Talbot Quadratures and Rational Approximations
Talbot Quadratures and Rational Approximations
Talbot Quadratures and Rational Approximations
DOI: 10.1007/s10543-006-0077-9
Published online: 17 August 2006 –
c Springer 2006
Oxford University Computing Laboratory, Wolfson Bldg., Parks Road,
Oxford OX1 3QD, UK. email: {LNT, thoms}@comlab.ox.ac.uk
Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Stellenbosch, Private Bag X1,
Matieland 7602, South Africa. email: [email protected]
Many computational problems can be solved with the aid of contour integrals con-
taining ez in the integrand: examples include inverse Laplace transforms, special func-
tions, functions of matrices and operators, parabolic PDEs, and reaction-diffusion equa-
tions. One approach to the numerical quadrature of such integrals is to apply the
trapezoid rule on a Hankel contour defined by a suitable change of variables. Optimal
parameters for three classes of such contours have recently been derived: (a) parabolas,
(b) hyperbolas, and (c) cotangent contours, following Talbot in 1979. The convergence
rates for these optimized quadrature formulas are very fast: roughly O(3−N ), where N
is the number of sample points or function evaluations. On the other hand, convergence
at a rate apparently about twice as fast, O(9.28903−N ), can be achieved by using a dif-
ferent approach: best supremum-norm rational approximants to ez for z ∈ (−∞, 0],
following Cody, Meinardus and Varga in 1969. (All these rates are doubled in the case
of self-adjoint operators or real integrands.) It is shown that the quadrature formu-
las can be interpreted as rational approximations and the rational approximations as
quadrature formulas, and the strengths and weaknesses of the different approaches are
discussed in the light of these connections. A MATLAB function is provided for com-
puting Cody–Meinardus–Varga approximants by the method of Carathéodory–Fejér
Received August 24, 2005. Accepted November 5, 2005. Communicated by Lothar Reichel.
This work was partially supported by the National Research Foundation in South Africa
under grant NRF5289.
1 Introduction.
This article is concerned with the numerical computation of contour integrals
of the form
(1.1) I= ez f (z) dz,
2πi Γ
where f is analytic in a neighborhood of the negative real axis R− = (−∞, 0]
except on R− itself, and Γ denotes a “Hankel contour” that winds from −∞ − 0i
in the lower half-plane, around 0, and back to −∞ + 0i in the upper half-plane.
We assume that Γ lies in the region of analyticity of f , in which case I is
independent of Γ under mild assumptions, even if Γ is deformed to widen out
to a shape such as a parabola or a hyperbola for large |Re z|. For example, it is
enough if f satisfies |ez f (z)| = o(z −1 ) as Re z → −∞. Here and in what follows
we mostly speak of f as a scalar, for simplicity, but the same methods apply if
it is a matrix or linear operator depending analytically on z.
On the face of it (1.1) might seem quite a specialized problem, but in fact, it
arises throughout scientific computing. The integral is that of the inverse Laplace
transform, which is more familiarly written in the form
(1.2) G(t) = est g(s) ds;
2πi Γ
the substitutions s = z/t, g(s) = f (z/t)/t yield I = G(t). Integrals of the form
(1.1) or (1.2) arise in many areas of applied mathematics and are the basis of
fast methods for computing special functions [11, 22, 35, 42]. In numerical linear
algebra, they can lead to fast methods for computing matrix exponentials eA
and associated vectors eA v for matrices A with eigenvalues in R− [20, 39]; in
such applications (1.1) takes the form
(1.3) A
e v= ez (z − A)−1 v dz.
2πi Γ
In partial differential equations they offer powerful tools for solving parabolic
PDE [2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 48]. The evaluation of integrals related to (1.1) is also a key
step in some fast algorithms for solving nonlinear PDE such as reaction-diffusion
equations [14, 15]. These methods generalize in natural ways to large-scale prob-
lems involving fine discretizations and large matrices, where they are readily uti-
lized in the context of Krylov subspace iterations and multiple processors [7, 8].
And they are readily generalized to problems with singularities off R−, includ-
ing evolution equations for sectorial operators such as fractional differential and
integral equations associated with anomalous diffusion [25, 34].
Numerical methods for the quadrature of (1.1) have recently been derived by
Weideman that are in certain senses optimal or close to optimal. These are based
on applying an N -point trapezoid or midpoint rule to (1.1) after a transformation
of z to a real variable θ ∈ R. If Γ is a parabola, parameters have been derived [51]
that achieve the convergence rate
(1.4) Trapezoid rule on parabola: O(2.85−N );