- an ad campaign. Twitter, for its used to also mine the content
its password recommendations in ways that account and your bank account. back at the moment they’re creating new part, provides access to an inter- of Gmail before ending this
echo some of our research findings. All this computing power being applied passwords can help. Most often this takes the nal search engine that sweeps up practice in June.
to cracking passwords means users need to form of what are called “password meters” all messages on the site. What they share: Like social
Defending passwords from computers go beyond choosing passwords that are hard – color-coded signals that indicate whether What it shares: Most social media networks, search engines
We spent years modeling how differ- for a human to guess: Passwords need to be a person has chosen a weak password or one media platforms are open to share data with developers and
ent password-cracking approaches work difficult for a computer to figure out. that’s very strong. outside developers who create third-party app makers.
to better understand how attackers guess While most password meters on the apps fed in varying degrees by Are there limits?
passwords and to develop an accurate mea- Testing perceptions of password internet provide inaccurate scores and some- using data from users of these In the United States there are
sure of password strength. People who are strength times questionable advice, we developed a networks. In the case of Face- practically no laws against the
trying to break into online accounts don’t Our research has informed efforts to teach password meter that uses an artificial neural book, the public profile—the use of data from social media
just sit down at a computer and make a few people how to use this new understanding of network to compute the strength of those whole page for some people, or search engines.
guesses. Many attackers have been able password security. More than 50,000 people passwords based on an analysis of mil- or just the first and last name But the Federal Trade Com-
to steal the entire database of passwords participated in our online experiments, each lions of other passwords. In addition, when and photo for others—does not mission did sanction Facebook
from large companies – for example, this creating a password that complied with ran- it identifies a weak password, our meter require authorization from the in 2011 for its handling of per-
has happened to Yahoo, LinkedIn, Adobe, domly assigned requirements: for example, provides immediate advice on what would user, but accessing the rest may sonal data.
Ashley Madison and many others. The “minimum of 12 characters long” or “must make it stronger. For example, if a person require a separate OK from the In Canada and Europe, there
passwords are scrambled for security, so include lowercase and uppercase letters, puts all the digits at the end of a password, user. are some limits on the use of
attackers have to make lots of guesses to digits and symbols.” We measured the actual our system might suggest moving them to Once data is mined by out- data, mainly involving health.
unscramble them. But computer programs strength of the password, a participant’s the middle. side apps, it is no longer in the Facebook was fined €110
let them make millions or billions of guesses ability to remember a password a few days grasp of Facebook and trying to million ($135.7 million) by the
in just a few hours. later and other metrics. We also analyzed Creating strong passwords get hold of it again is difficult. European Commission last year
They may start by guessing all the most real passwords created by students, faculty Our research has led us to develop some “Once people had access to for sharing personal data with
popular passwords and words in the dic- and staff at our university. specific recommendations for choosing that data, Facebook has no way WhatsApp.
tionary, then adding “1” to each of these, Our data have shown us that people hold passwords that provide good protection for of knowing for sure what they In an attempt to harmonize
and then again with every other digit and many misconceptions about passwords, such online accounts and the data they contain. did with that data,” said Ryan data privacy laws, the EU’s
symbol, and then with the first letter capital- as believing that adding a digit or exclama- A crucial aid in this process is to use a Matzner, co-founder of mobile General Data Protection Regu-
ized, and so on. The end result is that all the tion point to the end of their password will password manager to generate long, random app designer Fueled. “It’s like lation is to go into force on May
complicated password policies don’t prevent make it much stronger. This problem is passwords – and remember them for you. sending an email to somebody 25. (AFP)
Google pushes AI for Cebu utility makes bills payments more convenient
upgraded news app CEBU CITY – Customers of the Visayan
Electric Company (VECO) can now practi-
cally pay their bills anywhere in the country
WASHINGTON, United States – For its updated news application, with close to 8,000 third party agent (TPA)
Google is doubling down on the use of artificial intelligence as part partner establishments to date.
of an effort to weed our disinformation and help users get viewpoints VECO now has a total of 7,820 TPA
beyond their own “filter bubble.” affiliates nationwide, further strengthen-
Google chief Sundar Pichai, who unveiled the updated Google ing the Cebu-based utility’s bid to make it
News earlier this month, said the app now “surfaces the news you more convenient for customers to pay their
care about from trusted sources while still giving you a full range electricity bills.
of perspectives on events.” “We are constantly finding ways to make
It marks Google’s latest effort to be at the center of online news it easier for our customers to pay for their
and includes a new push to help publishers get paid subscribers electric bills. The increasing number of loca-
through the tech giant’s platform. tions of our third party agents is a very wel-
According to product chief Trystan Upstill, the news app “uses come development that will help us achieve
the best of artificial intelligence to find the best of human intelli- this goal,” said Engr. Mark Anthony Kindica,
gence -- the great reporting done by journalists around the globe.” VECO AVP for Customer Service Group.
While the app will enable users to get “personalized” news, it will Since 2008, VECO has been partnering
EASE AND CONVENIENCE. With close to 8,000 third party agent partner establishments all
also include top stories for all readers, aiming to break the so-called with TPAs to process bills payments in a bid to over the country, VECO’s customers can pay their electricity bills more conveniently.
filter bubble of information designed to reinforce people’s biases. promote ease of doing business for more than
“Having a productive conversation or debate requires everyone 422,800 customers within its franchise area. affiliates which, in effect, also expands the toward the processing of new applications,
to have access to the same information,” Upstill said. Around 98 percent of VECO’s custom- electric utility’s reach for more convenient reconnections, bill deposit updating, and
He said the “full coverage” feed would be the same for everyone -- “an ers now pay through TPA partners, which bills payments. complaints, among others, to encourage
unpersonalized view of events from a range of trusted news sources.” include Bayad Center, Cebuana Lhuillier, One example is Bayad Center’s tie-up more customers to pay through TPAs.
Some journalism industry veterans were skeptical about the effort M Lhuillier, 2GO, ECPay, SM Hyper- with POSIBLE.NET, an online platform The TPA initiative as well as its net me-
to replace human editors with machine curators. market, SM Department Store, Savemore that seeks to empower micro businesses tering and underground distribution system
“There’s been a fantasy of (algorithmic) personalized news for a log time,” Market, and SM Business Services. for digital transactions. projects, among others, all contribute to
said New York University journalism professor Meredith Broussard. VECO bills can also be settled even “While we want to partner with more fulfilling the company’s drive to provide
“Nobody has ever gotten it right. I think that news designers and outside Cebu where these TPA partners banks, as well as online payment methods, the best customer experience.
home page editors do a good job of curating already.” have branches, be it in Manila or in Davao we are keen on looking for more partners VECO, owned and managed by pub-
Google and Facebook have also been criticized for scooping up most and many other locations across the coun- for cash payments since more than 50 licly-listed Aboitiz Power Corporation
online ad revenues and for enabling false information to spread. try. Customers just need to make sure they percent of our customers are unbanked,” and Vivant Corporation, serves the cities
Recently, News Corp. CEO Robert Thomson called for an know their account number and how much Kindica explained. of Cebu, Mandaue, Talisay, and Naga as
“algorithm review board” that would “oversee these historically is due for the period covered. VECO, the country’s second largest well as four municipalities in the greater
influential digital platforms and ensure that there is no algorithmic This year, some of VECO’s existing electric distribution utility, has earlier shift- part of Metro Cebu--Liloan, Consolacion,
abuse or censorship.” (Agence France-Presse) partners have increased the number of their ed the focus of its existing service centers Minglanilla, and San Fernando.
the daily Western Visayas Most
Read and Respected
married is in his timeline revenues from the STL because some AACs
was sanctioned and/or terminated for violations
of the IRR. The PCSO Board is now opening
happening in other provinces. When there’s no
legal operator, illegal operators come in. And
they are out there to discredit PCSO’s STL
Fans of celebrity couple Sarah Geronimo and Matteo applications to replace these terminated AACs. program,” Balutan said.
Guidicelli were happy to see them reunited during Judy We shall not hesitate to terminate more if they With this, the PCSO said they are now ac-
Ann Santos’ birthday party last week and the couple don’t pay the correct PMRR,” he added. cepting applications for prospective bidders
was seen getting cozy together. Balutan said that STL revenues have already of STL for the provinces of Iloilo, excluding
In an interview with ABS-CBN News entertainment contributed almost P8 billion in the P20.8 bil- Iloilo City, and Cavite.
reporter MJ Felipe, the actor shared that he missed his lion sales of PCSO from January to April this Applications for both provinces will be
girlfriend and that she’s doing good. year that includes Lotto products, Keno and opened until June 15, 2018, 5 p.m.
“She’s fine, she’s very good, she’s back home. Sweepstakes, an increase of 29.30 percent from Interested applicants must submit complete
She’s happy to be back home with her dogs, with the same period last year. documents to the STL Advisory Committee
her family, she’s good. She’s busy shooting her The PCSO said that early this year it had a office located on the 4th Floor, Sun Plaza
movie,” he said. consultative meeting with the AACs from all Building, 605 Shaw Boulevard, Mandaluyong
“Siyempre na-miss ko siya ‘di ba matagal over the country to discuss some revisions of City.
na siya nawala,” he added. the IRR. “For our part, we shall continue to support
After a clip of their sweet moment got It also aims to address issues and problems President Rodrigo Duterte’s all-out war against
published, netizens were curious if the couple concerning the shortfalls of STL operators in anti-illegal gambling by strengthening our IRR
already got engaged. The actor denied the rumor their PMRR. and completely eradicating jueteng, masiao,
but admitted that getting married is part of his “We are going to fast-track the process swertres, peryahan ng bayan, and all forms of
‘timeline.’ ( of bidding to prevent illegal numbers game illegal gambling,” Balutan said. (GMA News)
material goodies seem extra important. Give yourselves
a treat.
People find you hard to read today. Your communication
1 1 4 6 8 2
style ranges from calm and cool to volatile and 2 9 3 4
Working with kids or lovers can bring in additional income 3 5 7 8 6
today. How about planning a garage sale, car wash, or
bake sale? 4
8 3 4 • 1
Control issues arise. Beware of giving away all 5 7 • 4
your power or trying to keep it all in your hands;
A last-ditch effort by you brings better results than you
6 2 7 6 3
had hoped. A partial reprieve occurs. 7 6 8 9 3
Scheme, dream and seek inspiration for ideas which 8 8 6 9 •
will lead to more achievements. Planning today leads
to success in the future.
Hold back your impulse to criticize a family member.
9 1 7 3 5
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8
Find a different approach and you’ll be pleased with the
results. 5 7 4 1 3 6 8 2 9
2 1 8 4 5 9 6 3 7
Your power and ability to stand up for yourself will be
tested today. Don’t go looking for trouble, but be firm in 3 6 9 2 8 7 4 1 5
taking care of yourself. 7 5 6 3 4 8 2 9 1
Take advantage of an opening to discuss your long- 1 9 2 6 7 5 3 8 4
range plans with your partner. Plan your future 4 8 3 9 1 2 5 7 6
8 4 5 7 9 3 1 6 2
Peaceful contentment is the theme, with domestic
security important. Relax with familiar pleasures and
6 3 7 5 2 1 9 4 8
people. 9 2 1 8 6 4 7 5 3
12 Wednesday, May 23, 2018 nation Guardian
the daily Western Visayas Most
Read and Respected
Broadest HR formation
launched by Visayas groups
VISAYAS-wide network of civil god or Stand up for Human Rights, people,” she said.
society organizations working for a combined vernacular understood The formation of Tindog Ka- DIGNITY
the promotion and protection of among people in the Visayas. tungod is an outcome of a series of The launching of Tindog Katun-
human rights was launched Saturday in The launching is the final out- consultative meetings that were held god ended with the ratification of
Bacolod City. come of a five-month process of in Cebu and Bacolod City wherein the group’s Unity Statement. A por-
Representatives of basic sectors such consultations and focus-group representatives from the islands of tion of the unity statement reads:
as labor, urban poor, farmers, fisherfolks, discussions among basic sectors Leyte, Bohol, Panay, Guimaras and “We assert that it is not the
women, youth, PWDs, transport workers, and civil society organizations Negros have actively participated. people’s human rights advocacy that
church, and individual members from the who are working for the promotion The meetings resulted in a deci- has emboldened lawless elements
CHR Project Coordinator for the Go Just Program,
academe, gathered at Planta Centro Bacolod and defense of human rights in the sion of forming a loose but highly to break peace, law, and order. On
Dodo Macasaet discusses the CSO-CHR partnership. Saturday morning to launch Tindog Katun- Visayas region. coordinative network of organi- the contrary, we believe that it is
The partnership building be- zations who are willing to work the current regime that has created
tween CSOs and the Commission together for the promotion and a political condition that under-
on Human Rights (CHR) was made protection of human rights. mines the value of human life by
possible by the Governance in Jus- Sixto “Dodo” Macasaet, Outcome glorifying killings and violence as
tice or Go Just program. 3 Coordinator of the Go Just Project a norm. President Duterte’s vicious
and lawyer Romeo Baldevarona, and relentless attack on the human
CONSENSUS FOR Provincial Director of CHR Negros, rights concept itself, including the
PARTNERSHIP represented the CHR at the launching very institutions created by the Con-
The Visayas process was fa- and they assured the participants of stitution to ensure its promotion and
cilitated by Kalipunan ng Kilusang CHR’s active and continuing col- progressive realization such as the
Masa, with Partido Manggagawa laboration with the CSOs in their Commission on Human Rights, the
(PM) and Sentro ng Nagkakaisa at human rights work and advocacies Office of the Ombudsman, and now
Progresibong Manggagawa (Sen- during their respective messages. the Supreme Court, has created the
tro) as lead organizations. culture of impunity that emboldens
Lawyer Stephanie Claros of PM, THE PERILS OF CHA-CHA both the law enforcers and lawless
a fresh bar passer who landed No. Another highlight of the Tindog elements to undermine human rights
15 opened the session by apprais- Katungod launching was a public and the inviolability of life.”
ing the participants of the process forum on charter change where for- Furthermore, Tindog Katungod
that led to the formation of Tindog mer congressman Lorenzo “Erin” also wants to highlight demands of
Katungod. Tañada III as the resource person. the basic sectors for the realization
“I was not yet a lawyer when the Tanada III discussed the current of their economic and socio-cultural
partnership process started early move in revising the 1987 Constitu- rights such as on the issues of regu-
this year, but she was convinced tion and its implications for human lar and gainful employment both
that the present condition demands rights. in the private and public sector;
closer cooperation between groups “If the mode of changing the social security, just transition, em-
LAWYER Romeo Baldevarrona of CHR Negros expressed solidarity by signing the logo backdrop of
if we are to effectively advance and Constitution will be done through ployment opportunities especially
Tindog Katungod. protect the human rights of our a Constituent Assembly (ConAss), for the informal sector, the youth
then I believe that it is self-serving and PWDs; agrarian justice, health
and only carry the interests of incum- sector reform, safe and livable com-
bent lawmakers that would impair munities, and an end to violence and
the political process,” he stressed. discrimination against women and
“One of the proposals authored LGBT community, among others.
in the House provides for the aboli- “Apparently, its war against il-
tion of Congress and the granting of legal drugs may have reflected lack
dual powers (executive and legisla- of respect for human rights. But sub-
tive) to the President.” stantially, this administration also has
Tañada also underscored “that a paltry track record on many other
Charter Change is not really neces- aspects of human rights, including the
sary at this point in time. Even the economic and socio-cultural rights of
proposed shift towards federalism our people,” added the statement.
may only lead to a very costly Tindog Katungod said they
experiment at this time when our bonded together by their common
people are shaking from high desire to live a life of dignity in a
prices of goods and services due to peaceful community where human
the imposition of new taxes under rights reign supreme as a framework
LEADERS of different groups during the launching of TindogKatungod. TRAIN.” in pursuing social development.
from p.13
Department of Transportation and Communications
Region VI, Iloilo City
Makakasama ng mga hihiranging Gawad Dangal ng Wikang Applicant/Petitioner (03-VI-303-ILO) ILOILO CITY
Filipino 2017 ang natatanging talaang kinabibilangan nina Padre NOTICE OF HEARING In Re: PETITION FOR CORRECTION OF Spl. Proc. No.: 18-13752
Petitioner requests authority for the EXTENSION OF VALIDITY of CPC to operate a PUJ service
Roque F. Ferriols (Pilosopiya, 2014), Louie Tabing (Peryodismo, on the line; PAVIA - LAPAZ (ILOILO CITY) and vice versa, with the use of ONE (1) unit/s. ENTRIES IN THE CERTIFICATE OF
2014), Dr. Florentino Timbreza (Pilosopiya, 2015), Leonida Vil- This application/petition shall be considered by the Board on May 29, 2018 at 10:00 a.m, at its LIVE BIRTH OF JENELYN GULMAYO
Office at LTFRB Building, Quintin Salas, Jaro, Iloilo City, on which date applicant/petitioner shall
lanueva (Lingkodbayan, 2015), Ruben T. Reyes (Batas, 2016), formally submit all pieces of evidences.
At least FIVE ( 5 ) days prior to the date of hearing, applicant/petitioner shall publish this NOTICE
Tereso Tullao Jr. (Ekonomiks, 2016), at Masanao Oue (Pagtuturo, once in any newspaper of general circulation in Western Visayas (Region VI).
Parties opposed to the granting of this application/petition must file their written opposition
2017). supported by the documentary evidence unless the Board deems it necessary to receive additional
documentary and /or oral evidence. Versus –
Hanggang 30 Hunyo 2018 ang hulíng araw ng pagpapása WITNESS the Honorable RICHARD Z. OSMEÑA, Regional Director, this day 2nd day of MAY,
2018 at Iloilo City, Philippines.
ng nominasyon. Para sa karagdang impormasyon, mangyaring CABATUAN, ILOILO
tumawag sa Sangay ng Edukasyon at Networking sa 736-2519, Hearing Officer
o magpadala ng email sa komisyonsawikangfilipino@gm ail.
com. Respondents.
KWF Gawad
livelihood, and training. The conducted by a government
program also seeks to mitigate agency (for the first and fourth
the adverse economic impact
of the temporary closure and
months of availment only).
Benavidez and Tutay also Dangal ng
rehabilitation of the Boracay reminded all affected work-
Island. ers that they may submit their Wikang
Under the BEEP AMP, em- application requirements and
ployees in Boracay Island and monthly reports to the BEEP Filipino 2018
other parts of Malay, Aklan Operations Center – DOLE
whose employment was inter- Satellite Desk in Boracay and TUMATANGGAP NA muli
rupted or the payment of their Caticlan Jetty Port, DOLE ng mga nominasyon ang
regular wage stopped during Region 6or one of its Field Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino
the closure of the island resort Offices, or to any of the nearest (KWF) sa Gawad Dangal ng
and 30 days prior thereto, are DOLE Regional/Field/Satellite Wikang Filipino, isa sa mga
eligible to avail of the pro- Offices in their areas. pinakamataas na pagkilalang
gram’s benefits. Atty. Johnson G. Cañete, ipinagkakaloob nito sa mga
These affected workers may Regional Director of DOLE alagad ng wika sa iba’t ibang
avail of any or all of the pro- Region 6, said they expect to larang.
gram components under the assist more than 18,700 af- Bukás ang nominasyon para
BEEP AMP such as Financial fected employees based on the sa lahat ng indibidwal samahan,
Support or financial relief latest profiling data. tanggapan o institusyon, at mga
equivalent to 50% of the pre- Cañete assures the public ahensiyang pampamahalaan
vailing minimum wage of that all of DOLE 6’s Regional o pribadong sektor na may
the region for displaced and and Field Offices are ready natatanging ambag o nagawa
suspended workers, and 25% and equipped to provide as- PRESIDENTIAL Management Staff members Helen Elisanan and Emily Rojas recently visited the Bureau tungo sa pagsusulong, pagpa-
of Jail Management and Penology-controlled Roxas City Jail (RCJ) and discussed concerns on education, palaganap, pagpapayabong, at
for retained workers who do sistance should they receive health and housing to both personnel and inmates. Welcoming them are (from left) SJO2 Isidro Apolinario, RCJ
not receive regular wage; Em- applications for availment of warden Senior Inspector Jairus Anthony Dogelio, BJMP Capiz provincial administrator Chief Inspector Abner
preserbasyon ng wikang
ployment Facilitation or access the BEEP AMP. Zamora and SJO1 DeverDevera. (J. Britanico/BJMPVICRS) KWF/p12
in his protest.
from p.. 1
der sa mga tao nila dito na not
to retrieve the City of Iloilo, so
that’s around 430 ballot boxes,”
A total of 515 ballot boxes
were recovered at the start of
the five-day retrieval process in
Malay... from p.. 1
not to accept any application for
permit was granted owing to
the processes the applicant had
to go through – from securing
issuance would be “moot and
academic” since the company
cannot do anything because of
In a statement, the Robredo he added. Iloilo on May 21, while ballot locational clearance or building a locational clearance to check the moratorium.
camp insisted that Iloilo City Vice President Robredo won boxes from Alimodian, Lega- permit during the implementa- if the area is suitable for the “They could only start with
should not be included here over Marcos in the Iloilo prov- nes, Leon, New Lucena, Pavia, tion of the moratorium. projects to endorsement to the the construction of the morato-
since it is “separate and inde- ince, where she got 573,829 San Miguel, Santa Barbara, Aguirre said he was in- Sangguniang Bayan. rium is lifted,” Aguirre said.
pendent from the province of votes compared to the latter’s Zarra, and Mina were expected formed that the company ap- Aguirre said there could be The temporary prohibition
Iloilo.” 94,411 votes. She also got the following day. plied for a building permit in no violation in the issuance on the construction will be lift-
“This morning, may dumat- 137,662 votes in Iloilo City Ballot boxes from the mu- late 2017. Other applicants “because if you look at the ed once the island is reopened
ing na two trucks coming from while Marcos received 33,778 nicipalities of Badiangan, Bin- were given permits despite the condition, those who have ap- to visitors.
the City of Iloilo. So papasok votes. gawan, Cabatuan, Calinog, ongoing moratorium provided plied prior to the moratorium But while they should re-
pa lang dito, in-advise-an na According to the schedule Janiuay, Lambunao, Maasin, their application was submitted will still be considered, as long frain from doing any construc-
sila ng Supreme Court person- prepared by the PET Ad Hoc and Pototan will be retrieved on prior to the ban. as they go through the correct tion work, they could stockpile
nel na may order nga galing Committee, municipal treasur- May 23, while those from Passi “It’s not only big establish- process.” construction materials like sand
Manila na sinasabi ngang hu- ers in the province of Iloilo City, Anilao, Banate, Barotac ments. There were residential He added that there could be and gravel.
wag na actually i-retrieve iyong have five days, from May 21 to Nuevo, Dingle, Duenas, Du- and small businesses which misconceptions because some “We know how hard it is to
ballot boxes,” said Marañon. 25, to deliver some 2,318 bal- mangas and San Enrique will were given permits because people thought that with the transport construction materials
“Kahapon we raised the lot boxes from Iloilo province be recovered on May 24. they have applied prior to the moratorium, no permit should to the island. They could just
fact na actually, Iloilo City is to the staging area in Balabago The last batch of ballot moratorium,” Aguirre said. be issued. stockpile it, but no construction
a highly-urbanized city and village, Jaro for transport to the boxes, which are expected on It took a while before the But still, Aguirre said the work of any sort,” Aguirre said.
therefore, hindi siya part ng PET headquarters in Ermita, Friday, May 25, are from the
province ng Iloilo. So I think
na kinonsider naan ng Supreme
Court, actually, iyong ni-raise
The schedule earlier includ-
ed the 430 ballot boxes from
municipalities of Ajuy, Bala-
san, Barotac Viedo, Batad,
Carles, Concepcion, Estancia,
Worker... from p..
He also denied reports cir-
there and no report was made
about the alleged injured
workers. There was also no
17, 2015, where nine persons
were killed while five others
namin na point, and today, I Iloilo City, which were initially Lemery, San Dionisio, San culating in social media that sign of any landslide,” Pagiua SMPC, the country’s big-
think they already gave an or- expected on Tuesday. Rafael and Sara. two other workers who were added. gest coal producer, is engaged
wounded in the purported land- The last fatal incident at in exploration, development,
dishonest, the measure of their role of human editors having five major categories, namely, lion; liabilities- P300,000). P1,470,000 with no liabilities
value being virality, or number been supplanted by algorithms, best in photojournalism, best in from p.. 6 Manuel Frederick Ko of while Annabelle Bermudo, who
of ‘likes’ and ‘shares’, rather popularity as a measure of the environmental reporting, best in Board Member Samson the 3rd district declared a net represents the barangays in the
than their overall quality, mea- value of news stories — these business and economic report- Mirhan (2nd district) has a worth of P3, 849,000 with no province, is the “poorest” with
sured in terms of accuracy, nu- and more are symptoms of a ing, best editorial page, and best net worth of P6,543,057.34 liabilities while Helen Zafra a net worth of P183,000 (assets-
ance, context, depth of analysis, far more malignant malady that edited paper. (assets-P7,599,269.34; liabili- of the 6th district has a net P263,000; liabilities-P80,000).
and intellectual rigour,” said deserves more than a casual The finalists are: Herald ties-P1,016,212. worth of P3,592,000 (assets- Vice Governor Eugenio
PPI executive director Ariel treatment. Express, MetroPost, The Min- Jose Maria Alonso (4th dis- P3.83 million; liabilities- Jose Lacson assets totaled
Sebellino. These and other questions danao Cross, Baguio Midland trict) declared his net worth P238,000). P5,402,314.97 with no liabili-
How can the media step up will be discussed during the Courier, Samar Weekly Ex- at P5,700,000 while Rommel B o a r d M e m b e r Vi c - ties. His business interests
to the plate to bring about an conference by resource persons press, Baguio Chronicle, and Debulgado is worth P5,487,264 tor Javellana (4th district) is include land holdings and food
engaged and empowered citi- Atty. Florin Hilbay, Manny BusinessWeek Mindanao for (assets-P3.525 million; liabili- worth P2,112,329.75 (assets- distribution in Talisay City
zenry, who, despite divergence Mogato, and Ramon Tuazon. the weekly category; and Sun. ties-P744,736). P2,942,329.75; liabilities- and sugar and shrimp farm
of opinion, rally around shared This year’s event is being Star Baguio, Cebu Daily News, Board Member Alain Gatus- P830,000). in San Carlos City. In 2016,
democratic values and com- supported by Nickel Asia Cor- Edge Davao, The Freeman, lao (5th district) has a net worth Renato Malabor Jr. (5th he declared his net worth at
mitment to public good? Are poration as its principal partner Sun.Star Bacolod, Mindanao of P4,300,000 (assets-P4.6 mil- district) declared a net worth of P4,406,511.
facts now a mere relic from the for its civic journalism pro- Times, Visayan Daily Star, Sun.
printing press era?
Is there any doubt that the
malady of ‘fake news is just the
grams, and in part by PH-EITI,
PAGCOR, SM Investments,
Hotel Jen (hotel partner for
Star Davao, and Sun.Star Pam-
panga for the daily category.
The awards program, the
Bacolod... from p.16
proverbial tip of the iceberg? two years), Land Bank of the only one of its kind by far, is
The public’s loss of trust in the Philippines, PhilHealth, Ayala being managed by the Asian
media, the marginalization of Corp., PCSO, Veterans’ Bank, Institute of Journalism and
the traditional gatekeepers — BCDA, and McDonald’s. Communication (AIJC) and
including not only the media The Civic Journalism Com- supported by Nickel Asia Cor-
but also institutions like schools munity Press Awards, now on its poration (NAC).
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the daily Western Visayas Most
Read and Respected
TAEKWONDO jins from Iloilo
proved their mettle in the inter-
national arena after grabbing
14 medals in the 2018 Inter-
national Taekwondo Festival
at the Industry Expo Center
in California, USA on May
The Ilonggo contingent
snatched seven gold, five sil-
ver and two bronze medals in
the two-day tournament hosted
by USA taekwondo head coach
Young In Cheon.
The team won five gold
medals in individual poomsae.
Playing coach Gunnar Castro
pocketed two gold medals in
the men’s division 41–55 while
fellow coach Floramie Navales
got another gold in the seniors
female 18-3.
Angelie Perillo and Myka
Lacanaria also contributed
additional gold medals after
topping the youth and juniors
categories, respectively.
CHIEFFY Caligdong’s arrival is expected to turn things around for the Altas. (File photo/ABS-CBN Sports) Shaun Kieffer Lacanaria
ruled the kyorugi Cadet Male