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Aquaponic Fact Sheet Series – System Water Chemistry

Aquaponic System Design Parameters:

Basic System Water Chemistry
Wilson Lennard PhD

Aquaponic systems range from those designed should be cared for correctly, then fish are no
for hobby or backyard food production exception.
through to those designed for commercial scale
production of fish and plants for sale. In either In an aquaponic context therefore, we all have a
context, or any in between, management for duty of care towards the fish we keep and one
optimisation and efficiency of the system is of the most important aspects of our fish
paramount to success. One of the keys to the keeping is making sure we provide our fish with
management of aquaponic systems is via an the best water quality we possibly can. This is
understanding, and the ability to manipulate, because fish live in an aquatic environment and
system water chemistry. so the chemistry associated to that aquatic
environment has a critical effect on the fish’s
An understanding of water chemistry and how well-being and health.
it affects the biological aspects of the system
(fish, plants and bacteria) is critical to technical Bacteria
success. Knowing and being able to manipulate
the water chemistry of an aquaponic system will There are three important biological inhabitants
allow the operator to get the best out of the of our aquaponic systems; fish, plants and
system possible and to ensure that the plants, micro-organisms. The micro-organisms that
fish and bacteria are in an environment that is inhabit any aquaponic system can also be sub-
amenable to their living requirements. classified into a further array of organisms
which include, but are not limited to, bacteria,
In this fact sheet we will take a look at what fungi, phytoplankton and zooplankton. All of
basic water chemistry parameters are essential the biological inhabitants of an aquaponic
to optimised aquaponic system operation. system contribute to the ecosystem nature of
the aquaponic system.
The Responsibility We Have For Our Fish
The bacteria in our aquaponic systems are
Fish are living animals and because of that, we critical to the operation and ecology of the
have a responsibility to make sure we are system and if they were not present, then
keeping our fish in the best conditions possible; aquaponics would have little, if any, chance for
to give them the least stressful life that we can. success. This is because the bacteria perform
critical processes that lead to, assist and drive
Many people are now very disconnected to the the biological balance of the system. It is these
food that we consume, especially the animals bacteria that perform chemical processes in the
we consume. Farming has become something water that makes the water liveable and usable
that “occurs somewhere else” to many city by the fish and the plants that we wish to grow.
dwellers. Even though this disconnection is
common place to many of us who live in the Bacteria are so small that they cannot be seen
city, the majority of us agree that the animals by the naked human eye. However, they can
we eat should have the best and least stressful also make up a large proportion of the overall
life possible. Fish should be no different in this system biomass (biomass is the weight of all the
sense and if we all agree that the animals we eat living things in a system). So, whilst we cannot
see them, we must accept that they are there,
©Copyright 2012 Aquaponic Solutions
Aquaponic Fact Sheet Series – System Water Chemistry

there are large numbers of them, there are can be so they live in an environment that is
many different species of them and they are amenable to their continued health and well-
critical to the overall chemical and biological being.
health of the system.
Bacteria do utilise some of the nutrients
contained in the aquaponic system. They use Like bacteria, fish live in the water environment
elements like carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and so they are also dependent on the water to
phosphorous, potassium and calcium, along deliver a living condition that is right for them.
with many others, to build there own cells, just The fish’s skin (often covered in scales) is open
like we do, fish do and plants do. However, to water movements across it and so the
bacteria gain access to the energy they require condition of the water can quickly affect the
by performing and assisting chemical reactions internal parts of the fish.
that release energy.
In addition, fish “breath” via gills which are
For example, nitrification, the conversion of highly efficient devices with a large surface area
ammonia to nitrate is mediated (performed) by that allow oxygen to enter the fish’s body and
several species of nitrification bacteria in carbon dioxide to escape; just like our lungs do.
aquatic systems. The reason the bacteria We know that there can be substances in the air,
convert ammonia to nitrate is not because these or poor air quality conditions, that can affect
bacteria like or prefer nitrogen in the form of our own breathing and ability to gain access to
nitrate more than nitrogen in the form of the oxygen we require to live. Fish are similar
ammonia (unlike our fish, to which ammonia except that instead of air, they live in water.
can be toxic). The reason is that when ammonia Therefore, the chemical condition of the water
(NH3) is converted to nitrate (NO3) the is critical to the ability of the fish to gain access
exchange of hydrogen ions (H) for oxygen to the oxygen they require; if it is of sub-
atoms (O2) releases energy, and it is from this optimal quality then it can affect the efficiency
energy source that bacteria derive the energy to of the fish’s gills.
run their own metabolism. Similar processes
occur inside humans when we eat and the Fish gills do not just act as a site for oxygen and
release of this energy is used by us for vital life carbon dioxide exchange. They are also the site
processes such as keeping warm and having where other elements may enter the fish (as
energy reserves so we are able to walk, run, dissolved gases in the water) and they are the
swim etc… site where the fish expels the products of some
of their metabolic processes. Ammonia is
Therefore, bacteria perform these chemical expelled as a gas across the fishes gill and
conversions and exchanges not because they directly and immediately dissolves into the
require a specific nutrient, but because they water. If nitrite levels are too high in aquaponic
derive their energy requirements by performing systems, then the nitrite can affect the fish and
these chemical exchanges that release energy. this occurs because the fish “breathes in” the
nitrite across its gills and then the nitrite
It is a positive by-product of this ability of the dissolves into the fish’s blood and causes
bacteria in our aquaponic systems that they also problems (often called “brown blood” disease).
perform chemical conversions that are critical This demonstrates that the fish are entirely
for fish and plant health. dependent on what is dissolved in the water as
to whether they may experience negative or
Like any aquatic organism, the bacteria in positive outcomes.
aquaponic systems are dependent on the water
as the medium within which they live their lives. So fish, like the bacteria, are also dependent
Therefore, bacteria are also dependent upon the upon the water being in the best chemical
water being in the best chemical condition it condition it can be so they live in an

©Copyright 2012 Aquaponic Solutions
Aquaponic Fact Sheet Series – System Water Chemistry

environment that is amenable to their Water

continued health and well-being.
Water (H2O), as can be seen, consists of two
Plants hydrogen atoms attached to an oxygen atom. In
reality, water is actually the combination of one
Plants are an interesting life form in that they hydrogen ion (H+) and one hydroxyl ion (OH-).
have parts of them that need to deal with these Water is a far more complex substance in many
two main environments; air (at the leaf and respects, than most people know. It is also very
stem surfaces) and water (at the root surfaces). complex in a chemical sense.
The roots themselves need to be able to deal
with these two environments of air and water; Water is in a constant chemical flux (change)
sometimes they are dry and exposed to the air between its main water molecule (H2O) and the
within the medium that they are growing in, two constituent parts of the water molecule;
and sometimes they are wet due to the water hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxyl ions (OH-).
that surrounds them in the medium. Therefore, The water molecule is constantly dissociating
plants are exposed to the air and so need good into the two constituent parts and they are then
air quality and they are exposed to water, and so constantly reforming into the water molecule
also need water conditions that suit them and again.
the processes that occur at the root surface.
This means water is in a constant state of
In aquaponic systems, the fish produce waste, chemical flux and this means that water is a
that waste is processed by the bacteria and the highly reactive element that can be affected by
processed waste is then taken up by the plants many chemical forces. Many substances
as nutrients. Plants do not filter out nutrients dissolve into water, many substances do not
and leave the water behind; they gain access to dissolve, some substances can both dissolve
the nutrients by taking water in across their and not dissolve at different times and
root surfaces and because the nutrient is depending on different chemical conditions in
dissolved in the water. Therefore, plants are the water. Water can dissolve gases from the air
constantly taking up and internalising water and and atmosphere and water can dissolve solids
so the quality of that water is critical so that it that enter into it. Water can also dissolve both
doesn’t upset the plant when internalised. gases and solids that are generated by fish,
bacteria and plants.
The nutrients that the plant is taking up across
its roots can also be affected by the chemistry This chemical ability of water to be many things
of the water and if the water chemistry is to many different substances is best expressed
incorrect, this can manipulate the chemical as water chemistry. By understanding the
form that the nutrient is in and this can mean chemical nature of water and using these
that the nutrient is either in a form that the properties to our advantage, we can manipulate
plant does not prefer, or is in a form that the the water chemistry so it provides the best
plant cannot even access. Hydroponic farmers conditions for all the life we wish to grow in it;
well know that if the pH of their water is the fish, plants and bacteria.
incorrect, then this can stop the plant from
gaining access to the nutrients and this is seen pH
as nutrient deficiency.
pH (often referred to as “The Power of
So, plants, like the fish and bacteria, are also hydrogen) is a measure of the ratio of hydrogen
dependent upon the water being in the best ions (H+) to hydroxyl ions (OH-) within a water
chemical condition it can be so they live in an body. The scale of pH is between 0 and 14;
environment that is amenable to their with a pH of 7 being known as “neutral pH”.
continued health and well-being.

©Copyright 2012 Aquaponic Solutions
Aquaponic Fact Sheet Series – System Water Chemistry

When the pH drops below neutral 7 it is Therefore, the pH of the water is critical to all
because we have a higher proportion of the life that inhabits our aquaponic systems and
hydrogen ions (H+) than hydroxyl ions (OH-) if we control the pH so that it sits somewhere
and this state is known as being “acid”. When that will meet the requirements of all the life in
the pH rises above neutral 7 it is because we our systems, then we will have a balanced
have a higher proportion of hydroxyl ions (OH- system with the living conditions, in terms of
) than hydrogen ions (H+) and this state is pH, that all our aquaponic life requires.
known as being “basic” or “alkaline”.
To complicate things further, many of the
Fish have an internal pH of about 7.4 and biological processes which occur in an
because the water they are swimming in can aquaponic system can, and do, affect the water
cross their skin and be internalised, they like the pH. For example, when fish release ammonia
surrounding water to be at approximately the waste across their gills and it dissolves in the
same pH. Therefore, if the pH of the water that water, the nitrification bacteria quickly convert
the fish are living in is either too low, or too that ammonia to nitrate. That conversion
high, then this can upset the internal pH occurs because the bacteria assists a chemical
balance of the fish and cause problems and reaction where the hydrogen ions attached to
even kill the fish. the nitrogen atom in the ammonia molecule are
removed and replaced with oxygen ions. This
Bacteria are similar to fish and have their own means that this reaction (or conversion) causes
internal pH. Again, like fish, the water that the a net release of hydrogen ions into the water.
bacteria are living in, or are exposed to, should
be similar to the internal pH of the bacteria or As we have seen, when there are more
problems may arise and they can die. For hydrogen ions in the water than hydroxyl ions,
example, the nitrification bacteria that we rely the pH drops and turns the water acid. This
on to convert potentially toxic ammonia that is nitrification reaction that the bacteria perform
released from the fish to non-toxic nitrate, like for us is the principle reason the pH constantly
a pH between approximately 6.5 and 8.0. If the drops in correctly operating aquaponic systems.
water pH goes too high or too low then the This constant pH drop in aquaponic systems
bacteria stop metabolising and can die. indicates that the biological processes we want
to occur in the system are occurring and
Plants also have an internal pH set point that is therefore, is a key indicator of system health.
best for them. As we have seen, plants are
almost constantly taking in water through their Plant processes can also affect system water pH.
roots and releasing it through their leaves, so When plants take up nutrients, principally
they are internalising the water they are exposed nitrate, they release what is known as bi-
to. Again, like the fish and the bacteria, if the carbonate ions (HCO3-). The plant does this to
water that the plant is exposed to is too far balance the internal electrical charge within
away from the plants internal pH, then their roots (nitrate is also a negatively charged
problems may arise. ion, so the plant releases bi-carbonate as they
have it in abundance and because it is also
Plants also like nutrients to be in certain forms negatively charged; this balances the electrical
so they can metabolise them and use them to charge state within the plant root). Bi-carbonate
build themselves (ie: grow). The pH of the scavenges hydrogen ions (H+) in water and
water can directly affect the chemical form of a therefore, removes hydrogen ions from the
nutrient and if this is not the right chemical water body. This means that the hydroxyl ions
form, then the plant may not be able to begin to dominate and so the water pH rises
metabolise or utilise the nutrient and will then above neutral 7 and therefore, becomes basic
show nutrient deficiency. (or alkaline).

©Copyright 2012 Aquaponic Solutions
Aquaponic Fact Sheet Series – System Water Chemistry

Therefore, in aquaponic systems we have two all likelihood, whilst they are still living, they
prominent and opposite forces operating that may be severely stressed. The fish can adapt to
directly affect the pH of the water body; the this low pH because the time it has taken for
bacterial conversion of fish waste ammonia to the water to move from neutral 7 pH to this
nitrate (causing a pH drop) and the plant low level takes long periods of time (weeks). If
release of bi-carbonate when taking up nitrate this drop was to occur in a couple of days, then
(causing a pH rise). The reality is that the pH the fish would die. Fish do not like large swings
drop caused by the conversion of fish waste over short periods of time in water chemistry.
ammonia by the bacteria to nitrate causes more Therefore, keeping the swings to a minimum is
hydrogen ions to be released than the plant what the fish will like best. This is why I
release of bi-carbonate ions when taking up advocate daily pH testing and buffering, as it
nitrate. Therefore, in properly designed, keeps these swings in pH to a minimum.
managed and balanced aquaponic systems (in
this case proper balance means the balance Properly designed aquaponic systems should
between fish and plants) we should still see a operate in what is known as an “aerobic” state.
regular and steady drop in system water pH. An aerobic state is one where plenty of oxygen
exists in the water and the surrounding media.
We should test our pH on a regular basis for When we have an aerobic state, we have
these two major reasons: particular chemical conditions that are
advantageous to the system. In addition, the
1. To make sure the pH is constantly bacterial species that dominate the system are
dropping, which is an indicator that aerobic in nature; meaning they require oxygen
things are operating correctly on a to live and do the conversions they do.
biological and chemical level.
Nitrification, the conversion of ammonia to
2. To assist us in working out how often, nitrite, then nitrate, is performed by aerobic
and by how much, we need to buffer bacteria. There are also bacterial species that
the water. will breakdown, mineralise and dissolve fish
waste solids back into the water under aerobic
I recommend that all aquaponic systems should conditions. Nitrification is a critical process in
be tested for pH every day. In some cases, this aquaponic systems as ammonia may be toxic to
daily testing is not required as the pH drop the fish and bacteria. All aquaponic systems
experienced over a 24 hour period is minimal should be operated under aerobic conditions.
(eg: 0.1 – 0.2 pH units). This can only be
determined with the particular aquaponic What happens chemically to the water if
system being operated. I like to test pH every anaerobic conditions (low or zero oxygen
day and I like to buffer every day so that I have conditions in the water or media) prevail? In
as full an understanding of what is happening anaerobic conditions, a different set of bacteria
chemically in my systems. The advantage of operate. These anaerobic bacteria can also
doing pH tests and buffering every day is that it perform many chemical conversions. The one
usually means that the pH is only dropping we are most interested in for aquaponic systems
minimally and then after buffering, the pH is is related to nitrogen.
only rising minimally.
When ammonia is converted to nitrate, the
The minimal movement in pH over a short process is called nitrification. In anaerobic
period of time is important to the living conditions, de-nitrification can occur where the
organisms in our aquaponic systems. Fish, for bacteria convert nitrate to other chemical forms.
example, will, over long periods of time, adapt One of the results of this de-nitrification is that
to quite acid water (I have seen fish in water of nitrate is converted back to nitrite, and as we
pH 4.5 still living). This doesn’t mean a pH of know, nitrite is toxic to fish. When de-
4.5 is acceptable for fish to be living in and in nitrification operates (under anaerobic

©Copyright 2012 Aquaponic Solutions
Aquaponic Fact Sheet Series – System Water Chemistry

conditions), the nitrogen in the aquaponic 1. When the system water pH is slightly
system can become many different forms and below neutral 7, if there is any
actually eventually is converted to nitrogen gas ammonia in the system then the
(N2) which bleeds out of the system. majority of that ammonia is in a non-
toxic form.
The de-nitrification process has another, more
important outcome; it makes the pH of the 2. Many plants actually like a pH of
water in the aquaponic system rise. If too much around 6. This is because at this
de-nitrification occurs (because we have too slightly acid state, the nutrients
many anaerobic zones in the system), the pH dissolved in the water are in the
can actually rise all the way back up to neutral 7 chemical state which the plants prefer.
and often go above this. As we will see in the
next section, this is not good, as it stops us No matter where you decide your pH target is,
form adding the buffers we need to adjust pH the fact remains that in a properly operating
and to supplement potassium (K) and calcium aquaponic system, the constant drop in the
(Ca); nutrients which are essential for plant water pH must be counter-acted in some way.
The way we do this is by the addition of what is
All well designed and managed aquaponic known in aquaponics as a “buffer”.
systems should operate under aerobic
conditions where the pH is constantly falling. Buffers act by adding ions to the water that
Therefore, testing pH regularly helps us to scavenge the predominating hydrogen ions and
determine if the normal aerobic operating removing them from being chemically available
conditions are present. If they are not, then pH to the system. In this way, by the removal of
won’t fall and this is a key indicator that some of the hydrogen ions, we can make the
anaerobic conditions may be prevailing. pH rise back towards our target set point.
Because pH constantly drops to an acid state
Buffering to Manipulate System pH via the chemical processes outlined above, it
makes sense that buffer addition must be a
As we have seen, in a properly operating regular operation.
aquaponic system the pH of the water should
be constantly dropping towards acid. If we The most often used buffer in recirculating
allow this to continue unabated, then we take aquaculture systems (RAS) is sodium bi-
the risk of allowing the system water pH to carbonate (NaHCO3). Buffers are made up of
drop to a point where it goes outside of the two parts:
optimum requirements for all the life in the
system. Therefore, if it is within our power, we 1. The basic or alkalising portion (the
should try to make sure that the pH stays at the portion which makes the pH rise).
2. The “carrier” ion portion (this portion
This introduces the question of “what is the allows the buffer to be a solid when
optimum operating pH for an aquaponic not in water, which makes it easy to
system?” There are many different opinions on store and control).
this. However, it is fairly universally agreed that
aquaponic system water pH should be In the sodium bi-carbonate buffer mentioned
somewhere close to neutral 7. I personally above, the alkalising portion is the bi-carbonate
operate my systems at a target pH of 6.8. The ion (HCO3-); this is the portion that controls
reasons for this are two-fold: the pH and causes it to rise. The carrier ion is
the sodium (Na+). Sodium bi-carbonate is a
solid when not in water because the sodium
and the bi-carbonate have formed a bond

©Copyright 2012 Aquaponic Solutions
Aquaponic Fact Sheet Series – System Water Chemistry

between them. When we add the sodium bi- With respect to potassium, we can use
carbonate to the water, it immediately dissolves potassium carbonate (K2CO3), potassium bi-
and releases the two portions so they are “free carbonate (KHCO3) or potassium hydroxide
agents”, so to speak. The bi-carbonate (HCO3-) (KOH). I use potassium carbonate as it readily
scavenges the free hydrogen ions (H+) and dissolves and it carries twice the amount of
removes them from being chemically active and potassium that other buffers do. UVI uses
raises the pH. However, we now have a potassium hydroxide. Potassium bi-carbonate
number of sodium ions (Na+) also dissolved in also readily dissolves, so any of these choices
the water; what happens to these? Well, in fact, are OK for aquaponic systems.
nothing! They are left in the water body and so
over time, they accumulate or build up. When we use these calcium and potassium
based buffers, two essential things occur. Firstly,
Plants do not like sodium to be dissolved above the alkalising portion controls the system pH
certain concentrations in water. Bacteria also and raises it back to where we choose for it to
dislike this. And, if the sodium concentration be. The second thing these buffers do is
gets way too high, even the fish may be affected. actually supplement the system with the major
Therefore, it makes sense that sodium bi- nutrients required for plant growth that are
carbonate may not be the ideal buffer for lacking in the fish feed; calcium and potassium.
aquaponic systems.
Therefore, when these buffers are applied
This means we need to find a buffer with a correctly they control the pH in a situation
different carrier ion; one that maybe won’t where we also do not get an accumulation of
accumulate in the system. In fact, there are the carrier portion, because the plants actually
many other buffers available. use the carrier portion.

Plants require good amounts of other nutrients The amount of buffer to add is an inexact
that aren’t always available via the fish food and process. It can be mathematically calculated,
the associated fish waste. The two major ions however, in my experience, every aquaponic
(nutrients) that the plants need, but are limited system operates slightly differently and so it is
in fish food, are potassium (K+) and calcium far better to experiment with the system itself
Ca++). It therefore makes sense to try and use to determine an approximate daily buffer
buffers based on these two essential plant ions. requirement. This is simply done by adding
only small amounts of buffer daily until a trend
There are a few choices with respect to buffers is seen in the total amount required. Thereafter,
that use potassium or calcium as carrier ions. if the same amount of fish feed is being fed
With respect to calcium, we can use calcium daily, then the amount of buffer required
carbonate (CaCO3), calcium bicarbonate should be similar every day. After a couple of
(Ca(HCO3)2), calcium oxide (CaO) or calcium weeks it is easy to begin to predict how much
hydroxide (Ca(OH)2). Calcium forms buffers buffer is required for a particular system to raise
that are often difficult to dissolve in water at the pH to the desired level.
the pH values that aquaponic systems operate
at. This means that they do not dissolve all that As we have seen above, if anaerobic conditions
easily and solid, undissolved calcium buffers prevail, then the pH will not fall and therefore,
may even drop out to the bottom of tanks in we cannot add any of the potassium and
the system. In this sense, one of the easiest calcium supplementation required to give the
buffers to dissolve is calcium hydroxide (also plants all the nutrients they need. Therefore,
known as hydrated lime). This is the calcium anaerobic conditions in aquaponic systems
buffer I use in my systems and it is also the should be avoided.
buffer that James Rakocy and UVI advocate.

©Copyright 2012 Aquaponic Solutions
Aquaponic Fact Sheet Series – System Water Chemistry

Dissolved Oxygen (DO) surface) will increase dissolved oxygen. This is

because the splashing water increases the
Most of the organisms that exist in our surface area of the water body, and the amount
aquaponic systems like oxygen to be present. of gas exchange to a water body from the
The fish, like us, require oxygen to breathe and atmosphere is directly proportional to the
live. If there is not enough oxygen in the water surface area of the water body.
then the fish die of asphyxiation due to a lack
of oxygen they require in the blood to perform The most often used way to increase dissolved
the metabolic processes they rely on. Fish oxygen concentrations in water is via aeration.
remove oxygen directly from the water via their This is mostly done by using air pumps to
gills, so the only oxygen that matters to fish is pump air into the water body via an airline and
that which is dissolved (and therefore, available) an air stone. Air stones make smaller bubbles,
in the water column. which assists oxygen exchange across the
bubble surface. However, the majority of the
Most of the bacteria we like to see in our gas exchange caused by air stone aeration is
aquaponic systems are called “aerobic”; which actually because the bubbles break the water
means they require oxygen to live. There are surface, which increases the surface area of the
other bacteria that do not like oxygen and only water surface and allows more oxygen to
operate in super-low, or zero, oxygen transfer from the atmosphere.
environments. These bacteria are called
“anaerobic”. Anaerobic bacteria utilise different There are also various ways to test dissolved
chemical pathways than aerobic bacteria and if oxygen concentrations. Electrical meters with
we get too many of them in our aquaponic attached oxygen probes may be used, but these
systems, they can have negative affects (like the are usually very expensive and need to be
release of poisonous gases that dissolve directly calibrated regularly for reliable readings. There
into the water). In addition, the bacteria we rely are also chemical “drip titration” oxygen tests,
on the most in our aquaponic systems, the but these seem unreliable, complex and have
“nitrifiers” (which convert potentially toxic low scale resolutions so give an approximate
ammonia to non-toxic nitrate), are fully aerobic answer.
and require good concentrations of dissolved
oxygen in the water to operate efficiently. The best way to make sure dissolved oxygen
concentrations are as high as possible is to use
Plants take in most of their oxygen from the air constant aeration to the areas of the system
via their leaves. However, plant roots like good which require high dissolved oxygen
levels of dissolved oxygen to be in the water concentrations. This is usually the fish tanks
that is close to their roots. This oxygen makes it and the grow beds in deep flow (raft culture)
easier for the plant to transport nutrients across systems.
its root surfaces and internalise them. Also,
many plant root pathogens operate at low Water Temperature
dissolved oxygen levels, so if the water is low in
oxygen it can give these pathogens the chance All of the organisms that live in aquaponic
they need to attack the roots. systems like a particular temperature range. I
say temperature range because most things can
The outcome is that we need acceptable live in a range of temperatures. What we need
concentrations of dissolved oxygen in our to do with an aquaponic system is find a
aquaponic system water at all times. balance between the temperature range
requirements of all the organisms that live in
There are several ways to increase dissolved the system.
oxygen levels in aquaponic system water.
Splashing water onto surfaces (as is done when Fish live in water and are dependent on the
water inlets or returns to fish tanks break the water temperature to set their internal

©Copyright 2012 Aquaponic Solutions
Aquaponic Fact Sheet Series – System Water Chemistry

temperature. There are a number of different on the cooler side. A good target range for
species of fish that may be used in aquaponic water temperatures for most plants is between
systems. Mostly, these are fish that have 14 oC and 22 oC. However, as farming has
adapted well to tank-based culture. In addition, traditionally occurred all over the world, there
there are different temperature requirements are always localised varieties that can grow
for different species of fish. For example, outside of this range.
tropical species like Tilapia spp. like to live in
temperatures of a range around approximately The bacteria and other micro-organisms that
27 oC, whereas many Australian native fish like inhabit our aquaponic systems also have a
a range around 20 oC. preferred temperature range. For example, the
nitrification bacteria that converts ammonia to
Many fish can live in water temperatures nitrate like an average temperature of
outside of the range they are subject to in the approximately 20 oC. Outside of this
wild. For example, I have kept Rainbow Trout temperature a drop in the conversion efficiency
at temperatures lower than, and higher than, can be seen, and if water temperature is too far
their preferred temperature of approximately 12 outside of this range then they can shut down
C. Other fish are far less forgiving. Even completely.
though some fish will survive at temperatures
outside of their normal range, this doesn’t mean Because many fish like an average temperature
these temperatures are good for them. of approximately 20 oC and the bacteria also
like this temperature, and because this
As for other water chemistry parameters, fish temperature is within the range that plants also
do not like fast changes in water temperature. like, a good temperature to aim for is about 20
They can usually adapt to slow changes in water C. However, as I have said, other water
temperature, but if the water temperature temperatures may be used as long as they
changes by more than 1.5 – 2.0 oC in less than match the fish, bacteria and plants being
24 hours, then most fish suffer to some extent. cultured. In addition, many plants and bacteria
will adapt quite well to elevated water
One of the first processes in fish that change in temperatures and this is why Tilapia spp. can be
temperatures outside of their preferred range is used successfully in aquaponics, even though
feeding habit. Murray Cod (a native Australian the preferred water temperature is 27 oC. Many
species), for example, prefers temperatures plants and bacteria will adapt to this
between 18 oC and 24 oC, however, once temperature.
temperatures fall below 16 oC, they often stop
eating. In an aquaponic context, if the fish stop As we all know, water temperature is tested
feeding then no fish waste is produced and with a thermometer. By tracking water
therefore, the nutrients required by the plants temperatures we can see what may or may not
are limited. happen in our systems and water temperature
may be used as a management tool. For
For fish, it is always best to try and keep the example, if water temperatures drop below 15
water temperature near their preferred ideal C when culturing Murray Cod, there is
water temperature. generally no point feeding them as they stop
taking feed. The tracking of water temperature
Plants are similar to fish; some like warmer can allow us some forward planning in this
waters and some like cooler waters. Most of the sense. In addition, you would need to be careful
plants we like to eat have undergone hundreds feeding fish at this temperature anyway as the
of years of farm-based adaptation to the nitrification bacterial efficiency may have
surrounding temperature conditions. As many dropped and if the fish do take the feed, they
of the plants we eat have been adapted to may flood the system with un-processed
European or North American farming practices, ammonia that could have negative
then most of them prefer water temperatures consequences.

©Copyright 2012 Aquaponic Solutions
Aquaponic Fact Sheet Series – System Water Chemistry

Electrical Conductivity (EC) The process of converting solid fish wastes, and
the constituent larger, organic compounds, to
The nutrients that plants take up are in the the smaller, charged ionic nutrients is called
inorganic form. What this means is that plants mineralisation in aquaponics. It is the
will only take up nutrients that have been mineralisation bacteria that access and convert,
completely broken down to their basal form. the larger, organic compounds, to plant
available, smaller and charged, inorganic
In aquatic systems, these inorganic nutrients are nutrients. This process isn’t just restricted to
usually “charged” in some way. When these solid fish wastes, and fish do release other
basal, inorganic nutrients are in aquatic systems, compounds in larger forms directly into the
they exist as what is known as “ions”. The ionic water column that require this conversion as
form of a nutrient is the charged form; the well.
charges, like electricity, are either positive or
negative. As we have seen, plants mainly access nutrients
in an ionic or charged form. Electrical
Fish do release compounds that are quickly Conductivity (EC) measures the charges on
converted to, or immediately exist in, inorganic these ions and gives a reading of how many
form, such as nitrogen (as ammonia) and charged ions are in the water. The more
phosphorous. These wastes (nutrients) are charged ions that are present in the water
usually the ones that directly cross the fishes column, the higher the EC reading. However, it
gills and are directly dissolved in the water. As must be noted that EC only gives a total
we all know, even though fish release ammonia, charged nutrient content in the water, and
it is quickly converted to nitrate in aquaponic cannot distinguish between the different
systems. Plants will take up ammonia directly if nutrient types.
required to, but they do prefer nitrogen in the
nitrate form. Therefore, EC gives an indication of the total
amount of plant available nutrient in the water
However, fish also release solid fish waste and column.
this is made up of many organic compounds
that form larger, uncharged molecules. Many EC is measured in a few different units, such as
people incorrectly believe that because fish Micro-semens per centimetre (µS/cm), Milli-
release organic waste products that the plants semens per centimetre (mS/cm), and various
will take up these organic compounds directly. EC units (usually used by the hydroponic
This is rarely true, and many of these larger industry and usually a direct metric conversion
organic compounds must be first converted to of the above two units).
smaller, charged or inorganic nutrients before
plants can access them. EC works by directing an electrical charge
through the water column. Electricity moves
Interestingly, this is the same for soil; plants can through a medium more easily, and faster,
only take up inorganic nutrients. Therefore, it depending on the make-up of that medium. For
doesn’t matter whether you feed your plants example, electricity travels through seawater far
fertilisers (inorganic fertiliser) or manures easier than it does through freshwater because
(organic fertilisers) as they all need to be seawater has many more charged ions within it.
converted to inorganic form for the plant to
uptake them. So, if you are buying “organically By passing a current through our aquaponic
certified” food, remember, those plants have system water, we can take a measure of the
only grown because the organic fertilisers have “conductance” and this registers on a meter as
been converted by bacteria in the soil to an EC reading. The more inorganic, charged
inorganic forms. ions (nutrients) in the aquaponic system water,
the higher the reading.

©Copyright 2012 Aquaponic Solutions
Aquaponic Fact Sheet Series – System Water Chemistry

Therefore, EC may be used as a guide to the A Final Word

amount of inorganic, plant available nutrients
within the aquaponic system. An understanding of water chemistry is
paramount to controlled aquaponic system
EC may be used as a guide to the Total amount operation and management. I have only
of nutrient in the system, but as I said before, it touched on the very basics of water chemistry
does not indicate the mixture of the nutrients in this fact sheet and this should cover what is
or how much of each individual nutrient is required for most small, hobby-scale aquaponic
present. If EC is to be used, this important systems. I would encourage anyone who is
aspect must be understood. For example, an considering operating a commercial-scale
initial EC reading may be taken and if the aquaponic system to educate themselves to a
plants do not indicate any form of nutrient
deficiency, then the reading may represent the more in-depth level about water chemistry as it
total nutrient available. However, if the species is a vital tool for commercial aquaponic system
of plant being grown is a heavy user of one management and assists to avoid the number
particular nutrient, then a situation may arise one issue with any technology or business;
where the EC reading stays the same, but the RISK!
mixture of nutrients goes out of balance
because the plant is removing more of one Many excellent books are available on water
nutrient. chemistry, especially in aquaculture and
hydroponics contexts. The best money you ever
Because EC only gives a guide to total nutrient spend on your aquaponic system may just be
levels, it should be used with a full the relatively small amount you spend on
understanding of the above explained limitation. purchasing water chemistry texts test kits.

EC is determined using an EC meter, which Happy Aquaponicing

come in many different forms. Because EC
meters simply send a current through the water Wilson Lennard
column, they are often the most robust of any June 2012
meter that may be purchased and used.


Water chemistry is a very complex science, and

we have only touched on this complexity in this
current fact sheet.

We have seen that the most important water

chemistry parameter to test is pH, as this allows
us to manage and manipulate the water
chemistry to our own requirements. We have
also seen that Dissolved Oxygen, Water
Temperature and Electrical Conductivity are
also important parameters that can allow us a
certain amount of control, but more
importantly, can be used as indicators of how
our aquaponic systems are operating.

©Copyright 2012 Aquaponic Solutions

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