Text of Advt - No 02-2010 Nts-Diat Du
Text of Advt - No 02-2010 Nts-Diat Du
Text of Advt - No 02-2010 Nts-Diat Du
Human Resources Development for the Ministry of Defence and others by way of
and friendly foreign countries. DIAT (DU) is an ISO 9001:2000 certified Institute.
Pune (30 kms). The DIAT Campus is well served by the Pune Municipal Transport
3. DIAT (DU) invites applications from the eligible candidates for the following
Srl. Post for Direct Recruitment Pay Band (Rs.) Grade No. of Reservation
No. Pay (Rs.) Posts Position/Status
(subject to
1 ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN 15600-39100 5400 1 01 UR
(Direct Recruitment)
2 TRADESMAN 5200-20200 1900 12 01 SC +
(Direct Recruitment) 03 OBC +
08 UR
3 OFFICE ASSISTANT 5200-20200 2400 35 05 SC +
(Direct Recruitment) 02 ST +
09 OBC +
18 UR +
01 P.H.P.
4 SENIOR STENOGRAPHER 9300-34800 4200 1 1 UR
(Direct Recruitment)
5 STENO TYPIST 5200-20200 2400 12 01 SC +
(Direct Recruitment) 03 OBC +
08 UR
6 DRIVER GRADE ‘A’ 5200-20200 1900 11 01 SC +
(Direct Recruitment) 02 OBC +
08 UR
7 FIREMAN ‘A’ 5200-20200 1800 10 01 SC +
(Direct Recruitment) 02 OBC +
07 UR
8 LIBRARY ASSISTANT 5200-20200 2400 9 01 SC +
(Direct Recruitment) 02 OBC +
06 UR
(Note : The above pay carries Dearness Allowances & other allowances as per Central Govt pattern.
Residential accommodation is available subject to availability & seniority as per waiting list)
[In case of non-availability of suitable candidate by Direct Recruitment, the post may be filled
by Deputation also from Govt/Semi-Govt/PSUs, Local Sector/Autonomous bodies of Central
and State Government]
4. The educational qualifications (i.e. essential & preferential qualifications),
experience, maximum age limit etc for the above Non-Teaching posts to be filled by direct
Srl Post for Direct Educational Qualifications (i.e. Essential & Age Limit not
No. Recruitment Preferential), Experience etc more than -
for Direct
1. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN Essential Qualification : 40 years
(Direct Recruitment) Master’s Degree in Library Science/Information Science (for direct
Documentation with or an equivalent professional Degree with recruitment)
at least 55 % of the marks or its equivalent grade of B in UGC 56 years
seven-point scale plus a consistently good academic record, (for deputation)
computerization of Library with five years experience.
Preferential Qualifications :
Qualifying in the National Level Test conducted for the
purpose by the UGC or any other agency approved by the
Preferential Qualifications :
Degree in Law/Post Graduation in Social Science or
Commerce/P.G. Diploma in Bus iness Management, Tax
Law/Labour Laws (Awarded by University recognized by
UGC)/P.G.D.C.A. recognized by Board of Technical Exam or
4. SENIOR Essential Qualification : 33 years
STENOGRAPHER Graduate in any discipline. Qualified in the Stenographers
(Direct Recruitment) examination held by a State/Central Board or its equivalent
examination. Typing speed 40 wpm. Stenography speed 120
wpm. Proficiency and knowledge of computer applications and
operations .(*) Experience in equivalent grade of not less than
5 years in State/Central Universities or equivalent
5. Probation : The period of probation for all the posts (except the post, if filled by deputation for which
the clause of ‘Probation’ will not be applicable) will be 01 year only. For posts at Srl No. 2 (Tradesman) & Srl
No. 6 (Driver Grade ‘A’) out of 01 year probation 6 months will be as ‘Trainee’ with a Stipend @ Rs. 7100/- per
month (consolidated) ; for post at Srl No. 3 (Office Assistant), Srl No. 5 (Steno Typist) & Srl No. 8 (Library
Assistant) out of 01 year probation 6 months will be as ‘Trainee’ with a Stipend @ Rs. 7600/- per month
(consolidated) ; for post at Srl No. 7 (Fireman ‘A’) out of 01 year probation 6 months will be as ‘Trainee’ with a
Stipend @ Rs. 7000/- per month (consolidated) & for post at Srl No. 4 (Senior Stenographer) out of 01 year
probation 6 months will be as ‘Trainee’ with a Stipend @ Rs. 13500/- per month (consolidated). The tenure of
deputation will be reviewed after 01 year. Maximum tenure of deputation is 03 years.
6. Age as prescribed shall be as on the ‘closing date for receiving the applications’ (i.e. 28 May 2010).
7. Age relaxation wherever required will be admissible to the candidates belonging SC/ST/OBC (Non-
Creamy Layer only)/Physically Challenged/Ex-Servicemen/other Categories as per Govt of India rules/orders on
the subject.
8. Candidates already employed should submit their applications through proper channel. Those who
send advance copies of applications will be considered only if they produce a “No Objection Certificate” from
their employer. [Those who apply for appointment on deputation terms should submit the applications along with
vigilance/integrity certificates and attested copies of their annual appraisal reports for the preceding five years].
9. Both ways Sleeper Class / Second Class Train fare is payable to outstation unemployed candidates
belonging to SC/ST category invited for the Interview.
10. Since the applications will be short-listed, mere possessing of the prescribed qualifications and requisite
experience would not entitle a person to be called for test/interview.
11. The number of vacancies is subject to change and DIAT (DU) reserves the right in this m atter.
12. Reservation for OBCs shall not apply to certain persons/sections as mentioned in Govt of India, Deptt of
personnel & Training OM No. 36012/22/93-Estt. SCT dated 08-09-2003 as amended from time to time.
Reservation for OBC is applicable only to those mentioned in the Central List of OBCs recorded in OM No.
12011/68/93-BCC(C) dated 10-09-1993 as amended from time to time.
13. DIAT (DU) reserves the right to : (a) conduct written/trade tests for such posts wherever it feels
necessary and (b) not to fill any of the advertised positions.
16. Applications are required to be submitted on the prescribed format only (given at Appendix ‘A’ to this
Advt.) which can be downloaded from DIAT (DU) Website www.diat.ac.in. The applications processing fee
would be Rs. 200/- for General/OBC (Creamy Layer) candidates and Rs. 150/- for OBC candidates (Non-Creamy
Layer only). SC/ST candidates are exempted from payment of application processing fee. The application
processing fee is required to be submitted by Demand Draft drawn in favour of “The Vice Chancellor, DIAT (DU),
Girinagar, Pune-411025” and payable at SBI, IAT Girinagar branch, Pune only. Application Form should be
filled-in in own handwriting. Xerox copies of the Applications shall not be entertained. All belated,
incomplete and the Applications which are not in prescribed form will be rejected and no intimation in
this regard will be sent to the candidates. Applications received without the prescribed fee will be summarily
17. Separate applications for each post alongwith all the documents as mentioned in the prescribed
application form, addressed to “The Vice Chancellor, DIAT (DU), Girinagar, Pune-411025 with the post applied
for clearly superscribed on the envelope, may be sent by Registered Post/Speed Post only and not through
courier service.
18. The last date for receiving the applications is 28 May 2010. Applications received after the due date are
liable to be summarily rejected. Postal delay shall not be entertained.
(ISO 9001 Certified Institute)
(An Autonomous Organisation fully funded by Department of
Defence Research & Development, Ministry of Defence)
(Telephone No. (020) 24389550/24304035/24304037)
ADVERTISEMENT No. 02/2010 (NTS-DIAT (DU)) Date : 09 Apr 2010
1. Applications are invited for the following Non-Teaching posts to be filled at DIAT (DU) : -
4. In case of non-availability of suitable candidate by Direct Recruitment, the post may be filled by
Deputation also from Govt/Semi-Govt/PSUs, Local Sector/Autonomous bodies of Central and State
(Note : The above pay carries Dearness Allowances & other allowances as per Central Govt pattern.
Residential accommodation is available subject to availability & seniority as per waiting list)