: ATS-DCP-1001
QMS - Procedure Rev.: A
Date: 03 November 2014
Subject: Document Control Released By: Kristal Jewell
Page: 1 of 7
Document Control
QMS Tier 2 Doc.: ATS-DCP-1001
QMS - Procedure Rev.: A
Date: 03 November 2014
Subject: Document Control Released By: Kristal Jewell
Page: 2 of 7
1.1 Purpose
1.1.1 The purpose of this procedure is to define methods for Document Control at our
1.2 Scope
1.2.1 This procedure is applicable to all programs at our Company
Industrial/Commercial/Government Documents
ISO 9001 Quality Management System - Requirements
ATS-QAP-1004 Quality Records
ATS-QAP-1008 Internal Audits
3.1 General
3.1.1 Quality Assurance – is responsible for maintaining procedure and enforcing the
document control methods defined in the procedure.
3.1.3 Other Functions – are responsible for following the document control methods defined
in the procedure.
QMS Tier 2 Doc.: ATS-DCP-1001
QMS - Procedure Rev.: A
Date: 03 November 2014
Subject: Document Control Released By: Kristal Jewell
Page: 3 of 7
4.1 DocumentNumbering
4.1.1 Documentitems that required document control are assigned a unique number or alpha
numeric identifier for control purposes. No two or more items shall be assigned the same
number or identifier. Our Document Control function is used for ISO 9001 QMS Documentation.
4.1.2 Our Document Control function for ISO 9001 QMS Documentation - is performed
by our Quality Assurance Department who responsible for assigning ISO 9001 QMS
manual, procedures, instructions and form numbers. Project Managers or Operations
Department is responsible for working with Document Control/Quality Assurance for
assigning project specific documentation numbers. See paragraphs 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 and
4.6 for specific information related to the methods used for Document Control of ISO
9001 QMS Documentation.
4.2.2 Each new Document shall be assigned a Revision Letter starting with Revision “- or A”.
When authorized by Quality Assurance/Document Control, the Document maybe
assigned another Revision Letter (i.e. D, F, H, etc.) as deemed necessary (i.e. a major
release of prior used Documentation being released for the first time, etc.). Revision
Numbers (i.e. 1, 2, etc.) may be used for pre-production releases to indicate that the item
is under pre-production control.
4.2.3 Document Control/Quality Assurance shall retain an electronic copy of the document for
Document Control purposes; this includes retaining old revision electronic copies.
Document items shall have the item's unique part number and revision on the front page
and in the electronic file name (i.e. ATS-QAM9001A, or QAM9001A, FORMATS10-
1234A or FM1234A). The electronic files that are retained on the Internet Web; ISO 9001 QMS Documentation
folder shall be segregated as “Current” and “Old Revision/Obsolete” to prevent improper
QMS Tier 2 Doc.: ATS-DCP-1001
QMS - Procedure Rev.: A
Date: 03 November 2014
Subject: Document Control Released By: Kristal Jewell
Page: 4 of 7
4.2.4 Document Control/Quality Assurance, as requested, shall make copies or make the
document available electronically (i.e. Intranet web, etc.) to the user departments. The electronic file name for the Document shall include the item's assigned number (as
much as needed to ensure correct item during use) and revision (i.e. ATS-QAM9001A, or
QAM9001A, FORMATS10-1234A or FM1234A).
4.3.2 The item is then submitted to Quality Assurance for review and approval. This review
• Verification that the changed item(s) meet ISO 9001 QMS requirements, and
Customer order requirements,
• Ensuring electronic file name includes unique identifier, revision and sheet X of X
QMS Tier 2 Doc.: ATS-DCP-1001
QMS - Procedure Rev.: A
Date: 03 November 2014
Subject: Document Control Released By: Kristal Jewell
Page: 5 of 7 Where needed, Quality Assurance ensures other affected departments have an
opportunity to a timely review the new or changed items prior to final release approval. A
record of this participation is not required.
4.3.3 Release Approval - Quality Assurance has sole responsibility for approval and
uploading Document item(s) to the Internet Web; ISO 9001 QMS Documentation folder.
This QA approval is recorded electronically (Password Protected) when the item is
uploaded to the Internet Web; ISO 9001 QMS Documentation folder. The Internet Web;
ISO 9001 QMS Documentation folder is password protected where IT management,
Quality Assurance/Document Control and our President has access. Each Document released on the Internet Web; ISO 9001 QMS Documentation folder
includes the item's unique number and revision, and other information (i.e. description) as
required by Quality Assurance. The electronic file name for the Document shall include the item's assigned number (as
much as needed to ensure correct item during use) and revision (i.e. ATS-QAM9001B, or
QAM9001B, FORMATS10-1234B or FM1234B).
4.4.2 The person(s) making the changes, shall ensure the reviewer knows the scope of change
(i.e. add, delete or change) by highlighting "text font" changed area using a unique color
(i.e. red, etc.) and saving it for use during the release process. Using Mircosoft Word edit
tracking may be used, but not recommended. It is preferred just to change the "Text Font"
to another color (i.e. red) besides black. For each new proceeding revision (i.e. Revision
B to C, etc.), make sure you select all (Control A) and turn the last unique (i.e. red) color
Font Text to black, then highlight new changes to another color (i.e. red) besides black.
4.4.3 The item is then submitted to Quality Assurance for review and approval. This review
• Verification that the changed item(s) meet ISO 9001 QMS requirements, and
Customer order requirements,
• Ensuring the revision level has been updated
• Ensuring electronic file name includes unique identifier with new revision
QMS Tier 2 Doc.: ATS-DCP-1001
QMS - Procedure Rev.: A
Date: 03 November 2014
Subject: Document Control Released By: Kristal Jewell
Page: 6 of 7 Where needed, Quality Assurance ensures other affected departments have an
opportunity to a timely review the new or changed items prior to final release approval. A
record of this participation is not required.
4.4.4 Release Approval - Quality Assurance has sole responsibility for approval and
uploading Documents to the Internet Web; ISO 9001 QMS Documentation folder. This
QA approval is recorded electronically (unique login signature captured) when the item is
uploaded to the Internet Web; ISO 9001 QMS Documentation folder. The Internet Web;
ISO 9001 QMS Documentation folder is password protected where IT management,
Quality Assurance/Document Control and our President has access. Each Document released on the Internet Web; ISO 9001 QMS Documentation folder
includes the item's unique number and revision, and other information (i.e. description) as
required by Quality Assurance. The old revision item is saved in the "Old Revision"
folder to maintain a history of change and prevent un-authorized use.
4.6.2 Area supervisor(s) or leader(s) are responsible for obsolete documentation or software if
exposed to the work area.
4.6.3 Obsolete or earlier revision documents or software shall be clearly marked or stamped
with “Old Revision” or “Obsolete” to suitably identify for users that the item is not the
most current revision. Personnel shall not use obsolete or earlier revision documentation
unless required by Customer order, or when specified by Document
Control/Configuration Management/Quality Assurance.
QMS Tier 2 Doc.: ATS-DCP-1001
QMS - Procedure Rev.: A
Date: 03 November 2014
Subject: Document Control Released By: Kristal Jewell
Page: 7 of 7
4.6.4 When it is necessary to issue manuals, procedures, and instructions to personnel, the
documentation shall be issued in a controlled manner for recall and maintenance. Each
item copy shall be assigned a Control Number:____ and the Master Copy of the
controlled item shall be labeled as Master Copy for the Control Number and retained in
the Document Control/Configuration Management/Quality Assurance area.
4.6.5 When controlled copies are provided to employees via an intranet, update of the master
copy and controlled copy are conducted.
4.7 Software Product Design; Document and Software Review and Release
4.7.1 The Project Manager for each Software Design Project working with Configuration
Management is responsible for ensuring his/her project Software Product Design
documentation and software item are assigned a unique number using the Subversion
Software or other project specific software for tracking purposes. Each item is assigned a
unique identification (i.e. number) and revision for tracking.
4.7.2 The Project Manager working with Configuration Management is assigned the
responsibility for reviewing and approving Software Product Design documentation
and/or software prior to release. This approval is electronically recorded via Subversion
Software or other project specific software.
4.7.3 Changes - All changes are require a change to the items revision and shall be approved in
the same manner as an initial released Software Product Design. The scope of change is
tracked using the Internet Web Software or other project specific software.
5.1 Audits
5.1.1 QA shall audit this process as scheduled per ATS-QAP-1008, Internal Audits.