Sex Education Among High School Students - A Need Analysis

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PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 2454-5899

Anjana Joy, 2018

Volume 4 Issue 1, pp. 611-618
Date of Publication: 22nd May, 2018
This paper can be cited as: Joy, A. (2018). Sex Education Among High School Students- A Need
Analysis. PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences, 4(1), 611-618.
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Anjana Joy
Student, Christ University, Bengaluru, India
[email protected]
Aim: To Study the Need of Sex Education among High School students. Objectives: To study the
knowledge about sexuality among students and to study the attitude of students towards
introducing sex education in schools. Method: Self made questionnaire was used for collecting
data. Result: As compared to females, males have more knowledge about sex and sexuality.
Males show more positive attitude towards sex education.14.4% students gave first preference
for teacher for getting advice about sexual health, 54.4% students gave first preference for
mother, 7.8% students gave first preference for father, 11.7 % students gave first preference for
friends, 4.4 % gave first preference for doctor, 3.3 % gave first preference for counselor and 3.9
% gave first preference for elder siblings. More students prefer to get advice from their mother.
Family has a prominent role in imparting sex education. Providing proper sex education helps
the women to maintain a good sexual health, helps the male to maintain a good relation with the
opposite gender, helps in reducing crimes related to child abuse, women abuse etc. Even the
social issues like child marriage; women abuse etc can be controlled by providing proper sex
education which can help the people to lead a peaceful life with proper social relations.
Sex Education, High School Students, Need Analysis

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PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences
ISSN 2454-5899

1. Introduction
Late 19th century and early 20th century were marked as the period of emergence of the
concept called adolescence. Adolescence is considered as a period of growth and development.
It’s important that a child must know about the changes occurring during this period. Providing
proper sex education to the children can really help in avoiding many issues like child abuse,
unwanted pregnancy, occurrence of sexually transmitted diseases etc. Many studies were
conducted regarding the sex education and related matters. But there were only few studies
conducted regarding the need analysis of providing sex education to the adolescence. Before
providing sex education it is necessary to know about their current knowledge on this topic and
their attitude towards introducing these topics. The objectives of the study include;
 To study the knowledge about sexuality among students
 To study the attitude of students towards introducing sex education in schools.
1.1 Characteristics of Effective Sex Education
Highly effective sex education provides sexual health information which is age
appropriate as well as culturally appropriate. The information is provided by arranging safe
environment to the participants. Such programs help the participants to clarify their doubts and to
develop skills in communication, refusal, and negotiation. Also such program provides medically
precise information about contraceptive methods, avoidance of sexually transmitted diseases,
avoidance of unwanted pregnancies, abstinence etc. This education should respect community
morals and must respond to community needs. They use participatory teaching methods,
implemented by trained educators.
1.2 When Should Sex Education Start
The word sex and everything related to it is considered as a sensitive issue and mostly
discussed among elderly. It is considered as a non-go area for children, youth etc. Most of the
children didn’t hear the word sex and if they raise any questions due to interest they will be
scolded by the elders. This is what happens commonly. Due to rising cases of child molestation
parents are forced to provide sex education. The American academy of Paediatrics pointed that
children are curious and are conscious about their body from infancy and if such children raise
questions, parents are supposed to provide them answers constructively without saying too education should be provided to the children as early as possible by the parents. The
appropriate time is infancy itself. Because later they may get wrong information from wrong

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ISSN 2454-5899

1.3 Significance of the problem

During adolescence, children are often psychologically and emotionally troubled with
lots of misconception about sex and sexuality. This creates a negative impact on their overall
development. They may have a wrong understanding of their body. This leads to low self-
confidence. In Kerala, there are many cases related to sexual abuse and other sexual crimes. The
lack of sex education in schools is the main reason that leads children to sexual crimes, makes
them victims of such problems etc.
In our country talking about sex is almost considered a taboo due to conservative
tradition. However, most educated people do realize the need and importance of sexuality
education in schools. This study investigates the importance of sexuality education among high
school students from student’s own perspective.

2. Research Methodology
Sex education among high school students- needs analysis
Socio demographic profile

1. Age :

2. Gender :

3. Class :

4. School :

5. Religion :

6. Family status :

7. Number of siblings :

8. Internet access: Yes No

9. Heard about sex education Yes No

10. Attended classes on sex education Yes No

11. Source of information about sex: Father mother sister

Brother Teachers

Media others (specify)

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PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences
ISSN 2454-5899

Student’s attitude towards sex education

12. I think sex education plays an important role in maintaining healthy life.

Agree Uncertain Disagree

13. Lack of sex education leads to sexual violence.

Agree Uncertain Disagree

14. Adolescence has shy feeling while talking about sex.

Agree Uncertain Disagree

15. Any student who talks about sex is a bad child.

Agree Uncertain Disagree

16. Classes on sex education will encourage students to have premarital sex.

Agree Uncertain Disagree

17. Prevention of pregnancy should be taught during sex education.

Agree Uncertain Disagree

18. Sex education helps students to grow to become responsible adults.

Agree Uncertain Disagree

19. How to have healthy relationship with the opposite sex should be discussed in sex education lesson.

Agree Uncertain Disagree

20. Sex education is an important aspect of one’s life.

Agree Uncertain Disagree

21. School is responsible for imparting sex education.

Agree Uncertain Disagree

22. Sex education is not given enough emphasis in schools.

Agree Uncertain Disagree

23. Sex education is a waste of time.

Agree Uncertain Disagree

24. Sex education is adolescent’s right.

Agree Uncertain Disagree

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PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences
ISSN 2454-5899

25. Sex education helps to make important decisions about sexual behaviour.

Agree Uncertain Disagree

26. In general I think sex education is a good thing.

Agree Uncertain Disagree

Student’s knowledge about sex and sexuality

27. In human beings, physical changes occur during adolescence.

Yes No

28. Are you aware about the sexually transmitted diseases?

Yes No

29. Are you aware about the use of contraceptives like condoms?

Yes No

30. Are you aware about the use of contraceptives like pills?

Yes No

31. HIV can be transmitted through saliva.

Yes No

32. Maintaining hygiene of genital area is important .

Yes No

33. Is it important to change the inner wears daily?

Yes No

34. Do sexual relationship before puberty leads to pregnancy?

Yes No

35. HIV AIDS infection during pregnancy affects the baby?

Yes No

36. Which of the following symptoms of pregnancy occurs the earliest?

Weight gain a missed menstruation

Feeling the baby movement

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ISSN 2454-5899

37. A woman cannot get pregnant if the man withdraws his penis before ejaculation of sperm

Yes No

Student’s preferred point of reference for advice about sexual health

38. Whom do you prefer for advice? Rank the following according to your preferences.

a) School teacher

b) Father

c) Mother

d) Friend

e) Doctor

f) Counselor

g) Elder sibling (brother/ sister)

3. Findings
 As compared to females, males have more knowledge about sex and sexuality.
 Males show more positive attitude towards sex education.
 14.4% students gave first preference for teacher for getting advice about sexual health, 54.4%
students gave first preference for mother, 7.8% students gave first preference for father, 11.7 %
students gave first preference for friends, 4.4 % gave first preference for doctor, 3.3 % gave first
preference for counselor and 3.9 % gave first preference for elder siblings. More students prefer
to get advice from their mother.
 Family has a prominent role in imparting sex education.

4. Suggestions

 The sexuality education must be made compulsory among the high school level students.
It should be included in the part of curriculum, this will help the students to establish and
accept the role and responsibility of their own gender by acquiring the knowledge of sex.
 School counselor should be appointed in each school to identify the problems faced by
the students and to get rid of that.
 Teachers require sufficient specialist knowledge in sex education. So government should
take steps to train teachers regarding sex education.

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ISSN 2454-5899

 Parents also have greater responsibility as teachers to educate their children regarding sex
and sexuality.

5. Conclusion
Adolescence is a period where children face many challenges such as teenage pregnancy,
sexual exploitation, abuse etc. This is mainly due to inadequate knowledge. Most of them are
puzzled of what to should. We live a world where misinformation spreads fastly. Therefore,
there is an important need to provide and equip the adolescence with necessary knowledge and
information about sexual life. Sex education is an important aspect of one’s life that helps to
tackle those many issues.
Based on the findings it is found that Majority of the respondents do not have awareness
about sexually transmitted diseases and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. And there is
limited knowledge that gets students from school and parents. They are often misguided since
the lack of appropriate knowledge. Hence teaching of sexuality education in schools should be
made compulsory and effective without delay. Efforts must be made to enrich the training
program of teachers with sufficient contents in sex education.

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ISSN 2454-5899

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