Moyamoya in Hispanics: Not Only in Japanese: Carotid Arteries, The Characteristic Appearance
Moyamoya in Hispanics: Not Only in Japanese: Carotid Arteries, The Characteristic Appearance
Moyamoya in Hispanics: Not Only in Japanese: Carotid Arteries, The Characteristic Appearance
left intracranial internal carotid artery distal to involving the third and forth ventricles result- the internal carotid artery and at the proximal
the takeoff of the left anterior choroidal artery, ing in a left-to-right 4 mm midline shift with portion of the anterior and middle cerebral
occlusion of the right anterior cerebral artery, moderate hydrocephalus. On the following day arteries on MRA or conventional cerebral
and severe disease in the proximal right mid- her GCS declined to 3 and her cardiac rhythm angiography; abnormal vascular networks in
dle cerebral artery. The distal branches of the changed to bradycardia and later asystole. the basal ganglia on MRA; angiographic find-
right middle and anterior cerebral arteries Cardiopulmonary resuscitation was unsuc- ings are present bilaterally.16
were mainly fed by collateral anastomoses cessful and the patient died on the following Magnet-resonance imaging is the preferred
from the anterior and posterior choroidal day of hospitalization. radiological modality. Contrast-enhanced T1-
arteries, producing arterial blush (puff of weighted images and FLAIR (fluid-attenuated
smoke) consistent with an angiographic inversion recovery) images can show a linear
Moyamoya pattern. pattern of increased signal in the lep-
Within few days the patient developed a Discussion tomeninges and perivascular spaces, known as
massive infarction involving almost the entire the ivy sign. Transcranial Doppler ultrasonog-
left hemisphere and the bilateral anterior cere- Moyamoya disease is an idiopathic progres- raphy (TCD) can be used to evaluate large
bral arterial territories, associated cerebral sive intracranial occlusive arteriopathy, which artery stenosis and intracranial hemodynam-
edema, midline shift complicated by brain her- can be complicated with ischemic and hemor- ics by measuring blood flow velocity of the
niation, and eventually death 11 days after rhagic cerebrovascular events. The angio- large intracranial vessels at the circle of Willis.
admission. graphic feature of collateralization is pathog- SPECT can also be used to demonstrate the
nomonic for Moyamoya pattern. The decrease blood and oxygen supply to areas of
Moyamoya syndrome can be associated with the brain.17,18
severe intracranial atherosclerotic disease, Overall, the acute treatment goals are to
Case Report #2 sickle cell disease, neurofibromatosis type I, reduce intracranial pressure, improve cerebral
cranial radiation therapy, and trisomy 21.15 blood flow and control any seizures.
A 29-year old Hispanic female with a signif- Typically moyamoya disease and moyamoya Ventricular drainage and/or hematoma
icant past medical history for repaired patent syndrome present during childhood, however removal may be required. Thrombolytic thera-
foramen ovale, pulmonary valve stenosis and the incidence of both forms in North America py in the event of ischemic stroke is not recom-
right ventricular outflow obstruction, which occurs in the mid-40s.3 mended, since adults usually present with a
were both surgically treated 2 years ago pre- Diagnostic criteria for idiopathic moyamoya hemorrhagic stroke as the collaterals have a
sented with 3-days history of severe bifrontal include the following major requirements: tendency to rupture.19
headache and altered mental status. Physical stenosis or occlusion at the terminal portion of Surgical revascularization is advised in both
examination and laboratory workup were
unremarkable. Head-CT demonstrated sub-
arachnoid hemorrhage seen throughout basi-
lar cisterns including suprasellar, interpedun-
cular, perimesencephalic, and prepontine cis-
terns. Head-CT-angiography (CTA) showed
bilateral intracranial internal carotid artery
(ICA) occlusion with concentric luminal nar-
rowing of the cervical ICAs, diffuse intracra-
nial proliferative arteriopathy in the bilateral
territories of the anterior and middle cerebral
arteries and ruptured saccular aneurysm aris-
ing from the right posterior cerebral artery.
Cerebral angiogram confirmed these findings
and a coiling embolization of a ruptured 3.5
mm high flow aneurysm arising from the dis-
tal aspect of the basilar artery was performed.
The angiogram also demonstrated bilateral
severe stenosis of the internal carotid arteries
with multiple transdural collaterals consistent
with moyamoya angiographic pattern (Figure
3). The neurosurgery service was consulted,
however the patient refused further surgical
evaluation and was discharged on the 7th day
of hospitalization. Unfortunately the patient
did not follow up with neuroradiology and neu-
rosurgery and presented 15 months later with
acute onset of altered level of consciousness.
She was intubated in the emergency depart- Figure 1. Case #1. A) and B) diffusion weighted sequence and apparent diffusion coeffi-
cient map, respectively, demonstrate a focal area of restriction of diffusion involving the
ment, placed on mechanical ventilation and right rostrum, genu and body of the Corpus Callosum with mild enhancement on post-
admitted with a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) of gadolinium T1W sequence (C) and moderate edema and local mass effect on T2W
6 to the medical intensive care unit. The sequence (D). A second lesion involving the right basal ganglia and genu of the right
repeat-head-CT showed extensive hemorrhage internal capsule demonstrates incomplete peripheral enhancement with central necrosis,
confined to the choroid plexus bilaterally without mass effect or restriction of diffusion.
We describe an uncommon variety of moy-
amoya presentation in the setting of moy-
amoya disease with a fulminant progression
(case 1) and moyamoya syndrome with
delayed presentation but also with fatal out-
come (case 2).
Despite the limited prognosis and the evi-
dences known about the disease progression a
fulminant course with multiple bilateral large
lobar infarcts precipitating herniation and
death within days is uncommon (case 1). In
contrast subarachnoid hemorrhage as a result
of saccular aneurysmatic formation in the set-
ting of moyamoya syndrome is more common.
However neurointerventional procedures may
Figure 2. Case #1. Biplanar cerebral angiography of the left internal carotid artery (A and not hold the disease progression but can pro-
B, lateral and AP respectively) demonstrated complete occlusion of the left supraclinoid long survival (case 2). The outcome in both
internal carotid artery with a patent left anterior choroidal artery supplying lenticulos- settings remains unfortunately the same.
triatal vessels giving the angiographic appearance of a I, suggestive of Moyamoya angio-
graphic pattern. Collateral flow from the right posterior choroidal artery supplying the While definitive treatment in the acute ful-
pericollosal, frontopolar and callosmarginal arteries demonstrated on lateral view on minant phase may be futile and not indicated,
selective angiogram of the left vertebral artery (C). Intracranial view of the right inter- ascertaining the correct diagnosis may help
nal carotid artery in the AP projection (D) demonstrates an irregular M1 segment and provide a more accurate prognosis.
complete occlusion of the mid A1 segment of anterior cerebral artery. Cortical branches
also appeared irregularity consistent with a proliferative intracranial vasculopathy.
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