2017 BAR Q&A Evidence
2017 BAR Q&A Evidence
2017 BAR Q&A Evidence
If documentary or object evidence is excluded Would you, as the trial prosecutor, interpose
by the court, the offeror may have the same attached your objection to the question of the defense counsel?
to or made part of the record. If the evidence excluded Explain your answer.
is oral, the offeror may state for the record the name
and other personal circumstances of the witness and SUGGESTED ANSWER:
the substance of the proposed testimony. (S40 R132).
Yes, I as the trial prosecutor, would interpose
XIV. my objection to defense counsel’s question on the
ground of improper impeachment.
Immediately before he died of gunshot wounds
to his chest, Venancio told the attending physician, in a Under the Law on Evidence, an adverse party’s
very feeble voice, that it was Arnulfo, his co-worker, witness may be properly impeached by reputation
who had shot him. Venancio added that it was also evidence provided that it is to the effect that the
Arnulfo who had shot Vicente, the man whose cadaver witness’s general reputation for honesty, truth, or
was lying on the bed beside him. integrity was bad. [S11 R132] The reputation must only
be on character for truthfulness or untruthfulness.
In the prosecution of Arnulfo for the criminal [Cordial v. People, 166 SCRA 17]
killing of Venancio and Vicente, are all the statements
of Venancio admissible as dying declarations? Explain Here the evidence is not on the Prosecution
your answer. witness’s general reputation for honesty, truth, or
integrity but on his aggressive and violent tendencies.
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The evidence had nothing to do with the witness’s
character for truthfulness or untruthfulness. Hence the
No, not all the statements of Venancio are impeachment was improper
admissible as dying declarations.