Modelling Inhibitory Effects of Long Chain Fatty Acids in The Anaerobic Digestion Process

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Modelling inhibitory effects of long chain fatty acids

in the anaerobic digestion process
 Zonta a,b, M.M. Alves c, X. Flotats a,b, J. Palatsi a,*
IRTA, GIRO Joint Research Unit IRTA-UPC, Torre Marimon, E-08140 Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona, Spain
Dept. of Agrifood Engineering and Biotechnology, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Parc Mediterrani de la Tecnologia, Edifici D-4,
E-08860 Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain
IBB e Institute for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Centre of Biological Engineering, University of Minho, Campus de Gualtar,
4710-57 Braga, Portugal

article info abstract

Article history: Mathematical modelling of anaerobic digestion process has been used to give new insights
Received 30 July 2012 regarding dynamics of the long chain fatty acids (LCFA) inhibition. Previously published
Received in revised form experimental data, including batch tests with clay mineral bentonite additions, were used
3 December 2012 for parameter identification. New kinetics were considered to describe the bio-physics of
Accepted 5 December 2012 the inhibitory process, including: i) adsorption of LCFA over granular biomass and
Available online 19 December 2012 ii) specific LCFA substrate (saturated/unsaturated) and LCFA-degrading populations.
Furthermore, iii) a new variable was introduced to describe the state of damage of the
Keywords: acetoclastic methanogens in order to account for the loss of cell-functionality (inhibition)
Anaerobic digestion induced by the adsorbed LCFAs. The proposed model modifications are state compatible
LCFA inhibition and easy to be integrated into the International Water Association’s Anaerobic Digestion
Mathematical modelling Model N 1 (ADM1) framework. Practical identifiability of model parameters was assessed
ADM1 with a global sensitivity analysis, while calibration and model structure validation were
performed on independent data sets. A reliable simulation of the LCFA-inhibition process
can be achieved, if the model includes the description of the adsorptive nature of the LCFAs
and the LCFA-damage over specific biomass. The importance of microbial population
structure (saturated/unsaturated LCFA-degraders) and the high sensitivity of acetoclastic
population to LCFA are evidenced, providing a plausible explanation of experimental based
ª 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction described LCFA inhibitory effects over anaerobic biomass.

According to Kim and Gadd (2008), cell-membrane exposure to
Long chain fatty acids (LCFAs) are the main intermediate by- high concentrations of LCFA promotes macromolecular
product of the lipid degradation process, and their accumu- crowding and disruption of mechanisms such as proton-
lation in anaerobic digesters has been related with problems motive-force, DNA-docking and ATP-chemosynthesis.
of sludge flotation, biomass washout and inhibition of the Impairment in nutrient uptake or inhibition of specific
microbial activity (Rinzema et al., 1994). The cell-membrane enzyme activity was also reported (Desbois and Smith, 2010).
seems to be the prime common target for most of the Pereira et al. (2004, 2005) have proven that the LCFA inhibition

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ34 938654350x1336; fax: þ34 938650954.

E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Palatsi).
0043-1354/$ e see front matter ª 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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was reversible and also that the LCFA inhibition was related to This paper aims to propose a LCFA-inhibition sub-model
physical transport limitation effects. The irreversible cell- with the condition to be easily integrated into the ADM1-
damage, due to the adsorption of LCFA, was discarded after model. This new approach tries to integrate all the previ-
this evidence and new technological perspectives emerged for ously reported knowledge about LCFA inhibitory process,
the high-rate anaerobic treatment of wastewater containing regarding the adsorptive nature and transport limitations of
lipids (Alves et al., 2009). LCFA, the new insights on microorganisms involved in
Several studies have discussed the addition of competing ß-oxidation process and the possible membrane damage
adsorbents into systems treating grease and fats as a possible caused by LCFA exposure. Proposed model will be tested with
strategy to limit LCFA inhibitory effects (Angelidaki et al., two independent data sets obtained in previous batch exper-
1999; Beccari et al., 1999; Nielsen and Ahring, 2006; Palatsi iments (Palatsi et al., 2012).
et al., 2009). However, the dynamics of the solideliquid
adsorption process were not included in those studies and
approximations to the LCFA-inhibition process (ratio inhib- 2. Material and methods
itor/biomass) were considered only (Pereira et al., 2004; Palatsi
et al., 2010). 2.1. Experimental observations
Up to day, Hwu et al. (1998) have proposed one of the most
detailed descriptions of the LCFA’s bio-sorption, degradation Previously published experimental data were used for
and inhibition processes. The LCFA inhibitory process was parameter identification. The experimental set-up consisted
described based on a four-phase theoretical model. First, after of several specific batch tests performed with two different
a LCFA-pulse or biomass exposure, the LCFA rapidly disap- anaerobic granular sludges (sludge-A and sludge-B, or inde-
pears from the aqueous phase and is adsorbed onto the solid pendent data sets), including bentonite addition as a synthetic
phase. Because of the LCFA-toxicity effect, the methane adsorbent, and synthetic sodium oleate as substrate. The
production is negligible during this phase. Second, depending experimental set-up and analytical methods are extensively
on the initial LCFA-pulse concentration, the LCFA- described in Palatsi et al. (2012). The experimental observa-
concentration could increase in the aqueous phase, as tions were grouped in three main data-sets, summarized as
a consequence of desorption mediated by the initial methane follows:
produced. Third, the LCFA-concentration decreases in the Data set D1: LCFA-adsorption batch tests with chemically
aqueous phase as a consequence of the biological degradation inactivated biomass (sludge-A) and bentonite, monitoring the
of the adsorbed LCFA. Finally, methane is ultimately recov- time evolution of soluble-LCFA concentrations (LCFAl).
ered once the remaining LCFA-adsorbed concentration is low. Data set D2: Methanogenic activity test (SMA) with sludge-
Also, recent advances in molecular microbial ecology have A (D2,A) and sludge-B (D2,B) with acetate (Ac) and hydrogen (H2)
brought new insights on the specific microorganisms that are as biogas formation substrates, monitoring the accumulated
involved in the ß-oxidation process and the syntrophic methane production in vials head-space (CH4). In addition,
methanogens interactions (Hatamoto et al., 2007; Sousa et al., blank assays with sludge-A and sludge-B (vials with biomass
2007). Those microorganisms are not always abundant in non- but without added substrates) were also monitored.
adapted systems and their dynamics are not easy to follow. In Data set D3: Batch-tests with increasing LCFA-
this context, mathematical models are a valuable tool to be concentrations and specific batch-tests including prevent-
used to interpret collected data and to test new hypotheses. ing/recovering LCFA inhibition strategies, where bentonite
Despite the fact that LCFA-inhibition is well documented was added as an exogenous adsorbent. The experiments with
and has a significant impact on the anaerobic digestion sludge-A (D3,A) included vials with bentonite addition after the
process, this phenomenon has not been included still in the LCFA-pulse (TA vials). The experiments with sludge-B (D3,B)
ADM1 reference model (Batstone et al., 2002). In other devel- included vials with a bentonite-LCFA mixed compound added
oped models, LCFA inhibition is mainly modelled as to the LCFA-free biomass (TB vials), to prevent inhibition.
a non-competitive process on the lipolytic, acidogenic or Control vials with LCFA, but without bentonite, were also
methanogenic activities (Angelidaki et al., 1999; Salminen considered for both tested biomass (CA and CB vials). Solid-
et al., 2000; Lokshina et al., 2003). The commonly used non- LCFA (LCFAs), liquid-LCFA (LCFAl), volatile fatty acids (VFA)
competitive inhibition functions (Angelidaki et al., 1999; and methane production (CH4) measurements were adopted
Palatsi et al., 2010) implicitly assume that, after a LCFA-shock, for system monitoring.
the time to restore cell-functionality is negligible. It has been
demonstrated that methanogens can adapt in several ways 2.2. Model development
the structure and dynamics of their damaged membranes
after an inhibitory effect (Valentine, 2007), but not immedi- The developed models were based on a simplification of the
ately. Consequently, those classical model approximations anaerobic digestion process as described in the ADM1 model.
may result inappropriate to simulate heavily LCFA-inhibited The same structure, nomenclature and units of the ADM1
systems. Furthermore, the physical adsorption of LCFA model were used (Batstone et al., 2002). The first proposed
and its inhibitory effect, or the microbiological aspects of model, LCFA-M1, included the LCFA-adsorption process and
LCFA-degradation, remain poorly characterized for modelling non-competitive inhibition functions. The second model,
purposes. To the best of our knowledge, a mathematical LCFA-M2, also included a new variable called healthy-state that
model that includes adsorption-inhibition-degradation considers the LCFA-inhibitory stage of methanogenic biomass.
processes remains still to be defined and tested. The models were implemented in MatLab (The Mathworks,
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Table 1 e Stoichiometric matrix for the proposed LCFA-inhibition models. Processes Pk, k [ 1, 2,., 15, are reported in Table
State P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15

Sc18,l 1 1
Sc18,s 1 (1  Yfa) 1
(1  bacebh2)
Sc18,ben 1 1
Sc16,l 1 1
Sc16,s (1  Yfa) 1 (1  Yfa) 1
(1  bacebh2) (1  bacebh2)
Sc16,ben 1 1
Sac,l (1  Yfa)bac (1  Yfa)bac (1  Yfa)bac (1  a) 1 0.8 (1  fxi)
(1  Yfa)
Sh2,l (1  Yfa)bh2 (1  Yfa)bh2 (1  Yfa)bh2 a (1  Yfa) 1 0.2 (1  fxi)
Sch4,l (1  Yac) (1  Yh2)
Xc18 Yfa Yfa 1
Xc16 Yfa Yfa 1
Xac Yac 1
Xh2 Yh2 1
Xdec 1 1 1 1 1
Xi fxi

USA) within the Simulink Cmex-coded environment. The Consequently, particulate decayed biomass Xdec was consid-
stoichiometric matrix and the process-associated kinetic rates ered as storage for all minor intermediates and other possible
are indicated in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. A scheme of the slowly biodegradable-substrates. Xdec was estimated for each
simplified anaerobic digestion model is presented in Fig. 1, experimental design by the COD mass balance of the system.
based on the following assumptions: It was assumed that 1 gCOD of Xdec is converted through
LCFA (Sfa), acetate (Sac), hydrogen (Sh2) and methane (Sch4) hydrolysis, considering that acidogenesis is a fast process and
were considered as the main model components, in order to hydrolysis the rate limiting step, to 0.56 gCOD of acetate (Sac),
keep the structure of the model simple. Thus, Sac and Sh2 were 0.14 gCOD of hydrogen (Sh2), and to 0.30 gCOD of inerts (Xi). A
the only products of the ß-oxidation process of LCFA (P4 and P8 first-order reaction was assumed for the hydrolysis process of
in Tables 1 and 2). No other particulate substrates such as Xdec (P15, in Tables 1 and 2), being khyd the hydrolysis constant.
lipids (Xli), proteins (Xpr) and carbohydrates (Xch), or process The total LCFA concentration, Sfa, was split into oleate, Sc18,
intermediates such as butyrate (Sbu), valerate (Sva) or propio- and palmitate, Sc16, since palmitate has been proposed to be
nate (Spro) were considered, in accordance with the experi- the main intermediate during the anaerobic degradation of
mental results (low detected values by Palatsi et al., 2012). oleate (Lalman and Bagley, 2001; Pereira et al., 2002). Moreover,

Table 2 e Processes Pk associated with the stoichiometric matrix of Table 1.

k Process, Pk Rates, rk (kgCOD m3 d1)

1 Sc18,l adsorption over biomass kads;bio $Sc18;l $ðqsat;bio $Xbio  Sc18;s Þ  kdes;bio $Sc18;s
2 Sc18,l adsorption over bentonite kads;ben $Sc18;l $ðqsat;ben $Xben  Sc18;ben Þ  kdes;ben $Sc18;ben
3 Sc18,ben biological desorption from bentonite Sc18;ben
km;fa $ $Xc18 $Ih2 $IXfa
KS;fa þ Sc18;ben
4 Sc18,s degradation Sc18;bio
km;fa $ $Xc18 $Ih2 $IXfa
KS;fa þ Sc18;bio
5 Sc16,l adsorption over biomass kads;bio $Sc16;l $ðqsat;bio $Xbio  Sc16;s Þ  kdes;ben $Sc18;ben
6 Sc16,l adsorption over bentonite kads;ben $Sc16;l $ðqsat;ben $Xben  Sc16;ben Þ  kdes;ben $Sc16;ben
7 Sc16,ben biological desorption from bentonite Sc16;ben
km;fa $ $Xc16 $Ih2 $IXfa
KS;fa þ Sc16;ben
8 Sc16,s degradation Sc16;bio
km;fa $ $Xc16 $Ih2 $IXfa
KS;fa þ Sc16;bio
9 Sac degradation Sac
km;ac $ $Xac $IXac
KS;ac þ Sac
10 Sh2 degradation Sh2
km;h2 $ $Xh2
KS;h2 þ Sh2
11 Xc18 decay kdec $Xc18
12 Xc16 decay kdec $Xc16
13 Xac decay kdec $Xac
14 Xh2 decay kdec $Xh2
15 Xdec slowly-biodegradable recirculation khyd $Xdec $IXfa
1372 w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 3 6 9 e1 3 8 0

is the desorption rate, Xads is the adsorbent concentration, and

qsat is the sorbate over adsorbent saturation coefficient. The
considered adsorbents (Xads) were bentonite (Xben) and gran-
ular sludge (Xbio). The notation of LCFA concentration adsor-
bed only on bentonite (or biomass) is Sfa,ben (or Sfa,bio), while
the LCFA adsorbed over all the present solids is written as Sfa,s.
Adsorption interaction effects between bentoniteebiomass
(XbioeXben) or between the multiple components present in
the liquidesolid system (XbioeXbeneSfa,s) were not considered
in the current adsorption-model. The concentration of the
overall biomass-adsorbent Xbio was considered time-variable,
since it is the sum of specific substrate-degraders (e.g., Xfa, Xac,
Xh2, etc.), inerts (Xi) and the slowly-biodegradable matter
(Xdec). On the other hand, Xben was assumed constant when-
ever it was used.
Biological ß-oxidation process was also considered
(process P3 and P7 in Tables 1 and 2) in order to model the
transference of the adsorbed LCFA on bentonite (Sfa,ben) to
biomass (Sfa,bio). Exo-enzymatic activity was assumed to be
mediated by the LCFA-degraders, since they may grow on the
outermost shell of the biomass granule (Picioreanu et al.,
2005), in direct contact with the surface of bentonite.
Two different groups of specific LCFA-degrader microor-
ganisms (Xfa) were considered: i) the oleate-degraders, Xc18,
and ii) the palmitate-degraders, Xc16. Sousa et al. (2008)
reported that oleate/palmitate-degrading cultures showed
Fig. 1 e Process scheme of the assumed LCFA-adsorption different microbial composition, concluding that the
and degradation pathway with/without clay mineral community structure in a reactor might depend on the satu-
(bentonite) addition as an exogenous adsorbent. Processes ration degree of the LCFA-feed and that not all the ß-oxidative
Pk are represented, where Xc18/Xc16 are the oleate/palmitate degraders have the ability to degrade both saturated (e.g., Sc16)
degraders, Xac/Xh2 are the methanogens and Xdec is the and unsaturated (e.g., Sc18) fatty acids.
decayed biomass and the considered slowly bio- A non-competitive inhibition function of LCFA over the
degradable substrate. The LCFA-substrates are the oleate/ ß-oxidizing population (Xc18 or Xc16) was considered, defined
palmitate present in the liquid (Sc18,l/Sc16,l), adsorbed on as (equation (2)):
biomass (Sc18,bio/Sc16,bio) and on bentonite (Sc18,ben/Sc16,ben). 1
IXfa ¼ KXfa KXfa þ Sfa;bio ; (2)

where Kxfa is the inhibitory concentration coefficient and

Sfa,bio is the LCFA adsorbed onto the biomass. It was assumed
during oleate degradation (P4) in the present experiments,
that only Sfa,bio causes LCFA-inhibition, since other possible
palmitate was detected accumulating onto biomass (Palatsi
LCFA-species such as Sfa,l or Sfa,ben are not involved in the
et al., 2012). Consequently, oleate and palmitate can be
disruption of the cell-functionality. The non-competitive
found free in liquid media (Sc18,l or Sc16,l) or adsorbed onto
LCFA-inhibition function Ixfa (equation (2)) was also consid-
biomass (Sc18,bio or Sc16,bio) and bentonite (Sc18,ben or Sc16,ben),
ered as an inhibitory function for the hydrolysis process (P15 in
when this clay-mineral is added to the media as an exogenous
Table 2), as suggested by Angelidaki et al. (1999).
adsorbent (Palatsi et al., 2012).
According to Hanaki et al. (1981), aceticlastic methanogens
According to Hwu et al. (1998), the LCFA adsorption onto
(process P10 in Tables 1 and 2) are probably the most
anaerobic biomass (Sfa,s) is described as a pre-requisite for its
LCFA-affected microorganisms. Thus, for the aceticlastic
biological degradation (P1 and P5 in Tables 1 and 2). As previ-
population, a secondary non-competitive LCFA-inhibition
ously stated, the LCFA-adsorption process over bentonite was
function was assumed (Salminen et al., 2000; Lokshina et al.,
also considered (P2 and P6 in Tables 1 and 2). For simplicity,
2003), defined as (equation (3)):
desorption from solid to liquid was assumed only dependent
on the adsorbed LCFA-concentration, Sfa,s. The liquidesolid 1
IXac ¼ IXac;noncomp ¼ KXac KXac þ Sfa;bio ; (3)
transport dynamics were approximated by a Langmuir
adsorption isotherm kinetic (Mouneimne et al., 2004), which where Kxac is the corresponding inhibitory concentration
was expressed by the following general process rate (equation coefficient. Here, the LCFA-inhibition function Ixac (equation
(1)), for the processes P1, P2, P5 and P6 (in Table 2): (3)) was used in the first proposed version of the LCFA-
 inhibition model (LCFA-M1).
rk ¼ kads Sfa;l qsat Xads  Sfa;s  kdes Sfa;s ; k ¼ 1; 2; 4; 6; (1)
As an alternative to the standard LCFA-inhibition function
where Sfa,s and Sfa,l are respectively the LCFA concentration in of equation (3), a second model for the LCFA-inhibition
the solid and the liquid phase, kads is the adsorption rate, kdes process of the aceticlastic population (LCFA-M2) was
w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 3 6 9 e1 3 8 0 1373

proposed. In LCFA-M2 a new variable was introduced, Hxac, methanogens (process P9 in Table 1 and 2). This decision is
called healthy-state of the aceticlastic population (Xac), which is supported by experimental evidence from activity tests over
defined with the following differential equation and an initial an LCFA-adsorbed (inhibited) biomass on vials fed with H2
condition, being Hxac ¼ 1 at t ¼ 0 if biomass has not been (Pereira et al., 2005). These authors suggested that the diffu-
previously in touch with LCFA (equation (4)): sion of H2, through the LCFA-layer, was faster than for other
substrates, because the low molecular weight. Thus, even if
¼ rmax $ð1  HXac Þ  Sfa;bio $HXac ; HXac ¼ 1; t ¼ 0; (4) a concentration of LCFA was adsorbed over the biomass, vials
fed with the H2-substrate immediately transformed this
where rmax is the maximum cell recovery rate. The healthy substrate into methane.
state Hxac is defined within a finite range [0, 1]: i) if Hxac equals The following non-competitive inhibition function over the
one, the average functionality of the cell is then optimal LCFA-degraders population by hydrogen accumulation was
(methanogenic pathway is active); while ii) if Hxac equals zero assumed (equation (6))
then the cell is severely damaged and the methanogenic 1
pathway is interrupted (diverted to other cell-maintenance/ Ih2 ¼ KI;h2 KI;h2 þ Sfa;bio ; (6)
recovery pathways). The cell-damage, Dxac, can be quantified
where KI,h2 is the corresponding inhibition constant, in order
as Dxac ¼ 1  Hxac. The rate of recovery depends on the level of
to account for the effect of a possible high partial pressure of
damage of the cell (first term on the right-hand side of equa-
hydrogen (Batstone et al., 2002).
tion (4)). If the cell is badly damaged, the recovery rate is then
maximal. The damage (second term on the right-hand side of
2.3. Practical identification and global sensitivity
equation (4)) depends directly on the present value of Sfa,bio
and Hxac. If the LCFA-adsorbed concentration on the biomass
is high, then the damage to the cell is also high. However, if
The practical identifiability of parameters of a given model
Hxac is close to zero, no further damage is then possible. When
depends on the model-structure and on the evidence D
the healthy-state equals zero (Hxac ¼ 0) it does not mean that
(available data) with which the model is compared. A
biomass has reached a state of decay. In the present study, the
parameter’s practical identifiably can be precisely assessed,
rate of decay of the biomass is independent of Hxac. It was
within a global sensitivity analysis (SA), by studying how
assumed that under extreme environmental pressure (high-
model-parameters affect a misfit function, ‘J’. Performing a SA
LCFA concentrations) the acetoclastic population becomes
of J involves the decomposition of its variance over the
resilient to LCFA-damages because of its possible biochemical
parameter-space. Variance-based methods (Sobol’, 1976) are
adaptation (Shin et al., 2003; Valentine, 2007) and its increased
well suited to account for the parameter interactions when
effort to restore the cell functionality (i.e., increase of the
non-linear models are considered (Saltelli et al., 2010). A
recovery rate term). Acetoclastic microorganisms are
variance-based main effect for a generic parameter
assumed to switch from “survival-mode” to “methanogenic-
qi (i ¼ 1,.,k) can be written as (equation (7)).
mode” only when its cell-functionality is restored to a given

level. However, the LCFA-inhibition function should be Vqi Eqwi fJjqi g ; (7)
a smooth function, since it is an averaged measure of the
where qi is the i-th parameter and qwi denotes the vector of all
overall acetoclastic population transition from the survival to
parameters but qi. The meaning of the inner expectation
the normal functionality mode. Among many possible
operator, E, is that the mean of J is taken, overall possible
switching smooth functions, we propose the simple power-
values of qwi, while keeping qi fixed. The outer variance, V, is
law function as the LCFA-inhibition function for the aceto-
taken overall possible values of qi. When the main effect is
clastic, defined as (equation (5)):
normalized by the unconditional variance, V(J ), we obtain the
IXac ¼ IXac;healthy ¼ HgXac ; (5) associated sensitivity measure (main effect index, Si) written
as equation (8), according to Saltelli et al. (2010):
where g is the scaling exponent coefficient, which is restricted

over the interval [1, þN). Note that after a LCFA-shock, for Vqi Eqwi fJjqi g
Si ¼ : (8)
a value of g higher than 1, the recovery of the methanogenic VðJÞ
activity is fully re-activated only when the average cell-
In a similar way, the first-order interaction effect index (Si,j)
damage is considerably reduced. Thus, the scaling exponent
can be written as (equation (9)):
coefficient g gives an idea of how “healthy” the acetoclastic
degraders should be in order to “switch” again to the “meth- Vqi;j Eqwi;j J qi;j
anogenic-mode”. Since Hxac is defined in the finite range [0, 1], Si;j ¼ : (9)
Ixac,healthy takes values in the finite range [0, 1].
Summarizing, the differences between LCFA-M1 and LCFA- Another popular variance based measure is the total effect
M2 are only in how the inhibition function Ixac is defined: index (STi), defined as (equation (10))
LCFA-M1 is characterized by Ixac,noncomp defined by equation  
Eq Vqi fJjqwi g Vq Eq fJjqwi g
(3) (non-competitive inhibition), while LCFA-M2 is character- STi ¼ wi ¼ 1  wi i ; (10)
ized by Ixac,healthy defined by equation (5) (inhibition expressed
as function of the healthy state variable). which measures the first and higher order effects (interac-
Contrary to other proposed models (Palatsi et al., 2010), no tions) of the parameter qi. In probabilistic SA, the parameter q
LCFA-inhibitory effect was considered for hydrogenotrophic is a stochastic variable characterized by a distribution g(q) that
1374 w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 3 6 9 e1 3 8 0

describes our prior assumptions over q. In the present work, process (e.g., Kxfa, Kxac, Xc18 and Xc16) cannot influence the
two types of uncertainty parameter distributions g(q), with its misfit function J during this step.
respective parameters a and b, were used as needed:
a uniform distribution, Unif(a,b), and a normal distribution, Step 3. The SA was performed over data set D3,A and D3,B in
Norm(a,b2). When g(qi) was of an uniform-type, during model- order to evaluate their relative quality for the estimation of
calibration (i.e., least-square function J minimization), the q3,M1 ¼ [Kxfa, Kxac] and q4,M1 ¼ [Xc18, Xc16]. The higher-
parameter qi was constrained over a finite range interval given informative data set was used to calibrate q3,M1 and q4,M1
the relative uniform parameter interval [ai,bi], whilst when it
was of a normal-type, q was constraint positive with a six- Step 4. The parameter vector q3,M1, estimated within the
sigma (i.e. 6  bi) variation around its location parameter, ai. higher-informative data set (Step 3), was used to decrease the
In the present study, a sum-of-squares misfit function J(q; under-determination of the lower-informative calibration
D) was assumed. Weights relative to the number of samples scenario, that is, the SA was run in order to assess the
and measurement-errors were not applied. Given that the information-gain. The LCFA-degrader initial concentration
number of CH4 samples was very high in relation to other parameter vector q4,M1 was estimated within the improved
measurements (e.g., Ac, LCFAs and LCFAl) the fit to the calibration scenario for the lower-informative data set. The
methane production samples was implicitly prioritized. The idea was that the high-informative data set was used to
SA was performed by a Bayesian sensitivity analysis tool for calibrate the model, while the lower-informative data set was
estimating the main, first-order and total effect indexes used to “semi-validate” the structure of the proposed model.
(Oakley and O’Hagan, 2004). When SA was performed over one sub-models at a time, it was
In order to give a quantitative estimation of parameter possible to overlook interactions among parameters in
uncertainty, the parameter estimation error covariance different sub-models (type II error, i.e. assessing as non-
matrix (Dochain and Vanrolleghem, 2001) was numerically important an important parameter).
approximated, from which confidence intervals (CI) were
estimated and the Student statistical significance t-test were 2.4.2. LCFA-M2 model
performed for Kxfa, Kxac, rmax, g, Xc18 and Xc16, since those The same sequential calibration mode was performed for the
parameters are the most relevant in our discussion. The second proposed model LCFA-M2, with the sole difference
commonly used assumption of normally distributed and that the parameter vectors q3,M2 ¼ [Kxfa rmax g] and q4,M2 ¼ [Xc18
independent measurement errors was assumed. Xc16] were calibrated only for the higher-informative data set
obtained in Step 3.
2.4. Sequential model calibration

The model-parameters vector q was estimated by least- 3. Results and discussion

squares (LS-estimates) using a “scatter-search” global opti-
mization routine (Rodriguez-Fernandez et al., 2006). Since 3.1. Initial parameter estimation
many different data sets were available (data set D1, D2,A, D2,B,
D3,A and D3,B), the calibrations of the proposed models were The experimental design was such that data sets D1 and D2
performed in a sequential mode as explained below: were independent from the biological LCFA degradation-
inhibition process (focus of the present study), or indepen-
2.4.1. LCFA-M1 model dent from any included ADM1 model modifications (LCFA-M1/
LCFA-M2). Consequently, the calibration of q1 and q2 can be
performed in a batch-mode and their values can be used in
Step 1. Data set D1 was used to determine the LS-estimate further data sets study. LS-estimates and the sensitivity
q1 ¼ [kads, qsat, kdis] ð¼ ½q11 ; q12 ; q13 Þ for the LCFA-adsorption indices for parameter vectors q1 and q2 are summarized in
model of equation (1), since the experimental design was supporting information (Table B and C, respectively).
such that the adsorption process was independent from the From adsorption/desorption estimated parameters (Table
biological process (inactivated biomass). The relative SA B, in supporting information), it can be observed that the
indices for q1 were obtained conditional to a uniform distribu- saturation coefficient (qsat) for bentonite is higher than for
tion g(q1) where the i-th parameter was assumed independent. inactivated biomass, and of the same order of magnitude of
those estimated by Palatsi et al. (2012) fitting a Langmuir
Step 2. Data set D2 was used to estimate the initial meth- isotherm model. Therefore, bentonite seems to be a better
anogenic populations (Xac and Xh2), the initial concentration of adsorbent media than inactivated biomass, although with
decayed biomass (initial Xdec), and the first-order hydrolysis estimated saturation coefficients with wide CIs. Few conclu-
constant (khyd) for sludge-A and sludge-B. Nominal values for sions can be obtained from the estimated adsorption/
the remaining model parameters (km,j and KS,j) dsee sup- desorption rate coefficients (kads and kdes respectively)
porting information Table Ad were assumed according to according to the sensitivity analysis results. Although the
Rosen and Jeppsson (2006). The parameter vector q2 ¼ [Xdec, obtained values are in accordance with other studies
Xac, Xh2, khyd] was constrained over a finite range interval given (Mouneimne et al., 2004), it appears that there is not enough
by an assigned g(q2). Sensitivity indices were also calculated. data-information in order to accurately estimate the values of
Since the SMA assays were performed without LCFA in the kads and kdes, as a result of the comparison of main and total
vials, the parameters associated with the LCFA-inhibition effect indexes, Si and STi, and the wide CIs obtained in Table B.
w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 3 6 9 e1 3 8 0 1375

Although those limitations, the effect of this under- set D3,A and D3,B. The remaining variance is explained by
determination over further modelling (data sets D3) could be higher-order interactions of parameters. We observe that the
considered negligible over LCFA degradation rates, since main effect indices (Si) relative to the parameter vector q3,M1
physical adsorption-desorption process is very fast if are lower for data set D3,B than for data set D3,A. It was also
compared with the biological degradation, but important to observed that for almost all the parameters the difference
explain the bentonite addition effect. between Si and STi was consistently higher for data set D3,B
Single methanogenic activity tests with acetate and than for data set D3,A, which implies that for data set D3,B the
hydrogen (data set D2), including controls, are not providing interaction effects between parameters are stronger than for
enough data for q2 parameter estimation, since estimated data set D3,A. Thus, given the above guidelines, we concluded
initial population concentrations (Xi) are fully correlated with that data set D3,A is more informative than data set D3,B and,
process coefficients (km,i and KS,i). The problem of under- therefore, the data set D3,A was used for the estimation of
determination was reduced by assuming the values of the parameters associated with the LCFA-inhibition process Kxfa
ADM1’s maximum uptake rates and the half saturation and Kxac. The parameter vector q3,M1 estimated with data set
constants of the involved anaerobic biomass populations D3,B can be considered unidentifiable, but still important in
(Rosen and Jeppsson, 2006), as reported in the supporting order to correctly fit data, since its total effect index is not
information (Table A). Resulting sensitivity indexes and LS- negligible. From the above SA-results, it was decided to use
estimates for parameter vector q2 are also summarized in the experimental design of sludge-A, in order to estimate the
the supporting information section (Table C). As expected, parameter vector q3,M1 for the LCFA-M1 model. Here, the
with the imposed assumptions, the main effect index, Si, discussion is limited by the model simulation outcomes and
explains almost all the variance of the misfit function J, which by the goodness of the fit, since data set D3,A dand D3,Bd was
implies that the parameter vector q2 can be accurately deter- presented and discussed in detail in Palatsi et al. (2012).
mined. Estimated initial biomass concentration in SMA tests
for sludge-A was slightly higher than for sludge-B (see sup- 3.3. LCFA-M1 model calibration. Sludge-A
porting information, Table C). Contrarily, the residual slowly-
biodegradable organic-matter, Xdec, is significantly lower for Fig. 2 shows the simulation of the liquidesolid LCFA phases,
sludge-A than for sludge-B (see supporting information, Table the Ac concentrations and the CH4 production for the vials
C), according to its different origin and storage conditions, with bentonite addition TA (dash lines) and the control vial CA
that is, stored or fresh granules obtained from running (continuous lines). The goodness of the fit is quantified within
brewery or fruit juice industry UASB reactors, respectively the root-mean squared-error (RMSE) statistic. Simulation
(Palatsi et al., 2012). results of the batch experiments with an increasing oleate
concentration (also included in data set D3,A) are reported in
3.2. Data set selection for LCFA-M1 calibration the supporting information, Figure A. The LS-estimated
parameters and the CIs are summarized in Table 4. The per-
The relative sensitivity analysis indices (Si and STi) for formed Student’s t-test indicates that parameters are signifi-
parameters Kxfa, Kxac, Xc18 and Xc16 were reported in Table 3. cant in the model with a probability higher than 99%
SA indices are conditional on their relative data sets D3,A and It can be observed, from Fig. 2, that the oleate concentra-
D3,B. Ratto et al. (2001) proposed general guidelines to assess tion in the liquid (C18l) is reasonably well described by the
the practical identifiability of model-parameters: i) parame- adsorption model (i.e., Sc18,l model outcomes). The adsorption
ters with a high main effect (high Si) affect J singularly, irre- process was very fast when compared with the biological-
spective of interactions and thus can be considered precisely mediated process, as reported by Hwu et al. (1998). The
estimated; ii) parameters with a small main (Si) and total effect sampling frequency of the measurements was insufficient to
(STi) have a negligible effect over J and thus cannot be esti- follow the fast-adsorption dynamics at the beginning of the
mated precisely; iii) parameters with a small main effect (Si) experiment. The uncertainty of the adsorption-parameter
but high total effect (STi) mainly affect J through interactions. vector q1 can only slightly influence the misfit function
The main and the interaction effects respectively explain value. Note that the estimation of parameter vector q2 can be
91.6% and 92.5% of the total misfit-function variance for data achieved with great accuracy also. Thus, we expect that the
SA performed over parameter vectors q3 and q4 should lead to
a negligible type II error.
According to Fig. 2,the model was able to reproduce an
Table 3 e Sensitivity indices of parameter vectors q3,M1 accumulation of oleate on the solid phase (C18s). Oleate
and q4,M1 for sludge-A and sludge-B. degradation was followed by a remarkable palmitate accu-
Parameter Data set g(q) Si STi mulation in the solid phase (C16s). Pereira et al. (2002) also
Kxfa (kgCOD m3) D3,A Unif [1e-4, 2] 38.4 53.8
identified palmitate as key intermediate species during oleate
Kxac (kgCOD m3) D3,A Unif [1e-4, 2] 1.4 9.2 degradation in not-adapted systems. The simulated palmitate
Xc18 (kgCOD m3) D3,A Unif [1e-4, 5] 18.5 29.4 concentrations of LCFA-M1 were almost entirely found
Xc16 (kgCOD m3) D3,A Unif [1e-4, 5] 24.6 35.1 adsorbed onto biomass (Sc16,s z Sc16,ben since Sc16,ben z 0),
Kxfa (kgCOD m3) D3,B Unif [1e-4, 2] 35.4 71.8 confirming observations of granules, performed under the
Kxac (kgCOD m3) D3,B Unif [1e-4, 2] 0.2 2.8
microscope, on day 10 (Palatsi et al., 2012). According to the
Xc18 (kgCOD m3) D3,B Unif [1e-4, 5] 11.8 27.9
model simulation of LCFA-M1 for strategy TA and control CA, it
Xc16 (kgCOD m3) D3,B Unif [1e-4, 5] 15.0 43.2
was observed that the C16bio concentration time evolution
1376 w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 3 6 9 e1 3 8 0

Fig. 2 e Calibration of the LCFA-M1 model with Sludge-A (data set D3,A). The bentonite addition (TA) model-outcome (dash
line) and observations (cross dots) are compared with the control-experiment (CA) model-outcome (continuous line) and
observations (circle dots).

was approximately the same. This evidenced that the strategy estimation of parameter uncertainty is required. Despite
tested in TA vials (bentonite addition after LCFA pulse) was not the model-structure limitation of LCFA-M1, it can be
efficient in LCFA-inhibition prevention. concluded that it is still capable to reproduce the main trends
The main problem arising with the LCFA-M1 model was of the system reasonably well. The LS-estimate for the
the poor data-fit of the accumulation process of C16s (see LCFA-inhibition parameter of acidogenic-degraders, Kxfa,
Fig. 2). In fact, the modelled degradation of C16s suffered was of 0.324 kgCOD m3 (Table 4), whilst the LCFA-inhibition
a delay of almost 10 days (i.e., approximately from day 25 to parameter of acetoclastic-degraders, Kxac, was of
day 35) if compared with experimental data. Note that the 0.045 kgCOD m3. These results suggest that the acidogenic
misfit function favours the fit of the CH4 measurements, population was more sensitive to the LCFA-inhibition than the
according to more available data. Consequently, in order to acetogenic population, in accordance with previous reports
properly fit the CH4 measurements, the LCFA-M1 model arti- (Salminen et al., 2000; Lokshina et al., 2003; Palatsi et al., 2010).
ficially extends the LCFA-inhibition effect with a larger C16bio Also, according to the obtained model parameters, the initial
accumulation. The problem is that the inhibition function for LCFA-degraders structure was dominated by oleate-degraders
the acetoclastic population Ixac (equation (3)) depends directly Xc18, creating a potential condition for a palmitate-
on the LCFAs concentration present in the system. accumulation which may lead to a long lasting LCFA inhibi-
It can be noted from Fig. 2 that residuals are quite auto- tion of the system.
correlated because of the model-structure limitation of
LCFA-M1. Since our error-model does not account for auto- 3.4. LCFA-M1 model structure semi-validation. Sludge-B
correlated errors, the estimated CIs tend to be under-
estimated. This problem is independent of the inferential Should the two data sets D3,A and D3,B be obtained within the
procedure used. In this case, future work is necessary in order same sludge or biomass then a model validation would be
to build a suitable error-model if a better quantitative possible. Since this is not the case, the LS-estimates of Xc18 and
Xc16 for sludge-A cannot be used to validate the model over
sludge-B data. However, we will use the improper name of
“semi-validation” to refer the scenario where we calibrate
Table 4 e . LS-estimates and CIs of parameter vectors
q3,M1 and q4,M1 for sludge-A (i.e. data set D3,A). q4,M1 for sludge-B, conditional on the parameter vector q3,M1,
which was calibrated for sludge-A (data set D3,A). Hence,
Parameter LS-value CI-95%
a strong assumption stating that for sludges of different
Kxfa (kgCOD m3) 0.324 0.245 origins the LCFA-inhibition effect depends only on the
Kxac (kgCOD m3) 0.045 0.010
LCFA-population structure distribution was made, since the
Xc18 (kgCOD m3) 0.496 0.089
LCFA-resilience (Kxfa and Kxac) of the biomass is approximately
Xc16 (kgCOD m3) 0.020 0.010
w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 3 6 9 e1 3 8 0 1377

Table 5 e Sensitivity indices, LS-estimates and CIs of parameter vectors q3,M1 and q4,M1 for sludge-B (i.e. data set D3,B). An
informative SA scenario is considered, where parameter vector q3,M1 is known (Table 4 values adopted), with a low degree
of uncertainty, and modelled with a normal distribution g(q3,M1).
Parameter g(q) Si STi LS-value CI-95%

Kxfa (kgCOD m3) Norm (0.324, 0.0232) 1.1 7.9 0.324 e

Kxac (kgCOD m3) Norm (0.045, 0.0062) 0.0 0.0 0.045 e
Xc18 (kgCOD m3) Unif [1e-4, 5] 48.6 67.7 0.067 0.002
Xc16 (kgCOD m3) Unif [1e-4, 5] 29.1 49.5 0.242 0.019

Besides from performing the semi-validation of LCFA-M1, LCFA-batch assays at increasing oleate concentrations are
the lack of information of data set D3,B (sludge-B) can be presented in the supporting information (Figure B).
improved when a perfect knowledge over parameter vector Similarly as for sludge-A, the adsorption model cannot be
q3,M1 is assumed. Since the sensitivity indices relative to q3,M1 evaluated because of the low sampling frequency; the low
would be zero for this perfect-knowledge, SA-scenario, a small RMSE values for C18l and C16l should be considered with
amount of uncertainty was added to q3,M1. The uncertainty of reserve. The simulated LCFAs, Sfa,s, was equivalent to the
q3,M1 was modelled within a normal distribution. Table 5 LCFA-bentonite adsorbed concentration, Sfa,ben, since
summarizes the repeated SA for sludge-B observations and bentonite was mixed with the LCFA-inhibitory concentration
the corresponding CI for the LS-estimates. The Student’s t-test before its addition to the anaerobic system (Palatsi et al., 2012).
indicates the high significance of the estimated parameters, If the control experiment (CB) is considered, the simulation
with a probability higher than 99%. It can be observed that the reproduces the C18s and C16s observations quite well, whilst if
variance of the misfit function was mainly explained within we consider the prevention-strategy experiment (TB), the
the initial concentration of the LCFA-degraders (Xc18 and Xc16). model underestimates these data. Moreover, a relevant misfit
Likewise, the Si index improves (Table 5), while the Kxfa for Ac data can be observed if the prevention-strategy exper-
interaction first-order effect with Xc18 and Xc16 decreases to iment (TB) is considered: the Ac accumulation reproduced
just 2.9% (not shown in Table 5). If the values of Si relative to within the LCFA-M1 model was not detected by the
data set D3,B, are compared between Tables 3 and 5, it can be measurements. The misfit of C18s and Ac were necessary in
observed that the estimation-precision of parameters Xc18 and order to correctly reproduce the methane production
Xc16 was improved, when the a-priori information about Kxfa measurements. Since the methane measurements were of
and Kxac rules out unrealistic possibilities. The model-fit to high-fidelity (more available data, including batch assays with
data of LCFA-M1 for the semi-validation scenario (TB and CB increasing oleate concentrations, D3) the experimental results
vials of D3,B) is represented in Fig. 3, while model-fit results of of C18s and Ac at day 7 can reasonably be suspected of being

Fig. 3 e Semi-validation of the LCFA-M1 model with Sludge-B (data set D3,B). The bentonite addition (TB) model-outcome
(dash line) and observations (cross dots) are compared with the control-experiment (CB) model-outcome (continuous line)
and observations (circle dots).
1378 w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 3 6 9 e1 3 8 0

erroneous (from COD balance). Note that C18s and Ac cannot be accurately determined. However, an estimation of
measurements were conducted within a vial sacrifice (Palatsi parameter vector q3,M2 is still very important in order to prop-
et al., 2012) and thus, some experimental results might erly fit the collected data. Moreover, for all the parameter-pairs
possibly be considered as outliers. the first-order interaction index Si,j (not shown in Table 6) was
Considering sludge-B’s informative scenario (Table 5), the negligible. Thus, the presence of higher-order interactions
LS-estimates for the initial concentration of Xc18 and Xc16 were suggests that the interaction structure is quite complex.
0.067 kgCOD m3 and 0.242 kgCOD m3, respectively. The high The LS-estimates and CI for parameter vectors q3,M2 and
concentration of palmitate-degraders population can explain q , for sludge-A, are reported in Table 6. In all cases, the
in part the absence of a palmitate accumulation, as observed performed Students t-test indicates a high statistical signifi-
for sludge-A. During the molecular profiling of biomass A and cance of the estimated parameters. The LS-estimate for
B, by means of PCR-DGGE techniques (Palatsi et al., 2012), it parameter Kxfa was 0.260 kgCOD m3. This value is of the same
was not possible to confirm this hypothesis. The results of order of magnitude of the LS-estimate for the LCFA-M1 model
process modelling now provide a new insight into the (Table 4), and is within its CI. The LS-estimate of the param-
importance of the specific microbial structure of ß-oxidative eter g is higher than one (g ¼ 2.41), indicating that, for
organisms. Note that the estimated Xdec concentration for example, when the average damage of the cell-functionality
sludge-B was higher than the Xdec for sludge-A (supporting Dxac is 25% then we can expect that only 50% (¼ (1e0.25)2.41)
information Table C). This fact was previously pointed out by of the Ac-degraders will have fully re-activated their meth-
Pereira et al. (2004) and Palatsi et al. (2010) as a possible factor anogenic pathway.
influencing the LCFA-degradation dynamics, since the pres- Oleate-degraders are found to be the dominant population
ence of other biodegradable substrates (considered in Xdec in sludge-A (Tables 4 and 6), explaining the higher or longer
pull) may enhance LCFA-degradation rates (Kuang et al., 2006). palmitate-accumulation respect to sludge-B. The model-fit of
The LCFA-M1 model was able to properly reproduce the data set D3,A within the LCFA-M2 model are reported in Fig. 4.
main system trends also for sludge-B, confirming the adsorp- Simulation results of the batch experiments with an
tive nature of the LCFA inhibitory process with the simulated increasing LCFA concentration (also included in data set D3,A)
differences between TB and CB vials (Fig. 3). The ADM1 model, are reported in the supporting information, Figure C. From
not considering the adsorptive nature of LCFA inhibition, was Fig. 4, it can be observed that the misfit of C18l is practically
not able to simulate those differences. These results also the same as for the LCFA-M1 (Fig. 2), since the adsorption-
confirmed the appropriateness and the bio-physical basis of model is equivalent and the adsorption process was very
using bentonite as a synthetic adsorbent (additive) to interfere quick, when compared with the biological processes. If the
in the LCFA-adsorption- inhibition process (Palatsi et al., 2012). model-fits of LCFA-M2 and LCFA-M1 are compared, then the
Moreover, under a slight LCFA-inhibition of the system, the LCFA-M2 model returns a slightly worse result for the oleate
LCFA-M1 model seems to confirm the hypothesis that the concentration on the solid phase (Sc18,s z Sc18,ben since
acidogenic and the acetoclastic LCFA-inhibition coefficients Sc18,ben z 0). However, the LCFA-M2 model equally performed
are invariant within different sludges. However, and in order very well, if C16s was considered. Note that the LCFA over-
to predict the evolution of an anaerobic system, the relative accumulation artefact, observed when the LCFA-M1 model
LCFA-degraders population structure distribution should be was used to simulate the sludge-A experiment (Fig. 2), was not
known, or estimated, in advance. present when the LCFA-M2 model is considered (Fig. 4). In fact,
from Fig. 4, it can be observed that the period starting from the
3.5. LCFA-M2 model calibration. Sludge-A total C16s depletion to the re-start of the CH4-production
(delay of ten days) was correctly simulated with the LCFA-M2
The LCFA-M2 model SA is resumed in Table 6, where the main model. This is because the LCFA-inhibition effect in the LCFA-
and the total indices are reported for the respective model- M2 model is not directly dependent on the current value of the
parameters. Note that parameter vector q4,M2 ¼ [Xc18, Xc16] concentration of the LCFA-adsorbed on the biomass. Thus, no
alone, explains almost the entire variance of the misfit function artificial delay of the LCFA-concentration was necessary in
J (i.e., 87%). This implies that q4,M2 can be estimated with great order to correctly fit the methane production measurements.
accuracy within the LCFA-M2 model structure and data set In the present experiments, most the delay period was char-
D3,A. On the other hand, model-parameter vector q3,M2 ¼ [Kxfa, acterized by an increase of the healthy-state Hxac. The only
rmax, g] affected J only within the interactions and, thus, it active bacteria were the acetogens that promoted the Ac-
accumulation. The simulated Ac-accumulation was quite
pronounced in order to satisfy the COD balance (Fig. 4). In
particular, at the start-up of the experiment, the simulated
Table 6 e Sensitivity indexes, LS-estimates and CIs of
degradation of the acetate-pulse was faster than the
parameter vectors q3,M2 and q4,M2 for sludge-A (i.e. data
set D3,A). Ac-measurement seems to suggest. However, the start-up
CH4-production data was very well fitted. Because of the
Parameter g(q) Si STi LS-value CI-95%
highest confidence given to the CH4 measurements (more data
Kxfa (kgCOD m ) Unif [1e-4, 2] 1.14 4.92 0.260 0.035 available with a low measurement error), the LCFA-M2 model-
rmax (d1) Unif [1e-4, 2] 3.07 8.98 0.066 0.024 simulation probably evidenced a problem with the first few
g () Unif [1, 5] 0.54 4.91 2.415 0.196
Ac-samples. Note that the LCFA-M1 model was not able to
Xc18 (kgCOD m3) Unif [1e-4, 5] 41.16 45.51 0.300 0.063
represent correctly the CH4 production at the start-up of the
Xc16 (kgCOD m3) Unif [1e-4, 5] 45.91 50.74 0.053 0.006
experiment (Fig. 2).
w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 3 6 9 e1 3 8 0 1379

Fig. 4 e Calibration of the LCFA-M2 model with Sludge-A (data set D3,A). The bentonite addition (TA) model-outcome (dash
lines) and observations (cross dots) are compared with the control-experiment (CA) model-outcome (continuous lines) and
observations (circle dots).

The LCFA-M2 model was superior to the LCFA-M1 model in into the full ADM1 framework, as a sub-model plug-in. The
order to describe the CH4-production data from the toxicity adsorptive nature of LCFA over granular biomass and specific
assays (also compare Figure A and C in the supporting infor- LCFA-degrader populations were included in both models.
mation) and the LCFA-monitored observations (compare Figs. The main distinction between the two models is defined by
2 and 4). However, the LCFA-M2 model used one parameter how the LCFA-inhibitory phenomena on acetoclastic metha-
more than the LCFA-M1 model and, thus, it is expected to be nogens is expressed: i) by a common non-competitive inhi-
more flexible for data fitting. bition function (LCFA-M1) or ii) by a new variable that
Provided that the LCFA-M2 model was calibrated only on accounts directly for the damage of the cell functionality
data from the experimental set-up of sludge-A, its use (e.g., (LCFA-M2). Both models were tested to reproduce the main
optimization and control routines) should be constrained only trends of a LCFA-inhibited system, operating with a wide
over its calibration domain. Extrapolation with the LCFA-M2 range of experimental designs. While the simpler LCFA-M1
model (calibrated over sludge-A) should be avoided due to model was not able to reproduce correctly the dynamics of
its over-parameterized structure. Therefore, if extrapolation is the LCFA-degradation, the LCFA-M2 model did. Results from
considered, the LCFA-M1 model seems to be more robust then the application of the two proposed models confirmed that
the LCFA-M2 model. However, the LCFA-M2 model performs the acetoclastic population is more sensitive to the LCFA-
better with specific interpolation routines since its structure inhibition than the acidogenic population. In addition, it was
can better describe the LCFA-inhibition process on a lower- evidenced that the distribution of saturated/unsaturated long
scale than the LCFA-M1 model structure. chain fatty acids degraders plays an important role on the
LCFA-M2 was able to successfully model the impairment system evolution.
between LCFA accumulation and methane production, giving
bio-physical explanation to the high methanogenic sensitivity
to LCFA inhibition. This new model approximation, as LCFA- Acknowledgements
M1, also confirmed the adsorptive nature of inhibition and
the importance of the specific structure of LCFA-degraders This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science
population (saturated/unsaturated LCFA) for a successful and Innovation (projects CTM 2010-18212 and PSE-120000-
LCFA degradation process. 2009-27).

4. Conclusions Appendix A. Supplementary data

Two new LCFA-inhibition models (i.e., LCFA-M1 and LCFA-M2) Supplementary data related to this article can be found at
were proposed, state-compatible and easy to be integrated
1380 w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 3 6 9 e1 3 8 0

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