Vi Sem It6601 TM
Vi Sem It6601 TM
Vi Sem It6601 TM
2. What is Mobility?
i)Resource constraints.
iv)Dynamic changes in communication
environment. v)Network issues.
vi)Interoperability issues.
vii)Security Constraints.
1G - Voice-only communication.
2G – Communicate voice as well as data signals.
2.5G – Enhancements of the second generation and sport data rates up to 100 kpbs.
3G – Mobile devices communicate at even higher data rates and support voice, data , and
multimedia streams. High data rates in 3G devices enable transfer of video clips and faster
multimedia communication.
18. Difference between Hidden and Exposed Terminal, Near and Far Terminals.
Hidden and Exposed Terminals
Let us consider another scenario where ‘B’ sends something to ‘A’ and ‘C’ wants to transmit
data to some other mobile phones outside the interference ranges pf A and B. C senses the
carrier and detects that the carrier is busy ; C postpones its transmission until it detects the
medium is free ; but as A is outside the interference range of C, waiting is not necessary. I.e.
collision at B does not matter because the collision is too weak to propagate to A.
Let us consider that A and B both sending with the same transmission power.
When the signal strength decreases proportionally to the square of the distance
B’s signal drowns out A’s signal .As a result ‘C’ cannot receive ‘A’s
Now think of ‘C’ as being an arbiter for sending rights. In this case terminal B would already
drown out terminal A on the physical layer.
‘C’ in return would have no chance of applying a fair scheme as it would only hear B.
The near/far effect is a severe problem of the wirelessnetwork using the CDM.All signals
should arrive at the receiver with more or less the same strength.
Otherwise a person standin
g closer to somebody could always loud than a person farther away. Even if the sender
were separated by code , the closest one would simply drown out the others.
Dr.E.M.Abdullah Campus, Ramanathapuram - 623502
Department of Information Technology
23.Client-Server Computing
An architecture in which the client is the requesting machine and the server is the supplying
machine. The client contains the user interface and may perform some or all of the application
24. What do you mean by Digital Signature?
Digital signatures are used to enable verification of the records. A DSA (Digital Structure
Algorithm) is used to sign a record before transmitting. It provides for a variable key length of
maximum 512 0r 1024 bits. The DSS(Digital Signature Standard) is based on the DSA.Signatures
enable identification of the sender identify the orgin of the message, and check message integrity.
GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications): worldwide standard for digital, cellular
Mobile Radio Networks
UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System): European Standard for future
digital Mobile Radio Networks
AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone System): analog Mobile Radio Networks in USA
DECT (Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications): European standard for cordless phones
TETRA (Terrestrial Trunked Radio): European standard for circuit switched radio networks
ERMES (European Radio Message System): European standard for radio paging systems (Pager)
802.11: International standard for Wireless Local Networks
Bluetooth: wireless networking in close/local
area Inmarsat: geostationary satellite systems
Teledesic: planned satellite system on a non-geostationary orbit
36.Components of a wireless communication system
Transmitter, receiver, filter, antenna, amplifier, mixers
a) Increased no other station is allowed to transit during this slot b) Avoidance of congestion.
3. Differentiate between free space loss and path loss. Free space loss Path loss
Dr.E.M.Abdullah Campus, Ramanathapuram - 623502
Department of Information Technology
The transmission range of A reaches B but not C. The transmission range of C reaches B but not A. B
reaches A and C. A cannot detect C and vice versa.
A starts sending to B, but C does not receive this transmission. C also wants to send something to B and
senses the medium. The medium appears to be free, the carrier sense fails. C also starts sending, causing a
collision at B. But A can’t detect this collision at B and continues with its transmission. A is hidden for C
and vice versa.
9. What is decapsulation?
The reverse operation, taking a packet out of the data part of another packet, is called
24.Define IST?
Interrupt Service Thread(IST):
A special type of ISR or ISR unit (function, method , or subroutine) which initiates and runs
on an event and which can be prioritized by assigning a priority.
25.Features of TCP?
Disvantages: i. As the SH does not act as proxy as in I-TCP, packet loss on the wireless link
due to bit errors is propagated to the sender. M-TCP assumes low bit error rates, which is not
always a valid assumption. ii. A modified TCP on the wireless link not only requires
modification to the MH protocol software but also new network elements like the bandwidth
34. What is mobile routing?
Even if the location of a terminal is known to the system, it still has to route the traffic
through the network to the access point currently responsible for the wireless terminal. Each
time a user moves to a new access point, the system must reroute traffic. This is known as
mobile routing.
35. What are the functions which support service and connection control?
Access point control function
>Call control and connection control
function >Network security agent
>Service control function >Mobility management function
36.What are the examples for service scenarios identified in WATM ?
>Office environments
>Universities, schools, training,
centres >Industry >Hospitals
>Networked vehicles
44.Requirements to Mobile IP
mobile end-systems keep their IP address
continuation of communication after interruption of link
possible point of connection to the fixed network can be
changed Compatibility
support of the same layer 2 protocols as IP
no changes to current end-systems and routers required
mobile end-systems can communicate with fixed
systems Security
authentication of all registration
messages Efficiency and scalability
only little additional messages to the mobile system required (connection typically via a
low bandwidth radio link)
world-wide support of a large number of mobile systems in the whole Internet
45.Mobile IP Terminology
Mobile Node (MN)
system (node) that can change the point of connection to the network without changing its IP address
Home Agent (HA)
system in the home network of the MN, typically a router
registers the location of the MN, tunnels IP datagrams to the COA
Foreign Agent (FA)
system in the current foreign network of the MN, typically a router
forwards the tunneled datagrams to the MN, typically also the default router for the
MN Care-of Address (COA)
address of the current tunnel end-point for the MN (at FA or MN)
actual location of the MN from an IP point of view
can be chosen, e.g., via DHCP
Correspondent Node (CN)
communication partner
Dr.E.M.Abdullah Campus, Ramanathapuram - 623502
Department of Information Technology
1. Define GSM?
The global system for mobile communication (GSM) was developed by Groupe Speciale
Mobile(GSM) which was founded in Europe in 1992. The Gsm is a standard for mobile
telecommunication through a cellular network at data rates if upto 14.4 kbps. Now a days it consist
of a set of standards and protocols for mobile telecommunication.
2. Define GPRS?
General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) is a packet oriented service for mobile devices data
communication which utilizes the unused channels in TDMA mode in a GSM network and also
sends and receives packet of data through the internet.
3. What are subsystems in GSM system?
Radio subsystem (RSS)
Network & Switching subsystem (NSS)
Operation subsystem (OSS)
4. What are the control channel groups in GSM?
The control channel groups in GSM are:
Broadcast control channel (BCCH)
Common control channel (CCCH)
Dedicated control channel (DCCH)
5. What are the four types of handover available in GSM?
Intra cell Handover
Inter cell Intra BSC Handover
Inter BSC Intra MSC
handover Inter MSC Handover
10 . List out the numbers needed to locate an MS and to address the MS.
The numbers needed to locate an MS and to address the MS
are: Mobile station international ISDN number (MSISDN)
International mobile subscriber identity (IMSI)
Temporary mobile subscriber identity (TMSI)
Mobile station roaming number (MSRN)
Ab. interface
Makes the connection between the BTS.and BSC
Consists of 16 or 64 kbitls connections
17.What is RSS?
RSS stands for Radio subsystem (RSS)
RSS comprises all radio specific entities
18.Name the entities ofRSS.
1.Define MANET.
• MANET - Mobile Adhoc NETworks
. Continuously self-configuring, infrastructure-less network of mobile devices connected
without wires
MANET - Mobile Adhoc NETwork VANET- Vehicular Adhoc NETworks
Nodes moves r£t?domly Nodes moves regularly
Mobility is low Mobility is high
Reliability is medium Reliability is high
Node lifetime depends on power source N ode lifetime depends on vehicle life
Network topology is sluggish and slow Network topology is frequent and fast
Dr.E.M.Abdullah Campus, Ramanathapuram - 623502
Department of Information Technology
• Device drivers
• Power management
• Networking Functionalities .
• Memory management
• Device management
• Resource access
17. What is M-Commerce?
• M-Commerce stands for Mobile Commerce
• Buying and selling of goods and services through mobile handheld devices
18. Compare B2C and B2B.
B2C stands for Business- to-Consumer B2B stands for Business- to- Business
Form of commerce in which products or Form of commerce in which products or
services are sold by a business firm to a services are sold from a company to its
consumer dealers
Space division
multiplexing Guard space
Frequency division multiplexing
Adjacent Channel Interference
Time division
multiplexing Guard spaces
Co-channel Interference
Advantages, disadvantages
Code division multiplexing
Guard spaces- orthogonal codes
Advantages, disadvantages
12. Give a detailed description about the physical layer of IEEE 802.11
Frequency hopping Spread Spectrum Functions
Synchronization, Start frame delimiter, PLCP_PDU length word, PLCP signaling field,
Header error check
Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
Synchronization, Start frame delimiter, signal, Service, Length, Header error check
Infra red
Proprietary solutions
Safety and security
17. Briefly explain about the goals, assumptions and requirements of mobile IP.
Quick ‘solutions’
Scalability and
efficiency Security
18. Give a detailed note about tunneling and optimization in mobile IP.
Tunneling & Encapsulation
IP-in-IP encapsulation
Minimal encapsulation
Generic routing encapsulation
Triangular routing, binding cache
Four additional messages Binding request Binding update
Binding acknowledgement
Binding warning
Reverse tunneling
19. Explain the concept of routing in MANET
Fundamental differences between wired & wireless ad-hoc
networks Asymmetric links
Redundant links
Dynamic topology
Problems with ad-hoc routing
Need for algorithms with high dynamic
topology Information from lower layers
essential Centralized approaches will not work
Efficient routing capabilities are needed
Notion of connection with certain characteristics will not
work Flooding
Dr.E.M.Abdullah Campus, Ramanathapuram - 623502
Department of Information Technology
10.Explain the steps involved in the call delivery procedure in GSM network in the following cases:
(i) GSM mobile terminated call (08)
(ii) GSM mobile originated call (08)
11. Why are so many different identifiers/addresses needed in GSM?
1.Compare HiperLAN and Blue tooth in terms of ad-hoc capabilities, power saving mode, solving hidden
terminal problem, providing reliability fairness problem regarding channel access. (16)
2.Write short notes on wireless PAN? (04)
3.Explain the operation of DFWMAC_DCF with a neat timing diagram.(8)
4. Draw the MAC frame of 802.11 and list the use of the fields. (8)
5.Describe HiperLAN architectural components and their interactions. (16)
6.Explain the architecture of Wi-Fi in detail. (16)
7.Explain the system architecture of IEEE 802. 11 (16)
8.Describe the architecture of WiMAX in detail. (16)
9.Compare and Contrast Wi-Fi and WiMax. (06)
10. Briefly explain about BRAN. (04)
11. Explain in detail ablout Wireless ATM. (10)
12. Explain the information bases and networking of adhoc HIPERLAN. (8)
13. Discuss MAC layer Bluetooth system (08)
1.Show the steps required for a handover from one FA to another FA including layer-2 and layer-3.
Assume 802.11 as layer-2. (08)
2. Name the ineffiencies of Mobile IP regarding data forwarding from CN to
MN. W hat are the optimizations possible? (08)
3. What are the differences between wired networks and ad-hoc networks
related to routing? (06)
4. What is the need for DHCP? With a state chart explain the operation of DHCP? (10)
5.List the entities involved in mobile IP and describe the process of data transfer from a mobile node to a
fixed node and vice versa. (08)
6. Why is conventional routing in wired networks not suitable for wireless
networks? Substantiate your answers with suitable examples. (08)
7. Discuss DSDV routing in detail. (16)
8. Describe how the multicast routing is done in ad-hoc networks. (08)
9. Explain how tunneling works in general and especially for mobile IP using IP-in-IP,
MINIMAL,and generic routing encapsulation, respectively. Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of these three methods.(16)
10. How does dynamic source routing handle routing? What is the motivation between dynamic
source routing compared to other routing algorithms from fixed networks? (16)
11. Briefly explain about CGSR. (06)
12. Compare and Contrast about Proactive and Reactive routing protocol(4)
Dr.E.M.Abdullah Campus, Ramanathapuram - 623502
Department of Information Technology
1.What are the design and implementation issues in device connectivity aspect of pervasive computing?
Explain (08)
2.Explain the operating system issues related to miniature devices.(08)
3.Explain the various soft surface and semi-soft-surface-based display system and technologies. (16)
4.Describe the various hardware components involved in pervasive computing devices. (08)
5.Explain how a pervasive web application can be secured using an ‘Authentication Proxy’. (08)
6.What are the applications of pervasive computing? Discuss any two of them. (08)
7.Explain how pervasive web applications can be accessed via WAP. (10)