Chapter 14 Ethic
Chapter 14 Ethic
Chapter 14 Ethic
Ethics and Employee Rights
and Discipline
Source: Seth Wenig/AP Images.
1. Explain what is meant by ethical behavior at work. Strategic Goals
ot too long ago, Berkshire Hathaway spent $9 billion
buying Lubrizol Corporation. Berkshire s CEO, Relations
Warren Buffett, at first declined to pursue Lubrizol, S
tra nviro
but a Berkshire top executive helped persuade him
teg nment
to do so. This executive did mention to Mr. Buffett that he
ic an
(the executive) owned Lubrizol shares. However, Mr. Buffett HR Policies and Practices
d Legal
apparently didn t pursue the matter, for instance by asking how Required to Produce
many shares he owned. After it transpired that the executive Employee Competencies
bought about $10 million worth of shares just before bringing and Behaviors
the potential acquisition to Mr. Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway said
nd nt
Pla u
a g polev
that the executive had now resigned. Questions remained, me i
however. Why didn t Warren Buffett ask more questions about nin eD tne emt
iarT tn
how many shares the executive owned and when he bought dna
them? And, how could something like this even happen in a
company still rightfully praised for its high ethical standards?
For many managers, recruitment and
placement, training and development,
and compensation are the heart of human
resource management. But employees
expect something more. They expect
their employers to treat them fairly, and
to have a safe work environment. Now, in
Part 5, we turn to employee justice, safety,
and union relations. The main purpose of this
chapter is to explain ethics, employee rights,
and fair treatment in human resource
management, matters essential for positive
employee relations. Topics include ethics
and fair treatment at work, factors that
shape ethical behavior at work, and
managers roles in fostering improved
workplace ethics, employee discipline,
Access a host of interactive learning aids at and dismissals. to help strengthen
your understanding of the chapter concepts.
MyManagementLab 459
People face ethical choices every day. Is it wrong to use a company credit card for
FIGURE 14-1 The Wall Street personal purchases? Is a $50 gift to a client unacceptable? Compare your answers by
Journal Workplace Ethics Quiz answering the quiz in Figure 14-1.
Most everyone reading this book rightfully view themselves as ethical people, so
Source: The Wall Street Journal, why include ethics in a human resource management book? For two reasons: First,
October 21, 1999, pp. B1 B4. Ethics
Officer Association, Belmont, MA:
ethics is not theoretical. Instead, it greases the wheels that make businesses work.
Ethics Leadership Group.
The spread of technology into the workshop has raised a variety of new ethical questions and many old ones still linger. Compare
your answers with those of other Americans surveyed, on page 490.
Managers who promise raises but don t deliver, salespeople who say The order s
coming when it s not, production managers who take kickbacks from suppliers
they all corrode the trust that day-to-day business transactions depend on. According
to one lawsuit, marketers for Pfizer Inc. influenced Pfizer to suppress unfavorable
studies about one of its drugs.2 Plaintiffs sued for billions.
Second, ethical dilemmas are a familiar part of human resource management.
For example, your team shouldn t start work on the new machine until all the safety
measures are checked, but your boss is pressing you to get started: What should you do?
You dismissed an employee in an angry moment, and now she has applied for unem-
ployment insurance, saying you never warned her. Should you create and place in her
file a note of warning, to protect your employer from paying higher unemployment
taxes? One survey found that 6 of the 10 most serious ethical work issues workplace
safety, employee records security, employee theft, affirmative action, comparable work,
and employee privacy rights were HR-related.3 Another found that 54% of human
resource professionals surveyed had observed misconduct ranging from violations
of Title VII to violations of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.4 The bottom line
is that all managers should understand the basics of ethics and the ethical dimensions
of their people-related decisions. We ll start with what ethics means.
What Is Ethics?
Ethics refers to the principles of conduct governing an individual or a group; specifically,
the standards you use to decide what your conduct should be. 5
Making ethical decisions always requires normative judgments.6 A normative
judgment means that something is good or bad, right or wrong, better or worse.
You are wearing a great outfit! is a normative statement. Ethical decisions also
always involve morality. Morality is society s highest accepted standards of behavior.
Moral standards guide behaviors regarding serious matters such as murder, lying,
and slander. Authoritative bodies like legislatures can t change what morality means.
You can t make something that s immoral (such as murder) legal by passing a law
that says it s legal. Violating moral standards often makes one feel ashamed
or remorseful.7 If the decision makes the person feel ashamed or remorseful, or
requires doing something with serious consequence such as murder, then, chances
are, it s unethical.
The principles of conduct governing an
individual or a group; specifically, the
standards you use to decide what your
conduct should be.
* Distributive justice refers to the fairness and justice of the decision s result
(for instance, did I get an equitable pay raise?).
* Procedural justice refers to the fairness of the process (for instance, is the process
my company uses to allocate merit raises fair?).10
In practice, fair treatment reflects concrete actions such as employees are treated
with respect (see Figure 14-2).11 Most employees probably can t and won t unscramble
what is ethical, fair, or just when it comes to how you treat them.12
Most laws therefore also reflect public policy. In other words, governments enact
laws so as to further their public policy aims. Thus, if New York decides that it s in its
citizens best interests to lower fuel consumption by getting everyone to drive slower,
its legislature may lower New York s speed limit. Public policy consists of political
decisions for implementing programs to achieve societal goals. 16 As with traffic
laws, governments express their chosen public policies in the laws and regulations
they set, and in the other decisions they make (such as how they spend their tax
revenues). A government s public policy viewpoint propels the laws and the other
decisions it makes, and the rights it decides to carve out, governing what its citizens
can and cannot do.
factors in making such decisions include the total harm that can befall victims of
an unethical choice, the likelihood that the action will result in harm, and the
number of people potentially affected by the act. In less serious situations, it s
more likely that someone might say, in effect, It s okay to do this, even though
I know it s wrong.
* What are the bad barrels ? What outside factors mold ethical choices? These
researchers also concluded that employers create bad and good cultures ( barrels )
that shape ethical behavior, for good or for ill. Thus a strong ethical culture that
clearly communicates the range of acceptable and unacceptable behavior [such as
through leader role models] is associated with fewer unethical decisions in the
workplace. 18 For example, companies that promote an everyone for himself
atmosphere are more likely to suffer unethical decisions. On the other hand,
emphasizing that employees should focus on the well-being of everyone leads to
more ethical choices.
We look more closely at bad apples and bad barrels next.
PRESSURE FROM THE BOSS It s hard to resist even subtle pressure, let alone
coercion, from your boss. According to one report, the level of misconduct at work
dropped dramatically when employees said their supervisors exhibited ethical
behavior. Only 25% of employees who agreed that their supervisors set a good
example of ethical business behavior said they had observed misconduct in the last
year, compared with 72% of those who did not feel that their supervisors set good
ethical examples.23 Yet in another poll, only about 27% of employees strongly agreed
that their organizations leadership is ethical.24
Examples of how supervisors knowingly (or unknowingly) lead subordinates
astray ethically include:
* Tell staffers to do whatever is necessary to achieve results.
* Overload top performers to ensure that work gets done.
* Look the other way when wrongdoing occurs.
* Take credit for others work or shift blame.
* Be dishonest.25
ETHICS POLICIES AND CODES An ethics policy and code is a good way to signal
that the firm is serious about ethics. For example, IBM s code of ethics has this to say
about tips, gifts, and entertainment:
No IBM employee, or any member of his or her immediate family, can accept
gratuities or gifts of money from a supplier, customer, or anyone in a business
relationship. Nor can they accept a gift or consideration that could be perceived
as having been offered because of the business relationship. Perceived simply
means this: If you read about it in the local newspaper, would you wonder whether
the gift just might have had something to do with a business relationship? No IBM
employee can give money or a gift of significant value to a customer, supplier, or
anyone if it could reasonably be viewed as being done to gain a business advantage.26
Sometimes ethics codes don t work. A number of years ago, Enron Corp. allegedly
collapsed in part due to some executives ethical misdeeds. Yet Enron s ethical princi-
ples were prominent on its Web site. It stated, that, as a partner in the communities
in which we operate, Enron believes it has a responsibility to conduct itself according
to certain basic principles. Those include respect, integrity, communication and
excellence. 27
Beyond the code, some firms urge employees to apply a quick ethics test to evalu-
ate whether what they re about to do fits the company s code of conduct. For example,
Raytheon Co. asks employees who face ethical dilemmas to ask:
Is the action legal?
Is it right?
Who will be affected?
Does it fit Raytheon s values?
How will it feel afterwards?
How will it look in the newspaper?
Will it reflect poorly on the company?28
However, codifying the rules without enforcing them is futile. As one study of
ethics concludes, strong statements by managers may reduce the risk of legal
and ethical violations by their work forces, but enforcement of standards has
the greatest impact. 29 More firms, such as Lockheed Martin Corp., therefore
appoint chief ethics officers.30 Ethics audits typically address topics like conflicts
of interest, giving and receiving gifts, employee discrimination, and access to
company information.31
what they do. Those signals then mold the company s organizational culture, the
characteristic values, traditions, and behaviors a company s employees share.
A value is a basic belief about what is right or wrong, or about what you should or
shouldn t do. ( Honesty is the best policy would be a value.) Values are important
because they guide and channel behavior. Managing people and shaping their
behavior therefore depends on shaping the values they use as behavioral guides.
For example, if management really believes honesty is the best policy, the written
rules they follow and the things they do should reflect this value. Managers there-
fore have to think through how to send the right signals to their employees. Doing
so includes:
* Ethical behavior starts with moral awareness. In other words, does the person
even recognize that a moral issue exists in the situation?
* Managers can do a lot to influence employee ethics by carefully cultivating the
right norms, leadership, reward systems, and culture.
* Ethics slide when people undergo moral disengagement. Doing so frees them
from the guilt that would normally go with violating one s ethical standards.
For example, you re more likely to harm others when you view the victims as
* The most powerful morality comes from within. In effect, when the moral person
asks, Why be moral? the answer is, Because that is who I am. Then, failure
to act morally creates emotional discomfort.34
* Beware the seductive power of an unmet goal. Unmet goals pursued blindly can
contribute to unethical behavior.35
* Offering rewards for ethical behavior can backfire. Doing so may actually undermine
the intrinsic value of ethical behavior.
* Don t inadvertently reward someone for bad behavior. For example, don t promote
someone who got a big sale through devious means.36
* Employers should punish unethical behavior. Employees who observe unethical
behavior expect you to discipline the perpetrators.
* The degree to which employees openly talk about ethics is a good predictor
of ethical conduct. Conversely, organizations characterized by moral muteness
suffer more ethically problematic behavior.
* People tend to alter their moral compasses when they join organizations. They
uncritically equate What s best for this organization (or team, or department)?
with What s the right thing to do?
As one writer says, The simplest way to tune up an organization, ethically speaking, is
to hire more ethical people. 37 Employers can start by creating recruitment materials
that emphasize ethics. (The Microsoft site in Figure 14-3 is an example.) Similarly,
use honesty tests and background checks (discussed in Chapter 6) to screen out
undesirables.38 Ask behavioral questions such as, Have you ever observed someone
stretching the rules at work? What did you do about it?39
FAIRNESS As two writers put it, If prospective employees perceive that the hiring
process does not treat people fairly, they may [also] assume that ethical behavior
is not important. 40 Here, keep several things in mind:
* Applicants tend to view the formal procedure (such as the interview) as fair to the
extent that it tests job-related criteria and provides an opportunity to demonstrate
* Applicants expect respect. Interpersonal treatment reflects such things as the
propriety of the questions, the politeness of interviewer, and the degree of
two-way communication.
* Applicants see a selection system as fair to the extent that the employer provides
useful feedback about the employee s or candidate s own performance.41
mspx, accessed April 28, 2009.
organizational culture
The characteristic values, traditions, and
behaviors a company s employees share.
Ethics Training
Ethics training involves showing employees how to recognize ethical dilemmas, how to
use codes of conduct to resolve problems, and how to use personnel activities like disci-
plinary practices in ethical ways.42 In addition, the training should emphasize the moral
underpinnings of the ethical choice and the company s deep commitment to integrity
and ethics. Include participation by top managers to underscore that commitment.43
For all practical purposes, ethics training is mandatory. Federal sentencing
guidelines reduced penalties for employers accused of misconduct who implemented
codes of conduct and ethics training. An amendment to those guidelines now outlines
stricter ethics training requirements.44 Ethics training usually includes showing
employees how to recognize ethical dilemmas, how to use ethical frameworks (such as
codes of conduct) to resolve problems, and how to use human resource activities (such
as interviews and disciplinary practices) in ethical ways.
Ethics training is often Internet-based. For example, Lockheed Martin s 160,000
employees take ethics and legal compliance training via the firm s intranet. Lockheed s
online ethics program software also keeps track of how well the company and its
employees are doing in terms of maintaining high ethical standards.45 Online ethics
training tools include Business Ethics for Managers from SkillSoft (skillsoftcom).46
Some employers are switching from packaged ethics training to more company-
relevant customized programs. For example, Yahoo! had a vendor produce an animated
package containing ethical scenarios set in Yahoo! company offices around the world.
The 45-minute program covers Yahoo! s code of conduct as well as issues like the
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.47
Performance Appraisal
How you conduct appraisals is important. To send the signal that fairness is paramount,
performance standards should be clear, employees should understand the basis upon
which you re going to appraise them, and the appraisal itself should be objective.
to clarify what it meant by tardy. A lack of clarity regarding how often an employee
may be late and an inappropriately severe penalty were other problems. Unfair disci-
plinary procedures can backfire in other ways. For example, an unfair disciplinary
procedure can trigger retaliatory employee misbehavior. It is also hard to be seen as
ethical when one s disciplinary practices are unfair. Discipline is not primarily a
factory-bound problem. Managers increasingly discipline workers for misuse of
social media and related devices in the workplace.53
Fairness in Disciplining
Disciplining employees is often unavoidable, but any such discipline must be rooted
in the need to be fair. For most people the answer to Why treat employees fairly?
is obvious, since most learn, early on, some version of the golden rule. But there are also
concrete reasons to treat employees fairly. Arbitrators and the courts will consider the fair-
ness of the disciplinary procedures when reviewing disciplinary decisions. Fairness also
relates to a wide range of positive employee outcomes. These include enhanced employee
commitment and enhanced satisfaction with the organization, and more organizational
citizenship behaviors (the steps employees take to support their employers interests).54
Job applicants who felt treated unfairly expressed more desire to appeal the outcome.
Those who view the firm s testing programs as fair view the company and the job as more
attractive.55 There are thus many practical reasons for treating employees fairly.
Each manager then has an opportunity to discuss the department results with
subordinates, and create an action plan for improving work group commitment.
RULES AND REGULATIONS First, rules and regulations address issues such as
theft, destruction of company property, drinking on the job, and insubordination.
Examples include:
* Poor performance is not acceptable. Each employee is expected to perform his
or her work properly and efficiently.
* Alcohol and drugs have no place at work. The use of either during working
hours and reporting for work under the influence of either are both prohibited.
Rules inform employees ahead of time what is and is not acceptable behavior.
Upon hiring, tell employees, preferably in writing, what is not permitted. The
employee handbook usually contains the rules and regulations.
Disciplinary Action:
To the employee:
Your performance has been found unsatisfactory for the reasons set
forth below. Your failure to improve or avoid a recurrence will be
cause for further disciplinary action.
I have received and read this warning notice. I have been informed
that a copy of this notice will be placed in my personnel file.
forms/staff-grievance.pdf, accessed
September 29, 2011. Used with
The process would not apply in exceptional circumstances. For example, criminal
behavior or in-plant fighting might be grounds for immediate dismissal. And if several
incidents occurred at very close intervals, you might skip step 2 the written warning.
nonpunitive discipline
Discipline without punishment, usually
involving a system of oral warnings
and paid decision-making leaves in lieu
of more traditional punishment.
Employee Privacy
For most people, invasions of privacy are neither ethical nor fair.69 The four main
types of employee privacy violations upheld by courts are intrusion (locker room
and bathroom surveillance), publication of private matters, disclosure of medical
records, and appropriation of an employee s name or likeness for commercial
purposes.70 (Breaching security of personnel files is a related problem, as we
discussed in Chapter 5 [Recruiting]). One survey of security professionals ranked
human resources last among departments securing such confidential data.71) In
practice, background checks, monitoring off-duty conduct and lifestyle, drug testing,
workplace searches, and monitoring of workplace activities trigger most privacy
violations.72 Some employers, such as Eastman Kodak, are appointing chief privacy
officers to ensure that the human resource management and other departments don t
endanger the company by conducting inappropriate investigations of job applicants
or employees.73 We ll now look more closely at monitoring.
Employee Monitoring
Employee monitoring is pervasive. Biometrics using physical traits such as finger-
prints or iris scans for identification is one example. Thus, New York s Bronx Lebanon
Hospital uses biometric scanners to ensure that the employee who clocks-in in the
morning is really who he or she says he is.74 Iris scanning tends to be the most accurate
authorization device. The Federal Aviation Authority uses it to control employees
access to its information systems.75 More than half of employers say they monitor their
employees incoming and outgoing e-mail; 27% monitor internal e-mail as well.76 One
survey found that 41% of large employers have someone reading employee e-mails.77
Ninety-six percent block access to adult Web sites; 61% block access to game sites.78
Employers such as United Parcel Service use GPS units to monitor their truckers and
street sweepers whereabouts. Indeed, iPhones, iPads, and Android devices track their
owners more or less continuously.
Employers monitor employees electronic activities mostly to improve produc-
tivity and to protect themselves from computer viruses, leaks of confidential
information, and harassment suits.79 In one case, a New Jersey court found an
employer liable when one of its employees used his company computer at work
to distribute child pornography. (Someone had previously alerted the employer to
the suspicious activity and the employer had not taken action.)80 When one
employer noticed that employees were piling up overtime claims, it installed new
software. It discovered many employees were spending hours on Facebook and
shopping online. A recent U.S. Federal Trade Commission decision may make
employers liable for deceptive endorsements that employees post on their own blogs
or on social media sites such as Facebook, even if the employers didn t authorize
the statements.81 Security is a problem, too. One 4-gigabyte MP3 player, such as
the first generation of iPod Mini . . . can take home a lot of corporate data, said
one employer (a process some graphically describe as pod slurping. )82
Signature Date
that an employee handbook promising termination only for just cause may create an
exception to the at-will rule.
Finally, under the public policy exception, courts have held a discharge to be
wrongful when it was against an explicit, well-established public policy (for instance,
the employer fired the employee for refusing to break the law).
sometimes harder to translate into words. However, some acts are usually clearly
insubordinate. These include, for instance:
1. Direct disregard of the boss s authority
2. Direct disobedience of, or refusal to obey, the boss s orders, particularly in front
of others
3. Deliberate defiance of clearly stated company policies, rules, regulations, and
4. Public criticism of the boss
5. Blatant disregard of reasonable instructions
6. Contemptuous display of disrespect
7. Disregard for the chain of command, shown by frequently going around the
immediate supervisor with complaints, suggestions, or political maneuvers
8. Participation in (or leadership of) an effort to undermine or remove the boss91
Wrongful Terminations
As we ve seen, it is relatively easy for human resource managers to put in place
procedures to minimize (and largely eliminate) wrongful discharge claims. As a
result, this is one area where HR s profit center role is relatively clear, persuasive,
and easy to implement. Steps like those in the accompanying text such as
instituting grievance procedures are straightforward and essentially cost-less.
On the other hand, the costs of wrongful terminations are real and material.
The costs don t just include obvious ones such as fighting the lawsuit in court.
Wrongful termination can also trigger contractual clauses that require paying huge
sums. Consider one recent case.100 In this case, wrongfully terminating the
employee caused two benefits that the employee might not otherwise be eligible
for to vest: (1) five $14,000 annual deferred compensation payments and (2) a
$275,000 benefit that otherwise would not have accumulated until the plaintiff
completed 10 years of uninterrupted service (which the employee did not due
to his wrongful termination).101 In this case, the court did rule that the employer
could pay those benefits out in monthly installments. But the fact remains that had
the firm put in place procedures to minimize the possibility of a wrongful termina-
tion suit had management terminated him for cause, for instance, or reached an
agreement they might have avoided the huge expense.
accessed April 28, 2009.
their side of the story, and allowing them to do so can provide the employee some
measure of satisfaction. Do not act in anger, since doing so undermines any appear-
ance of objectivity. Finally, utilize the human resources department for advice on how
to handle difficult disciplinary matters.
2. Get to the point. Avoid small talk. As soon as the employee enters, give the person
a moment to get comfortable and then inform him or her of your decision.
3. Describe the situation. Briefly explain why the person is being let go. For instance,
Production in your area is down 6%. We have talked about these problems several
times in the past 3 months. We have to make a change. Stress the situation, rather
than the employee and his or her shortcomings. Emphasize that the decision is
final and irrevocable.
4. Listen. To the extent practical, continue the interview for several minutes until the
person seems to be talking freely and reasonably calmly about the termination and
the support package including severance pay.
5. Review all elements of the severance package. Briefly describe severance payments,
benefits, access to office support people, and how references will be handled. (Human
resources may address this with the employee.) However, make no promises beyond
those already in the support package.
6. Identify the next step. The terminated employee may be disoriented and unsure
what to do next. Explain where the employee should go upon leaving the interview.
It s often best to have someone escort him or her until the person is out the door.
it might be sensible to work with an outplacement firm to decide things like how
to break the news and deal with dismissed employees emotional reactions.
EXIT INTERVIEW Many employers conduct exit interviews with employees who
are leaving the firm for any reason. These are interviews, usually conducted by a
human resource professional just prior to the employee leaving; they elicit information
about the job or employer with the aim of giving employers insights into what
is right or wrong about their companies. Exit interview questions include,
Why did you join the company? Was the job presented correctly and honestly?
Were there any special problem areas? 105 Women and minorities are more likely
to quit early in their employment, so this might be one specific issue for which
to watch.106 Figure 14-11 presents an exit interview form.
The assumption of course is that because the employee is leaving, he or
she will be candid. However, the information you get may be questionable. 107
Researchers found that at the time of separation, 38% of those leaving blamed
exit_form/exit.pdf, accessed May 24,
2007. Used with permission.
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
salary and benefits, and only 4% blamed supervision. Followed up 18 months later,
however, 24% blamed supervision and only 12% blamed salary and benefits.
Getting to the real problem during the exit interview may thus require digging. Yet
these interviews can be useful. When Blue Cross of Northeastern Pennsylvania
dismissed employees, many said, in exit interviews, This is not a stable place
to work. The firm took steps to correct that misperception for those who stayed
with Blue Cross.
THE PLANT CLOSING LAW Until 1989, there were no federal laws requiring
notification of employees when an employer decided to close a facility. However,
in that year Congress passed the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification
Act (popularly known as the WARN or plant closing law). It requires employers of
100 or more employees to give 60 days notice before closing a facility or starting a
layoff of 50 people or more. The law does not prevent the employer from closing
down, nor does it require saving jobs. It simply gives employees time to seek other
work or retraining by giving them advance notice. Although there are exceptions, the
penalty for failing to give notice is 1 day s pay and benefits to each employee for each
day s notice he or she should have received, up to 60 days. The act does not have any
enforcement mechanism beyond suit in federal court. The law is not entirely clear
about how to notify employees. However, a paragraph that might suit the purpose
would be as follows:
Please consider this letter to be your official notice, as required by the federal plant
closing law, that your current position with the company will end 60 days from
today because of a [layoff or closing] that is now projected to take place on [date].
After that day, your employment with the company will be terminated and you will
no longer be carried on our payroll records. Any questions concerning the plant
closing law or this notice will be answered in the HR office.109
THE LAYOFF PROCESS A study illustrates one firm s downsizing process. In this
company, senior management first met to make strategic decisions about the size and
timing of the layoffs. These managers also debated the relative importance of the skill
sets they thought the firm needed going forward. Front-line supervisors assessed their
subordinates, rating their nonunion employees either A, B, or C (union employees
were covered by a union agreement making layoffs dependant on seniority).
The front-line supervisors then informed each of their subordinates about his or her
A, B, or C rating, and told each that those employees with C grades were designated
surplus and most likely to be laid off.110
Sensible layoff steps to take therefore include these:111
* Identify objectives and constraints. For example, decide how many positions
to eliminate at which locations, and what criteria to use.
PREPARING FOR LAYOFFS As the U.S. slipped into recession a few years ago,
large layoffs climbed ominously, up by about 9.4%. How do managers prepare for the
layoffs that almost invariably result from such challenging times?
Interestingly, the initial focus isn t on the layoffs, but on the employer s appraisal
systems. One expert says that in preparing for large, scale layoffs, management
needs to:114
* Make sure appraisals are up-to-date.
* Identify top performers and get them working on the company s future.
* Have leaders committed to the company s turnaround.
Another HR consultant says companies that don t closely manage their performance
appraisal systems suddenly learn during a reduction in force that everyone has been
ranked a four out of five ; that information is meaningless. 115
So the essential point about layoffs is to prepare in advance by making sure to have
an effective performance appraisal system in place. If you don t, then when the time
comes to lay off significant numbers of employers, you may find yourself with no
rational basis on which to decide who stays or leaves.
MyManagementLab Now that you have finished this chapter, go back to to
continue practicing and applying the concepts you ve learned.
1. Explain how you would ensure fairness in disciplining, 6. You need to select a nanny for your or a relative s child,
discussing particularly the prerequisites to disciplining, and want someone ethical. Based on what you read
disciplining guidelines, and the discipline without in this chapter, what would you do to help ensure you
punishment approach. ended up hiring someone ethical?
2. Why is it important in our highly litigious society 7. You believe your employee is being insubordinate. How
to manage dismissals properly? would you verify this and what would you do about it
3. What techniques would you use as alternatives to tradi- if it is true?
tional discipline? What do such alternatives have to do 8. Several years ago Walmart instituted a new employee
with organizational justice? Why do you think alternatives scheduling system that makes it more difficult for its
like these are important, given industry s need today for employees to know for sure what hours they would be
highly committed employees? working. Basically, the store supervisor calls them at the
4. Provide three examples of behaviors that would probably last minute if there s an opening that day. Based on what
be unethical but legal, and three that would probably be you read in this chapter, is the new system ethical? Why
illegal but ethical. or why not? Is it fair? What would you do if you were a
5. List 10 things your college or university does to encourage Walmart employee?
ethical behavior by students and/or faculty.
Discipline or Not?
Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to provide you with Do not read the award or discussion sections until
some experience in analyzing and handling an actual after the groups have completed their deliberations.
disciplinary action. How to Set Up the Exercise/Instructions:
Required Understanding: Students should be thoroughly Divide the class into groups of four or five students. Each
familiar with the following case, titled Botched Batch. group should take the arbitrator s point of view and assume
that they are to analyze the case and make the arbitrator s impeccable work record and management s acknowledgment
decision. Review the case again at this point, but please do that she had always been a model employee, the employee
not read the award and discussion. insisted that the denial of her previously approved promotion
Each group should answer the following questions: was unconscionable.
1. Based on what you read in this chapter, including all (Please do not read beyond this point until after you have
relevant guidelines, what would your decision be if you answered the two questions.)
were the arbitrator? Why? Award: The arbitrator upholds the 3-day suspension,
2. Do you think that after their experience in this arbitration but decides that the promotion should be restored.
the parties will be more or less inclined to settle griev- Discussion: There is no question, the arbitrator notes, that
ances by themselves without resorting to arbitration? the employee s negligent act set in motion the train of events
that resulted in running two complete sets of reports reflecting
Botched Batch improper information. Stressing that the employer incurred
Facts: A computer department employee made an entry error substantial cost because of the error, the arbitrator cites
that botched an entire run of computer reports. Efforts to unchallenged testimony that management had commonly
rectify the situation produced a second set of improperly run issued 3-day suspensions for similar infractions in the past.
reports. Because of the series of errors, the employer incurred Thus, the arbitrator decides, the employer acted with just cause
extra costs of $2,400, plus a weekend of overtime work by other in meting out an evenhanded punishment for the negligence.
computer department staffers. Management suspended the Turning to the denial of the already approved promotion,
employee for 3 days for negligence, and revoked a promotion the arbitrator says that this action should be viewed in the
for which the employee had previously been approved. same light as a demotion for disciplinary reasons. In such
Protesting the discipline, the employee stressed that she cases, the arbitrator notes, management s decision normally is
had attempted to correct her error in the early stages of the based on a pattern of unsatisfactory behavior, an employee s
run by notifying the manager of computer operations of her inability to perform, or similar grounds. Observing that
mistake. Maintaining that the resulting string of errors could management had never before reversed a promotion as part of
have been avoided if the manager had followed up on her a disciplinary action, the arbitrator says that by tacking on the
report and stopped the initial run, the employee argued that denial of the promotion in this case, the employer substantially
she had been treated unfairly because the manager had not varied its disciplinary policy from its past practice. Because
been disciplined even though he compounded the problem, this action on management s part was not evenhanded, the
whereas she was severely punished. Moreover, citing her arbitrator rules, the promotion should be restored.123
For many people, a company called Enron Corp. still ranks Enron had all the elements usually found in comprehensive
as one of history s classic examples of ethics run amok. ethics and compliance programs: a code of ethics, a report-
During the 1990s and early 2000s, Enron was in the business ing system, as well as a training video on vision and values
of wholesaling natural gas and electricity. Rather than actu- led by [the company s top executives].124
ally owning the gas or electric, Enron made its money as the
intermediary (wholesaler) between suppliers and customers. Experts subsequently put forth many explanations for how
Without getting into all the details, the nature of Enron s a company that was apparently so ethical on its face could
business and the fact that Enron didn t actually own the actually have been making so many bad ethical decisions
assets meant that its accounting procedures were unusual. without other managers (and the board of directors)
For example, the profit statements and balance sheets listing noticing. The explanations ranged from a deliberate
the firm s assets and liabilities were unusually difficult concealment of information by officers to more psycho-
to understand. logical explanations (such as employees not wanting
It turned out that the lack of accounting transparency to contradict their bosses) and the surprising role of
enabled the company s managers to make Enron s financial irrationality in decision-making. 125
performance look much better than it actually was. Outside But perhaps the most persuasive explanation of how an
experts began questioning Enron s financial statements in apparently ethical company could go so wrong concerns
2001. In fairly short order, Enron collapsed, and courts organizational culture. The reasoning here is that it s not the
convicted several of its top executives of things like manipu- rules but what employees feel they should do that deter-
lating Enron s reported assets and profitability. Many investors mines ethical behavior. For example (speaking in general,
(including former Enron employees) lost all or most of their not specifically about Enron), the executive director of the
investments in Enron. Ethics Officer Association put it this way:
It s probably always easier to understand ethical break-
downs like this in retrospect, rather than to predict they are [W]e re a legalistic society, and we ve created a lot of laws.
going to happen. However, in Enron s case the breakdown is We assume that if you just knew what those laws meant
perhaps more perplexing than usual. As one writer said, that you would behave properly. Well, guess what? You
can t write enough laws to tell us what to do at all times Managers communicate the importance of integrity
every day of the week in every part of the world. We ve got when making difficult decisions.
to develop the critical thinking and critical reasoning
skills of our people because most of the ethical issues that
we deal with are in the ethical gray areas. Virtually every Questions
regulatory body in the last year has come out with 1. Based on what you read in this chapter, summarize in
language that has said in addition to law compliance, one page or less how you would explain Enron s ethical
businesses are also going to be accountable to ethics meltdown.
standards and a corporate culture that embraces them.126 2. It is said that when one securities analyst tried to confront
Enron s CEO about the firm s unusual accounting state-
How can one tell or measure when a company has an ments, the CEO publicly used vulgar language to describe
ethical culture ? Key attributes of a healthy ethical culture the analyst, and that Enron employees subsequently
include: thought doing so was humorous. If true, what does that
say about Enron s ethical culture?
Employees feel a sense of responsibility and accounta-
3. This case and chapter both had something to say about
bility for their actions and for the actions of others.127
how organizational culture influences ethical behavior.
Employees freely raise issues and concerns without fear What role do you think culture played at Enron? Give
of retaliation. five specific examples of things Enron s CEO could have
Managers model the behaviors they demand of others. done to create a healthy ethical culture.
Guaranteeing Fair Treatment Although this was a serious matter, neither Jennifer nor her
Being in the laundry and cleaning business, the Carters father felt that what the counter people were doing was grounds
have always felt strongly about not allowing employees to for immediate dismissal, partly because the store manager had
smoke, eat, or drink in their stores. Jennifer was therefore apparently condoned their actions. The problem was, they
surprised to walk into a store and find two employees didn t know what to do. It seemed to them that the matter
eating lunch at the front counter. There was a large pizza called for more than just a warning but less than dismissal.
in its box, and the two of them were sipping colas and
eating slices of pizza and submarine sandwiches off paper Questions
plates. Not only did it look messy, but there were grease 1. What would you do if you were Jennifer, and why?
and soda spills on the counter and the store smelled from 2. Should a disciplinary system be established at Carter
onions and pepperoni, even with the exhaust fan pulling Cleaning Centers?
air out through the roof. In addition to being a turnoff 3. If so, what should it cover? How would you suggest it deal
to customers, the mess on the counter increased the possi- with a situation such as the one with the errant counter
bility that a customer s order might actually become soiled people?
in the store. 4. How would you deal with the store manager?
But she was concerned about ethics for a second reason. vendor to provide a customized, Web-based ethics training
She d been around long enough to know that employees do program, and made it clear that the first employees to par-
not like being treated unfairly, and that unfairness in any ticipate in it were the company s top executives. However, she
form could manifest itself in low morale, commitment, and knew this was just the start.
performance. Indeed, perhaps her employees low morale
and commitment as measured by her firm s attitude
surveys stemmed in part from what they perceived as Questions
unjust treatment by the hotel s managers. Lisa therefore 1. List three specific steps Hotel Paris should take with
turned to the task of assessing and redesigning the Hotel respect to each individual human research function
Paris s ethics, justice, and fair treatment practices. (selection, training, and so on) to improve the level
To do this, Lisa and her team wanted to proceed method- of ethics in the company.
ically through the company s entire HR process, starting with 2. Based on what you read in this chapter, create in outline
recruitment and selection. For example, working with the form a strategy map showing how the Hotel s HR
company s general counsel, they produced and presented functions can foster employee ethics.
to the CEO a new Hotel Paris code of ethics, as well as a 3. Based on what you learned in this chapter, write a short
more complete set of ethical guidelines. These now appear on (less than one page) explanation Lisa can use to sell
the Hotel Paris s careers Web site link, and are part of each to top management the need to improve the hotel chain s
new employee s orientation packet. They contracted with a fairness and justice processes.
ethics, 461 Electronic Communications insubordination, 477
distributive justice, 462 Privacy Act (ECPA), 475 termination interview, 481
procedural justice, 462 dismissal, 476 outplacement counseling, 481
organizational culture, 466 termination at will, 476 exit interviews, 482
nonpunitive discipline, 472 wrongful discharge, 476 downsizing, 483
1. James Stewart, Is Buffett Whitewashing as a Function of Ethical Context and employees, customers, vendors, or to the
Soquel s Exit? The Wall Street Journal, Perceived Organization Support, Journal public; violations of safety regulations;
April 2 3, 2011, p. B7. of Business Research 59, no. 5 (2006), and misreporting of actual time worked.
2. Keith Winstein, Suit Alleges Pfizer Spun pp. 582 588. 2005 National Business Ethics Survey:
Unfavorable Drug Studies, The Wall 4. Paul Schumann, A Moral Principles How Employees Perceive Ethics at Work,
Street Journal, October 8, 2008, p. B1. Framework for Human Resource Man- 2005, p. 25. Copyright © 2006, Ethics
3. Kevin Wooten, Ethical Dilemmas in agement Ethics, Human Resource Man- Resource Center (ERC). In O. C. Ferrell,
Human Resource Management: An Appli- agement Review 11 (2004), p. 94. A third John Fraedrich, and Linog Ferrell, Business
cation of a Multidimensional Framework, survey found that roughly 10% 20% Ethics (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2008),
A Unifying Taxonomy, and Applicable of employees observed specific person- p. 61
Codes, Human Resource Management nel-related unethical behaviors at 5. Manuel Velasquez, Business Ethics: Con-
Review 11 (2001), p. 161. See also Sean work, including abusive or intimidating cepts and Cases (Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Valentine et al., Employee Job Response behavior toward employees; lying to Prentice Hall, 1992), p. 9. See also O. C.
Ferrell, John Fraedrich, and Linda Ferrell, Business: Policies, Programs, and Percep- Henderson in part because he hadn t
Business Ethics (Boston: Houghton Mif- tions (Washington, D.C.: Ethics Resource moved fast enough to telegraph the need
flin, 2008). Center, 1994), p. 54; For other insights for change in the company by changing
6. The following discussion, except as noted, into unethical behavior s causes see, for the company s top management. Jeremy
is based on Manuel Velasquez, Business example, F. Gino, et. al., Nameless * Smerd, A Stalled Culture Change?
Ethics, pp. 9 12. Harmless + Blameless: When Seemingly Workforce Management, December 14,
7. For further discussion of ethics and moral- Irrelevant Factors Influence Judgment of 2009, pp. 1, 3.
ity, see Tom Beauchamp and Norman (Un)ethical Behavior, Organizational 33. This list based on Linda K. Trevino, Gary R.
Bowie, Ethical Theory and Business (Upper Behavior and Human Decision Processes Weaver, and Scott J. Reynolds, Behav-
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001), 111, no. 2 (March 2010), p. 93 101, and ioral Ethics in Organizations: A Review,
pp. 1 19. J. Camps, et. al., Learning Atmosphere Journal of Management 32, no. 6 (2006),
8. Richard Osborne, A Matter of Ethics, and Ethical Behavior, Does It Make pp. 951 990.
Industry Week, September 4, 2000, Sense? Journal of Business Ethics 94, no. 1 34. R. Bergman, Identity as Motivation:
pp. 41 42. (June 2010), pp. 129 147. Toward a Theory of the Moral Self. In
9. Gary Weaver and Linda Trevino, The 22. Elizabeth Umphress, John Bingham, and D. K. Lapsley & D. Narvaez (Eds.), Moral
Role of Human Resources in Ethics/ Marie Mitchell, Unethical Behavior Development, Self and Identity (Mahwah,
Compliance Management: A Fairness in the Name of the Company: The NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2004), pp. 21 46.
Perspective, Human Resource Management Moderating Effect of Organizational 35. M. E. Schweitzer, L. Ordonez, and
Review 11 (2001): 115. Identification and Positive Reciprocity B. Douma, Goal Setting as a Motivator of
10. Daniel Skarlicki and Robert Folger, Believes on Unethical Pro-Organiza- Unethical Behavior, Academy of Manage-
Fairness and Human Resources Man- tional Behavior, Journal of Applied ment Journal 47, no. 3 (2004), pp. 422 432.
agement, Human Resource Management Psychology 95, no. 4 (2010), pp. 769 770. 36. N. M. Ashkanasy, C. A. Windsor, and
Review 13, no. 1 (2003), p. 1. 23. Ethics Policies Are Big with Employers, L. K. Trevino, Bad Apples in Bad Barrels
11. Gary Weaver and Linda Trevino, The but Workers See Small Impact on the Revisited: Cognitive Moral Development,
Role of Human Resources in Ethics/ Workplace, BNA Bulletin to Management, Just World Beliefs, Rewards, and Ethical
Compliance Management: A Fairness June 29, 2000, p. 201. Decision Making. Business Ethics Quar-
Perspective, Human Resource Management 24. Jennifer Schramm, Perceptions on Ethics, terly 16 (2006), pp. 449 474.
Review 11 (2001), pp. 113 134. HR Magazine, November 2004, p. 176. 37. J. Krohe Jr., The Big Business of Business
12. Weaver and Trevino, The Role of Human 25. From Guy Brumback, Managing Above Ethics, Across the Board 34 (May 1997),
Resources in Ethics/Compliance Manage- the Bottom Line of Ethics, Supervisory pp. 23 29; Deborah Wells and Marshall
ment, p. 115. Management, December 1993, p. 12. See Schminke, Ethical Development and
13. Stephanie Clifford, Wal-Mart Is Being also, E. Umphress et al., The Influence Human Resources Training: An Integrative
Pressed to Disclose How Global Suppliers of Distributive Justice on Lying for and Framework, Human Resource Management
Treat Workers, The New York Times, Stealing from a Supervisor, Journal Review 11 (2001), pp. 135 158.
May 31, 2011, p. B3. of Business Ethics 86, no. 4 (June 2009), 38. Ethical Issues in the Management
14. Ibid. pp. 507 518; and S. Chen, The Role of of Human Resources, Human Resource
15. See Ethical Leadership Versus Institutional Management Review 11 (2001), p. 6; see
bill_of_rights.html, accessed May 31, 2011. Constraints: A Simulation Study of Finan- also Joel Lefkowitz, The Constancy
16. cial Misreporting by CEOs, Journal of of Ethics Amidst the Changing World of
policy/publicpolicy.shtml, accessed Business Ethics 93 part supplement 1 Work, Human Resource Management
September 14, 2011. (June 2010), p. 33 52. Review 16 (2006), pp. 245 268.
17. Jennifer Kish-Gephart, David Harrison, 26. Quoted in Tom Beauchamp and Norman 39. William Byham, Can You Interview for
and Linda Trevino, Bad Apples, Bad Bowie, Ethical Theory and Business Integrity? Across-the-Board 41, no. 2 (March/
Cases, and Bad Barrels: Meta-Analytic (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, April 2004), pp. 34 38. For a description of
Evidence About Sources of Unethical 2001), p. 109. how the United States Military Academy
Decisions That Work, Journal of Applied 27. James Kunen, Enron Division (and Values) uses its student admission and socialization
Psychology 95, no. 1, 2010, pp. 1 31. Thing, New York Times, January 19, 2002, processes to promote character deve-
18. This section based on Ibid., p. 21 p. A19. For another example, see Heather lopment, see Evan Offstein and Ronald
19. Sara Morris et al., A Test of Environmen- Tesoriero and Avery Johnson, Suit Details Dufresne, Building Strong Ethics and
tal, Situational, and Personal Influences How J&J Pushed Sales of Procrit, The Wall Promoting Positive Character Develop-
on the Ethical Intentions of CEOs, Street Journal (Eastern Edition), April 10, ment: The Influence of HRM at the United
Business and Society (August 1995), 2007, p. B1(1). States Military Academy at West Point,
pp. 119 47. See also Dennis Moberg, 28. Dayton Fandray, The Ethical Company, Human Resource Management 46, no. 1
Ethics Blind Spots in Organizations: Workforce 79, no. 12 (December 2000): (Spring 2007), pp. 95 114.
How Systematic Errors in Person s 74 77. 40. Weaver and Trevino, The Role of Human
Perception Undermine Moral Agency, 29. Richard Beatty et al., HR s Role in Resources, p. 123. See also Linda Andrews,
Organization Studies 27, no. 3 (2006), Corporate Governance: Present and The Nexus of Ethics, HR Magazine,
pp. 413 428; and Scott Reynolds et al., Prospective, Human Resource Manage- August 2005, pp. 53 58.
Automatic Ethics: The Effects of Implicit ment 42, no. 3 (Fall 2003), p. 268. 41. Russell Cropanzano and Thomas Wright,
Assumptions and Contextual Cues on 30. Dale Buss, Corporate Compasses, HR Procedural Justice and Organizational
Moral Behavior, Journal of Applied Magazine (June 2004): 127 132. Staffing: A Tale of Two Paradigms, Human
Psychology 95, no. 4 (2010), pp. 752 760. 31. Eric Krell, How to Conduct an Ethics Resource Management Review 13, no. 1
20. Former CEO Joins WorldCom s Indicted, Audit, HR Magazine, April 2010, pp. 48 51. (2003), pp. 7 40.
Miami Herald, March 3, 2004, p. 4C. 32. Sometimes the most straightforward way 42. Ethical Issues in the Management
21. O. C. Ferrell and John Fraedrich, Business of changing a company s culture is to of Human Resources, Human Resource
Ethics, 3rd ed. (New York: Houghton move fast to change its top management. Management Review 11 (2001), p. 6.
Mifflin, 1997), p. 28; adapted from For example, some observers believe that 43. Weaver and Trevino, The Role of Human
Rebecca Goodell, Ethics in American the General Motors board fired CEO Fritz Resources, p. 123.
44. Kathryn Tyler, Do the Right Thing, See also Samuel Aryee et al., Antecedents BNA Bulletin to Management, March 25,
Ethics Training Programs Help Employ- and Outcomes of Abusive Supervision: 2004, p. 97.
ees Deal with Ethical Dilemmas, HR Test of a Trickle-Down Model, Journal 75. Andrea Poe, Make Foresight 20/20, HR
Magazine, February 2005, pp. 99 102. of Applied Psychology, no. 1 (2007), Magazine, February 2000, pp. 74 80.
45. M. Ronald Buckley et al., Ethical Issues pp. 191 201. 76. Rita Zeidner, Keeping E-Mail in Check,
in Human Resources Systems, Human 59. Wendy Boswell and Julie Olson-Buchanan, HR Magazine, June 2007, pp. 70 74;
Resource Management Review 11, no. 1, 2 Experiencing Mistreatment at Work: The P. Gralla, Smartphone Privacy: IT
(2001), pp. 11, 29. See also Ann Pomeroy, Role of Grievance Filing, Nature of Caught in the Crossfire, Computerworld
The Ethics Squeeze, HR Magazine, Mistreatment, and Employee Withdrawal, 45, no. 9 (May 9, 2011), p. 16.
March 2006, pp. 48 55. Academy of Management Journal 47, no. 1 77. Frederic Leffler and Lauren Palais, Filter
46. Tom Asacker, Ethics in the Workplace, (2004), pp. 129 139. See also Samuel Aryee Out Perilous Company E-Mails, Society
Training & Development, August 2004, p. 44; et al., Antecedents and Outcomes of for Human Resource Management Legal Abusive Supervision. Report, August 2008, p. 3.
asp?title=Business+Ethics&type=Courses& 60. Bennett Tepper et al., Abusive Supervision 78. Bill Roberts, Stay Ahead of the Technol-
submit.x=45&submit.y=15, accessed and Subordinates Organization Deviance, ogy Use Curve, HR Magazine, October
August 11, 2009. Journal of Applied Psychology 93, no. 4 2008, pp. 57 61.
47. Ed Finkel, Yahoo Takes New Road on (2008), pp. 721 732. 79. Workers Sharing Music, Movies at Work
Ethics Training, Workforce Management, 61. Facebook Harassment: Social Websites Violates Copyrights, Employer Finds,
July 2010, p. 2. May Prompt Need for New Policies, Pro- BNA Bulletin to Management, June 19,
48. Weaver and Trevino, The Role of Human cedures, BNA Bulletin to Management, 2003, p. 193.
Resources, p. 114. July 20, 2010, p. 225. 80. After Employer Found Liable for Worker s
49. Ibid. 62. Eugene Kim and Teresa Glomb, Get Child Porn, Policies May Need to be
50. Michael Burr, Corporate Governance: Smarty-Pants: Cognitive Ability, Personal- Revisited, BNA Bulletin to Management,
Embracing Sarbanes-Oxley, Public ity, and Victimization, Journal of Applied March 21, 2006, p. 89.
Utilities Fortnightly, October 15, 2003, Psychology 95, no. 3 (2010), pp. 889 901. 81. FTC Rules May Make Employers Liable
pp. 20 22. 63. Ibid. for Worker Web Conduct, BNA Bulletin
51. Corporations Drive to Embrace Ethics 64. M. Audrey Korsgaard, Loriann Roberson, to Management, January 19, 2010, p. 23.
Gives HR Leaders Chance to Take Reins, and R. Douglas Rymph, What Motivates 82. Kathy Gurchiek, iPods Can Hit Sour
BNA Bulletin to Management, November 7, Fairness? The Role of Subordinate Assertive Note in the Office, HR Magazine, April
2002, p. 353. Behavior on Manager s Interactional Fair- 2006.
52. Lester Bittel, What Every Supervisor ness, Journal of Applied Psychology 83, no. 5 83. Vega-Rodriguez v. Puerto Rico Telephone
Should Know (New York: McGraw-Hill, (1998), pp. 731 744. Company, CA1, #962061, 4/8/97, discussed
1974), p. 308; and Thomas Salvo, 65. Bennett Tepper et al., Procedural Injustice, in Video Surveillance Withstands Privacy
Practical Tips for Successful Progres- Victim Precipitation, and Abusive Super- Challenge, BNA Bulletin to Management,
sive Discipline, SHRM White Paper vision, Personnel Psychology 59 (2006), April 17, 1997, p. 121. Also see, J. Green-
July 2004, pp. 11 23. wald, Monitoring Communications?
whitepapers_published/CMS_009030. 66. W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne, Know Legal Pitfalls, Business Insurance 45,
asp, accessed January 5, 2008. Fair Process: Managing in the Knowl- no. 6 (February 7, 2011), pp. 1, 17.
53. David Campbell et al., Discipline Without edge Economy, Harvard Business Review, 84. Quon v. Arch Wireless Operating Co.,
Punishment At Last, Harvard Business July/August 1997, pp. 65 75. 529f.3d 892 (Ninth Circuit, 2008),
Review, July/August 1995, pp. 162 178; 67. For disciplinary best practices, see Lester Employers Should Re-Examine Policies
J. F. Mason, Myspace, Yourspace: What Bittel, What Every Supervisor Should in Light of Ruling, BNA Bulletin to
Employers Must Know About Social- Know, op. cit.; Employers Turn to Management, August 12, 2008, p. 263.
Media Risks, National Underwriter (P & C) Corporate Ombuds to Defuse Internal 85. Secret Videotaping Leads to $200,000
115, no. 11 (March 28, 2011), pp. 18, 20. Ticking Time Bombs, BNA Bulletin Settlement, BNA Bulletin to Management,
54. Weaver and Trevino, The Role of Human to Management, August 9, 2005, p. 249. January 22, 1998, p. 17.
Resources, p. 117. 68. Dick Grote, Discipline Without Punish- 86. Bill Roberts, Are You Ready for Bio-
55. Russell Cropanzano and Thomas Wright, ment, Across the Board 38, no. 5 metrics? HR Magazine, March 2003,
Procedural Justice and Organizational (September 2001), pp. 52 57. pp. 95 96.
Staffing: A Tale of Two Paradigms, 69. Milton Zall, Employee Privacy, Journal 87. Charles Muhl, The Employment at Will
Human Resource Management Review 13, of Property Management 66, no. 3 (May Doctrine: Three Major Exceptions,
no. 1 (2003), pp. 7 40. 2001), p. 16. Monthly Labor Review 124, no. 1 (January
56. Suzanne Masterson, A Trickle-Down 70. Morris Attaway, Privacy in the Workplace 2001), pp. 3 11.
Model of Organizational Justice: Relating on the Web, Internal Auditor 58, no. 1 88. Michael Orey, Fear of Firing,
Employees and Customers Perceptions (February 2001), p. 30. BusinessWeek, April 23, 2007, pp. 52 54.
of and Reactions to Fairness, Journal 71. Rita Zeidner, Out of the Breach, HR 89. Robert Lanza and Martin Warren,
of Applied Psychology 86, no. 4 (2001), Magazine, August 2008, p. 38. United States: Employment at Will
pp. 594 601. 72. Declan Leonard and Angela France, Prevails Despite Exceptions to the Rule,
57. Rudy Yandrick, Lurking in the Shad- Workplace Monitoring: Balancing Busi- Society for Human Resource Management
ows, HR Magazine, October 1999, ness Interests with Employee Privacy Legal Report, October November 2005,
pp. 61 68. See also Helge Hoel and David Rights, Society for Human Resource pp. 1 8.
Beale, Workplace Bullying, Psychologi- Management Legal Report, May June 90. Joseph Famularo, Handbook of Modern
cal Perspectives and Industrial Relations: 2003, pp. 3 6; Blogs, Networking Sites Personnel Administration (New York:
Towards a Contextualized and Interdisci- Drive Workplace Privacy Disputes, BNA McGraw-Hill, 1982), pp. 65.3 65.5. See
plinary Approach, British Journal of Bulletin to Management, August 5, 2008, also Carolyn Hirschman, Off Duty, Out
Industrial Relations 44, no. 2 (June 2006), p. 255. of Work, HR Magazine,
pp. 239 262. 73. Rita Zeidner, New Face in the C-suite, hrmagazine/articles/0203/0203hirschman.
58. Bennett Tepper, Consequences of Abusive HR Magazine, January 2010, p. 39. asp, accessed January 10, 2008.
Supervision, Academy of Management 74. Time Clocks Go High Touch, High Tech 91. Insubordinate and gross conduct acts based
Journal 43, no. 2 (2000), pp. 178 190. to Keep Workers from Gaming the System, on Kenneth Sovereign, Personnel Law
(Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 104. Kemba Dunham, The Kinder Gentler Analysis of Determinants of Just Treatment
1999); Connie Wanberg et al., Perceived Way to Lay Off Employees More Human in Layoff Implementation Decisions,
Fairness of Layoffs Among Individuals Approach Helps, The Wall Street Journal, Human Resource Management Review 13,
Who Have Been Laid Off: A Longitudinal March 13, 2001, p. B1. no. 1 (2003), pp. 59 84.
Study, Personnel Psychology 2 (1999), 105. Paul Barada, Before You Go . . . , HR 112. Communication Can Reduce Problems,
pp. 59 84. Magazine, December 1998, pp. 89 102; Litigation After Layoffs, Attorneys Say,
92. Wanberg et al., Perceived Fairness of Marlene Piturro, Alternatives to Down- BNA Bulletin to Management, April 24,
Layoffs ; Brian Klass and Gregory sizing, Management Review, October 2003, p. 129.
Dell omo, Managerial Use of Dismissal: 1999, pp. 37 42; How Safe Is Your Job? 113. John Kammeyer-Mueller and Hui Liao,
Organizational Level Determinants, Per- Money, December 1, 2001, p. 130. Workforce Reduction and Jobseeker
sonnel Psychology 50 (1997), pp. 927 953; 106. Peter Hom et al., Challenging Conven- Attraction: Examining Jobseekers Reac-
Nancy Hatch Woodward, Smoother tional Wisdom About Who Quits: tions to Firm Workforce-Reduction Strate-
Separations, HR Magazine, June 2007, Revelations from Corporate America, gies, Human Resource Management 45,
pp. 94 97. Journal of Applied Psychology 93, no. 1 no. 4 (Winter 2006), pp. 585 603.
93. E-Mail Used for Layoffs, Humiliation, (2008), pp. 1 34. 114. Adrienne Fox, Prune Employees
BNA Bulletin to Management, October 2, 107. Joseph Zarandona and Michael Camuso, Carefully, HR Magazine, April 1, 2008.
2007, p. 315. A Study of Exit Interviews: Does the Last 115. Ibid.
94. Jaikumar Vijayan, Downsizings Leave Word Count? Personnel 62, no. 3 (March 116. Grunberg, Moore, and Greenberg,
Firms Vulnerable to Digital Attacks, 1981), pp. 47 48. For another point Managers Reactions to Implementing
Computerworld 25 (2001), pp. 6 7. of view, see Firms Can Profit from Data Layoffs.
95. Paul Falcon, Give Employees the Obtained from Exit Interviews, Knight 117. In one recent year, U.S. employers
(Gentle) Hook, HR Magazine, April Ridder/Tribune Business News, February 13, implemented about 1,300 mass layoffs,
2001, pp. 121 128. 2001, Item 0104 4446. involving a total of almost 133,000 workers.
96. James Coil III and Charles Rice, Three 108. In the recession years of 2008 and 2009 Layoffs: 133,914 Workers Idled by Mass
Steps to Creating Effective Employee combined, employers carried out a total Layoffs in April, BLS Says, BNA Bulletin
Releases, Employment Relations Today, of about 51,000 mass layoffs, idling over to Management, June 3, 2008, p. 181.
Spring 1994, pp. 91 94; Richard Bayer, 5 million workers in total. Mass Layoffs 118. Calling a Layoff a Layoff, Workforce
Termination with Dignity, Business at Lowest Level Since July 2008, BLS Management, April 21, 2008, p. 41.
Horizons 43, no. 5 (September 2000), Says, BNA Bulletin to Management, Janu- 119. Roderick Iversen and Christopher Zatzick,
pp. 4 10; Betty Sosnin, Orderly ary 12, 2010, p. 13. The Effects of Downsizing of Labor
Departures, HR Magazine 50, no. 11 109. See Nancy Ryan, Complying with the Productivity: The Value of Showing Con-
(November 2005), pp. 74 78; Severance Worker Adjustment and Retraining Noti- sideration for Employees Morale and
Pay: Not Always the Norm, HR Magazine, fication Act (WARN Act), Employee Welfare and High Performance Work Sys-
May 2008, p. 28. Relations Law Journal 18, no. 1 (Summer tems, Human Resource Management 50,
97. See, for example, Richard Hannah, The 1993), pp. 169 176; and Emily Nelson, no. 1 (January February 2011), pp. 29 44.
Attraction of Severance, Compensation The Job Cut Buyouts Favored by P&G 120. Ibid., p. 40.
& Benefits Review, November/December Pose Problems, The Wall Street Journal, 121. Steve Weinstein, The People Side of Merg-
2008, pp. 37 44. June 12, 2001, p. B1. See also Rodney ers, Progressive Grocer 80, no. 1 (January
98. Jonathan Segal, Severance Strategies, Sorensen and Stephen Robinson, What 2001), pp. 29 31.
HR Magazine, July 2008, pp. 95 96. Employers Can Do to Stay Out of Legal 122. Based on Theft Is Unethical, HR Solutions
99. Lawyers Say Reasonable Employer Is Trouble When Forced to Implement Lay- 34 (October 2002), p. 66.
Best Defense Against Wrongful Termi- offs, Compensation & Benefits Review, 123. Bureau of National Affairs, Bulletin
nation Claims, BNA Bulletin to Manage- January/February 2009, pp. 25 32. to Management, September 13, 1985,
ment, November 20, 2007, p. 379. 110. Leon Grunberg, Sarah Moore, and p. 3.
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