31 August 2007
Copyright © S.W.I.F.T. SCRL ("SWIFT"), Avenue Adèle 1, B-1310 La Hulpe, Belgium, or its licensors, 2007.
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31 August 2007
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 1
Category 1 Message Types.................................................................................................... 4
MT 104 Direct Debit and Request for Debit Transfer Message ....................................... 253
MT 121 Multiple Interbank Funds Transfer (EDIFACT FINPAY Message) ................... 335
MT 191 Request for Payment of Charges, Interest and Other Expenses .......................... 338
Category 1 consists of the following types of customer related payment messages:
• customer credit transfers
• customer debit transfers
• cheque payments
The messages in this category deal with payments, or information about payments, in which the ordering party
or the beneficiary, or both, are not financial institutions.
This volume incorporates the following main changes and additions to Category 1 Customer Payments and
Cheques as noted in the Standards Release Guide (SRG) 2007:
• the deletion of a network validated rule in MT 101 Request for Transfer
• the addition of a new structured option (50F) to the existing field :50a: Ordering Customer including
network validation of field structure in MT 101 Request for Transfer, MT 102 Multiple Customer Credit
Transfer, MT 102+, MT 103 Single Customer Credit transfer, MT 103+, MT 103 REMIT
• some editorial enhancements throughout the document
This volume contains information effective as of the October 2007 Standards Release. Therefore the
September 2006 edition of the User Handbook Standards volumes remains effective until October 2007.
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Category 1 - Customer Payments and Cheques for SWIFTStandards MT October 2007
Status Tag Field Name Content/Options
M = Mandatory O = Optional
• MT nnn (Message Type Name) provides the message type number and name
• Status indicates if the field is
- M - Mandatory
- O - Optional
The status M for fields in optional (sub)sequences means that the field must be present if the
(sub)sequence is present and is otherwise not allowed.
• Tag is the field identification.
• Field Name is the detailed name of the field tag, for this message type.
• Content/Options provides permitted field length and characteristics. For information concerning field
structure, notation and character restrictions, please see SWIFTStandards MT General Information.
• No. identifies the number of the field in the Field Specifications for the message type.
Some messages are separated into sequences of fields, as shown above. An arrow indicates that a sequence of
fields may be repeated.
MT Usage Rules
Usage rules are not validated on the network, ie, rules for which no error code is defined, but are nevertheless
mandatory for the correct usage of the message. Rules specified in this section affect more than one field in the
message, or more than one SWIFT message.
MT Guidelines
Guidelines are not validated on the network and are not mandatory for the correct usage of the message. They
concern good practices. Guidelines specified in this section affect more than one field in the message, or more
than one SWIFT message.
MT Field Specifications
The rules for the use of each field in the message are specified in this section. Each field is identified by its
index number (as shown in the No. column of the MT Format Specifications), field tag and detailed field
name, followed by a description of the field, which may contain some or all of the following:
• FORMAT specifies the field formats which are allowed for the field.
• PRESENCE indicates if the field is mandatory, optional or conditional in its sequence.
• DEFINITION specifies the definition of the field in the message type.
• CODES lists all codes available for use in the field. If there is more than one subfield for which codes are
defined, each separate code list will be identified with a CODES heading. When a list of codes is validated
by the network, the error code will be specified.
• NETWORK VALIDATED RULES specifies rules that are validated on the network, ie, rules for which an
error code is defined. Generally, rules specified in this section affect only the field in which they appear. In
some cases, rules which are validated at the message level, ie, rules which affect more than one field, are
repeated in this section. This is the case when the rule does not affect the presence of the field, but
information within several fields, eg, a currency which must be the same for more than one field in the
• USAGE RULES specifies rules that are not validated on the network, ie, rules for which no error code is
defined, but are nevertheless mandatory for the correct usage of the field. Rules specified in this section
affect only the field in which they appear.
• EXAMPLES provides one or more examples of the field as it will be formatted/used.
MT Mapping
MT mapping provides an explanation of how to map the fields of the message into another SWIFT message,
either of the same or a different message type.
MT Examples
Examples are provided to illustrate the correct use of a message. Examples always include the following
• Narrative provides a brief description of a transaction
• Information Flow illustrates the relationships between the parties involved in the message. An
explanation of the flow diagram can be found in SWIFTStandards MT General Information.
• SWIFT Format provides the message using the defined SWIFT format, and providing an explanation,
where necessary, of the fields which have been used.
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Category 1 - Customer Payments and Cheques for SWIFTStandards MT October 2007
Note: A Message User Group (MUG), for the purposes of this book, is a group of users who have voluntarily
agreed to support the specified message type and have registered with SWIFT to send or receive the
specified message type. These messages are indicated in the preceding table in the column MUG.
Registration is free of charge. To register to use one or more message types, submit a registration request
(Register to a Message User Group) through To withdraw from a MUG, use the
Deregister from a Message User Group request.
These forms are available on > Ordering & Support > Ordering.
To get the list of other members of a particular MUG, send an MT 999 to the Customer Implementation
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Category 1 - Customer Payments and Cheques for SWIFTStandards MT October 2007
See the SWIFTStandards MT General Information volume for full details of the Euro-Related Information
(ERI) and the impact on SWIFTStandards MT message types.
Note: The use of this message type requires Message User Group (MUG) registration.
MT 101 Scope
This message is sent by a financial institution on behalf of a non-financial institution account owner, ie, the
ordering customer/instructing party, and is subsequently received by the receiving financial institution and
processed by the receiving financial institution or the account servicing financial institution.
It is used to move funds from the ordering customer's account(s) serviced at the receiving financial institution
or at the account servicing institution, or from an account(s) owned by the ordering customer which the
instructing customer has explicit authority to debit, eg, a subsidiary account.
The MT 101 can be used to order the movement of funds:
• between ordering customer accounts, or
• in favour of a third party, either domestically or internationally.
O 25 Authorisation 35x 9
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Category 1 - Customer Payments and Cheques for SWIFTStandards MT October 2007
O 56a Intermediary A, C, or D 17
M = Mandatory, O = Optional
Sequence B Sequence B
if field 36 is … then field 21F is …
Present Mandatory
C2 In each occurrence of sequence B, if field 33B is present and 'amount' in field 32B is not equal to zero,
then field 36 must be present, otherwise field 36 is not allowed (Error code(s): D60).
C3 If there is only one debit account, the ordering customer must be identified in field 50a (option F, G or
H) in sequence A. Conversely, if multiple debit accounts are used, they must be identified for every
transaction in field 50a (option F, G or H) of sequence B.
Consequently, field 50a (option F, G or H), must be present in either sequence A (index 5) or in each
occurrence of sequence B (index 15), but must never be present in both sequences, nor be absent from
both sequences (Error code(s): D61).
C4 Field 50a (option C or L), may be present in either sequence A (index 4), or in one or more occurrences
of sequence B (index 14), but must not be present in both sequences A and B (Error code(s): D62).
Sequence A Sequence B
if field 50a (option C or L) is … then field 50a (option C or L) is …
C5 If field 33B is present in sequence B, its currency code must be different from the currency code in field
32B in the same occurrence of sequence B (Error code(s): D68).
Valid Invalid
:32B:USD1000, :32B:USD1000,00
:33B:CHF1200, :33B:USD1000,
:32B:CHF1200, :32B:CHF1200,
:33B:USD1000, :33B:CHF1000,00
C6 Field 52a may be present in either sequence A or in one or more occurrences of sequence B, but must
not be present in both sequences (Error code(s): D64).
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Sequence A Sequence B
if field 52a is … then field 52a is …
C7 If field 56a is present, field 57a must also be present (Error code(s): D65).
Present Mandatory
C8 If field 21R is present in sequence A, then in each occurrence of sequence B, the currency code in fields
32B must be the same (Error code(s): D98).
C9 In each occurrence of sequence B, the presence of fields 33B and 21F is dependent on the presence and
value of fields 32B and 23E as follows (Error code(s): E54).
- field 33B contains the currency and value of the instructed amount i.e. the NCD amount, equivalent to
field 32B;
- field 36 (due to network validated rule 2) contains the fixed conversion rate between the euro and the
National Denomination Currency amounts;
- field 21F (due to network validated rule 1) contains the value "NONREF".
The complete chain of parties and the transaction flow is illustrated by the following figure:
MT 101
Receiver Account Servicing
52a Institution
With Institution 57a
The parties mentioned in the chain are not necessarily different entities. The first column of the table below
shows the parties that can be omitted in an MT 101. The second column specifies the party which assumes the
role of the party in the first column, when it is not present:
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Mandatory in mandatory sequence A
This field specifies the reference assigned by the Sender to unambiguously identify the message.
This field must not start or end with a slash '/' and must not contain two consecutive slashes '//' (Error code(s):
The reference must be unique for each message (or chain of messages) and is part of the message
identification and transaction identification which is to be used in related queries, cancellations, etc.
Optional in mandatory sequence A
This field specifies the reference to the entire message assigned by either the:
• instructing party, when present or
• ordering customer, when the instructing party is not present.
This field must not start or end with a slash '/' and must not contain two consecutive slashes '//' (Error code(s):
When this field is present, the ordering customer requests a single debit entry for the sum of the amounts of all
transactions in the instruction, even if this instruction is chained in several messages. If the field is not used, all
debit items are posted individually.
Mandatory in mandatory sequence A
This field chains different messages by specifying the sequence number in the total number of messages.
Both the message index and the total number of messages allow the receiver to check that all transactions to be
executed have been received.
Conditional (see rule C4) in mandatory sequence A
This field identifies the customer which is authorised by the account owner/account servicing institution to
order all the transactions in the message.
The BIC must be a BEI. Please refer to the latest version of the BIC Directory - Corporations for more
information about BEIs. (Error code(s): T27, T28, T29, T45, E57).
This field must only be used when the instructing customer is not also the account owner.
In option F, the following line formats must be used (Error code(s): T54):
Line 1 (subfield /34x (Account)
Party Identifier)
Lines 2-5 (subfield 1!n/33x (Number)(Details)
Name & Address)
Conditional (see rule C3) in mandatory sequence A
This field identifies the account owner whose account is to be debited with all transactions in sequence B.
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Category 1 - Customer Payments and Cheques for SWIFTStandards MT October 2007
In option F, when subfield 1 Party Identifier is used with the (Code)(Identifier) format, one of following codes
must be used (Error code(s): T55):
ARNU Alien Registration The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/' and the Alien Registration Number.
CCPT Passport Number The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
slash, '/' and the Passport Number.
CUST Customer The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Identification Number slash, '/', the issuer of the number, a slash, '/' and the Customer Identification
DRLC Driver's License The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/', the issuing authority, a slash, '/' and the Driver's License Number.
EMPL Employer Number The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
slash, '/', the registration authority, a slash, '/' and the Employer Number.
IBEI International Business The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the International
Entity Identifier Business Entity Identifier.
NIDN National Identity The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/' and the National Identity Number.
SOSE Social Security The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/' and the Social Security Number.
TXID Tax Identification The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/' and the Tax Identification Number.
In option F, each line of subfield 2 Name & Address when present must start with one of the following
numbers (Error code(s): T56):
1 Name of the ordering The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the name of the
customer ordering customer (where it is recommended that the surname precedes given
2 Address Line The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by an Address Line
(Address Line can be used to provide for example, street name and number, or
building name).
3 Country and Town The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code,
a slash '/' and Town (Town can be complemented by postal code (for example
zip), country subdivision (for example state, province, or county).
4 Date of Birth The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the Date of Birth in
the YYYYMMDD format.
5 Place of Birth The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code,
a slash '/' and the Place of Birth.
6 Customer The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code,
Identification Number a slash, '/', the issuer of the number, a slash, '/' and the Customer Identification
7 National Identity The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code,
Number a slash, '/' and the National Identity Number.
8 Additional The number followed by a slash, '/' is followed by information completing the
Information Identifier provided in subfield 1 (Party Identifier) used with the
(Code)(Identifier) format.
Conditional (see rule C6) in mandatory sequence A
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Category 1 - Customer Payments and Cheques for SWIFTStandards MT October 2007
This field specifies the account servicing institution - when other than the Receiver - which services the
account of the account owner to be debited. This is applicable even if field 50a Ordering Customer contains an
In option A, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
In option C, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
Optional in mandatory sequence A
This field identifies the Sender of the message.
Field 51A is only valid in FileAct (Error code(s): D63).
At least the first eight characters of the BIC in this field must be identical to the originator of this FileAct
The content of field 20 Sender's Reference together with the content of this field provides the message
identification which is to be used in the case of queries, cancellations, etc.
Mandatory in mandatory sequence A
This field specifies the date on which all subsequent transactions should be initiated by the executing bank.
Date must be a valid date expressed as YYMMDD (Error code(s): T50).
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This is the date on which the ordering customer's account(s) is (are) to be debited.
Optional in mandatory sequence A
This field specifies additional security provisions, eg, a digital signature, between the ordering
customer/instructing party and the account servicing financial institution.
Mandatory in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the unambiguous reference for the individual transaction contained in a particular
occurrence of sequence B.
This field must not start or end with a slash '/' and must not contain two consecutive slashes '//' (Error code(s):
In transaction specific queries, cancellations, etc., the Sender's reference together with the content of this field
provides the transaction identification.
Conditional (see rules C1 and C9) in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the foreign exchange contract reference between the ordering customer and the account
servicing financial institution.
The following code may be used:
Optional in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies instructions to be used between the ordering customer and the account servicer.
One of the following codes must be used (Error code(s): T47).
CHQB This transaction contains a request that the beneficiary be paid via issuance of a cheque.
CMSW This transaction contains a cash management instruction, requesting to sweep the account of the
ordering customer.
CMTO This transaction contains a cash management instruction, requesting to top the account of the ordering
customer above a certain floor amount. The floor amount, if not pre-agreed by the parties involved,
may be specified after the code.
CMZB This transaction contains a cash management instruction, requesting to zero balance the account of the
ordering customer.
CORT This transaction contains a payment that is made in settlement of a trade, eg, foreign exchange deal,
securities transaction.
EQUI This transaction contains an instruction requesting to pay the beneficiary customer an amount in one
currency, equivalent to an instructed amount in a different currency.
INTC This transaction contains an intra-company payment, ie, a payment between two companies belonging
to the same group.
NETS This transaction contains a payment that should be settled via a net settlement system, if available.
OTHR Used for bilaterally agreed codes/information. The actual bilateral code/information needs to be
specified in Additional Information.
PHON This transaction requires the beneficiary to be contacted by telephone and should be followed by the
appropriate telephone number. This code is meant for the last financial institution in the chain.
REPA Payment has a related e-Payments reference.
RTGS This transaction contains a payment that should be settled via a real time gross settlement system, if
URGP This transaction contains a time sensitive payment which should be executed in an expeditious
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Category 1 - Customer Payments and Cheques for SWIFTStandards MT October 2007
For example:
Valid Invalid
Code REPA indicates that the payment is the result of an initiation performed via an e-payments product
between the customers. This code is intended for the beneficiary's bank who should act according to the
specifications of the e-payments product.
The use of EQUI is subject to agreements between the ordering customer and beneficiary customer and
between the ordering customer and his account servicing institution.
To facilitate the receiving bank's processing when multiple codes are used, the codes must appear in the
following order:
• instructions for the receiver of the message (CMSW, CMTO, CMZB, INTC, REPA, CORT, URGP)
• codes impacting the routing or composition of the resulting payment message (NETS, RTGS)
• codes containing instructions for one of the following parties in the transaction chain (CHQB, PHON)
• information codes (OTHR)
Mandatory in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the currency and the amount of the subsequent transfer to be executed by the Receiver.
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
The amount is subject to deduction of the Receiver's/beneficiary bank's charges if field 71A is BEN or SHA.
Conditional (see rule C4) in mandatory sequence B
This field identifies the customer which is authorised by the account owner/account servicing institution to
order the transactions in this particular occurrence of sequence B.
The BIC must be a BEI. Please refer to the latest version of the BIC Directory - Corporations for more
information about BEIs (Error code(s): T27, T28, T29, T45, E57).
This field must only be used when the instructing customer is not also the account owner.
In option F, the following line formats must be used (Error code(s): T54):
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Category 1 - Customer Payments and Cheques for SWIFTStandards MT October 2007
4!a/30x (Code)(Identifier)
Lines 2-5 (subfield 1!n/33x (Number)(Details)
Name & Address)
Conditional (see rule C3) in mandatory sequence B
This field identifies the ordering customer which is the account owner ordering the transaction in the same
occurrence of the sequence.
In option F, when subfield 1 Party Identifier is used with the (Code)(Identifier) format, one of the following
codes must be used (Error code(s): T55):
ARNU Alien Registration The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/' and the Alien Registration Number.
CCPT Passport Number The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
slash, '/' and the Passport Number.
CUST Customer The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Identification Number slash, '/', the issuer of the number, a slash, '/' and the Customer Identification
DRLC Driver's License The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/', the issuing authority, a slash, '/' and the Driver's License Number.
EMPL Employer Number The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
slash, '/', the registration authority, a slash, '/' and the Employer Number.
IBEI International Business The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the International
Entity Identifier Business Entity Identifier.
NIDN National Identity The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/' and the National Identity Number.
SOSE Social Security The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/' and the Social Security Number.
TXID Tax Identification The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/' and the Tax Identification Number.
In option F, each line of subfield 2 Name & Address when present must start with one of the following
numbers (Error code(s): T56):
1 Name of the ordering The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the name of the
customer ordering customer (where it is recommended that the surname precedes given
2 Address Line The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by an Address Line
(Address Line can be used to provide for example, street name and number, or
building name).
3 Country and Town The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code,
a slash '/' and Town (Town can be complemented by postal code (for example
zip), country subdivision (for example state, province, or county).
4 Date of Birth The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the Date of Birth in
the YYYYMMDD format.
5 Place of Birth The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code,
a slash '/' and the Place of Birth.
6 Customer The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code,
Identification Number a slash, '/', the issuer of the number, a slash, '/' and the Customer Identification
7 National Identity The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code,
Number a slash, '/' and the National Identity Number.
8 Additional The number followed by a slash, '/' is followed by information completing the
Information Identifier provided in subfield 1 (Party Identifier) used with the
(Code)(Identifier) format.
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Category 1 - Customer Payments and Cheques for SWIFTStandards MT October 2007
3/US/NEW YORK, NY 10017
Option F - Example 2
Conditional (see rule C6) in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the account servicing institution - when other than the Receiver - which services the
account of the account owner to be debited. This is applicable even if field 50a Ordering Customer contains an
In option A, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
In option C, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
Optional in mandatory sequence B
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Category 1 - Customer Payments and Cheques for SWIFTStandards MT October 2007
This field specifies the financial institution through which the transaction must pass to reach the account with
In option A, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
In option C, or D, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
Conditional (see rule C7) in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the financial institution which services the account for the beneficiary customer. This is
applicable even if field 59 or 59A contains an IBAN.
In option A, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
31 August 2007 27
Category 1 - Customer Payments and Cheques for SWIFTStandards MT October 2007
In option C, or D, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
The BIC must not be a BEI. Please refer to the latest version of the BIC Directory - Corporations for more
information about BEIs. This error code applies to all types of BICs referenced in a FIN message including
SWIFT BICs, non-SWIFT BICs, Masters, Synonyms, Live destinations and Test & Training destinations
(Error code(s): C05).
When field 57a is not present, it means that the Receiver is also the account with institution.
When one of the codes //FW (with or without the 9-digit number), //AU, //CP or //IN is used, it should appear
only once and in the first of the fields 56a and 57a of the payment instruction.
When it is necessary that an incoming SWIFT payment be made to the party in this field via Fedwire, US
banks require that the code //FW appears in the optional Party Identifier of field 56a or 57a.
Option A is the preferred option.
If the account with institution cannot be identified by a BIC, option C should be used containing a 2!a clearing
system code preceded by a double slash '//'.
Option D must only be used in exceptional circumstances: when the party cannot be identified by a BIC, when
there is a need to be able to specify a name and address, for example, due to regulatory considerations or when
there is a bilateral agreement between the Sender and the Receiver permitting its use.
When qualified by a clearing system code or an account number, the use of option D will enable the automated
processing of the instruction(s) by the Receiver.
Mandatory in mandatory sequence B
This field identifies the beneficiary of the subsequent operation from the particular occurrence of sequence B.
The BIC/BEI must be a SWIFT registered address, either connected or non-connected (Error code(s): T27,
T28, T29, T45).
At least the name or BIC/BEI of the beneficiary customer is mandatory.
Optional in mandatory sequence B
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This field specifies details of the individual transactions which are to be transmitted to the beneficiary
One of the following codes may be used, placed between slashes:
INV Invoice (followed by the date, reference and details of the invoice).
IPI Unique reference identifying a related International Payment Instruction (followed by up to 20
RFB Reference for the beneficiary customer (followed by up to 16 characters).
ROC Ordering customer's reference.
For national clearing purposes, the Sender must check with the Receiver regarding length restrictions of field
The information specified in this field is intended only for the beneficiary customer, ie, this information only
needs to be conveyed by the Receiver.
Multiple references can be used, if separated with a double slash, '//'. Code must not be repeated between two
references of the same kind.
Optional in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies code(s) for the statutory and/or regulatory information required by the authorities in the
country of the Receiver or the Sender/originating customer.
When the residence of either the ordering customer or beneficiary customer is to be identified, the following
codes may be used, placed between slashes ('/'):
Country consists of the ISO country code of the country of residence of the ordering customer or beneficiary
The information specified must not have been explicitly conveyed in another field.
Conditional (see rule C9) in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the original currency and amount as specified by the ordering customer.
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
This field is used when the currency and amount are different from those specified in field 32B.
Mandatory in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies which party will bear the applicable charges for the subsequent transfer of funds.
One of the following codes must be used (Error code(s): T08):
BEN All transaction charges, including the charges of the financial institution servicing the ordering
customer's account, for the subsequent credit transfer(s) are to be borne by the beneficiary customer.
OUR All transaction charges for the subsequent credit transfer are to be borne by the ordering customer.
SHA All transaction charges other than the charges of the financial institution servicing the ordering
customer account are borne by the beneficiary customer.
These charge codes cover potential charges associated with the sending of subsequent MTs 102, 103. Charges
for sending the MT 101 should be handled outside of this message type.
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Category 1 - Customer Payments and Cheques for SWIFTStandards MT October 2007
Optional in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the ordering customer's account number to which applicable transaction charges should be
separately applied.
When used, the account number must be different from the account number specified in field 50a Ordering
Conditional (see rule C2) in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the exchange rate applied by the ordering customer/instructing party when converting the
original ordered amount to the transaction amount.
The integer part of Rate must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in the
maximum length (Error code(s): T40, T43).
MT 101 Mapping
The following illustrates the mapping of a single-transaction MT 101 onto an equivalent MT 103:
Sender Sender
MT 101 MT 103
Receiver Receiver
20 20
21R 13C
28D 23B
50C or L 23E
50F or G or H 26T
(b) (d)
52a 32A
51A 33B
30 36
25 50A or F or K
21 51A
21F 52a
23E 53a
32B 54a
56a 55a
57a 56a
59a 57a
70 59A or 59
77B 70
33B 71A
71A 71F
25A 71G
36 72
National and Banking practices may differ from the mapping shown above.
Mapping onto an MT 103 core is shown for illustration purposes. A multiple MT 101 could also be mapped
onto an MT 102 or onto several MTs 103. Mapping onto an MT103+ may require more constraints.
• Fields 20, 21R, 28D, 51A, 25, 21F and 25A should not be mapped onto the MT 103.
• See (a) in the figure above.
If both field 50a Instructing Party (50C or L) and field 50a Ordering Customer (50F, G or H) are present in
the MT 101 then, per default, 50a Ordering Customer should be mapped onto the subsequent MT 103.
• See (b) in the figure above.
Field 30 of the MT 101 is used to construct subfield 1 of field 32A of the MT 103. Whenever relevant, the
Interbank Settlement Date of the MT 103 takes into account the instruction codes present in field 23E of
the MT 101 (for example RTGS).
• See (c) in the figure above.
As a general rule, field 23E of the MT 101 is mapped to field 23E of the MT 103. However codes CMSW,
CMTO, CMZB, NETS and URGP should be mapped in field 70 of the MT 103. Code EQUI is not mapped
to a field of the MT103, but its presence in the MT 101 will result in the presence of fields 32A, 33B and
36 in the MT 103.
Note:Some codes require specific mapping action at the executing institution, for example:
31 August 2007 33
Category 1 - Customer Payments and Cheques for SWIFTStandards MT October 2007
• RTGS mapped from the MT 101 to the MT 103 may require the payment to be executed via an RTGS
system or code //RT to be added in field 57a of the MT 103
• CHQB in the MT 101 will lead to the issuance of a cheque by the executing institution when fields 56a
and 57a are not present or by specified correspondent when fields 56a and/or 57a are present
• PHON in the MT 101 should be mapped to PHOB in the MT 103
• See (d) in the figure above.
When present, field 33B of the MT 101 is mapped onto field 33B of the MT 103. If field 33B is not present
in the MT 101, field 32B of the MT 101 is mapped onto field 33B of the MT 103. In all other cases, field
32B of the MT 101 is used to build subfields 2 and 3 of field 32A of the MT 103.
Note:Charges for the processing of the MT 101 are to be accounted for separately and posted to the
account mentioned in field 25A of the MT 101, when present. Below charges relate to the processing
of the MT 103 only.
• If field 71A of the MT 101 contains SHA, field 32B of the MT 101 is mapped to subfields 2 and 3 of
field 32A of the MT 103.
• If field 71A of the MT 101 contains OUR and charges are known, charges for the entire transaction are
added to field 32B of the MT 101 and mapped in field 32A of the MT 103. In this case, field 71G of the
MT 103 may be present.
• If field 71A of the MT 101 contains OUR and charges are not known, field 32B of the MT 101 is
mapped onto field 32A of the MT 103 and field 71G is not present (in this case, the executing
institution will be charged back by the next party(ies) in the transaction chain).
• If field 71A contains BEN, charges of the executing bank are deducted from field 32B from the
received MT 101. The result is mapped onto field 32A of the MT 103. In this case, charges of the
executing bank will be quoted into field 71F of the MT 103.
• See (e) in the figure above.
Fields 56a and 57a:
- If both fields 56a and 57a are not present in the MT 101, the MT 101 triggers a book transfer at the
executing institution or issuance of a cheque.
- If both fields 56a and 57a are present, field 56a maps to the Receiver of the MT 103 and field 57a is
mapped in field 57a of the MT 103.
- If only field 57a is present in the MT 101, field 57a is mapped onto Receiver of the MT 103.
• See (f) in the figure above.
It is not mandatory to map field 21 of the MT 101 in the MT 103. However, if desired, it should be mapped
onto field 70 of the MT 103 as follows: :70:/ROC/value.
MT 101 Examples
A multinational Swiss pharmaceutical company, MAG-NUM, must frequently make £ Sterling payments to
different third party companies located in the U.K. MAG-NUM maintains several £ Sterling accounts with its
primary U.K. correspondent.
Explanation Format
Sender BNKACH10
Receiver BNKAGB22
Message text
Beneficiary :59:/1091282
Beneficiary 1
Explanation Format
Sender BNKACH10
Receiver BNKAGB22
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Explanation Format
Transaction details 1
Beneficiary :59:/1091282
Beneficiary 1
Transaction details 2
Beneficiary :59:/8123560
Beneficiary 2
Transaction details 3
Beneficiary :59:/2179742
Explanation Format
Sender BNKACH10
Receiver BNKAGB22
Transaction details 1
Beneficiary :59:/1091282
Transaction details 2
Beneficiary :59:/8123560
Transaction details 3
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Explanation Format
Beneficiary :59:/2179742
50C or 50L
MT 101
Company Beneficiary
50F or G or H 59a
Case 2: Head Office paying from own account on behalf of multiple subsidiaries and
Walt Disney has concentrated its treasury cash management functions into one office, Walt Disney Company
in Los Angeles, California. All wire transfer transactions ordered by Walt Disney's subsidiaries - such as
Disney Stores, Disney Productions - are sent to the bank by Walt Disney Company.
At its various banks, Walt Disney Company holds master concentration accounts which it uses (debits) to
cover any wire transfer transactions made through these banks. Payments which Walt Disney orders may be
initiated for itself, or on behalf of one of its subsidiaries.
1. On behalf of Disney Stores, for 118,982.05 USD to Wung Lu Manufacturing at Hongkong and Shanghai
Banking Corporation (account number 60648929889) in Beijing, CN.
2. On behalf of Disney Productions, for 50,000 USD, to Tristan Recording Studios at Midland Bank (account
0010499) in London, GB.
3. On behalf of Walt Disney Company, for 377,250 USD, to River Paper Company at Wells Fargo Bank
(account number 26351-38947) in San Francisco, CA.
4. On behalf of Walt Disney Company, for 132,546.93 USD, to Pacific Telephone at Bank of America
(account 12334-98765) in San Francisco, CA.
Walt Disney requests its transfer via First National Bank of Chicago (FNBCUS44), which sends the MT 101
Request For Transfer to Bank of America, San Francisco (BOFAUS6S).
Payment Messages:
Explanation Format
Sender FNBCUS44
Receiver BOFAUS6S
Transaction details 1
31 August 2007 39
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Explanation Format
Beneficiary :59:/60648929889
Transaction details 2
Beneficiary :59:/0010499
Transaction details 3
Beneficiary :59:/26351-38947
Transaction details 4
Beneficiary :59:/12334-98765
Pacific Telephone
San Francisco, CA.
The following payments are the corresponding MTs 103 that Bank of America sends for each applicable
payment specified in the above MT 101:
Explanation Format
Message text
Beneficiary :59:/60648929889
Explanation Format
Receiver MIDLGB22
Message text
31 August 2007 41
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Explanation Format
Beneficiary :59:/0010499
Although this payment would probably be sent via Fedwire, the MT 103 is shown for illustration purposes.
Explanation Format
Receiver WFBIUS66
Message text
Beneficiary :59:/26351-38947
Since this transaction results in a book transfer on Bank of America's books, no corresponding MT 103 is
generated. The beneficiary, Pacific Telephone, is advised of this payment via a balance reporting service and
printed statement.
A complete example
Finpetrol, a corporate customer located in Helsinki, Finland sends a multiple MT 101 Request for Transfer
payment message through its sending financial institution (UXXXFIHH) to the receiving financial institution
(CHXXUS33) with which it also maintains an account. Two transactions contained in this multiple payment
message request the Receiver to debit the ordering customer account, and effect payment to the associated
beneficiary customers. The third transaction requests the Receiver to repatriate funds held in an account
(account number 9102099999) at the branch of the Receiver (CHXXUS33BBB), for further credit to
Finpetrol's account held at the Receiver (account number 9020123100).
Beneficiary Tony Baloney maintains an account with the Receiver (CHXXUS33), while beneficiary Softease
PC maintains an account with a financial institution other than the Receiver, namely the account with
institution (CHYYUS33). A software vendor invoice payment to Softease PC and a pension payment to Tony
Baloney, in euro (EUR), are contained within this multiple payment message.
Finpetrol supplements its existing agreements with the three financial institutions with which it maintains an
account, ie the sending financial institution (UXXXFIHH), the receiving financial institution (CHXXUS33),
and the account servicing financial institution (CHXXUS33BBB). The supplement to the existing agreements
establishes the basis for an agreement to exchange MT 101 messages.
MT 101
(MT 940)
Tony Baloney
funds cheque
MT 103
(or equivalent)
Softease PC
The details agreed upon by the MT 101 Request for Transfer parties, which are highlighted below for the
purpose of this message, are as follows:
• transaction charges have been agreed upon, specified and are not included in the transaction amount
• the exchange rate to be applied to the transaction is known in advance by the ordering customer
• FINPETROL wishes to have its portion of the associated transaction charges posted to a special charges
account number: 9101000123
In the interest of simplicity, only 3 transactions have been included in the following MT 101 message.
Explanation Format
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Explanation Format
Transaction details 1
Beneficiary :59:/756-857489-21
Transaction details 2
Explanation Format
Transaction details 3
Beneficiary :59:/9020123100
In the following statement message sent by CHXXUS33 to the Sender of the MT 101, the statement line
contains the transaction amounts as specified in Field 32B, transaction references as specified in field 21, and
the ordering customer account number as specified in field 50H, Account.
Explanation Format
Sender CHXXUS33
Message text
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Explanation Format
This agreement must clarify the obligations of the sending financial institution, including ensuring the
integrity of the message received from the ordering customer, and the monitoring of the delivery of the
message to the receiving financial institution.
The agreement should also state that the liability of the sending financial institution is limited to the delivery
of this message to the SWIFT network in a timely manner. In other words the sending financial institution is
not liable for the actual payment.
Bilateral Agreement 3:
Establishes a bilateral agreement between financial institutions exchanging request for transfer messages.
This agreement, if necessary, should further clarify the inter-bank responsibilities of the financial institutions
involved in the request for transfer payment flow.
Bilateral Agreement 4:
Establishes a bilateral agreement between the account servicing financial institution and the instructing
party/ordering customer.
This agreement, when used, allows the account owner to authorise the account servicing financial institution
to effect the transfers ordered by the ordering customer or instructing party.
Charges due to Charges per message (1) Charges per transaction (1)
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Messages received before the Receiver's cut-off time, will be settled on a pre-agreed upon day which is X
number of days following the day of receipt D. For messages received after the Receiver's cut-off time, the
settlement time frame will be based on D+1.
D will also be the basis for calculating the requested execution date, ie the date on which the ordering
customer account is to be debited.
Currency 1 Currency 2
D= Date of acceptance and receipt, meaning the message is received by Receiver before their cut-off
D= Date of receipt, and, D + 1 = date of acceptance, meaning the message was received after the
Receiver's cut-off time on D.
Transaction amount
Account number/validity of
ordering customer
Currency present
Account number/identification of
Instructing code
Account balance
Credit limit
Rejects/Returns of Messages/Transactions
For rejects due to a communication failure between the Sender and the Receiver, the existing FIN and FileAct
rules apply.
Unless otherwise agreed, messages properly received but failing to pass the checks as defined in section 4 (see
above) will be rejected by the Receiver without further processing.
When advising of the transaction/message rejection in FIN, financial institutions are recommended to use
either the MT 195, or another message type which follow the SWIFT payment reject guidelines. In FileAct,
financial institutions are recommended to use the negative acknowledgement to advise of the rejection.
The reject advice should contain, at a minimum, the reference of the rejected transaction/message and the
corresponding error code(s). The parties should bilaterally agree the maximum delay acceptable for the
Receiver to notify the sending financial institution, as well as possible related charges.
Unless otherwise agreed, the notification that is returned to the Sender exempts the Receiver from processing
the message. The sending financial institution will, after correction, resubmit the transaction/message.
The return of a rejected transaction/message to the sending financial institution after the transaction/message
has been posted to an account of the ordering customer at the Receiver, will cause a settlement. Unless
otherwise agreed, this settlement will adhere to the following rules:
• it should be in the same currency as the original transaction currency
• it should take place at a bilaterally agreed value date
• the original ordered transaction amount should remain unchanged
• the settlement should take place via the same account relationship(s)
• normal banking practice prevails.
All subscribers should agree on a maximum number of working days after receipt of the MT 101 for
rejecting/returning a transaction/message, and on the associated charges to be applied.
The following chart provides details regarding the transaction/message reject/return:
31 August 2007 49
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Reject Return
A Reject occurs when the message and/or transaction has not yet been booked, ie, accounting has not yet
taken place.
A Return occurs when the message and/or transaction has already been booked, ie, accounting has already
taken place.
Unless otherwise agreed or required by law, messages properly received and accepted are to be considered as
irrevocable. Cancellation therefore should be the exception.
If, however, cancellations are accepted in the bilateral agreement, the following details should be agreed upon:
It is recommended that request for cancellations be sent by MT 192 and responded to by MT 196.
Note: The use of this message type requires Message User Group (MUG) registration.
MT 102 Scope
This message is sent by or on behalf of the financial institution of the ordering customer(s) to another financial
institution for payment to the beneficiary customer.
It requests the Receiver to credit the beneficiary customer(s) directly or indirectly through a clearing
mechanism or another financial institution, or to issue a cheque to the beneficiary.
This message is used to convey multiple payment instructions between financial institutions for clean
payments. Its use is subject to bilateral/multilateral agreements between Sender and Receiver.
Amongst other things, these bilateral agreements cover the transaction amount limits, the currencies accepted
and their settlement. The multiple payments checklist included below is recommended as a guide for
institutions in the setup of their agreements.
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M = Mandatory, O = Optional
C2 The currency code in the fields 71G, 32B and 32A must be the same for all occurrences of these fields
in the message (Error code(s): C02).
C3 Field 50a must be present either in sequence A or in each occurrence of sequence B, but it must never
be present in both sequences, nor be absent from both sequences (Error code(s): D17).
C4 Field 71A must be present either in sequence A or in each occurrence of sequence B, but it must never
be present in both sequences, nor be absent from both sequences (Error code(s): D20).
C5 If a field 52a, 26T or 77B is present in sequence A, that field must not be present in any occurrence of
sequence B. When a field 52a, 26T or 77B is present in any occurrence of sequence B, that field must
not be present in sequence A (Error code(s): D18).
C6 Field 36 (sequence A or sequence B) must be present in the message if there is any sequence B which
contains a field 33B with a currency code different from the currency code in field 32B; in all other
cases field 36 is not allowed in the message.
When a field 36 (sequence A or sequence B) is required, EITHER field 36 must be present in sequence
A and not in any sequence B, OR it must be present in every sequence B which contains fields 32B and
33B with different currency codes and must not be present in sequence A or any other sequence B
(Error code(s): D22).
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Sequence A Sequence B
C7 If field 23 contains the code CHQB, the Account Number must not be present in field 59a. In all other
cases, it is mandatory (Error code(s): D93).
CHQB Forbidden
Other Mandatory
Valid Invalid
:23:CHQB(CrLf) :23:CHQB(CrLf)
:59:xxxxx(CrLf) :59:/xxxxx(CrLf)
:23:CREDIT(CrLf) :23:CREDIT(CrLf)
:59:/xxxxx(CrLf) :59:xxxxx(CrLf)
xxxxx(CrLf) xxxxx(CrLf)
:23:CRTST(CrLf) :23:CRTST(CrLf)
:59:/xxxxx(CrLf) :59:xxxxx(CrLf)
xxxxx(CrLf) xxxxx(CrLf)
C8 If the country codes of the Sender's and the Receiver's BICs are within the following list: AD, AT, BE,
MC, MQ, MT, NL, NO, PL, PM, PT, RE, RO, SE, SI, SJ, SK, SM, TF and VA, then field 33B is
mandatory in each occurrence of sequence B, otherwise field 33B is optional (Error code(s): D49).
Yes No Optional
No Yes Optional
No No Optional
If field 71A in sequence B contains OUR, then field 71F is not allowed and field 71G is optional in the
same occurrence of sequence B (Error code(s): E13).
If field 71A in sequence B contains SHA, then fields 71F are optional and field 71G is not allowed in
the same occurrence of sequence B (Error code(s): D50).
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If field 71A in sequence B contains BEN, then at least one occurrence of field 71F is mandatory in the
same occurrence of sequence B and field 71G is not allowed (Error code(s): E15).
(1) both fields 71F and 71G present is not a valid combination, see rule C9.
C11 If field 71G is present in an occurrence of sequence B, then field 71G is mandatory in the sequence C
(Error code(s): D79).
Present Mandatory
• For each occurrence of sequence B, the instructed amount in field 33B, adjusted with the exchange rate in
field 36, minus the Sender's charges in field(s) 71F, equals the transaction amount in field 32B.
• The sum of all transaction amounts in fields 32B, equals the total amount in field 19.
• The sum of all Receiver's charges in fields 71G of sequence B, equals the total Receiver's charges of field
71G in sequence C.
• The total amount in field 19 (or the sum of all transaction amounts in fields 32B), plus the total Receiver's
charges in field 71G of sequence C, equals the interbank settled amount in field 32A.
Presence of the fields mentioned above is subject to the conditional field rules C5, C6, C8, C9, C10 and C11.
If a field is not present, that field must not be taken into account in the formula. If field 71F is present more
than once, all occurrences of that field must be taken into account in the formula.
Sequence B
Sequence A
If field 71A is …
then field 32B is … field 71F is … and field 71G is …
Sequence C
Sequence A
If field 71A is …
then field 19 is … field 32A is … and field 71G is …
Examples Transaction A:
• Pay the equivalent of EUR1000,00 in GBP to a beneficiary in the United Kingdom
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B. MT 102 extract:
36 0,61999
C. The subsequent MT 950 shows one debit entry for GBP 623,99, ie, field 32A, sequence C.
D. Amount credited to the beneficiary:
B. MT 102 extract:
36 0,61999
C. The subsequent MT 950 shows one debit entry for GBP 619,99, ie, field 32A, sequence C.
D. Amount credited to the beneficiary:
B. MT 102 extract:
36 0,61999
C. The subsequent MT 950 shows one debit entry for GBP 616,89, ie, field 32A, sequence C.
D. Amount credited to the beneficiary:
31 August 2007 59
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Examples Transaction B
• Pay GBP 1000,00 to a beneficiary in the United Kingdom
• The exchange rate is 1 EUR for 0,61999 GBP
• Ordering bank's (sending bank's) transaction charge is EUR 5 (=GBP 3,1)
• Beneficiary bank's (receiving bank's) transaction charge is GBP 4 (=EUR 6,45)
• The ordering customer has an account in euro
• Sender and Receiver's BIC are within the EU-country list
B. MT 102 extract
Note:field 36 does not have to be used since currency in fields 32A and 33B is the same
C. The subsequent MT 950 shows one debit entry for GBP1004,00, ie, field 32A, sequence C.
D. Amount credited to the beneficiary:
Debit on EUR-account
B. MT 102 extract:
C. The subsequent MT 950 shows one debit entry for GBP 1000,00, ie, field 32A, sequence C.
D. Amount credited to the beneficiary:
B. MT 102 extract:
Note:field 36 does not have to be used since currency in fields 32A and 33B is the same.
C. The subsequent MT 950 shows one debit entry for GBP 996,90, ie, field 32A, sequence C.
D. Amount credited to the beneficiary:
31 August 2007 61
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Mandatory in mandatory sequence A
This field specifies the reference assigned by the Sender to unambiguously identify the message.
This field must not start or end with a slash '/' and must not contain two consecutive slashes '//' (Error code(s):
This reference must be quoted in any related confirmation or statement, eg, MT 900 Confirmation of Debit
and/or 950 Statement Message.
The file reference must be unique for each file and is part of the file identification and transaction
identification which is used in case of queries, cancellations etc.
To be formatted as:
Mandatory in mandatory sequence A
This field identifies the type of operation.
One of the following codes, or bilaterally agreed codes may be used:
CHQB This message contains transactions requesting that the beneficiary be paid via issuance of a cheque.
CREDIT This message contains credit transfer(s) to be processed according to the pre-established bilateral
agreement between the Sender and the Receiver.
CRTST This message contains credit transfers for test purpose(s).
SPAY This message contains credit transfer(s) to be processed according to the SWIFTPay Service Level.
As tests in FIN should be done in Test & Training, the code CRTST is only valid when sent by a Test &
Training destination.
Optional in mandatory sequence A
This field identifies the Sender of the message.
Field 51A is only valid in FileAct (Error code(s): D63).
The content of field 20, File Reference, together with the content of this field provides the message
identification which is to be used in case of file related queries, cancellations etc.
In FileAct, at least the first eight characters of the BIC in this field must be identical to the originator of the
FileAct message.
In option F, the following line formats must be used (Error code(s): T54):
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Conditional (see rule C3) in mandatory sequence A
This field identifies the customer ordering all transactions described in sequence B.
In option F, when subfield 1 Party Identifier is used with the (Code)(Identifier) format, one of the following
codes must be used (Error code(s): T55):
ARNU Alien Registration The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/' and the Alien Registration Number.
CCPT Passport Number The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
slash, '/' and the Passport Number.
CUST Customer The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Identification Number slash, '/', the issuer of the number, a slash, '/' and the Customer Identification
DRLC Driver's License The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/', the issuing authority, a slash, '/' and the Driver's License Number.
EMPL Employer Number The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
slash, '/', the registration authority, a slash, '/' and the Employer Number.
IBEI International Business The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the International
Entity Identifier Business Entity Identifier.
NIDN National Identity The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/' and the National Identity Number.
SOSE Social Security The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/' and the Social Security Number.
TXID Tax Identification The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/' and the Tax Identification Number.
In option F, each line of subfield 2 Name & Address when present must start with one of the following
numbers (Error code(s): T56):
1 Name of the ordering The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the name of the
customer ordering customer (where it is recommended that the surname precedes given
2 Address Line The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by an Address Line
(Address Line can be used to provide for example, street name and number, or
building name).
3 Country and Town The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code,
a slash '/' and Town (Town can be complemented by postal code (for example
zip), country subdivision (for example state, province, or county).
4 Date of Birth The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the Date of Birth in
the YYYYMMDD format.
5 Place of Birth The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code,
a slash '/' and the Place of Birth.
6 Customer The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code,
Identification Number a slash, '/', the issuer of the number, a slash, '/' and the Customer Identification
7 National Identity The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code,
Number a slash, '/' and the National Identity Number.
8 Additional The number followed by a slash, '/' is followed by information completing the
Information Identifier provided in subfield 1 (Party Identifier) used with the
(Code)(Identifier) format.
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Category 1 - Customer Payments and Cheques for SWIFTStandards MT October 2007
Conditional (see rule C5) in mandatory sequence A
This field specifies the financial institution, when different from the Sender, which instructed the Sender to
transmit all transactions described in sequence B. This is applicable even if field(s) 50a contain(s) an IBAN.
In option A, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
In option C, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
31 August 2007 67
Category 1 - Customer Payments and Cheques for SWIFTStandards MT October 2007
Conditional (see rule C5) in mandatory sequence A
This field identifies the nature of, purpose of and/or reason for all transactions described in sequence B, eg,
salaries, pensions or dividends.
Codes from the EUROSTAT list "Code List for Balance of Payments Collection Systems" may be used in this
The information given is intended both for regulatory and statutory requirements and/or to provide
information to the beneficiary customer on the nature of the transaction.
Conditional (see rule C5) in mandatory sequence A
This field specifies the code(s) for the statutory and/or regulatory information required by the authorities in the
country of the Receiver or Sender.
When the residence of either the ordering customer or the beneficiary customer is to be identified, the
following codes may be used, placed between slashes ('/'):
Country consists of the ISO country code of the country of residence of the ordering customer or beneficiary
The information specified must not have been explicitly conveyed in another field and is valid for all
transactions described in sequence B.
Conditional (see rule C4) in mandatory sequence A
This field specifies which party will bear the charges for all transactions described in sequence B.
One of the following codes must be used (Error code(s): T08):
Conditional (see rule C6) in mandatory sequence A
This field specifies the exchange rate used to convert all instructed amounts specified in field 33B in sequence
The integer part of Rate must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in the
maximum length (Error code(s): T40, T43).
This field must be present, when a currency conversion has been performed on the Sender's side.
Mandatory in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the unambiguous reference for the individual transaction contained in a particular
occurrence of sequence B.
This field must not start or end with a slash '/' and must not contain two consecutive slashes '//' (Error code(s):
In transaction related queries, cancellations etc., the content of field 20 File Reference together with the
content of this field provides the transaction identification.
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Mandatory in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the individual transaction amount remitted by the Sender to the Receiver.
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
This amount will, taking into account the charging option, be the basis for the Receiver to calculate the amount
to be credited to the beneficiary.
Depending on the charging option specified in field 71A, the content of field 32B is as follows:
• If field 71A is OUR, the net amount to be credited to the beneficiary, as charges have been prepaid by the
ordering customer.
• If field 71A is SHA, the amount as instructed by the originator, eg, invoice amount, of which the Receiver
will deduct its own charges.
• If field 71A is BEN, the amount as instructed by the originator minus the Senders' charges, and from which
amount the Receiver will deduct its charges.
In option F, the following line formats must be used (Error code(s): T54):
Line 1 (subfield 4!a/30x (Code)(Identifier)
Party Identifier)
Lines 2-5 (subfield 1!n/33x (Number)(Details)
Name & Address)
Conditional (see rule C3) in mandatory sequence B
This field identifies the customer ordering the transaction in this occurrence of the sequence.
In option F, when subfield 1 Party Identifier is used with the (Code)(Identifier) format, one of the following
codes must be used (Error code(s): T55):
ARNU Alien Registration The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/' and the Alien Registration Number.
CCPT Passport Number The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
slash, '/' and the Passport Number.
CUST Customer The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Identification Number slash, '/', the issuer of the number, a slash, '/' and the Customer Identification
DRLC Driver's License The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/', the issuing authority, a slash, '/' and the Driver's License Number.
EMPL Employer Number The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
slash, '/', the registration authority, a slash, '/' and the Employer Number.
IBEI International Business The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the International
Entity Identifier Business Entity Identifier.
NIDN National Identity The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/' and the National Identity Number.
SOSE Social Security The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/' and the Social Security Number.
TXID Tax Identification The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/' and the Tax Identification Number.
In option F, each line of subfield 2 Name & Address when present must start with one of the following
numbers (Error code(s): T56):
1 Name of the ordering The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the name of the
customer ordering customer (where it is recommended that the surname precedes given
2 Address Line The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by an Address Line
(Address Line can be used to provide for example, street name and number, or
building name).
3 Country and Town The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code,
a slash '/' and Town (Town can be complemented by postal code (for example
zip), country subdivision (for example state, province, or county).
4 Date of Birth The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the Date of Birth in
the YYYYMMDD format.
5 Place of Birth The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code,
a slash '/' and the Place of Birth.
31 August 2007 71
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6 Customer The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code,
Identification Number a slash, '/', the issuer of the number, a slash, '/' and the Customer Identification
7 National Identity The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code,
Number a slash, '/' and the National Identity Number.
8 Additional The number followed by a slash, '/' is followed by information completing the
Information Identifier provided in subfield 1 (Party Identifier) used with the
(Code)(Identifier) format.
Option F - Example 4
6/DE/ABC BANK/1234578293
Option F - Example 5
:50F:CUST/DE/ABC BANK/123456789/8-123456
This means that the customer identification number of Mann Georg assigned by ABC Bank is
Conditional (see rule C5) in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the financial institution, when other than the Sender, which instructed the Sender to
transmit the transaction. This is applicable even if field(s) 50a contain(s) an IBAN.
In option A, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
31 August 2007 73
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In option C, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
Optional in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the financial institution which services the account for the beneficiary customer identified
in the same sequence. This is applicable even if field 59 or 59A contains an IBAN.
In option A, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
In option C, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
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Mandatory in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the customer to which the transaction amount should be transmitted.
The BIC/BEI must be a SWIFT registered address, either connected or non-connected (Error code(s): T27,
T28, T29, T45).
At least the name or the BIC/BEI of the beneficiary customer is mandatory.
If a BEI is specified, it must be meaningful for the financial institution that services the account for the
beneficiary customer.
Optional in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies details of the individual transaction which are to be transmitted to the beneficiary
One of the following codes may be used, placed between slashes ('/'):
INV Invoice (followed by the date, reference and details of the invoice).
IPI Unique reference identifying a related International Payment Instruction (followed by up to 20
RFB Reference for the beneficiary customer (followed by up to 16 characters).
ROC Ordering customer's reference.
This field must not contain information to be acted upon by the Receiver.
Due to national clearing restrictions, which vary significantly from country to country, the Sender must agree
to the maximum usable length of this field with the Receiver.
Conditional (see rule C5) in mandatory sequence B
This field identifies the nature of, purpose of, and/or reason for the individual transaction, eg, salary, pension
or dividend.
Codes from the EUROSTAT list "Code List for Balance of Payments Collection Systems" may be used in this
The information given is intended both for regulatory and statutory requirements and/or to provide
information to the beneficiary customer on the nature of the transaction.
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Conditional (see rule C5) in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the codes for the statutory and/or regulatory information required by the authorities in the
country of the Receiver or the Sender.
When the residence of either the ordering customer or the beneficiary customer is to be identified, the
following codes may be used, placed between slashes ('/'):
Country consists of the ISO country code of the country of residence of the ordering customer or beneficiary
The information specified must not have been explicitly conveyed in another field.
Conditional (see rules C8 and C10) in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the currency and amount of the instruction. This amount is provided for information
purposes and has to be transported unchanged through the transaction chain.
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
If field 33B is present in the message received, it has to be forwarded unchanged to the next party.
This field must be present when a currency conversion or an exchange has been performed on the Sender's
If the transaction is within the scope of the EC Directive on cross border credit transfers, this amount is the
original ordered amount as instructed by the ordering customer. Otherwise, it is the amount that the sending
bank was instructed to pay.
As a consequence, if there are no Sender's or Receiver's charges and no currency conversion or exchange took
place, field 32B equals 33B, if present.
Conditional (see rule C4) in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies which party will bear the charges for the transaction in the same occurrence of sequence B.
One of the following codes must be used (Error code(s): T08):
Conditional (see rule C9) in mandatory sequence B
This repetitive field specifies the currency and amount of the transaction charges deducted by the Sender and
by previous banks in the transaction chain.
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
These fields are conveyed for transparency reasons.
The net amount after deduction of the Sender's charges will be quoted as the transaction amount in field 32B.
This field may be repeated to specify to the Receiver the currency and amount of charges taken by preceding
banks in the transaction chain. Charges should be indicated in the order in which they have been deducted
from the transaction amount. Ie, the first occurrence of this field specifies the charges of the first bank in the
transaction chain that deducted charges; the last occurrence always gives the Sender's charges.
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Conditional (see rule C9) in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the currency and amount of the transaction charges due to the Receiver.
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
The Receiver's charges are to be conveyed to the Receiver, not for transparency but for accounting reasons, ie,
to facilitate bookkeeping and to calculate or verify the total Receiver's charges amount stipulated in Sequence
Conditional (see rule C6) in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the exchange rate used to convert the instructed amount specified in field 33B in the same
occurrence of sequence B.
The integer part of Rate must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in the
maximum length (Error code(s): T40, T43).
This field must be present when a currency conversion has been performed on the Sender's side.
Mandatory in mandatory sequence C
This field specifies the value date, the currency and the settlement amount. The settlement amount is the
amount to be booked/reconciled at interbank level.
Optional in mandatory sequence C
This field specifies the sum of all amounts appearing in field 32B in each occurrence of sequence B.
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the currency specified in field 32A (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
This field is only to be used where the sum of amounts is different from the settlement amount specified in
field 32A, ie, when one or more transactions in sequence B contains the charging option OUR in field 71A.
Conditional (see rule C11) in mandatory sequence C
This field specifies the currency and accumulated amount of the transaction charges due to the Receiver.
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
If field 71G is present in sequence C, the amount must not equal '0' (Error code(s): D57).
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Where field 71A indicates OUR payments either in sequence A, or in one or more occurrences of sequence B,
this field identifies the sum of the charges due, which has been prepaid and included in the interbank
settlement amount.
For transparency or accounting reasons, this field is not to be used when field 71A, either in sequence A or in
all occurrences of sequence B, indicates BEN or SHA payments.
Optional in mandatory sequence C
This repetitive field specifies one or several time indication(s) related to the processing of the payment
One of the following codes may be used, placed between slashes ('/'):
CLSTIME The time by which the funding payment must be credited, with confirmation, to the CLS
Bank's account at the central bank, expressed in Central European Time (CET).
RNCTIME The time at which a TARGET payment has been credited at the receiving central bank,
expressed in Central European Time (CET).
SNDTIME The time at which a TARGET payment has been debited at the sending central bank,
expressed in Central European Time (CET).
Offsets of local time zones against UTC are published in the green section of the BIC Directory.
Optional in mandatory sequence C
Where required, this field specifies the account or branch of the Sender or another financial institution through
which the Sender will reimburse the Receiver.
The BIC must be a SWIFT registered address, either connected or non-connected (Error code(s): T27, T28,
T29, T45).
The BIC must not be a BEI. Please refer to the latest version of the BIC Directory - Corporations for more
information about BEIs. This error code applies to all types of BICs referenced in a FIN message including
SWIFT BICs, non-SWIFT BICs, Masters, Synonyms, Live destinations and Test & Training destinations
(Error code(s): C05).
Absence of this field implies that the bilaterally agreed account is to be used for settlement.
Option A is the preferred option.
Option C must be used where only an account number is to be specified.
In those cases where there are multiple direct account relationships, in the currency of the transaction, between
the Sender and the Receiver, and one of these accounts is to be used for reimbursement, the account to be
credited or debited must be indicated in field 53a.
If there is no direct account relationship, in the currency of the transaction, between the Sender and the
Receiver (or branch of the Receiver when specified in field 54A), then field 53a must be present.
When field 53a is present and contains a branch of the Sender, the need for a cover message is dependent on
the currency of the transaction, the relationship between the Sender and the Receiver and the contents of field
54A, if present.
A branch of the Receiver may appear in field 53a if the financial institution providing reimbursement is both
the Sender's correspondent and a branch of the Receiver, and the Sender intends to send a cover message to the
branch of the Receiver. In this case, the Receiver will be paid by its branch in field 53a.
In all other cases, when field 53a is present, a cover message, ie, MT 202/203 or equivalent non-SWIFT must
be sent to the financial institution identified in field 53a.
The use and interpretation of fields 53a and 54A is, in all cases, dictated by the currency of the transaction and
the correspondent relationship between the Sender and the Receiver relative to that currency.
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Optional in mandatory sequence C
Where required, this field specifies the branch of the Receiver or another financial institution at which the
funds will be made available to the Receiver.
The BIC must be a SWIFT registered address, either connected or non-connected (Error code(s): T27, T28,
T29, T45).
The BIC must not be a BEI. Please refer to the latest version of the BIC Directory - Corporations for more
information about BEIs. This error code applies to all types of BICs referenced in a FIN message including
SWIFT BICs, non-SWIFT BICs, Masters, Synonyms, Live destinations and Test & Training destinations
(Error code(s): C05).
The absence of fields 53a and 54A implies that the single direct account relationship between the Sender and
the Receiver, in the currency of the transfer, will be used.
In those cases where field 54A contains a branch of the Receiver, and is not preceded by field 53a, or field 53a
contains an account of the Sender serviced by the Receiver's branch, the Receiver will claim reimbursement
from its branch.
If field 54A contains a branch of the Receiver and field 53a contains a branch of the Sender, the Receiver will
claim reimbursement from its branch or will be paid by its branch, depending on the currency of the transfer
and the relationship between the Sender and the Receiver.
In all other cases where field 54A contains a branch of the Receiver, the Receiver will be paid by its branch in
field 54A.
A branch of the Sender must not appear in field 54A.
If the branch of the Sender or other financial institution specified in field 53a is also the account servicer for
the Receiver, field 54A must not be present.
Field 54A containing the name of a financial institution other than the Receiver's branch must be preceded by
field 53a; the Receiver will be paid by the financial institution in field 54A.
The use and interpretation of fields 53a and 54A is in all cases dictated by the currency of the transaction and
the correspondent relationship between the Sender and Receiver relative to that currency.
Optional in mandatory sequence C
This field specifies additional information for the Receiver.
This field may be used to provide additional information to the Receiver where no other field is available. In
view of the possible delay of execution and/or rejection of the transaction(s), field 72 may only be used after
bilateral agreement between the Sender and the Receiver and in encoded form.
The codes REJT/RETN may be used in this field. If either of these codes is used in the first position of the first
line, placed between slashes ('/'), it is mandatory to follow the Payments Reject/Return Guidelines described in
the SWIFTStandards Usage Guidelines.
MT 102 Examples
Consortia Pension Scheme, a corporate in Zürich requests its bank (BNKACHZZ) to execute a bulk of
payments. The bulk contains pension payments in Swiss Francs. The beneficiaries have their account with the
Belgian correspondent of BNKACHZZ.
BNKACHZZ established a bilateral agreement with its Belgian correspondent (BNKBBEBB) to exchange
MT 102s for low value transactions. Both banks agreed on a number of details, some of which are highlighted
for the purpose of this message:
• transaction charges due to BNKBBEBB for the guarantee and processing of on us payments up to the
posting to the beneficiary's account, are EUR 5, per transaction
• charges information is explicitly included in the message for control purposes
• charges are settled with the same value date as the sum of transaction amounts
• conversion, if necessary, is performed at the Sender's side. Consequently, transactions are always sent in
the currency of the receiving country
• the same exchange rate is applied for all transactions within a same message.
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Information Flow
(MT 950)
MT 102
Brussels Brussels
SWIFT Message
Explanation Format
Transaction details 1
Explanation Format
Transaction details 2
Settlement details
In the statement message sent by BNKBBEBB to its Swiss correspondent, the settlement amount as specified
in field 32A and the file reference specified in field 20 will be quoted in the appropriate statement line. For the
example given this would result in the following MT 950:
SWIFT Message
Explanation Format
Message text
31 August 2007 87
Category 1 - Customer Payments and Cheques for SWIFTStandards MT October 2007
Explanation Format
MT 102 Checklist
This document provides a checklist which is strongly recommended to be used by financial institutions as a
basis for setting up bilateral or multilateral agreements for the processing of crossborder customer payments,
ie, Credit Transfers transmitted by MT 102 via FIN or FileAct.
It is recommended that all items listed be covered in the bilateral or multilateral agreements. In order to further
facilitate the set up of these agreements, common procedures have been defined which financial institutions, if
they wish, may override.
The checklist is not intended to provide an exhaustive list of items nor does SWIFT claim any responsibility
for it.
Charging Options and Amounts
Unless otherwise agreed, financial institutions will accept the charging options as defined and allowed for in
the MT 102. If financial institutions wish to accept only one option, this should be bilaterally agreed.
Financial institutions which accept the OUR option should agree on and specify the transaction charges in the
receiving country for 'on us' and if applicable 'not on us' payments.
These transaction charges can be an exact amount or formula (percentage) and cover the guarantee and
processing of transactions which the Receiver provides to the Sender until the execution in the receiving
country up to the posting to the beneficiary's account. The pricing of bank-customer services, eg, for the
method of advice - for daily/weekly/monthly statement for instance, being different from institution to
institution are considered not to be part of the charges.
The above charges are preferably set for each trimester, if necessary semester. Changes to these charges should
be announced one month before the end of the term.
The messages sent as from that implementation date, will be subject to the new tariffs of the Receiver.
Charges Specifications in the MT 102
Unless otherwise agreed, the pre-agreed charges will be included in the MT 102s exchanged, as appropriate,
for information and control purposes and this in a consistent manner.
Unless otherwise agreed, charges will always be expressed in the same currency as the transaction amount(s)
and settlement amount of the message.
In case the charges amounts, due to the above rule, are quoted in a currency different to the one specified in the
bilateral agreement, the exchange rate should be quoted in the message exchanged.
Settlement Procedure for Charges
Unless otherwise agreed, financial institutions will separately indicate in the MT 102 the sum of charges due
to the Sender and/or to the Receiver, as appropriate.
The amount settled between financial institutions with the value date specified includes at a minimum the sum
of all transaction amounts. Whether the sum of charges due to the Sender and/or Receiver will also be included
in the settlement amount, will depend on the agreed settlement procedure for charges. Regarding this
procedure, financial institutions can agree that:
Only when using the first or second option, the settlement amount will include the sum of charges.
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Only head-office
In case FileAct is selected, financial institutions should agree on the maximum size of the MT 102 and
whether more than one MT 102 may be contained within the same FileAct message. Financial institutions
should also decide whether an MT 102 can be split over two or more FileAct messages as this may have an
operational impact.
Currency 1 Currency 2
Settlement amount
Value date
Currencies present
Transaction Level
Once the message is accepted, further checks are proposed to take place at transaction level. Only if
transaction(s) pass the checks, will they be executed. If not, they will be rejected (see the next checkpoint).
Proposed checks and controls performed by the Receiver including error codes prior to the execution of the
31 August 2007 91
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Transaction amount
Unless otherwise agreed, messages properly received and accepted are to be considered as irrevocable.
Cancellation therefore should be the exception.
If however cancellations are accepted in the bilateral agreement, the following details should be agreed:
Financial institutions are proposed to send their request for cancellation by MT 192, for response by MT 196.
The possible interbank costs of the failure are supported by the Sender.
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Note: The use of this message type requires Message User Group (MUG) registration.
The MT 102+ allows the exchange of multiple customer credit transfers using a restricted set of fields and
format options of the core MT 102 to make it straight through processable. The MT 102+ is a compatible
subset of the core MT 102 that is documented separately in this section.
The differences with the core MT 102 are:
• appropriate MT 102+ format validation is triggered by the code STP in the validation flag field 119
({3:{119:STP}}) of the user header of the message (block 3)
• fields 52 and 57 may only be used with letter option A
• field 51A is not used in MT 102+. This message may only be used on the FIN SWIFT network since it
requires special validation
• field 23 may only contain codes CREDIT and SPAY
• subfield 1 (Account) of either field 59 or 59A is always mandatory
• field 72, code INS must be followed by a valid BIC
• field 72, codes REJT/RETN must not be used
• field 72 must not include ERI information.
To trigger the MT 102+ format validation, the user header of the message (block 3) is mandatory and
must contain the code STP in the validation flag field 119 ({3:{119:STP}}).
MT 102+ Scope
This message is sent by or on behalf of the financial institution of the ordering customer(s) to another financial
institution for payment to the beneficiary customer(s).
It requests the Receiver to credit the beneficiary customer(s) directly or indirectly through a clearing
mechanism or another financial institution.
This message is used to convey multiple payment instructions between financial institutions for clean
payments. Its use is subject to bilateral/multilateral agreements between Sender and Receiver.
Amongst other things, these bilateral agreements cover the transaction amount limits, the currencies accepted
and their settlement. The multiple payments checklist included below is recommended as a guide for
institutions in the setup of their agreements.
31 August 2007 95
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M = Mandatory, O = Optional
C4 Field 71A must be present either in sequence A or in each occurrence of sequence B, but it must never
be present in both sequences, nor be absent from both sequences (Error code(s): D20).
C5 If a field 52A, 26T or 77B is present in sequence A, that field must not be present in any occurrence of
sequence B. When a field 52A, 26T or 77B is present in any occurrence of sequence B, that field must
not be present in sequence A (Error code(s): D18).
C6 Field 36 (sequence A or sequence B) must be present in the message if there is any sequence B which
contains a field 33B with a currency code different from the currency code in field 32B; in all other
cases field 36 is not allowed in the message.
When a field 36 (sequence A or sequence B) is required, EITHER field 36 must be present in sequence
A and not in any sequence B, OR it must be present in every sequence B which contains fields 32B and
33B with different currency codes and must not be present in sequence A or any other sequence B
(Error code(s): D22).
Sequence A Sequence B
C7 If the country codes of the Sender's and the Receiver's BICs are within the following list: AD, AT, BE,
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MC, MQ, MT, NL, NO, PL, PM, PT, RE, RO, SE, SI, SJ, SK, SM, TF and VA, then field 33B is
mandatory in each occurrence of sequence B, otherwise field 33B is optional (Error code(s): D49).
If country code of Sender's and country code of Receiver's In each occurrence of sequence
BIC equals one of the listed BIC equals one of the listed B
country codes country codes then field 33B is …
Yes No Optional
No Yes Optional
No No Optional
Note:See Rule C9
C8 If field 71A in sequence A contains OUR, then field 71F is not allowed and field 71G is optional in any
occurrence of sequence B (Error code(s): E13).
If field 71A in sequence B contains OUR, then field 71F is not allowed and field 71G is optional in the
same occurrence of sequence B (Error code(s): E13).
If field 71A in sequence B contains SHA, then fields 71F are optional and field 71G is not allowed in
the same occurrence of sequence B (Error code(s): D50).
If field 71A in sequence A contains BEN, then at least one occurrence of field 71F is mandatory in each
occurrence of sequence B and field 71G is not allowed (Error code(s): E15).
If field 71A in sequence B contains BEN, then at least one occurrence of field 71F is mandatory in the
same occurrence of sequence B and field 71G is not allowed (Error code(s): E15).
(1) both fields 71F and 71G present is not a valid combination, see rule C8.
C10 If field 71G is present in an occurrence of sequence B, then field 71G is mandatory in the sequence C
(Error code(s): D79).
Present Mandatory
C11 If the country codes of the Sender's and the Receiver's BIC are within the following list: AD, AT, BE,
MC, MQ, MT, NL, NO, PL, PM, PT, RE, RO, SE, SI, SJ, SK, SM, TF and VA, then in each occurrence
of sequence B the following apply:
• If field 57A is not present, the IBAN (ISO-13616) is mandatory in subfield Account of field 59a in
that occurrence of Seq. B (Error code(s): D19).
• If field 57A is present and the country code of the BIC in 57A is within the above list of country
codes, the IBAN (ISO-13616) is mandatory in subfield Account of field 59a in that occurrence of
Seq. B (Error code(s): D19).
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In all other cases, the presence of the IBAN (ISO-13616) is optional and its format is not validated in
subfield Account of field 59a.
If country code and country code and country code Then an IBAN in
of Sender's BIC of Receiver's BIC of field 57A subfield Account
and field 57A is
equals one of the equals one of the equals one of the of field 59a in this
listed country listed country listed country occurrence of
codes codes codes Seq. B is …
No No Yes No Optional
Sequence B
Sequence A
if field 71A is …
then field 32B is … field 71F is … and field 71G is …
Sequence C
Sequence A
if field 71A is …
then field 19 is … field 32A is … and field 71G is …
Mandatory in mandatory sequence A
This field specifies the reference assigned by the Sender to unambiguously identify the message.
To be formatted as:
Mandatory in mandatory sequence A
This field identifies the type of operation.
One of the following codes must be used (Error code(s): T08):
CREDIT This message contains credit transfer(s) to be processed according to the pre-established bilateral
agreement between the Sender and the Receiver.
CRTST This message contains credit transfers for test purpose(s).
SPAY This message contains credit transfer(s) to be processed according to the SWIFTPay Service Level.
As tests in FIN should be done in Test & Training, the code CRTST is only valid when sent by a Test &
Training destination.
In option F, the following line formats must be used (Error code(s): T54):
Line 1 (subfield 4!a/30x (Code)(Identifier)
Party Identifier)
Lines 2-5 (subfield 1!n/33x (Number)(Details)
Name & Address)
Conditional (see rule C3) in mandatory sequence A
This field identifies the customer ordering all transactions described in sequence B.
In option F, when subfield 1 Party Identifier is used with the (Code)(Identifier) format, one of the following
codes must be used (Error code(s): T55):
ARNU Alien Registration The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/' and the Alien Registration Number.
CCPT Passport Number The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
slash, '/' and the Passport Number.
CUST Customer The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Identification Number slash, '/', the issuer of the number, a slash, '/' and the Customer Identification
DRLC Driver's License The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/', the issuing authority, a slash, '/' and the Driver's License Number.
EMPL Employer Number The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
slash, '/', the registration authority, a slash, '/' and the Employer Number.
IBEI International Business The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the International
Entity Identifier Business Entity Identifier.
NIDN National Identity The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/' and the National Identity Number.
SOSE Social Security The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/' and the Social Security Number.
TXID Tax Identification The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/' and the Tax Identification Number.
In option F, each line of subfield 2 Name & Address when present must start with one of the following
numbers (Error code(s): T56):
1 Name of the ordering The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the name of the
customer ordering customer (where it is recommended that the surname precedes given
2 Address Line The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by an Address Line
(Address Line can be used to provide for example, street name and number, or
building name).
3 Country and Town The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code,
a slash '/' and Town (Town can be complemented by postal code (for example
zip), country subdivision (for example state, province, or county).
4 Date of Birth The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the Date of Birth in
the YYYYMMDD format.
5 Place of Birth The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code,
a slash '/' and the Place of Birth.
6 Customer The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code,
Identification Number a slash, '/', the issuer of the number, a slash, '/' and the Customer Identification
7 National Identity The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code,
Number a slash, '/' and the National Identity Number.
8 Additional The number followed by a slash, '/' is followed by information completing the
Information Identifier provided in subfield 1 (Party Identifier) used with the
(Code)(Identifier) format.
Conditional (see rule C5) in mandatory sequence A
This field specifies the financial institution, when different from the Sender, which instructed the Sender to
transmit all transactions described in sequence B. This is applicable even if field(s) 50a contain(s) an IBAN.
Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
Conditional (see rule C5) in mandatory sequence A
This field identifies the nature of, purpose of and/or reason for all transactions described in sequence B, eg,
salaries, pensions or dividends.
Codes from the EUROSTAT list "Code List for Balance of Payments Collection Systems" may be used in this
The information given is intended both for regulatory and statutory requirements and/or to provide
information to the beneficiary customer on the nature of the transaction.
In case the Receiver of the message is not legally obliged to forward the information to a regulatory body, he is
allowed to ignore the content of this field.
Conditional (see rule C5) in mandatory sequence A
This field specifies the code(s) for the statutory and/or regulatory information required by the authorities in the
country of the Receiver or Sender.
When the residence of either ordering customer or beneficiary customer is to be identified, the following codes
must be used, placed between slashes ('/'):
Country consists of the ISO country code of the country of residence of the ordering customer or beneficiary
In case the Receiver of the message is not legally obliged to forward the information to a regulatory body, he is
allowed to ignore the content of this field.
The information specified must not have been explicitly conveyed in another field and is valid for all
transactions described in sequence B.
Conditional (see rule C4) in mandatory sequence A
This field specifies which party will bear the charges for all transactions described in sequence B.
One of the following codes must be used (Error code(s): T08):
Conditional (see rule C6) in mandatory sequence A
This field specifies the exchange rate used to convert all instructed amounts specified in field 33B in sequence
Mandatory in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the unambiguous reference for the individual transaction contained in a particular
occurrence of sequence B.
This field must not start or end with a slash '/' and must not contain two consecutive slashes '//' (Error code(s):
In transaction related queries, cancellations etc., the content of field 20 File Reference together with the
content of this field provides the transaction identification.
Mandatory in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the individual transaction amount remitted by the Sender to the Receiver.
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
This amount will, taking into account the charging option, be the basis for the Receiver to calculate the amount
to be credited to the beneficiary.
Depending on the charging option specified in field 71A, the content of field 32B is as follows:
• If field 71A is OUR, the net amount to be credited to the beneficiary, as charges have been prepaid by the
ordering customer.
• If field 71A is SHA, the amount as instructed by the originator, eg, invoice amount, of which the Receiver
will deduct its own charges.
• If field 71A is BEN, the amount as instructed by the originator minus the Senders' charges, and from which
amount the Receiver will deduct its charges.
In option F, the following line formats must be used (Error code(s): T54):
Conditional (see rule C3) in mandatory sequence B
This field identifies the customer ordering the transaction in this occurrence of the sequence.
In option F, when subfield 1 Party Identifier is used with the (Code)(Identifier) format, one of the following
codes must be used (Error code(s): T55):
ARNU Alien Registration The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/' and the Alien Registration Number.
CCPT Passport Number The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
slash, '/' and the Passport Number.
CUST Customer The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Identification Number slash, '/', the issuer of the number, a slash, '/' and the Customer Identification
DRLC Driver's License The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/', the issuing authority, a slash, '/' and the Driver's License Number.
EMPL Employer Number The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
slash, '/', the registration authority, a slash, '/' and the Employer Number.
IBEI International Business The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the International
Entity Identifier Business Entity Identifier.
NIDN National Identity The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/' and the National Identity Number.
SOSE Social Security The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/' and the Social Security Number.
TXID Tax Identification The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/' and the Tax Identification Number.
In option F, each line of subfield 2 Name & Address when present must start with one of the following
numbers (Error code(s): T56):
1 Name of the ordering The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the name of the
customer ordering customer (where it is recommended that the surname precedes given
2 Address Line The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by an Address Line
(Address Line can be used to provide for example, street name and number, or
building name).
3 Country and Town The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code,
a slash '/' and Town (Town can be complemented by postal code (for example
zip), country subdivision (for example state, province, or county).
4 Date of Birth The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the Date of Birth in
the YYYYMMDD format.
5 Place of Birth The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code,
a slash '/' and the Place of Birth.
6 Customer The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code,
Identification Number a slash, '/', the issuer of the number, a slash, '/' and the Customer Identification
7 National Identity The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code,
Number a slash, '/' and the National Identity Number.
8 Additional The number followed by a slash, '/' is followed by information completing the
Information Identifier provided in subfield 1 (Party Identifier) used with the
(Code)(Identifier) format.
Conditional (see rule C5) in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the financial institution, when other than the Sender, which instructed the Sender to
transmit the transaction. This is applicable even if field 50a contains an IBAN.
Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
Optional in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the financial institution which services the account for the beneficiary customer identified
in the same sequence. This is applicable even if field 59 or 59A contains an IBAN.
Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
Mandatory in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the customer to which the transaction amount should be transmitted.
Optional in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies details of the individual transaction which are to be transmitted to the beneficiary
One of the following codes may be used, placed between slashes ('/'):
INV Invoice (followed by the date, reference and details of the invoice).
IPI Unique reference identifying a related International Payment Instruction (followed by up to 20
RFB Reference for the beneficiary customer (followed by up to 16 characters).
ROC Ordering customer's reference.
This field must not contain information to be acted upon by the Receiver.
Due to national clearing restrictions, which vary significantly from country to country, the Sender must agree
to the maximum usable length of this field with the Receiver.
Conditional (see rule C5) in mandatory sequence B
This field identifies the nature of, purpose of, and/or reason for the individual transaction, eg, salary, pension
or dividend.
Codes from the EUROSTAT list "Code List for Balance of Payments Collection Systems" may be used in this
The information given is intended both for regulatory and statutory requirements and/or to provide
information to the beneficiary customer on the nature of the transaction.
In case the Receiver of the message is not legally obliged to forward the information to a regulatory body, he is
allowed to ignore the content of this field.
Conditional (see rule C5) in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the codes for the statutory and/or regulatory information required by the authorities in the
country of the Receiver or the Sender.
When the residence of either the ordering customer or the beneficiary customer is to be identified, the
following codes may be used, placed between slashes ('/'):
Country consists of the ISO country code of the country of residence of the ordering customer or beneficiary
The information specified must not have been explicitly conveyed in another field.
Conditional (see rules C7 and C9) in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the currency and amount of the instruction. This amount is provided for information
purposes and has to be transported unchanged through the transaction chain.
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
If field 33B is present in the message received, it has to be forwarded unchanged to the next party.
This field must be present when a currency conversion or an exchange has been performed on the Sender's
If the transaction is within the scope of the EC Directive on cross border credit transfers, this amount is the
original ordered amount as instructed by the ordering customer. Otherwise, it is the amount that the sending
bank was instructed to pay.
As a consequence, if there are no Sender's or Receiver's charges and no currency conversion or exchange took
place, field 32A equals 33B, if present.
Conditional (see rule C4) in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies which party will bear the charges for the transaction in the same occurrence of sequence B.
One of the following codes must be used (Error code(s): T08):
Conditional (see rule C9) in mandatory sequence B
This repetitive field specifies the currency and amount of the transaction charges deducted by the Sender and
by previous banks in the transaction chain.
Conditional (see rule C9) in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the currency and amount of the transaction charges due to the Receiver.
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
The Receiver's charges are to be conveyed to the Receiver, not for transparency but for accounting reasons, ie,
to facilitate bookkeeping and to calculate or verify the total Receiver's charges amount stipulated in Sequence
Conditional (see rule C6) in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the exchange rate used to convert the instructed amount specified in field 33B in the same
occurrence of sequence B.
The integer part of Rate must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in the
maximum length (Error code(s): T40, T43).
This field must be present when a currency conversion has been performed on the Sender's side.
Mandatory in mandatory sequence C
This field specifies the value date, the currency and the settlement amount. The settlement amount is the
amount to be booked/reconciled at interbank level.
Date must be a valid date expressed as YYMMDD (Error code(s): T50).
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
Where field 71A indicates OUR payments, this field contains the sum of the amounts specified in the fields 19
and 71G.
Where field 71A indicates SHA or BEN payments, this field contains the total of all fields 32B.
Optional in mandatory sequence C
This field specifies the sum of all amounts appearing in field 32B in each occurrence of sequence B.
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the currency specified in field 32A (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
This field is only to be used where the sum of amounts is different from the settlement amount specified in
field 32A, ie, when one or more transactions in sequence B contains the charging option OUR in field 71A.
Conditional (see rule C10) in mandatory sequence C
This field specifies the currency and accumulated amount of the transaction charges due to the Receiver.
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
If field 71G is present in sequence C, the amount in field 71G must not equal '0' (Error code(s): D57).
Where field 71A indicates OUR payments either in sequence A, or in one or more occurrences of sequence B,
this field identifies the sum of the charges due, which has been prepaid and included in the interbank
settlement amount.
For transparency or accounting reasons, this field is not to be used when field 71A, either in sequence A or in
all occurrences of sequence B, indicates BEN or SHA payments.
Optional in mandatory sequence C
This repetitive field specifies one or several time indication(s) related to the processing of the payment
One of the following codes may be used, placed between slashes ('/'):
CLSTIME The time by which the funding payment must be credited, with confirmation, to the CLS
Bank's account at the central bank, expressed in Central European Time (CET).
RNCTIME The time at which a TARGET payment has been credited at the receiving central bank,
expressed in Central European Time (CET).
SNDTIME The time at which a TARGET payment has been debited at the sending central bank,
expressed in Central European Time (CET).
The time zone in which date and Time are expressed is to be identified by means of the offset against the UTC
(Coordinated Universal Time - ISO 8601).
Assume a financial institution in London is sending a payment instruction on 5 January related to CLS in
which it indicates that money has to be funded to CLS bank by 09.15 CET.
Time indication field will be completed as follows: :13C:/CLSTIME/0915+0100
• 0915 is the time by which the money has to be funded to CLS bank. It has been agreed that CLSTIME is
to be indicated in CET (see codes above).
• +0100 is the offset of CET against UTC in January (ie during winter time).
If the same instruction had been sent on 10 June (ie during summer time), time indication field would have
been completed as follows: :13C:/CLSTIME/0915+0200
Offsets of local time zones against UTC are published in the green section of the BIC Directory.
Optional in mandatory sequence C
Where required, this field specifies the account or branch of the Sender or another financial institution through
which the Sender will reimburse the Receiver.
The BIC must be a SWIFT registered address, either connected or non-connected (Error code(s): T27, T28,
T29, T45).
The BIC must not be a BEI. Please refer to the latest version of the BIC Directory - Corporations for more
information about BEIs. This error code applies to all types of BICs referenced in a FIN message including
SWIFT BICs, non-SWIFT BICs, Masters, Synonyms, Live destinations and Test & Training destinations
(Error code(s): C05).
Absence of this field implies that the bilaterally agreed account is to be used for settlement.
Option A is the preferred option.
Option C must be used where only an account number is to be specified.
In those cases where there are multiple direct account relationships, in the currency of the transaction, between
the Sender and the Receiver, and one of these accounts is to be used for reimbursement, the account to be
credited or debited must be indicated in field 53a.
If there is no direct account relationship, in the currency of the transaction, between the Sender and the
Receiver (or branch of the Receiver when specified in field 54A), then field 53A must be present.
When field 53A is present and contains a branch of the Sender, the need for a cover message is dependent on
the currency of the transaction, the relationship between the Sender and the Receiver and the contents of field
54A, if present.
A branch of the Receiver may appear in field 53A if the financial institution providing reimbursement is both
the Sender's correspondent and a branch of the Receiver, and the Sender intends to send a cover message to the
branch of the Receiver. In this case, the Receiver will be paid by its branch in field 53A.
In all other cases, when field 53A is present, a cover message, ie, MT 202/203 or equivalent non-SWIFT must
be sent to the financial institution identified in field 53A.
The use and interpretation of fields 53a and 54a is, in all cases, dictated by the currency of the transaction and
the correspondent relationship between the Sender and the Receiver relative to that currency.
Optional in mandatory sequence C
Where required, this field specifies the branch of the Receiver or another financial institution at which the
funds will be made available to the Receiver.
The BIC must be a SWIFT registered address, either connected or non-connected (Error code(s): T27, T28,
T29, T45).
The BIC must not be a BEI. Please refer to the latest version of the BIC Directory - Corporations for more
information about BEIs. This error code applies to all types of BICs referenced in a FIN message including
SWIFT BICs, non-SWIFT BICs, Masters, Synonyms, Live destinations and Test & Training destinations
(Error code(s): C05).
The absence of fields 53a and 54A implies that the single direct account relationship between the Sender and
the Receiver, in the currency of the transfer, will be used.
In those cases where field 54A contains a branch of the Receiver, and is not preceded by field 53a, or field 53a
contains an account of the Sender serviced by the Receiver's branch, the Receiver will claim reimbursement
from its branch.
If field 54A contains a branch of the Receiver and field 53A contains a branch of the Sender, the Receiver will
claim reimbursement from its branch or will be paid by its branch, depending on the currency of the transfer
and the relationship between the Sender and the Receiver.
In all other cases where field 54A contains a branch of the Receiver, the Receiver will be paid by its branch in
field 54A.
A branch of the Sender must not appear in field 54A.
If the branch of the Sender or other financial institution specified in field 53A is also the account servicer for
the Receiver, field 54A must not be present.
Field 54A containing the name of a financial institution other than the Receiver's branch must be preceded by
field 53A; the Receiver will be paid by the financial institution in field 54A.
The use and interpretation of fields 53a and 54A is in all cases dictated by the currency of the transaction and
the correspondent relationship between the Sender and Receiver relative to that currency.
Optional in mandatory sequence C
This field specifies additional information for the Receiver.
Unless bilaterally agreed otherwise between the Sender and the Receiver, the following code may be used,
placed between slashes ('/'):
INS The instructing institution which instructed the Sender to execute the transaction.
MT 102+ Examples
Consortia Pension Scheme, a corporate in Zürich requests its bank (BNKACHZZ) to execute a bulk of
payments. The bulk contains pension payments in Swiss Francs. The beneficiaries have their account with the
Belgian correspondent of BNKACHZZ.
BNKACHZZ established a bilateral agreement with its Belgian correspondent (BNKBBEBB) to exchange
MT 102s for low value transactions. Both banks agreed on a number of details, some of which are highlighted
for the purpose of this message:
• transaction charges due to BNKBBEBB for the guarantee and processing of on us payments up to the
posting to the beneficiary's account, are EUR 5, per transaction
• charges information is explicitly included in the message for control purposes
• charges are settled with the same value date as the sum of transaction amounts
• conversion, if necessary, is performed at the Sender's side. Consequently, transactions are always sent in
the currency of the receiving country
• the same exchange rate is applied for all transactions within a same message.
Information Flow
(MT 950)
MT 102+
Brussels Brussels
SWIFT Message
Explanation Format
Transaction details 1
Transaction details 2
Settlement details
Explanation Format
In the statement message sent by BNKBBEBB to its Swiss correspondent, the settlement amount as specified
in field 32A and the file reference specified in field 20 will be quoted in the appropriate statement line. For the
example given this would result in the following MT 950:
SWIFT Message
Explanation Format
Message text
MT 102+ Checklist
This document provides a checklist which is strongly recommended to be used by financial institutions as a
basis for setting up bilateral or multilateral agreements for the processing of crossborder customer payments,
ie, Credit Transfers transmitted by MT 102+ via FIN.
It is recommended that all items listed be covered in the bilateral or multilateral agreements. In order to further
facilitate the set up of these agreements, common procedures have been defined which financial institutions, if
they wish, may override.
The checklist is not intended to provide an exhaustive list of items nor does SWIFT claim any responsibility
for it.
If financial institutions agree to define amount limits to the individual transactions, they should specify them
per currency.
If the agreement allows for transactions above amounts to which specific requirements apply, eg, regulatory
reporting requirements, these requirements and their formatting should be specified as well in the agreement.
Unless otherwise agreed, direct account relationship between the Sender and the Receiver will be used for the
booking of the transactions exchanged. However if they wish, financial institutions may also bilaterally agree
to include third reimbursement parties in the settlement.
Whatever the agreement, transactions contained in a same message will be booked in one single entry.
For each currency accepted, the amount limit, the account number(s) used for settlement, if other than the
normal one(s), and/or the third reimbursement party(ies) involved, if any, can be indicated in the chart below:
Charging Options and Amounts
Unless otherwise agreed, financial institutions will accept the charging options as defined and allowed for in
the MT 102+. If financial institutions wish to accept only one option, this should be bilaterally agreed.
Financial institutions which accept the OUR option should agree on and specify the transaction charges in the
receiving country for 'on us' and if applicable 'not on us' payments.
These transaction charges can be an exact amount or formula (percentage) and cover the guarantee and
processing of transactions which the Receiver provides to the Sender until the execution in the receiving
country up to the posting to the beneficiary's account. The pricing of bank-customer services, eg, for the
method of advice - for daily/weekly/monthly statement for instance, being different from institution to
institution are considered not to be part of the charges.
The above charges are preferably set for each trimester, if necessary semester. Changes to these charges should
be announced one month before the end of the term.
The messages sent as from that implementation date, will be subject to the new tariffs of the Receiver.
Charges Specifications in the MT 102+
Unless otherwise agreed, the pre-agreed charges will be included in the MT 102+s exchanged, as appropriate,
for information and control purposes and this in a consistent manner.
Unless otherwise agreed, charges will always be expressed in the same currency as the transaction amount(s)
and settlement amount of the message.
In case the charges amounts, due to the above rule, are quoted in a currency different to the one specified in the
bilateral agreement, the exchange rate should be quoted in the message exchanged.
Settlement Procedure for Charges
Unless otherwise agreed, financial institutions will separately indicate in the MT 102+ the sum of charges due
to the Sender and/or to the Receiver, as appropriate.
The amount settled between financial institutions with the value date specified includes at a minimum the sum
of all transaction amounts. Whether the sum of charges due to the Sender and/or Receiver will also be included
in the settlement amount, will depend on the agreed settlement procedure for charges. Regarding this
procedure, financial institutions can agree that:
Only when using the first or second option, the settlement amount will include the sum of charges.
Only head-office
Messages received before cut-off time, will be settled on a pre-agreed day which is a (number of) day(s)
following the day of receipt (day of receipt = D). For messages received after cut-off time, the settlement
timeframe will be based on D+1.
D will also be the basis for calculating the execution dates (dates when the funds are available to the
Date of receipt/acceptance = D
Currency 1 Currency 2
Settlement amount
Value date
Currencies present
Transaction Level
Once the message is accepted, further checks are proposed to take place at transaction level. Only if
transaction(s) pass the checks, will they be executed. If not, they will be rejected (see the next checkpoint).
Proposed checks and controls performed by the Receiver including error codes prior to the execution of the
Transaction amount
Unless otherwise agreed, messages properly received and accepted are to be considered as irrevocable.
Cancellation therefore should be the exception.
If however cancellations are accepted in the bilateral agreement, the following details should be agreed:
Financial institutions are proposed to send their request for cancellation by MT 192, for response by MT 196.
The possible interbank costs of the failure are supported by the Sender.
The MT 103 message can be exchanged in three different ways, depending on the business scenario in which
the message is used.
1. The core MT 103 is a General Use message, ie, no registration in a Message User Group (MUG) is
necessary to send and receive this message. It allows the exchange of single customer credit transfers using
all MT 103 fields, except field 77T (Envelope Contents). The MT 103 can be straight through processable
if the message is properly formatted according to pre-agreed bilateral/multilateral rules.
2. The MT 103 + is a General Use message, ie, no registration in a Message User Group is necessary to send
and receive this message. It allows the exchange of single customer credit transfers using a network
validated restricted set of fields and format options of the MT 103 to make it straight through processable.
The MT 103 + is a compatible subset of the core MT 103 and is documented separately after the MT103.
3. The MT 103 Extended Remittance Information MUG allows its subscribers to exchange MT 103 messages
with field 77T containing an extended amount of remittance information. This remittance information may
optionally be exchanged in a non-SWIFT format, such as EDIFACT or ANSI-X12.
Senders and Receivers who wish to use the MT 103 for the exchange of extended remittance data (up to
9,000 characters) will have to register for the Extended Remittance Information MUG.
All three ways of exchanging the MT103 message are available for worldwide use. To allow European
financial institutions to respect European regulations, additional network validation has been introduced when
the country codes of the Sender's and the Receiver's BICs are within the following list: AD, AT, BE, BG, BV,
NL, NO, PL, PM, PT, RE, RO, SE, SI, SJ, SK, SM, TF and VA.
Additional network validation for Europe:
• In the MT 103:
1. A mandatory presence of field 33B Currency/Instructed Amount.
• In the MT 103+:
1. A mandatory presence of field 33B Currency/Instructed Amount.
2. A mandatory IBAN account number in subfield 1 (Account) of field 59a Beneficiary Customer when
the Sender's and Receiver's BIC (and the BIC in field 57A if present) are within that same list of
country codes above.
When not subject to this additional network validation, a valid account number in the proper format can be
MT 103 Scope
This message type is sent by or on behalf of the financial institution of the ordering customer, directly or
through (a) correspondent(s), to the financial institution of the beneficiary customer.
It is used to convey a funds transfer instruction in which the ordering customer or the beneficiary customer, or
both, are non-financial institutions from the perspective of the Sender.
This message may only be used for clean payment instructions. It must not be used to advise the remitting
bank of a payment for a clean, eg, cheque, collection, nor to provide the cover for a transaction whose
completion was advised separately, eg, via an MT 400.
M = Mandatory, O = Optional
C2 If the country codes of the Sender's and the Receiver's BICs are within the following list: AD, AT, BE,
MC, MQ, MT, NL, NO, PL, PM, PT, RE, RO, SE, SI, SJ, SK, SM, TF and VA, then field 33B is
mandatory, otherwise field 33B is optional (Error code(s): D49).
Yes No Optional
No Yes Optional
No No Optional
C4 If field 23B contains one of the codes SPRI, SSTD or SPAY, field 53a must not be used with option D
(Error code(s): E03).
C5 If field 23B contains one of the codes SPRI, SSTD or SPAY and field 53a is present with option B,
Party Identifier must be present in field 53B (Error code(s): E04).
C6 If field 23B contains one of the codes SPRI, SSTD or SPAY, field 54a may be used with option A only
(Error code(s): E05).
C7 If field 55a is present, then both fields 53a and 54a must also be present (Error code(s): E06).
C8 If field 23B contains one of the codes SPRI, SSTD or SPAY, field 55a may be used with option A only
(Error code(s): E07).
C9 If field 56a is present, field 57a must also be present (Error code(s): C81).
Present Mandatory
C10 If field 23B contains the code SPRI, field 56a must not be present (Error code(s): E16).
If field 23B contains one of the codes SSTD or SPAY, field 56a may be used with either option A or
option C. If option C is used, it must contain a clearing code (Error code(s): E17).
C11 If field 23B contains one of the codes SPRI, SSTD or SPAY, field 57a may be used with option A,
option C or option D. Subfield 1 (Party Identifier) in option D must be present (Error code(s): E09).
C12 If field 23B contains one of the codes SPRI, SSTD or SPAY, subfield 1 (Account) in field 59a
Beneficiary Customer is mandatory (Error code(s): E10).
C13 If any field 23E contains the code CHQB, subfield 1 (Account) in field 59a Beneficiary Customer is not
allowed (Error code(s): E18).
C14 Fields 70 and 77T are mutually exclusive (Error code(s): E12). Thus, the following combinations are
C15 If field 71A contains OUR, then field 71F is not allowed and field 71G is optional (Error code(s): E13).
If field 71A contains SHA, then field(s) 71F is(are) optional and field 71G is not allowed (Error
code(s): D50).
If field 71A contains BEN, then at least one occurrence of field 71F is mandatory and field 71G is not
allowed (Error code(s): E15).
C16 If either field 71F (at least one occurrence) or field 71G is present, then field 33B is mandatory,
otherwise field 33B is optional (Error code(s): D51).
Note 1: The presence of both fields 71F and 71G is also regulated by the network validated rule C15
(Error code(s): E13, D50, E15).
Note 2: The presence of field 33B is also regulated by the Network Validated Rule C2 (Error code(s):
C17 If field 56a is not present, no field 23E may contain TELI or PHOI (Error code(s): E44).
then no occurrence of
If field 56a is … field 23E
subfield 1 may contain …
C18 If field 57a is not present, no field 23E may contain TELE or PHON (Error code(s): E45).
then no occurrence of
If field 57a is … field 23E
subfield 1 may contain …
C19 The currency code in the fields 71G and 32A must be the same (Error code(s): C02).
Examples: Transaction A
• Pay the equivalent of EUR 1000,00 in GBP to a beneficiary in the United Kingdom
• Exchange rate is 1 EUR for 0,61999 GBP
• Transaction charges on the Sender's side are EUR 5,00 (=GBP 3,1)
• Transaction charges on the Receiver's side are GBP 4 (=EUR 6,45)
B. MT 103 extract:
36 0,61999
C. The subsequent MT 950 shows one debit entry for GBP 623,99, ie, field 32A.
D. Amount credited to the beneficiary:
B. MT 103 extract:
36 0,61999
C. The subsequent MT 950 shows one debit entry for GBP 619,99, ie, field 32A.
B. MT 103 extract:
36 0,61999
C. The subsequent MT 950 shows one debit entry for GBP 616,89, ie, field 32A.
D. Amount credited to the beneficiary:
Examples: Transaction B
• Pay GBP 1000,00 to a beneficiary in the United Kingdom
• Exchange rate is 1 EUR for 0,61999 GBP
• Transaction charges on the Sender's side are EUR 5,00 (=GBP 3,1)
• Transaction charges on the Receiver's side are GBP 4,00 (=EUR 6,45)
• The ordering customer has an account in euro
• Sender and Receiver's BIC are within the EU-country list
Debit on EUR-account
B. MT 103 extract
Note:field 36 does not have to be used since currency in fields 32A and 33B is the same
C. The subsequent MT 950 shows one debit entry for GBP 1004, ie, field 32A.
D. Amount credited to the beneficiary:
Debit on EUR-account
B. MT 103 extract:
C. The subsequent MT 950 shows one debit entry for GBP 1000, ie, field 32A.
D. Amount credited to the beneficiary:
Note: field 36 does not have to be used since currency in fields 32A and 33B is the same
Debit on EUR-account
B. MT 103 extract:
C. The subsequent MT 950 shows one debit entry for GBP 996,9 ie, field 32A.
D. Amount credited to the beneficiary:
MT 103 Guidelines
• If the Sender and the Receiver wish to use their direct account relationship in the currency of the transfer,
then the MT 103 message will contain the cover for the customer transfer as well as the payment details.
• If the Sender and the Receiver have no direct account relationship in the currency of the transfer or do not
wish to use their account relationship, then third banks will be involved to cover the transaction. The
MT 103 contains only the payment details and the Sender must cover the customer transfer by sending an
MT 202 General Financial Institution Transfer to a third bank. This payment method is called 'cover'.
• Where more than two financial institutions are involved in the payment chain, and if the MT 103 is sent
from one financial institution to the next financial institution in this chain, then the payment method is
called 'serial'.
• If the Receiver does not service an account for the beneficiary customer, and no account servicing
institution is indicated, nor any alternative instructions given, then the Receiver will act upon the customer
credit transfer instruction in an appropriate manner of its choice.
• In order to allow better reconciliation by the beneficiary customer, the MT 103 supports full charges
transparency and structured remittance information.
• In order to allow better reconciliation by the Receiver, the MT 103 gives an unambiguous indication of the
interbank amount booked by the Sender/to be booked by the Receiver.
• The MT 103 gives the Sender the ability to identify in the message the level of service requested, ie, what
service is expected from the Receiver for a particular payment, eg, SWIFTPay, Standard or Priority or any
other bilaterally agreed service.
• The message also allows for the inclusion of regulatory information in countries where regulatory
reporting is requested.
This field specifies the reference assigned by the Sender to unambiguously identify the message.
This field must not start or end with a slash '/' and must not contain two consecutive slashes '//' (Error code(s):
This reference must be quoted in any related confirmation or statement, eg, MT 900, 910 and/or 950.
This repetitive field specifies one or several time indication(s) related to the processing of the payment
One of the following codes may be used, placed between slashes ('/'):
CLSTIME The time by which the funding payment must be credited, with confirmation, to the CLS
Bank's account at the central bank, expressed in Central European Time (CET).
RNCTIME The time at which a TARGET payment has been credited at the receiving central bank,
expressed in Central European Time (CET).
SNDTIME The time at which a TARGET payment has been debited at the sending central bank,
expressed in Central European Time (CET).
This field identifies the type of operation.
One of the following codes must be used (Error code(s): T36):
CRED This message contains a credit transfer where there is no SWIFT Service Level involved.
CRTS This message contains a credit transfer for test purposes.
SPAY This message contains a credit transfer to be processed according to the SWIFTPay Service Level.
SPRI This message contains a credit transfer to be processed according to the Priority Service Level.
SSTD This message contains a credit transfer to be processed according to the Standard Service Level.
The code CRTS should not be used on the FIN network.
Conditional (see rule C3)
This field specifies an instruction.
Instruction must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): T47):
SDVA Payment must be executed with same day value to the beneficiary.
INTC The payment is an intra-company payment, ie, a payment between two companies belonging to the
same group.
REPA Payment has a related e-Payments reference.
CORT Payment is made in settlement of a trade, eg, foreign exchange deal, securities transaction.
HOLD Beneficiary customer/claimant will call; pay upon identification.
CHQB Pay beneficiary customer only by cheque. The optional account number line in field 59 must not be
PHOB Please advise/contact beneficiary/claimant by phone.
TELB Please advise/contact beneficiary/claimant by the most efficient means of telecommunication.
PHON Please advise account with institution by phone.
TELE Please advise account with institution by the most efficient means of telecommunication.
PHOI Please advise the intermediary institution by phone.
TELI Please advise the intermediary institution by the most efficient means of telecommunication.
When this field is used more than once, the following combinations are not allowed (Error code(s): D67):
If this field is repeated, the same code word must not be present more than once (Error code(s): E46).
This field may be repeated to give several coded instructions to one or more parties.
Code REPA indicates that the payment is the result of an initiation performed via an e-payments product
between the customers. This code is intended for the beneficiary's bank who should act according to the
specifications of the e-payments product.
This field identifies the nature of, purpose of, and/or reason for the individual transaction, eg, salaries,
pensions, dividends.
Codes from the EUROSTAT list "Code List for Balance of Payments Collection Systems" may be used in this
The information given is intended both for regulatory and statutory requirements and/or to provide
information to the beneficiary customer on the nature of the transaction.
This field specifies the value date, the currency and the settlement amount. The settlement amount is the
amount to be booked/reconciled at interbank level.
Date must be a valid date expressed as YYMMDD (Error code(s): T50).
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
Conditional (see rules C2 and C16)
This field specifies the currency and amount of the instruction. This amount is provided for information
purposes and has to be transported unchanged through the transaction chain.
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
If field 33B is present in the message received, it has to be forwarded unchanged to the next party.
This field must be present when a currency conversion or an exchange has been performed on the Sender's
If the transaction is within the scope of the EC Directive on cross border credit transfers, this amount is the
original ordered amount as instructed by the ordering customer. Otherwise, it is the amount that the sending
bank was instructed to pay.
As a consequence, if there are no Sender's or Receiver's charges and no currency conversion or exchange took
place, field 32A equals 33B, if present.
Conditional (see rule C1)
This field specifies the exchange rate used to convert the instructed amount specified in field 33B.
The integer part of Rate must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in the
maximum length (Error code(s): T40, T43).
This field must be present when a currency conversion or an exchange has been performed on the Sender's
In option F, the following line formats must be used (Error code(s): T54):
This field specifies the customer ordering the transaction.
In option F, when subfield 1 Party Identifier is used with the (Code)(Identifier) format, one of the following
codes must be used (Error code(s): T55):
ARNU Alien Registration The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/' and the Alien Registration Number.
CCPT Passport Number The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
slash, '/' and the Passport Number.
CUST Customer The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Identification Number slash, '/', the issuer of the number, a slash, '/' and the Customer Identification
DRLC Driver's License The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/', the issuing authority, a slash, '/' and the Driver's License Number.
EMPL Employer Number The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
slash, '/', the registration authority, a slash, '/' and the Employer Number.
IBEI International Business The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the International
Entity Identifier Business Entity Identifier.
NIDN National Identity The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/' and the National Identity Number.
SOSE Social Security The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/' and the Social Security Number.
TXID Tax Identification The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/' and the Tax Identification Number.
In option F, each line of subfield 2 Name & Address when present must start with one of the following
numbers (Error code(s): T56):
1 Name of the ordering The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the name of the
customer ordering customer (where it is recommended that the surname precedes given
2 Address Line The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by an Address Line
(Address Line can be used to provide for example, street name and number, or
building name).
3 Country and Town The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code,
a slash '/' and Town (Town can be complemented by postal code (for example
zip), country subdivision (for example state, province, or county).
4 Date of Birth The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the Date of Birth in
the YYYYMMDD format.
5 Place of Birth The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code,
a slash '/' and the Place of Birth.
6 Customer The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code,
Identification Number a slash, '/', the issuer of the number, a slash, '/' and the Customer Identification
7 National Identity The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code,
Number a slash, '/' and the National Identity Number.
8 Additional The number followed by a slash, '/' is followed by information completing the
Information Identifier provided in subfield 1 (Party Identifier) used with the
(Code)(Identifier) format.
Option F - Example 3
Option F - Example 4
6/DE/ABC BANK/1234578293
Option F - Example 5
:50F:CUST/DE/ABC BANK/123456789/8-123456
This means that the customer identification number of Mann Georg assigned by ABC Bank is
This field identifies the Sender of the message.
Field 51A is only valid in FileAct (Error code(s): D63).
At least the first 8 characters of the BIC in this field must be identical to the originator of this FileAct message.
The content of field 20, Sender's reference together with the content of this field provides the message
identification which is to be used in case of queries, cancellations etc.
This field specifies the financial institution of the ordering customer, when different from the Sender, even if
field 50a contains an IBAN.
In option A, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
In option D, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
Conditional (see rules C4, C5, and C7)
Where required, this field specifies the account or branch of the Sender or another financial institution through
which the Sender will reimburse the Receiver.
The BIC must be a SWIFT registered address, either connected or non-connected (Error code(s): T27, T28,
T29, T45).
The BIC must not be a BEI. Please refer to the latest version of the BIC Directory - Corporations for more
information about BEIs. This error code applies to all types of BICs referenced in a FIN message including
SWIFT BICs, non-SWIFT BICs, Masters, Synonyms, Live destinations and Test & Training destinations
(Error code(s): C05).
Absence of this field implies that there is a unique account relationship between the Sender and the Receiver
or that the bilaterally agreed account is to be used for settlement.
Option A is the preferred option.
In those cases where there are multiple direct account relationships, in the currency of the transaction, between
the Sender and the Receiver, and one of these accounts is to be used for reimbursement, the account to be
credited or debited must be indicated in field 53a, using option B with the party identifier only.
If there is no direct account relationship, in the currency of the transaction, between the Sender and the
Receiver (or branch of the Receiver when specified in field 54a), then field 53a must be present.
When field 53a is present and contains a branch of the Sender, the need for a cover message is dependent on
the currency of the transaction, the relationship between the Sender and the Receiver and the contents of field
54a, if present.
A branch of the Receiver may appear in field 53a if the financial institution providing reimbursement is both
the Sender's correspondent and a branch of the Receiver, and the Sender intends to send a cover message to the
branch of the Receiver. In this case, the Receiver will be paid by its branch in field 53a.
In all other cases, when field 53a is present, a cover message, ie, MT 202/203 or equivalent non-SWIFT must
be sent to the financial institution identified in field 53a.
When field 53B is used to specify a branch city name, it must always be a branch of the Sender.
The use and interpretation of fields 53a and 54a is, in all cases, dictated by the currency of the transaction and
the correspondent relationship between the Sender and Receiver relative to that currency.
Conditional (see rules C6 and C7)
This field specifies the branch of the Receiver or another financial institution at which the funds will be made
available to the Receiver.
The BIC must be a SWIFT registered address, either connected or non-connected (Error code(s): T27, T28,
T29, T45).
The BIC must not be a BEI. Please refer to the latest version of the BIC Directory - Corporations for more
information about BEIs. This error code applies to all types of BICs referenced in a FIN message including
SWIFT BICs, non-SWIFT BICs, Masters, Synonyms, Live destinations and Test & Training destinations
(Error code(s): C05).
When the funds are made available to the Receiver's branch through a financial institution other than that
indicated in field 53a, this financial institution, ie, intermediary reimbursement institution shall be specified in
field 54a and field 55a shall contain the Receiver's branch.
Option A is the preferred option.
Conditional (see rule C8)
This field specifies the Receiver's branch, when the funds are made available to this branch through a financial
institution other than that indicated in field 53a.
The BIC must be a SWIFT registered address, either connected or non-connected (Error code(s): T27, T28,
T29, T45).
The BIC must not be a BEI. Please refer to the latest version of the BIC Directory - Corporations for more
information about BEIs. This error code applies to all types of BICs referenced in a FIN message including
SWIFT BICs, non-SWIFT BICs, Masters, Synonyms, Live destinations and Test & Training destinations
(Error code(s): C05).
Option A is the preferred option.
Conditional (see rule C10)
This field specifies the financial institution through which the transaction must pass to reach the account with
In option A, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
In option C, or D, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
Conditional (see rules C9 and C11)
This field specifies the financial institution which services the account for the beneficiary customer. This is
applicable even if field 59 or 59A contains an IBAN.
In option A, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
In option C, or D, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
When qualified by a clearing system code or an account number, the use of option D will enable the automated
processing of the instruction(s) by the Receiver.
This field specifies the customer which will be paid.
Account may contain one of the following codes preceded by a double slash ('//'):
Conditional (see rule C14)
This field specifies either the details of the individual transaction or a reference to another message containing
the details which are to be transmitted to the beneficiary customer.
One of the following codes may be used, placed between slashes ('/'):
INV Invoice (followed by the date, reference and details of the invoice).
IPI Unique reference identifying a related International Payment Instruction (followed by up to 20
RFB Reference for the beneficiary customer (followed by up to 16 characters).
ROC Ordering customer's reference.
For national clearing purposes, the Sender must check with the Receiver regarding length restrictions of field
The information specified in this field is intended only for the beneficiary customer, ie, this information only
needs to be conveyed by the Receiver.
Multiple references can be used, if separated with a double slash, '//'. Code must not be repeated between two
references of the same kind.
This field specifies which party will bear the charges for the transaction.
One of the following codes must be used (Error code(s): T08):
Conditional (see rule C15)
This repetitive field specifies the currency and amount of the transaction charges deducted by the Sender and
by previous banks in the transaction chain.
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
These fields are conveyed for transparency reasons.
The net amount after deduction of the Sender's charges will be quoted as the inter-bank settled amount in field
This field may be repeated to specify to the Receiver the currency and amount of charges taken by preceding
banks in the transaction chain. Charges should be indicated in the order in which they have been deducted
from the transaction amount. Ie, the first occurrence of this field specifies the charges of the first bank in the
transaction chain that deducted charges; the last occurrence always gives the Sender's charges.
Conditional (see rule C15)
This field specifies the currency and amount of the transaction charges due to the Receiver.
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
If field 71G is present, the amount must not equal '0' (Error code(s): D57).
This field is conveyed for accounting reasons, ie, to facilitate bookkeeping.
Where field 71A indicates OUR payments, this field identifies the charges due, which have been prepaid and
included in the interbank settlement amount.
This field specifies additional information for the Receiver or other party specified.
Unless bilaterally agreed otherwise between the Sender and the Receiver, one of the following codes must be
used, placed between slashes ('/'):
Field 72 must never be used for information for which another field is intended.
Each item for which a code exists must start with that code and may be completed with additional information.
Each code used must be between slashes and appear at the beginning of a line. It may be followed by
additional narrative text.
Narrative text relating to a preceding code, which is continued on the next line(s), must start with a double
slash '//', and, if used, must begin on a new line. Narrative text should preferably be the last information in this
Use of field 72, particularly with uncoded instructions, may cause delay, because, in automated systems, the
presence of this field will normally require manual intervention.
It is strongly recommended to use the standard codes proposed above. In any case, where bilateral agreements
covering the use of codes in this field are in effect, the code must conform to the structured format of this field.
The codes REJT/RETN may be used in this field. If either of these codes is used in the first position of the first
line, placed between slashes ('/'), it is mandatory to follow the Payments Reject/Return Guidelines described in
the SWIFTStandards Usage Guidelines.
This field specifies the code(s) for the statutory and/or regulatory information required by the authorities in the
country of Receiver or Sender.
Where the residence of either ordering customer or beneficiary customer is to be identified, the following
codes may be used, placed between slashes ('/'):
Country consists of the ISO country code of the country of residence of the ordering customer or beneficiary
The information specified must not have been explicitly conveyed in another field.
Conditional (see rule C14)
This field can contain extended remittance information in different formats. The content of the field is subject
to bilateral agreements between the ordering customer and the Beneficiary.
One of the following codes may be used, placed between slashes ('/'):
MT 103 Examples
MT 103 Examples for the Core MT 103, used outside any Service Level
The message has the following layout:
Status Tag Field Name Content/Options
Status Tag Field Name Content/Options
Example 1.1: Single Customer Credit Transfer with Direct Account Relationship
Biodata G.m.b.H. orders UBS, Zürich, to pay euro 1,958.47 to ABN Amro Bank, Amsterdam, for the account
of H.F. Janssen.
Information Flow
Sender UBS
MT 103
SWIFT Message
Explanation Format
Receiver ABNANL2A
Message text
Explanation Format
Note: No reimbursement party has been indicated in the above message. The direct account relationship, in the
currency of the transfer, between the Sender and the Receiver will be used.
Biodata G.m.b.H. orders UBS, Zürich, to pay euro 1,958.47 to ABN Amro Bank, Amsterdam, for the account
of H.F. Janssen, in payment of invoice number 18042 dated 15 July 2009.
As there is more than one account relationship in the currency of the transfer between the Sender and
Receiver, UBS, Zürich specifies that account number 21 94 29 055 should be used for reimbursement.
UBS, Zürich, knows that ABN Amro Bank, Amsterdam, will charge euro 2.50 to execute this transaction.
Information Flow
Sender UBS
MT 103
SWIFT Message
Explanation Format
Receiver ABNANL2A
Message text
(1) Field 53B indicates the account number of the Sender's account, serviced by the Receiver, which is to be
used for reimbursement in the transfer.
(2) As the Reference for the beneficiary is an invoice number, the code /INV/ is used, followed by the invoice
Example 1.3: Single Customer Credit Transfer with Ordering and Account With
Franz Holzapfel G.m.b.H. orders Finanzbank AG, Eisenstadt, to pay, value 28 August 2009, US Dollars 850
into C. Won's account number 729615-941 with Oversea-Chinese Banking Cooperation, Singapore. The
payment is for July 2009 expenses.
Finanzbank AG, Eisenstadt, asks Bank Austria, Vienna, to make the payment. Both Bank Austria, Vienna, and
Oversea-Chinese Banking Cooperation, Singapore, have their US dollars account at Citibank's New York
Both customers agree to share the charges. Citibank charges US Dollars 10.
Information Flow
First MT 103
Receiver Citibank
New York
(Second MT 103)
Explanation Format
Receiver CITIUS33
Message text
Explanation Format
The following illustrates the mapping of the first MT 103 onto the next MT 103:
MT 103 MT 103
20 20
23B 23B
32A 32A
50a 33B
52a 50a
57a 52a
59a 59a
70 70
71A 71A
Explanation Format
Sender CITIUS33
Explanation Format
Message text
Example 1.4: Single Customer Credit Transfer with Reimbursement Through Two
Value August 28, 2009, Franz Holzapfel G.m.b.H. orders Bank Austria, Vienna, to pay US Dollars 1,121.50 to
C. Klein, Bloemengracht 15, Amsterdam, whose account number 72 34 91 524 is with ABN Amro Bank,
Amsterdam. The beneficiary is to be notified by phone at 20.527.19.60.
Bank Austria uses reference 394882.
This transfer may be sent via SWIFT using one of the following methods:
1. Sent to the party closest to the beneficiary, through several reimbursement institutions
2. Sent to the next party in the transfer.
Note: The alternative selected is dependent on correspondent relationships and financial practice in the
countries involved.
B. A cover message for the US dollar payment, which is provided through Chase Manhattan Bank, New York,
to ABN Amro Bank, New York.
Information Flow
MT 103
Receiver's ABN Amro Bank
Correspondent 54a New York
(Field 57a of MT 202)
(MT 910/950)
Receiver ABN Amro Bank
(Field 58a of MT 202)
Explanation Format
Receiver ABNANL2A
Message text
Explanation Format
(1) Field 53A indicates the institution which is to provide the funds to the Receiver on behalf of the Sender.
(2) Field 54A is the receiver's correspondent - the institution which will receive the funds on behalf of the
MT 103 MT 202
20 20
23B 21
23E 32A
32A 57a
50a 58a
Information Flow
Message B
MT 202
(Receiver of MT 103)
Explanation Format
Receiver CHASUS33
Message text
(1) The related reference is the Sender's reference of the Single Customer Credit Transfer.
Information Flow
Message A
MT 103
(Message B
MT 103*)
* Or its equivalent domestic clearing message
Explanation Format
Receiver CHASUS33
Message text
Explanation Format
(1) The intermediary institution, ABN Amro Bank, New York, will receive the funds from the Receiver of this
message, Chase Manhattan Bank, New York.
(2) ABN Amro Bank, Amsterdam, will receive the funds from the intermediary institution, its New York office,
for credit to the beneficiary's account.
20 20 20
23B 23B 23B
32A 32A 32A
50a 33B 33B
56A 50a 50a
57A 52A 52A
59a 57A 59a
71A 59a 71A
71A 71F
71F 71F
Message B 2nd SWIFT MT 103 (or its equivalent domestic clearing message)
Information Flow
(Message A, MT 103)
Message B
MT 103
(Message C, MT 103)
Explanation Format
Sender CHASUS33
Receiver ABNAUS33
Message text
Explanation Format
(1) The Sender of the initial MT 103 is Bank Austria, Vienna, which is the ordering institution in all
subsequent messages.
(2) ABN Amro Bank, Amsterdam, will receive the funds from the Receiver of this message, its New York office,
for credit to the beneficiary's account.
Information Flow
(Message A, MT 103)
(Message B, MT 103)
Message C
MT 103
Explanation Format
Sender ABNAUS33
Receiver ABNANL2A
Message text
Explanation Format
(1) The Sender of the initial MT 103 is Bank Austria, Vienna, which is the ordering institution in all
subsequent messages.
Gian Angelo Imports, Naples, orders Banca Commerciale Italiana, Naples, to pay, value 12 June 2009, US
Dollars 5,443.99 to Banque Nationale de Paris, Grenoble, for account number 20041 01005 0500001M026 06
of Killy S.A., Grenoble, in payment of invoice 559661.
Banca Commerciale Italiana, Milan, makes the US Dollar payment through its US correspondent, Banca
Commerciale Italiana, New York, under reference 8861198-0706.
Payment is to be made to Banque Nationale de Paris, Paris, in favour of Banque Nationale de Paris, Grenoble,
through its US correspondent, Bank of New York, New York.
This transfer may be sent via SWIFT using one of the following methods:
1. Message sent to party closest to the beneficiary, using a third reimbursement institution.
2. Message sent through several reimbursement institutions, using an account with institution.
3. Message sent to the next party in the transaction.
Note: Although this transfer may also be sent to the next party in the transaction, this method is not illustrated
The alternative selected is dependent on correspondent relationships and financial practice of the
countries involved.
Method 1 Message Sent to Party Closest to the Beneficiary, Using a Third Reimbursement Institution
Information Flow
(Message B
Sender MT 202) Banca Commerciale
Italiana, Milan
Message A
Intermediary MT Bank of New York
Reimbursement 54a New York
Institution (Field 56a of MT 202)
(Message D, MT 202) MT 103
* Or its equivalent domestic clearing message
Explanation Format
Message text
Explanation Format
(1) The message is sent to Banque Nationale de Paris, Grenoble, the financial institution which is located
closest to the beneficiary customer.
(2) Banca Commerciale Italiana, New York, the sender's correspondent, will provide the funds to the
intermediary reimbursement institution, Bank of New York, N.Y.
(3) Bank of New York, New York, will receive the funds on behalf of Banque Nationale de Paris, Paris
(4) As the reference for the beneficiary is an invoice number, the code /INV/ is used, followed by the invoice
20 20 20 20
23B 21 21 21
32A 32A 32A 32A
33B 56a 52a 52a
50a 57a 57a 58a
52a 58a 58a 72/INS/
Information Flow
Message B
MT 202
(Receiver of MT 103)
* Or its equivalent domestic clearing message
Explanation Format
Message text
Explanation Format
(1) The message is sent to Banca Commerciale Italiana, New York, ordering transfer of the funds to Bank of
New York, New York.
(2) The related reference is the Sender's reference of the MT 103.
(3) Bank of New York, New York, will pay the funds to Banque Nationale de Paris, Paris, in favour of
(4) Banque Nationale de Paris, Paris, will pay the funds to its Grenoble office, in cover of the transaction to
Killy, S.A.
Information Flow
(Message B
MT 202)
Message C
MT 205
(Message A
MT 103)
Explanation Format
Sender BCITUS33
Message text
Information Flow
(Message B
MT 202)
Message D
MT 202
Explanation Format
Message text
Explanation Format
(1) The related reference is the Sender's reference of the initial MT 103.
(2) The instructing institution is Banca Commerciale Italiana, New York.
Method 2 Customer Transfer Sent Through Several Reimbursement Institutions Using an Account
With Institution
Information Flow
(Message B
Sender MT 202) Banca Commerciale
Italiana, Milan
MT 103
Receiver's Bank of New York
Correspondent 54a New York
(Field 57a of MT 202)
(Message D
Receiver MT 910/950) Banque Nationale
de Paris, Paris
(Field 58a of MT 202)
* Or its equivalent domestic clearing message
Explanation Format
Message text
(1) The message is sent to Banque Nationale de Paris, Paris, the financial institution which will provide the
funds to the account with institution.
(2) Banca Commerciale Italiana, New York, will provide the funds to the receiver's correspondent, Bank of
New York, New York.
(3) Bank of New York, New York, the receiver's correspondent, will receive the funds on behalf of Banque
Nationale de Paris, Paris.
(4) As the reference for the beneficiary can be contained in 16 characters, the code /RFB/ is used, followed by
the reference.
20 20 20 20
23B 21 21 21
32A 32A 32A 25
33B 57a 52a 32A
50a 58a 58a 52a
52a 56a
Information Flow
Message B
MT 202
(Receiver of MT 103)
* Or its equivalent domestic clearing message
Explanation Format
Message text
(1) The message is sent to Banca Commerciale Italiana, New York, ordering transfer of the funds to Bank of
New York, New York.
(2) The related reference is the Sender's reference of the initial MT 103.
(3) Bank of New York, New York, will pay the funds to Banque Nationale de Paris, Paris.
Information Flow
Message C
(Message A MT
MT 103)
MT 205
(Field 58a of MT 202)
Explanation Format
Sender BCITUS33
Message text
Explanation Format
Explanation Format
Message text
(1) The related reference is the Sender's reference of the initial MT 103.
(2) Banca Commerciale Italiana, New York, is the instructing institution.
Consortia Pension Scheme, a corporate in Zürich requests its bank (BNKACHZZ) to execute a pension
payment in Swiss Francs. The beneficiary has his account, 429-5470572-63, with the Belgian correspondent
Information Flow
(MT 950)
MT 103
59a Brussels
Explanation Format
Message text
Explanation Format
In the statement message sent by BNKBBEBB to its Swiss correspondent, the settlement amount as specified
in field 32A and the Sender's reference specified in field 20 will be quoted in the appropriate statement line.
For the example given this would result in the following MT 950:
Explanation Format
Message text
MT 103 Example for the core MT 103, used in a Service Level Agreement
Payments Service Levels: Field 23B contains SPAY, SSTD or Other Usage: Field 23B
SPRI contains CRED or CRTS
52a A A
53a A A
B (Account number only) B
54a A A
B (Branch only)
55a A A
B (Branch only)
56a Priority A A
Forbidden C (clearing code) C (clearing code)
57a A A
D (with mandatory identifier) C
In the following examples both the Sender and the Receiver agreed to exchange payment messages under a
SWIFT Service Level.
The message available for this group of users has the following layout for both the Standard and SWIFTPay
Service Level:
Status Tag Field Name Content/Options
Status Tag Field Name Content/Options
The message has the following layout for the SWIFT Priority Service Level:
Status Tag Field Name Content/Options
Status Tag Field Name Content/Options
Note: Field 56a Intermediary Institution is not allowed within the SWIFT Priority Service Level
Example 2.1: Single Customer Credit Transfer With Reimbursement Through Several
Value August 28, 2009, Franz Holzapfel G.m.b.H. orders Bank Austria, Vienna, to pay US Dollars 1,121.50 to
C. Klein, Bloemengracht 15, Amsterdam, whose account number 72 34 91 524 is with ABN Amro Bank,
Amsterdam. The beneficiary is to be notified by phone at 20.527.19.60.
Bank Austria uses reference 394882.
In this example, the MT 103 will be sent to the party closest to the beneficiary, through several reimbursement
institutions. It would also be possible to send the MT 103 to the next party in the transfer.
Note: The alternative selected is dependent on correspondent relationships and financial practice in the
countries involved.
Information Flow
MT 103
Receiver's ABN Amro Bank
Correspondent 54a New York
(Field 57a of MT 202)
(MT 910/950)
Receiver ABN Amro Bank
(Field 58a of MT 202)
Explanation Format
Receiver ABNANL2A
Message text
Explanation Format
(1) Field 53A indicates the institution which is to provide the funds to the Receiver on behalf of the Sender.
(2) Field 54A is the receiver's correspondent - the institution which will receive the funds on behalf of the
MT 103 Single Customer Credit Transfer in the Extended Remittance Information MUG
Status Tag Field Name Content/Options
Status Tag Field Name Content/Options
Franz Holzapfel G.m.b.H. orders Bank Austria, Vienna, to pay euro 1,958.47 to ABN Amro Bank,
Amsterdam, for the account of H.F. Janssen, 50 26 64 959. Franz Holzapfel G.m.b.H. does this by using an
EDIFACT payment order with remittance advice information. He agreed with H.F. Janssen on the format of
this information. Bank Austria, Vienna, and ABN Amro Bank, Amsterdam, agreed on the way they exchange
EDIFACT Remittance Information.
BKAUATWW subscribed to the MT 103 Extended Remittance Information Message User Group, as did its
Dutch correspondent ABNANL2A.
Information Flow
(MT 950)
MT 103
59a Amsterdam
Explanation Format
Receiver ABNANL2A
Message text
Explanation Format
Note: No reimbursement party has been indicated in the above message. The direct account relationship, in the
currency of the transfer, between the Sender and Receiver will be used.
The MT 103+ is a General Use message, ie, no registration in a Message User Group is necessary to send and
receive this message. It allows the exchange of single customer credit transfers using a restricted set of fields
and format options of the core MT 103 to make it straight through processable. The MT 103+ is a compatible
subset of the core MT 103 that is documented separately.
The differences with the core MT 103 are:
• appropriate MT 103+ format validation is triggered by the code STP in the validation flag field 119
({3:{119: STP}}) of the user header of the message (block 3)
• fields 52, 54, 55, 56 and 57 may only be used with letter option A
• field 53 may only be used with letter options A and B
• field 51A is not used in MT 103+. This message may only be used on the FIN SWIFT network since it
requires special validation
• field 23E may only contain codes CORT, INTC, SDVA and REPA
• if field 53a is used with option B, Party Identifier must be used
• subfield 1 (Account) of either field 59 or 59A is always mandatory
• field 72, code INS must be followed by a valid BIC
• field 72, codes REJT/RETN must not be used
• field 72 must not include ERI information.
To trigger the MT 103+ format validation, the user header of the message (block 3) is mandatory and
must contain the code STP in the validation flag field 119 ({3:{119:STP}}).
MT 103+ Scope
This message type is sent by, or on behalf of, the financial institution of the ordering customer, directly or
through (a) correspondent(s), to the financial institution of the beneficiary customer.
It is used to convey a funds transfer instruction in which the ordering customer or the beneficiary customer, or
both, are non-financial institutions from the perspective of the Sender.
This message may only be used for clean payment instructions. It must not be used to advise the remitting
bank of a payment for a clean, eg, cheque, collection, nor to provide the cover for a transaction whose
completion was advised separately, eg, via an MT 400.
M = Mandatory, O = Optional
C2 If the country codes of the Sender's and the Receiver's BICs are within the following list: AD, AT, BE,
MC, MQ, MT, NL, NO, PL, PM, PT, RE, RO, SE, SI, SJ, SK, SM, TF and VA, then field 33B is
mandatory, otherwise field 33B is optional (Error code(s): D49).
Yes No Optional
No Yes Optional
No No Optional
C4 If field 55A is present, both fields 53A and 54A must also be present (Error code(s): E06).
C5 If field 56A is present, field 57A must also be present (Error code(s): C81).
Present Mandatory
C6 If field 23B contains the code SPRI, field 56A must not be present (Error code(s): E16).
C7 If field 71A contains OUR, then field 71F is not allowed and field 71G is optional (Error code(s): E13).
If field 71A contains SHA, then field(s) 71F is(are) optional and field 71G is not allowed (Error
code(s): D50).
If field 71A contains BEN, then at least one occurrence of field 71F is mandatory and field 71G is not
allowed (Error code(s): E15).
C8 If either field 71F (at least one occurrence) or field 71G is present, then field 33B is mandatory,
otherwise field 33B is optional (Error code(s): D51).
Note 1: The presence of both fields 71F and 71G is also regulated by the Network Validated Rule C7
(Error code(s): E13, D50, E15).
Note 2: The presence of field 33B is also regulated by the Network Validated Rule C2 (Error code(s):
C9 The currency code in the fields 71G and 32A must be the same (Error code(s): C02).
C10 If the country codes of the Sender's and the Receiver's BICs are within the following list: AD, AT, BE,
MC, MQ, MT, NL, NO, PL, PM, PT, RE, RO, SE, SI, SJ, SK, SM, TF and VA, then the following
• If field 57A is not present, the IBAN (ISO-13616) is mandatory in subfield Account of field 59a
(Error code(s): D19).
• If field 57A is present and the country code of the BIC in 57A is within the above list of country
codes, the IBAN (ISO-13616) is mandatory in subfield Account of field 59a (Error code(s): D19).
In all other cases, the presence of the IBAN (ISO-13616) is optional and its format is not validated in
subfield Account of field 59a.
No No Yes No Optional
Examples: Transaction A
• Pay the equivalent of EUR 1000,00 in GBP to a beneficiary in the United Kingdom
• Exchange rate is 1 EUR for 0,61999 GBP
• Transaction charges on the Sender's side are EUR 5,00 (=GBP 3,1)
• Transaction charges on the Receiver's side are GBP 4 (=EUR 6,45)
B. MT 103+ extract:
36 0,61999
C. The subsequent MT 950 shows one debit entry for GBP 623,99, ie, field 32A.
D. Amount credited to the beneficiary:
B. MT 103+ extract:
36 0,61999
C. The subsequent MT 950 shows one debit entry for GBP 619,99, ie, field 32A.
D. Amount credited to the beneficiary:
B. MT 103+ extract:
36 0,61999
C. The subsequent MT 950 shows one debit entry for GBP 616,89, ie, field 32A.
D. Amount credited to the beneficiary:
Examples: Transaction B
• Pay GBP 1000,00 to a beneficiary in the United Kingdom
• Exchange rate is 1 EUR for 0,61999 GBP
• Transaction charges on the Sender's side are EUR 5,00 (=GBP 3,1)
• Transaction charges on the Receiver's side are GBP 4,00 (=EUR 6,45)
• The ordering customer has an account in euro
• Sender and Receiver's BIC are within the EU-country list
Debit on EUR-account
B. MT 103+ extract
Note:field 36 does not have to be used since currency in fields 32A and 33B is the same
C. The subsequent MT 950 shows one debit entry for GBP 1004, ie, field 32A.
D. Amount credited to the beneficiary:
Debit on EUR-account
B. MT 103+ extract:
C. The subsequent MT 950 shows one debit entry for GBP 1000, ie, field 32A.
D. Amount credited to the beneficiary:
Note: field 36 does not have to be used since currency in fields 32A and 33B is the same
Debit on EUR-account
B. MT 103+ extract:
C. The subsequent MT 950 shows one debit entry for GBP 996,9 ie, field 32A.
D. Amount credited to the beneficiary:
MT 103+ Guidelines
• If the Sender and the Receiver wish to use their direct account relationship in the currency of the transfer,
then the MT 103+ message will contain the cover for the customer transfer as well as the payment details.
• If the Sender and the Receiver have no direct account relationship in the currency of the transfer or do not
wish to use their account relationship, then third banks will be involved to cover the transaction. The MT
103+ contains only the payment details and the Sender must cover the customer transfer by sending an MT
202 General Financial Institution Transfer to a third bank. This payment method is called 'cover'.
• Where more than two financial institutions are involved in the payment chain, and if the MT 103+ is sent
from one financial institution to the next financial institution in this chain, then the payment method is
called 'serial'.
• In order to allow better reconciliation by the beneficiary customer, the MT 103+ supports full charges
transparency and structured remittance information.
• In order to allow better reconciliation by the Receiver, the MT 103+ gives an unambiguous indication of
the interbank amount booked by the Sender/to be booked by the Receiver.
• The MT 103+ gives the Sender the ability to identify in the message the level of service requested, ie, what
service is expected from the Receiver for a particular payment, eg, SWIFTPay, Standard or Priority or any
other bilaterally agreed service.
• The message also allows for the inclusion of regulatory information in countries where regulatory
reporting is requested.
This field specifies the reference assigned by the Sender to unambiguously identify the message.
This field must not start or end with a slash '/' and must not contain two consecutive slashes '//' (Error code(s):
This reference must be quoted in any related confirmation or statement, eg, MT 900, 910 and/or 950.
This repetitive field specifies one or several time indication(s) related to the processing of the payment
One of the following codes may be used, placed between slashes ('/'):
CLSTIME The time by which the funding payment must be credited, with confirmation, to the CLS
Bank's account at the central bank, expressed in Central European Time (CET).
RNCTIME The time at which a TARGET payment has been credited at the receiving central bank,
expressed in Central European Time (CET).
SNDTIME The time at which a TARGET payment has been debited at the sending central bank,
expressed in Central European Time (CET).
This field identifies the type of operation.
One of the following codes must be used (Error code(s): T36):
CRED This message contains a credit transfer where there is no SWIFT Service Level involved.
CRTS This message contains a credit transfer for test purposes.
SPAY This message contains a credit transfer to be processed according to the SWIFTPay Service Level.
SPRI This message contains a credit transfer to be processed according to the Priority Service Level.
SSTD This message contains a credit transfer to be processed according to the Standard Service Level.
The code CRTS should not be used on the FIN network.
Conditional (see rule C3)
This field specifies an instruction.
Instruction must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): T48):
SDVA Payment must be executed with same day value to the beneficiary.
INTC The payment is an intra-company payment, ie, a payment between two companies belonging to the
same group.
REPA Payment has a related e-Payments reference.
CORT Payment is made in settlement of a trade, eg, foreign exchange deal, securities transaction.
When this field is used more than once, the following combinations are not allowed (Error code(s): D67).
If this field is repeated, the same code word must not be present more than once (Error code(s): E46).
This field may be repeated to give several coded instructions to one or more parties.
Code REPA indicates that the payment is the result of an initiation performed via an e-payments product
between the customers. This code is intended for the beneficiary's bank who should act according to the
specifications of the e-payments product.
This field identifies the nature of, purpose of, and/or reason for the individual transaction, eg, salaries,
pensions, dividends.
Codes from the EUROSTAT list "Code List for Balance of Payments Collection Systems" may be used in this
The information given is intended both for regulatory and statutory requirements and/or to provide
information to the beneficiary customer on the nature of the transaction.
In case the Receiver of the message is not legally obliged to forward the information to a regulatory body, he is
allowed to ignore the content of this field.
This field specifies the value date, the currency and the settlement amount. The settlement amount is the
amount to be booked/reconciled at interbank level.
Date must be a valid date expressed as YYMMDD (Error code(s): T50).
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
Conditional (see rules C2 and C8)
This field specifies the currency and amount of the instruction. This amount is provided for information
purposes and has to be transported unchanged through the transaction chain.
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
If field 33B is present in the message received, it has to be forwarded unchanged to the next party.
This field must be present when a currency conversion or an exchange has been performed on the Sender's
If the transaction is within the scope of the EC Directive on cross border credit transfers, this amount is the
original ordered amount as instructed by the ordering customer. Otherwise, it is the amount that the sending
bank was instructed to pay.
As a consequence, if there are no Sender's or Receiver's charges and no currency conversion or exchange took
place, field 32A equals 33B, if present.
Conditional (see rule C1)
This field specifies the exchange rate used to convert the instructed amount specified in field 33B.
The integer part of Rate must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in the
maximum length (Error code(s): T40, T43).
This field must be present when a currency conversion or an exchange has been performed on the Sender's
In option F, the following line formats must be used (Error code(s): T54):
Line 1 (subfield 4!a/30x (Code)(Identifier)
Party Identifier)
Lines 2-5 (subfield 1!n/33x (Number)(Details)
Name & Address)
This field specifies the customer ordering the transaction.
In option F, when subfield 1 Party Identifier is used with the (Code)(Identifier) format, one of the following
codes must be used (Error code(s): T55)
ARNU Alien Registration The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/' and the Alien Registration Number.
CCPT Passport Number The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
slash, '/' and the Passport Number.
CUST Customer The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Identification Number slash, '/', the issuer of the number, a slash, '/' and the Customer Identification
DRLC Driver's License The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/', the issuing authority, a slash, '/' and the Driver's License Number.
EMPL Employer Number The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
slash, '/', the registration authority, a slash, '/' and the Employer Number.
IBEI International Business The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the International
Entity Identifier Business Entity Identifier.
NIDN National Identity The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/' and the National Identity Number.
SOSE Social Security The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/' and the Social Security Number.
TXID Tax Identification The code followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code, a
Number slash, '/' and the Tax Identification Number.
In option F, each line of subfield 2 Name & Address when present must start with one of the following
numbers (Error code(s): T56):
1 Name of the ordering The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the name of the
customer ordering customer (where it is recommended that the surname precedes given
2 Address Line The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by an Address Line
(Address Line can be used to provide for example, street name and number, or
building name).
3 Country and Town The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code,
a slash '/' and Town (Town can be complemented by postal code (for example
zip), country subdivision (for example state, province, or county).
4 Date of Birth The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the Date of Birth in
the YYYYMMDD format.
5 Place of Birth The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code,
a slash '/' and the Place of Birth.
6 Customer The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code,
Identification Number a slash, '/', the issuer of the number, a slash, '/' and the Customer Identification
7 National Identity The number followed by a slash, '/' must be followed by the ISO country code,
Number a slash, '/' and the National Identity Number.
8 Additional The number followed by a slash, '/' is followed by information completing the
Information Identifier provided in subfield 1 (Party Identifier) used with the
(Code)(Identifier) format.
Option F - Example 1
3/US/NEW YORK, NY 10017
Option F - Example 2
Option F - Example 3
Option F - Example 4
6/DE/ABC BANK/1234578293
Option F - Example 5
:50F:CUST/DE/ABC BANK/123456789/8-123456
This means that the customer identification number of Mann Georg assigned by ABC Bank is
This field specifies the financial institution of the ordering customer, when different from the Sender, even if
field 50a contains an IBAN.
Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
Conditional (see rule C4)
Where required, this field specifies the account or branch of the Sender or another financial institution through
which the Sender will reimburse the Receiver.
If field 53a is present with option B, Party Identifier must be present in field 53B (Error code(s): E04).
The BIC must be a SWIFT registered address, either connected or non-connected (Error code(s): T27, T28,
T29, T45).
The BIC must not be a BEI. Please refer to the latest version of the BIC Directory - Corporations for more
information about BEIs. This error code applies to all types of BICs referenced in a FIN message including
SWIFT BICs, non-SWIFT BICs, Masters, Synonyms, Live destinations and Test & Training destinations
(Error code(s): C05).
Absence of this field implies that there is a unique account relationship between the Sender and the Receiver
or that the bilaterally agreed account is to be used for settlement.
In those cases where there are multiple direct account relationships, in the currency of the transaction, between
the Sender and the Receiver, and one of these accounts is to be used for reimbursement, the account to be
credited or debited must be indicated in field 53B with the party identifier only.
If there is no direct account relationship, in the currency of the transaction, between the Sender and the
Receiver (or branch of the Receiver when specified in field 54A), then field 53a must be present with option A.
When field 53A is present and contains a branch of the Sender, the need for a cover message is dependent on
the currency of the transaction, the relationship between the Sender and the Receiver and the contents of field
54A, if present.
A branch of the Receiver may appear in field 53A if the financial institution providing reimbursement is both
the Sender's correspondent and a branch of the Receiver, and the Sender intends to send a cover message to the
branch of the Receiver. In this case, the Receiver will be paid by its branch in field 53A.
In all other cases, when field 53A is present, a cover message, ie, MT 202/203 or equivalent non-SWIFT must
be sent to the financial institution identified in field 53A.
The use and interpretation of fields 53a and 54A is, in all cases, dictated by the currency of the transaction and
the correspondent relationship between the Sender and Receiver relative to that currency.
Conditional (see rule C4)
This field specifies the branch of the Receiver or another financial institution at which the funds will be made
available to the Receiver.
The BIC must be a SWIFT registered address, either connected or non-connected (Error code(s): T27, T28,
T29, T45).
The BIC must not be a BEI. Please refer to the latest version of the BIC Directory - Corporations for more
information about BEIs. This error code applies to all types of BICs referenced in a FIN message including
SWIFT BICs, non-SWIFT BICs, Masters, Synonyms, Live destinations and Test & Training destinations
(Error code(s): C05).
When the funds are made available to the Receiver's branch through a financial institution other than that
indicated in field 53A, this financial institution, ie, intermediary reimbursement institution shall be specified in
field 54A and field 55A shall contain the Receiver's branch.
In those cases where field 54A contains a branch of the Receiver, and is not preceded by field 53A, or field
53B contains an account of the Sender serviced by the Receiver's branch, the Receiver will claim
reimbursement from its branch.
If field 54A contains a branch of the Receiver and field 53A contains a branch of the Sender, the Receiver will
claim reimbursement from its branch or will be paid by its branch, depending on the currency of the transfer
and the relationship between the Sender and the Receiver.
In all other cases where field 54A contains a branch of the Receiver, the Receiver will be paid by its branch in
field 54A.
A branch of the Sender must not appear in field 54A.
If the branch of the Sender or other financial institution specified in field 53A is also the account servicer for
the Receiver, field 54A must not be present.
Field 54A containing the name of a financial institution other than the Receiver's branch must be preceded by
field 53A; the Receiver will be paid by the financial institution in field 54A.
The use and interpretation of fields 53a and 54A is in all cases dictated by the currency of the transaction and
the correspondent relationship between the Sender and Receiver relative to that currency.
This field specifies the Receiver's branch, when the funds are made available to this branch through a financial
institution other than that indicated in field 53A.
The BIC must be a SWIFT registered address, either connected or non-connected (Error code(s): T27, T28,
T29, T45).
The BIC must not be a BEI. Please refer to the latest version of the BIC Directory - Corporations for more
information about BEIs. This error code applies to all types of BICs referenced in a FIN message including
SWIFT BICs, non-SWIFT BICs, Masters, Synonyms, Live destinations and Test & Training destinations
(Error code(s): C05).
Conditional (see rule C6)
This field specifies the financial institution through which the transaction must pass to reach the account with
Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
Conditional (see rule C5)
This field specifies the financial institution which services the account for the beneficiary customer. This is
applicable even if field 59 or 59A contains an IBAN.
Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
When it is necessary that an incoming SWIFT payment be made to the intermediary or the account with
institution via real-time gross settlement (RTGS), the code //RT should appear in the optional Party Identifier
of field 56A or 57A.
The code //RT is binding for the Receiver. It must not be followed by any other information.
This field specifies the customer which will be paid.
Account may contain one of the following codes preceded by a double slash ('//'):
This field specifies either the details of the individual transaction or a reference to another message containing
the details which are to be transmitted to the beneficiary customer.
One of the following codes may be used, placed between slashes ('/'):
INV Invoice (followed by the date, reference and details of the invoice).
IPI Unique reference identifying a related International Payment Instruction (followed by up to 20
RFB Reference for the beneficiary customer (followed by up to 16 characters).
ROC Ordering customer's reference.
For national clearing purposes, the Sender must check with the Receiver regarding length restrictions of field
The information specified in this field is intended only for the beneficiary customer, ie, this information only
needs to be conveyed by the Receiver.
Multiple references can be used, if separated with a double slash, '//'. Code must not be repeated between two
references of the same kind.
This field specifies which party will bear the charges for the transaction.
One of the following codes must be used (Error code(s): T08):
Conditional (see rule C7)
This repetitive field specifies the currency and amount of the transaction charges deducted by the Sender and
by previous banks in the transaction chain.
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
These fields are conveyed for transparency reasons.
The net amount after deduction of the Sender's charges will be quoted as the inter-bank settled amount in field
This field may be repeated to specify to the Receiver the currency and amount of charges taken by preceding
banks in the transaction chain. Charges should be indicated in the order in which they have been deducted
from the transaction amount. Ie, the first occurrence of this field specifies the charges of the first bank in the
transaction chain that deducted charges; the last occurrence always gives the Sender's charges.
Conditional (see rule C7)
This field specifies the currency and amount of the transaction charges due to the Receiver.
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
If field 71G is present, the amount must not equal '0' (Error code(s): D57).
This field is conveyed for accounting reasons, ie, to facilitate bookkeeping.
Where field 71A indicates OUR payments, this field identifies the charges due, which have been prepaid and
included in the interbank settlement amount.
This field specifies additional information for the Receiver or other party specified.
Unless bilaterally agreed otherwise between the Sender and the Receiver, the following code may be used,
placed between slashes ('/'):
INS The instructing institution which instructed the Sender to execute the transaction.
This field specifies the code(s) for the statutory and/or regulatory information required by the authorities in the
country of Receiver or Sender.
When the residence of either ordering customer or beneficiary customer is to be identified, the following codes
may be used, placed between slashes ('/'):
Country consists of the ISO country code of the country of residence of the ordering customer or beneficiary
The information specified must not have been explicitly conveyed in another field.
In case the Receiver of the message is not legally obliged to forward the information to a regulatory body, he is
allowed to ignore the content of this field.
MT 103+ Examples
MT 103+ Examples for the MT 103+, used outside any Service Level
The message has the following layout:
Status Tag Field Name Content/Options
Status Tag Field Name Content/Options
Example 1.1: Single Customer Credit Transfer with Direct Account Relationship
Biodata G.m.b.H. orders UBS, Zürich, to pay euro 1,958.47 to ABN Amro Bank, Amsterdam, for the account
of H.F. Janssen.
Information Flow
Sender UBS
MT 103+
SWIFT Message
Explanation Format
Receiver ABNANL2A
Message text
Explanation Format
Note: No reimbursement party has been indicated in the above message. The direct account relationship, in the
currency of the transfer, between the Sender and the Receiver will be used.
Biodata G.m.b.H. orders UBS, Zürich, to pay euro 1,958.47 to ABN Amro Bank, Amsterdam, for the account
of H.F. Janssen, in payment of invoice number 18042 dated 15 July 2009.
As there is more than one account relationship in the currency of the transfer between the Sender and
Receiver, UBS, Zürich specifies that account number 21 94 29 055 should be used for reimbursement.
UBS, Zürich, knows that ABN Amro Bank, Amsterdam, will charge euro 2.50 to execute this transaction.
Information Flow
Sender UBS
MT 103+
SWIFT Message
Explanation Format
Receiver ABNANL2A
Message text
Explanation Format
(1) Field 53B indicates the account number of the Sender's account, serviced by the Receiver, which is to be
used for reimbursement in the transfer.
(2) As the Reference for the beneficiary is an invoice number, the code /INV/ is used, followed by the invoice
Example 1.3: Single Customer Credit Transfer with Ordering and Account With
Franz Holzapfel G.m.b.H. orders Bank Austria, Eisenstadt, to pay, value 28 August 2009, US Dollars 850 into
C. Won's account number 729615-941 with Oversea-Chinese Banking Cooperation, Singapore. The payment
is for July 2009 expenses.
Bank Austria, Eisenstadt, asks its head office in Vienna, to make the payment. Both Bank Austria, Vienna, and
Oversea-Chinese Banking Cooperation, Singapore, have their US dollars account at Citibank's New York
Both customers agree to share the charges. Citibank charges US Dollars 10.
Information Flow
First MT 103+
Receiver Citibank
New York
(Second MT 103+)
Explanation Format
Receiver CITIUS33
Message text
Explanation Format
The following illustrates the mapping of the first MT 103+ onto the next MT 103+:
MT 103+ MT 103+
20 20
23B 23B
32A 32A
50a 33B
52A 50a
57A 52A
59a 59a
70 70
71A 71A
Explanation Format
Sender CITIUS33
Explanation Format
Message text
Example 1.4: Single Customer Credit Transfer with Reimbursement Through Two
Value August 28, 2009, Franz Holzapfel G.m.b.H. orders Bank Austria, Vienna, to pay US Dollars 1,121.50 to
C. Klein, Bloemengracht 15, Amsterdam, whose account number 72 34 91 524 is with ABN Amro Bank,
Bank Austria uses reference 394882.
This transfer may be sent via SWIFT using one of the following methods:
1. Sent to the party closest to the beneficiary, through several reimbursement institutions
2. Sent to the next party in the transfer.
Note: The alternative selected is dependent on correspondent relationships and financial practice in the
countries involved.
Information Flow
MT 103+
Receiver's ABN Amro Bank
Correspondent 54A New York
(Field 57a of MT 202)
(MT 910/950)
Receiver ABN Amro Bank
(Field 58a of MT 202)
Explanation Format
Receiver ABNANL2A
Message text
Explanation Format
(1) Field 53A indicates the institution which is to provide the funds to the Receiver on behalf of the Sender.
(2) Field 54A is the receiver's correspondent - the institution which will receive the funds on behalf of the
MT 103+ MT 202+
20 20
23B 21
23E 32A
32A 57a
50a 58a
Information Flow
Message B
MT 202
(Receiver of MT 103)
Explanation Format
Receiver CHASUS33
Message text
(1) The related reference is the Sender's reference of the Single Customer Credit Transfer.
Information Flow
Message A
MT 103+
(Message B
MT 103+*)
* Or its equivalent domestic clearing message
Explanation Format
Receiver CHASUS33
Message text
Explanation Format
(1) The intermediary institution, ABN Amro Bank, New York, will receive the funds from the Receiver of this
message, Chase Manhattan Bank, New York.
(2) ABN Amro Bank, Amsterdam, will receive the funds from the intermediary institution, its New York office,
for credit to the beneficiary's account.
20 20 20
23B 23B 23B
32A 32A 32A
50a 33B 33B
56A 50a 50a
57A 52A 52A
59a 57A 59a
71A 59a 71A
71A 71F
71F 71F
Message B 2nd SWIFT MT 103+ (or its equivalent domestic clearing message)
Information Flow
(Message A, MT 103+)
Message B
MT 103+
(Message C, MT 103+)
Explanation Format
Sender CHASUS33
Receiver ABNAUS33
Message text
Explanation Format
(1) The Sender of the initial MT 103+ is Bank Austria, Vienna, which is the ordering institution in all
subsequent messages.
(2) ABN Amro Bank, Amsterdam, will receive the funds from the Receiver of this message, its New York office,
for credit to the beneficiary's account.
Message C 3rd SWIFT MT 103+ (or its equivalent domestic clearing message)
Information Flow
(Message A, MT 103+)
(Message B, MT 103+)
Message C
MT 103+
Explanation Format
Sender ABNAUS33
Receiver ABNANL2A
Message text
Explanation Format
(1) The Sender of the initial MT 103+ is Bank Austria, Vienna, which is the ordering institution in all
subsequent messages.
Consortia Pension Scheme, a corporate in Zürich requests its bank (BNKACHZZ) to execute a pension
payment in Swiss Francs. The beneficiary has his account, 429-5470572-63, with the Belgian correspondent
Information Flow
(MT 950)
MT 103+
59a Brussels
Explanation Format
Message text
Explanation Format
In the statement message sent by BNKBBEBB to its Swiss correspondent, the settlement amount as specified
in field 32A and the Sender's reference specified in field 20 will be quoted in the appropriate statement line.
For the example given this would result in the following MT 950:
Explanation Format
Message text
Status Tag Field Name Content/Options
Status Tag Field Name Content/Options
The message available for this group has the following layout for the Priority Service Level:
Status Tag Field Name Content/Options
Status Tag Field Name Content/Options
Example 2.1: Single Customer Credit Transfer With Reimbursement Through Several
Value August 28, 2009, Franz Holzapfel G.m.b.H. orders Bank Austria, Vienna, to pay US Dollars 1,121.50 to
C. Klein, Bloemengracht 15, Amsterdam, whose account number 72 34 91 524 is with ABN Amro Bank,
Bank Austria uses reference 394882.
In this example, the MT 103+ will be sent to the party closest to the beneficiary, through several
reimbursement institutions. It would also be possible to send the MT 103+ to the next party in the transfer.
Note: The alternative selected is dependent on correspondent relationships and financial practice in the
countries involved.
Information Flow
MT 103+
Receiver's ABN Amro Bank
Correspondent 54A New York
(Field 57a of MT 202)
(MT 910/950)
Receiver ABN Amro Bank
(Field 58a of MT 202)
Explanation Format
Receiver ABNANL2A
Message text
Explanation Format
(1) Field 53A indicates the institution which is to provide the funds to the Receiver on behalf of the Sender.
(2) Field 54A is the receiver's correspondent - the institution which will receive the funds on behalf of the
Note: The use of this message type requires Message User Group (MUG) registration(s).
MT 104 Scope
The MT 104 is used to convey customer direct debit instructions between financial institutions.
The MT 104 can be:
• sent by the creditor's bank, or another financial institution, to the debtor's bank, or another financial
institution, on behalf of the creditor/instructing party to order the debit of the debtor's account and to
collect payment from this account.
• or sent between two financial institutions on behalf of a creditor/instructing party to request the direct debit
of the debtor's account in the Receiver's country and subsequently to credit the creditor's account
maintained by the Receiver or one of its branches.
O 50a Creditor A or K 8
O 50a Creditor A or K 21
M = Mandatory, O = Optional
Sequence A Sequence B
if field 23E is … then field 23E is …
C2 Field 50a (option A or K), must be present in either sequence A (index 8) or in each occurrence of
sequence B (index 21), but must never be present in both sequences, nor be absent from both sequences
(Error code(s): C76).
C3 When present in sequence A, fields 21E, 26T, 52a, 71A, 77B and 50a (option C or L) must,
independently of each other, not be present in any occurrence of sequence B. When present in one or
more occurrences of sequence B, fields 21E, 26T, 52a, 71A, 77B and 50a (option C or L) must not be
present in sequence A (Error code(s): D73).
Sequence A Sequence B
if field 26T is … then field 26T is …
Sequence A Sequence B
if field 77B is … then field 77B is …
Sequence A Sequence B
if field 71A is … then field 71A is …
Sequence A Sequence B
if field 52a is … then field 52a is …
Sequence A Sequence B
if field 21E is … then field 21E is …
Sequence A Sequence B
if field 50a (option C or L) is … then field 50a (option C or L) is …
C4 If field 21E is present in sequence A, then the second occurrence of field 50a (option A or K), must also
be present in sequence A. In each occurrence of sequence B, if field 21E is present, then the second
occurrence of field 50a (option A or K), must also be present in the same occurrence (Error code(s):
Sequence A Sequence A
if field 21E is … then field 50a (option A or K) is …
Present Mandatory
Sequence B Sequence B
if field 21E is … then field 50a (option A or K) is …
Present Mandatory
C5 In sequence A, if field 23E is present and contains RTND then field 72 must be present, in all other
cases - ie field 23E not present, or field 23E does not contain RTND - field 72 is not allowed (Error
code(s): C82):
Sequence A Sequence A
if field 23E is … then field 72 is …
C6 If field 71F is present in one or more occurrence of sequence B, then it must also be present in
Sequence C, and vice-versa (Error code(s): D79).
If field 71G is present in one or more occurrence of sequence B, then it must also be present in
sequence C, and vice-versa (Error code(s): D79).
Sequence B Sequence C
if field 71F is … then field 71F is …
Present Mandatory
Sequence B Sequence C
if field 71G is … then field 71G is …
Present Mandatory
C7 In each occurrence of sequence B, if field 33B is present then the currency code or the amount, or both,
must be different between fields 33B and 32B (Error code(s): D21).
Valid Invalid
:32B:USD1, :32B:USD1,
:33B:USD2, :33B:USD0001,
:32B:USD1, :32B:USD1,
:33B:EUR1, :33B:USD1,00
:32B:USD1, :32B:USD1,00
:33B:EUR2, :33B:USD0001,
C8 In any occurrence of sequence B, if field 33B is present and the currency codes in fields 32B and 33B
are different, then field 36 must be present. Otherwise, field 36 must not be present (Error code(s):
C9 If sequence C is present and if the amount in field 32B of sequence C is equal to the sum of the
amounts of the fields 32B of sequence B, then field 19 must not be present. Otherwise field 19 must be
present (Error code(s): D80).
C10 If field 19 is present in sequence C then it must be equal to the sum of the amounts in all occurrences of
field 32B in sequence B (Error code(s): C01).
C11 The currency code in fields 32B and 71G in sequences B and C must be the same for all occurrences of
these fields in the message (Error code(s): C02).
The currency code in the charges fields 71F (in sequences B and C) must be the same for all
occurrences of these fields in the message (Error code(s): C02).
C12 In sequence A, if field 23E is present and contains RFDD, then:
• in sequence A field 21R is optional
• and in sequence B the fields 21E, 50a (option A or K), 52a, 71F, 71G must not be present
• and sequence C must not be present.
Otherwise, ie, in sequence A field 23E does not contain RFDD or field 23E is not present:
• in sequence A field 21R must not be present
• and in sequence B the fields 21E, 50a (option A or K), 52a, 71F, 71G are optional
• and sequence C must be present.
(Error code(s): C96)
C13 If field 23E in sequence A is present and contains RFDD, then field 119 of User Header must be
present and contain RFDD. If field 23E in sequence A is not present or does not contain RFDD, then
field 119 of User Header must not be present (Error code(s): C94).
MT 104 Guidelines
The MT 104 message can be exchanged in two different Message Users Groups (MUGs), depending on the
business scenario for which the message is used.
• The Direct Debit MUG, allows its subscribers to exchange Direct Debit instructions via an MT 104;
proceeds of the Direct Debits being credited to the Sender's account at the Receiver and ultimately to the
Ordering Customer/Instructing Party.
• The Request for Direct Debit MUG allows its subscribers to exchange request for Direct Debit instructions
via an MT 104; proceeds of these Direct Debits being directly credited to a customer's account maintained
at the Receiver.
Depending on the MUG that is used, certain fields are subject to special validation (see network validated
rules and field specifications). They can only be used by the institutions who have registered in the
corresponding MUG.
If the Sender has registered in the Request for Direct Debit MUG and wants to send a Request for Direct Debit
message, he must set the validation flag -field 119 of the User Header- of the message to "RFDD" which
indicates that the message is a Request for Direct Debit.
If the Sender has registered in the Direct Debit MUG and wants to send a Direct Debit message, he must not
use the validation flag -field 119 of the User Header- of the message.
Creditor or Creditor
Instructing Party
50C 50A
or or
50L 50K
Creditor's Bank
MT 104
Receiver Funds
Funds Funds
Debtor D0010042
In this scenario there can be one or several instructing parties and one or several ordering customers ordering
direct debits to be processed in the receiving country with a repatriation of funds on sending bank's account
and then on the creditor's account.
Creditor or Creditor
Instructing Party
50C 50A
or or
50L 50K
MT 104
Receiver Funds
Funds Funds
Funds 59a
Account Serving
Institution 52a
The parties mentioned in the chain are not necessarily different entities. The first column of the table below
shows the parties that can be omitted in an MT 104. The second column specifies the party which assumes the
role of the party in the first column, when it is not present:
Creditor's bank (field 52a) Sender (S) in the Direct Debit scenario Receiver (R) in
the Request for Direct Debit
The use of the MT 104 is subject to bilateral/multilateral agreements between the Sender and the Receiver.
Amongst other things, these bilateral agreements cover information about transaction amount limits and
definitions of direct debit schemes. The MT 104 Checklist at the end of this chapter is recommended as a
guide for institutions in the setup of their agreements.
Mandatory in mandatory sequence A
This field specifies the reference assigned by the Sender to unambiguously identify the message.
This field must not start or end with a slash '/' and must not contain two consecutive slashes '//' (Error code(s):
This field must be unique for each message and is part of the file identification and transaction identification
which is used in case of queries, cancellations, etc.
Conditional (see rule C12) in mandatory sequence A
This field specifies the reference to the entire message assigned by either the:
• instructing party, when present or
• ordering customer, when the instructing party is not present.
This field must not start or end with a slash '/' and must not contain two consecutive slashes '//' (Error code(s):
Optional in mandatory sequence A
This field identifies the type of the direct debit instructions contained in the message.
Type must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): T47):
AUTH This message contains pre-authorised direct debit instructions to be processed according to the terms
and conditions of the direct debit contract and/or mandate.
NAUT This message contains non pre-authorised direct debit instructions.
OTHR Used for bilaterally agreed codes/information. The actual bilateral code/information will be specified
in the second subfield.
RFDD This message contains request for direct debit instructions.
RTND A previously sent MT 104 is being returned, ie, rejected, reversed or revoked.
Conditional (see rule C3) in mandatory sequence A
This field contains the registration reference authorising a creditor to take part in a direct debit scheme.
Mandatory in mandatory sequence A
This field specifies the requested execution date valid for all transactions contained in the MT 104. The
requested execution date is the date on which the Sender requests the Receiver to execute all transactions
contained in sequence B.
Date must be a valid date expressed as YYMMDD (Error code(s): T50).
Optional in mandatory sequence A
This field identifies the Sender of the message.
Field 51A is only valid in FileAct (Error code(s): D63).
At least the first eight characters of the BIC in this field must be identical to the originator of this FileAct
The content of field 20 Sender's reference together with the content of this field provides the file identification
which is to be used in the case of queries, cancellations, etc.
Conditional (see rule C3) in mandatory sequence A
This field specifies the customer which is authorised by the creditor/account servicing institution to order all
the transactions in the message.
The BIC/BEI must be a SWIFT registered address, either connected or non-connected (Error code(s): T27,
T28, T29, T45).
This field must only be used when the instructing party is not also the creditor.
Conditional (see rules C2 and C4) in mandatory sequence A
This field specifies the creditor whose account is to be credited with all transactions in sequence B. In case the
MT 104 is used under the request for Direct Debit scenario, this account is held at the Receiver. In all other
cases, the account is maintained at the Sender or the account servicing institution specified in field 52a.
The BIC/BEI must be a SWIFT registered address, either connected or non-connected (Error code(s): T27,
T28, T29, T45).
At a minimum, the name or BIC/BEI of the creditor must be present. Under the Request for Direct Debit
scenario, Account is mandatory.
Conditional (see rule C3) in mandatory sequence A
This field specifies the creditor's bank, even if field 50A or 50K contain an IBAN, which orders all
transactions in the message.
In option A, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
In option C, or D, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
Conditional (see rule C3) in mandatory sequence A
This field identifies the nature of, purpose of, and/or reason for all transactions in the message, eg, invoices,
subscriptions, instalment payments.
The information given is intended both for regulatory and statutory requirements and to provide information to
the debtor on the nature of the transaction.
Codes must be agreed upon bilaterally.
In addition to narrative text, structured text with the following line formats may be used:
Line 1 /8a/2!a[//additional information] (Code)(Country)(Narrative)
Lines 2-3 [//continuation of additional information] (Narrative)
Conditional (see rule C3) in mandatory sequence A
This field specifies the code(s) for the statutory and/or regulatory information required by the authorities in the
country of the Receiver and/or the Sender.
When the residence of either creditor or debtor is to be identified, the following codes may be used, placed
between slashes ('/'):
Country consists of the ISO country code of the country of residence of the creditor or the debtor.
The information required is covered in the pre-established bilateral agreement between the Sender and the
The information specified must not have been explicitly conveyed in another field.
Conditional (see rule C3) in mandatory sequence A
This field specifies which party will bear the charges:
• under the Direct Debit scenario, for all transactions in the message.
• under the Request for Direct Debit scenario, for all subsequent direct debits contained in the message.
One of the following codes must be used (Error code(s): T08):
Conditional (see rule C5) in mandatory sequence A
This field specifies additional information for the Receiver, ie, Sender of the original message regarding the
reason for a return, ie, reversal, rejection or revocal.
The following codes must be used in this field in the first position of the first line, placed between slashes ('/').
It is mandatory to follow the Payments Reject/Return Guidelines described in the SWIFTStandards Usage
Guidelines (Error code(s): D82).
REJT Reject
RETN Return
The Reject/Return mechanism is used to reject or return all the transactions within the MT 104 message due to
for example non-compliance with the domestic scheme requirements. For rejects or returns of a single
transaction within the MT 104 (that is, sequence B), the MT 195 should be used as per the SWIFTStandards
Usage Guidelines.
Mandatory in mandatory sequence B
This field contains the unique reference for the individual transaction.
This field must not start or end with a slash '/' and must not contain two consecutive slashes '//' (Error code(s):
In related transactions the Sender's reference together with the content of this field provides the transaction
identification. This reference must be unique within one single message.
Conditional (see rule C1) in mandatory sequence B
This field identifies or further specifies the type of direct debit instruction in the same occurrence of sequence
One of the following codes must be used (Error code(s): T47).
AUTH This occurrence of sequence B contains a pre-authorised direct debit instruction to be processed
according to the terms and conditions of the direct debit contract and/or mandate.
NAUT This occurrence of sequence B contains a non pre-authorised direct debit instruction.
OTHR Used for bilaterally agreed codes/information. The actual bilateral code/information will be specified
in the second subfield.
Optional in mandatory sequence B
This field contains the reference of the direct debit mandate which has been agreed upon between the creditor
and the debtor.
Optional in mandatory sequence B
This field further identifies the direct debit transaction.
Conditional (see rules C3 and C12) in mandatory sequence B
This field contains the registration reference authorising a creditor to take part in a direct debit scheme.
Mandatory in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the currency and the amount to be debited from the debtor's account, subject to addition of
charges if field 71A equals BEN or SHA. The debtor's account is identified in field 59a of the same occurrence
of sequence B.
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
Conditional (see rule C3) in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the customer which is authorised by the creditor/account servicing institution to order the
direct debit transaction in this particular occurrence of sequence B.
The BIC/BEI must be a SWIFT registered address, either connected or non-connected (Error code(s): T27,
T28, T29, T45).
This field must only be used when the instructing party is not also the ordering customer.
Conditional (see rules C2, C4, and C12) in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the creditor whose account is to be credited with the direct debit transaction in this
particular occurrence of sequence B.
Conditional (see rules C3 and C12) in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the creditor's bank, even if field 50A or 50K contain an IBAN, which orders the transaction
in the particular occurrence of sequence B.
In option A, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
In option C, or D, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
Optional in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the bank which holds the account(s) of the debtor and which will execute the associated
transaction in this occurrence of sequence B. This is applicable even if field 59A or 59 contains an IBAN.
In option A, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
In option C, or D, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
Mandatory in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the debtor whose account will be debited according to the direct debit instruction specified
in this occurrence of sequence B.
Although the presence of Account is optional in the field format, for the purpose of this message the Account
of the debtor must be present (Error code(s): E10).
The BIC/BEI must be a SWIFT registered address, either connected or non-connected (Error code(s): T27,
T28, T29, T45).
Optional in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies details of the individual direct debit which are to be transmitted to the debtor.
One of the following codes may be used, placed between slashes ('/'):
INV Invoice (followed by the date, reference and details of the invoice).
IPI Unique reference identifying a related International Payment Instruction (followed by up to 20
RFB Reference for the debtor (followed by up to 16 characters).
ROC Ordering customer's reference.
For national clearing purposes, the Sender must check with the Receiver regarding length restrictions of field
The information specified in this field is intended only for the debtor, ie, this information only needs to be
conveyed by the Receiver.
Multiple references can be used, if separated with a double slash, '//'. Code must not be repeated between two
references of the same kind.
Conditional (see rule C3) in mandatory sequence B
This field identifies the nature of, purpose of, and/or reason for the transaction in the particular occurrence of
sequence B, eg, invoices, subscriptions, instalment payments.
The information given is intended both for regulatory and statutory requirements and to provide information to
the debtor on the nature of the transaction.
Codes must be agreed upon bilaterally.
In addition to narrative text, structured text with the following line formats may be used:
Line 1 /8a/2!a[//additional information] (Code)(Country)(Narrative)
Lines 2-3 [//continuation of additional information] (Narrative)
Conditional (see rule C3) in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the code(s) for the statutory and/or regulatory information required by the authorities in the
country of the Receiver and/or the Sender.
When the residence of either creditor or debtor is to be identified, the following codes may be used placed
between slashes ('/'):
Country consists of the ISO country code of the country of residence of the creditor or the debtor.
The information required is covered in the pre-established bilateral agreement between the Sender and the
The information specified must not have been explicitly conveyed in another field.
Optional in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the original currency and amount as ordered by the creditor when different from the
transaction currency and amount specified in field 32B of the same occurrence of sequence B.
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
Conditional (see rule C3) in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies which party will bear the charges:
• under the Direct Debit scenario, for the direct debit transaction in this particular occurrence of sequence B.
• under the Request for Direct Debit scenario, for the subsequent direct debit transaction in this particular
occurrence of sequence B.
One of the following codes must be used (Error code(s): T08):
Conditional (see rules C6 and C12) in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the currency and amount of the charges due to the Sender for the individual transaction.
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
Conditional (see rules C6 and C12) in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the currency and amount of the charges due to the Receiver for the individual transaction.
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
Conditional (see rule C8) in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the exchange rate used to convert the original ordered amount specified in field 33B into
the currency of the transaction amount (field 32B) in this occurrence of sequence B.
The integer part of Rate must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in the
maximum length (Error code(s): T40, T43).
Mandatory in conditional (see rule C12) sequence C
This field specifies the currency and the total settlement amount.
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
If charges are settled immediately, the settlement amount may also include the total charges, if appropriate.
Because the field can only contain a 15d amount, care must be taken that transactions are only combined in a
single MT 104 which do not lead to a total amount that exceeds the 15d limit.
Conditional (see rule C9) in conditional (see rule C12) sequence C
This field specifies the sum of all transaction amounts appearing in field 32B in each occurrence of sequence
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the currency specified in field 32B (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
Conditional (see rule C6) in conditional (see rule C12) sequence C
This field specifies the total amount of the charges due to the Sender.
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
Conditional (see rule C6) in conditional (see rule C12) sequence C
This field specifies the total amount of the charges due to the Receiver.
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
If field 71G is present in sequence C, the amount must not equal '0' (Error code(s): D57).
Optional in conditional (see rule C12) sequence C
This field specifies, where required, the account or branch of the Sender through which the Sender wants to be
reimbursed by the Receiver.
The BIC must be a SWIFT registered address, either connected or non-connected (Error code(s): T27, T28,
T29, T45).
The BIC must not be a BEI. Please refer to the latest version of the BIC Directory - Corporations for more
information about BEIs. This error code applies to all types of BICs referenced in a FIN message including
SWIFT BICs, non-SWIFT BICs, Masters, Synonyms, Live destinations and Test & Training destinations
(Error code(s): C05).
When there is a single direct account relationship, in the currency of the transaction, between the Receiver and
the Sender, and this is the account to be used for crediting the Sender, field 53a must not be present.
In those cases where there are multiple direct account relationships, in the currency of the transaction(s),
between the Receiver and the Sender, and one of these accounts is to be used for reimbursement, the account
to be credited must be indicated in field 53a, using option B (with the account number only).
If there is no direct account relationship, in the currency of the transaction, between the Receiver and the
Sender, then field 53a must be present (with a party identifier and bank identifier).
When field 53a is present and contains a branch of the Sender, the need for a cover message is dependent on
the currency of the transaction and the relationship between the Receiver and the branch of the Sender.
A branch of the Receiver may appear in field 53a if the financial institution where the funds must be credited
is both the Sender's correspondent and a branch of the Receiver. In this case, the Sender will be paid at the
Receiver's branch identified in field 53a.
In all other cases, when field 53a is present, a cover message (ie, MT202/203 or equivalent non-SWIFT) must
be sent by the Receiver to the financial institution identified in field 53a.
When field 53B is used to specify a branch city name, it must always be a branch of the Sender.
The use and interpretation of field 53a is, in all cases, dictated by the currency of the transaction and the
correspondent relationship between the Receiver and the Sender relative to that currency.
MT 104 Examples
Because the MT 104 can be used differently in different countries, no universal example can be provided.
A Country Section illustrating the use of the MT 104 in different countries is separately issued as Category 1 -
Usage Guidelines.
Note: The use of this message type requires Message User Group (MUG) registration.
MT 105 Scope
This message is sent by a financial institution to another financial institution. It is used as an envelope to
convey an EDIFACT message.
M = Mandatory, O = Optional
• It should be noted that, as is the case for all SWIFT messages, the last field in the message (77F) must be
followed by a 'CrLf-', to indicate 'End of Text'.
• It is recommended that EDIFACT messages be transported one at a time (ie, that two or more messages are
not put in a single MT 105).
The sequence of total specifies the rank of this message in the series and the total number of messages in the
When only one MT 105 is necessary the content of field 27 will be '1/1'.
A maximum number of 9 messages may be sent in a series, in the instance below the content of field 27 in the
last message of the series will be '9/9'.
In the second of three messages, field 27 will be '2/3'.
This field contains the Sender's unambiguous identification of the transaction.
This field must not start or end with a slash '/' and must not contain two consecutive slashes '//' (Error code(s):
The detailed form and content of this field are at the discretion of the Sender.
This field contains the reference to the associated (enveloped) EDIFACT message.
This field must not start or end with a slash '/' and must not contain two consecutive slashes '//' (Error code(s):
The content of this field should reflect, up to a maximum of 16, the significant characters of the
Document/Message Number (Data Element 1004) in the Beginning of the Message (BGM) segment of the
EDIFACT message embedded in field 77F. When more than one MT 105 is sent to convey the EDIFACT
message, the content of field 21, must be the same for each MT 105 in the series.
This requirement is to facilitate the unambiguous re-association of the separate 'pages' of the transaction, and
also to provide a direct link to the EDIFACT message in case of further processing, eg, cancellation.
This field contains the identification of the EDIFACT message contained within field 77F by its recognized
numeric code.
The following list of codes is currently available for use in field 12 of the MT 105:
This field contains the EDIFACT message being sent by the Sender to the Receiver.
For the purposes of this message, the EDIFACT syntax, as defined in the EDIFACT syntax rules (ISO 9735),
must be used in this field. Please refer to the appropriate volume of the EDIFACT Message Implementation
Guidelines (MIGs) for guidance on how to complete the EDIFACT message that will be contained in this
When the content of field 27: Sequence of Total is other than 1/1, ie, more than one MT 105 is required to
convey the contents of the EDIFACT message, the EDIFACT message may be divided at any point up to the
maximum field capacity of 1800 characters.
Note: The use of this message type requires Message User Group (MUG) registration.
MT 106 Scope
This message is sent by a financial institution to another financial institution. It is used as an envelope to
convey an EDIFACT message.
M = Mandatory, O = Optional
• It is recommended that EDIFACT messages be transported one at a time (i.e., that two or more messages
are not put in a single MT 106).
The sequence of total specifies the rank of this message in the series and the total number of messages in the
When only one MT 106 is necessary the content of field 27 will be '1/1'.
A maximum number of 9 messages may be sent in a series, in the instance below the content of field 27 in the
last message of the series will be '9/9'.
In the second of three messages, field 27 will be '2/3'.
This field contains the Sender's unambiguous identification of the transaction.
This field must not start or end with a slash '/' and must not contain two consecutive slashes '//' (Error code(s):
Its detailed form and content are at the discretion of the Sender.
This field contains the reference to the associated (enveloped) EDIFACT message.
The content of this field should reflect, up to a maximum of 16, the significant characters of the
Document/Message Number (Data Element 1004) in the Beginning of Message (BGM) segment of the
EDIFACT message embedded in field 77G. When more than one MT 106 is sent to convey the EDIFACT
message the content of field 21 must be the same for each MT 106 in the series.
This requirement is to facilitate the unambiguous re-association of the separate 'pages' of the transaction, and
also to provide a direct link to the EDIFACT message in case of further processing.
This field contains the identification of the EDIFACT message contained within field 77G by its recognized
numeric code.
The following list of codes is currently available for use in field 12 of the MT 106:
This field contains the EDIFACT message being sent by the Sender to the Receiver.
For the purposes of this message, the EDIFACT syntax, as defined in the EDIFACT syntax rules (ISO 9735),
must be used in this field. Please refer to the appropriate volume of the EDIFACT Message Implementation
Guidelines (MIGs) for guidance on how to complete the EDIFACT message that will be contained in this
When the content of field 27: Sequence of Total is other than 1/1, ie, more than one MT 106 is required to
convey the contents of the EDIFACT message, the EDIFACT message may be divided at any point up to the
maximum field capacity of 9800 characters.
Note: The use of this message type requires Message User Group (MUG) registration.
MT 107 Scope
This message is sent by the creditor's financial institution or another financial institution, to the debtor's
financial Institution or another financial institution, on behalf of the creditor, to order the debit of the debtor's
account and to collect payment from this account.
O 50a Creditor A or K 7
O 50a Creditor A or K 20
M = Mandatory, O = Optional
C2 When present in sequence A, fields 21E, 26T, 77B, 71A, 52a and 50a (option C or L) must,
independently of each other, not be present in any occurrence of sequence B. When present in one or
more occurrences of sequence B, fields 21E, 26T, 77B, 71A, 52a and 50a (option C or L) must not be
present in sequence A (Error code(s): D73):
Sequence A Sequence B
if field 26T is … then field 26T is …
Sequence A Sequence B
if field 77B is … then field 77B is …
Sequence A Sequence B
if field 71A is … then field 71A is …
Sequence A Sequence B
if field 52a is … then field 52a is …
Sequence A Sequence B
if field 21E is … then field 21E is …
Sequence A Sequence B
if field 50a (option C or L) is … then field 50a (option C or L) is …
C3 If field 21E is present in sequence A, then field 50a (option A or K), must also be present in sequence
A. In each occurrence of sequence B, if field 21E is present, then field 50a (option A or K) must also be
present in the same occurrence (Error code(s): D77):
Sequence A Sequence A
if field 21E is … then field 50a (option A or K) is …
Present Mandatory
Sequence B Sequence B
if field 21E is … then field 50a (option A or K) is …
Present Mandatory
C4 In sequence A, if field 23E is present and contains RTND then field 72 must be present, in all other
cases - ie, field 23E not present, or field 23E does not contain RTND - field 72 is not allowed (Error
code(s): C82):
Sequence A Sequence A
if field 23E is … then field 72 is …
C5 If, independently of each other, fields 71F and 71G are present in one or more occurrence of sequence
B, then they must also be present in sequence C, and vice versa (Error code(s): D79):
Sequence B Sequence C
if field 71F is … then field 71F is …
Present Mandatory
Sequence B Sequence C
if field 71G is … then field 71G is …
Present Mandatory
C6 In each occurrence of sequence B, if field 33B is present, then the currency code or the amount, or both,
must be different between fields 33B and 32B (Error code(s): D21).
Valid Invalid
:32B:USD1, :32B:USD1,
:33B:USD2, :33B:USD0001,
:32B:USD1, :32B:USD1,
:33B:EUR1, :33B:USD1,00
:32B:USD1, :32B:USD1,00
:33B:EUR2, :33B:USD0001,
C7 In any occurrence of sequence B, if field 33B is present and the currency codes in fields 32B and 33B
are different, then field 36 must be present. Otherwise, field 36 must not be present (Error code(s):
C8 The sum of the amounts of fields 32B in sequence B must be put either in field 32B of sequence C
when no charges are included, or be put in field 19 of sequence C. In the former case, field 19 must not
be present (Error code(s): D80). In the latter case, Field 19 must equal the sum of the amounts in all
occurrences of field 32B in sequence B (Error code(s): C01).
C9 The currency code in fields 32B and 71G in sequences B and C must be the same for all occurrences of
these fields in the message (Error code(s): C02).
The currency code in the charges fields 71F (in sequences B and C) must be the same for all
occurrences of these fields in the message (Error code(s): C02).
Creditor or Creditor
Instructing Party
50C 50A
or or
50L 50K
Creditor's Bank
MT 107
Receiver Funds
Funds Funds
59a D0010044
The parties mentioned in the chain are not necessarily different entities. The first column of the table below
shows the parties that can be omitted in an MT 107. The second column specifies the party which assumes the
role of the party in the first column, when it is not present:
The use of the MT 107 is subject to bilateral/multilateral agreements between the Sender and the Receiver.
Amongst other things, these bilateral agreements cover information about transaction amount limits and
definitions of direct debit schemes. The MT 107 Checklist at the end of this chapter is recommended as a
guide for institutions in the setup of their agreements.
Mandatory in mandatory sequence A
This field specifies the reference assigned by the Sender to unambiguously identify the message.
This field must not start or end with a slash '/' and must not contain two consecutive slashes '//' (Error code(s):
This field must be unique for each message and is part of the file identification and transaction identification
which is used in case of queries, cancellations, etc.
Conditional (see rule C1) in mandatory sequence A
This field identifies the type of the direct debit instructions contained in the message.
Type must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): T47):
AUTH This message contains pre-authorised direct debit instructions to be processed according to the terms
and conditions of the direct debit contract and/or mandate.
NAUT This message contains non pre-authorised direct debit instructions.
OTHR Used for bilaterally agreed codes/information. The actual bilateral code/information will be specified
in the second subfield.
RTND A previously sent MT 107 is being returned, ie, rejected, reversed or revoked.
Conditional (see rule C2) in mandatory sequence A
This field contains the registration reference authorising a creditor to take part in a direct debit scheme.
Mandatory in mandatory sequence A
This field specifies the requested execution date valid for all transactions contained in the MT 107. The
requested execution date is the date on which the Sender requests the Receiver to execute all transactions
contained in sequence B.
Date must be a valid date expressed as YYMMDD. (Error code(s): T50).
Optional in mandatory sequence A
This field identifies the Sender of the message.
Field 51A is only valid in FileAct (Error code(s): D63).
At least the first eight characters of the BIC in this field must be identical to the originator of this FileAct
Conditional (see rule C2) in mandatory sequence A
This field specifies the instructing party ordering all transactions of the message.
The BIC/BEI must be a SWIFT registered address, either connected or non-connected (Error code(s): T27,
T28, T29, T45).
This field must only be used when the instructing party is not also the ordering customer.
Conditional (see rules C1 and C3) in mandatory sequence A
This field specifies the creditor ordering all transactions in the message.
At least one line of the Name and Address must be present (Error code(s): T77).
The BIC/BEI must be a SWIFT registered address, either connected or non-connected (Error code(s): T27,
T28, T29, T45).
The name of the creditor must be specified. If the account of the creditor is present, it must be specified in
Conditional (see rule C2) in mandatory sequence A
This field specifies the creditor's bank, even if field 50A or 50K contain an IBAN, which orders all
transactions in the message.
In option A, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
In option C, or D, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
If the creditor's bank cannot be identified by a BIC, option C should be used containing a 2!a clearing system
code preceded by a double '//'.
Option D must only be used when there is a need to be able to specify a name and address, eg, due to
regulatory considerations.
Conditional (see rule C2) in mandatory sequence A
This field identifies the nature of, purpose of, and/or reason for all transactions in the message, eg, invoices,
subscriptions, installment payments.
The information given is intended both for regulatory and statutory requirements and to provide information to
the debtor on the nature of the transaction.
Codes must be agreed upon bilaterally.
Conditional (see rule C2) in mandatory sequence A
This field specifies the code(s) for the statutory and/or regulatory information required by the authorities in the
country of the Receiver and/or the Sender.
When the residence of either creditor or debtor is to be identified, the following codes may be used, placed
between slashes ('/'):
Country consists of the ISO country code of the country of residence of the creditor or the debtor.
The information required is covered in the pre-established bilateral agreement between the Sender and the
The information specified must not have been explicitly conveyed in another field.
Conditional (see rule C2) in mandatory sequence A
This field specifies which party will bear the charges for all transactions in the message.
One of the following codes must be used (Error code(s): T08)
Conditional (see rule C4) in mandatory sequence A
This field specifies additional information for the Receiver, ie, Sender of the original message regarding the
reason for a return, ie, reversal, rejection or revocation of the whole message.
The following codes must be used in this field in the first position of the first line, placed between slashes ('/')
. It is mandatory to use these codes according to the Payments Reject/Return Guidelines described in the
SWIFTStandards Usage Guidelines (Error code(s): T82).
REJT Reject
RETN Return
The Reject/Return mechanism is used to reject or return all the transactions within the MT 107 message due to
for example non-compliance with the domestic scheme requirements. For rejects or returns of a single
transaction within the MT 107 (that is, sequence B), the MT 195 should be used as per the SWIFTStandards
Usage Guidelines.
Mandatory in mandatory sequence B
This field contains the unique reference for the individual transaction.
This field must not start or end with a slash '/' and must not contain two consecutive slashes '//' (Error code(s):
In related transactions the Sender's reference together with the content of this field provides the transaction
Conditional (see rule C1) in mandatory sequence B
This field identifies the type of direct debit instruction in the occurrence of sequence B.
One of the following codes must be used (Error code(s): T47).
AUTH This occurrence of sequence B contains a pre-authorised direct debit instruction to be processed
according to the terms and conditions of the direct debit contract and/or mandate.
NAUT This occurrence of sequence B contains a non pre-authorised direct debit instruction.
OTHR Used for bilaterally agreed codes/information. The actual bilateral code/information will be specified
in the second subfield.
Optional in mandatory sequence B
This field contains the reference of the direct debit mandate which has been agreed upon between the creditor
and the debtor.
Optional in mandatory sequence B
This field further identifies the direct debit transaction.
Conditional (see rule C2) in mandatory sequence B
This field contains the registration reference authorising a creditor to take part in a direct debit scheme.
Mandatory in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the currency and the amount to be debited from the debtor's account, subject to addition of
charges if field 71A equals BEN or SHA. The debtor's account is identified in field 59a of the same occurrence
of sequence B.
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
Conditional (see rule C2) in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the instructing party ordering the transaction in this particular occurrence of sequence B.
Conditional (see rules C1 and C3) in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the creditor ordering the transaction in this particular occurrence of sequence B.
At least one line of the Name and Address must be present (Error code(s): T77).
The BIC/BEI must be a SWIFT registered address, either connected or non-connected (Error code(s): T27,
T28, T29, T45).
At a minimum, the name of the creditor must be specified. If the account of the creditor is present, it must be
specified in Account.
Conditional (see rule C2) in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the creditor's bank, even if field 50A or 50K contain an IBAN, which orders the transaction
in this particular occurrence of sequence B.
In option A, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
In option C, or D, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
SWIFT BICs, non-SWIFT BICs, Masters, Synonyms, Live destinations and Test & Training destinations
(Error code(s): C05).
Option A is the preferred option.
If the creditor's bank cannot be identified by a BIC, option C should be used containing a 2!a clearing system
code preceded by a double '//'.
Option D must only be used when there is a need to be able to specify a name and address, eg, due to
regulatory considerations.
Optional in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the bank which holds the account(s) of the debtor and which will execute the associated
transaction in this occurrence of sequence B. This is applicable even if field 59A or 59 contains an IBAN.
In option A, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
In option C, or D, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
Mandatory in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the debtor whose account will be debited according to the direct debit instruction specified
in this occurrence of sequence B.
Account of the debtor must be present (Error code(s): E10).
The BIC/BEI must be a SWIFT registered address, either connected or non-connected (Error code(s): T27,
T28, T29, T45).
Optional in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies details of the individual direct debit which are to be transmitted to the debtor.
One of the following codes may be used, placed between slashes ('/'):
INV Invoice (followed by the date, reference and details of the invoice).
IPI Unique reference identifying a related International Payment Instruction (followed by up to 20
RFB Reference for the debtor (followed by up to 16 characters).
ROC Ordering customer's reference.
For national clearing purposes, the Sender must check with the Receiver regarding length restrictions of field
The information specified in this field is intended only for the debtor, ie, this information only needs to be
conveyed by the Receiver.
Multiple references can be used, if separated with a double slash, '//'. Code must not be repeated between two
references of the same kind.
Conditional (see rule C2) in mandatory sequence B
This field identifies the nature of, purpose of, and/or reason for the transaction in the particular occurrence of
sequence B, eg, invoices, subscriptions, instalment payments.
The information given is intended both for regulatory and statutory requirements and to provide information to
the debtor on the nature of the transaction.
Codes must be agreed upon bilaterally.
Conditional (see rule C2) in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the code(s) for the statutory and/or regulatory information required by the authorities in the
country of the Receiver and/or the Sender.
When the residence of either creditor or debtor is to be identified, the following codes may be used placed
between slashes ('/'):
Country consists of the ISO country code of the country of residence of the creditor or the debtor.
The information required is covered in the pre-established bilateral agreement between the Sender and the
The information specified must not have been explicitly conveyed in another field.
Optional in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the original currency and amount as ordered by the creditor when different from the
transaction currency and amount specified in field 32B of the same occurrence of sequence B.
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
Conditional (see rule C2) in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies which party will bear the charges for the transaction in this particular occurrence of
sequence B.
One of the following codes must be used (Error code(s): T08):
Conditional (see rule C5) in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the currency and amount of the charges due to the Sender for the individual transaction.
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
Conditional (see rule C5) in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the currency and amount of the charges due to the Receiver for the individual transaction.
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
Conditional (see rule C7) in mandatory sequence B
This field specifies the exchange rate used to convert the original ordered amount specified in field 33B into
the currency of the transaction amount (field 32B) in this occurrence of sequence B.
The integer part of Rate must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in the
maximum length (Error code(s): T40, T43).
Mandatory in mandatory sequence C
This field specifies the currency and the total settlement amount.
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
If charges are settled immediately, the settlement amount may also include the total charges, if appropriate.
Because the field can only contain a 15d amount, care must be taken that transactions are only combined in a
single MT 107 which do not lead to a total amount that exceeds the 15d limit.
Conditional (see rule C8) in mandatory sequence C
This field specifies the sum of all transaction amounts appearing in field 32B in each occurrence of sequence
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the currency specified in field 32B (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
Conditional (see rule C5) in mandatory sequence C
This field specifies the total amount of the charges due to the Sender.
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
Conditional (see rule C5) in mandatory sequence C
This field specifies the total amount of the charges due to the Receiver.
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
If field 71G is present in sequence C, the amount must not equal '0' (Error code(s): D57).
Optional in mandatory sequence C
This field specifies, where required, the account or branch of the Sender through which the Sender wants to be
reimbursed by the Receiver.
The BIC must be a SWIFT registered address, either connected or non-connected (Error code(s): T27, T28,
T29, T45).
The BIC must not be a BEI. Please refer to the latest version of the BIC Directory - Corporations for more
information about BEIs. This error code applies to all types of BICs referenced in a FIN message including
SWIFT BICs, non-SWIFT BICs, Masters, Synonyms, Live destinations and Test & Training destinations
(Error code(s): C05).
When there is a single direct account relationship, in the currency of the transaction, between the Receiver and
the Sender, and this is the account to be used for crediting the Sender, field 53a must not be present.
In those cases where there are multiple direct account relationships, in the currency of the transaction(s),
between the Receiver and the Sender, and one of these accounts is to be used for reimbursement, the account
to be credited must be indicated in field 53a, using option B (with the account number only).
If there is no direct account relationship, in the currency of the transaction, between the Receiver and the
Sender, then field 53a must be present (with a party identifier and bank identifier).
When field 53a is present and contains a branch of the Sender, the need for a cover message is dependent on
the currency of the transaction and the relationship between the Receiver and the branch of the Sender.
A branch of the Receiver may appear in field 53a if the financial institution where the funds must be credited
is both the Sender's correspondent and a branch of the Receiver. In this case, the Sender will be paid at the
Receiver's branch identified in field 53a.
In all other cases, when field 53a is present, a cover message (ie, MT 202/203 or equivalent non-SWIFT) must
be sent by the Receiver to the financial institution identified in field 53a.
When field 53B is used to specify a branch city name, it must always be a branch of the Sender.
The use and interpretation of field 53a is, in all cases, dictated by the currency of the transaction and the
correspondent relationship between the Receiver and the Sender relative to that currency.
MT 107 Examples
Because the MT 107 can be used differently in different countries, no universal example can be provided.
A Country Section illustrating the use of the MT 107 in different countries is separately issued as Category 1 -
Usage Guidelines.
MT 110 Scope
This multiple message is sent by a drawer bank, or a bank acting on behalf of the drawer bank to the bank on
which a/several cheque(s) has been drawn (the drawee bank).
It is used to advise the drawee bank, or confirm to an enquiring bank, the details concerning the cheque(s)
referred to in the message.
M 32a Amount A or B 7
M 59 Payee [/34x] 9
M = Mandatory, O = Optional
This field specifies the reference assigned by the Sender to unambiguously identify the message.
This field must not start or end with a slash '/' and must not contain two consecutive slashes '//' (Error code(s):
This field specifies the account or branch of the Sender or another bank through which the Sender will
reimburse the Receiver.
The BIC must be a SWIFT registered address, either connected or non-connected (Error code(s): T27, T28,
T29, T45).
The BIC must not be a BEI. Please refer to the latest version of the BIC Directory - Corporations for more
information about BEIs. This error code applies to all types of BICs referenced in a FIN message including
SWIFT BICs, non-SWIFT BICs, Masters, Synonyms, Live destinations and Test & Training destinations
(Error code(s): C05).
The absence of fields 53a and 54a implies that the single direct account relationship between the Sender and
the Receiver, in the currency of the cheques, will be used.
In those cases where there are multiple direct account relationships, in the currency of the transaction, between
the Sender and the Receiver, and one of these accounts is to be used for reimbursement, the account to be
credited or debited must be indicated in field 53a, using option B with the party identifier only.
If there is no direct account relationship, in the currency of the transaction, between the Sender and the
Receiver (or branch of the Receiver when specified in field 54a), then field 53a must be present.
When field 53a is present and contains a branch of the Sender, the need for a cover message is dependent on
the currency of the transaction, the relationship between the Sender and the Receiver and the contents of field
54a, if present.
A branch of the Receiver may appear in field 53a if the financial institution providing reimbursement is both
the Sender's correspondent and a branch of the Receiver, and the Sender intends to send a cover message to the
branch of the Receiver. In this case, the Receiver will be paid by its branch in field 53a.
In all other cases, when field 53a is present, a cover message, ie MT 202/203 or equivalent non-SWIFT, must
be sent to the financial institution identified in field 53a.
When field 53B is used to specify a branch city name, it must always be a branch of the Sender.
The use and interpretation of fields 53a and 54a is, in all cases, dictated by the currency of the transaction and
the correspondent relationship between the Sender and Receiver relative to that currency.
This field specifies the branch of the Receiver or another bank at which the funds will be made available to the
The BIC must be a SWIFT registered address, either connected or non-connected (Error code(s): T27, T28,
T29, T45).
The BIC must not be a BEI. Please refer to the latest version of the BIC Directory - Corporations for more
information about BEIs. This error code applies to all types of BICs referenced in a FIN message including
SWIFT BICs, non-SWIFT BICs, Masters, Synonyms, Live destinations and Test & Training destinations
(Error code(s): C05).
The absence of fields 53a and 54a implies that the single direct account relationship between the Sender and
the Receiver, in the currency of the cheques, will be used.
In those cases where field 54a contains a branch of the Receiver, and is not preceded by field 53a, or field 53a
contains an account of the Sender serviced by the Receiver's branch, the Receiver will claim reimbursement
from its branch.
If field 54a contains a branch of the Receiver and field 53a contains a branch of the Sender, the Receiver will
claim reimbursement from its branch or will be paid by its branch, depending on the currency of the transfer
and the relationship between the Sender and the Receiver.
In all other cases where field 54a contains a branch of the Receiver, the Receiver will be paid by its branch in
field 54a.
A branch of the Sender must not appear in field 54a.
If the branch of the Sender or other financial institution specified in field 53a is also the account servicer for
the Receiver, field 54a must not be present.
Field 54a containing the name of a financial institution other than the Receiver's branch must be preceded by
field 53a; the Receiver will be paid by the financial institution in field 54a.
The use and interpretation of fields 53a and 54a is in all cases dictated by the currency of the transaction and
the correspondent relationship between the Sender and Receiver relative to that currency.
In addition to narrative text, structured text with the following formats may be used:
This field specifies additional information for the Receiver or other party specified.
Unless bilaterally agreed otherwise between the Sender and the Receiver, one of the following codes must be
used placed between slashes ('/'):
Field 72 must never be used for information for which another field is intended.
Use of field 72, particularly with uncoded instructions, may cause delay, because, in automated systems, the
presence of this field will normally require manual intervention.
It is strongly recommended to use the standard codes proposed above. However, where bilateral agreements
covering the use of codes in this field are in effect, the code must conform to the structure of this field.
Each item for which a code exists must start with that code and may be completed with additional information.
Each code used must be between slashes and appear at the beginning of a line. It may be followed by
additional narrative text.
Narrative text relating to a preceding code, which is continued on the next line(s), must start with a double
slash '//', and, if used, must begin on a new line. Narrative text should preferably be the last information in this
The codes REJT/RETN may be used in this field. If either of these codes is used in the first position of the first
line, placed between slashes ('/'), it is mandatory to follow the Payments Reject/Return Guidelines described in
the SWIFTStandards Usage Guidelines.
This field may include ERI to transport dual currencies, as specified in the chapter entitled "Euro-Impact on
Category 1 Message Standards".
In order to comply with the EC-directive on cross border credit transfers, the optional code word EXCH may
be used to transport an exchange rate. In line with ERI, the code word EXCH is placed between slashes,
followed by the exchange rate, format 12d, and terminated with another slash.
This field contains the number of the cheque being advised.
This field must not start or end with a slash '/' and must not contain two consecutive slashes '//' (Error code(s):
This field contains the date on which the cheque was drawn.
Date must be a valid date expressed as YYMMDD (Error code(s): T50).
This field specifies the currency and amount of the cheque for which the Sender has credited the Receiver with
the cheque amount; it may also specify the value date.
Date must be a valid date expressed as YYMMDD (Error code(s): T50).
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
Currency must be the same for all occurrences of this field in the message (Error code(s): C02).
Option A will be used when the Sender has credited the Receiver with the cheque amount.
This field identifies the drawer bank.
In option A, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
In option B, or D, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
This field identifies the beneficiary of the cheque.
Account must not be used.
MT 110 Examples
On December 11, 2009, Citibank, Los Angeles, issues its cheque number 9100089, drawn on Citibank, New
York's account with Dresdner Bank A.G., Frankfurt.
The cheque is in the amount of euro 1,800. The payee is Gunther Heiliger, Marburg.
Citibank sends an MT 110 to Dresdner Bank, advising it of the cheque, under reference DR98121110192.
Information Flow
Sender Citibank
(Drawer Bank) Los Angeles
Receiver Dresdner Bank
(Drawee Bank) Frankfurt
SWIFT Message
Explanation Format
Message text
Explanation Format
(1) Field 53A indicates the bank for which the Receiver services an account, which is to be used for
On August 5, 2009, KBC, Brussels, advises Lloyds Bank, London (reference CHQ293844), of several
cheques, issued by its branches, as follows:
(3) G305766 09/08/04 GBP 324.00 Brugge (KREDBE88) Georg Grut Brugge
Information Flow
Leuven Brugge
(Drawer Bank) (Drawer Bank)
52a 52a
Sender KBC
Cheques Cheque
MT 110
59 59 59
Peter Bogaert Anna Smythe Georg Grut
Leuven Leuven Brugge
SWIFT Message
Explanation Format
Receiver LOYDGB2L
Message text
Explanation Format
MT 111 Scope
This single message type is sent by a drawer bank, or a bank acting on behalf of the drawer bank, to the bank
on which a cheque has been drawn (the drawee bank).
It is used to request stop payment of the cheque referred to in the message.
M 32a Amount A or B 4
O 59 Payee [/34x] 6
O 75 Queries 6*35x 7
M = Mandatory, O = Optional
MT 111 Guidelines
Information concerning national policies and procedures for stop payments may be found in the General
Information Section (green) of the International Bank Identifier Code Directory (BIC Directory).
This field specifies the reference assigned by the Sender to unambiguously identify the message.
This field must not start or end with a slash '/' and must not contain two consecutive slashes '//' (Error code(s):
This field contains the number of the cheque for which stop payment is being requested.
This field must not start or end with a slash '/' and must not contain two consecutive slashes '//' (Error code(s):
This field contains the date on which the cheque was drawn.
Date must be a valid date expressed as YYMMDD (Error code(s): T50).
This field specifies the currency and amount of the cheque; it may also specify the value date.
Date must be a valid date expressed as YYMMDD (Error code(s): T50).
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
When an MT 110 has been sent for the referenced cheque, the contents of this field must be the same as in the
MT 110.
When no MT 110 has been sent, Option A will be used when the Sender has previously credited the Receiver
with the cheque amount.
In all other cases, option B will be used.
This field identifies the drawer bank.
In option A, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
In option B, or D, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
This field identifies the beneficiary of the cheque.
Account must not be used.
This field may contain either the reason for stopping the payment of the cheque or a request for reimbursement
The following code numbers have been defined for this message:
/3/ We have been advised that the beneficiary did not receive payment/cheque. Please state if and when
the transaction was effected.
/18/ Please authorise us to debit your account.
/19/ Please refund cover to credit of (1) … (account/place).
/20/ Cheque/draft not debited as of closing balance of statement (1) … (number) dated (2) …
/21/ Cheque has been stolen/lost.
Where a message contains more than one query, each query must appear on a separate line.
Numbers in brackets, eg, (1), mean that supplementary information is required. This supplementary
information must be the first information following the code number.
When supplement (2) is used, ie, two different pieces of supplementary information are provided, the second
piece of information should be preceded by a slash '/'.
MT 111 Examples
On January 14, 2009, Citibank, Los Angeles, issues a request for a stop payment on cheque number 9100089,
drawn on Citibank, New York's account with Dresdner Bank A.G., Frankfurt.
Information Flow
Sender Citibank
(Drawer Bank) Los Angeles
MT 111
SWIFT Message
Explanation Format
Sender CITIUS33
Message text
MT 112 Scope
This message type is sent by the drawee bank (on which a cheque is drawn) to the drawer bank or the bank
acting on behalf of the drawer bank.
It is used to indicate what actions have been taken in attempting to stop payment of the cheque referred to in
the message.
M 32a Amount A or B 4
O 59 Payee [/34x] 6
M 76 Answers 6*35x 7
M = Mandatory, O = Optional
This field specifies the reference assigned by the Sender to unambiguously identify the message.
This field contains the number of the cheque to which this message refers.
This field must not start or end with a slash '/' and must not contain two consecutive slashes '//' (Error code(s):
This field contains the date on which the cheque was drawn.
Date must be a valid date expressed as YYMMDD (Error code(s): T50).
This field identifies the currency and amount of the cheque; it may also specify the value date.
Date must be a valid date expressed as YYMMDD (Error code(s): T50).
Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).
The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in
the maximum length. The number of digits following the comma must not exceed the maximum number
allowed for the specified currency (Error code(s): C03, T40, T43).
When the message is in response to an MT 111 Request for Stop Payment of a Cheque, the contents of this
field must be the same as field 32a of the MT 111.
If the request for stop payment has not been received via an MT 111, option A will be used when the drawer
bank has previously credited the drawee bank with the cheque amount. It contains the value date, currency
code and amount of the cheque.
In all other cases, option B must be used.
This field identifies the drawer bank when other than the Sender.
In option A, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
In option B, or D, Party Identifier may be used to indicate a national clearing system code.
The following codes may be used preceded by a double slash ('//'):
This field identifies the beneficiary of the cheque.
Account must not be used.
This field must include information as to whether or not the stop payment has been effected. In addition, a
response should be given to any request for reimbursement authorisation.
The following answer code numbers have been defined.
/2/ We hereby confirm that the transaction has been effected and advised on (1) … in response to
(YYMMDD). Query 3 or 20
/10/ We authorise you to debit our account. in response to
Query 18
/11/ Cover refunded to the credit of (1) … (account/place). in response to
Query 19
/12/ Stop instructions are not acceptable. (Reason).
/13/ Stop instructions duly recorded. (Further details, where applicable). in response to
Query 21
/14/ Stop instructions valid until (1) … (YYMMDD).
Where a message contains more than one answer, each answer must appear on a separate line.
Numbers in brackets, eg, (1), mean that supplementary information is required. This supplementary
information must be the first information following the code number.
MT 112 Examples
On January 15, 2010, Dresdner Bank, Frankfurt, confirms the placement of its stop payment on draft number
9800089, drawn on Citibank, New York's account.
Dresdner Bank sends an MT 112 to Citibank, Los Angeles, under reference 287299329892.
Information Flow
(MT 111)
MT 112
Receiver Citibank
(Drawer Bank) Los Angeles
SWIFT Message
Explanation Format
Receiver CITIUS33
Message text
(1) /13/ is confirmation that the stop payment has been effected; /14/ indicates the date until which the stop
payment will be in effect.
Note: The use of this message type requires Message User Group (MUG) registration.
MT 121 Scope
This message is used by a financial institution to send an EDIFACT FINPAY message to another financial
M = Mandatory, O = Optional
MT 121 Guidelines
• It is recommended to implement the EDIFACT FINPAY message with the segments of the currently
accepted EDIFACT directory. Any deviation should be governed by a bilateral agreement between the
Sender and the Receiver.
• This message cannot be used for EDIFACT FINPAY messages exceeding the maximum length specified
above. Longer EDIFACT FINPAY messages can, however, be sent using multiple MT 106s.
• Retrieval of this message will be possible according to all normal criteria except field 20 Transaction
Reference Number.
• Control of delivery of this message will be possible according to all normal criteria. When control of
delivery is based on the message category, this message will be grouped with the other Category 1
• In common group messages, the MT 121 can only be described using a narrative description because this
message contains no tagged mandatory field and the common group messages do not support the 'y'
character set. Wherever, field 21 Related Reference is mandatory in the common group message, it is
recommended to use the text 'EDIFACT FINPAY' because the MT 121 does not contain a field 20
Transaction Reference Number and the common group messages do not support the 'y' character set.
This field contains the EDIFACT FINPAY message.
The contents of this field will not be validated except for the use of the 'y' character set, ie, EDIFACT level
A/ISO 9735.
The effective maximum length of this field in a real message depends on the length of the added SWIFT
headers and trailers. The field length will not be validated separately but only via the implementation rule
defining the maximum length of the complete message.
Please refer to Category n - Common Group Messages, Chapter n90 Advice of Charges, Interest and Other
Adjustments for details concerning this message type.
Please refer to Category n - Common Group Messages, Chapter n91 Request for Payment of Charges, Interest
and Other Expenses for details concerning this message type.
Please refer to Category n - Common Group Messages, Chapter n92 Request for Cancellation for details
concerning this message type.
MT 195 Queries
Please refer to Category n - Common Group Messages, Chapter n95 Queries for details concerning this
message type.
MT 196 Answers
Please refer to Category n - Common Group Messages, Chapter n96 Answers for details concerning this
message type.
Please refer to Category n - Common Group Messages, Chapter n98 Proprietary Message for details
concerning this message type.
Please refer to Category n - Common Group Messages, Chapter n99 Free Format Message for details
concerning this message type.
Glossary of Terms
In addition to the definitions which appear in SWIFTStandards MT General Information, Glossary of Terms,
the following terms apply to category 1 message types:
Available Funds
Funds available for transfer or withdrawal in cash.
An eight digit numeric code used to identify banks in Germany. It may only be assigned, changed or
cancelled by Deutsche Bundesbank, in Germany.
CHIPS (Clearing House Interbank Payments System)
A private telecommunications payment service operated by the New York Clearing House Association
for banks in the New York area, which handles US dollar payments only.
CHIPS Participant
A bank authorized to send and receive payments on the CHIPS system.
CHIPS Participant ID (ABA Number)
A unique number identifying a CHIPS participant. The first four digits are the participant's number,
followed by a one digit group identifier. For SWIFT purposes, only the first four digits of the CHIPS
Participant ID will be used.
CHIPS Settling Participant
A CHIPS Participant responsible for the settlement of its own CHIPS net debit or credit position at the
end of the CHIPS business day.
CHIPS Universal Identifier (U.I.D.)
A unique six digit number assigned by CHIPS to identify an account.
Cover Payment
The reimbursement of a correspondent for a payment.
Debit Transfer Contract
The agreement between the creditor and its own account-holding institution, relating to the services
offered and under what terms. It is accepted without reference in the text, that there is an underlying
contract between the creditor and the debtor for the service which has been provided, and which
requires payment. Agreement also exists between the account-holding institution and the body which
acts as the data processing centre and/or clearing centre for direct debit transactions.
Debit Transfer Mandate
A debit transfer mandate is an agreement between a creditor and a debtor and possibly the debtor's
bank. It authorises the creditor to debit the debtor's account according to the terms of the debit transfer
Drawee Bank
The bank on which a cheque is drawn. It is the bank which is expected to accept and pay a cheque.
Drawer Bank
The bank which signs the cheque giving an order to another bank (drawee bank) to pay the amount for
which the cheque is drawn.
Federal Funds
US dollars on deposit at a Federal Reserve Bank in the United States.
A payment service operated by the US Federal Reserve System as a private wire network for transfers
between financial institutions having accounts at the Federal Reserve Bank.