Investigation of The Thermal Performance of Cryogenic Regenerator As A Porous Structure
Investigation of The Thermal Performance of Cryogenic Regenerator As A Porous Structure
Investigation of The Thermal Performance of Cryogenic Regenerator As A Porous Structure
This paper was recommended for publication in revised form by Regional Editor Hafız Muhammed Ali
An efficient cryocooler is one of the essential requirements for Cryocooler is an integral part of thermal imaging
cooling of Infrared (IR) sensors to low temperatures in high systems used in military operations, which cools down the
resolution night vision systems. A regenerator is an imperative Infrared (IR) sensors to maintain high accuracy of these sensors.
component of cryocooler which has a significant effect on Essentially, the cryocooler performance depends on the
cooling performance of a cryocooler. In this research work a efficiency of a regenerator. A regenerator consists of an array
Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) methodology based on of porous matrix material which is exposed to oscillating flow
thermal equilibrium modelling approach has been implemented of a working fluid. Hot and cold fluids pass through the
to analyze the thermal performance of a regenerator under regenerator and exchange heat with matrix material
different design conditions. The regenerator was modeled as a periodically. An efficient regenerator for cryocooler is a
porous media with time varying boundary conditions in the
challenge to design, and has been a focus of special
commercial software package FLUENT by incorporating the
consideration for the last decade or so due to complex flow
effects of temperature dependent physical properties of both,
behavior inside the porous matrix material. Recent studies on
matrix material and working fluid. Simulations were conducted
at different cyclic flow velocities and effect of these variations regenerator design approaches have shown Computational
on temperature swing, pressure drop, in-efficiency, capacity Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methodology to be the best amongst the
ratio and number of heat transfer units of the regenerator have available options, since it allows performance analysis under
been studied for design of better regenerators. The results show periodic flow conditions at the least cost.
that any increment in the velocity of flow, increase the Many cryogenic engineers and scientists around the
temperature swing, pressure drop and in-efficiency while globe have modelled and analyzed regenerator as a porous
decrease the capacity ratio and number of heat transfer units of structure [1-3]. Suzuki and Muralidhar [4] using a local thermal
the regenerator with fixed geometry. In this research work, it is non-equilibrium model investigated pulsating flow inside a
also concluded that the thermal performance of regenerator porous media and indicated that at low Reynolds number,
strongly depend upon the temperature dependent physical effectiveness/efficiency of regenerator increases with an
properties of both matrix material and working fluid. increase of frequency but decreases with increase of frequency
at high Reynolds number. Tao et al. [5] analyzed different
regenerators for pulse tube cryocooler and concluded that
cooling performance of cryocooler enhances by increasing the
specific heat and density of regenerator matrix material but
decreases with an increase of thermal conductivity. Conrad et
al. [6] numerically modeled the regenerator as a two
Research Article
Research Article
Figure 3. Temperature distribution along regenerator for heating and cooling period
NTU = (6)
( )
( ) ( )
CR = = = (7)
( ) ( )
However, in the literature of cryogenics, the temperature at hot end during cooling period. Actually, there is
regenerator performance is more often described in terms of a difference in temperature during the heating and cooling
inefficiency, and the same convention will be used here. period at all axial locations. This difference in temperature is
referred to as the temperature swing of matrix material, and is
Inefficiency = 1 – efficiency undesirable.
Another non dimensional parameter of importance is
the Number of Heat transfer units (NTU), which expresses the
non-dimensional size of the regenerator given by [3].
Parameters Constant
Temperature dependent properties
Velocity (m/s) 20 30 40 50 40
Mass Flowrate (g/s) 0.27 0.38 0.51 0.64 0.51
Reynold's number 138.9 202.81 273.95 352.34 273.95
CR 312.5 217.04 162.67 131.76 -
NTU 320 229.1 205.64 194.21 -
Pressure drop (KPa) 55.4 88.44 144.7 154.9 -
Temperature at inlet (K) 298.6 297.4 296.7 295.5 298.9
Temperature change in cooling period (K) 218.6 217.4 216.7 215.5 218.9
Temperature at outlet (K) 81.3 82.1 84.2 85.5 80.8
Temperature change in heating period (K) 217.8 217.9 215.8 214.5 219.2
In-efficiency (%) cooling period 0.636 1.182 1.500 2.045 0.50
In-efficiency (%) heating period 0.591 0.955 1.909 2.500 0.36
Difference in In-efficiency 0.045 0.227 -0.409 -0.455 0.14
Average In-efficiency (%) 0.614 1.068 1.705 2.273 0.43
The effect of fluid velocity on the temperature swing temperature swing values change considerably when the
is shown in Figure 4, which compares the temperature swing more realistic variable properties model is used. Hence, if
at mid-length of the regenerator. The temperature swing CFD methodology is to be used for designing of regenerators,
increases from 1.787 K to 4.721 K when the velocity is the simulations must consider variations of properties with
increased from 20 m/s to 50 m/s, which shows that the matrix temperature.
material was not able to respond to higher mass flow rates as Figure 8 shows the variation of pressure drop across
efficiently at lower CRs. the regenerator matrix. The pressure drop across the
A further elaboration of this effect has been regenerator increases with increase of mass flowrate
presented in Figures 5 and 6 which compare the temperature (velocity) of fluid. A comparison with Landrum et al. [6]
variations along the regenerator at velocities of 30m/s and shows that the CFD methodology adopted was able to predict
40m/s during heating and cooling periods. A closer look at the pressure drops in the porous structure with a high level of
the temperature contours of heating and cooling period for precision. As mass flowrate varied from 0.3g/s to 0.6g/s,
the same velocity will show that the temperature change of pressure drop across the regenerator increased from 47KPa to
the working fluid is different during heating and cooling 136 KPa.
periods. For instance, at 30 m/s, the fluid undergoes a The results suggest that for fixed regenerator
temperature change of 217.9K (from 300K to 82.1K) while geometry, increasing the velocity of the working fluid
during the cooling period, a change in temperature of 217.4K increases the inefficiency of the regenerator. This is due to a
was observed (from 80K to 297.4K. this shows that the decrease in CR and NTU with increasing mass flow rates.
heating cycle was more efficient than the cooling cycle. However, Figure 9 shows that increase in mass flow rate
However, at 40m/s the heating cycle was less efficient than decreases the CR more significantly compared to the NTU at
the cooling cycle since the temperature changes were noted higher mass flow rates. Thus the inefficiency can be reduced
to be 215.8K and 216.7K in heating and cooling period by adjusting the CRs if high mass flow rates are desired. This
respectively. The cooling cycle continued to be more efficient can be done by adjusting the porosity of the matrix material.
than the heating cycle at higher velocities but the average Since the pressure drop increases across the regenerator with
inefficiency of regenerator is still increasing with higher increase of velocity, decreasing the porosity will result in
velocities. A summary of the temperatures noted at all further pressure drops. The results of simulations for different
velocities tested is presented in Table 2. porosities of matrix material are shown in Figure 10 where
To understand the effect of varying physical the difference between the pressures values at inlet and outlet
properties on the simulation results, a comparison of the is equivalent to the pressure drop for that regenerator. It is
temperature swing for fixed and variable properties at a evident that when the porosity of the regenerator increases,
velocity of 40m/s is provided in Figure 7. It is evident that the the pressure drop decreases. The porosity of regenerator
matrix material was changed from 0.5 to 0.9 causing a swing, pressure drop and in-efficiency of regenerator but
reduction in pressure drops from 130.8KPa to 93.9KPa with decreases the CR more significantly compared to the NTU.
40m/s flow velocity. Therefore the inefficiency of regenerator can be reduced by
adjusting the CRs if high mass flow rates are preferred. When
the effects of temperature dependent physical properties of
both matrix material and working fluid are incorporated in
the simulation, the temperature swing and inefficiency of
regenerator significantly increased from the values of
temperature swings and inefficiency of regenerator with
constant physical properties, thus thermal performance of
regenerator also strongly depend upon the temperature
dependent physical properties of both matrix material and
working fluid. The thermal performance of a fixed geometry
regenerator can be augmented by adjusting the velocity/mass
flowrate of working fluid and selection of matrix material.
The computational results acquired from this investigation
can be use with great confidence to design and optimize an
efficient regenerator for cryocooler applications.
Figure 9. Variation of dimensionless number with mass
flowrate Ac regenerator cross section area(m2)
Am convictive heat transfer area(m2)
C inertial resistance factor
Cm heat capacity of matrix material (J/K)
Cmin minimum heat capacity of working fluid (J/K)
Cpf Specific Heat of Working fluid(J/Kg-K)
Cpm specific heat of matrix material(J/Kg-K)
D regenerator diameter (m)
Dh regenerator hydraulic diameter (m)
dw wire diameter (m)
Ef total fluid energy (J/kg)
Es total solid energy (J/kg)
f frequency (Hz)
h heat transfer coefficient (W/m2 K)
Figure 10. Pressure amplitude variation at inlet and outlet Kf thermal conductivity of working fluid(W/m K)
of regenerator with porosity Ks thermal conductivity of solid matrix (W/m2 K)
L length of regenerator matrix (m)
CONCLUSIONS M mass of regenerator 9Kg)
In this research study, a cryogenic regenerator as a ṁ mass flowrate (Kg/s)
porous structure is simulated in FLUENT under periodic flow
p static pressure (Pa)
conditions for constant and temperature dependent physical
properties of matrix material and working fluid in order to Pr Prandtl number
analyze the thermal performance of regenerator. For the fixed Re Reynolds number
regenerator geometry, the effects of velocity/mass flowrate
rh regenerator hydraulic radius (m)
were investigated on the performance of regenerator. The
results showed that any increment in the velocity/mass T temperaure of working fluid (K)
flowrate of the working fluid lead to increase the temperature t time (s)