Substation IEC Tutorial
Substation IEC Tutorial
Substation IEC Tutorial
V8i (SELECTseries 7)
IEC Tutorial
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COMMAND COMPARISON ......................................................................................... 1-2
PROJECT OVERVIEW ................................................................................................ 1-3
GETTING STARTED ................................................................................................... 1-4
Thank you for taking the time to tour the most powerful set of engineering
tools on the market today - Bentley Substation. This tutorial was designed to
introduce new users to basic concepts for designing with this powerful
software. Its purpose is to get a new user familiar enough with the tools to
begin designing and exploring the more in-depth features. We hope that you
will enjoy your tour of Bentley Substation.
This document was written to be a general tutorial for both the AutoCAD® and MicroStation
versions of Bentley Substation V8i. With that in mind the table below shows the different toolbar
buttons that will be needed when working through this tutorial.
Menus are also displayed somewhat different depending upon what CAD software you are using.
Here is a preview of the general appearance of the menus in a few different CAD platforms:
Note When this tutorial references a menu command, an * is used to denote a flyout menu that
only exists in the AutoCAD 2006-2008 versions. Ex: Design > *Wiring > Draw Wire. In
the other versions you would find the Draw Wire command directly under the Design
Note In some CAD versions the “Design” menu may be prefixed by the current drawing mode
that you are in such as “Schematic Design.”
This tutorial will take you through creation of a simple project. Below is a top view diagram of the
equipment that we will be designing. It is a four-station rotary index machine. The sequence of
operation is: parts are loaded onto an infeed conveyor and loaded onto the rotary index table. The
table indexes, stopping at each station. The tooling on each slide advances and performs some
operation on the part. At the end of the four stage process the parts are pushed onto the exit
conveyor. This example also has a main enclosure and an operator’s interface box.
Once you start the software, the Getting Started screen is the first thing that you will see. This
allows you to walk through the tutorial, check for updates, link to technical support, and open the
most recent pages that you’ve worked on.
Although you can create a new project right from this dialog box, we will use the project manager
to manage and create new projects and pages.
WIRES 2-10
The project manager is a powerful new feature that allows you to create and manage your projects
and pages. You can perform many tasks such as copying, renaming and deleting projects and
pages. Not all aspects of the project manager are covered in this tutorial. Once you open the
project manager, it will remain open in the background until you close it.
Note The project manager remains open in the background as you are designing – so you do
not need to close/restart the project manager every time you want to use it. However, if
you do close the project manager and would like to retrieve it, you can select Design >
Project Manager from the pull-down menu or from the following toolbar buttons.
1. To create a new project, you can select File > New > Project from the menu pull-down
in the project manager, OR you can select the first toolbar button:
2. Enter the project name Tutorial Project in the project name field.
3. In the Save In selection, you can select the button to browse to the desired directory.
For this example, create the project in the default My Projects folder. Different projects
can be stored wherever you want them to be. Many customers will choose to store
projects on their networks so they can be shared by multiple users.
4. In the New Project dialog box, there are two buttons that will allow you to set standards
for this project.
Select the Options button to configure options for this particular project. The following
dialog box appears:
Each link on the left side of the dialog above allows you to set parameters for use with
this project. You can then save this configuration for use on other projects. For this
tutorial, we will use the default set of parameters, and will reference this section again as
we progress through the topics in the tutorial. These settings however, will not be
covered in great detail in this tutorial. For further explanation and additional information
on project settings, please reference the user guide.
5. There are many user definable variables that you can use. In this step we will add a
custom variable. From the menu on the left, select the Default Project Properties and the
following dialog box will display:
6. In the right hand portion of the dialog box are the default variables for both the projects
and pages. These can be modified to your specifications. Notice that descriptions 6 thru
20 are currently not used. You can add as many variables as you like by selecting the
toolbar to add a variable. In this exercise, we just want to use one of the unused
variables. To do this, select the Description 6, and then select the button to rename
this entry. In the resulting dialog box enter “Machine Serial Number”:
7. An excellent feature of the software is to be able to save different configurations for the
different customers that you do work for. To save this configuration, you can hit the disk
on the Default Project Properties toolbar.
You can then enter a configuration name, let’s call this TUTORIAL.
8. Select the SAVE button to continue or select CANCEL to go back to the New Project
dialog box.
9. Back on the New Project dialog box, we can now fill in these variables. Select the
Descriptions button and your new entries will be available.
10. In the New Project dialog box, select OK to create the project. You will notice that
Bentley Substation project directories are marked with a special ICON so you can easily
see your Bentley Substation projects.
11. Leave this dialog box open and move to the next section of the tutorial to create pages.
1. After you create a new project the new page dialog will open automatically. However you
can select the appropriate ICON from the toolbar, or you can simply right click in the
page window and select New Page if you dismissed the dialog and need to reopen it.
2. The New Page dialog box will appear. One of the first things that you are prompted for in
the new page dialog box is: Drawing Set, Installation, and Location. These are optional
fields that are used to help you with your documentation. In our example, we have a 4
Station Rotary Index machine. It has 4 slides, an indexing table, an operator interface,
infeed and exit conveyors, and a main enclosure. These are all examples of an
Installation. Installations can further be broken down into Locations. Such as, you may
want to keep track of items on the panel and the door of the main enclosure. Therefore,
PANEL and DOOR, are examples of locations. For our example, enter the following:
3. Initial Mode: Bentley Substation now works with drawing modes. This new feature will
be discussed later in the tutorial, leave the setting as Schematic mode.
4. In the Page Description section, enter “400/120 VOLT CONTROL” for the description
for this page. Notice that on your computer, the user name and date are filled in
5. Select OK to create this page. Notice that an A3 size format is displayed with the chosen
title block.
6. Now that we have a project and page created, we are ready to begin drawing schematics.
Wires are different than graphical lines. They contain logical data and have attributes such as wire
number, gauge, and color among others. You can also setup “uses” of wires to automatically
assign properties. Let’s start with some basics of drawing wires.
1. Wires can be drawn from either the Wiring pull down menu or from the following
2. Start by drawing a continuous wire by selecting Design > *Wiring > Wire (Continuous)
from the pull down menu or from the on the toolbar above. Draw a horizontal wire
anywhere on the screen by clicking the left mouse button at the point where you want the
wire to start, move the mouse to the right and click the left mouse button at the point
where you want the wire to end. Now right click the mouse to end the command.
3. Now draw another wire vertically so that it connects to the horizontal wire that you drew,
and then another wire that crosses over the horizontal wire.
4. Some companies like to show an arc where wires cross so it is easier to see that these
wires are not actually connected. There is a setting that will allow for this in Bentley
Substation. If you desire this type of configuration from the pull down menu select
Configure > Options. In the options dialog box, select Wire Options from the menu
on the left. Then simply make your desired selection in the wire crossing preference: For
now change this setting to loop Over.
2. Draw a vertical three phase wire that spans the length of the page.
3. To demonstrate the automatic phasing capabilities, you have to draw the wires in a certain
direction. Draw a horizontal three phase wire “into” the vertical wires.
4. Notice that the wires were “phased” based upon your stop point. If you want the
“phasing” to be opposite of this, the start point would be the same, but the end point
would be different.
5. There are many other features with wires that are beyond the scope of this tutorial. For
further information please see the User Guide.
There are two main methods of accessing the installed library of parts. One method is the Insert
Symbol method which allows you to search a name or description from all loaded libraries. The
other method of accessing the libraries is by using the Catalogue Manager. The Catalogue
manager allows you to graphically see and sort symbols into categories. The IEC catalogue has
pre-defined categories that can easily be modified by the user at any time.
2. This is a complete list of all of the parts that are currently loaded. As you click on one of
the entries, a graphic of the symbol will be displayed on the right.
3. In this dialog box, you can find symbols by performing a wildcard search. Enter the
criteria in the description field and select the search button on the right. To see all
symbols that have “pushbutton” in the description, enter pushbutton in the description
field and press the SEARCH button. Also, if you know the name of the symbol you can
type it in the name field and as you type in the symbol name the dialog will filter in real
A list of all symbols with descriptions that contains the text pushbutton are displayed.
4. In the lower left section of the dialog there are links to settings that allow you to set
parameters for the symbols that you are placing such as rotation angle, scale, etc.
5. Change the entry in the description field to search for *Isolator*. Press the search button
and a list of symbols with descriptions containing disconnect in them will appear. Select
the symbol Q3 and select the PLACE SYMBOL button in the lower right.
Left click to place the symbol anywhere on the drawing (not on wires right now).
6. The Device Properties dialog box appears where you can input data about the symbol,
such as define a device tag (a unique name for this instance of the symbol) and assign part
This dialog box will be covered in greater detail as the tutorial progresses. For now select
OK without making any changes to the dialog box.
7. This disconnect has certain attributes associated with it. Many of these attributes can be
directly filled in by the part number that you select for a device. Since we did not assign a
part number, enter 30 for the Current Rating and press OK:
Device TAG – unique name for this instance of the symbol. A complete device tag also
takes into account the Installation and Location of the device.
Connection Points – 1 - 6. These are the physical termination points on the device and
are used in the point-to point connection list.
Symbol Text Attributes - symbols can contain attributes such as voltage, amperage and
other settings. These can either be entered manually or they can be automatically filled in
by the assigned part number.
Part Number – one or more part numbers can be assigned to symbols and are used to
generate Bills of Material and other reports. Part numbers can also hold specific data that
will automatically fill in on the symbols attributes.
1. To access the Catalogue Manager, select Design > Catalogue Manager from the pull-
down menu.
2. The Catalogue Manger dialog box will appear. When opening it for the first time the
categories are collapsed.
3. To display the contents of the catalogue, select the next to the IEC 2.1 to expand the
catalogue. A list of the categories will be displayed. Expand the Schematic category and
then the Pilot Devices and click on the switches category and a list of the switches will be
You can change to thumbnail view by clicking on the thumbnail icon on the right side of
the Catalogue Manager.
5. IMPORTANT: You will notice that when you double click a symbol to place it – that by
default the Catalogue Manager will remain open and it may be difficult to place the
symbol with the dialog box in the way. You can “roll-up” the catalogue manager and
keep it open at all times as you design.
To roll-up the catalogue manager, in the extreme lower left hand corner of the Catalogue
Manager, there is an icon that appears like . This indicates that the Catalogue
Manager will remain open at all times. By clicking on it and changing it to changes
the state to “roll-up”. Now when you double click to place a symbol, the catalogue
manager will “roll up” out of the way and allow you to place the symbol. You will still
see the collapsed catalogue manager bar on your screen. If you hover the mouse over this
bar – the catalogue manager will re-appear and allow you to select another category or
symbol. Many users keep the catalogue manager open at all times in this mode for easy
access to the symbol library. For the duration of the tutorial set the Catalogue Manager to
“roll-up” and move it to the left side of the screen close to the toolbars.
Note The Search button in the Catalogue Manager works within the category. Example: if you
are in the switches category, and you select the search button to look for terminals, it will
not return any results because it is searching only within the switches category.
To search the ENTIRE catalogue by name or descriptions, scroll up to the IEC 2.1
catalogue name and select the Symbols icon. This will display ALL symbols in the
Our project is comprised of different “areas” of the equipment. We can use these areas to divide
up the project into Installations and Locations. Examples of installations using the above example
INDEX TABLE and the CONVEYORS as these are the main areas of the equipment. These are
all examples of installations. Installations can be further be broken down into locations.
In the diagram above, there are four slides, STATION #1 - #4. Each of these stations have a
junction box. These junction boxes are examples of locations because they are a subset of the
station that they are part of.
The purpose of using Installations and Locations is to give you better control over your reports and
other documentation. Throughout the tutorial we will use these criteria for sorting and filtering the
reports, making panel layout and wiring diagram drawings, as well as terminal block layouts.
In AutoCAD click the erase button , select all and then right click the mouse.
In PowerDraft click the erase button , select all and then right click the mouse.
Using the Design > *Wiring > Multiwire command from the pull down menu, draw a 3 phase
bank of wires down the left side and across the top of the drawing of the drawing.
1. Hover the mouse over the Catalogue Manager tool palette to expand it. Expand the IEC
2.1 catalogue of parts so that you can see the categories and from the list select the
\Schematic\Protection\Disconnects category.
2. Select the Q3 symbol and double mouse click on it. The Catalogue Manager will “roll-
up” and you will see this symbol at your cursor as you move your mouse around on the
3. Align the symbol with the 3 phase wires and left click to place the device on the 3 phase
4. The Device Properties dialog box will appear. This dialog box will allow you to do a
variety of things but at minimum we want to give this device a unique name and assign
part numbers to this instance of the symbol.
IMPORTANT: Notice that there are three main parts to the Device ID, Installation,
Location and Device Tag. This combination will uniquely identify this part. These three
components are primarily used for sorting and filtering of reports and used as criteria
when creating panel layout drawings and terminal plans. When placing devices, the
default Installation and Location is that of the page, but you can change the Installation
and Location of any device before or after placing the symbol.
5. There are both standard and user definable naming conventions used for automatic
naming of the devices. The software defaults to SEQUENTIAL NUMBER naming
convention so the default Device Tag is Q1 because the disconnect was the first placed.
These settings can easily be changed in the Bentley Substation Options dialog but the rest
of the tutorial will use SEQUENTIAL NUMBER naming convention.
6. The part number section of the Device Properties dialog box will list the part numbers
and quantities assigned to this symbol. Some symbols will have the part number “built
in”. To see what part numbers are available for this disconnect, select the Search button
in the part number section.
7. A list of part numbers that correspond to the type of symbol in which you are placing will
be displayed.
The part number selection dialog box is divided into two sections. The top section
contains a list of available part numbers for the device that you are placing. The bottom
section contains a list of the part numbers that you have assigned to the device.
8. Double click on part number 15015 and you will see it appear in the lower section of the
dialog box. This means that the part number has been assigned to the symbol. You can
assign more than one part number to a symbol.
9. This is the part number that we want to use, but if the need arises to un-assign or change a
part number you can simply double click on the part number in the lower portion of the
dialog box to delete it and select a new one from the list in the top portion of the dialog.
10. After selecting the part number, select OK and you will see the part numbers that you
have chosen for this device in the Device Properties dialog box.
11. This disconnect should also contain fuses. To do this we need to change the filter to look
for fuse part numbers instead of the disconnect. In the upper portion of the dialog box,
clear the current filter by selecting the Clear Filter button. This will now display all part
numbers. We want to search for FRS type fuses to see what’s available, enter FRS* in the
part number filter and apply it.
You will now see a list of fuses that are of the FRS type family. Scroll down in the list and
find the FRS-R-8. Double click to assign this part number. It will also appear in the
bottom section of the part number assignment dialog box.
12. Select OK to continue and it will return to the Device Properties dialog box and you will
now see the selected part numbers.
Select OK to continue. This symbol has attributes for Amperage for the fuse ratings. If
fuse part numbers were assigned the amperage rating then it would be filled in
If part numbers were not assigned, the symbol text dialog would open and request the
value for the amperage rating as shown below
13. Zoom in around the disconnect symbol. Notice that the wires have been automatically
“broken” around the device.
Note NOTE: The symbol settings, the color of the connection point text and many other
features that effect how symbols look can be set in the Bentley Substation Options
defaults. Changes to the settings in a project can occur in real time and update
throughout the entire project. For this tutorial these settings will not be modified.
Some customers require certain information to be represented on the drawings. Some information
is useful to turn on during the design process only and then globally turn off some information
during printing. The Display Settings toolbar allows for easily toggling on and off different
information on the drawings. The toolbar is broken down as follows:
1. While zoomed in on the disconnect symbol, use the above toolbar to toggle on and
off the display of the connection point text to see how it changes the display on the
drawings. After seeing how it effects the drawings make sure to toggle it so that they
remain displayed.
2. Turn on the part numbers by using the toolbar button. You will now see that the part
number(s) are displayed in red on the symbol. This is very handy while designing so you
can see what part numbers are assigned to symbols, but it may not be something that you
would like displayed when printing.
3. Now that the part numbers are displayed you can instantly get technical data about the
part numbers that are assigned on the symbol. To demonstrate this feature right-click on
the red part number. A menu choice will appear.
Select the Navigate option. The database record for this part number will be displayed
showing its technical data.
So far we have only looked at placing an individual symbol and assigning part numbers. Often
users will want to place entire sections of schematics that are standard or consistent from drawing
to drawing. This can be achieved by using a MACRO. You can store commonly used circuits in
macros and place them at will just as you place a symbol. They can contain all of the logical data
such as part numbers, wire numbers and pre-defined symbol attributes.
1. In the catalogue manager, go to the Motor Starters and Controllers category and find the
MOTOR1 macro.
You will notice by looking at it that it contains the fuses, overloads, contacts, the
disconnect and terminals.
2. Double click on the MOTOR1 macro to place it onto the drawing. It is aligned at your
cursor so that the first three phase wire is the insertion point. Align this macro on the
existing three phase wires so that the phasing aligns and left click to place the macro.
Once you place the macro a series of questions will follow. Please follow the steps
3. This macro was created without part numbers in order to demonstrate sorting and filtering
of the database fields when looking for part numbers to assign. When you place a macro,
the software cycles through each symbol that is in the macro and will allow you to assign
or change a part number(s). You will first see the dialog box for the three phase circuit
Notice that the device tag defaults to sequential number suffix. Although any unique
name can be entered here, leave the default value.
4. Assign a part number by selecting the Search button in the upper right hand corner of the
dialog box in the part number section. A list of part numbers that match the symbol
5. Notice that only circuit breaker part numbers appear. Double click to assign part number
140M-F8N-C06. It should appear in the lower portion of the dialog box.
7. Select OK to continue and the software will bring up the device properties dialog box for
the next part in the macro which is the three phase contacts. You will see a value of K1?
for the Device Tag. Symbols that have ? in the ID’s by default are “child” symbols in a
family. This feature will be discussed later in the tutorial. Do not make changes at this
point and select OK to go to the next device in the macro.
8. The next device is the overload. You should see F1 for the device tag. In the part number
section of the dialog, select the search button to assign part number 193-EA1FB.
9. Select OK and the next device is the secondary disconnect. Using the same method,
assign part number 800T-H2A.
10. Select OK to continue. The next symbol is the motor itself. M1, assign part number
11. Select OK to continue and the symbol text dialog box will appear. Based upon our
example, there are 4 slides on this machine: Station #1 through Station #4. This motor
circuit is for Station #1. Enter the properties accordingly.
12. Select OK to continue and the device properties will come up for the terminals. You can
assign part numbers to terminals at this point but there is a feature called the Terminal
Editor that will allows you to view and manipulate the terminals on the terminal strip.
Assigning part numbers will be deferred until that section in the tutorial. Press the Save
and Exit button to complete placing the macro.
Using the copy command put a selection window around the motor circuit and copy the macro
75mm to the right of the original, repeat this two more times.
Once you have completed the copy, zoom in on the devices and you will notice that all of the
device tags have automatically updated to the next sequential number just as our project settings
have dictated.
The only thing that didn’t update during the copy was the descriptions of the motor circuit. Notice
that all of the descriptions state STATION #1 SPINDLE MOTOR. There are two methods that
can be used to change these values. Use Method 2 to change the text.
Method 1
Simply right click on each text and from the selection menu select Symbol Text to adjust the text
Since there are only a few items that we want to change, this would probably be the most efficient
method for this example.
Method 2
The other method is to use the Data Editor. The Data editor allows you to globally search and
replace information within the project. To open the Data Editor select Review / Revise > Data
Manager from the pull-down menu.
1. The Data Manager is made up of three distinct sections. The main window is where the
search results are displayed. The upper right pane allows you to select installations and
pages to search in, and the lower right pane is where you can provide search and replace
2. The Data Manager has a row of buttons along the bottom that allow you to quickly look
for certain data. Since we want to search for Symbol Text, select Symbol Text from the
row of buttons along the bottom.
3. The main window will now be populated. Select STN 1 SPINDLE MOTOR from the
text column in the pull-down list.
You will now see the four items that contain that string.
4. Change the second, third and fourth entry to STN 2, 3 and 4 respectively.
5. Close the dialog box and the drawings will automatically be updated with the changes.
1. If you don’t have the Project Manage open you can access it form the toolbar icon
or from Design > Project Manager.
2. In the Project Manager, right-click on the TUTORIAL project and select New Page.
Dialog Settings:
Set the Installation to MAIN ENCLOSURE
Set the Location to PANEL
Set the Title Block to A3 MODERN BASE
Set the Page Format to A3 BASE
Page Descriptions
Set Page Description 1 to CONTROL CIRCUIT
3. Once the page is created you will need to draw the 3 phases across the top of the page as
shown below
2. Place the transformer In column 2 about 40mm down from the 3 phases. Add connection
point text as shown below by clicking on the search button next to the CP Text field.
4. To protect the primary side of the transformer, select the F8 symbol from the
Protection\Circuit Breaker category in the catalogue manager.
Sometimes during a design, you may not always know what part numbers or ratings you
will use for devices. In our situation, maybe we don’t know the loading effects of the
transformer yet so do not assign a part number to the fuses and leave the amperage rating
Later in this tutorial you will learn how to use error checking to check for such instances
in real time.
5. You can automatically connect two devices together and have Bentley Substation
automatically break the wires using the Design > *Wiring > Wire 90 Degree Up
command. Select the command from the pull-down menu and start the wire at the H1
connection point on the transformer. For the endpoint of the Wire, select the first three
phase wire at line 130. The wire will not be drawn until both the start point and endpoint
have been defined.
6. Delete the unneeded three phase wires by using the delete command and selecting all
three wires at the right side of the drawing. The wires will automatically trim at the
correct connection nodes.
7. Using the continuous wire toolbar continue the schematic by creating the 120 volt
control wires off of the secondary of the transformer as shown. Since rung comments will
be added later leave a little room on the right hand side for text.
8. The last step in this section is to place the protection for the secondary side. We will place
a circuit breaker F7 with part number GHS2610001R0081 and a neutral link LT with part
number P11013110 in the secondary circuit.
To add function text to a device that does not have that attribute is as simple as right clicking over
the graphics of the symbol and selecting Symbol Text. When the dialog opens click on the link
Add Attribute.
Scroll down and select Function Text and the function text attribute will be added to the device.
Enter EMERGENCY STOP in the value field, click OK and place the text below the emergency
stop switch.
Repeat this procedure to add the function text to the start button.
Whenever you place these types of symbols, you should assign a family. What a family provides is
the makeup of the device such as how many contacts it has and what the physical connection points
on the device are. Families provide a way of checking for errors in real time. If you choose a
family that is made up of a 2 normally open and 2 normally closed configuration, the software will
warn you if you try to use the same contact twice or try to use more than the available amount of
Note There is a feature called “family on the fly” that is beyond the scope of this tutorial. When
using this feature, you can make a configuration first (without assigning the family) and
then create one later.
2. The device properties dialog box will appear. The device tag defaults to the sequence
number. To demonstrate that the tags are flexible, change the device tag to MCR.
3. Below the Device Tag field, you will see a section for family. A family is a saved device
configuration. Select the browse button to see a list of available families.
As with the insert symbol dialog if you know the family name you can type it in and the
list will filter in real time, or you can perform a wild card search in the description field.
Find and select Family 22, which is a 2 normally open, 2 normally closed configuration.
5. Once you select family 22, that device configuration will be displayed. Since you are
placing the coil you will see that the contacts that are listed in the configuration are not
6. The only possible choice is to select pin numbers A1 and A2 for the coil. Select OK to
continue. The Device Usage dialog box will close. Select OK in the device properties
dialog box to continue placing the symbol.
8. Most devices that use families have charts that will display the various “pieces” of the
device. These charts will track the positions and uses of the contacts in our case in real
time. Since we picked device configuration 22, the device usage chart for that
configuration will be displayed.
1. Use the Wire command to draw the hold-in circuit around the Master Start pushbutton.
2. From the Motor Starters\Contactors category in the catalogue manager, find and place
the K2 symbol in the hold-in circuit. When the device properties dialog box appears, you
will notice that the device tag has a ? appended to the ID. This is a child symbol that
needs to be linked a parent symbol within the family. This contact should be linked to the
2 Use the drop down to get a list of all device names that have been placed during the current
3 Clicking on the button on item three will allow you to manually select the coil symbol on the
drawing. When selecting this method, the dialog box will close and you will be prompted to
select the desired device.
4 The Search button will allow you to search for the desired devices. Many times related
parent/child symbols are not on the current page or you may not remember what the device is
called. This button will allow you to search through a list of items currently in the project.
4. Once you use one of these methods to link the child to the parent (they are linked when
the installation, location, and device tag are identical), you will be asked which pin
numbers you would like to use because you have a choice between two available normally
open contacts. Notice that the normally closed contacts are not accessible because we are
placing a Normally Open contact.
Select OK to continue to the device properties dialog box. Select Ok on the Device
Properties dialog box and the Symbol Text dialog box will come up in case you want to
make any changes, but it is correctly populated with Master Control Relay. Make no
changes and select Ok.
5. The location of the contact with pins 13 and 14 now has a cross reference. The .4
indicates the contact is on the same page as the cross reference symbol and is located in
column number 4.
6. If this contact is moved to another column number this chart will update in real time.
7. In case you needed to change this contacts position within the device family, zoom in
around the Normally Open contact (child) and right click on the pin numbers. From the
list select Device Usage Chart.
8. Select a different pin set. You will notice that the cross reference chart has updated
automatically with the changes.
To keep the tutorial simple, we will create a simple jog circuit for the motors. This is not
necessarily a safe or practical example but the goal is to show automatic assignment of families by
part number and the linking of the three phase contacts.
1. From the Motor Starters\Contactors category in the Catalogue Manager and find and
place the contactor symbol K1 below the jog switch.
2. You will notice in the above dialog box that since we placed the Contactor (symbol K1),
the only selectable position (connections) is A1 and A2. The other advantage of this
dialog box is that it also shows you the other symbols that make up this part numbers
configuration that you can place later.
3. Click OK and you will be prompted for the function text associated with this device, enter
STATION 1 into the value field.
5. You may have noticed that after a family has been assigned that a cross reference symbol
appeared below the coil and neutral rail. Even though this chart is linked to symbol K1,
we are still able to move it independently of symbol M.
b. Right click on the graphics for the cross reference symbol and move it down
6. Now we will use the Copy command to copy this symbol 3 times. When we are done we
will have a Motor Starter for each station.
b. Using the copy command select the motor starter and copy the symbol to lines
148, 151 and 154.
c. Using Design > *Wiring > Wire (Continuous) from the pull down menu, draw
wires to connect the Motor starters.
7. We need to change the function text so that it reads Station# 1 – Station# 4. We already
explored the Right Click method earlier in the tutorial. Let’s use a slight variation to this
e. You will notice that the symbol text dialog has appeared. To see which symbol
the dialog box is referencing, simply move the Symbol Text dialog to the right or
left until you can see the symbols that we selected earlier. You can now clearly
see which item is currently being edited.
f. The first Item already has the correct symbol text so just click OK.
g. You’ll notice that K6 is now the selected Item, Change the function text to
STATION 2 and click OK.
Now that we have our motor starters placed, we can now link their children to the correct parents.
3. Earlier in the tutorial we covered a few different ways to link child components to their
parents. For this section we will use the Search method. In the Device ID section, locate
the Search Button and click on it.
5. From this list double-click on K5, notice the function text of STATION #1.
a. The Device Usage Chart will appear. Click OK to accept the defaults.
b. You’ll notice that cross reference information now appears under -K5 and that
the chart filled in for the parent (coil) on page 2.
6. Repeat step 3 for –K2?, -K3?, K4?, linking them to K6, K7, K8 respectively.
Dialog Settings:
Set the Installation to MAIN ENCLOSURE
Set the Location to PANEL
Set the Title Block to A3 MODERN BASE
Set the Page Format to A3 BASE
Page Descriptions
Set Page Description 1 to CONTROL CIRCUIT
2. After adding the Function text to the Pilot Light we will need to move the text so it is
below the indicator light, to do this:
a. Right click on the function text and select Text Settings, change the Text Align
to Middle Center and click OK
b. Right click on the function text and select Text Position, move the text so that it
is directly below the neutral wire below the indicator light.
3. Copy the positive over-travel circuit 40mm to the right and change the Function Text to
read STATION #1 NEGATIVE OVERTRAVEL. Your circuit should now look like this.
2. Locate the line item for Function Text and change the text to read: STATION
3. Click OK and take note of what happened to the text in the drawing.
By now you may have noticed that we can drastically speed up our design process by copying parts
of or circuits that are very similar. This is also one of the fastest ways of creating the remaining
over-travel conditions. However, sometimes it is more convenient (especially if a complete circuit
is used very often) to create drawing macros.
4. The Base Point is what Bentley Substation will use as an insertion point when placing the
macro. In our case the most logical place is the connection node above of S8 (see image
right). Click the Pick Point button and select the node above S8
5. Next we need to pick the items we want to have in the macro. Click the Select Objects
Button. Going from right to left select the objects in the green box as shown below.
6. It is a good idea to give all macros a detailed description. This will aid you and your
users in understanding what the item was intended for, especially when searching the
7. Click OK and you will receive a message stating: Macro “STD_OVERTRAVEL” was
successfully saved.
1. To find the macro you just created, select Macros form the tree view in the Catalogue
2. On the right hand side, scroll down until you locate STD_OVERTRAVEL
3. Double Click your new macro and place it on line 40mm to right of the existing circuit.
4. You will be prompted for the device ID’s. In this example, we want to keep all of the
defaults. Click on the button Save & Exit.
5. Continue placing the macro until you have 8 switches and indicator circuits.
6. When finished, press the <Esc> key or right-click the mouse to cancel placing additional
Dialog Settings:
Set the Installation to MAIN ENCLOSURE
Set the Location to PANEL
Set the Title Block to A3 MODERN BASE
Set the Page Format to A3 BASE
Page Descriptions
Page Description: PLC INPUT MODULE 1
2. In the Project options select to modify this projects PLC settings. You should
now see the following dialog:
3. For the tutorial, we will use the Bentley Substation standard PLC input file: PLC1.xls.
This file can be found on your Substation CD under the Documentation directory. (if
your CD is drive d: then the file can be found at d:\documentation\plc1.xls)
5. In the Bentley Substation PLC Options dialog, locate the section labeled PLC Import File
Change the file type to Excel File|*.xls
6. Click on the browse button and browse to your desktop and select the file PLC1.xls
7. This section of the dialog should now look like (replacing <username> with your
windows log in name):
Note NOTE: It is NOT necessary to have your PLC program already written to place and use
PLC’s in Bentley Substation. This example demonstrates linking to a PLC file; however,
when designing the I/O modules first in the schematics, you can export the addresses
and PLC function text and import it into your PLC programming software.
8. Now locate the section labeled addressing. The PLC1.xls file is formatted for 16 bit
decimal; please make sure this is selected.
9. By default the automatic addressing address toggle is checked, make sure this is on at this
time. Your dialog box should now look like this:
1. Insert the symbol 1746-IA16 and place it on the schematic as shown (Catalogue AB-
MET, Category: AB_1746_1)
2. Once you place the symbol, the Device Usage Chart dialog box will come up. This
occurred because this particular symbol had a part number built in.
3. Click OK and then OK once again to bring up the Symbol Text Dialog. Fill in the
following values:
Prompt Value
Module 1
Rack 0
5. Click in the first Address Slot and enter the address I:001/00.
7. Notice that the remaining addresses automatically filled in automatically. This was due to
checking the “Automatic Addressing” checkbox in the PLC options settings.
1. Using the continuous wire command draw a wire across the top of the drawing and then
connect wires to each I/O points.
2. The last two connection points are power pins. Draw wires from these points up and
across the page for the power rail.
The table above gives the detail needed to place the I/O devices on the page. Items 1 to 6 are
straight forward; items 7 to 11 will require us to do something new. The symbol SHOA is mirrored
about the x axis; this can be done in one of two ways:
Method 1
From the Component>Insert Symbol by Name menu pull down or the toolbar button, click
on the link for Symbol Settings, it is located in the bottom right hand corner.
When the Symbol Settings dialog opens change the mirror field from No Mirror to X-axis and
click OK.
You will notice that when you search for a part number no parts are returned. That is because the
symbol SHOA has not been linked to the part number 800T-H2A. You can filter the parts selection
window as we did with the fuse links earlier or in the Device Properties dialog click the Add
button and type the part number in the field.
Method 2
Place the symbol SHOA on the page as normal. Right click on the symbol AND SELECT Symbol
When the Symbol Settings dialog opens change the mirror field from No Mirror to X-axis and
click OK.
In the last example, devices were connected to the I/O module using the direct connect method.
We need to take into consideration that the wires that connect to these devices run between one or
more enclosures. In the next few examples you will learn how to use terminals and cables.
Terminals have different device requirements than any of the devices that we have looked at so far.
The Device Tag designation for a terminal is the name of the Terminal Strip. The Terminal
Number is a physical position or terminal designation (depending on your company’s terminal
labeling convention). Therefore, all terminals that you want to be part of the same terminal strip
should have the same Device Tag, but the terminal number can be different. To demonstrate this,
place terminals using the following example:
1. From the Terminals category in the Catalogue Manager, select the symbol TERM, and
place it on the first wire closer to the I/O module.
2. The Device Properties dialog box will appear. Create a new terminal strip called STRIP1
by entering that data into the Device Tag field. Notice that the terminal number is 1.
This means that this is the 1st terminal on STRIP1.
Note All three parts of the Device ID make this terminal strip unique. In other words you can
have a STRIP1 in one panel and a STRIP1 in different panel within the same project.
4. Symbols can be “multiple placed”. This means that you can place multiple instances of
the symbol on many wires all at once and have the ID’s (or terminal numbers in this case)
increment automatically.
5. In the Options section of the Device Properties dialog box, select the Multiple Placement
6. Select OK, and as you move your mouse you will see a line extend from the terminal
symbol. This line is used to designate where these symbols will be placed along the
wires. Place the cursor just past the last wire that you want a terminal symbol to appear
8. To demonstrate that Bentley Substation is a real time engineering tool, from the catalogue
manager place another TB symbol anywhere on the drawing. Notice that it automatically
adjusts to the next available position on the terminal strip, 17.
Change 17 in the Terminal No. field to 1 (which already exists) and select OK.
9. The software knows that terminal number 1 on STRIP1 already exists and automatically
alerts you to avoid a duplicate situation.
10. This was just an example to demonstrate the real-time capabilities of the software. Select
NO to duplicate the software and then CANCEL placing the symbol.
1. Select Elec-Tools > Run Graphical Plan from the pull-down menu.
2. The Graphical Plan dialog box will appear. Many of these settings are beyond the scope
of this tutorial so only a default plan will be generated. Select STRIP1 in the Select Strip
section of the dialog box.
You will see the terminals and their part numbers populate in the terminal(s) section on
the right.
3. In the Graphical Plan Template field, you can select from existing variations of terminal
plans or you can create your own. Click in this field and it becomes a drop-down
selection box.
5. Select the Place Strip button which will allow you to create a new page for the selected
strip. Use the following to enter the page information.
Note Drawing sets are used primarily for page organization. Create a new drawing set called
TERMINAL PLAN. This must be entered manually the first time. Any subsequent pages
that you would like to go into that drawing set, you should pick this from the drop list.
7. After the drawing is generated, the Graphical Plan dialog box will re-appear. Notice that
these terminals have now been “checked off” so they cannot be placed again.
8. Close the dialog box and examine the drawing that has been created.
9. Since wire numbers and cables have not yet been introduced in the tutorial, notice that the
middle section of the drawing does not contain data. This drawing can be updated later
after that information is assigned in the schematic.
Note Which variables to display and how the text is configured are settings in Project Options.
This is especially important on more detailed Graphical Terminal Templates. If you make
changes to these settings you can globally apply them to the project. Modifying these
settings is beyond the scope of this tutorial.
10. On the Graphical Terminal drawing, zoom in around one of the terminals. You can
navigate to find the exact terminal in the schematic by right-clicking on the terminal
number and select Navigate > Schematic Mode.
In our example, we want to designate the wires that run from the terminals to the I/O devices as
cables. To designate a wire or wires as being part of a cable, a “cable” symbol is placed on the
wire(s). A wire that has a cable symbol on it will no longer appear in the Wire List report, and
will now be part of the Cable and Field Wire reports.
1. From the Cabling category in the Catalogue Manager, select the symbol Cable.
2. Place the Cable symbol between the I/O device and the terminal on the first wire.
3. The Device Properties dialog box will appear. Assign Device Tag CABLE1. Notice that
the Multiple Placement toggle is automatically set for cables.
4. Notice that the family has a red start next to the field. Unlike other symbols that use
families, this indicates that a family is required. Remember an earlier example that you
can assign families by part number. Assigning part numbers is the most efficient way of
populating data onto symbol attributes and configurations. In this step we will assign the
family manually to re-enforce how families work and what they do.
5. Select the Browse button in the family field. A list of families specific to cables will
appear. Select family 9431. Its configuration will appear showing you the amount of
available conductors and their colors.
7. The Cable Text dialog box will appear. You have 50 user definable variables that you
can use for cables. Enter a length of 25 M in the Length field.
8. Because the Multiple Placement toggle was selected, you will see the same line extend
from the cable symbol that you saw when using the multiple placement of terminals.
Position the cursor at the right passed the last wire and left-click in the desired position
and the cable conductors will fill in on all of the wires in the order that they were listed in
the family.
Note Sometimes you need to place the conductor colors in a specific order, or not all cable
symbols will be shown on the same page in the schematic. In these cases, you would
not choose to use the multiple placement toggle and you would place the cable symbol
individually each time matching the Device Tag to the desired cable and selecting the
conductor from the family.
1. Use the following diagram as a guide to enter the page data. There are two important
things to notice on this page. One is that we are creating a new Drawing Set called Cable
Diagrams (enter it manually), and the other is that the initial mode of this project should
be set to Wiring Diagram Mode.
3. From the Cabling\Cross Reference category in the Catalogue Manager, find and place
the symbol called XCAB20
4. Place the symbol in the middle of the drawing. In the Device Properties dialog box,
match the Device Tag to the cable called CABLE1. By doing so, this cross reference
symbol will track the connections for CABLE1.
6. Select OK to bypass the Symbol Text dialog box as no changes are required.
7. Select OK to bypass the Cable Text dialog box as no changes are required.
8. You should now see the cross reference symbol on the drawing.
9. There is a function within the software to “Update Wiring diagram pages”. This is
because there are choices of what information should appear on the drawings. For this
example, the default values will be used.
10. Select Substation Output > Update Wiring Diagrams from the pull-down menu and
the following dialog box will appear. Notice that the terminal plan is also in the list
because it also can be configured by the projects settings. Select to update only the Cable
Cross Reference page.
11. Select OK and your cross reference symbol will be updated with the project default
attributes for the connection information.
12. You can change many things about this cross reference symbol such as the color of the
text and more importantly, the connection information that is displayed on each end of the
13. Cable Cross references will not be covered any further in this tutorial, however you are
encouraged to explore the following settings on your own. To access the wiring diagram
settings select Configure > Options from the pull-down menu. In the Bentley Substation
options dialog, see the following:
You will notice that you can build expressions for what information is displayed on each
end of the cable.
If you explore and make any changes to the settings in this dialog box, you must select
Substation Output > Update Wiring Diagram before your changes will take effect on the
MODES: Modes in Bentley Substation is a new feature that will allow you to keep track of
different instances of a device based upon the “discipline” in which you are referencing the item.
An example of this would be that you may purchase a single solenoid valve, it has one part number
that appears in the bill of material once. However, this item may need to appear in the electrical
schematic, the pneumatic diagram, the P&ID loops and Panel Layout. Once you place an item in
its respective mode, it is “checked off” and cannot be placed again in that mode. Therefore at any
time, you can change to a different mode and see a list of devices that should be placed in that
mode. An item placed in one mode is linked to its counterpart in all other modes. Modes can only
be used when part numbers are assigned.
For organization in this tutorial we are creating schematics, cable diagrams and panel layout on
separate pages. It should be noted that this is not a requirement. Any “Mode” can be used on any
Dialog Settings:
Page Descriptions
Page Description: BACK PLANE LAYOUT
Initial Mode - Select the drawing mode that the software will default to when the page is opened.
You can change the drawing mode later if necessary, i.e., you can have more than one type of
drawing on a page.
Scale Factor - This field specifies the drawing scale to be used for the page being defined. Scales
other than 1 are mainly used for panel layout drawings so that symbols can be placed at full size.
1. Now that the page is created, select an enclosure. From the Enclosures category in the
Catalogue Manager find and place symbol L-E3168.
(AutoCAD Only)
When prompted for an Insertion Point, you can click in the desired position with your
mouse or alternately you can type in the coordinates at the command line (520, 775) and
then press the <enter> key.
(Microstation / PowerDraft)
Manually place on the drawing using a left mouse click.
2. You should now see the Device Properties Dialog box. Add the part number E3168 and
click OK
3. Zoom in around the sub panel and continue to the next section to begin placing parts.
2. To access the list of parts for the panel layout mode select Design > *Insert Symbol >
Insert Symbol By Device ID from the pull-dwon menu or from the following toolbar
4. It is important to understand how the filters work when searching for devices to place on
your drawing:
5. When an item is picked from the list of devices and placed on the drawing, it is removed
from the list because it has now been placed. However, some users would still like to see
the list of devices that still need to be placed, and items that have already been placed. In
the Display section of the dialog box, you can set this toggle according to your needs.
6. The second toggle in the above dialog box, will filter the pick list so that only components
that have a part number assigned to them are displayed. In this tutorial, if you check this
toggle, you will notice that the list gets slightly smaller.
Item 2: This show us if there is a Layout symbol defined for this device (part number) in
the parts database.
Item 3: Allows us to place parts with more then one part number either as a group or as
individual components.
8. To place a device from the list, find the contactor K5. Double-click the item and it will
appear at your cursor.
9. Place this symbol in a suitable area on the back plate. Accept the default symbol text
After placing the symbol, select Design > *Insert Symbol > Insert Symbol
By Device ID again to bring back the selection menu.
10. To place the remaining three Motor Starters (K6, K7, K8), select all three by clicking on
them while holding either the CRTL or SHIFT standard windows selection method. Once
all three items are selected in the list, select Place Symbol button in the lower right hand
11. Next we will place down a device that does not have a Layout symbol defined.
12. This time use the Icon to bring up the Insert Symbol By Device ID dialog.
13. Notice to the left of the Installation Column a now appears next to the motor
starters. This indicates that these items have already been placed.
14. Now locate the item CARD1. Notice this device does not have a symbol associated with
it. If the part number has dimensions in the database then Bentley Substation can use the
dimensions for this to create a foot print of the device. If there are no dimensions in the
database, then Bentley Substation will prompt you to enter the dimensions.
Double Click CARD1 and Place it in the layout and use these dimensions 20, 120, 80.
Don’t forget if you know the coordinates you wish to use, you can type them in.
Note If a device does not have a layout symbol or dimensions defined for it, Bentley Substation
will prompt you for the dimensions.
What happens if we need to place down devices that have more than one part number
assigned to it and we must show all Items on our layout?
16. Bring up the Place Symbol By Device ID dialog. Locate Item Q1, Notice in the Multiple
symbol column there is a checkbox.
This Checkbox indicates that there is more than one part number available for this
symbol. Click on this check box.
The following information will appear near the bottom of this dialog.
This tells us that there are four part numbers assigned to this symbol.
In general when placing symbols with the Insert Symbol Dialog it is possible to select
and place more than one symbol at a time. We will use this method to place all the
symbols for this disconnect.
First click on L-ATC-13. Now while holding down the <shift> key, Click on the last part
number. This will select all the part numbers.
You will now be prompted to place down these items one at a time.
On your own, Place down some of the other devices onto your panel.
Notice that the list is sorted by Terminal # by default, Click on the column
heading to sort by tag name (the indicates that this is the sorting column and indicates
the direction of the sorting.)
2. In order to take maximum advantage of the group place option in Bentley Substation,
The Group Settings dialog will appear. This symbol was designed to be placed from left
For spacing make sure Use X, Y from Parts database is selected and then enter 100 for
Maximum in a line.
Click OK, to return to the Insert Symbol(s) dialog and then click Place Symbol(s) to place
these symbols.
Click somewhere on your panel layout. And your terminal strip should appear in the
layout drawing.
If you need to you can use the rotate command to rotate this strip.
In Bentley Substation, no two wires can share the same wire number without being logically linked
together. This is achieved through the use of wire links. Its purpose is twofold: One use is that
Bentley Substation will automatically number wires that are linked together with the same wire
number. A second use is that Bentley Substation will automatically assign the page and line
number reference to the signal so you can keep track of where the signal flows in the project. If a
page is renumbered or the signal has moved, the cross reference will automatically be updated,
saving valuable time and eliminating human mistakes that could occur if this was done manually.
In our project, page Electrical-1 has 3 phase wires that connect to page2.
In order to maintain the potential of the wire we must use wire links. This will provide us with
both of the benefits listed above.
You can use the project manager or the page next/page previous buttons to
achieve this
2. From the drop down menu select Wiring > Insert Wire links. Alternatively, you could
3. The Insert Symbol Dialog will appear. You may notice that there are many different
wire link symbols to choose from. For the purpose of this tutorial we will limit our list to
the arrow symbols.
You may recall that you can filter this list by a description. To do this type arrow in the
description field
4. For the first of the 3 phases it makes since for us to use the wire link symbol WL1A.
Select this symbol from the list and place it on the first of the 3 phases
5. The Wire Link ID dialog should appear. There are two sections of interest related to this
Wire Link ID – All Wire links consist of four parts to describe it, An Installation, a
location, a Wire Link Tag and a Link Index.
• By default the Installation and Location is the same as the page (or fields)
Installation and Location.
• Link Index in combination with the Wire Link ID will determine the order in
which the wire links will be connected. By default the first pair will get the Link
Index of 1 the second pair will get the Link Index of 2 and so on. More
information on Link Index is available in the system manual and is outside the
scope of this tutorial.
Settings – This section contains some additional features that are outside the scope of this
tutorial. However, please make sure Link Type is set to Pair
6. Change Wire Link Tag to L1 (we could have used any name here) and set the Link Index
to 1 then click OK. Repeat this for the remaining phases using L2 and L3.
7. Next let’s link this wires to the wires on page 2. Open page 2.
Select the symbol WL2A and place it on the first of the phases.
By default the software will fill in the previous Wire Link Tag in the Wire Link Tag drop
down box. Also, it will keep track of how many wire links have been placed with this
Wire Link ID and will adjust to display the correct Link Index. Currently it should read
L3 with a Link Index of 1, change it to L1 and 1. This is correct and we can simply click
OK. Notice how the software automatically displays the cross referencing information, in
this case line 1.8
You can change the way this displays in the Options dialog. Please see wire links in the
system manual for more information.
8. Repeat step 7 for the last phase, using L3 as the Wire Link Tag and use 1 for the Index
9. Verify that you can navigate from Wire Link to Wire Link.
We now need to connect the wires on page 2 to those on pages 3 and 4. Use the following
table to make the connections.
Page Electrical 1
Page Electrical 2
Page Electrical 3
Page Electrical 4
Bentley Substation allows you to number the wires in your project using two methods, automatic
and manual wire numbering. (Automatic wire numbering is not available in the LT Version;
however you can manually assign wire numbers.) It is good design practice to have all necessary
Wire links completed before assigning automatic wire numbers so the wire number will carry
through to all of the wires that are electrically connected across the project.
2. To manually assign a wire number, right click on the wire from page 1 above the
disconnect and select the Assign Wire Number function. (If the wire already has a wire
number, you will see a Modify Wire Number function instead.)
4. As you can see, there are many items available to enter data into. For the purpose of this
tutorial we will be working with only a few of these fields (for additional information
please refer to the Bentley Substation system manual). Any data entered into any of these
fields will be available for use during report generation.
5. Currently the project options are set to allow us to use installation and location in naming
the wire numbers, be aware that this is a project setting and it can be set to only use the
Tag when naming wire numbers. Which settings you use, depends on how your company
uses wire numbers (for additional information please refer to the Bentley Substation
system manual).
6. For this example, leave the defaults for Installation and Location then change the TAG to
read “L1”
7. Let’s assign some Properties to our wire. These values can be displayed on the drawing
or used in reports.
Change Gauge to 10
Change Color to BLK
8. The dialog should now resemble the following:
11. Bentley Substation provides us with an easy to use Wire Number Alignment Tool.
You may have noticed that L1, L2 and L3 did not align. This happens because Bentley
Substation places the wire number at the mid-point of a Wire Segment.
To align L1, L2 and L3 click on Design > *Wire Numbering >Align Wire
Numbers alternatively you can click on the align wire number toolbar button
Select the wire segments containing the numbers you wish to align (there are some rules
to this, refer to the system manual to more information)
Click near to the right of the third phase horizontally in line with wire number 2.
This powerful feature also has the capability of only numbering wires with a specific “use” (for
additional information please refer to the Bentley Substation system manual).
1. Start Automatic Wire Numbering from the pull down menu Design > *Wire
2. For the purpose of this tutorial we will leave all of the default settings.
4. Notice how Bentley Substation keeps the wire numbers through the wire links.
For additional information please refer to your Bentley Substation user guide. Bentley Substation
training classes are also available. Visit us on the web at