Stability Analysis of A Jointed Rock Slope in Himalayas
Stability Analysis of A Jointed Rock Slope in Himalayas
Stability Analysis of A Jointed Rock Slope in Himalayas
G. Madhavi Latha
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, IISc, Bangalore–560 012, India. E-mail: [email protected]
ABSTRACT: This paper presents static and seismic slope stability analysis of the right abutment slope of a railway bridge
proposed at about 350 m above the ground level, crossing a river and connecting two huge hillocks in the Himalayas, India.
The rock slope is composed of highly jointed rock mass and the joint spacing and orientation are varying at different
locations. Static, pseudo static and dynamic analyses of the slope are carried out numerically using program FLAC. The
results obtained from all these analyses confirmed the global stability of the slope as the factors of safety against slope failure
obtained from static and pseudo static analyses are adequate and the displacements observed from dynamic analyses are
within the permissible limits. Kinematics of the slope at different pier locations is also checked using stereographic
projections and recommendations to avoid wedge failures are presented.
Stability Analysis of a Jointed Rock Slope in Himalayas
Fig. 2: Photograph Showing the Proposed Bridge Site Table 4: Details of the Footing Pressures
The rocks present at the bridge site are heavily jointed. The Property P50 P60 P70 P80 P90
subsurface at the extent of the bridge site considered for slope Chainage 51.065 51.13 51.1865 51.2265 51.2765
stability analysis essentially consists of Dolomitic limestone (km)
with different degrees of weathering and fracturing. The main Original 747.829 807.421 838.657 841.476 832.750
discontinuities at the site are one sub-horizontal foliation joint ground level
dipping about 20–30 degrees in North-East (NE) direction and (m)
two sub-vertical joints. Figure 3 shows the rock mass exposed at Ground level 724 784 832 832 832
the bridge site. The figure also depicts the intensity and spacing after
of the prevailing joint sets at the bridge site. The summary of benching (m)
structural features present in the area is given in Table 1. Depth of 3 3 3 3 7
Properties of intact rocks obtained through laboratory testing foundation
of cores collected from boreholes at the site are given in (m)
Table 2. Table 3 presents the rock mass properties used in the Foundation 28 36 11 9.5 11 6.5 11 6.5 11 6.5
analysis. The pier loads applied at their corresponding locations size (m m)
are given in Table 4.
Footing 374.86 588.00 409.00 415.00 317.00
Table 1: Structural Features at the Site (kPa)
Feature Strike Dip Dip direction
Railway line N120–N 300 – – The original slope has to be cut and benches need to be
alignment provided to facilitate the construction of foundations along
the slope. The outline of benching profile selected for the
Foliation joint N 140–N 320 27 N 50 right abutment is shown in Figure 4.
Sub-vertical N 150–N 330 65 N 240 It is impossible to incorporate and model all the dis-
joint -1
continuities in large slope in a numerical model as the joint
Sub-vertical N 75–N 255 80 N 165 spacing is very less (varying between 5 mm to 10 mm).
joint -2 Hence the slope is represented by an equivalent continuum in
which the effect of discontinuities has been considered by
Stability Analysis of a Jointed Rock Slope in Himalayas
reducing the properties and strength of intact rock to those of technique through bracketing (Matsui and San 1992). In this
the rock mass. Numerical modelling presented in the paper is technique, the values of shear strength parameters ‘c’ and ‘‘
done using the equivalent continuum approach in FLAC are updated in every trial until the difference between lower
along with the generalized Hoek-Brown failure criterion. and upper brackets is minimal according to the following
ctrial = �c (1)
�1 �
trial = tan -1 � tan � (2)
�Ftrial �
The value of ‘Ftrial’ at which slope will have instability i.e.
failure is calculated by FLAC using the bracketing technique.
Initially upper and lower brackets are established. The initial
lower bracket is any ‘Ftrial’ for which a simulation converges.
The initial upper bracket is any ‘Ftrial’ for which the simulation
does not converge. Next, a point midway between the upper
Fig. 3: Rock Mass Exposed at the Bridge Site and lower brackets is tested. If the simulation converges,
lower bracket is replaced by this new value. If the simulation
does not converge, the upper bracket is replaced. The process
is repeated until the difference between the upper and lower
brackets is less than a specific tolerance.
The analysis is carried out with and without pier loads.
Figure 5 shows the finite difference grid generated in FLAC
for using in the stability calculations. The results obtained
from the stability analysis on the cut profile are shown in
Figure 6 in the form of FOS (Factor of Safety) plot. The
value of FOS obtained from the static analysis is 1.88 which
means that the slope is globally stable. Stability analysis was
also carried out on cut profile without pier loads and it was
noticed that the value of factor of safety is not altered greatly
with the pier loads, showing that the effect of pier loads is
insignificant on the overall stability of the slope. The reason
for this is that the magnitude of the pier loads is very less
Fig. 4: Profile Selected for the Stability Analysis when compared to the overall weight of the slope.
Stability Analysis of a Jointed Rock Slope in Himalayas
Stability Analysis of a Jointed Rock Slope in Himalayas
vertical loads is falling below the required FOS value. However the toe. This displacement is the accumulated permanent
it is noteworthy to mention that the pseudo-static analysis is a displacement due to earthquake. Figure also depicts that the
highly conservative method because it is performed with displacements are more near the toe of the slope. Figure 11
continually applied seismic forces in horizontal and vertical shows the accumulated shear strain contours after the
directions, which is not realistic. For this analysis, as FOS dynamic event. The maximum strains are concentrated near
value of 1.0 is acceptable as per NEHRP guidelines for land the toe and the rest of the slope has zero strain.
sliding hazards. Hence the slope can be considered as
globally stable under seismic loading conditions as well.
Stability Analysis of a Jointed Rock Slope in Himalayas
Fig. 14: Horizontal Displacement along the Slope Face after Fig. 15: Wedge Failure Observed in Exploratory Drift at P50
the Dynamic Event
It is observed that the friction angle reported from the
laboratory tests is very low (about 20°). However, increase in
the value of friction angle will not arrest the wedge failures
In the earlier sections of this paper, global stability of the as it could be seen from the stereographic plots that the line
slope is examined through static and pseudo static slope of intersection of joints in the crescent is close to the slope
Table 5: Details of Joints at Pier Locations
Stability Analysis of a Jointed Rock Slope in Himalayas
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