Grading Contract
Grading Contract
Grading Contract
This section of ENG102 will use a grade contract to determine your grade for the course. Rather than
assigning individual grades for each assignment, the contract will assume a grade of B as your standard
grade. As long as you meet the requirements outlined below, you will earn a B for the course. You will
also have the opportunity to achieve a grade of A, while failing to meet the requirements for a B can
result in earning a lower grade, as outlined below. Although I, your instructor, will not assign individual
grades to your work, I will still read and provide feedback on your major projects using the First Year
Writing rubric. It will be your responsibility to use this feedback to improve your writing and to guide
your revisions to your work for the final portfolio. You will receive a tentative grade at midterm based on
your progress up to that point. Your final grade will be determined by completion of work and
participation throughout the semester and by the quality of your work submitted in your final e-portfolio,
as outlined below.
My reason for using a grade contract and portfolio, rather than assigning individual grades on each paper,
is to encourage you to focus more on learning and writing throughout the semester. It will allow you to
take pleasure in your words and thoughts, as opposed to feeling anxious and insecure. As long as you are
keeping up with the work as it is assigned, you can be confident in earning a B for the course. Instead of
worrying about your grades, you can instead try out new ideas and ways of writing. Sometimes “failing”
or messing up on something is what really helps us to learn--the grade contract and portfolio gives you the
freedom to take risks with your work and makes room for these kinds of productive “failures.” You’ll
have lots of time to write, revise, and grow as a writer throughout the course--I anticipate that you and
your peers will be impressed by the work you produce by the end of the semester!
Earning a grade of B
1. All the labor of the course (e.g., reading, writing, and other activities) should be done in the
spirit it is assigned. This means that you will meet the minimum time and effort (intensity)
requirements. If asked to write for 20 minutes on a prompt, the expectation is that you will write
for at least 20 minutes and address or respond to all the elements or questions in the prompt
(depending on what the prompt asks you to do). Additionally, should you receive feedback from
the teachers or colleagues that suggest you spend more time or effort on your assignments than
what is directed in assignment instructions, you will do this so that you meet the expectations of
your readers (your colleagues and the teacher).
2. Attendance: University policy distinguishes between excused and unexcused absences. In this
course, students may not miss more than 3 unexcused absences and still earn a B. This class is
fast paced and we will be doing important work together in class. It will be really easy to fall
behind. In the interests of creating an environment for you to succeed, I have decided to set these
limits. Excessive tardiness and/or early departures will also count towards your total absences.
a. Excused versus unexcused absences: For the purposes of this course, "excused
absences" include verifiable medical or family emergencies, university approved
activities (accompanied by a university excuse), illness (yours or a family member’s),
absences related to pregnancy, and other absences as outlined in the University’s
Grade Contract 2
7. Copyediting: You will need to copyedit all final revisions of main assignments until they
conform to the conventions of edited, revised English, as outlined in the First Year Writing
rubric. Your audience needs to understand your thinking, therefore copyediting is a must.
8. Conferences: You need to attend at least two conferences with the instructor to discuss drafts:
We have one week blocked out at the end of the semester to discuss the final e-portfolio, but you
must schedule your first conference on your own. The first conference can focus on any of the
modules, and will be held during your instructor’s office hours. You may schedule additional
conferences at your discretion. Your instructor may suggest that you schedule more conferences
in order to bring your work up to a B level of quality, in which case you should do so.
9. Complete and submit a final e-portfolio with accompanying reflection: Your final project
will be work to connect all of the module elements (images, PSA, podcast, written texts, and any
creative options) into a project with a clear and cohesive message, supporting evidence, and a
meaningful context, both in ideas and in visuals. Your e-portfolio is a reflection of you, of what
you think and how you put together the puzzle that is a larger research project. In its final form, it
should exemplify the thoughtful and complex person you are.
Earning a grade of A
A student will earn an A in the course by meeting all of the requirements for a B, listed above, in addition
to achieving the following:
Earning a grade of C, D, or F
While the default grade for the course is assumed to be a B, a student’s grade may slip to a C or lower if
they do not meet the basic requirement for the course and assignments. The easiest way earn lower than a
B is through unexcused absences, repeated tardiness, turning in assignments late, or not turning in
assignments at all. Note that failure to turn in any one of the major assignments (the key assignments for
each module) will result in an F for the course. See the chart below for a breakdown of how absences and
missed assignments will affect your course grade.
C 4 3 or 4 none
D 5 5 or 6 none
The Plea: You may use a plea one time over the course of the semester. You must arrange a meeting with
me to discuss your concerns about not meeting the B criteria on this contract. The plea can be used in
situations that are ongoing or threaten your standing in the class. In the spirit of Rogerian Argument, you
and I will negotiate a fair and mutually satisfying solution or compromise. The plea is not an out for
anyone who happens to not fulfill part of the contract, rather it is for rare or unusual circumstances
outside of your control.
Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty: All work submitted for this course is required to be your own
work and to be work done specifically for this course. Therefore, failure of the course can also result from
submitting work that is not your own (plagiarism) or submitting as work for this class something you had
done for another course, work, or activity (in this case, the failure would be for academic dishonesty).
Plagiarism and academic dishonesty are considered violations of EKU’s code of student conduct and so
may trigger further penalties at the university level in addition to failure of this course. If you are found to
have plagiarized intentionally, your paper will be removed from this general contract, and we will follow
guidelines for an infraction of Academic Integrity. You can see EKU’s Academic Integrity policy at