RSS-BJP Govt. Drive For Deepening Communal Division: New Democracy
RSS-BJP Govt. Drive For Deepening Communal Division: New Democracy
RSS-BJP Govt. Drive For Deepening Communal Division: New Democracy
RSS-BJP Govt. Drive For of taxes on commodities is playing an important role. On the other hand,
the purchasing power of the people is stagnant and even declining. There
Deepening Communal Division is no growth in employment generation even as the army of unemployed
continues to grow. Govt. itself has gone back on its promises of employment
generation and is even crediting itself for the odd jobs done by the people
After Gujarat assembly elections seriously dented the carefully crafted in distress. It is clear that RSS-BJP had made those promises only to
and assiduously propagated myth of Gujarat model of development, RSS come to power while they did not intend to implement any of them.
and its electoral wing, BJP, have further intensified their communal campaign
to polarize people on communal lines in preparation for 2019 elections. This condition is resulting in growing discontent among the people.
From February 2018, they have embarked on countrywide yatras through People's anger is reflected in growing struggles of the people. Govt. is
the length and breadth of the country. trying to suppress these struggles through use of brute force and draconian
laws but the struggles are breaking out in different parts of the country.
RSS-BJP are aware that their bogus electoral promises to bring good These are also upsetting the apple-cart of RSS-BJP whose attempts to
days, "achche din", have come to evoke derisive laughter. They neither create an aura of electoral invincibility too is under serious threat.
have the agenda nor the willingness to adopt any policy to address the
growing economic crisis or to ameliorate the problems being faced by the By-elections in Hindi heartland, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, showed
overwhelming majority of the people. Peasants are continuing to commit that people are beginning to see through the veil of its plank of development
suicides as they suffer due to crop losses in bad seasons and crash in and the crisis affecting overwhelming majority of the people was strong
prices in good seasons. The whole gamut of economic policies is working enough for the people to reject nominees of RSS-BJP. A stunning blow to
against them. Over half the population of the country is directly engaged in the calculations of RSS was given in UP where in the two parliamentary
agriculture and nearly 70 percent living in rural areas are dependent on by-elections for the seats vacated by the Chief Minister and Deputy Chief
agriculture while the share of agriculture in GDP continues to dwindle Minister, Gorakhpur and Phulpur respectively, their nominees were defeated
increasing the economic hardships being faced by rural India. As a result, that too with good margins. An important aspect of UP by-elections was
rural India is rising against rulers of India. the coming together of the strong regional parties of UP, SP and BSP,
which together command a sizable following in the province. The communal
Conditions of the workers too continue to worsen even as the number juggernaut of RSS was once again stopped by the very two formations
of workers in organized sectors is a very small proportion of the work force. which had done this earlier in the assembly elections held immediately
There is growing trend of employment of contract workers even in Govt. after the demolition of Babri Masjid by the fascist hordes of RSS.
enterprises and departments and the large industries. Struggles of the
workers are brutally suppressed even as their right to organize, though In between, assembly elections were held in North-eastern states, which
enshrined in laws, is denied in practice. Workers are being further pressed were played up much by the RSS propaganda machinery and also corporate
due to growing unemployment in the country which means great difficulty media to show its continuing winning spree. These elections in the states
in finding employment and ready availability of unemployed workers to fill where AFSPA is in force, are often won by the political forces favoured by
their places. While the need for struggle grows, conditions for struggle are the armed forces. That these elections seldom reflect the will of the people
growing increasingly difficult. is amply demonstrated in Nagaland where all the parties in the state,
including state units of Congress and BJP, had decided not to participate
Growing privatization of education and health services and increasing in the elections but were pressurized into participating in the exercise.
commercialization of the Govt. institutions of education and health services Anyhow, irrespective of the election results in Meghalaya, BJP came to
are putting increasing burden on the people, including the middle classes. power with its ally. Same was the story in Nagaland. Only in Tripura, BJP
Prices of essential commodities are increasing and in this growing burden gained a majority and along with its ally, IPFT, defeated CPM led Left
Muslim Women and the Act of India. That is a law which applies equally to Hindus and Muslims
and to all women citizens of India. The Prime Minister has evinced no
interest in ensuring implementation of this law which allows women (Hindus
included) space within the matrimonial home to be insured by an officer
under the Act. It is a law which penalizes men if they exercise ‘patriarchal
rights’ and beat their wives. So those of his Muslim sisters, those who are
Aparna beaten up by husbands can continue to suffer, as they are covered by a
law forced through by the ‘hated’ democratic and progressive sections
The Manusmriti encodes a social order which firmly relegates women backing the women’s organizations fighting for it. This law is totally against
to a secondary position in society, apart from many derogatory references the spirit of a Manusmriti inspired social order.
to them. Whatever positive reference exists is in their relation to the men
That the Prime Minister should have led parliament into meddling with
of their family-predominantly as a mother. It is but obvious that organizations
the field of Personal laws is explicable by a later statement of the ex
that uphold the Manusmriti and therefore think along its lines will not really
Chairman of the Law Commission in early January 2018. He said that if a
be advocating or executing anything contrary to its spirit, whatever they
Uniform Civil Code cannot be brought, then the Personal Laws of different
may profess publicly.
communities will be reformed. The target of the BJP RSS govts is only the
This is the only relevant context in which to view the sudden Muslim Personal Laws and that too not because of how the women see
preoccupation of the Prime Minister and his Central government with the them but because they pertain to Muslims. They can be used both to
rights and issues of Muslim women. This is while it goes without saying demonize Muslim men as also to browbeat them in the name of defending
that triple talaq in the form practised in India is a retrograde and feudal Muslim women. Already, Muslims are characterized as ‘terrorists’ as a
practice which has been held invalid by several Muslim countries. That it general usage by the RSS and the govts it leads both at the Centre and in
has not been already ostracised in Muslim personal law in India by now, the states, love ‘jihadists’ when they marry outside their community, ‘anti
even though practised by only a miniscule number of that community, nationals and gau killers’ because their religion allows them to eat beef,
speaks about the stranglehold of Islamist clergy over the Muslims in such are ridiculed for having multiple wives as though they are all polygamous
matters. This stranglehold is of course regenerated by every repetition of and viciously attacked for ‘over populating’ India even when there is just
state sponsored violence against Muslims, which also enforces no basis in facts for this allegation.
ghettoization in practice.
This also explains the Prime Minister’s concern over polygamy, whose
The concern of the Prime Minister and his Govt. for his ’Muslim sisters’ practice may be sanctioned only by Muslim personal law but whose practice
extends only to issues which allow his Govt. to interfere with the Muslim among caste Hindus is fairly remarkable. The issue among non Muslims
Personal Law. He has not taken up cudgels on their behalf when it comes lies actually in securing proof of a second marriage, as anyone who has
to justice to the gang raped Muslim women in the anti Muslim violence in dealt with the law against bigamy well knows. Till a second marriage is
Muzaffarnagar, for justice to the Muslim women of Gujarat who were violated proved, the law does not come into play. The law on adultery can only be
in the anti Muslim violence there or who have fought for justice against the invoked by the husband of the other married woman and the wife of the
killing of their men folk in the same violence. He has no sympathy with his man committing adultery is not considered an aggrieved party for purpose
‘Muslim sisters’ widowed by lynchings by gau rakshaks. He is not bothered of invoking action under that law- anyway both bigamy and adultery are not
by their poverty, their abysmal educational opportunities, lack of support criminal offences. The Muslim Personal law is also deliberately used by
for higher education. He is with them on issues which allow RSS fiddling Hindus to contract ‘legal’ second marriages by both partners converting to
with the Muslim Personal law, but not for enforcement of Domestic Violence that religion only to contract the second marriage but not practising that
From the point of view of Justice and Equality, there is little doubt that
all personal laws have to change. Any Code can be forcibly declared
‘uniform’; the point for the women of India is, is that Code reflective of
values which hold women to be fully equal in society? Second, will the
state and all its wings, will the social order, actually ensure that this Code
can be the practice for all women, or is it just an ornamental piece of
writing. Personal laws touch intimate relations and operate within the family.
Patriarchal values flourish in these cocoons. Until women are ready to
assert equality- which they will do en mass only if they have a supportive,
anti patriarchal society and state- and until all people are equal in terms of
opportunities and rights so that women are not ghettoized as Dalits or
Muslims or Kashmiris or something else, what use is it if patriarchal personal
laws are replaced by a patriarchal uniform Code?
CC Statement on Union sharply slowed. In this scenario, after decades, in this Budget there has
been increase in custom duties though these also target products of
The Union Budget is thus a cruel attack on the people and a total betrayal Turkey has invaded the Afrin enclave controlled by Kurd led forces in
of the promises made by RSS-BJP during the 2014 parliamentary elections. Northern Syria on the western border with Turkey. Turkey had earlier
The real character of the Budget proposals should be exposed before the occupied an area of Syria along its border including Al-bab, thus separating
people and they should be mobilized against increasing burden on the people Afrin enclave from the broader north-eastern Syria where Kurds’ YPG and
and betrayal of the electoral promises made by the ruling party. SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces) led by them have gained control to the
east of Euphrates river and Manbij area to the west of the river. Both US
and Russia have their military forces deployed in Syria. While Russia has
(This statement was released by the Central Committee of CPI(ML)-New deployed its Air Force to help the Syrian Govt. and controls its air space,
Democracy on February 2, 2018) US has deployed more than two thousand of its military personnel to aid
YPG forces besides providing equipment and ammunition.
The immediate provocation for Turkey’s Afrin offensive is an
announcement by US Admn. to arm and equip 30,000 Kurd led forces to
control north-eastern Syria and Syrian border with Turkey and Iraq. Trump
Admn. has been claiming that it is in Syria only to defeat the ISIS. It has
now unveiled its real intentions of staying in Syria even after the defeat of
ISIS. US Admn. also made clear its intentions to play a bigger role in the
political settlement in Syria where Russia, Iran and Turkey had kept it out
of their tripartite initiative. US Secretary of State has said that US would
keep its troops in Syria to confront Assad Govt. and to contain Iranian
influence in Syria.
After Russia militarily intervened in Syrian civil war in support of Basher
Assad Govt., the tide of war in Western, Central and Southern parts of
Syria turned in favour of Assad Govt. Turkey which had eyed increasing
its influence in Syria and had been the main conduit of fighters and weapons
brought into Syria thus found its path blocked by Russia. On the other
hand, US imperialism’s allies in Syria were none other than the Jihadis it
The working class in our country and in the world is faced with several
challenges - from job losses, contractualization, wage depression to
curtailment of social security and more importantly the rights to organize