Task 1

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Example Interview Questions

No diagnostic assessment completed

1- What diagnostic assessment has taken place this semester? Baseline assessment completed at
the classroom
2- When did this occur? Start of the school year (term1)

3- What types of assessments were conducted? (written, oral, practical, etc.) Written assessments
– math’s , English
Oral assessment – phonics and reading

4- Who developed these assessments? Class teacher

5- Who conducted the assessments? (classroom teacher, Arabic teacher, classroom assistant, etc.)
Class teacher

6- Were the assessments completed by students individually? Yes – students individually / oral
with teacher / one to one

7- What information did you hope to get from the assessments? Information: children’s level –
used for ability based grouping – streaming in phonics – identify children who need support.

8- What decisions did you make based on the assessments? Groups depending on subject

9- How did you group your students? (same/different academic levels, friendship groups, similar
interests, etc.) ability in English and math / mixed ability sometimes

10- Do the groups change for different learning subjects/topics? Yes

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