Atlantictrampolines My 1st Trampoline Instructions Page 1

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We makes every effort to present the most current specifications and product

featureswhen prlntlngthis literature.

As a result of our pollcy for continual improvement, however, changes may be
made in equlpment,availability,speciticationsand featureswithout notice.
Before You Start
T r a m p o l i n eM i r l Pole Cover
Referto SafetyCare & Use at the back of this instruction booklet.
Frame Patl 1 Safety Net
Leg Base I Safety Skirt Priorto assembling the trampoline,use the abovepartslist to makesure all parts
T o p R a i l w i t hL e g S o t ; k c l : , t, I r'4Oiooff"" eott are present.lf any parts are missing,pleasecontactyour place of purchasefor
SphericalElasticbucklr, to l.l Uor.fJon
W""no assistance.
Elasticbuckle lr t" M6 Screw Set o Pleasedisposeof all packingmaterialcarefullyand keepit awayfromchildren.
Steel Pipe A lt, Safety fVut o Take a few momentsto familiariseyourselfwith the contents& instructionsbefore
B L t, sp;.*t attemptingassembly.
C lr l)t Sleel Wire When you are readyto start,makesure you have the righttools at hand,adequate
spaceand areafor assembly.
1. o Onlyassembleby adult.Twoadultsare neededto assemblethistrampoline.
o To preventany injuriesto yourhandsfrompinchpointsduringassembly, pleaseuse

ffi. llfi
gloves to protect your hands.

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Step1: AssembleTrampoline

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Step2: AssembleSteelPipeA (7),Pleaseusethe Spanner(17)


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