THEORY X and Y-Main
THEORY X and Y-Main
THEORY X and Y-Main
Leadership style and organizational performance have been researched extensively. However, the literature has a
limited number of studies concerning organizational performance of small and medium businesses, even less research
on the impact on organizational performance of Theory X and Theory Y type leadership styles. In addition, minimal
access to data on financials for small and medium businesses presents a challenge for this line of research.
Regardless, research does show that small and medium business owners/managers are quite accurate when asked
about their financials and growth. In this study, we focused on three related questions: 1) Do owners/managers who
report increases in turnover for the last five-year period more likely to exhibit Theory Y tendencies? 2) Are
owners/managers who report increases in innovations more likely to exhibit Theory Y tendencies? 3) Are
owners/managers who report decreases in overall costs more likely to exhibit Theory Y tendencies? The research
makers and lighting firms, some of which even date back to the Ottoman Empire. Data was collected via a survey
instrument distributed to 200 chandelier makers and lighting firms in the area. Data was analyzed through the SPSS
statistical packet program and proposed relations in the model were tested through logistic regression analyses.
Key Words: Leadership styles; Organizational Performance; Theory X and Theory Y; Small and Medium Businesses; Entrepreneur;
Corresponding author. Tel.: (+90)212-2972560/164.
E-mail address: [email protected].
1877-0428 © 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of The Second International Conference on Leadership, Technology and Innovation
Aykut Arslan and Selva Staub / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 75 (2013) 102 – 111 103
1. Introduction
The goal of any organization is not only to increase profitability, but also to sustain its existence by
improving performance. In order to meet the needs of the highly competitive markets, organizations must
continually increase performance. Population ecology theory focuses on the natural selection of
organizational existence. Conversely, strategic management theory focuses on the strategy and politics of
organizational leaders. When we look at the sustainability and performance of organizations from this
perspective the leadership style in organizations plays major role.
A review of the literature, dating back seventy years, reveals an exploration of a wide range of
management and leadership theories and their impact on organizational performance (e.g. Avolio and
Bass, 1990; Bycio, Hacket and Allen, 1995). One of the primary conclusions to emerge from this body of
research, particularly over the previous two decades, is that leaders must adjust their strategies to meet the
increasing volatility and turbulence of the ever-changing needs of the competitive, globalized business
environment (e.g. Fiedler, 1996; Holme and Watt, 2000). If leadership competencies are not evident in
those who run the organization, change is unlikely to occur over time to adjust to the changes in the
situations and needs of the organization (Mgbere, 2009). Leadership capability and styles are widely
considered a critical variable in the success of small and medium businesses, which are more vulnerable
to market fluctuations and competition. Sexton and Bowman describe small and medium business
the adaptation of the organization to market changes and its sustainable performance depends on
leadership style (Langowitz and Allen, 2010).
There is a tendency to believe that small and medium business owners demonstrate more traditional
leadership styles. However, research indicates that there are three different styles in small and medium
business management environments: Conservative, Indecisive, and Innovative (Miller, et. al,
2003). Miller and his colleagues found that: 1) the Conservative style demonstrates avoidance from risk,
bureaucratic and centralized leadership, along with an old-fashion structure and mainly a reduction in
market share. 2) the Indecisive style evidences unstructured growth plans, a "shotgun" approach to the
market, traditional and motivational leadership style clashes, and unsuccessful projects and plans for
growth. 3) the Innovative style, in comparison, exhibits renewal of the organization according to the
needs of the new markets, an open and motivational leadership style, and, tracking the needs of the
market via innovative projects generating growth in the organization's performance.
The influence of leadership style on organizational performance has been studied broadly. Thomas and
Bendoly (2009) argue that many forms of leadership can be (in)effective in many ways, particularly
regarding organizational performance. However, research from a leadership and motivational perspective
is limited, particularly regarding McGregor's seminal work with Theory X and Theory Y. In this study,
we will explore the relationship between Theory X, Theory Y, and organizational performance. We
present the following three hypotheses: 1) Owners/managers who report increases in turnover for the last
five-year period are more likely to exhibit Theory Y tendencies. 2) Owners/managers who report
increases in innovations are more likely to exhibit Theory Y tendencies, and, 3) Owners/managers who
report decrease in overall costs are more likely to exhibit Theory Y tendencies.
104 Aykut Arslan and Selva Staub / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 75 (2013) 102 – 111
In order to maintain their existence, small and medium businesses owners must sustain an
entrepreneurial spirit. A firm can be defined as entrepreneurial when it undertakes activities to stimulate
innovation, encourage proactive behaviors and enhance calculated risk-taking (De Clercq, et all., 2010).
Small and medium Businesses are individual entrepreneurships that can flourish by the influence of
shared values, trust, and organizational commitment (De Clercq, et all., 2010). Many small and medium
business owners also need to be employees of their organizations. Erbil and her colleagues (2004) argue
that in order to continue the development of their organizations, many business owners should work as
much as, if not more than, the employees.
However, we must be cognitive of the fact that in small and medium businesses operating in highly
competitive markets, the motivation of the employee as well as the leader is critical. Leading
management theories by authors such as Maslow, Herzberg, and McGregor concentrate their research on
human emotional needs. Satisfied emotional needs can lead to improved productivity and organizational
performance (e.g., Hersey et al., 1996; Cox et al., 2005; Moore et al., 2006). Covin and Slevin (2002)
argue for the facilitation of an entrepreneurial dominant logic within the firm, and discusses how and why
this orientation is important to firms seeking high levels of performance in the modern business
environment. Furthermore, Covin and Slevin (2002) make the case that specific attitudes might enable
managers to have a greater impact on the effectiveness of organizational performance.
McGregor (1960) famously argued that there are two types of managers: Theory X and Theory
Y. Theory X managers assume that workers are lazy, will avoid responsibility, and prefer to just get
by. Theory X assumptions believe that workers must be controlled and threatened with punishment
(Allio, 2009). Conversely, McGregor saw Theory Y managers as those that hold assumptions that
workers care about the organization, will seek responsibility, and exercise self-control. Bobic and Davis
(2003) found that most of the population has the ability to be innovative and creative. This finding
supports the argument that Theory Y assumptions contribute positively toward more participative
decision-making, ultimately benefitting the organization (Russ, 2011).
Peterson (2007) and others, such as Kopelman et al. (2008) emphasize that it may be more practical for
managers to be flexible and develop trust in their employees. This was recently tested by Jenab and Staub
(2012), where they found that most managers in their study appeared to have characteristics associated
with Theory Y managers. In contrast, there is a body of literature, such as Thomas and Bostrom (2008),
Rodrigues (2007), and Sager (2008), that takes the position that Theory X still remains a necessary
approach to management, contributes to positive influences in organizations, and may still dominate in
certain industries or geographical areas. However, in most cases this approach is considered outdated and
In this study, we employed the survey approach, asking owners/managers to evaluate organizational
performance based on their individual perceptions.
2. Methodology
The aim of this study is to find evidence whether leadership styles of the owners/managers of SMEs
regarding Theory X and Theory Y have positive impact on organizational performance. Three hypotheses
were developed and tested by a field survey using questionnaires was conducted. These hypotheses were
as follows:
H1: Owners/managers who report increase in the last five-year turnover will present more Theory Y
H2: Owners/managers who report making innovations will present more Theory Y behavior.
H3: Owners/managers who report decrease in overall costs will present more Theory Y behavior.
The sampling of the research consists of chandelier makers and lighting firms
Istanbul, Turkey. The survey was administered to the firms' owners and managers. The survey is in
Turkish language and is divided into two parts. The first part contains 11 items regarding age groups,
owner-manager status, number of employees, tenure, annual turnover rate, 5-year-turnover rate,
innovation over a 5-year-period, exploitative and explorative innovations, and finally decrease in
expenses. However, current study utilized six of those items (age groups, ownership-manager, 5-year-
turnover rate, innovation over a 5-year-period, and decrease in expenses). The second part is made of the
Theory X and Theory Y behavior scale (Kopelman, Prottas, and Falk, 2008).
Out of 200 surveys, 115 were returned. Two of the surveys had to be eliminated due to missing
information. 113 remained (56,5 % response rate) and were analysed afterwards. Data were analysed
using the Microsoft Excel and SPSS 17 for Windows software packages. Descriptive statistics were
calculated and the statistical significance of prepositions was tested through logistic regression analyses.
The survey yielded a Cronbach alpha coefficient of 0.74.
Table 1 and Table 2 show demographic backgrounds of the owners and managers. The distribution of
age groups according to their leadership styles are presented in Table 1.
Leadership Styles
X-Y X Y Total
20-30 Count 2 10 19 31
Age Group
% within Age Group 6,5% 32,3% 61,3% 100,0%
106 Aykut Arslan and Selva Staub / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 75 (2013) 102 – 111
31-40 Count 2 18 10 30
41-50 Count 2 18 16 36
51-60 Count 0 4 10 14
61-70 Count 0 1 1 2
Although dominant leadership style varies among the age groups (Table 1), in general, 49,6% of the
whole sampling reveals Theory Y leadership behavior according to the survey results. The elder age
group (51-60) shows the highest (71,4%) Theory Y behavior and followed by the youngest age group (20-
30) (61,3%), mid-aged groups respectively (41-50 and 31-40; 44,4% and 33,3%). Unexpectedly, a third
indecisive group protruded indicating both Theory X and Theory Y behavior, though very small in
number (n=6; 5,3%).
The difference between leadership styles of owners/managers reveals interesting results (Table 2).
Both the owners (50%) and the managers (48,3%) display Theory Y behavior regardless of age. Again
here, 4,8% (n=4) of the owners and 6,9% (n=2) of the managers in general seem indecisive.
Table 2. Leadership Styles of Owners/Managers
Leadership Styles
X-Y X Y Total
Owner Count 4 38 42 84
According to Burns and Burns (2008:p.569) when the dependent variable is dichotomous and the
independent variables are categorical, or a mix of continuous and categorical logistic regression is
necessary. All the dependent variables regarding organizational performance were dichotomous and so
were the independent variables. Eventually, logistic regression analysis seems to fit.
Variables B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B) Accur. Lower Upper
Styles X-Y (x- NA NA 3,993 2 ,136 NA
Model 1 y=0)
DV Leadership
-19,93 16408,71 ,000 1 ,999 ,000 71,2% ,000 .
Increase in Styles X (x=1)
Turnover Leadership
,87 ,44 3,993 1 ,046* 2,39 1,02 5,61
Styel Y (y=2)
Constant -1,28 ,33 15,282 1 ,000*** ,279
Styles X-Y (x- NA NA ,742 2 ,690 NA
Model 2
DV -18,33 16408,71 ,000 1 ,999 ,000 92,9% ,000 .
Styles X (x=1)
,65 ,76 ,742 1 ,389 1,92 ,435 8,48
Styel Y (y=2)
Styles X-Y (x- NA NA 2,545 2 ,280 NA
Model 3
DV 1,39 1,13 1,528 1 ,216 4,03 61,9% ,442 36,78
Styles X (x=1)
Decrease Costs
,48 ,40 1,424 1 ,233 1,61 ,74 3,54
Styel Y (y=2)
Constant ,26 ,27 ,640 1 ,424 1,24
styles (Theory X, Theory Y, and Indecisive Group) and the outcome variables (increase in turnover,
making innovations and decreasing costs). For the first model only Theory Y leadership style seem to be
effective on increasing turnover regardless of being owner or manager (Wald chi square = 3.993, p <
0.046 with df = 1). The first predictor variable, indecisive group yielded no effect probably due to the
Although not targeted at first, digging in the leadership styles of owners and managers provided
interesting result (Table 4). Particularly, being a Theory Y owner appear to make a significant impact on
the increasing of the turnover of the firm (Wald chi square = 4.132, p < 0.042 with df = 1). In terms of
organizational performance, by increasing the turnover, owners are more successful than the managers
(Wald chi square = 5.271, p < 0.022 with df = 1).
Variables B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B) Accur. Lower Upper
3. Conclusions
There are anecdotal claims stating that Theory Y leadership behavior may have a general positive
influence on the organizational performance but so far there has been no empirical evidence directly
the owners/managers of SMEs ensures robust organizational performance. We predicted that the SMEs
led by Theory Y owners/managers will do better than the SMEs led by Theory X owners/managers at the
selected criteria of organizational performance such as increasing turnover, making innovations and
decreasing overall costs. The results of statistical analyses reveal significant evidence only in favor of the
1st hypothesis. Second and the third hypotheses could not be confirmed. Unexpectedly, a third group of
leadership style came up but relatively small in size (n=6), whic
because they had the same score from both Theory X and Theory Y survey.
4. Copyright
All authors must sign the Transfer of Copyright agreement before the article can be published. This
transfer agreement enables Elsevier to protect the copyrighted material for the authors, but does not
relinquish the authors' proprietary rights. The copyright transfer covers the exclusive rights to reproduce
and distribute the article, including reprints, photographic reproductions, microfilm or any other
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