National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code.: Water Spray Fixed Systems For Fire Protection

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15–20 WATER SPRAY FIXED SYSTEMS FOR FIRE PROTECTION The water shall be applied at a net rate of not less 7.5.8 Notification of Personnel. Personnel shall be notified
than 0.15 gpm/ft2 [6.1(L/min)/m2] on the expected nonab- upon receipt of any detection signal in accordance with NFPA 72,
sorbing ground surface area of exposure. National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code. Water spray application as specified in and 7.5.9 Fire Risk Analysis. A fire risk analysis shall be conducted shall be provided for special configurations, conser- that considers the following additional items in the design of
vator tanks, pumps, and so forth. the water spray system for vapor mitigation: Where transformer components create spaces (1) Importance to continuity of operation
greater than 12 in. (305 mm) in width, the surfaces shall be (2) Size, type, location, and construction of equipment
individually protected. (3) Physical properties of the chemicals involved Where there is insufficient clearance to achieve di- (4) Water supply
rect impingement,
p g p
it shall be permitted p
to protect the surfaces (5) Value of equipment
underneath the transformer byy horizontal projection
p j or byy (6) Climate
nozzles directed to cool the area below the transformer pro- (7) Water delivery time
jections. (8) Environment
(9) Access for fire fighting The water supply shall be capable of supplying both
(10) Projected flammable liquid or material spill pattern
the design flow rate and 250 gpm (946 L/min) for hose streams
(11) Potential for flammable vapor release
for a minimum duration of 1 hour.
(12) Proximity of personnel to hazard area Water spray piping shall not be routed across the top (13) Protection of system actuation valve from fire and ex-
of the transformer tank or across the face of the transformer plosion
cabinet. (14) Blast containment and pressure relief Piping shall be permitted to be routed across the top (15) Protection of electrical circuits, including explosion-
of the transformer tank or across the face of the transformer proof equipment
cabinet, where impingement cannot be accomplished with (16) Potential for fire spread beyond hazard area
any other configuration and the required distance from live (17) Required replacement time for process equipment
electrical components is maintained. (See 6.1.2.) (18) Potential for business interruption
(19) Notification of personnel upon vapor detection Nozzles shall be positioned such that the water spray
does not envelop energized bushings or lightning arresters by 7.6 Combined Systems.
direct impingement. 7.6.1* General. Direct impingement of water spray on energized bush- The sprinkler system portion of combined systems
ings and/or lightning arresters shall be permitted only when au-
shall be designed and installed in accordance with NFPA 13,
thorized by the manufacturer or manufacturer’s literature and
Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems.
the owner.
7.5* Flammable Vapor Mitigation. The water spray portion of any combined system shall
be designed and installed in accordance with this standard.
7.5.1* Design for Vapor Mitigation.
7.6.2* Design.
7.5.2 The water spray system shall be designed to operate within
the necessary time and shall discharge water for the duration The system demand shall include the simultaneous hy-
needed to dissolve, dilute, disperse, or cool the flammable va- draulic demand from all sprinklers and water spray nozzles on
pors, gases, or hazardous materials. the system.
7.5.3 The duration of the release of the flammable materials The water spray component of the combined demand
shall be included in the determination of the water spray du- shall not reduce the minimum required sprinkler discharge
ration time. density.
7.5.4 The minimum net rate of application shall be based on 7.7 Automatic Detection Equipment.
field experience with the product or on actual test data.
7.7.1* General. Detection systems providing an actuation signal
7.5.5 The design area of the water spray system shall cover to fixed water spray systems shall be designed in accordance with
the entire area of any potential spill anticipated, such as the NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code.
area of a containment dike, pit, and so forth.
7.7.2 The spacing, location, and position of detectors shall be
7.5.6 Nozzles of the water spray system shall be located to in accordance with 6.5.2.
cover all potential leak points, such as fill and discharge con-
nections, relief valves, flexible connections, flanges, pumps, 7.7.3* The following shall be evaluated when selecting and
valves, vessels, and so forth. adjusting detection equipment:
7.5.7 The water spray system shall be activated automatically (1) Normally changing conditions
by gas/vapor detection in accordance with and manu- (2) Non-fire temperature changes
ally from both the system area and remotely, such as from a 7.7.4* Response Time.
control room. The detection system shall be designed to cause ac-* It shall be permitted to have the vapor mitigation sys-
tuation of the system actuation valve to operate without delay.
tem activated by both gas/vapor detection and another detec-
tion system, such as flame or heat detection, but the gas/vapor Where ambient conditions exist that cause false sys-
detection system shall be capable of activating the water spray tem operations, detection systems shall be permitted to in-
system alone. clude delays that would override these conditions.

2012 Edition

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