Total Hours: 261.5 Name: Craig Rizzi Observing, Participating, or Leading

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Total Hours: 261.

5 Name: Craig Rizzi

Date Hours Activity Standard Notes or Leading

Collaboratively planned a roadmap for teacher

1.1 and professional learning for the 2016-17 school
8/3/16 6 Hickey Leadership Planning Summit 1.2 year at Stoney Creek P

Discussed ways to change teachers' mindsets

regarding methods for teaching mathematics
8/17/16 3 Math Department Growth Mindset Book Club 6.3 as a creative subject P

Worked registration, helping to streamline the

8/22/16 4 Junior and Senior Registration 3.2 process for students and parents P

Worked with district math teacher leaders to

create opening-day math professional learning
8/23/16 3 Teacher Leader Meeting 6.1 for algebra 1 teachers L

Worked registration, helping to streamline the

8/24/16 4 Freshmen and Sophomore Registration 3.2 process for students and parents P

Observed and participated in helping teachers

Facilitated Building PD to Introduce SC to define core values that want to foster in
8/29/16 3 Groups 2.1 students and staff P

Facilitated a professional learning session for

algebra 1 teachers encouraging them to design
8/31/16 4 Facilitated Algebra 1 District PD 2.2 inquiry-based lessons for their classroom L

9/9/16 3 Chaperoned Football Game 5.3 Ensured student safety at the football game P
9/13/16 1 Discussion of Data Collection and Analysis 5.5 with Amanda McKay and Cathryn Skedel O

Worked with central office administrators to

design a brochure advertising the secondary
9/21/16 3 Collaborate and Develop CTL Brochure 2.4 Council on Teaching and Learning (CTL) L
Observed process of interrogating students and
Observed Interrogation of Student Suspected searching them for illegal substances, with the
9/22/16 1 of Holding Drugs 5.2 help of the school police liaison O

Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) Meeting - Planned agenda for building professional
9/27/16 1 Planning October PD 2.3 development on October 10 P
Participated in first CTL meeting for the 2016-
17 school year, volunteering to serve as co-
District Council on Teaching and Learning chair and helping to establish topics of interest
9/28/16 3 Meeting 2.3 for the school year L

9/30/16 3 Chaperoned Homecoming Football Game 5.3 Ensured student safety at the football game P

Planned district professional development for

algebra 1 teachers, encouraging teachers to
10/6/16 3 District Teacher Leader Meeting 2.1 collaboratively design and implement a lesson. P

Worked with district algebra 1 teachers to

collaboratively design and implement an inquiry-
10/10/16 3 Facilitated district algebra 1 teacher meeting 2.2 based lesson L

Facilitated an SC group discussion regarding

Facilitated SC Groups and math department standards-based grading and collaborated with
10/10/16 3 meeting at Stoney Creek 1.3 math teachers at Stoney Creek L

Collaborated with co-chairs to develop agenda

10/12/16 1 Planned agenda for next district CTL meeting 2.1 for the next district CTL meeting L
10/14/16 2 Chaperoned Football Game at Adams HS 5.3 Ensured student safety at the football game P
Met with the district grading committee to set
goals for the year, including empowering
teachers throughout the district to try standards-
based grading or mastery learning in their
10/20/16 2 District Grading Committee Meeting 1.1 classrooms P
Managed rehearsal operations, including
sharing the practice field with the soccer team,
Served as acting band director at football and ensured student safety throughout the
10/21/16 6 game 5.2 game. L
Met with the district's secondary Council on
Teaching and Learning in order to prioritize
goals for the year and begin investigating
options for ensuring teacher voice is heard in
10/26/16 2 District CTL Meeting 2.2 the decision-making process L

Met with district teacher leaders to discuss

PSAT math results for our respective grade
11/1/16 3 District Teacher Leader Meeting 2.1 levels and plan for our next district PD session P

Met with co-chairs to debrief the last district

CTL meeting and plan priorities as we move
11/2/16 2 District CTL Planning Meeting 2.2 forward for the year L
Explained the importance of finding a variety of
internship experiences and explained how
Shared internship experiences with new different experiences relate to different ELCC
11/7/16 1.5 M.Ed. students 3.5 standards. L
Worked with algebra 1 teachers to identify
question stems related to various SAT topics,
enabling them to use these techniques in their
11/8/16 3 District Algebra 1 Professional Learning 2.1 classrooms L

Led a discussion on framing standards-based

Stoney Creek Culture Group - Standards- grading as "standards-based learning" in order
11/8/16 1.5 Based Learning 6.1 to put the focus on mastery instead of grading L

Facilitated a chalk talk on how respect can be

shown and exemplified by teachers throughout
the school, in order to better model it for our
11/8/16 1.5 Building Vision - Student Values 1.4 students P

Planned methods for facilitating our next CTL

meeting so that all members would be able to
11/9/16 1 District CTL Planning Meeting 5.1 contribute to the discussion L
Discussed the option of replacing student
grades with a new one when they repeat a
course (as opposed to averaging) and then
developed a teacher survey to send out
11/10/16 2 District Grading Committee 1.5 regarding implementation of SBG P
Observed building team meeting, dealt with
teacher trying to get student excused to take
3.3 and pictures of choir classes, and then observed
11/16/16 4 Fill in for administrators 5.4 assistant principal who was dealing with L

Discussed topics related to the district's new

11/30/16 2 District CTL Meeting 2.2 vision of "Pride in Excellence" L
Planned a schedule of district professional
learning sessions regarding standards-based
grading. Our goal is to equip teachers with the
tools they need to implement SBG
12/7/16 1.5 Grading Committee Meeting 1.2 successfully. L

Discussed technology enhancements in the

12/14/16 2 District CTL Meeting 2.1 district due to the recent technology bond P
3.3 and
1/5/17 3.5 Fill in for administrators 5.4 Ensured student safety during passing time L

Plan agenda for planning meeting for a grading

1/8/17 1 Grading Committee Planning 2.1 committee session on standards-based grading L

Worked with district teachers and

administrators to plan a district professional
learning session regarding standards-based
1/9/17 2 Grading Committee Planning Meeting 2.1 grading for all secondary teachers L

Put together agenda with ice breakers and

1/11/17 1 District CTL Planning Meeting 2.2 goals for the district CTL meeting L

Discussed technology goals for the district and

ensured that the CTL was a safe space for
1/18/17 2 District CTL Meeting 2.2 teachers to share concerns L
Worked with district teachers and
administrators to plan a district professional
learning session regarding standards-based
1/19/17 1.5 Grading Committee Planning Meeting 2.1 grading for all secondary teachers L

Met with chaperones to discuss ways to further

the district strategic plan for global awareness
1/26/17 1.5 Costa Rica Planning Meeting 4.2 through an exchange trip to Costa Rica P

Led algebra 1 team meeting to discuss pacing

1/31/17 0.5 Algebra 1 Team Meeting 2.1 and instructional goals for the third quater L

Met with co-chairs to plan agenda for next

2/1/17 1 CTL Planning Meeting 2.1 secondary CTL meeting L

Met with teacher leaders in the building to

determine a professional learning schedule and
2/7/17 1 SCHS ILT Meeting 1.4 plan for the remainder of the school year. P

Met with grading committee members to

finalize plans for district professional learning
2/8/17 2 Planning Session for Grading Practices 2.1 session on best practices in grading L

Led a professional learning session for

secondary teachers throughout the district as
2/9/17 2 Grading Practices Presentation 2.1 an introduction to standards-based grading L

Met with Stoney Creek algebra 1 teachers to

ensure that we have common goals for
2/13/17 1 Algebra 1 Team Meeting 2.2 teaching and learning L

Met with district teacher leaders to discuss

common assessment performance and growth
2/14/17 3 Teacher Leader Meeting 2.2 mindset in mathematics P
3.3 and
2/15/17 4 Fill in for administrators 5.4 Ensured student safety during passing time L
Met with co-chair and building principal to
discuss ideas to ensure the Award of
Excellence assembly is focused around school
2/16/17 1 Award of Excellence Planning Meeting 1.3 culture L
Met with district CTL to discuss technology
enhancements and implementation of the
elimination of one of the spring parent teacher
2/22/17 2 Secondary CTL Meeting 1.5 conference sessions L

Met with co-chair to discuss student

nominations for the Award of Excellence
2/23/17 1 Award of Excellence Planning Meeting 1.3 assembly L

Met with teachers and administrators to plan for

Planning Session for Grading Practices presentation on best practices in grading for
2/23/17 1.5 Session 2.1 district teachers P

Met with math teacher leaders at Stoney Creek

to develop a plan for showing teachers how to
3/1/17 1 Math Teacher Leader Meeting 2.2 view student SAT performance. P

Met with teachers and administrators to plan for

Planning Session for Grading Practices presentation on best practices in grading for
3/2/17 2 Session 2.1 district teachers P

Met with building principal to touch base on

3/6/17 0.5 Award of Excellence Planning Meeting 1.2 logistics for the Award of Excellence assembly L

Worked with parents to ensure their students

3/8/17 3 Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences 4.3 are receiving the best possible instruction. P

Spoke with counselors about the philosophy

behind standards-based grading and answered
3/10/17 1 Counselor SBG Session 5.3 questions L

Met with math department to disect SAT

questions and ensure that curriculum is aligned
3/10/17 3 Building Professional Development 2.2 to the content on the SAT P
Communicated with parents about math course
3/14/17 3 Freshmen Parent Night 4.4 offerings at Stoney Creek High School L

Shared research and best practices on

Standards-Based Grading Professional 1.4 and standards-based grading with secondary
3/15/17 2 Learning 2.1 teachers L

Met with co-chairs to set agenda for district

3/17/17 1 CTL Planning Meeting 3.3 secondary CTL meeting L

Met with district CTL team to discuss

technology updates, standards-based grading
3/22/17 2 Secondary CTL Meeting 3.5 initiatives, and teacher placement processes L

Met with co-chair and administrators to plan

3/23/17 1 Award of Excellence Planning Meeting 1.5 annual Award of Excellence meeting L
Met with students and parents to build
teamwork skills, discuss expectations for the
1.5 and trip, and give an overview of trip purpose and
3/28/17 3 Costa Rica Parent Meeting 4.1 details P

Met with teachers to select students to be

4/11/17 1 Award of Excellence Planning Meeting 2.1 awarded for displaying SC core values. L

Met with co-chairs to discuss possibility of

implementing a teacher coaching program in
4/12/17 1 CTL Planning Meeting 3.4 Rochester. L

Met with principal to ensure the Award of

Excellence assembly will be an event that truly
4/13/17 2 Award of Excellence Planning 2.1 models our core values at Stoney Creek. L
Attended a district listening tour at Stoney
Creek in which the superintendent answered
questions about the culture of Rochester
4/17/17 1 District Listening Tour 4.1 Community Schools O

Met with all involved in the Award of Excellence

4/18/17 1 Award of Excellence Meeting 1.4 assembly to discuss details L

Implemented Award of Excellence assembly

4/21/17 1.5 Award of Excellence Assembly 3.2 plan, ensuring a smooth and elegant event L

Met with co-chair to set the agenda for next

4/25/17 0.5 CTL Planning Meeting 3.5 week's district CTL meeting L

Met with district grading committee to plan the

third district professional learning session for
4/27/17 1.5 Grading Committee Meeting 2.1 standards-based grading P

Met with the district council on teaching and

learning to discuss the development of a
5/3/17 2 District CTL Meeting 3.4 teacher mentoring program L

Participated in a professional learning session

on how to make grades more meaningful to
students by giving them ownership through
5/4/17 2 District Standards-Based Grading Event 2.2 SBG P

Watched EdS students give presentations of

their action research from various school
5/6/17 4 Research Symposium 6.3 settings O

Met with SIP co-chairs and math department

leaders to discuss building goals for the coming
5/12/17 1 School Improvement Meeting 1.1 year P

Proctored the exam for credit, allowing

students to test out of a math course, and
5/13/17 4 Exam for Credit 2.1 evaluated the process of exam for credit. P
Parent was upset about color guard audition
process, so I met with the band director, the
student, and an assistant principal to resolve
5/16/17 1 Met with Parent to Resolve Conflict 5.5 the conflict. P

Met with math department teacher leaders

across the district to discuss goals and learning
5/17/17 3 Teacher Leader Meeting 2.1 outcomes for algebra 1 P

Ensured the day ran smoothly with senior

3.3 and exams and the lunch hour while administrators
5/19/17 5.5 Fill in for administrators 5.4 attended a district meeting at central office L

Mentored Key Club executive board members

to host a successful 5K Run for charity and
4.2 and corresponded with community members to
5/20/17 3 Charity 5K Run 4.4 ensure the success of the event. P

Met with co-chairs to plan agenda for the final

5/22/17 1 CTL Planning Meeting 3.3 CTL meeting of the year L
Met with students and parents to build
teamwork skills, discuss expectations for the
1.5 and trip, and give an overview of trip purpose and
5/23/17 3 Costa Rica Meeting 4.1 details P

5/25/17 4 Chaperoned Prom 5.1 Ensured student safety by chaperoning prom P

Discussed operating procedures for electing

new committee members from across the
5/31/17 2 Secondary CTL Meeting 3.3 district. L

Met with district grading Committee to plan

actions for embedding SBG into the new
Synergy grading program and encouraging an
6/1/17 2 Grading Committee Meeting 2.1 SBG mindset in teachers across the district. L
Attended a district administrator training
session on Synergy, in order to help
administration figure out how to integrate SBG
6/5/17 1 Synergy Training 2.2 with the new grading program P

Met with chaperones and parents to discuss

6/6/17 3 Costa Rica Planning and Parent Meeting 6.1 travel plans for the Costa Rica exchange trip P

Led a meeting with algebra 1 teachers from

around the district to outline the district
7/11/17 2 Algebra 1 Team Meeting 2.1 standards for algebra 1 L

Led a meeting with algebra 1 teachers from

around the district to finish outlining the district
7/24/17 2 Algebra 1 Team Meeting 2.1 standards for algebra 1 L

Met with district math coordinator to plan a

math training session for secondary
7/28/17 2 Administrator Math Training Planning Meeting 2.2 administrators P

Helped to conducted a training sessions for

2.2 and district secondary administrators regarding
8/15/17 2 Administrator Math Training 2.3 mathematical practices L

2.3 and Met with algebra 1 teacher leaders to develop a

8/15/17 1 Algebra 1 Teacher Leader Meeting 2.4 plan for first semester with new textbooks P

Discussed how to screen applications to

determine which teacher candidates to
8/15/17 2 Math Teacher Interview Preparation 3.2 interview for two math teacher openings P

Led a meeting with algebra 1 teachers from

around the district to plan assessments
8/16/17 3 Algebra 1 Team Meeting 2.1 targeting the district standards for algebra 1 L
Interviewed candidates for two math position
openings with my principal and discussed
techniques for determining which candidates
would help to cultivate the desired culture in the
8/17/17 3 Math Teacher Interviews 3.2 building P
Interviewed candidates for two math position
openings with my principal and discussed
techniques for determining which candidates
would help to cultivate the desired culture in the
8/22/17 2 Math Teacher Interviews 3.2 building P

Observed two math teacher candidates teach

sample lessons and discussed opinions of
8/23/17 2 Math Teacher Interviews 3.2 teaching style with faculty L
Helped with Junior and Sophomore registration
to ensure that all students and parents were
treated fairly and that the process was
8/23/17 6 Student Registration 4.3 streamlined P

Helped to facilitate the Link Crew freshmen

8/24/17 6 Freshmen Orientation 6.1 orientation process P

4.4 and Attended a school board meeting to observe

9/11/17 1 School Board Meeting 6.1 the process O

Worked with co-chairs to set up election and

9/13/17 2 CTL Planning Meeting 4.3 plan goals for the 2017-18 school year L

4.1 and Shadowed assistant principal at Stoney Creek

9/20/17 7 Fill in for Administrators 4.2 and supervised the lunch room P

Planned algebra 1 professional learning

experiences including discussion of the
9/25/17 3 Math Teacher Leader Meeting 3.5 Exploration activities in the textbook P

Conducted ice breaker activities and laid out

purpose and goals of the CTL organization for
9/27/17 2 CTL Meeting 6.2 the 2017-18 school year L
Organized student presentation of Costa Rica
trip experiences and received recognition for
10/9/17 1 School Board Meeting 6.2 achieving tenure P

Ensured student safety at the football game at

10/13/17 3 Chaperone Away Football Game 3.3 Rochester High School P

Met with co-chairs to plan second Secondary

10/18/17 0.5 CTL Planning Meeting 5.4 CTL Meeting L

Ensured student safety at the home football

10/20/17 3 Chaperone Football Game 3.3 game against Adams High School P

Led district CTL meeting to discuss issues

10/25/17 2 Secondary CTL Meeting 5.2 brought to the table by different departments L

Discussed issues related to attracting,

10/30/17 1 Met with Chief HR Officer 6.2 interviewing, and retaining new teachers P

Met to discuss empowering teachers to

embrace productive struggle in their
11/1/17 3 Algebra 1 Teacher Leader Meeting 2.2 classrooms and planned district PD P

Led district PD session for algebra 1 teachers

in which we explored usage of technology and
11/7/17 3 Algebra 1 District PD 2.1 evaluated the new first semester final exam L

Facilitated district CTL meeting to discuss

BYOD policy, school start times, student
1/17/18 2 Secondary CTL Meeting 4.2 discipline, and school calendar L

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